HERE AND THERE. Buy a Whit«». F1;!!-\Y Imlian summer prevails. >l.r 1 I «11H.U 1", I- -I Ev. ryiMsly will attend th«- fair. Sure . lire Circuit Court Pro. «.lings. The following business has been transa» t»-«l in th»- circuit •*»»urt i « i Ja»-ks»-u c«»unty *ui»-- ir. Uw -• : 'i • H ’.n - Abram Bish vs. G. L. Billing-, t-» i» c-»\« r ni n» y. Judgment f«»r $762.l‘¡. Grand jury return« I tru«- bills against I.. L. Ihirtun-haw, «-barging him with «•mb«z- zleincut, ami against \rthur \ud»-r.-»»n f--r an assault with a dangerous weapon. State vs. E. Eri< ks«»n ; imiu-tuu-nt f«»r ««L- •trw’tiug a publl«- highway. D«f-n«lant pl«*a«l-s guilty and i” iln«-»l .$25 ami »-»»st.s. Mit-lu ll. í.» wis A ( •». vs. F. T. Downing and C H. Elmore; t-» recover money. Sher­ iff - bill (or f»-«-s ami expenses, amounting t«« (217, allowed aiul tax»-«l again-’ plaintiff. J. H. Whitman vs. J. K. Green; t«» recover iw»n«-v. Disnii”s.-«i. A. F. Hunt vs. Levi M-»rris; t . Iti*. -V in-'uey. Verdict f«»r $2'’5. E. \V. Curvet vs. Ja<*ks«>ii c«»unty , Disniiased. Joshua N»-atham« r vs, T. 11. B. Iujun«-tn«n. beerei- granted. Mi-kl« Vs. Lutali \. Packard . John Van * e«|uity. I’ismi'»ed. W. B. Kincaid vs. to «|Uiet title. l)ren V l a.-kard Vawtvr A Howanl vs. hub e«iuity. Dismiss»-«!. Lucretia Gilmer vs. >am«-. I'1"’.... I ings. H. 8. C«M»jM-r vs. sam«-. >an HUib» vs. B. F. M«-l’rary ; indi- tm« ni f< r Helling li«|u«»r wlth»-tit li.-.-n--. Di”tni””«-«L Statu vs. J. H. Ib*«ltl«*l»l and Davi»! Ki» h»-y ludlctm«*nt f«-r gambling \ -nii'-t «-f guilty rcturn«-«l by jury, John H. Miller vs. T-'Wii I M-.lf r.l. . re«iover money, Argu»-«l an»l taken under advise meut. J. H. Br«»wn. administrator - f «--Hat»- - f M. M ( o.«k”.-v, -i'Imin- Hiram Cooksey, v istratrix «>f «-state «»f G«--». W. « - -k”"> : t-» r«-- •n eov»-r im»m-y. Moil* t«. strike «»ut »•( u-»m- plaint overruled. Gra- M. I’li.-e; di Harry W Prie.* vs. « granted to withdraw motion vorve. Leave I____ „ ---- - to act aside suuiiu»»us. Stat«* vs. John A. Hanley; m ii<-t:n» nt f««r gambling. Plea of guilty « nt» r«-«l. Preston’» “Hud-Ake.” ( I- aram*« ”al«- at tho S. F. Vari«-ty Store. Cr<-qu« t-.« ts for sale at the 8. F. Variety St»Te. X--w i” th. tiim- to call ut tin* T imes .» ffi « »- ami settle. 1. J. Guyer of Wagner <*re«*k was here on«- «lay this week. ood-haiil. rs are busy bringing in tlie supply for winter. Henry Sh--ar«*r «»f St'»amb«»at has l»eun here «luring th«* we«*k. Mason .- fruit jars ami rubbers of ullsiz. sat th« >. 1 . Variety Store. L. C. Raimev of Trail creek precinct was in t-'wn on W«*«!nesday. Subscripti-ms to the weekly '•Examiner'’ taken at the T imes office. I li - governor app--int»*»l W. N. Luckey -•! Ashland as notary public. iu. Alien ha” gon«- t»» Byls-e’s springs on 1.vans er»-«-k to stay sometime. simiifii” Liver R»-gulat«»r has never b«*en km»wii to tail tu cure dys|»epsia, L Eri«-k.”«-u will put the county ruud he has obsirm-ted in th»- b«-st »-«»ndition. A l--t of «-r»»«|Uet sets have just been re- [ ' •iv d at the >. F. Variety Store. The public s«*ho«»ls of Ashland «»|»em-d lust M.-nday, with a large attendance. Baptist Church. Th«- following pr.-grammv hu” b.. n ar- range«i t«»r thu me.-ting tin- R"gr sal«» iu • pi intitu > to suit ut the T imes office, J. M. liacker, lately of Henley, ha- p. n, »1 a sh-»c-.”tu»p’iu Gold Hill.’ ('al . Sinmu'iis Liver R«-guIator has never been ki; wii tu fail t»> cur«? sick headache. Pay th.- printer, as he n«’«»ds what is com- ing u> him. He has waited ¡»utirutly. Simmons Liver R»*gulator has never failed t - r«-huve c«»nstipatiou of the I m > w «-* s . Ol I papers, in quantities to suit, for sale «it th» I ivies «»Hi e. 50 cents a hundred. M -Lums Martin and Rayties of Yreka -p. nt s.-vera! days in Ashland last week. M • Minni«» Grubb of D--uglas county lias b» • n visiting Mrs. Guo. Engl«- «»f Ashland. J. F. Ib-ward f Sisson, Cal., has sold his E. _: I -mt property t»« C. F. Mickelson. Th»- diMiiut fair will oi-cupy th«* attention • •i th pc»»pie "t - -nthern Or«-gun next week. 1’ iv«* Cr»-.”by is at Walla Walla, Wash., ■ di-lating as i-ai k«-¡M-r iu the Stine House. I hn \V. st is tugag. d in putting up build­ FRIDAY, MEPTEMUER Dill. ing- mth«- Nutt claim in Uniontown j-re- fi A. M. Devotional '•Xcr«*is.»s, Rev G. F. uim-t. Jones; 6:36 Bimiu»*””. 1 3d r. m . D« vo- i ll-' nights ar«* i-<»«>l,but th«-ru has been very thuial «-X'T-'isus. I m ‘V.( i . B. Douglas; S. r- little frost, so far, ami «»nly in high places ut mon. Rev. G. C. Harris; 3 Bu”im*> 7 r. th.U. ' m . -Devotional exercises, Rev. G. W. Bl.i.-k . 7:30 — Address on e.lucation, Rev. W. j. W ib-li-eb-aning $1, ami warranted by D. Cruwf« »rd. I rciteh.ii ■!, watchmaker and jeweler, Med- I rd. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER l‘.»TH. 9 a . m . — Devoti.mal exercises, R. v. ( I.. Corning; ‘J. 30—Busim—s; 11 Scrm«»n, li C. R. Corning ; 1:30 pm .- D» v-ti nal « \«-r cises, furnoh music during the continuance of nized with u capital st- u -»f ”5«i,uo0, div id--I th»- «lmtnct fair. into ”har«*s of >l,UU0 <-a<*ii, an-1 th«- g»-i.t|.-- George W. Oliv.-r, a former resident of men at th»- head --t th«* uu-b*rtukiiig ar»- in.-n _ ________ from Crescent who can is- reli«-«! up--u t-» curry --ut Ji«* Jacks«»nvide, has removed __ origiual design of making !'• 1- ai.d its vi­ • ity. to Napa, Cal. cinity one of Hi»- greatest fruit • •-nt.-t” m th« I J. Curtis has returned to Ashland an«! wi st. Th»* names <.f th«- in-- rp r.«t r- an- w i a tak- "tit «i license to sell liquor in the Jay W. Blain. S. E. Y »ung. W. 1. Kadir, I. Arlington hotel building. E. Blain and E. S. Barrows. The prin-q ai • >ffi-*«» •»! th»* corporation f.-r th«-pr. ”.-nt v. ..I A m-w Worcester dictionary, latest edition, an I-«- b-»nglit f<>ra r«'Hs».»nab|c figure by ap- U* nt AH»any 'Ibis is th«....... nq-any which plying .it th«- T imes office. ha” secure»! un optiou »-n th»- McDonough ran--h f--r $22.'**', ami al.” h -l I” tin- «-all «•! Tie- s,*h"»»l at Wo.nlville rv-opene«! UM other d«wirabie (run land in th '-.v-r v « lev. Within a sh rt time ut least 2i».(MM> frud w-. k. with i’rof. B. R. Stevens, one of «•ur tr<’- ” have Iwen s.-t «»ut in th»- m-ighb«»rii- •n. while David Hvckatboru, ”f the H»-» katL«-rn A ( lark cpiartz num« at Gr».-«-nh<-ru, was «-h- pping down a large pin»* tree near th»- mine, f -r th«» purp«»**«’ of buihlmg a log «-abm, it « rush­ ed against a «-«*«lar, kms-kiug »-IT >» li«-avy bran»*h -»f the latter, which struck 1» r»-mi in Hc«*(ath- »rn -»n lb«- head, r«»n«l« ring him insensible ami cau-ing la.-» «l -.ith within an h'»ur. Th«; dec»-«*. «1 w«i> til y» «trs «.f age. ami leaves a widow ami large family «-I children liviugat Butt«* <-r«*«-k. Or., toin-»uru his untimely I» ?"- He w i-« an «-ariy it;» i of this «-«»uiity, having r»-»i«le»l in j i-m» • r days at Spiaw valb y, but fur many y -ai> iNU-t a r» si»h nt - I Or«-g»»n, coming h«-r«- lately t»» help w« rk th«- rich «piartz ledge dis- covrr»‘«l by bi-broUier, as th«- two brothers wer»- partne rs iu all their business traii”u«-- tlous. Thu r«-tn.uu” w- r»- forward« »1 t-» the r«-”i»i»-n»*c of hi” family iu Or« g- u, for iuter- nit-at. [Yreka Journal, H«*pt. 16. Casting the Horoscope. D n t fail t > buy a lot in Nickell's addi­ tion to M»‘df«»rd. The tract ivljoins the w< st boundary that town. Many year»’ practice have given C.A. Snow The A . (). F. W <-f this jurisdiction havo j>ai«l only two assessments, $2, during th«* A ('«»., s«*licitors <»f patents at Washington, D. (’., unsur|»usrt«|»rts of th«* mountains i munt in another column will b«- of inter«-st to ami foothills this season. iuv«'tit«»r.”, pat«*nt<*«*s, manufautur«*rs und all ' who hav«» to d«» with patents. Rip«* stravfrb« rri»-s of th«» s«‘«-»«ml s»»tting this s«-as»m have b«-»-n picked in «piancties Ttio la Irieud* of f A. S Hammond «»f A^luaiui ■ <'«»unty tr«*asur«*r, astonished that gentleman during til«» pa.”t two w«’eks. ! I»v jumping his name to the front iu the ! •’Ent. rpri”«- contest f«»r tin- most ¡»«»jmiar La«li«-s in <|U«-st of a go«»«l c.»mpl» xi»»n j man in th.* «*ounty, last w«*ek, ami from hints s|u-ul»l read the advertisement of Mrs. Ger­ ! we h.-ar iu th«* outside precincts we ar«« led vais. Gruham, <-n th«- first page of th«- T imes . to inter that his nain«* will «*«mtinm- at th«» Sh«- has a go»»«l reputation. head till the <*nd <»f the contest. Ge«»rg«» is Jim Simpson, flu- well-known politician, deserviug of th«* high «-st«*«-m in which h«‘ is has return«*«! from hi” wanderings in the held. north, ami ”ays h«- will l«-av«* th«* l»«»autiful In alnuvst every neighlM»rhood there is R«>gu«- river valley m> more. som«- om? <»r more persons whose lives have l»*en saved by Uliamberluin s Colic, Cholera S«-v«-ral of the railr.-.ul officials of the llio ami Diarrhtra R»*m«-«ly, or what have been Grand« system, residing at Salt Lak»- city, cured «»( uhroni«* diarrht w»-«-k, making pn-parations tu ”4*1«-by Dr. J. liinkle, Central l’.nnt, ami G. H. Haskins. M. df.ud. build a llu»- r« «i i»-n»-» f»»i Mr. I>. Important Smt Decided. The Cinnabar Road. Rather a hug - party start»”! fr m .Ja k- n V111»- till* w- ek t»-View a )■ -a«t to II..« lin«-. via App ug-it»-. I a > »••»ni«« »'i with th-- r«»a«i which will b*- i-uní fr»»m < i miai-ar in cas«- we «I»- «-ur share ut th»- work in Or» <»ii. I» Li un, R. J. Cnnier«»n ami T. J. K«-umy ar»; the view» rs and M. !.. M-< all ”urv« y»»r, and th«-y w«-rv a«-c«»iiipauieii>»tiiu«-iits it th»-y do not erttablish u g-»«»«t thot»»ughfur» th»-re. Indicted. Th'-s«* kn-'Wit z th —• L. - iiuh l-t ì - . th»- T ime - »-fi ■-• ai-. - r . ,»:, r ,• . j -.di and setti» without furili r «i t. \», bave l-Dwti v«*ry l«-i.i-*iit *";« t ."--t u 'x i.■ piirt a settlOBìent fr?m all interi ite d. For wei'k endingS«-|>t<‘tnli<-r 12, 1 'I. WESTERN OREGON. Tb«j temp«-rature has b«*»»n |ow« r, y. t al., the average. Th«’ atinospher«* has b.. • •lcar«’r of *unoke, the w.-ath.-r has |N - n partly cloudy and local shuw.-r.” pr« \ai . d • luring tbo latt.-r part of th«- we««k. The show« rs have «Tom* |. . Il: t - ,| ,| ltl! age. They have Henry A. Frennor; l--i 7. t- 5s. M.-«if»»r«l; *’.»1.55. I int»-I stat«-” to J«>s« ph Goldworthv: NE. , "1 XI 4 ami S‘.2»»f NE‘ of S-<-.'12, Tp. 3'' S K. 1 \\ . . 120 aur«-s. ■Iain» - U.-Ims tu A. D. H'-lms; land in Tp. D S, K. 1 .w^acn-s; $2.000. •Jam- ” (¡. Ihi-l— y««, sln-riff, to S. Sor­ g’ nt -h» riff's 1 t<, h»ts 6, 11 an«! 12, Co!- v» f a-bliti Hi tu Ph»i-nix ; $300. X.-Isoii Hosm«-r to Gh.irl«- T. And«»rson ; «|uit- laiin t<» so a«*r«*s in Tp. 37 S., R. 4 W. ; wat.*r right”, «-tu.; ‘ A. W »Sinders t same; «juitrlaim to K0 a--r«-s in samv Tp., and wat.-r rights, etc. ; The s«»n ami «1.night-r «»f th«- Lit«« H. A. Clawson will c»»nt«->t his will in th.-courts, he having «’nt them «-11 with a m«-rc pittance, alleging in hi- will that th«- daughter was •unworthy.’ Th»- pr«»p«-rtv. which was be- intimal«.- iri«-nds, will «-v«*ntuaily .ilin-'st all g" into tin- hands uf smart 1‘ L. Fitzp.itrick, who was so seriously lawyers. injur’ d in th»- turni» 1 accident in th«- Siski- F»>r a troubh sorn»- cough th»-re is nothing .1', has returned to work on th«- railroud. b«-tt« r than Chaml»«-rlain s C«»ugh Kcni«-«iy. It Htn-ngth«-i>s the pulmonary »»rgans, allays In rd» r to mak«» room for the fall stock, g.... Is hav«* been marked away down at the any irritation ami «11» - inally «-urcs tin-«-«»ugh. S. I . Vari»-(v Stop-, (’all an»I see f<»r your­ D is »-sp«-.-Hilly valuable f«»i th«* <*ough which s«> oft« n f»»l|ows an atta»-k »-f th»- grip. F«»r self. sale l»y Dr. I. Hinkle, Central Point, ami G. ChaM. Griffith; has returned to th«- dry- H. Haskim«. Medfor«!. d- ■ ••unf'-r in W. P. .Ja«-oby’h storo at Anoth» r dramatic «-«-mpany “went broke’ 1 Hill. aft»-r his trip through Klamath ’unty. at K«‘»i Bluff ....... ntlv, the N«-wt<»n Beers •«-mpany Iw-ing th«- uut»--ni«>rt«*in nameof the l •‘I. medicine, .T«>y’s Sarsapn- «•onevrn. From K« »1 Bluff t«- K«is«-burg is a ril.a an m-w I-«- f»»und at Dr. llobins»*n'!* i«ig strum on any but th»- best c<>mpain«»s on iirug ”i<»r«-. It has no superior and f«-w the r<»a«l, and only lh«>s»- that believe in I'-git -quals. iinat«-a«iv«-rtising ami that possess iustriusic Hup-■!int.-rnb ut Wagner has I m - oh busy merit »-ver get through. u.'»'tiing th-- road op«-n from Z«*nas Howar»! s The remains of th«- lute J. Hechatliorn r pl « - to Hiatt prairie and the Dead Indian \y♦*!•«/ brought from (»i «-«-iiliorn, Mi»kiy<>u isountry. county, < al., th«- se«-ii-* • f th«- fatal a«-«-j-l» nt, Mias Iaitham of San Francisco, who will last w«-«-k, ami buri«-«l in th«» c«-m«-t»-ry m-ai n tea.-h * ■ id of th«- departments «»f th»* Ashland Br«'wnsb«»r<-. Th»- «h-»-» as»-«| was an imlus- pllbll«* _ the pr«-sent term, has trioiis, upright man ami » iij«»y- «l the c»»ntl- '■ -h«-«»l.” during I d«-m-«-of all who km-w him. The b« reav«-d arrive«!. family have th«- sympathy »»f all. H--h"- i ■ pen- tl hi the Tal«-i t ubl« »l with it—hav» tri»-«l a numb- r of r» !ii»-«li»-s without r«-h«-f. is eX|M»«‘ted. A druggist advis--«! Ely Cr«am Balm. 1 >•• p ar. I»»*iug taken to appeal the «-as«»s bav»? uh « «| only on«* b»>ttl»- ami I »-an say J oi I. « ( "l«-man and E. W. Carver vs. Jack- foci Ilk»- a m-w man. 1 niak>* this voluntary - -n • "unty, which w»-re decided iu favor of >tat»'m«»ht that "tin r-« may km»w <»f th«- lialui. d»*f* luiants. ,J. W. .uath»-w s«»ii,f Lawy»-r) Pawt u«-k«-t ,R. 1. The baixl of Gypsy Imrs.'-tradcrs a -ho have (’••mpany D. S» ••■«ini Kcginicnt of Ashland, I m -. h inf. «»ting th»- valley during the past two iv - ks hav»- li»-»-n given a wid«- berth by s«-nsi. .it their Kill <>n th»- 11th,»- a presentation «•f an elegant swrd t»> Major M»•<’«»nn»-ll, tin- bi.- former «-aptain - f th»- »-ompany. Ij»-uteiiant l i f L A Simons has purchased 15 R»»g»-rs ma»b- a very happy pr»*sentation ............ f th »• laii-l --IT the Walk«-r tra«-t m*ar "p- ■ ■ li. which was r« plied to bj Major Mc- M» H--r-l, uith th«-intention «>! si*tting «>ut a < »nnell in !•■• ling u-ids. < ■■!. A. ( . II» Im tin-- or -har«i there. gav«.- a most sumpty us bampi» t afterthe kill. Citizens of Pr«»sp.-«*t have been «»onsidera- bly >t:rr» «1 up ■-v- r th«- phantasy ««f a .-«»rtaiu • •it’i/.en <>f that l«»cality, who thinks someone wi-hes t-» kill him. ami who got-s heavily arm» «1 and always ruadv to rbOOt in coiise- qu'-ucc < j ! th? haUiKlna’d jn. Report of the Grand Jury. The late grand jury mad»» the following report concerning the public buildings, rec­ ords, etc. We have examined the public buildingsand records of th»- county. We found th«* county hospital kept clean and neat US Could I m - hx - |M-<*t«-d. Th.* Inmates expressed themselves as being well pl.-asci with their treatment and no complaints to make. We examined the county clerk’s office and records, found them neatly and correctly kept. We exam­ ined the sheriff's anf 1 o « hs «.-r« «-k «Unmet, »pent Ucd- nvoday in JauKsonvillt*. Dr. Walter ha.” lieeti joined at Eugen« by hirt wit«- and daughter, i who remained ut Ashland until the nvud of I the family could prepar«.- th«-ir new home. Miss Dora Penuington has been viMting lricnii H«-len s ball at i’ori- i.iml c.«l Knight au(>Linpanicd them as far as Ashlami. Abram ('. S, in Tp. 3«l S._ K \. H M.iegl- mining groiiiu A. S. J..h!l”« I»» l»»1 2. S«-<-, 1 Stab- of (>r«q Corn Wanted. ’ wp. 32 S. R. 2 The Me«lb«r«l Distilling and Beflning Co., I nit«-«l Stat »•s t ■ (h ■•rg«‘ J. Armstrong; laiul in Tp. 30 H I. 2 W., an ! N \\ , if hW ar«- r« a«ly to buy corn, ami will pay 5U c»-nt8 p« r bushel f«»r all th«- «-urn In this valley. I’p. 3'3 S., 11. 2 W. ; 160 acr«*s. M edynski a T heiss , Medf»»td. I is, administrator, to Adolph ty in (’»-ntral Point precinct ; Better Ilian a (»old Mme. ! s- it. - 1.. S.imu» I Center; lan«! in Tei: acies set to fruit when in a bear­ I 3« » .. It. 1 W. ; 164.2» a«-r«-s. ing condition wil \ ieid an income « Millsap to Daniel Shepherd ; lot of from (9000 to (4500 per year and ■ n-i addition to city of Ashland; re«|Uires no expensive machinery to I operate it. A fruit-rmser in the Wiilam- ett«- valley ¡eqmres but a small outiay, h is all the advantages ot a civilized and District Fair Eaces. culture«! society, has gH«-ge which is so well known thr«>ughout th«....... untry They hav«- our b»-st wi”hes. Mi”. W. H. Brunk m«-» Ho.-k«*nj<«st and 1 family "f Ashlami, win» visit«-«! at th«- r« sj- «l«*m-«-of prof. 1’ri«-«» in this pla«*«-, hav.- re- turne«l hom«-. Mr Brunk also p.u.j vilb- a visit, but di«l n-»t remain b-ng. Om- of the gr» a!- ”t attractions at th«- com- ing district fair will !>•- a balloon asr«*nsiun and para» hute jump ♦•a«,h «lay. This will af­ ford an opportunity for all t<» s«-«- a first- class balloon as« -‘iision, whi»*li hits n«-v«-r 1’. Britt ami Mr. R<»tl>a« rm«*l of San Jo.*»«- tw»eu wit!,« ””vl in tin- part of th«- stat«* I»»-- fore. Th«- maiiag« im nt are -paring no Cal., wh«» mad«» a trip I«» ( rat« r lak«-. a- < -m- pain- t<- n ak- th» lair attrm-tiv«- and pi«-as- ¡•unie«l by their families, hav»- r«-tnrm»«l to Jacksonville. W<- are s«»rry to |,.arn q1Ht aut, a.” w«-ll a” pr'»tit.ib|«- ail. some <»f th«- ¡»arty g«»t kick somewhat in- M.«r»» horses ar«- arriving at th»» fait «lisp«>scd. grounds «-v»-ry «lay. The animals this w»-,-k Mr. Sinn. sup. rint.-nd.-nt of the extensive ar«’thr«'«' fr'-m L.'s >tai»l- ” at Yr»-ka. mining .-p»-rati' ii- m»w going • -n at Cinnabar tiv«- from M' Donal«!’” < f th»- same pla«-»- «pent several «lays in tin- vall. y «luring th«’» al”-> some from S-»»tt Howard’s «-f s.-- tt val­ ley, Cal., ami «-ight from Grant’s Pass. week. We fouml him an agreeable, eut«-r- Tm r- will also b< — r.d from t!i<- . . a>t prislng gcntb-Tmin. who is nnxi'^u” f r com­ <-->unii» -. —• the -»•»•I■ has i-«»n in­ mercial c«»nnucii‘>ii with Jackson cou*.tv. formed. Th«- ra«-»-” will b--*l-«'B t th. n uwr John a I. « -¡nt hi” byho-.l» befor«-. -lays in J u-K-'inili- is paying this valky a visit, for th.• tl.r”! time m many v.-ars, *Hu It is almo«hip» -sil.t. t,. « stimate the advantage t«» th- -t it- .it;«! t«» any of its in­ is now engage»! ni mining in ’Humboldt dustrial and .igri«-u!tiira! inter»-t\ ««f su'-li a -•ounty. near (»rleans bar. His father is als«> complet»* display r. g- n nt th I’oi-fUn«! industrial north of Klamath liver. exposition tI h - h»-l«l at i’-Tlland, «-oiumt-n»1- W. D.Suth. rlin, v h- | ur.-lia”« «! an ing Se pt end*-r Hth ami «-ntinuing until in the mim s-.f W. I. jn i ,-.•r.-.-k Octolx r 17th. X -w »b-partur--s hav«- b«-.-n precinct f mad us a call W- d- made from th- « \p»»*uti«>ns Will suq ns»‘th»» vast er.nv.1s tiiat will at- W'-le.U';; luiu t ,hr priuauout tcud. ittil-.u a : Ja?V 3n '. utify. f V . “Cut or 1 a is ra well adapted to children that T recommend it as superior tu any preecripUun known to me *’ n. A. A rcher . M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Castori* cuffs Colie, Conatfpatinn, Sour Stoma« h, Diarrivi-a. Eni-’tation. Kills Worm», givss alerp, and promut as di- r»-str. New York ('ity. La/« Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For several years I have recommended your * Caalona, and shall always continue to do so as ¡1 Laa invariably produced beneficial reeulu.” E dwin F. B arbee , M D.t Tbo Winthrop. 1 J5th Street and Trh Are., New York City. T h « C intacr C ompakv , 77 M lkilay S treet , New Y ork F. L. POSSON & SON, By fir tlie largei-t deniers on the Coast in 1 • Bi» it»» hili Th 11 ”■ BCSSEY-At Havru-svill«-, S« pt. 4. 1M91, t<> Mr X-»v Uy ra»*«-; ¡»urs«* (125. ami Mrs. H. G. Iiussey, a soli. -Art’KPAY, sept . 26. D e I.AP At Piu«'Grove. 8«-pt.7, 1WU. to Mr. I r-••• for ail. three in flvv; purse Htid Mrs C. R. D« Lap. u 8«m. WH( >RT( >X In Lak» vi«-w, S pf. 4. IkOl, to Mr. ami .Mrs. M. Wbortor.. a son. MiiNRoE At l’ais!» y . S. pt . 3. |M|«1, t<» Mr. ami Mrs. .1. .1. Monro«-, a «lauglucr. SHER1.< h K In latk» vi«-w. S« pt 4. ISO], to Mr. ami M i a . 1 homas Sh«-i lo« k. a son. S i l i» LEV In Go«i>«- Luk» valh-y, S« pt. 6, lspl, to Mr. ami Mrs. Silas Studlcv, n daugb- ter. The Tirst Gathering. DIED. It - - -¡.mat--l that 5<»0 p»op|<> attended l..i:-»•!•- A.iaii' . pi> ni" at (ho fair gl ¡ml.« la-t w.ek. an«l th»- crow«l would PITT At Ashlami. b< pt 6. Did, ( ora L. Pitt - -tiil l.itg- r had th»- affair taken n.i aged 15 y «ars, 6 months and 6 days. pl. <• a f a w ek” i.i’« r. as many farniersare ’KATH«iRN At Greenhorn «-r< « k. Cal.. i.- :,.ii -11 ng. X- wrtln-i»-”.” it was a HE( S«-pt. lb. 1*91, Jur« iniah H» < kath»>rn; aged -I » tu g ’l b»- tie mi»» rs of the FLw « ars. ;■ '.'i".-» f--rm.'»l m pr'»«-AM>i.»n at tbo ( i ' il I ' --i. • ! I. us.- aid marched to i I- i' ll ."¡¡aii •• being r» pr»*sent«»d i l-anii- i with it.” naim* am! number. : I rk.tli» -tat»- l«'utur«-r, occupied th«* • \haii--iw and abb- a«ldress on t- d b« m ill” <4 th«- alliance, also . j. . di”uu--ing it.” «-ff«*ot” from a pu- Impur» or vit ateff blood in nine ■ai and g-'Vcrnm« ntal standpoint. timesout «»f ton cause»! by »< int Ib-iit dinner was a feature. f.-rm of constipation or in liges t.ou thaï cloga up th<- *ystem New Store. »«1 naturatly bc \ t • W V. . : ••; < I! at ( iobl Hill next :«tef d-»ii)g ■ i. .i -trictly cash ba”is. Joe r-h. wii-. has I-• n - ne of the ef- dra^Mc mim. ral • p t"ie. at R-am«s A Whit«'« store in ol»1 ami obsolete. •: e ■ f : soim-.ui:'' pa”t, will have m-«h-rti. It goes -*• t < iit ;. -ubl- . It I th«- m-w v- utili--. They will k«»«-p arouses the live , kai i ■ «■ 3 I ou« i-> « a th t- i, th ” t-class ” t ■- k « ’ -f g'»». anj » R ef ’ g . Co writes blood 811'1 vx ¡1 tie tx*catnr < ■: its, for 1 < ouhi h el i Inj» • <• I>• <•(,<• It I£î< i » ii <1 LADIES* AM) ClilLDIIEVS SHOE” Alto sucli g-H-k hk are kept in i-toek l>v a ti?t-ela>s (ieneral Store We respectfully solicit y->ur examination. Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro­ visions, for which always we pay the highest market price is our specialty. J. NUNAN. Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 NEW THIS WEEK and Minnesota Legislatures c<>:nj>ellin^' the manufacturer OREGON A Card to the Public of such baking powders to brand on the label in bold type, this powder “Contains ammonia Physicians and chem­ ists condemn the use of ammi nia in baking powders as a Its constant use no matter how small the quantity dera’nges the stomach, neutralizing the gastric juice and It is gratifying to know there are pure baking powders to be had on the market and at no greater cost to the consumer tian some of these so-called “absolutely pure” ammonia ptwders. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder, the standard pure cream of powder for forty years. Free from the taint None so pure—None so whole- some. Dr. Price's Creari Baking Powder is re­ ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia, Alum, er any other adulterant. In fact, the purity cf this ideal powder has never been qnes- ti .-.led. StateXni'iualScliool Authorized and constituted ag.-nt ofthe Farm­ er# and Merchants Insurance Co. of Albany, Oregon, with full power tn appoint agents, write and deliver policii s. to collect ddhh vs f(»r the same ami solicit applications m south­ ern Oregon. H» ports that have been circu­ lated to the contrary ar« false. Farmers ami M- tchants Ins. Co.. IK J. o whits man . Secretary and Manager. MONMOUTH Ir \LI. WHOM IT MAY CON’CEKX. NOTICE is h<'!'«-by given that the i«-«rtn» i-shi|> h«-r«‘- T n tof«»r»- »-\i'«t1ng l»«tw«-en Hr.X'HY KLIPPEL and J( IN AS A. LEE i< this «lay diss<»ly«-«i by mutual c«»ns» nt. Alld«bts due* fr«>m said firm will I»»-s» 11l»-d by HENKY KLIPI'EL. and all ace Hints «in«- («• sai«l Arm must I m * paid to him. S gn«-»l this 15th day <»f S»-pt«-mb<-r. lnfli. JONAS A. LEE. HENRY KLIPPEL. The Oenrdne HAMRUR<; TEA U )-<' »•«> <» YI I I.O»' WRAPPERS with Facsimile Sigi,aiure of EMI I. FRI'SE. R 0K A At„ wr?PPEwSTER CUTLERY ' BEST IN THE WORLD. 11 KniTTEX M A KRA >T Y rlvrn Milk r»i< h Knlf«-. RM*nr nr Mhrnr. t hse t ' l <’Ut r«z.T Meet, and mad* hr th» -*1 In»!oici!■■«.•. ».pud in ninti\, t-- th«« l-*»«t ht-K'i wh Ti r th» ROYAL WORCESTER < .♦ |1 N. «■• |2 » V «••! a1 1« i xrw’r-1 hi «•very (i wn I" Im« i .« r Ttinriyii(/h .«/ ¡ nuninu in FOOKKEIPiNG, SHORTHAND, PENVASH'P. THIS SCHOOL IB TH^ BEST. F- BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHFUL LOCATION NO SALOONS. New buildings !>» w *I-paratn>, full faculty, light < xpen»au 1 largo attendance. Normal. Advanced Normal, Bu-ineo, And oth f . is hereby given that there Music departments. N Hr«« vacant Rclnilarshirs in tlie State Uni­ Special attention given physical culture. Volunteer military versity at E ur .- u «* city and also in the Stat«* Normal at M -iunouth at tin* disposal «>fJa« k- orgunizati- n. Tli.-e neeiving diploma- are authorized to teach in p«»n county. Applicants f«»r scholarships will Tuition has pleas«* f.-i wanl th«*ir Hpplicathms in writing any county in the state without further examination. t«» th«* county superint« nd« in, hs rispiir«-«! by been reduced in N< riual and Business departments from $40 to $25 a law. C. S PRICE. C«»unty Su|»rrint«-nd<-nt of Sch«M»ls. year and in the Sub-Normal from $30 to $•_’<». Ja« ksonvtll«-. Aug. Uh. 1X91. A year in school for $15«t Expenses. Tuition in Normal and Notice of Final Settlement. Business $ i 5.25, p< r term of ten weeks; Sub-N.-nnal, $.'» pertertn; board at Normal Dining Hall. $1.5o per week; furnished oom with In th«- (’«mi-ty Court <«f tb<* State of <)r«-g«»n. light and tire, $1 per week; board in private families, $3.54» per tor t I k <’«»unt v «>1 Jackson. In the matter ot th«- «-state of Mlchm l Hanley, week. First term opens Sept, tuber 22, ls*.»l; students may enter at ther propertv. >an! board will (*«»n- tinu«- in st ss-ou fr«un dsy to day until Kaid roll hna be«-n duly «*1 a mined. AU parties inter«-st«*d will take due notice and gov« in theins«-I v «* h a<-c«»r«lingly. I L. H A Ml ETON. County Awie«wor. Datt-d S«-pt. 17, 1W1. P. S.—Al! person« who have wholly «>r par- tiallv s«*ttl«-. Twenty- Inch l>i?c Harrow«-, Steel Pipe Frame Lev <-r, Springtooth, Staiteli, Vibrating and Clipper Harrow-. We Su Siiovcl all-steel Volunteer, Pariin. Cauteli. nF Animiti) Ruling ai ô V’aiti.? Ti.» fr........ MAIN STREET, WICHITA, K ans . F0RSALEBY ALL HikHDWARE DEALERS ‘•y THE LEADING NORMAL SCHOOL OFTHE NORTHWEST Vacant Scholarships in State Schools. REDINQTON &. CO. A gents . S an F rancisco . BOLn BY ALIa DRUGGISTS Ain GROCFRH. t»— • • t« ? ««f th«- « stat«- nt Mlchat'l Han!«-y. dec«-aa<-'<■)<>ek a m .is s«-t f<>r ttn-hearing th«-r«-»»f. Th«-refor«-. all |»« rsous ar«- h«-r« t»y n«>tiflrd to appear and til«-his or her «» to said a«-e->unt on or b«-f««rc sai«i tim«-. Published by order «»I H »n. ,1. R. N« II, Judge of said court. WM. D HANLEY. Adinhiistrator <>f said «*statc. Dated H« ptcmln r 17. isvi. rurifles tho BLOOD. Core* C«HSTH-VfION, INDIGESTION. BILIOUSNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS,SI« K HEADACHE, COLDS, PIMPLES, all SKIN AFFECTIONS, and DISEASES ARISING from a DISORDERED STOMACH. HOAKU <»» R k .EXTS: Hi” Ex«-« ll« n< \. Sy Iv«-t« r l*«'nii<»yer.Gov« « rimr; H«-n. (». W M« Bride. Secretary of siut<: H--n. E B M« F lr««y . S«ipt. of Public hiMrucG« n. B« lijan in Sch«»flcld, Pr<-ai- ii«-nt; J. B. \ But » I . S« < r«*lHry Ex<*cu- tiv« ( <»niinitt« «•. J. J. D hh - v . I*. W. Ha.t»y, and J. B. V. lluflvr. Polk; .Incut» Voorhees, Marion; J. < Whit«. P«»lk. Alfr<”l Lacy, (’uu kainas; A Noltticr. Multnoinahf W. H. Holme*, Marion. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. It is the small quantities taken every meal that do the mischief. MCKNIGHT & CO., 352 ‘ PORTLAND. OREGON - ? CITY DRUG STORE, JACKSONVILLE. Bills have been introduced in the New York, Illinois of either ammonia or alum. II BORN. ursv $17 -. Ku imi ng FOK destroying the complexion. ♦ A I luub, iul IlllZulb, bill-id; hluuu, .1. i. ROUSH BAXToN In Lake county. Sept. 3- IWI, Wni. Roush and M in Melismi Paxton. I crime. SEEDS S CARDEN I GRASS & I FLOWER WEDNESDAY, KEPI. 23. Ti -iting Tw"-y«-ar-«»hlclass, tw«»in three, MARRIED. di-lri-T bn »I «■••!!.” ; purs«- $3U0. I.unt mg Singl«-«lash uf on«? mil«-; purse KERIIY- BKINER-hi Talent prwlnct, Sep $L»D. tvinber 3. 1M*I. by J. B. Dyer. J. I'., Win, Kerby anti Miss Emma E. Hnn.-r. W. W. Stitt ami mother, from th«» trans- Rocky mirili a - -t, hav»» lately b»*«»n visit mg the laiiiih«*» uf J. H. ami Arthur Wilson of M«» shot while robbing ('. W. Kahler and ( apt. Werk h-ft Jackson­ r»- at Talent, i” recovering. ville? for Sul«-m on Monday ev« ning, to attend Siipt. Sinn • f tlie Siskiyou Qui«’ksilvor Co. C. K. Klum s and J. C. McCully, his chief assistant, wer»* H»- will soon be tib d. a- also Wm. Stewart, the state fair. who kuu» be* n it.-i; ’• -i for stealing a lady’s in Ja»-k”onvill»- »luring th«* week. G«*org«» L. Helms of Tab nt will teach the -atch« l wbU«*oii a railr.-ad tram. I.«»st creek sub-»«»!, n« ar Brownj*b«»ro, «luring Mr-. D"'i«is, who has h-«»u visiting G«-»»rge We 1, ‘ arn that th.» bridge across ltoRU.- the coming wint»-r. Briber - family near Talent, departed fur her river, at the Byi»ee f- rry site, m m a tmd h’-im- m-ar.Hanford, Cal., recently. Sheriff K« ll«-y of Portland. accom|»anied ■ •-»mlitioii, and trust th«- pr<-pvr authorin'-.” Aft» r all. th»- B«-st way t«- know the real will sc«- that th»- he«*«—-aty repairs are ma«b- by L. G. Coffin, visited the southern part of the state last week. n.» rit ->f H'--»l ” Sirsaparilla is to try it b«-for«- we have a casualty to report. your- if. Be sure .iml g»*t Hood's. G. F. Penn«-baker of Tab nt has returned Ther«* wer«’ three bids hau«le«l in k>r build­ Th»' Smith saw-mill on Anderson <-r»-»k ing tlie m-w city hall at A”hlau«i, at the meet­ bouit* (rum a trip through California in the interest of bis nursery. ha-» I«» • n sold to Wm. Abbott A Co. and was ing of A”hlami city u"UU«-il hel-l last Week, mo\e«l t»> au'>tb«-r Location recently. th«* b»w«•.•*! b«'ilig that "f G- Riggs, $4.775, E. R. Owen ami G. T. Hershberger, twu Pr<>f. C. S. Shepherd and family have re- and the high« ”t that of ( ha-. \.-gbtu, Sa.iMAJ. prominent « itiz- ns ot ( ••ntr.ii P<»int, were turu»-«l Ii-'im? to Ashland after a t»»ur through Dr. B. M. Gill, who ha- h'< ,it«»«i at Duns­ ui Jacksonville yesterday. th-- Willamette awl Umpqua sections. muir, will build a nice rc”idenc«? at (hat Byron Cole, pr»’pri« t« r <•( the well-known place. Geo. Matth.-W” having th«- contra- t. A few copies of the American R»*ttler’s L'be latter has g«»n«- t«> Dunsmuir to take sumniur-reB’jrt known as Colestiu, uiad«» the Guide, standard authority on all land mat- charge o( the work, accompanied by his fam­ 1 imes office a cull yesterday. t» rs, may I»»- found at the T imes office. K. Kuner, the genial cml»ussad'»r of c"iu- ily. i:i«-r«-« lroni Sau r ran«-isco, is in the vulh-y Wright. Kinney and McClendon have Some om- in Ja«-ks-»uvilb- a-l-lr. -s.-d K. W. up«-n»-«l a saloon at Gold Hill ami have Mit- hell. superint» mb-nt ->t th«- Portland Ex­ interviewing hi” numerous customers, ”t«M-ked it with the b«-st ¡u the market. Wm. Stewart, one < f the industrious ami position, regarding th«- typewriter ami sten- W. W. Frem-h of Little Butte pre«-in«*t ograplu<* -'»nt« ”t. hut (aib ti to sign his name gentlumanh y- ung m«-n ••! M» dt--r«i pr».- inct, furnishe«! this market with a line l»»t <»f loth«- lutl.-r. Thu party will ph-ase cune mu'le th«- 11.MF.K a pjca-.iiit cull ia”t Monday . tic l -ns <»i the casalm «¡uaiity this week. f-«r ward. Mrs. W. S. Gor«' left for her h»>m»- at Port­ Many fr->ni thi” section ar»- contemplating land last week, utter a wry pleasant visit G« - rg«' Hammersly has removtnl his fam­ With triends ami reiuUW” in Uns county. ily t«« (»■ l»l Hill for th«* purpose of sending taking the regular eours«* «luring the «-oming year al th« ”tat«' normal s.-imol at M -ti- his children to s«*hoo! during the winter. A nephew <-f Charle.” F. Wall "f Prospect mouth, wher-' un «»pj->rt unity i” pres«»nt«-d to Yrs. J. L. S<-«»tt of Evans cr«»ck has k-»-n all to d'-qiur«- a lit»« ral education at a frac­ has atriv«*«l fr»»m th«- t-a.-t, tor an extended -•n'- rtaining h«-r ”ister, Mrs. Lucy Alh-n of tion --f the c>”t at ”"im- -•! th«' largerCull«-ges visit with Mr. Wall ami wit«-, lie is aucom- punied by his wife. t »ol'I- ndalv, Wash., «luring the past week. .»f th» country. Aim»ng the imli-,tm« iit> r» türm »I by th» lat«- gram! jury was »-m- again.”! Luther 1. Burt»*nshrtw, wh<- now r»-”i«¡» ” iu ( •■ - He i- karge«! with $600 from a widow n.itm »I M "-r. wnil»- a Ely s < r am Balm is especially a«hipt<*«l as r«-”i»l»'!«t of Ashland, l-< ing • !.ii n-t<-.| by h»-i a reim-«ly for catarrh which is Hggr>ivat»<1 bv to rulleut an in-*ur.m •- | »h»-y : *12'" alkaline «lust ami «iry wimls. [W. A. H«»v.-r written I d h«-r favor by herd« • • a- d lni-l».imi Druggisl, Denver. Biirt<-nshaw wus tn» «l in Ju”ti- « B» rry - K«-v. K«»bt. Ennis last w«-«-k occupied th.« court on th»’ san»«- charge, wlm-h w •- -L- mirt”«-«l there. Sheriff Bini»« y h i” gon. pulpit «»I K»-v. .1. I-’. Edmunds of M«*df«»rd. th»-hitt- r gentleman preaching at Ja< ks«»n- to Empir- » ity t».r him. having b.'.*n ai-pu- <»f Buri'i shaw’s arr-”t by Sh-rilT Mglin I vill»‘ th«- same evening. U" »”.-»»unty. If y.-u want th»- lw-st •'uwing-machine in th»- u»»rld. g»»t th»- un»-«pial«-»l White. Hold at a «li- -»unt for »-ash or at a r«»as«»nablo rate Studies Restimeli. • n th» installment plan. Th«- Ja«*krt«»nvi!le publii sch«M»l re-op«.ned A*s«»srtor Hamilton is finishing tbo assess­ Monday with a g-»< ii Httemlan«*«*. which ment of the county an«! will be when nt th»- b»>ar»l of equaura’ion m«-*-ts will rtteadilv in«*reart»-. Th»- . ............... s«*c- ami N ’ iAiuirv .*mt t- a--!u r- • Pi--f”. I rie« • n«l Momt.iy in Octuber. vhudid ”U«h Mi”-« sD» vlm ami X» v I- ir. A num : •• fast h«»r.s- - from different upA-n which «»nr «•itiz« ii” ar»- t»> I k - «•«»ugr»tu- p -rte ns i nor-hern (. alif»»rniaand southern lat«-«l. Sev- ral pupils i- -nling »UI ”i«b- « -f 111« r» g»-r. an.I ff--rs n... my in»Iuc<- his r« niove'I his «jfilcc to th»- fairgrounds, meiitrt to th-— -»- ki! ■: M .. --»I . .{ iK'atioti. wh«-r»'h«» is pr»*parc«l to attend t»> all busi- m s” relating t-- th«- »-oming distri»-t fair. To Whotn It May Concerti. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A suggestion: If you ur«* tnuibh-d with Will, and Walt» r Williams ar«- in «-harg»- of K. Moral’s \ in«-yar«l during th«» absent.-«« of rheumatism or a hum- back allow us to sug­ gest that you try th«- Mlowing simple Raplia-l, who vv nt t«» California to seek a r«*m«*«ly Take a pi«-«*«- «»f tianm-1 th«- sud - of market for H«-v«*ral h« a»i of mules. th«1 tw-« hand”,saturate it with Chamberlain's G. C. Dunean is this >»as«»n engaged in Bain Balm aud hind it «» v « t th«» H«*ut of making a «--Io««-ge« l«»gical inspi-ction the pain. It will produce a ph-asmt warmth nnd great L.ik«- ami Harney L»e found. hav«- I h - cu cured in this way . Thu Bam Bahn Th«- ruin « ff»-ctua)ly «pn-m-hed the fires in an In* obtain«-«! fr-»m Dr. ,1. Hinkle, Central EASTERN OREGON. the mountains nnd til«.- atmospln-re is clear Buint, and G. H. Haskins, M«*dfur.l. A few showers hav«» oc<*urr«-«l. The t- iu- uml pure again. Th«-smoky sca>»»u was m»t Thr.-«* pro”i»« utors, named Green, Moure us prutructeii this season as usual. andSiigci, about a m>«nth sin«*«- left their perature has been cooler aud about tie a\- r age. There hus been l«*ss smok- in th« Ashlami district last week v-tt-ti in wagon ami outfit at (’has. Lens' ranch at atmosphere. In the interior counti. - n fav«»r of a six-mill tax for <<-h<»»»l parj»oses (lie hea«l of th«- Klamath marsh«-”, whil«» they the higher elevations, frosts occurred. • luring th«,- coming y ar. Th«- normal school ust«*nsibly went out towunis Diamond lake The showers did no damage. Threshing • »ii a pr«»”pv<*tiiig t-'ur. A few days since building Wiis leased f»»r another year. Moon» ami Sugvr return«-«! to Lens' after is in progress in some sections, ami in -• u The largest ami is-st stock of deeds, the wag.»n, stating that their partm*r hud counties it is nearly done, in W.«”<■<-. unty m»»rtgag«-s ajid all kimls of nuil-estat«- ami become lost in th«- mountains ami hud prob­ and in parts of Sherman the wh. at m m n !«.-gal blanks s«»uth --f Sil»m is k«-pt at th«- ably peri”h«-d. As th«’ missing man shrunken than in the other counties. \ i. 1 I T imes office ami sol«i at l‘«»rtland rates. was kn«-wit to hav«» cmsiderabk» money on of forty bushels an the vxperta- will never be recounted by man. up. tions of th«- farmers in every eouiity. Tin­ A sur«» cure fur th«» whisky habit : Dr. S. l^Whitth- is superintending a ping ”f Livingston«»'” Antulot«» for Drunkenness will wheat has ta«gun to niov to seaboard. Fruit Grap«*B art* rip«- i;. men engag««l in placing in condition f«»r cur«» any <-ast- uf the li«|U«»r habit in fr«»m continues ph-ntiful. winter the lines of th«» Pacific i ostal tele­ teu to thirty days, from the mo«i«-rate drink­ many l<»«uiliti«»s. B. 8. P a < h e . graph «-«mipany between Duusniuir. and Ash­ er tu th«» drunkard. The Anti.lot«- cun be U. S. Signal Ob> TVer. i land. given in u--u;» «»f «*<»ff.*«» without the km»wl- Th«* military kill ut Ashland oil piom»«»^ etige «.f th»- person taking it. Th«» Antidot«» Bomarkablo Rescue. «lay was a grand success, the • atteudau»*v will not injur«- th«» health in any way. _ ing very largo. The best I of f music and Manufactured by th«- Livingston ( h«*mical k Ti..* t Mf. Mi.'luu'l Curtain, l'lainll.l I ni. supi»» r w»-r»‘ furnished and every thing passed (’«>., Sun Francis«*!», Cal. Sok! by E. (’. mak« ” the statement that sin- »'.aught •id Brook”. Ja- ksonvilk*; Mill«*r A Strang, Me«!- off nicely. which s»-ttl»-«l on her lung” . sin- wa i” ­ tr.-ut» -1 j ford, Oregon. fer a month by h«*i family phy ” . i-’ian. bui We bav«- ju*»t print« «1 a numb» r of new and gr«»w worse. He t»-ld lmr sh«* wa” ,« 1 h»»|N*!.”” tlrst-class Planks, including transfers of victim of consumpti« n ami that m- I!l«*dl-:!i- j PERSONAL MENTION. li«-ns. Th»- larg» st ainl lw-st st«>»-k »«f blanks couhl cure h«*r. H r druggmt -Ugg- ”1- d s«»uth »-f Salo n » an always be found at tin- •umpt. -n . I T imes »dli»x. Miss Sarah Kn«»wl«*s will leave Jor Salt I Dr. King s New Diseowry f i « she bought a b«»ttl«' am! to h r dulia ght f- umi ' Lak«? In a f«-w days. A so« ial party t«»«»k plac»- at Red Mens h«-r”«df lM*nefit«»d from th. lit-i P--rtlam! tu u-uitinu«*«! it.- ii”«- amp aft- r^Mdkiug tea !.. -t I1 tic”, foil ml h«*rs. If sound aiul v\. ji-vabl«-om-. It was u.)niplimuntary t»» s-»tm- pay relatives a visit. of’th»- y--ung men wh - hav«« -iu«-e gouu t»» her ewn housework and i” u- F. M. Short -d Hungry < r«-« k, Cal., is vmit- | other sceues. ev.*r was -Fre«» trial I n « u 1»* s of tl ng his uhi haunts here. discovery at E.U. Br«»ok” drug-”t The ¡»»-tit jurors, excepting Judg«- Day. J. M. Lewis of Little Butt«» precinct was ‘ l»ottk*s 50c. ami $1.60. who has lM»«*n retained as a nucleus f.-ra m-w in town one day last week. jury, tn uas«- one is nuu»lv«l at th«« present term of cir«-iut court, were discharge«! on Cui. R.ibert A. Miller left for I’ortlaml on Religious. Tuesday lust. Wednesday evening s train. The following are R«-v. K. Enni” apj • it/- Th«- Eagl»- P-unt • xt«-nsi-m <.f th«- R. R. V. J. A. Anders«>nof Eden precinct wasam«»ng meiits: On every Sunday morning, ■ x .q-- R. K. is <>nce mor«-being seriously discussed, our visitors during th«- week. hig tlie thir«!, h«* will hohl serve-- at : . ami w»- may look t<« s«»e important move­ Pre sbyterian church in Ph imx . • i. i! • , l'r«»f. Jacobs «»( M«-df »rd »¡«cut u few «Uys Sun-lay morning at Ja.-ks--nv:i|. at i ■ ■. • - ments m th«- lin«» of construction within a in Ja«*ksonvilk* during the week. very short time. Sumlay «-vening he will pr»-a» h a» tin Pr -l-\ W. (’. Deneff is sb.wly ..... »wring fr«»m the t«-rian church at Jacksonville. Rev. F. X. Blare h. t .»f St. Paul, Mari»-n Rev. F. Watry'” npp"iiitn: nt- f •■ ”■ pi «•«»unty, who pr«-sid» »1 ov«-r this parish s»» • •‘ff. -'ts of hi” accident at ( innubar. I I U»r ar«-as folb-w- l ir.-t Sumlay at .1 ably find l«»ng, now h--l»ls th«* i- -ltjon of Mrs. M. Kraii”«-ami Miss Laura Luy haw I soiivillc at a . m . and 7.30 i -. m , \|•-t vi-ar-gem-ral >»f or»-g»»n, oin* high in the return« »I from th» ir trip to Cinnabar. at 10 30 a . M. S.-'-oud Sumlay. Gr.u t - 1 Caliu'liu chur- h. Charles H. Pier«-«» has g»»m» to th»’Klam-I Thin! Sunday, Ja-ksonvill«- at I da m . • 1 Uoii”i-l«-rat»!» rain full »luring th«- latter 7 30 P M. Fourth Sumlax , atli eoiintry <«u timb«-r-land business. part of |tP.t wv«-k ami the first ot this, which was «put» ii«‘ptable. Threshing was d«-- W. 1. Vawtvr ami family spent several lay«-«l ”»»!L»cwhat, but m> jM-rceptibh- dainag«- hours in Jacksonville une «lay lust w«*» k. Are Ï on Suffering w vs «b’tic auy w here. P. W. Olw.-ll, om- ->f th«- prominent < ■liiz.un* ' From baukach«-. inflammation : C. 1 • • Id-r j brick-dust deposit <»r st«»m* in tl. ! la dd. r Mr. F.ti<‘ks»m will nut I»«-abb- t" -’oinj l«'t« «•f ( entrai P ant, uaile«i a few «lays sin»-«'. his railn>a«i tills tu tin- upper valley by th« <»r in fa»-t any deran^- im-nt f t: :«.■.i S«|uir« Marksbury >»(G«>hl Hill called <>n I urinary organs? If thus affii- t« •' . » tlT”t of OutoiH-r, blit W ill g« t th»- l oan w ■ it IL that r«-ducv bis force. H»»n. Th»-«». Caim-ron has retuin»-d fi«»ni a ami wors«' plaster”, but strik»- at til­ th«» diseas«» at oiu*e by using the great--- Many (amili- s about \\ ■•«Ivflb* hav«* b«*en trip t-» the Dalicc creek min«-.” lie is interest­ all known remedh-s, that ••«•l«-brat-'.l < >r- engag' d in th«* h- | yaid” m that vicinity, as ed in. Ki'iiu-y Tea. Pleasant t»> tak- ptn-'ly v well as m Josephine county, during th«- past N. luing« 11, «ieputy internal ruwnueeollec- table. Sat D fact ion «-very time. few week”, and r-.ihz«* wage” at the t'»r, made Grant ” Pass an official visit this health-giving <«<»• -upate u. week. Cornine. Dr. J. S. Parson - f Ashland, our ¡»«»pular C. W «-ut not long Trof. D. Van H»»rn, th»- w-li-kn a d in greeubiiok”. ¿\lde- thi.d r« a- h«-«l into bls since. s«’ientifl<* piano-tuner, will b«- in .1 . inside «’’»at p—-fc«»Uan«l stole th«-r»*fr->m the Miss Emma Colvinun 1- t« ai’hing om- of ' amuit th«- 15th •»( September ill ord book containing th«» muuey. th»- «!«-j».irtincuts in the Ashlami public ‘ his line will be promptly att» i-.•!•-! t< • hools . .Mr*. \V U. I^..liu*t.>n of Portland satisfaction guaranteen coun­ ty, will Uar'lly I m - Hvamlnlatu f»-r r«--« i«-« tioii. Robert Tayh-r «»I Ashland, wh-> ha” I h - cii hl” «1» puiv t»»r tin- past thr«••« y«-ar” ami m»»r< . l«M»msupa.” th" im-st promim-ht »-Hiidbiat«’ for BU» ‘ »-s.”i'-u. As U»- hails from the pr»- cim-t which casts n.-arly a.” many K' put»li- oau ' >tcs as th«- balance »-f th«’ county put t»«g«-th»-r, hi” »-lain;” <-anm»t b.- igm»r»-»l if his home giv«-” him th« • xj»«-et« «1 ”Upp»-rt. A- th«- pr«-”«*ut incumbent - I th«- county <-l«-rk s , < Hi •• al”.• • <-m» ” un.b-r th«- tw»» term rule. Th«- rii"h of wh«*at to the mills an«l waro- WV will doubtl» step ti -wn ami out. The h-•u-'» -'-till -•'»ntinu' S. Most of the millers (|v«lf«>rti M.ol, which 1” a li- puMn-an paper, hav, -._’«-urc«l enough f«»r th»- entiro season. f.%v -rs th« n» ini! ah ii ( Wim» r Id"-, v- Wad- ItMgb A U»«., f»-r f"r« ub»-ur«‘ «•( th«- mortgage h'-bi by plaintiff oh valuable mining pr-q»eDy fu-ar Wahi", J- -« phim- «•--unty. A « ile- ’ ree was granted in fav«-r - f pluintitT. wie u will Imnrvdiaiely order a sale • •f thè pr<-|M-rty. The suit was stubbornly « ••»ut« rt«ai alni in- volves «»ne o( the very lurg»?s« ”Utn” • d im-u«-y ever »ued f«»r iu ”outh« rn or«-g»-n. 'Ibis is «|uit«‘ a viut«»ry f--r th« plaintiff « alt«»rnevs, H-'U’s H. K. Ilan ia ami P. P. Frinì, wh- wer«» pitted ugainst ( I. Haim • uf Scatti«- ami Chas. W. ( r«» •”S «»f .San Fran» i —• • tw»» - t the G st lanya-rs »»n th»- uou”t. D i” pi b- abb- that an api»ni will b» taken to thè •u premo court. CROP WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 27. t;r^ca-»t ’nil V A re-«trot t s «V»1.1 »Gt , ! nu*!« ra:*-*« BusiiiCSH. Short hand. Ty'Pcwftftn^. nnd Fngitih inrrnti ÓtT !'• M-iwion throughout th# » rat Stud» n’t« a injf* u*«t at »in’ t ni « Atuloguv fron« #ith*-r «Kheol.i^ Mines for lili«’ ' m «. ,v o/.t ft» .• I ."/Í . PEP WHi T* Highot ........... !. ht» M î” I ttixl <*!• 4 I V I'» BLUE ; M«-d <-tT «•> l» r ” h I I o - thru«' pi*»v.« i « lane- «.n Pi •..-unt ci ••• k. im hiding ug -I w at. «• nub? fit.-«' mim r nr«- kn*«v. n C AMPIO KAY PITS r ,r c TTEHOP. ttidlS to b« ri- h and will (•»• s«»l«i at a r« H”on:ibh* figure, a-I am iinab'.« ’ run them any l<«n»/« r. »V« mtitt.ifac »I Spring- Wag»■»»*•. ....................................................... i oa -M jiu t - iU ,b» Milt«. 1 «. lurHi'-r particulars !•<_ iigiit fit « •i“'i <1 ti»-tn II < li' h y a« ' I 1, rr. 'H TtM>5 bl!«..-, "r -Yr.-ra Wly wio'ti -t umkit-.' I 1 * * A K ” «IMAMS. A an 1 '• *n r»f dWt ’ Oi<‘<«(l. *1’ sM-’” T •’i I V-U< B. . FojJif > 1 tc. £nll / EC . ULFRS ETC At’. ci » ; j- -rOnm !«', , • û'. * , t tuMtarfe*