EDITORIAL NOTES, KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. MEDFORD SQUIBS. LOCAL NOTES. Another nieeting, to consider the possibili, tl.--. ..f tli.' s utli. th portion of J"- .................inly Willi rail, mu JacksonviUe Jane s Vance of Yreka visited Klamath's Take a lo«>k at Nfekell s addition. And still it rains. T he »ip|M»r stories of the Willamette • tl'l ....... «'I. IMlI I- h.-l.l Oliti,,. 2(itb |Ubt, f’n-v^rscy were hurte»! on Wednesday capital last week. Pritchard, watchmaker ami j -w» l. i , M l- Harv.*sting is almost ended, U»rlw ML PÄFU U' JÀLkbuM tUUMl. ÜH Tl,.' buil loiL- f-'I I, .1 i-.dlroa.l Would l„. of ihr i* stimafed at $10,- I mori mg. i Klamath will ship at least 2»K) carloads of for»l. ¡inn . ii-- I ■ ’ir tit i i southern On-gon, and l’ay the printer and be happy. i t>N». w iiic! .-* tuliv <• >vciceni>flt to tho the. of buy on his fine run«;h near the lake. u h"I' "f .1 I I. -"II . I .I-I.ephino couutios. H"ii. Willanl Crawlorxl m*\v oe- upi« ■ I. i he t aitcrn mai krts R aw been flooded A. Ci. Epps and wife of l ’ inmiix w»-« T hi ‘•hcld vuiir wheat”circular issued Cattl»*n>uyers ar»> « arli«*r an«l more numer- neat, n«»w resi«l« n.’ . m>t long since. with |»vacne» to tUcb ah extent that to ii»et:>l»erH oi the ‘armers’ alliance from «>us than usual. Th« y are paying fair prices. Pioneer Reunion. W«* fearn that m*gotiati->n* i u th« -.«!•• <»f ihoii* amii ul luishrl» havu l>een dum|>e«l S . p. ul and higher cables, in spite of d ;•» S<»m»* of tiie state offic.-r- ire < xp- Mr*. B,. J. Sharp returned Lome to Halem i ' ■ '-tmg of th»- Southern Ore- lulu the st a to ut ip irriwiu lhe maik.el he.ivy receipts, «‘allied wheit to sell after a pleasant visit with her mother. Mrs. the roller mills ar«* pending. iitteml tin» fair. - i ' i v . nn h WM h.-hl ut i Tho*. M«»rim* ha* -»ton. Chas. I Faith ................................ A-h:..ii»i "u th.- luih in*t., was one of the l and family hav»' return«* 1 fr- in busin«*** I«« I. A. ?«l«-rriman. |H*ach crop bas been the largest ever • »pene I at ‘»S ou the 16’h. Klamuth <*« i county. I best ex. r held. Th«» attendant!«» was even ! Surveyor M->«»r«» ine* complefed his sur- MuuWii. 11*1® i ai never happened bcluiv. ! larger than usual, and much interest was ' Dr. W. S. Jolt«** ami Martin » ••I«-*i -nt th«* Er.\KI. FiMiikK, by Altamont, driven wying <*ontract for Unvlu Min down in Cur- Mi** Josie Nunan has returned from h»*r . taken in th« ’ pr ........ lings. Appropriate! week at the Tolman spring*. ry county. visit to Ashiaml. memorial r»s Jut ions on the death of Mrs. | I iik State Fa»r up«.m-»i auspiCMQs.V uh Ly J. B'act*, won the 3* minute rare on D. H. Milfer s«»nt a larg«» «•on*ignim,nt of W. A. Harrison Muleta). A he aiieuuaw e m guod. n*c I'm s I r. at S.xlem, winning the 5tbf b h J-'hn H. Brantner of thi* county has b«’«»n Win. Kahl’-r. IL nry R. Brown. Mr*. G. Nay­ | fruit cans to Grant * Pa.*.* recently. lor and P. Simon ha«l b«»en pr»’par«’»l and* granted a pehsiou. dirpiaja 111 thè paVdiuU Alo cuiup.el« , and 7ti» heats. M< Miniiville Maid, an- have li-»*n at Ja«.*k.*»«n\ill«*, I xv.-r«’r«al bv Win. L. Miller. Tho annual' Frank Shideler xviil attend th»* stat«* uni­ and eveiy salino»« stock deoai imeni «»Iher Alfamoiit.WH- second, winning two tew days since. Sp«*. ’ ial trains will fe? run during th«* last addre**. which was e ut tnu traturca ol thè tali brats am! maki.ig the fastvH time « f the f.»ur days of fair week. J. V. Houst«>n. a priut«-r, arriv«»«l at Liuk- i Plymale, wa.* an ex»’ell«»nt one, short an«l to I ¡s thè L uil palate, cunstructcd uni ut rare, 2:30. W.* ar«* sorry to fearn that Th"-. A. Har­ ! tin» point. Tln-n »’am«’ tin* dinner, indeed n I vilie last w. • k iu company with hi* brother, lint* W II. Parker, E.s«|., visited relatives at sumptuous on»-, prepare»l by tin* piont'er ris is consid«*rably in»lisp«>s«*d again. IrUiis pi »¡u» 1 in tue Wi. lamette vai.«). T he tn k»»( put forth by Mi«» N»»w Y«irk J. A., to remain. Gobi Hill one day last w«ek. [ ladies..f Ashland and vicinity, which was ’ Ibe race» aie eVvU urlici inali Usuai. Democracy at Saratoga last We»hie*r. Danielson’s ofifee is now over J. Gold­ J. W. Lindsay has b»*cn entertaining his b iirtii-lniu' We n«*«-d what is du© up and hope that al* s. rv. <1 by young ladies and g«*utlcm«*u, the I is a Mtrung one and will certainly Ire m»t. o'clock tin* soi’fety xva* again called to order ■ laiiiuad Will t»e lunning into Lcquihr was nominate.i for governoi audS|*e«ker Published and distributed free by the <«i!»-t Mail Miss Susie Ward last week rctunie»l t«> Railroad tickets for the fair will b.» g«»»»d at th»- •-pera-li» use, vvher»* they listened to cdy wHiuullwmii thirr weeks, 11 1» Sheehan tor lieutenant-governor. Uut Furtlund for the winter’s course of studios an uddr« **, “Liiml of Our Adoption,n by until ami including Sept. 27th. Order House <»n thi.- <-<>H-t. reported, and the exp-. ndllUie ol liie of tiie several hundred delegates present, .»t bl. Mary s .Vailemy. Georg»» W. Dunn, which* was twflt- S C. Rlucum of Portland has l>e«‘n paying ting to th»* ue«*asion ami ni«*«*ly »le- first HUU»b Whi iiAVe »revu timsbeu. inucli ess than a hmidrrd favore»i the I liv.rreil. •Tli»* Administrati««u of Justice Mrs. R. H. Voor»1 of Portland i* visiting ickitivcs in Jacksonville a visit. Mr*. l«la Lichvus has b«*en busy »>p«*ning lue sui k ul bu.bling the ruad is prugivm- nomination oi Cleveland for president. her u«*w stock of g»*ods since her return her friend*, th«» .\1:**»’* Slmfefer of this mg siradiiy, an 1« p >ils to liie cuiitiary \ iss Stanley of Ashlanl is comiucting a iu th* .Li ly day* of Oregon’’ was the subject place. of lhe toa-*t .*" well and ably responded to T he entire of Spain is shrouded in home from San Frauciseo. successful school on Gall’s creek. n Ut WdhrtAhUHig by Jinlg»* Prim. It may Iw found in gloom on account ef «liockiiig disasters J. M. Nich»»ls und family • f Butt. ’ .-re.-k Charley Hamiuonil is home once mor«*, on tin* first page of to-day’s Dave Drake has returned to Cinnabar full bv fl »«»«Is in the provence of T«>le,io amt will do content t«» stay with the bfessvii visited relative* in M»-df»»r«l «luring th«» Wc are Headquartes f<»r Blankets and Ridda r (iood.-. T imes . ( tar»u g »ate, hail*liH«u hrair», lamity, wii ch is probably one »1 the Our t«»ns»»rial artist, J. E. Sh.-ar»-r, has Klamath county will u » »loubt have belter Mayor Grainger of Ashland tarried a whife gon" in his usual graceful manner, after STRICTLY ONE PRICE. btnUg WuU u) Dio CaU^hiei Attuata ili worst known in modern limes. A die- reprv.svntuti»*u at th«» district fair than ever. been visiting relatives at Steamboat during in Jacksonville during the past week. which cum«» int»*r» sting remarks by E. K. the week. A number ol our citizens will be present. Hit guuil lime ul 1 ."‘S wuivh ir» a 3-mm- natch from the may.jr ol (' -tmuegra, Anderson, W. H. l’ark»*r, Es«|., Judge T<»1- (’«•I. J. N. T. Miller recently dispose«! of a man ami <»th»-rs. Thu r«»uni«»n was an un- Utr ^aii. 1 he alaiuuu Ituie wa.i sul« b> which called earnestly fur at»l and state»! B. F. Yount «d Ellensburg. Wa*h., is n»«w band of Klamath horses iu California. Ernest Carter of Ashiaml last week t«>vk a «¡ualifi.-«! *u»,«-«-*s and wrill long l>u renmm- Aita««, a»»u b) Ahah.ciit, tshu beat \ uu that tl ore Wero already 1,5(M) victims, load ul truil, principally grapes, to Ktainatu on the night shift us miller at the M» lf»>rd Perfectly sure, perfert.y pure, perfectly b»Te«i by th »*»- who attended it. roller mills. l)cLàaiiibU t e lo®«, elamim L».umile Uatu* was n-d at first untoo«l to mean that county, where b»» fuuml a ready sale lur it. harmless? is Simmons Liver Regulator. dii) , ai»tl ui«» u» thè t»t» -md litui Hi 2 25. such a large number » f pc.ple had lost O. Iloltan lius roinove«! his tailoring bu*i- \\ in. Roberts’ threshing-machine is han­ The World Enriched. lbv«e bueil** tu Le !••-> h«>Ubt thal Ja)‘ ’heir liv»«, as a mortality so overwhelm­ dling tfie grain of Alkali and bprugue liver n«*ss to th«- front room uf th«- \\»»o«l a Jack- Those indebted to the TN rm are earnestly r» »|u« st«il to settle withoylTurtber delay. ifeu» d b imi ■*«• irt i h«* l«v'l trulllllg blie uu ing was lieeiueti incredible; but i*urh x.ill. ys an«i is making Dig runs ewr\ duy. son building. Th»- i'u»-iliti.-.- of th»' present «lav fur the was the case. lite iiuflhwu*! cu4»il. Th»* jury in the BiHings case went to prodimti'Ui < f »jvi-rything that will conduce Rev. M r. Burirett, th.* < 'hri*ti.m miiii*t«-r, J. F. Goefer anti wife of Alameda, Cal., lust to th«- mat<-rial xv»»lfan* and comfort of man­ In . mam D ulin , oí Pli.la«)tdphia, one week a'.rix«-xi in Klamattl cuUUly, will» the bus estat»iish«-»l himself |»ermaiiuiitly in the A*hluml and inspected the land in dispute. kin-1 ar»- almost unlimit» d, and wh«»n Syrup •’ fr a » is wuitii iMUi* > ’ i» H»e ticiuhiig of the largest iiianui «elurers 1 wuofen.* iuti-Hli<»u ul making tins vail«*y ineir luture Russ resilience. Jo»* liammersly has gone to Gold Hill to of Figs XXa* Hi st prodime»! th«* worl»i was UÏ A l»»‘A « li < Ili Ai i M>U. «I Ir» U* Si. 1 «lUl lu in iliis country ami a sialwait prutre- hum«*. • -ngag«* in business. W«.* wish him success. «•nri'h» d with th»- «»nly r«-tne«iy xvhidi is truly Mrs. J. lliginb«»tham has return«-»! from rrlAliuii tu u.v Aheal «pi<-.*t o**, nuw bc- pl»-a*iiig and i» fr» *h'ing to th»* taste and »I.M»; t. has w r itten a fetter tu the *Xew Uev. Win. C. Chuttiu returned from his California with b» r family, t . r«-*i»l»* p«-rm a t land last week, an» I 1* again al nvntly in Medford. h-»m«» «»11 Evans creek, after bis long absence. pi'-mpt ami »-ÍT tual to <*lean.*«* the system gaa in Miai Cl*>. Il uigva lAimets tu gently in th»* spring tim«» or, in fact, at any uuj. lili U lUgntvr 1* lUu Wife ul lUu inc ng an int*-i«si ing lad deserving ui much Tin» excellent plat»* work d ue- by ourlocal huld bai k U*cU wheal, »» tirllei prives Johu Coffee of Williams creek during th«* tini»- ami th»* li«*tt«-r it is known the move emphasiM of statement that the pt ices uf lal«’ 1. A. out her laud. dentist. Dr. O. F. ‘ ................ Dvm»»rcst. is filling liis awail U»em lue ih xi ir* wrrk». l».e wool ate lower now than they w« re one w«-»-k cairn» m with a load of line vegetables. popular it bicornes. Mcrauwsr««* Dr. Georg»» Martin departed from l.ink- office with patients. asstriiun is u.ade ihal w tirai wih br So • asy in its action, harmless and effec­ year Ago. I ins decline was distinctiv xiu»* la»l w«.-vk au»l will ruler U|»uu the pra»-- J. H. Whitman’s residen» «* property has tual in relieving is Simmons Liv« r lfegula- $1 suoli, aisi | u.*o2. A rrview pr»>iiiised while tía» M» Kinley tariff bil llt-v «»I ui* pr->h-**iuii in Calculi.», India, iu a A Good Inducement. recently been let to !.. Stridete r and family, tor. ul lue Euiupcan suuitage lo b»mg lua»lr was living frmieii.” Kupubhcat) farm­ alluri time, we learn. Gf »-»«urso you want your local paper as who ar»- now in p< thè bari» ut Ibis cia»ui. ers should !»«» willing to give credit tu Jimmy Watson r»*turned to Portland to- w»-ll a* a s.»n Fram-isco paper, ami we will Cui. J. N. T. Mill«*: last xverk returned 1’. B. O V il ami th» ••l»b *t * »n • f \\. B. • lay. having s|H»at his vacation in Ju»*k*“ii- furnish th»- T ime * in e»»tim»ution with the such authority, an 1 they cannot verv (rein Caul-■rum, whither m went ia*t spring I iie September number ui “Kn-ts wel* ignore the tiuiii ul Mr. Do I.tn's to «U*po*c »»1 a One ik»ud <»l horsc* rai*«-«i on R o I h - i t* ar»-in California, xxh»-i»- th.- lull i villv. ’ W.-»‘kly l.xarnin» r ' f«»r $3 50, which will in- cimfu any »»n«» » of tin* ”Examiner" ~ Premium ami Flowers, a Laiuis* n»r penuxucAi worxi* in v vw of the »lechhe of 3 ami J1.» his ran» 11 at tn*- m a«l »»I liie laks. went for medn-al treatment. Mr*. E. DePeattof Athena, Vmatilla county. I’i»*tur»-- th.it y u may »«house and all of the rec-*lAtiy blur»«»1 at i u«liAi» i by ii. »•ents in some of tiie eastern states. Mrs. Phil. Haught and daughter V» -*ter»lay J. L. Howard of the Mto- ktun business ii visiting relatives and friends in Jackson­ other privile * th.it r»*gular subscrlb«*rs « n- > « a « us, a veteiai* juuruAbst, is a uiu»i college was micrvicwiug the cillZelia oi left for Alaska, t«» join Mr. ILc.¡gut .’wh*» ha* ville. ioy. If th»-r I* no agent m y-ur mdghlMir- W hen the amendment to lhe McKin­ ElUkviUv iual Week, relative to the pr«»posal br»»n tiler«* for suim-tiim- pa*t. rXxrLeut uur. it is lub ul uiallri line* - ho«>d ami you «lo not t car»* to r«*mit .*U Is ui.r by euihUeill ihrguli s bota­ licans that it would nol cost more than maui.nn ua*in this year iu cAcvheiil *uape. To Whom it UonceruB. «•rusher at th«» r»»ll«-r mill in this pla»-« , xvith struts. nist, E. W. 1 I aii * uiu I1 v 1, viiiititd **lut ♦♦»AMiO.uüÜ a year. an«l a iung-hea»led ’l he publi-- i* her» by notified that th«’ Lhe h»»t xvuve which pass«»d over Klamath a caj»acity of 500 bu.*h»*I* p«-r »lay. Democrat who predicted that the pay ­ Fuirsu) Prob.um.” Ju«lg«» Prim bft for Portland y«*st» r<» y o t I -io«v a L .ti-- < " ÜtKi.ÜbO foi liie first year ami after that »•e th it a Mr. Cra\vf»»r»l »f Crescent <’lty un»i .Tohn ing Agaiuai the .>uuli»eiu Paulic, lu J"Lu R. Butin uf Poe valley last week ac- thing? Aie x- i aw aretnat i; muvii larger, was hooted at by the Re­ F«-li»’ly of Humboldt county, Cal., ar«» in a«’<’"iints t -.i. «-: uinmeiiùV'l aud ap>»ruVvrxvar»l promptly and tuin.i at. 1 t u rm oi the Al ai *un cvuiil) circuit court. nal revenue bureau at Washington l a.* i* dttvUdlUg s.’Uuui. R»v. C. M Hillof P »rtlaml. th«- • -ll-kt wn class xv« u k an l has threshed much grain must I«.- mad»- in • itln-r cash or grain imm»»- tell yo«l tiiat matte up fiom official »fata an estimat» »liately. A \x r- . i- - it? < t i • ,1. • but lhe >uuii.vii« F avi H u luuk nu notice W. Palm hti* rented th - r •-r» Why It is Popular« fl 1,134,000, or lies:ly twice as much a* daugvrou* lur tra\ui lor *omvtiniv j»ust. posit«» Webbs furniture - dore. f»»r n with so M-rious a inatti r ? Are«, it;.. ■ i • ul Ute t»oAi»i .i acauli, and ibis allit is lb v. Mr. Thompson, our now M. E. minis- Bvaiis«’ it ha* proven its abs«»lut«» merit the laigesl Republican estimate. purpos«»*, und will stock it Up 111 biuUgUl lu t*lib. i ce the »duptlt li ul the ■ r, n.i* r.-moxed to Jacksonville and taken ov.-r ami <»x»-r ag.tin, b.-<*au*«* it has an un- With a si»*sv to vu.’ouruge target practice tim«*. iiarg** of his work c '(U m I»*»I i -i'l of - ur.-s, be.’ause its business ■ Schedules. Wim war impending in Europe am! an.l uUvudum.«’ on lhe j»url <’t the local tr»»»-p T c<-mlu' t< I iu a tie r- ughly honest manner, I CT. ■ t«»r Coughs. Colds and Consumption is beyond question t!.- ;rr *. : st <»f ;.ll* Th«* four «lay* »< **i.«n . f th. 1. the grain cropoi th trau*-At.antic hemis­ ol the U. N. G., Cupiaili bieiueus has or- An alliance was organize«! at th»» Evans 1* b.-. an*, it «•■ ml-im-* . noniy ami strength, igih. ! •lurud hamfeumc uivti.ii.* to fe* ussurdud the 51 «!<»rn th in« h«*-» ? It will stop a (.’«High i t <’ue night. It w I < i • k .i « ; '»i l.i *3 Baptist Ass.«ciation at thi* phere so short as aunüet to threaten r«-»-k *cii«»"l-h« use ou«» day last w»*»-k. with L'«»N».Kt.*- m \N IB km ANN is expected being the only medicine of whieb ’ ’ ’DM) a «lay. w .H prevent (T.»up, relieve Asth, ta an«i»¡ire ( < niptnin if ta « ti * a ni»’inl»«’r*hip • f nine. famine in some »juaiters uf the wo« Id, m».*t target shut and tho best drilled man, week has arou*«’«l much int”r» •t ai Do«,» * »»m« 1 ». u.ir is true—these strong the awtxrds to I«* made at sometime mill«* ....... to !»e at the disirit i l..ir, tur our or inuie in time, “ Y«»u e.« » t aff«>r«l to t»e without it ” A ■.'»<•« nt L «• «• m there is no ttlhug what prices grain will uu.ir luiuru n-'t y«-t stated. point* h.ix ina.l- H«>"»1 s Sarsaparilla the C. W. Kahler s Tybalt, by Altamont, is im­ »Uys; in ia»’t, a ne ghb«»r uf his write* SHK) in Doctor ’ s b ’ P* — may a».»* your lif«» ! A •* ’ : y<> ¡r dru/ : » f r Miss J.-nnfe Graham wa* t.-u-j -irarilx n, proving an«i may be expvcteii to niak»» a in-**t suc- «-s*ful mdn-ine of the day. touch before the year emls. it is a most fr»«m Roseburg t«> that t (! ct. His uuu- r W H. H ooker »Y C-»., 4G V. »*-t Broa-iwav. v Y< • *;. 1 • Th»* Star ’ udvuratcs ta.xiiig the fruit »•harg»- »-f th» P«»*tal t.-l.-graj Ii iti «P h fortunate tur» umstance fur these I’nite«! mile in g ’ >»«i tiiu»! soon. p|e.action.pmup-handled,!»« »1-blesoi-you- • ■■■■-a ■ 3 ■ ■ * » w «■»■Bisarec^sras M Stales, although somewhat tough pvddivi* in-tu th»* lb-gu»? river valley, wlm the week ow ing to the imlisp s i • P«-ach Pits Wanted. Th»* firm - f Klippel A Lee, eiigag«»d in th»* «ieai frit nd Laml-shakc will be one ul mam* jM.*riodi»?al visit* tu Kiuuiath laud. A* •m tiie rest ol ti.e worhi, fur it wilt turn must ul thrill raise th» productionslur which Gibs»«n. Mi** Ella Drake airain <«fii i «1 Th- un»fer*igii»*«•r *ah* here, it w--uld pr«*par«*»l by Mr. Narregan *ut!i»!ini<‘ ag-- mu « «•«•♦•< 1 iiimsHt, or that hr ever sai»l he from Mi-** Kate Croneniiller return«*«! was a» .... ptv100. which •lr« *b • >r • n»|uir«- »»f line f- r the last decade will, H is | r,-« i ■- i»e h.iidls right tu tax them in this manner, Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov < r» *» « nt city, «’’al., during the w«*«*k, after wuuoi dexdine a re-e«euliun, is a nincom­ is »-heap. 1:. M. S impson , Grunt’s Pass. led by tinanc ere, i»e more than returned cuuid it la* done. an absence <>f over a y«*ur. poop in whom there is no guile. Our t«j lb in the short spa»-e uf a twelve­ Quit«» a numb<-r««f «>ur »-itiz- n* xv»-r»* at th«* c r gr» ssinati d - d ’I cotisi i uvtr«i att».T that month ; ami sm h a situation must inevi­ V. s. Arrasmith of big Applegat«* was hen­ »•»•unty-s«*at at th»- Iw-ginmiig f th. u««-k. Ü. S. Teed Stable. either a* with»•*•*» * - »r *p. -tat-'r* in tie - gam­ .1 fexx «lays since. H«' *ays that his s dí» »«d JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. ►Dlr. _____ 1 hav a.I'I. 1 a «.■••<« »table t» tho V. tably result in a p» n» «1 of p osperiiy that district is stil: in nee«l of a teacber. bling cases. latí t t mnslentfl wi I be almost witiiout a parallel in tne I Tilt Portland ln«!u-triai Exp rut on history ul th«- pre*eiit g -m :at »>n. \\ imn Miss c».ra Smith ••( (¡rant'«»* Pass La* fe en 1 P. Fick«ns has ha.l a n«»at dwclling- ami th.- pul ’■ g»-i.«-rally. Horses will be l’r-'f. Ja«»«»bst xvh»» ha* !• »-n in fe»ar»iel t- r txx.-uty-fiv»* cents per day. w h ch i in«»n •»“ a t em»t op liwoiOre ail is sa:-i. Hi tiie I' hg run tne .»mount of visiting in Ashland. h' ii*»• iiml a number of «»ther building* built th»» Mail ’ »luring Hi....... In t * I. 1‘ e R uboam . -n hi* farm in Table R«»ck precinct. tle*c«»nf any nation, ami one year with anoih- i* being *hippe»l from th«» vineyards of ('«»I. Th»* t< xv n b«>ar»l Ia.*t w • • k 4 u« We b arn that Dr Van Dyk«* s Adrian will All km wing them*» Iv«»s in th«» mountain* -n n»*w *■ -t f t« k* xv«-r»* »»p«*m*<»t Suffer Any Longer. place is seriously talk»-»! • f. $175. u'ix. tt Misstira»«* Schwank at Albina, pre- banner exposition oi the »oast. The VAIL SOON. ■wing tluii a c«»i:irh can be checke«! in a Right of the many varieties » i machinery Th.’ Menar.’h sab-»n at M«-»l! rd u: I-r l-arat.-ry to her departure for Jacks- invilir I. arg»* quantitiv* - f xvater-melons, vegeta- and lln- first stag«** of consumption f»>r a lengthy visit. n in a w. < k. w. In t» Dy iruarant«*«* Dr i- | •« in motion alone is worth c»>mmg mifes W»-s amt fruits ar-’ *ttll fe-ing *hippe«i from th«- uKluag'-ne nt -t H. H \\ !’« i There i-» nothing in the fruit situation - Enylisli «'••null R» nu*dy, and will r«-- U»g a popular r» * »rt. Th»* . v»*ry thi* county. to see. creek. Lake o. 1». L<»ftus, of Crook«*»! 1 In- m< •»!«•> to all who buv, take it as per at pr» m nt to «ifei oiii age any eenftible thing in tiiat line i* k» pt th«-i- »•««unty, last week had th«» misfortune to I».» i»>ns. ami »io not lind >ur statement Win. Neuraih ami wif•• hav»» r- tu«»ve«i tn man. It ih «ju te true that much hint burn«*«! out of house ami Lome, th«* result of V ekii . v the n>a< bine Th«’ council last week »•r-l»-r«-«l wi 1 l»e waste«! in ti.e valley this season, San Frau. i.*< », where th»»y expect to per­ «•ommitte«» to pr««cur<’ th«’ r'-qu;r«-l tive flue. tinnes to control the • wii:g s«jiely to lhe fact that our hurticui- manently resi'fe. -if l.«»l»l«-rs f«-r th" *u«*c»-**fiil figlitin We challenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion tha. Kcpntihvan p;trty at’»i ii kisie Turner arrive«! from Th«* Miss Hattie Conklin. w«»ll known in Grant's within th»» city limits, a s» iisjb|t« i<| tiufel!* neglvcteii tu take time by th»» fore A fin- V ~ A Sf th»* Rogu«» river br«»w«»ry, ma»I«.» • lay f--r th»* i-urp»*«o ■ f making mother* urix 1 h«-ir <-tii!rth of Wal»io pr»*» inct has Mary’s A»’U»i»»niy, a tn--*t » \ ■■ (’Las. n _ ____ for barfey and a cent a pound f«»r oats. Wheat Babx Moot I m r. It contains no opium or mor­ tary of the same rone* rn, : is stifi quoted at 6.5 cants a bushel. sion is lun e»! tl at if aucti iruits as we fe-cn visiting r«*lativ»‘M ami ’ fri«-n*l* * at a Ja«*k- ti'-u f--r females. phine. Mr. H.irnr un exclaim, “save in • from my ___________ _ fruit trees has a valuation 1 of In other words an acre of producing produce here can be preserved in ruch ville ami M»-'lf-«r«l «luring the past w» reek. Th.» suit of H. F. W.... 1 x •. tl« Il R. \ R fneaiis.” Th»’match ra- o at the fair grounds be- It is better than any bank — for the bank is sometimes cariied *ii H»e a* I«» be capable uf tiaribportatiun $1000. 1 _________ . ’ ‘ " R. < ’ •». ha* I m ’ .- u •■■■mpronii*. •!, th« i .panx doubtless Ijark Th»- Grant's Pass boys will i txv»*«-n < . G. liipp»*y s Grey Cap and Jas. to the world’s coiiMimvi*—not jur limi­ into Canada by the cashier, Dame nature a trust-worthy guardian - . us h«» is fast and paying Mr. W. $150 f »r «lam.«g« * t - I l’.iiik« y s Gn»y Easter, on Saturday afternoon, Til» Crater b*k»» ml »»-iwrp»*!it has ted local coiibUiners of fruits in tbei» E. P. str»»ngly at th»» fair, in go««d c«'n win this premis»«* chu *4»«1 by th" tra- k running ii« will m« »loubt attract a good crowd. takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if showvil up in all hi* pri-nnc glory tin* reason, but the great army of consumer.* trout of hi* «j»>Ti, a«’«’« iiij .»ii«« «1 by bi« belter hull who are «•omi»elfe«l to content themseivrb I. Wo»»lf ami I A. W« bb r« turi I from s»» numerous as Bfanjl - peculiar points make Ilood’s Sar H»«p-pi» kers w« r«» never Fi.-l.fen Ayers of Littl«* Butt«* precimt an»l a H »«I ur litter of little sea --e« - with thu same fruit in itad-iedur canneii nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and invite th«-ir trip to t ’ r»-*-» ‘ lit city »luring th-- .«•» k. application for all. -1 «luring th-* w«’»-k. Th»* latfer is manu­ kapari'.la sup»*rfer to all other medicines. 1« . .»ti «1 which have been «hstiiiutly con»hti»>D, there can be no doubt blit it»* now, ami som«* who ma«l«» the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you w»«rk in th«» yar«fe c«uil»i n”t fe’ a<»«,oinm«»- xvh»T" tii«* f««rm»»r mark»*t. -1 a b u l «1 xx.it« r- facturing a superior artich* of s-«rghum r« culi.ir in combination, proportion, r -a in the mystical abyss of tiie moun­ prudu»*tion will always In* profitable in m. ’ Ions an«l p. ’ a« ’ h«-s fr--ni this valfe> at any ­ dale.l, although the «Top is Urge ami fin«». •yrup. must not complain that your horticultural methodshave precipitated a and preparation of ingredients, thing but remuueratix»• figur« tin.••* l«.’iiig tain lake by more than »«iuzen mor»* or • he « xtrvme, reganifebs ot thevield here Th»* Wimer mines will now fe* *«'»l‘l umb r «lull then». Th«-r«* will b»» a fipecial train betw«*en Ash­ Ilootl’s Sarsaparilla possesses foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. h*»»H discrimin-Hing obeerver«. Since or elsewhere, lhe iirie»l prim«*, which th».-»b-ere«» of f'-r»*cl"sur»* grant»*»l by .Imlg«* land and th«' fair groumls during the last being last obarrveii the «»I ! male serpent will hear tiansp»jrtation to the utiroM A petition wa* pres. nt. «t to th- *it\ «•■■un­ ("in »lav* ••( th«* Lur, and it will fe* run tlir»-»* th»' full curative value of the W.-list» r Au or.ier prohibiting Wadi«-igh A has spftjute»! a l.ami-«»me pair uf wings ( untines «d A* a ami Europe, if m»« <*Hsa« v <'«•. from »«¡-»-rating the mines further was ci! last w«*ek praying f«»r th»» enf--r<-« m« nt «.f turn * a* day. ThLs will prove quite a con- best known remedies the vegetable th»» regulation with h f- r«-i.- t»- Snml.-ix veuielice. ami his ey» lash» s have tak«*n a thought­ t»> find a market, or th«» income-arable also mmi»-. Peculiar in strength With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income closing. S«»mv < f th* l.’a.lnig n* ap- ful »Jro»>D that atl«!-* greatly t«> his aj- canned peachea amt Bartlett pea«s that J-«sephim- --ounty will 1»»* b»*tt»*r repr«»s»’nt- pear»-«uir»l ami «li u**»-«l th«* Ashlan»! was very well r»*pr«'s«»nt»»d in and economy — Hood’s Sar* on a valuation of $1000 an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this pearanc»» when the air is thick with are aought alter in ever) land un«!er the Jack*«-nvill«' last w«-«-k, most of th«* uas»*s saparilla is »•»1 at th«* district fair than ever. Quit«* a tho only roedl* county which yields such an income, ami EV ERY orchard does. smoke. The fangs on the port si»le ol ins sun where Pacific coast fruits have been number »J articles of ,liff»-r«*nt kimls from matter. b«-ing »-onsi< Hi HuaiH* ticket in the will go to was»® in oil favor« d va'ley thi> produce as good results as Hood’s. tim«- allow»*»l thertfor. v» ar, yet we are confitlvnt that the evd HHCuoti district at the election next .lune. Owing t«> th«- fact that * • nyms 1 Hi- pu- Peculiar in its medicinal merit»« you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of Th»’ Enb rpri*»’ will I m - i*su»»«l «laily dur­ H im legislative training an 1 the attenti» n will suggest its own remedy for the 1 i- ■ the Medf<-r-1 publi»* Hon. C. A. Cugsvell, who lately return« «1 Hood’*) Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hitb old age overtake you and find you penniless. gag»*»! in th«; fruit <-r-’har«ls al • ut t--xvn an-l from San Francisco, Las rtvently taken p«.*- erto unknown, ami has won for itself he paid to his constituency, to say ture, aini that ere another season r» ife ing th«* fair. ’ round we w il Is* largely tQ <»f his n«*Wofllce in Lakeview, and is to th«* approaching «listrfet fair, th»- b ar»l of I). L. N. wton ami *«»n ar«» «l»»xvn fr««in upp« r nothing of the reputation he n.ade for the title of "Th«* greatest blood honesty and ♦ lfi» iencv while at Salem means for its preservation that will take Rogue riv«*r an»! will remain until aft«*r th»* dir»*et»»rs wisely «fetermine-1 t-- postp».n«- th« n»>w in as pleasant «piart«»rs as any attorney purifier ever discovered.” beginning of .*» li--ol for th»- fall t«-t m umil in *<>uth« rn or southeastern Oregon. We give away the land. Pay ua $10 a month, lO^pnts a tree, foi »luring the last session, will make him away the element oi uncertain»j’ alten«!- fair. P»»culiarin its " g«»od name Our t»»wn is full of strang»*r*. am! will I m * th«- 2Hth inst. (’harfes L. Thurnan of Hterlingvilfe pre- home,” —there Is now m»»re than a strung « an«ii late. The dis­ mg the finding of a market fur tiie sur- two years, and we will present yon a warranty deed the acre, and f»»r th»» next fortnight. The «»«’ming fair A larg»' amlfen«’« li*tcm -I t an in*tru-tiv.’ ciib-t die«! yestenay morning aft«»r a ling«-r- of Hood’s Sarsaparilla trict is so hup« 1« Miiy R»»| utdiran, how­ p us ami render the ucciipati»»!! the m»»st sold tn GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing .orchard. «liscoiirs«» from l’r--f. M V. l;--rk at th»- ing illm-ss. He vas a go«»«l citizen, hom»- ever, an»l so thoroughly dominai** I by certain <>( any in the state. The»e wih is a great attraction. it is made, o|H*ra-h<»us«» on«* «.*v«’iiing last xv.-.-k, *«-ttiug rabl«’ ami just, aid is m<»urn«»dby a wife ami Lowell, where Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value Portland • ui.«piehti<)iia.»ly Be a t»»uii o-an a< Ivane»* Miss Margaret Clinvm-r "f Gohl Hill, an I Portland jobbery jobbery an«l ami inffiiencra, influrncrs, that I* than of »ither blood there is Miuall pru*pe» t uf an inmost l *•* *,,e pn»’«’S • t grain lands hi tie ie valley AX»'»’il»*nt musfeinn, has »»rganiz»*«! a mu*ie forth th«» objects of th«» »-ig.iiiization whi»-h *»-v«*ral children, a* well as numerous friends. pur i fie r s. Peculiar in its their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wln«at aud compet­ has l»«-com«’ so w»*ll known as th-- farim-rs' H<* was about 56 jeurs of age. th«» Mb’cess |y I»«- phenotne- nal record of sales ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and tin« slaves John Attofe'rry >f Forest creek profeibly | grain-raisers in supplementing a heavy quarter. _____________ Thomas ami J- hn Ross att»*nd»*«l th«- larg»* c»rgaiiiz»»«l within a short time. abroad, other preparation of India. "Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital - -\x iis th« ’ largest young horse in south.-rn i crop w ith g»>o«i prices, but our fruit-rafe- shipment cattfe fr»»m this pla«»e last week ever attained such popu­ ity of its soil,” says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson I.. . ■, I I I not . > abandon I.. ■ ■ i . I. . « . tl... . .. G k H. H. W«»lfers, the mix-’l»-gi.*i. Im* r»-- Oregon. He is bit three years ohi ami in W hile certain ultra Re|>ubli< an eliee'n . ' .. . > fi . leri.lx elioni the v. wo> t»» Portland. Th«» former went to Scuttle, inove«| his saloon t«» th»* buil.ling m-xt «lo»>r ■mly fair order, but he nev«»rth«*less weighs larity in so short a time, in the tar weal are so earneHtly Hconng which they have so we 1 begun, merely his former home. to C. W. Palm's l»arl-- r*h»-p. <-n I i nt *ti<-. i. 1370 ¡«oiiml*. Thlb colt was sired by Win. and retained its popularity county should learn this as an axiom. Senator Sherman for I hh anti Milver because asingh season has proven iniiii- Th. serious illness of Mr*. I. C. Canon H«» has supplied th«» bar xvith th«’ tlm-*t Ray * percherou stallion Easter. Every bread-winner at the forgo or near the cutting saws, or in ^rand confidence among all classes speech of recent date, the same oig.ins irieious for them, when the »ruut-le ar«-es last week was th«» oeeasi«»n <»f a hasty sum­ win»*s. liquors ami cigars, ami a lim» billiar«! sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or « ’ f people so steadfastly. W. A Munley, th) able an»l clever private ate Limin g high tai ill to (be skies, largely from their own neglect tn taking moning "t h«*r brother, W. E. T«*mp!«». from tab!«* «»an also I m » fouml th«-r< . <«ix- him a s«»elv<*d ltide- R- k I dnt touttend at her b« dsi«l« . Sh«’ is call, for ho will truat. you w«-ll. marri. - I to an «»stiibablo young ludy of p.»rt- Vit be sure to get tho Peculiar Medicine g. o. p. la on ti*e verge of «iissolution, lor iM'iideiit of Mich a situation as prevails tu a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years ’ work. A The scb»x>l-houso bull'llng 1- rapKllv ap- lalid. Both Jftvffa host <*>f fnetads, who wish _ I «-.i»iy for th"in unlxmffilod prosperity and happiuess, th© monopolist* «iesne a monometallic th* fruit n arkdsea-t ami w»»st the ¡-ret 1 Th»* Foster rai*»»*»l by F. T. I)»»wn- proaching »»««mpletion, ami will more beautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­ _______________ occupancy in a short tim»* n»»xv. Tim l»oar«l ni win» h the Tunis heartily joins. ©tandard as much as they «lesire a i r«»- etit y» ar. ing »luring th»* present m » u *<» ii hav»* dem­ ftold by all druggist«, fl; «lx for £3. Prepared only tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. hibitive tariff, an«! if the party brcoines onstrated that variety to Is» on«* of th»* l«est of dir«!Ct«-rs el«)S«»d a contra«’! with a *»’h.--l by <’. I. IIOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Timothy Dagan. who die«! last wc«-k Write to us, and we will semi you our illustrated book of this great for shipping purposes 8»>me of his three- furniture company of 1’ortlaml for th- 1» *t at an advanced ag®, was one of the most Persun, Worth Knowing About Mern.msly divide«! on either «¡m st on it styl«' of desks ami *«*ats thr«-ugh«-ut Un ­ IOO Doses Ono Dollar year-»»hi tr«*«ss fe«re as much as 700 pounds must fail, i he money ot the uionopo- highly esteemed »t the pionoer womeu of valley and our Orchard Home. building, at a n>O9t H-ivantag«- m figU of luscious fruit. liHt will not be |»onre« 1 uut freely to con­ Seh'ml Sup*»rint«’ii«lent Bn»’»- huving • :..»■•!• -I Dr. Darrin’s F.h»«*tri»*al skill has feen W»* barn with pleasure that Magruder them to procur-’ th»- furniture at wh--b *.»l< •I-i K*•-iivilie, and her death, after months I tribute to the Simeus oi hallway mras •flb»a«»i»«us in th»- following cases: •fsuff. ring, recuiled many acts of kindness uirH, fur lie i** a typical h«»g and tie- j •lu-lgi- Strahan, associate justie«» «»f the Bros, of Central Point will resutn»* business prfevs. xvith all «liH«-»»unt* --IT. • xteibfe«! to thus«- with whom she bad fe*«*n mands th«* most unswerving support , ‘Uprume e«»urt of <>reg»'»n, r.'shlcm»«» Alfemy, in u wry short time, the matter of their as­ a- .pi.unt« «1 during her long lifetime of us«»- signment having tn*» n adjusted satisfactorily from ins atiberriits. i or • an fe- r.-f.-rre'i to as one »-f Dr. Durriu s I to all parties rou»*ern»‘d. Th»*re are no mor»* fulms*. Adulterations in Food. I i’“.' it tents wh«» has fe*«-n su«*c«»ssfully treate»!. r» liab!»* or a- < -»mmodating bu>in» **s m»*n in 1 -bnnfe Reuter left home lately to attend Manx stat»*s hav.* *tring»-i.’ > ’ - « nn -T w Bays $14 Fifth street. Bast Fortland, th»* entire valley than these l»*a»l«-rs of the th»•< liristian brothers* colleg«' at Oakland, i ;<»» h | adult«*ration, but th»*i tail t- -■<'• * ’ Tut «••llu«o»i brand.s lt-)»-l»*pt *'.Maj »r’’ Or.,inflammation of n«*ck of bla«l»l«-r ami s«*ia- pi«uierr «*po»‘h in Central Point. « vil. It is on th»* in«*r»-as«>. Th-- l;.*t r-| jw«rt < «»I., but was unable to remain there, as be H«-n»iershott, wiiu basal on«» tmie !..... and ...... I,h’ rheumatism; «»am«* on crutches to th«* • •f th»’ Dairy (‘«unmissi»m«-r ■ f N»-w J. r*. v wii* almost suffecated with asthma soon ‘250,000 feet of Lninlx r eoiu-tantlv on hand. another fe* »n of sdcli material a~Mist- t D"«-t.>r uur«-«l ami left erufehes at Doctor's sh»»w* that 43.'.•♦> ¡*-r «•«•ni.. - r n< arlx half. »>( after his arrival, ami he is now stopping on -. MINING NEWS. nace to the 1» « »I R.»publi« aim in Hein­ all th»- (•><»«! preparation* *ul-mitt» <1 to him with hi* hither at Smith’s springs, in th»- Mi** Huphie Lunde, 11« S» nth Wat«*r*tre»-t, “ I inherit some tendency to Dys­ ing t«jwbo«?p things up for the g. o. p., Portland: numbness in f»»r «‘xamination w«-r»' adult» rah d. S»un«»- si*ki\ «us. Eddie Nunan remains at school and limbs, Noti -.-s f«»r th«* l»»<*ati»»n of pla»»er and tirm* th»* adulterations xv»*r«- harml.-s- > and in ¡it < ».ikliiml, however. pepsia from my mother. I suffered in tins slate. a»ia.*s«*»l down two years in this way ; consulted a swindl' d, but in many instam <*s rank p»»is<»ns D. J. Graham's child, Springfield. Or,, llce. have d* hand«*«! himself, »feservt .s ladter They did me w«*r«» foun»l in articles of »v»-ry-day con- th»- i".i»l y«*ster«lay, boumi for Portlaml. number of doctors. treatment than to Lav»» i««s shortcomings ■ painfully affiicted xvith granulated «-y<*li«is, G. K. Hammorsly ami son hav»» I n »«» h sumpti»»!!. A larg«- per» •ntag»- of »*anm*d sarah B»»rnhardt, th«» rem»wm*«i actress, ami no good. I then used her <-<>mpany were aboard. She will play to para«1»-«! through Lhe R»*publi»*an prv>N ' compli'-at«»«! with ulcer* "f th«* ♦•y»-feills f-r t.»kiug <»ut »»«»Hkhlvrabl«» «lust at their wing­ v«»g«-tables, **u» h as peas p»-ai ami string b»-.»ns. Relieved in your August Flower dam als’v»- th»* town of Gobi Hill. in the manner ihev have teen during i ion» months; cured. were fouml to contain copperas, «»opperas. us. d t»» • •i-.wah-d houses at the metropolis, as all th«- Dr. Darrin still eoutmu«** free tr«»atiu«»nt and it was just two the pas-t fi-w weeks, AH who rt*«*«jgiHz * ami a niimls-r »»f biiking s--ats hav,-fe»«n sold at high prices, to say giv«» a greeu «-«•lor. Th«' American Mining Code, stamlar»! au­ m-tbing of th»- several thousanil dollar* in to all fr.»m 10 t»- 11 a . M. «I.nly,ami tho.*»* will­ a bhk c-n general prim ip es L ng ng.j ing to I'uy at half pri«-»*. |o a . m . to s r. M. thority on all sul«j«*cts p«*rtaining to min­ ¡«owder* ha«I l»«*«*n ••«h»»*t»»r»'«i xvith amm ni«i pr- iniuni* they brought. days when I felt great relief. I soon realized that the Major was merely a p»>- ' Sundays, iotu IX C< nli-l- ntial <- r-*'iltaH--n ing. wat«-r-rights, etc., is k«-pt for sub* at the to give an artiflcal l»-av»-ning str»-ngth ami t<- got so that I could sleep and eat, and p«»rmit of th»*ir carrying in»»r«- w;«*i»- matt»-i. It i* s;ud that John Walt«»rs <»f Ashland hti» ». mountebank, wl«» sought to prey by fetter or at the »-ffl«’»* fr»-»*. Ofll«-e, 70), T imes dli»«*. That was In tip's»* <*as.-s th«-r»- is not «mly framl Imt who was indicted for attempting to black­ I felt that I was well. off the feeling »»I veneration prevailing Wa*hingt»»n street, 1’ortlaml. Th»» dis»-»«v.-ry of a v»*in of galena by «lang.-r to th»* | ablfe h»-alth. V \ mail H. Gee by threatening to publicly three years ago, and I am still first- fur any ore and anythfhg a ho i>a«l aught Question blanks ami circular s«uit free. M«**srs. Davids«ui and Bailey last week, Tribum*. - barm* bun with all unnatural crim»» unl.-s* Have established h Lumber Tant at Mulford and will k» • p on hand a larg« class. I am never to «Io in Mipprvssitig the rebellion, I Dr. Darrin tr«»ats all curabfe private, uhronio in Jo.*ei'hine county, mark* a new era in h«- |-ai»l hi in a certain sum of money, has assortment of without a bottle, and Ho! for /luftr ami his highly Havore«! yarn al»oiit hie ! ami nervous «lis«*a*» s, *eniinal weakness, s»»- th»- mining history of the vall»*y. Th»» ore is ¡••'anted. His brother, W. W. Walters, ami Two Days. • cr«-t bloc«! and skin »iis«»as«-s, nervous debil- being the renowned “drummer buy ul i ity. im|s«t«*ncv and other w«-akn»'sses of nian- -«ai«l t«» a**ay «»v.*r $70 j » t t<»u in silver an«l D. II. Wh»»tstone furnish»'«! $250 «-ash bail, if I feel constipated The undersigned will eav C«* IP nt • ami,a* th»* proK|w*«*t ; ts ar«» fair f«~»r a largo i l»*a«l. the Rappahannock ’ wjw always taken I*»’« *»i, tumors ami irregularities Iu wonu'n, body I..-..«,- «»f . .t it ill ‘ r»r«il the least particle a dose or two of it, it will protsibly prove a n-»h fur E «gle Point, Bruwn«b«»ro. l. i«» »i « k win- L will now be forfeited. «/ hy sensible men, while ferr lafe weaknesses, etc. and Big Butte every da.\ in the we. a « x Wm. Vlricb. who has so long an-1 Well August Flower does the work. The strike. ________________ ceptitig Sunday, returning th»» seme da', 1» if. in;«-d the duties of district agent f--i th<* those who hear»I ol his mythical peach a and • nrrviuf the n?a:L i rs ami Mer’hAnts’ Insuramo ( ■•( beauty < f the medicine is, that you or» har»l in f,< uthern <>reg"n in his perr- Happv Hooaiprs. ami * x re* •» mat’» i f *.\ M' .mx i - *’i|| in the ffeld. all report* t»» th»» can st, ,p the u^e of it without any bad i gr’ii.i* • b thpjugb the east mutely « » - Timmons. l’-?stma»t»-i • f liaxilfe. I ti«»n xx lr n t !*♦» r • i * • «■ b \\ • ' i i -r\ notwithstanding. Suno int<-r»*st«*.l I !• M L- 1 li 1U <1 effects on the system. la i « »1 at».-!».i oi tl. m.«¿ii j« »»nt j « osm I h '- 1 L . l.l«-»*tric Bitters has «l-'in- are r» ason»*bl . u- of his success, have 1 ii ju -i •inpl t»* ami In»!., write*: 1 ties of «-uj lox cl cl.ma’e ir» in th.» trip t> San mor»-for hi »« than all other medicines com- this matt»*r, ami ; Constipation While I was sick I 1 i I - i I ‘ r«*p»«rts T. £■• »» io concerning v --- r,-- this mark» t first-class s harmless I «».••‘ e told. N. jw that the G. fe 11 everything it in .............. this connection -nncction we we «’ « all ’ail attention attenti«»n to t«> th«.* th«.* nj>>«-d tho bin«*»!, f«»r that l»u»l feeling arising fr»uu our Very Best Pt-i-pi»* while th«*rc , A. K. has exp ,*e«l hi* !» luil.ifent preten­ r»»pufati->u -«f k»*»-ping u»»u»> but th«* best ar- Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, «l i t J. o. WritBluau, published ds-ewbci««. | seemed to me a man could feel. I Contlrm our stat» m«*nt w-h» -n w • . tion* to i.t leg the th uinti.ur l.»«v. tb*l» * in his lim». ami h»» »I »••-» m»t mt.-ml to f.«rnu»r aini stork man. of earn«* place, say*: Aek«*r’s English Ihm- l> :< in Hi- -.K-i.-tj- which was orgauiwdIasi v ar. was«/all men most miserable. lean and hi* mu! is t»uwed in grief, it «lue- d«-vu»t»- from that rufe. Mr. Milfer has inad«» ••Fim! Eb’Ctri»» Bitt»»rs to b«» the Iwst Kidney superior to any and all • »I i- i r»-i h < 1" !" known 'as th«- Xativ» Sons and Dau^li- say in conclusion, that I believe i seem tv»» bad that tl. very pip r* who h a g.-m-ral r«*4u«*ti»»n in his pri»*»*s and will not ami Liver m«»«licine; mini«» me f»»«»l lik»* a th»-Throat nn l Lungs. |n \\ n«*w man.” J. W. Gardner, hardwar«» nn»r- t. r- . f Or-'gon, held a meeting at Ashland August Flower will cure anyone of ’roup it is magic and r. h . sang his piai es the loudest hi lhe rutir*v !••• uml»-r*»»l«l by any tfeafer in har«lwarv, <-hant, *ani<* town, says . El»*ctil'- Bitt»-rs is andt ■ ct M.-.-k at thé «-oni-lusiun of th«-«-X'-r- 'S'-s We offer y»>u a sample h-»tt. In ul n u» nt u.imi aign* idiu.ihi se • »it to her- Hr- .»rms. eutfery, ammunition, «»b», (¡ivc j just tin* thing fur a man that is ail run down her. this ll«-rn»dy ¡-» s« -d on i p -,t¡ indigestion, if taken t »lb Pioneer Society, Ilofe’rt A. M i II»- j al«t liie fai t that t.’.u I armhss peach- him a cull an l ju«lg»* for yourself. : ami don’t «’tir«» wh»-th«»r he liv«»s or dies ; in- inter. w S , l.-.-t.-d president, G.W. Dunn s. eretary Life of Misery with judgment. A. «Wchard fib is ui u p;.»-.» w ¡th the »iruri.- i fuuml n«»w Htr«*ngth, good upi»etit«‘ und f«*lt I Mi" W. H. L«-eds treasun-i. Th--y w r-- M. Weed. 229 Belle ­ I - nslituted t eomuiitUt-tA> take steps t« ward mer-Loy he. which the doughty Major ( a .* iu lift»- u iniuut Hid just Uku h»-had a uew lease uli life. Duly • Tr-^t lx i fontaine St., Indianapolis, Indi” 9 i Children Crv fbr Pittlicr’s Castori». ' ¿ jc . a bV^lt’, at City Dr'jfc blOYt». earned “grub ilbtur a gtn ration past Akt. * 1" rutting purmhuunt c-VifitiizïtiA MISCELLANEOUS. Catalogue No. 34 is our new FALL AND ¿INTER BOOK Which we mail THE GREAT PORTLAND ON APPLICATION This Work Illustrates and J ascribes C. H. GILMAN. RED HOUSE TRADE UNION 714 and 716 J St. and 713 and 715 Oak Ave SACRAMENTO, CAL. itSTABTEB^rb: I DR. ACKER’S ENCLSSH REMEDY: I I Opens Sept. 17,1891, Closes Oct. 17,1891. MIIQtO *•) th» gnat Zapador« «■ Band. dirti -t IVlUdlu from und trip on ail pass« nger iln«s. Ew*r since the establishment of the first paper uh the bay of San I ranci*cu, which we ¡»cbex-e was the •‘Alla,” removed iron* Monterey in 1M9; the inhabitant« of the Coad generally hax-c been inter­ ested in the news from San Francisco. The “Alta,” like many other pioneers of ’4.’, has succumbed to the inevitable and gone over to the great majority, and, like other pioneers, has Inrrn succeeded by younger generation«. The “ Examiner ' ha* taken perhaps the most prominent place in the newspaper field oi late years, and it* Week/ edition i* very generally taken by those who want an interesting and reliable paper published at “The Bay ’ ]’.x*cryone is familiar with the Premium Offer» n; >3c by Mr. Hearst, the “Examiner s” enterprising publisher, and it is only necessary to say that this year the aggregate value of the premiums—of which there are .'«.(MO— is f 000, will h are distributed among all the subscribers to the paper. In addition to these pre­ miums, which range in value from «»0 cents to $7.'»00, every subscriber receives one of the four great premium pictures, which will be mailed to linn in a tube direct from the “ Examiner" office as soon as lhe subscription is received: “ Ths Betreat from Moscow,'' ty Meissoiicr. '• TH Rom! Chariot Rre," t-7 A. Waner. Lach of these pictures is 'J’x.’i inches, and they are elegantly reproduced in fac simile, shcwrig < very tint and « red the great originals, ri, her one of which < ould not be purchased fur < 100,000. 'Women zzi Ciliaren First." Sy C. Napier Hecy ’’Christ Leariaiîhe Pretorlnm/'ty Gustave Doré Each of their pictur-s in reproduced i:i photo gravure, size L’lxJ', a id eminently fated for f«-am- ing.and will adorn the wall« of the moot refined home. The subscription price of the *’ Weekly Exami­ ner is fl C'.HD'I sc!‘scri|4i<>ns may be sent either dirt ct t > W- R. H« aTst. l’ub i>hei, S.-xn Franci«»co, through the LiiM»dn>uttand w«*IJ.vcntilat«rret»|M>nEH- U .ifii.-d ..fT. i, i.,r kh I. mi *, r<> <.f a«^«l »art- ' ii I ouh I Hiul im.turr lari«». m<.M <>f wnich la t. n. ixl and .«i acri« in < nltivalion, (.«. ihir wiin alanit I.V tona « "» good Imnu-a and two lirad <>« .1 mi .- two burli., a amali dwclllng ! i'“' ‘ 'H*1- .,"1 I'1“« «- >«'d land ih . Inorai.} Mtuated torà »bali rapidi, la on ly r' " ’*’*”■’■ ",»'1 l«<*«• «m.'< and m’t imr. tlnin ttve mib« trom ttu- S 1« K li .nm.Atta. I,..! to thta I. a w. ili .1 . VVia V c«««m. «Il«' Wholr w n àia' ? Il '*«w«>' aulì purebam-r) ’ .Il aiM) b<- Hold. F >r i»«rt h ii I hh « «* h || <>n or ' ' lo SAMt EL A a THI s . W. h ’V v .H c F RAZER Alii BF.MT IX THE WOMI.n. m.'wmriDu quahll^are unaurDMard actuaJI. Outlaaun« two boxea of iw, «bar brand atacM b, b-at. tra ET Til EOF % I, xV JOtlgALEBTDF.ALEIWOF.NirRUJ.T.Fyr OLEOA.L BLA.NKS .... . .. .... ..-c a------- -- * M,t ,0.r.,.,Ao ; 2 r J * .. Settle Up. p<-i-f>oiis ar»’ her« bv -■•.WM..» H.,.» ..„i.. *w*;. • L‘MI “1 u | «ni< k of r!“r ,<1H M ,U ,„| H|h t j I ) ti;.<¡¿a » » • ail iu«ii»i x «ho- um a ¡i « * « K u "■ •* ■ -■>• • H ÍM W« 1 ¿i * «ITE.