11^ ¿lu' ikuiüíúuu eimrs «tocutic aimes. PubiiMM -l cv» i > Fi la j UH A lì 1 J > I’K« «l*'t I h I • »K. NEW aun TIMES dinc «»flic«»—Corn« r rhir-l .«nd ( sir« « tn. Kates of >u»»**ripU««ii; JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 11191 •ncc«»i»y p«-r annum, innovane» • him in»»utlis •• thr«*e iii'»tiths OFFICIAL UldüCTORY STATE t»F OREGON. I S s. n»t .r*. .1. II '»"• "• ■' S . ii It. -r'ii.iiiii 1« ''•’l¡»',r.-" I «li- • "i‘ri’«'“;";- u«.<«< w. m .-. lt»>y«T. S.-«r» iA’v 1 M st ii.- Hrl.l.- Stal« iM-.umr« r. I «■ '• ■' m ’•"* ri I»mr F ’ . IMU • "UPJ. F :..... I'«*»ru« t i«m. F it vl ’r.ir.u. —» t « m J.« U■ U - iilraiwn, HK-t It 1.1. I O- 1.1'OtK r. . ..... „rixiiM J.I. X-.1 .'■■¡..U'l.'. I.Ak'- -lllri KM.U. ' • * ‘" "" '. ‘U ■ *’ “ xt. r ib.trK. Aii-.r.i-A. " >1 ■ ■•'. ^ J X« k SOA « ’«»CNÌ V X ll.e .r, rn- ' «•» r,,.‘-1 s Curry. J. '» 'I «""■ 1 ’• ’■ lu.u. Ì t< N«*H; • •“ •" r". ’ w. ».«y- «»r B' H H.iv■iiiond; » I« i k. M. Vluih r; >hvi itf, J. ti.’ltu-l*. >. K-< T-'-v. " M ¡"‘".T- urvr. G. E. Bi’*»»*»• r ,,r« ’ *' H.imiilon; m*lu»ol >»ip«’nut« mb "!. « ". i*n«’. . .".u v« v»«r. p Appi-xat«»; » ' »roii'-r. > i . u -«« ii ; >t««ck hi-«!»« « l«»r. W. F. S«ng« r. jiiM.PHi.xr; « *»c.> rx . Joint S« »»at »r. »V . >i. C.air; It |«» « • mat i v . . H It MBivr; ('«maty JndX'. Y ’ « <»m- rni«M«>nen». C. V». Hue •»»*. F • I» i a. < K Ci»ai»"l«»r. Snvritf, Ja.u« s t - >1 I rvas’ir- •T J W. Mtn-r.-r; A**- <•» •» . I. < H.iriii«»ii. .*vt*«M>l So pen nt. n l.nt, W A. M.«*si« Mitv«y- ur. C. W. Huwiw; « »ron« r. Dr. v\ •« kl.AVI vrH « «»I > I v Joint S«*nat4»r. <’ A. ' ’’»«"»* »’H Lak-1. R« p rt-Mvntatlw. A. Snni«T »>t Ltk« ; ' .»nntv .In G J. s, »>rr; »■.»iuinp*si<»n I; ’ .......... ... T. F«»rbvs. LAKE < '«»I’N iY. Joint 8etmt«»r.«’. A. •‘•X"'*'»1 »’f Lak« ; K< p- r.willitliv.'. A. Milri'-r. « ...«lit» J . ; " A WtiHuir.-. «...u ni— '■•'>.•' - » ' ."'II- vh ’'. ,1' J..11.«, lift«. 'V. >..■«»" ■' " ' 11 '> »..rd I'r. HH.irer; V • Hl'. ». >• ... I riu- «undent. A. H.n-nvr; ■' «■ >•«- Ikiuoudh; dt.H'k I ii »« kviiii . 11. »1 J..n. *. me tri I ng or «iiiiirs, f u . . Th«1 auprviii«1 court «»I »n«rf«n ii»et»ts at Saletu. rrguiai term« « «►'i>|it,,"‘,l»K "n th«i n» -*l M«»n«lays tn Marcn ami <»« tof’er: a’ c« n- «ileton. ouiiHUvncing «»n Hr» *• '‘d »> m M»«y The circuit court lor 11»«1 ur»»i ju-n* M ds-tricf ••U in Jackm.u count v «'"< M.u;»>" m Kuril i^’ptemtxT and i»«ii«iiiit” r. tn N uuatii county on scn ' oib I Mondav m .tunc ant tirM In l.iK. . unt> nin. .. ...... lay in >..»■ ml', i iuir.1 Monday in May an I tn. -■ • ■ '> ' '> ' «> III IKI..IHT, In I.'l.ll. c.'Ullly ........ . Monday* in Marell an I Aiiml'l >or .'ai U-om-.iunly tn. ' ".uni.’,'1 .at. an.I cmuiul-al.'ll. »» c.>url* IU' < I ' > m nln. .....i.ii. n.-.w wi'» "" »■*' ' - pl.inc .ouilly. Ill' nr-l M ol..,» m Janna... April, .I'll, .Hi ' ' «•»• ‘ every ailcrnat«* iiuuii n. v>men» ¡icing ’ »• m -i M.»n«iay in January. t .»r K..ou.*i•»«•■■mil) giv IlTMl wftMuvmtay u Mar« u. Juu-. >• pt» »»«•• r and November. r— PROFESSIONAL UAKDS. W. H. PARKER, AM> «’»>1 Nl-bLOK A1T'>HNEV »I FJANCIS FITCH. tri’OHNEk* ANI» COI N^EL’MI tfe-d/orrl Orrtfon » oi'N'ia.oK SILAS J. DAY, < >» MANl’FACTl’RER <>F Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. r m & REAMES’ Its Especially adapted for Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardi'iis ami Lawns, BEEKMAN NEAT. LOOK OUT ! 11 REAL ESTATE AGENT I BANKING HOUSE, DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP. YAQUINA BAY ROUTE for these imitations and substi­ tutes, they are poor stuff at the best and increase your misery. Take Simmons Liver Regulator only. You will know it by the large red Z on the face of every package and by the relief it gives when taken for Dyspepsia, Indi­ gestion. Constipation, Biliousness and Sick Headache. ll/r flKL nl\L T NO MO-RE,BACK ACHE o.\ SkiiiüiT.Y Y j ./! N.'hh'»H Jack to hv it(r \l i;i)"|l 1.1 I k W.ISIIIMI IIVIIIM.. Or. Sash. Doors. Blinds ROBERT C. SMITH, WiNDOWAND PLATE GLASS HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT iTl'oKNKY AMI <<" N.-El.oK tirant’» a robkqt mii • .VrrollNEY ASI' ' .H 5-EI "'» Al LAW HARDWARE, • IttcK ion i'ill> • ,,»‘ Stoves, Tinware. Cutlery • M. MORRIS By iha Tiiousand ! HARKNESS, VirOHAf.Y ASi) OfN'bl "K Al LAW, I OILS früh TREES à SHRUBBERY, WM. M. COLVIC, 'l i \W Wkil prm-tu 1 in a’l ’»>• « mr»- Mate. IH-tri« » Attori»« v • «I t •• » •'» al Ihslrt« ». • th. «• in L«»mi II |,M \SI> t'"» V'LI.oB AFVoKNEY .htrkinnrlllr. OrifJ*»*- 1 W >. .turn*. M. I * OF ALL KINDS Mechanics’ Tools. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS CAPITAL STOCK. $500,000 NAILS, ROPE. CASH W. ULRIÇU Lowest Rating Prices. MEDFORD 93ICON District Ageit. StfITH & WESSON ♦I a/»»r»/, Or»r.-g»n. < .ftolx-r 4, I --I*. Ja« libiti« ill«*. Or«-<«m. THE OREGON LAND CO NORTHWEST FIRE 4ND MARINE filoni, < >i*«1'¿‘o He«ir«»rti. E. P. CEAPY, M. D. I» H Y S « C I A N A N l> ■» I' H i Nr«|ft»rtl. Orrin»». KVh* e it Hamill»' SH reel. £. B. PICKEL, M. D., M«'iroT'l, Orrtcon. Cal is prompt j Att«ind«d »•» l»«v "t N tfhi « Htt« «1 on B stre«*» R. PRYCE. M I- Il V .' I <’ I A S ASI» ' K«r«1. Or«U'»n. Hhcr in TILE FOR SALE Grain. Stock and Frait Farms. Also City and Suburban Property. Williams Brick Hui 't.n- SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. MAPS ? PRICE LIST WINE /’«»I «/. *>/•< */'»»». < INSURANCE CO. ilin< of All Kinds r H Y I» I «' I A N A N 1» S l II G «'air* or««iimtiv 1rt •n<|ft| t«> »lav «»r m C. TERRY DR. D I’HY'h I AN \ N l> * I HI. I■’1 ' « t uli-ili I'n'iii. llmioii A AND SPIRIT Fann Sale. LUCKEY &CO MERCHANTS REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION for Cyrus Noble Distillery, J.». Schlitz Bn 'viny’ ( "in paitv, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Schiiiirlt A- (’o.’x Sarsaparilla md DEAFNESS, Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waiikt *lia, Wir- Causes and Cure, City and Country Property For Sale. 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon Ü- ELKSNAT, « l\ II. I X« ri X 1.1 Ji M •ll.'iit. tint h Mr» « it» i »» iu i S|M hunt' Children Cry for Pitcher’s Uastoria UNIVERSITY OF ORECON, e you I A CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET. TO THE MINES. i TO EQU ZE THE TAXES. NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIA­ Tim following is a list ofcas«1* d'>rmation Tlie wtate _ _________ ar,I of equalization, created trial in the «•ircultcourt forJackson counts .it of a part of the country tributary to by tli, laM^giKlature fur the purpose uf th»* Heptember term, which b«»gun on tho 7th Before leaving Yellowstone ¡»ark, those Jackson comity generally, and Jackson­ eijiialixinf asueHHUienl" throughout the fUHt. ville especially, a tup was made late­ etate, met at the court-bouwe in rortlaml. members of the National l. bh " of coilHultation, ax the regular I ¡•ark of a b'lrse. stat«» vs. Oscar Stearns; selling liqu"r River Valley Railway Company. From woi k of the board recover Jacxsonville, we noticed that the road aonnel and repreHentation of the board i« ('olirci rof ir.ouiilit. l'ruiupt Kcuiittaiicc». I1 the ladies joining was lined with irrigating ditches filled ax follows: piTsonal propiTty. XV hi ke X*, Th« countieHR beaut ms and Abram Bish vs. G F Billiugs; d.tinagcs. with water taken from Little Applegate. MONEY LOANED. Charles liughea, of Waldo, from thS W R Dickinson vs. N H SjMmcer; to r«-- The fresh, green fields of alfalfa,the fruit first judicial district, rt-pn-xentinir .lo.eJ wjondrous grandeur of tins magnificent H nt >< t urit b s u Sp« « ialt v. Jackson cover inoni-y. National I’ark tiave never yet'lreen told trees bowed with their heavy burdens phine. Lake, Klamath and JackHoncoun cl ip B<»iight ami Sohl. A F Hunt vs. L«Hi Morris; same. . in pi» 11 '■•( <»t MapH "I all theSur- and the thr.fly app-arance of field« snd ties; 1. Bilyeu,of Kugene, from the second try tongue or ¡>«*n, and no artist’s brush Tims A Mauzey vs. Rufus Edwards, ct a I. ; \ . \ »■ 1 l in -li tilt- « tiimiy, ami r«‘cvive Ab­ . • -"ion tu houses indicated abundance oi natural .listriet, repre«entinx Druglas, Lane ami has «-ver give appeal from justice court. ili aiiiiN troni lt<«K«biirg of all new The placer Benton counties; J. I1. Roliertson, of tiie cutin tiers charms, tlie irewildertng m i.l. . I uni «Hi* prcpar«-«! t«> makv E W Carver vs. Jackson « «ninty; aj»p« a! and cultivated resources. -it ;i.| un ! Pn > iiipti«»n papera, and mines of the Chinese camp arid of Ster­ Salem, from the third diatuct, repiesent- mtluHFces, or tlie ¡»rofutim! impressions fr«»m «»ounty court. . i . p . ii i " - ihe «’xpense of a trip to L (' Coleman vs. Ja«*ks.-n county; smi«1. ling are yet worxed ; and it is claimed ing Marion, Linn, Polk and Tidamook of this gramlest muaeutu of God’s won­ il g l.atvi « Hlicc. ders in nature’s forms and siiafWM, in our <’(’ B«»ekmau vs. Jas Hamlin; to recover that the woiks ai Sterling aie the most counties ; Charles (j. Schramm, of 1‘ort- money. SEVER VL USE FAlt.ViS ANI» ;< rm er extensive of their kind in the state. "" 1 he land, from the fourth drstr st, represvnt- native land, upon Ameri« an soli, there­ W H Parker vs. E M ll"teu ; sain« 1 . MY l«l.-II» « IO J' I’KOPEtn Y IN fore waters of Sterling ere. k and the variou* ____ _ 7 , ... ;o;;-1 ( ...^ iox _____ Muhnomah county; II. E. llayes, HANDS FOH SALE. I). Lehners vs. T JI F Engel; same. dn.-iit-H Were muddy w ith the tailings i of’oiwegu, fionr the tilth distrn t, r*p:e- //» '«» /»«/, That W" heartily «»ml rrse and H B lb e«l vs. A (' Helm, .f W R«»dg« rs an< I in!>^i"!i. 1 «•«'.<’ It« « kntan, Ik»q.. r««c<«ver ntoney. unit» d hope that more mines would be Eiiion, from the sixth district, represent­ tact these wonder*» of nature, animate I» ink« I : t » il<«n. I. It. \Vet»stcr. Ju<1g<* of thia hili I i » i_, iid i<> ;inv bnsin«ss hotis«1 in J D Chappell vs. Thus Dungan and Max developed ami a road built to ( 'innabar, ing I’nion, Umatilla, Wallowa, Baker, and inanimate, and w»* urg«» our st*nat«jrs ! .. k uv SILAS J. DAY. Jacoby; action. that a greater market f ir farm products (¡rant. Malheui and Harney counties, arid r»*|rresentative- from every section State <>f Or«‘g«»n vs. unknown heirs of (»•••■. of ilr.sgrc.it I limn 1 o further augment View ot Fence in Position. might be created. and W. Hughes, of Heppner, from the Black ; «»s.-hcat of pr««|w*rty t«» stat«1 I ecuiary national aid with a m»»re gen­ At the ftrni of Mr. ( ■ave on Little | seventh district, representing Morrow. John S Miller vs. town "f Medford ; to iv- Applegate we I. ft otir wagon and pro- Wast'u, Gilliam and Crook count io«. erous han«!, that Viner cans and man­ eover nmu»»x*. kind a' large may enj ry with comfort J«»hn H Whitman vs. J«»hn K (¡«•••n : same. »•reiici a short distance on the road up I All were present except Bilyeu, John W Howard vs. H«*nry Wines; same. th»* fmk of Litt c Applegate, and then The meeting was thought advisable •«nd sati-faction tiie ¡».easure*, freatities G«*" Brown vs. J X Ttminax; sani«* ; SIMMONS to >k the trail across the Í oo G u II e and up , by the board, as ttie law only allows it and frenefits .f this art gal 1 erv of tb<* Fhs ki nstcin A .Mayer vs. A J Barl"W ; the Siskiyou*, in tw’u or three places world. ............................ LIVER thirty days in which to transact its * busi nain»1. Z'cvo//»«/. 1 hat we re- jgnize in tiie Yel- notices were posted of an application to ncHM — a time considered by them a« en ­ regulator EGA 11 Sulsti"in V". J«»hn A SalMrom; tiie county court f- r a road to be built to tirely too short. They have therefore luw.-l'jfi.1 I'aiK \--.i lation a i'cnm»*n■ 'Wiling and the «livid»*. Tin* Hail steadily, but not taken thia exit a precaution, though J. H. ZEILIN & Co., Philad’a, Pa. JACKSONVILLE OR atnuptly, climbs I" the summit of the tfu-re is no sure pros|»e< t of their being as given to tourists wiio visit the park C II Elinor«*; sanm. every comfort, privilege and facility in Sipkivotis, about twenty miies f um Mr. ¡»aid for i». F.qt l l v. It was decided on suggestion (il» ave’." place, and f»om the summit it <>f Hughes, of Heppner, that circulars tn- the way of imt 1 >i . ,t . .u i \ i ng «n h G»*n« r- iuUKtune ¡»iik tr.in-p »rtation line, uf Minnie M Deuval V". J. M 1 »«-uval ; div • r«1«1 tlieproputed r-ad to tlm summit from tions as to has«*«« of valuation. I*. ti'r. • :: ii- p nli «•! its l>ram h«*H in which (•«• > \\ Wakefield is superin­ Harry W Pric»« vs. .uvic«* far su|»crior to . House, S. E «■• truer < 'al­ ami it seeme Minni»1 Smith; sum«*. Hoads rrcate comm r-e. R Md’ build! secretary to whom th** rorre*(»ondence C <’ BEEKMAN. not think is » X' t- i«*d anywhere, more I H<»S. <>. REAMES. \\«‘st Ashlaml Dit'di <'•• X" 2 v->. Win <««••■. cifits. Wiiliunt high w ay s a people must ami mn »«e-ament rolls can be sent. A vote i resul»e»j in the choice of the temporary esj»c<‘ially in view of tlie niimerc^b dif- I fltcfntty the fnltoirlna Notice appeared In the injunction. consume tiie entire piotluvt of its fields, ficuBirs and ohstai k-s that are to be en­ San Francisco Chronicle. Joshua Neathanier vs. 'I' H B Tayl««r streams, toreste, ami tin* ptoduct i* lim­ «»leak, J. W . Carroll, of Union county. countered and overcome, tin* ¡»ark stages same. • Judge S----- haf hi illn« •»> h< Aufh rr«! from the atate, and obtain whatever ini >rma- 1 Wi .t up r»« \ nil» v , "at urtliiy, S« pt«mb«-r » W n la tn« tt»’ \ all« v. V ««l;n -w; i h« p - th> larg« «t stock of ami Chas J Kurth et al; to fons-losc mort- market outside of their immediate com­ tentive. «tialwlrs and -t-'niW« h dl"«>r«1rr. l ater the YV , Hin« It« Valley, M "llda ) , St |>t « III b«1! . 14 W i¡ lamette Va ib y. I'i ina v, >• j t • u . • i lion would tend to assist th* board in its ( I» gag«-. munity for the product of their fields kidney- «< fi: - 1 to jx rf>rni th« ir fund ions and I I h met fe Ya I» y . W«dnrH«| ay , Sept... /•’« o »"/, Timt our thanks are renewed Wiliam« tt«- Vali« y, >at m ■:a y , >■ pi • n ' r. w>rk when it convenes in I December. A * Peter Britt vs. H C L« wis, «-t al, sum«-. he p .■. 'I hii' «-Ti'kd the life A citizen of Jacks mville Bas »-tate»i that I (u our secretary« . . J. M. Page, and we of one «•! t' • 1 • t proniinrr.t in», n in Cali­ H J T«»e| vs. p.url E Winston, «»t al; same. gieat deal of «lestiltory diecuMsion was «•• nupaii) reserves the right l«i change • i.'imr . i will run M uidav s, VV« Im'xila.v s an i pi ,1 i \ »«'i t u m ¡ «i« 1 at« «la> * are tr'"'’urd w th «Jiihctcs. r >.vr1 nj nnv de- mortgagee, live stock and de» nt «4 »I»«1 kidr« «•* or urinal v oigans. The mortgage-tax al; sunt»». men as tlie cd zen aforesaid. The cin­ for indebtedness I1.. I t II west <•' HlMt. don't «!«la» ¡»toper ti - ..tni'-ut uu’if «»u are and courtesy , to \V. <». Johnson, Gen. H inmi E I • wj . i; i m . . , . \ law also came in for a shareoi disctiHsion, W. B. WEBSTER force d t'» g v« up your d.«;lv duties don’t nabar mines are on the south slope uf C. C. HOCUE, Manager, and (’. VV. Hrivev, Asst. Supt. M> Hits; same. li«»n lb. A I*. \g t, Oregon i >Hv«*i<»i>rnsnt (’<>. »» t-.tr »"¡ir i-i"!!«1’ on •« uthlr-s linimrn»« Gen I F. a P. Au ». < > I’ H. :i ' the Siskiyoua in Csl (orn a, but they and a decided majority declared them- <4 lluhds, to «», \\ . Wakefield, Supt., Jonas A L»1« • V vs. J,. \ i | \iigl« • t al , «quity I'»l>«ijgi>m»*rv St..San Fran« i*c and w«: e • .•*■ •* ’.ut ike nt thr - s- Ive«» in favor of ths r« ‘ peal «4 the I hw the dl"«- i-’’ at «»tier b\ a-in*.1 tin- *;r<’ 1 s-t of *1! McK«»i / »*, Assist. Supt. of* M a r v (’ M111« r vs. W ui M M111«•! . pa rt 111 < >n • I w« re uiigina lv uwn» «l and discovered by and of that al owing deduct one for tn- Hl|d P. ( known 1» IH'-'ll» - thr < < < .« prd Oirg'Ul Kid- ciii/.’-hs of .lai ks<»nv lie, and can be real property. Passenger 1 rans|»urtatfont an«| E. C. n« v Tr . It ha-' -av« the liv< *. «•! thoiminds. deb ’ edness. The board then adjourned J H Br««wn, adniitiistrat««r <»f ««stat»« <»f Hi­ made na'.tiraly tributary to Jackson­ < ulver. >upt. of Freight 1 ransi»ortati<>n, XViiv U..'Hld it not » »re mu fo it I ut»-ly ram <’«H»ksey « t al. v*. Martha (’«»"kmey, ««1- ville Fur matiV v»-a»s the spungs at situ dit■. I vegetable and pka*.rat to t..kc *l.oui«pa»k- iur numeiotis attention* and courtesHfi SYNUl’NHUf IIIE I AW. mint-trati lx <•» estate of G.-o(o.»ks. y j.-.juity. (lie nim-s liave t ecu celrfirated in Jack- age, »1 for g" o»> extended «luring our v . saim-; sum,. IH IHE PEUPLE «H .1 Y« K-«'X. » I i:i;\ ture. Tlie present incumbents were ap ­ datiunH for visitors no mure d<*hghttu! manlv d«*portment aud courteous treat­ St« I h« n SC'ooprr v>. sam«*; sam«». AM» J«»F PHIM < ««I XI il ' suirm. r result cuu <1 be found. A ruad point«*«! by the governor, and their suc­ ment of vn«iturs. .1 \awt«T A Howard vs. •»am«1; **am«'. v\ p «end th«1 ni.irv«'I.>'.A r rrn-h cessor« are to la* elected by the voters in is coidrinpiateii from Vteka into tiie W B Kim*aid vs. Jane H Ward, et al sihi«*. H» ni* b CALTHO8 free. Mi I » I'll«- uirl' r"i4H« «l i* n-«w ni.ninia«-lin ,r IM- 2 l'-unl Ruar int«*«- that «'«11H-» * ill cinnabar camp, ami is actually com­ their respective judicial districts at tiie 1887 STOP l»lM harr«Mi A I T • • M«»id«»ws S muhi III in Ja« K-« n «« i.i. \ AN IMPORTANT BILL. pleted from th»* camp tu the tup of the regular «lune election in 18921 tlie terms < I KF *«(M-raiatorrh«1*, I arlmrt-lc ) Th«- La.st of the Modocp. ' »reg««n. t he beginning on the first M »n lay in July of Klamath «iivi le. Next year the p-»pn and REM ORE Y lon. th«* t al'T in au in Ja<*k>on county. Tlie president and secretary ami is allowed a imjx.rt.trit one. age. H«1 reiimtnber»' having I m vu L»r'»ught t > It is (tie secre­ r best ♦ x p, ri." in tiie west hav»* examined mess«*ng«*r and clerk. \ n .\< r to prevent toe uxe of ¡.utsonous the Klamath <'<>iintrv wh«*n quit«« -‘mail U«- tary’s duty to compile abstracts of the and iiijuricu* it j edietitx m bakitLt buu* ri st«■< k ct V tn » there remained at thia tun»» |e—» than die cinntbar min» s, an! w* generally con ­ u m:K. 900 Indian?«, including w«»nn*n am! • hihlren. p«op«-rty are require«! to be separately AI/’ a uni and other Baking Powrie.*, <«i \l \1 liriLUING M ATEUl.Yl .me P QUCDinAM DDOnnirTn. W lAWffrW- YttfroTe—trsg "hum "eight.-ii done, to run a twenty ton fnrnac-* night considerr «1. a«e advertised t -t sale ax absolutely and day fur Lwt» years, t he corporat ion remain t«» tell the ^t-'rv of tin»» ««nee ix»wr ’.■* » Alter the board has inspe< t«»d the va pure, and, fnl tril*». <»i Snakes then* ar«* twenty brave* selecting a twenty-ion iurnace. It is . >1 ' I la V "1'EVIAI.TY. ri< u- a^HONsnmnt rolls it will add to the Where is kept constantly on hand a complete When a^ked if it were true that th«1 Indians WiiEKht*, otfu-ia! examination show incorporate«! on a capital of a million I . . - \| Ba ear« hmm cor and tirs» -class stork of total valuation of a county ’ s property or were dying < IT rapidly Mr. Ja-ks«»n replied F * them to eonia n ammonia arid other in- dollars, ami lias a mil»* of nomng loca­ T'. ■ r, Il ¡ i. -i l • 1 1-. I’1'I tllliui. 1 »l'tfon. driiuct from it, as ap;»ears fair. Thei jurioux ingredien'x ; Hi r-fore Tur l’r.o- that It was "lily too true. H«». sai l their I o all, over three miles of ditches numl*»rs w«*re growing gradually «mailer a^ tions the result of their tindmgs is rep«»rte«f to 1 I K • « 1 U I - . ■ I . •. N " ’ ew Y oke , tepre- Thirty-five men ale th«-v.*ar> r"ll« 'l "ii. \ v« ry few y ar- will have been built. tlie secretary of slate, who in turn noli «euted iii senate and assembly, do enact —•«■ the last M"d"'S and Snakes |"V\«ir«i'i now a: work, and, with their families ties the county cletks. These officials as ( How s lint«« th« ir r grave*. Tin r«- being ttfr«1 of and t’.e van« us persons living at tiie Are then required to apply the increase or Section 1 —Every can or ; a« kage of th«*m, then* will 1« Klamatbs when th»1 «»th- springs, there is m»w at Ctunabar a per- deduction prop rr’ionate’y to each item bakrng .. « '«nsumption i> the fell mam nt and thrifty camp, I ers nre all g«»ne. powper entaining ammonia A raw mil I v P CEO. F. SIMPSON, » of real or personal property on their re The Indians are nearly all affect- W. F. READ. I’rMideot. offered for pale in thia state «ball have a destrover. ------------------------ Trees are be- U i I X ; > lisi'. X EI > 1> Xt > W TA K ING OK- I vd with it, and not only the old, but the soon to be erected there. •»pei’iix’t* rolls. „ . * , ... • j.,. k-"H and J«»H« i pliin< 1 conn- conspicuous Ia1«rl thereon with the J. O. WRITSMAN, v COWAN , Treueur.î I voting as well, are succumbing every day to ltw felled, houses, loads an«! ditches The state furnishes rooms, fuel, lights, worth ”C'»n‘ains • I Ammonia’’ printed mnh, and a towns t»» has been laid out. it. ¡Salem Statesman. printing ami staGonerx. Tiie me»nt>ers tnere >n in p a n tyjie, not «ma'ler than Evety pound uf food, supplies fur the «•f the l»oar»l receive |10 a day salary and gteat prime , an I any person who «hall community, and hardware, steel ami 10 cents a mile lor mileage.— ^l^^■!- A Mystery. »«• I, or hare or <-rt *r f/r sa’«*, any SQrh : .n a tir-t class Nursery. powder an«! other supplies lor the mines, H- w th»’ human «•ystom i v « t f«»«’«»xvr* fi<»tu must be taken in there bv pack train. can or ptekage • f baking powder with­ V. 1 \ < ¡11» Tin Pu.Lgx, Sept 3. — A" « rexult of th«1 I mm I «-ffect" "f th«» nau-< t»u> uhì I ìciuch Most ol the laboiers ar«* írun «I »< k"on out such l ih«1. ther«on, shall be gtlilty of rant««1 satisfaction, yesterday'u it'xaxtrous fir- »Lout <»ne- a misdeL!<*anor lit« i i. ? ¡- unni int«» it f >t ’!;■ -upp- "i- it pr.<»<><>.< Mip.iti'>n, rhcunuitiMii ami «>th«T ailments, t" at the rate ol pi a. li >« « e’scwtmr«*. . ... i ii i t I i I nut r / /> ... • vali«!" who have th«»r"U£hly t«-.«*t«»«l H■•*- in the lurnaiv." in less than fifty »lays .1. ('.SH EHI 1>AN t« tt»'r‘s St««mar. F el l on hi- r«»uii«ta to witneta the and lie agrees to fr«»m rational m«'n«1erlul ctirea which he per- a searching ami at th«1 same tim«1 a thot«»uxh- tmi d tlie ma t wiili ut any delay—tl i" In k-xx than half an Lour the fire btrmed while the patients of other phyei- ly ."af«‘ rcmi’dy. d«*riv««i from x«ig«itall' «»at, it .id-ks nv.lv w I « ontrilnne |2,- I ® The finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured. ¿«iur«1« and possessing in c«»ns»H|U<»u<-«» ««I .»’.hi. «>v, r foti<-filths of the road wotilo had xtarted in tlie Gritnex i ed "ta­ cann were dying on all sides. The \ ' ««Mrnntewd ble, winch wax nothing but a huge xtoiy remedy to be h . j rap-1 rniKt tie spnple. its Itasi»* of pur«* spirits, properties as a ----- —; Pi-rn-.t. bi* tn Jac kson c« u itv. ami w»* are only »f the tire-trap, and from ilia! moment till H VI he took with him wa- Hour of sulphur tn«»di<*iual stimulant m«t t<» U» (««umi in th«« Piirch.iM' Hl r«»l.i.‘»W IN», I IMF. « HFIH I I a-ke.i c-n' » 11 «ii'v otu -Uii'd of the CONI * í ■ v rac T firy hwal bitter* ami stimulants often r«- o’clock in tlie evening it carried every- an«l a «•fT« «1! "litui.lv. F« b. 22, 1S91 ami wi»h theae he cured -’I fi'e r ail We i list bold it without DURABILITY. I -«»rt«*«! to by the debilitated, dyspepti« 1 and filing Iwloie it. For bourx after tlie fire every patient GOING EAST. without exception. He £ I FXf.l I.LENCE c! ^•^v, or the citizens of Yr« ka w ill be langnt'L xtaited tlie wind blew a gale from tlie put a tatdespo«»niul of tl »ur of brimstone Jacksonville al s.3u \. y/C»‘Ur AS HI.1' and beioI(, 11Q anj w.¡| complete their present nortlieaat, and tlie town wax completely | .» (H c. M. K i - . 11 x r . - into a wine-glaas of water and stirred it ax «• XX l»«itr»M k at * II» A. M road. Th« n all tr.iv» 1 to the spti«'gK> ah d SAFETY. LOADING Note.* from Th«* Century Magazine. at itx mercy till it cal ue I down utxriit -i . with hts finger :ns’«» id of a s|»oon, as the r»;4S I1. M. H It ( f cheap iron imitations. “^’pmen’s « f siippii* s into thK camp, o'clock and gave a lighting chance t<> i ij CHV* Harbaugh (- at *• 4 1 a m The ■ ntury Magazine' will «•••lcbrat«' tic "itlphur «ba s n«jt an.a'gamate with wattr. l,ld all exports of quicksdv«*r "hi go • i Cat 'loguc and Pnre List to| 5 ’»I c. M. M <00th aunlvctsary "f the discovery <1 Ainen- tlie citirena to wav«* the entire city from When the sulphur wa- we’l mizeij lie Leav«1 Davlavtllc at H;.jO a m ., l.’.’T I’ SMITH A WESSON, ' «‘a by publishing a liic <'f Cwlumbu.* written *4' »i come v»a i ks. t ruin. A h many ax seventeen .¡r eighteen gave it as a garg'e, ami tn ten niinutca ¿»:*>5 i*. M. U Wtsx." The glory ot lackHnivtlle wan when block" ar« ill a-liex. l l.e Vogt 1,1.x k, the paGvnt was out o! danger Arriv Ht Merit..rrat«»t . stat» -*inan the mines pulir. «I ifetr treasures into ¿fessHiaiBBa 6.(10 I1 M. op. ra-hou-e, Methodist, Baptixt and Con­ “tone kills even spei ies of a fungus *in a ami author. The work is a ritt« n in Spanish, her I mp , ¡ nd the in m s mad«* her »tree's GOING w gs r. Instead of and will I h » carefully transhit«*<ì. s. n«»r • ■oi-y xith1he!i prospentThe ciuak- gregational ciiurcl.ex; tlie large im|,le- tn an or beast tn ten minute1* I.avu Mcdfor«! nt !<'<■! a . M..2MM I». R.aml nient wa.eliouxea and atores of Gtbon*, -pitting out the gargle, he recomm cm! ed Cautelar, whose iutere-t in and admiration 7 to I’ M. •is liave sat on banooin » ‘ hairs and M. A li-iei A Co., Filloon Bios., E 1 ’ the a*«Howtng«>l tt. In extreme cases, L. av«1 DavHvill« Hi 10.10 a m .. 2 12 r. M. an«l f«»r America ar«' vs«*ll known, has mud«* a movements until the Ft ¿¿era d, and the handsome h i< k w.......... «•artful study of th«» new historkal material r- rated all pubi c ¡.. m wbh»U..Ee iiad »»ven « al’ed ju»t in the 7;37 r. M. I \ IK >1 I lio \< III " OF EXTRA L« av« Harbaugh sat 10.17 a . v ., 2:20 e M.aml iteurïng upon th«» subject, ami it is >ai«l that last renmant of thrt'.wri’s pr«»s|»eri y t« block oí I . C. Nieliebeo, laoidex five ■ r lin k of time when the ftingua waa too .• i • ,t mliirai land, bcm« a part 7:41 r M. his pap«*rs will l»e very riciily illustrati li. 1 1» 1 »«* ih the x x hundred rexidences, all succumbed «•entered in th«» collrllu'll-e i in i \ < t I ><»nat lop Land < 'laim; L« av« Wlu'tnu k at 10:20 A m ., 2:2«*» r. M. ami n» arly closing t»» aitow th«* gargle, he Other artici«»* dealing with the di>«*ov»*t v ’. t, k ; am I.-•i»«»m ami, I»«’ iim Mi«»ets. Th»' Si-kiy us ar«1 s»‘Mtnvd w.tl tlie weal, xa» e the de|,ot bn Iding and i a patent cannot gargle, taken live coal, I ii - i . .mi.-«.« tl l« «l iii'.'ii iii R.'tfu«1 — WITH IT.----- Lv< AM (’OUNTY, | mineral wealth, ami it will la* «level pv11» of sulphur ti|H>»» it, let the sufferer th«1 s.«ni«»r partner <»f th«’ llrm <«1 i - J.< hi a h • i- I ■ t lurih« r into’inatioii in- I lomo < >llioe Ji t Roads aie fort runners of railway* East­ charred irutiks ol tlie liantlsoma xliade , v A ('•». doing busin« s*H in 1 he vity ■ d T"l«-d'■ i lhale the fume" and the fungus will die. i I \i;i ow . Y-ii'aiid. Oregon, or ..‘»untv ami slab- af.-nsaid, ami that -aid war«! from Jacks«mviile ;i< r >*s the valley t’eee The teg.on, too. ttutinded by I »It \ Y . I‘I»'»1!I I x . I h'rgoll. !ln the Stat" Insurance Co’*. Iluil.biie.; firm will WN l’OKTI.AM», ASTOHIA ANI> ti llANY. DOLLARS for i ft' h and • x«iry « as«1 of ( v I hey will timi theit l inón xtie-t, is cleared out, xavL only news waa biought from the sooth by a reach Jacksonville. tarrh that cannut I*» cure«! by th«1 us«1 <»f ■na» ket at some p«.»m? "U !!.♦• Southern the I rick xelio dhouee and the residence straits steamer, which tame up from Iliis for sh «• h larg«* list ol H A 1.1. H C a TAKKH C vke . ¡of («.urge Kneli, and these were only lalcaliiiano. Two regiments of govern­ I'ai-itic »ail wav. FRANK J. < HEN’EA. There is one point < h tlu> Cinnabar “ iv d l,v almost xtt|>erhi>iii ,n efforts I ment troops tak«*n to that port recently • me ami sul»s<»ril»« oo,itil0 from (’o«pnn»l»o bv th«* trans|H.rt Iui|»e* 6th day uf IkM’emlMT, 'rail pfsi’h««». s irtii A lilari'l Mount Sh.i"’a t««wi‘is white above the worth ol prop itv hax gone up in tl,me*. riale revolted wb• I**»- A. W. OLI ASI >\ shifting cloud< To ihe n.illhaar.l, the Eortunahdy the Ccsmopolitan and I ma- | defeat of the i*> i|mac«»«ii>ts at t'lacilla CAPITAL STOCK, #500,000, II,. <,reK..n Lnn.l«<>..wa».xp.-eiall> orvHiu/.."l f..r the pun..-." t Lu-. a«..l' !''ic ! S t .. ,r.„ lan.l. an.l hax.lutina th.-i.u-t'woy.ur* Ix.uirh« un.l *ul..l" ■ .1 ■ i • . '■ valleys of the gi1.«!«1! and ¡»•.-set Appl — tilla hoitseH save«!, an 1 the*«* iti«”«» two l** “‘ I 1 ri lay. Tlu*v ri...«« «»...« i....«». .n —x_ last shot «.. t«> deaili a1! »« their houses were save.I, Notan Public, ‘ _ , up) ,11,. 1,, twenty II. re tract*, the XU<*CI *" of tin* IIII'I. I tak lie - - i-a. u m t. . ¿ate, nn i th»* s'op s ..f mountains tin- hotels fiiripsov«! shelter last flight for | otic-ers “ an«l disbanded. Neatlv l.fhk) J Lowriibrrg, President. lart'li Cur«' is taken internally ami > . , «,, . t ,.ii« ,,t ‘«xn t rinds i»hi<*e«i <»n the mm k«‘t. 22.» bnv«- I>« • n i-> ■"I. Hall'« C«h .......... W. Hui,,’ that I.na.r.'.ot . liol.e and in fruit willyieldu larv r Im- tm-llnui I...... " I hun re«ls whom the fire had remlei«»«! coal miners join«* i them am! tog«»(her _- * mm- " |S Mir- toucj>e«l by n«o>p' i tois’ p ck , the wa *11. M. Grant, Secretary ami Manager. act «lir«*ctly'»it th«» l»|n«»d • ami ers of «^qiiaw lak«- and Ineir inb’is and I homeless. Olliers tuumi belging nt the they iiad pracii» «ihv taken p««sst*saion of *h« at in th«- M-*«i«»‘ippi valley. ... faeea of the System. ? S nr«* f«>:tunate n«*igi;t»uiH( (lie towns of (' »rotiel, on the C'*ast al>out fr«»e. W.. an sella small tract of'ami for the «Mm«» pnet p« r avrv y«m w.nihl h.iv« t pay divertin • an 1 t iab<>r. Roul-ati'l ci« s-- ami still others sp*n( the night on the twenty-five in.!»1« south <«t Concepcion. •> S"l«l by «lrugg'^Xwj-M—L large farm. J jroys ar»d t»ads into this ru uls, ami hv-ways bank of liie river, keeping watch over X 1 sorts of ex«« -1' s had been commit­ ntrv will «1« ve lop it a w<* Hth an i make what little they had rescued irctn tl«e ted By them. Il'jti-c1* ami stores ha»i been ititary to Jacks n county Su< h flames ■ntainitig ha- It is imposstbl»* al tlna time to sack«1«! ami burned, the slightest protest I • • *• Hl ciilti id hails will son»«* «lay »-Gunecf make any correct estimate ol flu* amount against their actions was met by rifle ithlingK H i«i with the S'a. Let pio- Women had neen abutted. Some I ack so of ins«ira»i<*e covering the pro|»erty de­ shots. i«»ugh 1..» a • tl t ¡i« | ':««<« , x i n ah* piodm ts and roads, stroyed. Many who were well on yes­ j outrages were comm t’e I also m Concep- ne«*r it ipiiw,» rh«1 will follow. F I eion and Tah aimano, but the force at ami raihoa terday morning a*e totally ruined or a . m | «»| Kairle I badly crippled, while many poor people 1 tlie ilisposal of tiie antliorities there had I P'»int rail- • tl»« cr«»p been sufficient 1 o save them fii.m the fate Yvo.. Sep:. I. — Mel­ who ha«l no insurance lost all they j»os- (’ hey enne . imh «»fcatth* which iiad overtaken pmple of ih*Mir« »1. ASHLAND,ORECON bourne’s ra.n-ni ting has been crowii«*d ' sesse«J. . Coronel. As >««n in I seli” in half a day ll.tXXt.OHU bushels of <’■ r«.n«d and protect tiie interests of f<»r- bourne’s predict! ns. The railfall ex- wheat, not one grain of which any oi eign resi«len»s there. Government of- A Choice Collection of iur utt xuruduu ah < «*». tended ov* __ i a radms ol >f iiimen or tw»*ntx I tliein will ever handle. I or this useless . ficials lief»1 al«. » h ■.v«* taken b »«*|» b to In-at YJ.’I. Wfilters of l*ak« vi« \v t""k a ' arl<»ad .»ides around th«* «»itv slid t>«* official ami fooli*h work they are rewarded with the mob into submission. of*h«'.rsen to P'Ttlami lately. Th«’ f«d"Wing measurement wa* on<*-half an meh. g< (>«1 living just the same, at the expense «t •! b\ an aurini of w«»rld- Th« s«» wh i w« 1 1 skeptu1«! a’«» now «’on- I of «he p o-ucer«*. who, iiavtiig to p ovale I» it iii'ss «■i'atli(.iHt«i<| and «•ti- Mr...!.. ¡111.1 sbilli.’b r> l«ult Hu».' Bun." Errarli Tan«.» Wat«r>. vinccc that there •* > n.«ith tg ill M«»l- «•«»tlsIH. 'i. 'i it. it \ « ¡o >.■ •‘■landing, tir«t for sui h an theae. it (»«‘«piently hap- Any p«*rfi<»ii wishing to sell proper!> wi I a H. * I-HPI.....*.-. Walter- A"a>»»i>.l «»"b> Tlie-e wafi-i« are a -urr amt >alr -|>rntic 1 nt- I».o ■ taih-d. How hotntie’s sy-dem. |w-n« they have nothing left f«>t iheiiierlve« •Ih.-v will "it.r tl.e P..itlan.t rae.- .Mi fimi it to their int«»r«*Ml to call and a««e us ..« <1 ami the «-au««« n jiiov « h J for all ku.il".I (»inali. tr>>ul>.e ami »¡lire I heHe fellow« and the rest ol their kind Wali. r* 1" a -....... -"'I la>k.. cnnK ...r*.- i-, with aftid:iv>ts I inme Bl iili 'r i-ix,-a <>> ttie un nthl> i>r>i raiaer au.i «a* •'< r«'""'" « are r«**pon«ible fur “har«l time« ’ These ml., no matter .-hat t|, • < au>e. 1 béy are Irmn prominent L"gal Blank*. furrow that ma.l.-abig r-e r.l ..1. th. Cali­ are th«» nten who rob b«»iii*«st labor and wbatevery wotuan neel.ll'|.'S ..¡Il starve the ui«iow him I orphan, because »afely. T or sale by < |,(. | ■ vmir-b., e < fienii* I ..............Fran* al **g noth- » ealCo manufa • abvuyh 1« f' im l U' ÜH- l iMi." • -ffl. >■ ; uls<. thvY’ receive bvnictbing t r KVG ENE. On tîie t*c« an B» h « ü 4.... I* m.>rfgHg<- bille f «.•»!•■■ I-*--*, ing. YOUNG _______________ \»*xt fbs.nton begins oti Monday, th 21st day I ' '• rj IcfMlblank A t « vou thlnking ol vifdtlng Cr< « nt < ity n>. huni•'» 1" ic »“.n.* m •'•»> parti« u Ai. iilu*trat.-d I irti i.ituial h. -iithlt j..ur* Tuition l-’i1«1«1. 1 Aimtli. r« l»il.! kill«ii l v th« «»-• «•|«^»*- i adii«1. Or»1 111. lui ami h<•:id«t«mrteis !«»r !««iirol-. A nm- m .I.I ut .rt 1-ni.l pri *-. 'l'h.•*•■ i- I.U.■.'. *- ' g|v. n hi th. ! .itn «■• "oolh.i.g "jnip. YK hv nul *• hi* *i I-, I ■ ■( I. I. I...U* \.. farmer w .»! an and «iirro.mding four <'t»urs«s: ....................... <‘lns«h*nl, Hcmntitle. ... Lit« . r- vu lew "I tt»< th«' Pjuith I .” ui' oc. « h -«»"» -•«■■ *h\ f>.|- -. i..|ih^ uwin f .rj'. ni l.-i;..l blHIik*. I ni .th« i" g v» th« ii «i»i'«fi« i»Mi« hlmi.|. rar- r, lot 1U I'A ra .*1 »rcuU'^ by »I* C.tt»'jV- n. t.-.j x,u V Etqrl[sh Ja prtw minentlv a Business (. <• ungU •ol..cat"TV K.d'ipcd isi.lGt./ lambì.» "Ul ■ f 1' ' n«?i>tr' "plum r ur>r-• h'/ rr* va H I áibytr ..« .u ps-ri t, ; -.f, f í »»«•uiyy 4 - . < - » • < # -1Y j b 3A*hs r v. T - • .- ' AldrV* p H, FirxMiV, 1 ’ b Y Art. iT 'jWvhf Ak num*. VI N P. P. PRIM, ani » FRANK GALLOWAY. MISCELLANEOUS. FREIGHTS