East and South VIA ¿he Ikinonatk eiinrs MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEI)^ ONE MASS OF SCALES. SJIHBERH P ä CIUC CO. S LIFE The Portland home for ial'en women will soon be completed at a cost of 110,- sElTEMBEB 4, 1MH. 000. ( FKII'AY .ti/firtfff Thr^r if nr» by Itrradlnl Hat/« iHirMse t»Ktl Hl Uit Puin ti»td Lo»* ©/■ ILilr. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. __________ TO AOEVRTISERS i The Fl U KN H am m rirrul a lion «»t V.*»OO I rolli« k ¡h.uglasH, I oiled > ales Min­ ister to Hayti, lias tvmlvied his resigna- tion. lie gives no teuson fur his action. OLD JOHNNY AP.** i«i« nt. A group of emigrants was gathered in the long, dreary passage whi' h op«*ns ou the bay al the Jersey (.'it y >tat i<»n, am) as the passengers waiting lor tin- mhimght train strayed Hint way they observed a stolid, pathetic look on each fact that told of some greater sorrow than ¡be loneliness of a *1 range land 'There were t he aged gva i«iinotle*r, the father an») mother, and A i.imuynf half grow n chihhen — little men a* ' women—who moved and talked and looked like their elders. But they were all silent now aud sat motionless on the hard l»enches on which their rude luggage was piled. Between the father and mother was a rough Inal, extemporized from shawls and comfort«-rs and a coarse clot h coat, and on that t»ed the youngest of the family was sleeping, hut there was that in t lie as|rf‘ct. of th«- group that, denoted mk I i a deep »or- r«»w* that, one of the pas.sengers approached and askeil “Is the child sick?’’ 'The Danish ja-ople shook their heads it was an unknown tongue to them. Butuue of the boys, who had picked up a few of the necessary' English words from his fel­ low travelers on the steamship voyage to this country, answvre<), without moving a muscle of his tare: “Yesh—shleeps An hour later an ufficial stop)>eurs, ra< ke»l w ith anxiety as lo what they should d«>, dis- tra< t»*«l with h grief, v«*t unable to speak a word »if their trouble to the many svinpa thizing hearts that were within reach of them. They left the littl** iiaiinl girl baby, cuntolgued to a foreign grave, ami went mi their way . but though tin y ahe«l no tears, there was that in their blue eye» tiiat t«dd of a «irep wound, :u.«l iLjubtless in their new home they will miss the quaint little tigun* in its blue woolen dress and round white <*ap am! tiny woodeu shoes—the D.inGh l>al»v tiiat lie*- pjr.m» ui4- d«*r tlie dru.l»* trees «>( d»-rse\ C'*ty. — Youth s Coinpatiiou. THE GIRLS OF NINETY-ONE. FULLMAN BÜlïEf SLIMS. ALL SORTS THE LADIES MILLINERY OLD FOLKS PAINS. «n 1 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. i NURSERY! >11’>*< >> SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. Friend of Woman Apples, Peaches. Pears, Xheincs Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, • ««" ■'-'7"'«'»!« ■< Olir*, now OU I wrt Blackberries, Ho lk ..I -HKl < „J t(1, , d Strawberries, Currants, ¡ii-onrK -.|.r... I..., i,,„P,, Raspberries, Cooseberries b.».,., m .,.1 I,..,., ................ |(oiix). -n t| J o*, n ol Ju. k-ouviu.-.i,, .1.,, k,„ and Crapes, h..Uli..I tl,«, ,| THE RIVERSIDE NURS) RY I n lu<*at'»-•'. < ■ i> It r^ ii tarin, an»! in th«- i sonth»*rn « »r« S • fr u H U i e tí cd :? v cn SC! ' n ( ( i: rt d ’>U I a l, r.lx..lari.l.l. . r. .-t 1.. r„ M|._, .r.'l I ll.pralrti.'.l „w.L-, n, ,.. H.u Ean !»<• r»<> lien on said I.». *»tH" au.t that tb, < I.-Ik „I tl.. sani L"urt he dln ct,si to duly r<-i» :n>« . » au,-* I ami di-vtiarg. th. sain»* on tb< margin < t lit* ■lord tht »nd f.„ ,,th, , 3»Ud iM.rJ,‘tr " 1 “’‘“‘"J b*'»'|ultal.|. inn. n. u J. H. WHITMAN. Att y t«»r Pit fl. M» dh>rd. < *t «'gon. I CCD LSV5R OIL v/i PALA' otes. ’ CITATION i¿¡LK I i ryuit < <»! J,»«.A-'U. tat«* » f ii. Ex. 1*. ! W in. M * . * Ju- i !«-t Attorn» > I ni Judie*.««! itihtrivi. I'.« ntiff'VN.tbc ii!ik*i"wii ii'-ii- <-• Georg« Bia« k. >!«•< « HM-»I. !u-t«*iidanlc. -\vtiun at la*w l«i rc<-»>v«'r r«al |>r*'|»»'Hy e-M hcat»-*l to tie- stat» «•» < h « g»»u. it'* unknown heir- «»t <;«-«»tK». Bhuk.d»- « • a-»«-*!, ( jkel i JS«. HEREAS. AN I NT « »KM Ai I« t\ ANO <«»M |.taint, m tn th«- h «-ntitltU ■«*<•? ’.on. wa I'lMint. m I m h » . v « . «-ntithd u«-ti»»u. » t•• .X ••-ti'»*i1. ■! «-«»urt. < i .tu i. ou . , t h» toed I iutht in th»- ab<»v«--UHni«-d • it July. Is*,*!. hik I it M|'J" i aig to the taction of tin- < ourt tUervtruin. that on* (icorg, Black di«-d mv-NtHt»-. Mt jMt’kso!» < ».uni* . < >i < L’«>e. ».y ibi '«Hi dai ot ... October. . I-'>•». au»! thnl -Moil «I» • •■w;ng >1 t ill > W I 4 of >« « I* I li< N l.’l >1 Illi N w ot , P» ;,!!,« til» >i >4 ot 5, , is. AH in Tw|' S mhi U, of Kang«- 2 W« M «ltUMf»-'i .»ml t»« ing all within Mu»! Ja« k- •n Cuiiniy. <»r«g«»n. An«) H turttu-r . apIK-aring to ìli» •»at slactiotiof the c<*nri tliat tn»- ti»*ir-* at lav* "t -H!«l G»-» h w Bnick. «!»•* • ;i-«-«t. it alii he had at t ii*-1 nue of hi* deal «», arc iinkm >' h , Itolh a> ..-»u to nani«' ami r* Nid<-tiet ; It i* tie rct«>re oi-il< r«*d by th* court h«r« irw that y «»n ami t-M« h ot y <>u ai « h» i • i«y « .<• J jm' r«‘|»i ic«i to a|>|»«ar 'm tin ai»« v. •;tii .’ -« l-t« mi«« i I-'.’i. ami ah«m «.m-.«, ¡* an . y • hav«-. w iiy ttn titr< - <»1 tn«- fut40mg «n *«’ t i»«»- !«-al prop« rty -lioiii«! m.t v .»t m tie stai»- • • » ii »-g«ni. I *<»n«- at Ja« k*» -ii’, id« . Ja« k*< «n Count * , * h « g »n. m «.p. n . ^.t.thi- M-.miai. 1 .»n ia\ July. lsvl. I !•’M I IC. U E IlSTEH < Ir». I'.n .linlgi' 1 or th«-l.-t Judicial Di-tri* t < tregoii. W LIVER PILLS. Durati»* lire and Wattr-IW I’aint DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN 0« CONSTIPATE. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, S um Cm fom Sict HuoO;i eiiOB »*y Purifying ,ha Hi*x>4. Th. d-^ can b* rlr-ely •■•.'•s.ted ,«> »u t th* caa». m on. pi i ran num !»• too .arge a due«. Ea.ytot.k® •a au rr. i' h -ugar 4*’ , a gut up in a *«r< ng rial wh n H'. I • Hrri»»d u e«t pneket A C.reat < o.»..* ». Tra'*»*ra Ruttare« ■».. los» Ç.a.la. wllh« •a» "» rraera»" Treff» Sarte. So ff ff ’•rrwterr», îfcc. a tatua I ib 0* Doe. and Prtaa Route for te. »■ itaay«. DR HARTER 8 IRON TONIC. I r* K ‘ . r F. . I P»..-:AT»St-t Lier® iti h F TR n • «»-?<•' • « ,ra : FF: LIT Al Fl' ««HteA-'Ha . »:*•*!-. NTb GTH »' T raL ( THE WOMEN OF OREGON ) SUMMONS. THE DR. HAPTifc MtDICiHE CO. ST. LOUIS. M0- < >n a St rilí<» BILE BEANS I 1 ve the SM \ I I M f <* p. - >urn Beans tn ft.e lut- • riti h - . ' * v i •* : i Hi"i.*..U- t.-»- #.H VG««* vííitvr sir«-. v_»r. ¡»er Battte. KISSHJ J.f.SV THi.;? ,JB *1 . ■ • i • -s nr n.' ... ST iCuiS »,'0 2. If You Have Ko appetite. Indigestion. IT at u bnc®, Ri» k I!»'U»! m cIi« . »-ail r»iu !*>•• lug ITeuii, y on bill ( ‘uu Tutt's Pills the renmily > oa tier*!. They Ione np Chu «Aeuk «■i'.»ti-.M<-h and build until« IlMggtwg vtieigi««. feufTerers from mrninl or pity xl< xl o* croook will find relief I ri'i'i; h*'iu, N icely aug*r cuutefl, bOLl> I \ W'llEKE WIDE-AWAKE TRADESMEN S. S. SMITH, Prop’r. lnf!u <_'ir«'uit Court ut th« Stat«*»»t « »» « r-'r. lor th«* t'uuntv iNtri«-t of Or« gon. Pla.ut ff. \-. 'l b. I nkiiowii H» ir»* ot *f mitants. A»*ti"u to r< * >wr i « ai property ***< h'-Mt<*d t«< the s-.aV- «»1 or« u«»n I ■ » tin iinkt" r a n h» :<>t * ■ »>rg» B a» k • • * « • ■««••*). D<'t«-ndunt*. U N \M! *•! 1HI >'l ATE OF *»I4E you and »■».«■!» o! you ar* ti<-reby r« i Hpp» ar am! Hti-\k«i t||. . »uip'ain». ¡gaiOH yuu in th*-above entitled action W Hinn t» n day-from the dat«- ».t th«- i-. rvn * «■! tit - >umni •!’- upon y "U, it s» r\« .1 u thin tills county, or. if st rv»*d in any «»tti. rcounty o! » h,- State, then within twenty day** fn ■ - th»' »'.al. «it th«- -«-r \ n «• ot this -umuion- up<>¡» you: and it y»»u tai, n <» t <> an-u «-r. tor want I tin i»-*»! th«- Plaintiff will tak. judgnt* nt aga'nst y ou t«»r th«- -« isin and p«»*-»-*.-:* n «>* th«-1«i iowitig d<*s< rit><-W I r,t Xeet.r.I. I- th. M *1 fl«« NU 4 >♦ « . 19 and tii» *1 4 t >• * . 1- Ali in hip t- ". "th ut K.»i W'-t. Mtuaf's! iiij.u k-*»n « ouiity. Or« U"ii r«>K* ti>«*r with V. «mt fl - «-oMs an«’l d>i>ut-* - im m- h< i•« n to t’*- tax» d lh-- »uinnion- is puhiìNhc») in th«* 1* em »« « K A 1 I» I I M » - I of < i \ «'» HIN« « tH * < v • « k- I \ t In - ord. i of Hon L. K. W • b*tcr. .1 u">' • d th» 1 i -t Jo«! cial l»iNtri< to1 « »I« you, uhi «1.« Miei «lull'd at .1 .»< k11 v i li», .1 a«'k*»« r 11 * ountx • *i • gon. Oh th«- lotti dux ut J .By l-.d W M ' M : *»|.\ IG iMMrni \tt«u'i.«-y )i-ti tel An n» y ‘ot I’iauit fl Petition for Liquor License. T- 2'L8^iM£W7 Li F g ÛZJ CATARRH Alieuiiiatibin. Neura-gia, Corn- HEADACHE. And ALL PAlN. Th • Cà'ifornU Po» t v* ind X’i. Each 23c. 50c à Î *Tr& < r> Prop • in* Ara»!»« C«’ REDLAND -1- NURSERY, ÜBERNATIONAL HOTEL PORTI.AN J». THE BEST---- UNRIVALED BICYCLES, TÏPEWRITEAS, For Over Fifty Years A *0W- . ..J------ ----- a. L. AiLNJUA Eft».. CUVMHJy. *A A OUTJWJ aie tLe Fartn3'‘d J Children Cri for PìtttàFs JDäStöH» i<.ii,r , à .la*-'- ■ L amp orci» eat K onlhi w «,. <»>«..• Augu-t IS, ),-*.»! ( OTH E IS HEREBY GIV) n i H a i 1HI hdp»u liig-namrd n * ttl«*r ha- til«-«) notte« «d ui- mt. i tion 1«. make final |»r«»of in -u|.|...it < t bi - «lai m, urn! that -a-.«I pr«>«>t will I»» mad, b« for« th»• imig« <-r « it i k urt <•< .hi* k-*n « «'iinty . < »r« g»m. nt Jn< k-<»nv ; !» . « n» gull. <»n Saturday . R , W’ w M. H* nain«--t lit ««»¡lowing wit in-*-«-* t<» pr«>** h in «’»»ntmuoUN rcNidct)«'«* up«m un»! cult ivat)<>n o! -uni lami, viz F.t » * «"' hin . E»1ward Ring !j y. II« nty Stickw»-g. Manu» I silva, a. • t i I n:<-ntow n. Ja« k-«»u «»»nuts, < H» g<>n i JOHN H. s’HI PE. R.-gi-tei N l\ I III. >TA I I Free Buies tc and free the Hctcl. Nothin»*»« « n p < y * «i an«) m» «hiiaiion fn chiit g» N» <•«” ■ « ni s; ' ! l * nu ¡.ts t<» 30 centt- I'.. I I W Propriété Well Drilling and Pros pecting. ic-h.Ni.h, HAVING III • • »Ml |*t r,| i i. tor ot Dodg . Br»'N. u» l-driliing I hiniii «'—. i• -p« « 11 ully anno • mi«*«— iliai h«- Ir* ikiw pr< i'io «•«! »o *lo a.! woi k in hl* Imo in a tlr-1-»•:.•»— m.ium r amt :«t a i» Hfonnblo rat» . I will al*o tak< « »»titra, i- h l |>ro*-|MN t ntx pl;.< < r mm»-. Ti», « »*pa« il » ' »1 ........... IHX in:««'ll I Tl<* l-> l»«" I»'* t I r. B i fr» ti ■ u. i k I h;.\ •r» \ lonely ri «hfl«r» ii t p»»rt kiiin •'! t I m - \ ¡ i || !*y. -!a»*fi» n guarani» • <1. t li» r pari n ula» - «-all <»n «>r addr« U . P 1», »!K,e. M«*»H»'id he T Executrix*6 Notice. In th» mntt»-i of tin- i-*tHt<- •»! P» t«-r suiioii. «1« « ‘•HN«‘«i. | IIIHEBV «.t'IN THAT Till 1 uml«.T*igin-d ha- )••■» n HpiMi'iit«>] (.V' . utt i » ut in« <--ta»«- <»t P» i»r Sitn«»n. d«-<-« a*«*) bj »<1 d»*r «*f th» ■«mnt* < «»urtut tiu >tat«- o’ ( h egon m and f • i Ja« k•».m I ounty . tmb OT» bt»<) -aid <-M «-Mat All IMTNOUS m«u '1 to Ir» bui») h * o «r» re qu«-«fed 1.» N»-tth- ih»- nnuk * lniin«sliHt»*li. and ih'»*»* haong <*I bi ( iin againM ih»- «-Mai»- «ili 1»r«-s»*nt th«*in t*> me at my i»-id»•»»«•«• m E«gl» 'oint.oi ut th» "Hi» «- »»! \V M. < ulvig. atforii» x- dt la* . .I h » k-< >n' i ¡1«-. ,ìa» ki- «n < ««uni > . (n .. ••« H n pr*»p» r vourtu-FN atta» h»-«! w.thin > x uionth- tr.'iiitliv tirsi putdmat ioti ot tld-* notte*-. Dalcd Aug. 7. ELIZABETH sl.Mo.X. Exrcut« x W. M.<«)l\l«.. A 11 oin«**. N ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE ron— AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S MARBLE WORKS! *..ulir* Notice for Publication. OR., Conta'ning 12” Rooms. well furnished. 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, BOOTS I1.hh.rall. Cor. 3d and E Street', FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT THE BOSS th. < - rail) . -tal* ■ -I * »*■* a- n A'«.tn» umi»-«sign»d «iti/.in- «n»! »»r^. f G».Id HUI pf««'iiu t, ti.» m«»-. r«--i «tl» ly u-a y.'Ui li,«ii«»iabk- !»,*!> t«> m um t<» H ull *B-* k i-> ,i \\ M h - I« i —» i R.« ani, - H *!.»<.i.. u j. M, « !»„, (, J. HamUMiNly, * ì ».. ik « Ha Ì-. U m |* Ja..ù*» ! W Ha»-. J k M- h . i -, m M p Ja»..t.\ w' Imik. y W A. * .- k, J M» R» *n"?i-. A *‘io. niDKhain. 1 . .M. idani-, Emm, tt Sutton I M • .»iflitii-, P símil!. * *. mii;.h, w am -ll ini * ha\ n. » N» -».n IR !.. n. H B |t(.u •».•„ Ho<»ion. t \ i .unan. F. Park, i. F THE HAAOSCMEST .WtRK , u, l-.ibli-h.d m til. |IIU.a II1TI. rr»i-|..r- , **'*k- b, onl.i ol Hoi. I. U I io v "'*' ’i-'q *,*í'' ( ireuif * ■ Hirt. ma»!' IDfilllS' WARDHOBES COMPLETI ASHLAND HOTEL. |MI, toap^a, ,lUll ''tt **n «1'1'1.* io ri.. M oore ’ s R evealed R emedy . AGENTS WANTED A r ¡in'"'"“ '•‘‘""'■■U.* - I i. ' . . A I 1 .»1 oi JiKlgmviit f«»r want tli. r.*» ! u:|' At Lowest Prices. Adies' Furnishing 3oad3, Zephyr Shawls, In th« < o viiif Court for the Stat« «d Or* g»/ii tor tin « ouuty ,»t J.H k-on W Ham B. Kim aid. Plaint.fl. v*. Jam H. Wat»L fotim rly Jan»- H Ms .« i < bari»- Ward lier hu-hami. !C«»*a Fr« m h. Ttmodoi« I i « in h I ht husband and John <»i«i» <■!ciKlantN. suit in h.piity to ViiHt till, to nal«-tat. «I» 1« iiiiiiH' a«iv« r-<- «-laiins th« r«*t»> ami i , r» iiK.v«' a cloud th« it frolli. " Jan. H Ward, formerly Jan« If Mül» i llia’I«-- War«! tur hti-t»nhd, K»>wt fr i • m h lll».Hl.»f. IHli p,.r Gid.ym, H« n>Ht law of Ma-.o Miil.-r, u •»t la»- Aug. |«-> «-oiinty. in tiu- -fat» <.! ’ .tul,»mia. fontivriy ot j„« k-.n » ...mn «. th.' Muti- ot ttrvgon. «!«».M-«. I. th. It, known H«*ir* at law ut -ai»! Ma-«.n \| »I.» » a-»!, an.i Wulm,,, » Huvb. -.th» ab.-v. num«-«! In h-miant- pr III. SAMhrrl I H E <1 A I E < > I < .III . ’...'¿'■‘r wr' '••I'nr.-.l I.. H|.|.. .1 ... "" • ■"""•■uri ..I Ih. Hl..,*. Pl.. M n DY it virici*:. Clxiláran’s Short Clothes. SUMMONS RIVERSIDE Ÿ..- ; r. • « - • > h ! Capitalists are about to divest $1 .BO),- 1 i lit-1 a rateai Mijojnl by may uew«|.»|»er POO in a com pun.\ to p jh * water from a Apple Sre«lM ami Tract»—He " h » Con­ Ail Other Rmitdn*» Fail, kelipvt-i! Instantly p.ibliwlie«! between Portland mtd Ke * ! Him* Mil* roía aa tien t Portland Johnny Apple*» »•»). Pioneer, philosopher, «*t a I i<»!i!* north »*r R*»*« t»urg. f four w* • k** tun» tr.dii a **kin at"l B1«***«I Pi-«- »*ta«»ii 1*1 lake aaote of thin. Tennyson celebrated Ilia kl ’«1 bi»thday Or«-g»»n t’lts, VViMi*ll'iirn. >•» • tn. Albany. .-HN« wir« ii 1 hav«* had f«*i ihr««* \« a«s. At pliilanthr,»pi*t am) ¡M»mologi.*t was he, tak­ anniversary by publishing an appeal for J une- I I’t-rtain tiuus my n M iii w»»ul«i b«- v» ry *>"»•• tamr«-nt, >n«Md*. H*u- > Harrisburg, ing no tbought of. himself and living for ri«»n City. Irving, E um »* u »-. |2i.k),•••. divi no I»|. h »»I a b«*‘ng m a |a**»r < >li. l«*ng an-l long .tg»>. N . II., baa rvBii tr«l in a »weeping victory In the great western solitudes he led the H<*-cboiir 6.J» y m Portland. »«■•r u. ' e«>n-!iti*»n. with a I«**.* *-l hair I have iru«! *r k ii * t*» l »>'k I'k« ¡Hi»w Im- . ir *< rv reiiiarkable atitl «•»•rtaiii • very kiv'wn r**in«*«l\ that was re«''dnin«*n«l»'»i tor llie Gcmocrats, who circled the may­ life of the primitive Christian, taking a ALBANY L* »« AL. DAli.t Lxv« |*i mo «lay Ari ! 'i< at h'Hin- mu us»', imi UHV* in»- A « i y th,»light only of the hour and letting a or and all the aldermanic candidates. relief given woman kind l»v i • i I Ii >i r>'»I* h»-r-tui'K I»r*»lh i ' V Hl. I I I LX.XVK luti* b»n»'tit. Su. li» anna «»! y«*m ’ < ri« ex* On many h gallant '|ii»-i; wise Pr«»v i»l«*nre lookout (or the future. i*. M IhxHHM I « ..II. Iii«l**i t.* Kiv.- til.-in a trial. ,'»:«tA P.M Albany »nd “Aloore’ï* Revealed Remedy" f«.i th»- ni’.ii«)-» behind th** lame«- Three two*pound cans ot oysters and He thought hunting morally wrong, atui !».'•• A W Eh«-first ap!"'« ation «a* « in« aini"-*t instant ».«at A.M. p«H*r.aii«i AH‘uny n»«-n w« Mr> “«»uh |»o-*s«- n *»-«) two dozen biii-tcuif» w< re recently put he would let a moHquito sit on him ami i r»-l)«'t In a I» w w.-» k** imo I f*>und nil*» It lia- won for it the name *d i i * ih »»I. an*! I am thank»" t-*r w hut tino hav» away by a Hvald-btirg man tn the short i suck his I'L nh ) until the insect was satiate«) T«»-»l t> tin* tint»*** have alt« r»*«l. Woiiian'i* Eriend. — It i» uni ' hat»*Hn»l N»-ll time of 311., minutes, savs the Xmionui to bursting. I a i*!« Nsinir 1.» Ih«»*«-w Im may hav»-t n<* opjmr \i • plai ni;r merry f» nnt- f"imlv .'ii<-< t'-.-ju! in relie* ing TnbH . ! »unity to u-' tin 'n». I van i »•« '«niHin-.v) them This < m 1«1 old man was the pioneer or­ III «*uulb, »In y «1«» it well TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, to any on* » ‘»Ml NI» KEKAS. Th» } lid«* .««*!«•—» tin- « .nintrj r.m- 4 ( uh'ii nv. .. < hn aM«». III. A severe hrg plague baa become pre­ chard planter uf the west. For over twen­ The} climl* th»* moutitain-f»id*'. >«»r »«•« • »tuin«"*Mt’oi* *>f N«*e»,n«l-*'as* pwaseu- V» rs alta* md tu f.xpr» *.- lnum«. Am! with «'iirs that t» ai)i«*r hghtly. valent in Vnion county. The wtatp au- ty years he wandered over the states of i Indiana. Ohio, Illinois and Missouri, plant­ \h>t»g the rivet* glide. tlioritivN h ive ordvre»t nil aflecte I animals Hl*. /»IIJ.W/OV. ing «¡»pie see«Is and selling and giving Cuticura Remedies 11 the> v»- not yet be, n t»» eolh-ge. killeJ ami atb-ct**»! hands *|ua*antiuey-and-by»*. Xf fHA/V ronll iMtAtOHI il.Li.b Efl»vt daily mor»* great « urea of humors ami owners’ expense. r<* -hHke tin- ii» • "1 kn»»wl» »lg« . di-• •»«*»«•* ««t th< -kiii. -<*alp and bl»»»*! than all appl«* orchards of the west owe their origin l ib« igh ii- bram h»- touch lb» -»k} MAH. TH *1'’" f *,LV KX« EI*T SI 5DAY.) other r,'tii«*d)•■>* «•«*n>t»»»»••«!. • iTiiiK». th, Yreka /»/«-/,»’., 1’r. Reaio has been to Johnny Appleseed, old Juhnio I’m- all their Gr«•• k an«! Latin. a. gr*-at *k r> t'ur»'. and « t TH t KA >»•«»•. an < x ;.Jù a . m ...*«*• »-iTtian-l Arriv* Hpplit»! to bv the » «'mmisNionerR of the liorn in Boston in 1H5. In l*>l he ap \m! poring ov.-r lMM»ks, L» I«\* il-’. M r. a • pil*it» *km urit»« i :imlB Hiit !i,'i'.» • '*' « *>r«*iu» W n ii t»i«'«*N *m«M»fh as satin. l\ . an I < t r 1« » K \ Kt -.'i v» X r. th«-new Bl«»«>«t I titernational Columbian Exposition to peared in the territory of Ohio with a load Tn»*y II k»*ep their dainty l»»«»k-* A. AllMii» »1..I « «'*»•«. '»v.>un«t will, tram» Pur i th r and gr« at»»t ot Huin't R»*!»»«*,B» in giant them the me of ins Indian relics of apple .-e«*«l.*. which he planted in various St.*»h»|- |>e**ih*ss as terna1 ly. «*ur» • v« ry -p» « « - ->l it« lung, hui n *>l ur*M"U rRott»«' »«***>■ *•*!. |>«> ion want a happy «*,»mra !«-. places in and atwitii Licking Crevk. The «luring tlie ex)KM*ition. mg. N*'.»'\, i»imp!y . mui l*l«»t«', y dis« as« * of th»* p A II,y KXrHItw. TH.I*' KA* KFT H. SI* »*T.> remedy pveiilinrlv adapte» In study or in I un* first or* har«l originated >»y old Johnny was *kiu. nth P am! t'l-»«'«l. from infamy to ag»-. B< >nreyon ll lln»l h«*i «(tiick i \t Gaitield Park. (’Li« ago. August K, I VI 0 M u-a*'- k-.'rtmiM Ari'*' “ 3* A » troni pimplo I«• Ncri'tula. wlu n th« lust phy- on the farm of Isaac Stodden, in what is wants **f w«unaiikiij*l. .M i I 11"• giris *«l Nil.« ty.un«*. r. M Arrivo M*Mnm* *•• l.*'t«v*'l ...»■*. I ■*!« i.in- ami all «»thcr r« im du '* fail. Racine’s great rec«u"«H la aiti»', .lini. "1 have often womlereil why there was An*i in»t a I m «! w ill l»»v«* h« r 1« -s S«»I«! ex ♦ ry w In r« Pr’ce, t’miciira ’•«»« .*• rap, last wet-k. was lowered bv Whitney, who such a widrsprea«! ignorance of old Johnny •'I WMi't t<. pub!i-h m* ti -tì ihoiiih I EAST A SOUTH. B« cans« sb»- is a gir'. .‘ h !<»-«• \«mt. *1 t ’ iepare«! by the l ’ «»tler M.nU«» - Ri \ ». * ( | |» R» MI t-\ . fui .1 hat- !•• • made the »li'tance in 1 4I*2. f..r Ti. ». «-•■>•1 i»r. i<«i'l n»rat. ., Drug and * tieni.« al ’ *»rp<-i atioii. B >sl**u Applrsved in the west,” observe«) a friend grand I lnng tor m«-. 1«.r il ha- *nr. d tiu .»*|.».-i* *................ tr'-iTi«l i< i ‘ H"w t > Cm. Ii,.>«'■ S Ueail-. r. .1, rollali, < lull pv.l t *v «-n t y - f o-j . JoiH'S ;«t :l 11 liu , ••< >|||» I 1 in«- r< weighing from half a pound to five There «mainly w hs tin character any more r I IVI o.-l o' i -k il cur.si to rm i in sor. mg »or fin « « lioiirs ** ithoiit any i • -t an«i fully id* nt died with the w«*st than he in ( poiimls. They ate said to Is* very plenti­ ahi«- I«» g* t li» q. 11om ho * ot ti»< uuiiib» his day.” be ful in the Whlanntte river just now. r»-ni» «lb-s tri» d Va* | hiji |j. (. (h! Thus it is w ith all who have ever heard -u t! « ri ng. t <>r a t 1 li«- h i -1 -y i > i. i, u « » ♦ • m» • o jH End ot con»f«»rt t.*r nil Pain*. In- The yellnus have ha»l a withering anything flit -* atta» k- I ’a1.;« a l '<»« m ) «)•»•«• <>t *‘M<»or» the quaint ,»ld man. The w«»n A W^L flatiHn if i«»n. an*! W cakm*-.- of tie* re- ♦ tTvct on tlie l>elaware i*e.tcli gr»»wets‘ i der is that his name in riot a bvw»»rd an*) i !(<•' .-ali.i amlthat - tb« «-mi 4«»1 n 1» luu- southern Oregon are her. »>> informed that ! > th. Cuticura Anti-Patn iis»» . ii:«-*! m«-o< con-fiMHiloii *M* Hii-Mi.J for I dream* of *)pul*-nee I :rst tlie crop was his history a part of the cqrqmoh s, hmd ; ,n addition »<> » »MTir« umi vicmuä I line*»! : piaster, fhv flr-f HU I Illy ! *»m killing - ly . !t ria.' -ui\»«l h - li!»- an i ». ■,,o,.;.| m»t *••■ I -tr. ugtlH nl.nai p .mt« » N «« fnsiantam .ms •• stin.ate»J at ti.ifMi.iMHi Baskets, then at ! curriculum of the day. w II lumi 11. W ♦ ai'«- boti t jO happy »1 il ut HU«i infHillbi«' <-;*n ii'»t -a* «*ip j ,*,!• H» ¡1- tav.ir ami . i «I vìn «- Ills TIN POT RAT. \n eastern undertaker a k»*rti*es thus. | OM) ikkl and vvui) got «l »wn as tow U|' ot,, I « ••■n«l- lo un »- it.” The early w***tvru pioneers who knew “Yun kirk the bucket and 1 will du the [ 11,000,b00. R> JAES i .LI: ami \ Two True I'iith bt<»r|CL ¡ him but slight I v considere»! ubi Johntiy s • oi. 12t!i aii'l Ja«k* ni -tr»< t- *• •!< . \v M-li rest.” Fifty tho'i'iind wb-rans attended tue “Ju*! after ib»ii first World’» fair Lan : • » I t i -ah- !•* a.i di ;;gfc- ,_i. . vagaix»ml. From «sirsury oireervatiun it V. add««) tu H.) <»• I k the hdh.winir cia^oî With wheat cheaper than tin* darker J »th anniversary of the G. A. R. at Pe- ■vouId appear that thrlr views were pretty quet.” -aid Abram Williams, a prominent lfu«)da,ut which I haw a full liuv. » own* r t**i Ja< k.-r« goti vhen he werr any, «oubl ►» .«r« ely In» h»*l»l droves in the Missisipj i liver counties of tur th» ( «»unty «4 Ja« k-..ii. know, the conversation driftehortlv. Siiiukelu^e |»owdt*r rrizzled feature* were cowre«! Ly a growth U tlk- I NIHÌ J.'lin AU l k . h '< : Lad in New Mexico. brasa band which b «Is tail' to toon riyal 1 L> \ 1 I. Augi* 111 • i 11 ; ,. . « ■ ■ 11 » .-«« 1 A»< h. «v .<■* to t.<- bought au> plwee; alao will be usf <1 exclusively, this being the •f very shaggy t>earple.s par'» rail now M) Bur ol»l .L’hnny’s crowning glory wa* an i HI N \Mh »'gie- and forming . N gon, have met ttiu enemy in Kelli Ur keV, »nd I'ndvr ♦ years old. y " .*i • h* i • i \ i ■ «|u r ■ ■! i" .i| |'. at and M«’rr»)w coun’y b opal mine* are to be >I<1 tin inu-l) pot that had a long handle them i»« me shape of a b«*c»up ju-t disb out Mil*'* « i l h« • • 'lup aiut ot t m - al»«.v« piHHU ifl in we are thrira. ; levciope«!. Some of th** opals n th« This twittm-d «»l«| { tip;.j.«ry 4t»*u-d bs wore brant.lui lint I /*#/•/» *f Ib'ffit 1‘nihn1 f»/' Hou»/ th«- -ab. >y«- < ntitI« <1 ( »Hirt, now t li«--»ivi, •• «d t h¡--illuni. >i'-up«»t, 4 .»ii. he we-tern L»r***ts the old man always working b>r a unit rm tat** of one cent a t*»r an expert’s «»pinion. an»i cziue ba* k I« tit and pubimtie ¡, with the opini n that •»M)k*sl his tm-als in the old mush pot The was a moment’s silence, then Edwin it -• i \»'«l m Jack-on < • in».j ■ :.,'L.on . f ui if to ami trum Chicago. -••r v,-»l in it'i*. o' • »'" u«.• in lh* *tat« ..M n - Walker, attorney (or the St. Paul road, Contesting o! Lisie ands. b [ they were opals of goo«l «¡uality. ravings of humi«*r satl-fiw), he would give • - i t.• *. ' itir n Tw» lily da* <1 s fr»>m tli« «iat» quietly said: V. luff her or no New Y«»ik murd«-rers < r i)i» t \ ■.••• ot tt»j-. -utmii mm- upon * <»u : ,«r he pot a c «n-ful washing, put it on hi* <¿ lov >: m . ’*‘That’s not mu.L - I. of a fun story, Mr it K» rv»'»l on you «»ut "I Ihv >tii.* \!1 tol*L ttie enormous «tet»t wh «-h is iea»l ami ti imp ,«n ? n I i il! i»e kill** I i»v bluctncity is the « T « »» « g!i»'H*i»»u, lb«'ii tty *li» Iir-t • lay 1 th«- « II- binning question in that state pint now j «'rushing ftaiv is tv*’»» b II’ >ns of tlo^drs, or <»ver twq »l»*«j<»*lex T u© ol»J p, i was 11. V Si 1 > K KI« I » I »•: 1 ’*• -uing >• ph-u.li« i I« i in »»! i -aid < • mrt.. t« -u ft . one of the small rivers it» sum hern Ala.-kt» d news !*>r the < Leg ’ll t.»inn*r, what ttie titty-first congress s|H-nt. remarkable thing, and I have never heard Hi* Plaint ill u 111 .i pp v t <. i h< < < uri l»«r ili«- n-- lu t «!«'maml* «l Un i • :n. v»/ i. ¡ p< r-«»nal u* !g- With all in- uiicotitbaess of personality, businessman am! lueidianic. uf the like lieforv or since. They were act­ m- uf aga ■ i-t I. I. \ j for -I “ am! «t.*»*' however, «• >1 .L'hnny App esetsl bad an in t in f JuN ’ ire Fuller inis retu ne«l from ually so thick that they were wedge«! in attorn* y - - and :> Furth« i sum as nd many other thing** »«><» numerous t«» ni» n The Portland lumber dealers lately cut i tion. I have a so ro-«.ure*i the servir vaut a I -« ihu* paint »■*• >«KH 1« •'«•«■ p<*t-, your »low n the pru e of lumU*r to |s j^r ti»«>u«- j the P.ii iii«* ( oa-t and sums tip hit* ex- •eilect as k«-« u .«s the most p«»h*h**<»ui arm im- I»e seen was thousands <•( tlx-ir w’«"ggl.UM II» ii again-t « « itain i/-.«! <'!<«!*• a hi* h tfu- V !>« ns limi »hi. *» Th«»*e who |».<\«- re tails sticking tip vi 1 nt-water, eac h t- nd.mt M hiltií !» by lift- «■. r t a n » nt i ¡u » ami svnt-nce * lr’sagn*at country'’’ But en «-k 211 ■•! »!,-,•»!-, |,U m « *> I1.’. the empiiasiN wi»h which tie says it adds *ay that I * w •- h phi’«>«»;»her win)««»: pun U3, I <•» "I «I* » »I .1 i* k- " * > " ¡ni X » • t < u < »H. «'< ')) I mu i»<'W prepared to »-incute ail or­ pert, « ting .» paint th.ii woui.L-tand th» -torm. tion of its own.’ A sh<-iit of laugf/trr tr,« t. *. i ■ At the cluhe ot the civil wai the e were I i \o un.es of m* »n.n' r to th • M«ee»*li. ! i kugle for tu* J ry of th«.light » as . .♦* «r a* a j»«*r< n a ml der« o» that Une in tlrat-clasa sty •• at rvasona- hr »t ami «•< l*l. If i-no wot k ol a tin nth or greete«! Mr. Walker f. m «-very one except '•r»s."- r »••!»■« rtam moitgav«' an«! «!.«*i<»f »»•nr. I» tak- - tin • to i. -t th» w. hi a r»»"t 7hO steam vessel.-* entore«) on the nava bl»' raten. \ ia«»)*i..i Krjui/li* iti pap*r say* that | ! tak» - all th«, -torm- .«mi -iiuuld rrgi>t* r of the I nited >tates, but to-day whose f.t f*.'iL-i t-.i up hotly, tru*t ’ii;*'!« by -*i:d I. 1, Angl« an«) u.'* f.. -aid pl.»iut;!î "U lh-« *iut«*i 1 -»'j. .■ ml uhi. h tiu* i hih»*sr uiis-i n “ in a Imirably fitted tbat of a v.iihi fornia air» et. be pHiiitvd. then paled until r only twenty-feven of them survive. • a utter than a ar« « • roi.h-d n--p«-« 11\• y m t»«»« k 7. iii«»rt- MBS. P P. PKIM. W HT BE W Is so s A 'IEIi t » Senator "«pur»- s temperament and •hevt. a- he said: y»ur* -, pagi » 4‘.’- I"1' and >»<« k «b « <1-, pag» s ONE COAT OF THIS PAINT . ; >.•■ • .»r; *" .1 . * ■ _. \ en ( ounfvChrk Ke*‘se ot Modoc vou itv, ah:ldivs.” Tiivu* is abeulntuly n ,thing 144, 14- 14» a . « »I -i I Ja. k -• 'ti » < u ni y i t ■ ■« >i <| - . '■ ‘But, Mr. Walker, in\ story was true k onia! t * tii. • ■< . oat - of any «■• l)*'i I ' i t. .un) *etlk*rs with whom Im that -aid r«-Ml ' -tat«' may I». -..¡.I iii’tln iiiaii- (\ii . I»H> Non held to answer hef. re the :o I«.» ex»*vpt to »lraw the salary, and it I him by tin Ami so was my story true,’ renpciukd Mr II» i n mi *i> t*«r 1 I •■« ¡"-ur* -ai« - ; that pro* »-« *1- wih'.«-t tlir«'»'t ime» L‘.i"»-r It will tak»' th«- ame in «*nnt v t becaus«* he nearly alway* on a rv«|’nr«*s only a signature to «) > that. warp «»ill «*t -hinah - ami it».»« I«»"k like - 11a*' i r » ourt in the turn of Walker. *.l sud -*».• b. appi)«-«! ¡n pa. ;u« nt ,»t -ai I *1« bt; earneil « Big tiil «»f apple *«•«•»!.* wiih him A'hirv— « barge of having altere«i county records. "A ml the best »»f it w that Mr Walk- that -aid Muigu- m. k- a U« « <1 a nd «h i. \. i t.. Harney '*"tmty’s grain crop will In* These *«•«•»! * By infinite t«»il he gather*-«! I I BYBEE. -au! L I Yngi«' by th«' « !• ik «»t th;- ««.iirt <>f i ■ ■ • •- M w Walker th, -a «I i «al pi ••!»« 11 y < .i a pail th« r« ot . t hat *■ i »** Mr**, fames T - Polk, widow of the very larg«* tliis year an«l tor this r«*ason froiu the • i' r |»r»-.**«s am»»ng the Dutch • r'- vtory w .,* i »i< ►:«.<»> »XVII |.».. I i ■ rm t tie •rriimg te-’ili-d. It was In t ti«'»!« 11 intani- and • a,di nml ail 1 h< r»-< 1 «»tany right «>: » .i : ’» tation make-* Mur po... » 1 ia~k**t the only had l»e«-n g d!.er»-,i oM Johnuy woubi loa»l -;»<•*«, w her# t he rem «rk.ihlr sight whs wit Ilonin «ut.» n .; d hii'l <>r *<*ntrar »hsttosing of ¡lie surplus. the fruit « t 'J* labor in a canoe aud start Georgia »la'k e* are « redUed *iih be w «h.t up t hr stream if »m h .,k«o.i.L*a u«at c:ai «• ! «uI•;<•«•* t»» piami if! '.- Ii« iin , and h They hav«* thrown away th» wH»bl»’'ard.anr»u r <»t 11**11 I. u by Mr Walker.’’ < hi' ag»» i»n shaft ami strm k a thick vein est su.-pi- | )u «'f .» •cttieiumt. he went and t'-ikt, have G*l.ev« d 4aituiactur» a by W. A Goodman A Co.. Jul* I ». I**.«l plante«! hi» apple seeds. &nm©fln»e«t he 4 *1» M I »Ig I Grant- Pa*«*. Oregon u* . «rade Bilver Ute which as«ays I K AN- I* I I I « I! Au , * .* Pit ti Tl «'T. ¡. Hoinet' ing ainiiSiig ill Il.e r>< - i 1 ' »*«■ to the woubi select ail «»pen place in the forest, The se» ret ary »>f to M*'«IIo|«t »l|«K* »«id^mcut telling him that some day I ht * tliAt i'ri !« irri-oii will retire from L’.ik'O to 3,i mm ) ounce.* ».. affix the gnat seal of the l ’ nitc»! States t" too. in .n w kt there. The dis ii Mr. 1 ’ . aine wants ti epieHi'Iei:'; *! noin- the win!,* any paper wit bout a “warrant” from the HEALTH SUMMONS. ill.l'ioll. The 1->11 of ** illmgllert' I Mrs. I mma Ward has the contract covers of fr i t l***iring apple trees in the president authorizing him t«»dos<». Th”* th» *»* state?* has le«l many to Ite- the t«? ->ealv«l. aud rcmls as f low* In tin < ii« uit • »ur’ ’r*-goii, ar. » t.;k . r»--, 0««’ ai.< •» *»' -, \e*s comes born I nglaod of the sep­ to Prme\ iile, <'ruuk cuunty. she has a lieve that :«»! tb, , "unt* »•! J-I« k-«>n. Srr'xrn li.r Legs arm m !• Sure E.r*«, w I * ar t» i am! t. \V H"unr«t. Pb« utitT.- X put fl.-i La: auu direct th* ¿errvuirj aration of II. M Stanley ami bis bride distance of thirty miles to travel, aerws *o 11. M»«,N— r,»t .«'Pinr Ir.«! Bi» t he., I Wh»-n Imlu«i:a i«n«l Hiro - t»e«.»uiv w**B t«» « .'*')M* 11»«* -fl ' .«t N»' il < ! ’ Ii• I mt« >’ M.«!< - to th»* desert, with only sand, sage and *- I n Pm k.u d. >.•■! • P i< kai •!. N. A H«<* « , I of a year ago Their temperaments -vpi .'i. • »• >rih. i.i-.-xse.l S -ii!p, and »’) .h liti I'.I. k.u » Ii.u ¡. - Pill K.u I \ P;|. kai'I. settled, »»hl Jonnuy extern!»*! Lis wander­ I m * ;«fl: x«»l ’ ■ • [ « L u t ♦" i*r ft;*. <1«*«”arn».'tit «nay b«*J prii: « ry fo ■* uf th..- dr-,.,,. h Vi> a® were nearly imlenlical, b«,th Iteing pos­ jump- r in sight, and not a diop »•) water ,!• fl* i-< n I'.u k.iid, \ *■•.« P.**kar«i. |.«!**;iid ings wc-t of the Mississippi river aud dat ■,’»•*1 ■’* m»-_ ami f»»r no ■» ■ I’rl«'«*, ♦.■»*>*> per Hottie. P.n-kar»l. R B Piu kai'd, Ji . Limit»« A*« i*. itivist-*. They have agreed to separate. on the route. ---- ------ L«» Kl« ha««'» <«-*l< P;.*k:ir« I «-mi • ••»- 1 ' affixed t" nothing but ’Th»' giv.tf damaged by trie rust. csiteciaBy in the tion of Cuba, ami the >-/// is by no of th«* pioneer he wa.* known and always rate«! Sor,« • LI.«-i» P •* • n! -**»1it 1‘ k.oU. x \ Ii \ - I iiat Cuba w ill sooner or welcom»' « un») c«»n- <>hoco and McKay valleys, where the mean** alone. 11«: must ha'© made twenty tr«*ati«'*-. pr.x ;mni bin«, commissions. par ,i* •»»:; P u kai «I. « hai »•■ l’a» kar»i. \ l‘a< kar»i. later l»e<*oine the property «>1 the I ntte»l Liin> •, and i l *»«-**1, which Ji'fl» TN«»n P»«» kar«l . V1*• ;» I a* kai «!. Ed win >1 such animal trip* as the one above de­ don-ami pa*«porf-*. Tl*» growth wiw unusuaiiy rank and the Pa* k.u.!. R. II. . . P U» k.irit, .1 r.. Elmira Avery . in ii-, »duct- tim !• .»mlai i,»n of tLe lams during the ripening ematmn were States wh have always belmyed. ’Th#» scribed. When bis s**edlings !*came large b;i'l or ah;iw# .loini I». I’.»« kai'I. Ri» hard Ko» l’a» kan! only question to l»e »Ivtvrmint* I, is b».»w enougli h,i ga\ e t hem to the settlers or sold government, w.'i- worn» b «nd replace,! by « iirv, I* o b| «»i pur» an.* the heaviest. Jan«- It,i l’a«'kar'i. Mary I»*'- !’.»> karfl . an i |*i i« «« » 5 <»O per I «»tt I«-. to a» »|U re it. h n«*w one in flic early part of I*’**’* It is a 1. A !‘.i* kard.1 them f'-r food ami clothes. K I1 hnuU (KK<»*»N. -••ML OF IBS PECl LlAIlintS “I nde Joe Cannon, who was left at api-« nr am! ' northwest provincet* is greater than ever Irritati' i«; u. l.afii a I rmw *>r ».■ r One of the ino-t ¡>e< uli ir characteristics use«) so l"tig was imp» rf< * t ami n»*v**r did answ «T ih' • « • >m pía i nt •■! th»- almv»' i'l.-entitTN home by his *ohstitu**rits last year, must was known there la i»»rr. It iscakulate«i ’»'•I - r-u.. i • Price $ *4 30 per answer t«> the Go).leí» Mp^nioh In- th, * .«I« 4 tin - *»'i i i»'»' ' *t tins si» in nions upon i ti.ontbB, wdl Bp rtquire i t»y remove the si »nal »amli Lite again next year. At He )e»l » -iuipl«*, moral ami harmless life. We would a-k the lad!*** ot this Wrm.-rn Although using the seal i- -up’pose»! t«• j»*«-f l<«n. t r - ,, ■ t ■. n - •». leaht it is fair t«> presume so horn the an ­ He wa- th«- follower of the new church, a * »ii. it * »a v«'«l in Ja« k- >n con nt y . • »r« gon; but <‘«»Ast t«» lay a-"!«* th« r pr»*iuim» <»| Swedeiil-« rgi<*n, aud Iu* never lost an op- 'V asher a fair tria . ami I«» «» nvim »-«! Tn. r«* nouncement that he has purchased three fl .*•> prr Botile. tli* ii uiiiiin twenty days from th«' tr« meml 'Us* U-. it i- left in Ct » >O treTUVhdt is ONE wash«-» .11 th»- world timt w d<>go<»f »f a clerk, ju-t ju-i lik* iik• • »i «i" her pi«**e <»r it « s» I r* f.»rtheeff « e >»• »: n ; « f .- r . ' ■ • - J«K> nrw box cars will arrive from carrie,I with • mialway- a lit tie bundle of the •»■*! I on yt»" y o" ««ui out "t »«t th« ‘.title *>1 * »r« g«»n. ♦••»Hrd. Tut» Hl»«) l‘l«»th« H Ba-»k« t. W . »««I.ttu At Dctr«?it, the other day, the grand -»¡»«I erapti l*i I» »* 81 < <* p r E"i of fm nit ure. ami it is doi iP*1 fu* if ? lie &<■< re- ..r l.y pub". o »»ti«*n hr-l «lay «»»«!»*■) |»il * I luring the earlv « nsmug *«-pb iii ’. h i, l-'.d, t* rm -«i i|»ih»n and price ,»t whn I ht tcwnmi pany. I our enormous engines, each to army incubafed the subMarn •? ut a bill to early -« ttl r* on the border of civilization. tary ,-r**s it twice a year .u i fin n tr> Un» i f. I —«,.,*»»■ }*».< »1 j. .. t, i-!•!. ami lu w it; th« ’.i u «lay *>l ’ scpt«'iiii»i - ’ i I'plieHtion. • r. e\ • '* er » • • * r' . i'r ntra* ■» «, . . weigh 1 L’ll (Mw) (»oiimls, have b» en oniered I««* presente»! at th** next se-*i >n of CUII- When I»«- toiild make Ids return trips he »lays uf the government it was guarded y«»u are lierai»* i»»'l ilitx) that it on ail to gre-s, piovidmg that s« »l'Lurrt who weie ■ woubi rake those tracts up and leave new with much vigilance, . ■ its apt»earance àppi ill alb! »«))"* ♦ I -. ai«l «-«»mplaint, as ii<-r» l»y Prie* •**! OO |M-r from >* iirnr» ladv. Tarie R>.»m JliM'b «*.’••♦'p«-r imuith *»» nt e'ervwherv, C. »». |».t «MCüT»-!y »>«.<»*) d tier« in. to-wit. l.»r th»- n Ind * dcniumi« * - The utringenuy i igiit. title in»r Spokane Hille. I hat ciiv has abandoned their coniiijcii.tnt. U hoop er up THE Rb HAIU>* HRI’G t’o . AGENTS. simple minded fieople of the towns and vil- t hr people 1« look to the nrw-j*apcrM ami not nd» i » -I, nor lia- <*ither <«! th» in any tight, I ite proposed exposition this year and its '»«<• and ’»II .M h i k* r **tr» ♦ .*, the r« a! property to a piece of parchment for their informa- till» «»r mb i'N? m and I he >"Ui h»*i n 1'avitic ('uinparij’s stea­ lag«*s knew nothing but the oi»l faith, and tion San f rHn,-i-< »>. (‘al. li*-r» in «!•*• '*cril»«’»l, ami Tiat tin y ami « ach <»1 costly budding stands unoccupied, a St L«» uk Republic tb»*ir i»elief was strong in superstition. — t'irrulars *»'Ut t r»-*-—- enjoin* «1 and barn*! b>i a-*« rting them I»«- • monument er. cted during a maivelous mer T l )ora»lo, wh'ih r*»'ent.y struck on Some thought he was crazy, and there­ any vlann " tiat« v« r in . i t»» 1 iin- -»ml land a ru< k near the Bahama I» urn!», han I **p«jilr«l Hi» B»«<*inrn». growth and wonderful pros|»erity -m-ii ot her, f uri li» r adv» r-' »•' P miniti, ami h i - proved a total loss. Tne vef>M)l w»s fore treated him with compassion; others A buy with ragg»-d « loti < s and with face ami «liti« »« tit rch«'t a- tot I d i- »tmi i shall semi In a des|>erate attempt made at the • iw ih *«I by the xjut|icrn I development thought he was ¡»ossessed »f a devil and in« » ! alai • .pntal'l* . t hat 11»» i Plaint ¡fl - .»r» t Im woubi not allow him to enter their houses. and hand»* that ha»l not been troubled with owners «»1 th»- sai») lami am) puliti**« penitentiary at Walla Walla, Agu&t 21st, < »mpany, ati»l w.t- value,I at |'»Oo.onO. ANDLRSOM CREEK, At this time, however, a member of the water f»*r many »lays, perhaj>s months, en­ •M-ril»**,) as loilowN, t«»-w It; L»»t tour by c< nvicis to escape tw > prisoners were fully insure«) The Sjuthtru Fa» ¡tl«- Com­ »> ami íill «H 1*1«»« k- -• \ « n bl . k si Baptist church <»f Hu-hland county, O., a tered th* oflic** of Tax Collect»*r Stewart «•igld killed and on»* Hounded. The break was ,»d«lit i*>i« 1*» 1 'i* '1 ■ - < >1 B< atty pany l»»st on the « arg»» N- h«M»| t«*a< her ami th»* best rend man in Sat unlay morning and bcgg»‘d the loan of M- iturd. Ju» k-«»n i-oiinty, 1 th» I >• t • milito-, a i rup of cereal» as it w ill tins year The he found his guest to t>e one of the best of soap there and get under that hydrant HE SI KM HI HER TAKES PI.EAM Ki: IN Ri* iiai'l R." Pa* kar«i. John It.* P a. kar«t, will post»*«! and most brilliant minded persons and wash yourself ’’ The boy took the Jam- !>.•»• Pa« kai,I an«l Mary I»... Pa< kai',,nli annotim iug tha» hi- «t» am Maw-mill in now Ex -Senator Ingalls »'»ngrat niales the uai crupes|>ecially m immense. I that, he had ever ha*) the pleasure of meet­ runntria on full lime ano turmn»r onl n lartr«- eas.lv av. rage sixty t.. »eventv la soap and putting bin hea»! under the hy­ cliibireii «d 1C« /.in It. Pa« Kar«i. '••■»•«■a-« «I. be t ».untry upon the fa» t that •'from I^Mlto juantify of lumber. H»-n* prepare») t«> ti l all ing ill-» it« «’ wl»« u a-- « Cam« «! in '-aul m or'lt-r- with dirtpatch. an»! at the most rvawma- Those w ho knew the old man say that drant undid the work of many weeks iu a Ptibli-losl in th,- Hi Mu, it * il, 1 imi - tor si\ to the acie. All tne railroad» are I ......... blc rates. A tine »pialli v of ot the c mntry increased more titan fL’Gl,- hewHB in constant fear of hurting some in­ few minutes. eoliseciitIV*' ** • « k- by ,»rired for the busim-» when the camp fire in the wood- and prepared to arose from his ablutions. The tax collec­ July 1 ». I*’.’I. workdays included " That is veiv nice, I RAN« I* FIT« II. Ht y t»»t Pit 11, cook hi- evening meal. The mosquito«© I tor gave him the dime am! remarked, inchi 1 iu th* «i i i«**ic, i**»i| nu .md fi m i butt»* ni.|Hjrtant question is, who gut ' movement of giain set» in N|. dh.i'd, ii <*h«-i t n-. i»-» were very thi« k al»«uit the fire aud some of “That is the best money you have ever the in on* v The writer i| a letter received by a them flew into it ami were scorche,! This nr sat inf act ion u uarantevd. earned.” “Best nothing,” replie«! the !>oy *. II. < 'AIIMIS m i « a a-ON S. S. SMITH I l'reM»ltnt Noel et the Glymyi«- Club gentleman of this coiinirv, savs that he so worrieil <»l»i Johnny tliHt he took bis old mush pot. hat, fill».i It witIi water and scornfully, “you have playcl hob with my “ai I n answer l<» an » tier of f!'», imhi by m was greatly strti k, while ic Home on a quenched the fire. business.' —Atlanta Journal. >an I tat« is «- q < |ub tor a tight kiwicii recent \Kit, by tie* extreme phvsieal It is said that the strange old man to o|>.« l»-o whom the west Is imiebtcl for most of its iTih'hard amt l ii/.-immoi st mat bis club weakness alid decrepitude of l’o|i.i Harps of Wood. in dis­ . ■ .1, in would u« t« Her nitre than *10,LUO. They XIII. The venerable 1'ontiff, great appl»* orchards »lied in Allen county, Two Frenchmen, th© brothers F*»rre, h*v- ¡earn* I bv eiprr.-' « Put the on!v waterproof charging tire daily duty uf eelebrating Ind, near Fort Warne. A t»en*on who hav© invente«l a new kind of harp, made eu ©D4t they can *C.| t»> 4 Ct ' ar** quite cei tain ttie\ wi»l have no iron- or humer is th® ma.».» in his private oratory, bad to fa- knew him say»* that his deatn was a tri­ P » i ii»- . a^*er w .’•> t' c ‘ i .-»I» Br titd " I'r¿d« I i 1 • in gelling a guo»l man to go against fairly sii|>|rorted on the aim» it two umphant pa-sing into glory. He lay on tirvly of wood. Instead of strings the in­ Mar* on »t. I h*y a, >■•1 s ' eM W Iierpr . f sj 1 ( Ì.S rii V LV M»< 4 Ll>. i'riii hatd for il.e money they ot!» r. coat* ev*r n a de. I'-y k--p Ce uld.e, the the gra*.* with his face towar«! the .s»-tt.ing ventors use strips of American fir. The a tending priests. borite'® b»ck, .» I t ’ ! • <*■ -F 1 dr» «ni Him Hi* coiint« uanc«* was wreathe«! with noun*) la produced, as in flit» ordinary harp, At tins season ol tin* year ail govern* warn» N «airi e » - • • •»"•*> ot a wet i'he Freni lent s s.Jary is paid to him smiles of rapture, ami a® the last beams of by the contact of the fingers, but the plaj- Md¿ e. W I n us d 41 a 4 c ike ei- m» nt jr p**ity, no matter bow imsigm- the great luminary died out- of the west the era wear leather gloves covered with resin tensi* n front biiuo ____ • La. . , ar.d the S. ■ ker i® ticant in value, that happens to be Io­ in monthly instalments of «4 Inti i>7. vital spark left its almdeof flesh and naasad cl., . -1 .1 . Ma M M < srv crac Jj-a try The tone of the instrument is of remarka­ lire Wairentis brought to the White Thia w»*ll-ko.»wii hon*«* h«», been rebuilt ©n«*, then cost but ! • e a 1 w . prevent c* Ids ta »1 in Hie fLounttiins or np>n the aea- into the great unknown.—Chicago Herald. ble purity.—New York Telegram. With hr' 'M and greatly enlarge*), heaid* * be’ng levers, rhe ¡ui.sin. a. d -r resu'.is • exposure e-hor** is ♦•«!, by th«? powers that House by a special wesseger from the fo the weaiher II «r- * f w r h esg i.-n Y i • » treasury deparunent, and af er the Pres­ be, to be in immediate * — ne»d . of - official As FnnoK II i akii F rom .—A legend NEWLY FURNISHED i- . i . pü ; T iikhi arn Rome queer things in the Maik D t a , t . I' f T r cm ! when ▼ >•« intq eitbjn, an ! it limali' takes one or ident has indorsed it as tie would an hrjn that an editor died anil »lowly world. For instance, the standard Oil Apple. Pear. Peach. c*n have the l h )»e 4 i «, town, anti a gtMMi ■*«t>tpl»- room for <•.»tnmer- mono[.)ly will reap more benefit than tr.'-ruir to do tt.e iimp,-» ting, ami I ncle posits it at the < o ii ubia Bank. When lie Mipp ieed a warm reception awaited aJogue free Pluni, Pi-nne Apricot • tai traveler**. >* titt»*»i up m < <.nn**cti»»n th»-r»- any other one concern in this country the I'rendent is out ot town the draft with. Th« table m <•»»tmtahtj tarnished with >ani he pays tin* bllia. him. The devil met him and said A. «I. TOWE.7, Boston, Mass from the reciprocity a^r..merit respect be tient the inark' t afford-*. is maile*l'ji. k ing Almond. Chestnut to G. I». . - - ", ■- i Supreme Court. marie in the paper. The paper has gone, negotiator ot this agreement didn't think " ■•O'lw,.i.| gaie birih to au an,Inal that alas, for f.; iM), and the $3.00 often failed Walnut apireara to lar liait lamb and half calf. of that when lie was negotiating with the i tor ome in. The printers have deviled Spanish government ; but then again, \n Effective Cure. I ‘nv si»)*» is cuvvie» 1 w ill* ii tine cuut ul ask thee Saturday nights for wages when fcoul ami the other with liair like any perhaps lie did, and if he did, he probab­ I'. • Br»H*k-<>t jHck-*onvilh-,th«* oldest (lniff- in »> i »K"H. has found a sur«* thou fradst not one cent to thy name. ly also thought about the presidential most : reasonable prices oilier cow Two of its low»r limbs ar** Hi*.! < nr»* t <>r la gri|»p< It in taken botli internal- ! Men have taken the paper without pay ­ those < f rlu-ep and two like utl.ri *attlv. election and the big cheek that the > a nd .q*|'ln- I out a Iretter paper. Thou hast b-en i • i" al i inf a I « \i t ni i « s t In* pat lent is cnr«*»l p«*r- that of a • *uw It ir* » tbiiilv, liealtlry contribute to the campaign fond of the II.HII» ntl> . W. il Hii.i •.»»un.I. ThlN I ihm |M «-|| use«l called dead-beat by the passenger con animal t W»l N—................. 1 • in a <-;» m *. win r< Republican pa'ty. •n- and * * lia- not * - tail«-»! I A< li **< >> A I I.ÎU ductors when thou hast shown thy annu ­ ns«.«! r*‘t»d P»-opl»- got«» Biook- drim »tin <■ tie morning to b< tr.-nt«-«! amigo al pass to their envious gaze. All these O»ir t r«*, N ar«* gii»wn without irrigatimi on li'iin» Ain. II íhhis ' S ap|s*ars to have at- r«-«l hill land, ami all <>♦ Known vaio li«-« that Mothers ! night Ir.-c from paiii and feeling thou hast borne in silence. 1 bon can»i | the Nii<*<*«*ed in Solitimeli ()r«*g<»n. < H*l'*ria i- r« '•«-n»inemt» «i l.y phy-l'-i.m- , not come in here." And lie fired him i tempter! to tlink movement on Those <*ont«*niplHting tr« « p i**:t.;»g will do I f i ehihlr* n t. « thing. It i- »« pur. ly v«-g» tu- ¡away. “Heaven is thy home, and be-I Blain« boom bv making a Bbine man, w*»'l! to visit «»ur «»rehnr»! and nui'*« ry . < r writ* Buckleo’s Amica Salve. the Republican to un lor pi n «- li-t. Arcg« «li, orto R. R. st at : on. would be continually dunning his delin­ National Executive cm tunt«* am) i»l»No|iit»'ly harm! It r»*li«*v«*N s«- > -i- -, I I . r- Sult Illi.um, E»-\. i - of customs at New Yo k. Whether this Grant n P hnn . < ir» gon. r. ll. r- I h,,|.|„..l ll .n.i- r loll,l.ui,-. I quent subscribers, for hell is full of them, A . H CARS* >N A >< >N. I »'«»nstipati"n r»*giilat. - th- i»«'\v»d-. *n ami wiml <-t*|i* allay- .11,1 all Skill Fi liation«, HII.I |H.-iti*.. i: js out of the new collector remains to be f«'v«*n*hm *•* d«-**tr* y- w-riii-. an«l pr»*\'-nt* 1 r I’ll. ~ i n.< |.,,i re,pm, ,| rlom.’’ The collector’}* otHce has alwavB rf. .-t -ati,fu. ti,,n or n seen i convul-miis. .sooth»--th»* «.-bild and giv» - it t.-.'.l ". ui*. l»een a power in New York politics, It i .-ale r»*fr« shtng ami naturai -I- • p. < 'astori.» i- r. fund. J. I'ri ■ i’> . i,t~ ... r I... -THE "O ik campaign at prenent, Raid will be remembered 'bat Senator Sher­ th»* ••biidren * pan.» *» a th*- in«»th« i-’ fri» n«|. by all .lruÄ-1-t-, Colonel Folk to your corre-polident to- 3Ô «I« •*»•-•. 33 »* lits. man when secretary ut the treasury put I «la* , ‘ i» not to elect a president or to re- CANOES, E tc Chester A. Arthur onto! the office be­ Better I I ihii a hold Mm©. t itre the governorship of states. We eASM OR INITILLMÍ NM SOUGHT SOLO 0 • cause lie refused to support Sherman's Ten acres -et to fruit when in H bear­ nre striking at monopolists in the Vnited • SCHANGCO 400 WHCCL4 N SfOCN ALL GRADES aspirations tor the presidential nomina­ I io: cunilitron W'L 4N0RRICCS, ANO ALL iMAARANTCO SCNOFOA r-tates senate. So far we have landed vield an mi • 'ine .Mi;» WISSLO" » SooruisoSllir ha- been CATALOS ANO CLUS OISCOUNTS tion of his party. j of from |J»»no ' t». $¡ »‘xi ptr year and : three The first was Senator Hampton, OPENS SEPTEMBER <8, 189» Used t.r children teething. It -vuthers tb< /Are FT»«»tied rverjy.eh*r«. require*« m> » FXceiiNive machinery to i of south Carolina, then John J Ingalls, child, soften» Ule gum- allays all puiu, euret * i oper»!© it A frii’t-rai-er rr i H »h«* W* hui ! S loretaly T racy has found it ne­ Cours«* uf -tudy arrang»«! • r« - y m m*-et wind FRED. T. MERRILL. <>t Kansas.followed bv Gideon C. Moody, , uud 1» the best r.-tuedy lor d;-r- 1 ett** v.ill» y requires requireN but a sma ! outlay. ; cessary to jultiisli a letter exi laming U7 W hhi «4 to »S. PORTLAND. OR. the net-d*« of th« tarming and .. mlühdilimi in­ rUœa. Tw.uty-U*e cekU abvttk. by of Smith Dakota. The next one to go terests < f th, >tat»'. has l . flit* L___ *___ all advantages ot a < ivi iz«-«i and I —«Mm*)« ntia »«»■•-» why Be award»«) tie* v*i tra* t 1 r building tluüu¿úout ímv **'vr.*l Large, coiPtnudiouN und w» v< nt.late«) build-1 ull <*ulture»i >ociery. ha* "« d and C'-nvement ’ mtoretiren.en' will be John Sherman of Ings. Thu College is !,»cati d :i a < ultivat»-d ni irkett* ami rcrew; a better inc*>me from Ohio. Matt Ransom, of North Carolina, CruiHT number 13 t» a tirm ti *t wa* no an») Christian cumtnt.mty «li»! on< of the No ad- the same investment than ■tn he had from will also be retired. Tlio fate of these the lowest responsible I idder '•//otr to V»tr*‘ nil .Skin IHr'atm” FOR SALE hcallbiv&t in the >tat». any other Lne of t»usfne«-H You < in yet two senators is just as certainly sealed miniptra’ion lias ever made as m >ny *x Simply apply " î 'WAIM. s per acreof The as that of John J. Ingalls." Tbrcn*. L* ■ action* ot all admistra’iotis **1 ould be of Angus and Durham st< «k » iu be had at ecz» ina. Iteti, i«L « runtion- on t he tace, hamlN. Oregon Lam) •’onu >inv of > ilcm.Or* g. n. S¡?ccdy u. ▼S’-y reasonable Lgure by cubing on th* un nose. Xc.. leaving the »km char, white and suth na ’ ure at to ne «»¡»1 ;iml on«--orn-l whit« 11 ip«- n ta*•••, ab.mt la y « art* piami« «1 with t‘i» 1« tt< i - .1 '1 on 1« it should* i A bl;« rid n **ar«t tot th» it r»-!ui n ■ r itif i »nation that < ar U- ■ ..... : ! r„ r s. hl . fföldSt tr*'UJ T* »J ..................■ I '0’êicrïJi"Li:k •• i rrio ’ r. Ad^Ltei.îsUyiUd ElçurrlkJtr G t k-Vs WüFrsntuw CsL s ; *01 M-riuiM., l F Notice of Final Settlement lu t!»« * «■• 11it> ».uirtot tin Mate <>t Oregon !«>r th» » oimty <•! Ja« k* >n. Inti*« malt» t <»f ilu- *-tHt» «»t Inm- Elh-tt, »!••*■« )»*♦•«! oti * F. Is HERF.IH GIVI n THAT THE adininiNtratoi « t ilo- « sfai«- » li. ur ol 10 <» « l"< k. a. in.. .* n » t t»u In-Miing All i-.n- int< I» st« <1 hi « h» r» !•* l'otim »I !.. m |.| « hi - ai |<| ni»- Iti* or h» i ot‘j« « tH'ti- to san) a» «,unit on 4,f t»«-t.u • -ai»! «lay . Pul>lisli<-d by or«)*-r <»f H« n J. R. Nef). Judy, of -ai»l i unit. E 1» H<»E. Adiirnndrator «4 -¿««<1 «-.tut« listi *1 Augu-t 7, I"*'.»). N Lands and Mines for Sale. UlNr. TO II I. HEAI III nil; I Mr|K BiKii;>d ..tt. r- t<.r -»I. .ii«, r... ,,, , • ultiu»'. »■..! vH-fim- iHml. ni.irrr "■iK. J m.a Mr tI, ;)< ,,1K;.IL,'.,. wii U atH.ut Io t.ui- i.. iu.,, . •' ■ at at.j u ", ta im.*. tuur L<-»u •>! lx»».*» urtd tw.. I h -»^ ol *' Tliyre»!.-tw.. baru- » »mail dw<.ii»i>: ailU OU building . ., tl.,. ,,l u . .M,a „ „ | * a Im.lai,.* Mtuatol I. I a r .,<1. I-only till. IU. . t ."■11. a Mor. UUd "urt .ij.., and '••*;; "*■ 11.0. - H-..U1 th. I- 11. K d. |>.|, al Ac, . v. . Attn "nd to till; 1.- a « Il ' ’ V,„ i-r.i'.-ir :a;iu, tin *»' a'. , a L._..l*.dU. lia.l t »_ a .1-. aui- nul.Ua-.-l, O Sa,» *•