í he democratice irnes HERE AND THERE. B. R. Willit*. the A*hlam! eoQfrart- Henry V« . H. 1 V. e are umb-r <'bligati«»u* t«» the reereta- Th.» «li.-tik.-t fair will *oou t»e b»»re 'I'lu* work dom- by th-g- ntl.-mrn is of the at tlm im i 'n pat' h« * on Sumlay pi.-nu-* i ramili« - lia.» h. . n at tin- Tvh-r *«»«la -pring- ri«-s of th«- l'-Ttlami Industrial A**«»ciati»«n , v.-ry l»«-st «piality. as many s|M*«»ini«*ns in the •II iipp» r Butte »-r«M k »luring tin- pa-t few R«»guv river ar«* th« !• "i’d» r of th»» »lay on the ('¡»•aram*»- *a|. at th«- S. F. Variety Htorc. Tii" Himtuin ..1 ih,- .-..urt h"iis.- I... n ami tlu* Stat» Agricultural S»»«-i»-ty f«»r «-«»in- gallery will attest. Tlu-y make a specialty CROr WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 25. : • -a-tcrii *i«l.- .»f th»* • eounty . -unty I a«t Sumiay a week* for their siimim-r vacation. i lluished. ¡iliim iitury tickets «>f admission. i Henry Wi|s,,n has r» turm»«l from »a*t of I of« nlargmg pi«*tur. -.am! citizens sluml.l not large number from Eag!»* P«'int ami vicinity The largi-st ami l»» st st«»«-k «4 de»-«!*, -pent tlu-«lav at th«-«-amp-ground nt G.-<»rg»* moiintaiii* I •!’ w.-.-k .»uding Augu*t 2*J HVl. The thermoni«‘t»-r vv«-nt a littl«- al»««v»» a I ¡.«itr<-niz.-anv tran*t« nt rustler for vvrk ««f J. II. Wilson <»f M« 4f<•r«l has l»«‘<-n grant«.-«! im rtgag»»* ami all kind- of r» al-» *tat»- ami Jackson r» pla«-«-. a p»-nsion. hundr»-»i «legr»-es her»- «»n a f»-w oc«-a*i«m*. this km«i. Th« ir -i-equal t<> any dun»* in WESTERN OKEoON. I < ir.'uit. »»ounty ami prol»ute court in» »-t l»»gal Idanks soiifti »4 Sab-m i- kept at th»- but in many portion* of th....... »a*t it sonm- ■ large <-iti«-* ami far -up.-ri«»r t«« much which Th»* portlaml • \p Tti«»n, v.hi- h « -»nvem-s Th«» t.-in|M-ratiir«- hn.* >H-«»n from Id to 15 . next vv»»<-k. J II Brown is build ng a n. it barn <»n his i i-turm «I out. Ph«»t.»graphs are ut proM-nt T imes "ÍT! •»» ami *««ld at Portlaml r.it. - tiim * w»-nt higher than 115 d«-gr»-es. <»n tii«- 17tl>. will I- tlu- I h --: that bus . v.-r pr«-mi*«-s. d»-grcc* a «lay nbov»» tlm av.»rag»», th»- maxi- j l»<-ing made at r»Hki»*«.«l rates, ami parti«-* N«.w i- th»- tun» to « all ut tin* T imka It I- on«-»- m»»r«- ruim»r«-.«l that th»» (». P. \ »thing i»»-.-n hebl on tlu- n«»rthw»--t «•oast, mum ranging fr««m ’M» t«» Judg«- I’rim ami wife, wb" I mav ** |N-«»n at shoul'l tak« lulvanlag. «4 th»m. d*-gr»»«-* on th»» ♦ L. b . W illit* «4 Tau nt wa- in J.u-k.-onvill« r»iilr«'a«l will Is- «-.xtend»* an «-astern <-««n- lias b»-«-n h-ft und.'iu- t«» mak«- it an eiitir»* ’.‘♦»th, 27th ami 2*th m-t- T«»-»lay lia* Iw-eii and Arttlr. I’ojtlaml ami th«- -« a-d»- i«»r *-. ami sm-li it will <•« rtainly I.»«* in wariu. but c»H»|»«r. Th»* *<-.t*on «»f »'Xtreme return h»»nm ibis week, 'l imy ar»-a« , »?«»mj»a- Th»- ni«-»'st -traw hat* at «’«»st The First hUp. S. 1 . mountain* east <4 All*any nt an »-arly dav. departmeut. I: W Mitch. Il, tiu- siip.-riii- h«*at is <»r *!u»ul«l I m - lew ab.»ut »»v«-r. Xo Varn-ty store. The fair . .»mincur« s «»n th» 22»I m-t. (.«< iiicil hither by th»-ir daughter, Mrs. I. M. I’.-rhap- y«ai an- run «l«»wii. »-uti't ent. --an t t«-n«i»-nt, i* tlu right mau in th»* right place r«*ady f’»r it. ram fell «luring th«- vv ’»•k. ’I'h»» w«iuth» r ha* ('an n mg. Tb • I’"ligia- -•■uiitv farim-r* nllian-»»- in -l'-. p «-an’t think, «-an t •!" anything t«i your g » -rg.-('«.ult.-r is actiug as fireman f«»r tiu- <-• Hi' »-nt i< >n a*-otnbled last w«-ek pa-*«‘«i a I h » vh eloudies*, with b»y ou th«» c»»u*t in th»» for and l’«»ra tr«»ubl»—«-in»- • ■••ugh tlu re i- nothing \n » \'-«-ll«-nt «i.—'-ription <4 a trip toi'inna- siUisfat-tion. ami you u*«»ml<*r what ail* you. lv. IL V R. R. Mrs. W. J. Plymal» r.-turm-«! fr «m i’- it- morning* am! smuke in th»» ........................... . >nt«»rb»r valley*. resolution pr«-t«--tii»g against tin- Imilding «4 l»»-tt»-r than Cfiai!ib» rlain - (’«»ugh R. im «iy. lami to-day. bar. th»- <-ir«-iiit «-«»urt docket ami .soni«» inf»-r- Ù oil *h"Ul»l b»*«-«l th. warning, you ar»*taking W li»-at is all cut ami mu.-Iiuf it is thre-lmd. an mt. rn.ii or • xt.-rnal Pam Cure S. R. a new court b»»u*»- at Bo-.-lairg at this it str»-ngth«-ns th»* pulm«»nary «»rgans. allays «•-ting••• 'ir«*f"imi'-ti«-«-ar»* «-r«'W«l»-d out« f this th«- ili -t -t.-p into X. rvous l’i"*tration. You *‘CB«toria L« ro Wi»I] Rdapu*Mtion. wa* kill.-d in Si-kiy..ii .-»»unty, <’al.. on th»- sal»-I'V Dr. J. Hinkl' C. ntral point, amt G. Props in southern Oregon ar«- g»-m-rally A •• ial pat ty , ■•'•mplnm-nt.uy t-> L«»w <»ay y-air m rv.'ii-*y-t» in t" it* rn'Timd. b»-altby Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. quality. Ont* ar»* h«-avy, ami a* a rub-ur.- »•••unty thi* w.-.-k. W a Ü à OUI injurious t timing «mt well. 2f»th ult while driving a h.-avily-I»'a.|.».| ami I -ig. m- \rmstr«mg «4 Portland, wa* «•omlltion. Sm pri*ing r»-*ult* f"ll«»w the u*»- large in yi.-i«!-. Lut. «»at* hav»- b»-»-n in­ H«-nry Wilson has r»’turn»*«i fr«uu east .4 lumber wagon d.-wn Squaw < r’c.-k nu'iin- ii. lia-kin-. M"lJ. r«l. gi\. ii at ib-d M« ii - halt "h Thursday wven- «-Í this great .X< rv»- 1 ■•!»!«• and Ajb rativ»-. jur» d .slightly by rust in part- »4 Maru n the mountain.*. Th«- b«Mir«l .4 trust«»» s m<-t in r« »-. * » “The us** of 'Castori** is so universal and “ For sperai ynars I have recommended ular taiu- ing «4 ia*t w«'«-k. It pr«»v«-«i on«- "f tii'* m«j*t Your app.-tit«- r.-iurn* good, digesti»»!! i* Th«-cable ami ilvtur«»- for th'* propo*«»«! «•»unty Fho thr'--h»‘r- will m- bu-v f r *ion last Tuesday. 11« menu so well known that it seeing a work y«Mir * CiaUvn, nu l «hall always cooUaue to r»-*tor»-»{. and tin- l.iv» raml KMm-y* r» *um<- m-w fr« •- fort y a- r«»** B ’gm- river wer«» lust pl»-a.saiit events of th«- *«-a»«m. a»M«ut tw»» vv.-. k* yvt, H -p-pi kmg i»»-gm* 1 r ( lu'l. ra M »rbu* «u-k E. (’. Br«' 'k* for of supererogation torndorw- it. Few ar»-the do as it Uua iuvariably produced beneficial Wni. Mathc* of Xppl' gab- wa- a? A-hlam! Tm-s.iay tak.-n out t«» tin ferry *it»* by A. h.-althy a«-ti<-n. Trv a botti«-. Eri--«- 3»h . at A *p«icial t«»rin of uir»-iiit court ioU-lhgent families who du uot keep Cantoria reaulu." m-.xt M mlay. in some .-»-rtions <-on-i«h r- the S. B. pain Cure. Ia*t w»-» k ¡""king l- r -uitabl»- qiiart»-r-f"r B«»tz. Tim eabl< i- 1 4 im h',s in diameter, I. B W» ¡ch th»- w.dl-known lumb'-r man­ E. < . Dr«»"k- Drug-*t«»r». w »Um» raóy reach ' in sessiuu this week ubl«« «lamag«- !iu* b» »-n d«»ne by th»- lm«-, in £»*■» F. P àbdbb . M. D.. bis family in tie- graiut»» «-ity wh»»r»» lu- chil ­ ufacturer <»! M«»adow* prccim-t, wus h»-r«» (’lia*. Schultz, wiu. ha* In-cn «¡uitc *ick, i* C arlo « M artyn . D D . tile largest ever u*ed in tin- «-ounty, and will • •timr *••« ti 'U* a g>»o«l av.-ragc . r »p will !»• dren will attend -<-h""l during the »-"ining b.- p.-rf'-.-tly safe for thi»-«» time* tii»- strain Tbe Winthrop, 1ÄU btrewt *ud Tth A*«*, J. B. Dungan and M. I Hull »»I (.«•Id Hill y -t.-rday a«- ••mpaiii»‘«l by hi- wjf«*. He id»lv to I m - u»M«ut again New York < *ity. pi'-k»*«l. in Josephiu«* county h«q> lice ar«* winter informs u- that bl* mill has been n-buih ami I a L t Pablor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Sew York Clip. to which it i* contemplated it will «-ver I h - piccinct ar»» iu town. not «»bs* t v I grain yi.-l-l- r« port' d subjected, bt i* well t" Is’ "U the safe side Kav Jackson <4 Grant - l’a— «l«»m- Fruit is ripening rapidly ami i- very tin- S. F. Vari-ty St«Tv. An a -, id.-nt «M-curr»'«! in th«-Su<-rament»/1 from l.ak- • 'iint\ i-that of I. Ihirri--, who tu all «-as«»* wh«-r«‘th»-life "f human Iwings v isitiug Jacksonville. pb-nliful. T<*mating. Th«- imt. dry Pr«4. Raynioml wa* in t«»wn *« v - ral «lav th.- quick-liver mine*. «4 -»-v.-ral p.-oph* and th«- s«»rious w«>un«iing i a«-ros. an av»-rug»- <>f m«»re than 63 bu-h' l* to wenth»*r ha* Iwen -lightly injurious t«. r«»«'t ’i iie executive committee <4 tllC s-'lltlbTIl during the ¡»a*t w« «»k th • a«T'-. •4 a number of «»fh«-r*. It wa* <*au*««l by Tops, el .ver. c«»rn. ami t’.» y.ung »»r.-iuird-. I Iregon district fair G. W. Kiddle, of Kos«», sul»*.-ripti«»n» to tlu- vv. •kly • Examiner " In Curry «•.»unty th»- -...... nd . r q. «4 r»-«l tak. 11 at tin- T imes ofllu«., burg, I' T Downing "f (’' htral Point ami Tlm Asliland militia will giv«- a ball <»n tin­ th«- hot weather warping a rail. clover i* hea«lmg aid th» fourth .-r- p <4 F. W. Van Dyk«-<4 Grant 's * Pass, Pas*, with S«-r- oveuing of Pi«»n«»cr «lay. •I- hn Slagl» i- ciig.ig.-«! in training th«» A farim-r - alliance was organiz«*d ut Soda alfalfa ha- I m .- u .«nt. »-.u h «-r»»p ax» raging m i»-tary Ply male of .la«-ks< »nv ill.-, nu t at th»» \ »-ar ling «-«dt !•« bulging t»> Ja-. M Domaigh ('«•nsiderabh- wheat i* b.-ing haul. »1 t«> tile -ir«-«i spring* » n th»- 20th ultimo. -talk. 22 mdu - m 1»-ugth. fair ground: and a«ld*ul a purse for y»-ar- by Ant.•-!. In«, «mt «»! (¡♦••»rgi»» W« mm I- lings. al*o«»m- for equestrienne: lt i«. th»»ir Jacksonville t!«»uring mill. th- ip«-, which i- a beauty. She will trot in EASTEKN UllEUOV spring turn- Mir* up tin- l»il»-. Si-nm«»iis intention tn a«ld others at th«- tinm • of th«» H. (». Kesterson ami Mr. Turnham •4 th»- ra«-. f•'.»' y«-arling* on tii«» «ii.*tri»-t fair ( «>ntiii'i»«| h«»t w.-ath»-r. with maximum Liv. r Regulator removes it. Th»- Farl.'W Millbm M- rri«-k 'inbinat n >n fair, ’i'll«» gr»>uml* ar»» t" t»»- turm-d «»ver to ground-, ’i h«-re w ill b»- .*« v«-ral »»lh»-r • lit! m* By far the largest dealers on the Coast in liogu«» riv«»r called yesterday t«*in|M-mtiir»-s 4 fr »m *» t" lu.5 .|.-gr»—-. hav»- Harvest i- at its zenith uml mm li grain «»f pleasure-*« «-ker- fr-»m A-blaml t"tho('r«i- th»» district l*»urd '»n th«» I*th m-t. ami i will prevailc«!. N" ratu f»-ll. The sky ha* !».•• u ba* alr«-a«ly l»t-«-n market»?«!. t'-r lak«* scetb’n ami h"im- through Klamath I»«» in t!r*t-ela*s condition. (’. C M«*Clen«!on ami K«»bt. W.-strop w« r« Perhaps you do not believe these « h'Udle** with *m«»k»- a[»pearing in th«-at- i W»- hop«» that th»- f»« <»ple <»f *«»uthvrn ami «•«»unty. report having ha«l a -pl. miid tiim- aiuoug our visitor* yesterduy. iu«»nphrrv. b ir*t-«-la** • « dar f«-n«-c p«'*t* for -ale in wbile away. Tim Jd'-ksonvill«- publi»- s«-li«»ol* will re- ‘ -..»util.•a-t.-ru ( >!» g"ii will Mistaiu St. Mary * statements concerning Green’s Au­ From (X) to G5 c«»nts a bush«'! is -till being ■ A ’.i«lcmy in a lu arty itml b» »biming mann» r. • pen f. r tii«1 term «»n M"ii«iiiy, the 14th Th»- weatlmr ha* I m *- u -lightly injurmu* to «piautiti« - t«' suit at th«» T imes oftl • Well, we can t make 1 have b.- n tr«ml'lcd with • hr«»ni«- catarrh instant, umi« r tlm tutelag«- •f the former pai'l for wheat, according t«> «piality. 1 Many "I th»- nio-t a<-«-»mph-h»-n- IL v I ’ p B« y«l «4 Lebanon is now ru-ti- f«»r v.-ar*. Ely - ( r«-am Balm i* th»- «»lily We cau't force conviction in­ awi to harvesting. Fruit and m»*i«'U* ar«- «-atingat A*hlaml with tii* family. •rp* of t«-a< ii« r*. M«—r.*. pii« • • ami N»-w- i la«li»-* of <)r»-g«ui hav«' gra«luat»-n pat«-li y»-st»-r»lay. wheat is nearly all cut west. «•( tlu- Bln»» t rior in its liin». At •-••*t a tlr*t-ulas-assortment «»f *traw that aft r«l- m»- I’.-li' f. gi*t. Joliet HI. icine into your Doubting pr«»n«»uuc»? th«»S'4i«»<‘ls of this ¡«lace th«- very nu'imtam-, ami «*»«n.*iur att'-nti-ui ha- Iw-.-n <»all»-«l to page 19 of thr.-she»L All report* show that it i* turn­ best m th»- —»uth' rn part «4 th»- -tat»*, and a« li«-. Simmon* Liver K«-guiut'»r cure* it. throat. We don't V H Miu-gly. w h«» ha- arris« «I ■ th«- di-iru-t fair premium l»««»«k f«»r thi* year, Pay tlm printer, a* lie nerd* wiiat is vom­ land is busy mljn*tÌDg the Edv ing out mu«-ii Is-tt.-r than wa* e.\|..... In nuim roii- pupils from outside tin district want to. The money Tii«' infant « ’ hild "f Mr. ami Mr- IE Pape ami tlu qiie-tiou 1* a*ke«l u- whether the Thomas Was«-«» ami ¡»art* «»f Sherman «-«»unty spring ing t<» him. H»- ba* wait»?«! ¡»utivutly. will this year avail th»»in*«-|v»-s *4 tlieir u«l- vent ••stut»-. of whi» li lu is a** Wc arc Northwestern Agents for I>. M. lerrv X Co., the largest *Seed "f ('««rvallis is quite ill, vv«- ar«- sorry t-. l«».im. I publish«-«! rat«-- for -j-a«-«* in tim pavilion is yours, and the vantage*. .vml fall wh«Mt is .*«»m»-whut *hrunkvn. In 1 '» gant -un.in» r hat* for nmn, b««ys ami •M.I» gley thinks that tin «--ign- r i in« an that all who exhibit tlu r»- mu-t pay (»rowers and I ’ealvrs in th< Worbl. Gilliam. M.»rr< w ami Vmatilla counties the «•hil'lr» n .it tin- S. F. Variety Store at cost. There nr«i quite a number of .-a*. * d"« k 'that pr!«-.-, Sp.u-e for all agricultural ami misery is yours and until you are ku-kvd vvhil»- U«»wu. In uim»»*t «-very m igliborh»»»««! there i* wheat «T"p as a whole was never b«-tt« r. .-»•im- "im «»r im»r»- p» r- 'U- w li»'*v liv» - hav«- ♦•t«»«l for tlm SeptemlMT term «4 th» «-ir«-uit 1 iu-rti«ultural » xinl'it* i- fr- " Spa.-»-on tim willing to believe, and spend the one F. L. POSSON du SON ' PORTLAND. OREGON Frolli inf»»rmatmu r«*.-<-iv«-»l by r«-s < H«l paper*, m quantities t«> *uit, f«»r -ah» Harvesting is in prog!»»* »-u*t aid south 4 I h -.- ii -av»-»l t»y ('hamIn-rlain s ('»»li«-. Ch»»lera court. [ i l.-lt-haml *i«l«-••( th«- pavilion i- *"l«l t«« a«i- for the relief of the other, they will in thè vieinity «4 G«..»-.- lak.- fr-.m tl »!»•- ami Diarrh'i-a K»-in« »iy, »>r v. hat hav«- been 50 c»-nt* a bumir«-«!, tim Blm* mountain-. I’lii.-u county « *p<-«*ial!y at tii«- T imes .«ftp 1 h«»s. F. rguson. wb" iia- ls-« n in Shasta -.• ru-er- ami th"*«- wiu» are ih» r«- for tim the purtnmnt «4 tim mt«-rmr M»ut 2o p»-r »*ent. higher W it h-«-|.-ailing M umi warranto«! by D. \utumii pro«iu«»es «-hill- and ftv.-r ami than ha- I m -» n kn»«wn f««r a long time, the “ My wife is a little Scotch woman, follow-th«- introduction am! u*»- makes it l’arnmr- will timi during t!m harve- than la-t y»*ar. with an upwar«i t» n»l»-m y. T. 1’-'it. hai <1. aati-iimak- r ami j»-w»-l«-r >!■■•!- fruit s»-a—«n.at R.-am<-s.k W'hii«-'* *t<»r»-. very popular. 2‘» ami 50 .-«•nt l««ttl«-M fur malaria. Simmon* Liv»»r K'-gulat"r pr» v» nts -apply In-ing almost inad.-qiiat»- t«« sup­ thirty years of age and of a naturally Farmer* are happy ami pr"*p«»r»»u- turn* f»r»l. -een su Hering F». S. P v » h e . nu n«-» . Th«- i«»a*«jii i* sai'l to I m * that th«» | All will I».- -o|«i at l«»w«--t i-h pri- • -. Shipment* «.f p. u h» - t.. tii.- . anm-ri«-- liibite.1 at A-blaml lu-t week. IL i- quit»- a p. ¿u-h-gr- w.-r- argm that th«- p»-a«,ii crop C. S. Signal < >b-» rv»-i. from Dyspepsia. She Tlm «li-tri.-t f.iir at C. ntral l'oint e..ni- •4 tlu WillamcD» vaU«\\ from tlm vicinity curiosity. ¡»ring-in fr«'iu < mh « f S75,< mio a y»-ar to Vomit Iiecame so bad at last nmiu-e- S« pt.-rub. t 22d. aiui Ih amc- A W hit»- - 4 A-hl iml hav«- t». .-n m tull pr»«gr»-s* Mi-. M Ili» Kraus«- ami Ml- « M.i >i i .1 < .. • M 1 that ¡»la • an amount far • .... ding that Lacking iu Judgment. n»w -t"«-k -4 ejothing will I h - E'L Wurm.m. th«* liv.-ryman «4 Vedford, w»-»-k-. w«-«-k. If y-u vvi-h t • «ir«— up «•«»im* t«- anu'unt will go l••rwar.l »luring tlm m \t ten T imes t*• «lay. limy hav iiia«!«» up th«-ir minds that they Every Moal. down to a meal but «lav* tii»' quality b.mg v. rv Him. although « aim* m-ar -aying g«w>d-bye to a team ami Jacksonville ami l»uv a m-w -tilt. will «-m • nrag»- p»-a« h « ultur»- t«» th»- utm«»-t , <■ n««u <>]u she had to vomit it th»-fruit ha* rip.-m «1 -••im what later than vehmir in an um-\p«-.-t»-«l mann> r last Tu»-s- D. L. Revi »Id*, wlm ha- !»»■• nin < .ilif. rnia (i«-.«rge Engk «4 \*hl;m«l l.«-t w.-. k lin­ u-ua!. Th»- »arlv (Tawford* ami Briggs for tlm past v.-ar. i- vi-iting r«-lativ.-- in I <-v ii if it tak» - ev.-ry drop of water in A.*h- «iay evening, having )iir.-«l it t«.u u*au giving liav> i. iiiiii. d hmm th -ii »i-.it to H . -k l’. uit as soon as she had eaten it. Two LA J I laid «T' • k !•' giv« it th«- m-»-es-arv f"-t«-ring ! «vili filili tliem file St\le and l ’ HÌteril. i i-li.-«i hi- tlrst 2 *• ” • or»! « ti t 1 .*»-.-dhng* hav»- th«* .-all in tin- market to a M.-adow* ¡»re. im-t. his name a* J S (mr»b>n, wlm was a pr<»mi- pn-'-imd. j ' ii« . S 'in»- liv«-lv litigation is l««oku»i for in , bottles of your August Flower have mshmg «-iigm«- vv ■•• l t tim S P. < •'inj.aii v, h».*ut *U«<»‘pinan »in hi* mill«!« having a larg»- Not» -. r»-.-cipts, «hi»- bill.-, «Irait*, « tc., in ami i- imw »-ngag. «I *«n his «-«»ntiu'-t -«»uth <4 v»-ry tmirk' d d«-gr.ami arc niujU» .-ti»»n- Mi-s R«»se Cardw’ell lias r.-m«.v«-.l m M. d- j th.- m»t far distant future. al'ly aim ng th« v« ry I .«st p.-a'lm* t»< plant cured her. after many doctors failed. Uimi «4 *tm«-p awaiting simaring ¡it tlm h«*a«l b«»"k form, handy amt ilr-t-« in—. at tb» THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE f"fd. t" tak. a position in th»- law »»fti........ ; tlu- summit, vv li uh «-all- f. «r tlu- -am«- anu >unt for profit. «4 tin* river, and who «als.j in hi- lutn.L T imes urti«»». She can now eat anything, and enjoy Fruncis 1 it« h. E-«p REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. wanted to use th»* rig t«» haul a l«»ad <4 sup­ V. S. Mar-hal Brown la-t vv-.-k tn k it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not plies tv hi-earn p from a J.A.-k- 'IIV |||. -t 'I«-. Phil. Mill» r ami llariy H ull, formerly of a « ari» »a« 1 • »f ( hiña nun t" San b'ram-i— < • ft"in l‘rofs. Crtis Newbury ami Mil« - Cantrall PERSONAL MENTION. H»- ol»taiii»-«i tlu- outilt, but foolishly <-<.nti«i«*<| Jack*«‘iivill.-, ar»- »-mpl«»y»-d in livery stable* tin- stat»- of Wa-limgt«-ii to -hip tlmm I mi » k x have been rusticating in tim Applegate hill* Th» following »|.-e«|> hav«- I h < n r»-c»»rd«-«l know that she ever had it." Ills |nt«*uti»»n "f getting away with it t > an at Portland. during tim |»ast week. in th«- "ftb-« «4 th...... »unty r» «-or-df"rd. wiu» in!"rin»-d la-t r.-jH.rt «4 tim T imes / IE alth d.-maml- a bt-althy liver. Take wttiu'ut return »-••rtifi'-ate-. a- r»-«pnr»-d by Rt. Mary's Acad»-my r«- p«-n-next M miav Warman that in- wa- af»».iit t.» I m -wimlicd I iiit.d Stat«-* t" Win. Wooley: patent to law. Thi* is a llrst-class instituti- n am!-Imuid 1 .»ut «4 hi- pr»«]H-rty. Warman u-»-«i tlu- wo-. * S!mni"ii- I.it- r L»-g>ilat»»r f<»r dy-|»»»p-m an«l >2 a -i•— in Twp. r> S.. It. 1 w. D. All.-ii «4 T«'l«. 4 - ur vi-ib.r I h - lilw-rally ¡»atr«.uiz»*»l. A K William*, • umg to ill Imaitli. i- y.--t»-r«iay . .imt a in»—»-ng»-r t•■ su-h g«».»»l . tTc«-t tii.it tlm imlig.-tBb Sum«-t John V Robm-on ; ¡>at«-nt to DM) -imrifT an«l his «l.-puty h»-a«h*d • tT tlu- man a«-r« — iu Tw p. 35 S . i; i W. Th"*. Fn-*b"ur, who has b»»»-n in (o»-.s oblig»-«1 to s.-il hi- mining property m p|.-us­ I, . Madson <4 Table R. m -U ¡«re.-in -t k q. L. V K« -»• and wife of I'li »-nix v i-iled at Wagner'Trek a- Im wa- making for the • •»•unty f'»r alxuit a year, ha* r»»turn»»«i t«» ant «-r»-«-k pr-cim-t. Th«-*«- »r<- g""«i mim — M.irv Ji Vining t-• Mr-. H Clay Myer; lot p»'*»‘d to I m - insam- am! will I m - , xamim I in Jack-onville « n W» in .-»lay uml will !•«• -•!«! . h»’ap F t further par­ ( .iliforma hn»-. <»"r.|-»u wu- giv-n a pr.-- Sun - vall.-y ’ i k 2 I. \-Llan.l . SI. tiu- county «-ourt to day. ticular* -«■•■ th»- adv. rti—-m.-nt in amdlmr Itmimiry iu-ariiig U-fur«- Ju.-tb-.» Flymal«* at .lam«-- Hamlin t" »lir«-«-t»»r* Evan K'-atim* hu* r--turm-d from » innalur B -aim -A \\ hit«will m»xt w»»»»k r«-c»'iv»» a column. D W. And»-rs.«n of Klamath .••«unty wa-in X" 1.5; 2 a»-r» - in Twp. 3M S. ibis place on \\ 'dn»*day afl«-rtm«»n uml PORTLAND » th»- valley during th»* pa*t week, li- f i im-r- lt*»iin«l ov.-r in th»* -urn -4 >3L-.|f"r«i «li-- Turm r. arri\»-d li» r»- y.■-terday. J. (’. W’hipp and family, wlm hav»- I ■ ■ n m at I ll i 1.1x . *2 717.10. U»-|«| t« appear ut th»- sam«- time. ary I’ iari- w »-tal. tu Jame* Harvey et b»>uglit a liaml-oin»- pba*t«»n «4 Mitch»*ll A i rilb ry. Tlu- 1« rnu r will .. 1 a- -»■•r.--k« Will. Q. Bi'owu tiu g« o|»»gi.*t. «4 !’• ligia th- Dead Indian .-ountrv for -'»mtnm- pa*t. I- r al.. 201.7* a !• - in Twp. 3* S, R. 1 W.; L'-wi- <4 .v,.-«if«»rd. I and th.- lat!.-r as gauger. I'»"til ar»- g.... I ap- «••»unty, was her«- la*t W« dm -day. returned imim- W'«-dn<-*«lay. With it < pl < H H ». Hili'- Mauna!. Mr. ( hri-lian ha- gone !■• Appa gate I»» point im-nt*. ("»4 morning* ami nights ¡q, m»w th»- I - vi M« rri* nd *•■n f Tal. nt Win M '/' i i I-aa<- Simpkin.-: 12o <«• q-.— \ magmli-» nt u»*w • «bimn of that vv mi.-r- • mim-n ■< tlu («»ululati'-n «4 J"hn llevlin * Tim Ikiib-y. th«- dr- v.'r wa r« at tim county--» at y.—t»-rday. • •rd' r. Tin- teinp»-r.itur.- has moderated in Tw p 15 * I; I W . ÿ3.«MM) fiiliy | "p»«l«ir i”'«'k Hill * Manual «»f S- -ia«-h; Max Mllll.-i'aml Ii - lam . h.iv« i.'turmd umi Bii-im -- 1 .»rm*, ha* ju*t appear»-»i. !•’ i !•-- in Twp. |o s. It. 2 E. . $<'»<*». Nothing i* i*mg I» ft undotm t • make th« to !»♦’ siiippe.i t" th.- n rtl Waiter Ja-kson. repr«--' uting fr-Hli their trip t«» Cl« - .-lit ity Cal. Tic *ak .4 tin* w«rrk «-«>utinu» * to n»- *«»m»-- tlii- vail»-. and will In i j.;mil: I < >w ing* u- J««iin W. R<»l»in*»»n . NEW EMBROIDERY, PARASOLS. HANDKERCHIEFS Ba« hillali A ('««., was in -.»utlmi n < h'• g n thing remarkable. It ba* alr.-a.iy run fair an un«|uaiili»» iu-ad |*-r iiu'ii ]!•«’ u l - ! :: Tvv p. i«> > . it. 1 W . . *1.000. W. ar. -« rry ’ kam that tlu- « "iditi« ii «4 interviewing «-u-t"nu r- lately thr« ugli f««rty-eight *.-parat»- «-«lition*. imt pr 'V« in every *♦-»*♦-. inaimb-r »»f th»- *»-:.-.»n. Tlm-. 1 Turm r lia- j. t impr<>ve»l any. LACES ETC.. ETC — o- e -- than kUi'MMi u »pi. * having b»-«-n «-all.•«! A m w \V«T*-»-*t»»r «ii'-ti.'iiarv. latest *kditi<»n John M«-R.-yn»'l«l- -4 F . -t- ■-r»-. k T».m I.ym-b. form.-rly • f Ashland, i* m th»- An Elegant Stock. f »r to .Lit»- ami th-* ¡»r»--*«-* are kept -t»-«dily J M Chil.l'-r- f San/- valkv mad«-tlm M. Furges«»u ■ f Willow spung- , an o» b'H.ghi tra r»'a.*<»iiaM»- ligure by ap­ employ '4 Frank Hrrringb-n, tin Portlaml going. Think "f it Over "sUl ton* of ¡»ap‘-r ply ing at tim T ime .* fti••♦». T imes ftb . a pl.-a-ant all W ■ dm’—lav. J"hn Mill'-r. who lat'-ly r«-turL»-«i fnun a wer»- in Jacks«»nvill»- «»n We»tn«-.*«lay. barber. Al S« ar-, al*" a f"i u . i r- *i«l» nt «4 llfty-*i.x ear loads hav«- in-. n u*« d in it* trip t" san Franai- •». labi in a complete and < "I. B-wdit. h on» . f A-liland at!« rm-y-, I II. *-h.'ti« J»l La* r»-»-ngage.l in the the granite city Mill holds forth at Charl»»y Tlm Eugene ••Guard -.«v- that 1 d. H«-lm* lir-t -la-* -*t<- k "f good* for thi* market mauufactur»'. Many wlm hav«- -«■»■ur.-.i wa- .it th»-«-» unty--.-at luring th» we. k. 1« ft for Jacksonville on.- «lay last week. H« ag.-U'-i»-* have !»»-eu making -mall f -rtuim- furnitur» i "i-im— at Yreka, tub. iu «-»»m- Slit« r * -1 Europ»- and str.-et, Portlaml au«i it i* -al«! (hat «>n»j man «>n tin* -"a-r lias paiiy with N d k Y"Ung. M i- I.«c"b N«-atham«-r i- r»-[»ort»-«l quit.- ill got no further than R<>*.-l urg !i<»w«-v«-r. r- pula’i •!» t k'-»-ping ii"i»»-but th»- !>»-*t «r- Amen«- ». valu.si at a quarter million UullarB. ••aru»-'l ov.-r 57U» mi in «»mmi--i »n.- «-n thi- at h- r rv-d« ii«-»- m lb'«-k D int pr»»» ln» t. D h t fail »" buy a |<»t iu Nu k»-ll * addi­ \«,.„r.. Wright Kinney ai I M Clemlou iu- Tlm fir»-* iu tim hili* w«-*t «4 t«*nn hav«- ti«-i'■- ii» hi* lim .im! h»- d".-s m-t intend t" Wonderful El»*trn-ai Adaptation* in full W"rk. i'lu* m-w e«liti«»n i* a brilliant . ........ — tion f" M df- rl. Tin- tra»! a«lj»'»in* the t.-ud «»ienii t -1! • at <;• ' i Hill --n etiiu« Mr. M operai b »n. I \ Harri* <4 M-df- id ha- b»-en putting -iiL*i«b-«l t" a gr»-at » xt.-iit, but th««*«- a few with I'-rty -six u»-w f« at»ir»— ami ag» nts are w. -t boundary «4 that town. LADIEW A\I) (IllI.DltllNs üüIIOK»*» • luring the month. ‘I In v will keepa fine line in th»- w»-«-k at th«- Klamath h«4 spring-. mil«-.* furth'T north are -till burning It. t- ly. a g< ii- ral i« .lu-ti.-n In In- pii' »-- and will nut sum t«» r«-aiize anotimr Lig liarv. -t. Bu*i- I«- uml. i -»Id by any dealer in hardware, A SPLENDID SERIES OF MINERAL of win» - li'i’i i- and • igir*. ami b« ing » x- W. in ju-t a» lung to -how you b«»w qui»*kly periem*. <1 han.I* ill tlu- biisim-s* will no J C. Dy*ert of Josephine »»unty ha- I .... .. u» s* nmn, farmer-, im »-h.ini -- Hmlallcla*—-- firearm*, «-utlery. ammunition, » tc. (iive EXHIBITS. Al*»» such goods as arc kept in *t»»< k by a tibt-class General Store Mi-- M.iry D- vlin «4 A|»pl»-gat«’ ....... ntiy tak»- tiie i»«»’»k at *iglit. It i* a b- k that w» -an st»»p that pain m your stoma« !», for »1 »ubtgiv»- »'Utir»--alisia.-tion. -p«-ut -ev.-ral »lays vi-iting A-hlan«i fri’-id*. visiting til«-springs in thi* e.uinty, a«-•-■•in- him a call and ju«lg‘- for y"Ur*»df. AV c respect fully solicit your examination. Ev » rv d. partimnt fi'.l.sl with tin Nov « I and pauied by his father, who is m ¡H».«r h»-alth. •uiV'- tiu» "Wiu r im-m v, an»l that i- what 2-5 ■ -ts. at ( ity Drug Store. S. B. lnt.-r. -ting hi Art. science ami ImluMry. Ju«lg»- Haima a«.... nq»ani.-.l his wit»- to |M-«q»le ur» aft.T i»ow.id.iv*. Any man .»r .1. Craig, who formerly resided in thi- Mrs. (i. Kareweki y-terdav ¡ r.- — -nt.-«l u- Peach Pits Wanted. < r«-*» '-nt «-ity ( al. i« turning h"nm thi: w»»nmn wiu • w ill -par«- tinu- «-an .-aru big wag»-* A gT«-ut«-r number ot Exhibit* than ever Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro­ • unty i- now *tation«ul at Attoria, where with an «■xc-llent -ample of tlu- Him ¡x»«. Im* week. I»« Gir» pre*«-nfv«l upon th«- «»«Msf. w Hh fid- n. w • difi u. .4 in. f.iii.'U- Hill's !»• Ibid- pl»-nty "f '-mpl*>yiu»*nt Tlm umi»»r*igimd will pay th«- hfgimst fc»r.'wii on the orchar«! adjoining th»- gri-t visions. for which always we pay the highest market price Manual. 'Ih»- l!i*torv ( mpanv of Sim murk»-’ pi’ic-f«-r -«»« «Hing ¡w-H'-h ¡‘it.* if «1«- Mi-* Alta Xavi.»»' ha- r- turn i t • h»T mill. t rnm iv-o c- ntr--1* tim Pa» ill- .»•.i-t. They is our specialty. Mr- Ivr»••!/• i f«»rni»-rly of Ja- ks.-nvill«», iiv.-ird «arlv. F»»r further ¡»arti«.-ular- a«i- ii 'tnc.it St att!«-, Wash., aft» t a \i-it i f sev.'ral w »ut liv- agent* *» «* ad. iu an-.th» r .-c'lumn. who ha* tw it «-«mlliied t<* the insane asylum • Ir.--- "r enquir«» «4 The Stock Department made a week-. (••r *»'Uietime past, is r^s/'ivt-ring. I. M * imi - o \ Grant - Ea--. ♦ prominent feature. S'Uth»-rn ( h’. g"ti m- b-li-ami p« a«-h»-* arc Lin i— v *i-«-m r»- thi- w. « k w.-nt to < r«»«»k Ou. of th- novelties «>f th»- coining fair will abundant in th»- mark'd* «»f Portland, Seattle «•«»unty, vv Imre Im will remain f«»r *«»nm Mfw Use for Indian». I«» a bi.-y.-l»- ru«-»-. whn-h will attract th»- and "tb»-r n-?rth»-rn '-itie- and t- wu-, and months to «-"im Courts. 85.000 IN PREMIUMS 'I "Im.m - niagi'- mini spring* «!*.>♦ A*h- . f.i-t» -*t wh»-«-lui»-n of th«- district. *••11 Lett» r than tiu»-».- from any «Mh'-r *e«-tion. l b» s -pt. ml* r t« rm «»f tb«* in uit, .-«'unty lan«i ar»» iM-.*.»mtng quit» p. pillar am '.-•ng -o- | I - •nu­ X w u l' !' that they have gaintnl such ami pr- I'atc court* will c«nvone next w»»»-k. tlm— w Iu• ar»-aftiict»-.! with rlu umati-m and R. am.--A White, iri an«»fher column, m»- ll (’•»n*id'-rabi«» bu*in«-** ••( importan«»«- will I h - Tbe lairgesf Display of bruit am! tii«- 1 ln«i»t kimlr»*»i ailment* IL- i* haviug m-w bath* tify th--— in•!• -i.t. d to th»-m to come forwar«! p"pularitv, a- tli- ir «pialitv i- tinappr"H' li- Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 Exhibit ot Agricultur«- « v« r mad«- In al.l» . tran*d'-t«-«l. ■ m-truct»-d all ar.'uud 111» "rigimd spring, an«! -« til.-. Tiu-y tm-an tmsines.s. th«- Paciti«’ Northwest. Mrs. < W Ay» r* .o I ■ In •Ir. n return» «! and with »-ach » xcavati- n a iu w»-r and na*- D W. Kaiip 1 rtland .Ja»-k M n’g' in» rv wh" lia-« karg« «f th»1 (•• • M I. ■¥<• this vv»-. k haul»*»! th«* l»i*t Harbaugh A >hng» i j :.u-« ••»» Butt.» manuta« t«'i i» s hi tuli motion. Every A Important Notic*. ti»'r variety 4 mim-rul water h.a* b< »-n «ii-- k t«» portlaml last w»-» k afb-r a pl«»a*ant \i*it in l.i.-ksonv ill»-. H«- r»q ■ f*>rtb** e«*IU|*Hny ••¡-‘rating I .... . . U** -•«m»--4 th-- liiu-t grain, v« getabl. -, with \*hland r» lativ. -, tiling N -w. N • li'-u i Exhibit*. 1 tn ■v»i»«l. Til«'g»-ti«’ral lin-brought q»r—\- l«.a«| ! > 4 .1 * . L — il«., \ >rk I.if«- and lb tm i < ■ . . — ■ • I',.,,...»... .. \ii km «v n g tlu ru-.-lv«-« imb ’ bt« d t«» th.* S. Exposition ot Expositions. • ral antique -piaw- from tlm Klamath ug»*n- ! tlu ¡’ii -k-i|v.q mines at Vinuaitgr «•«unpanics. » t»-.. this *« a- :i IE i* an » xp»-rt liamilcr F \ arieiy store are Imreby imtlib-d that a Aiimi«-n n a* u-ual. <»r»»at!y R.-duved I■> to iii-um t him in tim art -4 u-ing th»? | .Spiinu.n- Liv. r Regulator is a most ♦ x- • 4 •-'■«rn amt l’aider* ativ • im in -"Uth« rn Dav id I.«»ring and family - 4 port laud ar- m w -.-t ■ I !.... k- w r« • p.-n«-«i Aug. 1. 1*1’1, tor round trip on »«< pass, ngcr Em's. Wutv*r. Of C'.iirsv th- w:!v g-u»-ral umi. r ]■ ;l»-id app»4izing t«»iii'-. (Sami. S. Pent/., !•»•»'md.-rai < umi-'iiml* with as i|b»-ral ha- It.-.-n p«»»»i’ f-.r s«»m**tim»- past, i* some­ A (’"., -"In itor-<4 pat. nt- at Washington, Th»-Arc «b piirtnmnt h.ul th» ir » ngii w d D. ( ’ .. uii-urpn — •» «I su ••••»-*- In obtaining what impr"V»-«l, wc arc glad tu say Our Candid Advic<- th» ’ irr» *at n» w 1-vl edition ul the famous • in uppl'... iti ti - f mud a* p »-Mb!»-, ami th»- th* str«-et* vi «t«-r»hiv » veiling, u hi- h «lid patent* f"r all «-la**»-* -4 invention*. Tlmv *«plliw* iir- supp>J*e»l t> I»»- »-xi'.rt-iu th’’ good w»rk. Th»» du*t wa-i lai«l in «-x< • Il»»ut li 1- - i l"in that w»- app»»ar in the r»»l«» of Wiii-.t -iim is to th»* engine H..« n P* Sar* art. 1’ *• •••m* passing straug» ’nat with a- -apirillai- t" th.- l»«>»!y pr.Mlu.ing l..»«iily make a specialty "f n-j»»<-t«-«l ca-»-*. ami hav»» -ty l.» thereby. *pnliual .idxi*' i t family physb.ian, but *.-eur»» highest « ash pri«»»- for g«>oi« g"n a- w.-ll as Week, b' ll;g ■•all' tl thltll.-l l.y w • i k in tlu >tHt» . H«»n. E B M. EIroy, Supt. ot Bunlic an auctioneer In northern ( alif»«rma or on»- trial will make you as entbusiasti«» a* pvrt|”ii "f th»* vi-itor* at th»- Portland ex- ♦•l*.-w h«-r-. it ha-'l'-rn'm- «--¡H-« ial «lamag»- Knight- Templar ■ «•mmai,.!. r V. E\ l-I.D ami impr-v «-<1 I -ity-six valuable* hmtruvtdn; Ib-iijanin S-imtield, Preti- • -\«-» ‘ pting that ft mt w«'Ul«i hav«- far. <1 s.»nm- th- writ. r. -••utlmrii ()r»-g u, will again *« Il p«.«'!* f r ii ■•* teaiurc*. «’v .1 -juu beautiful eniriav- pvsitl.’U. It I* a worthy institution. «Ieri! J. B. V Butler. SecrHary. Execu­ what bi tt, r with c"<»l»-r weutlmr. Mr- Emma Dunn . f W.dla W.tlla i- pav­ tlm S. «). S. B of A. hig* and m ariy l;»ra«« ¡»n^«-* Every body tiand Alliance Rally and Old-fashioned tivi (oinmifte» J.J.Dalrt, p. W’ Ha.cy, Imig.- Watson an«! K. Kubli, a* also tlu»*»* ha* h«-ard <4 Hill - Manual. I tu demand iff ing r.-lativ. - and frt» nd* in .l.e k-<»nvill«- a U. S. Feed Stable. and J. li V. Butler. Poik; Jacob Voorhero, I hoiih I hi iik mai x «-l.»u- < ’v. ) Heopl« - sol«!. My sou ha- Is-'-n aftli' b-d with n.i-al ■ a- .1. IL liols.'V «4 ( •'!’*!•■.in.i, T« xas, i- in th«- Basket Picnic. wh«» a* «-«»m|»iinl‘-d th.-m «»n their hunting Marion. J. < Whitr. Poli: Alfr»-d Lary. tarrh -in • «luit»1 y■ *uiig, I wa* imlm-ed to visit, and will remain a f'-w u» < k- valley s.-lling right- for hi* patent blasting 1 hav«1 a»l»l''d a f«»ed stable t«» til»» E. S. F-aiy-»->ght editmns air.-iuiy « xhau*t<-»i, and • xp.-'lition. returned u few »lays -iiu ’ »-. CiMckHtnH*: A N'«ltm i r MultDomnli; W. R. riiv nn r-i«u> 'l ' «" "ftii" try Ely's < r»-am Ikdm. and ln-f<.r«» w»- had gun. wlii.-h is pr'»m»uiu,« «l a flr*t-»-la-* in­ h"b | f"i’ Ih- .c «'nun "lati di of transmnt* tlu- imigniti«-»nt m-w edUmn just pubuslu-»! Holin«**, Marion. mitt.. - ■*rr.i'>2" «"•■ •>" If yu «-«»ntrmplute purcbaMiig a n»-w suit ti*ed on»- b«»ttl»' that di-agr.'-al'l.-.-at.irrita! vention by c.\p» rt-. a id tie pul'll«» g'Di'-raliy H"r*.-s will be nieaiis amtliu i ru h baiv«-*t. N«» experience i.riil" to'•. h..1,1 at tii- fair u-i un i- U" >r .»f .-lotlu--it will I m * w.-ll (<»r y«»u to «-all «»n -nu’ll had all l»-tt him. H»- app.-Jirs a* w» II ami m» «-apital r« quire«!. board»- I f"t tu» nty-ilv»• c»-nt* ]»»-r »lay. Evet» t»< ginuers can -•■!! thi* work *itli It would Is'well if tlm imrti« - wlu hav. r. utral l’"ln' "»> * |>«"iu|” r >' lu‘v' "h“‘" ' lb hiii »-- A Whit»-, as th»-ir st'M-k is flr*t-«-la-*. a* any on.-, It i— tin- b.--t »-iiiarrb rem»-«iy In .1. D e II obgam . w.’lulert u! sue« It olt< i* a «-ami t»p|M»r- ••.»«Brtry arrai.tf' tie nt- a- ’■• ufu'i'l-| I m *»- ii pursuing tlm pra»»ti«»«» »4 murdering th*- murk» t .1 < Olmst.a«! Ar.-»da. 111.' tunity tor «-veiy bright man <»r w.unan, <»ld or J hn M l’» u >ugh has r» nted T. P. Kahl.-r’s th" i- M. ' K'rv. 1 tur. r"t 11-11 ill Rogu«» riv.T with dynamite «luring y .»ung, t«> »-«»in nmiu-y Piano for Sale. • i'»« 'i I in 1 •line«- R.'.-k precinct. Tlm latter «ml -p»-ak«-r-. . •* ■ uriuslpil __ . th»- pa-t few vv.- k* would ••all a halt a- BEAUTIFUL AND HEALTHFUL LOCATION. NO SALOONS. th»* Stat»- Allian«-» will I* . .. ttil i lul'.ul: I..."'»'» Jacksun county t.-mp»»rariiy. tlu-v ar«» *ai«l t«> known, ami tlm law i- v. i \ A mu \->*.- A Son’s piati-»,almost new ami FIFTY-EICHT BOOKS IN ONE. ..f th» day. Th»- various |.«tg»-- ... s«-v«-r«-in reganl t»» this «»ft‘«-n-e ami will in pcrfoct order, can I- obtaim-«! at a bar­ Penmanship, L«‘tt«i Writing. B«»<>k K»-cp OlVguU Dull. W ’ Ut.-r- New l>uil«, new apparatus, full taenlty, li^lit e.qtcneiUaiir B'ini. Partnership Forma, ( •-ntral I’« int -. h.«»Lh'.u*»-at half | m »* i until.■!•'■ ' •‘«•'•Ub iu.rth.-rn m.irk«-t*,ami ar»- readily «li*|w.*.•»! «4. Th»- -nak»- ■ How to Colli'ct a D' bl. Exemption f.aw*. ami Miibic departm»‘iit-. o,-|...-k V. m . Tim |»r..|M-r «•»«mmitt.-.-s nunilh rmt li" b" 'It «-- »»• »•.■•'l•l• — of ratti»-- i a th usHiid thing-that are wanGxl in every­ Mr. Rog.-r- wit • has l«e»-n a resi«b*nt «4 arranging for mu-i«’ l»utim r- am! -tan«!- It wa- ••villnlltl.V nv day Ilf«-. Al.ov. all it t<-a«-h«-s men and Special attention given pfivrical culture. Volunteer military \*hlaml f'-r -»«iimtime, wa- a»lmitt»«l to th»- th»- cu*t»»mary button, th»- gi’«-un«l*. ill-.» -wing*, that all may Th»^record -ay* women how t«> be suce«-s&tul I! you cannot spring , . , hi ‘ k'-Li 1 «1 -nak' thmi-H-lv-* Til. public g» n»-rally ar- ■ unty hospital la-t w»-»-k. He is »7 years «4 Tip»e receiving diploma»- are xutlioriz«*d to teaeh in tak« hol«l y«»urs«-it I»«- sure ami tell some organization. -p.-tfully iuvit»d t....... nu* ami .-nj«»y a wor’hy tru n«i «»bout th»- New F>ltti<>n, ami ag»* Tuition han giv« him a « ham-«-to »-arn fhe in«»n« y . Price any county in the »-tate without further examination. «4 i»-. r»-ati.'ti ami li»-ar the —..-ial ••.-•• I’-m al • f«pb i Imui's »lay in in "i«i»T to mak«- r-»«»m I- r th»- full ‘t<•■ k. «»t <»uttit, $1.(11. Don t wait, but semi in your been reduced in Normal and Ilu-im-M- d« j *25 a anti •mim-r. nd q.i» *ti 'n* »li-. u—••«! fr«»man i*I»-phant Juml ’ o. ii- »nu- applicatl«»n *«»w goods hav- l».-«'U mark»-«! away d wn at th«* al»..v.* Delta am! Alhaiu •• -tamli»».int F. s. ye<.r and in the Sul>-Normal from s:’," to $20. S. F. Variety St»»r»*. ( all ami wc for your- __ _ F. T. IM»W Nis.i, 4 • •!’». a b i with lii* trunk, THE HISTORY COMPANY, •H-lf. F. F W ai . kkk cutting th«-train in tw am! tti» -eitgim- ami A year in whool for $15.« Expenso. Tuition in Nurinal «nd 723 Market str«-«-t. ¿an Francisco. hav ' ■ g< •li»- t<> ( al ter s . vmlel H. H olt . I Arraiig.-m.-nt*. The machinery of the law has not been put to work \ •*< .«-ial partv for thi* ov.-ning i?- <»n th*' part'd tlu train ran twenty mil«-- b»-f<»r«- Buciness $«>.25, per term .4 ten «.«kt; Snb-Norinnl, $."» perterin; • k- at Smith Hr«»-» ' tap«- in- mplim» nt t 'Will. Mlllcr.wbog.M-* anything wa- t- umi t" b. vv r* ng umi h.ul to i- fa-t « timing iut«» t" Washington t«» tln»l a lwat!'»ii in a few g«»* Ui.-k thu- .-aiming tiu- «1 lay. Khu-ta '1. sl.5«j p. r w.-.-k; fiiinibhod room with Petition tor Liquor License board at Normal Dining Hall use of ammonia and too speedily against the i'rau3.5«« per Th»-followtngar»- R»’>. K- Enni* appoint­ Bia- klr rrv *liipnmntM alotm hav» 1 yi» ‘ l«b*«l G old II ii i .. Or«-g<»ii. Sh'-rifT Wal l in f Yamhill - .»unty arrived the pocket of ment- On ev»-ry Sumlay im'rniug. « \c. pt- alum in Raking Powders Both -l'tli and week Fii>t term opens September 22, l-'Hl; MudenU may enter at To tiu H«»m»ral»l» »'ounty < « urt of Jackson ing tlm third, Im will !i»'l«l — rvi«-» - at th»- \-hlami grow, r- not I»*** than $3.U00 m la*t Katnr.lay . .i* '-.xi'«-« te«l. ami ' • - k tlm boy - < «»unty . <»reg« n any time. E<»r cata logneaddr. ’ be; Fr»’»l'V t»-ri.«n « h'ir'-li in Ph.i-ni.x : "ii thir«i hard ■ a-h during tlm *• n*oii now drawing t«j ycl.'pt 1.»wi- hroth'-t*. luck t" their "hi W»-. th«- umi»Thigu<-»l « iti/.' iis <»1 Go ’ d ’ till the ¡»copie are demanding ¡»roivct- ■ ) The legislatures of iu»ni.-t" an- v• i t ■ tin- imii« tnu-nt hanging Uumlay nrnrning at .!.«• k*«nv ili« . umi »-very a el- •*•• pi «vine!. Ja.-k-oti County. < n «-u« •• rvep«*vt t ul- I ’ . I., ( t.Vt ‘ lll-:i I.. .1. It.. I'rfixhlfHt. or over them f«.r « attl. -b aling. It i- thought l\ p.-titioii \ our tuui«»iuI■ a- ’.«>«;> to grant II Sumlay »-v»-niug Im will pr»a« h at tlm Pr«-*bv- 1 . li. Pag»' "f Portland has b»?» n -ojoitru- F.»r. -t tie - are raging in imarly every «li- that n-lativ«-* - f the y. ung ra-.-al* will J. II. I'till ELI., .1. ->f.. rirr-i‘rr»itlrnf. «:« us«- I«» Jam« * Wr vq.!, H I. Kmncy ami tcrian «-hur.-h at .lu«-ks»'uvill<-. New York. Illinois and Mint'', t.i i . .e taken this matter r. ’|.»n tilling tlu* attii».*|»h»T»» with «m«>ke. posit bail f"r th'-m and turn them «»nt again, ing dur»ng tli»-past w» »-k at \shlnml. watch­ S \V. M.-ci'’.;4«*n t«»**«-ii spirituous, vinous an«i ing tii»- np'ditng "f th«- lu-'-i"ii- p.-ache* ii"w d - h |1 liquors m Kaul pr««met in less quanti* lb v. F I E.lwar.l- »d M- If• r«l will pr. a-h A g.•«»«I ram vv.»iii»l n«»t I m ? out of «»r«i»-r ju*t with tlm -tipillati'«ti th» y l»-avc 1 ’ ih< * Mat»- ‘ ‘ f.»r * maturing *•» rapidly in the upp»-r valley. m»w . ties than oiu- gallon, t.u a term ot six months at tlm i r»-byt»-rian hur.-b im.xt Sunday of adulteration ur, and espcei.div that of Baking Powdcfi g« »«»«I. from this lUth day ot >«-t t«-inb«-i. lsf’l; evening. tm-dicin» . Joy - Sarsapa- That celebrat«*»! < .< . Rag-'iah- ■ 4 i'«»lu-a <»• »unty, Cal., ha- W. Chastain. M. Ciiav n»-r. W. H. Runiu-Us, 1 1 Jim R . th»- imt' d 1 LI !»»-• n in tlm valley »luring th«- past w»»»»k. .1. Do»ig«-. J. W Hays. A. J. Harh*w, W S. R»-v. F s*a(ry - app' intim-nf- f«»r S. pt -m- rilla, «‘an U"W be foumi nt Dr. Robinson's which bl«l* fair (•• It will be in the interest < ; publi- health when their sale .ufH-rior and few It has no lin k. Kobrit Hindman. M. p Ja^ol.v J. H. *traight«-ning up hi* aflair* preparatory t«« drug-st.r»-. |w r ar»-a- f.»ll«*w- l ir-t Sunday at .lack- E'-lip*e ur Al hart"w is m»w In th.- m rth and William«. John A U«»ru,’JAn Lin. Win P. I Jacoby, »Olivin»- at ■•» V M al'd 7 .'»r m M«mpaiii«-»i by Alls* Ros«' lap ( has N. IjiiiilM-i’t. James D«idg<-, M. F. the penalties of the law are rigidiy enforced. There is n«i 7 3” i». M. Fourth Sun.lay. A-hlaud. Hui'. I. L D»-boy, P. Smith, William Smith, recently. lmrses fr -m that -.-«•ti'»n seem !•» I».- alnm-t Cardwell. Tlu y i«-turm.-«l boni«* y-terday. Wtlbam D. M«»or«-, T. E Hamumrsly. G«-o. R. inviimihl» ’ , when giv na fair sR.-vv, M E. Church Appointment*. ii] \I IK* IN I Ul HaiutU'-raly W. U. Dowd« n. Jn >. ow. ns. A. J. Rev I. A. sl'.v.T cauvuusi'd the valley article of human food more wickedly adulterated than that E. Sand»-rs<»n Smith ha- r»-turnc«l from a Pay lor, J . H Knot«. I . M Durkee, It. The annua! • n(.•r»*n«:»- "f th<- M-th ii-t during ti’*‘ pm»t w.-.-k in b«*haif "f tim pr<»- A -iigg.-*ti«.u If y u ar.- troubl»*«! with trip to San Francisco ami I’«rtland, wher«- Dungan, Ja*. McDougall. John Perkins. J»»hn .| n»-w Baptist church at Anti«»« ’ h. id . rth Churci' Houlb, wlii' li "!•.••■ 1 I-- — •»•»¡••h ut rheiimati-m «»r a lain«- ba -k allow u- t" .-ug- b«- has b«»» n -ii ■••»—fill in »-nli-ting «-apital of Baking Powder Mard«»n, A. ib»b n. D P F«»ivad»-. < . Johnson, Rmwburk’thi- H""k. In.ul" «h" !"ti it 4 tile river. g.**t that yu try th«- following -imp!.- in the pr«»*p«»'?ting «4 s«»m«» «4 onr qiuirt* E A Slov.-r, John « arr«»d. T. D«-vol. m . M. totbUii"0t.i : II' ."I'ilri? •Ii-tri"t (i H Lyn haul family Wtt^nr «.reck r«»Ui».»lv ■ Tak.-a pj. •»' <4 flaniml th»- *iz»* «4 mim n KcRrlier. John F Rail*. Barr, n Porter W. I.. Huyii"- |T"~i-litii: "I't- 1 I* '•■I"''/ -tati'-n «luring th- Dr. Price ’ s Cream Baking Powder is the only pure M«» Jure, < . I’ Parker. ( . Vr»»inan. ¿ w’«-k a cnt»-riuin»-d tb»dr »-a*t»-ru th'- tw»« iiami . ati.iatu j. uith( uatnl?«-Llain’* » . Rev. E nn M InUr- »4 VtmlHil county «V B. Stnitli ; «uklau'l ■trill« i—l. fri"ii'l George T. Mann ami wifevf T« rrc Fain Balm ami Uml it - v.-r tlm s.-«t «4 I Il H. Iliuik'l" -ii|» riiuii" iar> Mull' "■•k. Hau«" Indiana. pain. It will produce a pb-a-.ant irmthiiml wa* in tlu- v.illev la-t we.-k |..«»kii»g f«»r Administrator’s Notice cream of tartar powder having a general .,1c that is free |. \ m ... . . < ...|iiii|. talion, K. A. Reagan r«-lmve yil -4 all pain M ii!} - -,»••.• ■■.«,-••«> r a V vn~t ;ini'"iiit "f wh"ut i~ (Hiuringmt"«li" hav Iw-en .-«ircd m thi - wav. Tlu - P.i n Balm numl>»»r'4 y.-ar* having I h ’.- h tliat «^f a hor­ « ...imii- "ircuit W. J. F»-nt«»n ; Grant * Pa** In th« matt» r of th»- » -»•»’.«■ «._> Henry u. mid W.H.hill" .1. I. Futrell : .Ja«»k*«»nvill»-, Hull. T""k mill-. It ii "f a flrit-"la»« caii I».- "btaim d fr- in Dr V liirkl«-, Central ticulturist. from ammonia, alum <»r taint of an\ Lin ’ <>f impurity. Blown <*«»^.»»>Lsi*«i Pr»4. \rni-tr»»ng. principal -4 th« portlaml , otice hekf . by given that the It. « Op l-I') : A|pl»gai»- Il B Swaft ni. •iiLili.v —"igliing tii'T" to th" t>uih"l tUnn I- Point, and G. H ILi-kln-, M- lf«>r I. i-ualiy tii" • .u-" Bu-iii»-** Cull»-g« . sp.-nt a few »lay - in Ja»-k- | umh-vsigmd has b»-eii appoint«-»! by tlm l.inkiill", .1 F : WaiU»’»-; l^kevi. w mi—r»n makes the sweetest and l:-i... • bread, bi.cuit and cake Captain II J. '!’■ • I ami wife f A*hlaml - - ---- <»Auiit) eon» t "ai pr"ilu. " iiliimit la-t vv'.-k » nt. rtarjed th.-ii « Id firm- Calif.«r- soiiviil«' *im-<‘ tlu- last i*-u»- i ing in I’robme, Hdfiiinistnttoia of th«-e*tMt»‘of J .......... .•"liY"r"h''" I E' I.» lt' it' h ll : Dalla* I’u'la- ami ii:: = ! Divi»-. !"*■ fruit t" Mipplv th" l"•■llt 'l"tu.iii'l. ; nia fri'-nd-. I'. 11«.u\ ami wif.- «4 C.-lusa turning h»«nm «hiring th. we. k. H» wu-m - ELL CARTS, ETC., ETC. Ht-nrv U. Brown. |>tr, E\t|a Ste«-1. Gaiigd, You Take N'-‘ Ri * more to nianufactur I»r Price's than any other baking pri'-. f tlu- • '-r»-al while he wa* in tiu gran w.-nt to Oaklaml. i al., at win h pla.-«- Mrs. VV .1 «. 1 tic- !•»•' "i li"'i'■ n "« prea. nt fln-m at th«- office of bi las J. Day in lu I.»lying IL "«I - Sar*a|«ttril!a f-.rdt i- • rv- Tricycles, Black Lund, Scotch Clipper, Stubble, Tiirf .n-.-«|U.-ii'-. to him. a* <'. will remain until imxt -pring. th»» dim.;!.- J m < ksotivll.» . J«ck-oti county. Or., «»r at .VI,, r- fill" il"J»'t Ii t"l ut Ashlau-i. was ite « ity wa* «4 * »nu ah. r»• rt .-"gni/.-.l a* tiu- -t.imlard building h«- had imt sold hi- grain when tin- raise ■ 4 Lak.-« "Unty in tlu- winter -.-a-'.n having the i«‘sii»Tty. month* from the tirst publicalv»u «>1 tbiauo- and dollar* l»y it. (■•ale Kull Chilled and Steel, Sulky anti Walking Plows. Twenty* Jo-hua Patter-.ui and wife aiul s. I m»Tit. und ha* tlm l«irg’-*t *ak «4 .mv prep­ i tic«». V . ■•n-i.|"rii«>l" quantity ••! gra|'"« ii b"ing Standard for forty «-ears Date«! Aug. H ’^'d A *ur«- «’ur«- f> r th«- wm-ky habit Dr. M»»riii»‘ "f Ashland, a ••-• mpanl. d by — •v.»ral aration "f it* kin.l Any Imm-t -Iniggi-t -hi|'|*-‘l fri'iu th.- \iii"Viirliail M"rut. Tiny ar" of Living-tom * Auti'l' t»- !« t Drunk' im»--- will |Nirti«»* from the neighi»«?rh".>«i <4 Ph«i»nix -II.A- J DAY, Scotch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrows. cure any ca*»- -4 tim li«iu»'r habit iu from hav«» b»»on rusticating in th»- vi.-inity <4 t.» take H»- m I - sar*a|-ariIla. •!•■ n».t ’*• in­ ' ,,u "VTlh'Ut qll.lllty. Administrators of the rMHte of H. R. Brown. ten t • thirty day*, from tlu- m«»d».rat»' drink­ Crater iak«? «luring th«* past week. du«-»'«i !»• buy anything el*»’ in*t»a»l. ic- 1 \ Briber "f Tulare county, t ai., is l>ay- er t th«' drunkard. Th» Antl«i«»t»'cau be t»ur» to t H ".'d - P. D Hull «4 A*t «ria. f r a l-aig time a Mines for Sale lug r-iativ. v ut Tal"Ut a Milt. H- «ur given in a cup of •" 41» without th«- kiu'wl- ., ■ nni|jini"yed at tbe A-toriun offle«», T<> Whom It May Coûtera. HE undnet|»ncd «•♦fen. tui l»i> three Uy by Mr Kirby. will uot injure th»* health In any way. but return* f r th» p irp••-»» -4 having bi* plH« »-r claim-} <»u Plresant «. ret k, including IL SO kt '«•!•■ tu.I.'l l' d t i un­ Cbarl"' Bilg'r «1 l«"»lyn. "u«U.. will Manufa turd by th*- Li'iug-t-n (. h»*mi«-.il eyes treated by Dr. Geary of Medford, who a good wat<-i right. Tncfe lnhiCH hi »! known lv Fc«|U»--t« d < » « al! Ti •!"C»’•» art eurn.,*!l, C<».. Suu Fruncí***-, (al. S »Id Lv 1 C. - U l c uiurri' 1 torn." •! tbe tirller of LHena- Brooks, Jacksonville . Mill.-r A- strung. M d- ha* au ».-xecllent r.-pututi n as an ouulibt. to l»v rich and will be sold at a reasonable ;. l «1 .-uttle without furth»’r delay W’ 1 ¡igur»-, a* i am uniibl«- to run t Iw-iri any longer, BON.OZJ rOKCK ItKOr COR* PL1VTEK CHK<-*red. Until and rami t-omplctr uuu hinr r S36.U0O. H.- glli'i'- f'-r llm -Ightl'- I- 1 test th«’ p >*lti» n. b«»ing w.-il kn- wn for hi* «-xcvlb i.t Settle Up i John on Self Dump, B od . su . and Star Hay Rakan. Peerían* Sulk, Opffa rff rtì rfi: oeuf p-.liti.-iaii - nmmory a fim-ml intr.»«iu -'-«i plan--tum-r. will I« In .la« k-«I»vill»' I Ha, Gatherer*. Reversible Carrier*. Ha, Fork*, Etc. Jfvuii want tin- lr-it sewlng-maehine In (jen. Ream«'*, wiu» happen'd t" I*- at th- de­ j udgmeut and infl«»xi bi» i ntegrjty« 1 Ml» ..f s.-pt.-ml »-r kll ord»-r* in p«-r«'.iu» arc lu-r< by n«»tith*l toc»«m<* For Tìiwntuli I Tim editor of tlu T ime *, win» att»-n«ie«»Ft nn