A SCROFULOUS BOY ’Fn.af, and South SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ftHMM.ng /»rod. Hotly erad .tfforted. turril by Cu- FRIDAY ftoor. The Mt. Shasta Route Tiie frame uf Senatur Vpatch’s flour­ I ing mill at Cottage Grove lias been raised PART OF THE HUMAN STRUCTURE ...AVGUST 14, 189F by the carpenters. TO AOVERTI8SRS Sorra torve«» Hr. The TIMEN has a elreaiattea ataaoo «aelargesl eajoyed »F aay ■•wepapar aaeilshed heaweea Partías») aad Bed ■laV.l’al.—adlstaaee al «eo axllee. II Iberetore olTere ihe bes» laducemeals kaadvertleera. Oar liat le prlaelpallj coadaed la Jackaoa. Josephiae aad Klamalh eeuailee. Baelaees atea ehonldlahe nato el tille. When six month« <4d, th«* l«*ft hand of our ------ kVurtw Trains Lrave PortUnd IMIIy.___ littii grandchild I»« gan to swell, and had every ----------------------------¡Sorth. South app«*arunre <»! a larg«- b«»il. We poulticed it. » - l Z sv T-l*..rtl»ud Arrive V i C ia . m . but t«» n«> purpose. Ab«»ut five months after 17---------- r' " r L.*»ve Mvdb.rd L. »vel .:I*A. M 7 ü A . a i.l ArriwSuuFrancisco L.wv. l l> (X>r. M. it became a running sore. S«w»n other soree a L7 v " train» •'*■!• “« ‘.'i1' ’p.‘,'r‘.72¡'i!f formed. H«* then had two of them on each hand, and his bl«»(sl became ä uLfer tX:*. Äa m«»re and nmre Impure, it t«w»k let*« time for them to '.?t.sJiXi.1», I«»!».», ksrri.burir. Junv- break out. A sore carat* «»n i nt T ak i «<1 v> the < Inn. beneath tin* under n.m City. Irvins, Kusein'. _ _ lip, which was very offen­ HOttimriUl MAH. UAll.Y _______ sive. H is head was one s«>li«i ks breath to tlie rv* Til. I.BA VS:_________ AHHlVr __________ _ scab, «lisehMrging a great \s b’*N»il to the heart, Portland *■ “• K»’*« burg....5 40 F. M. deal. This was his«*ondfti«>n life to tlu* btMly, KeKJr«:". .' «JO •» »• ujPortlaud M ¡PortLud.... t *»> « at twenty-two months old. when 1 und<*rto«»k to cur«* : !»o peint to a «iart, "A L H A \ V L< H A L »»AILY tKzcrpt Hundayl. •» Ka.'.a. my Kaza. my peerk ■ h.’e nteed, him. his mother havingdn-d ------------ ~ l.ZAVZ: i.'.«-111* i f my nord when h«* was little moret han Í Im fr»i iul of ray a year old, of consumpti«>n th«* sntmof the vh.ur.rt*. th«» lar.iiiug W&1 S,riW.M ¿ST'!!- «crofula.of eour««*). Albany .......... ’».UÜ A.HdPortUuid ..JMJV A. M He e«»u!«i walk a little, cr>, but could not get up if he fell down, and Aud »wifi ivx an arrow, to danger we fly. could iM»t m«»v«- wh«-n in bed. having no use ot' his hands I imint*«iiat«*ly conmn-nccil with A*« rocks to the waters. the Cuticura Keintsliea. using all freely. One The »b«»rc to the mala. sor«- after another h«*al«<1,a l»«»nv mat ter form­ TOURIST SLEEPINC cars , ing in each one of th«*««* five deep ones Just A m oaks t » ’hr tempests. For aceoiamodaUon of Mcood-etaes passeri- be fori- healing, which would finally vrow Th»- h«*igiit.< to the plain, loos«- and were taken out . th«-n they would - m > Knzn. tuy K.iza. and 1 firmly stand, re». attached to Kxprraa Trains. heal rapidly. One of Hies«* ugly bone I or illa­ Agam-t the Invaders (hat threat«» the land: tion- I preserved. After taking a dozen and a To the l.wvt ru«i«iy drop our hearts we would HKHulnt- Illi ialOM, half b«»tt!«*s h«- was c«»mpletely cur«*d. and is drain. h r. r »nt rnnrutiiitunitiiri now. at the age of six years a str«mg ami Ere the vouqnerorta feet our wild steppes healthy child. M hs . E S. DRIGGS. should gain. mah . thaims o*.i i-v lexcarr scan ay .)__ May U. «5. E. Clay St.. Bloomington, III. ; 3U v ■ Grave BortlanJ Arrive .'>:*» r.M. As wings to the eagle. Uav. |1? ó f a 2.111 r. w.|Ac ’ ve Corvallis As thought to the brain. Cuticura Resolvent Al Albany ai*J Corva.ns connect with trains The fia^h to the lightning. That new blood purifier, internally (to cleanse The nerve to a pain. ut Urvgou Pacific Itali road. daily ixensss TKcia- gxcfirz sr»i>AV.)__ the blood ot all nnpiiritieti aud p«»iM*»nou« tle- So quickly we skim the plain's broad expanse. rn» nt-and ttiu- r» in >\«' tb*CAUSe),and Cuti- c yi e la-ave Portrancl Arrive tkfifi A.M cura, the gnat «kin cure, and Cuticura Soap, Our vetus inad with fire, our souls In a trance; 1’aS r. M.iArrlve McMtnuville Leevel fctó A. •* an eniuisit«* «kin t><*auttfirr, externally (t<^ Oh. Kaza. ray Kaza, my horse without peer. clear the «kin and tu aip. and restore th«’ hair-, Great Allah could grant thee a soul without THROUCH VTKÍTS point», cure every disease and humor of the skin an«l fear! KA T a SOUTH. blood, from pimples to scrofula. —Anna E. Coughlin tn Boston Globe For Tickets»nd lnl«>rim»tl«n regsrdin« rat«*». □raps, eu-, --»11 <>n Company • »«P'»« ,rd PULLMiN BUFFET SLEEPERS. K. KOEHLBK. MauakCvr. A?. Ast G.b.AP.AKt. THE LADIES Southern Oregon arc hereby Informed that in addition lo a lame aud elegant line of . MILLINERY ve add«*d to my st«'« k the following classo- goods, of which 1 bave s full Une: L,*dl««’ FnrnUhiag Good«, Both Knit and Mutilo. MFANTS’ wardrobes complete Aauhea* u to be bou«bt any plsv-e; Alsu Childr«ni Short Clothes, l'udvr « »varaold. beanti tijjg un» COKM1CTM, t'oQXiitinc ot Ll»lv and 8118 OLOVKM, IIA.*Ml)KEin < a.1- forma at reel. „ MR.1*. P. P. PRIM. THE WOMEN OF ORECON -------- ARK--------- Oil II Strike They have thrown away the washboard,and say tney will urn* nothing but the Lpdioa' Choice Waaher 4anaiactur-4 by W. A. Gozxltnan Jc Co Gran*, a P am . Oregon. IT IS MAVS DEATH TRAP. The Democrats were successful in the city election al Sprague, Wash., after an exciting campaign. The fietwbriilge bill is being fought by die owners of the present bridge franchi­ ses at Portland. The legality of the bi.) will be tested in the supreme court. April Pool lieat tlie world's record at Butte, Mont., July 31st, winning the half-mile race in 47, Oregon Ei-lipse and Eclipse,Jr., being a tie for secund money. The late Senator Hearst of California was c onsidered a twenty millionaiie up to the time of bis death When his estate was appraised it was found to aggregate but a beggarly eight millions. A telegiam received from Buenos Ayres asserts that Chile will declare war against Bolivia, because the government of the latter countiy has recognized lhe congressional party of Chile as belliger­ ents. The rain did not extend south of the Calapoma range, and no damage lias t»-en done to crops in Vuipqna valley. Some uf lhe grain has hern damaged in the Willamette valley, hut not to any great extent. MOHAMMED KAHN, PENSIONER. “I will never forget,” sahl a former clerk ot th, bouze committee on invalid pew- elous, “on, case tb*t came liefore me far A Cui de Sac in Which Indigestible Hem* report. Tbe bill had been introduced by the Hon. J. Proctor Knott. Tbe Applicant nants Ixxlge and Sometimes Cause had la-en rejected At the pension office, then Death In Time the Human Animal presided over by Bentley. "The Applicant was sn orieutai named Will Drvrhip Away from It Alt«>S*tber. Mi'llnmuied Kahn. He had l*een brought With the appearance of cherries, plums, i ■ to this country In 1861 by Goodyear, Buch­ raspberries anl the like upon the fruit anan's minister to Persia, and Goodyear stands then* arises in the minds uf all per­ dyiiiRsoon after he was thrown on his own son«, not especially parent**, a morbid in­ resources in a country of strHinrers with a terest in th** app<*n«lix vermiform!«, or • struii«e .tongue and strange manners. A vermiform appendix. This interest al­ recruiting sergeant got hold of him and most «lies otr «l'.trifio the winter, when the enlisted him In a Massachusetts regiment vermiform appcixlix bus only oranges aud soon after the first battle of Bull Run. collar button» nml shirt studs to briug it "Being an ignorant man, lhe sergeant into prominence. But with the coming of thought l.e was an Indian and enrolled the fruits with small seeds the vermiform him us such, of tbe Blackfeet trilte, and appendix Incomes a stock topic of conver­ named him John Aniniahoe. He was sent sation. and lav« low many a victim among to the front, and was wounded In one of the budding male youth of the land. the battles of .Jackson's 'Italian' campaign Nobody can I«* quite certain that he has He was separated from bls command, and a vermiform aj»i»endix unies» he gets some­ a wounded colonel of a Pennsylvania regi thing the matter with it. For the doctors ment, mistaking him for a negro, took have dissected people in whom there was possession of him, registered him as a no tra< e of a vermiform appendix. This, contrabrand aud made of him a body serv­ however, is rare, and most of the human ant. The colonel got a leave of absence beings who read this article may have the till bis wounds were healed, and carried promt assurance that it tells of something Ammalioe with him to Carlisle. Pa., where in which they have a part. be remained six months. Those who hold to the evolution theory •Deserting bis master he enlisted under have no difficulty in accounting for the the name of Mohammed Kahn in a Penn vermiform ajipendix They say that it sylvania regiment, and was severely belongs to a class of rudimentary struc­ wounded st Gettysburg He was then dis- tures left in the txxlies of all organized , charged, though by some mistake he was things by the process of evolution. There I | borne on the rolls of ls>th regiments as a arc certain muscles in tho human body deserter. Half a dozen claim agents had which have nu use at all, but simply stand tried to get a pension for him without as remnants of muscles which are devel­ avail. He drifted from Boston to New oped an«l are u-eful in th® bodies of some York, to Philadelphia, to Washington, and animals of the lower orders. The human at least a score of surgeons had reported animal has «lev«-loped into an environment that he was disabled by guushot wounds. in which these muscles are no longer use­ "One day he approached .Mr. Knott and ful. In th«« course of ages they will dis­ related bls story. He claimed to have blue appear. Now they are.■’in represented in blood in bis veins, and asserted that he had a shriveled anti innocuous state. been of tbe household troops of the Persian ÜSEI.EHS t.\T> HARVFl’I. emperor, having l>e<*n recruited in Afghan So it is with th«* vermiform appendix,ac istan, whence came tlie finest cavalry of cording to the evolution scientist*. Thera the East. He was an expert swordsman, was a time when R was developed and had and the blood in bis veins was of the Hot­ an important place in t he economy of life. It spur order. Knott Is a mau of gorgeous still exists in some of tbe lower animals in imagination, and no don lit, a« the poor fel­ itsc«»mpk‘te form. In the human animal low recited his pathetic- story, vldons of it is shriveled and I» no l«»ugt*r useful. the wondrous clime of tho sun rose before On this last point all nr«* agre«*«l It does him. THAT MEDICAL The Peciillsr Career of a Native of Af- ghaiil.tau In L'uele lan>*l Army. OFTEN GOES WRONG. MISCELLANEOUS LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS RIVBRSIDE SUMMONS NURSERY! In the Circuit ( «»urt lor the State ol Oregon, lor the County of JuckMon. William B. Kincaid, Plaintiff, vs. Jane H. Ward, (formerly Jam- H. Miller) Charite Ward her hui'band, Rosa French. Theodor«- I rem.'h h«*r husband and John Gideon, Heli nt law of Ma«<»n Mili»-r, late of G»s Ang«*i« WIM l’f-O.X. county, m the state uf ('aJiforuia. fomierl of Jackson county, in tin- state of Oregoi «I«-« « ased. tin- Coknown Heirs at luw of said Mason Miller, deceased, and Willfaaij M Hutches. Defendants. Suit m Equity to Qui«*t title to real ectate. d» terrain» adverse claims thereto and to 1« move a cloud thi-refroiii. L<* Jane If. Ward, formerly Jane If. Miller) ('hat les Ward In i husband, Rosa Frenc h, Theodor«* French in-r husband, and John Deleon, Heirs at law of Mason Miller, lai«' ✓ ✓ Ang«*l«> couMtv, in tin* stat«* ot ’ •«ht"i nia, formerly of Jackson county, in tie- -tat«' of <>r«-gon, deceased, the Un­ known Heirs at law «»I said Ma.-on Miller, Apples, Peaches. Pears, ZCherrics •i» < • a-.il, iU*«i Wiiham y| Hugin-s.th« above Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, nanied 1 >«. 1«*ndai>tN. I \ I II I. N A M I.«>F 1IIE STATE OF OREGON, Ou the Liver will break down all Quinces, Apricots, l ou ajt* het«*iiy r«qini«H] to appear and Walnuts, • n-u« « th. «<>mp|M|,,t ,,t th,. „!»,,vr Flaiutiff Blackberries, if « i ” G«»urt. ti.»u <>n file w ith Strawberries, Currants, . . “> ’h‘ day «»1 the i 2. . K ’ T , “ l ‘ , b, r ’ ' i ni •»! *>a'.d < «»urt. t«» I m Raspberries, Cooscberries 1" U ‘ ;‘’1‘ I*'1’ rtt lh‘ b‘’“rl H«»usc 114 th«* 1 I ’ •,'“ k*‘’«'v,l,’ *in*b*’ ksou « «Minty, stat«* and Crapes, \ 1» i-.o’*’0,1 ’ J' «iay <»1 S« pt« n*tM-r, Indigestó>n, CoiiBtipation, Sleep­ a f> I *1. «n ju lgim nt tor want thenof will n‘i n f'.'f «“d ><»«• an* h< rel.y «»«.till« r< ami Oregon; that tin* adv« tn «- claims of the Dt*I 1«-ndants and ea«*h of th« in in -aid r.-al estate I»«-d< «-reed to be null and void, that th«-D«» fondants l»e adjudg«*d and d«xr<«*«l to hnv«- no right, title nor interest in >*r to -ai«i real «.-state or any ¡»art thereof, and tliat th«*y and <*Mvh. every and a'.i of them I m * forever barrflt! and estopped trou« asserting «»r claiming mii \ right, title or in- t< r«-st in sai«l real «-stat«* or making any claim whatever tn.n to a«iv«*rse to Plaintiff, that tin Hen ot a <•«-rtain mortgage from Delcndant. m. M. Hughes, to th«* above tuiuied Mason Mdl.-r, deccused, on -anl r«*al estate rec<»rdcd SCROFULA in \ «»i. 2 «»f lli<* Mortgage Records of said BRONCHITIS •la« kM.ti county, at Pag« s2 th«*reof. I m * deer« «*d to I»« «-\tingiu-h(*d ami « xliaust«*d. that said COUCHS mortgage be Sold by all dr figgi.Ms. «• w«k- t«y ord« i «»1 H«m. I . R. ball. per d i v h jinlg«* of Rani Circuit ('«»urt, made wrote reproachfully to her young man; bays Ibis lug land the man mused softly to himself: Sec Tlie Gold Beach WHITMAX, Ali y tor Pit'll, no g«M>d. It does much harm. In fact, it SUMMONS "His m I ml was carric <1 back to t lie < I ays of been tlie irr.-atest tithing season ever “That's strange; they used to lie per- never does anything uni« it es harm. Medford. Or« iron. reme Tamerlane and Saladiu. or Sulyman the The catch bas fecily satisfactory to the other gill.” known on Rogue river, That is why some pathologist a few year*» magnificent, and the Mamelukes, that near ill” j It 1JV1Í1314, been immense. 1* hi tin•<.’u*«*uit Court for tlo StHlv olOngou CITATION Beert>ohin is calculating that America ago gave it the name of “death trap.” And ly wrested victory from e ven Napoleon's libiti- ■ for th«’ County ot Jackson. It is not encouraging to old maids, but will lie able to spare 35,000,000 quarters “death trap” it is now called when the veteran colunw** He introduced a bill for Jonas A. L«*e. plaintiff, vs. Levi L. Angle, Ali« e j'-uit Court <•♦' the ?*t W. Antflc, < "in .id MUigur, ami I as him M h - it is nevertheless true that the tnarnagp of wheal. He estimates tlie surplus doctors desceml from thepiist enshrined Amntnhoe’s Icenefit ami il came la-fore me. i«»r th«* CouHty ot Ja«. Kus. Orra E. .Angle, Mary E. Augle. E.r 11 iblni ril'i thru” Patent «•I ‘ t < a««n. L a R« I in. .M <«»lvig rate is constantly decreasing in thia and aggrega'e o> the countries witti good heights of isatin and Greek Tnr«licul terms Daily he besought me to bs»k into bis case. AVa'k«*r hiid John Angle, «»•■i<*ndHiitH. \tt«»in«*y hst Judicial District, Levi L. Angl«’. Alic«* W Angl«*. <*«»nr«d bv l'i harvests at 50,000,1100 quarters, and the to the <>i«.innry languar*- <»f la' men. other countries. I thought be was some worthless negro, To Mingus rra E. Angl«'. The “death trap” is a small, worm too lazy to work, and put him off. requirements of tlie other countries at d«*«’eased. Defendant». Mary E. Angie, Enoch F Walker and John A dog bit a rqmkane constable The io.tfXMXW quaiters. -Imped tube, tbe opening <’f which is of «' L»w real |.ri.|.«rl> Angle, the sbov< -muned defendants: "One day, however, I took up tlie papers ■« ii.'at«8j i i «>r«*g»,n. constable is al! right, but the dog died ibout ihe diameter of a goose quill. It is ami soon liecame absorl>c*e history of the fellow as it was sent to the answer th«* e<»mp!aint of th«- ab«»ve iilnint iff in tec wants the constable stiot. it Is six inches long, and committee from tiie adjutant general's of­ the it wss twenty years ago. As the interest mrs. above « r»titl«*«•«’. I-; îh< S ei 4 of the The .hoe factory which wgs build lit noutb there is sometimes a valve and Ou*'th day «il Svp*« tnb«*r, ls'.«l ; and you ar»* I can eave money, as the cost of a ree|>ect- "He sitswered, 'I have eaten hog and I lii-rciy n«»tlfie«i that i! you tail to appr?4 «.t 6«-« . iS. Ail Sunnyside,» suburb of East Portland, ometimeM not. Genet ally the valve is hr* able interment was never so low. in I a |. > smith «»! Range 2 West, situan-d have got (trunk; they w.mt.l execute nm at answer said complaint, as hereby r«*quircd, after selling a large number of lots for »effect ati«i only ad«!s to thr danger of the ............. ‘ ng all vs linn -ani Ja< k> u < «»;int>. ’ home if I slionld return. I made a favor­ th«' Plaintiff will apply to th«* C-uuri tor th«* n - The daily Eugene linunl. finding that lhe real estate company, has been turn Ami it further a|>p«anng to th«? 11« ! demaml«*«! therein, viz: f«»r p»*rsonai Judg> trap.” able report cm his case, tho b.il | and m«-nt against L. L. .Angle for S1..2V K3 an«l $200 -at »lut tion <»f th«- «ou» t that the heirs at law dispatches coat money, an.l lots of it, ed into a tenement house, while the one Meath It ia fourni in most turn and animals, ex • 0 .-ai«i Georgi Bla« k. d« < «’as»si, if any he had lie got his pension.”—Louisvili* < nricr- attorney*«fees and for ouch turtin-r sum as arid lhat nothing is more certain than at North D.tlieg, I’.tiles, afte.-doing after doing duty ... in the ept the orang outang and the wombat at tlie tini«' ot hi;*. d«*atn. are unknown, both as th«-plaintiff may be adjudgtti to pay Conrad telegraph lulls except taxes and dea'h, real-estate line, has t een turned over fur -»mrtimrs it curves direct ly back from the Journal t«> nam< ami rebi«i«-nvv; Mingus: that said sums may be «1«*elared a It is tti< refon* «ird<*r«*d hy tb<* court herein, li«-n against « ’ « rtain r« al «stat« which thvd«-- l>a’ quit the t s|*eiise. owis to hoot in. ]’ropul»ion by Jet» ot Water. .«•cum. Again it win»ls around the ilium. tliat y on and «seh ot you are her« by cititi ami tvndant Mingus bv In, vertain contract and r«s|u ’i«s| to appear 111 th« atxive entiti«rdeeacon White's chickens." “Tefo’ de the I’riRon Vir.i, .a paper pubiialied in E»..ui ».-«ff ' .»•« vffeeib 1 »ywi-epeta, >• i t« ii '.I h i . ls'»l. and -liou « aus«*, it any vou tract«*«! to convey to said L. L. Angl« f«>r tin W&Bt of £p,*e*.i’.e, ln nav«-. why thetith of th< foregoing d«*M-rit»ed foreclosure of certain inortgag«* and d« « «i ol i-k of H-sntfb fand 1 : re« i. al prop, rty sh»>uhi not vest in th« State ot windmil!«, your st.ihl«- floors, y«»ur farm im- got to de cor p some odder nigcali hud motto la “ft is never to lat** to menJ. \|<.niMtioii iUMiut the cæcum is necessary. ships by jets of water Th’ real loss in «11 trust mad«- by sanl L. L. Angl«- and wife ’• »»»b* • • e:ye ired.!<-n«w, < »I « gon. iw* an ! nsu ■ oe reoelva ph tn« nts. Put it on your hog p« ns andchh k- plaintiff on December 2. IHsyt and wh; w ferr»>. / '.u venalbe anod I !» >m at JacksonvJi. . Jackson County. «ndav. Ulh .lav ««f «■» page* 477», eiti an«! book 20, deeds, pag _ __ , b Ctrl na Irem cotxifr »nt« July The salmon fishing season on the Co­ lished cutside the prisons, and we .«»out two inches in diameter, and rereck»aure sales; that prov«*«O,0W cases on ttie paca ol i;i Maska are something terrible—whole vay out of tiie system. As the opening tv has occurred t«> Mr. Vogdsaug to use two saiti L. I.. Angle by th«* Ch*rk ot this «-«»urt ut ot shingh a and make them l«»«>k like docs, and tbe Ih-in.r rit' announces that such an extent that the sick and dying Ih' Stat« • >f I ’ lt'u u t'ii intejrmat¿»ill ot Win. tion in ot to sa*«i bond or contract or land, alate. Address remain tnrre. axis iu circular paths like the tips of a M. « «»ivig. Dtbiri«-! Atto.’ti« y «»t th«* 1st Ju«li- this tax will have to lie paid, or the does i are deserted by their relatives. The and that their alleged right« therein li«*d< - F F. BYBEE. If you can imagine the stomach as being screw propeller. numlrer of the fata) eases is said to be < ¡a DiMra t ut Ongun, Plaintiff, vs. Th«* l dared subj**et to plaintiff's liens, and tor such Sole «»wm r and Manufacturer, will be killed by a man in waiting (or I tikiuiwu H< u> <»t G<*<>rgu Black, 0 per cent, of all attacked. !»< fi-ndantb. nactivity, that part of it whicii lies above to give velocity to tlie water acted upon ' «••«•at meet Hinl «*.|UitMbi«* Action to rv« <>v«*r i«*a! ¡»rupertv «*M'h<*at«’d to ulated ' Published in the D e M w < hath TiMuslorsix The department ul state has notified ■ •«• valves which <^pen from the æsophagus md so to find a solid fulcrum for the entire tii« >tut«* «»t < >r« M"H*. consvcutixe wbeks t«y order «>t Hun. L. R. I ) tii«* unknown h«*u> or G« «»rge Bla« k. «ie- Ex Senator Warner Miller is pushing the woild's fair management that China, \onld form such a cul l|y declared her chat has b ipp**Rne«l to t he cæcum. Part of inventor is sure that this will prove tbe July 13. FRANCIS FITCH. Att y f..r Pit IT. i p THE NAME (IF 1 HE SIATE <»F <>RE- .X.taLZ the hope of getting away to Europe be­ intenti* n of being represented at lhe fair, : has shrivrie«l and the vermiform appeu- most economical ami efficient method of I g.»U'>«>u and «*M’h of you ar« h«r«.*bj rr- Medford. Oreg«»n. ¡x Is the result, propulsion yet known. Screw steamers can 4 •ir« «l t*> app«*at and an-wvr th«’ c-oinplaint fore the enurmer ih user to see his wife has a ditficulty to overcome. The ques­ lil«*«i agaiiiM you in tin al»<»v«- untitk-d action WHERE THE DANGER UEB. lie readily altered without disturbance of and daughter, who havu been abroad tion is: Will Chinamen visiting tlie fair u ithtn t«*n dn>a fruni ti»«* date ul th«’ a«*rvicv I be allowed to enter. That will have to When the indigestible remnant of ths the hull.—Boston Transcript. SUMMONS, for a year. "I thia Mjiiitnotis upon y«»u. it ovrvej within ¡•>e decided by the treasury dejurtment. km I has entered the cæcum from the ilii> county; «»r, it »" rv«*«l in anj otbcrcounty The great Nancy Hanks trotted against I K J. M;)1* t , clerk of the board of rail- ” « I intestines it i*to|»s there for a little Ought to Be Careful. is Stat«*. tli«-n within 1 w«*nty «lays 1 rum In the Circuit Court tor th«* Stat«* ot <»reg«.»u, u* uf t tic servire ut t Ina su turn« >nti upon her f >ur-year-o!d record of t!:14'4,over 1 was over In Ho>a»ken the other d tor the County ot Jai’kson. and it y<»u tai; so to answer, lor want ' road commissioner«, is busily engaged • bile and then passes ou. But tbe cæcum W. I. X ’ awter and <«. *V. Howard. Piamtift« the slow 1 ’ ittsbu ’ g, I ’ a., track, an 1 re ­ HEALTH. » a sort of stagnant reservoir. Now’ the and while wanderiug around I Mwa p.. "t tin Plaintiff will take judgtn« nt v«. Ellen PackHni.Siidi«’ Packard. N.A. Hoxie. moved the fraction of a second from her , in taking care ot the rcaas of papers .igestive apparatus of a healthy person er fini*h painting an awning post and hang against you f<>r tin- Retain and poas<’ssi<»n «•! John Packard. Chari«-* Packard. A Packant ■ which have accnmnlateii in that olljee ■nay lie strong enough to push from the up a placard with the word “Palut!” on it, in« 1.» lowing «k*Reribed r«a! property belung- mark, doing the distance in 2.14. Doble JctTerson Packard, \’iola Pa<*kard, Edwar<1 L” Rlchnu*« Uol«i«*n fialsani Nof 1 iiil ’ t<< tlie « -tHt« «»1 Cf«*«irK« Bla«*k. d«x*«*ased. ¡ says she is a candidate for the position luring the last five »ears. Previous to stomach and from the small intestines not so that all might read It wasn’t two min Packard. R. It Packard. Jr.. Elmira Avery. (■'ircN ('hv»> r-’«, fira* an.. ■* eonee. 19 and th«* >E»4 <»1 Sores on th« Leg* aners, and th* y wen* scattered here and germs of disease, all dangerous micro lies Imcked up against that very post and I Jam Do«* Pa«-kard, Mary Doe Pa« kar«l, ami >«'c. 1>. Ail in Ì wp .p* S»utb ot Range 2 A. Packard, Deferidant«. Syphilitic < »»--.rrh, «Hw,| Scalp, and a l W«i«i. situat«*«i inJaek- tn County. Or«*gon. They say that it lakes a temperature there, without any iitfeitipt at keeping which may have entere«l at the mouth rubbfs! tway at it for three or four minutes I’o E. Ellen Packard, >adn- Packard, N. A. H«»xie, primary torn it of the diaaaae kn >wn af r<>a«*1ti« r with Pi iinntTs eobts and disbuts« - of 54 degrees Irelow zero to freeze a goose. them in order. John Pa«’kard. Chat I«* Packanl, A. Packard. Shphiha Price, ^5OO per lloitle, iii* nts herein to I m * tax«*«j. with the {uud Bqt here tn the «æcum licfore lie »lbcoverrd that he had struck it JvtTerMon Pat kard, Vloa Pa« kard, Edward But more than one goose, who has Htood Le Rh hnu'» (»olden No. 1 l'iii> suinnran* is publish«*«! in the ID. no » rich. T hen he yelled out in great indigna ­ they stop fur a moment PacKard. R. It. I’aiJtanl, Jr.. Elmira Avery. The t vo factions of the I ’em n ratie party Cures -T« rti;urv. MercurialSyphHili« Rheti- < HAT14 I IMI.' t««rs;» « «»IIP« «ut ' \ w < « k>. I»t in front uf a church Sunday evening, John !>«»«■ Pa«’kar«l. Ruhard Ro<- Packanl The mouth of the death trap is open, tion; ruat'am. I’.vina m the Bone*, Patina in the !,f.SMIT« r co $T »C : • p th. ..rd« 1.»t l{«»fi L. K U« !»>ter, Jud«« the in Chicago have united after a long and waiting for lus girl to come out, bae been Jan«1 D«»v Pat kard, Mary Doe Pai kard,nn«i, H< ««I !•«• k of tbe Neck, l'b'»ratr ot July. 1M»1. grees above zero. I You are hcrvl»y rc«juired t«> appear and eradicates ail d -eaee frmn the •yetem, WM.* M I’OLVIG. The split originated withex-Mayor Carter vermiform appendix these germa or a part your eyes?” asked the painter. whether i»u.'« trii t Att«»rn«\ 1st Judicial District. Aitor Yreka hnirinil The eighteen-months- H Harrison, who claimed to have beta of this indigestible matter may enter the in the above entitlvti c«»urt. now on file with of M. rcury, I aving th«« bl >»<1 pure and n«. v tot Plaintiff I know whether it was fresh or dry? ’ ’ vermiform appendix. ol.l son of John and Annie Gosnev, of the cl« rk ot said court, within ten day* troiu a sufferer from the arbitrary coutrol ot the healthy. Prirw SS OO per I’ottle. People ought to lx* more careful al>out tlie «.’at«- «>1 th«1 frrhtj*a, Gleet, of biting the eml of matches, the phos­ The party, when united, has according mucous membrane, but it differs from the these things A grocer in Avenue B must If «ervt^d m any «»ther county in the Stat« «»I Irritation ravel, arid all I rinary or Geni­ phorous tics for ignition being a deadly to their estimates 15,000 majority. The rest of the intestinal canal in ha/ing ouly have thought so, t».«>. win n he put out a Oregon, then within twenty »lay* from the tal disarrangement»«. i*rhe94 ."»Q per |»>isc>n, winch has caused the death of present city administration i» Repub­ a few very feeble muscle» It la therefor«» dozen boxes of black' « rries and placarded date ot lhe Bervic«’ o! tiii««umm«»:»« ujM»n you: Hottie. unable to eject anything that may enter It. them. “Genuine Black Berries.”—New or if served on y«»u out o! the Stale of Orcgou, FOR TORPID LIVER. f,r Hlrhau'e Golden Hpanith In­ many children throughout the country. lican. [ or by publication, then by the hr«t day ot tim jection, f tn vere » ^ ■« . f G »n<>rrhn 4, Say that an «»range or cherry seed is paaa York World. efiMiing S< ptcinbrr. H’Jl. term ot said court, I» tl.uim t. f.v «. . f. fctrictur a,Ac. Price A torpt$S liver deranges the nUnlcs/t* Baltimore, Aug. 8. — Belie! is given to Notwithstanding the reports of the in ­ ing through the system when this canal Is •|O wit. th«* ;th day of September. IbMI. and 91 ’»<> pflr Buttle. u»n hi «- herein notified tli.it i| you ‘ail to een decided that tor tne r« iief «• or « ■*« r werk. I r»>etrat.eror come forth for hit* after title or intcr«*Ht m and to the r« al property Price OO per |<«w- _ even do good in preventing anything else that the Alliance lias not ordered the noon airing Finding the delay tedious be weeks,s > that his injury may be attended herein deM-rilw'd. an«l tliat they and each ot Teric ar.d Nerving W them b«* enjoinetl and Imrred tor a««crting Thera is bo batcev remedy for these farmer» to h>4d the bulk of their wheat from passing up iutu the death trap. But suddenly exclaimed: to. Sent « ven where, C. O. 1>., wc-yvly ]>«aked a»iy claim whati-ver in <»r to the «aid lan«l eommon S DHI'O CO., AGE5TS. A policeman at once caught him by tbe and different n*lic! a* to this court shall jm *< tn «A»nnd *»ll Market Sfretl, coming °n top of Sir John (loret’e pre- tors. There are in our harlsjr to-day cate to the cæcum and to all the other ad­ collar and shouted. “Whom do you menu meet and e«iuftMbl«*j tliat the Plaintiff* are th«’ Sold Everywhere. San Francteco.(’al. -entation of the Indian e-tate,has caused steamships to be loaded with grain at jacent parts. Or it may set to work to by ‘the booby,’ sirrah?” owners «»1 th«* said land and premises dv- — Circular« tient free----- m-ubixl as follow*, to-wtt. L<»t tour 4) m a painful impression among the general the eleva'*>r. push itself out with the aid of thia ulcera­ “Why, my friend Michel!” whined the bl,2’7f> times. The word Lord occurs the different formations of the appendix. “And whom did you mean by ‘the boo­ inaerte«’. when ascertained tn said dX-eree. rhe reix.rt that Dr. Baldwin i» coming to 1,855 times. The word reverend occurs PubliHiuxi tn th«- D em «»« h < tjm n« inch bted t<» «aid otatv are r< - Article» of incorporation of the Portland and one German writer calls attention to poisoning. Even when tbe utmost cAre la taken of the teeth a poisonous secretion U • iu«*l Tbe renewal of the Triple Alliance has Southern Railway company haw been El ’ num ’ having claim« agaiu«t tin- «-state will served to brma France and Russia closer filed with the secretary of state. The the fa^t that 1n his own experience of 8(X> apt to collect on them, and the entrance of [ i < >».ut th« in at th«- oftiv«« ofW. H Parker, », * attoi n« y-at-law. .Iacks<»iivilte. .la« k«oti coun­ together. President Carnot lias an­ capital stock of ihe company is fixed at bodies examined every third body showed a minute ¡rortion of this Into the circula­ ty. <>r«g,«n. with |>r«»|M-r voucher« atta« h«in mix months trum the first nublicatmu tion to return the Russian Hags captured ed where tiie company wi.l commence the appendix, while 5 per cent, showed on a surgeon's scalpel.—New York Tele­ ot t hi« not .<•<•. present inflammation. Other observers gram _________________ Whea y« u are •ectora have been pu'.se »• to Icxik at the driver. If the ® are absolute.y and »n.idly comfortable. Get was clever enough to last a lifetime —Llf». St Lawrence, S D., Aug. 8.—The one at once. No danger of your not iuing it afte> Dr. Henry T. Helmltold, the famous mthntf jvalk.’’—Harper’s Bazar. Apple. Pear, Peach. — THE BEST--- ward* It is a wame of money to buy any other hotust weather ever experienced here buchu man, who was credited witti hav­ ........ — , a.... .. • • w—. ------- w«terprrH,f coat. They are worthleaa after a few tias prevailed for three .lays past. So ing j>iled up a fortune of 410,000.000 by S knator Q i ’ ay , in an interview, sjoke Plum. Prune. Apricot ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE ««eke of hard usa«e Beware <4 worthies» Im- CoN»ii>ENCE S hown in O bkuox —The freely of hifi resignation from the Re­ hation», ewery garment »tamped with the ‘ Fiab intense was the beat that men and ani­ the sale of his patent medicines, is once Braad'* Trade Mark Don’t accept any infeno» ma;» have euccumlied in many instan­ more in the mniiiiouM.*, chained at the sale of tlie O*egon central mili­ publican national committee I He said: Nectarine, Cherrv, •Mt whea you can have the “ Fish Brand Slicker*’ ce», ami haivest work was entirely sus­ wrists ami with shackles on bis ankles. tary wagon road has been concluded, “I was merely desirous of relinquishing de. vered without extra Coet. Particulars and Free Butes to and from the Hotel Almond. Chestnut, according to the followiug dispatch to pended tliroofliout tlie middle uf the He was taken from his home at Ixjng the chairmanship, and in order to do Ulustmled caia' gie fren. No Chinee employed and no <1i'V:.ction In i day. ___________ j .. ruse to 108 and 110 Branch last month and conveyed to the the Oregonian: ” 1 Tlie mercury that it was necessary that I should charge ». A. J. TOWER, - Boston. Mass. ■•■■ Tacoma, Aug. 1. — That the lumbermen degree in the shade Late wheat ___ has insane asylum at Trenton, N. J. He is Meals So i-c'tlts: L nig .ng 2*. eel.tn to .'»0 cent. withdraw entirely from the committee suffered terribly, and some fields will now in a straigtit-jai ket a raving maniac. of the Mississippi valley are well pDased 1 had previously made several attempts I not Im cut. Corn is suffering for rain. It is tbe fourth time within the last witti the future prospects of tbe Pacific to resign. I First made up my mind to I'nless stiuwers come soon or a cool wave twenty years that the doctor’s faniily coast is indicated by a transaction of withdraw on Sat unlay night following but little will survive tlie ordeal. tMiNi rm has been compelled to |ilace him under more than ordinary magnitude recently the presidential election in 1838, but waa closed by them, whereby they have come persuaded not to carry out my purpose GRAPE VINES. CFRRANTS, G<)<»SEBER- restraint. The conference between tbe farmers' R1ES. BLA( KBERR1ES, RASPBER­ into possession of about a million sere« then. In March, 1899, while in Florida, Notice of Final Settlement RIES, STRAW BERRIES. FIGS. alliancn an i ti.e anti-lottery Democrats, MOST REASONABLE PRÏCr» of land in Oregon. The land was grant­ I wrote to Mr Clarkson, asking him to Bucklen ’ s Arnica 8alvr. in Louisiana, has respited in an agree­ in ilie < «mut) Court of th«' Mal»’ of Ortv«>ii ed by the state to the Oregon central AT TUI TI h * iwAt salvo in the worl«l for Cut . Brul­ military land company fur the construc­ cal! the committee together to consider ment by «Im n a joint ticket will be tor flu < .»unfy ot Ja<•k-»»n. Our t roes are grown without irrigation on he fndersigned . h wing be « <» mi In tii*’ matter my resignation. Shortly after this the sen, Flcers, Salt Rbviini. Fuvor Hores, of th«* e-tat«’ ot Itine* Ell« tt. red hill land, and all of anown var.eties that nominated. TUe farmers' alliance will «ol«' pr«fpru tor er- an«l all Skiu Eriipti »ns an«l poHitive cure the eastern boundary of Oregon. Tlie I AC K **< V I L.r.1- o TI. E is HKKEUY (ilVF.N THAT THF Those contemplating tree planting will do pri par» »1 to do a'1 uoik in bis iim- in a Ndmiuistrator <■' the « i I...... inlendent of public education, and the f»jr l’ile«, or no pav requinal. It is guaran- grant in about aix miles wide and 50d could not resign under tire. Recently I well to visit our orchard and nursery, or writ, now concluded that the time hail arrived to us for price list. Address to us at Murphy. ffr«t-<’lH—manm-r arid Mt i :• > n.«K' i:H». r i M i , .!.»■< »M-d. ha« tll.-l In fh<- ' "in ami-lotteiy league the lieutenant-gover­ I will also take I'ontr.'i« 1- h i pr.»sp«-«*ting ,,t .1», k-..n i «iiintj , orra*,», hi* »,,»> »• <■•"<’*' ve twrfect .sati**faction or money miles in length, covering about 3(10,OoO when I could properly sever my connec­ Josephine county, Oregon, or to It. R. Station. pli.r« r uiiiicM. Th«* <-;>pavit \ ‘ my ma« him Prfce 25 cents ¡»*r boy For «avile acres of timber, 400,000 acres of farm nor, auditor, attorney-genera! and secre­ Grant’s Pass, Oregon. tion with the committee, and did so.” ♦nnt«-«t. I r< 1«-i'to tin w«»rk I linx • pi« \ 11 :< u-ly ... .11. h ii.IllllIU-trMlor. »O.1 by .»'Ivr,.! *»l'f tary of state. These nominations are to by all druggiMs. i .»nt. Tu.-»l.n. - |>r 1. I-.1.MI Ih' •>■><.' 1,1 A. H. CARSON A SON. land, ami the rest gracing land. Al­ don«* in different portion-<■! lio \a!!> y ..lock » in . 1» *. i I, i n.iwiiiK 4:1 I” in.i." be made by a convention elect-d by all though the matter has t>een under con­ BSf*8af Intact ion ai:” »»it«« A CHKEKfi'i. L iar .—The fog was so nii. i. *i< » » . limai t" »I •!■. ar »'»1 For fu ilK'i particular- call on <»r add»»*** nie hi» ol her obl.x flou» to *»hl ao outil on vr Better Than a Gold Mine. who were apjejeed to the lottery and sideration for a year, it was but recently thick recently that million- of wild geese W. P. DODGE. M«i11f»r«l afterwards submitted to the Democratic lu b.ie »aid day. . . . , . , Ten acre»s set to fruit when in a bear­ closed. Tbe parties purchasing consist became bewildered and lit in Bartle’s Pol.n-h.-l I » order <>l Hon. J H. Nell. Judin- state convention. ing condition will yield an income of F. Weyehouaer of Rock Island, the meadow, where they were caught by the ut «Id court. K. |>. HOSE. of from fJuno to fLW per year and Mussers of Muscatine, Young A Co. of sackful. The fog was so thick that a ELECTRIC BELTED ÇA requires no expensive machinery to Administrator «•! *aid cetatc. Clinton, la., Laird, Norton A Co. of Owing to the gtex* sur A¿1. man's band could not be seen before his •*J/otr to Cure all MM* operate it. A fruit-raiser in tbe Willam­ Bat« «I August 7. IWI. CCN« of th*' i w * 4 nil». V • Winona, E. Ruttledge of Chippewa face, bill everybody caught large num­ Simply apply “Sw a m’n oixtmext .” N« j ette valley requires but a small outlay, El«x*trh* flU"|M*ti<«<»i » lb-lt. ‘ «•’ -THE - ha»<* r« .|ii.-.* f* 1. * lech h «A- • n t’<* «" ■ ;«. «.•rzeina. Itch, nil eruption* on the face, hands, culture«! society, lias good and convenient While the consideration is not made j>ub- the panting of the exhausted birds. By A . e.t EIK- I < * \ " nose, »Yc., leaving the skUi clear, white and markets and receives a better income from lic, it is known to be a very large sum. evening a cold snap occurred, and next TZ U. fl. Mid flupertor to othet - ' healthy. Its gr«-at healing and »ra.atjye pow- the same investment than can be had front ««»bl at fr«»Hi I t<» f 1 rc. -•* re In tlie morninc the geese were found in vast «•rsiir«* p«»MH«-sHergl..rì UREI • our druggist t«»r S wa vs k ' s « untswt . quantities, their feet frozen to fences, ,\«ldr< 4. < nlil«»fiii« Ehen-«- B«’ < ■ this UnJ fror; to 175 per acre of The >1l«i: I- HLRI.IH GI\|.N IHATTHE For Over Fifty Years trees, etc., cn w Inch tie birds had lit. tan Francitco < a! oTcaBat Ol h ml« t>iM u<-«i ha- I»«' h ap|H»inte«i « xu»-utrix Oregon I.and CoMpanv of taleiu.Oregon. OPENS SEPTEMBER 18, 1891 Mgs W innm « h S oothin (»S yei ’P lia* b»*« h Jerome Bartie and I’ncle George Cox im «-»»tHt«* «»I p.*t« i >im«.n, dec«-asly to meet in th.- mornlnx. Uurrlcl ordiMcult l.rvwthliix , gon in an«! h»r Ja« k.-oi» ( oiinty. Appl^aU-WilliAniii SUge I m M bild *«»ft»*n? th»* gums, allay* all pain.cnr«*« ari.l nu phli xui. tiklitu.*.. in Ihv ch.-Ht. quick the needs ot th»• fanning and incvhamrai in­ AH pcisoiis tn«l«*l»t«*«l to «aid «wiMfi* ri • - bést - remedy * fnr • UUI i LO Hoarseness, Whooping Conph.Croup, win.l '.1. an.J • | • k thè <1 iiur- broken down by toe weight of tbe geeee. i-ii.il I t . iiUiiiiiiJiii.i'* In thv vv. mug or kw .- hi 11 - r»*ait»-r the f<»Bowing rates of fur«* wil terests of the stai» . Sore Throat, Asthma, I < ■ rv «f ■ ’ ie«t.»*«i t«» s«-tth* il»<- same itntn«*dfat»*i» riera. Tweuty Uve cent« il botile tl-.Jd by — .V* (Vu'"/ /freer /’,<<■<<<.. ut iilxlit, »II or any ul tlioi»<* tUlngi »r<-tlo- n DAD a QW I ’ 0 Q Moore’s Revealed Remedy Is King of the Blood, Liver and Stomach—It has never failed. SCOTT’S CURES I IRON TONIC L A D i ES» ( & KISSING 7 '”c NOW IN AITTAL I S*E. W«* would s««k rhe ladle« ot this W»wt«*rn »astro i«\ a»*dt* th»ir prejudices, give our Jashcr m fair tris .w ruiuiing on full lira«* ana turning out a iarge quantity of lunib«-r. H»*in pr« pare* room for . om-n.r- ulal traveler». 1» title.I up it, «■*,nnet non th.-ri- —tth. Th* table 1» eon.tHht.y turniah. <1 with be beat tbe inarltt t »ttordi*. K K. BRJUHTMAN.Prup' Axblaud.Ovt. IU l-^v. ASK FOR— THE Boss Bool'S Anelali of I1ÄTARHH REDLAND -I- NURSERY, INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 100,000 TREES IN STOCK, THE HANDSOMEST WORK Well Drilling and Pros­ pecting. T N AKIN, SELLINO & CO.'S MARBLE WORKS I UNRIVALED GOODS Large con»no xlitjHM and weil \ ent flat» m J build­ I ings The College I«>* at««d !n a cultivated aud Christian community, aud un» of the healthiest tn the State. MILITARY TRAINING. FINK LA RGB BV LL. OF rVRH POLLED Kf-ense» need not exceed f 150. for the Entire Session Angus »nd Durham •.< < k. ran «•♦• h»r. Acker's all dtuggiota tlu- ughcut tbe werló English 1 ougn H. im-dy will cire the * f.— r ¿vnvifl® to Uuicut^wD, 50 centii ; to Apple gate il; to William.’ <130 Pa ?lp^es Salary, S25 yer Week. tul •y.nptoms, a.-.il U sold lindera positive carried safely at reasonable rates. Satiefao guarantee. Waoted; Good agent« to s <*11 our genc’ral Trait Jars. tion guaranteed. line of merchandise. No peddling. Above J. A. Lornrs» Contractor. Mason ~ fruit jar.“, pints, quarts, half-gall­ mlarv will b<- paid to “I'.v» " agents. For fur­ Tiiulwr Land f«»r Sale. on-, for fiu!«* in uiuutiUcà to Juit ut J. N vf * ther Information address Two thousand «crew of sugar-pine and fir »vSUPPLY CO.. Why suff.j: tf. lite ybu. U4X&*. Ctow/AiL Thro!*, LunflS and Chrst. speedy and yerraar tit. <> '■ »'.»r « -iumnli '-v. ,««••• J *’ 1. ? " may Y»e mnnd na filo at G eo . P. R owkll A Col THIS PAPER ____ "CHlv Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruct Street!, where stiver» MPU1 If ADI/ srd»'^'rg <'’>r*d. I''* • ' • h..-«* »«Hvpjg claims sgain^t th** ««stat* ■ n .. »n. r«*'dcn«*e in Ea d- ! »:ut.« r nt tUv ft • oî V M r.-/.vig, atterra*. it lav . Jacksonville Jackson« ouuty Or pt »per vouchers nt ached within s x me lr-uith« first publication ot thi- tutu. • >at«*d Aug. 7. lsi»l. U-IXABVTH **1XOS U > U’.nx ’. M. tClMti, Attcnt;.