ïhr -Ticmûiïiiîifîimfjj' i OFFILIAL FAPÍR Of JACKSUN CUUNTY, OR I FRIDAY >VL\ .*t 1W1. S alk M was nailed by a terrific ram ahd tliuhier-torui, tli- first in the hi»- tofy oflbsetty partak ng of th>- nature of a cloudbuist, one day last wtek. A number of trees about town an 1 thu bridge across the Willamette felt the shivering force of the lightning, and many people who had never heard or seen a genuine ttiupd«r«torni were almost The, e.eutnc par. re stricken for a time motor line was temporarily e»to|>|»ed, a bolt having rnelle I out the anna'uro al the generator. EM TOR ML .\OTE> SCHEDULE. L in law and order element triutnphrd The fuilow ing is a schedule of exjien- rrt.the dispute as t j whether the lluli—■ ^difures ma le by .Ute County Court of F ii111 id » jus ptizrj ting contest should r l’au! last Jackson county o egon, at July A. I). take place iu the c.ty of < St. Wednesday, aud the tore« of pulic opin- i 189!^ term, thereof, winch shows the ^■iiaiue of claimants, the article or service lun compelled liiv guvemo' of Minnesota* tor which payment has l>eeii made, and and the mayor ul the city to >s>ue pro.*la- the amount allowed^ arid whether the rnatk 11b fur hlddinj the tight. Brize tig iU , < lalut has been continued or rejected . a* and'Io'.teii»» rretu tu be having a liard > follows; time to inakn an huot?l An mg in tne east. itSPH.lM ILL' l' ANCls t ll 1UL X03TU OF Ar the tiHtionaf editorial couvention of MAY, 18M. July 17i!i, EV. S. Capellera, of Ohio, was I To K-ame» A White for A Hatch. I5OO elartoil pie'ident H. J. Price, of EE iscun- To J Nunan for rupplies furnished nin, vice presi lent; and J. M. Pane, of 14.15 .lame» Burns .. ...... Illinois, recordinn secretary. At Laki) To J Nunan for supplies lurnished Minnetonka a banquet w is given lite 5.00 Mrs Lewellen visituts at lite Hmel Lafayette, ut which j To J Nonao for supplies furnished 15V peraoliB were tr.-seiit. The matter 8.10 Mrs Lewellen. of aelecting the place to hold the next To M W Dunlap for board of W M annual mret.lit: sub left to the executive 12.00 1) ley........... .................. camti.ttlee. To E hi Hurt for board of 8 Mc­ 10.(0 Clain ........................... Ni.w-troui an Alaskan exploring puty t’t.ls a it. w taco on ut least souie uf tile fu J H Whitman fur cash al.uw- 10.00 anee toi A Robinson mien r ut that little kn ywn country. It for boarding .1 . ihtüi To • , Ku.71 » Taylor • ■ “l eaks ol fertile, ura^bv grassy i t i.unb, lams, v v.l.ere 1U 00 b eak mountains uero t MUppuHüd to be, . . -mi a ehiuate which, thuunh sevete in To N Cook lor tuppl.ee lurnished 10.00 E C <.iale winter, is no worse than that of many advanced countries« The worst of tins To S Kobmsvii lor boarding L Cal­ •J.oo houn Country seems to lie that it is l ard to get at. It may tome into the market when To J l>eKobuaiu fur boarding J 1J 00 Leslie. . ................ Governor t'.ipl.m s International Rail- W.108LM, ii.e comp Jeer lias been hav­ ing a grand triumph at Bayreuth in Germany during lire past week over the Urst production of his latest, and by many declared to be ins best opera, "Barsifa' ” Of course in a eemi-otticial |>erfoiuiance such as this, the most pei- fect setting is pruvi led lor the new pre­ diction, aud the ideal of perfection in scenic effects and singe surreuiidmg* is tarnished, bitt it is not taising the ex­ pectations ui the musical world too high to say that there is a treat m store for the opera goer on this side of the water road tsextemltd thruugb British Cu.uui- Ina ami A iu»ka. when ••I'arsifal ’ is brought ovtr. Tin f i'i>,ms Cokt [ream <• laiJs the tarts aud pude ,.i tl.e I. lulish artuy. ate 1‘oLIrn »L Hippo it,'tiling 'retus to be i tu upen te.ult ami sulicuiy lefu-e tu sub­ the order ol the l.our Mr. Harris >n is mit tu discipline all beeaU'e iliey hate aesaluously nursine a sei'oiiii term Isrout, i been called upuu tu du a IHile muck miir Alger and his voliuit' me ostensibly i.i*y work tn t'ie necessary |>om¡> an 1 boviiting Blame, lb»' »ivk man at Bat . ein-uuifetai.ee called fur m ti.e reception Hat liur.w hu vouies t.'i ward with a v¡¡¡or i "Í the*» rman emperor,on the uccasion uf oil« protest ugaiiitt the yams alrvut bis lu« recent visit tn Ins ue.glibor’s dumiu- being ro sick alter all. Tlte vlianves are [ ions, rin-y seem to have degenerated must assuredly tn favor ol Harrison, but : into chronic loafers, and the tenown the it is generally untlersloo»! that if McKin­ 1 regiment once pus. s«ed us tight«™ of the ley lea Is the g. o. p. out ot the wilderness I highest merit, who might far relied u;*on iu Ohio, his claim» will lie consnieied to i tn auy emergency, has «eemiugly van­ ttouue extent. Eh« only blight ray in the situation is the fact that we Lrar no more ished. Too much»' aid ing seems to have tieen thu muatis uf div» sting them of the about Brother EE'aunainaker s living a last claun to military distinction. They presidential poesibthiy. The recent are henceforth only carjiet knights banking frauds tn the »Juaker city have of thu Inn eat order. They may siiu be resulted in sparing lite cutiutiy from the I accuideii the distinction of lietng the political dry rut that must have ensued i guard ut honor tu tier maj-sty, but uone had bis simulated piety enabled Idin to i 1 the less will they be the laughing stuck make the :ea,ly -uiade-pants idea domi­ ' ui the public, insteaJ of the pride of the nant in national politics. empire. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. MISCELLANEOUS. Reames â White’s Mrs. Al. Leavitt and child last week !»*• turned home. SUMMONS. Th».* artist. Parrott h.is I.... .. on th«* *i»*k list during th«* u»»«*k. Grandma Baldwin i- ou»*«- m*-r** «•»•nvale*- cent aft»»r h»»r r«*cent illness. R. B. Hatton last w«»«*k return«.»»! home ufter his trip through th»* northern <*ounfry. Mrs. D. G. McIntosh returned home dur­ ing the week tr-un her tour in southern Cali­ fornia . Miss Mamie Fitzunmon of Etna Cat, last week opened school at Shovel creek for a summer term. -¿arowder Usfed in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard. C. D. Wilson an«l I retl Adams j*»»'.;*rnu»l hotm* from their tout through Siskiyou county one day lastXVeuk J. W. Wil. y o( Little Butt® cie.-k. Jack*«»u county, c«»nu mplates removing at aU ,.nriv day to thu Klamath s»»ct!ou. S?"™»""!"""“"!"SSS PERSONAL MENTION. I.. G. lb4UKj fntnilv finvi* n thin«-«! i*» thuir hum«* nt I^keNiew* in. P. Miller wa* a passong».*r on th«* Bobt. U* -tr.»p recentIy niadc J«u k v»nville ditchcvl train m the Cow- cr«*ok suction last hi- first visit in a long week, but es«Mped wittomt injury C<»l. E. D. Briggs, the Afthhin«! attorn«*v, The hors», r.u'- at Till»- lake n.'XtSuiur»Uy will doubttoss draw a large crowd, a* there was iu town during th« week. are som»» interesting vVvuts on th»* «*ur»i. Mrs. D. E. Hyd«.* of Ashlaud \va* al tl o L. B. Matney last w» »-k r»»«.- •ieved ii fine »'uuuty-Beat a tow da vs ag«'. Percheron colt from th«* Rogue river viilley, Count V. i. ott.-ret.-.ll, repr-s.'iitiug the w hich to* will k«*ep at l. »st river raueli in Fruiv Dr. '.-. wa< ¡a Ja. ksouvill.. lust the futur»*. Nveek. J Asses»«»r Smart .idvert - " tn* regular W. B. meeting of th»* I-sad oi euualization of t«NNVu on Klamath county for the last Silt unlay m house. August next, Mr*. M. k. WorloNt aud Wm. i harl«-\ of l*a»ig**tt tl«.* Kt id » m rchant too-» ton! I’.mg. Cilium»*) Rock pr» in t \\»-r»- in l.vk*»»iivilto i»run!, eng.tged «luring th»* pa*l w«*.*k in n- n<»t l«»ng sine m >ving In* n«-w *t»»uk of merchandise up Mi-- Frankit* Barn»-- "f .\-aif* valley ,*jM*ut from th»* ruilromL th - ¡>H*f \vtl«-m a»**»»»in[sini.*d Mr*. J WiGun fthuir fatto r to»m«-from th. Wll.nm*tt« vall. y Mi-- Zill.i lutiine) of ifii* u"iini\ nvus last w»*»*k, ami will tt-main ut tto- ian»*h n»*ar niarri'-d on tii ltnb invtaint t<* .1 g<-nt!«*iuan thu furt f»»r s»»m» w»-»*k-. residing at M Miunvilto. iu Ito* statu. 1 h«* San F'ran«*i*u«! t«»uri*t* are meeting s. S. 1‘cutz, tho M«*dford uttoru«*y, wu.s at with gr«?at >uee«*».s in chasing th*• wild d»*« r and following th»- trout fiv over in th«* mar­ th»* uonuty-i><*u> on protoH&iunal busineun -<*v«*ntl limo« doG^g th» u«.M*b jn*t uh»««*«!. sh»- un«l on William-» n rlv«-r, Mf-s Laura Hurri*ou ha*» !»u«*n m <*harg»* Anderson th»* “garden sa— king of Lost river gap ha* the fin«**t garden he hu.* •f th«* W« stern Union uflto«* during th»- wu«*k ever nil**«! and *tot»** that to* find* th.* rais­ iu thu ¿dNwiiMu of Mi** J»*u«u* Jack-on at Grant - Pa** ing uf vegetalde» quit«* profitable. Woodward. J tie *toekd»*utor, bought a Mis. J. M. Lilark oi A-totnd has !»<•• u vuty number of h *r-«** and mule* of the ranchers low with to-art trouble »luring thu w»*uk just in Spragm-rh r -«*. t!<*u last w«*« k. buying past, and fit one tun«* thought that sfi«* «*oiild uc*t survive*. from Walker. < a-ebur Miltor and other*’ Mrs. P. Dunn. Ashland, who wa- la*# C aptain Mi«*inen- will have h m e crop of gtap»-* in tn hi In* vxiM-ritm ntal v!n»*yur«l thi* "«•<*k quite ill with an aggravating atta». k «•! y«*ar. y»*ar. proving pr»»ving »-on-lusiv« lv th.it th»-*fruit . an ♦*cz»*nia, is <*onvaleH<*ent. an«l «'.fiue •»e>r»* a bl«* In* • h * prodit>*ed pi*»Mii«*'s| In p«-rfi perfection in Klamath cuuuty. to !w* about. Y • J • " !Hu-r and G. W. \\ liner of < lakland Mi*s Vgm- Mim r «»f Yr«*kc nrriveilal Link* • ill. mouth * visit with friend**, at thi* < a!., and Arago. ('••"* county, C)r.,n*speutiv«.*- ly, are in t*»wn att«*nding th«* s. ^i<.n> of tfi,* place a few «lavs *iuve. Her fath«*r a«*c«nn- pained h«*r un the r«»ad as far a* Hh»»v»»l circuit court, creek. I’. Canierun of Tni»*nt«»wu ha- in•» n in the TV. C. Monro«*, th»» Bortlaml miner ami mu- •* iin f»»r *oin«*«iar«*ud several weeks th»- 15th pr<'\. in » "in|RUiy «»( hi- friend, Mr Mulkv wh«* Hu-hNtrg.-rn* u ifiiproveim nt in the hav- Ni-ite«| hnu her« tw.» Nears ago. b'a.ling hm i* destine! t»»c*»m» mt.» e»-m rul < H. Piuk»-u* had the misfortune t<* g«-t us«» before another s.-aaou. It n!».-. it up ». u II n -haken up. toH»i«lus having hl* arm from >wath »*r windrow*, ami w»»rk- on all hr..ken to havinghi*hors* Ullon him e .*, sorts f>t ground. inSam > valley oficMay last we,*k. C-s. Sergent, administrât».r <>f th»- estute H. T. Living* ami iamilv (•< v. r»->id'-ni* f •f Ju*. Barkley. »lec»-a*e«i. advertise* that he will -ell -flit.- valuable real i»r«qM‘rty l»vloi*g Mhat.-.in Had. n i*tfe.l *4*!-»im.* frb n»| . at Ashlami last w.*. k. while |»ass|!>g through ing to tie* »-stale at Lihkvdle on Saturdav tn. Nall«*\ on their way t*> San Fran.-I*.-* . August 15th next Ld. Buggs, who G»*n John F. Miller r.»tiirn»-«i ir- in hi* trip National stag»* (■• is 'Up> rmtcmlinj* lb«* - in Klmnath ’«•th»» Willamette valley during th»» w»-*-k i* iit the 1th of July and r. port* that this vûlh y will hav«* the’ ami Lak»- **»u*iti«•**. with bis moth« r w ho r» • in Ja k^om ill-«. larg»--t'Tops of anv sv*ti»*n through win* h h»* pa-s«-d while away. G >, T. G. Il.Mtnt.'- r. turnM ,.u Tu.-da» Th»- |H'tat«» cr»»p uf th. Klamath K*.-tn will ••'"'•'ti>t - 'rain ir-.u» li - trip t,, Sun Fritti. i-‘- »•«• something hug.* tbi- •*♦»:«- *n and if th.*«.* «■<• having . \p.'ri„.:. .-.I . ti-td.'iabl.' t.'lt. f -ulT. t - wu* any »•••hK’uient way <.f shipping a large troni th. n-in aiuta fr. tn which h" amount <•» spipl- .f a-!ip»*ri«»r «jUality w u!*l lug. l»e -elit tu tip* bay <-ity. 1 A ha-, i .-cd hl- s h" I at 1’rof. Gilt» rt ■ i 5 iana\ Indian- -h*- I a»*- »A •* Hi l and eeì II -j». lrf ih- -umm»*r in th<- R. a v<1> p.,pa|.ir eornpauied i *, yfr- Xiçk»*r*«'i and Mi—*- Millam.-t!* valley Marv and O-kie Math*»w- ami Mi-* Katie tea'-h'-r. and wa-t< mi i. »1 a iar»-w- 11 paitv ut th* r. -i.l»*m ■ ».[ i ' p Parker !»» i»«rr hi* de­ Chitwood drex«’ «»ver from th«» ag.-n* \ last parture fr*»m «lo’d Hill, week t<» visit Linkvlll. friend* CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Del. .El-tr.t', .tie! '„if- G'ii"»l -luek.'-uville fri nd« during the we.’M, Cuptaiu W'erk is handling flue •fe1'« at tho rae»'traek for John Banks and A <' Hot,;** of Ashland mid EE. p. Counts of Tulo. TEs young things sonn- .,f them are t.-ry promis­ ing, .i " **; '1'i‘,'l“‘*1 ' 1 kiun.ulh eouuty passed through here H ,|Hys siuee »nth lire bead ■ d o ry pr.ituisitu,. iinil fl||i(,s which hr 1* taking duwu to hi* ranch in C<* om county from tho »**ist«»rn rang»*», Iii thci ;r< uit i ourt for tin* Mate ut tur tiu County of Jackson. Jt»uat» A. Luc, plaintiff, v-. L<-vi L. Angle, Alic# . Angle. Conrad Minmis and Lavina Min- T’CKdIASE OF mu *. 4>r~ v Anglo, Mury E. Angle, E. F W alker and John Angle, d« ivndanta. 'loL-vl L. Angi«-. AHc«* W. Angle. Conrad Mingus and Lavina Mingus. Urra E. Angle. I Mary I.. Angle, Enoch F. Walker and John Angle, the al»ovc-nau*»'d detendants: N I HE NAML <>F THE STATE OF ORE gon. you are hereby nqulred to appear and answer the complaint of tin- above plaintiff In ‘J, e\«uc«i* aii\ «»t tljijir pre 5 ion* the above entitled Court, now on file with thu Clerk of said ‘Jourt. within ten dajs from the datcot th« service o! thia summona upon you, if serv«*d in JiK-kson County. Oregon; but It nerved iu any other County in th«* stat«- ot < >r- egoti, then within twenty 'days from th«* date of the service ot this summons upon you ; or if H« rv«*d on you out of t h« State < t «»rt-gon. or by publication, then b> th«* first day of th«1 en­ suing September term of sakl Court, to-wit : the 7th day uf September, 1H91; and you ar«- hereby notified that if you fad to appxar ami answer said complaint, as hereby rcquir«*d, I -*-• - ^lalutlfi *»IU4.U Will will . apply » p I » i y or to the iil'omii Court orí for til» the ■ r<*- » - ill 1 yu ’17. : « lor . »V- V p<^onul la .»-.»..»»«J I Ju.U- I ii .I lt . lü't deinnuüeJ * - y* Suiu —Gu. in. nt agulnxt L. I.. Alia. . ”* S1'“» «»^| uttorn.*} * b ftB-B ami tor 'u.h lut... uu* -I 1 lu* plaintiff rnaj be adjudged to pay Conrau Mingus: that said sums may be declared a an s lien against certain real estate which the de. l’-ndant Mingus by his certain contract and bond recorded in fa »ok 2U of deeds, pages 142. 143, reeonls ot Jiickt-uii Counts. Oregon, con- tr u-ltxl to convey tu said L. L. Ai>gl< for the tor«n.*iobure of certain mortgage aud deed ot 1 trust made by said L. L. Angle and wife to sai«l plaintiff on Dec<-tnl»» r 2. 1**9, and which ar«-recorded (ropuctiv» ’) ) in ta>ok mort­ gages. pag«*s 475. <7f» and b«M>k 2h, deeds. pag> e Henriettas. All'.i« ."*. All atre--. Clack Eaht-n-, Brjll*!Hin. Albini, 144. 145. Ibr allot said Jackson (?ou nt y record*; Criterion, Ta.-.-cl arnl Kivt r «Jloths. fSiinrli »Silks, I list *>aid r<*al estate may be sold inthe man­ A Hover Em- ner usual lor foreclosure sales; (bat procee^U broiderie- ami Flouncing, in black .-iml white, I i’jtics, Laep >»t -mid sale be apphexl m pa; tuvnt ot Mtld debt; that said Mingus makea u< «xl anddcliverto Fancies, Veiling. Satincfe, Chailie.-. Lace < urtairn sjiid L. L. Angle bj the Clerk oi this court of «ml Curtain the >.nd real property, or a part thereof ; that Net. Scrim, Gingham-, Cle vj»>t.-, Tickm r... th. d< f< udant- and • a. h and all tlicnxit. and all persons chunnug under them I m - i»arred and torruhKod of any right or equity of redemp­ tion in ot to .su’d buch otln r and different relief as to this court shall •ceiu meet aral e»;uitable. Published in the IH mih hath T imo lor ma consecutive w< • ks by order oi Hoi*. L K 1 ! A II pvbsp r Judg< of »aid < ircuit Court, made ICP 1 July 13. I sm I. FKAN’Clb FITCH. Att y for Pit ft. h Ul idJULl niwiLniP¿ 111 k Medford, Oregon. SPtfir a ¿SUMMER GOODS I STRAW HATS, FUR im ISH i JÍ l ? GOODS. ¿ shoe ptne soots Ladies' Fancy and White F. r. th" li..r~e Oienml t.y Onmf» Pass 'yndleate, now at tfa.. ra.... truck ue*r thia To E G Hurt for cash allowanev pla.v. w.L"p... d. d l.j bls owner- one dav 10.00 h r J Cox ........................ recently, and showed a mil.- Iti ver» el..-, ti, r > Ben Haymond for supplies iur- 2 * L'l v7'-' .... 1 6-gluing - n .Id-ling th.- .5.(0 nisi.ed io W A t.jhismtth . Woflrh«» lias bad. lu Beu Havimiud for suppiie.'fur Th.*r«* an* a numG*r .»* *»«*w &.** -•- at th«* 3.00 ni'hrd E l Hutt ra»e track tbi w wr.*k and it i* .»vnl« nt th.*r.» io .loseph E Hall fur boaiding will I m - f.u In»»n tto*n flu* U huh 1 nuiuto r in 0 0 It I- j I’h l ip- framing ih«-ru I m (on* th»- fair is h«*l«i. Th«« l»t«-.*t arm a I* in-Hvu v ry pr«uni*ingtrot- io A C Stanley lor supplies tur- t. r* own.-ti bv m< ..f th«- T j Harriet Johnson lor allowance leadiugw ■ nt»-. for herself ...................... .. . 1.00 lre«l F ra«l. ul»urg toi* »-«^ d. voting rum-h To J 1* Goodale lor allowance for attention to the hs I h - m »»* t!«*|.l> Ul th«- nc*ad* himsrll .... 1 (X) uw »tbi* w.-.-k, autf has l.M4lt«-«i a numb« r U bo Julm Shidagiy <•— allowance »•itte.rn* on « hoic« claims during tin* |.u*t f»«w fur himself N ................ I 00 »lav*. As thi- i* th«-nearest shipping tu»iut To Mr» 8 Root for allowance for to tin big find, there can to* l.ttl«*«|uul»t that herself . . .... 6.00 a i iiln»mi will I m » x tended tu the deposit, To Mie Wm Randle» fur allow­ wh*-n«-v«*r tin* r<.-«lu»-tv«jn w«uk* ar»* *tart»*d up. ance for beret It .................. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. 12.1X1 To K-anivs & W.nte for supplies .J *hn Slager i- hamtliug tw«» vrrv pruiuis- SUMMONS. furnished taiuily of J N Julies 10.00 ing »•••It* M.mgiug t»» C W. K.ihh-r at th»* To Oliver Dews for board ut ra- trn« k. Both an* ir»»m Jin Lin’s (»radm In tin i ir,mi Court ot the fetsteot or. x'.n. • tnsjrge Welch at«* man- ..m* by Tyliault. am| th»- oth«*r t»v 5 00 tor the l ountv ot Jackiton. Is fresh and Complete, al/ of which will be sold at the Jav B._ I»»-th of which hura»»s wm* sinwi by i I.,-fei.,1.',,f Or.'iron on lutorniatiou ui Wm To Beuj Haymond fur supplies M. t olviir. district Attorney ot the 1st Judi- \!tam».nt. Th.- .-ld«-r a two-\ < i has all auehur tu wiud- i'u Ellen I'aiisb cash allowance con Ing fair. Action to recover real property rgebrated to fees vrc'M M il. «Ke Black, d«-- . * guarantee *ati-ii*vti<»ti in e\t*ry case. Call and *<.*<• u> aud h** publican national »onnuithe much to McKinley in the uio.«t fulsome way in a i C«*ttf*ud. l)ct e ’ *d WHS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. POI MY O> WILD ANIMALS, 1p**ar and answer th«- complaint I' gHl bUbim***. killing 1 coyote tinsavorv record a- In* in ua!ional poli­ tow hard it lian tieeu tn the oast to xeep $2.50 filed HKHin-t you inti*« alstve entitled action within ten days tn/ui the date or the avn-*- tic». Hie senator wishes it »listiuctl) .ilie party leadeis it! ut McKinley m To C C Varker bounty ¡or kibin«{ feli.-rilT ,« Btt. tt.liiig thv -»■••rifT - ,-.m- ot thi* summon* upon ' <»u, 11 ' 1 coyote. understood lltai hi» retirement is purely national conventions ui tire party, and tins county; ' ..»■* withi;> '* “—« nt Turthud. «>! thia ■ •“ M,1> otb«Tcou.ai\ voluntary, and that he lias held ti e fort would liave one Iwl eve tint títere lias at To A H Letiiken bounty fur kill­ . ..eu within twenty days from Mi" .1.nuiv Javks'.'U hav U'.lnivWlz IT' ju . tuM«*** ing 3 coyotes as long as be cared about bolding it, in outline been a convention held since be 7 50 V. .. u'.’. i" .,'“’ ,ln'* suniui.,n, up..,, Jm »S.mtillv visitiug horn.' talk- thi, week. spits of triose m lus own party who < zme un tiie carpet but that it lias been To W 11 Lewis tx>uuty for killing >o*>. and it you tm, ho to huhwi - p,r WHni 1 coyote would have bourn ed hun long ago, bad > xtretnely difficult to keep the conveu- H"it. bait- Brower i- t I 1 cuv ote 1" Hee to tile inollUtaîll' »tihiU.t WeeR ... ... I*-1* 1'■ are impending under the leadership of front grtling onto tlie doughty but dis- 50 1,1 l*p. .i* Soeth <»t Ranirv ” W e challenge the reader to sui-ve&ifully controvert the aaaertioD that tn onler to (>'vapv the heat. « C't '.ttmted It, J ,ekx.,n Countv t nem.n“ those now at the head of the alfairs, and eretiunlesH high tax chain pion with liutli TuO J Willard bounty for killing . ."n. ” h and .ll'l.urs. - acts wisely in lesignlng, although there lee. an,1 toenails, but it lias nut heel) 1 coyote "'^IJ-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val- 2 50 Hr. II lob no. vnij^uied III, friend t ha, mi nts herein to t»«* taxed. will Ije those who will say that he was generally suppose,. Uiat the party really lo C E Nimnger bounty fur killing I’hbli'ln'l in theJtLMo. ej of Hogue River ui]) yjo|d a net yearly income uf <100. It will U»s»k» r to Ja< ksonvillo this w.s-k t»i listen to . JJV?. “’r """’“r *‘*»,7 »‘•T 'lX t'UllBecut've weeks l.j *» C Vol. S forced to lus cuilise by the fact fl at he warded to make film president as the the irgum.-nt' . f. ..un-.-l in th,- EVtm. r-EVnd- ,, 12 50 F n.t’ l'.ri' ’I"!’, L K W' JuJke ot th’ * J!* trees to the acre, aud the estimate is based upon the dem S'lg I e«»&e. would have betncalb-d upon to »put in rrtlralning iiaud ot lite I km - hs was l’o C C Taylor t»uunty tur killing .GuLm1! i OiBInctot oreuon. made and onstiated fact that each fruit tree will produce fl in value, net, of a short time anyliuw 1 coyote. . . latvd at Jack^onviHv, Jackson County. Or» 2.50 I'' le EVimbmi lumie a trip to t .-i.tral |-»iint brought tu bear to keep tliem off' of him. i marketable fruit each year. ? nie, day. sine.- I., attend to ,li..wing up gon, on the 10th day ot July, lspl. It was generally supposed ttiat there was l’u R Benedict bounty fur killing hz'S * M •> “ J'G “ D,sni'., ,G A tt ..r. 1 coyote .................. b I He t.rant ' Pa" 'vudteat». hurs»-uow 50 Wmi the ratih preciptancy uf youth ami a desire tu wipe lip the ffjor with him, in (milting at tin- fair gr.oiti«l' there, Io J B Saltuiarbh buuuty for killing I inox^»rrience, the German erni>eiur Las as it were, fur bringing the party to heed­ •" »' s'iil'h ait'! Jenuiug', who are tu- 1 coyote............................. iu 4 and «<•.• how h,. Wil’, taking lus work. than any nienuaiion for the ti orough manner in Tu G U Mathes botiuty for kill — uf making pruning bucks uni plow '"l ‘.ne bank is SLi.-aetimes carried " htleharve-t k, . |.- ur . ttiz.-n- to., busy In tl*. Circuit Court forth* Mat« ut Oregon . into Chbada by tho cashier,* Daint- r lug 3 cuyutes •bares out of the surplus steel in the ar­ wluvli they are dealing with the “mash­ 7 50 ature a trubt-Avortliy g’ inrdian t«>r the ( uunty <»f Jackson. er" nuiaauce There, as in other laige to pn mtieh attention just now toth- uro. To A Beiberstead bounty for kill ­ senals. With ready complaisance, the lV),“wLvr.an Pa« kard. A l\u kar T ain ear tohiui ' ll is only a powerful w ho do little else tbau staml on tile street l’o A Saltmaibh bounty for killing .«v»-utv years, au»t rob the trees of their fulvig..rina Jn.rt tim............... a. ^„(1» J. rt. isou Packuni. Vi«»!* Pa« knni. Edward nourtahruent nonrtahmeiit by by making a p cur 1 coyote ruk r hke your uia; -sty that is able lueet I c n iters an»i pursue the avtx'aliun of 50 ir«i*iak».*m l .ukurd, R(R Packard. Jr.. Elmira .\\.-rv ntiel.l * f the orchard groan'd, and invite yuutig women who huir To \\ iu Haskins bounty f r kill­ J’»nn I)«»« Packard Kaliard Ro. Pa.kjLrd' ti»' birds aud orchard pe«t' the example in *uch a situation.** They - "mafebmg t” not >>u. VtMapljdii ITUBMHU tbut mat .»to make a restaurant of your orchard, you Jan« |»* m P h « knid. Marx 1>.,» Packard. .u<*i , ing 1 coyote.... taiâj-s all real ¿5 that it wuuid be a good schemea »xeaaivu to paus tli.'ir hauula. After 50 L A I uckani. l)vf<*nucrman bounty fur kill­ I. - Eller* Pa* knrd, sadiv l’a< kard. N. A Hoxie foreclosure f. irceliife^f.j of of the (he nun- 4Ln- Buring th«* »|Uartt r <*f a century of n> u-,.*. . - .h" I «. kaid.t hara s pH< kard.A, Packard’ ing I coyote un and tee how it works, Iwdure taking sist Irum the practice on several occa­ 50 zs | • - —»>• 1 tg«W’ °n your orchard. I. tl. Pm knrd. Vj<.M Fackanl. E»!ward< •I. U. I’lymal»* returned from ii hi- toiir of ful • Ntot. ne.*, thi iii*t!tuti.*n ha* .**lucut««l 11 i* *tut»-d inat the iiew ‘l uit i.ik. dih-h any < hanc«-s themselves, ll 13 extreme- sions leceutiy. one ol tiie police lotee last To R G Jrflrey bounty tor killing burnir»*»!* ». ■f v*»ung men and women for *m*- * ;I1 U,u*d* K*J1- i.’Hukurd, Jr.. Elmir** .Av* ri \ i torni >.ii \\ ■ dn»-tlay H»- wa- a«*»-*'tnpan- «•■-* ui »‘ar* 2 coyotes iy IDteresliug nt this distance <* tw wa’L'h ¡ week galtn r. 4 linu in an»l fiad him cum Ú.00 will .-..v.-r 2U.U1IÜ a.-re* «»f a- fine alfalfa land Julm Ih.* Pm kaid. Hi. lianl R*»e Pa* kMH •«•!- ami i* to .lay a l«vtt.*r school .¿iW"- ■ n hi* r* turn by Mr A. I’ An-.Mn.ng ».f a* th»* *un ever shbi»»- on. nn*l (hat section Jun»- Dor ■■ tli« teething ui the German riuan eiupetui emperui a* «. uiitu-d in Juiige Ktx's txurt on a charge To John Bien venne bounty iur I •■! the pa.-t t«-n \<*ar-, • IN rtlami wh«* will visit frit- ini- li'-n* ami at than »*vcr ÌM*fur ;N '*<®r’L.the ai ■ »ve-named •*“ b?lf ,r '■ »*'»»•«• you give wneat-ti. 1*1'. fe.u-1 it wil! yield HU i.icolue will .luubtl«» xperieii t -i great r»-'iva! f J iHF . Prof A P ki.ii ng 1 coyote...................... be I'eregnuates about Lis neighbors ul vagrancy, aihtough Die yuiittg feituw 50 bu-in«**- when it i* coiupb t« »1. Inustt ijg. u«« of Or«»g«H: s* fore- ilan»!.* Is**id«*s spending I —-in» time at h. .< u>1 n^uinil r.MU1]AT tu L' li^ on a va'”'ltion of ¥ 1»M.M> an Mflv. There is n.it a w Jieat-tield iu tills dutmmuns. lie will tint! it very warm Wu dr. » i i lo kl I, and ha l the reputa- • *t«*in, l- for*« «‘tiding h**r -'imtr r < utlng. m»».*i «?dii»*ator* nnd a prominent bu*in«--* ■ I Y.'U I <»u Jar, Jic ner< aje “^ nmn a- w» 11, ha •* had ■ burg.- a- p»;incif»al. iiiiHuer the i'oLupIfilnt <>( »h* abo- .um * Martin .v t ».. f Linkvill. ..m in*. Total touiitLi* ¡ixi'J weather t xr cutting teeth, however, if be liuuct Is.-iitg * wed connected,'* lie was ♦S2.5u • d R. th>- aa»i counts yields such an income. au»l KN 1£I>N «.«'.chard does. h»» 1 >ni.* rinteinb-nt I‘ii ■ ■ m \\ • 'dm*.-- J h«*-elvatibig»** t*> »-V'-ryone ■ <»nrra«*t la-t w• • k toinrnGl* Klamath .«-ar ’ and . .. »fa good bu*! in the a!»<»vt* euUtlcd court, r. carries out ins bleat with reference to promptly round guilty, and is now doing WH‘ Mtl l ELL tXLul «. ., ptamtitT' Indi.m Ag -n \ v. th p«-uud- <»f fi'.ur .¡t »lav la-t .- ni hi* family t»» th» moiiidains m**s Im- ition are many and *»f daily < .-. ur f ll«- '. J« ! k ot H»iid . e*propose to Eell you an acr»* of fme nlluxial soil, within cannon th«*.35 ¡•» t |ou ||.s, .,n th«* diving th, warm w.-ath. They will nmain i* not n»»«*»***i •ary. See announcement of th«» vro.'B steel pen* stripes, if./ work oi rniding the place ol fl ■;0 blu*.*k. f"r a tiiav w ith friend' a.-ar Clawson. aft«*r '•■'ll' I'' next w.- •k in ■ ur udvertl-ing.. L.mn-. ii fur %« 4 iu ai«» rt /.'.’¿Hnn"orw*n”‘bJrailroad, in the most beautiful valley on the elope of the Pacific, with a set ut inuluF and bicuspids as tl.e l>e.*t ; l o Gtu D Barnard .V Co for road w lib-h fla y will nin iid n..m- time i at « » lew. am! writ«.* at <»n< • • Cur their ;itql*igi»e >f them when be gets ti>em all cut tiie genus ma.-tier may requireeowetime, ,„t> m ,z 1 one hundred growing, thrifts pt 'nlueifii: fruit trees, »•>!«■ »elected I*y ot her county in f ihi'fetnw h‘,J' recind .. .................... Th»* acini uiiniul -il v *s fool. » within twoiy or «.■•'■unt} lib ial* -l;»»w au imlvl»t»*«lm** «.m ’ 1 “ jw you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of . lo Geo D Barnaul A Co for fee of ■ rt< rviccol tins siíimutHi'» ui»o< . , WM . J'UU. iiputalcn ul doing very tbuiuugh work j EE ilh" Mill. i left la't w.—k (••r tl.. ..■»!> th»* r»»unty m . q r»*sour«*»*s of *U - .rv.-.! * on hi out *>f ot the theSmlc» niroii. old age overtake you and ... i - book ... - - ». ui Male ut ’ < '• rututi. Dur Caudid Advice. tind • vou peinnlet-K A in never ti.e; do inaugurate a reform, I 1 t - t... g,»,., several >'»»«kfe. 1 Il «.|. al I'l't 75{ I».:.ui.| -•'•I’.fe »- I. in •r'-a-.i.*ig I IlSlMH’l pul.Uvalion. tlien b> th<-ttnjt j ol th. ini tu«t that Hie banka ut » waviile, and Aehopu they wifi he eminently sue- , To tVi'Yls Larg’j A Co e.'ipu'rua^e ' -ol.|.,ei i hat * ■■ npj» ar u. th- •f *g'-”ing I»-*- \\ < u..-.! !>•?»!'* t. 1Í ~ilpp.’'»'l 1. ' had s'vU. 6 San J..", bill W-. ..fl*- .'li'inii* Sept« liilB T. 1-M. term "t »..id court . I al I .^i alr-aily tl».s -eusou paul out »es'lui lit wiping util li e local contingent i un I hj .’ i U x mil ad.i-.'i i-r fiuntlv ps .35 •*ial* ft w.*n’»l s«» .*»!. hav. I- „rm d «a.... 'lint I •• h. s g'h.. WOK'IH -*^1,000. “ wit th. 1th d«y ot fe.pt..nu.' 1-1*1 Hn.ll ill- y..„ h " lu r-bt iiot.t fl A'"« I )«! '»'I to | tile ••Mee iingly large mu. «1 «12'5,'HI to tf the most disgusting and contemptible i i To H l'..|i*. I’ M t ir. ilaini - and hl..,, .»Ill Ht;. !!. y t-, ili .. -ti^a' < tin play f ut'* Uni. - wIo u «■■ tee1 ii- .ith'iitmii pj e I ipp. « and . «wr-; l’uv i<6 Sih a tuoutli, 10 cent a tree. S»F r- -Il n! imita ano zi««» r •'.hl si » i t-omi»MV > ............. •> I | vt !1WH. tlv* land. \ ;-it*’r* I" i rat»*r lato- -till .'in«l th** air th,'pit'll. l -d th.'agvli y Is.' laid to the tru t growers oi that vicinity, i la w that »iisgraces uur uiolrrn civiliza- ■ itili* . win, ar ■ 'tat.oiiery lor the n.olilbh of re-.mvd.ti>. Plaliitiu will apfly 'o tto »'mit . vvvgnt nwtty lit Is reputa»11 gin i aiti.-jr of true a?«* .»sirian, but a . un- pit'h. uiuntlv tor apiico's ami i«rly peaclwa. l.on May ai.d June. 1591 Hiere i:iay be a lower glade ul ! ♦»3.20 ; »1 !u*"mfortal»lv I»rHcriÌH-r* to o.i.. -I .......... .. ••ith»i A.!- l.i-t w**ek t.ik* n »*u: Lv Jt-ronn* Fay and tit»' L'l'iitid I-■<;■■■ >f th-- A t> I att.-ndim. ,• at ,h"" r'-"' t GI’AIl ANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing oichard. limned fruit uiotrict that will yield a cetlatily iiotlitug m ex.slei.ee that is ary h r the luunth uf J me, 1591 " "I. Tu«'s- wer’ ilt w. i«*.*l justified iu tiri, or in'. rtat in »ml t > 1 lie r-nl l>ro|.. rty ;.r* now r» * -uiitlng th» ir » \p« ri» ji» . - at da» la-t, r"p'.rtti;g Despite these facts the fariuern of the, country continue to value lit, tit . larger annual return ttian the most vig mure ut a steuch in the nostiiis of rerpec- To J Nuuan tur candle» and <• wl’U. aauy. h«»m«* in sm Fram-i*»*.» ■“"* * '•»•*■« I .«• - lb*v»-.il»*«i Kennsly c«»n- lx rein <)<...-I I I»'., and III." an I tn,.nt . ..itrh'.-ii' te .itm. ■ ut fr m our tlict-l be . mo'll...I mid tsirr.'l tel H'sertom their land high, aud rob ite soil by sowing it with wheat aud compet­ orously worked mining distriid» cf eaiiy table people than lit»* ,'ienture witu uiatcbra fur court-huuse j tual merit than any m»-«in in« ’ it It lri.i p...lsil.1' M r Go»>dwiu of K»*n»» »!• -ir. - to >tat.*«. that I.r. tlir-n ,.\er th.' b ad. . an» »•Imtii wnau v.-r in or t«i the said Ian i days is indeed a Ixjn ioza. The arnonni rlantfs on street comers for the pnrpose Lu L J Marek, duuaUua by coun­ .„•< n "iir g.... I t*»rtun»- t»» t»»st. On«* a.li. IS. !.. Plaint ill. ami lor «mil other, furl het ing in the marketb of the world with the serfs of lliissia and the slaves h* I- an»! alway- ha - I m *» u at hi- u-ual pl i*.«* I— tit- lant trip ..f d*'|. ga'v fl'. Ul rod» vili mak»* yu a- * nlhu-ia*ti«- a* th«* and dittar,m relief •»- to this eonrt aliali'■wm received llns year aa il.e result of mivili- I ul waylaying and ty tube expended in bui.dmg tnsuilii.g helpless tl.t - . tt"ti 'a tlv fit itith i < I Lu*im*-s. r»*ady t*>att»*m! to al! «*u*t*»m* r*. “Export the wheat of a country and yon ship away the vital 1 ,n. , t ,.,..1 ..pntabta; ll.al the Plain«!«-ar. tin of India. gent labor t.y the fruit grower» of Vaca­ wo>u-u wnu are com|>elled by their avo- county road uu Rogue river lad-,', tlvrc .»„I laicalta 4 <- owner' at th»- sasl land ami pr« ulivi» 'b - ity of its soil,” says a grent eeononiic writer 1 he people of Jackson ville cannot "e less ti an a quarter <>1 a latiuns tu pass lite pl a, es where tie con- near me ranch of F X Muaty 1 00 . Oretron. »« d.-'ltf- Too much stress caunut fs) laid upon production of tine fiuit as lias there pro­ residence uf D B 8 u 1 ihh . 22.00 family will r* ' Tto* magnificent <*r»»p co tu.t.d ami nuudsr»* aud dincrila'l on tliv sound of the hum of the shuttles, >r the thunder of the factories, or lllUlg oil I' HELL Ht 1.1. At -. iiii - valley July 9. the necessity for immediate action in the To R guc river Lumber Co for ven such a mine of wealth Late ship I bringing in an unusually larg»* . 'em.»..-', toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. tn 1. um that ti.. r»* t- It ineaus ping |>eache*, prime» and Bartlett pear» matter c 1 vuisti Uet.ug a goud wagon mad AJOOfeet uf bridge lumber de- m»»r-. wh" all pr..... 1* e that tto ■ era of gi...J liad *' Mr-. Mary \. Hull. iiythat « Packard. John , *2!; a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2years’ work. lim» .- in Klamath laml ha* to ray nothing uf winter apples, are des­ A liveied to ruad district No. 36. 2b <0 •■'■nie agiuu. Jan. Do«.* Pac kard an«l Mai ) Ih»«* Packard, all »urn t<» Jacksonville from their RH<)I»F> GIBSON G I inkMlI' . Ink HI Th**r» is at-» au unusually lar; X* nuiiibc' tined to prove as profitable here, if in­ anil springs. The importance uf a great i Tu B L Messenger for HCOteet uf children of K«/>n B Packard. d»*<*vamwl. b« more beautiful aud a larger home than ninety per eent. of the popula­ .onie in Fr«*-n ■ nnty, Cal. a* they t»»url-ts ami | . T-'ii' . looking • 1S*31, by F I . Robinson. J. 1 ’ .. « ’ harle* health re.-urt, such as that is Jestmeti I thro- his« rt« « ’ . win n H*cvrtain«*din mmk ! deer«* ’ bridge lumber furnished to road telligently handled, as apricot» and early ti* h«-at tlwn*. and th-- attendant draw- basin w ith Inteutiotis of settliue Rtosle* ami Mi-- Anna Gib*"U. i Publi-hcd tn th« D> m « h it atk Tiki* lor mi tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. peari.e» Lave proven their, and the to tiecume Oelure many years have rolled , district No. I ...... •aeks of the t ouutry r» nd« r it a far ie» de­ 41.60 i pursuit of ptoasqrv, .■ ohm Viitiv»- wreka by «»rd« r «»t Hon. L. K Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great e»?.'ii- • uur citizens realize their advan- around is hard lu estimate. EV lien it is cun- 1 To Mrs J I. WuEow for 10*0 feet sirable plae«* of re-id'-nthan this section. I WvlHit-r. judge ot *aid Circuit ( ourt. ina»ic of ( • .»t»iy Trcasur»* H e »’’ ’ I ’ h»* th'Timunetvr bus at time- - ‘ *gister» ti as 'vse»int)iis UKpect, and avail tliem- 'i.tated that the location is so remute a- * uf bridge lumber furnished to valley and our Orchard Home. BORN I ’,Ul> 1 » RAM IS FITt’H. Att v tor Pit fl. .¿tl till- » "tiuty tr»*asu»' road district No. 7 selves of them, the greater will be then , tube almost inaccessible al present, aitu • •r in til- high a* l k‘ in the shad-- .it th» ir , ,.»»•<»«iuring 10.40 th* Mc32, 21.133. “ < KSEY At I’1»» Valley. July I, 1^’31. to Mr. repairing Rogue river and ¿¡k people who are eager to Luy the la st j I has ny those w.tu re, k relief from ebron- The familiar figure- of tin» >i-ters <>f tin* V37\ X' tA and Mi Robert Ca-« y, a daught« r4 • * advertí*»-- ca >11 in be had in the fruit line e»p< cially of | 1 ,c Doubles for wlitcb the spniigs are ai creek bridges. . SUMMONS ’• -d-m* the following H«»k Naim** have I m «* h Ii' tieed oil '»ur Street- Jl.UO »•’ * »xitii great satisfaction by all during the \t San Bernardin»• Cab. July thoee varieties which beat twar tran'|sjr- recognized specific, it is evident that ' l’u E J Kaiser tor publisLmg no- F. EACH -ted *o<. 20’2*. 2O2 ‘ 3 2030, 202*3 1'91 t" Mr aud Mt-. J . Bench, formerly ti« e. . tation t > a distance, and we arc only when lite ruad» ate such as to enable the • *14 2035. i mû . it»u la-t t«*ii «lay*. Si-t«T Mar.v Angel i* '»n<*e •iKM. 2012 l*U In tto Cirvuit Court tor the Stat« «»! Or««on nt«»re install«*«! hotel after their return, while th«* collcg«* building . • uu taxe* Mr. and Mr-. Mat. Lewi', a son. awful ppectre that will uot down. It had iu-wer the complain» ot the al'.v»- I laintif! | this*uninier. ami ar«* «ivserving of th»- pat- was ¡wing put in readim-s« for their r«‘cep- j springs of Ai kausas a»- Coarlea Nir* 16.110 in th* at'.v. . ntitl<4 Cimrt. now on til»- with the result of advancing price» of neecs- I pt valley state“ M-XHAMfe At Cre.-eent v. July lhi'l, to the clerk <3'Hid Court, r<>nag«* of th»- public, for they keep u stri< tly tion. within ten .laj“ trout piiuliug -oil fur county Mr and Mr- Wnt M Adam-, a daughter. th. date.,t tlo «< rv i„ it »er»»'I tn JaekMiti Count), 4>rea"n: Im* MINING NEWS. ---------- offices attest tie- healing qualltl« *- of tie It M;rved in any other county tn th»- Mate ot w lu the MltWiablp" Total OF* face« equare lo-d issue of a marked de- BUT CURES e tlrexoli then within twenty ' from th»’ jcellutieous expeutiituten, f 171.75 waters of tlic springs with a sih-nt >-l> «pi« u* »• DIED. cline in the puce of wool in Uh¡' •• ••*tioning. N .fi'-c- f'»r Hi«* b>'-att<»H «»Í pla««r ami nothing else when it is essential to th»:- or it M rvi'l on >011 out ot the fetate ot Oregon. col Oregon, / . >e ut cpial importance suuir <|nartz min»-- • tc.. f<»r m *I«- at III»* T inies «»f- hi . 01 tl) pol'luatioti. then by Hie tir't day of th» tence that wool »>■ sanitariums are nul, Th«*r«* is a pr>*vailtng itnpr»->*l*'n among I INEIIM XN <•» Evan* .'" "k. July I"’ County ui Jackdun,) ,, lui 'Mieli nain, al --------- — ewaiiliig September. 1*91, *erni ot said eouit. • ur |H*op|r that tin v liail iwtter let out tile tic-. ..f infantil.' tnuil’I. l>nua l.niermiin ; »«•"' to.wtt the 7tl. day ot ta-ptember. 1“9I: ami among the n>>-* at ail i.lvlii'iul on the cuutinrlit, am! 13 1*31, r... ,nr».I. the I’lamtiB will apply to Hie curt certify that the foregoing m a true ati>> into hi* hand- any h<>r*e with tie* most st'»r* f«»r ust* in hi* F**r«**t •*r«*«'k min«*«. r w ■■■■■■■■ gg«■■•■■■ «v Wm. Elli- Frico, a Y relui pioneer ; aged 76 tor th» relict demand.-d therein. »'*-’*" • uUld be I away nn ' , uu vf ti«v es ht , le beiittit frum the lutai «â ^j liailelenl made at itn July A. D. 1591 term, except monster, seeking whom h»- may tiring t" ing. wati-r-rigiits, etc., i* kept f«»r sab- at th«» 11ONNFK At Montague, lai.. Jutj of s. propirn b»r.iu doM-rtb.d, ami that 'be be «gm strange that the pefeky »htr.g will trade , lX'.H, Onu r V. Bonner. twggriRo agent ! njoined and ba.-red from asserting any , latm aitiuhed tu th» bU'r.iWf,s ol trans* tiie bills preseiiied and allowed for which gn* f Bewar«' of th«* hors«* on tin* roud. T ime * nftic«». Do you know that a littl»* oough i-a »lanpcr.-’i'■ whatever in or to th»’ said land advtr'« to 1'. Co., aged 36 years and I months. 'persist tn working that way, when it wa- iHjrtmg and pmvidiug fv. ttle wants ut the fees or salary have tieen piovided by < aptin O. t. Applegate’« oration at Tub* PlamtitT. and lor »m li oil » r. turthcr and dlt- tiling? Are j o't aware that it ofteu fa-teus on th-> D. C. M' Clallun «-xlnbite some tin«* -¡»« ‘ ’ ’ i- so carefully de-igned to work anotli- ihe tounai.t aud patietiLs, and this vai* law. EUr J'.MEBY It Gold Hill. July 16. 1-91. ter.-til relief as to thlseourt shall se. iti ni»-et luk«* <»n th«* glorious fourth 1- chara■•t«»nx»*«l men* of slat«» taknn frum the ledge near •.-jug: riu«l tar t.'n.i t» n runs intoC».ri'iinipti<.»i an I 7 nnd equitable: that th, Plaiutifl is th.- owner wav To fie sure, with the tert.lity . 1 , ey la really in danger tl lo.-*mg tbi* proa Emery aged 72 years and 2 days. Witness my hand and seal of the coil re a* being th»* m<»*t striking effort of his life, .Merlin, of wbi' h he 1- part owm-r. The ends it, Di itli ? l’.'iple suffering from Asthma. B ot till- n*u »»'I and pr* mlses d»scrlbid as resource which has always enable, pecuve »tij.ii.ct to a» bu.-inea, by uLuw- ■ y Court of Jackson County, Oregon, al- and from the .1»»*'* attention paid t»» it by the slat«* i* pronoiumed by Prof«*s.s«»r <.’ou«i»»n, °f t ,llow«7i>.wii «.’omm. iictng 4« link. W. ot Rroiuluti'. I’m Jt).oil,a and Consumption will eli­ uu’lien»*»*. it i* »»vident that the r»*mini*»*« nt th«» Stat»* university, to b«» uf unexcelled them to gel another campaign s support tug our ueighljoru over the line tu get a uxe i U.K '.’1st day ol July A. D , 1891 the N. 'w .orix r v' »be Fa.kard Donation te'll aou dim btyle of oratory. • -p«.-»*ially in th« hands of quality. »Mjual to the I est «»ver discovered. frotu those who are wed.led tuthe wcollv I good road mtutbe mine!) before us. Im- »"nd Executrix ’ s Notice. M AN AlCLLER, County Clerk, such a master of th»- art a* tto* »-aptain. is The lee taken looking to the laying out and In th« matter of the «vinte of Jacob L. Oregon. soon !*.« de v «-I o | m ’ HEREBY GIVEN I HAT I HF. Uregou and Im* "' '■'>'! I‘»< kard Donation I l.dm Jo*'- 1 al., hav«» I n «, n vi-itibi? Link« ille frtoijd- d«o<*l«»ping the mines at Cinnabar last at«*k, II undersign«*»! has been appoint«*! r«ru- boundary l-’»Uhaln'and 17 link', audthem;» S. »•> ehmii' near Phil fei-viL' L am * <>t rt. t i ingl v de<’l.ir' l-g ' h.1' (luring th-• pa*f w«*«*k. f«»r tin* first time, a* by th»- workmen btrikiag th. |«y >«*in again, trix »»! th<- «-stilt« «•! Jileo*» L. Worlow, de «nd I links mid itienee L n. 1'‘’l11'", ?' llo'churg or , July J7. I'9E , VreM-.i ../••'**' (.'tie f'fls constrained ' j the apring iteell. r»-ganls (he ladi»** L-r -«'.»-ral yeur*. Mrs. aud taking «»ut pre that will go b0<) pounds < «*a*e«l. bv order ot tl»«* County Court of Lb»* iuk. aud ' •»•".•• N H chains and t link» o for C uuk I i '. « oht-i uni f' ^»..umption is beyond »inrwtion the gn-atest of ail« <»t Ùn go»», in an«1 I" tor «rnd .-tate ar. re- ¡'in fdl »• <•' »■* ginning N. tt- " i-h'-T. I'»' gi.en ihiit th« b’Totof.'r.' Ih-am-*- ami Mis- M->lli'» wen «»ut ri»llng in a < f qui-k-ihur to t|w o»n. Pr’ltlng in the di­ Mate "Vum'^'n^ ind.'hiod » "nr»,tuna 20 Modern i;»'iiii"h»~ f I; *» ih ■ i, v . ■ tgh m "lie night. It a * ill t his k a C«.'d i t ■ to.piote limarguments »bat DuWley a,l- i '• ■ " i.o •• -. ohm u.i j o.-e t 'on-iimpttoo if t.iki n <■ vance.1 in refutation ot those ut the survey».'» t*' t‘*llo» ' i'»«»k fright ami l**»-am«? unmanmrahl«*. aud tiiw ugo when th«' workmen were within 1 thofe.' having < Ifxitn- airalnat th; *•»<*•' »'•' Touton la Gwmetic. l.r.BM'itt them nt th ‘ ‘ iiftic»' ot W. H. I iirkrr, tn time, ■' Y.>u < t . t: .¡a t > tn- •» lt'n. it it " A 2 b • ■ ti.a • -av. voni th»* • l»l»-r la«lv wa 3 thrown out «»! th»* cart. ••Yankee ' in M«rk lwainslat«Ht worn TvwU'hip P> -outh >t rsn^.' 12 *>• -t l-oft» SX^'fud^ out., tnade fifteen feet ot tlw deposit. whi« ’ li but illus ­ I I’ • i.i' tu t- th» fa-hl*jn ùf y«»uug la»II».-* j-iit-lH" . Jackson* ill»', Jm km.n »»itin- *tl00 in Doctor'.'l:!l—tic • t» j.trl ' V: yottt druggi-t f<*r ft. ..r » -it. i in combating the Utter* views on I v i;b l'Iun•' - and b|«.t )|.-- q tbeu fa»*«** t 2, 3, 1 ’• n, 7 -, o. 10 11. 12, 1', 11 l> ttutl Mis* Molli«* t'*t.d'»••«! her seat. to»w»*v«-r. ami trates the uncerUiiuty aud possibilities of J.ttnrni t» On-iron »'Uh pr»i|H-r vouclum atta» tu'l JU1> Mi'Jfe HWa.^M^’yregou. succ«‘rd« «1 in holding th»* frauti-* animal, mining. tv EE IL IL *• -Ii. • -' » 'I't . ' * 5 r L. t ' t.k a the tantl'•|U-**liun, wiien confrotiied > y within alx month« from th.- tlrfet pulilivatlon • tn.'ik- v\p« rin*- ut» witb vari-'U»coaiueti' s. IB. à T 'WU'Mp 3fe ’ tilth, .-I i iug.' 12w.-t SE'i until he could Is.» -topj—d in bis mad run bv ■ >«■■■•a a s a a t uas - srnnaVaapae>aaaaaa^ such wetgi ly arguments in reputable M•. latu< l’ifly j»alTy **dv» rti-» * her foreigu Th«* int’-rest iu the mine» at Clnnalur has »if thia not »■»•. th».* a*-!*tau»re of th»* by*tan m À1LYIE. WOKI.OW. Exn utrtx. papers. Uu» long, ub wool man, in»w | unim'd u<.»mpuun»l, cump"*»*»l of u combina- •CCtioU' 25, 26, 27, JI, Jó t.ud 36. been increas«, 12 »»est. Nt'". Ha.-. £?» »!• into I '-t rv by » etobratîîig such rotten argumeuta. I • uiag and bualtbgtving »-ilevte uf Swlft’s »»■ Tuwii'tup transported to the mineb on tnutebfivk. a O. U"'-, nv". 1'3, u« ■. svv 2'.', all u! se.'.i .-ns w ilts such bs *h» (ie<:iaratl,>’î *f !□»■ V N« AL rF>M')N ’»F IHf he : uiei Sp» lite *• 8 > j-rmit nature tu w«*rk ter 1 5. tj. 7. ', 17 aad lfe genera! nati .nal vy . ¿per;’ pa, s*Z se. 1 mavhino'y »"d va»tin¿» lor lb* cb.-ap-.-j’. uml n.bvujtilu! comi»k*.U3Dj soc 1, '*'*/, iov 3, scain. tb'-*r& !;■. new • ■ ory reason t - b«'liu* a Next ferwon borifeBon Mondey.‘bt-.‘¡rt ->«y r, Ci4 aud ! tt No 3.10, 11 usd 12 a! Cinnatar mine«. bom thia place, dei end - L •«.’.!£ uu! It U thè ùffloe JulyiHf 1^91, *b'a* the miiw. . ’**11! ríe ¿» 2 «ve** ^vrcfitib!»* :* gentcisber.ldil 1-, all cl avcttocs 1. j, 6, ", s atJ ?. bas Henry Klippe). wb-re the cars a.riv».. .»»*- AednrrJay, ¿4 SwtfVb SpooltL ó S. ¿.ztùglvu vigru Jouas A. Lee. I in” --tx nt. »umyud, and tbo plat«, o! said surveys and will continue two weeks. will consume the b»lter part ct thirty t-jUuJU-1 Uvaitù tu tue - Z^tua* —practical I. no lnJtin. Gr< Jsvwlora.1 lujxrunacr» o! lurwr bulla, cr tbe s> ro tcn- *v JOHN il. .aure, Evgu.. lnttiuitu —!bi» fa the .^ntauul Institute. . - 3— v X.C.. -• 5-v-^.v. Ue.; Cuutral Pomt, ou Jlouday, uu» » jibu4cl»|L. ¿hv-^rUbly uaturu pu U out fr«ra l.t»« tOt.n.e will g'Vu employment A «»roll t a Me time lor every ontx wpveiuliy A. M.C*x«TTO»v. U.M.hxr sv.-v at G.U L. .Lu«\- —■ toi. abo dlílMKú will be a sluglo iiffua’.D, ol 4 tUcy tbould lv becd* 1 1 AU I i "i..... . .. to irozu 700 t»/ .Ok» 'Ueu tn the tauUuUlli' ' - (-.o aU. u . « ■» >.■ . o . '•• Umo true tor a3 horse» la MU til- «»daicfMA». J**upd^t»k a4bd 11 U-iobell» .lay vi U*Jviy mvUtb. al 1, I « ,. # a v J uit«» m . ’ Mt. * C^HUC1L< t joungieue lo tl»« vmu4b«r »pring«. zml v'ciuuk a. n. i *ru Or e-“■ T-e eutruuoo too wlU 1*> ¿20.06 ttoii tfee ;e Dut 14 u flood couArUnL L* M • '•» »*♦-■** » .’*• p t y . oi T v _ - _ - . - „ i "<-. hz-.i tbuM wl*1 ivuteiubfer wtwt au uJ.uuvt to • V* 4 7 *•»*•*> J I*; are » *• wiueb U-.2 bo add'd to -ao cr ux’ ure la t._. «•i.'jór». j .. Te» ^•■¿7'* ?» Vtk at Foit K1 ».nath uiwJ »o be coo»Meri'.t '.^4 < m third. L... wlli hold servtc«* at tne of Gx-tou, &. D . «'0 quota -E-’a» oruiç.:» MU ’X Ulta when that fe^ct'-xi wus J»i*n»)ent on thi» I rei. yurtan church iu riKBidx; catbird a ta 1 cia. wiucU ACttk-d ou U.V .uu«r, -ougï a_. L ra-.a must lc eut«v4 'i, -r ’-fore e-ukxl ■: /»ri ut tUdtcgd Ug*« fcl.TÍV’f tar Jal ' *r*jFr^ poriuiinwe DUmUtr.*-D aqD’sk / . ______ _ valley fur their »upphr». will apprei ia'r Sun-lay tt-rting at Jaokaoc'Hle. aut euory •oc lu aid fl sally tarEXlaatad iu coc»uo;j> C. i !» PHEL ^ITf«»«* . Mtl.ll*> T *«rr Hull. G.u*ral Fciut. UOB. Tour d-tuor» jçavo tuo up, s^yiag I *a^Dg ” À tfdtti U UHM', ’ cui., ’ :a ■Qyius “A ¡T-lUfc tv bd«' r. v il U. Au£«*atu. Mali**» the value of the patronage to bw .ietivmt Sus lay e.-'jumg bo will F't xwb at the Trv»by- 1 ooukl but a »hort U»-. I wA'-» UTtaU •'Tuxivly udii jMdH» o. É.C » fivm a fe»» bunJred nuu-productng men, j tv*«aA càutVà at JuuaaOliV.^o. I ip to niy iUvwu.-, d jtazra!u.»l .fl ontjJ l»n»»xLvt> ’ nrxirru (or® Uat- A Chjd KUh-1. t, V • 1 »• Hfeoet of them under pav. |f»Acniy tbi»' I ut.»y wi'l Biy frt'.ixJ* ob »«zrü. I w.»ulj sar--- •i ouxf» ‘FÉ* l *< • t^” J / ♦ y* | Lu 'h r ui ' küh I by th t-t- < f « p • t«.? I -u thìt» y» .p. u 7» It I.. I ... f ut. u' ' ’S ab*' My „S* ai*. tuwn,but 'I- ♦ »«.•■' let»»r ' al vy • • w jli, , i 3 à / ^»* j ttr*t 4 cu^y^ v* 1 gl * U Ut t U», t t lu if ' » d 4 !. -yrti NV hy ’ p’viit ^¡■.«.12 ih • sm » 1 / i •*„ . t j ¡,1 t V* IvA-ji » F - « a *,- ? . --tu ***b ’ rrill* .g ;UUtresl»-J *U L ¿V». i V.J^cl. *s«k.* I1» ■ v zti# »- T«.'.*l*» r; U' t uelè ^:Vr I U« U* • y ’ p< T.- m U -J I X. *- • uri.. a_>i - .'v » gu'. rcazi «enairucieJ it./ i a '•■« «•»• , ■•* j 1-.’*-* -MS • V^'W • u curpTuuig.' wto u g - m rcùc-vt < ü)l¿ — ■ —--------- — J»'» - , I- «A A >u * 3«. l-'G1 Q . .« • oi ;u peculiar troubi»«* by tiding. Dr. Atki-r*- ¡ vCK. LÍ.IQt» »ÜL«. Action ffOni tR’fl puce Xu* c.mi.4b.u 1 n mciE-ird, U*^ au • .u *ci ¿ àju BabyS» * *lr.r. Tt '.tflr* 'biuujtr VA?iy ’3*Ob*A f*xi r» fhl^» to m- < t ¿ter lb* I *UPI »'■ »> P'ov d“d ,b»-y i m-‘an- r* ' I And a full line of Parasols. Paus, kid Glom, Corsets. Jersevs. Cmlin? ST TOBACCO. CJIOAKK 13rI'€ ’ . & WHITE uU' gVATE YOUR ORCHARD • it THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION Medford Grfgrn [CUBESl ANY ' HEADACHE! . WHY DO YOU COUGH?: IT STARTED WITH A COLD.": DR. AQKER'S ENGLISH REMEDY: 'UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. T I.ÜMBER YARD AT MEDFORD. ROGUE RIVER LUMBER GO., Manufacturers and Whale Dealers ib Lumber. -Lath | Pjcket 71ooring, Rustic and Ceiling can get twn* over» t.'a«d »lay g-«»l ru. 1. •* ^ ■han rt go f<> the oih.r «nd ».4 thv m. uti ! he n-jud-»' f tn»« »ar a-i 1 • <¡¿4 p* •‘“¿J w ‘ -yrs..; 1 U- CÍ til- doy I « ili v *'*k* • Masons fruii jar •. ,i«i», *xti4rt-*i. t > * iti» A. Lie* ¡Z Adi ax*. Ü») H»j atin.-V»* '-»• Jt uaid. do U't t T- . .Ls, 1 T ta>*. io i^uMzUU'rta'sui'- 4« ta u Jiu lfeSovvUta • lUx* -'Us. U. Kxr-WIM) ba* **u»ui VJÀ OU«*» A Duty to Yoon*!«- _____________________________ twelve ~ «.Til»*-''uiowt rs »«u üandthat mu**! »»rii SWULK- W V4ULY Ul^WAÏ. ~.uiafa«T-w »»cr.nc»), w 'bat »»■< van p.iy | Ir i'kiirprlMng that tin p.t»pl" will iw ’> tgy IQe ' me 1U0-JH« j ui W« r* arc new-and th»* b«*t in the market. xalmible English t>n<* valuable <»ne for fpr th« .Mime *am<*. money. >. I Di. At lcer’H English pi'Jt» un' h positiv«* cun’ bpvoial T o T h * but'*'»**** tb« Urrnmal . * _ • 1 W ■ L- Kilt vrrv rxt'. il •low »ml Ubor on-wo'k.*•'>«*»■«>■ ,'«l’* n [kOtjÀtto ________ cub I h olitili _____ to* ...... 1 y api'lyivu ’ • i ac i I b i-iT.j tf'-V I i 'ÌV9^ulUM*^W4Ub;l?.|'r.XVJU» "lfW‘ ■tea »»well. I.*t tlit* "’fl born Jack-p,¡~1 Mirarne of V. cf cour»t» lite cwup*»1/ c*n but otak»- ue< d >». Lx ».kink- ti e;» auppliek in ov**r a paca Hail is no« "» I ►.flYUÄ b* k'lUH nk A*ktL»y M pJWilrfki ul W. ¡ÍUSXPU8, *’*vSj!LV. « 7 t *•■ btat *. I icr»«ta X’