MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLAIM LUUS. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. v uv Ah'mocriiiuinnfs & l 5 East and South A SCROFULOUS BOY. I southern pacific co .’S line . The Salem cannery w ill put up 2,000,000 a cl rent al low u| 2.100 cans of fruit this year. KunxiHg Sores < orrrrd /Us Hod y md Hrad. Hon.* Affrtttd. t oreit h» C'M- The TIM KM 11 «UeiarKcsl sajayeW b> suj newspaper The people in Madras, India, sre threat paltllsheil beiween Psrllasil and Red etied with famine, owing to the failure of Bliitf.l'al. — a distance at 000 nkllea. It the crops. thereforenlTers the best ludneements ’ The Woodhurn-fpriugfield branch is tn I advertiser*. One llsl Is principally ( couHned to Jackson, Josephine and now being extended toward Jasper in Klamalh eouulles. Bnslnes» men hot haste. The next annual session of the Sup­ 1 sbiiuldI ake note ol I Ills tlcum Aemrrflea. The Mt. Shasta Route. When six in >nth* «»Id, the lett ini nd of our lilt » gratul« hil»l 1» van to >well an«i had every appearance «»f a larg»- boil. We p«>ulticcon other surra t»»riu«*«!. H«- then had two of them on each hand, and his t»l«HMl tM*rain<* in«»r»- and mor« impure, if took less time for them to l»r< ak «mt. A s«>r« cam«* on the chin. i»t*ncutli the under hp, which was v«*ry ofTen- dvt His hewd wm < m > c st did E/ -« ui'. dim h tiging a great deal. This was hiscondition at twenty-two tn«mthso!«i. when I undertook to cure him, his mother havingdi* «1 lbavk AKKIVK when In* v.as little morethan H 0p M __ a year old, of <-«msumi»tt«>n ... '».«•» »• M. Alba»») ... F>»rt land I M M«r7>fu)a« d ■ , ‘ 1 '' < »uld walk a little^ . ..» 'io a m . Portland AllMill) but could n<»t get up if he fell down, ana c«ml«t not ni"\ • when tn bed. having n«> us«’ of his ban«!* I tinnu’diately commenced with tin-CulH’ura K»'tn»’«livs. using ail freely. One sor«‘ a!t« i another healetl.a I hhiv matter form­ TOURIST SLCHPIHC CARS. ing in cm-h one of tin *«’ five d» « p «»nvsju*>t For •ee'iiuiii sl«»"’" «' «evoii'1-c »«» passet», tx-fore healing, which w«»ui«i finally grow loo- and wet«- tak»ri out; tion they would ver» alla» < kh 1 to Eipri-s» Iraní». heal rapt'ily. tMo-of these ugly bunr iorma- ti»»n* I pr*”*erv«*d After faking a dozen anti a H t. iT »tut'- »•»» «•*»<»■'• bait l ottles »>«’ wa* <*o!nplctely cured, and ta H f T H t. t \ l'll K 11. IX»».« ' OKI ALLl.f now at the ng«- ot six years, a strong and health) * told. M k *. F. s , dk K. i . s , May !♦, '<>. •»!-’ E. Clay St.. Bloomington, 111. ■AXIL TKXIXj» DULY k.X< KI’T SVNPAY.) Portland Arrive .'» .¡D F.M. i.:w A. M. !.. Lrav« ¡ • r. m 1340 r vv i < i X... - Cuticura Resolvent At AllMity «i-J »iirva.ii» conuvct witli train» That new blo«>d purifier, internally to cl anse ot Oregon P,untie Kwllroa't. pill.v rxeHCSs THAIS' IC VCKCT SC V1» V V.)___ the blood o( all impurltie« and polaonoua rle- inent-4 and tnm* remove the vmo» . and I'uti- l.ei e n. Leave Portland Arrive s :2R a . m vura. t le great skin cure, and < utieura ►<»ap. 7JR r. w., Arrive McMinnville Leuvi-, VUA.M an exquisite skm beautittvr, «-xtt rnally clear the 'kin ariti . •«•alp. ......... and - * — restore ------ the hair . THROUCH T'.'KETS'•••Il V“1“1«' cure every disease and humor of the -kin and KATA SOUTH. bl'H»d. from pimpk' * to scrofula. For Ti< acts atnl lilorm it ion reRHntlna rut' », ms us etc .«II "tit‘lutp'in, • ag'tir »1 Mfltord. Sold «*v«*ry wh-T' Pl’oHp. H KUKHLEK. Preoared i*y th»* Potter L’-' m . K«s<-lv« ni. $1 Maiuwvr, Ast G. t. A P. As t. Drug and ’ hcmu-iil <’ or|H>rntion. B«»atuii. • K’>«*ii«! lor ”H<»w t o Cui» Blood Disease»*.” mwreaaTraina Lrav«* Porflaml — ----- ! North._ »rnti r — 1 ----------- - F«»rtimid *Âiïin; . m . l'üö r. m . Lmve“’ M. sifoni L«av« .’G am 1. C» A. M. Leav. I«x u n» " ’ •• ----- iR»‘<> . i • *« — 7»>:l » a . M.lArrtvcSnnFram h -rei \ 9-«ir M. ih«* («»Uuwing Above traina stop only at i E*at Portland Ntati«>n* north «*f Ro.-M-buig Sah*m, Ali»any. in-cg n < ity. W.Hsiburn, ’ tangent. Sh»*dds, Hal*«’y. Hurrisburg, June- Tiou <’«tv. Irving. Eugen«*. R«»MII KG MAIL DAILY t.KAVt:__ AHHIVK^ H..rtl»ud ... - *' ' » li'.-.-l — or... ' «" •■ « K..». (»urs '■ JU » - « it «'>'1 1 M AUIASY uh Al.. Iixll.x; V.u»U Si»nd»> Eugene has sixteen teachers in her public schools. FHU’AY reme Lodge of A. O I’. W. will lie held j at H- lena, Mon'ana. FIFTY YEARS AGO. The flow of lava from Mount Vesuvius tias increased. The lava has now reached | the rear of the observatory. *T1* fifty year* ago. dear John, jubt fifty yoan Ago; twni like Twas i.uly yrwlerilay 1 beard yon There’s no performance too low for tl.e i tell tne »o; I>o 1 remember sayin’ yes? Well. John, we're m in who cheats the |>oor rural editor. II- would play baccarat with aChinaman. gettin’ old And trimly now, and 1 ain't sure my rnem’ry is If Russell Harrison ilosen’t bridle his I so bold; And yet, I »'pore 1 must a said a thing or two tongue, irreverent people will begin to c.ill his father "Old-man-afraid-oi his- in play. For you were rather sassy. John, a goin' homo son." that day. Del-gates from seventeen counties in Just think’, ’tisfifty years, dear John, just fifty tl e state met and organized a state years ago, Farmers’ Alliance at Portland, on the Seuce you and me stood up afore ol«l I'areon H inst. Gauderblow And *aid we’d bare each other, shore! fur bet­ Tin- i u'pnt of cigarettes throughout the ter or for wuss. nation fur the month ■ f March, amounts Did ever 1 get sick of it? Now, John, don't to twice as much as that for March of a make a fuss Bout nothin’, for 1 ’low thur s tune» a bad year ago. trade turns to good. Salem’» tiou ing mills will turn out When men’s wives nuss their patience aa Chris­ something over 1000 barrels of flmr a tian people should. day a» st on as the present crop is ready In Ibew ups an»! downs, dear John, senoe for them. fifty years «MP> We jotn«»r old hearts aro true. li is propns-d Io have the next annual And that 1 " ill be thinking of you, John, as ' reunion of the pioneers held at Astoria, you will be thinking of mu , in cominomoration of the 10 »th annivers­ D ADV’C^kin eu«i Snip purlfietl ari*l I»« au- When our fifty years below have long been ary of the discovery of the C> lunibia. lost in eternity. DADT 0 t’ticii by tVTUl KA >«»AI*. At»*O- —Brown« Perri man »u Yankee Blade. lutvi> pur«-. D V. S lteed, one uf the best known ' nujut MTmaam. THE LADIES Southern Oregon arv hereby lufurmud that nt a«!n to a lame and vlvgant iute ut jfok J MILLINERY / » In «»n«* minute th»*« ( Th i ha A>T1- P aim I’ i . a * tek relieve* rheumatic. -« utile, hip, ki«ln»’\.elM-t and mu*cu- ' lar pain* and w«-aktit-uses. Price,25c. r ve added to u y M< * k the foil« u ing cla*bo! goods, ut which 1 have a l ull line: CAiias’ Tarnishing S ooìb . HU It Knit and Muslin. NEANTS’ #Aßi)ROBES CÚMPLETE A* cheap aa to be bought any place, alau Tl e brinio rdt sav that a mo'or line • service« of the government. The enip- from S< da»ill" to connect with the south­ • erors ideas on this »nl'ject are at variance with those of Russel Harrison. ern Pacific rcaJ is an a-nure fact. HAMMON BROS. » :>• UIOEH 1 1*3 Chilá tan's Shsrt Clothes, Coder 4 year»old. bvant.tui Due COK kì ETM Consisting ot L »le and SUM 1^*1- tord. w hvrr we have aevureel N* w Grottltd, the Mill of which i. a sandy loan,, enabling oa without irrtiutt ..it to *rr,.w healthy, thrifty with ah abitndance of fibrous lateral ro,»» without heavy tap root», to be cut away 111 lilaglug. We,.tier 10000 Prune, IIOMEU Y. 10000 Apoles, Zephyr Shawls, 5000 Peach, and many other tiling* too numer»»u* to men­ tion. I have also secured the aervlevaot a 5000 Pears, FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 10000 Grapes, I arn n<»w prvpared tw exerute ali or­ lIANlili IIRHIIJS de*» in that line In fi rat-class nty le at r cium » na­ Anv IV A. (atwHlttian Jk Co., Grrttit1» PtiMi.Ort*ir"n. health ■th hisu’a Gohlen Ral«am No 1 - S- r«arn the Legs an«! ik !y; sore Ears’ Ey*«, S'**, etc . Copper < |. r, ,| UnHche*. >yph. < aUrrh. «Uwaaeii S-alp, and a'l I ritnary fo”. » uf the d.wase kn-.**•« ui v ;• Flirr, * -, l)(l p..r B«»|(|rn II ii U hih N’o.'4 k iiiAti-in, Pam-« hi the Pain* in the l!ri.»«i bai k » f th»» Neck, l '- erated Sorj Throat, S*, ph ,.t c ita*h, Lump* and con­ tra. ted < ur. * stiff . ( the Luubs, an»i t-r&iiuatia a!l «1 <$-• ■ fr«jin the system, wheth< r i.Ti.M.1 I»-, ir;.l h . r ti n or abuse f M -ury, ! ,mng th«» h! p'Jr. an. hia'.thv. Frire» *5 CO per I’ottle. .«• Iiltlinu’» Gohlen *»• anhh Anti« «lot«* f r t •• ■ ur<- of <; ,u >-r , i », Irritati» n Clavel, an I a': f’riri $*-v <»r <»rn t .1 di’ irrai deliri uts. A*rl«v$4 50 p«-r Botile. * ’ Le (ùtili/?! Nptnlah In- jerti<»n, f r » \vr. m r f G n rrh P fÎ4«.,n. • » v « t BtnctunFrirJ I per Bottle. !.«• Itichnu'a Gohlen Ontment Hr tl»«» eff • tivc h .-i. t . ; ■ f >• , *- r « ku«l tmi ••»■ him Frier)! top r Ihn l.r ■tieh$«u*M Gohlen f’il -, ard Bra n tn-atnirnt, I» «■$«»* p'r. i tl p.u er. ex«.-»* or o\.-r-w’rk, I rostrati» pi , Frira b«*l ÜO per Box. Tarit ai.«| .Nervine. bent » ' er\ A here, C. (>. D., MOirc!y per expresa. (1 HL Kl< HARDS DRCG CO.. AGENTS. 5«feand 51i Mai kt t >tr»*< t, San F raiicim.-!». Cal. — Cirri la s st nt trw---- and mo«t popular educators in the state has Is-en chosen principal and su)>erin- ( tendent of the Eugene public schools. Tin I'rmv Wa'en eani> * t.lKW Senator J. N. D. iph . with his wife, 11 e insurance to piotett *•*■« CD dilute. d'Ugii'er mid thro« youngest sons have Ttie !■ u- great Pacific road« earn one- arii’."'' Portland from Washington eiulit • f all tl e cross railroad earning in 1 citv. The s, iiJ,'‘r Las been ali«ent two It - country. years. Salem, say« tl e ha« improv- Emperor William ha’ given o-ders that 'id mo t- tn the list year than any town no persons shall ri le t ee on railroads uf its size in Oregon. unless they ure actually engaged in the ALL SORTS RHEUMATIC PAINS «fneen Victoria, having completed her seventy-second vear, has exceeded in i age a l < tlier Engli«h sovereigns except two—11 and 11!. i Twenty-seven head of bogs alllicted . with a lontagiou« disease were killed and bun d by Stock-In»|» ctor Wynne at Pendelton recently. . A Fngene firm adverti-e» 21 p' uudsof 1 -near I :■ Fl MM1 1' I oUlid* , f rcefl. ' Evidently a bait. aS pres, nt prices do ’ nt>- jii'-itiy such bargains. Tin' L ui in Pacific tailruad lias agithu ' Owing to the rush of business at the Salem cannery, thirty hands have been added to the force, in order to run part of the machinery all night. The fruits and vegetables to lie canned are coming in lively now and the cannery is kept busy in caring for them Patti demands higher terms than ever to go to America with Abby next w inter. She wants $5,000 each night to sing in opera A» M ascus Myer is also trying to engage her for a concert tour Abby w ill probably have to pay the imperious Diva I.er price if he wants her. t »»hip t'.e i(oduct« of Washington to i will send its national hand the world's fair free By tl is tt e Hta i ’e • m.be World-» Fa;.'. This hand is the will save $20,1'00 on freiglit. third 1-rgest in the world, i.. At)-*'nit being first, and the Mexican natio..." A few sheep pelts that have been mar- i kvted in lb meville this spring sold at 8 hand second. It is noted for its tine cell’s I»“ p >und. D.y l»eef hides are music, and will take to Chicago its full complement of 200 in«tiumentn. only w. rtiiil cents |ier pound. Die habit of young girls carrying The centennial uf the discovery of the t'o tiiubia river will l»e celebrated at As­ school books under their arms, or in bags •oria May 12th, lS’i-J A society tiar or portfolious. hung from their amis, is ee■ • ml "f the well in this valley and the acreage of corn is increasing every year. year The Nebraska judge who has deed'd that a mairaite through v lid under Mi - nouri» law, cea»es tol«- vaild when tie parties to it move back into Nebraska shonl'l get off the bench as quickly as lo sible. He is a Dogberry. For the ti»st time since the fir-t cask was brewed, lieer served an useful pur pose in a ' iernisn city yesterday. Water giving out iiuring a d t g.-rou« tiie. the fluid from the vats if an adjoining brewery was usel to extinguish the flame» SOLDIERING IN BATT! The Dutch Cabinet has resigned. Lift your ha‘ teverently when you meet the teacher of the primary school. She is the good angel cf the public. She takes the little ban-ling fresh from the home nest, and full of his poutes and his passions, an ungovernable lit-le wretch, wh'-se ow n mother honestly a linits she sends him to school to get rid of hiui. MEDICAL. COLD NERVE AND WASHERS. MICELLANhOUS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. RIVERSIDE Notice for Publication How a Young Clerk at Cheyenne Stopped HUNGRY PRIVATES SUPPORT THEM­ SELVES BY BEGGING. Q wsfv Way the ItayUaa Aulhorltle» Have °« Taking Care or Their Convict» and Warrior»-—They Travel In l-alr» and Beg In the Street» liay l-y l»»y. Philip McDowell is an old and well known New Yorker. He was a volun­ teer fireman once, and all old New York­ ers know what that means. Of late years Mr. McDowell has traveled extou sively abroad. He visited Hayti. A day or two ago a reporter asked him what was the most striking thing he saw in the black republic. “I saw many strange things in Hayti, but the strangest of all was the way the soldiers and j>risoners are transformed Into beggars and are forced to live on charity. When a prisoner is sentenced to do time there he doesn't have a uni­ form, lie learns no trade and he doesn’t get anything to eat from the govern­ ment. He is allowed to beg, though, for money and gmb, and if he won't beg —well, he can starve. “This begging is a funny kind of busi­ ness. Take the prison at Jacmel, for in­ stance. Well, every morning they fire the prisoners out to pick up whatever they can get, kt.d each fellow has a sol­ dier along with him to see that he doesn't run away. The two beg together all day and whack np in the evening. Then the soldier brings back his prisoner to jail and g'>es np to the fort to show that he has his musket all right, and hasn’t sold it for drinks or a square meal during the day.” SOLDIERS GET NO FAY. “But don’t the Havtian soldiers get pay?” ••No, they don’t. Any money there is in the army goes to the generals, and of them there are enough to command the combined armies of Europi aud America. Once in a long while the Haytian soldier gets a dollar, which is worth about seventy cents in our money, but he and the prisoners live by begging. They go in twos from house to house and from store to store. Sometime* they have a good •lav and make a dollar aud sometimes they don't ff!akc fifty cents, but what­ ever it is they must live on it “The soldier himself is a scarecrow. Hu has never been drilled, has no uni­ form to speak of, and if he hadn’t a musket to carry around with him you couldn't tell him from the prisoner he is taking care of. You recollect the old Ixing Toms we had in onr army before the war? Well, that’s the kind the Hay- tiau soldiers carry. They are all old cap aud liall eerncerns, as like as not to go off at the wrong ead. “Take a soldier, a sailor or a hmiuau with us, and they all have a pride in keeping all their tools neat and clean i but military pride isn't in the game that the Haytian soldier plays. When he gets homo after a day's begging he pitches his old musk- t into a corner just as a laborer ui the street cleaning depart, ment gets rid of hts shovel. It may be —«««v and h"neycom'ieii: but as long as " - »ti will! it al the fort and he cansho» . n baan F satisfies the goverunx^. . « gone to the junk shop he's happy. death of no accovnt . “Tlio soldiers and the prisoners must be pretty good chums?" “Well, that's very much an you take it. It's a common sight to see the guard and the prisoner reeling home together if they've made out well. “I suppose you’d imagine that prison­ ers would often get away with these kind of guardians, but they don't. When­ ever the soldier takes it into bis head that the prisoner is going to escape he just shoots him dead, and that's all there is to it. No Coroner cornea around and pint mortems aro unknown. Why, I was walking one day with a friend on one of the chief streets of JacnieV “Right in front of us was a'drunken soldier and a drunken prisoner. ‘Now,’ said my friend, ‘you watch that fellow and see if he doesn't take it into his head that his prisoner is going to escape, and if he does he will shoot him.’ Sure enough, a miuute or two after the drunken prisoner staggered into the mid­ dle of the street, and the equally drunken •soldier ups with his Long Tom and shoots him dead. “Things are not quite as bail at Port au-Prince as they are at Jacmel and the smaller towns on the nslaud, lint the dif­ ference is not worth talking of. Hayti collects plenty "f money in duties, but it is all grabbed by a few men, while the mass of the people are left to get on as best they can. and are forced to support out of their po.-ket.« as objects of charity soldiers and convicts. " New York Re­ corder. a ltun on the Bank. "We’ve got a bank clerk up in our neck o’ woods who some day will give Jay Gould cards and spades in the game of financiering and lieat him to a stand­ still,” says Morta Curren. “He’s only nineteen yearn old but is a hummer. Two or three imei-hs ago. while the president of the irauk was away, the cashier was taken sick and in a few hours was in a delirious state. The young Napoleon was left in full charge of the bank. Some evil disposed person started the story one afternoon that the institution was in a bad way, and inti­ matesi tliat the president hadskijiped the country and that the cashier’s illness was only a ‘bluff.1 Before night it w as evident there would lie a run oil the institution the next morning. The young clerk knew there was scarcely money enough to last an hour. lie had no one to ad­ vise him, but he acted promptly. “He called on the leading hardware merchant and held a brief conference. Then this young Na[s>)eon went home, where he found a committee from the dejiositurs awaiting him. 11« did not wait for them to speak, but made this liluff: *1 refusi» to diacnss business with you. Theie will be $.50,000 in gold here in the morning, and there is a like amount in the safe. Y’on may draw out every dollar you have ag of ‘gold’ was handed itilo the di •r th«: young finrni- cierthnw th« bunk o|.«r!i. Thu crowd did not make any effort to reach the paying teil» r » window. -Come on, now, every . ne of wu.’ shouted the clerk. No one respomling he made another bluff. •You inn«t come au l get your money. We don't want your d----- d accounts any mon . Here, Jim Bartley, take this and sign till» n-eeipt iu full. Here, Bill Wyman, come and get your dust.' He insisted on their taking the money. Just a' this juncture th»-committee came in and l ' g.-» d th».- clerk to 'stop, for Gcsl’s sake.' They almost got down ou their knees to ask the l ank to k'»p their ui"my In« y»;:ig 'N.q»'hon' finally coii.-ented, but ilec-lared if there was ever •any more non-en-e lie would throw every depositor » money into the street.' "The crowd departed happy, and con­ fident that the bank was one of the strong»-;.* ;n.«tituti"i.s < f its kind in Ament a. Their i-oufiilem '. might have been shaken had they known tlic cauta* bags marked -5,oo0 gold,'etc., and be­ dani sd with red sealing wax, contained iu. tiling luoxe u. « l' »s pian iron washers, •”« touhjj i irtk bad purchased "**n. who iiad otber- from the hardware . • kmiui wise assisted in the deception, he o.. w convincisi of the » .umlm-ss of the bank. The two men the young Napoleon in­ sistisi on paying tn full the bank had long wished to get nd of."-Cheyenne Leader. t roner for the l.awyrrc John Doe owns a farm oti the bank of the Niagara liver. He has a tine pasture along the river, and he makes an honest penny now and then pasturing cows for his neighbors. Richard Roe ha« also a license from him to hit h his rowlioat on the bank, with incidental right of in­ gress and egress through the pa«tnre. About a week ago Rica u d lost Ins ehaiu and improvised a r"peof h iv with which to moor his boat. Now Ebein zer Di k ~ covv. pastured in the lot afores ud. is fond of liay, and smelling the fragrance of the extempore rope she wailed iuto the river, chuitied into the Ixsit. chew id up t ho rope, and floated down tin- stream over the falls, whwe she met an untimely death. The boat was also pnlverizetl ell route to Queenstown. Haa Elx nezi r Dick any right of action for the loss of his cow? If he has, of whom can be recover? Has Ri< hard Roe any remedy for the loss of his boat, and if so against whom?—Buffalo Courier. AFTER NURSERY! Grant’s Pats. Ox.. HARO NIGHT I K. M. t*I5ir*t*OK, A Larue. Non- < gut« d Stock of A FEW DOSES SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. M oore ’S R evealed R emedy . Apples, Peaches. Pears, Xherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, Blackberries, Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Cooseberrles and Crapes, Will bnice you up, put the bloom ill your cheek and the sparkle 111 votif evc-Strii-tly noii-aeobol- ic, its effect tipett | ersotis suffer At Lowest Prices. lug from liquor habit is wonder­ ful. THE RIVERSIDE NURSI RY Is loiuted on«- and <»n«-im!f mil«-* b«low Grant'* P hkw , on lb»gu<’ riv« i . < ti tin IHmh k farm, ami in tin- b<>t and ch him >t *<>il in Hout hern < >r«-g< hi W.M Ito-hN, of Portland, Orc., writ*-« ; “ ooke ’ s B eveai . sd R emedy cured me of drunken nest* and made a new man of me. All who arecurscil with the liquor habit should take it ” WHAT A. It. C ase , of outerey. Cal., writes: “It I lllirely ibutroyisl my taste tor U.IUS Ihpio SCOTT’S CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS EMULSION COUCHS CURES I Wasting Sii ¿eases all driii gist«*, or , Seattle, Hash. Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained ouo pound per day by its use. Scott s Emulsion is not a nceret remedy. It contains the stimulat­ ing properties of the Hypophos­ phites ami pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of Loth being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FROM ROOTS fik HERBS. FOR THE CURE OF pa r THE ONLY TRUE faS IRON at TONIC ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STATE of the STOMACH OR AN Q < »- INACTIVE LIVER. ' DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. Will Farifir O>» Blo*«ii rscn'a’atha Ll»«r aud ■)««••»» and Xsstora tha Hsaltk aad Xlfbrnf Yoatto I >y»|»ar>eia> Tiani cf Appaut«, Indlaaatioiu L Lark of be« at-«i narvea rac«i*a n»-w forca F'.nli*«*n» the mi q 4 _anvi’b»a bra'.n Power. n ■■ _ **^— — bufferios from cotcp amta ■ A B pac’i ;ar «o tholr a»-i w find L» LJ I KLO in DR HARTm IFON TON IC a aaf* and apee-ty e r* G! v « m aclaar. b»aL thy aomplex on F raquent a’tenipta at countarfeig lnc only »dd to tha popnlarity of tha ortainal ej tut eii-arlmant-get tha ORIGIM a L and SKBT. YOU NEED BUT ASK T Ci | » r» 35 ZQr. HÄUTER » MVTljS l 1VER PILLSK ■ Cure ( onatlpat ion. Li*er Ootup aint and h.< ll ■ UeaJache Harns!» and l?ream B<»vk ■ - Nmuiiro nn __ two ceuta in p<«ta«a. c» r recto Wa. Or. HART ER WlEOICIHt uw-, --J-0-1» »S. 09 ■K |4- ' h ◄ H M 1 H erven BILE BEANS IPrlce of eliiie, .1.. , g-- I F nr KISSING ’ 7 ,7 70 --- J. F. SMITH A-CO. v».. ST lOUiS M0- Tutt’s Pills ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY TO THE SPORTSMAN. S. S. SMITH. Prop’' r PERRY & CO., ASHLAND HOTEL. (¿JftfGONBlOODplHWR 00 YOU WANT TO SAVE FARMS AKIN, SELLINO & CO. S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL C. B. FITZGERALD, BICYCLES. TYPEWRITERS. L am » O ffice oth e is HEKEin at K<» seh <' i < g , or .♦ June 4.1*’.«1, f given that the named settler ha* tih-d notice of N ins following intention to make final proof In support of Ins einini. and tfitti waid proof will l»e mad»* before tin- ju«ige or clerk «»f "th«- county court ot Jackson county. Or«*gon. at Jacksonville, or» gon, on Fridav July 24. IH»1, viz; K<«l»»*il_ V' ilson. h«»m»-st< a«j «*ntry No. for Un- "F'Aj" of *W«4. SU’4 of SE‘4. •»• < 4. NE»4 <»t NW'.4, NW>4«»! NJ '4. si-v. «.». tup > >.K. 2 W, W M. He namn und culm hi ion x»f said land, viz: Merritt B«*lling»-r, P«<»-r Elm r, Henry BI»* c I k r. F W. Knowh s; all of J ack son vi 11«*. Jd'k'uu county, < >reg m JOHN H MH PE. Kew inter. County Treasurer's Third Notice. J a « KsoM II.I.E. < IK.. Jun« 19, 1*91. ( in it E l> HEREliV (ÌIVEN I HAT THERE ar« fund* iii th«* County Treasury forth«- r«-d«’tnptP- h of County Warrant« prototipi up to i h-toi»<*r V, “ 1HM5: N umlw-r.......... .... 7'«4 NumiM.-r •r, IB .... j the same will c.-asc atlir Utt N <¡. E BIX him EK. County Treaeiirer. Assignee’s Notice. In th« Circuit Court «>f ih«- State ot Oregon for th«-t ounty of Jackson. In Hi* inatt«*r of th«- MRsimun-nt <4 Wiu. E. Edward* and W. T. FMwardw, partner^ iinch-i th« -tirili nntne <»1 Edward* .k Co., ìn- solv«-nt d«*l»tors. OÌK’E is hekeby given that ON Junc 1. 1*91. tb< alto* <-nam«-d insoivt-nt ’gn«*d. A. H Macgly, lor tli«* benefit of ali th«*ir credi- tor>. under and bv virtù«- ot thè ac» of tilt* IcgL-'ativ«- asrrinbly of thè stati* o! Oregon. • -ntitie<ì **An act to svvure t<» ereditors « just «lIviMon uf th<• «-state.* of dvblors. ubo coli­ vi y tu n-Mgn«-«** for thè benefit of « r«-difoi*. Hppr«iv**d Uctober ls i^T*. and th* aiD- nilin« nts Ih» r« t<» api r iv«-«l February 24.1 *>.'». All credi- t«»rs of -ni«] insolvenl d«*btor are hert by noti­ ti «-«1 t«» prcsent fin ir « lami*, under «mth. to ui«, tI h - iin.»lìi dav <»t Junc J*!»i N Administrator’s Sale of Real Property. Iti tli« C.Hinty Court ot the Sfate «H ttregon. for the ( ountv «»t JacfcRon. sitting for tht tninsMction of probate businesR. Iu the niattt I ot the estnfeot Saiiiu<-I Center. d<*<-4-UR«NÍ otice ishekeb V giventhatbv vik - tn» ui. urde, iirjtJ !!••• n*M ot tto- aboi «<- « l|’ .tjcd< iHt. nth« ab* a . -» nut’« >1 mau« i i wùi oh SatUlrtdf/, July //, 5.7/, at tli<-Ilnur ot 2 "'cl'ti k "t said daj. »<■!! st pui'l-.r aiieii'in to tn«-highoi Iti'i'li r tor cm-li. at the court-house door in .1». X«o!tvL|c. In Jackson county, OnR..u, the followtng 'de rt B mn I prciiii9«t*. to-wit: Th«- undivided otir-haif int«Te*t in tht» n««rtlica>t i». 'uiith. ranir« 2 west of WiiUinetu* mvridi. an— timlMT land. Ail l»vion»rinK to the ««tate ot Sanili«-! (’(li­ ter. d«*<*cased, and situated in Jai k*« ucounty Ortvon. T. M. CENTER. Adimni>traf«»r «>i estate of Satinivi Center Dat«*d this Kith of June, Seeing is Believing.’’ And the best lamp ever made, luce Alad­ din a of old. • a won­ derful lamp!’’ A lamp abftolniely non* ex plo»l a c and mi» brraknblr, which give« a clear, aoft, brilliant w hlte light of S5 tl’.rfc' ltouwf Purer and brighter than gaslight, softer than electric heht, more cheerful tn an either! That lamp is €iThe Rochester.” And with it there is no smoke, no smell. ♦i > hr rhimn^i/a, no flickering no sweating, no climbing up of the flame, no “tantrums nor annoyance of any kind, and it never needs trimming Its founts «oil reservoirs being toug’» rolled seamless brass, with cen­ tral draft it is abaolutely uubreakaHe, and as >/»/< at a fallow caiulU. 1 Only five years old and < »er firn i f .a np, i It must be a GOOD lamp to make such a telhng success Indeed it is for lamps may come and lamp« may go, but the “Rochester shines on forever! ’ We make over a uoo artistic vn¡eties.-Hanging • nd Table Lamps. Banquet Study, Vaie and Piano Lamps rs cry kind, in Bronre Por. cclain. Brass, Nickelnnd Black Wrought Iron Ask the lamp dealer for it. Look for the trade mark atamp • T hs R o « RUTtn.’' If he hasn't the c*/(Gi- / Rochester and the style you want, oi if no lamp-store is near, send to us for free illustrated catalogue and reduced once-hap, and we will boa and send you any lamp safely by express, right to your door UOCHEhTER LAMP CO., 43 Farit Place, New York. v*era. and ^,\9 O?-n^-a nPatrn’t. Lamy gt^rc 1 ANNt’AL SESSION OF THE I J h < k-sonvill« ( ui.n Norm .I institutc will b«' h. -I in th« Jncoouvilie s<-huoi house, cotnin» nctng ll t .In. xihiii, .Inly ‘¿U, 1SU1, ill continue t wo w «•« k*. Ill Kolar claw ..,1k will I... .Ion,, umlk-r the management of m I»I u instructor* in the bram h<* taught in < ur m bools a < la*.* will " ......... "ixaiii/'sl lorthe I'Uipkan. of Inatrue. tion in Psychology lh. olijia-i..>i the X'.rnial Instltut.. ar,. to review the Miiijk. ta tHn>r>it in the < otutnon «'Ti""ls an,I t., diaeusa the l..-t nirthods of i nwent nirthem t„ |,iq.,|K T|„. |n«t|lul.. tB not >,, ,| 1,,r teacher« i.iil,». tint also t,,r thoae « h ti-aeh. The» are earnestly ,, qniwti.l to alt. nd. ns much |.ra<«ur text tHM.k* ami try to t»< vrcsi-nt at th«- 1»< ginning ol the Institute. ’ Fur further information addr«*M. C.S. PRICE. . , . < oun»> Supl. of Nciiuoia. Jack.«>nvilie June Ji. !H»1. him ! h Well Drilling and Pros­ I I Valuable Property for «ale. Free Bubts to ani from the Hotel pecting. <>E THE MOST bESIKAlll.E FARMING c&S!... and »i..< k raiK'tnv in «..utb. rn Oregon con- O NE lalliing M» r.n, I Hb.l n t«> HiHk»- final proof 111 support of ins claim, and that said proof will t»<- made i»«*lor<- fli< .Jmigi- or County Clerk of Jaek*«*n County. Or« K4. suot XWI4 of NW'.aml Skj«»i NU. of N W>4 of N W>« of .*«•<• 1. 1 p Ils S. K3W.U.M. He nam«-* the foiiowiufr witn«Fm*s lo prove his continuous r« sk I« nc< upon and vuitfva«- u»»n ol *Mid (Mod. Vi«: <1» K«-<«i. It >. I»un> lap. H Allisoii ami A. < artcr. all ot Ja< ksou- \ ill«-. Jacks« tn con nt % . Oiegon J<»liN H. SHI Fl*. K«*iri»tcr. ... » Hottie. Ti e oflieers of the Oregon state fair are making excellent progre-« in their pre­ paration« f<>r a big fair this year. Our NOW iN ACTUAL ( : capital city w ill need to make arrange­ ments to take care of a large crowd of W<* wtiuld ask the ladies of tills Western i* the unit positiv«- cure for DY’SPEl’SIA, A Bible a SO Years Old. Coaat to lay a*'«!«- their prejudice*, give «»ur visitor». The fair opens September l'h, (’(»NSTirÄ I'lti.N. LIVER an«i KIDNEY DIS­ Wan her a rai r tris . and be <•« tivim «tl There A. T. Stratton, secretary of the Y. M. EASES, ami 1* recommended by plij>iciah* Stimulate» the torpid liver, afrangth- s-.d at this writing everything indicates a Ont- rtqs>rt from Chile »ay» tht- insur­ la ON R waaher tn tne w«»rld that w ill d«» jr«»<*i wlii ’ ii «»tlu ’f mi’dieincb fail. TIimiMitid* t«’*tify • na Ibv dig eat K e organs regulate» I !»• C. A., brought into our office a Bible very successful meeting. - 1 ‘ oi tl.ni'l H\,rl it* liHving aaved their lives. Tu M«»th« i* bowels, aud aro uuequalvd a» an iM»ar«l. Tub atvi Clothrs Basket. We ««lithe printed in London in 1610. This Bible and I)auglit«*r* it I ih * proved a bh-ssing money and arms Another lispatcL »ay« W iMht-r «»it it* own merits. Ttie troop of cavalry expected a’ Fo. t they have defeateii tnearmy of B'linae was bought mon aft--r it was pnblu-bod fl boftlr; «for y». All Dea’« i*. Saving a Sparrow. i»**-.«-ription and price of washer given on eda, » hi< h was tn itching from ('oqtiinibo. Bidwell, in M' h I oc county, are detained n • 'ic.ltion. Au authentic incident in the career of by John Stratton, and has Iwu handed Dr. DAflD ULNNLDY CORPORATION, Rondout. N. f. In malarial dl«trfrfa thclrvirtneaarw at Walla Walla, on account of the lynch­ < if course, the report» come from different Widely recognired. t hey p«»aaeaR pec- ing affair at that place, perpetrated by General Robert E. L-e is told a* au evi­ down from John to John till it came quarters. Wliar pr«»pvrticw in freeing theay aletn La'Ih'R can .nak«* from SiOOtu J2Wper month th- m,in reference to the tnu der of one of dence of hits sweetness of disposition and into the present owner's hands. A part from that potaoii. Elegantly augar Apply at once f«>r term*. McMahon, the editor of the Woodburn their numhs'r. Another troop may now natural kindliness. One day he was in­ of the family record r’-tuiiins, some en­ coated. D or « small. Price, 25ct». /n'lriieiiilenr. who xh"t Jap Minto in the be onlere't to Bidwell, and it is thought specting the batteries over the lines be­ tries bvitig made iu 1762. As this Bible Sold Everywhere. hand a' S tier» in a ro» growing out of that two companies of cavaliy and one low the city cf Richmond, and the sol­ appeared one year bef, >re the Kii.g James' an article in Mi Mahon'» paper reflecting ■ f infantry are likely to be stationed at diers had gathered in a group to wel- version it is difficult to determine what Office. 44 Murray St.. Jiexv York. m Mint, is ti e same one wl o recently Bidwell. eome him. This n< tiun drew upon them translation it is. though it differs very “o savagely a'tacted in Id» paper State ■ ij 1 j little from the authorized version. The Now th.it tlv time is on the wing, lis­ the tire uf th»* Union guns. Printer Frank Bake.t, ol Sab nt, ten. ye hotts. wives.place a little camphor The general faced about and ad vised book is evidently in the original binding ANDLASON CREEK, I’ i* reported that the line of the Sitia- on the window sill. That will keep out the men to go under shelter. But he and is in a fair state of ]'.-' «ervation. The l.w arid eastern railway ha» been defiu- the the* except in the kitchen, where the did not do this himself. Walking on, page upon which the date is found needs i'elv determined Ili on, an.I that the com al I u -ments are a li'tle stronger, the although iu apparent danger, hu picked protection or the most valuable part of pany will soon t omrnen-e grading at both remedy more stringent. Sprinkle a little np and replaced an unfledged sparrow the book will be lost. It is a rare relic entls i f the lin- The ninvevors are yet camphor new and then on the eisik-stove HE RFBM RIBI M I \K! ' I’ll iSl’KI IN and is highly prized by the owner.— which had fallen from its nest near by. ann«>un<*ing that his ateam saw-mill is now in the He'd, but have nei-lv finished In this wav 1 OU will not onlv drive cut Dover Republican. The act was instinctive, but perhaps running on full tune a m turning out a larg«- piinrQ Couqht, Colds. Influema. Bronchitis, the flies, but also neu ’ ralize the uripleas- tin ir w rk. The right of wav h.u been piantify of lumlicr. H ■ is prepared t«» filiali I LUnLu Hoarseness. Whooping Cough,Croup. indicates a really higher endowment an. smell of the kitchen secured nearly ll.e entire distance. ord«*ra with «iispatch, aim at th«* most r«*a*«ma- I Sore Throat. Asthrna. nnH ever*- affection nf the New Huie, ot PoliteneM. than ability to conduct notable cam­ bit* rates. A fine qualitv of Throat. Lungs «»nd Chest, intituling Consumption. The Tflfiiritm truthfully and effectively Now the »"iitli c men to the front Iu certain private tschool» of Brooklyn Speedy audpermanent. Genuine signed " I. Bi’.ts.” paigns—Youth’s Companion. w 11h a cvi lone that wipet] out a part of savs tha' every man who ca-nesa dinner ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. new rules of politeness are enforced. It PERFECTION FOR THOSE WHO WRITE RAPIDLY pail ought to consider the high-tariff Baton Rouge, lai . and blew down the is no longer proper for the little pnpilj ImjH?b!-il»l‘ 1» hi ikt* them ►' H k in tin- pap« !, !»urt, including the beat rus*l<*. ceiling an«l flooring A .Ire. to say: "Yes, sir. ” "No, sir. ” “ Yes, Henrick Ibsen is a methodical walker. »ent Eh’KI.« 1 ii»t uf rvturn ¡«otM at Isfactioii guarani«*« d. i U iiis I v . Th s is anolherg Hidadvettise- with it that of a hundred other necessa­ X A / C.ML I ll not be cnioyed. ma’am,” and “No, ma’am,” to their ForP T /' / 1. S. 8. n MITH. So fond is he of his daily walk that he ries. as his deadly enetnv. It i« an enemy met>t for Oregon, «here we rest in |wr W THEREFORE USE K elder». Now the correct thing i»: “Yoe, i <-• reenrity from sot h disastrous «ÌÌH to his wife and children, to bis bed and takes it rain or shine, and 41 cotton 9'2«w°vor7’' turbances of the t’fenict ts. It seetnH tsiard, to health and prosperity. It robs umbrella which he always cAries has Mr. Brown.” “No. Miss Smith,” and Pfunder's-*-^ so on. him even in death, and plutiders his that no section eist ot the R'M'kies is Irecotna a part of his individuality. Ill» If the child happens to be addressed afe from eve!'»■•», say« an exchange mourning family at his very funeral. Camp »de l.«u a , «* lu ..4T charm ; but, to tuiiv en­ favorite time for walking is au hour be­ joy it, ynu must be prepared for all kina» of by a strange lady or gentleman the child fore twilight. He writes incessantly all Fifteen million dollars is the modest weather. Did vu ever C4tth y .ur rubber coat on Judge 1‘ij’cs is a'Usher on the ...... bench ......... HEALTHRES TORER is instructed to reply, “Yea, mister,” or a sharp twig or rough rock, ai d spoil it the first and keeps the la«Vers so bu«v during li'tle sum that will be paid out of the day and adopts this method of resting Positivs - dav ' Ask any hunter or sportsman who uses a “ Yen, lady. ” ItRs the best helner to Health and the (juukvst national treasury for sugar bounties dur ­ 'lies- ss:oti if the flirt that they can his tired brain and body. His well knit, '• Pi h Krai d Sucker.” h»»w ha likes them. Ha cure on Earth. I ’se it in time for all diseases of At first this strikes the uninitiated as will teil ynu it is tent, blanket, and coat, all in one. hardly sleep t i nights, on acf tint of ing the coming year. Eleven million muscular frame attests In« good health, tiie Stomach, Lt ver, Kidneys an«’ Skin- It I.»¿hi, d v, and warm, and * .1 stand any amount thinking at» nt the hard tmie they will will go to Lr ui iana, and at least $1(10, < urc-s Rheumatism, Malaria. C'«>ated Tongue and he can stand any amount of literary- an unpleasant innovation, but it has ob­ yf hard usage. N > reed of being concerned about an-l Jh_-;»»■ > hildrax it is their b«-s. health preserx er. imitations, every garment stamped with the ' F isk NEWLY FURNISHED There is no comparison.— Edt any inferior URtS Tin: secretary of the intent r has dis- million grain sacks w ¡11 just about meet coa» when v i can b ve the “ Fish Brand Slicker ” it Is centraiiy i«<'.it0»l in the bu*’ii«»*s part «»f There »ill lie no 1 fficulty about remov­ the cheek the government w ill send to deceased wife's sister people took in the missetl the contest biouglit by GusOlsen Aheumatiim, Neuralgia, Corm delivered wntheut rxtra coat. Particulars and hiua- town, an C’BNT’H by all Druggiiti. Etch 25c, 50c 4 i I leasurer Metclisan. at Salem, yesterday. of many members of the house, and to When she returned, a few months later, usual at this time of the year. ByOctol«r *Veaaira»r & Co . Proo’>- Ln» Angelas. Oal I Dr. I.. I. Row land, of Salem, waselected they seized the oqpertunity afforded by she found a contest had been instituted. i IN there wid lie pl -nty of them. < ’ rop reports ---- ASK FOR---- from the Sacramento valley are very good siiperintenderit of the insane asylum, to the absence of a number of these guar­ The secretary thinks, however, that the <-ry Dollar* ytiii Npcud*.* but irotn the San Joaquin val'ev they a-e succeed Dr. Harry Lane, tin the first dians of social puritg at ahorse race, with evidence showed her to have acte 1 in not very encouraging There is a general ball'd D'x tors Lane, Row land and Will­ the wives of their friends, to endeavor t > uood faith; hence the contest was dii- feeling that w heat w ill bring good prices iamson received one vote each, and on to push their subversive scheme through missetl. If so, writ«- t<»r our illustrate«! Catalogue, Cor. 3d and D Street», the second Dr. Rowland was ttie unani­ its preliminary stages Fortunately ■ containing illiitdratiom* and pric«** «»1 every thin vea'. thing manufactured in th«* I nit«d States, at mous choice. He will take charge Au­ few tine old-crusted Tones, who had be, n PORTLAND, OR., Better Tliiui h bold Mine, manufacturers' price*. lO.iMXi illustriition*. And nil of gust 1. Dr. I.me was in office four years kept away from the races by attacks of ail lino rcpr«t*ent«‘d. Catalogue mailed free For Over Fifty Years bear- acre» set to fruit «hen in a Ten Containing ISO ll'Hinis. w< II turuisbid. on July 1. He wan glad to get out. He gout, were playing baccarat in thesuiok on application. Address, condition wil yield an income CHICAGO (> ENEKAL SCPPLY t o.. M k .1. W inslow ' s S oo THIN o StlltT hip. Is It said that tie was heartily tired of the place. ing room ol the House when the bill wrs ing of from $3(M0 to *4500 per year and ---- TIIE BEST----- No. I’M Wcat Van Buren St..Chicago us«««| for « hildren teething. It sooth«** th«* brought up, and hearing of the outrage i requires no expensive machinery to »■luli.ii.,les. land are safe.______________ »»«evlsUoa I. he cndersigned . having become any other line of business You can vet , Choice l.ocationg an«l Prices Reasonably Whtwi she biramo Miss, she clung to Castoria. A supply of the be«t shakesand shinvle« « • sole proprietor of Dodge Bros.' well-drilling Meal» *5cent»; lodjrinir 25 c«*r.U to JOcvnt» this land from $53 to $75 per Hereof The Low. Tskf It Before Breakfimt. Its, just t een received at the T imes ott.ee buRincRR. rcRpii’lfully announceR that lie it* When she bad»Tnldren, she gave tbeW” Castoria. Th" great a|ipetiz»'r. tool»- anil liter r. gula- Oregon Land Company of 2Salem,Oregon. now prepar'd to do all work in hit» line in a whx h will be sold in quantities to sui’nt F.JLEW JSTON. Proprieto flrst-clasM manner and at a reaaonable rate. t"r. Iu use i"r more than 50 yours tn i 'END FOH DI.-' KIPTIVE I 1KCVLAKS rensonnble rates. a I will also take ooataaeta for proapectlna ‘ I jh .-I. iiii !. P"-iti'es]»»eille f»rliver eoniplaitit. An Effective Cure. CANOES, E tc ph.cer mincR. The capacity of my machine is Bail taste in the ni"iifli on arlslug in th»- E. C. Brook* of Jacksonville,!he old<*m dcujr- 400 feet. I.ref er to the work I have previously CASH OR l«tlTIUM»vri SOUGHT SOLO. OR BELT«-«»»fli i Bucklen'.-» Arnica Salve. ■nornlUK, dull I““I1S 111 head and Iwk ,.f gint in southetn Oregon. Iuu< fpiin«! a sure done in different portions of the valley. rXCMAWGED 400 WHUIW ITOCH ALLGRADtS Osine t. ti... i:I, NZL . vc- tire»?folding. t » - Cl«’« r«*. Salt Hheum F««v«*r S«»r«**, DOSS AT rHX tlrctru *u«<|M-tiM tixory Klertrie 4lr> Itch.” " w«* «* and that tearful headache in II v*«* mil. aut«*«. ....... . By l*'v » English Dandelion Tonle. Believes W. p. Do I>GK. Medford • Tip* uudi'i -ignr'l v i-b« - to pun ha.M« lift * -*>n bav* r«-«iu' i-ti.th.' j.ri... fr . Lift .tyrnf* II on ' ./ ri*er^«/-Arre. l- tt. r' ( huppf-d Hands, Chilblains. C«>rn* or t\v«*nty buntp-N of wild oatn. F'»r further • iiisti|«tlon. khari«-ns theapjs-tite und tone« r»*peatinga few* thin*« Jhepaticnt is cured per­ loti whi<-h inak« »* 1« » ’ <-h» 41» MIST REASONABLE PRICES and all Skin-. Envpfiotis, ami po^itiv«» cur»' parlb uUrs api'ly to manently, inanimì ly , w«-ll well and Hoifndz sotfndz This ha$* ha** bçep b^ep used j eMFiR«-j < i \v>. r.ri 1 «, tl„ FRED T. MERRILL, ’ip the entire system. Get tiie -genuine two f' r PH»-, r no pay requir' d. If is guaran- seasonHaini has not fiul«*din a case, where * L . A. «ini Blip« rmr t*> oth* r- - a hir-h ar« r. O. W ilson , lb»« k j ’ - int. fr .in vour druggi-’t for $1 and take sword- used as directiil. P«*opl<* 127 W«»«i»aTos Sr PORTLAND, OR AT THE go to Brooks' drug- ' ïlïe N p ’ w School Laws. te«-«l to give |»* rf«*«*t satiifa» tion er money ” / Bt fr",n I' • 1*’ I l’rfr bv r> .ail —ws*ri>'» iwis »si-aa.— »nrf-lornil.U.1 I « It« f r r»!«» -, r.r • «, r , . ir lug to direction*. store fn the morning . to be tr« ‘ ’at«*d ' and go r« funded. Pri» v 25 • * ut> jn.r b**x. F»»r tarle hhm«’ at night Ir from pain ami !«•♦ ling ’!• > f In «»l!i< ci * «>1 th« vhi iou* >« h«>«i| Ui*u )x tv Ui«ir»*H*. < Rlil.rruia El«*« iH«- fb It < <» Hot 2 J!>S by all druggiat». JACKSOIX VILLE Hay! Hay’ Hay! VnFranciacoU at or call at» I goo«!. • <»f Jack mju ««luuty.’Oregon: • R'XiUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY CO. ....... A- th» haying season is st hand. di rru • i-options on the face, band*,’ mowers are new and the best in the market. rahk»ii> '•cicina, itch, ucr nt l.vms. r»- arrive they will 1><* l«>rwarJc«i to you the agent at Medford at any time. We « xveute Every Descfrfrt ion «■!»■' AV WK price« from th«* Sugar Pin«> D«»or <1 Lumber they 4* 44 ac A« «> ¡i- t» : a ¡¡ C H. PKICE. nit » o t.i«hinf p^r»-» <»f t • •• I*• } st »»n't (all tonUI and •'■mduv «tuples uu-J «*rs ar«- poaa«wgrd by no <>th«*r r« m«*«iy. Ask » ures in Hi..... u minutes Prest.u's n.-'. * at 1 1-2 ? *’U' b : all c*lr_r L\ x iu ’•l-tkl ILÏ learnad. . ls - v . , 'T •N- Lsou t ’ u„ Ur. n-FK v »'•ri.It • Hppl;cat4«'O t. Pr,,« O'dT (truvirist fur H #AYKE a UlKTMJkM. Aßt;.’ Children Cry forJ’ittfreFs’ (¿astori^ J la viirc, J UD«* B. Lxl. X. UiseUv. IL A j . N l a \ riitauÌTàìa,* lauta» »nttS*. t;lk< A palien., Ualaria, Liver Complaint», take a<-<-or«!ing t«> direction* will keep j <»ui Blood. the Mfe and Leu-in remedy, Liver and Kidney* in g«»«>d ord«T. Th«-S B C«H «.n < THE f»»r Cold». Cough* SMITH'S an«i Ci’"np. in c«»nne»’ti«>n with tin Headachr Cur«’, i* a* near perfection asanythitiy known. Tiie H.«’B. Al. ph k P ain i he !<>rint«*i nai an»! external use. in Neuralgia. Toothache,t'rami« Colic and t’iiohra M»»rinis is uiwurpaaa«*«! Tt<-;’ure well hkiMi wher« vei known. >!* »-»tew tor* «11 — _ i avorite remedy Notice of Publication. SCOTT A BO WNE, Chemists. N.Y ALL OTHER DISEASES FOR SALE BY ALU N Hohl bi/ all I>rttf/fji*t*. -DYSPEPSIA • JAUNDICE- • CHILLS & FEUER • •DISORDERED DIGESTION •SICK HEADACHE- •GENERAL DEBILITY- • L amp Orncx at K orf seho . O r .,) June 9. 1W1. f OTH E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named wttlrr ha.- filed notice of I: lus intention to make final proof in suppirt of his claim, and that said proof will be mad«* b<*- forc the judgt* or clerk of the county <’«»urf of Jackoon county, Oregon, at Jacksonville. Ore- 1 g«»n, on Tuewiny. July >, ¡HPl. viz. John I Ilirnvvnur. horiM-stead entrv No. t*»M9. for ti/«- >E»4 of >W*4, SW>4 of SEV|>Hof NWU< fSl?4 an«l NU *4 of NWI4 of SP?4 of St«’ 31, Twp 37 S. R 2 W, W. M. 11«-names t I m * following witness«** to prov«* his continuous r«*sidvnn and cultivar mn ot said land, viz: Frank Lorain. Ixuiis Hu­ bert. E. Jaeol»* and T. J. Kerin« y. all of Jack- Konviil«*, Jackson «-ounty, Or«-gon. JOHN H. SHVPE. Regitter. A ... m EMORY hi ik h P«. t p..»i..i!i, . in Jiu kaon county. OreatOB This ranch is «•>«•< tally adapiiil to the product tion Ot haj and Merle. I.eina aril -v. tired arti ir liiiiaryto alin4 u Prvdnct« JtfUt* 1. lftT.