The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, July 17, 1891, Image 2

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A bl'»«»«lc<l filly Iwlonging to Commissioner
(’«'inpson was almost ruin«*d by running into
a tmrb-wire fi n««* in b« r owner's pasture
j Th» Mi**»-- B »»»tb visit» »1 (ri«*u«iM iu 14" m - «»nr night last week.
1 r is a source of pr ule to all a ho move ’ Burg ia-t wr«'k.
Th«- brav»* boy a of Troop B came borne
alHXit tin- valley ti.oeh this season to |
Vw »wmi'ir» «• r* 1*4 week |>ut up over last wi i-k tired and dusty but covere«! with
OFFICIAL PtfiK I» -ACKSu* COUHTF. OR O' serve the suiiilerftil development of , I file IriUlk wilnl’.«».
glory, having I m *» b the cyn,,MUre of all eyes
the font interests ot the county
W t-at ,
down at Eugene during th«' encampment.
ever may t>- saui ot the Oregonian sy-teui i W G. Ki.-h.inl»"» »»« " ile .lep.irte.1 from A*» tb«*re is a ta« it understanding among all
| of famine generally, there can be no S hu L ui - Obi»l»» lu»t week.
hands and the cook to tell no tales out of
Cireult e.'iirt will be iu »<—i-'ii ut Grant'-. -< ho..| nothing has as yet transpired to
as|tersi<>ua cart upon the svsleti* 1 ot huit
Tnr. Oreg m Stale Earrnera’ Allianeu
inaki- them regret having taken the trip.
farming »< at present inaciic 1 bere, pu»~ <>» M -u>l»y. Augu-t 3.
ha» elect*'» Satban fierce, an extensive Diet* are some nreat sutprises tn store
They would certainly creute a favorable Im*
Wui. lk.rker an I wife have returned frum I’ression anvw her»'us a cavalry troop, and
farm r of VmatilUc >unty, previ.fent.
pression i
I for those who are unaware of he area their trip t<> the Byl>w spring».
• and
----- the Klamath basin generally is
now in orchards in tt e count , as the
,\ Bulletin l».»r.l now nt the depot inform- proud of h**r toys in blue. Home of them
It is stated it'»« «here •«•» «>ot enonab income wi'l this year I-» some! mu well
gr„ln»:es from West Point this year to woitlr inectiumny from buri, reds of th.- public » bother or not th» nest train i» on wouhl look bluer vet. If anyone should hap-
pen to ¡»each, but’theu no one will.
fill the vacan.-ies <>» i-otummsioned offi­ acies that are just beginning
cers 'n the rerteai army, ami not enough The* xperiuiental stag* ot tl.e
V i*»itiug
r some-
applieatiuns for tbe required immher if is past here, and the outcome <
cadets nest year.
' exjsTinients Iras demonstrate
ad *ubt that tins is destined
stbaO ■ ■ w«*HR
“'** 'h» I leading branch cf agriculture
gutted with the oiierauonoi the Me
kid ­ ­ part <>t the world from this tim*
ley »all.
llarpeter, preSiUeut ol Its great a Wantage over grain
th'p Wool m.uw. j >’ »• s'A.*i At ion, is com- farming consists not str mucl
plaining bitterly of the outcome. Wool I additional profit attached to th
ih several cent» per pound lower than it 1 although tliat is very consul o
was a y»*ar ago m Ohio.
. in tire fact that the crop i
I marketable in th*, orchards wl
Tit>. ex ¡»1 unit ions oi th® condition uf ' in
„ a reasonable ..
distance —
of the
the national treasury wlnvh are ^l’**n^Th® producer lias not tire ;
nearly evtrv »lay ate a feut*|»k i«»'H vti - j |roQ^je
®xi»®n»*e attached t
ll luoka like there vxaa«: ‘ I a market just x*lren h s pro«!u
rea«!y adrtL rency, or 1» is very near at (|,fa
hand, elee wt>y II»®'® F<°te“laUouR ul a- ¡ h H ie.*»»iie «»f f u ’ ciidiue .
.. .
yet an undiai-ured Imfane®?
i comm» n»l it hereafter to ail
i coiiternplating A rhAiigv in th
I’ iil iAU-e 1.1 U.r tl >vd 111 the » uluia lo ,4 |,,rilu,1L.
lhe prevent y- »r
drwerl 1 ruvv» to h»ve le 11 wii»t ••• !»» lafc.n 10 be » lair in.I ruber
■oajeeled—merely a break in the lour' j h.* future h as in store for fri)
ratio river, which ha» txen running very , f »r there is a good crop reporte
high for »omelinre. A li' avv atieaui el ; parts of this cuan' and fr nn mo
water i» »till riiuuing into the »ink al in the eastern state», ami vet 11
Saltvli, and -alt milling ha» Iieen aecr»- men are eagerly taking the p
»anly »topped fur the present.
m the orchards at from 1 to .
p > uih I. which will mean an
.1 km S mitu and Trd l’riti bard f'.ught profit from trees in fit» 1 b»*arink.
(or lite chtHiipiuiiship « f T "g M’>d aud I hulk of the ^p"l»» crop is airea
under «l.e ruir» ul thè l.otnlon e I a.1 icmnn«- a’ ve figures for tl
rillK uu thè lotti
» r.yb tlie eteri 1 < Itili* Oi course the thuiler- ti' d it j»r
ard bnd thè bmi ■ f thè belile and »1 thè it u « hr.'u I le »he mi-im sm arid »t
ini th»*
end uf thè fviirth roiliid
th» ch»
i ' i » iii |> iui .- mg more ami mor»« eviiient «
nhip ul Eiialand »»M
aW decided ni fi'» that tiie quility of the tm t
lavar. Il »»» » bluudy and ti« ree ti^hf, h re wdi ruminanti a rra«lv n
bui thè little inali uutgehvra e l and uut- it f >r all time to c«»me. The
funghi Li* pow» f ■ "
climate h» re mav we I he liken
i i th • faib' Us Vaca v.i’lev <low
Tu» cuuntei» u«eu * .*»«• Iranhy I roll forma, un i th«’ a«fas»tah lev to
baicaiat arre inveii to thè l’iime ul «hirti«»n of certain fruit» in lb»*
Wale» by » tuew iter vi l*»r liaineiil named P»*if»i'‘ion is als«> chsractenst
Hulse. Dn the revrisrt >nl<* were t' <• valley as w»dl a*» » t thst
’n. e
I’ ‘¿
- <>f Wah i. Irallier» and Ins inut'o, Barf'«»H pear, all vati* ties • i p
S ii . i * vs ! iiu ilia', very. A'/■< prim» s a'»«i p«*aches, an I hr*
wean» literally “I »rive"oi hbrial.y Con above all the f <»ii’U*«i red wint
»tiue.i • I deal." Tne roial n»inf». r ba- attain a perfection of c»'tur,
• nice x u»e utttic etei nal bi lie»» ui tlill>Kr tfav»»ring that is witl out a par
limiteli a district, sn»i unlike
C<>U*>NkL Siluri’»MI», »Iw m • dyv«l in- vaii-v, we aie not -U’-j ’cl to
tb«-«uvi K-put>ii»’4ii.
•*""1,1 ’*■»»'
an*l torching wind» t at so ■>
tonally in lire newspaper, ll»® .l/»n/ »/'"/ d Ma^truns to the ur<iha»<liat
/. rp/r'A : “\V«* are much «iistits-e.i uv. i pre-ent th»*v afe mou nmg tl
tbe cum itum of Mr B am®, a® repurteu tii» ir apricot crop down there
from Bar !Iar!M»r, an«! hup»» that it ealimd «ingle cause, ami other fruita a
be tru® that it re likely that lie is nut going lv damaged ; here everythin
to recover. We piefvr tu hope that lie re
ent to market in prime h
improving and will soon Again be at tiie -v icon, ami even the pnxhn t ♦...
helm of lb® foreign relations.”
•>ther arvtiòni excel w;ll find rneir equal
from our orchard«. Wuu valleyorcharda
C able - from L gmm I uh report tliat ti,- bava been known tp vicl.t an income
OOOjiGB went out <>f tire t»ahk ol Engfaod exceeding a thousand doll tra a yew p-r
Can we not contìdently expert to
fur Kiirttoa on tire 7 h. A«-c»>riiir.)< lu the I acre.
moat rehab e foil ■«•»•a uf intorniatiun ’ *»w the rerun! duplicated here, when <mr
£.>.0110,000 more uib go t«> Rurtria ibm modwti or cbm da com? info (nil bearing?
Month an ! £ 15.000, imh > will go next In that favor«d tall«‘y fruit lan»ls «• »ni-
month. No otirer wuli.limi# of gold mand fabulous figure«. i«rie e-jiia’iv aM
ftotn i.jn«i')i> are l«M’ke»i uputi at* certain, go a! can be had f *r a noiuinal sun» per
but it woiil«! not occasion ampr«®® ii acre. We predict that the
livTinany, ll«4lun«i an<! South \urenca ' rtttrtgun will <l?mon-tr.»te that we have
uhoiilii draw on th® bank ul En^land’i* ' here as great a bonat ¿i, albeit unsus­
pected bv must «»c our rit z •n*’, a*« th?
<reat eurplu® stork.
famous Vac® valley for the production of
our special»i«*s in the fruit line. a»’d it
i Nirxi» Sr vrts D ihtrh r Jt i>«.g Ros«,
lie?« not rt«|»iir? a piopbet to foretell
of I os Angeles, I uam disuu«»re<i th«* libel
that there will be a suiatnble for the
against tiie schuuner Robeit and Min­
l»?.-t ci thia fine fiuit laml that is now
nie, the vessel that left San Franriaco
going begging
! were, oef re another
and altrrwaids un tiie High seas fur­
rteason roll** roun«!. ih«- patient waiting
nished arms to the Data.
Tins is eun- I
f«>r tire results that has uhara» <«••'.*e»i the
Hhlere«! at \\ ashingtun a legal ki»O( k-out
pioneera in the fruit business has worked
lor the govrrnsient.
l'he Data will la*
ifsperfict work and their z-al and fait»*
tried next, and a* nearly $1,600,000 waa
wiil have a rich reward which none wi 11
ex4»rnde»i :n « aptiiring and returning het
t»rgrudgr them, for they hay* whown the
to San Diego, tiie
contest aid
way by wl.irh ibis m<‘«t neaurifu! valley
watche»! with interest.
on the •• -rntinent ran tie transiormeil into
a paradise and the home of ease ami
Ai.i ian « e Li. m » ek * in Kansas are great­ plenty. Wi’hin the next tiv« )e.irs,
ly chagrine«! at the action of certain lead I hundreds oi foothill ran«*tirs wfiicli n >w
era of the Southern alliance in causing yield hut a reality Mi:’»*ist?riv t> their
the Fort Worth convention to reaolvc ou ners when firme-t c» grain ur shs-k
against the sub-treasury scheme idea, ' will be set in valuable on»hgr»ts and the
claiming it it* a scheme of southern day uf plenty will nave come t»> many
Democrats to break up the alliance, and who afe now in want. If this is true of
that prominent Democratic congressmen • the whole vaH»y, an«! none will dare
are at the h«»ttoui of the scheme. They «leny it af’ -r ibe present season, it is to
fear this is the beginning of a movement a greater exlent true of the foothi’l lands
to disrupt Die Kansas organ/, it ion in the neighborhood of ti»u gounty-seat,
There were thousands of Republican* where tl»e largest scojre of undeveloped
who affiliated with the people's party fruit land in the valley is yet to !»e t >und
last fall who will follow’ the course of the It seems »hanga that it shoi.l 1 be t*o
southerners and g»> back to the old party
when it has time and aga ii been «ft mon
btratv»! bejond dispute that the land is
h »> well adMpted for f. mt culture.
But a
N<» execution in the history of this
variety of causes has conspir«»! to thi«
country alt»acted more widespread and
♦*n<l sn«l there is an opuortun ty atf< rde«i
intense interest than that ui the four
murderem who w ere rent into eternity by an enterprising and discriminating or-
chardinr at any point within a radius of
ele< tiicity in the ji.l at Sing Sing, N. Y ,
on the 7th. Seitous fears existed oil all five mi les of (he c«»unty-s?at to procure
»ides that the hvirovs <. f Hie” Kemmier at a molerate figure fruit laml of un­
doubted excellence and certain yiebl
affair wouhl be repeated, but the work­
that is n«»whcie else offered in the sta’e
ing of the apparatus was perfect, and in
one hour ami twenty-three and one half with'D ♦ gsy reach of railroad conner’io’i*»
minutes Warden Brown’s sorrowful arm ll»*re is an opportunity f >r a c»)l ny of
onerous duties were over. The ex»*< u «»chard HtMt»> op *n up a busine*» oi m
tion ie declared to have been peilecily certain character that will,or at least that
am «*eRHful and wuh« tit any of the hor­ sh»»hbl entitle this pi u ♦ to be called tbe
I Vacaville uf Oregou within the next ten
rors attending the execution of mnr<i« r-'
er Kemmier at Viburn prison. There
7... ..
are, however, statements from witnesses '
KblTbRhtl X'> Tb>
w .»«t»do not confirm assertions made I
by the officials.
AS tati e to >. S (’ox was unveifid
A«« «»KiHMr to the Chronh
the impor | in Iront of Cooper Institute, Neu Yoik.
‘ on July tne 4th. It war erected by the
tation of tin plates at the port of San
Francisco during the i»aRt seventeen N aiioiia I letter Carriers of the 1 nite»!
i Siates. Cox war the Author <•! the law
months amounted to 52,*76 280 p< unda, '
on which the duty
uue cent a p» u»»d. ' making eight houre a legil «lay s work
In »ppreciHtion of his
The largest importation for any single ! f.>r the cwrrietx
month was made in April la-t—10 444,- s rviees a nr»\-inent was inaugurated
216 pounds
The tax paid by the von- i’umediately alter tiie death of that
Htinieis of this t n in seventeen months, bril lant coi'gieHsnian to erect a su table
Th» w*»> k win
iD'»*t of whom live in California, wa-| wtatire tuina m«*in»>ry
$526,762,SO. if the same am un« ehall i ot allowtd to d ag, an»! t«-day New
bw impelled ll)
the next Seventeen ' York «i» v i an b»ast ufa statire worthy
months our tin consume s nu»»i pay a •4 ner a bleat representative in congress
tax on it of two an.I t w<> t» D'hw c«*> is al
Oue of the Greatest Mineral Finds Yet.
Th-re ha» been a bustle uf aetivity in the
clerk s office fur »evcral day*« paat oxer the
filing of mineral « Utinre un 5*0 acres of th»-
(k.wi»vrtt"rt fleldrt up in til. Meadows on Evans
.1 k«-t in tfi.- k. With two filing*' that ha»l pr»*xi»»trely
d re*cn mod»’ in that ■*»«*ti»»n l»y M.^sre. D.
!k«*yii"i»l'» ami (». W. Ba«*oii. th” «•laim-' taken
up*m»w cover an ar.-a utmost e<|tial t».> a *»ec-
I friend» ti"ii of laml, amt m«»re are to fulluxv. Th»*
Jh r the claiturt located no far ar«* in rte«*ti»»ns H. 17 and
•JO, towirehip 33 rtouth, range 2 wc-t. Th«*
* family iMt.-h •»( filing* ma»!»* l.ret M ’mlay were all
a ill make mad»* by Mr. A*in*r Tyler, a pr<H4|M*» tor xvh«»
Ims been working up the business (or some­
time piret, and who locate«! under |>oxvei> of
- arrive«! attorney for num«*reurt wealthy Portlund uml
it 11 g«’ld Washington nn*n wb<» have organized a com«
panx* under the incor|M»ration laws of th«’
inug state of Washington with tire object of work­
ing ami dev.'h'ping th» ti.’portit of irefa' to
f Miller
it- full » apa'-lty
Mr. I' tlret m*<*i<l«*nt.*illy
came upon tire di-v»very about a y«*ur ago
h. ♦ l* «‘U and ha- »duo) thoroughly Fr»>®pccte«l th«’
Mr s«»>tl v.'lnrt und deposit, uutil h»' became -atiat!«*«.!
ot it - richnerts, when he had a practical teat
mad»*«»! th«'quality «»t th«* «»re. after which
•f tlir he had m> «lifllcuflv in »-nli-ting capital t»»
»»'»•n 1 th» extent of half a million dollar* for it-
immediate dev»*lopment Th»* »•om|»any H
i-allrd the Puget s»»uud A*l»«-to- Compupy'
• and ha- it- princl|»al office at Tacoma at
present, but is «’onteiDpInting movjngto Vun-
couv«*r to .. ......
Portland Hto«'kh<»l-
der». Th»* atoefc i- all taken ami it is th«* in­
tention not t») allow any to I h * put up«»u th«*
market. Captalu Geo. W. B.*|| is pr.Hiidvnt
•; of th«* comi'aux ami I, >
tiles of Ta» «»ma
• bevretary. It la the avowed intention to have
t work- for th»* reduction of th«- crmle ore ♦•--
Utblished at th»* mine-at »»n«*c, to I h * op»'rat»*«l
bv xxater p«»xver, ami t«»giv»» «‘mpt«>ym»*nt to
‘ from flftx to Jon men. \l».»ut a dozen nren
• have !rt*«*n ••ngug« ’l «faring th* past few «lax-
’ in doing th»* xv«»rk »»n th»’ ' lulmH filed un,
ne««'rt-ary to hol»l th»*m. The or«*, which
11—, but come» trom tin* l»dg»* in -trips or bit-
one «»r two inch»'- in width by four to
.'I «glio-
'x p.irti- t»*n inch»-- in length, looking for all th»*
worl«i like bit- «»f |H*tritl»*d w«»»»d, will I»»*
pa— «‘«I lrt*twe«*n h»*ax \ -te.'l roller-, under a
c«.»n»lant »tpij: -f«! xvlll is--hr»*«l»l-
c«l mt«» m;irk *tai/l»» *hap»- l x thi- simple pre­
cess. The clear <»r»* re ats.iit 70 per '««'nt.
¡»ure a-be-t«»-, -u«*h a- is u-«*«l for b«»ilvr
< overing>. -t.'am pip»--, reefing ¡mint. etc.,
ami th«*re is an fi-im-h vein «»f th»* -pinning
iHililig fibre iri.nii g • '»l’inii'-u-ly through the d»-
li <d a
¡»«•-it for upwanfa '.f tijr.... quarters of a
u I m . v »*
mile, xvhich xvill afford all of (he » loth ma­
>t ÄNM» terial that will I h * needed for ages. E\i»»?rt.-
»•ache», prenouu '1’ it th»' most ext.*u-iv»*aml the Iw-t
g *»<*a- • I.-posit in th«* xvori.l -•» far dis»*«»x» re«l. ami
with th»' rapidly growing d«*maud for it tu
art.- ami -clem'»— «-¡•«•ciaHy ns a lubricant
as affording protection again-t fir«’
tW"-y»‘«ir*».ii«i .» a..»« •
mudi sp»'»-»l in hi*» preihniiiary work. freni ab dt tfii u’m.Lii.erv t seagoing vessels, it is
Morfei J"lni" pavingth»* round pii'''- "f NJ5o hard to even uonjvutui» fa X'h.i! . xt.-ut th«-
f«»r the animai, with wliieh th«- n»-w «>wn«*r «lepo-it can I h piufltably »h \••!«•¡••*d Thi»
• ',\| m -.T c !. mak»' a wiiming at th»‘ appreiu'li- inii'-h is certain that th«* company up' al­
ready contemplating the erection of very » x-
!ng «listi l t mu
ten-ixv xxork-, iueludiug tin- c»»n.-truction of
'l'h»‘ w*4' * v»<>* k-»• ;• i '»•.** «.». il:»* bill ha** <i trumway « t railway from th«* mam lire* «»f
at last l»« »'n •onipb tetl ami the w;U»,x
Qi- th«’ s I*., to th»? fa«*torx -it»* in th«- M- advxxs.
pany • -an h»'reiift« r ’•uoply th»- t»»wn fruii) an
*Ht L’lrtTOFV «»F THE FINL».
♦*|evuti"ii that wil! mak»’ tlghtiiig tir»- a real
iih»H**ur»'. Th--«'apiM ity "t th»’ reservoir i-
Wh''U G. W Ba« "ii xvh - last x»*ai « ug;.i,’"-l
¡yub.biMJ gall<»hs ami It i" tlb’Ught th»‘ pmn| s in ap|«lying a-l»e-t".s ¡mint t«»
many of th«*
wil! I.»1
t.• 2-i if in th»* spio'« t.f flve h<»urs. ro»»f-
buildings in this xi< inity. he <-arri»-«l
played the a bit of th»- crinle a-ln*st»'s or«* m hi- p«n*k»'t,
Th»* William ♦ r»*. k hin«. » I.
(ìran! ’s Pai !•.< ba-.4sill .-lul. on th.- P’lrrUi was whi'-h h«’ » \hit»i’«'«l .i- a «-iiri<»-ity. Whil*'
interest»*«! greup «»n th«'!
T. Bray ton. .1. D. showing
• *» »ili|>» »srtI a-, follow-
-trevt "in' «lax Dnni«*i !»• sn
f rip- M» <«-1
Ha\» - * i W Car-on Will Hay» -, Ira Hpar- I dow-burst
into u r-mr «•/ laughtr-r ami »*x-
C..< k»'rlin»'. H. Bm h an»l A. I).
uu J
hax«* got a
I <,.■
had ne\er playe»! t<’g»*th-
! < gstar
who!«* mountain ••[ that -tuffupat my pliice.
♦ur mu< h ILU hub' • l|H'rtutioi) of wiu-
! As a matter of course Mr. Ba»*»'»n was in-
ning agallisi th»*ir skhl»*»i upp«.u n;*
.T»‘«l’d"i>s but at Mr. IL - -o|i''itati»»n xv.-ut
J.T Flynn r* <pi"sts all haviug <-h"ie«’ up t»> |o«;k at th»* «¡«‘p'.ait v. henb«* -atisflcii
sp •. im.-iis f fruire ami gridìi’-, min.’rals, him-elf from tire ur» pplng-that .-nefi xxi» - tl-.*
grasse, s .-re,, suitablcfor, «'xhlbifing th»' re- fa«-t, ami imin.'diat.-ly mud«* a filing in hi-
*t,nr.'»»s..f tliis .'.»unty at th»’ approaehing >wn name. Mr. Reynold- also made a filing,
Industri.»; V p«»'itl‘>n at P-Ttlami. tu for- but they »io say that tn* fll»*«! - u hi- garden
war-l th»'in
him ku»I ti»* will *.*»• that th. y l»at«.*h
patch lu
Iu or»i«
«»rd« r to
to-ax«- it from the ruthl»—
ar«'gi\» n rtpa«'»’ in th»' exbii..i* »» ’ré-h it is l '. at'.r in a mining scare, which
* * hi
* i- ex|M*ri-
__ in .....
i........ day-
I... b*«l
l . i t.i.«.
bu|»« 'i svili »’X. •’•■<! anythmg e\» r l»«d"4». ,U ‘ ' • ...
him « t«»for« -••«*
in that line.
I I Al»*»ut !«•»• «„irtim»* th«- attention «»f Mr.
Tyler, th»* gentleman w.. . be« organize«! th»-
Arthur i'.o-ru.-u bruk"mun - n th» •'»n-
Puget S«»uml c«>mpanx wa- attracted to tl'»'
.»tru* rem tram w<is hadiy iujur»-«l bv th«*
in th«? « our—• •■( hi- pro-p.-'-ting in
br.-aklhg « t a
uh’ .h p^iL- tt- tfat< ar
tire hill- ('»r other nc-tal- ami l-'ing familiar
piuvv at fin- fili mutti ui (iruni’s l’arrt <»n
Tu» s«lay <»f lartt wr»*ck. Udug Urmik «»n tlm with th»- natur«* ami valm- of th«* «»re. ami it-
rarity, he at • n< .* - jixv that then* re a b«-nanza
thigh with ferriti«'("re»', ami thr-wu a di*>-
taii»'»* "f fift« »'ii f»'»*t l»y th»- r» ''.»!l <»f th»- ea*»l»*, in it ai.<| «|ui»‘ll\ e»*t al'oiil tb«* work "f mak-
whi. li would un«|U'-stj<»nal»ly ha\»- k 11l»'d bini t*g a thorough tent ui h - purity ¡m-l adapta­
ha»i h .. -t tlr-t Mrm k a l»rak»'r«»»l ami bility t" th»-* manufactur«*«»( fireproof cloth.
*uapp»''l it al
Jean a- i.‘ -'Ut. F»»rtu- So satisfactory w « t » th»' results of tin- te-ts
nab’ly ih»’ injur»''l inap b;»-l jm » l»um s hr«»k»*n. tliat it was tret difficult to cunxiucu the most
v»!).-•*!xatix«- ¡ipitalirtt- t" eml»ark in an en-
H' tiry i»»"»th wa* Roiiy kn. k <-< i
r»*- t.»rpri-' that bi«l- fair t«» insure larg»' return-
■ entlv in an um'X|»«’»'!»*d m«»ment ut wrath »»li W.- trust that nothing will..... ur t«» d«*lay th»-
th»’ pari »»f hi- l»i» y«'l»*. whi» h ha»l li.'reto- «t»'X«-l«»pm»-nt "f tfa n rie <m«l that the full»*st
,._r-' re'» n r« i’ar»l'-»l a* .ntir»-l\ tra'-tahle ami anti' ipation.- <»f tire .-«»mpanv .sill ’,»• reali­
I h» s »vaj».-aggre-4.iti'»n <»f-<t«*«*l zed.
ami rubl'.'f I miì 'I*. i ' I'b-nlv wh»-»*le«l >n Inni
ami pit' li'-J him li» a<il"Jig- i r. »t!»»ngiutu the TOTAL DEAFNESS CURED BY ELEC­
mld»ll» « ( a sp.-||
<-rut< li'-- ami oiirer re­
fb'.-tn-n- fn»m whi' h it is th'»ught b»- will is-
• »ifll nth r< • •»•. «*r"«l In amdher w» ek t«» try
It Ufi ligUlll
i. l i.Ai'Ei. - uf ai > that i»n. n*ui*:>. < ' 111>
Fdiu r < »reg”hiati: Six >«aj> Hgu I v . ih
uufortunate • noiigh tu b«'''»»m»' t«»tally <b*af
in my b ft «'ar. In that 4'iU»iiti<»li 1 have
I« « n until Jun«* 2Gth, win n I « ame tft«»wn
t • ¡»ay my taxet».| h»*ar«l of i»r. Darrin' * P’H*
• r-m-off« r to treat th»’p mr “ fr»*«* «»f « harg» .
I applied t-- him and wm cur«‘«I by ele«'tri<*-
it\. in <'oiin«*<-ti-*n with oth»T m»*un-, in t» n
-n 1 can
ran Imar u watch tick amia
minut«-’-. so
ai r"-- the
th»- r'»t>n). 1 am a farmer
whi-p'-r across
and reside »!)•■ mil»- fr«»m Taylor p»»stofll< »*,
that "th< r- may be
Fred I’ Cr»»i)Hn»il!’*r • xis'cts to n turn t«>
thi- *M*rt¡oii. having —««I«! »»ut the ' ()r»'gon
Blad- I » Dr. I M Boyd.
Alioth» ! bull' ll of Kogllr ri\"H’tl»' w.-r«
tak.'ti through thi« pia» »» f«»rtheCarr ran«*h
by G. II. Hay»'- «ui»’ »lav la.-t w» »'k.
< -« HoH’MH’ti sWKLLIN'. • I KE1>
Edlt»»r Oreg 'uiun : Jan. l’»th h gr» at pain
«•«»in in ••need in niv Imad. uhb-h wu.-almost
ii!il»»arabl»’ ami coutinu»*d to grow w<»rs»*
until a-w. lling grew uml- r my ear whi» h
result«*«! in total d»*afn«'rts. Dr. Darrin has
Thoma- ( ulN-rtson returned h«»ni.' t»>
cured in»* <>f th»* pain and swe lling am! my
Khimath »’ountv a<'» omj»ai)i*.*d by hi- motlmr deafu«'ss i- about gom
1 am well satisfied
from J<* k-oh counts, on» »lav »luring the
with hi- n»*w cure with electricity. I reside
in Farmington, (>r.
T h «»*. M adison .
Att.»rn»'j Fr»*»l. < ognwrit^ii»i»Htii»*«l l»\
M» s-r-. s-ar* ami Ht«,uvbrak. r • «ij.»y- i
d0 r hunt in th«' Pelican l»ay «••»untiy bici
-»n” - ontinu' s (rev treuUmmt
to all from 1'» t* 11 < N. dc’ly and th"-.- wil­
Tire I«»..m has about -*bu-te«l" at Diam»>ml ling to pay at half-pri-'« 10 a . M I-, M r. v.
Juk«- ami ino.-t of the Linkville I h . x s
. have Sunday-, l“t-- 12. Confidential « on-uttation
r» turn« «1 l,"»nre • |oth» «l an«l in their right by lotter «»r at th«-"fflce fre«'. <>fib'«‘. 70‘,
Wa-hmgt'-n -tre* t. Portland, ami Sarg« nt -
Mr. Arnett wa-^/ngag»’«i m ifj« wi
Ind. I. \lw*r<l«*« u. Wash.
Qu»‘rttion blanks ami circular .-»'lit free.
laying a xvo « m I»- ji -ewer t»» drain a par
Dr. Damn treat- all «'tirabl«* privat»-, chronic
town ha- b.*f»n »'hara«'teriz»’«l a-
n»Tv»H»M «li.’3<*us’,L- -cniinal wchkh »'--. -»•-
l.'iis, during th.* pa-t xv»‘«-k.
end blool ami skin »lis«'a*<»'S, peyvotis debil­
4 here was only r»*j»»i«*ing among the • raireli- ity. impoten»'«' ami other weakn» -sen ot man-
. r- l.i-t w.'.*k •.* ej- th»* glorious raiu l Ullirh I i »»« m | tumore an«! irregularities In w<»men,
fell, renewing the lit»* of th«* pa-tnr« - und
in- f« mal»- weaknesses, . t.*.
-iiring fat -to'-k «luring th* -"luing fall.
Colw.-Il broth'-r-, E. Bark- and I‘«Try
Whitn»'\ ar»* at th»* Diamomi lake mitrei-»,
...... ,
continuing flic work «?f prospecting there.
S am M \ y , at une tijne a pronunent fig­
pound, or $1,163 27S. Thus, the M. Kin- ’ ure in O-eg»in and Nevada p »lific-«, «lie I
ley bill will m «I«1 to the c< st of tm pia’r at (’• icago un lire Put» of June ia*t
for the consumers in ( ahfornia ab^ut t»ad b*-t n sit k fur quite a lung t ine, but
4500,000a year murder that the tnono|a)- no ret ent intelligence luul been received
ly maniifattmers uf agate, sheet and gal­ from turn by his fríen«!?» here, until the
vanise J iron ware mav increase
the news if !im dealt) arrive«!. Whatever
price oi their grslsand gather more dol­ shortcomings be bad, be w;is generous
lar» from the over taxed people. Th? i t»j a fault to those he * lasse«) as !»is
tax on the single item of tin will cost friends, and while he was on the top
California over a million dolfa’s p*r year, wave uf p<»pillarit y here in Oregon,
an»I f >r what?—
about the tune ire was elected secretary
i of ®tAre, there are hut dreds who wouhl
have fought fur him
great was their
Jt st what stores ot wealth these
Tire e»*l»-!*rati«»n at Bonanza was a reu-ing
«u«*.*e—in « very sense of tire w ord. ami th»'
mighty hills <»( ours contain ran only t»e esteem.
conj«*cture<I, hut it is beginning io l»e
T hey uh«» think the tjuvenuf E ngland j r«'si»|entH of thiit I'H-ality woiil.l lik»* «-lily t"..
apparent that they are filled with a and Eu p e-s oí In»lia duntemplateH ab­ w« II to -« e it r.-fH-ateii about on«*» a month
th«- s«'H.-on through.
wonderful aasortineut ul ma’erial fur the dication ui favor of her Fa -carAt-playing
use and enjoyment of the tinman race ¡son
...... .......................
Th« "id « ¡inip-im «'ting ground m I’«.« valley
know little aliont' the worthy eld
w *s . du*|»osition.
-Í- ,
she knows Wales lik»* tire -«-«-n«' of a x«-rx -u«*»*«-ssful •■«•lebra-
that will come in bandy fur this and all j *
* n. It has long
•uccewimg generations
long1 a lsa»lt, 1er whe lias read him threugh tioii on th«- fourth »f July, re ing p«irfi ipa-
i» «i in 1> tire Pin»' Grove ami Gap -« li.X'Is,
been known that they were full of the and through, *nd ha* been ma»le pain-
tlreir ¡»atroii- <m«l fricn»!.
precious metals in mure or lesa aicesa tuiiy aware of bis fui tiles ior half a
ible locations, and in ret ent year» it century. Site baa steadfastly refused to 1 Th.- Inb -t .-ffort on th»* yarn -tring i- to
l»ten demonstrate! that they contain a* «pay that worthy’s délits,ami we mav rest th'* vff«*« t that a party of Say Fram i-v«» fl-h-
’ mg arti*re hav.- re-. n ■ at- hing trent int'rat.-r
fine an artsortment of paint as can be . aasured that he will never rea» h Eng-
I lake. Th.- futur»- •>( th»* yarn ha- iinm«*u-
found on the continent,and enough of it tu land's throne until lie steps over the | po.-sibflitics in Klamath.
paint all creation red on short notice ; tufbn of Ins mull ur. The reign of Vic-
Miller Brunn
Ken«> bus left hi- accus­
an»l now it transpires that they contain tona wifi cease wlrentho good <_>!«! queen '
tomed haunt-without giving notice "f bis
•uthvirnt asfiestos. only neethng to be ‘ b.ia
* -v been
- laid
• •--------
away —
in Westminster A obey intention t > quit, and has |. ft hl- partner,
pulped and warthed, to make the whole ' and not a day aouner* Noria there any Mr. W'todxvard. to conduct th«* busines- ami
world fireproof againht the day uf judg-' reasonable basis for the expectation that explain Bruun s dreap|R*arau«.'c.
nient. It wuul«i seem as though through­ a republican form of government will soon
Nathan ( ottn-ll of t 'uma- valley, Douglas
out all time tire gnomes uf tlremoiin-l supplant theBri*iah monarchy. Revo*
UQty, has I mu 'H xisltmg his danght. t Mr*.
tain bava been fiuay here, making a » lutiona in count ties of stable government Miller at R »und lak«* during th»» w. .-k, au«l
>»erfect home for a generation to t ome ; c »me« only after long and grievous wrongs intemi* taking up a pie«-.» of land in the
w hicb can fully realize and utilize their and these un hardly b* charged against L«»ng lak«* — *« ti«»n fora ¡M-rmam-nt lemtioii
hn iL:- »•«■untrx
surrounding resotirt t * a dwelling place the I’nt'sli throne.
that shall combine in one location tiie
lloiiL'i !ak« '•! ••• I district N" 2G b.m-ts
finest scenery, tiie finest climate, the
a irew
h'.ol b«»u-»' )H\:ui fart just com
Specimen Case».
greatest natural woixlers, tiie
S IL < lilT r<l. New Cassv|. Wi-
uafe pi. te.j Th» «ii-trict wu- r- .»ntlx- «»rgatiizej,
varied productions, tie m >st peife<t tr"Hbi«'*l with S» uritlgia and Rh»*ntnatisni ; ¡».mi tin* i« H'l'-nre ur« to I-- cviigt*iiru4at«*u <»n
fruits ; the *’Happy Valley” of the west­ jijs ■»!< niH' b wh » dl'-’ol. t# «I bl’s !.i'»»r was | their praupfn«-s*- m pr oidji.g a -.jhahle
hold Ur first »■ lj««.l
ern c*’ntiru*nt, hi short
\ home sur­ nffo red to an alarndug <l»'gre“ api * tit* fi'll ¡•Id' • wh«-i'-uj
and bo wi ♦• inblv y.-*.1 •». * -l i » j fl» w
rounded by luegnificent forer**», etisconr j
Ham 1’ Br ” d ai 'l ” if« •! •!>• i»-. i»u.
ILi •.- 1 ’.*!
1 E! *i! Bit­ ♦!*”. riourn th' ’
ed between u. .ntain range® that are tire and «strength
? »h
'•••». »hre? vt*«:-
old bah?’, ”’U12b died «»ud L : \ hit? ’,,e«’»k
wouder of all observers. From tl o mys ters ouroff his*
E’ward sbeph rd, Harriaruig, !2 had n Ih » ¡' i :- d * s ir? Tms-g » k .
♦ highly re-
tenuus caves of Josephine county on
running sere' n his 1-a . i » igh«' m ® Hand­
throne bend to the idys I' c Crater lak** ing Cred throe bottle* ! tl« .trie Bitter® •peM**d Indian families on ♦U* r*-bervatior.
a;id have the sympathy of many friend* in
on the other, from tbe msj-stic summits and >*•-en box»’»* t f Bui-kl«.*n’** Arnica Salv«».
tbeir fan »»• ■»•iii»*nt.
of tiie Siskiyou range to tie fmitfin üm¡ hi, j.-g u r uu»l ami «<11............
. John Mpeak-
Dau ( «»Ixcoil «.f Tu»»* }ak- hu- th.- opinion
valley at its hate, turn which way we »»r.
. . .__________„ 2
f rtores on
ductors said b«.» wa» im urahl»'. Oue that gold m larg»* ouantitiru <>j ts in the
will, a new wonder awaits u». —
Tim • heal- - his b«g
icjty • f Diamond lake. au«l wifi give q ..
-"^tl Electric Bitten».and on»«
ing springs that gusli from the riiounia
tnounta n
n ' Araks
Hal’-’v curwi tx turirviy ¿4d $t fid j .iDc/b'T thorough ¡.r> -p< utg Ut«*r iu
caoyonf, carrying health and strength
tfco •••oBon, before grein® up the
u Prxlu’ Pn>< B*orw>
to the enfeebled frame ci the invalid, i
i tbo xet4<
* bis U. trc sp
- t , „
o. «s-a-U-wJag tXt^r/.
the trout that sport in the footbill »Ueanre
and tbe bear that gr>ze in tbe fort st
glades will in tune to corne prove sn un*
Dr. OtlMndcrfar. h&’itK r-ppUii ¡.icscl!
endüi|{ attraetion to tbe touri’U and
tae luat lMtrusutu. I U prvpa.i.Al tv
‘he travekr wh«» “re even oow pari» ri.: tovtt
u. t>* ^«. a ipir.-.-'j uauiKr
y ¿r ic Jigg tbeär r<- hv bnnd'td# anto Hu I ® > .» I«u-e 1 . u» Ca.J.-nda .tr«.-'. u.
favcnid W'iu-
». a"
a‘ei ojdy IWü I
j’ U
ii fiTtrixl
i cs wo rc a..Lks -ur i appine.sconiz>fo
^r. AcXet i
Wonredan ¡ce-Lroam tod.»unn¿. »nd
n«.l « “/.l.r Hit) fot'1 to »ini <'nr a »« »¿ttve, Mfrvtiv» and rnr«' F^r .ick h»«rf
areneeus a-ew-r
,|,fc>rder.M it.I). I.—
aunaet» »nd write our ohi'iiarip».
-.xh.n viKi
.,„1 >■ t.ili.ui.n.
ihr, .............
I»H’I «'
»ill J’.VA
i ..i.-.." --, ......
the spnn
spring Of
1 st and Icter can
lieti UJÀA Ä ctnuB tu it.
uAu iiud, etUivr lu AmvrUM ut
How Jockey» Train.
It is uu wcni’ler that so many jockeys din
Notic-es for thè loeuU.m "f piacer and
young or that their faces have a pinched
and tortured look. I saw one of the boys quarta iniin ». et.-,, f,,r »al,. Mt III" T imes "i-
come out of the Morris park track stables
a few days ago after undergoing« Newmar­ j The Amerie.Ili Mining ('"de. standard ab-
the most
ket sweat. He
I? was
----- -----
- ‘ 7 pitiable ob- | th"rity on all sul'jeets portaitiing to mln-
He was a I ing. wat. r-rights, et,-., is k. pt for sale ut thè
ject I have seen f»»r many a day
T imes office.
big boned lad, and he had attempted
Work nt th. st.ami,.at
ha» becu
take off seven iiounds fr vn
He faded '"•> ■ »,*«•••» for th.- |.r. -. tit.
overtraine«l I sm I j in I * • » *
' !,:
■ •’> tin- n
of Wolfs has .li«-
a chi id
by a pound, and he < r.e«:
* '(uariz b-tig* mi Th«>mpBon crv»*k
v. ere «ice *'
in bis grief. Perhaj»« the t<..
«li-trict, ir»un whi'.'h I d is ♦•xtracting consid­
more to t he nervousness of an overwrought erable gold by hand.
frame than to anything else, however He
Th»- Sterling Mining Co., lias commenc' d
had slept only seven hours out of forty­
to inak»« its annual < 1»-anup. aft» r a run uf
eight, and he had taken three Rusaian s»»me length.
baths in that time. He ha«l remained 1n
the baths from two to three hours on each
A Successful Worker.
of these occasions, had drank no liquids
Wurk <'aniM»t b«* su»*c«»s.sfullv »-»»ntinu» d
except a little lime juice and seltzer, and uule» tin re is an m-tive ni«»ntal int»T»*''t in
had starved himself cruelly.
it. It th«» min»! l-> n«»t ''l»*ar. bright and hm»v-
On the fiaa^niorning he had put on a lot un: tli.-n tire u»»rk h drudg.-rx ulal th»- work­
of heavy clothes, Including a thick pea- er is a inu<*iiin«'
An «»»-• a>i"nal d«»f*u of
jacket, and taking hold of the tailboard of M"i»r»* - R«»v«*Hl<*d lt«'in»*«ly will out tin* Isniy
an express wagon, which wa* used for und mind in **ii'-h harm«»ny that th» har<l«’>t
carting >upphes to and from Jhe village, tireks will so.’Hi as play.
had run five miles in the dusty road hang
Hay for Kai«*.
ing on to the eud of the wagon. The horse
The un»le sign**«i «»fl* r- *«»r
1< k > t •»
moved at a brisk trot, so that the boy had
goo 1 h t\ . • a 1 i on or a i< res-
to do some hard running. When he got
back to the stable be was bundled up un
der heavy blankets, with all his clothes
Miff- r? Preshui’ Hod Ak»-'’ will
and even his hat »till on. He drank a hot
lemona»le and lay there for half an hour.
When tlwy pulled the blanket* off they
were almost saturated with moisture. The Children Cry for Pitcher’s Caloria
lad was rubbed down with cold water, and
».hen, weak and faint, with hi» fare horrl j
bly drawn up. he went on the scales. He
was still too heavy to ride, and all his tor 1
ture was in vain —Blakely Hall in Brook
lyn Eagle.
Saxe Money ami Suffering.
Om b atnr- <•( H»»-thoireand* «»i t< *tiin»»-
nial> tliat hav»* I»» « n gix»-n in IwtUalf "f S. S.
s. ¡s remarkable. In tiiimlM*r»* of instam .-s
it i> relat»'«! that a great »leal of time ami
money have Iwen spent in a vain «-ffort to ?»«•-
• lire r. li.'f frem «ii'»»»art«* in th«' ireual wav. A
knowkdge »♦( tin-virtu«-*, oi Swift'.** S|M*«*ill»'
xxouhl liax•• *»ax»•«! th»* tim»' ami (fie money, to
►•ay nothing «•( th» preventi»m »»f th«' suffer­
There n»'»'»l I»»- no >ueh mistake» made
now. The great bl«.<»»t purifier l> for sal«' by
all »lruggirttK, ami tip- K. S. S, »'»/mpany in
Atlanta will *» ml to any addreM* their Treat-
i-*<* <»n Blood ami Skin Disease* free, ami a
¡•amphlet '-»'ntaining u few of the th»m*and»
<d t.'stimoiiialrt they hav«» received frein
tliu*»- wh«» have eX|>ericnc»’d th»- l»«-iM llts <>f
this xvou'l» rful niedi' iue
Bum Bcfore tbe Ceuturr.
III. n «r»
Imlted who live
wh vitti.—. .| tip. I.irtli
in tl>.. d.atli . f Mi". Miirgnrat Hcliumpf.
a!>.»»• |>la<*td lih* expiri'tl >'» |»'a<',.fuily
lu»t Week 111 liti- pLi.-v al th.- U'I'ati.... I
•■(!'■> yrar- and I tu.-nth-. "tir ti- iir. -t a|-
pr-ab-li I" a '->-ut*-iiariiin ha** im-.-a-d uwuy.
l» f,.u»n! un- l-trn ¡it laiii>l>-rl»i*'li. U-a--*-.
<»•■ Mar-dt, 171H», and Invia »li-tim-t
r---- II- li .n • f thn llr-t ?<ap.d.'"ni' ■-ain|«ign-.
ln<J.'-l la flguri d In fi"' «wjwlgn'd ltjl la-a
arri1’! ••' dl-|'Hl"h»‘t and •‘•»»il I !".... liti
Ci'ip' r-'iiutit-- • n » • cd ’ita! p*’it d Mi*’ rc-
jtmerJ a in - - ■ ye®» 18M • u J to
Órcr n lu l»7!, ha* ln< »'ri-O
pu» sr>d
rb» allctti -j-aD eb ■ r*. tatù» 1 b--r la. ul’a-“
•o tbe !a»t ned ”Z|’ir 1 a» ! > ■ -luilv .<• a
• bil l cdng t.> •■l.’ep.
Hay! Hay! llay!
A h th«’ hitj mir R»-ns«»n is Ht hand. «1»» n«»t (<>r-
*«« tip»» Mre. <i. hiir'AVrk’ har» pl»«.i t t»n ..r
tiv» lv. £/’■• “►n»<»"'» re on hand t hat uju-t i»«-
-u 'il a» a gr» at sa« nfi»
ec that t-b«* cu’» pay
’V th»* ind■ Vo->ln»-sö o| the ..-tare. T'l*».*»<.*
ttow’vrs ur¿ pew an 1 th» bett In tb« maik» t.
TUa riOcmJy vwrtud
| wort uk'-n be:o«t by the sheriff twC Mr
Our Very Best Te<»pie
t Buubtr ifior the last tsrst ol Urcilt coirt C nflrm <’»ur statement when wc ¿ij- ihai f>r
l worv
*• ¿u •»«!» uswi to tbs opec ' fr A« V r*. F o ^ uik . P-'m -’V’Bln »i ty w»y
U.t.1* r*xt fitfitu 'Q
*uiO }r.jvj -up« ri< r to ;in\» and .<’4 V ■ h> ; ”« |ar.»t.onr
'Vbou^.ûa Í. '.gh
■j-wo m -ae p,ut«^t;u7and
Uou- till Tbrest a>l i.UDf»».
j.M'j-o'to ¡dui of a»yti^os 4*0 j»rc;j- I iwul croup It io magic and re’d.-wa at • nc*'.
x'v'out^i'tnutt wju Ksuthii«; p;-..;-ii to
W’v 'ff. ryr.u a sample IMtk f ree*
tht» tietn« dy 1« sold on a positive gmir-
•oc. tie oi;o-*rs report. TW» suae idea ber.
Rhonld twnur
th* f'.tfr* *owbov U (*r-' h*
throw* hl* rope that brihif* - •tnebvd,
■ lUf to UI-. bntudJag Inv
I1 SuUzt UC
um» tu tu»#
In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon
for the County of Jackson.
St»»ph»-n S. Cooper. Plaintiff, vs. Eutah Ann
Packard. Defendant.
To Eutah Ann Packanl, (be aboxc-named
Detenda nt,
I You are hereby required to appear and
niiawer the complaint of the alaive Plaintiff
in tii«' above entitled Court, nowon tile with
the clerk of tvaid Court, within ten days from
th«.« date ot the service ol this summon»* upon
you. it e*»-rved in Jackson County. Oregon; but
if served in any other county in the State of
Oregon, then within twenty dajs from the
•late of the service ut this summon® unon yon;
or it svrv«*d on you out of the State of Oregon,
or by publication, then by tbe first day of tbe
ensuing September, 1W1, term of said court,
to-wit: tiie 7th day ot September. 1*91: and
you are hereby notified that it you lull to
appear ami answer saiti complaint, us hereby
re«iuircd, the Plaintiff will upply to the court
tor the relief demanded tber<'in. to-wit:
l’liMt the D« t»-m1ant. Eutah Ann Packard, has
no right, till«* nor interest til and to th«' r« al
property herein d«*scribcd, ami that six* b«*
enjoined and barred from asserting any claim
whatever in or to tin* said land a»iv»rse to
Plaintiff, ami tor such other, further mid dif-
terent rebel as to this votirt shall s « m - iii meet
ami c»piitabl«*; that th«* Plaintiff is th«' owner
ot tin- said laml ami premises dcscrilM-d as
folloxvs, to-wit: Commencing 4H links W. oi
(he N. W. corner ot th«' Packard Doimtioii
I ami Claim, No. 42. twp. 37, S. K. 1 W. Will.
M«*ridian. as sHid Packard I><»nation Laml
Claim is (lelinvated and describe»! on th,- mup-
aml ofiicial re«'<»rd as th«' same ar»' »'ontained
iu tbe rnit«'»i States ¡»and Otfici ut Ros«-burg.
Oregon, him ! running tiienc«* W. on the N.
boundary H im -of -»aid Packard Donat ion Claim
12 chain* and 47 links, and tin-nre S. !♦» chains
ami 4 links, and thciie»» E. 12 « -hams ¡»nd 47
link-, and ln«-nce N. lb chains and 4 link* to
the place of beginning and C< It 11 il 11) t DK 20
Published in th«
f<ATl< i T im es for six
i-OUMVIlt IV»' W»'«-kh 1») ord«'t of
Hon L. It.
Wt-bster. judge of »aid Circuit Court. ma<l<-
July 15. DM!
FRANCIS FIT( H. Att > for Pit ff,
M<dtord, < )r«‘gon.
Reames & White’s
u.vecds a!H of their prcvi«»n-
( ’«»Bs¡*fÍ!li
Ladies' Fancy and White Goods,
Henrietta A l|«a«*<ure, Albati’«»^. Black bahei«**. Brillai
Criterion. Ta.--el smi Kivcr » ’lotli». Stirali Siilo..
LroMerio ami Flouncing, in l>la< k ami white,
Faitt-icf. \ «-iling. Satine», < halbes, l.aec Curtains
Net. Scrini, (ringlnnn». Cheviot.-. Tieking».
Many peculiar ¡mints ni«ke Hood’s Rat
aj. r:’l:i *-»:’»« ii-»r to ali other nicdh'inus»
Jackson County Normal
I «-u’ in combination, proportion,
an«! j it r.:r.;ti»m of hiprejleids,
Ihrt-i'tHuiiilia jMissosscs
J im kstinvilh- Couutx Normnl im*tituf«- xvlll
th»' iu’l » urativ« value <»f (fie
I k - I m i «I hi ttn Jacksonvill«- school h<>us(*.
best known remedies
the viciable king-
/ S.9J
Peculiar in
and economy—
od’s Sar*
ami will contimu* two week**.
illy medi­
Tire Sessions will I»«* lick! on regular sc I km »I
«lays trom *.i a . m . to 12 m . iiik I f roin i:'iu to 4
cine <
an trul.
i*. m .
••One II undred Dosee
j«-achvrs; Bripg >uur lu^t »»ooks- priu-ticai
M»*(il«'inrs ir
work will he tin order of the «lay.
Th» law mak« s it absolutely necessary tor
lug r ¡.’»«I r'.iUbr ixjltlf*»
all t»'»»ch«'n* to be in attendanc«* at th«' Annual Iß fresh and Complete, all of which will be sold at the
piirc larger dos -s, and do not
institute this re tire Annual institute.
Lowest Possible Cash Price.
as good remits as Hood’s,
A protitabh time tor every on«*, csp«*cialri
th»- iiM-xpurtenccd.
hi its medicinal merits,
Wo t'vltaii
1 •! all kiip't <>l tiiarkotsblt' coiiutrv i»r»»«In<-. ,
Ho».d’ S
. *i!la ac< oniphshes cures
< ounty Supt. of School*.
ert<> mil.; - *.v ¡.. a. 4 w>n for itself
to any part oi tlo 'ity. ami guarantee rat ¡-faction in
T<-a» In r-can obtain k < hm ! board and l«Mjging delr-T
the title « f ’ Tl
preatc-t l»l.x»d
at reasonable rates. Kt*gular «¡uart<*rlx e\a:;i
overv ca.-e. Call and mm - ii - and Le c<<nvinteti.
illation August 12. 1**1.
purifier eve r discovered.’’
Pc« iiliarin its •• g«M»»l name
home.’*—there is p»»***
. f II *<!’> Sar-aparilU
Lowell, where
than of
I*1'. .'
< t S.ll.'H
\n.> oth< r ¡Tfp.iratlon
ever attained such popu­
'Tuition l-'i-ee.
larity In so short a time,
F<»ur (’ourrti-s ClaMHicHl, Scientific. Liter­
d retained it, popularity
ary. and a nburt Envliah Cour®«-, in which
and eonfldence among »11 classe, there in no lait.n. Gr«*ek. French or [t«aif
We cliidleuge the remler to successfully controvert the astsertiou that
Had Temper largely Involuntary.
Th«* English is pre-vini:.«-n»iy a Bu.-ine>s
of peoplo b<> steadfastly.
C»Hi7-«-. For <'aiuiogues '"r
» . ’i thri int..nna"'7
. ___ . ’ hu acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val­
¿lapy pe^p^econsider that bad temper’’
rw> I..-t! I:..It: 1 !•> buy other i reparations
■ i 1
la entirely voluntary uu the part of th«, ' V.t I . ,;.i. i- p.. 11», »'.Una. »1. l.c.r.--,
ley of Hogue River will yield a net yearly income of $100. It Wil)
Pnhddt nt.
person who dupiaysit. As a matte; p|
average 100 trees to the acre, and the estimate is based upon the dem­
-LIL I1.
fact, it is often to a very great extent in ■
onstrated fact that each fruit tree will protluce f-1 in value, uet, of
voluntary, and no one is more angry at It' aoMby altdruRK1«»*- f 4» •!» for>5. Frepirettunlr
; marketable fruit each year.
than the bad tempered person himself. Of : hy C. I. IIOOI) £<’«», Apothersrie«, Lowell, Maa*.
course every one, whether be is l»vrn with |
IOO Doses One Dollar
a bad temper or has acquired one from I
Six mile® South of Grant's Pass. J<»s«'phine '
habit, ur hax been ypited with one as the'
County, Oregon,
result of »li-ease or injury, should ai leas<
try to control it But his friends should j
tu other words hu acre of producing Trait trees has a valuation <d
also bear hi inmd that temper may be, and ,
It is better than any bank for the bank is sometimes earned
often is, an affliction to he sympathized!
I into Canada by the cashier, Datue nature a trust-worthy guardian -
wi? b, ’mt an offense to l»e punished —Neve ■
i takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if
York ledger.
In th«* < ir« uit < «>urt tor the Stat«' ui Oregon 100000
TREES IN STOCK. i you plow your orchard once in tw> nty years, aud rob the trees of their
tor th«- County ot Jacks»»n.
Where the Saving« Hanke Are.
' uouribhiutut by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and iuvite
Jonas A. Lc«'. plaint Iff. vs. Levi I». Angle, Alh'C i i
A large number- more than two-thirds
W. Angie, Conra«! Mingus and Lorena Min
Apple. Pear, Peach,
¡the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you
of *he whole of th- savings banks of ths
gus. Orrn E Angle. Mary E Angle, E. F.
Walker and J«»hn Angle, «i«-fendants
Iuust IH)V
not <- c,,tn
pl H‘ * n u uiai
Th'11 your
y°ur uoiucuhuihi
horticultural memotwnave
methods have precipitated a
United state* arc cantered in the eastern
"o L«-vi L. Angle, Alic«* W .Ingle, Conrad
and mid«lle state**. Few banks for oanngt T. Mingus and Lavina MinauK. Otra E. Angle.
foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard.
are to fa found in the western aod south
Maiy F Angl« . Enoch F. Walker and John t Nectaripe, Cherry.
Angle, th«' above-named «iefendanre
ern states; indeed, in some states not a
single savings institution exists. The to­
Almond. Chestnut.
gon, you ar<* hereby r« qulred t»» appear ami
I With half the care you give wheat-tields and it «ill yield an income
tal deposits in the savings banks of Wis­
ansAX’er the complaint of the above plaintiff in
consin in Is'.*) were but $67,539, divided the abov»* entitle«! Court, now on file with the
on a valuation of
an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this
among 61’» depositors. Dakota, the small­ dat»* ot the service <»f this summons upon you.
, county which yields such an income, mid EVERY orchard does.
est op the li-t ‘New York is the largest». it served in Jackrton G»un(y. Oregon; hut if 1
I I t I J
" e Pr“l)of,e t° Sl‘h y°u ali Hcr‘‘ “t fi*)e albivial soil, within eaunou
nun) fa red in 1*« j 4 1 depositors, with $23, Rerv.ti in any other <?«»un(j m the Mat»» ol < >r- I
< shot of five growing towns, dose to the steel rails of a traus-coutinenUl
927 to their credit.—New York Recorde*.
of (I m 1 service ot this sii’miiions upon you ; or
It Herve«! «» ii you out ot the Sia<v « t (>reg«»n. or
gkafh vines . iTKitAXTs. ooosMiEK. : railroad, - in the most beautiful call, v ou tbe slope
—v X x of the
a•» a Pacific
Cs v 1 xs v , >v with
j i
by pul'lica u»n. then by ’ lie tlr-1 day ot t he rn-
Wilder*» Latest Story.
one huudred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by
simiu September t««rm of sabl Court, to-wit :
”Ome upou a time,” said Marshall I*. ihvVtli «lay of September. I*.»I : and you ar»'
you. Buy it ior a liotue to shelter you if adversity or tlie winter» of
Wilder i«) a group of interested English­ tMT«'l»y not I fl »ii that if you tail to appear and
flur trott» ar«1 grown without I mention <>n old age overtake you and find you p.-ntiilees.
men in his hotel, *‘a I’tilft mguer
at a answer said complaint, a- In r«-I»y require«!,
the Plaint iff will apply to th» Court tor th< re­ red hill land, and ail of Known var.«'ti<* that
table pounding his thumbnail with a bam li, t demanded therein, x ».* for p»-r«*oiial judg­ «ure«*«*d in South« rn Oregon.
mer,” ami the famous story teller screwed ment against L I.. Aug!«- 1«»r $1.72’« n J and $2i«i
Those contemplating tree planting will »to
his face iuto comical grimaces expressive attorney •« fees and for such furl! mt «uin as wcl! to visit our orchard and nursery, or writ»,
may he a»lju lg»-»l t«» pay Conrad to us for price list. A<1dr«es to us st Murphy,
We give away the laud. Pay us >10 a mouth, 10 cents a tree, for
of recurring pain, w hile his hands went th«'plaintiff
Mingus: that said Hunt'- may be «h-elared a .J< >»<•!< hint- county. ( »regen, orto K. K. St at fan.
throiurh the motions suggested by the In n against certain real « Mate winch the dc- Grant’s Pass. Oregon.
¡two year«, and we will present you a warranty deed of tbe acre ' and
t< udaiit Mine'll* l»y his c«*rtain contract an<!
A. H. C A K m >N A S< >N. , GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard.
»toi y
rev«ud«*«l In I mh I c 2H »»f d«'e«is, pages 142.
“Presently,” he ■rntlnuc«!,' a <u«iu u^ked bond
144, rec«»!■!•* «»! i ountv. <>rcg«»n, «-on
Despite these facts the farmers of the country contiuue to value
him what he was doing that for.
tract»’«! to conv«-y fo Mai«i L. L A»»gic i«»r tin-
their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and coiupet-
“ * ’Cause,’ w himpered the nigger, 'it feels foreclosure »4 c»-rtain mortgage and «!«-» d <»t
trust mad»' by said L L. Angle and wi|» t»»
so good when I stop!' ’ —New York Sun
j ing in the markets of the world w ith the serfs of Russia ami tbe slave»
said plaintiff <*>ti I>«•<-ember 2. 14s9. anti which
at •• revonh'd r» spcctix•«• y in bo«fk 7, mort-
of India. “Exjiort the wheat of a e*.untry and you ship away the vital
g.ig«’s. pages 475. 476 and book 20, dc»*ds. pag»-®
I Orests .oid Tt-mperitturr.
! ity of its soil," says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson
144. 145, 146 all o! said Jackson County rt i- r-b;
» ,»M»t CTI I» HX Till
A ct-uiprehen.-r -i mly t;i the influence that -aid real »-stat«» may !»«• sold in the man­
county should learn this as an axiom.
<-f forests on th- daily vartatfcu of th«. ner usual for tor»-« losiir»' sales; that pr<H»-»'«ls
Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in
tein|a rature in Germauy and Austria ot said sal»- be ii|'f-li«sl in pa iu» 'it <d said »!<•»•(;
(hat saxl Mingus make a (fi l’d ami «h'liV« ’ »"
shows that the absolute value of the ¡uflu- saiil L. I., Angle by the Clerk <»f this court of |
sound of the hum of the shuttles, u-the thunder of the factories, or
fine in woods
« given kin«! of tree is af­ the said real pr»»p«'rty . or a part th» r<-ot : that .
TI DIES Will. BE It ILSE MED FOR IniAIJi toiling late over desk aud counter, shkiuld study our plan well. .
It (l means
fected by th«' decree of density of the wood, tte-defendants an«l » a< h and all thereof and
all p'-rsons claiming uqd«-r th» in be bari ••»! and
«•i s and Day Pupils in S« premie r. IHI‘1.
a home for a life-time out of the meagre savings
of *2 j.
__ _ work. A
lieing high« t i • denser ths wood. The loreclose»! of any right or equity «>1 pedetapr
fact of whether ti»** climate is oceanic or tion in <»i to hu ’«! I mj U'I or contract oi land, i
I'll«* <»<nirt»' «>t -viuéi ! r thiR inwtiruttnn m ' more beautiful aud a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­
contiin ntal also affected the result.—New and that their aCeg«*«! rights therein be «!«•- | thorough. ••mi»ra<*ing ¡ill th«' branches I m long- 1 tion of the civilized earth can claim to own.
iaanguages. !
elared subj«*et I«» plaintiff's liens, and tot such ; inu iu ¡t rtrst-clast» edu»-ati»»n.
York Times.
»itlicr and different relict as t»» this c«»urt shall i • h:«winjr ¡«ml v » hh I l»-s®«»ns in class iu-ing i
Write to i ns, and i we will
send you our illustrated Is,ok of this great
iiu-liMÍ«-<1 in t he English c«»urst, form no extra - . 11
i ii
.seem meet anil equitable.
j valley aud our Orchard Home.
Publish«-«! tn th. I h . m » h kvih TiMi.-t<i -ix < iiaig» .
In France a fondness for cats >• evident­
Young ia«ii«*s wishing to follow the high«*r.
consecutixe weeks by order o! ll»»n L. It.
ly not coufiued to old maids.
Paul de Webster, judge ot said Circuit (• in t. mad«
- - fad.
- -
Kock, Theophile Gautier, Francois g’ op pee July 13.
The usual inoditieation i*» mad«* when m«»re *
FRANCIS FITCH. Att y Lre Flirt.
ami Baudelaire are among some of the
Medlord, Oregon.
than one ot the same tninil) attend tlit-Acad- '
i*elebrat*xl meu who cherub ¡sd rate, while
emy at the satm* time.
Jacksonville is concede«) to b«* th»' most
Taine has composed a sonnet in honor of
healthy place in S»»uthcrn <>r«*g«>n an«! easy ot
the beautiful Angora puss who is Ke nan's
of aec«'i*s Rogue River Valí» y Railway Co.'s
feline favorite.
trains run within a l»¡o< k of th»- convcui.
For further particulars address the
In tiie Gircuit E’«»iirt «>f th»* Statcìd Oregon.
it ha- been figured out that it coM* a
Jncksonvillr, < )r< gon.
Th»* Stat» <if Oregon «>n informati«»!! of Win.
rich man over $14,OOU to «lie in New York
M. t’olvig. lHtrti ict Atto.'!)«') ot Ih«- lst Judi-
if he has to have .•< funeral which will keep
cial DiMrivt ot Or»g«»n, Plaintfff. vj*. Th«
l'nkiiowiì H' Irs of Goorg«' Black, «ifcciixd.
up the dignity of the family and be worth
Ih !» ndant-.
a goo<! notice in the papers.
Action to r<<->»v«T reul propri t) w I mi I hì | o
th«- Stile «)t Or’-Koi).
Herr Frederick Wiuterhoff, of Uologue, To tl)»' UiikU'iwn lieirt* ot GiMilgv Black. «!<•-
While Yon Wait,-
t»»*aM(*d, |>«'t«*ndant».
baa patented a process for preparing platea
of glass to act as lithographic stones. They I gon.voli and «'»«eh <>r y<»u are h«*r«*bj rr.
arc said to lie cheaper, free from veins aud «luirodt«» upp«’ur ami ttn«wrr th«- r »mphiint
more convenient in use.
within t»'U «làyrt ffiuu th<* dat«- ot tliv «rrvic«.*
i ours«' o! siudy arranged expressly to nrect
of thirt Hiiinin»»!!** up»»n ecrvr.1 w itlim the irevdi* of th«* tui itnng and iiievhaiimu in-
One fifth of the 10,000,000 families in thirt county; or. Il scrvcti in an.v oth< rvounty t«*r«*-tr*
. »Tl-Irt <•!
« • J I t nt*
h«* rtt
Lfirgi .commotlfoii*«ami w«*l|.v«*ntilatcd build*
France have no children. As many more ot ibis State, thrn within 1 w -nry day?» troia
file ila t r of t hr nervi«'«' ot tliis bum tuoni« U|»«»n ingrt. Th«-('«»lieg»-in IfH-atcd In n cultivated!
have only one child, and of those who have _you: ami if yoii lai. h »> to iinHwiT. f«>r want an»! (’hrirttisn v«»inmuuity. and one <»f the
as many a«* seven children the number is thrrcot th«* Flaintirt will taire judgui* ut healthiest in the State.
ngaliibt you tor tim HviHin ami potssrt*»*ion <»»
only 23O,0UU ______________
tm- lo'lowing <| omtì I»»-< ì rial proprrt} bvlotig-
iug to th«' v**tttt«' of <H'oig<-Bla< k. drr»*aKr»i, Fit «II M’S lire«! lint exceed $150. for the Entire
' C
.... «k ¡-«dangX;
Prospective Improvements.
NE’* ot thr’NWVi of S» « . |9and th<* SE1* «»t
Two or mor« tree Scholarship!» from every
Cmnty. W’ i it«- for i 'a tn log ti<- to
Tl"' W"iT "f surveying off tile l"ts liel'dlg-
tng I-. ti." * lymrt'g" estui«* inis al»*nt I.... .. West, kituated inJiick-on l'ounty. Oregon.
B. L. AKN(lLI). Fr«-* . < ’«»rvaiiis. Or.
."■mpl' t' d arel th* y will Ire put ti|» n the Tog» th« r u Ith FiiwititTs co.’»t- nini disburtm-
im nts hrreln t«» br taxv«E
market al reas'inabl* prb e» In a str .rt time,
Thia suiDtnonM ìm publtahvd ili thè D f . mu -
Farm for Sale.
we learn. Among "Hiers wh<» are e<>nt«'nr- « hatu T imk > forsix «'ons«-cut‘x «• wi’vkrt. I»y
platlng the pnn*ha-e *»f l"ts iu tbe bleck ad- thrordvrot flou L. H. W< t»i*t<’r. Judgt* <»f Hi«*
j'litnngJudge Xeil 'residence may lv> men- First Jud'clal District ot Oregou. nindv and THE
.. >ALE
his tHrm
farm <»t
«»t «rju
«124» m « t < *. I> mg * mi'o
rtouth» a-t
ti"iic'l J. Nuinui ami l'r. J. W. H"bins,>n. <iatr«l at Jrti-ksonvili»-, Jackrton ( oiinty, Ore­ I hit*
wb" will i a* h pris..... I t" build a hainl'.'ine
wm . M. rol.vh;.
With«udotu,matter An- Vou
Tc a* !
re-iden...... .. In-purchase, if b' can g> t the bistri» t Attorno) Ist Judicial Distri«-!. Attor- II im all teil« »-«I. 125 h «- i <* j < hi cultivuti«»rt. i
iicres in gi-owing »Italfn und 12 acr» - m«»rc
hit that -ult- him A. thi- 1» really the finest
ima ior Flaintirt
s«*e<l«-d thereto. Tlu rc hiv two g<H»d wcllM.
seetiirti ui t.jwn 1er tesidenee pulp"''», iti»
eitle r «m» »•! wbich will funiirth ph-nty «>}
I" I»- Itiipcil tliat these genii' men will errry I
water for a wmdmil!.
A dih-h that t’akcF
wnt»-r trulli thè big Klamath riv* r rim®
"Ht their inteiiti'inr aud tliat tbe eigiuty-seat
Hiro.igh the pia»-»-, .-o thftì it cap !>•• irrigatici
w ill have two timre resident:* » Is tlttiug the
' • '
A-lhnn'-.ü't;?,111 c!'" k
amali on har»l ot « hoic«- tre«‘H j® alno grow- ?in time. ” v.
. haract. r of our eiiterpri'ing hu»ine»» meu. In tb* l ircint 1 tirrrt for tl><-State "I Oregon. A
Ihg on thè Dhìc»*. The >oi| lr< d«*ep, $ttnd}
, Ä
til kittle in. v
1 S'A»»
r,,r tlic < otorly of Jackson.
lotmi, atei highij productive. Thore an- a
W. I. Vawtcr and G. «V. Howard., l’laintitfs binali uwclling-hourt«- ami otle-r builflings in
. A:*'inip.-i-i f, ;•;.;.
f tu
! i. i i ••
vs. El I* 11 Packard, Sadie Packanl, Ñ. A Hoxie. good coi.Jltion »»n rii» furm. Th«' who|e will
* •> r e
I-T U.-,k-
John Packard, < liarle» Packard. A Packanl. l»e sotti t a r<Tirtomil»lc figure. C m I! on or ad-
JeOerson Packanl. Viola Packard, Edward 4re®t
Packard. It II Pa* kard. Jr.. Elmira Avery,
Linkvillc* Or.
John Uoe Packard, H'chard Itoe Packard.
Jarre I»oe Packard. Mar> Ihre Packard, amt
E. A. Packard, lrefcndnnts
Executrix's Notice.
I'o Ellen Packard. Stolte Packard, N. A. Ho»ie,
Joint Packard.! harte» Packanl, A. Packard. Ill the matter of the estate o( Jacob L.
Jefferson Packurd. Vro a Pat kard, Edward
W»»rluw, »levcased.
Lumi >< r •'uitedantly on I ihih I.
Packard, It. It Pat kard. Jr.. Elmira Avery, I
John II*» Packanl. Iltchard Hoc Packard,
undersign»*«] lure been apnoint«*«! execu­
Jane Idoe Packard, Mar> l>oc Packard. arid
trix of th«' cwtHte »it Juuob L. Worlow.dc
A Packard, t he above-named Iltdelídanla.
I had been troubled five months E TH
li NAME ot THE ST ME OE OUEGOX. cease«!. I»> or«i« r«»t th«- Couutx t’oqrt of the
ot Oregon, in and tor Jackson county.
with Dyspepsia. The doctors told You arc beret'} re'inired to appear and State
Jonas A. Lee
All pen*« ns iu»b bte«l to »«aid eslat«' nr«- r«»-
the ci'iiiplaint ot rito alarvi Plaintin»
me it was chronic. I had a fullness aiiHwer
In the above entitled court, now on tile with <iiirHt«»d t«» sett I«* the HHiiie linine<liHi(*ly, an<i
clerk "I »aid eourt. within ten day» trom tnofu- having c I miihh against U m * «-state will
tftcr eating and a heavy load in the tbe
the Catelli the servit eot I tri» -intimons ti|** tn pr«*s»*nt them at th«* «ittiec of W. H. Parker,
pit of my stomach. I suffered fre­ you. If servisi in Ja, ksott county. < ircrrort; hut attorn« y-at-law, Jacksonville, Jacks«»!) coun­
It »er Msl ill an) other c"iltil} In tin- Statcol ty. Or«*gon. with proper vouchers atla» h«*d
quently from a Water Brash of clear Oregon,
thin within twenty da}» tri'ln the w|t>*tn *<<x months from the first publication
this not <•«•,
matter Sometimes a deathly Sick­ date ot tin »■ rvicc ot ttil* summon» i >| k « i )oil; of l»a««-«l
July 10. I'm!.
or it »< rvnl on you ont ol the state ot Oregon,
ness at the Stomach would overtake or t'} pntilleal nm. then by tire first day ot th.
MARY E. W’ORLOW. Executrix.
* iiMttna Scpiemt'er. 1W*!. tern» ot satdeoort, W H. P ahrlh . Attorney
me. Th'iUfcgain I would have the to
wit tin' th day ot September, lK*'l »nd
»• "•-» ’
. •» .-»u
terrible pains of XX'ind Colic At }o'i ate 'tetebv notttted timt 1» you tail to
»<• k «■ r • -, I • «i «1 wf- Ai »tin,
ar ami iniswer said < ooiplaiut. as hereby
l«»R«. «„.i i„. i
such times I ixoUld try- to belch and àppi
rc ruiml. tb< Pluintitl w ill apply to the curt
'•«■»it <tth»'•■«■>*...,<r wrll XX l>y
r»..u -
. -, ®i»W» (Ml *
could not *1 was working then for tor the relict demandisi therein, to-wit;
J Iti X»’ CSt Mlllreh«'«! ;« I llltrl,..,- \
iHrth X . ...... t|„ M..,k ai,<1 h* «
the II* tendants bare no right, title nor
V ard at M»*«ir«>rd and will keep <m batid a lnrir<*
ii •
Thomas McHeury, Druggist, Cor. That
intircsi, nor Ini- either ot them any right,
Íin'iet» are m»>l • •• t.i..w fr< tn •»to
asMorfm« qt <q
Irwin and Western Ave.. Allegheny title or inti li st in ami to the r*al property
lrt»4a* A ” • XV • ,|i* w » * u bow I
■ nd •r«rt y • •
-k ,n • »in»«
hi rcin d*1** rl>'*’t "mt
vai ti ol
City, I’a , in whose employ I had them be eiijoitieil and thlrred for lls»e|’lr "
« «H il.» lim* lu.- n...< . , f.,t «,nk-
• -» l ai.«re uni......
nr them.
anv claim w tmtever tu or to the mid li.tiT
been for «even years Finally I used 4'lvii
•• f tt
' M i
f.*. I
. r,^
iqPlaintiff.und for »te bon ar.fuVL' I It .11 Ml rei t A- f «... ||t»A r **«> VortlnM«!, 41 «til
August Flouxr, and after vungjust ■mJ di»vl* ti' r-.ltui u" t > 'I'1- "UH »ba ¡ ■■ vur
un et «e 1 v. .hub.* . that t u" Pialar,U: »re ’ be
one bottle for two uxt-k. , wa- -\>- OW
’UVTr .rl tav »4,. ;uuJ aqd '.nimh'S 4o-
4» tul.ows, to-v )t L'd *'t‘r «' >U
”7 AU»eo»<k«*'*
tirely relieved cZ ail the trJuUc. I wrlb'ul
tur A*>0c»«tagxfYjpQc« »
block »Uf, ,'r ugl ».I o; LlOcko p,Vr1>
can now cat tbiogs I dared ndHouch eight i8 of Ucattv'o addition to th*'Town of rWWf; Ut)«» <>»iav'o*M®v9iAiiTMOM«W*.4^Qu<
c-.ty. 0;. , o-, y- I :y[.
•,*í" »jx • a . -
-î» '«arts .<•
before I -roula like -c
1’5’4 -o ModUrd.
bated it.¿ n'4’4 Vot'd --4
*. -
r . i .
> : ,
Mr. McHeury, for w I jok I *xcr’:cd U • w * à rt , ¡>. ù » tUsfi« •
Août i
nii tw ut tr-»« DC« l. faais. ------------------- -
. .y..................
w^u kr.avs ali ab->rt wy aosjd^io.i, Kulidi.
Li « Fa tei-rJ. J«-*ii ’)« t* Fui-Kajd.
Jan« D
i'.*«.4 *rJ au ! Mu’*/ ’Jo« Pa <sr 1 all
atd frora y-JjQja a bought ‘.he
db n »•1.1». Lyr ti..»e
of lfazin B. Packard. d.’c«art»Hl. b«1
r „V • ’..I.- r
. . ! . :i -
iaij*.. I ’ire witfc my wife aud fa-.dly chlifirt-n
ins.-rt« ■! wh« n M-«'»*rtn!n« <l in -¡«¡<1 <t«-’n*<*.
■ ->• « ■.••• r. • rr in- » .»» Any
- —
—— w •
I» •
l • * ' - •
i. ■
at 39 Janies3t..AU«gtecy City Pa. <'onrt«*eutlv.- «•«■«-kn t»x «»rd» r ot H»»n L. R ,\» lui «b
\ n.t l u and»» ta
* -r ’l ire ft
. .r«U» .r t4n* to ihr K rk ll..* -«a-i
Signed. J ohn -D: Cox.
Web-uer. ju»!g»' ut ^ hi «! ♦ ircuit «'ourt. made
r» » . b-« ■ i..f ht .>i(f.onu. rful •< . ••• t . < »et« m ■ tk.r
July 15»
-U n.. ' ^•’Xrr • bttla • *i eri-t,«e W. an
yo* tbe »m-
G. G. GREEN Snip Manuiaauier.
Tael of Society Leader».
.Society leaders are the most wonderful
womeu ip the world, though they are |u»u
ally accounte«! arnoug the idle aud w orth
less butterflies of life. But. every one of
their extravagant little whims and liking-»
gives to the great army of workers tm
pet us in designing and ¡»erfecting the vari
ous handicrafts and employment in carry
ing out the desiguj«. But the remarkable
thing about this species of woman 1» not
what »hr wear*» or whit she does, but what
she remro)t>ers.
In the first place, str invariably remem­
bers you»* name, auil your bufiby, tf ycq
have one, aa X s after your last book or pic­
ture or poem, your sick baby, your gout
or your religion, your new bonnet or but­
ler. She doesn’t car« a pin about it, but it
flatters you, an»! you like it. And bow she
* an retain ami call up at the proper mo­
ment your ¡»articular name, face and in-
terrai, a^d oevrr u*.k »he «‘rnancipated worn
an how her Iwiby is, or the j»oec about hu
painting, is the remarkable part, particu­
larly when she does it with no apparent
effort, and never seems to think of any­
thing pt all with the frothy brain beneath
her stylish iMmnet.
i n® great secret o|
social aucrera» 1« to hurt no one’s self love.”
and it is a great art, and the woman who
excels in it lacks neither intelligence nor!
genius —Exchange.
Fans. kid Blom, Corsets, Jersevs. Ciirlnif
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
 H. CARSON i SON. Proprietors.
Mecifcrd Cregrn
DÖ YOU COUlil ’:
torli-?: -
Henry Klippel
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Lumber, Lath Pickets,
Flooring*, Rustic and Ceiling
W'lAslbuQ'. N«w JeThCV, V. 5. A