I • r V r —í. r r V r/ 4 A < 4 ■ MISCELLANEOUS. MlSCELLAtitUllS. A SCROFULOUS BOY East, and South SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. ehr .-li emopatie ¿imrs /»un nimj lb nd. 'ftrra Cor*Tr |»ui'Do«»'. About tive uioiiths alter I (ö r. M. Mr>l M it tiecam« :i running «<»re. Soon other «ore« : u».s. I.- »«<■ ................ , ■ -I »(»!■. M. tornn*d He tin ii iiad two of them on each usf . « « l Vri IV. -»nt nun im1“ «••■»' ■ ,u band, ami hl« blood became umv «. trau» p only "'>i> a '» lull.'«""» ..ílh’tK I tu "I It. IÍ— I-...K )>«• I'“'"'.'"' .».lung more and more impure, it t«wtk leaa time for them to break out. A »ore came on tangent. Sli«-»i«i.*. Hal*« *, Harri*buig t lie chin, beneath the under r.«»ii ’ «t>. Irving. Eugen» • lip, which was wry otfcii- IO»*hHl RG MAIL DAILY sive. Ilis head was one solid I L »V »■ KHKU I scat«, «lisciiarging a irr«*at deal. This was hiscondition pTrilsiut ... ' M. K..«. l»ns Hl tw«-nt>-two month* old. H..», furs ■" ’.'I »■ M «•'■rlla.Hi. _ • v when I uii.brloek to cure Al.ll.VW I..» Al.. DAILY I. m >. I't Sunday 3 him, hi» tm.tlH i havingdi.d VHK15 » I I hi " h< n he w a» little m«'i« than rth> r M. Albany ........ •*.(** r. m y a year old, <»! < «»nsuiupthm Portland .UM a . vi.,l ‘ «>rLam! ...>.W A. M , scrofula, of C'.ur»« ’ H»- «-ouhi walk a litth*. Albany but eeul I uot g« t up it he tell down, and «-«»uld not m«»v« wtH-n in b«-«l. having n<> us«- <»t I iis hind» I immetlialely coiiimemad with th«-Cutu-ura R'-m«-«ib-s. u*ing all Ire« ly. On« *.»r<- aft«-» an«.tl»«-r lw al«d. a l»««nx matter L««rm TOURIST SLtEPINC CARS, tug in each ..n-ot th«*«« fiv«- «b-cp om-s ju»l Fur »uToiuni«»«!aii«»n oi *«-e«»nd-c'a*M pusavu- lii-for«- Ii« allnu. which wouhl finally gn»w lo«»sean«l wete taken out: th« 11 they wouhl »r. rw alta« le d to Expr. *.* Trams. heal rapuilx . On«-«»t these ugly t»«»m* lorum- ti.,n» I pr » rve I After taking a «!<•/.« 11 ami a l»E*l >11* A. i»ll Í.X/OA. halt I. tl < S lie W;«» completely cure«!, mill i* ft/ rw E A * I’OKI/ I.VDA COXI I ALI* now at III« ag. ot *ix y ;«r*. a »11 .ng ami b«'H:tlrt hl I Ml«» I *. DRIGGS. MAH. TH XI\* DAILY h\« tfl »I SDAY.' Max 9. <». *42 E. Clay St.. Rhs.inington, III. 7..JI) A. M I.- axe Purtia-vi Arrivi .*» F. M. 12:10 p. xi.i Ai - v«* Cerval 11* Leave! 12: »ó I’, m . TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. J. H.Settlemeier, the well-known nur­ The third annual institute for Klam­ seryman, will build a new $5tMk) resi­ ath county convened at Linkvillenn June .JULY IO. 1M91. dence at Woodburn. 25,1891. Sept Fountain acted a» presi­ Myrtle Point, according to the Coast dent and Mrs. Lucy Gordon as secretary. Vail, is putting on airs. tirara tirniattira. The Mt. Shasta Route. GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS. ihi l»rl. — n.Ustnnrr nt SOO mile«. It therefore «ITer« the best Inducement« Inadvertlaere. Our Hat I« ,»rInrlpally isiullnril tn laekaon, Josephine and Klnmalli reunite«. Hu«lor«> men FIRST I1AY. Institute called at 10 o’clock. <) • ganization. “First Day tn School,” .1. It is a curious fact that Prentice Mul­ G. Walker, J. S. Orr. Sites B rtha Mc­ ford, the well known journalist and one Cormack. "Educational Instrumental­ tune editor of the Overland Monthly, ities,” D. A. Eckert. who was recently drowned, could not BECOKU DAY. spell correctly. “History,” J. G. Wright, Miss Ida MICELLANEOUS MEDICAL How to Lite a MecrsuUauiu Pipe. I am an incessant smoker, as all iny friends know. I get tired of cigars occa­ sionally Not long since I concluded to try the pipe, anti as 1 had always heard ao much about a meerschaum I bought one. When I was takiug it away the salesman told me n«)t to smoke it too much or I would burn the wax and ruin the thing. I smoked it very little for the first few weeks and saw no imneations that the thing was ever g«*ing to change. 1 went into the place w here I bought it andtohl the fellow who had sold it to me about my progress, or lack of progress. He said, after I ha«i told him bow much 1 had smoked, that I ha«i not smoked it enough. I smoked it for several weeks after and saw no perceptible change. 1 again went in and nuule a mechanical complaint. The young man said he guessed I kept it in the case too much, and that be had forgotten to warn me against that. He «aid it kept the pipe too warm to keep it in the case too much. Soon after I went into the place again. The man looked at it, and said that he guesseil I handletl it too much; that I Depends tin the Condition of you* ought not. to take it out of the case tx»o fre­ Stomach and Liver -- These quently, as it made splotches on it to Make your Blood good or bad. handle it t«»o often. Then we had a talk all around on meerschaum pipes. I found out that the meerschaum is a great pipe, and will give satisfaction if you observe the following rules: Don’t smoke it too much. * Don’t smoke it too little. Don’t take it out of the case too often. Don’t leave it in the etise too much. Is the greatest of Natural Tonies lor the Don’t, lay it down to cool off after you have smoked it, for in that case it will Stomach and Liver. It regulates both surely and perfectly. crack. Don’t carry it in your pocket, fur then it Are you Bilious? will not cool fast enough. 1 have rvturne«! to the cigar.—Chicago Are you Constipated? Tribune LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice for Publication RIVERSIDE NURSERY! Grant’s Pass. Or.. MMl’SON. Pi’op. A Large. Non-if • - t«.vk ol L and Orrtcx at K osebi - ho . O r .,» .J iiih * 9. 1*91. f otice is hereby given that the I«»I iow -iiig-riMmed N«-ttl«*r ha* file«! notice of N hi* >iit<*i)tion t<» mak«- final proof in *npp«»rt <>! id* claim, and that aaid proof will !>•• mad« be­ fore the judge <»r clerk o! the county court of Ja« k*«ui county. Orernn. at Jacksonville. Ore­ gon. on Tuesday. July 2*, 1W1, viz: John Bi« nv«-nue. homeatcad entry No. 6549. for th«- >E> 4 nf SWLa. ,*WV4 Of SEL4,S^ Of N Wk4< 1 SRI . and N WV4 of N W‘4 of SE^ ot Sec 31. Twp S. R 2 W. W. M. H«* naim-s the following witness«** to prove hi* <-«»ntinuou8 r«-sid<*n<-<- upon and cultivation ««I »ai ! land, viz: Frank L»rain. lx»uis IIu- bert. E. Ja<-obs and T. J. Kenney, all 0! Jack­ sonville, Jackson elo by Mis. Ch tries Moore. “K -views C. R. DeLap, used in combatting the evils of African and Examinations.” M'S S. L. Cooper. Declamation by Miss AT ATHENS IN SPRING. slavery. Z -tta Crawford ; ‘ School Government," Notice of Publication A pension has been granted to R. J. Mrs. Lucy Gordon, Miss Lizzie Wright. Th.- city of the violet crown, Apples, Peaches, Pears, -Cherries Forbes of Lane county, Oregon, a vet Alas! it boars no vioh ts now. “How Snail we Ra e our Salaries?” dis­ L am » O ffice at R o * f . hl i «;. O h .,» Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Though ires!» the ualh of (’inion frown etan of Mexican war. He will get $H per cussed bv teachers. D. clamation by Miss Junes. IHH. ( Quinces, Apricots, From th«- \< r«»iHilK’s brow. month and about $500 back pay ami a Clara Breitenstein. oi KI IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Though uLl Greek tunic. ol«l Greek gown, Walnuts, 1«>JI<.u iny-fimiHrii g«.*ftleclarnation by I«, lor. O h Ju«i»r«‘or County <‘l< rk of Jackson Ala»! it bear© no violet.* now. at Tacoma lately, between Seattle and Raspberries, Cooseberrtcs County, On-gon. at JackMHtville. <»r«*g«»n. on Miss Winnie McCormack. “Primary Tacoma After twenty-two innings Ta­ Reading,” Mies Stella Moore, Mies Alice Monday, July 27,1*91. x iz J«*sse R. Huggins, The (¡reek gods are spurned and down, and Crapes, h.»m<»t«a1. I«»r the or coma won by a score of t> to 5. It was Sut i on. And dead the old Greek life, 1 trow. I NW*4. *W«4 Of NE»4. >Mf«»1 NW»4 ol NWL.ami Though ne'er again t<> foe should I mjw the longest league game on rec< r 1. :8U. .»• XSj.ti NWUof NW»4.»f b«-«- I, In *. Address by Judge Parker. Athena’s fane, Athena's town— I It it Ti 3 W M W, W W. M. The committee on resolutions submit­ Another member of the “Suicide Club” The city of the violet crown. H«- nain«*s the toll«»wing witness«-»« to prove E F. Schmidt, killed himself at Bir­ ted the following rejort, which wa* —Douglas S laden in Harper’s Bazar. his continuous residen«*«- up«»n and cuitivtu tion «.f »aid lami. viz. C. I». Iu*v«1. R. S. Dun­ mingham, Conn.,recently. This is said to adopted : THE RIVERSIDE NURS' RY' lap. H Allison and A. Carter, all «»f Jackson- W hereas , in accordance with the laws be ttie tentli victim. The names of the ALL SORTS. Is l«»cat«*d on«- ami on«—half mib-H below v JI«, Jat kson counts. (>rvg«»n. members indicate that they are tier­ of the commonwealth of Oregon and the •loiíN ii. S hi ps . K, vi»t«r. Grant’*Pass, on Roym iiv « r, on tie Donu k calls of the Supt. of Public Instruction, mans farm, and in the bcM ami ch anert soil in (■rover Clevelanti will soon be a father, the third annual institute is new closing eoutlmrn < >reg«»n save the f. ■ .//ert accountants examining ex-City congratulia’ ions. Al All»unv ai.d 1 ’«»rva.it* connect with train* /iew/rnl. That we, the teacher» here L as » O ffk E at R«»*hBi H<;. O k .) That ii< w bto.Nl pin .fi»-r. internally tocl.-nnsc treasurer Bardsley’» affairs lave dis­ ut Oregon i’.uiitc Rat In »a«!. Nineteen people were fatally crushed assembled, lealize the benefits derived Jun. 4. IflM. • the bio«»«l oi all impurn n » am! p .i.».»m»u> vlv- covered that his profits from loaning pub­ DXILY |..XPHt*S TH XI*» » X« KFT *1 M» XV.) fiotn such gatherings, ami deplore the iii« nt- and Hui.* ri-niove th« can». . and t'uti- or «lowly roasted in a railro i I wreck at i otice i .* hereby given that the lic funds at interest during tbs last two t.tol*. M. la av<- P' i f an 1 Arr1»« *.2»» x.M t ma. i in- gr«-at skin cur»-, and ( utivura Soap, topowing-name«! setti* r ha.* filiti notice of tact that a few of our teachers show si F. M. \rr;vv McMinnville L« ax.-, > I » A. M an « \qui»itv »k.n bvautifi«-r. « \t« rnally -to Ravenna, tibio.last Friday. years were $202 6 )0. hi* intentK.n tit make final proof in support little interest in the cause of education as ch ar the »km and !walp. ami rrat«ii«- the halt ', of hiMciaim, and that waid proof will be made Mrs. F.mma Spaulding of Eugene has THROUGH ttket S t kx»iut», The Mustard Crime. l itre « very «li*«-a*<- and humor of the .»kin ami Judge Boise, of Salem, made an argu­ Io aliHeut themselves from its «e“B'on», bet or«* t he Judg«- or el< rk <»1 th«* county court been a-re-ted for po-ting obscene matter. EA T A SOUTH. l»kna!. trotn pimp!«-* I«» *« rot ula. of Ja« kaon county. Oregon, at Ja<-k*onvillc. and that the dignity of the profession Nature In her abundant, ever doling ment lately In the circuit court upon a The arrest was made by a Cnited States Oregon, on Friday Jul> 24, 1^1. viz. Robert F »r Ti« a« t*an I rilortn..’i«»ii r«-gardmg rat« s. road ease in which he was personally in­ may tie upheld and our meetings made thoughtfulness lias so provided that there V ilsoti. iiornefeteatl entry No. 4tw». for the SEYi BRONCHITI map* etc. « all on Campai») ’s agent at M«-«!i»»rd. S ìg ! « vi i y w I h i « . Fi '« •■. Cut icura, " al : *«»a|». otlicial. ot Vt.SUViof SE»4. acc. 4. NE»4 <>t terested, the venue of the case having yet more interesting, we ask that the Co. grows a fore-t, a fell aud a field a certain H. KOEHLEK. K 2 H-; Rovlxt iii. $1 l*r» parvil t»y th«- i’otlvr N W » j « .f N H |. m c. 9. t wp > S.R. 2 W . W M. Managvr. A.t U. t. A P. Ad t. Supt. enforce the law as to the revocation branching plant with dainty yellow bios The excessive heat of the past few been changed from his ow n district into Driig ami (. I h ne. .C • ■ >rp<.rati<- li. IL--!> n H<* natn«-* the following-Wittman«*« to prove of certificates, where no adequate excuse soma, from the rich fruitage of which in i*< ih ! h.r ■■H«»w lo t ur«- BU mmì Disvas«-*.” d.ava lias caused the death of two em­ another because of his interest. hie eont mu< »us r« -idem*« upon Htid culti vat ion Or any iJi.c- iàc ¡> is given wrought a condiment, piquant, permeat­ of Kaid lami, viz: M«*rrilt B«*lling« r. l**. i p purltlwl am! i> iu- ployees of the Southern Pacific Company Elin«-r. ><«*nry Bl«*<*l>«*r. F. W. Kiiowio; all of ing and fascinating to the good liver. It Ketoliri/, That we wouid call the atten ­ DAD I U l tl«-«l bv ( i ll« i II \ >"Al*. Abso­ tn Sacramento. Jn< k*onv’lle, Jackgon county, < >reg >n. cently toeteal the body of P. T Barnum, tion ot directors and teacheis to the fact is this which brings sometimes the epi­ says M ooke ’ h R evealed R emedy cured him of* Pow r, i/oti cun be reh < 2 an I I lutely pill « - JOHN Ii. SHE EE. Almost the last hoje of the tierman which was only foiled by the presence of 11iat a teacher who cannot earn at least curean tear, beside which that dropped by severe Bilious Headache«. Register. S^e-Sold by al! druggists. grain harvest i* gone. It rain« in ti e two watchmen, who pluckilv charged on $.50 per month is a positive detriment to some peri at tile gate of Paradise is but as h are h, reby iiiforiiied t hat large ami eli gant hm- ut lowland«, it snows in the mountains, and them while at work, putting them to the cause of education and we woulil phosphorus is to flame. The name of this County Treasurer's Third tl gtit. the outlook i« pitiful. respectfully request that such be not fair plant is mustard, and its blessing is Notice. prepared or imirred in different ways. A« usual, “ a woman in the ci«e ” employed. Vk insas, Kansas, N -w York, Rho'e SI Enter the restaurant, order the pink I caused the whole ba.'ca-at scandal. Had Hrsolreil, That we realize the benefit l«land and Oregon are the only states to < »KFJCE OF T h EASCKEK <)F J a < KSOX h th -n .mi t • to more from all over creation. The The pre­ eessions, anil to the secretary for her your voice in earnest, protest, and are in­ amj>t a a . Lxiihfti. The twenty-seventh annual session of ceding duke did the same thing, anil services during our meetings. G. E. UlatOMEK. formed that you have been served with Resolte'l, That we tender our thanks Count, Treasurer. fi ■III h;/ oil lil'lttjgists. the grand lodge of Oregon Indepenilent filled up three houses with them. genuine French or German mustard, as to ti>e persons who have so kindly fur­ Order of Good Templars wa« recently SCOTT & ECWriü.ChOriilats, N.Y. Prince Maximilian, of Isenberg, the nished us entertainment in the way of the case may I«', and that there is none concluded at Jefferson, after an unevent­ Assignee's Notice PREPARED FROM 24-year-old eon of l’rinee Ferdinand, the music and declamations, and that we other in the house. You make the best of ful session of tv o days. ROOTS& HERBS. a lunching situation which inay not be im head of the house of Isenberg, has been appreciate ttie interest taken by those Cndvr 4 years «»Id. In the Circuit ('ourt of th«- State it Oregon FOR THE CURE OF An ■ tlicial of the London an­ declared by the Munich courts to be a not employed as teachers w tio have at­ proved and try to use the lifeless stuff and t«»r the County «»1 Jackson. Wf havt rcmov« . f«iwards an«! W. T. E«1 ward». |»artn«g*s without irrigation to grow healthy, thrifty from the li-t of officers in the army, a« ate baa I hm - u to the play, and the fierform * CH ILLS. & FEVER • unib-i tin- firm name ot Ed wards A Co.. in­ t-jttie board of directors of district No 1 tree* w?tIi an abundance (.f fibrous latcrai The c in«e of Ya'e’s uuexpeeteV m that two uf her men, the two most im­ pur p i«e of holding our meeting«. powder of the fiery M ed, which is alike an ^l<KdifcADACHE- I debtors, ii«*» « t.»for«- doing busm« s.»as Edwards Rrro/rnt, That we tender our heart ­ Two vein« of coal have been discoveie I portant in the boat—G mid stroke) and appetizer and au inspiration. It is the X <’o.. in J acks« «n county. Orcg«»n. made a iest tiumks to Judge l ’ aiker for h s ser ­ ha ¡i»Ki-:ic hi on the east bank of the Ihs.-hute.« river, Hagerman No. 7 —w r- not ■ qiial to very soul, the other half, the very doppel gen« ral assignment to m«-. th« umb rs’gncd, •GENERAL DEBILITY- vices. j A. H. Ma.-gly , tor tI m - b<-n« tit of all 1 iieir credi­ nearly opposite the Mutton mountain« in the occasion and lost their bea Is. ganger < f certain thing« we eat. It is IIONIHKY, tor». und< 1 and by virtue ot •.he act of the /{'■•, ,/it ‘ i/ , That a copy ■ f ttie«e reso ­ Wasco county The veins are »b tit 12 know n vulgarly as English mu«tard, and AMC ALL OTHER DISEASES l«-gi»lative assembly ot the state of Oregon, Mr. Eiffel, the daring civil eng m-e< lution be furnished for publication. is the condiment of lieroes and of patriots 30 feet and extend for nearly five miles entith-d “ An ac-t t«» secure-1«» creditors a just ARISING FROM A who conceived the tower of Pa i* which «iiVlsion of fin «-states of debtors. Hilo eou- along the lte-chutes. —Chicago Tribune DISORDERED STATE Of the STOMACH bears Ills name, lives up on ilie Jungftati \ • y to assignees for th«* t»en«-ht of cr«-ditors.’’ M..|, have gi ven ed permission to build a railroad tip tl e tots of saio in*«»lvent debtor ar«- h«-rct»y noti- CONSTIPATE. with the experiment of putting “ train While the e.^st side uf Broadway, jlist be INACTIVE LIVER us one or two poiois. Hie Indian«, fir mountain to bis very dwelling. tl<n a pretty little incident ai. I a!i troub a»i«l k fr-’X H. Parker, attorn« y-at-law. in Jacksonvilh*. and lived on trie bill«. We bury our ludigesti«»& or Cenati^atxon» DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. I am now prepared to execute au or- J k.»«>o <-<>unty . < iregon, within three months city wear about 3,000,000 pairs of stock caused i blockade of pdlestriaii*. Some months ago an article appeared in 1 iz., toy »-« • iia C<'n , -noB d»*r*inthat lineiti Hrst-da** sty le at reasona- And a go.i«i i»*..rtmviii of all the h ading va dead on the bi Is and live in the ho lows. trigs yeaih , ami they vary in price from 11 <>114 th« date tii.-r<*««f. A mother sparrow, flying over the street bx Purifying the blood. the columns of the Chronirir descriptive A. H MAEGLY. Assign«*« bi«- rate«. , . ,. Tke^OMCAD be iu eu t th-«i.«». m The w lie it pr< duct of eastern Oregon 4 cents to $ll)0. Tiie cheape .t are made of a very ingenious punch, the invention with one of her young in her bill, dropped Cail an«l «<*♦• me opp«>a*te J. Nunan s »n < a. Date«! this ■»th dav of Jun«* I**?! • op pill n*»«r be too iRr*ra a : **>. Fu»y to takg toruia street, a M to mudi » igar pi..» put up In * v* ■« « »I and Wa-hington pr-ui.i-es to lie eno-inon« of unb'eavtied cotton, and the most ex­ of a clerk employed in the Fotitlh and the wee Lira in the thoroughfare near the MRS. F. P. PRIM. which can b* < arri**! n »aat t ■»cki't A 4»rp«i •« this year. The yield and acreage last p-naive ot embroidered silk, made to or­ Townsend office«. The object of the curb and flew frightened to a high window laar« te Trav»l»r» aad Reelae«» W»a. Xoa« beaalae * ¡th« Administrator's Sale of Real eat “ « re*eeat' Trad* Barb. Soli l»»r.wkere, Rte a butUOa year were the greatest in the history of der to match costumes. punch is top-event the pocketing of cash seat. taw»>a Doaa au4 Dr*aw K< h >R for 1* la atawpa. V Property. An al rt ri.t^-engcr boy picke«! up the fares received from pareengers w ho board the country and both have probably DR HARTER 8 IRON TONIC. k General Roecrans, the register of the GIVI I S A CALL, PtgtrtB* th« Lt-'!’ RP.r! I.ATI* O« I ' 1 feathered m te, and while he held it kindly increased more than 20per cent this year. trains without tickets. When a fare is treasury, is remarkahly vigorous at 71 th. county (’ourf of the State <»f Or«*gon, in hi* hand the mother bird chirped in dis- I In t.*r the < ount> of Jackson, sitting l«»i the aafl XlbXFYflat.fl hF»T'.ki S t • 1-tBI! ¡7 a I $!’■ Ilie demand for California fruit in the years, lie breakiaets every morning at collected the exact amount in dollats, la MtALTH at d * J-»< < > * XT L.F 5 <■ I H . - T .- tr F tr*>s. transaction of probate business. dimes and cents is punched out on a slip 7, reaches his desk bv 9 and remains ea.-t promises to be nearly as brisk as In tin' matter ol tii«-vstat«* of Samuel Cvtit«-r. “ fake the b.rd into the churchyard. ” THE DR. HAiiTER MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. ----- AKK-------- The bu k of of tracing cloth ami handed to the 'll l>H>ICI>. olCEtfi.S that of la-t year, in spite of the larger there hard at work till 4 is retained by the machine, «nd can only to St. Paul’s. H l * suggestion was acted who never saw California l.uit '«-fore needy claimants on his charity. '-o’- ... critith-d « ourt. n th«' ala»v«*-« ntit'cd matter. 1 be removed by the general passenger upou by the boy, who cuddled the bird in will on got a taste of it last year, and they want The Ro»eburg /'lain ■'■■■ says that azent. The Southern Pacific Company, bis palms and scooted, followed by a dozen They hav.- thrown away th« a-hb«» ai «I. more <4 it. g * the b P roundhouse there has room for which has recently engaged a number of ot her urchins. aay tn«-y will use m»ttunz but the When the young*parrow was laid in the at tin hour of 2 o'clock oi said «lay. sell at l'.irt el ’» lu.iriiage has not help <1 hi« onlv four ci g nee,which c.mipels eoum ol train agents f'»r the sole purr ose of col- Ledici»’ Choie» Washer pui>;><-au« i i. ttie iugh«-»t ladder for cash, e.msp, .1« iie ami In« friends la«t week tiie “iron fl'TSes” to be boused on side­ leiting fares and tickets, has adopted grit«* of the churchyard the mother took at tin court-house d«»or m Jacksonville, in Her flight was To cure iJilioupnesF, Si« k Headache, tciiFti- i <■ nfi'lentlv l.oted it w> u'd. The action track«. ami says that the company are this punch for trial. On the lines be­ wing from her ¡»erth. dnian A (' •tatimiacturt 4 bi Jackson county. Oregon, flic following dv- Grant : pation, Malaria, Liver < < mj take rib.nl premis«*», to wit; 1 of the Irish bishop« yes'erday ti rcntliit- expecting to aid six more new stalls tween Oakland pier, Ashland, Reno and watched with interest and satisfaction, for the 6nfc and certain remedy, Th«- undivided om -half int«*r«*st in tl c ming the declaration that Parnell w is this summer, as well as machine shops Bakersfield the train agents have all been she descended to the sp t w here her young Wi

t quarter of the southeast quarter« t unfit to I«' tl e leader of the Iii«h people provider! with the punches. The uia SMITH’S »< < t. -i thirty-five, ¡5) township thirty-s x Sunday The Eugene Guo rd chine can be used by any man of ordinary -how» that noqiuiter will lie given him health > - utli. range 2 west ot Willamette mvr’ci- is right. Mit»aCarrington is a tin«* Binger intelligence, and the simp icity of its A Yankee “Swapper.'• ait—tinitH-r land. by the clergy. ThrK B. HEADACHE AMO LiVEKf’UHhtakt n Nothing ever satisfies Salem except local A New I ziik I ou expie-.'tuan in about us according to dinvtionf’will ke«*p your Blood, All belonging to the «'state rl I. \ single well IS s;ii>l to nothing ever brings out thecruw«l but an use of the punch and to save much lias n« ntly come to built. He recently anti Croup, in conixvtion with the |{ra«iachv J B I s re I . -, T. M. CENTER. lie. n flowing fra year ami a hall .it the engine squirt, a balloon ascension, or ran across a u»ele- "M harness which he Cure, is a* n«ar perfection asanj tliinv known r I *e the SVf % |,i. Size 40 little Prean* tn the Admn>i»t rator of <*staf«'.'l Samuel Center. motley by it. rate of 22fif) barrel« a day. ami another Bom« tiling of that expensive kind. aae.l s alp. aid a'I The S CB. A i ph < 1’ a ^ the for internal and buttle) T he » are thi m »» t cowemiint . didn’t want, ami s > h- traded it with a col- Dat<*d Giis 10th of Jun«*. ‘ '! ■*•;»« known a«» «1 i tea I »1 w to*- y « 11 ■ Hie bail • clipsed a 1 reconls by yielding ored mail for a w itch. He then sold the cKt«-rnai us«', in Neuralgia, Toothache,Crmnt» HO p«*r Bottle. Price of either Miv.e. 2.5c. per Hottie. Tit«» Ball* of the b g Scotch mills in Sa­ A. O. I’. W. G k ixn L“I> i ; k —From ad­ watch to a ma:, f *♦•«! of Theodore B. llenjinun Frrnk'lin. a« illustrating the cox and Chas. E. La«hl of Portland and entertain the members uf the grand full amount he would forfeit what was al­ «dvunccH made <4 lat-year« in the a>t of A. N Bush of Salem. lodge, which will convene in that city, ready paid,«»the expressman hml the watch “gettingon '' Franklin wrote— ‘He that Nina VanZandt, the Chi«*ago girl who commencing Wednesday morning, July and the four dollar«. In a little while a by rhe plow w< uld ihiive, bun-elf must married the anarchist, August Spies, by 1.5th. The joint committee of arrange­ man came along who owned a sulky that lio'il or drive.” The Yankee version, proxy just before his execution, has for­ ment«, from Victoria lodge No. If), and he didn't want, and who w an glad to trade by bis adapted to the time, is—“lie that The expressman ac­ And the best lamp gotten Iter tragic infatuation, am! ib now ami Vancouver lodge No 77, submitted it off fertile win. Ii NnW ¡N At 11 Al. I I trade would rise, must either bust or engaged to Salvator Stefano Maiatto, a a programme at the meeting of June 9. commodated him. and considers it the l>est ever made, like Alad­ L» Ui< htiii'i C;«|«IfTh Mpanl«>a din a cf old, “a won­ Western Id ask the l« Chicago which was approved. The programme bargain of the lot At this rate of progress derful lamp'” A lamp ___ , give our Tbs dyspeptic, tlie debilitated. " lieth. t’oHst t<> lay aside their ____ prejudice«. includes, among other exercises, a com­ it won’t lie long before that sulky will lie I fl '.rain.t «.! . t *tnctiir absolutely 11011- bi- cellVill) «*d There by Italian papers to look after tiie world s in the ar from «x< r«a oi work oi mind er Wuli. r « lair tri« . « ik I ‘......... — The growlh of extravagance tl o> I»« r Bolt!«.. expioaix e and un* mittee to meet the representatives at worked bv easy st ages into a house and lot. . ................. body, drink or expo.lire in is OÑK washer In ttie • world that will«!«» g«»«s! east is well ilhl-trated bv the fact that fair exhit’it of Italy. I.e K i« ! i it ti ’ 4 (•>lia mbln«-i l ’ i: 4 of car, tile f/ouerf deny your guilt, Johnson. Tiiechicken« tlie ofl ’ n ers ami delegates in hotels and ■» «-ii>tion and price of washer givenuii : EASES, and is !«-coninH-ini.*«l by physicians will dud I nit-» rills the moat genial \ Chicago jewe er recentlv had an order ‘"II ! ’ I . - ' ; Purer and brighter were actually found in your coat-tail rooms upon the arrival of the steamer at • nat ion. It is i. >t . fi n th it an art gallery is found wlii-n «»ther m«*«li« in«-s tail. Thousan«!* t« st:ly CBtorallve r»cr offered the Rufi’eriug « r. rx.. « « .-».». r • » . I r «, than gas light, softer for one wl ich cost $450. It was wet with valid. Persons w ho v ¡»it, the Lincoln Ito it.» having saved their hv«-s. To Mothers pockets.’* Victoria. An address of welcome anil in a bank Price <>(> per Bios. than electric light, • and Daughters it has proved a blessing .1 ani'ind« valued at $;;oo, and the r- main- Tunic t»i.«l Nei vine, more cheerful than Nation il bank in Forty second street, how ­ Brother Johnson stoutly — I k i n ’ t the freedom of the city will be delivered lui.l «•* « an .link, from «bH't" |2nup« r month «1 buttle; «» tor $5. All Dea’crs. ing $150 reprvsentetl thecoet of the gold S<-nt t«»r. - a here, C. o. b., xw.p ’y Led either! That lamp is he p that, sah. iiain’t it po«»ty tougL to by Mayor Gault, after which a process on ever, will .».»• a uumber of tine oil paint­ Apply at once for terms. V* « «-xprasi. | Dr. DA OD Kt/IKEDV CORPORATION. Rondout. N. V. and the workmanship. A vlgorou*» body» pure blood. ©tron< hol'i a poor niggah responsible io* what’fc will be formed with Victoria «nd Van­ ings some of them quite large—hanging ft HL Kl< HARDS DRFG CO . AGENTS. WerveM and a chwriul mind vv Hi reaulU They arc the works of The la'e Senator Norton loujlit a goin’on behind bis back?’’ couver lodges acting as an escort to Odd upon the walls. .Waud *»ii Maik, t Str« « t, SOLD I.VEKYWHEKE. San Fra nets* «». Cal. Albert Bierstadt,-onie twenty in number, through ticket to tl e east nearly fifteen And with it there is no smoke, no smell, Geo \V. Walling,» prominent citizen Fellows’ hall, on bo'igla« street. A pub­ — Circulars sent free----- no firoAan cMmnry« r.o flickering, no sweating, year- ago. He started on In- j urnev, an l pioneer uf CiackainaR county, died lic meeting will tie held oti the evening whi. li were deposited with the bank a year no climbing up or the flame, no ’•tantrums or so ago for safe keeping. A full length >•ut fi r some reason was i-onip. lied to 4 the lfi ’ h a ’ the Victoria theatre. Tt. Mrs. Im, Traue needs trimming Its founts toil reservoirs wego, aged 72 y»-ars Mr. Wailing came evening of the 17tt> will be devoted to being tough roiled seamless brass, with cen­ MarX Is cr> N-.rt- n found Hie unused ticket among to Oregon in 1847 ami settled on a tiact hoc al entertainment aru! a banquet, the shall. lias Is-eii added to it., art collection. tral draft, it is absolutely unbreakable, Tr? Best his < th i ts, and on piesentmg it at the former consisting of music and s<e held at ti e pavilion, and the latter at of the Ixink, has an eye for tie. beautiful Only five years old and orcr f ro tnL'fton «’ i'i uee. It must be a GOOD lamp to money was promptly refitnued, le-s the I’liilf artnotiic hall. The last evening as well as a genius for finance, and be few months ago. make such a telkng success Indeed it »a. cost of a tiiket from Auburn to Reno. wi I tie devoted to the members of the want-s his p it runs to enjoy with him all of for lamps may come and lamps may go, but Ttie yhtoriefn is move«! by a contem- order and their families only and will be the good things that he can get hold of.— the Rochester shines or» forever' We New York Times. (Vuain Jack of New York —I umler- plat on of lite success «>f Mark Twain to tree of charge. make overs 000 artistic varieties. —Hanging m: ¡»rnsi KiHEK takes pleasi he in and Table Lamps. Banquet Study. Vase and Htand. c<»u»in. yon ii.t> nd moving to New these rematks: “What vic'Bsitudes announcing that his steam saw-mill is now Piano Lamps every kind, in Bronze. Po* V ri.lay SuperBtlUou». Yotk ; i- there any truth in it? that man ha* seen! A Nevada news-| running on tuli time ana turning out a large celain,Brass, Nickel and Black Wrought I*»n B ak H arbor , July 3.—Secretary B'aine luanttty of luinb« r. Hem pr« par«-«! to filiali Coti»in Maud of Chicago —Weil, votl pap«-r reporter, a wanderer in San Fran­ Friday, called of old “Black Friday,’’ has Ask the lamp dealer for it. Look to. <|-e orders with di»pat« h, and at the most r«-asona- trade-inarlc stamp: “Tns RornifTF.« te see nearly all < f our relative- live in New cisco, striking ‘the hoys’ f"r »dollar; is not as well to-day as yesterday. He been t lie day of ill omen since the Christ ble rates. A fine quaiitv of P||DtC Cough». Cold». Influenza. Bronehltlt. hasn't the < . .» « Rochester and the style you PERFECTION FOR THOSE WHO WRITE RAPIDLY York unit mean toc nie to the World'« then a iam»>us humorist, now a two-rml- lias bad no appetite and living wholly on I w u, crucified thereon. Criminals are al­ LU i IL m Hoarseness. Whooping Cough.Croup. cuwr want, or if r.o lamp-store is near, send to us imp«5»*.ih| f » m ikv them eti-k in tl»«- paper, »purt, A party of intimate friends ways hung on that day. Friday night Sore Throat. Asthma, and every affectt.*n of the Fair, ami papa thought i' would be trim h iionai'v! Only in these I nite«i States milk food ALL KINDS OF LUMBER fcr free illustrated catalogue ««nd reduce- orbb'î v •« v< ry t"moolh and even. Sample» of the family called to-day. hut were re­ dreams are looked for to come true; and Throat. Lungs and Chest. incluJ-DR Coesumption. price-list), and we will box an J send you any better to live in N w York ami Visit •eut I. ’i rvevipt of return |»O#tage, So A?k are sth h things possible.” TRADt mar -; including the h«-st ru«»*ic, ceiling an«i ttoorina Speedy and permanent. Genuine s>gnc-d " I. Batt«.” PHORHARRIS lamp safely by express, right to your door. fused an audience with Mr. Blaine. The many really sensible people will not begin for P P P i * Chicago dill n g the fair year. furniahtsi on short m>. i<-»-. BOCDE^TER I.AMP CO.. The Hubbard od bo un is not dead, family are making an attempt to conceal a journey, a piece of work, or any under­ o A* 810 Broadway. *<■ >atiafarti«»n guaranteed. 42 Park Flare. New Vor .. vork. r o ’ * S. ».SMITH. Ex-r-heiiff Charlton of Lake county although it has been sleeping, sa'H from the public bis real condition, but taking whatsoever cn Friday, fearing some ar«u*4ctv'-ert, and tote Oti'nert fRocheeter Pal' by voluntarily the Woodburn [Rdrpendrnt. Tiie mar* - the physicians who are in attendance disastrous resnlt on account of its luckless showed his prin' ■ ------------ . .tril..il"n u » ► x » * •• extra allowance the c< Utts have decided tliey will go d'»wn 2000 feet. room, where he immediately retires to «old me tested fishy. THI. Illi.*! ’ ANN! AL SE>e>h-N »»• 1 ’*r*. K XI » m mi i‘?.‘ 1 if. lr ’ ’ 1 *’¿l0* ■V. his couch for rest. Rumor among his IA4«* a 1/ ML* M ♦»<* » H rm» j.» X» K»". - IU KO 1 r» or he was mt entitled to receive. It is I .I.»« k-onvilie Coimtv Normal t ’’ v“' Dealer—I’m very sorry, niurn; but fact A strung«» s‘re»k of na’ure wa« recent­ CKNTHAl.l.Y LOCATICI». VftAK Wtll » X lut W»S!IX«. WHkXFM» tx- verv doubtful if tl.e county cdild have I I m I;, id in th«* .lnck-*onvill« t»rh«» 'i nou.*c, fi tends says he cannot rt member an is, mum, oysters are very sociable creAt- HEALTH RESTORER V (Il I X I 4 II Y LO »SV H wllh ► «lU » l>»4l»ln»«U>«.ini ‘l'1ll»- ly a subject for consul« ration !>• fore the comni«tu ” ng Great fear is exproes- ure«, mum, and spends most of their time ’»! K »«.»f ■ -t “f » -m. » M' ' 1 1 ' •' ' ’ ' ' ' o-mi' recovered the amount, I ad it l>een com- Lane county medical association for event a week old impair#1 Md ■eab«rDe<1 •»<«»’« ■<*■• Itss the best hvlper t » Health and the »mickest li'rtlHf'fuht¡J, •////// — —— — - pi mal l week* years old, one si'le of winch grow* much An exel ange says there is but one cures Rheumatism Malaria. Coste«’ longue Keyular «•la.*s work will be don«1 »tmb $ th«- Thu» w«*ll-kn.»WR h«»ti*«» ha* rebuilt “T"W ” Prof. Harri» E x -G' ontbollkr J ohn J. K nox , in an­ Li> ©SOLUBLE M-DICATF.fi f ASTII.LFA lawyer in h< aven. How he got there is faster than the other, being aii«»n, Btltous- „^ot.u.'.mnt of abb- u * m rm n*r- in t he Tit k c. iistis bureau Imlleiin upon viri- swer to Senator Stewart's argument in I.co • -I m - taurht in < ur ** h.M.!- A « lasaw.d ness ant positively known, but it i» conjectur­ equal parts without apparent riiUBe. ! B TRIAL “ URES favor of free coinage, says that if the fr e cil'ture shows ti t- total area of vioeyar 8 th«- Blood ami .lit«* up old Sort*. The Business m » m . beonnuiiz.d forth«- put|M*M* of inMruc. NEWLY FURNISHED 1 ’ iH-y s»v nothing is on record to com ­ prrx •■ . ..t ' • • ! ’• t.-l 1 ......... . 'r»- •• o w.- rati f rni’h ed that lie passed himself off a« an editor coinage of silver is permitted “silver in 1SH!) to have been 401.201 acres, ot menbuvil the Wmkmgmvn use L-th< Vi”bl* ....... ; . n-r. ! ». .1 . ■ • • IV know «ht» tiw«. ‘••»n.Iiilnl» Aheuiuatiam, Neuralgia, Corni * *’I'W. 'obj.Vtri ot 'lie Normal In*t it ute an- to ami Hhppeil in IllieX(acted. When hi« pare with it. . - > t.. . i!.^t * l 'nmi t n r*. it la centrally itwattMl tn th«» bus'n««* part of vf r , take it the Child! ti ci' f«»r Hand th« i timers would Ire eien less in coin than in fine winch 307,57.', acres were in bearing. ■av , HEADACHE. An« ALL PAIN. | ... ,t. 1 ,1. . . Y . -. itl. r I * • ■ - «f > t. I ont ■ >. •» oflFY ■lodge was discovered they searched the t«»wu. an«i a g.MMl-*ain|»l«' r.»om tor « «»nun« r- l-evn w th«* Mlbjtcfa timglit ii tin* common it is their I* s. h« «!th preserver. Dr. Harry Lane, who was in Portlami n t , .•!.«!>*■ • ■ . •• ! . t ! l-»».t » 1« ■ a'ru«*uu The to'al prodm t of 1389 was 572,139 silver bars. In brief, the silver coinage cial traveler*, i* up m i-«inn«x-tinn th»-r«- Sold everywhete, S i . oq a Lottie; six t«»r >$• Mrhools ami f<» di*«*m |«S Iti.- iMSit IIU-tlllMlS of Thi OtlifenU Positiv« and Wtgitite 7HF HARPIR »'SMEOV CO., IWfa. Ch.-rr.iBt», realm* l which 307.271 'one were table is con- 90 .T- 'T-T _____ NfW YORK ELECTRIC COUGH CURI not io Id for t*whcr»«....,. only, but st«o tor those breadth fo< an tliei lawyer, to draw up sane asylum—nearly seven hundro'i in act, as far as the silver of mines — — -........ - -------- the beat the market afford*. cerged, wilt kj]| the goose that lays the grapes ami 240.450 tons were used for »-r/r .mi re.Ti :Yin.rr 1 a-rri cunts colds , croup , consult pt ¡on. who intend to t«-a. h. Th«*y are < armt.fl> rc- the piper« <4 ejectment; hut a» thev E K. BR1GHTMAN, Prop nund»er—wdl be fed during the season gulden egg ’’ A sufficient answer to that producing wines, making 23,300,1)0.5 gal .nt. *(« t tw«*nty ttv«* pupil« <»f the fort. rhe state gruurnis, and that within a year wo,th less than silver, miners will hardly 1,3,2 1 “5 Istxes of twenty iKMtnds each, la. k* ’nvbl<- M h«a»l will b«- in attendance end 23,252 font) (or dried grapes and fi r for th« purpoHC <»f illuMrating work m The damage wrought in Germany by rhe Oregon asylum will be one of the be geese enough to coin their silver. the ditbTcnt I-ranch«** that will l»r ptirposes other than table use. The pro THE IMHRShaNED. HAVING BECOME flo< <1.« i« lar greater than was originally most complete establishments of the kind <>x. s. don« in different portions of the valb-y. T HE BL>T - Valuable Property for bale C*^Satisfa« ti«»n guarantv«d. co«t <>f the destruction i« difficult to esti and all Skin Eruptions, and positive <-ur«‘ I Of the ciop last year abont 1,000 OtMitoi « For further particulars call on or aE 1 HE MOST DEM RABI.F. FARMING Ten ncres set to fruit when in n bear- *itle meal for mixture witb oile r anbatancea arni »tt.< k ranch«* in Houthcrn Or«-jr«ui. c«»n- IS THI. STAIE. ami Westphalia the stoim was al-o nr st refunded. Price 25 «•ent* per box. For iic ■■■•nitition wifi yielii an income tani'tiM HP» H«-r«-s, l«M'Ht«'‘l *»i* >h<- I hiihgim R«-d 1 K % It ! 1 iin-'rOAkr tc briefly l»y ull druggist *. for fi rtil z-r«, while the hull« are used appalling As a result <4 the storm in of from $3000 to $«500 per year and Blank« t prairl«-, a short «listan« « from Pr«*- h ..,. |> „»>» I« ’» •..«’ !■ F-i'i |*r».-nrf either tilcs i for the fattening of cattle. Lri «If All read enti m me. •i>*1 *bo. p..-t pi.hb.ib« « In .la«k*oti county. <)rea«»n. re. 1 u res no expensive machinery to Lrt.'r lit»*.», inn. ♦« i'l w.-rk tnauztrioutly, Oregon connection with the Italian earthquake«, No Chinese cn.ploj «•■■ A full assortment of blanks f<»r tie* use perstitious that something terrible 18 M<*al« 26 cents; lodging 25 f«» c< nt** tributary to alin«»*t unl’mit«-d range. Vegeta- ........ . ........ r ........... ' ■ "•.«'..»•>.••■»•»••• has all the ailvaijlaKes of a civilized and th. "f ju*ti<*«‘* of th«» pear«» and constables <-nn ».. • .. .... • i- ...... . bl«-» an«! «»tln-r farm <-r<.p* also produ<*vrirt4> abuixlanc«*. Tli<'!.■ l>. I 'i ¡. • •I ,»«>. » »' Iiik • » ’utln. ■ *'' "'¡1*2, ”2 in»»«-hanie’s ii«‘n*. b<.nd*and «-very l»-gH! blank Main*» SEND K-» t I» >('1(1 I'll VF. • IIP TEARS all improv« inents. Htock. t«H»ta, tarnPng nnplv- For Over Fifty Years ■ ny other line of business You can vet When she was a Child, she cried for Caatoria. g«*n* rally u*»*«l in Oregon. Th« y ar.- print«*«! ment*. aia«. a vaiuabh- timber ahd milling this land from $55 to »Toper acre of The Owing t.qlh« gic «ir.. gA&L Mb" UiNM ow n S oothtn »«S yrup ba* U tii after th«- lat«-*t and !»vst form*, and will N.- Wbtwi «he became Miss, she clung to Castoria. adjoining, it «b**ir«-r -Jiil’ln n foething, it »..«'the* tli«- sohl at Portland price*. Th«»*«» is n«» nee»-*, further iut«’rmati«»n apply to S P. *Aik«p. • f , 1.» »..Ita r»<*. Au»H*. ■FT*?-: ' Ì ìTWfiln’iri>c ' wi«|Hti«.»i » Bth.'- WH Prowp« <*t. or S J. Day. Jacksonvilie. • hibl. th»- gums, ullny- all pain, «’ur»-* eity for *«.*ndiiig awav for your l«»gul blank*. When she h-ul < hildren. »bo gave Lh.V” CaatoiM • I '• • caaw o« inavaivrarara aouoaT. aoto. o. _______ Iha ’ v r. '! ’ ' cat < ‘flirt• ht - fl 't'< A’ wrll. fl* t«X win.! ' ..li< anH i-th.'!*‘*t n ni« «ly for .«Bar­ '“W '*L HCHoaato too wsetr, a aroca *L»°"*?* 1 Mv»i»r ‘»nt ••»er fil!« «H» a Applegate-William« 8Ug* Line. • - eat FIRM ■< I \ - i.l I I n. th«* «„oesicta. .so aiv atao ros DONE AT THI („■nth Y.-it • - ■ '».e * .k ««>'1 !*<• rii. ph . Twontv-fiv.. .-rut- ai^’tt|.‘. S«d’l by •»Hotrto dure All fikln IHneairt.^ Estraÿ Notice H'»r«-att«-r the foliowiug rate* of far«- will nt h«'t»»r. w h- revrr v ’ •’*» S.v«n t»<- IWU A and - ■ • ' ’ -• • • i. ar. CATALOG ano clu » oiscojhti ull dmggint» throughout tbo w *rld. Jlniirr« *re er»o charged on the a»K»ve lin«»: Front Ja<»k- Li— HanO.1 rrrry.rk— |(»a.1av A’lar»« Vrtb.H roahow MCST REASONABLE PRICES nt«-rnal medicine requir«»«!. Cures tetter, far ïïlor I II KI » >-*! ’ “ ■ r akes ip by the C ndeiisigned . sir *nnvill«»to Uniontown. 5<> ^’«J*» «t.fl «t.......... «-. > i •|‘-,r'’ - < n!ii«»rnln Ek-rtilr B« U<'• « vzema. itch, »di eruption* on th«- face, hands FRED. T. MERRILL, <.r all »»••- 'im- H'»-’ ' • ' ' ’ ’*« *•»«*' in nt h< sin«-«-, on«- gray mat<-.»»bout 13 yea* eat«- $1: t" William'». $1.50. l.i.-L.i,-t Wild 0»U Wanted AT THE shaken and Shlnglea. i r<* Ini ratinF. rand« d with a naif circle- «»n the right 127 WaaHiMGTOM Sr . PORTLAND. Off earrb»«l *afely at r«»a*onabl«» rat«-*. Satisfac ­ M W ««»■! v»- i. dr ' l arlt ■i!ai«fr«e. Its great healing and curativ<- p«»w- Th«- undcr*igued wish»** t».» pur« ha*«' fifteen shoiil«!«-r Th«- ««wner is re«|u«-stcd to | ay ex- A supply ofthe liest shakesand shingle« healthv. <' "• Y«««- — II. Ili»t»«*lt A «'«».. Il«»x **<> ■’•»• *»l»*i»«i. Mutua ersare possf*srd by no other reimdy. Ask tw. nty bushols of wild outs. Fur further tion guaranteed. penx-s and taketh« animal away. lias just been received at the Tl-t«;s ott.ee out druggist f«»r S waynk ' s O intment J. A. L ovdsn . Cuntract<»r. I-A IIIK k IVOHY. particular- applv to which will be -old it; iUiiitili»s to «ui* at I niontown Precinct. June 1. lttyl- I*. Ü. W ilson , Bock Point. rPH.*uuabl© rates. îHbtîe worth Livinp? Hay! Hay! Bay! uio nAnrn”nnn,pmpanale.»«» Not if you g" through tli<- world As th«* haying svasott is at hand, «lo not for­ Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sp™« Timber Land f<»r Sale. I ■ l»lk> rfit tn;-' I'"’ »•««paper *J»e» get that Mrs. G. Karrwski has about ten or Dr -\ck.-r * Dvsp«-psia Tabb-ts ai « a V* Huy tor Mile. I n ■ « mm » tiHÍntc A/r»-n- y «»f Mz-mr*. Jun ¿rthewm st formsot Dy rt" l’da. fadtges- «trreti.where ndver- tw«-lv«-Devrin« tnr»w« rs on handthat must oc W«-.XIT-Ut. F.viry I». mi ipt‘--n o Work in Two tlmuMind acres of «ugar-plno and hr M. W. AVAR AMO««, «ir auUwrlmd accula 't he under*ign»,t! ofl’ers for sale 100 t< di soil at a great sacri tic«-, so that she can p«\ I jour :.■»<• lu Ibu mont approval »tjk-. t ini*« i- in the upper Homie river coun ry» tton, Fiatuiviicy and Constipât ion. üuarau- of good bay- < °n or »ti'itesH off Un* ind1 Uivdno»* yf tju .’A*’*1- Apply tui. s. Alkvu. Pcoepevt^ Oregon. LW. I iK'ii’t bill to i«uJ * lJtnlU*- nJUU.-â ujrun j art ue*- aifl tlÆ la t jt uxariCT. 8. E. IdU« JuckauLViUv. Or. 4 ¿■-sigua unii asctitalB jnflbtB. . Y * , • • » « •♦•»«♦ ‘ • F <*!«<»li I tlt«kf 114»! r I» I Mil* PÜLLiM ßÜFFE! SL l EF líí S SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. Your Good Health MOORE’S R everled R emedy N At Lowest Prices. One teaspoonful of MOORE'S RE­ CONSUME VEALED REMEDY will give you relief. setter ul «- Ê N ¿ 1 cs COR trcit A THE LADIES MILLINERY ’A f rr 1 PURE COD L5VER OIL ÎAiiss' Furnishing Dcoàs U M /VÜ I HAMMON BROS VEGETABLE1 PANACEA > L RSI .R I 1¿*» ! Children's Shert Clothes, *. LITTLE K. , * 10000 Prune, 10000 Apules. Zephyr Shawls, 5000 Peach, 5000 Pears, FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 10000 Grapes, LIVER PILLS. YOU NEED BUT ASK ’I >4 t O ti a H ÍC Trees as Low as any V First-class Nursery THE WOMEN OF ORECON 1 Nurseries al east ent! cf Bridge. < >11 It o /T'' ^-9 e - N ( M0- « M 0 K 0 o » N BILE BEANS Seeing is Believing.’ KISSING“’’l’:,0“™f’“î" D r . KEE^i EBY’S avorite F AGENTS WANTED REMEDY Malarial Regions, Try Them Fairly. i‘The Rochester.” STEAM SW JI 111. EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY IF derry & ceV S. S. SMITH. Prop r PASTILLES . lA/lLMLI . fE” AI TU 11 Wlthoot ,,ea,lhean’ Y y ASHLAND HOTEL WEAKMEN :©R( gon B lood pdflififR FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. PERRY & CO.» CALIFORNIA PosirivE WHEN WE SAY CURE ATARRH Well Drilling and Pros­ pecting. FARMS ---- ASK FOR---- INltRNATIDNAL HOTEL BOOTS AKIN, SELLINC & CO.’S UNRIVALED GOODS O C. B. FITZGERALD, $3000 Gold Hill. BICYCLES Free B TYPEWR1TERS, t: and frem the Hotel. ELECTRIC BELTixyfli THE HA1DSCMEST WURK $4* T MARBLE WORKS! THIS PAPERS^ NPUf VADlf nt” i Unit k