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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1891)
EDITORIAL .VOTES KLAMATH OOUNTY ITEM8. J. J. Bather, guble; 0«<’«r Uhlig, I. W.. Chas, Woelffle, O. W.; trustees-—H^nrx Thornton. N. DeLamatter, J. J. Ba-her. UNIONTOWN WHISPERINGS. PERSONAL MENTION. i i MISCELLANEOUS Reames & White’s Fishing i« very good. Miss An! of Ashland is paying frb*n»l- in T hk commencement programme of the A. H.CAKSUN. W.L < A Jf s< Jeff. Bryant has returned to this county Jacksonville a visit. Cl)«*rri«‘S ar»' -uaru»- lier«5 thi- s » ms «) d . | O rgon Agricultural college at ( urvahis after hia recent experience in California, mid ' Col. XX’. J. Martin has returned from his ! XVm. Rot»-ii is engage»l m tile Forest »'r«*ek ' lies on « ur table, ami indicates a flute Mr«. John Wells came out from Ashland to has concluded to remain at Jump-» IT- 1 OMXIAl mik C )»««»'» CJIMH, ÜH mine-. Joe. It will be remembered that he sold his trip to Douglas countv. ahii.g < omLiiun of that elrclimt institu- her fiprague river home last week I !nter»*st In a farm near town to his |»artner. Mi— Dora liuux of l<»\\. r Xppi “hi»* is ! run lhe baccalaureate «ertnon b) Commissioner Taylor of Eagl«» Point was jviY s. îwi.j The Odd Fellows of Linkville ar»* seriously visiting at Parks'. Dr. Flanagan, uot long sin»*»*. F riday here one day this w«?ek. KeV. ( . C. Stratton ot Portland was considering the advisability of building u PURCHASE OF an interesting feature of lhe exercises. lodge building. Si> mil« »South ol Gram'« Pass, Joseph]»« Frank Sb-ph»-ns«.>n ¡^id hi.rust < r«*«*k a ■ Th»' recent practice of the niemlier* of the Miss Genevieve Moore has r»*turned from County, ♦ Fregón. visit «»n«* »lay last w«-«»k. fir«' .company demonstrated that th«» ii«*w , her visit «it Central Point. Tux ?. »*• cuui»'..ny 1B T iik K* publicans are abeviy shouting Miss Susie XX’ani last w« ek returned home waterworks afford ample protection in ease ratinai, to put up u »»*«'• f> Ml— Mamie Hyzer i- vL-itiug friend- au«l i I ia I i li» y * ill < arr v New Yui k in Nov’» ni- from the pursuit of her studies at Portland, «•f tire, as a strong stream is easily thrown L. Shideler of Medfur«! sp«-nl a few h«»ur» rvRjrt botri «lown un .'. li»’ «' relatives in 1'niontown pn-'*inet. t er. G -v II U. who is famous for the having finished the course. clear over the highest houses Ju town with In Jacksonville on Tuesday. prupvfty in H'o v.iin.iy ul i eis- ft inarksttiat tie tn ikes at the proper Uniontown preeinet was well /«»presented postmaster Rands of Oreg»m city wa- a ! known'»’« thr ~ ' r XV.* have mad«* arraugement- for present a full head of water In th«* reservoir. at th»* s.»«-iabk* Tue-iiav night. inn«, mi s • f these Ixiast* : ’’They always ing a full report of th«» proceedings of the Jas. Connell, for so long a tini«.* engaged visitor t«» Ashland last week. V D-m t iuo. »-puant f >r the < arr\ N-w York from June tu August, late teachers' institute In our u» xt. for lbyl, exceeds any of their previous in mining in Waldo precinet in «•oinpauy (’has. Hamilton and Ed. Bostwick ar«' vm- Mix Molli«* Ober of Ashland last w.»«-k r«* and t:.v IVin-HTats cairy it in Nuvein- • ployed mowing for Mr. Buckley. F. H. Stanley lust week brought over a nice with J. B. DesBelles, died at San Francisc«) turn«*«! from her Portland trip. Consisting in part ,o».,n ul G.v.r .u. or.' ul ut ’ •»;“-* er.” There is a whole after dinner assortment of fruit fr«»m th«* orchards als»ut last April of Bright’s disease. 11» l» ft a wif»* John Devlin and «laught«*rs ¡mid Mr. Henry Amni«*rman, th«* «•apitalist. wa* at and several children, liesides a number <-f nieabegtorphno >»W Y V or« r* b. w . n sprecli in that. Äuple. Pear. Peach, A-hlaml t<> supply the Linkville market. Cantrall a visit one day this w-ek. friends. Through industry ami »wononiy the u<»unty-s«»at during the week. , lie-i li e W»*y I’leyrliH'd amt > ■' I QV 1. aklvilw last •••» k, by a vu’e of 55 to Chas. T. Silvers, our popular county com- Mr. C. had amassed a comfortable «•»•nipr- George L"V»- pa—ed through Uniontown Plum. Prune Apricot it begin« tu .ED. Maxon und Xlex. Enyurt ef Apple - fot other candidete», an«i en«*«». llis ag»* was about 52 y«*ars. 14, Volt d a aS U1111 tax tor »chool |>ur- mis-loner. returned during th«» w«*«»k from tence. »»n his way to Ciriuabar not lung since. gut«- wer«* in town during tin* w«*ek. look no» *» d -‘I «’«’ war boires Wert* pos s,and will cot'liuue the lagti grad« ol his trip in taking "Ilog R.•«■«I to th»* asylum Nectari”«, C’herrv. Paris Hamilton, with th»* aid of si Faith, John Carney and Olwell Br»»s. of Central ^„ug t > I Util in: ’ i- • r ’ pasture. urr public hc I iov I h for at least one uiore at Salem . MEDFORD SQUIBS. ha- succeeded iu saving most of his hav. point spent Tuesday evening in town. Almond. Chestnut. vear. The ciliz ns of that enteiprisma Mi Venator of Vonalm hr - Burns, rut roni*-' <xp •* » “•? ‘T"1“ Jacob Sifers of A-bland pai«l Uniontown \ssessor Hamilton is at present engag«*d place aie i r .nd oi the high Htau<lii>g IMl.-Se« through th«* couuty-s«-at of Klamath Take a look at Nh ’ kvll s additi«>n. Ul ti.’is Ur 1° "U'I-4" anjtl'ing He»» preciu<»t a visit on pr»>f«*ssi'>nal business re Walnut. inusses-ing pro|*»rty Iu this pr»*cin« t. of their s< hotds, among the be-t in the lu-t week, on his return home from a tour cently. J . Goldsmith was at Portland during ihn tufure ktwwii "' “'•*- “'*’’ ,tlu’ "‘’V ‘. ri southern end oi the Mate, and are de through western Oreg»?n. Mi- B«*hn ns of Kun Francisco, a nice«« of week. Not only 1» tire*l»r înterecl A surprise party was given OrveJ Sturg«*s.s termined that they shall not lose their Win. <’. Deneff, is visiting Jacksonville. Misses Annt»* Bra»iley and Emma Lee la-t Farm«*r- will d > w«*ll t«» gi\< M»*rriman A tuaurietdeJ m «>'» > but :l>e >'•»'- last Saturday «v«*uing. All »-nj«»)«*.] them week vi-itf! Mi-. Brandenburg at th«.» Yalnax D. A. Pr«»sley and wif«» of Br«»wnslH»ro selves. vvlo growth l i tl"» purl ui l »« prestige. * ag«’m y. an»i found «»verything in and about legate a call. wen* among our visitors during th»- week. evai-t i» R 1" th» 'legree T hi : train-ticket-agents system on the that in-tituttion iu the ui-s-t «••■»mlition im 1 ' V’Xl '* ' ' N l> Cl ’ It It \ NTS, < ; < >• 1» J 111’ ». R»»U»rt Galloway i- th«* m*w «lispen-mg On«* «lay la-t w»-»-k two of Chas. Faith’s ot .1, velupr." nt i" the line» "I nieehan- ra.hoad does not eeern to tie as effica aginable. HIT.». HL.M KBi.lutIK» ltA.»PIUR Mrs. John E. R»>*s visited her «laughter. colts were attack» »l I y a («anther ami s«.*v«*re- cl»*rk at Haskins' drug-stor«*. litEs. STKAWHEKK1ES, FIG s . ’ cious as it was supposed it would be, the Mrs. M. L. Stanley, at Ashland last week. ly injure«!. tcal and riuineeu:i¿ industry. Sh.-ritT Li 'W.-n and hi.- deputie.-. Me-srs« Oacar Bumdt «»f Linkville ha- lat« !? !»'■■ n reports after ttie initial days having BuVhvr. L*",-»,ly an«l XX’ilsun. last week took visitiug r«»lutiv.*s iu Medford. 11. X uider Hellen and Alvin Bicberstedt During tin rainy seas»ju J. D. Buckley had 1 .»«K col'Ni» »hare* in llie H»’»«’«*’ fallen etl something like 27 per cent, H»-nry G' mx II ow Jo.-h Buckma-t.-r and D. ( J ui Ir.M b Mr. grown without irrigation nll • •f Butte creek mad»- us a ' all not long -inee. a larg»* for«’»- »»f men employ d in his corn- A-H<‘ss'»r Hamiltun - brother W. N lia-. r«‘d lull lami, and m H of an. wn var.eti» & ihai pr .«parity that is mummed **'*’**’’*’* during the twenty davs that a record P. Roy. »• t" Salem to begin -« rving «»ut their Hehl, from whi« li he ••xp«-'*ts a larg»* «*rup. Henriettas Alpaccas, Albatross, Black Fancies, Brillan'itn Albini, sii<-ce< <1 In Southern Or«-gon. g »m* t'» Tru “ k»*«*, ( al., t<> l»»<*ab*. XX ’ in. Slinger aud D. IL Miller of Medf«»r«l waskip1. Il it does not prove profitable resp«M tive sentence«. ¡U «utilkwin u'd «jUlbea«tern Ute*» ». «onti tnplatlim lr< WI)( ,)(1 spent a few hoar* at th«....... unty-s<*at re S'|uir«* <>. D. Sturge-s, wh<» ha- l«evn en- Criterion, Tassel and Kiver Cloths, Surah Silks. Allover Eni- w Th. and U>u»e who .i:c UhUmtliar wiTl' be to the company, ttie management will G»*org«.* <’«»ult«*r I- m»w regularly »-tupi--ye«! cently, »I. to vi»it our ori’hard and ni.r»« rt or « , t G«- rg«* R •)••«•, th»* -tag. driver, last w. »*k gag»-»l in th«- hay- field at A. (‘antrall - place, to U- lor prit < l:»i A.ldr. »» to ». ,.t in D. H. Miller - hardware -t"r«*. probably return to the good old plan cf bro.denee and Flouncing, in black and white, Paines, Lttce r« turn» •! to tin- section from southern ( ali- eburweter ut tlu’ ; •«> ha- r« turiu*«! b"in»* fora short stay. H»* ex ...... ............... "> von. ort . It H..»tat ii' Col. B'.»w»litch an I A. S. Humne»ml. A-h- ««chuno.’ W»»".''' ’ ¿ “a sharing the way fan s with the enterpris fornia for th.• purf»«*-«* of disposing of his If you want anything in tin* lim- •>! farming 1 land attorneys, *p-nt XVuilucstlay «it the pects to M|M-ml the 4th iu Ja»*k.sunv!lle. Fancies, eiling, Satines, ChaHies, Lace Curtains and Curtain (.rant sl'i—e.iiri .-n. holdings her»», preparatory t-> taking up his ing conductois. A nonym «»!*. machinery »>r implem« nt.-.'-.ili at M »rrjnian A A. li CAUSON A S«».v. there nu» «i -n ’•*• '“h •'*’ .'“'o «•«uiuty-acat. Aet. Scrim, Ginghams, Cheviots. Tickings. abode in -"utb. ru CaUtornia. Legute’M, • with The t’.Rjet hit «h-X«»« TJ *’•• A nan occurr< d '•aturday in the Ih* ’»our (ran Mahter. Misses Mary and Agues Devlin of Union Flighting both way- «*ontinu»-- over lhe verv »UIIIUI I«.M"d »•■« laitteHcrup IO » i.a t.iauue ho'el at Si.aon, Cal . on th. T. F. Gooch, lately of <*a«teru Or»*g««n, has town precinct attended lit«- social at the «*«»n- J - \ p«* >plf a|»pr«-<.*iai«* h«jw mm ii ib«*ir Ashland-Linkvill»» route. Sam Ja.'kson la-t deckle i« mat ? u x m »he val.ey« beluw. 29 li uit. A nuith wind whu biuwing hi wi-«-k d«Mlvered ii«*arly tw<> t«»n- «»• wheat at b».«CuUH.* (1 resident of thi- place. H<* I k w«*l- vent building. iLupr«*—'¡"D-. their whim- a nd impuB'*-. and «»om«*. toe time. Tue hotel and iurniluie are a 1 rhe railroad. nn»I. returning, brought back a Mrs. G. XV. Basbf»l%<*f this pr. »*in» t ba- ju fact all their immtal «'lmigy. d'*p«.*nds on Tits Oiet’t ui.m gia'.on liuaid at J. G. Lant'-rman of M«*rlin wa- in «»urcity 1 he tire ewn cu(umiini( ate" string of wagon* for Harshl»arg«*r. total loss. _______ th«* harmonious action of all th»' vital or on bimim*s- on«» »lay last w«*«*k for a few urriv«*d at home froth h«?i vi-it t" her »Inligh gan-. \ |H»"il> dig«**t«*»l diuuer may niuke Fwtia»d "I'?»“ • ‘“ •' •»*«- with the residences i f i‘. McBride, Fred wil, mak«-tli«*t>« uaon Of 1M»1 al CetHral p.tfni ter ut Niles, Cal. L. Gvrls-r has been looking after fat st«*« r- hours. mens Utile ueta-ta- li ««'»• -vctlull III S utes and Mrs. Bridge from Red Biutl om* quarr«*l with a in«ml. A »‘"ng».«st,«*il wh« r«. h» wil b. . v.r? I udii) i jJjiy ai»u a i ». i Saturdiiv. Saturdav’ P. Dunn and wif« last week returned home Iiv«*r may briug imaginary gloom ami tr<»u- their ,Kirr«aai’*.ituiuiwaid ttie earn« at ar All aie a total loss. The loss will foo' amt mutton sheep for the San Francisco ,»i:4 t; -• ba’aiiu« • ; »«•<■ ttie time tim« at ut tl»«- tl««- M< M<( < leudoti .'eudon Harris A Purdin ar«* furniehiug ice to a .1 1 117 tarili :u Sam’*. X';«ll« y. early a da«» a 'bey ““• do *so to tlw up |12 0JO- Ti e guests of ttie hotel lo.-’ market during th»- |>a*t week. F»»rcattl«* he kirg»* number "f p.<rti» s thr«>ugbout south to Ashland after n |d»'a*ant vi-it with friend* b|«* ii>t«> th»* snnnivst day. A rlmurnati»* jiHin is paying ns high a- $16 for two-year-olds, ■ L« wi- P. is a liuii'ib» tin« *. >111 L i,, ,1, jy •, vrHri» au«l r»?lativ»?s <»n th»- Sound . may k« «*p y»>u fr«»m bu-im ‘ >> ««r wrk and ern (>r«*gou. bu»t«i. fui II-« gettiUK tegether a euita- everything. The cause of the tire was and from $23 t" $25 for thr«-» -an»l upward-. j •nd, ».lai.. I>«| pound», aud I... i .'. ii ,; MU<i j j «•ntiivly « hang«* >->m»* mark«*«! • ut p"li»*y. A b.e.xiob't uf th»' Cl arac-er lur tti« com children playing with matches. urti.", . annoi t.e »urpaaacd. Ho i» th. winner Gun. K»*ain«*s ami Reuorilur ll"im«*-w-ut Our postorti«*«» is m»w a pr«*sid«»ntial »jífice few <l<»s.\s . f M«»or' ’s R« veul«‘<i B«*medv will Tw> Californiau- fr»*m F»*rmlal«» laM w»*»*k nt ral (aft rac'-t. and won n li, ma wui Id'« la’r . at d it uuea without w.v t«» Ashland »ui XVudnesday to att»-n»l th»* am! a new <*»*mtul—ion has lx*«*n i--u»*d to CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, giv«* ton«* to »'V'*ry fuii»*th«n ami mak«* y<«u at ( i.i< agoaa a ^-y.-ar-old In S;lu. Till. Iowa Democrats have c|>eneii I in-p«•••tM th«* vari»»u- pha»«-- ••( nature in th«» pr»*-«*nt ineumbent. Knight- Templar »••uninamlury. ing that th.«pj't un «1 Un gun wui fnr- DLS. KIPTIOS’ AM. PKIIIGR, , ••iij"y V'»ur friend^ and vour w - t U. > Klamath land nml«*r th«- gui.laii»»«* «»f XV. J. heir campaign united, with (tie frcsii.e I,. wf. V. WH» »,r. d t.y th- < d j... liiati io"ie ul tie veiy cione-t .pec- John XV. Bto» kLarger of William- pa-.-»•»I T«*nni- of K»-u».», and hav«-a»H»ut conclud«*d H. E. Baker r»*tum«*d to M» dfor«l from bi ol past eucirss, and with a fair pros|>ec Ilooarrof Californla.bvln Moi.úa> Tlo. k.t. Hl. > s t j be eceti at It;« . xpuMtluu. t«. locat«* in thi- section. They are named trip down to Barr- mm»*s in Jo-ephine through town tlu- wv»»k, »»n hi- way to Ph«v- ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY tux dam wtw .Maytlow.'; t.y 4 coming victory Iowa is naturally a J W«N»l»iri»ig.* and R«ns*r. uix. to spen«l th* 1th with relative-. »•ounty om* »lay r«*»*»*ntly. Tarruwl.j ,a,p 6t.auir.4k .1 Ida Is fresh and Complete, all of which will be sold at the 2d. Detmaratic sta'e, and there a e still m il notice TO SHlPl’F-l*. l.y imp. II. ¡»chHzzer; 4'h. (lamina'» d.a Mad Till KlureUie /Fttfaayaa Jacks mi’l. J. G. Ross a el family of Iaikevi»-vv. wh«* X »laily attemlant at th»- -«---ious of th«* R«*v J. P. Coleman. JaT» "f Grant'* l’a—. «Alil.OAl» rnt«»S b»-t W« “U 1 lie t« FUd- '.j Sir hirhard Vii. t.y imp F.ual. <.<h mai ywlio, though they have been Re Cuinpany, cunautola « 1 wl’.li Eilgeue cap t«*n' h'*r-' iii-titute la-t w»**-k wa- littk* Min- ha- l«t»«»n appoint» »l to Illi tIt * pulpit f th»* have Leon spending a few day- at th»* Ros* ual punt- • an L»* obtained by upplying t«* H-- l.y Uilk>> W’..ii.|< r; 7th.lo i l.anti- Lowest Possible Cash Price. put*.leans on lhe old sectional lines, w.l farm, were la Ja*?k*onvill<* Tu«*s»biy. < l.<r: «th. l.y imp. Sterling; mi . I o ’ i iiie Bus-cy <jf Liingell \«ill«\v aged 13 y«*ar*. M. E. cbUT' h at M“»if *r»l. ital.eta, have natuu atei a stl.eme »>> til«* agent nt Medford at any time. avethe parly Soon, as so many other KKh. l.y imp. y.-; ill'.. T.y imp. .lolly who i- thu- .-arlv fitting lmr-elf for one of XV. H oneymax President. wl ich ’Uitiy i urtwuibe aakr.1 to c* exchange for al] kinds of marketable coimti'x produce, Hotr.-r; 12th. i>> Silv.r. Pr«»!. P. A. G *tz ami family of Ashland are l'artiur; Id. by imp M.-uk-. - Mi-s Mary Wait la-t w»*«*k returmnl home have done in the past lew years. Tl" th«* iu«»-f honorable of occupation«, that of at Yaquina bay thi* week attending th»* *<•*- ; «ieclare lhe a< ova ll.e l.ead ui Hth, imp. mar- from stud oi lUrriM.u ■'■i from Portland after t«»n months ..f «I «-»* ami llvvr .... J" any jiart of the <itv, aud guaraut’e -at'i»f:i< ti.m in Braudon. ve-elevtion <4 Governor Boies is as cer Instructor "f th«* young. -i--ii-■-i tlu-st<j. Teachers Association title uiu.av.gabl.’ at.,1 aulhotue the com -ue«*e—ful application t»» study. tain as anything ever is in politics. Iz wiKP. ’ s dam was Lizzi.- p. l.y Lriane. •ry (•:(»(•. (Jail and see us and be convinced. l r.'in P.-t.-r's mournful wail in la.-t week's pany to build a lai .11.» the anean, Rev. J. A. Sl"Vt r »uni family of Grant's i by im|>. Auatrallan. toal.-d |u IrTV. and 1... t Rev. M. C. Alerhlg«* ha- I m *« u iu attemlane»* Star '"ii«* is |e«l to the logical »••»uclu-i»»n and charge log» 25 cent» per 'hons.nd O ki h vai»i>rs will appreciate the va’u P.i — atten»i«*»l tli- vv«*ddlng -f their eldest t.y« L. Pritchard Sarrauu ’ii'o. (altl.iiua th»* »*amp-im*»ting Iwing conducted that wliil»- th«* Klamath l»asiu -tamls r«»u«ly to at H-r l«t dam wa. Addir A. I.» A«t< r.dd ”.i *«»nnn»l Miss l y Park, i «»n XV.-dnv-lav. leet It rAVM A B o .» 'AO’lld CUMI ♦** W” •t a -luci's n n about spraying advance.! yi.-ld up it-treasure- at his L« h»--t. y»- Rogm* at Cottage Grove during th»* pa.-t wc*k. 1-or. tta l.y imp Sov.-r. igm; .»J. Marx (iud. n and there wuidd be 10 > a W,D4 m » fcel ui try C. K- Klum of Talent. It bavin.: riv.-r .•h»*rri‘- I- t»»u high f»»r ye sage-bru-h Chas. E XVdiin-on and Mr.-. G. \‘nyl'»r, b, 1 hornhill. (Hi.Mar, Tbomm- by Imp’ ('on-.,. The Plan») movviug-uumhin»', l»iu«l»*r and logapei year Io pay tu l. Which wool: li en not ecu that Paris green will fi. • journalistic Imng t" «*xpr»-— it classically. Mh. Parrott l.y Itandoiph « 11..ami. wh«» hav» been »piit»* ill. ar«* . .... »wring. rak“ »'an !•«* -»•••n at Merriman A L«*gat»*-. Par.aiu. t by Imn. Mento. Id; 7th. imp ’ma,.! give them «.'5.0 0 a year. It denouncra quently scorch the leaves when adm n D'»et»»r** Jone-uu«l ('«'I« ’ ar “ in att»*n»laiu «-. to Popinjay. >tb. Bourbon'» dam to IT,-. , Tie—» wh" attend th»» eolebrations at B»- They ar«‘ th«* I»» -t ami t-h'-ap» -t in th«* mar the »cl,eu.eaa au attempt at ’rupoery ' -.triedi in too strong solu'ion. he sug- I nanza Mi. Wealth' ' Portlam! vvh»» repr.--. nt- aud Till«* lak»» »»n th«- Illi will m*t re ket. Evllp». : 11th. T ouiiK llav l.y Skin 12th IU<r g-sis th .t alter each stoppage the n i t uMMI'.Xi i.XG \ platform truck ha- I m *» ui <i»»li\• i <1 at th»* theOr»*har»i H »m- A*-«»» iatluu at th.* m. gret It, for » xt'-n-iv«* preparation- hav«- b»*»*n WHdnw’ dam l.y Crab; Liti,. Elaaiy ,,t (’h; I- M asv prominent K»,»ibu a’lS wr«« no' i e be turned into the tank until tin mad** thervf«»r Ex» «*ll«-nt pr»*grainm«*- hav»- ag«*n» y •*( XVells, Fargo A ('<*. in M* <lf«»rd t" tr«»|*. ma I* tie T ime * a pleasant .-all .»n !’ b> Basto; liti. M.,-., , . a littl» alarmed at ti.e ,,iu»,*’Ct>' of tl.« p ay d rs clear again, a* the dam <gr •- 1». »*n arrang»*«! Ht «*a'*li pla»»«' ami n»» |s«in- accommodate th» ir rapidly growing I'U-im — W.-dm-dav. Mar.- by Maawy « Bia. k Barb. I me ul the celitru. .♦!•«■ tw*ing spired t»» «-nsur«- •*v»*ryb«»«ly a go«»«I her«». TEKMt. or «EKVICK impi- Bt.onably o» mg to the fact that t i third party c >n> >n; Mi. H<»Hand - t California arriv. d ie r*- B> Hi. «. ..»on.f.ih, and If..,ai ,.a».,ur. ator Miichell in a riI .mgs cons, qneiit iipm stuppag. s an turn-. Don't fail to att«*ud state« tn Bt'-*. F. Mltebcll, >f th»* firm «»f Mit< hell L»-wi- Tue.-dav evening for th»* purp«-.- of taking niahed mar.-» during ti.;- i,u<. f„r f|.i addir. .. hr .a n out in too heavy quantities il hi r.xerj pre. ,.it,(> d titk• u to prevent ;»< < - Letters from th«- northward continue t» A ('»•.. wa- in Me«lfor«l last week on hu-im -- charge .»ft1. XVliite Sewing Machin»- ( -.'- recaat intei vn-w , g, lessi ti tliw mar th..! t We ebnllenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that dents, Lui «io responsibility hssuuh »! imlicat»* that th»* tide «»f immigration I- n«»w conm*»'t»*«l with th»* agricultural ry Lu-in»*-- here. th« new party might carry Kansas Un. is not done. < ’’<■ Met LEN I MtN an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val lim* of trad»*. uerbapa some ulhet -etting in from th-- northern t«» th«* « entral Nebraska an.l T iik opening of the week's encamp Mark Drumm the • lever traveling ageij ami this -«*«11011 tnr ment of the s-coiitl reg.merit at Camp portion "f th»* Pa«*lfl..... . ley of Ilogue River will yield a net yearly income of jflOO. It will Republican Mate, thus tliu-* throwing t............ Roln-rt- A O \»ul la-t we» k . ■■ ¡ -Hin- of th»* K-*n. tlmatrical cuni|»aby, wa- in electlull uf the preeideiit tn til« * hOilse, Giant at Eugene has so far been tno I may l"»*k t»« -«•»• a v»*rv «•»»n-iderabl»* porti»«n ple-• .f oat-fr» in tlu ir field- n- ir M* df -rd Ja. k--nvill»* y.-t»*r»lay H»* mak»-- fri» n»i*< average 1D0 trees to the acre, aud the estimate is based upon the tlein- We flunk his ape el■«'»•'are «roun.l- lavorabte. No shade is to tie bad on the .»f th«* -urplus population of the western whi»*h w»*r»* m> I»-— Ilian -i\ fe. t »d»*\»»n wherever h«* g'»e*. ■ ' " fact -.......................... - value, net, , ()f •i-unti«— • t Wa-hingt"ii -e«*king homes In in»*lie- in height. ioustruted that each fruit tree will produce il - in le«e, howe’er, lur tbr lVtn ■’ra'i«’ n. mt K. KuLII, wh - vv. nt to Millv ill«- ( <i! la.-t .round, except that of the tents, ami fair Klamath land ’•• f-'r» many month- roll j marketable fruit each year. I w/i'sott nee w .it ii >’« «Ui’h a decided n.aj cly u He think- that lie sun comes down pretty strong, »' r«»uml. J. F. Th'-i— ha- ab- ut \< r< d !u ai 1 b«' vve.-k La* r»-tu!!i-'«l home thi- valley '*-nj»ar«*s favorably with th.- I h -- i electors in Is 'L’ovvra ulher «■ »ii.ii.latt r injuri«»« h»* -u-tnined l«y an u«*»*i<l»*nt at th«* hat already lhe mo.*’delicate comp! x ■f th-- >mr wa- h»*l»l at\Hl»‘ CTEI» BY TH I portions of California. that the lou-e will nut have the pit us tue •il. li ive turned to a ruddy J u?, Him S feelings upon th«' di-tillery a few w«N*ks ago. ami is al»l«- 1 > I,.' oi inteitviiDg. Jtulge Hanna a<-t«*d .1 about «»n«*<» mor«*. Rib y M rri- n of Trail < ru« k made us a I < f |ie. pie v sit the camp each (‘•♦Iviga** s<*'T»*tary, | and stand outside of ttie lino to list. i, cull OU'' du> thi* w»-ek. Ii'- ua- a--» .»nipa- Mi— Ad.» Ih-yii 'ld-. tie- \diland | In other words an acre of producing a valuation „ fruit trees has . _ __________ I ot nied by a ir »tb» r who r«*ceu:ly arrived for C. Hide an»l J. W has b«*en und» r the ear«* of Dr. («« ary Mi eli (ii-Batin «eliuti w th Pre-iilent o the riiU-ic. of which the regiment an i #1000. It I' is ■ ■ better thau • _................................ ** commit t«*«» t» W< nn h in tbr th** purpo-t «*f 1 -eating, -»•¡entitle »"-uli-t. L t -. am- tim»* pa-t auy bank — for the bank is sometimes canied rTI DI l> Will. BEKFX MEDFttKB«» \iU« liavriron 1« inalili» stii g ns' 1 s'rm rs are justly proud. The regn i.r ,, ♦•»» .. ••ntj- OU idl“- tl' 41 "f th»* eye. Republicaii pait) rwr) wi er-. In cas» . into Canada by the cashier, líame liaine nature nature— - a trust-worthy trust-wort Ed. Autei ri-th «»f Yr»-ka i»a*.-e«l up th«- r»»a«l guardian — J » r-Hud Da\ PupllfniS. iTtt inl.t r, l-h|. lulls haie commenced and will continue ■ Iran re-"luti-»tis « xpre^siv«* ,_»f tn»* of hi?» renouiiiiAtion il ih ik»-'y tl»» t .e entire week. .»n»» «lay r* • ttly. l»«»un»i L»r Ro- Lurg IL* nivnt «'f th«* Kir and tb»*y p» rf *rin«*»l their -•homi whohnv r»< nt|\« 'takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. " . Of course if H ju «’«.mw «4 mu 4 v in thk in.-tiriiii.,u candidate l'*‘»2 wid hav ha* r- turn«*d hum»-. aeconij»ani»*»l by Itemotrutii cainh ’Utr in 1*>: duty W' ll. Xim ng 4 «*av be ugh. . inbrMriiig a., th« branch«* ........ i ’ you plow your orchard once in twenty years, aud rob the trees of their tlua. hi- daughter Blanch»*. T he canvas« in Ohio thia year » ¡¡ III lilsoWn bt ite II iTl **"» inu t . a fir-to la— u« LuriMuag«-» an vaay ’ AC'*. Wliil.’ » \>-.»vating f<>r a »•«•liar uuder and about M«*»if«»i.. dn.H.T.g ami v ; l.-^.fts H. ( In , nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and invite •♦c* >arily makefile tar fl i sne pruiui- deal o! » p o Ululi 1: e tìnda u ” Huudvrs -u Smith th«* mining «-xp»-rt. K'-ann - Martin A < ••. .- building la-t w«*ek All» n, ('ha-. < • r«*y ami T 1 . im iu in the Eug ixh » . h»riu n . . lira »eut. il th€ cuntest turned upon ti al m .ine is Ih it ttie lit • •v* to interest mor«- »»apital In lat -.-t imwh 11 th the birds aud orchard posts to make u restaurant of your orchard, you charge. th»* workm«*ii f.»und a huge human -kull, North powder Oregon. has gone z«»i . ** -'•An. Ue ha*dune ladi— wmblnalo follow the high««* ..f tin grorn ui 1 i »l tuia ii»t* ihofo'i.ioy »»gau s’ ju -siion alone there would I e •veti which indie u- - that thi r» w » t »* giant- in th»* must not complain that your horticultural methodshave precipitated a an F«»ung Tim mw lo«|g. of Ma-on- conno- I f inusual course ur«- «ft.-id.-d ••arly »lay- of th» Imlian o<*»*upun»*y of th«* 4-on to expert a ¡k*rn<M.*rniic triumph the mim - >f -outh«*rn I i hi* renoruinatiuu. Tn« v ar»*fui Gin-ham. -p* cial facllltles in « ach. forecloeure of tlie moitgage on your orchard. rec«*iv»*«l fin ir chart» r ami will I».. pr. pay. d much for 'his section. K miath butrin. Th«* akull wa^ Ihree-idgiitb* l ’ »it»»itut a e v, the »* ma want oí harm* - auain-t Ha»nson A i aliti in ali) c\vnt The usual tii.MÍin'*ati<»u if made u ‘i. u m««ie for tran-a.-ting th.- u-ual bu-im•— ■■’’ th»- y aiipiiig O ho Demócrata concerning •f an nr h tn thi.-knebs, and it i.- n.»t <»t all fraternity in a -h«»rt tim«* m w than one of th«* saiue tau)L% alterni tin Ay « i. creati.Zitiun I . h u. «li • If * f«.f rei’. n lj Will q . ?»v.\vn "f liiddl. i- Iu tin- -.-cti -n. inipr«»l«ab|.* that th»* happy p..—.-^^.r d th. emy at the sain»- tini»-. la e a> «I ■> al matter.-, wh ’ cl» g<>es i ir Hilo a I U»e I *ading filie engaged ’ i: vv rk for th»* Unit»*d State- ami i an«i exiriid m •h-tt"u- jaw ua-th» ¡»rim. \al Sullivan «»f Ja«-kM.iiv.l!« i- <;.»nu»«kd t». | h - «nt m«»si Tie- M nar“h -ah "ii at Med? id uiid r will put in th»- summer in g«‘«»l»»gi'*al re- • » cump kale the atiuggle. The cam- the Gu!T"Z"i- peri"d. in Indiana, The».* aie mute n»g "» s 1 _________ tuaitiix plau«-¡n >■ <u*h» i o » >r» .oin and «-a-\ <4 ' '* 'ti« euro you give wheat-fields, and it will yield au __ income ’li-» management of H. H. WolL-r-. i- prov -»*ar- li Hu I- vv» 11 fitt«*d for th»* work. ils p »j u a.lui . aign, however, must n« c^'-nari.y be »«tie theatatvin | r •;» rtini tu W ith it.... "'“'-•’ncre. lllCrC1 ¡ ¡S j ■< “* - ft — i. „.. a «..i > in no I •’ I flowing i* a ' 1 -1 • a 11,. --• 1 • ing a popular r»—<*rt. Th- l»e-4 of .\.-r\- Dût wheat-iitdli this i Ua n- run u uhm a l»l«M-k «.f*thu <^nv'nt ' eduuatl hi iljoii the tar fl', ami tu ti»a thau anv ut bri «»otti ♦ fi» > •tat«*. Mr- Mary R“» v»-- ami daughter.Mi— Min For turtln r parta ulnrs M»tdr«*as the ••f Ti'"'p B. (>. \ (i. who ar»- m»w in .•amp thing in that lim* is kept th i’ . on a valuation of Mow _ " 4 L'VEBY < rcliRrd doos.......... xt-nt will be beneficial to ttie Ik*u- nie. wil. -pethl th»- fourth with th«* family "f M PEHD»KEs.-. at Eug.-ne: ( apt. J. W. si»-m«-n- 1 -t Lieut. county which yields such an income, am. Jnhu Harry man. th»* live r» al-, -tut« ag. nt <«•■ ( rylernittn of Ashland, having vune T he Iktht c niies ir«»iu Washington jvratie p*rty tur th»» future, whelbei I. Jacksonville, Oreg» hi . i"hn>"ii, 1st s«-rgt. (’. I.. Parrish. 4th la-t w.-ek w.-nt b. Portland aft. r d"ing a The Celebrated Comedy. W e promise to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, w... 11 vauijon fr*un th-Ir home at Happy Camp Cal., last bey carry the Mate thi« year or nut. that the tiea-ipy »«• practn a l> bankrupt Sergt. J. 1». Fay 5th S»*rgt. A. »'astel, 1st ru-tling l.u-im — in thi- valb y f -r - m.-ti:i • week. shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental I Corpural H. T. Hammer». 4th Corporal Lewi» l-a-t. M» d(»»rd will uii— him’im-t It coul 1 nut pay the money now due on THE UNE HiiADsTElt STALLInN, K. 11 Pu< L of Canv tjvil’.e, who 1 a- King-l'-y 1-t Bugler J. l*«*rling. Private* I,. pension accounts without more than ex railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the gopf* of the Pacific, with ! Mi-- Jam- I». I’«*att. vvli»» ha- I«*» n Sojourn I hern warne»i in D jiiglas county fur Biehn. J. \ lietin. tr, Ed Booth, J. hn ( al»- Th«* new M»-»if *r»i -»-h-• 1 tmilding will I*. ing with th«* family »»f ColltM*tor Praeht at hausting all the ca*»b in the Irea-ury, in -OH - ‘one hundred producing by - I lUUil't growing, w thrifty — -»--J g----- ------ o fruit trees, - to De seiecteu . •ometime to a» swer to a ciiarge-?f alt« r- !‘T. John < ampbell I . Egert, Elm« r Gunt«*r, r«»ady f«»r »•«upam-v by th«* tlr-t of th- “ hi *. Sitka for a.»tu«tim»» ¡»a-t. Intends remaining cluding liie fract on al m iemv. the ng cait e brand**, iaM week surrendered Th--. (¡enter J. W. Haniakar. U. K. H. li ing Octohet w«- |.*arn ami wi’l I m -an orna- in the far north after th«- latter .- removal to Buy ---------------- it for h borne to shelter you if adversity or the winters of | "s you. money dvpoeite*! in the national banks, It wa- kully m-“»!»*d. «Iri'-k- H < . J. 4in-* »it. » . s. M m »re li. F Ulullt to th«* town. A-hlaud. old age overtake you aud fiud you penniless. and the stuail I alance on hand of th» I to the authorities and will Mand trial, »‘atiiui’, l.e>iiv stearn- Maimo Stav-r A XValk.-r - f.»nm*r m uddm* hall l.a- J P> De**«'lie- wh" ha- l»*»*n engag»-d in redemption inn 1. The were« ary him- ¡llis r-cijie ami Fuc»e-sful eva- l«e.»n el.«gnntly fitted up for ( harley Strang s mining for long a time in J— »-plum........ self conies.-es that he cannot pay th ! ^lon ol the M¡e»iff’« pon-je ih fresh in the • trug—t'-r* biiMu'-- ami lie w jl’thi- u .-? k ty m.ide ti-a pleasant call on W.-dm—day. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. u.nds«jf ail. It i>* a legad tout tie b- maturing bonds and that he is obliged t ik<* p'>--»---ion »-f til- -m'!■• "li'*u- iuiart»-i - He b-ft for th • north yesterday l»ut d»»e- iu*t SECURE YOUR SEATS EARLY mak« th«* Rcas<»n of I n PI at tl»t to!. w- -- \Ve give away the land. I’ay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for inn WiH plac«*; B< ginning hi th«- barn ot 1. to rake together every dollar and cent « 1 ungM t»j the band oí thiev«*a who have know where U»- will locate. J. (». B"«>th -[»«'nt th«* |»i».-t vi' . k in 11"-»« - th- re. and Frad« :.burgh m < ent nil P*>int, WixiiK*.!«^ . ,, . _______ i .< v two years, aud we «ill present you a warranty deed of the acre, his rvMUiirceH to meet his current ex t»< en op« rating hu extensively in Klam- l-urg. Dr. Pi“k»l la.-t w« \ pureha-'-d il'.*ilm- April 1, 1S*J1 ; uni »ih iuaMe biaml* at fitai M. F. Hull of Gold Hill wa- in Jack.-onvilie iKT.ned . ..ii sao- ... . Gu A R ANTEE it to j1Hve atjjriftj^ groWing, producing orchard. penses. There is no doubt now that b*- uh county ami northern California, and place. Mc«if<»rd. Jacgs nrlil.. Phu nix Tal.-n. l.y .i L*vv «lay- - id Mr-. !.• * a Mi ith \i-ir •! fri- n i- A-l»!.nul b»t»» fr»»nting «»u 7th I»«.light n -tl ng- tn for th»» |»urp<»-«> «»f re«*«»rd- and din ing t h«*««« as«»n, fore ti e end of the next ti>cal year tire einre the « amp in the Klamath section I., shid'der. ami th«* l»>t- fr-nting -n «íth Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value I'i Ashland ing a ti'»ti«*«* for the location of a »piartz ':irH' V .-tore. during th«* week . - Rimon \M. rnm.i.u-' - g I. .. >as been broken up there in some t»r - government wnl be again a bo»tower «*tr«-»-t b-'imi a piii-'hi-.r ill th ¡ .n . ; «, • •laim. He n-p.-rt* considerable n«*tivity in ma (icorgc, wh<« has a , ro»s «•! \|. -_. • .. t- their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and ccmpet- Mi-. Dr Fhinagan la-t w- • k ••all« «! <»n II. Haskin-. Tills is the result ui »wo y« arc uf absulu’c .«♦ vt that the allies rlsewlivre will be the min»'* "f that section. bhMMl. is a hHnd-<'i!i<* da|»p!«--br».wn. v • ghu.g frj“ii'l- at Oak lami, Or«-g"U. KiiHdiH mu] ruoughr to justice. inc i» ♦L the zn . .oovL-nic markets . <>f il>o the world world with flip the «prfs serfs nf of Russia and flip the slaves l.kk) pdiimit* wbeti in condition, and Man ! ng control by the Repub ican part). Bert. Whitman |a«.t .-k i“turm d fr--m a Pr. f J. S - v“«*t nf Sauta IL—a Cal . an»l • lid'.'D H< \i;.^ -.!••! by " . tout through ■ ■ Mr-. <;••". I. I»««au '»f th-* Pa— \i-n •! A-h- ~ ‘ of India. “ Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital < I'- ni'-f; M h . B ooth ,who was b»«ll’. wounded by '»am i y B»a<x’-..wk M '.ba:. >.r • a-t«*rn •••»untie- -olieiting .«r«i»-r- f r th»- Mis- Xmaml.i <ioody«*ar f Ashland were T ub cueft in fuiiunt tl by ru«ny uf th- being Miot through the ba» k by his son’s lan ! fri»ml- lu-t w» « k. din t l»y < »Id Signa.; iity of its soil," says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson iivn«. In* 1«) B«‘ltii«>nl. dam nj i.a,.*.-■ .r 4'«i. , J fruit-iirpln- *f thi- vallex. a ’arg- p.»rii -n united in matrimony on th»- 1-t in*t. Tlmy countKH uf II.r l.e »¡1.1 uring flale cl wife in a domestic atlray in Doug as hav.- a h»-t of fri'-mls. who wish tlb-m niu»*ii « "I. Ciirr»*y la-t w«-» k went t<* I-« orami« "f whi' h h»- purpo-» - handling. T) I Mf. <»f SfcHVH!» S. %-»'|. « S; Q- rgbC«-. county should learn this as an axiom. Many peculiar points make Hood’s SaT Waal, r^t' 11 Hi bt.n.liog tin ir ii..|»bte l’ •ounty, not long since, th«* obi man f»*r t«*inp'.'rary r«*-id«'n'*<*. happin»— and prosperity, I v ■ rj |«r* ca itiou wil e tak< saparilla Miperi« r to all other medii'incs» XV I. Xawt'-r and famil\ hai»*(».. n i ur- Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in new* I>a» I'* ■»*'••■*• 1' rel’.eV'S the having inaiate»! on mak ng it hotter for :V*ci ’knt«, hut * i . ma b«* r(-|»tins.l.i.- n«t ,<• \ I \ May or P nd of San Fraibi-.-o ha-!••-*n Mr- XV. T. P«*rkiii> i.-at Imim a^'ain af’- r • ’ ' -UH- ' W Peculiar in combination, proportion, preM iit generation fium be alone »lie la<iy of the house than ehe was should tli« y oc<*ur. «.F.<» LEi«H X sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the tbuuder of the factories, or making the Klamath h«>t -pring- hi- head- h«*r r»*«*»jnt visit to th»* north. • ■ ■ k xi \ ■ •. : Centra! •«»’tit Ur.. Mar. d 1*.«1 and preparation of ingredients, »lie hurtlen uf tlevelopinif 'he country, nclined tu have it, is recovering. Aftrr quarter- for - m»*tim»* past, whiI»» m *g< » I toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. It mean« -i<-n of tie-gram! lodg.-<.f th.* \ »> I . XV. at Th«* m w -»*ho<d-hoim«‘ is »le>igm-»| t . Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses »nil nob* pusteil'y, ur its etpi vaiei.t, lie seem*-»! tu be determined to have l. s iijga -al»* "f hi- holding- in th»- military Victoria. B. ( to whi. h In i- a »1« l. gat. a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years’ work. A the full curative value of the wagon-road grant in Iuik»* ami Klamath pay a cert»"» pro, or non oi the t oat of • he way the irate woman got a Winchester »'omuiodate tiv»* huudr»'«i pupil-. fore hi- return holm*. Farm for Sale. «•«»unties. best known remedies many beliett'» Iley derive trot» the and shot him through the door as lie w as more beautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula •1. D. Glhbleii and wif»* of K»*rl»y\ilk w» re XI* dl'T'l - lawn h-nni- !ul> r»— i ganiz»-d d oru. the vegetable Alf. \V. Sal-i "ii. vv if»* ami hil«l. fr.»m X ie- labors uf »he p ■ Beera. It l as »be «tfa » endeavoring to make ids way int»j the at th..... >unty -«*at om* »lay thi- w»*»‘k. tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. HI. I NbEKMGNED OFl'EKs F«»K -AJ.E ’ t th'- s.-a-n at tlu- residen....... (I \ XV. Lb i' « w ii) J.«, ksoi \ i i-- "ii w.-.iii. - strength Peculiar In of mating < urr. tit nmy «.«irant» pas» nou-e with a club. Ttie officer who h» Li hl* farm uf «rjn a< r< «*, Ij mg s mi!«> -«mh« uh All »*mpt> jail d«*hght-th«' laxpav r - and last W“» k ami or»l«-r«-d a -»*t «-f andmrv im • lay. Mr. S.. until r»*«*«-ntly, was a •••»ffe«* Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great Hood ’ s Sir- and economy — of Lit kvilh', one corn« r touvluntt lx*t n\« i. at their lave va.'le inrleul • f at U.t- the preliminary examination released tl»» mak»*- th»- -h»-iitT -ad at th«* pr»**‘»*nt*tlni. . plement*. w ith th»-intention »-f ad.ling planter in India, ami purp •*. -* making hi* li 1- all f«n»««l. RV. Hen* in culiivati<in. • only medi- valley and our Orchard Home. saparilla ruinonely heavy tti loont io wluth they woman, as there was no evidence oil»« r • X» rci»«* 1" th»- a!r»-a»ly .-xt.-n-h»» IlM acr«*s :n growing alfalfa and !2 mct <- nutra hone- in this valley and l»euonjuig an Amer- Wiu. Nauck«', th»* pi<»Uf*«*r K«*rb\ville nu-r- amu-em»-nts afford.-<1 by’ th»- • duh. cr.ii trul. cine by Str ID i fian Booth’s tosliow that the assault wa* M*«d«*d th«-r«lo. Thur«- ar«- two good ut l>. are often ru» j cletl untler th i'-ai« citizen. XX’eleom»*! ••liant. wa-* at th........ untv--«*at «luring th»- OneH mdr -I Do-ci either «»nc of which will furnish i»l« nij of be said. Ill fol'tv . in lliia Mate, an.l the count\ lit n led to i»e murderous, arid the W.-.’k. X numlri r f tim «»itizeus of M. df»»r«i ar» in Hon. H. (' Hansbrough. th»* new senator water for a wiudmi’I. A ditch that tak«s Dollar.” Medicines in . ■ .< a a tilted Ttenetii from the fai t that -ympathy of the community was larg« Iv water from th«- big Klamath rivr run» favor.>f fixing up»»n a »1» -i ruble l».»ati'»n fr.>m South Dakota, formerly a resident of tl>.' grov.. niidwny 'rie—, l’aiik» y ami wif»* of (¿rant - l’a-.- larger and smaller bottles 1 1 ail wrvicea reinleifti it gt ta to« tieni H through th' plac« . ►«■ that it can b<* in .gat« J witi» the woman. .iiiity ■».■ut. w li. i.-at t.i •n thi- pla< « and th - thi- .-♦•••tion, is now visiting his «»|.| h«une in vi-it» d relativi*- in th«* upp»*r vall»*y la-t require large* doses, and do not A small orc har<i of choice tr«*«>t> !«* m I m » gi"**. ut actual cash rate« anti ca»h cvmpeti- Douglas e«»unty. Hi* br»'th«-r is -till among F- urtli of .hily ■••’l.’l'ration». Tti.T.. an I- ». hol.l futiir»* T iik present condition of the foreign w»*«k. inguii flic I'la««-. ’Ih«- »»"il !► »i«‘« p, -¡«nd) I T'«du( .* as good results as Hood ’ ». the S. P. rai'r-»ad L.rues. l- iug th»- (»«»pnlar Ilnit a nt'.-t •|.’»iral.|.- I..<'uti..n f..r tln- » <l"ubt tioli. _______________ loam, and highly produ»*tlve. Th« r»- an- a maikels would i>e largely in favor ci T<culiar in Its medicinal merit«. toll. Van ci.-v. . th« publisher "f th«- ]’.»- l»,»,. .-an I». ».■(.iir..l| tln-r.*. pur- trainman, James Han&br«jiigb. the amail dw«-iling-b»>iis« an«l »»th« r buil<ting* In ’ he American tanners were it not fur !»•«!• ■ Post, was at Grant - l’as- la-t w»>« k -n Hood*; Sai a; ar ilia accomplishes cures hith A fter six y»am <»i uinntrrrui»te«l wo k g»Mrii condition on th«-’arm. Th«* whole win Prof. J. S. Swe«-t. formerly of Ashland, who H. II W..|!< t ~, tln- tniv»|uK¡»t Im bus» d *. a nahonab;«* tigur«. < al' on <u ad- erto unknown, and has won for itself at the brini ut too Lake C ui.ty Euunintr h -aiiie sentiments engendered by the business. i- bolding a resp«»nsibl«* position in Santa tuo». <1 hl» -a|....n (•’ tln- l iitl.lun- n«-\t I 0H J L. DOWNS McKinley hili. Theie i* a strong lv -a. ('al., was In Jack---uv ill«* Tuesday. the title of •Th«» greatest blood S. C Bea» h of Lakeview has un-u può e T. E. (»»HÍfr» > .- family «*am»* »l'»wu fr»>m Linkvil!«- Or. W. Palm » l.arb-r»li.'|.. <.n Front » maud lor American cereals and m<*. ts, Ii. ha»l th«* misfortum* to have his library purifier ever discovered.” to a worthy »incessor in the p«rs«>n «J A-hlaml t»j th»*ir ram li in tin- . ainty )!>• ha» »ii|.|.||-.| th» Iwr wiih tli» and p«-rsonal ■ fT«»«-ts d»-sti"y»*d by fir«' m-1 Peculiar in it s *• go«>d name Wui. M. Town-rnd.the w. h-knuwn 1> - m- nut tire govei nments refuse to acc* de to during th** w».-» k. wlm-s. Ilqn .r» ami .’ik-nr» an.l ,t Un- I., Valuable Property fir Sale. l"bg since, tb«* boarding-li«ms«* at whi' h h«» he demand of the p- ople f«>r a n-.nova home,”—there is now ucratiu war hult-e. Under his adminiN E ' . N- w« II will r« pi»— nt the l**c(lj o. tabi., 'an nl»i'b. f. iiml th»r.- t.i . h« Id forth 1« ing burned whil»* h<* wa- absent •f the tariff ic-tiicttuns »-n ac«*ount < f th»- of Hood’s Sarsaparilla sold In trattoti this credit ahi** example of in E W. in the grand i»"lg»' to N* h«*l«l a’ Vi<*- »all, für h» will tr»at yon w. II NE <»F THE MOST PESI HA III.E I A KM I Nt. s.-h'wl Sui’crintendcnt Price last week l»*ft Lowell, where ter ior j‘•uthali.’dir ente« p« me cannot fa.« position taken hy this gov rmuent in re- ’• -ria. B. (this m»»ntb. Th» linln-- »f M.’.lfor.l la»t Tm ».lav . >. ». and st.M’k ranch»* in Routtu-rn Or» K"»». «•«•n- f--r Newport, Benton «•«•unty, t»» att»*ml th«' gaid to ti>e f »reign world ’ s artichs <4 than of tainin»? »U0 acri*, hwated on th,- lain« 11- K» «1 other blood to < utili: lie Io fcfow in pi* -pent) anti mg |.r.*»ltl.-.| »vor ■> »■■■■lai . iit-rtainm.-nt al \. 1 Dal»'y, th»' Butt»- « ra» k miller, was in meeting of tl »• stat«* t«*a«*h»-rs’ «n—.wiati-m Blanket prairie, a short distar»»-« from Prt»-- r»Mnm» r« - e. In F»ar.c»* the g- «ve» nm«*r.t BUT CURES r purifiers, influence, and 11 il h Teculiar in it« 1 w th pl aMire that Grunt - Pans la-t w»*«*k looking aft«*r his III» »I«.ra l....... t..r til» l. ti. llt -f tli» n w there, ami also to parti, ipat«* in th»» delib V» < t postofli« t- in Jackson r«iunty, Or«K<>n. . orm i '«mi. ami tb» inl-n »t tal,»» in ili. af phenome- NOTHING ELSE. we gre» t him v«-wot k. k« r in th»* lum as »» a » cu-wu, I In <1-v. - was co'np» ii»d to make a »-iib-tantial *e- fl' iir and f«*«*«l mt«*r»*-ts. arnal record of sales This ranch is sn.’i iall) adapt«»! to the i iodn<- erations of th«» meeting of s.-hool superin fair i» imficativ» of til» <|.xr<’.’ of ínter.-I iu Con in tin» duties on wheat and flour \A./no other preparation tion of hay ami stock, beina well water« d and abroad. Opn.ri.t of tbr »Jilthrr 11 Hirl »..Uli a-tei I: tendent* couvened th»*re t" discuss matters Mr-. Phil. Beam last w«*« k d« parted for f.’lt in th» . tTort of th» Iiov» to npl.iiil l a pertaiuing t • the management of-«*^«»<«1 af tributary io alinosi unlimited ranire. Vegeta o acCouut of tlie scarcity of those ar» - ever attained such popu portion of tin» g’eaie^t of all the ble* and other tarili crops alno prod uè» »1 in R -««burg wli»*r«* h»*r bii-lmml i-in th«* »»in- K'wxl junior ban.l ¡n ..»r niidM. les, but a la»ge increase was made o fairs. He was of th»' opinion that he wmild larity in so short a time, Durt li*rl>tH| n Riat' » 'li liaiuritl re-i ilice.-, abundance. The«!» \ elopment «»I largelumbn- pl'.y .if Op. Idab" Mag»* ( •*. he du<ie*« on meat. The same rub* ba <•>».■ of tli» |.|»a»antí »t -oi-ial atfair» it return shortly after the fourth wh«*u h«* left. ing interests w ill turuish a home maik» ttor - and retained its popularity ami .it-Hinnl tu I h * gi.ateRt in wt altli all tliHt can be pioduce»!. It will besoiduith l»’»n th. |,rivil»k-. ,.f M-lfoi ,|>. XX’ J. \X’lm«*r •l«*part«’»l for My rib- point ha» 9 r sesraas aFaaaxwsc' V*!> ^^and confidence amonR all classes population ari'l coisnu. rcial standing been followed in Germany. all improv eim nts, M»»ek, t«»«-!«, farming lmpie- this w-' k. Th»* -atm* -tag»* ••arri»*»l Janu*s »itiz. ii» t» vujoy f..r mam a .|..v wa» tli» Merit Wins. M V R rk , the national organ z r of ( <»l\» rt h«»ad«*»l f«»r('oos Imy. <.f people s<» steadfastly. The retiring rdit> r ha» a< quitted li;n,sv.1 riienta, also a valuable timber and milling lawn ». .-lai at tli. r> »l l. n’.’.- ..f Áfr». I,. !.. Wo d«*sir«* t »-ay t»-* our citizen- tlmt f«»r property adjoining, il »lesin-d. F»»r t< mis and Do not lie in<l toed to buy other preparation» wi>4 in th« ’abor uf r.tatili-nitig a paying I lie larmerh’ alliance, has been traveling Anuí» laxt w—k. giv»n l>y th» V W. < . T. F. further iutonnation apply to > S. Aik«n. year- w«> I miv « l»o«*n s»*lling Dr. King - N»*w Mr-. Tw»*»*d < • burn la-t w»*«-k w.-nt to A-li- of lili» pía»». Th» »ilti'r »orn.-t Uiml ,li». iir«High mo«t of Oregon fur the |«aM f.-w %t be «tire Io get «he recnllar Medicine nrWfpaprr in a Reition situe on« »a- Prospect, or S J. Day, Ja< kaoni ill» Do y.>.i know that a link* cotisli is a <!a land f»a tr»»ntin«*nt for li«*r thr-mt which is |H ii».-,l »om» . f th-ir fltn-»t »»|,.»iioi,< .» th» I>i.-e«>v«Ty f<»r C"ii*unipti«»n. Dr. Klug s N»*w badly needed, and he need not fear a monib*, lecturing an»i organizing allian s» rlou-ly atT» «*t» »l a- th»* results of la grippe. o».’a»f»n, ami all parti.-I[.at».| In ti», unm»» I.if»* Pills,Bm kl«*n - Arnica Salve ami E!e«'tric thing? Aie you aw are that it often fa»t< lie lias organized seven counti»*^. decadence ol the enteipr'B« under ib. ces The New School Laws Bitt«Ts, ami have m*vor handl«'»l r«‘incdi<*s lungs nn.l far t.iooftcn runs intoUotisuniptmti Dold by all druggists. $1 ; six forfA. Prepared only XV. A. Goo»!man and family wish to return ufi..» th. lana and <l»li.’iom» r»pa-t that fol- that sell as wi ll, or that hav«* giv»*n nivh «i in a 1 ’here is a t«»tal m« mbei.-hip o adininiairation i<> wt.n-h tie baa left it loW»<l. CB<1« in D ath? D :•!.■. s-afTerir™ fi .- i . ’ by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. thanks to their many friend- for th»* kind To tli<* Oftieen* of th«* various -« ».<mt < t- oertiap- o<>< U. The state sllisnce » a ill in universal satisfaction. XV»» <lo m«t hesitate Bniuciiiii-... j :icum ..i;a ¡....i c h .- I lu off!.•«..«* » xt.»n !••«< »luring th» lr recent illness. <»t Jackt*on county. Or«*gon: V'tir »Orr. »poml»nt wa» v» ry mm h im- to guarant«»«' them every time, and w«* statni PoHTM ASTEK-<» FN k K X I. W A.XAM \KER.W 1» io«med m Portland on July 3th. Ev» ry 1OO Doses One Dollar tell you that ready to rofuml th«* purchas«* urieo. if a.f-wjtaya »in»» l.y th» arrivai o» - ’ "j ni- ai ii S THE. ( NDEKSlGNEh HA> NOT BEI N R»‘V. Eneas M“L»*an a»i»lr»*—«*»1 larg«* con , pr»»»»tl got h s position I ioaii !»-' lu* was in> ■ iinntiy a hance is entitled to twude e -ati-factory results d»» not follow tneir us«*. furnimti<*d th«- n«*w ***hool law* ’•> tin •trumental >n »a»Hng «>f tiir ¿aten in il e convention and one for « v- n gregation- at th«* rr»*sbyterian ubur« h at th»* tram from .hu-k-onvil!«* vf a fa-biouabl) proper Hate authorities I10 i** unable to fur Httirc»! jwrson. Ip. 'U iiiqiiirv we l»arn»il The-e r»*ni«*«ii**i* have won their great p<»]*- (»rant s Pa-s last Humlav, both morning and Krpiit lican campaign lim i m lsss, is 51)0 mem tiers. Umatilla is the bannei nish y. u with copit* »J the sain«- AsH«M«n*<b that h» was none -tli»r than' the wi.|. Iv- ularity purely m tb«*ir merits. evening. they arrive th«y will b<* forwarded 1 • jvu Can rot! afford 1» t again in trout» v. Not N»»tw w .tl*Mulidii»g tl.-ti»ii iM'g l»e • •»unty, Wasco and Union following I r -ul»- at E. C. Brooks’ dnig-t«»r»*. knowu S. A. D. Higitiu-. w lm ha» I h » h without delav. wnh so t»erious a niart ; pretends to I»e religions to <ui extra «-lo-eiy. In Umatilla there a»e 12Qh J. T. Tuff- an»l I. \. Jenning-have pur- <’brit>t<’uml the I' uk -»f Sli »|.y Holl.jwau.l C. S. PRICE. CE TO BOAT B ordinary degree ami spa»»M no pains !•« alliance men. Seven slliance« have j»is’ cha-ed th.- accounts «Im* th«» lat»» proprietor w h» I» iiiHKtng iiutm h ». «»uti ui among th» <‘^L» m «I Sup t of Jack«*» n ('< < n Dr. Acker’s English Pills EKS. JacMsoiLVille. June •» n organize»! in Polk. Umati la has ofth«* (’ouri.»r” und will r«»c«.lpt fur pay. ladle*. Then* is a mik ] ii-loiia rumor afloat show his loyalty to the cidia’I. ihH !»»»► .■on»»rning bl» vl.»its to thi» pia« » au.l a» Are active, effective nndpurr. For sick lie« for Coughs. Cobls and Consumption is beyond qu-*:.tiGn t! tieen caught in transact! ns it Af W< U «! '•4, Wastiington 13. 0 acka»nas 9, Y <m- m«*nt of th«’ same. ache, disordered stomach, loss of appvt ol i» E ISH1.HEBF GIVEN f l!AT SEA I,Fi) odern Remedies? It v\ ill stop a Cough in on«? ni./bt. It v J Baker, C'M)s. Jsckson, l/nn. damn any ind vidnal in the ordinari ndl 11 E6tray Notice, Th- . « lehrat|"U of our national holiday at they ar» TweominK mor» frequent an i regu bad complexion «nd biliousness, they t»ids will b«* received at the <»fflc«‘ «jt flit lar, »» ar«, «.«unstrained to tbinx tli»n- I» never been equaled, either in Amer .It «ill pre« ent Croup, relievo AMltnta an I ent-o ( walks in nfe. H im m i n» < ti«»n With tile L»ne, Marion ami Columbia are also Grant - I’ i**.- will I»«- om* of th«* han<l-oiD»*Rt ''something in it." f ounty Clerk of Jackson » <niiH\. Ortgon, abi'< »ad , “ You can't afford to be without it." <., . ni |„ in south« t n Oregon. A Hr-t-ela.-« ’ programme unti! I N I P IH THE I NhFJOK.M I'. Keystore bank lailme at I'niiadrIphia i»* fii'iy o gsmzed. Wasco’s alliances ar» has been arranged, •nth* Him «*. ••!>« gru> mare,about I < y» n■> in Doctor's bills—may save your lift-! A«k your drttR very quest h liable, ami it s» rms that he ill of a «lifferent band, Le ng a farmer's II t htfvflci, July ?X7/, old. branded with a half circle on th- 1 I. H ooker & Co., ■»(> West Broad«»?. »«• York f r I REAL E8TATE TRANSFERS. is trying tu shirk tile r< sponsibiiiiy by mutual t»enetit aftaoc.alion. Th».*r» Ssom..... «mplaint of the depreda- at 12 «>'<-liM'k noon, to build a ferry boat ac nh«»u1dcr Th<* owner la r<quoted to | a) ' * cording to th»- s|ic<i that ions now on tile in ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ii r iaBaaanai«H^!>wnseco? penai* and taketht animal awax downright fa a Beat ion. A few «lays T he claim the Republican organs ar«* tioii- of j®. k rabbit- tu JuBophine count) sat<i cb rk s offlv. Each bid iniiHt ix* aceom- PATRK K IVORt this -«»ason. Th»* animals »at th«» tender I h«* following <l«»r«l.** hav«* liocn r«'<*»?r<Ip<l since i.e promised to clear up certain making on the gratitude of the Amerit an pan’.ed by a bond io the >tiin ot one hundred I niontown Precinct. June 1.1*VI veg.-tai-l» s ami guaw the young trees. in th»* «»flic«.* <»f tbo <*oiinty ro ’ tjrd ’ T sin**«* tb«* things in connection with this matter, people for releasing them from the sugar dolkirs. rood it ion »tl that t lie bidder shall enter in’o a oontrnet to build said terry boat but contrary tu expectations lie did nut S.*h«.o| Sup rlntendent Mu**i«* lias just last report of the T im eh : ax ia exactly like ttie claim a robber in accordance with Ida bid. Said boat is to be .Tallies G Birdsry, MmrifT* d«*<*«l t»» Nor appear be tore t lie Ban!>l y invrsligatiuii sli(»uld mak** un the affection of a victim finish«»»! up his rounds, visiting tn«» »» hools dell v»-r»'d on It >iru«’ river near a point known CMDUHttee toeip'am the appn nt d»?- *hi>m he ba«l robi»e»i fur twenty years, of J -»*phin«* '»»»iinty. aud report- everything wegian Plow Com ¡«any; lot 5, fu blk I in as the old Nail terry. The county tourt re , , U • V M«»!fnr»l. $1M. in th “ educational Hue i*rogre>sing finely. serves the riu'bt to rej»<d anv or all (»ids. f ..'»<» Ml • crepanry t»elweeii hi*« t»“»tiin»>i.v ami the out w»»ul«i rob no longer. The repeal o’ I F H Patent t«»ThoM Hopwood; E 1-2 of N '»oiith 1 R ' MAX MI LLER, showing ui the K**yst.«nr bank te>»<ks. J H. s.well uf Althouse has Ua»l his prom Wil. Kvc 22. twp 35 N. K 4 W, M») H»*r»«b. • e sn/a« duties red- Vre th |»eop|e from ( b -ti.a. w iter • t > I ‘«u b»- County Clerk. 250,000 feet of Luniber <’«>iirtantl v on hand. r R...I ‘ n. fi t® Jin k^onvill- June 1S9L *•54,< 00,0 0 a ve ir, s .ye AUj »r M. K n!ey ising l»*dg«» carefully prospecte«! by expert- F K Patent to H K Matbcww ; N E 1-1 of S A In« « V ■ ■ ’ • t • wh- pr. ’ tioun.'»! it a xuluaLk* piece <-f prop. ’ .... rb . -f-r. .*•».• i T hk campaign il.»' I hr j et la-gun it E 1-4 of Se»' 29, Twp 35 K. H 1 F 40 Qeres. *i»«t i»m blend«*. Thia ib .rue; but h AT al! Hi- tiri • I . . • « ’’»> »•rty andon«* which wi!| pay him t»> have d»- For two years I suffered terribly A II Ma»*gly to Peb r Britt . N E 1-4 of He«' Ohio is by lar ttie most l.i poitant *<» s not give ba« k tu them the |54 000,• votopoff. l ai ‘ •».•’- •Tonas A. Lee. »« 1« '•*«•>»« .<■ <•«» . NEW * ;«.- .'ria ' l . . a — 7. an«! R E \ of Rec C, Twp 3G K, R 1 E. 320 with stomach trouble, and was for -L.ECÍ-A-L BLANKS,<(- will b« fought year, uniera G ivernoi 000 a year which these duties have tak -i |l<ik MAO tnid. Maino ASPkC'A».’* t*WG«S* »IS* ANO CH» APIS» fcTOCK IN O. H. Ixifioy i» uow prewired »•> aecommo- acre«. $1. Hili should accept a third nou.ii ate n in i»uin them fur twt nty years paM. Ami all that time under treatment by a *. r ri» G pe« t ’ /»»V UMM ii ’ UUkHTD - ç <iwtc* ACC'l- D J Lumsden et al., to E R Pickel; 1- U 5 New Yurk. In the nomination uf Mr FOR SALE he j »ke of the biiainess '.« that th»* people i Jale theoltu. il» of Graii' r Pass «ttb any- 6. 7, blk 2 !n LiimMen add to Medford $300 physician. He finally, after trying tW Wr ”* T‘ »"’"tl *B-l »INrifCRCAIALMUt AIA- NOS X\ O» Pbi T N3 BOM At LOW riATtS f ST’MAT'S O >EN McKinley the protected intereets have are not released from that amount of tbtug nc-od'd 13 the line of nuuun-lat.-rR Henry Richards to E B Pick*»!; N Jz< of lot everything, said stomach was about J fire alarm«, ho» '! —.■¡•.■•r:- frou' «Uer r.. i’er«, oRHa.'JN. fine , caä ^ e bell , of pria. po LL fj » staked ail their future prospects upun a taxes after all. Ubat the new tariff N-Us, etc 11, 12 13, ! d M**dford. $200 At'^us h * d 1> m ¡ t-a.r m »« k ran . ■ <*i »*t a worn out; aud that I would have to »ingle throw. The Democrats in this ♦ sites off at on*- p1a« eit puts on at another. G W Black to ¿»amo lo*s ; n ? io t •* n ■'! v« ry reasoimbb fl».r«n by «L»l'tn»r • n th»* un- ! D T’ .'!•■ '. -Ü0 0Î OUI pl iQOvr Tf'lr.orN Medford. >700. cease eating solid food for a time at i Jackson County Normal df nei, whoM* |«Obt»'fli«‘‘ ihl;»Mgl«* contest occupy the agreeable position ci The sugar dutie« are partly removed poiut. GE»» <« \AN DsMd Whetetona to Honrv F Whe*Moue, least T wa» so weak that I could having everyttiing tu a in and nuthii g t, indeed, hut the duties un other necen- this vele but tor JaukscnvtHs for » abort Institute. Lltth* Butt» Precinct. viri’ He «ill n-xt j.XV rtst.< ts to $2250 lore. If they should beat McKl'dey, ■‘aries, such as tin-plate, carp»*t*«, blan Fa’ll, i Blau bet ta Marr n c-nutr wi then 45 aeret» to B» p 37 S, p 3 not work Finally on the recom C W Breback to Wm Lynch ; of 1 tj UI in; 111;- r ANSI Al. SESSION o! THE which 1» baiuly to lie hoped, the f trai kets aud oilier woollen gxxle, ar«» larg»-lv proco-’l to bt Faul, Mian. ’ visit but sister. ? 10. 11. blk 2, ttrniof Medfor-1 ' f75 mendation of a friend whofcad used I Tin I J.*.* k; kc«»HV 1. e t.< .mu Norma’ Institut«* will "ii\!: dential electn n »■ ul i i raetii any la- ! imr ased—.-o that when an average JohD D. Chappell to Ben. Haymond, quit- your preparations b<*. b.-lii Iu tli<* mvilie school bouse, Iu ffl. u ot the rebtry of state st clulin to-‘Mammoth L»xigft-4 Marti* J im*» ■attlcd in advance. It they should fan, working family count lip ex,»ens *s at Hie c«>mniuuc ng Salytu. thi» week article» were’ilici bv tbe A worn-out with benefitial re they would meiely be in the same posi end uf the year the) will t>e astomebeti » ..Uatus Cr.«‘k Ditch fktmnanv. of WUUams in Black well mining dibtiict. S’OO. Have eztebfiabed a Lu inter Tard at Medford and wil! kuep cn band a 1« k - H'c/liinsthtij, July ‘4l>, 1SOJ, sults, I procured a tion they occupy now, tor it le well to to find that what they have saved in the precinct, cat-iud Mock, $3000. IuoTtora- atjorttnent of « ort IT »V Tnr TTI£ WORLD Bi_*T StiJmach. ami will c mtinue two w«x.ks. remember that last yvar. when tlie Uni sugar tax they have lost in other ne¡r tort«, H U.b[orLm, L. u. Bigelow, BuxiuU bottle of August It Works Wondrrs. i B U’Jb’r v''.-s work will be done under the ted btataa wont lA-mucia'ic ny a mill on taxes. And it the> follow the tr et t«» B*oN.»uw. Flower, anti «Jon> uiiin The u>uc ud alterative prop ru<.s «-. < la.-ut able inztructovb in the »he emi. they will discover that the majority,Ohio t*JO «»T ed by the t” It sseuied tq do bran h» » Wucht in cur ucb»*o'» £ uaMvdU sm ’ r* of 14u , .r.'aW’. ja . f ” bl*- b. U B. are l . uw uadely katrvn. .’Uttf it eejoyt, meuced using jt. ion rale nv rr iixr.qGKNT H ai . lv . /yr «So bo • rganu'-d fur tau puipobu ox .n»U\A> publicans, »ays ’ he For the enure fó4.0‘ -».Oí» which once wrct to n»u a roarer a;. 'Jclui> I _ _ pr'puW.tyM* ______________________ ctaiu-w at Wai -b-fc-—.. w. '‘vn-lvTiu. •us; go-d at onoe. I gAutd iu tion iu P-vosology. It U as p -« — -a - peractiy adapted to «ieUcúV. ¡ Datioral plutocracy tl.i- «lection ia a »he government ae a rev^nus txx on . t-A)HtiSa ;u Uat Uau at tì-, at— Tb«; ob-«-cts or the Normal Institute are to i» R eft to Uat tiat u! thu ti-j ! strength aad flesh rapidly; nxy ap 1 r. t--'». .p<6-w r I*« Affluì ,*>>■ « * _i f & little uhUd a« u « j r« ¡vrvet of 9 • tbo a n‘ • •ywow efsiittluulUld matter of I>fe death. McKinley niuat sugar now go«» to Uvund maoufiK* -rers . I U revi«-w inc sut«1 cts taught tn the momon Ty-'?-’**“■- 16 Oo- D-rttlJE •ri'.ù grmrt adult. It works wonderu on those who uso petite became good, and I stiffcrSl .schools and to discuss the b«*t. methode of be elected, and elect-d by a r -ueiag nia- as •‘protection.M it as a tcnlo, as an alteratf-. ’ e. and as a bled •Ufi; «M’.-ory. ° pres.-nting th« m to pupiln. Th«* lumirute ia no bad effects from what I ate. I ,'urity. if the trotecrive .y»ni is to have purifier. It gives health, stn'tigth aad not h«-ld for teiichcrB only, but also tor those Ire Odi Piulu*. Tlx- ice-rroHW f. □tlvuf gfv.-u by the Udi.-s heartiness to tno sick and the feeble. It is feel now like a new man, and con who intend to teach. They are «arnustly ro- a chance of »orviv.1. He haa identified ot tl.- M F. eburch,8.>«t wv.-k<«la adapted to the very young ami the very old. to attend, ks niu«*b pract’em work Mr** D. w. Albvrry will s«*rvc ^uptn'-r bia name aa cloeelv wnh the «aiiinr-e- sider that August Flower has en qn«st«-<J w ill b»* »lone during th«* M»*sion«». wall tar tf policy of to-day a» the num- rrvaiD and&berbut at her restd«-u«*e in Jurk- ueat -ua; “r tb.. coaKr-’itution. in spftu of It revives, renews and builds up th-' f... bl.- tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its A c ’ a-s of t wf*nty-iiv«» pupils of the the t.i-.’t that it wu« unpl.’aHautlv c-ouf <.u the or th*' broken-down system. of Henry Clay waa identified with »be M«»nvill«*. onpoMitv the court-bouae, every evontn« when it un« belìi. .Taeksonvlile acbool will be In attendance Saturday afternoon and night. On th« 4th of worst form. T ames E. D sderick , h»r the imrpose of Illustrating work In moderate tariff idea of tidy years ano July an foe-cream dinner and all Kind» of tlv- different branches that will be Jo«*l>hiQS lodge No. ¡13. a . O. U. W„ Uu>t Saugerties, New York. Dental Notioe. He ia a candidate in a Bta'e which : r»*fi«*shnn*ntH »•an I** "btain«*d there. Bate* »•«•k .’livteU the f.dlowuyf . discu-s-»1. I hurefor«- bring all vour text t.. «..rt.. }. > - iih ! tr\ t.» be pr«*M nt at the b« ginning normally Republican by So.tklO majority. reasonable an»! «atista<*tiun guarant«*ed. Dr. (i»i—mlorf»r, having »uppli».l hin.»»If W. B. Utsey, St. Georgt ’ s. S. C., .InrltiK til.-.•..mine ywir T. A W. M., with th- b»»t Inatrnm-nt». i» prepan-d to • 4 t:u I list h ut«-. To have him beaten w. it d be a di».«*te> writes: I have used yr» August '* 1 It ley. f-.r.-man: Hetirj Th rnb.n’ P» r forther im»»rmation a»]«lr«*p- NewHnaper A'lvrrtising Bureau dû Bpruoi pull t»»th in the most approv»<l tnann-r. to the monopolist» which would 1«»cheap Why tifici« X’L vk A a ^9 ’ JXuU-Àku ~ i . I: « Maaara, F < (’. S. PRICE. 1L» .ni»..|, lu»nt»,| y tjUiivtaau atlW, M. Flower tor i'ysjiepsia uu-r U}ld it au MVAMUV JMaW*1'*"**”* ÜUTU yvu. u u iMMWb wm.lvi.Ti Pr. ¿U-T&7 ly wveg WU at a uvtd. U fiUAW.vW. Cireuit «*uurt is over and the taxpayers brenth»» fre«i again. SPRING ¿SUMMER GOODS REDLAND -I- NURSERY, ah . cailsan & son , pnipridois. ICO 000 Diets IK Si OCR, STRAW HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, FINE BOOTS AND SHOES Gialle a I m Ladies’ Fancy and White Goods, Ihl FAST FUNKING STALLION, And ¡1 lull line ol Parasols, Fans, kid Gloves, Corsets. Jerseys. I'lirliu? Irons. Etc., Etc. LEWIS P.. in !lî SI TOBACCO, CIGAKS, lZTC’ REAMES & WHITE. TWO NIGHTS ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, U.S. HAL! HARRY F. KEENE'S SISTERS CF THE HOLY NAMES. STOCK COMPANY I ^“'iiwKins" CULTÍVATE your orchard THURSDAY, Ii IJ* WOIVI'H $11,000. SIGNAL TEHAMA CEORCE, Peculiar T THE ORCHARD HOME AS I CIATION PRESTON'S Medford Oiegrn OU jk JSS ANY HEADACHE While You Wait," O WHY B0 YOU 88lh: Hood’s Sarsaparilla It STARTED WiTHi NE A ACKER’S ENGLISH N “August Flower” LUMBER YARD AT MEDFORD Henry Klippel. ROGUE RIVER LUMBER GO., Mannfactarers ani Wholesale Dealers m. T I A Lumber, Lath t Pickets. FRAZER âlhEE ^SsQ.'seoKcCB&Cvk R>»| THIS HR?ER Sr V.3 cjxGkut ruiivtiy. . ii