île fimo nati ci hnciq EDITORIAL .VOTES. JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEM8. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. MEUFORD SQUIBS. CROP WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 15. MISCELLANEOUS. Reames & White’s REDLAND -1- NURSERY, SPRINGiSUMMER nOODS A 11. CARSON A SON, Proprietors. Th«* following is th»- report of th.* Oregon Take A look ap’i' k. n * a ur»* 0,11 ** balance for Iii« daily treasury week, amounting to from one to t wo and one- Mi«« Della Wells is Xtvim? excellent satis­ county. Cal., wh»'r«' h»* is «‘ngagod in mining. rated in a bands,,i:i- iiisn»,'»- FRIDAY ¡statement*. But tricks of book keeping faction ae teacher at the Waldo school-bouse. half iiH h«*s. Th«* t» inpcrature has been troni k Sii mil« R South of Grant's P am , Josephine <;. H. Join s an.l wi«-' •'» j"1” 1M'' ,,n«* to two degr»*»*K a »lay below th«* averag»* Judge Parker. H. W. K«*esco And other* | cannot cover up the havoc wrought by PI RCIIASK Ol- County, Oregon. izight frost on morning ol lath in P»»lk T. J. Keaton last week returned to Kerby- will orate on the Glorious Fourth nt Bonan­ spent a short time in M»,»lf"r'’' T h * McKinley bill is »neewsfnl in re­ I tf>e bi 11 ion-dollar congress. comity hi sect bins. N<> injury «lone. S»»ni«' ville from hi« trip to Trinity county. Cal. za. ducing revenue, at any rate. The cus­ Mrs. .1. Goldsmltli and child » ' u at kail h i* fai:<'h in n- rtl rn p.u t', but n»> injury Ir is said that the railroad commission 1: r»’|»«»rt«*r leas of eo|d weath­ Eugene until after the f"iirth "■ JulJ- 1 tins started in upon a schedule of equit recently from his temporary sojourn in Coos H-’itvy rains l> a I iiin«h ‘t«-(l I i . iy nuiking. June fell uff »1,802,222 fiorii Iset years er in this section lately and aom»* “now lui» Mis* Irene Wil. v intend* stud--i-B '• h - I' Mill wheat has Imlx' « 1 able freight rales, which will probably oc- county. • I to some » xtt nt an»' fallen. figures. lover is injur« -!. W. • « “. while th- ur->un«l has i been b- » n t to«» to rulti- «»»» wet I»» Geo. B. Hart has followed his brother, A. O. II. narahberg«*r has Ken appofuted — - T he tlatlv edition of the Eugene G'uno/ 1 |„ O11IJI of July, Each commissioner ia Miss M< »ntugu»’ Im* »‘iit' rtaininr* » vate. Kpimg. h <» wii erop* an* doing wvll. for 1891, exceeds any of their previ««u ha« appeared, according to promise, and ' making a study ol the «ubj-ct s-parately 8. Hart, to this place, bavin« arrived last administrator of the estate »4 H. L. Webb, her guest Mi»- Irene Wil"? . I»»''1»' tr''111 * though Kunsliiut an»l warm wrath* r an* week. deceased. greatlv need«*»!, « ’ herrn s ar- 8*iff» ring frotn Consisting in part makes a favorable impression on th* j now, anti they will commence action of vada. rain, in Rome place« rotting on the tr<*»s. John Wells ,.f Althou.se prectnet is pr-pnr- Win. Davis, the livory-stable propri»»lor, is public It is lull of »pier, interesting the board upon the matter about tl.e 1st Apple. Pear. Peach. H you want «uniting iu th" hue . I fur iiimg Although the weather has been t«»o cool ami imt to build a flu« redden»» at bi« ranch, we recovering from his serious illue*»*5 »4 the niH.-hinery5>riuii.leiu< ut*.,'all nt M, rriman . miny crops in g- in ral. with th-’ exception of 1 matter, and deserve« a liberal patronage. | of July. learn. past month. haj . nr«’ doing w »11. The hop Ions»- is pr-’Vu- Pima, Prune- Apricot la'gute’s. No doubt Ibis ban,Isom* evening paper | l»*ni in Marion ami I’-.ik coiititKs. but th«1 T h »: Forum for July will contain are- Rev. C. M. Hill of Portland o.*cupied the will lie of much fienefit to Eugene at^l The jury A’us discharged a f» w «lava ago, Mrs 1». T. (iuthrio i»»« pr.—nt .»•joUlTl- crop is growing tinely. view of, the policy and an estimate of Bapti«t , Nectarine, Cherrv. pulj.it at the Pa*« on Sunday of last having had several cases under consideration ing at Vacaville. Cal., and will remain t here EASTERN OREGON. tit* whole of Lan* county. tiie character of the young emperor of week. , •luring th»* t»*iiu. The t» nipcratur»-was generally below th«* souieUme. Almond. Chestnut, Germany, by F. Heinrich Geffcken, averag«*. Then was a light ram ai»«»ut Walla N'oTwirii-rvNi'iNi, th® unfortunate dis- Billy W»»bb last w»»<*k return»*d to Klam­ W. G. Uoom-r last week r»*tuni»*«l Walla on Tu« s-lay ami general rains in Wasco. imja-rial privy councilor, who explains , H»n. John Kelley was down last week from his home iii lame county, on n visit t<* rela­ ath county after hi*« season's sojourn in from his trip t(sKNV't«*rQ Oreg"h in th-' senai. nsinthe Irish party the cause ot Sherman, Gil-iam. Morrow, Ematilla, I nion ’ Walnut. in detail tiie dismissal of Bismarck and tives , Wallowa, Walla Walla ubtleMs build in tin* west and north of P< n«lh t-»n ami west given for loans from tiie common school single tree. r»*d hill lami. ami all of anown vtiru ti»« tiiat ls»st schools in California. up a fin»» busin«*s8 in a short peri»»«!. of Walla Walla, the w!i- at Ims b r n burnt Henrietta*, Alpaccas, Albatross, Black Fancies, Brillanfines, Albini, sinx-eed in S«>uth<*rn Or» gon. T h « Chicago Derby, worth *15.000 to ami oilier trust funds, to take immediate Home. Some few flchls will «lot b»*cut. On th»* Those contemplating tr<-»* planting will do Th.* 8. P. D. A 1.. Company ts running day Henry Shaliock last w»*»*k r»*turiu d hoiu»* G. II. Haskins' dwelling is now nm»*h im the winner, was won by Green Morris and decisive steps looking to the settle­ foothilhi and biirh iami- the whi at wm nev«t*r Criterion, Tassel and Kiver Cloths, Surali Silk«, Allover Em­ well to visit our <»r<*hartat;<.n. Kingman third. High Tariff fell dead all notes that have been running for a eastern Oregon ami W ashington from pr- si-nt Grant 's Pass. Or» gon. J. T. Taylor was last week appointed city Troop B, O. N. G., have left f- r the en­ Fancies, Veiling, Satines, Chnllies, Lace Curtain* and Curtain Tho Plano mowing-ma«*hine, bimb r and lmiieations will b« from one to two millions on the course during th* race, lhe period of over ten years. A. H.(’AIL*ON A SON. assessor by Mayor Howard. This is a first- campment at Eugene. About forty men rake can be seen at L Merrintaii ............. A Legate *. more l»ush» ls than that of last y«*ar. owner of Feseara t* not satisfied with the Net, Scrim, Ginghttnts, Cheviot.“, Tickings, will be in uttendanee from here. B ston capitalists have bonded the elass aj'jK.intineut. B. R. i'A'iUE. They are the m-t an«l »•hcnpei’t in th«* mar- result, however, and has challenged L-.., * grant of the Oregon Central Military U. S. Signal Observer. 11. I. Hammond has returned I from l’ort- k»*t. Stratbmeath'» owner for a match race for Have«, the cattle-buyer for tho Carr ranch THE FAST RUNNING STALLION, Wagon Road company, and a party rep­ east of tho mountains, hax lately gathered a land to rosum»* control over th*‘ luir at Bort. Whitman has Neu in th» northern *25.000 between the youngster«. Mor­ resenting tins syndicate recently started large bunch of beef steers in thi* county. Smith's hotel, and will reside here 1 1U tile and eastern part of the stat»* looking up a REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ris ba* declined the i tf»r as yet, as hi* from Lakeview to travel over these future. market for our fruit surplus during th»* past colt ha* an engagement in July which is The recruiting crew of Lieut. Holley Week. lands to Eugene. Tiie grant ia a tine Many tine gard»*ns ar»* <»bs»»rv«*d this Th»* f>»II»»wing d»w*«i* hav»* I h ’»’H ri’(*oix!»*e.>ple of Lake it would, not h siiigl** enlistment rewarding season about the Pelican i»ay region, which WiL make 1 he season < f 1^91 al (’«-ntral Point, when hewiflbe cv«*ry Friday Mini Satuiday, county are in hoj»*» that if tiie Boston him. se»«ms eHp«'cially a»lapt»*d to the culture of liver«*»! in this pla«*»* last w<»ek iu th«’ int«*r» *t last rejK»rt of th«* T imes . y T iikme was over *100,4100,000 in the 3 j am! th»’ baiali»'»* of the time at th«* McClendon <»f the W. C. T. U. by Harriet I.. Adams of •17 • garden sass.” Chas Clawson t" JT tar’ii in Sam’s Vali«*y. treasury Everything point* to a grand 4th of July Cleveland, Ohi". treasury when Mr. Cleveland turned through from Eugene to Lakeview. KE , aml> SW‘,'4 S. . 24 Twp 39S. L I I. P. Chandler of Bonanza rr» I. m arly 5 y«*Rrt» l J J celebration at Grant's Pass. A first-class lAJ & I 11 over the retr.s of government to i’resi Jk e . ei<>. old, weighs H'50 pounds, and toj h-rm ami E. J. Montague does not «•xp»*» , tt<» b»* able Tua force in tiie state printer's office is programme Is 1«.ing arranged for the occa­ sale for th»* horses which he took to Califor­ to complete his wood c->ntract for th«* rail­ G \V Howard t«» J \V Frazier; lots 3 ami 1 dent Harrison. Little more than two action canm»t be surpassed Hr is the winner nia, and was »»ompelled to bring a number of CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. in block 73, Modfonl ; $1 John B Williams; un«li- a surplus, the country is gieete.l with the preme court reports, which will be F. D. Keyc of Minnesota last week bought <4 i^\t. if September llaxt. (•FSC'KimiON ANI» HEDIGKBE. vide V, of lands in Twp 36 ami 37 b, B 2 W Tho report sent out last week t»> the effect „ * «w y.. » astounding specttu .e of an actual deficit, ready from the press by August 1st. It the J. J. Htime property at Grant's Pass at V». «--«»r. Ktit-d bv th» < <•!« hiRt«-r1 .Ins a ■J'X'*. liof>aerot < alllornta. h<-by Monday. H -k»i*B I'r.e t adjoin- although our population and wealth have is probable hereafter tt al-tw*. vMwiuea sheriff's sale, the purchase price being *3.- • pKrfnKrirc.' 'S ii'WiG'Aji^ iW TnYy 1st, an»! the first dam was .Mnyfiowi-r by imp Eclipse; ’ will b«* $1000 a y«*ar. This shows that our ing plaza, »1» *h»*at»*«l for street. The c’/y lor Is fresh and Complete, all of which will be sold at the 2d. W»*!*-*^* . ***^ w»‘.\ be priwvwA « wa U h«*r late illn»*ss, it is said. H-uno harrow t j imp bbarnro« k. .i-'. Ma W I Vawter to G W Howard; l«»t in blo»*k town i* growing Btea«lily. F Staekjsdoand AnU.u Jos»*ph of Williams­ say nothing ot the increased taxes which tins volume »»* furnished by the > tficia by imp. B- l*<’haz^«T; 4t’i, Guuiina's dam .Ms»! We ar»* having another long sieg«» of cir­ 14 Medford; $1. Lowest Possible Cash Price. H i -- i «\ *.\ >, r IL k ’I ijii -1 h. l-y imp l-.agl»;(Pb the McKinley law ha» impo»-«L How court reporter, G. II. Burnett, an office burg were at Ja.*k*onville during th« week cuit court. The session is over two we»-k** Til«' Monarch saloon ut M *dfor»l uml-r G U li -waKl to W I H»t Ii ,w. > i,\ Wiik-*- U ombri 7t h. bx < hantl- created by the last legislature. It will for suppli***. Joo William“ wits thereat th*- old anti th»* end is not yet. No wonder our t ie management «4 H. H. Wolters, i* pr«»v- street. M»»ib»r.i; >1. do the people like this siectacle? • • i; Mli. l-> imp sterling. 9th bv*< :»»djus' W<* exchange for_>dl kinds of imirkctabh........ produce, • l«Hh. same time. iag a popular resort. Th»* l»c*t of ev»»ry- by imp >ov» r->.’: Hth. b> Imp. Jolly be a volume of 600 or more pages. county is so heavily in »iebt. (> A < ll K < ot<> 1 H Carter: release deed lt* w« i 12lb. t»> Partii» r; 13, l»> imi M- nkc»; taing iu that hue is kept there. The county-'cat has received the first in­ to former right-«4-ua\ ,,v»r S' ..f As« G deliver goods to any part of the <*ity, and guarantee *atisfa<-u<.»n in 14th, T he admini*traii«n having found fl at imp. mar»- from stud ol H.-irlson <»f Th»* phen»>menally larg»* colt foaled at the A ttokxey - uenkkai . M illxk has ren­ stallment of tire fa. se. live hundred feet, an.l Division Sup«'rint«*u»l»*nt Allwry has l«een Forily»*»* D ( N > 13. >1 »•! . Brandon. it can make no political capital for itself dered an opinion debaning all claims every case. Call and see u* and be convinced. ranch <4 J. L. Hank-* recently cam»* to grief Mary W. Pra«*lit to Carrie Ib lph P 'rt» r ; ___ the a ¡Mist w k in putting in n L» wis p.V dam was Lizzi» P. I»\ L«*inst* r. in the Behring sea matter, tbe question tiled by cit z *rs of Oregon and Washing­ will hereafter have some protection against Inst we»'k, basing been fatally bitten by a etigag«*«! during t \ imp. Au-tr alian. toaU-d in Is’.?, and br< d a sudden blaze. 4.U6 aen-s in Twp 3'3 S, K 1 E. switch for th»' K. B. V. K., whi»*h will rattlcsnak»* while running on th«* rang»». of catching seal* tn that body of water ton since June 30, 1874, for horses used »•j 'V L. Pi tchaid kin; 12th, Hag by ti.e decision of the Attorney-general reside here, although he 1ms quit the excellent music f*>r th»» banquet t«’nd»’red th»» $13(0 and $3500. strong 1) L C in Twp 37 S. R 2 E. $350. Wild ras* dam byirab; 13th. Eborn of < hild- ell. M 1*. for Liverpool, have b-en ap­ departing militia her»'»*> thi’w» »’k. er»* they G. IL Haskins has n'c»*ntly eularg. -i bi* • r-; 14. Ohl Ebonv bj Basto; 15th. Mass» y’s Osx of the features of the celebration new*ja|**r business. hied th«*ms»*lves away to wol4»»»»t conquests. drug-store capacity by extending the shelv­ pointed to act ** commi-aioner* on the Mar« bj M iw - j ' s Bia« k Barb. Excitement Geo. H. Currey will remain in Grant’* Pas.“ part of onr English cousin 55 ho the at Eugene on July 4th Will be the parade, O----- TERMS »IF SERVI» E. Grant Chii«l»*r*» hn*■•* mpl- t.*»! th»* sowing »»f ing t» the r»*ar »>f th»* building. aft»*r remov­ By t h<-season. $^J0. and good pasturag» fur- American commissioners will be is vet winch will contain some striking tab­ f t a time straightening up hie bustnes» and fifty acres <4 alfalfa for K»»ain«*s. Martin A ing to»* partitions, much t-> tho l«»--ks and Run* high iu thi* pia-*«* ov.*r •Sysb in Build* er. ’as it cures dy-|M*psia, « • •nsti|Mition, «*a- ni-h»*l man-s »luring th«* tim«* for JI«« mhlitfon , leaux. Hon. John Whlteaker, attired will tbengoto LaGrande. where Mr«. Currey Co. on their Klamath ranch, l‘»"4id«»*« getting convenience of th»* same. v Ve challenge the rea«ler to Buccessfully controvert the assertion that undecided. al. E\ • i v pr« » a*itnm tak-n to pr»-v< nt a» «d- tart'h -if th»* stomach, an-1 make,-. in pioneer costume—overalls, brogan 1» temporarily sojourning. in over 150 acres in grain. II»* Is a rustler, b'.t't’u.: Rn acreof thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val- •lcnts. but no r»>ponsibilitx n«*uni<mt-fri,-11,1« 4 .ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of $100. It will of campaign adopted by the friend* of suspenders—has been selected to drive Crescent city, after a pleasant visit with Harvey Walker »4 Bonanza la^t w»*cek liad f »rme»l by Doctors Geary aud Wait, for th»* Its m-Tits when you u*- it, friends her». ’ and was accompanied home by i average 100 trees to the acre, and the estimate is based upon the dem- Secretary Blaine.|,*>king to th* n.iut ¡na­ tiie tl.n e yoke of oxen engaged for the removal - 4 a tumor from the child's neck. It ♦ Ml“« Lillie Trumble, who will make an ex­ the misfortune to have on»* »4 his thumbs was entirely successful. tion of that gentleman by lit* Republi­ iM-caH on »•rushed while handling a frisky mule, and As l.e punched lire bulla tbe I’H.n, Jtrlii Htj I’ih | onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce il in value, net, of tended stay. was obliged to go t<> Linkvillc to have the cans •* the r nominee for the residency plain» aero»“, fi s' m 1849 and again in M«lford mechanics rec»*ntlv eompl»*tee depended ujsjn to keep fine (.ouble-seated wagon for Ulrich’s insur­ siny ing ; ni'-st al night; »vors«* b\ s«’ratll aggregate *8.900. It is probable H»* ha* supplied the bar with th»* fln«*st Fred Mill* .»nd D«’iinis Crowh’v report ex­ into Cauada by tbe cashier, Dame nature- a trust-worthy guardian — ciprocity record will carry him througli Do Not sulb r Anj Ixuiger. Iii,! Is* o|».m d on Monday. Monday, July *t(i, r.i.u “ will I-- .is-n.-d tltli. at I - WILL BE KI>I MFDFoK B«»AIOl- cellent ¡'ros^’ct* at the Diamomi lak»*l«’»ig»‘’', wines, liquors aud cigar*, aud a fin«’ bUlianl while ail admit that the election of tl.e tiiat by next year the »tallies ol Oregon, , the city hall. Knowing that a »■ ■•uirh can b ; ch< •. i< .1 tna j takes cure of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if TUDI «» and Dai Pupila in s- ptrmb»*!. 1-91. tnbl»* can also be foun«l there. Give him a Washington and California will forma ami think that as soon as the snow «dears dax. and thè tirsi -takr<«*« <»( <■ .»nsumptioi] present incumbent, Harrison, is extreme­ -•all, for h»* will treat you well. ♦ ........ I)r you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the trees of their I'io «ours«* • ! *iu»tj in this institution h? Prof. J. _ It. ____ Parley ___ last week closed a 1 away suffl< i» ntly t-• allow of close prospect­ circuit of their own A special tram a 1 broken in a wc» k. w»- ln i» hy *rìiat'ant»*e ly doubtful. private school nt ing that ther»» will I m * important di-■•■•veri<" few days since carried 150 horses to the 1 t tli'rt. .A..««“ eii-nir.iifb« — —____ term It i* t»» b»* h«'*i»e> t<»a l wh<> buv, mk«'it p»*r made all through that *•♦ ction of country. I. Leonard “ place, and It fs 1* safe **«f** to »ay ing to a first-» las* «‘duration. Languages, Tiie northwest fail t » mak»* up th»* subsidy asked to »*n*ur»* di recti > iih , and »lo n»4 timi oir striti as im*lit ! the birds itnd orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, , you __ drawing DkM'HKvr* in the ea«t am at present Walla Wa la meeting am! v»»cal le*«on> tn » las*, bciug tiiat his pupil» are well tip in ull that |«*r- th»* »'Xtension >f «-ur railr«»ad to Eagl»* Point. c«»rr» « i. engaged tn Hie plea« ng pnwtime if coast already has some of the fleetest Klamath »joiinty must eventually tweomv a includtd tain« to tin* branches taught. must not complain that your horticultural methodshave juecipitated a charge. inth»’ English cours». torni m» extra r«»gion »4 »»xtraordinarily large p.-ople, as Nothing will help Medford us much a- th»* fomenting discord among tiie Repubti runners and trotters, ami tiie niimlier Young iadi«*s wish.ng to t-»il-»w the highor ; foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. Heud« of families lu re rejoice to know I’« ter th»* Port ha* reported the birth of building of th.* road to Butt»* creek ; and th- can leaders, while tl.e heavy we ght* of and speed is constantly increasing. MAKRLED. gr»*at enhanc»'in»*nt of th»* value »»f pr-»|w*rty art c-»ur>» »»r musical cours- ar»' afforded tti.it *L** favorite seh'H’l of southern I'wu, non»» but children that weigh ten poumlsand will b«* on»* "f the benefits thut will a- «,ru»’. the latter ¡.arty are ergro**er a long time past. However, he The usual mqdifi‘‘Hi .<>i; is mad»* w‘i« n m-»r<* pleasurable occupation of widening toe til • ieelmg in tin* west, in the rear ranks St. Marv *1 Academy, will re-open tn Hept.-tn- may have official information "U the *ul»je»*t. W.* hois* that this gold»*u opportunity will HOPSON < I MMo.Ns Al \r. ka him* 11, ber next at th» f.',rm**r location. In. k- n- than on«- ot th« - *am<- l.tmiiy att - n«! the Acad- breach between the Cleveland and the of th- Rep .b nan parly, in favor of tb- ville aud many will attend fr .u. J — phiii.- not I*» lost. 1*',»|. J.-hn H i—«it I’ Yr»’k i and Mi>n Betti».* With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income • my at th- sain»* tim»- A $V»-do|lar saddl»* w . k stolen from a anti-Cleveland factionsof the l>emo< racv. free coinage of silver. He is as strongly < Umni-'n- *f A-ddand. Jack* »11« i* c»>nced<*d t<- I». the most county. gu»»t»t at Ballard'*, n»*ar (»«»«»s,» lak»*,on«* night on a valuation of $1(MX) an acre. There is not a wheat-field in tliie h« aithy >ri\ p ac»- in S -uth- rn < >t< gm and twi-y - ,f Rows of thi* character are not hard to opposed to it now a» tie ever was, and Klan.ath Circuit Court. last wook, but tlm own»*r rceover«‘»l it "t accès* K gu» IL. k • r Yale \ HaiiwavUo s T. Shattuck'« 85 acre** of watermelon.«, county which yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does. bring about, but Ikemocrat.* should re- will not sign tire silver lull under any train* run u ¡tl*jn a block «.f th» c«mv. uf BORN jnstlwlow town, are thriving nieelv. but will from tin Indian on Sprague nv»*r th»' same The following business has b»'»*n transact- memlier that the Republican party pressure, but he na’urally desire» to l.e ...mewhat late in getting int , market, a« • lay. th»» fem *4 the wills a*»*»*rting tiiat h»* I or fui tint pai i icuiarw .» IB—In At* ¡one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by beneficiaries of protection ba« such a and approved by turn, I in.t that it wtll be THE FINE liUADSTEK STALLION. t" Mr. ami Mr*. Win. Taylor, Jr., a -- n. While opcratlnga hay-rake at in» tail.or s gaged in th»» w«>rk -4 organizing ul Grigsby. 8am«\ healing effect U|*m lacerat-d feelings, to urged on the Rerub iii tn national con- ran.-hon-day last week, a »on <*f T. F. L**e liau'e.s iu Klamath county »luring th»* past Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of (»»•<».’Baldwin vs. 8. J. Stormcr: t»» r»*c»»ve: r STROHE« KER Ii. Giant ~ Pa**, .him- 14. you. say nothing of the ¡unacea of promise 1 ven*ion a* a I'uniptoi tine it tl.e condi- bad th.* misfortune (•* hue.* an arm broken, two w»‘« ks, un«l»*r th»-direction «4 th»* ■ •tato money. Dismissed. 1*1’1. b» Mr. an»l Mrs. A. J. Stroh»*ck»*r, a old age overtake you and find you penniless. F. A. (’ogswll vs. J, T. N'H'l; to forecl"^»’ organization, 1» hi* I- a », 11 known farmer pat ."on age, the value of which they real ze daughter. tions are not changed oefore that even! tiie In j«*' l*eeomlng fractious and runulng •*4 our sinter County, he it* everywhere ac­ mortgag»*. Dismissed. I and avail themselves of to the utmost. kav; with the load, dumping th** driver a« occurs. The Ohio id< a is a simple in­ W. A H»irris»’n vs. Ja«*ob Norcross; to re- NUTLEY In I.inksiii«' *Iun»'13. 1*91. to Mr. corded a r»*sp*'ot(ul hearing weli an»l Mr*, (oj-rg- L. Nutl»*y. a *->n. dorsement of tiie coina ;* act of the bill- nu.ney. Dismiss».’«!. Tin dernaituun al Republican pre»» is lon-dollar congress, w th tiie argument Th»* funeral of the late Samuel B. Crans­ «.■•jV'T We give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for Th** • LadU*»' *!•*.. •■" wa«htiig-ma-liln**. Knapp, Burrell A Co vt. R. L Diiscnbnrv. FOUNTAIN In 1’airy June 14. 1*91. t«» Mr. making much ado over the fai t that the tiiat it has secured the’eoinage of all sil­ th*- i«-“t in the market, Uuv liye I .cal repre­ ton n. two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and larg» **t that has iw»*n in Linkvill»* f*>r many a sentative« in th,* persona of W. n <; ■ dmnn governor of Michigan vetoed the bill ver tiie product ot American mines. Ward; t«> recover m"n» v. Judgment by de­ HOLLAND At \. i a- Jum 13. 1*91 to Win moke thè a» aaon of 1*91 at thè fol.ow. GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. A Co., who have been Interviewing ,utr , m U «fav and nil wh» kmw th«* v»*t«'run lawyer and fault. i»)g plac» s. Beginn ng si thè barn <»rtAV panae.l by th* legislature appropriating Mr. and Mi>. J. f. JI Jan I a •Januht-T pi»ne»>4 i*. ’ » in th»* grief <4 th »«.»* n»»ar»**t t»» Fradenuurgh. at Central Point. W«4nas* sen« relative to purcltaeing during the last Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value Tin: state fish coinrn'i-sion, which ba- Nordyke. Mormon A (’•>. vs. W. ,1. Bunn, *1*0,01)0 for the entertainment of tie Aprii 1. l*‘.*l ; an.l will make stnmlr hi th». uiin over th»* W weeks. Mr. ami Mr*. Ruhl" King, a son. their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and c< rnpet- pia» » . Murlfor»!. Ja< k*onriilc. PI»«» nix. Tah ni Houl»'»l a man and ueighbox a.. •» ha* Iw.-n mortgag»*. D»«cr«?»' grant»*«!. an-1 Ashland during thè «mas-m, K. I100I Clerk Jeunlug“ notin.'Sth,* resident»* 1 th»’ l«»t <4 a«iy»»»u* to m«»^! tional encainomen*, which thia year la Io was at the mouth of Rogne^^uer G. ..,rg“ l’»*al vs. Maggi»’ E. Deal; suit for COLE In Ashlan l. -him* 1*. 1*91. t< Mr. ami ing in the markets of the world with tbe serfs ol Russia anil the slaves D em itirnoN PrpiGKEF ’ tignai T< ha- of Grant ** Fu**^ »«’h'M»! V«**- be held in liwtuat. Th« hull ia clearly recently. In an interview on thi^f Mrs. G. W . i >!•». a •*. -ii. »livorc»*. Dismtodod ma Georg»-, who ha* a cross «>f M» s»*.T’g<-r An untowar»! •*ir»*uin.»*tam*»» attending th»* of India. “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital­ bl»M>d. uncontititnfional and wrong in principle ject Mr Thompson, one of its ineuJW-. lal tax < f 12S mik»M f«»r building puq*,*»••*.r»»- i* a hangUe . ently l»»v|.*«i in that district, I m d <» w du»* ity of its soil,” says a great economic writer The people of Jackson I- mi .Hiunds w h< n In condition, and »tanding •»«J runaway of the t»»nm driv»*n by \V. A. Car- • lamag»*s. Judgment for plaintiff for 1210.75 DIED. i 16U 2 hands li.gli. H- was sir«d by Signal right to make mich an appr iprtation than river is steadily increasing. VZiure at and must U* ¡«Id within 60 »lay«* or K re­ roll, wh»*r»*by h»» ami his wife narr»»w!y «•*- Co. v>. P. Hawley Bros. Hardware county should learn this as an axiom. < hief; -Lini by Blackliawk Morgan. Signal one providing for the ex|*enditii-e of first they packed only about 3500 l a-es. turned delinquent. cap»»»i Jofdng their liv«’* Tin* former was Hugh»**; to recover m«.»ney. Judgin«?nt by CRANSTON In Linkvill- Chi«d l»> ol»! Signa ; dam bv Languori Ile!- 17 Jun» Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in Three yenra ago Meaarn. Crow and Av»*ry’ fortunate in getting » fT with th»» pr -l*abl»* • b’fauit. money for the enter'ainment of a na­ they now pack 18 OfiO **r 20 000 i-gses an­ monf. he b\ Belnionl. Satnu.'l B. Cranston ; age-1 61 v« ar*. 3 Denis Crowley vs. R. W. Marple; app«*al sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or l'r.KM- <„ SLHVI. r. s.»«..!!, fi-,; insuraii.e, tional convention of Maaon»,Granger* or nually, of a grade of fish almost th« same bought 1000 p»’a<*h trcea from Caraon A Hon'6 1 |o«**» of an «•>•«*. having been kno«*ke«l *en*r- months and 2* days. *-■" Ev. ry i.r.i-nutlun will I h tnk(-n i. jurt. Judgment for tiefend- from c»?unty tiie buggy was »>verturn»*d. member« of any other secret order. Since as those from the Coiunib a The hum- uuraory. They have <*<»ntra<*t»*«i to nell 2000 It means «C I,1,111“. bui will Hot 6. r.-“i.Oli“.I>|e foreer I*?I «4 toiling late over desk and counter, should study onr plan well. ALLEN \ • 1. ; ' • M ant. the billion-do lar congrera erpiande-ed ness was started bv R rbert 1' Hume tw»*nfy jm ,-und boxof that delicious fruit «liould thè, .“'.“ir. Gl'.ii. I EKol .X »Ir-qisy Daniel All«’i>. a pion»*--r »»I J.eM- a home for a life-timeout of the meagre saving* of 2years’ work. A Cuitral Th„ fHnillUr1i.lv,.rti-..I;r''' ui John Ossowski and Geo. Ritter uci»* a» I thia neaaou. If tjoea not take forever for Point tir.. M«r. «i l.-ei the people'« money «oreckleaaiv.ilie Re­ some ten years ago, and he pack* the fruit tr»*e- to matur*» In J»ea and their pres- think same brand a» when he was on the Co- »aya th»» ••Courier.’’ ‘''‘••»»nn vb . Josh Bucknin.*t»*r; in- WATT At Fre» p'.rt. ohi- . Jun»* 15. I't'*-« th„ r-ij !.* ,.f th- Kl.mmth l«;in ttl„t that every tiling should go alien in the lumbia Tt.e fish tla-re run about three Htateoiv. „ diet uf guilty re- 1>n«*U!)H»nia Maud-*. <•n requires them Grant * F.mi.* enjoying the very Kat of intercut of the G. O. I’. and on»—fourtii to a case, while tiie Col­ di«*tm»?nt f»>r larceny, »v. **'H( voir* and Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great . o. H Watt ninaie from our I nmm I th»*«*» cool evening*, to j.Htr .ttiz.* till« G*“t.,fll|lth.'f. ninl.. -. li.-!“ turned and s«*nteu»*n of five y»«ar* in*,. umbia rivei salmon are about three ;oa am! a**tliehour for th»» r«*gular »*one»‘rt i** ■ “*'Uth»*rii Or.xi'ii. Many | FOB fc*A!.< valley and our Orchard Home. Ui a newly arrived cotem . Brother case, l»eir>g somewhat larger than those ju*»t ut th»* time that the northlwund train H V'l.’lnity , .iit. inj.lat,' “. n.linK- ili.-n . filbli. n m»*nt in the penitentiary’ j » hss »*»1. ri” Vlri” i,l8 ** UiCt* south» net 1-11 '• : Stat»* vs. H»*nry Go»j good wejis l ..t . ns of the paper to hide ibeir linie The newly-,.rjmtiiz.«,f Pin* Gr. v. nlliau.-.* Stat«* vs. D. r. Royc«»; lar«*ony. Found I n the deatli ol Hon. Jos. E. McDon­ deserving of mu- h praiv. • itheroiK-of wlmh will furnish plenty <»/ and form their own op riior.a of hi« work will meet t .-nn rr. « .o.-nma, June .'7th. at guilty as charged and sentenced to <»ighte»’n uater tor a windmill. A du. h that taJni aa exemplified in the f’o/rier lie fully I ald of Indiana the Deima rai y loses an­ th** n.’iglil,.,rfio,),1 “, h",,|-h<.a«. t<> tiain«ir't months’ imprisonment. Th»' closing oxer» ’ !*'*» of th ’ » K«*rbyvi||e water the big Klamath riv» r runa « t hro igh from other trusted and able leader. He had c t h» pia» «-. g»< t hat it <-an be frugai ed state vs. C. F. Royce; indictment for lar- realize» that the world judge» a commit- ( school, whi*‘h ond»»d a v»«ry «u<*<*»*ssfui t»»rm important l.iwln. «« . ..rnim,- l« f. r.-it .1 K Í — » u«r H» ‘ I,* tv i* aei’re- • •«•ny. Dismissed on motion ofproso»*utlng at- A sinail «»r< hard ot choice tre»*# Is also growl nity largely by the characler of and sup­ been unite ill for s imetune, but at one under th»» tutelag»» of Prof. E. F. Hathaway (.'.»■per 1« pr.-eb iit nn.i W It. nthr piace. The «ofl Ir deep, sandy time it was thought he was on the road •n June 1th. wer»» of ao high a <*haraet«»r tary ■•t thi« ulllan.-.*. The I’levna alliance, t«»rney. port accorded the local newspaper, and Ubere are a with E. W. Shix-t« a« pr.*«|.;. ... and 11. M- ‘ident GRAND JU KT. lvik expreaee» hia determination to make the to recovery. Mr. McDonald was born in that they ar<* t . --- or* a mei-t- Butler county, Ohio, August 29, 181«. The entertainment, for au» ’ h it was, contin- paper over which he preside« a fair cri­ Th»* graml jury return» »! th»* following In- I’nj-o-a kno.vt'.iat a Ii::l *i<- figure. Cal on < r sd- maat«*r. D. I*. Rov *?, H«*ury G«"»dlow am! and the Rogue river valley. We bespeak lun,s an.l I ir tmoft.-n runs intoCon-mnipt . ,, • 1 pleading featur»*. th»» tmaket pknie. All ’•-e** J L DOWNS<»rl.< J«>HN>«)N. lege l»e studied taw and was admitted to Cha*. F. Royce, for larceny «4 stock. In for him the cordial support of our neigh­ a<*«|uitte«l thema«Mves well, b«»th on th»* ros­ ends in Death? 1 ,-opl.* *uff. ring front A th'na Linkvillr Or. their r»*i>ort they praise th«* offle.'rs of th»* In 1845 lie established trum nn-1 at the festal spread, and went h«»me Dr. Damn Falls. bors to the north, and trust that a good tiie burin 1844 Bronchitis. I'ueuntoma aud Con. utui.'.■ n v .1 county for theii diligence an»! perf»»rmnn<'< ’ himself at Crawfordsville, lnil. He was Owing to the »lull times Dr. Darrin gen ­ . ¡ av him NE |>E THE MGMT bESIllAlll.E EAKMIXi. boast already of having the be-t and general, and in 1864 was defeated by fit half tin If bl t» f “ U ,.v-i.vir.Al I' I- _ nflli.'t. A* '• d wiii actually there this time.’- Th«’ county Jail is at original rates. * The and sto» k ram lu-s in s* uth< rn «>rcg«»n. c«»n- CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. Oliver 1 ‘ . Morton for governor. He was Can you afford t.» nogl.-. t i; ’ C.n t i tri'1.*" clean ami h»*Althful. an»! the jury re«'omm«'ml 4" well t., milk ’ . - i most progressive exampl-s of press en­ taming «du acr»**, local» »! < n tin- fam«»us !<« d - ...... ■ .....Sc ll 11' •!*■ 'f til i “ g*' ueroii “ ' ff.-j- elected United States senator in 1875, that one of th»? doors hav»? ad»l»*»l th»'r»*tu »?m* with so serious a matter." An-ounu . t J' ■ Blank«-! prairie, a short distane»- front Ptos- and apply nt on,* a.» these rat. “ will la-t only terprise in the state in the southern t'hns. II. Guy is down from Pros|s*ct. inside lock. P«xt posiotftc»* in Jackson county, «>r«gt-n. for a limited timi............... 1 lie doctor'- fall in price-, counties, we cannot have too many rep­ and served until 1881. Mr. McDonald Tin* ran« h is *t»< cialiy adapt«-«! to th«' produ» - Bert Newton has gone t** Mi>r“hfle|.|. is not only a Iwm to th** p.„,r but will lw resentatives of the better element in was considered oue of tfie ablest and pur­ ti»»n ol hax an-1 stock, being w» ll water« d and aind (?;'nsnl,1Pti',U i- iH’.vonil question tb„ L-* C. . I * • est of public men.and his name was more To Good Templarg. tributary to almost unlimited range. V«*gcta- journalism. _______________ Mr Carry i* our new special policcmun, appreciated by tlious*iu*l“ uunblc to pay M.xil rn It will Mop a Cough in one nijl.t. ltv.lbh, \ ; a larg** fees. A reporter lie I ■„■.«“ion to visit l»h**an(ah*<»hn|; Francisco in the interests of the Nicara­ Camp-mevting it* over and n«> gr»«at rowult ........... PkksinKNT If vaatsos’s administration all that can l»e pnaiuc«-»!. It will b<* sold with the do. tor. ........ . in parli-nlar that th»* mode of prp|»arinK it I* kn»>wn < nly I? ? .«»ay save your U ! A -k your >. S. Aik« n. Pro*pe» t, or >. J. Hay. J ack nun ville. lb* eame for clectrie treatment. ai...nt \|,u seems some likelihood of numbering is tiiat connected with the Keystone f Drs. Terry an«! Hinklo w«Toat the vninty- 15. for kidney trouble, catarrh of th.. |,ladder to forfeit $1,000 for any cna«’ <4 dysp»*pHia it among the completed artificial water­ hank in Philadelphia, which recently *cat during th» week. will n»>t »*ure? Pure Cream of Tartar Powder, and diabetes of |,. h g standing, having tried ways of She world w it inn the present gen­ failed and caused a loss of nearly I wo Estray Notice. to every other known. Dr. IzHppcuB is n<»w a resident <»f North all the *eho,,l« of practice to n>> purl",“.'. eration's life The advantages that must millions of dollar» to different persons. Applegate-Williams Stage Lio* H<* was cured in one month and told uh his Miliions of Homes— result to the entire coast from its opening Commissioner Lacey atid that sancti­ Yamhill, where hr has relative*. H» r»*ftftor the following rates of far»* will TAKEN UP BY THE UNDEKSIGNED. Mr »i“t< r was cured In Hun Fran i“' ,, th., year- are so stupendous that they are almost monious hypocrite, John Wanamaker, Carson A Temple, two •>( Central P^int * ago by Dr. Darrin,,f a b>atli“onu “erofiilou“ 1** charged on th«* ab«\c lin»*: Fr»»m Jn« k- I inont hs si ne», otic gray marc, about 13 \ oh * qo Years the Standard. ol-l. branded with a halt « irei»' on the right incalculable. All the bulkier raw pro­ have ls*th been placed in an embarrass­ be**t mvchauicH, are at work in Jacks«-nx ill»». afllieUon and had n< ver seen a return Appi»*- D“ !ici«>u * < 1 « ■ ml Itry, Light 1- laky shoulder Th«-owner is requested to i m « ¿- Kilt»'. $1; to William*. $1.50. Package* ducts of tiie coast and many mannfic- ing position bv lheir duplicity if not their BiSCUl! it, i.n b' < \e«. Palatable p, ii“, “ Hii.l lake th, animal awaj itro. Clementi*, who has been here f»>r complaint. Many others gave th.-ir exi«*. tured articles must necessarily seek the rank dishonesty. The postmaster-gen sometime j»ast, went to Pros|»ect this tferk. nett,', with Dr. Darrin, and all with on<* a, ord »•arri«'l< r docs stall work. Jonas A. Lee. 1 iimntown Privine». Jun<-1 i*ti| J. A. L ouden , ('»»ntra'*t<*r. Dr. Terry has l»evn j»»inr«l by his family, of treatment Is j>eeiiliar to him«, If and strik­ and when it is considere*1 that every »km» of tbe corruption manifest by lav­ vxho arrived fr»»m th»' north a **b»»rt time ingly successful. These cure.“ are prin.'lpaHy bushel of wheat, every foot of lumber, ing the blame to others In his lengthy since. don** by electricity and magnetism, uiedi<’in* Estray Notice. h <*uros b»*a»ia«.*hA only ■ rrvAt«'»n's H«'»l- either in the plank or on the stump, statement we have a simple, unbroken l*eing given wh,-u ueeessury. NEW THIS WEEK Don ’ t forget th«* dance her»» on July 3»|. every pound of wool or dried fruit, every narrative of intimate personal and finan­ 70 1-2 Washington street, Portland, is Ak<*. I HAYED FKGM THE FAKM < »F THE UN mu*i«' ami supper will t»e !lrst-< la.<*^ and where the Doctor's ofyfee is located, and case of t anned vegetables or tish, every cial association between I.Ocas and Wan­ Th»» d»r*igue.!, in Little Butt, pneimt. « ars old. w iih *tar In t.-i. h. a»l. daily. The Do**tor treats all curable chronic, A SPÍC'ALTV LARGIST R»ST AND CH* AprtT »TOOK IH bran»!» d G G on I. ft thigh A Illa ral r» ward bert Kinney may again be seen at Fra- sand and one articles tfiat go to make up tiie time the former began to »jiecuiate G,?N f . f R - r -OIM . All* N • f I H C'-I»•»•»< V U win I»»* pan! lor her n turn or a*n i|if.»riii.i- the sum total of the exports of the coast with the liank’s funds down to tiie time d»»nburgh’s hot«»l, and is serving th»» public in acute and private disease«. Examination nt I WM^RATf ANO A» l * SFNO FORCA TAl-VGo'» Ai, «'NOS tion that may h ad tli»*r< to. the oflf.'.j of by letter free. Electricity 1« the J\\l\ OF PRINTING DON» AT LOW RATtfi ISTlMAVCS O V»N will be directly enhanced in value bv when tiie hank collapsed. Lucas went his ev<■r*aeroinmo»lnting wav. GEO. GIVAN. greatest known remedy in the euro of |mpo. J. Gilson A C<». have opened a drug-store Ft. ». MQOREH, OKSOON. Eagle Point, June «». lsjq. its building, a little idea of its im­ into a “blind |*ool’’ with Wanamaker in toney an l error»of youth, catarrh and deaf­ ber»» and keep a »y>mpl»«t«» ami first-class ness. mense importance to the western shore Reading stock, and wtien he got intodif stock of drugs, m**»lirin»»s. perfumery, etc, of the continent can be obtained. It will ticully issued fraudulent Keystone stock, The New School Laws. Hsve^-xbllsbed „ Lumber Yard at Mulford ami will k,...,, hllllq „ Fred. Fradenbtirgb. D. L. Newt«»n. Jam««* Take 11 Before Er» akfaiit. give such an impetus to tit*development ujion which Wanamaker raised funds assortment of of al) lines of industry tiiat it may well Marsh, as Luca»- successor, and falsifier Wright and Mr. Kinney are among thoe«> Th»* great appetizer. t«»!il< ‘ un«i llv«*r regula ­ To th«- <)tlh*«*n» of the various School Districts ‘> were at th»* county-seat »luring th** be predicted that it will usher in a new of the bank’s accounts to hide Luca»’ xvh • »t Jac-kson < »»unty. Oregon: tor. In uac for more than 50 years in A -■ week. England. P<»aitivcs|«eelflcf..rliv.*r eompfiünt. era in the history of the coast. theft, gave Wanamaker most unusual S THE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOT BEEN Wc have selected two or Had taste in the mouth »>n arising in th»* Mr**. F. T. Frad»*nburgh has g*»m* t<> A ' furnish ’ d th»- n» w school la^s by th»* privileges at the bank. When ti e liana pr<»p» r stnt«’ nuth<»riti« s, h«« is unable t»» fur­ three lines from letters nish PxMll.U’S one of tiie best advertise could not ba kept up any longer, Wana­ Siskiyou r».mnty. Cal., in response t«» a m»»rning, dull pain.«* in th»* head and l*H»*k of Croup. j u with copies ot tlicMim«*. Asso«»nHR t»*legram anm-un Ing th»* *»*ri»»u*« lllmss of ••yes. tir«*»i feeling, dizzim*»*. Iangu«»r-svmp ments that has been accorded the far maker got Ins money and his firm's her lii'dher. freshly received from pa­ tin y arrive they uill b«* forwarded to you toma of Uv»*r complaint. Kcinedj I>r H»'u- • I If Ml»«»« .<• < northwest was the timely article of Sen­ money and tfie Bethany fund money out |ey a English Dan«i«*li»»n Toni»». K»»li.*v.*s rents who have given German Syrup witibiui delay C. S PKI< E. The uii|Mii«l school-tax ha*« l»eroine de­ consti|iati(>n. ahar|M*na tlmnppetito andt».n» s ator I-olid, in the t'urwn for the present Then the collaise came, and it was dis­ to their children in,the emergencies S« hool Sup ’ t of Jackson Co., < >r. month, calling the attention of the world covered that while poor depositors had linquent ami was turn»*»! «»ver to th»' >heriff up th«» entire system. Get th«» g»*nuine FOR SALE for « "11» eti »n not long since. It amount.»«! from y»»ur druggist f r *1. au»l take h * .’ -rd- of Croup. You will credit these, Jacksonville, June 8. 1891. abroad to the immensity ol resource and l»j«t considerable sums, tiie chief loser» to several hundr»*»l d»'liars. ing t<» «lir« ',ti"U‘*. because they come from good, sub­ tho already great growth and startling had been ttie city of Philadelphia, *600,- FIXE. I.AlUiE firi.l.. <>F PI KF. 1’01 Jackson County Normal Th»* Hogg building, on the corner, was in Angu*- am! Durham st««« k. can !»<■ hm development of Ibis section during the 1100 of »11)1» d**|K>«it» had gone, and the s.-rioU’* danger stantial people, happy in finding Institute. flr»* one .lay last week but v» ry r»*aaonable figure by calling on th Hie New Discovery last decade or two. The only objection state of Pennsylvania, *930.000 of whose luckily there were enough boys present to what so many families lack— a med­ d« r*lgn.*d, w h.is«’ pnstofficr addr» ss HE FIRST ANNI Ab SESSION <»l THE. we have to it ia that the senator ha» not deposits hail gone also. * "ln' «En. GIV You have tnvird your fricntlsand neighbors icine containing no evil drug, which put out the flam*“*, and n- ■»•■rious damage Jacksonvill»' Conntv Normal Institute will talking about it. You may yourself be .»ne Little Butt« PH resulted. enough to say of southern Oregon. Tiie be li'*l'l in tb<* Ja« ksonviil«* scliool house, mother can administer with con ­ 4.- paper is not only well t me.l, hut is writ­ The match ra* * h»*r»» f -r a si»ie, Uv. of rhe many who know from personal ex- commencing 1 be Me'tlral Prorrtslun tween tw.) nfour l»est lo*al horses, on the fiorienee ju«t bow g'»**d a thing it is. If you fidence to the little ones in their ten in the author'» best vein, and fmn lave ever tried it, , ...... . .............. ....... you nr.* one of its staimeli most critical hours, safe and sure fl'i rhir Sfluil. ‘lull/ '!!>. J «.'»/. The attitude the medical profession third <4 Julv. Is attracting »»nmdderable its very moderation of statement i* cal­ friend“, lieeaii“*, the wonderful thing ut.... . it culated to beget tiie confide nee of the dis toward what is known »“ patent medicines” attention. Th»* betting ring is waxing Is that, wlmn one.* given a trial. Dr. King s that it will carry them through. an I will cont mu» tu . h < • k«*. Mind wandering eniwd. Raok* bwn»*! 1» n<»t s' all unreasonable. Th"ii“au»l“ of warm anotb h >rse® are con*dder»»d th»» fl»»«.*test iii Lillig or Cbi*«t trouble. »**cur** a botti., at troubled with Croup have depended ujion tion In P*j«m >1 »gy. The objects of tin* N<»rm .l institute ar»* to ou ’e and gtv.* it a fair trial. It 1-guaranteed and never saw any it in »tuck» of Croup ing to th« fact that tins slope mil occupy an. mg thebe nostrum». It Las overcome th» southern Oregon. r»*vk*w tin- subj'its tatigbl 1n th»* common every time, or mon«y refunded. Trial bottles preparation act like with mv little daugh­ schools an»l to discuss the b»*st metliods of tbe same position relative to the interior wbole»< me prejudices of physicians in all It It is simply Ull ter. and find it an in­ presenting them tn pupils. The instituto Is free at E. C. Brooks' Drug-store state* in fifty years from now that tiie part* of th« country »nd som** of the strong- raculous <>n tbe put forward In bsball of S 8 S country can be had from this hotel. n.iai.J ly and applied externally, relieving the conab A medicine to be successful with the f<>r th * pnrp sc of *’»**■ HiidthHf tearful h**a laclie in five miniit. “ Kt th<* »lift» i i nt bi'i»m-m * :i b • FOKsu.r. iirnrAi.EL ci thi» awakening is coming a demand for la based on a series of actual experiment« and rooms from *1 t.. J1.5II per day. according repeating a few times the patient Is cured per- little folks must be a treatment for I diMUsft'd. 'liter. : n b» .iu .’til ' »•’*! •xteuded *>Vvi .* long period "1 time. to location, K.-dueed rates for faniHie“ and uianently. well and sound. This lias b.-cn nsisl the sudden aud terrible foes of child­ books am! try t » b p; • ■ u! t uf t !:»• information of a reliable character con- ninne partie». »Inicie inca!», 28 cent». »»' o/ f. two seasons and ling nut failed In a ease, where ot the Institute. cerning th* country w Inch such article« E. Y ztss , Proprietor. uaed as directisl. People goto Brooks' drug­ hood, whooping cough, cr iup, diph- j For further iti format ion i _ ____ ______ K»>* ’ LL <. ' :( aa that of donator Dolph go far towards In the tiie mornjug morning to b<* be treated amigo ami uo theria and tiie dangerous innanima- ' •“-------- store in Why sidl'.r- Frcwtcoa H'.d-Ak'.-' W¿U l»er Advertising Bureau Newspa]»cr Ihm au -!•> i " _ rar* ysu. •trpTTying. rtm Street i, where mlv« r- lift MJJÍ tiOTisoi dtflittth thrtrats aud lungs X 1 Ja^klbhS ■* ' 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, STRAW HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, LEWIS P., 'Pi Ill' I I’l PS PII rr< > ii REAMES $c WHITE ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, S CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD I l’ I** WOlt'l l£ #1,000. SICNAL TEHAMA CEORCE, THL ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION Metford Oregpn s NKsneeun. win so ygy reu Guti wii¥ “CTSTARTEDWiTmOLS.”.’ O DR. ACKER’S ENGLISH ! S SVB.- ROGUE RIVER LUMBER CO., Mannfactnrers ani Wholesale Dealers in> “German Syrup” S Lumber, Lath & Pickets. A Flooring, Rustic and Ceiling. Cedar, Yellow Pine and Sugar Pine Seasoned Finishing Lumber. A T EMORY (Wren ftv fe’ w