he Dvinocratic ¿hr ììnuocvatu aimes AOVIRTIBINO AND «IO» WORK AdvsrtlWnc will be inserted in tbe TlMX st tbe following rates: .Y t THE TIMES JOB OFFICB À- ¡tat»-« of Sulm« riplIoD : tnri’P mtiiiths •• JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1891 VOL. XXL <2 5O. I >». •!ii*c »p> ¡ m r aniMHii. in »uivanee. « • •• six month*......................... ......... FRANK GALLOWAY. OFFiCiAL DlHüUTOHY. STATE OF OREGON. f s s«*uat »1*4, J. H Mitravi. J. N- Dolph; C tincn*.*»:nti.ì, B. ¡4 •rm.iun; G »wrn«»r, S. P» n- u iy rr. S« vr» tary u! Mat»*, G»*unn‘ W. M»- Bn t«-; St tt-’ 1’r«* wtirvr. Pun M» tHvmtn .-’tut»* i Pr.nt’tT F. < . Bak r. Su|H. Pub!»»’ i'itf rm tiui», K. B. Elr.»y, ’»uur. m • J «i U» -. K. S. Strahan, Chief JualiC'*;W. P l. »r i. K. >. H an. NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AGENT 1 manufacturer of F1MHT JUDll’Iil. UlMlilHT. SILAS J. DAY, < > i**ïi» o 11 >Ï4»<liorcl <*iRU|»rBiiii( Ja< K-*nt, J i-u-paiii■*. Lak»* and Kia uat ti u»»ufit u ’ h . t 'itviiit Ju I - , u. K. vl»- •tvr. District Ao »rtivy, W M » »Ivig. Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. J.VKHOX » ». X TF s‘fiat »r, L’.I ». »■.i.ii Tut; it •pr >vntiit!veM, S. Fiiny..!. «V d i i»U. J d d t I; County Juta -. I K s d; • ».n HI- ; »11 » % < W. fay- .or, B ii. il.r. in »ibi,t I- i r . M. d itlfi ;S!i» i itT, J. G. Bir-tari. R v inb r, *V. M. ii dmtv; 1’rva*- nr -i‘, G. E. Bi«Miiiiri, Ari-v« ui. 1. L. H i.iiilljii; Sv a »ol Supt-rml» u •i»-nt, » ’• ?». I*» ir •; Surv»yoi P. Appl«*i<At<*; <’»r.»n-r, J. S. Parcou; Slur in.Nprclor, W. F. S.»n»c»*r. LEGAL D.JCÜMENTS Of allkurl«.lriw«t up. ■-P" 'h I'llamlug to tin- H'-ttlellielll ot < «lat. S. MIK Colliri r o» Ifrounh. I'rumpt Rfinlllm*»1- Jo^ht’MlNE CoL'NTY. J uni S i it >r, W. '»I. ( i.iir, Il •prr.-‘rntafivr, il. il. Miller; » <>iint> .lu Irff, V. t’uivix: C«»m- ¡IIIINDHliTN. » ’. ’ ». H im - L»w, P. illllseil, » i. i k, C. K. < ' i iii-i »r; SiuTiit. Jam«’.-» t‘. Tr-’i-nr. ur, J »V. 'wii»*r«’r; AMt-wAor, ri. C. Harmon. Sen ».4 --up riiiK’ii i«,.ii, W. \ M is.«*it*; Survey or, < . W. tl.iv« in; * »r »«> i . Ur. Waliacv. Kl.AMAI'll 0)4 N UY Jo.al S -nator. t . A. » .1 ot Lake; R« p- rcHviiNit i ve. A. Sni<i«»r »»I Lak •; »'»unty Juixe, J. S. Orr; t arn i»is>*i.mere Ii. it. <'.>mp*<>ii, < . S. Silvern; Ciri K, A. L. i. aviti. Stirrilf, Fi. W. Gowan; l'rcmiur. r. Wm. E. Il »w«-; A-nes- •»«•r, J»»lin Smart. S»* q » oi Supr. lUtrndviit, I*. I.. Foo it.ua. Survrj ■ >r, Iwa L ■»< •.tr 1; Cor-mur, J. T. Furbe». uikk cocxrr. Joint Senator. » A. C omnw » ii of Lak«*; K«-p rudentati Vi*. A Sm Jrr; Cuuiitv JulX’’. W. A. WilMairr; C« ».uiilivw.. »ari««, A. V . i.au , li«’ ». M J »uva: Clerk, W. N.Sutton; SUertlX, W. i'.ilt i t Tk «e. Douomrh; Stock liwpevior, l>. R. Jones. MONEY LOAKEO. Inv. «Imeni s.-cui-itl- - a Sp.-eiaily. Jackson County Scrip B »irtlii iin-l > 1 hnv.-n ' 'Ufi- t' - t I 'tal - -.I all I htlyr l.-lli'talll I H-' crinita, H'1‘1 ' ' Al» «tract« ne.nthly from I! - burs aU entri.-ma.l I am t Im- |«i • po'"I to rim»« out lloim «temi ini'l Pre-, ini’ti'm pup» th . and I« can savt-1«» parti« n th»* » xp» ita«‘ <»t a trip *" AM» M V ;<> theh <■ to all .utters. the times. i H.. laiun, Esq.. 1er, Juilire of thi. iiiÄSTr.-nxT.— d viewot henee in Position. Mta.KTl.NU »>F t’OUHTH, KTC. The supreme court of Orej<«m meets at Salem, regular termi* commencing on the tirsi Mon.tayi» in .March an<t October; ata«» at P* n- dleton, commendnj< on tir-*t Monday m May. L’ne tirvuit court f»»rt nc first judicial district aits in Jackson county on first Mondays m April, September an I Devemoei*. in Klamath county »»n s«»cond Monday in June ami first M<»n«iay in November, in Lake count v on the .nini Monday in May and the secund Monday m Octoinr. in Joecplime county on first Mondays ut Marcii and August. F >r Jaeks »:i county tn»- county, probate and commissioners' courts meet every month, comm« nr’.iig will» the first Monday; tor Josc- painv county, the first .Monday m January, Aprii, July an i Sepie,nucr; t h l*akv county, every alternate in mtti. cominenciug tin- hist M onday in January, t or Klamath county the nn*t MTcdnuaday Gl M ircu, June, ttaptvrber and November. MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. BEEKMAN & REAMES' It BANKING HOUSE, NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEA? H.I.II.I .1 ■ ■ r ■ .................................... ....... ■■ ■ I ■ ......................... I ■■■ . ■ YAQUINA BAY ROUTE JACKSONVILLE OR. w ORKING PEOPLE can take Simmons Li’tr Regulator without lors of time or dan ger from exposure. It takes the place of a doctor ‘and costly prescriptions and is therefore the medi cine to be kept in the honsehol^tcJ/Qjji’en upon 1»nv i ing BICK11CS8 It contiiiW no dangerous ingredients but is purely vegetable, gentle yet thorough in its action, and can be given with safety and the most satisfactory results to any person regardless of age. It lias no e<|ual. Try it. CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 7«VY STOP IT kOW. Xliort Line to (Ju Hf ornili. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FREIGHTS <fc FARES THE LOWEST W. H. PARKER, STEAMER SAILING DATES. ATT'tKNEY AND Vol N-ELOlt AT LAW. Ja rX i’/Hriilf Or. W,iiam» tte U . iamette W . 'amt tte Wiil uiu tt. FrfAriCIS FITCH, FHOM Vailey, V il|.*y, Vallr\, Vai!« } , TAQl’IXA* I Thursday. May. . 7 Willamette Saturday, May.If» , Willamette Sunday. May............. 24 Wi’iamette Sunday, May........... d Willam» tte FROM SAX THAN» ISCO Valley,Sun.t.n . M.«v. . \ alley. Tu» M»lav, Slav Valley, Wotlm -Ja.», 'faj .... Valley. Thursday, Maj K' • p« the Inrg' i t ak ot 12 20 •»L The company rraerves the right to change sailing dar s without notice. ATTORNEY ANI! I . H NSELOlt AT LAW. Trains connect with the 0. A and— R. R. and River B:»ats al Corvallis and Albany. VINZS AND SHRUBBERY Trim N ■ : will run r»i' s tays, Thursilavs and Saturdays, jmd ou ini rm l ait »lays when ivr "ii.v. i rain N<». 4 will run M<»n lays, tat tin '.«Ja> s ami Fridays, nii'l < tn int <rrn' liiito days when n»‘’r» 8-ary. T. E. Hogg, R» reiver. P. P. PRiM, ATTOKNEY ANO COUNSEL«Hl AT LA W. C. C. HOCUE, Gen I F. A 1’. Ag’t. (> P, IL R (.’<», i ’orv il li». Oregon. W. B. WEBSTER (ieu’l F. A I’. Ag’t, » >r»v«>n Development Co., i<<lM»»nth.'orit4*ry Ht., Han Francisco Cal. Jacte^onrlllr, Oregon. ____________________ Will pructice in all court* <>r th.• Mate. utltec in the Court House, third door to left ut » n- t rance. NO APHIS ORLiCE I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and hare tried tnanv different reriedien and have sought aid from different physicians without relief Abuitthe 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner t.»:«t I was be.it over. When I sat down it was almost tenpossible for me to get up alone, or to put on ny cl< kind Providence <rnt I»r H-n'ev, OREGON KIDNEY 1!.> ti my hotel. I immediately couirienced using the tea It had an almost miraculous effect, and to thr aston ishment of all the guests at the uotel, in a few days.I am happy to state, that I was a new man. 1 will recommend the tea to ell afflicted as I have been G A TUPPER. Pruprirt- • ‘< u’ «’ Skunl.i K m i ,d PRICES NE PLUS ULTRA. J. H. NEIL, TREES. « ’.i.i tioperi<*> pi •• it> •• •• s •• lrt •• “ i iiriiishvi r«?RH<»na ATTOKNEY AND coi N.'LLoll AT LAW, ./acAavneill«, tre. >» » Stockmen to Clear the Roads. An aei passed by the legislature at the last sbssiun concerning the obstruction of public highways by stones and debris left by herds or flocks driven over or along the road» » oi interest to stockmen and to road supervisors, especially in tbe mountainous district« most frequently used by drovers. It is as follows; An Act to prevent and punish the driving or herding livestock along or near public highways (not toll roads) and causing the same to be obstructed. S uction 1. That any person or persons driving or herding, or causing to ^e driven or herded, cattle, horses, sheep or any kind of livestoci along or near s public highway and causiug sucn highway to be obstructed thereby with stones, earth or other debris, aud living the same to so remain than twenty-four hours, shAll be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic tion thereof shall be fined In any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, such ®ne to ta* enforced as other fines In criminal case®; and justices of tbe peace of the county where the offense is committed shall have original Jurisdiction of all violations thereof. B bction 2. Inasmuch as many of the pub lic highways of thia saate are being oonatant- ly obstructed by the herding and driving of livestock, this act shall take effect and be In force from and after its approval by the gov ernor. Approved February 20, 1891. AeruM tbe Deep, to tbe Far West, O" R'camiioaU. <*» • a«»d stage-» oiwbea, H stctur’B .Mutiia» b Butera ta carried a> tbe most imp» r’Miit ¡»ecu in tbe tnatert ui» dtea «d thr tra«» li«»r puMic. 1» dri»rtvr> <re»«w*iin^NMMWvwawaaaMta« b u rtha I prop»rtirs and ex»*»rrtb'e ttnvur. cuunt»*r- ibe pernicious effects up«»n tbe etom- 4ch oi bud or indigestible food, remedies cramps, heartburn and wind upon the «toinncb It is a tine defence against malarial dta« rders, nullities the effect of • X'-essne beat, cold and damp, relieve* *it k tieadnciie, and ia an incomparable cur» f »r costivencKb and biliousness. Th» fstigue ot travel olten tells most disas iron lv upon invalids and convalescents, occMMonuJiy to such rX'ent as to jeopar- d'Ze life. Persons in feeble health, appre- iien-tve <»f ban effects from travel, will, il provided wi h the bitters, be far less likely to have thrir tears real zed mcim STACK! SOON IT WIIL at TOO LATX. HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT Spraying for San Jose Scale. Tlis folluwiugwwsgiven to tbe Celifi-ruia Fruit Exporter «and Farmer” by l>r. W. J. Dobbins <»ue of tbe largest growers of prun»*s In Vaca valley: • Do you know that it i* no trick to kill the San Jose scale? No? Well it Isn’t. If grower- will spray thoroughly with lime, aalt and sulphur the seal»» I h easily killed. I will tell you my formula. I take twenty pounds <•( sulphur, ten pound« of lime and thirty gall-ms of water, cook and constantly stir until it takes <»n a dark re»l c»)lor. I th“U dissolve «»r slake fifteen rounds of salt and forty pounds >f lime in thirty gallons of cold wat» r. Wh«*n I get ready to spray I use twenty-five gallons of tho cooked lim»» and suljdiur. fifty gallons of the slacked lime and salt and tw»*nty-flve gallons of hot water. When in th-» spray-box this mixture should b»» continually stirred while spraying. It won’t do to allow the ingredients tn settle. I have a man - -n th? box to do nothing else but stir and drive. Trees should not b»i sprayml with this mixture in the spring or suninvr, l>‘cause serious results will follow. It should 1 h » applied in the winter-time when the tr»*e is dormant. One thorough spray ing will eradicate all traces of the Sau Jone scale.“ AT CENTRAL POINT Catarrh Can't I m * Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as th*y cannot rea h the seat of tbe di!*e»8* ______ . <'rttartb is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you have to Where is kept constantly on hand a complete take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acta directly and first-elaAft Mock of mi the blood and mucous surfaces Hail’s Catarrh Cure is no qua» k medicine It was prescribed by one of the best pbysi vians in ibis country f»»r jears, ana is a regular prescription. It is composed of Stoves, Tinware. Cutlery, the best tonics ki own, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of ibe two ingredients is what pro such wonuenul results in curing OILS OF ALL KINDS duces calairb >end for testimonials fiee fr . .1. CHKNEY A Co , Props., Toledo, O. Mechanics’ Tools, b»»ld bj d-uggisis, price 75c. JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR. Will practice In all court. >>t th. -I. tu tue Court House, Ursi dour Ioidi .«I eii- trauce. 1S-2 J. C. CARSON, hS7 Sash. Doers. Blinds Will practice in all court* «»I lh< Sial«-. In i.irta a brick, up-^tMirs. I». .1 . r in WINDOW AND P late glass ROBEST C. SMITH, ATTORNEY AND COI N.'ELOK Gra/it’i l‘a»9, Oregon. ViBee In Layton A Co.'s brick, upataira. HARDWARE, PAINTS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS •I. B. WELCH. Oklahoma. A complete map of Oklahoma and the In- •liau T< rr-.tcry, tn "oW*, »U tb* dit- NAILS, ROPE. fiTcnt reservations and num? of tribes, and And overvthinir ctor hiuurinablc in this line. number of Indiana occupying the earn»». My K<M>ds arc n«-w and ot the beat branda, and Also showing date of treaties and those that wil’ be sold at tbe Lav».* Ih*»*n ratified by congress. 2,000,000 acres of which will be opened to white settlement Lowest Ruling Prices. not lat» r than September, railroads, rivers By tho Thousand ! and all prominent towns. A fine llthograph- G’ve me a call before goln> e sewhere. i • bird h eye vl»*w of Guthrie, the capital of HE I’NllEHSlGNE!» N(»W T \KING (>K- J. C.SHERIDAN <h«rs tlir«»ugti Jauk'itiH ami 'piiine coun- Oklahoma Territory, 24x36 inches, showing il» h for 30 cuts of the finest brick and stone blocks on tbe margin of the picture. The above de scribed map and picture will f»e sent to any FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY. address, postage ¡»aid, on receipt of fifty Any Kiii'l riita«il in a first-claws Nursery. cents. Stamps taken. Address, Luther West Guthrie Oklahoma, advertising agent Tliost' wanting tr»*«*s will <b»well to giv»' me for Oklahoma Territory. t h»'ir orrlffi*. iu I will g'nirant»*» Mil isfaution. I warrant a I iny tr« » *. tl pr<»)•« rly cared tor. Terms ot payment < a-\. Produce tak«‘n al Take it Before Breakfast, tiliilkr 1 price. ‘ h;ttairt M. ot Ft -¡It'll -‘»••ti wantfsl. \. S JOHNSON. The great appet’zer,tonic and liver regu Jacksonville.Oregon. Anur. 1. Is-«. and lator. In use for more than 50 years in r. England. Positive specific for liver and cuini laint. Bad taste in the mouth on ■■■■■■■■■■■■a rising in the morning, null pains in the ■ • • • - JHA H II HH ITKII . . . .m and l>»Mdaml back of tbe eyes, tired feeling, -hzzint 8s, languor—3j nintoms of liver cow- à SMITH & WESSON _ limit, iiemvdy—Dr. Henby's English hand* lion T'-nic. K»litves constipation, sharpens the appetite and tones up the (t nf ar 111 eorl ■ »-t tiie system. Get the genuine from your — The Flnett Small Arma E»er Manufactured ■ druggist fei fl. and take according todirec < « uh ranter •<! ■ U".' Alh h Vr-; r~- r lions. ■ ACCURACY V „ DURABILITY. ~ Baby McKee on the Rampage, I*. M. Hlld ■ EXCELLENCE of An important event oc»'Urred In administra „ WORKMANSHIP and ■ CONVENIENCE In tion »»irclcs in WusblDgtuu last week. Baby _ LOADING and SAFETY. McKe»* doniKvl pants aud in tho exuta-ranc»* " Beware of cheap iron imitations. of his delight strutted all over the white ■ Sand fcrllwtr tad Cat >’ ■ list"tog house, calling up everybody to take note of his manly Hi»j»ear;ince. All would have gone „ SMITH 4 WESSON, well hud it not ta«vn for the fact that thr ■ srniM.nn a. . wins ." youngster met the wife of a cabinet minister in th»» oast park»r, wb«» bad several young ladies with her. Young McKee called out to FIRE ^ND MARINE th»» lady in a loud voice : “Do you wear pants? I do.” Ther»» were blushes, a slight scream and Baby McKee was rush»»d oft to the con servatory. FRUIT TREES MORRIS M. HARKNESS, »rtOHNKY AND fOL’NSELOK AT LAW. tirant’« /‘tin/*, 1/rryoH. Jackson County Bank. t O. F. DEMOREST, xi i :i>i"<>i< i>, < >i< RESIDENT 1> F. N T ! S T. >>. Mi-ilhiril OrvK'.n. CEO. DE BAR. M. D., PHYSICIAN Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. A N D SURG E O N. COLL23TIOITS A SP32IALTY. J. A. CEISEHOORFER, M. O. MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS PHYSICIAN ANO SURGEON, Jackfionrlllr, Or. TOLO! TOLO! TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. <Mhut in Aik»-ns bn Udi ng <»n < all furnia !*t rr»t. utili » h»»uis lu to 12 a . m . 2 t». 4 and • t»» s. r. m . Urdiurd, Uregirn. Il,h .III Main streit, in I'liilders' Iculdina. < a. . i.roiuplij attend. .1 lo, .|.«v ami uu.it. TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE E. P. CcASY, M. O.. I' H ft 111 AN A N I> » T K G K <> N. i c i • .h» 'I E. B. PICKEL, M. D., I’ It Y 8 I € 1 A N A N I» 8 U K G E O N. Of the Franchises and Privileges granted to F. H. ROWE August 7th, 1888, By the incorporators of said company, now on file at the Recorder’s office, in .Jacksonville Jackson Co. T ¡REVOLVERS; ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■ W. S. JONES, P 11 V -> I « I A N M. O. ANU SI It G E <> N. Orogen. THE OREGON LAND CO —WITH ITS — Home Office fit illuni. Ore «fon TILE FOR SALE UtJk- -Ihinüii’fl Bl».» k. Better Than a Gold Mine. Ten acres set to fruit when in a bear- ing condition will yield an income CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. of from |3o»»o to |450O j per year and requires no txpensive machinery to .1 L« " • üb» ry. President. operate it. A fruit-raiser in the Wiliam* li. M. Grant, Secretary and Maunder. ettevalby requires but a small outlay, has ail the advantages of a civilized and cultured society, has good and convenient markets and receives a belter income from the same investment than can be bad from any other line of business You can get this land from |55 to >75 per acre of The Oregon Land Conn any ot Haleni,Oregon, <»F PORTLAND, OREGON. Nt*dfor»i, Orrg<»a. .» .- |»r »nipt Attended to Day <»r Night. » Uhr» on B str«x*t. NORTHWEST INSURANCE CO. Telo, Oregon, October 4, 18^!». R. PRYCE, M. D., LUCKEY 4, CO Probably Coming W Oregon. P II Y 8 l C I A N AND 3 U It G E o N, H«*'lfhr«L Hrrgoa. ■tifi.. ■.« Wi’itaias Brick Huilai nir. up-stalra. Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms. Also City and Suburban Property. J. C. LEE, M. D., mu for the purpose buylnir <1 and «olMlivlillna ■1 he , «>r«g. n r,.„.i«-<, L n. . was was «sneclallv rsiweimij organlz««! «“w(> y iHrH KBI„| "I .„uiivM. , i . ji . i ■«<,.« on - orland « f. flve to iwerfty aero tracts. Th.- hu « c « wh ot this unilertaking 1« shown In th. P II Y ’ 1 1 I A N ANO SURGEON Tiling of All Kinds ASHLAND, OREGON, Will Sell, Lease, Rent and Handle &. .... ...... ...... REAL-ESTATE OS COMMISSION rut uv N. D. YOUNC, si i: V i; yo ie, .lfft ks«-ntill»'. firt'.»«n. ^nrv-jiiu* <»tall kind- d-nein a first-class marni» r and a* r< a««>n.ibi<- rat» «;. ;^"'P« < ;il attention pai»! to hicating gov ernment land*» DO YOU WANT TO SAVE ; < i«« '.»» < i:x rs Agents for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Selilitz Brewing Corn Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Schrnidt A Co.’s Sarsaparilla and pany» I Iron Water; also Arcatliar Mineral Water from Waukesha. Wis- 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon « »N <»n >i|>en<IV NI«-i-<«litn»t Tailor DEAFNESS. Its Causes and Cure, tifleaily tit :o <l by an mu i-t of worl<!- reputiif •<•»». It.ifii — . nviU at. .| mu »| < n- t ut ' i!.->! tr.iin 2»' ’■ .M> \ ar«'Manding. allotlier fiiatiiit m- failed l|nw iffieulty is n arii' I and t m-. insi removed » \piaiiUNi in » in i/.u-.. with alfidav-ti lesi’.m »ma.' of cun « ¡Kim prominent le, mailed ft. r. DR \ FONTAINE, d " • t II h Si J. V ORGANIZE ALLIÂMES. Best Cough Mo-li<’ine. Recommend««! by I”..'. ¡«•inns. Cures wi' re all else fails. Pleasant and agres able to the taste Children take it without object ion. ¡1« flr'igL'i^t'’- > A. CARRICK, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, CoTiKHL HOM ) “ - • » From Mr. L. Samuel, president of the Oregon Press Association* It is ¡«Mimed that at th«* session of th»' National Editorial Associ ation. to be held in St. Paul next month, a str»»ng pull will ta» made to have tbe session of 1HV2 held In Portland. As every state in the I nion has from flveto fifty’ delegates in the National Association, and as each member is cither a proprietor or editor ot a paper, som»» id»»a «*aii ta» formed of the benefit whi<»h the visit <»f so intelligent a body of men is likely to prove to the northwest. Farm lor Sale. Wh Woa\^'„1Hke'“iriabh’lmp’rr>v.'m. nts in the way of roads, f. nees, cl. armg th.- lan.l ' ro We can «*1 a suiaU tract otbrird lor the sani.- price p.-r aero you would have to pay for a A guu<l farm ainl st<>< k raii’ h.» tmlainin^ ltifi A Choice Collection of targv farm. aci » -; loo urn s un it r t» nut-, titi acr<’-< in culfi- vatiun. tit»»»«! huiiMu an-l outbuihiings and Legal Blank». I nuc<*«ary barn room. Fruit enough for a K full ussortiuent of blank« for the use Hmall tainllj . Two living apritigH on the p’aor. of justi'-es of the pca.-e and constables can handy forHtoek and irrig»:!i«»n |»urp»»s<*a. The idaec is I «rated thr» » miles northwest of Eagle always la- found at the T im » office; also Any person wishing to nell property vi r p I ) Point.ami nin»- inih's from Central Point rail- deeds, niortgaires, Irills of sale. leases, I und ?» «• uh roml Htation. If ?oid before hnrveM tiie crop fin»! It to thrir int«»r<»Ht to niechanie'« In ns. I«md«aud every legal blank will go with the pla» ♦ . A small buncJi of cattle generally u«ed In Oregon. They are printed and H»»mr hogs will b»» sold also, if desired. > 4 after the latest and best forms, and will bo Terniw easy; two-third« cash, iuilanr»- to Huit sold at Portland prices. These Is no neces i»urchH*«*r. For particular* en<|tiirt* on the place of t hr proprii t. tr. sity tor sending awav for your legal blanks. FKKIiKKlUK SCHNEIDER. And Ln porter of Hop Lice. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. MAPS ? PRICELIST. era Il EBEBV Ki >FE' Il I l.i.v IM OHM THE tarin» n* an • hu».•rm« p< < p,e ot Jacason < o that I have b» »*n appoint <il». r«uty Organizer of Allianc»-’* an<l Imhtatnul I nion-« in this count.', ’.'orrespond. nee solicited from all whi> arc ic.-irou- ol orirai. /.¡ny Alliances. SAMLEL H. llul.r Piiumix« Or k EULL LINE OF THE BEST AND MOST A fashionable cloths, tlntshings, etc., con stantly kept on hand, and nothing but first. .-I hss work turtle«! out. •JI orders filled promptly at reasonable rates and satisfaction guaranteed. . .. .. A. GABKICK Medford. Ma 13. IKS» »end th« marvelous Frenrb Remedy CALTHO8 free, and a l“K*l guarant»* that C althoi will * TOP Dtacharfea A Eadaalwa. <TBE *»er»aUrrteaa.VaHc0ceto aa4 RESTORE Ua V|<wp. Use it and pay if satisfied. AtMraM.VON MOHL CO., Boh tasrieaa ¿pate, (.ladaaaU, Ohh. Tew lines,onefnsvrtla«»........ .j..............- W JJ •• •• each subeequent insertion............ 7s IWD-gal ad vert lsemenu I neert e«l rvaaonabW. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly andjime adwrtlsera. NO. 26 THE OLD PI0KEER8.. SCHEDULE. The evening daily gets just too fanny for anything In tieating the Mossback question as to sending a Moss back to the Chicago fair. We maintain that Oregon might do worse than to exhibit a whole platoon of Mossbacks at tbe World’s fair. I d doing so it would ex hibit a specimen of manhood and woman hood that bad tbe pluck and energy to croas tbe trackless plains and wend its way through the rugged mountains nl a men unknown continent, and in th. lace of boafils trilree of wil<t Ind ana and savage treasls of prey it laid th« founda tion Tor a great and piospoou. state here on the Pacific coast. While th« “tenderfoot” of to-day, the new blood that is to make Oregon one of the fore- moet states of the Union, was livirg in peace and qaiet and reaping tiie benefits of fie environment in tire land of school- hoa.ee and churches, these Mowsbaek« were living on venison, salmon and salel berries, working by day and teaching their children by night by the ligut oi pine knots, and all the time laytbg tt>e foundation for tbe great cities end pros perous communities that make Oregon to-day the pride of all tier people. Alter 8.00- a .ifetiine ot toil and economy, moot of those gr.nd old pioneers have becusue comparatively wealth}. The news U 8.00 iheir success had reached tbe land oi he r early homes iu tbe enst, and now, v Following is a schedule of expen ditures made by tbe county court of Jack- aon county, Oregon, at June,A. D., 1891, term thereof, which shows lhe name of Claimant«, the article or eervice for which payment has been made, and tbe amount allowed, and whether the claim has been continued or rejected; as follows: IXDIGXXT ALLOWAXCBS FOB TH I MoMTH OP MAY, 1891. M. W. Dunlap, for boarding Wm. Daley............................................................ »11 M> E. G. Hurt, for buardiug 8. Me- lain................................................................ 10.00 J. H. Whitman, for iudigenl al lowance for A. R>?binaon................... 10 00 Elisa Taylor, for troarding J. Emery......... ................................................ 10.00 N Cooke, fortupplie« furnished to E. C. Gate............................................. 10 00 Sam Kubirfaon, for boarding Ls-wia Calhoun....................................... 5.00 J. Du-Roboam, for boarding Ja«. Leslie........................................................... 12.00 E G. Hurt, for indigent allow ance for J. Cox...................................... 10.00 Benj. Haymond, for suppliea fnr- 500 uistied to W. A. Guldsmitb ......... Berii. Haymond, fur »applies fur nished tu Ed. Hatt........................... Joseph F. Hall, for boarding Busy Phillipa........................................... A. C. Stanley, for supplies fur- ULAhsd ur Squiry Kuge rs. ■_■■■■. TTarriet JuLnsou, lor indigent al- lowance for herself............................. . 4 MO J. P. Goodall, for indigent allow ance for himself...................................... 4.00 John Bhidager, for indigent al lowance for hiiueelf .................... 4 00 Mrs. 8. Root, for indigent allow ance fur herself........... ............................ 6.00 Mrs. Wm. Randles, for indigent allowance fur lierBelf................... 12.00 Reames A White, tor supplies lurnifhed to the family of J. N. Jones.................. ..... 10.00 Ouver Dews, for boarding Geo. Welch.......................................................... 5.00 Benj. Haymond, for supples furni-tied to 1 F. Bs-sett 5.U0 D Linn, for coffin ami bear« for burial of Chas. Chapel! 17.00 J Niinan, for supplies lurinelo d Mrs. Hart ........................................... 8.25 J. Nunan, for supplies furtnshel to Mrs. Lewellen . ................. 1.10 Kearnes & White, for supplies furnished to A. Hatch. 5.00 Reagies A White, for suppiles furnished to Mrs. Lewelleo............. 1 25 Kearnes A White, for supplies furnished to A Law ! ‘.»0 J. W. Hayes,lumber for coffin for Mrs. L. Williams.................................. 1 87 I. F. Gall, for making coffin for Mrs. L. Williams............................... .. 5 00 Dr. W. S. Jones, for medical at tention to Arta Robinson ........ 36 00 [The bill presented Dy Dr. Junes fur attending Arta Kohmt-un amouobd to »98. »62 of the bill wa« disa i «w« «i by tiie court.] W. A Patrick, commander <f Burnside Post No. 23, G. A. K., for tbe relief of Joseph Henry........... 25.00 Emil DeRoboam fur keeping county hospital for month of .May, 1891, in which were kept 13 pa tients. Tbe time they were kept amounted to 324 davs, at »4.50 per week ............................................. 20« 28 Total infligent expenditures »4»>9 65 BOINTY ON WILD ANIMALS. Leroy Smith, bounty for killing 1 coyote.................................. ................ »2.50 J. S. Vestal, bounty for killing 1 2.50 coyote. .................. .............. Edwin Guclies, bounty for killing 1 c< yote . . .............................. 250 W. W. Erb, bounty for killing 1 Covote................................ 2 50 C. C. Keiso, bounty for killing 1 coyote ................................. 2.50 Irvin Dahack, bounty for killing 1 coyote.... ........................................... 2.50 « » W« lborn Beeson.bounty for killing ? »JE * Cuy^te ....................... J A Obenchain, bouny for killingr coyote ..................................................... 2.50 Charles E Jones, bounty for kdling < oyote ... ............. ............. 2.50 Ren F. Peart, Ixiunty for killing o < I'yt.'S....................................... 5.00 C. Morine, 1« unty for killing ♦> : ci votes ..................................... .. ...... 5 00 Geo. V. Roland, bounty fur killing •» coyotes............................... .................. 5 00 E n y Packard, bounty fjr killing 1 coyote ................................................ 2 50 J. Robinson, laiunty for killing 1 coyote...................................................... 2.50 C. Nye, bounty for killing 2 coyotes 5.00 W. R. Taylor, bounty for killing 2 coyotes......................... ........................ 5.00 J. W Munden, bounty for killing 1 coyote.................................................. 2 50 John A Martin, liounty for killing 1 coyote..................................................... 2.50 FL F Simon, bounty (or killing 1 coyote . ...................................... 2 50 G. C. Culy, bninty for killing 2 panthers.................. .................................. 5.00 B W. D an, bounty for killing lcoy- ote ........................................................ 2 50 Total bounties paid $67 50 MISCELLANEOrS. Owen Keegan, for services as jm ioref court house . »31 00 Michael Gatiev, for sawing 21 cords of wood and grubbing out tree in court bouse lot.... . ... 22 50 Chas. Nickell, tor county print- mg ... ......................... 28.00 Rufus Erlaards, for bridge lum- ber furnished to road district No. 4. 10.35 William N ?ah, for 1572 feet of fir lumber furnished to road district No. 10........................................................ 16 11 A. F. McCleary, for moving hitching rack at court bouse........... 2.75 A. J. Walls, for seven days work on county road on Jackson creek 10.50 Wi ham F2aton, for work on county road ou Jackson creek 11.25 S’ephen Beers, for grading county road commencing near the west line of Lewis Rivers' home stead m Sec. 34, Township 34 S, R. 3 West, thence in a northeast erly course through the lands of latwis Sivers and Wm. Byliee, fora distance of between ’4 and mile................................................................ 200.00 Ross E. Moores, lor stationery and blanks . 15 (W J. G. Birdsey, for washing for one prisoner.... ........... 3 50 W S. Crow« II, lor rebate on taxes for 18.89 and 1890. paid on land formerly owned bv D. S. Wai- droop.................................. .............. 16 UO C. W. Taylor, for one day look ing after indigent persons................ 4 00 State of Oregon, ) CB. County of Jiurkaoo. I I, Max Mallet, county clerk of Jackaon cuun'y, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a true and correct whedule of expenditure* of the County Court of Jacknoo County, State of Oregon, made at its June. A. I). 1891 term, except the bills presented and al lowed for which the fe<‘8 or salary have been provided by law. WilneeH tny band and seal of the County Court of Jackson county, Ore T. D. Linton informs tbe Eugene Guard that the hop lice are now increasing very fast. gon, affixed this 9 li day of June. A. D He sprayed one vine and on examination 1891 MAX MÜLLER, found that ft killed every insect. Under the advice of tbe state experimental station, he County Clerk. is having all sprouts on tbe vines for a By J. H. II vffkr , height of three or four feet cut away, and In Deputy. a few days will sprout his entire yard. He says he 1« satisfied that those who do not French Tansy Wafers. tight the plague will have no first-class hops to sell this fall. The e wafe s ar? a sure and safe specific f »r all kiii(is«»f female troubles ami will re flur Very Best People move nil <>b- tractions »o the monthly pen o »1 m , no matter chat th® cans?. They are Coiiflrin our statement when we say that Dr Acker's English Hcmedr la In every way wbiteverv wunian needs, and can be use superior to any an«) all other reparationa for safely. Fur sale by tbe Livingstone ('hem lhe Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough cat'Jo m «nufarturnra,San Francis? » ’a and Croup it la tnaaic and relieves st once. Wo offer you a sample bottle free. Re mem ber. this Remedy Is sold on a positive guer- Hay tor 8<!e. antec. _______ _______ Tbe undereigned offer? for »ale 100 ton? Whv suffer? TruatuUS Uud-Aku’ wiU b.,. w eiu».’ ><hr. la more eoraplete Ms stona npT"f|»T Southern Ore m, and comperes RBL with any 13 tbe State. Job Print'n^or A imaginable description done at San rranm rutta, and in u prompt and firat-clawe mann. TEUIT ON THE F AHM. Shall farmers continue to produce fruits for home use in face of tbe fact ttiat insect foes are apparently on the increase, making fruit-growing very un certain’ It is seldom we meet with a farmer who is n<>t discouraged in thie line, writes John L. Sliawyer in Farm and Firtstde, y-t they admit that e good harvest ui luscious fruit is very MBtHW. isnme have deter tnmvd to gtvgM|^me a'lempt, arguing that opr« thenjUBA »oil they can produce enough uflgnM'-^ or corn to |Hi«chaee a supply lor SgiVj " use. Too frequently, however, where * <hi> is the cas«-, tbe wheat and corn are marketed and tbe money used for other puriH.ee» It is certainly cbeap-.-r le pro duce one's own supply of fruit than to purchase it on lhe market, even though one must contend with luoecU and dis- eakes. One is then auured of a supply if tbe season is favorable, and can enjoy «he fruit in its freshest aud most deliffbt- ful condition. With constant watching, but no great amount of labor, every farmer’s house hold can be supplied with a choice va- rietv of anplee, pears, ¡«eaches, plums, grapes and berries. Where there are ctaildien, the care and culture of trees and etiriibs will furnish them with healibful aork and recreation. It will prove a souroe of many veluahie lessons. And they wiil grow up tn p. 8«eM jnany -.¿toil liUifrrTlniGj^aUrai means of comfortable transportation, come« a large emigration of “young blood,” many of them without money enough to pay a week’s board or a month's rent, and under the fixed im pression that easy means of Hup|«ort a-e prepared for them after arriving in Ore gon. Of comae, such men a-e disai- pointed and are soon converted into the “chronic grumbler.” Tiieir complaint is not that the Mossba-k is an obstruc tionist, it is rather that lie is not an ac tive progre«sioni«t—that lie hoaxls his money and refuses to inaugurate new enter prises. In other words, that he re fuses to cumin-nee id - anew under tlx new state ut affair« with which lie finds himself surrounded at a time when he feels that Ins Lle-wora is nearly com pleted. The country is here, the iuunla lions are laid, the opportunities ar- offered on every band, ami all we have to do is to put our shoulder to the wheel ar>d carry for» aid to a grand consumma tion tbe work s> nobly commenced by those grand oid pioneers w ho ar« to often unjustly blamed tor not doing more than their share.— World SHE GETS $8.000. It does seem strange that a man w bo lias had abundance of experunce a*! a director of tiie very practical politics of Indiana snouid attach eo little im|>or lance »» Mr. Harn«un dues to tiie |H?pu- lai piejulice againut the exercise 01 official prer> gat iv. s to per Hun a I or fam ily advatnage. If he really considered it ins duty to provide (oi a horde ot rel atives, be aid well undoubtedly to finish (tie job in tiie fiibt year 01 bis term; but ttiat lie should continue tiie Harm- questionable practice now of all times, when tie has ju«t complete ! a n« muiati n- seeking lour, is simply amazing. No body wnl begrudge the pre«ident'r sister-in-law her »8.000 pension, g«anted last week by Mr. Rauru of easy fame, but there appear« no reason wtiatever to believe that the ciaim was just or would nave been honored if tuad -t«y an) body else In fact, every particle ul iutoruia- tion supplied to tiie public |«uints in tiie uppoeite direction. Hie president's brother may have rendered efficient service; but his death was caused, not by wounds receive! on ttie battie field, hut liy consumption, a hereditary disease, six year« after the war ended. When Senator Benjamin Hamsun undertook to obtain a pension for his sister-in-la* both Hie president, Mr. Arthur, and the pension commis sioner were lavo'sbiy disposed; but the latter was unable to convince tnmselL that the disease was contracted in ser vice, aud the application was refused. It met a like fate at the bands of Cum- iniHsioner Black But now, w th Mr. Harrison in lhe white l.ou-e, Cummis* sioner Rauni bands overihc lull auiuiint asked. It is not surprising ttiat, when a reporter called upon ttie lienefic ary to obtain her side cf the story, site said: “Oh, dear, that is just what we «lid not cate to have get into the pa|>ers. It was our intention not to say anything about tiie matter at ad." This remark, un affected and truthful tieyond dou'it, helps thing« amazingly. It suggest« tiie very natural inquiry : How many similar transactions have takeu place which have not “got into the papers.” D eliblratk T heft .—The people of Rhode Island voted at their last state election in favor of the Democratic can didates. Ttiat is, more voters preferred those candidates to any others. But because mure than two sets oi candida tes were voted for there was no legal choice under the laws of Rhode Island. The Democratic candidates, in other words, did not receive more vote« than were cast for ail other candidates togeih- er. The legislature of Rhode Island, t*ing Republican, has now elected the candidates who were th« choice of a minority of the |>eople. There ih an eter rial unfitness in tins state of attairs which pleases no one except the Republican politician* who profit by it. In view of the refusal of these Republican politicians to change th« laws in Rhode Island, Connecticut and New Hampshire, there is only one thing to say. They maintain tbe unjust law for dishonest purposes. They want it in order ttiat they may «teal these three state governments and their United States Benatorships There fore this robbery in Rhode Island is a deliberate outrage upon the larger part of the people. I ndian « M ake I’ ook S oldiers — The sixty Uhickanaw militia who left 1’ au I' r Valley, I. T., June 19th, to aesist the United Staten trooi* weet of there in r jecting 6000 United States citiietiB who are living in the country without per mit«, all became drunk when twenty-five miles away from ttie place. It in said that they have a gallon ju# on each Bad die and a barrel tn the commissary waji- on. They killed a farmer’» home, stopped a white farmer on the road and threatened to shoot him because he was white. So much whisky in the posses sion of Indians who are clothed with some sut hoi ity is liable to result in the loss ot several lives, as when they are drunk their only thought is to shoot and kill. T he other day, say« an exchange a lady living near Winters threw into th« yard several jars of hrandied clier riea. She had u flock of tm keva running about, and soon ait-r her little boy came in and told her the tuikeys were ail dead. Sure enough, they all lay sttff and still. She had them all earned into the house, where she plucked the feath ers from each one ami the plucked birds were then thiuwti into a corner of the yard to be buried. In an iiour or two tbe lady was horrified to look ont and see the nude turkevs walking at>out, seeming very much embarrassed. They, however, are not the first unlucky birds to be plucked after getting drunk. A Child hilled. Another child kiltad by the us«' of opiai«*a irtv«*ii in th«* f.triii of Soothhiir syrup. Why* ■Bottom rive their c^i’dren such deadly poison is surprlsinir when they can relievo the child <»f Hs ¡wx-miar iroublcs by using Dr. Acker s Baby South» r. It contains no opium or mur- pnine. Ter Bole. FAur yoke of ox«n. in good ord»r and well broken to work in a logging «amp. For fur- a here delicious fruits were always an attraction. Huw fondly does a man look back and recall home favorite tree be neath ahicb, on velvety graan,he rotnj>ed or rented aw tante inclined or occasion de manded. Hrtppy hours were those, and healthful, too; and through a busy life, arnidwt business cares, they furnish rec- oliections that are in themselves a source of recreation. K»»call the orchards of tw<nty-five years ago. Nealy trimmed, washed down with diluted lye, watched and cared lor, and lua-is uf delicious fruits, to-day peihcp« II - orchard ih tbe most rieglecte « sp»4 on tie farm. It is visited only f >r imil, and the farmer, being dis- ap| ointed in the j ield and quality, fllill mure neglects it in future. Stock and gram daiin bis time, and the health-giv ing fruit ih placed in the baca ground. Here im ro >m for improvement, and he who p ants and train* a goodly collection of fruit trees will surely have a i>ouii- teuus harvest. A fter a Mi kiieklh —The Farr Ortgo- niaii sa.H tt«at a report ha« just reached Pendleton ot a murder cotuiuitte«! a few days ago at Monument in Grant county by a man 'named Churchill, who Rasa blacksiiiitiisliup at Monument. It ap- |«rars tin re is a lot back of tbe «flop into which people liad lie« n in the habit of driving horses,using tiie eb pas a passage way, ttie fence having lieen nailed up. Churchill wn- absent for a few days, leaving a man in « barge with instruc tions tu al ow no more liorses to Ire driven through the shop. On his re: urn be found that ms onler had n 4 l«e*n « arii-d out, and a ruw ensued between iinnnelf and the unfortunate left in charge, whom tie shot and killed. He then mounted a horse and disappeared. Cburcl;ill made tiis escape in the d ruction of Pendleton. At ttie head uf Rliea cr«*ek in Morrow county be shut a Gertnau whom he met, presumably in the fear that lie bad been sent out to capture him and would put Rie officers on ins track. Tire port fellow was difeoV"ie«l Sunday morning and found to tie mortally wonnd<*«i in the aff- doiuen. Grant county ufli -era are hpt on Chur« lull's fhi 1. Tiie uiurdeter rode a spotted horse with o ie rough an^ three smooth ahoee, and was tracked by thie The murderer is described as a dark complexiunetl man between twenty- live and thirty yeais oid, sburt and scout build. He has worked in Simmons’ blacksmitbstiop at Heppner, and last tall was employed by the .Matlocks in herding sheep. Tbe names ot his victim could uul be learned. A B l O u DY Arrxlto.—The massacre of St. Bartholomew has had a reproduction at Port-au Prince, Hayti, lately. There nave been rumors ttiat a revolution agains' Hippolyte was imminent, and these having reached his ears, he caused the arrest of about eighty eus- IHCtril persons. Aiuung them was General Sally, who bid iiimsclf when in formed lie was wanted. Fading to se cure turn, ins wile was takeu instead and thrown into prison. Au outbreak oc curred May 23. A former cabinet minis ter, at tire head ot a band of well-armed followers, stormed (lie prison and re leased 200 prisoners, who were provided witharm., ami when Hinpolyte'e troop« arrived there was a bloody battle. The reis-ls were routed ami their leaders “hot at once. By nightfall forty men had been put to death. Others were captured ami stmt on three following days. Every man suspected of being in sympathy with ttie insurgents was put to death without trial as soon as captured. Most of the 200 prisoners released from jail by lhe insurgents were captured and shot. T he treasury department ha« taken anoilui hack «t th« Fxcluaion Act by or dering Collector l’lieipr to accept certifi cate« of ( lnneae consul« in loieign coun- tnee when preeeuted by alleged Cuineee merchants and atudente coming from thuee countries to this port. Thia would enable the entne Mongolian population of llaaaii, now unniliering about twenty thousand, to unload iteelf upon this countty if it could get the Chinese consul at Honolulu to peifoim tbe simple O|«er- ation oi transforming the plantation han,is into merchants and students. For that matter, the |oi illation of Hongkong could be moved over here in tbe same way. Il tin. tide should stand very long the Teung-li-Yamen in Peking would have a rush of applications for consular positions. Fortunately the whole sub ject of Chinese immigration will have to tie thoroughly overhauled at the next session of congress. Our dehgation should tiegin thinking oi some method of framing a law to resist the eccentric interpretations of the treasury officials. —Examiner. T uk country boa settled down ii.L» the conviction llmt the Ni<ata^iu <*«nal will be a tuc< e*t<( and b<* comp e'el * i th all reasobahle rq»eed. President Warner Mill* r m now in Califorr la raising money forti.e enterpiise. an! ail son visit O eguti. He » X|w<:*a to ran-c not than |l,0Q0 lM>) in that e ate, ami l as set down Oregon's quota at |500f000. The people of the Pact de coast are deep ly interested in tUie eiit< rpriee, (or rea* eone too often enumerated to require retH etition, and the people of Oregon could better afford to make an outright dona tion of half a million than to have the completion cf the < anal delayed even five years. However, It it not a subsidy but an inveetm^nt that Mr. Miller is seeking, and he ought to meet with apeedy auc- cesa. With a canal acioas Central Amer ica ami the Columbia river open to nav igation to th? IrJan-l Empire, Oregon will occupy an unrivaled commercial po sition, and wnl grow as she never has grown before. Tug jury in the case of the seven sol diers on trial at Walla Walla for their lives, for the recent lynching of Hunt, the gambler, for killing Miller, after be ing out a few minutes on June 20th sent in word to tbe judge a verdict was readv. The verdict of not guilty was received witti st plauee, which was with difficulty suppressed. Tile soldiers, after the dis charge of tbe jury, were congratulated by friends, including the judge, and shook hands with many prominent citi zens. Tbe verdict give* intense satis faction. Timber Land for Rale. Two thousand acres of sourar-pinc and fir