I J. B. Faith lost a purso contAining nearly PERSONAL MENTION. For a troublesome cough there is nothing LOCAL notes . Early vegetables In Laxo county w»»r«» $10 on th<- streets of Jaetttnnvllle on the af- quite seriously damaged by th»» recent better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It strengthens th«- pulmonary organs, allays teruoon of Saturday, the CtTi Inst. Will the frosts iu that section. J. E. Peterman of Grant’s Pass called yes­ Plenty of rain. Buy a White. any irritation ami effe.,-tually cures the cough. terday. dmler iw hi'treat enough to return it? Summer rains will this year d«-f»T th«» It is es|M*<’ially valuabl»* for th«» «’«»ugh which Hurrah f-*r th«* glorious Fourth! Come t«? Jacksonville on July 4th. FRIDAY Mrs. E. C. Broogff of this place has this JUNE 19, 1 k 91. usual mountain fires until later in tbvs«-ason s«. .»ft.-n f«»ll-«ws an atla«-k of th«- grip. F««r Alex. Watts of Jus«‘j4dne county visit» <1 us Ar«* w«’ going t«» haw any summer? season rats«*«! the largest nml finest straw- than was the ease last y«*ar, f«»r which w«» sub* bv Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point, and G. this week. More or less rain fell «luring th«« week. tH*rri«*s we ever saw. On«* of them in«*asured are all devoutly grateful. IL Haskins, M» «!f«Td. Mrs. W. J. l'lymal«’ w«-nt to Portland y»’.s- fiv»* inches ami u half in diameter. Who can Jeff. D. Wimer has become a resident of CROP WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 14. Babbitt-m**tal for sale at the T ime * offi«»e. t« r«iay. Josephine county. Th«- railroad f«»lks hav«* been engage«l with O. J. Willard of Trail ereek pr»*«*im’t has II »eat it ? Why suffer? Preston’» “Hed-Ako” will i their pil«-driv«-r «luring th«» paat two weeks I lost a large number of his spring lambs Th«* following is th»* report of th»* Oregon 8. C. Higinbotham has gone to Coos Geo. M. Love was In Josephine county, strength«*ning th«* appr«»mdies to numer- through pantlb-r d<«predations. La^t we«*k, ■ Jos. L. Hammersly is about again after his count v. W«-ath«*r Bureau f «r the w»«ek ending Satur­ cure you. brief iudisjKisition. ' looking for a pack train, this w«*»*K. H«‘ has a ous bridges uUng the line. bearing a lamb bleating among th«- branches ; day, June 13, 1H‘J1: Cures in fifteen minutes : Preston’s “Hod- larg«- quantity of freight to pa- K for the cfim- R- ii'l the 4th of July programme iu another I Mr. Martin an«! wlf.- of Chimney Rock pro­ WEsTEEN OBKliON. Ake.” Th»* box fact«»rv of Helms A Helms will • •f a tree, he espie«i the depradator. which ! cinct were her«« y -t- bi ; puny «»{.«-rating in th«* Cinnabar su«’tion, and column. y. Th»» temperature has av«-rag»-d 5 d« gr««»-s a manufactura a larg«» number of fruit-lioxea ha«l tak« n refug«* th* r-- from the d««g, and ' be ne«»ds trained mules for that purfioee. F«»r dusters of all kinds goto the 8. F. for this season’s crop, huving their distrib­ with a shot from Ids ritb- Mr. W. kille«i th«* day below th«« average during the wv»«k. Haying is greatly retarded by th«* stormy _____ | T. H. B. Taylor -f u. r k precinct brut«-, which r«’tain«-rnclius am! in Doughis the Mas«-n Cal. Eubanks was a guest at th»* Klamath the c»-rri»*s. Tb»* last week in August. un unn-asonable extent. *• For ser. nd year6 I hare recommended trip t«> Linkville. ••The use of * Pastoria’ is so universal and friends in Jacksonville this week. patr«»niz«*d. The order <»f th«* King ’ s Daughters gav«> a tr«»st baraly mp|s*«l t *nder v»«g»«tation. < »ar- your * Cartona,' and shall always continue to It* merits ao well know n that it bceins a work Sub"••riptions to the weekly “Examiner” pleasunt ice-«*r«’am ami strawbe rry f»-stival E. W. Iiumm«»nned nt Ashlaml a few evenings since. F. M. Bl«-vins ..f Gall's cr«*»'K «jailed the C arlo ® M artyn . D. D . Associations, a ' "py «*f whose by laws and S« ’ iiator Mitchell was a ¡>asseng»*r on th«* pects for a large yi.-ld. Spnng wheat has last week by Hujiervisor Woods. .•«.mpany, for the convenienc»* of th«* public, “The Wlnthroj.' lJ#ch Strort aud Tth A al , Company D, <>. N. G.. l»*av«* Ashlaml on tn«* annual pro«’e«*ding" rau« lh*ually larg«* Top. J. W. BaK«-r of Willow Springs precinct sonvilb* an«! M»>*«lf«»rd. Eugen»*, ami will pr«»bably b<* join«*«! by tin* botanist inth«* west, ami th«* distinction is a J. 1>. Coughlin has return«*«! to Igik«*county Warm»»r weather ami sunshine WOUld I m - ..f with »•!• - trieity at un «*arly day. calle«! om* «lay this w «*«* k . Linkville boys 1.« f-»r« going north. W<* ragr«*t to announce th«» demis«» of th«* fitting recognition of th«- great services h«* from his recent trip to Sun Fram-isco. great b«-n«-fit in many localities, Thvrv is a T hs C kntacb C omp amt , 77 M iaba T S tbmbt , N«W Y om Fir"t-elass c«««iar fenc«» posts for sal«» in M«-"srs, porter ami Rogers wer«* down «•stiniabb« wif«* of Hon. Bon. Haymond of Th»* dwellers in th.* foothill r«*gi«»n haw has r«*mb*ra«l th«’ «*uus«’ of seLene«* in our »mull, whit»» worm doing some damag»* to quantiti«-* t-> suit at th»* T imes ofllc»». W. A. C««rd« ll and J. W. O. Gregory of Ash­ R ock Point ;also that of H«*nry li. Brown of this y«*ar rav«*l«*d in an unusually fine crop portion of the continent. from Pr« »sped last wecK. corn in Yamhill county. A f»*w warm days land visited us the forepart of th«* week. Littl«* Butt.» <*ra«*K precinct. Both wer«* well will ripen the «.’herrics. Berries of all kinds I’. W. Blaekort and t*«»n of (»all’s creek of wil«l strawberries, ¡»erhaps the m«)st de- Engim-«*r M«’Carthy last w«-« K chose a n«*w John F. Howard and wife of Medford pr<*- Known and highly res|>ected and th«*ird«»ath Judge Deady pa"S«««l through th»* valley one li'dously flav«>r«'d fruit that grows. promise to !•♦• plentiful. Though tiio weather sp.uit Saturday at th«» county scut. engine to tuK«* th«- pla....... f N«». 22, which is «•in« ‘ t have gon«* to Yreka, Cal. day this week,on route to San Francisco. will b«’ g.-nerallv r« gr«-tt»*d. Ext«-ndcd notices «luring th»« week has b»-en unusual, cool, 8. J. St ormer and family are now in pos­ becoming to«» small for the In-avy worK «le- Elegant straw hats for men, boys au«l cloudy «in«! w«’t. yet tin- crop pr-*sp«*cis hav»» Mrs.I*. Bos<-h«*y has our thanks fora lil»eral will appear in th«* u«*ar future. Miss Jessie Blossom of Red Bluff, Cal., is session of th«* prop.'rty th«-y last month pur- maii«i«*d of it in handling th«* passenger «•hibireu at th«* 8. F. Variety Store. )»»-.-n improv»*»!, save hay. an«l th«- «’iitire Children’s Day was handsomely observ«*»! chasedof John VanH«»rn near Ashlaml, uml trains. Th«-m-w «-ngin«- was just from th«* paying her cousin, Miss J«-ssi«« Langcll, a sup|«ly of first-class cherries. repair shops, ami while it hast««*«-n in servb’e visit. of western Dragon is assure»! of good crips. M-'iithly installments of 110 will buy a will make their future h -m«* there. A picni«’ was h« 1«1 on Queen’s branch. at th«* Presbyterian church last Sunday, and f«»r sometime, it is thought it will I»«* what is EASTERN OREGON. , house an«l 1-4 in Tok> from Scott Griffin. the exercises were witnessed by a good- Gus Newbury will soon take the road In Pleasant cr«*« K, a short time ag««. Th«* weather has b«-.«n «••»<>! with littl«- sun­ Th»» largest am! b«*st st«»ek of «l«»«*ds, needed, Two i-ngiu«-s i«r«* sometimes re­ size«l congregation. Besides an able and Old papers, in «-quantities to suit, f«>r sale mortgages ami all kinds «»f r«-al-«-stute ami quired t«> haul th«-puss.-nger up from Grant's th«- interest of the Ju<.’ksouville Murbl«- shine, and general light "howers have pre­ Haying is going on iu «liff'-rant p«»rti«»ns of instruetiv«* mbir.ss by th«.» pastdr, R«-v. vailed. In s»*«’ti«»ns th»*ra w» reheavy down­ at th« T imes office. 50 cents a hundred. l«*gul blanks south of Salem is kept at th«* Pa>s, so heavy is th«- tide uf summer trawl. Works southern Oregon iM-tween showers. R'.bt. Ennis, and a well-written essay by Miss pours. g»«neraUy called cloud bursts, on«« T imes office ami sobl at Portland rates. Dr. C. B. Darrin passed up the road from W. R. Mayfl.-ld, marshal at Ashland, m«- snow fell in th.- moun­ W. H. P. Legate ami family of Medford ing occasi«»n. is certain if you take Simmons Liver Regula­ with Mrs. Million as sup<*rintemlent of tin* remedy: Take a pi«*c«* of flannel th«* size of Mrs. Wm. Byb«*«? an«l her daughter, Miss tains of Baker ami Wallowa counties. th«* two hands, saturate it with Chamberlain’s Minnie, returned from Portland last Monday paid Jacks««nvill«* a visit last Suuday. culinary ami dining-room d«»partmeats. The directors of the Ashland school hav»» The rain wius »>f gnat ben«-tit t«-growing tor. Pain Balm an«! bind it over th«» s«*at of morning. ••r«q«s. Timely rains hav«- further improve«! Messrs. Ri«-lH-rst«-w. th«* \v«*ll-kn«)wn painter, olds and Clara B. FH uk . it is a sensible «'eived a earl«»a«i of fin«» buggies ami phaetons THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE th»* other s«-<’ti«»ns, but s«»me f--ll tin--ugh tin- to call. idea anywhere to keep th«* forces togetlmr Surv«-v«»r Howard, win» eomphded th«* nent s«* of eling agent, has b» en in the valley lately. Ashland overhauled an«! tbe route establish- entire portion »>f eastern Or«-g««n an«i Wash­ " »<»n to leurn th«* l»arber’H trade with A. were member* ot t !»«• Mae mic grand lodge. M« «lf'-rd f««r is a bonus of $12,(»00, payable iu J.C. S«*rgent and Geo. Brown, th«? Butt«« «•«! about 50f»’«’t further west than at prasont ington has b»»en favor»«»! with suitabl«* weath- Ro.stel. C. C. Beekman ami family will soon h ave located, in order to have the several dang»;r- installments of $1,00«) »-ach y«*ar for three creek miTchants, were at the county-seat Merriman A Legate of Medford ar«* selling successiv»* y«-ars after the completion of the . ••r ’ -n-htl ns to furth- r improve the - I Jii'-ksonvill«-1«« sp«*n«i their summer vacation. ous trastles along th«- lim* replac«*« 1 by fills. Simmons Liver Regulator is invaluable in mowers, binders, rakes ami other farming roud, ami f-»r right-«.( way through the town, one day this week. pr•■siw.’ts f -r an abundant harvest. J. V. Keizur and T. W. Ward of Sterling- The g«*neral public will rejoice to hear thia, as th«* nursery. It is a gentle laxative, and machinery and impl«*ments chea|x»r than us well as for terminal facilities. B. 8. Pxori, O. P. McGee aLd family of Williams creek anybody iu southern Oregon. “Seeing is b«’- V. 8. Signal Observer. harmless. passed through t iwn yesterday, on their way vill«* mad«-th«* T imes office a call Saturday. th-* pres«*nt trastles are anything but safe, ami it will I m - but a matter of months until Pr«»f«-."Sor Lorenski, tb«* c«*h*brat»*dGerman horn«* from Medford. * Lem Brlm r of Klamath county and James some of them would hav«* given way under N«»t«-s, receipts. du«»-bills, drafts, etc., in lieving.” Fourth of July Committee«. Th-* new 70x30 foot. two-st«»ry building, physician and author, writes: ”The public Ream*-" of Eden precinct were here yester- I h «.»U form, hamly and first-class, at the a heavy train had the comjmny not decided Mr. Nicholson, a brother-in-law of J. T. which the 0«l«l Fellows of I^aKeview ar«* should lx* warned against drinking impure Downing of Central Point precinct, arrived day. The executivi’ commit!»’*’, h tving eharg»* T imes office. to replace them. erecting, will be of grant bem-flt to that toxvn, <*arbonnte«l water.ami many «-as.-sof t " <*ail»-»nat«-inted the fol­ «is manager of the Depot hotel saloon at offices. Russell Alf«»r«l and family visit»««! Rogue Grant’s Pass for $4000 to parti«*s from the as mineral water. Th«* analysis of the Cor- low: ng Niit>-comtiiittees: Ashland. We publish elsewhere the law card «>f W. H. vall«*y not long since. They are located n«»rt h. Th«« Ashlaml boys last w«*ek organiz« «1 ona«!-» Mineral Water "hows it to b<* th«- river '»x SlvsiC -Mi"S«-s Hattie lt-‘am--". Maggie , in Klamath county again. Col. W. J. Martin b-ft f-«r Douglas county Parker, attorn«*y-at-law. He is a good lawy.-r To prevent fevers, keep the liver active Hose C«»m|»any N<». 2, composed of the pur«-st on «-arth. Sobl in all gr«»ceries, drug- L nn. < arri«’ B«-« kinan, lazz • Grav. s. Carri«* and a Huer*«’Hgful practitiom-r. Though he «i n -miin r. J "ic Orth, Ji s. Hamm* i"ly, ami l»ow«»ls regular with Simmon* Liver younger gcm»rath’»n, win» think that th« y st«»r«-sami sal«»ons in Jacks«»n\ ill«* and south­ Wm. C. D«*n»*ff was at M«*dford this we«-k y« st« rday evening ami w ill !x* gone a short had studied for th«*profession for manyy«*ars John Mill t. Jr. l*< gulator. can easily surpass tln-ir «*l«l«-rs in the sprin­ ern (>r«’g- R >b «am. Abv Fisher and John re n Market street, Gen. T. G. Reainvs and D. Linn, who w«-ro frost l.-»"t w.-ek ar«* r«*e«)v.-ring from tib-ir county <-b*rk. IL*surpris.-d hi" friends with ! by the pupils of th«* Etna sch«»ol. a l«*a«iing some ««u«* «-r more p«-r>«-us whus« live." hav«* Oi th. NEW EMBROIDERY, PARASOLS, HANDKERCHIEFS, mishap. San Francisco. th«- skill display«*«! in th«* inanag«*mcnt «»f his (» L iberty ( ar . M •"«•" Hattie N. wbury, f«*atura was the fin«- violin |H*rf.>nnan«*«‘ of l«e«-n sav-«1 l-y ChamlM*rldin’s Coll-', Cholera at Portland last w»»««k, attending th«* Masoni«* first eas«’s< an-i it was the dg«\ have returned home. M- ssrs. Ay.-ra am! Aim-nt war»* h»-ra «lur­ -•■•urt ami bur that he has mor«-than ordinary LACES, ETC., ETC Maggi*- Linn. cured of chrom«' «harrhcing displayed at the 8. F. of Trail creek. S. C. B«-iM*h of the Lakeview Examiner tar­ ing th«- w. - k iu-juiring aft« r «-ur st«»ue b*gala.’umen.an«! is gift«-n." take special pl«-u."ur*-in recommend­ quarries. ried a few days with Ashland friends, wild«* ccutive c«»m tutte«- it i.-s of a«-riminal lawyer. Mr. P. cam« ’ to Treasurer Bl«>omer in am»th« r column ing th«* r«*m«-«iy to ««tilers. The praise that on D inneh .~Mrs. J. N. T M'Hcr, Mr-». G. M. Who has seen Ge... (¡¡van’s black filly? R«-a«l this county in 1*54, when u more !»oy, and Ashland has had a first-rate cherry season, gives notice that he has funds on hand to follows th«* introduction and us.- mak«*s it ¡Missing through the valley r»«e«‘ntly. Lov»-, Mr». K. J. ( aim ion. Mrs. \V'. J. tl\- but th»- fruit hits commanded lower prices re«i«*«*m certain county warrants. The num­ v. ry popular. 25 an«l 50 c.-nt botth’s for W. II. Bostwi ‘k of Uniontown precinct has udvertisnient in another column for further spent his «-arly lif«* on th«’ farm an«! «iriving m.»l«-. Mi". Herman H- ini". Mrs. K. Kubfi, ox-teams. Ijit»-r. though giv«*n th»* privilege ber call«*«! in is small, but represents several sill»* bv Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point, ami G. return«»«! Iron Klamath county, where he bus 1'urti-ulars. Mrs. C. C'nch, Mr". R. V B< all. .Miss Alli»- there than here. of attending school but a few months, he suc- Hanley, Mrs. »1. Bv hng-r, J. G. Binis« y. H. Haskins, M-diord. thousand dollars. been looking after his land«*«! interests. C-«m«- t«» Jacksonxille on the 4th of July. r»»ed«*w»-n K- • gan. Eat. «lance ami b«- m.-rry,without m«»n«*y and A sure cur«* for th«* whi"ky habit . Dr. On Decoration «lay th«*r«* w«-ra 151 graves F l «»«*H M anaglhs M«-.|t«»ul, T. A. Harris, ■f Chimney Rock precinct spent Tuesday Judg«* Willis of Roseburg returned from rais«*dto front rans among sehool teach«*rs. Geo. F. Mei rim tn. « . W. Wolu-t-, John ( ui rx in J.M’ksonviUe. r Drunk- nn« "S will his professional trip to Lakeview last week, without price. Aft«-rwar«l he was a lumberman and stock­ LAUIEM* AIS’» CHILDHEV" SHOES Ashhtmi. Milt, tir« gorj, L« "in M- rt i»-k. Il -bt. S3 at th«* Hargadlm» e«*m«*tery, a«*- »r cur«* any «-as«* <«f th.* Ii«iuor habit in from passing through this valley on Monday. raiser; th»*n county clerk for two terms. Th--". L -wtliiaii -«f Portland, a fri«*nd --f E. Mrs. Ro.’kf« llow last wo«'k returned home th«* report of Adjutant Cas«*x of th« G. A. K. t«-n to thirty day«, from th«* mod«-rate drink- Tayl«»r. Ed«-«t. Frc«l Furry, Henry Hai netmrg. Talent, A. M -rris. Cnioiitown. Hon. i'lieo. lb»m«- to Port land,after an enjoyable visit with Mrs. IL Judge of Ashland has lately b*«-n S. Smith, th«- mining «-x|H*rt, is paying Jack­ Al.-o such giick by a first-class General Store < r t«» th«* drunkurd. Th«* Antidote can I m * post at that place. < am« roii. O. It. Sturges^. Appii-gat«-, II. D. Ashland friends. 8 0 P 8ociety. sonville a visit. giv<-n in a cup of fl-«* without the knowt- visiting her mods , Charli«* and (ieorge IL, Kubli, l-.mui'-tt o'lh n n. ( '«-ntial Point. Chas. We re-peetfully solicit your examination. During tin* «•ainp-m« , »*ting at Centra! P«»int Th«* annual mooting of th«* Routh«*rn Ore­ e.lgc of th«• person taking it. The Autid«>t«* an-l her daughter, Miss Mamie, at Portland. Gay. J. « . Hall. E l. I-niph . >aiu*s V.iihy, Mi"" Ida Lan«- rat urn • I honm to Ashland A. C. Taylor an«! wif«« last week return«««’iety toos place at Jaogson- Mrs. A M. Berry has gon«» t«> Sal«-m to pay to th«-"«* in att« ndam*e, |»as".*ngrrs paying Manufactur.-d by th«* Livingston ( h«-nu«’al Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro ville -in the 11th inst., when the following Wi son B« « k. VV. p. Jacoby. Woodville. W. at M- tford in th»« futur««. «•d snjuurn tiler. . V Jones. J. W. R-tan-on. Eau « Point. .1« s full far«* g"ing ami one-third fan* returning Co., San I ram i*- o. Cal. S««ld by E. C. a l<»ng-promis«-d visit t<» her son. I. W. Berry, officers w«’T«‘elected for th»« ensuing year: visions, for which always we pay the highest market price fir"t warden of th«’ state prison, and his fami­ Ku*h r, Frank Brow n. Javk"onvili«. J. «'. (■■-nsi«■ R ii'oiiin, «i >», E. |l o il« r. W. ing th«* month of May, th»« heaviest for a •l-»wn if th«* pras* nt st«jrmy weather contin­ d«-nts. Thos. Wright and E. D. Foudray; is our specialty. C. D» n« ff At th«* r«*«-«-nt convention of th«* Young ford. Dragon. I»vri«»«l of t«-n years. secrotary. S. J. Dav . t r«*asur«-r. W. H. Farxcr. Mrs. Daniel Chapman last w«*ok return« «1 ues much long« r. IVople’s Soci«’ty --f Christian End«’av«»r at Ashland's . im-il fouml m« pur- has.-rs for h*«m«‘ to Ashland aft«-r a pl«*asant vi.-it with Mrs. J. M. McCully, Mrs. W. J. Plymalo and ¡fcbool Reporta. Mi"> < ■-l- nian, who has ln*«-n teaching Th«« gr«-at«-r p«»rti--n of th«- d»«linn memorial resolutions. Hon J. M. »rd. Sherer «»f Grant s Pass. l'h'i-nix on Satunlav. pil" <-f «ii"’ii«-t N . 11, f r t«-rm «’ommeiving i’-uiain uncollect«-d. gl»* bnl was put in I -r th«- lx>nd". ami now McCall offered a resolution to include the Mar-*h 23. lsul. and • n-liug .lune 12. ls’.ll J. B. M-’G«*«* ha" M*v»*ra«l hi" r<»nne«-tion A party - f San Francis Wa"hington am! the •’Ixank er«-w«l. with Br<*. L«-«-ds as their Mi"" M.iy tt- («il" -n f Sterling was on«* «-f fair grounds in th«* pla«*«- of altornute m«*«’t- Billy Reid now owns th»* Cleland A Hop»» Minili-* Mar-h. . Suso* Pie ken.«*, N7 ; Fr»*«l. l»ami with tin* B«*avor era«'k «pii« ’ ksilv.-r mim-" ami m«'Uth|-i«*c< ‘ .havc th- laugh on th«- < « j « j -« -siti«»n. ings, whi--h was c«»ntinu<‘«l f«-r a nior«» g«-n«*ral eastern«•apitalists w« r«* rac«-ntly taK«-n over th - gradu.J--." fr- ii : th--State N««rmal S«-h->*»l <-f *h»«ep in Lak«» county, consisting of Piek«*ns, s*,i, E-..I pi< k«*ns. *n ; Emitt N-al--n, • \pr--" «•«•rriiptb-n in disposing of th«* Th-- next annual r«-uni«?n of th«« society will in LaK»’county, with a vi«*w «-f purchasing N«*alon, M. (arri - Hunsak«*r, si; Minerva Att«-nti<«n i" ••dll--,l to th«- adv.-riis«'ni«*nt I««- hold at Ashland < jd th«- first Thursday in Mr. Motherland is in charg»« of Jos. Rapp’s th«* sani«’ from th«’ «’-»mpany. last issue <>f bund" by th«- city for th- wat»*r- Misses Ethel Walrad and Elsie Patterson Pickens, 7'.‘; B-rti<* Nb-lb-l". 7|; Marion I- ddling wagon, and is dispoeing of u larg»« anm-uib-ing th«- r«--«»pening -4 St. Marys S-pt«-mlM«r. w-rks syst«-m. Nat u rally (art«r A ('«-. did nt N«*al-*n, : Roy Ni •h--lsi 7'.‘, <«•••-rg<* March, «[uantity of wgetab|»*s. Up in Morrow county they an* "till ex- feel any t<*«> k«-«-n t • put in a bi«l this tiin«», ■ •f A-hlaml sp«*nt tin* wo«*k as the gu«->ts ..t Academy in Jacksonville. •5 1 ) ìfl T Vii lip 67 . D- tha Pb-k'-ns, 61 ; Mary Vin•••*nt, 67. cih*«l over tin* recent «Im-•«*v«-ry -*f «»pa! mim". ami, us «-v.-rybody « I-- t«>--k it for grant-<1 «■x-Shvriff Jacobs' family in Central point D. IL Hill of M Iford M- rit deserves success; hence th»» Plano Will Kahler I--cated a claim in th«* digging." that th« y woul«l «1- "o, th r- suit was m« bids precinct. Thos.-n--tab.vnt or tardy «luring th«* t«*rm fui h->rti«-ulturist an-1 im-1-«n-raiser, mad«* us mowing-machine, binder and rake are lead ­ and was exhibiting soim* ni«*«- sp« - ’ inn*ns <-f wer»- D**tbu ami Min- rv.i Pi- kcns. at all. I>ipl--mu'-y i" at a pr«-inium incur Mayor Grainger ««f Ashlaml «*nt.-rtaine«i us a pleasant call yesterday. C j IJ j ing all others in th«' race. • th«* ston«* whil«’h« n* last w« «*k. M. E. GiUFFTHs, T.-a -h.-r. neighboring town. his guest, last w»*ek, his uld-tiim* friend, I>. J. J. March of Calif- rnia is paying relatives B. Hanna of Tacoma, a pronnn. nt citiz. n <»f D-m t till to buy a lot in Nickell's a-ldi- Dr. Loomis, th«* government - xp. rt. "» ’ nt Th«* f-’ll«»wing is a IM of th-' pupils in dis­ tion to M«*dford. Th«» tract adjoins the in this se.’ti.-n a visit. H-1 formerly resid«*«l Washington. MINING hews . <>ut to examine into th«* «•««mpl.lints of t’al- trict N2»’», whose «1«-portment is ninety and w-M iM'Uiidary of that town. inCentral point pn cinct. if«-rnia parti'-s having tapp.*«l G«>««se lak- for .1«T'-in»* P. Cburebill, «-hb-st son of th«* o \« t for th-- month ♦ -mling June 12. 1S!»1: Noti’«-" f-«r th-- location f pla«’«-r and w« ll-ku«»wn Yraka « aj.italist, was murri«*«l t«» HEALERS IN THE Th- ". Whelpb y • f Fl-»un-’«-* R««ck pr«*«-in-*t Pat. Ivory. Jr.. <»f Uniontown pr»»cinrt irrigating purp--s« ", to th«- ♦ xtent of l«-w«*ring Floren«’»* B»-«’k, Will. B« <-k. Jimmy B»*«’k. quartz min« ". • -!••., f r sab at th« T ime ." of­ Miss J..si«* Wheeler, a bcll.j of Oaklan«l, Cal., and Heckathorn Bi■■•". - f Butte creek were Lilli»- Beck. M.md” Witt. Elma Witt, Garfiel«! callM Wednesday. He has quite a number th«* lake, has "- nt iu his n*p-«rt. fice. ann -ng <«ur n 'S’iit visitors. on the 10th inst. < " Smith. David Smith, L. B. Peart, Jimmy Th«- min- ral r< " ur«’« " «f "««utlb-rn <)r»*g«'«n A cripph «I f.tkir, wie« moves alx-ut «»n his The large st i-rowd that has ever assemble«! sh-.uhl r«’m»-nii>T that Judge Watson of Portland was in att« n«l- P«’art, G-- -rge Owings, Ida Owings, ( l ira in <--uthern Or»-g--n on July 4th will att.-n-l Elliott «>f Ja-*k"*-nvilb ar«’ ar.-attracting much att.'utiuu fram a number ance at the recent t««rm of <*ircuit court iu knees with alacrity. "«»Id more or b’ss sta- Owings, Anna Owings. John Owings. Willi«* th-* e»«|.’brati *n in Jacksonville. smith in .Lrakson «’«Minty of prosp»-ct«>rs from abroiui Lak«* c«>unty, Ix’ing one of the att«»rnevs in ti -m ry iu Ja« ks«>nvilb*yest»-rday. Owings. Susi»’ B»*nu**tt> . Mabie Bennett««, any kind «»’ shoes th- y want. • W rk has b.-.-u r- "UUb-«l at th«* Swimb n the Conn c »"«• Mrs. llar.i- t L. Adams of Ch-veland. Ohi-», 8ilv«-y Bennett»- W.-d-y B«-nn«*tt»-. Pr«»f. V. G. Hurley delivered a numts»r of $H,000 was th«* «•« »st t«» I.assi-n ntiu-- m ar G««l«i llill by parti« s whom Dr. D elphi M astekson . r.-.vher. phrenological h- tures in the valley r»--ently G. H. Hayes.the cattl«*-buvor for J. D. Carr, traveling r«-pr* "- ntativ«- -f th»* W, C. T. I’.. c«>unty. Cal., «»f th«* ■•«•nvn ti-«n of Dix«»n ami Br.ub-n has iutvr«-ste«l in th».* «*nt«*rprise. ami mad»- a good impression. is again in the valley with th»* int«?ntion f sp« nt a «lay in Ja-ks-mville this w«s-k. Sylv« st«*r. an-l th«* fri« mis of th«* f«.»rnu-r an* A Cannery. Band A Dem*ff hav.- tlnish«’d «-1« aning up at pb King up about 400eattl«* at the present low G. F. Billings.th- Ashland real-estate dealer, J. W. Robinson of Woodvill»» this year air«»a«ly seeking a pardon for him at th»* th«* Mill«*r min** on 1 arnn-r " flat, but made rates prevailing. went to l‘-»rtlami on t-usine-s one «lay last Th«- 1’ imes is p|»*us»-«l to anmiUDc«» that r ii-<. -I a -q lendid crop of strawberries, for hands of California’s executive. only a fair run, owing to th«' scarcity of w«-«*k, his son Ralph a»’C««mpanying him. Misses Martha ami Eva Cardwell of Sum’s th«*r* is a pr«-bal-ility that a «’anhery will b»- which he f-uind a rva«!y market.. AHHIAGES. BUSIES, PHAETONS; VILLA DAISY AND MITCH Th«» grand jury of Lake «•«»unty ut th«» last water. l-N.’dte was severely injured l-r.o I Patton an-1 M»-l. Oben *haln hav«* term of circuit court f--un«l imli«*tm«’nts A3TS, ETC., ETL morning t«» j«ay friends a visit. Th«- latter tur»-. A. Bir-I -«f the xtlem • -.uinery li.is Th»’Am« ri«*.in Mining C'-d« , standard au­ by a kb’k in th- fa-’«* fr un a h-Tse. is rac«.)v- ma«l»’ a pr-»p«»"Hi«»n t«» < "’abh"h such an «-n- lah-ly 1»»-. n «l«»ing some prospecting in th«* against Frank Wilson ami Samuel C'«mbs. f.-r thority <-n all sul-j**«’ts pertaining t<> min­ r.-turu«*«i bom«* on Tuesday. • l ing. l»r. « »• I", ibi--rf«-r is in attendane»’. th«* lar«’«*ny - f a steer, ami against Newt«-n t.-rpris- if th«* i.... pl«- will guarant.•«• him a gold field* about Willow Springs. ing. w it. r-nght". • t«-., I- k«-j t for "al<* nt th«* carry full line of Canton Clipper, Extra Steel, Gangs. John F. Whit«- lias b« «-n appointed a "¡««*«*- t--iiU" of «tri-i th- land in-«-- "S.iry tli«-r« - J. A. Bagb y of Ashland lias graatly iniprov- Cha". I'. Hammoml of Scott vnll»«v. Cal., W. Roberts,f.»r th«* l.«r<*- ny ««( amul»’. T imes - •fib- . ial agent «4 tin- Northwestern flr.*an«l marine • •«I in lb-alth d«>wn at Dunsmuir ami will lie Tricycles, Black Land. Scotch Clij-pcr, Stubble. Turf f«»r. Th«- .-itiz-n" I M«-r»'ihan anything »-i-a*. n-xt to a railroa«! Stan- S’lb'ol Sup«*rintcndent M«-Elroy Gale 1'ull Chilleil and Steel. Sulky ami Walking PI owk . Twenty. Tri«’. " .•.¿.»r-'d minstrels hav«-be«’n |.lay- prov«* t<* I h * a camp of imp->rtam*«*. b• th* «-•-a-O, .0.4 x\’- hop.- that nothing will improving th«- condition of the Ashlami- m«*eting will e1«»s«* m-xt Sunday night. ha-l tin- inisfortun«* t«» ruptur-- one <>f th«- ingt -g«-*«l Imuses in northern Calif« •rnia. Inch IH.-e Harrow". St. <1 1’ipe Frame Lever, Springtooth, G l-ft umb n. t-« tak»- ailxanrag*- <«t Mr. LinKvilh* r««a«l «luring th«* j»a.st weex. "inall«-r b|«>od vess«-l" at th«- Ixas«* «-f hi" brain 'l lb-x I fl «-nix part - f their tr«-u¡-«*at Med­ M«-"t -f tb--"inall pla«-.-r niin**s h;ive dos«-«! Th«* butd»er f-»r th»* m*\v "cbool-hoiis»- near Bird s ..ff. r. The proGibility is that much an-1 has lw»-n v.-rv ill «luring th«* ¡Mist t«-n foul. It is . stimated that peach shipments fr«»m f th-* chrom«* «b ¡««»sit Oreg n I’: meer R ciety held in Portland last w»’»*k. ures, but will give «-mployim’iit to many th«-M'-dford mill this w«»ek for flour, pass­ It was rep«»rt«-d last week that two of M-«nday. Tin* latter r«*a«l a p«xun on that m«-n, w«»m»»n and «diildren at th*- sum*« time. ing through Jarksonvill»« Wednesday. th»' l»est w «rk hors.-s at th«* Murphy ram-h near Etna, two mineral claims hav«* Iwen occasion. Th-- M«-df««rd ban-1 <«f fifn «-n pi«-«-es ha" b« «-n k»cat«*«l then*, in «»r«b r t-« s. eure contral of A f--w «’-»ui.’s uf th«» Am»‘ri<’an Settler’s in th»* Cov«», ab«»v«* Vshlaml, ha«l I m *»« ii "t<»l«-n, secura«! f«»r tin- Ith-of-Jufy eel«*brati'«n h«-re. the paint min«’, which will doubtless pr«>v«* Beligious» Mr. ami Mr". J. Nunan, ac-’<»mpani«*d by It will discours«* sweet liiUsi«’ «luring til'* •' Guide, stamiaril authority on all lan«l mat­ th«* animals having !»e«*n tra-’k«*«l t«> th«* Eink- valual-l« in time, th«-«b p--sit being remark­ tln-ir daught«*rs, Misses J«»si«» ami Fannie, «OAAAZA Fi»/.«/ ».'OI. <«-arvd. SH»-rxi«,v'» will I m * hei«! at th«-<’alh«»li<-«-hur«*h ters, may I m « found at the T imes offi«*«». ably pura ami fraefram f«-r«*ign substance." arriv.-«l at horn«* on Monday. Th«* young til« «lav. in Ja -ksonvilh- - «n Sunday at 10 a . m . and 7 3u Two < b»udbiir"t" oc«*urran su« ’ «*« ssiv«* H. H.irrison start«««l a band of about Ku RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER, Last y.-ar's potatoes, which promised t«« I r. m .. Rev, F. Watrx --ffb iating. The Patt'-n l«*'lg»*.locate«l in Talent pre<*ln«.’t. ladies kave b»*en attending St. Mary s acad«- h«*a«l of «’attic for th«- mountain rang« s in th«’ «lays in tin* r«*gi<»n Iwixv.-. n thMeadows ami Highest Geared. Lightest Draft and most complete machine on the market. my at th« m«*trop«»lis. a drug in th«- mark-*t. w«-r«’ s.-ara«* ls-f«»ra the li.-v. M (’. Al. ridg-- ««f M -if -rd will h--l«l •»astern portion of the county this w «-«- k . Selin’s vall«*y.ami f«»r a tiim- it look« u th«- Ith Sun«lay«»f vvery m-«nth. at 11 That tir«-«l feeling now so often heard of i* F«»rtuiiat«’ly no grant damage was di»n«*. Hay Gath* rers E:ovei aible Carlier*. Hay Forks, Etc. O’«-|-M’k A. M. m«t l«»ng "in««* by M«""ra. Ilauk--it A Co. husband is engaged in business with tin* R»-v. F. Watry was this w«*«-K visit»*«! by entirely ov**rc«>m«* by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, J. M. Ki«*rnan of th«* M«»ntagu«' flouring A yb-l-i >-f $30 to the ton for surface ora is Alaska ( oinin»*r« ial <*«»ni|»auy, last Saturday, lh v. Fatlb-r Byrn-- of L*«s Ang«*!«‘s, Cal., wh«» Th»• f«»II«»Whig an- lb-v. K. Enni" npp««int- which gives mental and bodily strength. mill was in th»* valley «luring th«* w»*ek. not t«» be sn«*.-z«*d at anxwh- r«’ »-"p«*«’i;»lly going xia Sin Francis«*««. < rrizi:x< of . ia <-K'>> xvii . i . e and im nts. On »’very Sumlay morning, vx«’«-pt- is «m his way t«» ( hi« ag-«. also I y R«-v. I atlb*r the CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC. I m ¡Khl»« »rmjr t-’W ns wol celt b-Mte t lie com mg Daniel R**ynolds reeently moved his family engaging wh«-at f«*r his n«-w mill. Th«- grain when there is plenty of th,- rock in "igbt f««’r tn*g th«« thinl. h«* will h--l«l s . tvh ’ vs at the I urtli of Ji:i\ in a most appropriai«- six i«-i>» Mrs. G»*o. W. Edwar«ls ha" join«*«! her hus­ M--«ivilb-, an-l • ry Saturday, with tin* intention of n inaining. Farmer. Wc » aim t b< -undersold, «¡ualit y of goods considered. lb’Xt «*ngr*«"" th«* attenioii of our eitiz«*ns. yraii'l« -t v«*l»-tir:ition • v» r held in south« tn Kuii'tav --v--ning h-- will pr«-a<-h at th«- Pr«*sby- CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. •’D'»',‘’ N«-lwck«*r am! wif«* r«-«’« ntlv--aim- up The mi pram«* c«»urt lust week r«’fuHv«| to H-r "i"t« r. Mi"" Sadi»* And«*rs«»n. a<’<*"inpa- Jack"«mvill«’ "lb •ul«i n«»t fail to eaptura th«' < it • g«m. A call and examination of our stock is sulkut«*d. All g hm I s sold under a direct guarantee !»-vian -’liiirch at Jacks.mville, grant tin- ¡»«titjon f«»r a r»-h«-aring in th« from Oakland, Cal., to th«*ir o|«l home in ni«*«l h- i ami will study sl»-n«>graphy at th«* growing trade of that section. Ge«-. M*-rriman ami family vi"it -l us « -lb- l ay « ity. Helm*-Gilroy cast« taken up from this cir­ Ashlaml, where Mi ". N. was »-nt.-rtaim-«! «lur­ Our CkaduatM. ing th • xve«-k us tin- gm-st «»f Mi"" Kadi«* Ol-«-r, day la"l week. (i«-nx ill-, A WRITTEA WARRANTY »Km < r «r >V.r. ’l’h -grailuating eia."* was e<«mp--"« «1 ««f s«*v- valley. in_ ««r«Ier t - tin- Court Hous« s«pi:ir«-, un.:«-r animals from hi" pla«’«* t-» th«* famous ni«*di«-al Mr*«. .1. N T. Mill« r n*liirn<*«l from her trip ■■ oi * r rntcF.s Miss G«-m-\b vc M - -I- ••( Ja«-k" «nxi'll«* i" r -'-.-ntly. imcompani«*«! by «»m* of his fri«-n«l", t<» Portland this morning. Sib* has b«-«*n th . «•hos«-ii presiding <-fll-’«*r «-f th«* <'. E. S. for • h it -»". R a 1 r. Choir ami Glee <’lub; f i- I ' • • .- ' ami Minili** Byl.......... f .1 i--ks<«nvill.* w«*ra big-jaw, in th«* !b’ighl»orh«>«»1 I.ibvrty Dr. Ilinkb att.-ibb «! a hi - - ting «.f th«* state !>"«<»■ Jim Hall, the pugilist, passed thraugh tin- iMii'-ng th« ni, albi th«-y a«*<|iiiU«*.| th<*ru*«*iv»*s hav«» b«*«*n orrtlan«l last w«-«-k. in a highly «-r»-«iitabb- m.mn« r Th«* val«MÌic- surge >n. xv-*. k , fora visit with friends at C-’ttag«’ "tat«"; uniform«*«! Fire C- mi pan y with < ng in««; » *tt >r k • ' Wis., ’ t«> go int«> training f«»r his propos.-d Mr. Hastings ««f P«>lk «-««unty i" in th«* val- t-»ry w¡»s 4«*liv«*r«*«l b\ M..~" Nunan with--ut Mr. Eraanbra ’k ha" "in....... 11 \V. B. I it «-«mt.-iining young k.«li»-s r- present mg Gi*o\«■. lH>inga<*«*otnpani»*«l on tln-ir way as Ar»’.»' . ■ ().<’. Richmond of Oakland, Oregon, was mill with Fitzsimmons. H«’ xva" iiceompn- notes alni with fin«-••!•---utb-nary -1T- -t. She Temple as t««wn r- ■•••r«b-r,»li- latl« rg- nth-man far.t" th«* railroa«! by Mrs. H. M. Barnes, l«*y. H«* is an v\pcrim«-« d railroad l«uild«*r, im ':iirt«-«n < rigmal colonic^; H-«s«- Cart ever) t »' h 4 ‘ V r. and. "Ib«ul«l (»ur lit:- !••* «-\t< mb-d to Engl«* « rau n by boy " in uniform; ciuiiages, \ ;sit»ng bad ber subjeet w«4l in haml. ui.«l n- al«« a in th«- valb-y last week engaging th«* surplus ni«*«l by his trainers, ‘’Pars«»n’' l>avi« s ami having r« "igm*«l. wh«» is this w «*« k maKing a business visit in th. dried-fruit lim» forth«* San Francisco Billy W«“»«!s. agrtic\ I- Point, will probably I««* <’mpl-*y«-rs«-m- n an-1 I «-al m«’st favorubl«« impres^i-m npitormed ori r«-nts su«4i a" This r< m« dy is alr«*a«ly so well known ami w« r«* m-v«*r s«-«-n tli- r«- b. f.»r«-, C«»nsid«-rabl»- Fr«*-1 Fra«b-nburg an-l wif«* went t«» F-»rt Arti«’!«*" kn«*wn t-« ni- nly tlu* b.-"t r--tain«*d. The «•r--|«<»f fruit h*’ has »*v»«r ha«i in his orahartl S ng • > th- <•!«•«• « hm. D.ivi'i Lyn< " h a«» r "igie <1 his position as E. K. And«*r"«»n. Mari ui St« \x;«rt ami 1’« n- Mr. E!li" ami wih* of FI«»un«-< i:«»«-k pr«*- m«’»li«un»* is pr«’par«* Io i" elaiinrd. l'.l« ’ « t ri«- bitters will cure all v»* ter. \\i r>- in J.t. ’ k" nxill - «luring th«* w- - k. H i I o w »I t *i I » ■ ; i«- it i m »1 I 1 h-p ‘11- ♦•very st«-p iti th«* ni ««’« S" ..f manufa- tur«' is lb nry W.-udt will furnisn th«- p«»«>pb* of agr.... I pri«*«* --f 1 3-4 '■•■nt*, per p-uiml, f--r th«* . en » . b> Win. I,. Mil er. «•areJully Wnt»’h« «l with a vn*w t«. ■». -•urlng in Tli»- «’amp-in«-- ’ mg ha- b- • n w«-ll a,tt«-nd«*d, pimples, boils, salt rheum ami other afft«c- T’h y ar«* I- -king f- r a pi« « «*-»f lami in the <>f Pag«* A S«»n - f Portlami, th«- latt«-r <*on*id<-ring ti«»ns eaus.-.l by impun* bl«»o<| ; will drive |<»v- i valley. >• »nu t » y th'- Gle< « 'lull. H«»«»d s Xirxii-'ii’iIla ili« be»»t p«."»il.|. r- "tilt. ■la<-k"«mvill«* with ni«-»i rich milk h»-r»*aft«*r. house th«- unfavorable w«-atli«-r. Th«* M u >K I*) the B. hkì . malaria forni the sy>t»«in ami pt -vent as wi ll lim pre «•" ar«- r«*a.s«ma!>h* uud he gunraut«*vs house furnishing th«* b«.x« s, fair-ground." mak> « firs - la>"pla«’« f«>r su«*b Mr. Ih-ff. who min- «1 in s«»uth--rn ()r«-g<-n a S. (»rstb ii by Hon. H. B. Miller «>1 Grant’s sati"fa«’tion. as eure all malarial f«-v»«rs. l «»r the cure «»f T On«*of th«» Ang«-! Bros., «»f S»«attle, and Geo. gat herings. numlM-r «•( \< ar> ag«», went t«> Applegat«* one Pas-*. New Socitty. h'-a«la« ’ lH- constipation and indigi«stion try V. Mii>i<- bj the Band. J- hn H. Wise, of the conimlssi«»u firm of Addington w.-r«* last w«-«-k thr -ugh the J»*nny • lay la"t w«•• k. a-’<-i«:upani«-d by F. Thoamain Elect ri«» Bitt«-rs. Entire satisfaction guar- Dr. T«-rry Li-t u«.- k xi"it«-d P«»rtlan«l to se ­ A Cbiislian Eu«l« a'**r »«>« i«’t\ wiraorgauiz«*«! Christx A Wise, was in Lakevi»«w rceeutly, cr« «*k timl»«-r b«-li, looking f -r a «b*siral»l«- ami <’. Funk. Tiny will spend s.»nictini«» !<• Br»« t remarks by mvcral prominent citi- aens. *• at the Presbyterian ehurah in Ja«-k"««nvill-- with th- intvutKiB of putting up a store site b»r a s>t«- k uf goods f--r his drug-stor«* and nntevd. or money refunded. Pri«’«» 50 cents there in pr«»’p« «’ting. ami >1 per buttle ut E. C. Br«.nks ’ drug-stone t«> att«-u«l a iTi'S tiiig ->f th** "tat«* board of 11. Music by the Band. on the 15th inst., whi ’h will m«*yt at th - sane- buibiing th r«-. they eoutcmplat»- eracting th«*r« . Thev I p i iruiaey. H »n J. T «»i gg. l it« s<.-i« tary of the place vvery M--n«iay evening. I he («-llowing bought s«-v«-ral -’iaitas in that s«-eti »n. LELOHCINC TO THE Th*- celebrated Plano mowing-machine, I Stat«* B--ar«l « f \gn--ultur« , and now chief oflb ,-rs w«*r«- « lect«-«l Pr.-"i«b nt. Dr. Geis»-n- W. IL Norer -ss oí th»* Central Point nur­ H.i.C Hay! Hay! E. V. I? wis« f Lak«-vi«-w last week punned After th«* above exercises there will be In f tlii" «listrict. pa""«'«I d«»rf»T. S«- Mi "s Haiti« Ib-am-" ; tr«*a*oir--r, binder an«l rak«- has gain««d a reputation sery is ba«-k fr««m his r- -- -nt trip through .\6 tin- hax inz season is at hand, do not f«»r- I «l«»wn tin r a«l f«-r Oakland. ( al., r« .*«-ntly, readineiM* on the grounds J. F. White : 1«--k-»ut « omniitt« - . Mi""- " Haiti« wher-ver used. M«*rriman A Legat«» of M««<1- I through th«* valley for Salem, with a crazy ii*»i'th«-ni California an«l \--viida. when* h»’ Chinaman in -’liarge, th«- luti- r having Ix-en g t that Mrs. (». KareMaki has ah mt t« n <»r whera his tn««lli ■: was \< ry ill. • Ib’Hin»’" ami Mami«- Day Th«’ public ¿"cor­ f >ril ke»’p th«-m. <1 Asti». t veix - I>*-eritig niowvrs on hand that must oe «•■-minitt«-'l to th«- asylum by th«- L»k«’ «’--iintx s. dially iuvih d t«> utb’iid the im*- lings. Gus Johnson of Tacoma, a relative of Ezra authorities. Th«- insaii«- man was s«> vi«»b-nt 1 at a Kr«-at s u-riflci1, that she «-an pay Ex-Sb« riff D an who wa" appni¿ii> d t -x- It is r«-j-orte«l that a man was r-«bl»«-d of $60 sol I • tT the Indebt« tineas ot the »State. These aniim* th«* bridg«* a *r<>- - Rogu»* riv-r,n«* ir .!»•;«! • • ( I ’ f.i l!f M ■ K- r of liop-growing fam«»,was investigat­ that lie ha«l to b«- ti«*d down with r-«p«-s. I :iiil !-•>« «’H■ • h«-re a f«*w nightsngo. H- wa-< in an inebri­ in .wvrs are tn-w an«l th«- best in th«’ market. <»f which cveryb wly is invited to partsk« . Ice Cream Parlors- ing th»« r« s -ur-x-s <-f th«- Rogu»« river vull«*y Aiken’" mdl.rap «ri* it inaba«l e<»n«liti« n ami ated «’-»ndition ari'l th«- m«-n y was tak« n fr«»in •t ?•! »i< u DttTii'" 'tout r.-. 1 ■ ra » * • J. W. Cunnyngham last w« «*k t« st. h i paitiug. \ n *\v strii’till inu"t Mrs. D. W. Alls rrv will rv«’ *»up ri«-r i * - . -u«* day last w« «*k. » 1 ’.'i I dig i M die il.Intel t th«* new mow-rs in which In* is in1«-r«-st»-fl him wliil«’ h»* was a*l«*<-p. b«. bmlt th« f'- in th«- m ar futur«-. er.’-nra iui'1 -h. ri» t .',t h- r r.-i'L »■ •• in J'«' k- in J . k son ville Presiding Ebler J«»ne" ami Mr. Mllb»r of with 1; dtb-ld Bros., ami fouml th«* imple­ Th-* railr«»a«I <*««mpany has wi> ’v «î.-«*i,|. <1 ».nvill.., "|'|»'7Ìf.. «L- .•"iirt-lH'U»". -very «»rant " Puss. ac<*«>m|Miui»*«l by Dr. Kuhlrr. ment t<> d«> all that Aller dinner ainuHoments of different kinds «•alig I’lttwp. '. U : «-i th«' .imiti.app-»inl'*.l I«» as- hop«*«i for it. Th«- t<> put in a swit«-li t-• •--«na----I th« fair groiimis 12 f <■ « ai- lier- - v • Sitiir«lax aft« rn- '-n elei night, «»nth- 4th «»I ..n lu- ted a - ries of m-- tings at LnK«*vi«-w iiiv. iit-'is c<»nfl«l»-ntly lu*li. v-» that their dis- wi’h th - main lim- <-f th« r.«ilr -.i«l. I bis will • -t I1 « ’■• t • : a i « ;■ »r .1 !««n" f- *r t In «•• lei.rati«»n for the Chieirt n and a i. •isti- S.ekle (Jr-.i.e,,» 1,2< «i ¡,. nf .i sh«»rt tiim* "in«*«'. «•ov.-ry will w«»rk a n x«»!uti«»n m th>* «n«»\viiig- b< an i'uportant st.-p in th • righi direction. ■ I th Ph ««I J’ilv in J ;•«."■ ««ix il! • will I»«' o 1 rciglit \\ ugoi.s. r.-fi’. shm« nts «-an I* « I lain «i th« r*. IU " i I lernt« 2.i< * i<»n> . ifulfa H ay. M. I> V mm y.D. M’^Curthy’s Uranian on the ma.'hin“ lin«*. reasoiinbl«* uml satist«»«’ib»u guarani.... I. s' . 1 «i Th«» sto‘kb »ld> ." «-f th»» Ashlaml shit-' i nlr-« i I. last w»*« k ram'ive.l hi" family from 1 hr Horltt Enrlrnrd. < I iv<- anti Si veb T-i'Hli « 4 Milk ('•>« «irai.t s Pa«”* tu Ashland, wh»-ra th ’/ n*> x normal ".!»■- 1 «l«*eb*»l .*• tln-ir b-«ar«l --f * - «-f fi 4th-« ! J uh .•«*l- bra- Th«- fa* llities ol the pre-ent day for the Iu Duraui» Vile ««<>..•• «i fei t <>f Lumlx-r. vaturc. ling thi .i J. ?l. p. ,.i«b u Main >:r«”?t. • «'' !• rtiin . i . ■ . ¡iring the H»*r- for n inir».- of S5-1 «HI ’x- •--uiP-««’ ’‘’r production of everythir.g ip it wjil condo« e FbUith of July Bal’. >[■•( »11. •» m ■* Th -i •’. •’« ami ’«. I . Kilh.;^-». John D«< st--Je a ; ; \ •> . ■t H -u. II. B. ?¿i!’-*r «-f < »r i”t’s Pas-, a»» bj i«r<> <>t tlw best clul* in »outbern Oregon Ne,-; Yokt-i ~>« has Iteei» transforr 2 W. H. Atkio^’a* xva.» ««i«-ct<-< -1'. vi ' j r -seb’n*, W. H. L 1. . 'r riry ire almost unlimited, and when byrup of bis hall «m \p| l.-g;* . n Friday, July from the r« •"¡«1 .1 -nce .. mi: ?1. Stove an ! Mi>v< r Extiae sin- a grcut inanv other 1 nn-1 mp .»c t -‘.is. m ■ pE i c ing - p ik«*r" in Hi ■»' «I '. and Figs was first produced the world was Mira ’ ’«, »b.« iBter'j «• -tumi’?’, n nnd F. H • «r‘ * '.'•«' ur r. Th«-b «t * ¡»e un J ■ «i, |w>r vili !>•=• pi f I J " * «tabi« W If th . pp.qd. mav i’*si a •»1:• J th «' t!b> oration The irjtiriti.t <>« thrdny «ill con. lrdt with « rottami infoi enriched with the only perfect laxative rti‘ h «•••• moiK rou- to meni o i. h*‘ arrr o 1. ral «•»• i* ji i u i »•xtpu«!* ’ -! hi ’ in* a' ■ ill pl»-.!«’'the . -t * i th ‘bi C-un’ri] -I a. • ’ InCuiii i ir b i'!”d- known, as it is th- c»nlv remedy which is ml I• n I i < nini. a i-i ♦. t i. r • a'I or u i ;ti i I »y* IP G» * I! n T II S "•s ’^r*»»» the nil f r t:p and prompt and «tl itu.il to cleanse the ■ RS. . \ A I. ..V' " i\ I, ! . .' 3<-! ~. | , \ ili. . « if. . > < »> .j ralS’-«! <*n hi> tU’-«IralmM gard»»n pit*.! ;g f-ur fruit n.. n gl th» »r guard agiinM- -ysteni gently in the si rin-r'iiue, or, in i ÜJ-’ Goods .1 r0.t, l.D'l *1' * p M«Mi»rd. thx «lunger«4 allowing m^ra j»**ts fr «m •act, at any time and th“ better it is known i: l-d"in« ?■», M a . m»» «. -?-■ J th“ gobfon .•»!□!.• to 1*.. inipnn.^1 to n«l> our the more popular it WlihaJ • to d>Mli Th IL R. V. R. R. C'o. «iouated th»« sum r*f 1-rtn off to. t<. He piii'Ii- -r •r .»hohn* stock «if $20 tn assist in «!»’fraying the expens«-* nt th«» orchard nn u <»f tiv’ii- alrandy hard-earn«-d Highest of all in Lcai z •. 1S89 tntb. cv nln» .r «he ruitod Stated Hull, to apranSf , i 8w*"dlation Dangerous. nallttuirj k -"1-’«' glovca. «'»»r* ta, W. F. READ. Preed nt C. : O T , . ! ttf P S O F», ' • • * ’ • * ««»I 4th of July ■’•’l 'bratinn in Jacksonville. It profits. w hich < v « t > I« tnrir<«1. <>hil well t«» giv J. O. WStlTSMAN t bee. and M» t »««C thirty dove. . I-’ulton Co.. Ohio, says that Kt. Patrick s pifis <»f M« •m«» larg«* UNir-- fl Uiin ; "v rtin- wins the grami'»« »«W rver «“v, n ,u Jm‘ k*'nv1l‘c- J. L. COWAM.Treunnr Mi-s Susi« Martin has returned hotn«« tn ara the l»est s Hing pills In* hundb*«. Th«' I -th»* usual r- suit «n ali pint«« on thj . h.'tra a.-' 1 « >Ui. u G "J’ s a .. < : .1- w.g in LuK« ‘ M»*w was w»*ll ii:f«*nd«*»i r sale l-x a l t»*’. ! À..I V U-uH, Sottih« ri» Pai ilh- Radr«»ad. ri«.tl" r--r«-..i- ••«»»nirz« > - • «-n ir<- far 1 AL;!ASiV OltEGOX Hi U-» I r~'a . ■ i .. « i • h . u ra»’ fili- «’.i ft •-u_'.-ut .¡r-r h irinoid.His it; ««vry r«*- bus )•.-• u m w ix l In a l a x o'", al R iRw.iv t o » J an I Tie It zu«’ ltiv r V i.i «»r t . -.y«-: - a - - i .. il ! •• il-. F«»r furlh»’«’ -i,-<-f Th n« xt m- -ting wi|l b«- h«4»i at m* in i H‘J Mt > par.V'tiKiYs i V o wu . sjw Kùuk Pulir elu'gnwuiiu unes HERE AND THERE. CASTOR IÄ1 Í1_____________________________ Infants Ch i I d re n Nunan. Spring 1891. INDIA CASHEMERE, WINDSOR TOILTE DE CHINE, ZEPHYR FLANNEL, Pla* and Stripe, DRAGON BLA K ORCANDIE, SATINES, Plain and Colored CAHLLIS. LAWN, SCOTCH BARNABY. PALMER. AMOSKEAGCINCHAM, MERRIMACK TAPESTRIE CRETONNE Dressmakers will find a Ccmplete stock of Fumisiiinis. Al 1-2IN itn