7 MISCELL ANE Ou JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEM8. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. as the commonest kind of a gambler and The following dt-t-tls have bt-vn recorded in A . H. CARSON. Dr. Flanagan wan at Yreka latst week on W. L UARMfN Crop primp«-eta ur«- tlrut-vluss». the office of the county recorder since the lust T hx interior department has rendered libertine, they are venting ttieir rage in mining buBlnenM. C. D. Wiinoii 1 hm ( wr« k Mold hiR grocery report of thv T imes : a verdict in favor of the state in the con­ the most withering denunciation of the Alderman Gray vlaited at Myrtle Puint, stock to Realm s, Martin A Co. J hiih - m Ht-lniR to Sadie »’attril; 10 acres in wfici / wn OF JACIO» MUOTLM tested land case against J. M. Wiley oi heii-ai’iAteii' and bi® methods and as- CooR county, during the week. «¿»u. i (Trvuit court is still in s«*ssii>n ami coiiKidir- Sec iH and if». 1 wp 3» S. R I \V soci.ile-, ini instead of the subenvietit Warner vaBey, aud that gentleman will Jul» » F Uol- t<> lhr.ui Uole; water-right in J. W, Sherer ha* been in Jackson county, in ! able busiU' Rs rcmaiiiR undisposed of. cringiii 1 ' whirl, he was wu .t to t>e greeted Se< ’ :m. I u p 40 s. R 1 E. «1. Iiwe the valuable improvements which the hit« r< nt of Surer A Walker. JUNE 19. 1891- Frank Adutns of Tulelake, on«* of our most United States to David X Herrin; 159.G7 acre« he has placed on the land in controver­ with w tienevcr he apjiea ed ai public he biz mile«South of Grant's P mm , Josephine Redfield, the jeweler, paid a professional enterprising citizen*, was at Yreka, Cal., In S'-ca ii5 and ;ifl. Tu p 3H s, R 1 w. is now comp-lied to listen to the vilest PURCHASE OF , County, Oregon. sy. This swami>-land question seems visit to Glendale dur.ng the wet k. during th«- week. L« wim Huger** to J u I iiim ». Mint i ; b>»i at-r»*« in taunt-, tils.-, s and reproaches The rev ­ Sec 22. Twp 32 H. R 3 I- . $l»ioo. interminable. Dr. Will Jackson spent the past week in The rcc«-nt grand Jury found a true bill erence for royalty which lias been the L ast T uí *1 k .^ m a hot day in th« against D. P !<«»- < •* • t-a -th«- larceny of a r r- lit “ A syndicati of cattlemen in Lake boast and the bridge of England .and the Linkville tn th'« practice ot dentistry. east, th« th^-ijneter registering 100 Eva «-nient in l .. Consisting in York between Fri»k Slavin and Jake pricesnow impending. They are already ceeded by a desire for retributive justice, to deliver the oratiou at Jacksonville on July ac«iuisition to tlie county-scut. It« merits wbeu you use it. Apple. Pear. Peach. Kilrain, on Tue-d«y night, was won by paying fair prices east of the Cascade and in the present iraine.'f mind of tlm 4th. the Mrs. F. I*. Grolw I*»-’ wrek ictui ne'l f«»i- English people it is extremely probable tlie English charipion, who knocked range. E. A. Boalich, the live menjiant, last wet k S umm« r to her Klamath county res summer residence. to- On the Ocean Beach. Pluui, Prune Apricot Kilrain out in the 9h round. T hs board of control of the world’s fair that only the nro'ongation of the life of took a short vacation at Portland and the Lr,,|jH.,. Wjt|, |ir|. Hl,n mid daughter. the queen will stav the toppling <4 the Sound citie«. An-y. hi thinking 4»f visifitiK ('re**vi nt city commission first rejected the nomination It. A. Eiiimitt thi* «••» k brjran th* work or thi« Miinmer? 11 so, y.»u want to stop at tin- Nectari-e, Cherry. throne Should Lord Ihooke in-tillite I). H. Burroughs recently ilisappi-arv'l Main sti* * ( '>> earnerit. an l will make D» I N.»it•• hotel. I' ii - i 4-'ass in i vi-ry particu­ T hat the (hrjroniai 1«agieat pwpor ami of Maxwell aa chief ot the horticultural divoce proceeding®, naming the l’i nice from Grant * Pas», h aving his creditor» to gradniK a thorotiRh job ol it before «¡mttiiiK. lar ami headquarter» for tourists. A tini- Almond. Cheat*'nt. ha« much influencu \« thown agaiu by bureau aod then treated Gen. Chipman, as c< -respo’.deiit,it will be a l aid mailer mourn, it is »aid. (’. It. l)t laip, tin b cht r tifthe Pin- Grove view ot the p.i«-ith- oe.an ami surrouniihijr the election hehl in Firüand l***1 Mo©- the second uotuine«,in the same manner. to longer ie-t a n the tide of revolution ; Mins Hattie Conklin last w.-. k returned hc I ioo I, w as comp< ll<“-i to diMnilsa n -I ioo I tor a country van be ha-i fr-aii th *- hot. I. II »aid Walnut. rooms t r< mi SI t*» c I ’»*• o r .’a v . a.-c- w ti Hlne>s. amt to lor.It loll. R '»111* d t it.’ loi t.lliulii'S nllu Simon-l.otan ring an t knocked it into bo selected. All of the three are Cali­ , that very thing,® waim summer is look-el visit in thi« vicinity. Tile blind preach» r. Haskell, Apple­ mile®, one of the bigaeat racing event®, Ohio on Wednesday by tlie Republican Thi«section will not the pub­ and worth about »15,Out to th« winner, convention which met a,' Columbus. • Our tr< « h are gr«»wn w ithout Irrigati-m as a Illi'-, lat ge crop will be gat ht r« d ben- t lus lic. * tion guaranteed. was run at Sbeephead buy 5i k , on As the Democrats are divided and Ohio L-gat«- a cull. r« d ilill Inn«!. Kild Mil «>! wn var.- ti.w olht aeaaon. Mr. Rota-rtson of «¡rant'« Pass last w< * k J. A. L ouden -. Contractor. Monday laet, in the preaetice of nearly is a Republican state anyway. Willy will muc «-«-4 n J in KoutlicrtiOri-gon. L. C. («ruby un«i wif«- uro now stationed ut Henrietta«, Alpaccas, Albatross, Black Eaucivs, Brillantines, Albiui, B. Mcncb turn d «.nt Ifln.WiU brick for th< organiZ4‘41 a Hunday-fchool at Pine Grov* Thos.-contemplating (- u (.o 30,090 people. Tenny waa a hot favorite 1 be elected in November. His election Gall*» crock. ’ new school-h'»usc from his kiln lasl w« « k. ami sciiool-hoiisc, which xnli meet evetyv Sund.ij Criterion, Tassel and Kiver Cloths. Surah Silk-. Allover Em­ wcl! to vibit ever. an early day. Jos. pnin»- i-ounty . ( >r» gon, orto It. R > thi ¡ ’ s» at on W»-r»'g<»n.A H. (’AltbON A- SON . Manag» r Klh* dutlng rank ouUhVr, won in 2:07. Major l>omo Net, Scrim, Ginghams, Cheviot.-, Tickings, Francisco on Tuesday of last week met to MjM-ud her vucutlon. ter of the ri-tnov:tl of the ratlroa«! depot from the week. tecond and Cassius third. its present locatb»n. with an accident near Copley, twelve Ira Purdin now has a ¡M»sfii«»n in K. B ohcu - The Kem> flouring full has had four ft»ur- mile» nortti of Redding. At a sharp thal’M mammoth store. THE FAST RUNNING STALLION, Mr». Grahum ha* opi-iu-'l a class In ne«‘d|e- lH)i-»e ti-atiiH busliv einuoyetl during the !a»t Caaoerou8 Eczema. U. 8. Sas atoms Mitchell «nd Dolph turn in the road the engine ran into umrk at her r.-aidenee, with hours from 2 to 4 tew weeks in hauling tbur to the r.diroad tor J. H. Whitman and wif«* «¡M*nt yesterday o'cliH'k on Tuesday ami Thursday atti-rnoons. shipment. l’or many years I ha«l been *»»n-ly afflicted lowered tbemselve® very much in tbs some beeves ou the track, the engineer beginning on the It'ith iiiNtnnt. with E<-zema <>n my face. The eruption was estimation of the people when th»y pub­ reversing a« quickly aa possible, but not aft«»rnoun at the c«»unty*H«-Ht. J 1 Ht'fihty was f<»rnnan 4»f tin* l it»- gra in larg«- splotch«-*, and "fa «-ancer»»usnature. Lieutenant Holh-y’a recruiting corps did m t jury, the other luvinbCH being J. (’. Nail, A e«-rtain cur«» for malarial f««v«*rs is found licly threw themselves into the breach soon enough to prevent a collision with I lia«i treatment from a niimlH-r <>f physic­ find many recruits waiting to taken m W. Sutton, Felix l*ii& R. M. Morgan, W. Will mak»- thpRcaa«»n <»f 1W at Central Point, and exerted all the influence at tlisir com­ the cattle, winch upset the engine and in Simmons Liver Regulator. ians with littb- or no benefit and »«nlyofa h* re; but the .»ffie» rs Inul a go«»! time waiting Arant ami John Rate U*. where h' u-ill be « very Friday mid Katurdav* T mand in favor uf the ticket the Repuhli- derailed the mail and express car. For­ t«-ni|-«.»rary nature. After other tr.-aiinent for the recruits who ilidn't com--. 1 T«» insure a hearty appi tit*» am! in. r«-as«-d I 117 ZIP I ’ ' 1 Mild tm- balline»- ot the time m ( tin M« < .« i,d| w»a k ace .¿.panied <■. had faih’.i 1 bought *< ven bott'es <-f S. S. S. larm in > mih t* Valley. J. it. Hutch has rctir.-d troiuthe inanag«'- ('unningham and wfe h»nu- to Klamath from 5!« ssrs. T.-nnill» A Holland, of Troy, UÜ 1 llv 1 Monday. Still we can hardly blame them. The fiieiuan had his feet bruised and the Lewi* P. is a handsome sorrel, in arly 5 \ » aro !J I 1 J nt ot th.- Palace hotel at Giant’s Paas am! Th«- larger portion of this --«»mmunity will iih tv. after a iibU pleasant vi»it with Ala., am! it curv«l m«-. I f»-«-l lik«- a m-wmun. counlv, • ml. ut ighh l'fiü p< undR. ami fur form and ir RiH-4-«-»'«|.’d by the owner of the house, Mrs. They owe their political existence to “the express agent and postal clerk were also .-el'-brat«- th«.- 4th of July ut Jacksunvill'-. ais i »n n Jackson eoility. trienas a< ti«‘ii cannot b«-surpassed. He tto h inner M. Watkins, who rituriu d from Coos bay re ­ My painful troubl.-s an ! apprehension is all CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, machine,” anil th« y cannot well "go injured. of Nvvcrui last rac« s and won a ]i4 mih im < « Matilda, ttw Indian rJlct of the •«’»- |<<»b< rt gon»-, nmi n^>w at sixty years of age JI ant Mr-». Wm. Ulrich and children have re- cently. tewek” on W now. Vwrdy, U>® tountw.n »it Chi<*HH-'MM h 3-y« >*r-old in 2:1«), Whittle, «Red al h< •rhoin«* iiear K<*no laat we< k, once more r«-Ht'»l'c Williams creek. It will soon l»e ncc ’ S.sary to increase th«- Tni el.ction for city officers of con ­ DEM KIIHION AND PEDKiHFE. cannot nee above its bead. and wum interred bruidr h r husband in th» » ntirolv to S. S. S. My postoffle«' is (Irion, force ol men at the railroad shops at Grant's L« Wi- I’. With Hir» 'l by th«- c« I« hntt'-d Joe solidated Portland took place last Mon­ Win. Angie and W. I'. Hammon have r» - Pass, the business m the repair line having bury‘ng-gruuiil near that place. l’ike c«»unty, Ala. H T iiwextt . B oom « roí California, io by Monday. Ifo«>k«-i'ti day ami was hotly contested, the Repub­ turnc«l from their tlshiug trip to Sb-A«jl creek, increas'sl out of nil proportion to the fore«- of first «lam was Mavfiowcr by imp L« iip-« ; [Treatiso »»ii blood and skin disiMiseH mail­ Van Dunlap last week bought Dan Un»n»-- Tut American Screw Conijmny, of Is fresh and Complete, all of which will be eold at the 2d. woi kineti. lican ring, headed by Joe Simon, mak­ Cal. II» linn- Farr«-w by imp Siiiimi«>c k. ;ki. Id * iniIh r’» big dvr, about th«- »•./.<• ot which »O ed fro«-.] Providriice. R. I , which employ® thou by imp B» l«u-ba»er; 4th. Gamma » »lain M»>4 many MtorivM have gone the round» of the ing a desiierale struggle to retain their S wift S pecific C o .. Atlanta, Ga. The Grant's Pass city couiici! have order'd pre»», pay ing f W tor the animal. Th-- Medford kind will furnish th* music Lowest Possible Cash Price. Band® <*f workmen amt i® one of the largeat B ihley by Sir RK hnrd *»«h. I»y imp Eag*» ».«h liold. Ttie cilia-ns' ticket, composed for th»- ith "f Julv «•.•l»-*-r.-iti«'n at Jackson­ the first con>ignu ent of atio feet of tire hose B« t Bus« ,y by Wilkca' Wonder; 71 b. bv • r>ar>i ;- manufacturers of it* cla»® of good® in the from tbe i list, am! arc iviw i-onsiilcring the K»’n<> expect! to have an attundar.ee *<»f < gg» minu Mimim r, world, i® removing it* work® to Canada, Ritti, by imp. Silver«)«-; nth, Ly m«p j, , was elected by majori'ies ranging be­ lfog»i; 12th. by Partim; 13. by hij M« i England and Germany. The president If yii want anything ir. th- lin«- of farming m- nt ot th. -fighting materials will s . mui be on a* th»- lu-fiM »to’*» ’¡Il«- t.uir young in» u tri d inthi-police* «.urt • Th»- ,,starr advocate« the reclaiming <-l MARRIED. i* forced to move by the “the fiscal policy I.' W - I'. ■ ■>'!!'. U M l.-./v ■ I' I \ 1 ■ last week on a charg-* of h iving a>r*Hult*-d th. about Bki.iMHJ ur< « »»f I he Klamath ina> »In » l»y for the tiest interests of the metropolis, by Imp Aubtrt'iiHn, foah-ti in lU.*», no » t r« 4 of thi® government,” I. e.,the McKinley D. T. Isawton is ii«»w etnpl<»ye«l in th«* * Ity marshal w« re all a<.quitt.-d. tip- marshal the lowcriiir ol th»- upper Klamath lak* , and we have no doubt but what non« but t»y W. L. Pritchard ««I Sacramento. < .«nt«.i i .* Mitchell A L« wi* U". - implement warehouse hax iiig tailed ii» ••M m luisli th«' fact that the as­ wlucb cover» the laud t»» a slight depth, bill. The cloemg of mill® and factone» H« r 1st dam w;u» Addi«* A. b\ A-t»-r« . ; the boisiler* w.ll have cause to deplore at this plac«-. sault was committed. and the reduction of workmen’« wage® Lor.-tta by imp. Sover» ign; :ki. M»«ry «'¿ bii postmiiMtei Witbrow ba» been engaged dur- ttie result. The railroad e» mpany lias had Jam« s Mc- by Tii»»inhill; 4th.Mary Thomas t«y imp. « . ?,<,... in thoee that do not ®t->p are the moet iQg tin- pug w.-.-k in improving bi« town Miss Lu -ind.i Shi-I» l«-r is sojourning at Donald and hissection men employe*! during •tn. l’ariott by Randolph h k- ...... . «' • property. Inning st cure»! the service« ot M. striking result® of the McKinley tar if. A ll the exiled Russian Jews, who Col.’s, (’al., and will I-*- al me nt from home th«- past w-« k hi putting »1«. as i a n w sid« - M. Rigg» ol Km*» aa a»si»tant in bi» office. l*Mr»»«|U«-t by imp. M» rriti» i«l; 7th, imi ti n« The Ellie Tin Pail Company, of Buffalo, passed through Germany, are boun I for f--r sonn-tiiue. travs of lJtM) fret tn hngth. which was badly by Popinjay ; Mil. B« ut L oii h dam l \ |»r* « ,j - The w»-ll-brftd band of 400 »hoep t>wre*| b\ needed in the y ards at this plac •. at«. 9th. Dy Hightiver; lfith, '1 .♦♦ 1IIV I,y ha® also moved il* factory to Canada, on New York, and receive tickets for tha« Di« k ('r.in!l«*i lip*. ; llth. Y<«nng Hag by >k.n; 12? , II ..4 city, if they have no means to bt.y tick rati« h w«-*t of t'»wn, to facilitate the hand­ account of the present tariff W. H. Heald, U. S. bank examiner for the ;iv* rage clip of pound» per bead, netting WjidiHb 'dam by Ural»; lith. Ebony . *f « 1, north wistern district. wax in Grant’s P hm < t he owner >0V7.«' at tin- A.-*hlaml woolen mill». e's. A committee from Berlin receives ling of tine fowls. iw; 14. Old Ebony by Basto; U»ih, M •«'«■• \ •* HINK) PoWEl.l. In A-Iiiim! pri.iiiei, the hlMt week going through th«- books ol dare t»y Mass« y'a B a< k Barb. T hu avienee of advertieing i® getting to them at Charlottenburg and passes them Jun« 14. 1891. by Kl b r .hm. Hiitu » u » t , Uhun. Shav.-r A Youngs are engag»-«l inputting First National of this plac«-, an«l found « x’ * ry - Presiding Ehl-r Jones known the way to the TERMS OF SERVICE. T. H« niy aivl Miss Hon nee P«iw*ell. be better understood every day by intelli­ on to Hamburg ur Bremen. There they up a neat gi itify Ing io Mr. Booth, the cashier. gent busines® men and otlieia deeirimt to are received by another committee and th»- Park a»l«lition. over 1(10 of ftnim to tin- stool ot repentance .JOIIXSON- SAUKETT In A m I i I hh »1. June II, ni*b«*l mures during th« tim«- 1«.r $1« a!: n We challenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that the couth »- i»t the recent meetings at 1H9I. by l(* v.G..I Wrbshi.M. A. J'»lim*4>n h I F.v» ry prc«-a.ition tak.'ii to pr« v«nt u reach the ear ot the great purchasing sent on to New York, to be taken charge The u< w t »wn ordinance of Grant’s F ish during 4it riiur»-ton 4-mut \. W »'•'i , a»rl Mi sm < har- an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val­ deiith, but no r» «|H»Dhibilit v assum« d The M« «Iford Distilling and R- tining <’•». H um city othciasalari'» as fmious: < ■ i > the Klamath Arency. middle claaaee, and it ie just such home­ of by another committee. Ttie inten­ I- .11•• • . Sa« k- tt ot J.-o ku; I h.- commitfcary department advertise» for circle periodical® ®s the T ims ® ot wide­ tion IS to turn ttie whole exodus,which is ness in a short tim»’. ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of 81(19. It will stri ct sup’-rint.-n-i« nt and p*>kc-mar, Mim; proposals tor turn »Hing 73.7(m p«»unds ot (’• iKDIl.l. iilir.GOlB’ -In Asb atal. J iiii « spread circulation which are given the expected o amount to mil lions toward th- city survey or, §4 |w-r day it t-n h mis. ih* !»<•< I, t’dJNN' pouids ot flour, 3U.0H0 pounds oi average I'M) trees to the acre, and the estimate is based upon the dem­ l*.»l, I 1.14h ii A ' igar f.-.<-tory will i»*- *turt»«l h» r-- .it oh « «- sal-..i y of t I p p la-«- ni.«g'strat<- h ill i«mail: at .•ats, ami l,'»o( pounds of i-orntm al, at the preference over all other®, and winch in United Stale®. All other schemes talked n r onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce il in value, net, of Agency, bids t> be up» in-d on the tith of July. ad oth*r section® command the higbe*t of are but visionary projects to blind by new-«-'»m«TH. They will oe remembered that tlie Americans to the facts aud prevent Cattle from h»- Khimatli ranges will soon be ()liv»-r Sargent was the only patri -t who that he has funds on hand to redeem county dull ®ea®un is the tune to advertise, when alarm in this country. warrants protest «-I b'-twecn Jan. 4th and 1 • b- in the market, and there will th« n be no m- .’iilist» d at hU country\ -al! when th»- enlist­ ruarv 9th, IssH. inclusive, and numbered: 17*, people peruse every line in the local or c. ssity tor iiiporfiug beef for tI p -(>r« g-'iiians T iik associated press’ financial gentle­ ing officer was in Medford. DI. D2. I.**». IW. I'X*. -,’.,7. Ih-*. A'.. i4i. Jos. 222. ¿12. Ir«»in sutdi ta^-away states as California, N« district paper, and that notwithstanding man who writes the dispatches should 2*.»2. 17'». 1«?.», 2H'>, 237, <»4. 196. Li»;, ’271. 27". 2ss. 2>.", v.ula or Arutjmi. our big edition our rates are as reasonable r. U. Xi 'holRon, futh.-r «»f Horu»* Xi« hoi- .>6. »1J. k'»7. «it»». 417. 32>. 1’4. A»2. ko. :.4, >»>. mak« tlie distinction between the cash hi other words nu acre of producii.g fruit trees lias a valuation of s*»it uf thi» plac»-. re<-«-ntly arrived from his 311. aa those of any respectable journal. Th»- remnanis of last y ear's wheat crop are < in the money drawer and "a surplus.” hoin*- in Uak Grove, Iowa. being rauidb transferred into th«- dialer's ■*1(100. It is better than auy bank—for the bank ie sometimes earned C. H. S.impsoii last we< k l' Ct iv«-«! frolli fin hands, and th re it? a fair pr<»»p. ct that the There is both a distinction and a differ Mrs. D. T. lTit'-har»l i* r«-gaining h-r h»-alth «•H-t t wu •mp«»i t«,'i Se.»teli Coih'' pnppo-s, " hivii imm.-n-*.-cro’> now coming on will also c >m- Alila vi ut.on - I , Tilt grand jury of tlie Walla Wada su­ ence. There is no surplus in the U. S Dame nature- a trust-worthy guardian — Mr. into Canada by the cashier, ai t In» Ruperior ili point ot |-• digr« «• ot utiy mand a lair dish tigur.-. perior court lawt week censored Col. treasury,but a deficit,though it lias cash «1 f *in«-«- removing to M* «iford. much to thegrat» d«»g-» jin«l Mr». J. II. Ault, a s«»i takes care of tlie principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if « ver l't l-ire br-iuglit t<> >«>ullt<-rn <»rt /"li illcati.'ti of her many friend*. Compton, the commanding officer at the |2l),lM»,U00 in small change, vf some »27,- While playing on Grav«-« A Llps»tt's plat- M» KIN MS In A-It .in I, .1 As t!icr<-i* «pillo m «ivmHiid tor lo r liiig «log?* Mr. you plow your orchard once in twenty years, aud rob the trees of their aiiKiiig olir »¡hi-'-piii«Ti. lli«-a-' ¡»nimMls will tor in one *• ot i-.Hpecial V illi'' lo Ihc M< i k- ol 1 son of Wm. A. Wright, had the misfortune nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, ami invite A. ( Portland after u vi*it with her fath«-r. T. taking acuve meaaurea to prevent the interest,” aud enough loose money to Mr. t.< break the larg«- bone of hi» left ankh in CH I R' Il I > Diint*nii.ii'. .1 rai*' r« of Imi* M.ft’on, jumping trim the high counter. ami Mi ' ? • ¡> ( huir >. a - recent lynching of a sport by troop« make a little over »53,tXX),(X'O cash and Harris, on»- evening last w»-»-k. the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you ’i'b«'concort gl) « n l»y tliv \Viil-1:\»p *ilo . li « i>, stationed at the post. It will Le remem­ due bids in the drawer, while in the ' Medford’s p«-opl«- duly appr»-ciat»-d the limi« i Ilio nu*pic«-M ot tito Ltidi* ■>’ A.d Sri« ty tn must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated n Dr. Smith who was recently transfcrr«d to H A BBLS \ t Summ« r Lak must.-al tr .it .*tT r i.-d by ’ th»- Waldruop chil ­ bered that the prisoner (a gambler by same drawer there is a ticket of over »54,- • »f thè Baptist vhuioh hi.-t w« « k. wns om- ot th«-Colville agem'y from Klainnth, when- he Mr. an l M->. Frank II hi foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. tto inost pie.iMng « nt< rtaiiim»-nt« tlint « ur •'»•rved as physician for sometime, ha* r«-- the name of Hunt) wa« taken from the UOO.OOO against ia*h for the national dren l.ist w«-ek at th- Baptist church. to pi-opir bave witn»'*s<-«i for a Iona tini«-. Ea* li ->:gn«-d hi-* »«osition already, having found the HXMILI' o X In Mui. r-l Mr. auii Mi- I I. Hum: county jail by the soldiers, enraged be­ bank-note tiust lund which ’ has been 1 II » ii . J. D. Whitman has b»-* t) <-ngag**«l f--r m< ini»« r ol tti«- t.imily is a imi* • «1 pr.'-lixy l>« rth anything but h pli-asant one. cause he had killed one of their fellow« taken from the salety vaults, turned into ' ««mi- days <*n hi* fruit-|»aeking h«»us»*, und all-r a fashion, ami ih< s w ho hul'-d tu at- Gramlnu Bal lw:n. while engaged in h »u»« - GRAY on (h f»in .-, . k. .1 t- I» 1 ni!-.*- «l a m > iiuim-tti'.i». aii-i ". G ». i'. Gi i t . »4 in a gambling row, and was summarily tlie drawer and ®|>ent. will be r-M-ly f »r hi* crop wh»-n it matur«-*. With half the care yon give wheat-tields, and it will yield an income • • lining, tell from h consul» rat»., bi-.ght am! is il.» r« li et ioli um olii It il.iv, towiitMm.ri di.-|o«-at» »1 h» r shoulder. br.Hk.ng on. ot th« dealt with, one < f the tew instances on 1 t- r 11» nd-rs.-H, w. i| kii.ju y in thi* ph«»--, Ai il tuur on a valuation of .ilUDO an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this I* «ii«'». Sb«- wi.l r»*e .ver from her injury U -iiklin l'i.it li • wji > rei ut y maR- ;> An«k rson A t the residence of E. K. record where military discipliu« has been is now a r»-*: lent of Salem, wh-re b-is-m’- «■■»-i - «t'oiid« nt ut tii»- i'ai'i-*btn lux ♦ «:•-»• •»’ >*. i«l- w itiiout »«nousr.suitM, it is hop«*«L DIED. county wliieb yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does. supplanted by m<»b misrule. Seveial of near Tal-nt, i® to be seen as fine a collet- ,-e*sfully plyiug his tra-i- in th- ’••«•*• -ri^i cm> •»» Paris. Frane-. I» < . iu - c hi?» !tiv«'»iti.»n • i !L»n. S. J. Cran-*t«m's health not permitting tion of Alaskan cuiios as is perhaps to be \\ e propose to sell you an acre of fins alluvial soil, uitliiu cannon tilt-pvrfectcù st;-:i.-«i ti tiif «. Jon-- l\ I*. I. h«»n«»r, as w«-F afl 4 Uiirt.i) -• -mp;i no lit.iry I- t- found on tlie coast, having been the re­ may be brought to justice. H f B»-n. H agt-d 46 j shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental t. r Ir-m tto-pr« >13« ni -j ih« at •; !< niy ,als «n- tip- «»ration at Tide lak«- on tin* glorious The Plano mnwtng-m e-hine, bind, r and sults of the a« cumulation of several mem­ I iirt h, < 'apt. O. C. A ppi« gate has kimily con- y «is. 2 in« mt hs ami 2b «lay -•. rake can I h * s«-«-n at M-rrimnn A L-gat.-'s. cl't.-diig I hui a hr-f ola-.’ .I;p« -.n.ì .c ii - ìi r.ir\ ~« nr« d to act in his stead. He will n»» doubt I railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with ber® of l.is family and their Inends, and Th-y ar«- th»- b»-*t and clh-a|»e*t in th» mar- tu« ml»< r ot tm t ili ty BR'»W>i In Littb Butt pi « mt. Jun«- 17. one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by Valuable Property for Sale. g vc sat ¡»faction. T he Etening Dispatch^ Portlan»!’« new include® all inami- r of w>-aung apparel, k»-t. ls'.’l, of ty phoitl f « v i. Il m y it Br --wa; ig«-1 i * Jt-riy N ii min. a i.aim suk-' -f la* k - »l'il.«-V evening daily, ha» been imhered into rx- jewelry ami trinkets made ami w on by It is rum aed that th«’ S. P authoiitie» have •f..’ y • »ns, s monili* a:i I Is day s. you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of liv. ni- 1«'.lanl, has pur'bus-il ilio “< «>uri« r ’ D. J. Lunis«l»-n A M«»i» ur.- engag« «1 in th«- plani an-H k officiai «barge tnis W'«k Hc i«« nt ly be«-n viewing a rt»ui«> for a new rail- mtence by the veteran journalist, A the nUives of the farthest north west,also NE OF THE MOST UFS1KA1ILE FAKMINi. «--«1. .In i I« I ■•I. Wm. old age overtake you and find you penniless. i h I. to l.nve th* main un«* nt some pein* MK)I |F.I.I> \t W "« h |, hay and produ'-e lin«-at Kai. J. ">■ ( ’ «)!., riy and will ii(»d'■ • him litio ».« a ti' »«; $1®<><)(). ERB-At Asl.l in I. Jun • 4. D'.'l. E i/.ib Hi R bu*in»-**. the future. The paper aucceeda to the ned bv imslein processes 'll San Francis­ p.,1 |*,M, in .tank., 1« county, in,,,,, w h i fain w ai ! hav - proceed to The Dalles, east of the t 'a.M-.ide • « gai'i ot olii ' u Li b; HF • 4 sl y »a« •*. i ««ng»-. T liih » ;OH -p«'Ciany it*lHpl«*rt :• ti » . Ali truiM t|i ’ »t m le.® n« w Ti, - V trough* on«-ith'-r -. I'- "f th»- *tr- ‘ «-t l»M«t aim rcniHin. field tf the defunct Examiner, which wa« co. Tbeie wi.l tie an oiganised effoit We give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, fot t.O! <>t lt.«y II Ih ami ht« * k. b< ¡uw %* ell wat« r« «1 ni.C. ait--n. what' V-T it mas b» l , I k - w hí »!»’ • t O. U. Met io land, agent of th-- S»at<- Insur- inMitute»! fur purely apecu alive pnrpoatw made I«» get Max 1’rael.t to join ttie **« 1- n-»w «»<*••• »inm»>lat»* a flow *»f pur*- wat« r that avvi ti l utare t- health ol .tm;«' company, tu-compani'-d by Dr. Smith, two yenra, nnd we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and bo > ami other farm crops also produced n «□d wh . m Lrced to »u.spend for lack of lei-nun ot curio® ami taA« the road ait-r bis witc ma-h- Ih-' st« p he hai taken i mpi « a. t . k t hr rout«' ir«»m < ’« ntral Point for ttie F«»i I. abundance. Ttu-.h v. ll larvi tiinibtr- GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. aiippoft, a name being found very poor Ins return, piovuled tl ar the Harrison things. tiv»-. v. i tin-Annie-cr«-«'k divid«*, uip! w«-r' «-.uiglit inter. >t* will turtimh a h»-nu maik«i f-r i:i me »Min an»! »now on th»- summit without ( ha*. J. How.tr 1, th»- railr>»a*i lam! vi« w»-f, property to boom where there ia ao little banner can he recovered froiu Washing­ Despite these facts the farmers of tho country continue to value a ing I that fl! husi;l-i ’/‘Oj can I»* produced, it will b. sold with '■•coats, « ndunng much hardship before- was j;i town a few li'»ur-* »»n «lay last w»-»-k, t\' > «\ I ■ - ’ • k • i1. i.il to S. > Aik f t < lending *t<»« k s.-cti ms of K'nmathconn* •ap .rdi.t si.;»« ri -r lo an «■(..> r mediciney. of India. “Exjiort the wheat of a country ami you ship away the vital­ further Prof. Nurn-gan lo»t w»-» k r»-*iirne«i h'»m«' I e-i t.on tiiMt if a j ii-t-nt *etting i»iii Prosp.•<•». or s. J. Day. Jat ksi-nvli.c. Whatever may l»e tin fate, the Drmo< - su, retue judge, oigni s-d ttie new cii - ly . and |h«- introduction of another bloiwird Peculiar in combination, proportion, estafuisheil by the from hi* trip i‘--rt L*n«i in th»* Into!f its-.f |t!i< i'.piii iibtits « t im->-f ualit'i» v II a. i ion, tin fin«' ?«'<’|.nap horse u hu h J-diu ra*:v may rtbt a«-ni«-«»rd- r. ¡1- I I»« ¡i-, iiot nurse a nnake to life in their b « »in- a t ol congress in .Man'll last ••« ii ,.1;»-^ I hi* s» ci i i». «• • l ieh Hi , ■ i « - lio *iclrom Woodiaml, ('al., will but t«-nd to H' hm I > Sarsaparill.1 possc*^ county should learn this as an axiom. was suecrssful in ins mi*-ion. .«Xi ■’ ’• l m ¡«Í «1 H f -J»« ! "i • l Ii«' v, . 113 k r >»y giving it Ihrir cordial «upport Tony n ia t<> relieve the supr- me court ol the make it »-till more- promin« nt In that lin> . The Every bread-winner at the forgo or near the cutting saws, or in 4mmal I- one- of th« be-»t obtainable in < )r< gon. the full curative value of the Undi d States from tl.e vast accumula­ Th«- Monaroh saloon at M»-dford, uml r ■ t. astil'i< ar«*" niai*.» il ’invili! nis I u Democracy in pure and undettlvd. Go.) that capita wól n««i ¡ i;g >gi weighs IltuO pouiul*. and was bought Iroin best knov.n remedies tion ol business which now crowds its th«- management <>f H. H. Wolters, is pr«»v- cm.stru« sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or th«in. Wo< dward the jioi«d ln»rse--dealer. the vegetable dorn. dr® k-ts, anil at the same lime to bnn. ing a popular resort. Th»» b«-st «»f «-v«-ry- to .50 <’KNTiM toiling late over desk ami counter, should study our plan well. It means O ik of the convicts at th«- pen hntiary, • T iie national editorial i«>R>. iat on * ill nearer to suitois the judicial force u- thing in that line is kept there. Peculiar in strength iiHin» d MH* il« II. R'i vmg a t' rm tor Burglary, a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years ’ work. A ------- ON ELECTRICAL SKILL. Hood's Sar- and economy — convent*al St. Paul,Minn.,July 14.h lbv qu ie«l for the dl«i rrsilmn if a yortit^i of Prof. N. I.. Narregnn, a fir*t-»-la*s t«-ach» r. •«ent« ih :« 4 iiom ijiaijt * Pass, sought to « m - mp « the only m«-«ll- more beautiful ami a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­ Et «-l-v Dollar you Speuil',1 delegate* to the convention ar»- H. w. such hueiiisss taparilla is The court will consist lor will gilid»- th»* destini-H -f th»- M»-dford pllfo lubor by D iguing in.-aiijly. From a ham- man cine ich can trul. Scott, L. Samuel, <> P Manon, Poilland; the preset,t of Justice Field as presiding lic s.-h‘H>|s during th»- next *«-li--bisti«' y»-ar, he waMtrariKi« rm«, into what would b- g« ip th ly 41.MOST MIKA< CLOUS RESULT ATTAINED UT be said. “Or. ilundrcdt?' sc# E. C- Pentiand, Independmce; Chaw. ju-tice, Judge Sawyer as senior assoi’iate having!.... .. enguge«! as principal at a lib«-nil lew tuk' ii for a raving iitunlac, H'- was i-ti t h l»« ti THK At'BTLE AGENCY <»’ ELECTBI« ITT. Write to us, and we will semi you our illustrated book of this great Dollar." ¿¡'-«Heines ir. Nickell, Jacksonville; S. M Yoran, justice, and Judge Deady as senior ur ill.ul*. all lint s i t pr«>< ritefl. Catnloguv mailed tree 1»« . Darrin. D»-ar Sir.—Thinking perhaps a that lin«- t«» •■\. iyvu».,s »ati.-fu» !i-m dunng ty •. -V« him tran*f«rr'si t > th«- . t Ì»Hi»— f.« r«-\i. w of my «-as«-yon cured two y.-ars ago • »H api' it ati< II. Addr< sa i ir in its medicinal n er.ts Aatoria Align»! 27, 28 and 29, is being tas. ht h;» Jusunity relapse ami Wiux silo obre will I h - interest to th«- public ami y >u, I will < Hl< AGO GIAEUAI. SUPPLY < o . the p«*t year. IIo- -t.,( h:ea^<. W. G. ScouGiN, better known a- gVNtioim t -guiding the same should he »g * • ho ;Hit stat«- that th«- »-ur«- is p«-rmamnt. 1 was erto unk:.-twn, and has won for itself pM-rt. Whitman is «-ngng. «1 in .-«.»li. itir^ v,|-««n a i w )' r a’im»st «»razy with pain in my head aud «-ar. the tale < f “The g; ill ct blood - «. ■<■: ad.Ire •» G at once to foe preM«i» nt oi the “S ave Sloggili,’' lecently died at ’lie fruit for foil «lelivery from tin- (»»«»thill far­ . a.-«. ii.p.Hu»-«! with •l«*afm"-* an«! ringing purifier ever discovered.” To Whonflt May Concern. •»«•- luiicn, L SaniUel, Portland. The reside cr «»I I, » iiih Manning, m at Hili»»* mers. ami int'-ti.ls fo handle double the n»»i*» * for month», prior u* .-.klliug ’-n you. «OAD MUlliu, peculiar i n it s • • good nan . o ► -eaiuO of 1891 proiui.*eM to t»e an >n « r- r «VILI. HE HECEIVEI» AT IHE more t »ting an«l enjoy.«b e one. A very val­ u any y»a»* was uiie ul the moat an« r* «.-•»ming season. Do you know that a little couch is n ff uigcrous! «.». y--U I hn»l littl«' exiM i-tation »-f ever hoiae," — ii*L'*s* i> p I Un-« « f th. s«•»■r. lary ot t ho Soulh« rn • >'- Ill« mass in-« ting eing prepar'd for ttie occa*i- n bv A owtb-r ol «evo». I famiH and large held-» haxiiigb ft hi* daughter in th- h«- ¡ ital at l.-'.’l, 1« i tm j ui p.-M- < i a-*-'iiiin.tiu th 'b It is jnadv, Biu 17s and far t often runs into Consumption nnda 12 '>''lr Ih'* « xelusivt-lixbi lo r-mi M alt r- at lie I ' "*•*«<*. f n,»yv zea * us pa- I .*11« S ol t tic pt t»p|o ol >MI«1 S. * ! DHI, HI I I t I ' .1« « f tine anituais. H«- was a S.tn 1 r.im i*«-«» in th«- ii«-p.- of .-tT-'-tim, a p of all Noitner and H. L. P tt"< k oi Portland cr blood ends m Death? People Ruffeiing from A.Mlima « ■ l'iui'i'.-- on tin fair ground-« n«ar (..nal l m-building .J a m¡lro.iti t.-«>m J.n k^ «n I formerly liv»-«i in Dufur, o* o and Ii. K. Kincaid ol Eugene. It is en­ tion vf the turf in ina time, anU owned i.-.-t «-in*- for li«»r troiibl«-, ulii.’h is pn>- lo vunfh« roculiar in its Bronchitis. Fncumouia and Consumption will all? Point »luring the e-ming district fair, c m vi'. « Gi.oil s l’ahh, I . * ,ni. point on tn at I'I h Dall« a. m«m ing «m s pt«ml»• i 2-.’ and continuing f a -• titled “fimtory ul Oregon Journal.am.” many (¿»st running horwe g, aneli as •Rr»i- nuunci-d t«> 1« iiip «iis'-as«-. tell you that ■ nai i* c.id < I S31es I’ac lie «-«aibt < ithcr Crise, ni * ny oi smith H enson M<(’«'¥. phenomt - days. Th«- Mn-çoHsfuI bitld r may. in In-» di*, buck,” "Jatk M urr” and utheig wlose rtv< i , w.ih c.illcti to order by A h.Rn ■*. Al M r*. J. II. 15-hi•« ns of Sail other prcparatiiHi er. li «n, coinim n«-«- busin-s* prior to th« abroad. (• « h >m< «I« '.jit. ry sp. ak n,. tn t ,¡,,u¡. bp od is trae H'i a» a lounnation in many I h »- h tic gu*-.*t "f h r un«-!«-, p« '« ng «4 th ! « r. it h. h >h« m I.» d . w(, ver .n't une.lsu- ’ » WU- I « -»0.0 ' loll , W I «* HUoplcl, I. : \* It : I n reti-mg from the tripod, Brother wrll-br*/d lioraea in the state to-day. «luring th - pa-t w•• -k, having a. -ompani.-d GEO W. KIDDLE. KIDNEY TROUBLE AND K< IATI< A CUBED. W HEKE 4 *. i . prar Dr. Darrin. I think I ant entirely i . I Ml«mid I'VIIIH cl wit li 1 1;«' S. I ’ . R r v} ,\ . ..nn.h ;,. e »inm.S «« dasf®» if the rod in saving the child m our put— tiial i» going on >o rapidly in Ore gon. ! wi ll after y<»ur < l»*etrie an i-oy in \ oar* respect fully, M idern ltem.-die-« i It will stop a C.'Ugh inono night. It will check a Ci.Id'inW • n-l a«’- in pr«»^r»-**. It i» .-htmat. -l that tin- aim vi<-ii»;ty. in «*nl« r I » L. < « m factory. Grant ,® P h »», .»nth rai l «» !. i T he qiieMiort of free roir.ag- of silver jM w l«»«iuj«' u ill iiu\«• at l»-a*1t 2 • »-harb r m*-m- i i<- n«- itiyvin J. W. K ekny . one of tl.e capital city 'a ei-liuoie by young »day. . It will prevent Croup, relieve Asthma and c ure Consumption if t ii en? amount ol sut»ri iy .hat van b> i - m» » in» < n ihr ioghi <>t May 3»i, 1»!<|. h Aid come up agon when the n»-w c »n- lady teacher »a-isted by Mrs. G otitic, II«' puipn.-i- if binhliiJg hai) ia; hr**. - Yu’J cun t afford M be w ithout it ” A 25 c«-nt k.ttle mav e ive v..„i l»i i ght bay hi-. , bu i y « ai» *d. .Mor»-** nn«l »welling«, nervous »! 1-il- way. The boys of lid- section sun e abile metal are »inguine fi.at ti>t-y will ti"ii .»f^h»-ir pn«-king-h"Us»- <»n tin-pr»»jw-r»y -• "l «Il ’ I ■ - • III « Iiy , S >1.1. I » • I. U : .4 I Vi . W In n la-t ».. n h« had a l»»ot on left him! I. g. itv. impot< ri',r' ami oth» r w-akm-sM.-H of IOO Doses One V G ar .»b 4 l «i an»l Jn. k ..-n A r. u aid ol t w« nty tivedollMi» will b g.v. n tunes need whipping m seh. ul.aml wi en ul imately w.n. A ia»ge dealer in advei r»-»-'-ntl.v pun-ha-vl by tli»-m. !»id- t»» I m - »V liliali;.-. Grant*» firn srcr«-t »-rr<>r> vil.,! i th. pui'i'o- , t r.iib».:ga -.i.ihmy I i mnnli«H**|. Il............ forili» r turn or any intoitiuilioii that ui.. m an ititervirw say.-: “ Tlie annuurict* <»p«-i.»-d al th*- olii« ......... th«- »»-«-r.-tary «» ii the they do, the teacheis are considerate uo4 ..ng -ani i .t.n «„vï. nf y«»uth ami flu ir t» rnl»lo ciTcrt«, I<» hm *.f • • ad tu iUS r-.C very. H.J.» LAKk. R emilv hl», Ttiat th*. s< < i t.iry « f tni u ••« i- im ni-'iy, ni'ii m i. «i ( « h ..¡ i < opj - f toes cates Wedn sday h lull' 1 meaning. Tin ­ but Brother Coney's seiisibilit.es air Mo If ud * ■•iiiz.-ns iiavi» shown th» ir custo­ lull.nu tor punii« alh«n, ami t .mani sam* mimi inni Ixxly. l’r«*vrnts consumption, I men who Ku«'i ’ ve Ie i s»> far in bringing li- art 4ÌÌMc.is»*>ofp-ning»»f tlu- brain ami «piu»-, mary lib'-rality in subs«-ribiug to the now outraged that the teacher has the t • tn.- Medford Mail,” J , k k.-<>n\ ii,.- L imes , authority to whip them at all, and would about the pr» s-nt coinage oi sdver l»e- railroad »-xtensiou bonus, and,as th»- amount Grabt*» Fas* "( ourn i ’ and (i. ¡ Amt« insanity ami »»ther afTli-’tions caused by tlu- Eetray Notice. "K* c .rd." ••rrora »- xccsmoh ami tlisf'.iMCS of hoy> ami a*k«-«i for i* alm»»st rais»-« I, th«-re can I m - littb- I lieve f:e-* c«»in ige a necessity, and that it deprive the rising generation, by inter­ Un chairman then iii point«-«! tin- following men. He re«U>res !»>«( vigor ami manly •loiibt but th.it th*- road will «-«»nstruefed I 2.5","00 feet of Lumber constuntly on hand. can l>e hronglit al»out at the next «rssion. aken up by the i ’ ndehsignei ». sfr dicting corporal punishment, of one of mim. 'l p< r-on-as ».44 v.mimitt« • : A. J. H n- powers. r»*mov»‘s (l<‘formities ami restores in the near future. ii. nths »itici'. 4>n»' gr:tj mitri-,about 13 >. .-<*• 4 '"« li. Dann i Hunt. Ge«». H. Briggs, Am. tlu- t.rguiisof health. H-- also cure« 4Ìisi*nsc-< the rarest pleasures of after years—re­ l’be incoming house will lie composed ol old. brandi d with a halt circle <>n tie right Our citizen* '-annot afford t" |»-t the oppor­ H >xu« ari'l .N. Gaies. »/rr<7, mm rille, Oregon, counting how lie ''«old” tlie teacher by more free-coinage men than tlie la*t one «hould. r Th.-owner ia i»-qui-»ti*dto|a\»K- i .im ling th n H'ijoui ii.-d until >atui4.*iy , <-ure»l by nu-rcury amlotìu-r p<»isoli«.us»1 rugs p.-n-« s and lak- the animal tuav. lining Ins |>ant's bottoms w,th protective 'The senate is already for free coinage. tunity f »r < onm etion with Butte er«-*-K by Jun. 2«ili, l-'.ij, at Ju'ciack I-. }f. used ili tin- impro|M'T treatment of private Hanvy Klippel Jouas A. Lee. PATRI» K lVi)R\ Tt.e real Imttle w D Is* with the piesi- r.iii pass. It nu*ans in«*r»*as«-»i tring al! th branch--» b- l .iig- THE ROTTESXESS hF ROYALTY. win»". li«lU'-rs and «-igars, ami a fin»- billiard either at Crescent city, Chetcu, or Smith w .! I* paid for Ini r«turn << ar.y >' m-'- I112 I » a tn si-chi»-» . ui> . f -i m n > ext r i When a siliulion i- npe for . lint.g.' or -•all, f»»r h- will treat yon well. On hiR return home, Mr. H. at onto set ■r H Browu, book keeper Petaluma. Cured chai go. hi«gh- Point. Ji;m «'». Irvi. ’lb' m wly organiz« «1 «-orm t hand ar*» i about working up public sentiruent lo­ for uro'jr. ss it ih reiu»r»»t>le ivHa* mtl i- im- e«» r ,y of his iudlgchtion and constipation. Y"i»ng laito-s wishing t.» follow tie- higher cally with lelerenveto the road, and wa- enee will nuuietilii' ® work up popu ar proving rapidly in th ir cx««vuti-m, and will art »• nr»'- - r miisical cour» ai<- aft rdt d Il.ii - - hilihnlox! n Lumber Ysr t at M.-lford aiel will keep Miss ( lara Melvin, 126 Kearney ztrtx-t, S F. su m Iw.-om«- ' Xp.-rt musi«-ians. They par- sp i ial füci itir-* in each. agreeable Miirpriaed at the readiness «entinient to ileuian >t.th* r> < h i tr i’i and « .!i downfall of royally there a month an > stut- n: M Iford blue, a deep, dark, unfading, dyed- ■ ìli f a act I ny wdlin river offer to donatu ties sufficient I »ml with th« niii®r«-nt reverence for io • the g!«-ri--»i* I -urth - f -Dily this vo?ir, but livero.nplaint. With the thir.l bottlo she i J.a k' H,\ * ,4lr< »I». —August Flower the Romcdy. I M «».«»• to lay 4’> miles of ti»e roa«l, besides c»>n- «Ity at the very hi^u.et notch in publ I giv-s i, «U'•» in ud\am-• that «U • wj| .*x¡« .«t garm.-«l h».*r «-11 ac<*ustoine«l h<-ahh. tnbutiiig |bit),(MU to the bonus fund, and een'inient. And v--t there are n.any lo- h*»r ueighi-or* t • 1-» e--ually ungnani.-n«-ns *■r,,,! •* Bl • iter, Bal twin II How docs ho feel? — lie feels a FOR SALE. every where along tlie route th«ne having lay who upenlv predict that with the m-xt year, wlt- H -*ii" will uad-»r« i i for years with dyspepsia Felt l.v ter headache, generally dull and con­ Cov.ray TreacF'rer’E 111.rd farm or bUfihess interehts express a queer.*« demise will be ll«liei( thA ’*dll»‘2. FIXE, LARGE Bl LL. lrnn«m of 2.-’ Vah •; ia u Angu-« and UurliMin »I» < k « «n I»» ' "i •■» •’ August Flower the ffomedy. ters of riglit-oi-wav and n onrv c-intr.bu th»u a genera’i'-n past th« great thiuk very i .-M'Onabh flgut «- by r«i i»iy *»” ,h< II» - cur-» * sick hco-la; hes un 1 liver ;r < ’( : I» i of I i. r tsl li eh or .1 - t ls « «\ < <» . • .1 y. gg* | | i 1- . i|; ,| t ; ... | • | | . j dcr-dgned. j F'.cretf »free«. ”. I. i crop M«-« Hng F , c uri I H GIVEX HLVI rilLRI How clces ho -He feels a wb»ih a'lguia- well lor the early building bcen ) ertodieal y hani-eated hy dani ig Little Ihitt«- I'rr* ii . i. L» n ’ f !.-'•♦ ’hi» )Ti-’!ii'':nn wl'l H b».us in the I a . and < :.ru:dc Liao !• ìnt'-. ( uni-, li- i-niv i ir 1 h» of the road. Khuuld the western termi* mg revelation® 'f the r-hoitcimitig® vf i -mun- li ai il- ( nti-C • -n» fgjr gr<«uucj 4n»i over inno other» viok-ut hicoiugbius or jumping of r»-i h i ! Coijnty Warrai tg >«;«!proacb- DUs b* at C rvMenl City, the rutile will be the Fnmeut Wales, and ha- grown ac- JuovU. Wo arc looking i the stomach alter a meal, raising u¡» : ■ L Cl P. IN m . rr, ind d«Hi t know how mj ■. a. r, wiilc -m*- via Ker by vilie to the uioutb ot Slate cuaiomed to expe cting nothing moie oi « W« Tfll Numi»« r Su Effective Cure. arc going i » mak' itti; i t camp-m« «t- bitter-tasting matter or what he has N ml i creek, aud fi old there either to Grant's him than a deietit regard for the pro ingtu.it Roj/u« riv«r vali« * ha- «\ ••• ija»|, iti E < Bi ' -k« of .1 u k»*.»nvi’V‘.t h -» «: eaten or drunk — August Flower * While You Wait, Mlndwvo't'Ttn««™»- B»*«'«®n»'t I H drug- Pass, over the river route, or ovt-r tho pretiea if 14« in p ibi e. Ahli.ujh tbi nard wcik and g«»«»«l vii Hcninu a > ! ?-i.tk :t ?•>. L’i-t ìij mi IPI). th lj'-v»’n. ne’ Mir-- in i ur martin«. T»«itntn wil preacher* Hint are l'»*'K»«l for an R v» r- cur- t u- !.i m |»p< . It is t ik n ’ tho Remedy. divide io Jatk »on vd«e, to c« unect with; * 'ellcmil® piee® t f the S'l p re lias at timer « iHv p.r- ut » ! appli» «l .-vt t mille. . « . nu- r. L. J«»ü> -, F. E. 4«t G rat.! S Fa-', di-t i mt , i *; ly <• i- ■ b BUT CURES the R. It. V. K C -.’r line at this i» ac»- ii-iitli** - d him and tn« “« I’’ eeverelv, W. s. . .t vri ngton. D. I > . < «i-l. «r < 4 t h-- l’ai t :u- ami I., E Bl. « > MI ii fui !n a » n-;,. ¡n :»n«1 ti. ♦1 it By How does h-3 feci ?—lie feels < 'ounty i i ■ iiMii . r '• ............ “ - r.-ole «1 is *l.e h ntiiEeit ....... t \ ' urlstlau ?.tl\ «cat»-, G \. I and- n < t Giant - ( r- pi aling a f> iv • : ,« 11.- ;• NOTHING ELSE The route to Ibis VAllay Will • ep-mi a-'v I HO deep* «I ; r- man» iit ’ v . u • .ni - u •>;. i :. ; - « . A. I»* wi- I A*i.ian*l. Mi. (iiatfoid .,f the gradual decay of vital power ; n)U»*t altogether on the amount ol the | »va.'ty to t:•»• powers th t be hi ev« » v l K ’.i-»s. IÌ4IIII ! ,:.t- . i i -¡|. .J ¡¡j '■ bilia. J. W. Ml1 ¡-.-r of last l’ortl.ovl. W. tur.» s* W. H. PA^5Z ER, bonus ratre-1 Ly iLr adv«* ate* - j enber. B it-shbea l (hat the great tuiddle cla-s D. Nu a la» f Grant’a Par-, tra Waketl« 11. « \- li-*» d dh ' ri •!. |N ..... g > f.. he feels miserable. ntelancb<>ly, t itili,' i . ìh 11 an the co»-1 of cons ruction will no' ma-I vs have herelof-ne aiioW’n a «1 «-¡»o-iti.»i I*. E. ot blab i c«mh rene* , Mr. « horch, of Gobi . »Ini e -n f h- hopeless, and longs for death and AND U»»UX «» I «»R fi om ■■ « . Hnl. Come, t-ring you» hoi-«•* nmi w iguiis; i liotm- nt n gl:t l r terialiy diflt r, an-i either route im entire y [ to be even mute ti an tol »an: of his p * • then wi lb-pi« nty >»f t*\s| ami y «ni hors > u ». -1. peace—August Flower tho Rem­ >m’ I O’ Or. practicable, lithe citiz-ns of M» dioni • caduloe*, and have strenuously |»eisi'»i» Hill b»- tak» n car;- «t «h«r-' will a¡M» b«- a edy. b.\ 1IIC and Jackson vole wish to place then»®- td that when he comes to tne tbron* Is .ai ling-li« >«•*■• «m tl;«- grounds. /'ll. », /-il.«.’ ftrn.HU I’ll-.. U. ALEKiiM'L. Fasto, nr M« -lf-»r«l. I It» w*artn.; Q”.a.it, ar ?*rn «3 selves on a transcoritineDtal highway, be will realize the itnpo tance of his sta- CMith-stinu »v.ob->xe« »■’ M»’rc4L« i .a.-«: > 3 «YMKroM«-M'li.Mtiirc; inh ii-G* How does he feel ? — He feels so teffte-vod y hoKt. ;z"<-i 1 liiA. t IKK now is the time to bestir theinse vrs in Don as the ruler uf one ot the tin C'a>8 «incitili ; fii'i't tit nixht ; ivm.dt by scruti-'. full after eating a meal that he can If h II«IW«‘<) to C lltltllic tllfDors t i II!. M Fn’iF(iunvrr,C ' ••• Dr. At'k» i'» Etigh»h Fili« the matter ol getting tilings in sha|»e to ¡»owerR of the world, and will bo il bis ‘.I, BLANKS -Ci- oft» n blt-tti >ind i. t r rato. I> . ..urn- vt t \ hardly walk—August Flower the LARb’ST ÜÍST AMD C m » The recent reve ▲re activr. » tT< rtiV4* und pina*. Fur »lek b<-ad SWAV.VLS Ol.XT.MLM stops t|„- ¡trh'li',’ offer the construction company some- conduct “““ ‘ accuidiugly. ‘ r‘ . <11S .ni»:!'« 4 Mtolli.U'h. kMM of Upprtlt*- Remedy. Iii->ils iil<*» rHtioii. hih » in v....«0 ' 1 .* • ~ * • .. ¿»’le thing definite in the way oi a bon ns lations of the baccarat scandal bave .irlo ba*l romplext-m in ii!.;cii'i i. .«»li A g !*<&. a i. tb«,it4tn»wK *-1» »4.1 >;itoti; atr >. » WW/'».**«’ •V- ■fi.Aft i; SC\v JWW-1 u. S. A £1 k ÿ etnorraiir Ï iiurs EDITORIAL .KOTES as they view their broken idol revealed Reames & White s REDLAND -I- NURSERY, SPRING ¿SUMMER GOODS A 11. (ARSON i SON, Proprietors. 100.000 THEIS IN SiOCK. STRAW HATS, FURNISHING GOODS Ladies' Fancy and White Goods, And a full line of Parasols. Fans. Kid Gloves, Corsets. Jerseys, Curlin? Inins, Etc., Etc. pin vn LEWIS P„ FS PUIP 1 Id’I'CL TOUAC’CO. REAMES A WHITE CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD II’ IS O W<»I«rl'Il Peculiar DO YOU WW TO SrVE ORCHARD HOME ASMCIATION I " MeJord bitgtn ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ir® ■seeasaxanv a 00 YOU COUlill?: —* ITSTARUDWITHACOLD.": DR. ACKER’S ENGLISH REMEDY! Hood’s Sarsaparilla i LUMBER YARD AT MtDEORD T düGÜE RIVE» LUMBER ÖO., Manufacturers acl Wholssie Dealers ins “August Flower” S Lumber. Lath £ Pickets flooring, Rustic id Ceiling a A HEADACHE ËMORY