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About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1891)
•X r f A SCROFULOUS BOY. è hi jDemopatie ¿nuca MISCELLàN LUU East and South Kunnmy VIA SOOfHERN PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. The Mt. Shasta Route. Expre«« TraF imi t<‘Ave P<>rt!an«i Daily, fruì» I • _____________ s rpi_ a —L.-«vu Portland Arnv«- **A.M- « u»' a. Lt-ave M««if,»rd L«*av«* yUftA.M. liklA *. M.jArr'vcSanr'ranetyo 1.,-nv« ' Vimr M, AUov* traili» »to» olii» al m«* l«d*”*>»•< station» north ot tWburg. E»»t Pvrjlaiid (•■Vkron City. W«a»dburn. Hai« tu, Aibany '*«?. ot, SliAid». Halm-y, ilari nhurn. Juui rt«*n City, lrviiiif. Euaetu-. ___ * K u KÉUCH</MA1L DAÌLY; ARRIVE: _________ LEAVE________ __________________ Portland '.... M Â. M. KuM-burc 5 W r. M. K,«M'burg .. ..a* A- Mi Portland LW r. M. ALBANY UM A I.. DAILY i K awp « »iindayl. ---------------- AKHIVV: ,»;00r. M ,1,1 ...&<» F.M. Altmni .. .»I«1 ». M Alt,«ny ........... VUO A.M.|Port;»n<l PULLMAN BUFFET óLtEPEKà. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, ,\jf .,-cuu.inodalioo oí »woiid-cias* paseen- gora attaenedto Exprese Train*. t: jtii'iAJo.v, ¡• «.sr Sorts torr red Ilin Brad. H»sft .Ifftcltd. Hod y and Currd by Cu- tirina tí etti» diro. When all months old. the loft hand of our little grandchild b«*gan to *WelL and had erery appearance of a large b«>11. We poulticed ft. button«) purpose* Aiukut five montnsafter It b< came a running sore. Boon other sores forme«!. He then had two of them on each hand, and his blood became more and more impure, it to«»k less time for them to break out. A sore came on the chin. ben»*aththe under lip, which was very offen sive. Bls head was one solid scab, discharging a irreat deal. This was hlsconditlon at twenty-two months old. when 1 undertook to cure him, his mother havingdl> d when he was little more t han u a year old. «»t consumption wrofula.of c*>urs« i. He coul«i wa k a little but couhi nut get up if he fell down, and could not move when in be«!, having no us«' of hts bands. I immediately coininenc«>d with the Cuticura Kenonlies. using all tr«*« ly. One sort* after another healed,a bony matter form ing in each one of these five aeep ones Just before healing, which wouhi finally grow loos«'ant! were taken out; then they would beat rapidly. One of these ugly bone lorrna- tlons 1 pr»served. After taking a dozen ami a half bottles h«‘ was completely cured, and la now. at the age of six years, a strong and healthy child. M rs . E.S. DHIGGB, Ma> 9, Sfi. #12 E. Clay St.. Bksuuington, III. MAIL TH lis- DAILY k.K'ZI»T «V S 1> V V .’ Cuticura Resolvent ; B A. v I. .AM- Portburt Arrive , »> e. m . 1¿W v. M.iAi' ve CorvAlli* Legvelk.- .*► e. M. That n< w bltxw! puritbT. Internally (to c I.- miibv thr bl«Mx) of all impurith » Hud poiHoivnia «!•- Al Albany Corvazu«connect with train» mvnta and thua remove the cause', and <’uti- cura, the irreat xkin cure. an«l Cuticura Boap, o! Oreguu r.scittc Railroad. an esiiuialtv bkln beautiftet, externally (to DAILY BXPKICS.4 TWAIN* KXCBPT HVNDAY.) clear the skin and ucalp. and rratorv the hair' 4;40 p . m . Loaw Portland Arrive, S;A) a . m cure every diM»,ase and num »r of the skin and 7.X» p . m J Arrive McMinnville Lcnvcj 5 L» a . m blood, from pirn plus to scrofula. THROUGH ▼TKRT1 potnu, Sold ever) where ; Price, Cuticura, .50c; Soap, CA T A SOUTH. 25e; Hesolv«nl, $1 Prepand by tin- Potter For Ticket« and iDt«»rmation rvtfardin* rat« «, Druir and Chemical Corporation, Boston. mapa. etc. « aH on Company'» a<» nt at M«*dford. EW“Svnd for ”H»»w to Cure Bl>ani Diseases.” ÎCKUKHLKH. MauAM'-r. A.t O. F. »P. Ax t. Q a QM'Q «kin i>n,| IS-alp purifl <1 and b.-au- DADl 0 t'tleU by CVTICVIIA SO AV Abso lute!. pure. THE LADIES RHEUMATIC PAINS (n one minute tbvCVTICVKA ANTI- F ai . n FldNBfM rt iievrs rheumatic, B»ciatic, hip, kidney.chest and muscu lar tial ns and weaaneaBea. Price, 25c. MILLINERY re addid ><■ rrj rt< <k th« 1.1!< wing cl»»»of geode, of which 1 have a full line; And as I bear the child's amen. My mother s faith c<»me back to me, ( louched at her aid« I BeCM tO be, And mother bolds my bands again, Firenzi. Tbur-day she pu led up lame f rwattl, having injured her cannun bone and tendons. oil’, for a hour in that dear place! Oh', for the peac»* of that dear time! t >h! tor the childish trust sublini'-'. Oh! for a glimpse of mother's face! Yet. us the shadows round me creep, 1 do not seem to be alone— t*weet magic of that treble tone — And “N-'W I lay me down to sleep.” The S- utbem Pacific steamship El S 1 bar jus' complete'» tlm fa-test run ever made lietween New York anti New Oileans, the tune being 4 flays, 12 hours ami t> minutes. ALL SORTS. The crop oil'b-ok ba» bi en chanced bv the heavy rains which have fallen la'ely in the -outhern portions of Russia it is believed the harvest will lie but little undei the aveiage. San Francisco i« making a s'fuig No president who “swung aroumi the fight t> tvcU'P tie neat Kepublican na- c rcle” ba« ever been re < leeted. Haves ti mal convention. tried it, so difl Jobli'on. J lin«on did The board oi trn«'e< a of the State Re- get track into the South, but Hayes was f Tin School r ew Salein l.ave ap|>ointed never heard of again K J. M le- ami vile to manage that in Tim .Vafional Press to dav aeenseii stitution. Parnell of mi apphing certain funds, The pa; ets that w.-re enterprisinv( ?) and ann uuces its indention of reitera’ enougu t • pr nt a picture, i tl v presiil-ut inc 'Im charges tn mil r to compel him t'fotig'd it best to make »oute apology to <ake legal proceeilimra against its for the same. publisher. Ex-Spetker Ree l, J. S. Clarkson and Naclis Bro«., of Stockton, C»l., started “M-ik Tw fin" ar* am tig the >li«tin- from Tin- Halle- two weeks ago with 15 - giti-hed American« now traveling in rM)> bead of »beep to drive to Calif irnta. Euroif ; but ilie-f three cannot tie cl i-»ed Tlrev also bought J.tMM spring lambs in “Innocen'a abroui.” Wasco county, which »re to be delivered It is said that J. W. Crawford, of 8 riem, ltiiM Iwen recommended for the po»it o«i , f Indi n agent on tlm Cma'illa re-eivati' n, Senrtor having de clined'he apt ointment. Furnishing Sooàs at Reno in the fall. The Paisley election is a stunning blow- for th- Bri'i-h Conservatives In HK0 the Liberals carried the botough by 3 05” votes to msjori'y of 5tki. Last we k ttie San Domingo will probaldy give the Liberal candidate received 4,145 votes ( ni ed State« a naval at rti >n in Hie West again-rt 2,SO”, a majority of 1,33S. As cheap a» to be bought any place; also Indite, since Haiti refuses to dr so. Six milling companies of Mlnneap li« Arrangements are io pr,,grese by becre- have cunbilled ami put down the price < f Chiláran'i Short Clothes, »»•v Tracy with prospects of securing w heat and raised the price of fl >ur. Thus Under 4 years old. We have removed our Nurseries toM<“d- Samana bay. the speculator anil capitsli-t work ford. where we have secured New Ground, the* buautitul line Whv wa« not an eight hour law pasted together to rob I ks h con-umers anil pro soil of which in a nandy loam, enabling ua without irrigation to grow healthy, thrifty by the list legis'ature? The Republi- duceiK,and it isconsid red legitimate,to-- COHNETS trees with an abundance of ttbrous lateral , an party had a two-third« majority and root*wttbottt bewvs t.ip r<><>t»*. tv !••.• cut away The Board of Supervisors i f San bran they pr mi«efl the laborer in their t lat- ci«co have condemned the zo logical Consisting of Lisle and Silk in digging. We offer fortn lief,ire tl>e election to do so. Who exhibition at Woodward> Garden« ami GLOVEM, will explain? O'dered the removal of tin* animal«. Both Knit and Mu»tln. mfDTl' #ARJ8ÜBE¿ Cüül-LLlt NUKNEKllßN ! 10000 Prune, 10000 Apoles, c000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, IIANDKEKIlIKFri HOSIER V, Zephyr Shawls. and many other things too numerous to men tion. 1. nave also secured the services of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 1 am now prepared to execute au or And h i T' xm ! ai*H<>rtmvnt of all tbc leading va ders »u that line In rtrat-claMH atylv at reasona rieties of fruita. ble rate«. Call and ace me opposite J. Nunan’a *n Can« frnia street. MIL». F. P. PRIM. Trees as Low as any First-class Nurserv. GlVg CS A CALL, THE WOMEN OF ORECON Nurseries at east end of Bridge. --------AHB-------- MEDFORD. OREGON. On (i Strike &50Q KcW81*^ They have thrown away the washboard, and «ay tney will use nothing but the I»pdies' Choice Washer 0 Bl-hau'« 4 nn Mt act it red by W. A. Goodman A Co., Granta P hs *. < Ireron. L- Ilkli'tw*« Golden Balsam Ao. 1 Cures (. iiancrss, firs' and s >cond Stages; M'.rcssn the Legs and Body; Sore Ear««, Eyes, Noss, etc , Copj»er c loruj Biotche«. Syphilitic < at irrh. dlssase«! Scalp, and all primary fo-: • cf ths diwx»e known at »ypMIix Prlr»», < 5 OU per BoHl*. I»« Hichan*s G >l«lrn fiulsam Ns. 9 Cares -Tert!in-. M. ruuria!S',?hi..tic Rhsu- iuati»nj, Pains in tho Bone«, Faini in the Head ba«k of th- Neck. I lceratsd Sor^ Throat, Sy phi. tc Ka«*h, Lum; 8 and con tract« <i ( or< :«. Stiff.tos of the Limbs, and crulicatti u'l d ««as» from the system, wheth<r caii-ted by indiscretkn or abu-e «t Mercury, leaving the bl kk I pure an* I'.ialthy. Pr|re t5 GO per I ottl«>. L«' Idchau'« Golden m *ni«h An I- doto f r t’ ■? cure of Gonorrhwa, Glee*, Irr.tati« n Oavcl, and a'l Vrina-v or Gem Ul dir arrangements. Price 94 30 per Hottie. i.r Kichan*-« Col.-Ion flpsnlah In- J»ctl' n, f r h « re rw < ot G morrh , lnfUmrn t-»v< t Strictur «.Xc. Price • 1 > per Bottle. Le iCichitn's G >l«1en O ntinent fortbeeff <l ve h^a ri^i f Syr,:;;:.: .-r «, and erupt on«. Price gl ¿Op r B.»x’ !• I*I c B mw * o Gold«* i I’il <- ’ e ard Bra o treatment, |.> mo * phy-i -d p er. excess or over-w^r’c, I rostraticr«, .v. Price 93 OO per Box. Tsnic a».d Nervine, 9ent everywhere, C. O. D., secure y p» aed per eipmea NOW IN ACTUAL USE. We would ask the ladles of this W 1 “stern our Coast to lav aa‘de their prejudices, give m There Wanher a fair trta and b»* cenvinee«! a is ONR washer in tne world that willdogtxxj work. We hav e a combined Machine, WaMh- board,Tub and Clothes Basket. Wcscllthr Washer <»n its own merits. D»Mcrlpf!iHi and price of waaln r given on application. n ' MTQ U/l MTCH srli the Ladies* J C H I 0 H A n I LU Choice Washer. L.HitMcan .nake from flOOto fSoOper month Apply at once for term1«. A THE HICHARDB DRUG CO., AGENTB. >Oand 511 Mark« t Str« « t. Ban Francisco. < al. —»Circular* sent tree.----- STEAM SAW MILL ANDLASON CREEK, sX S. S. SMITH. Prop’r. r ALL KINDSQF LUMBER, ASHLAND HOTEL CINTRALEY LOCATKD. FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. This wall-known hnuxA him h«*n rebuilt with brick nnd greatly enlarged, b«*aidea be‘ug NEWLY FURNISHED It is centrally located in the busln«*»» part of town, and a gte»d-Ramp!e r-.oin for commer cial travelers. is fitted up in connection I here with. The table Is conntahtly (nrnishvd with the best the market affords. E.K HKIGHTMAN, Pr p Ashland. Oct. 10 IMO. ---- ASK FOR— BOUTS Andallof AKIN, SELLINO & CO. S UNRIVALED GOODS BICYCLES BPEWRITEHS. CANOES, E tc CASH OR I MSTâLUIR t NT« «OUGHT. «OLO. O" ■ ICNAIIO« 400 WMUll »H «TOC» «WGR«0M ANBF1IICC«, ANO ALA WERAANTEO «IMO FO« •ATALOG ANO CLU» OttSOUNTt Lieo jigow/4 <«!»•»« / M«»*rg.rk*re. FREO. T. MERRILL, UT W ashington 3v . PORTLAND, OR J' Ian R 4 f,< t*. I m «»h», b > hut '"Uk — o <:-a> H <4 U.«« • • J-Rl S3 i I |'«rt er -• at boma. f»- i i. ruent» only *o at J ay HI K» ■ r We siati v»u furrmbiif .rlkl-ill i»n-4 A mean man has inv nted a hen's neat Years ago the gardens were the principal that every hen in the country should amusement ic.-O't on the l'ac tic coast. kick against. It is so a ranged that w hen The schooner Mayflower, wbil • being the hen lava an egg it di-atuears. The towed nut of tne Klamath river li t hen ia naturally puzzler, ami tries it again week, struck a rock. Her bottom stove until she Ifeecines disgusted ami in. She hail a cargo of ;><)00 c»se« worn out. salmon. R D.Htime, of San Francisco Ilepor'a from Butte anil Sacramento is Her owner. St e w ill have to Is* coun'teH, California, tell of continued beached. ravages of swarm« of gra-slioppers They The United Sta'es supreme court, dur have eaten their wav through many ing the tuirn just eiideri, completely fields and orchard», ami nothing seems smashed the previous high rec rd of to check their advance. cases disponed i f at one term oftheeoirt, settling 6’0. which lu retofo« lias be«n ti e large-t number passed upon at a single term. One of Mrs. Grover Cleveland’s pr< sent occupations is to lend a helping h imi in ti e management ol a niis«i<*n krnder- gerten <m First avenue anil Fiftv-third The evils of the tobacco habit street, New Y* rk. Mrs. Cleveland is, in laen f.nciblv il’uaba'ed in the case fact, vice-president, anil visits tbc mi* woman one hundred and ten years who wa« burned lodeath while smoking si"h frequently. a pipe in bed. H id it n -t been for this The interruption of the flow of gold ttnf r itua'e we.knesa ah* might have ¡abroad w ,s onlv •em|K»rary. M re than lived to a ripe old uge. |5 OOO.OnO I ate been slnppeii from New I York ami B ston 'ast week. Wl at Th“ l’in'es a» Lovelocks, Nev., re- mak s ,IIH the ••«mill sitfiati n n nto mo «• e gr.m* grave i« cently niurd« re.l a -qua« l«v <*)i<*ppinglier I . ,n ®* .” i* that in*., pie. o. Tbe-e ha.l h.- n tnueh h « k-' e’1!1 w "?« n'",er c in- dilions of exchange. ties« in the tnl*e. an4 tin* Indian», imag _ ining the woman «a« a witch and cau vd The ruling of Judge Shîraa in ll,e it, brutally but«*h«*red her. The author murder case of th« Indian I’lentv Horae-, ities did nut inteifere. that tie pccUHed whs not Ktliltv of murdering Lieu enant <’u.«ev, beesnse a A Portland paper says that it eo-t |1.- Hate of war exi-ted at the 'itne. may lie 500 to &et a pl ice on 'lie Portlan«! police guod law, but the eff.-ct will certainly be Tore**, Even at that figure, aaya the r/sto rian, it ia t*ei*i to be a paving inceetuient. bad for white men. General Nelson A. Miles, who lias just re'U'ned fr ui an extended trip through Mexico, saia the Apaches of the cxt*eme sou'li«e-t are now devoting themselves to agru u’ttire. They w ill probably wheat instead of Cain hereafter. An apt oil ttnent which in accompanied "Of course I atn master,” save Kai by the *iuhi to rub ami take will always ser Wiliam of Geimany fo himself, "but “pay,” no matter what ia pai«l for it. as disc* eti* ui is ttie bet ier part of valor, I'li ju-t adjourn the Reichstag until n* xt K«epyou- eye* n Kepre-entative W. L. winter, before uld man Risniart’k gets a Wils« n ol Wesl Virginia. He is a young chance to take his seat.” man but he i-g owii g as rapi'ily as any After having several years ef extremely man now in public life, liis name is heard on all ei«ies. and nothing but low prices for irrain, the table« have praise i- spoken of him. He is interested turned, and a good time is coming this in rhe orgatiizitior« oi Democratic clubs, harvest for farmers. Wheat and other and he is at present making speeches in grains are higher than they have been I ,r years, and the crop prosi ccts all over the we*t in their interests. the United States are excellent. In pr< of * f the statement that we are no' a tea-drinking p* ople it i« advanced Secretary Delong, of the California for rhe pa-t forty yews the |>er capita Htatv Ivjard of horticulture. Staten that con-iimp*i<.n of tea has remained station- the ilaniace dune in the interior bv grasn- a y, nut carting 1 uni pounds |ier hopjers in not as great as represented, ai num, while that of c flee lias im-reas b’l' he admits that the gra««hoppers are e«l trom 4 to newly 7 j 4 pound.«. M ’re- doir g a great d-al of mischief. The over, it 1» found that demand has increas greater loss will fall on tlo small ed only for the poor« r grades. orchards. Anr.a Dickinson savs »lie will shortly institute legal proceedings for tho recov ery < f damages front the managers of the a»yluni where she wa» contin-d for alleg ed insanity. Dan-age« will b** placed at 1100 0«) Miss Dickinson w ill soc as a ci'izen of New Yo«k, and the action will p obably be brought in a court in 1’hil- adelphia. Additional particulars of the terrific ha'ls’orm near Gaii esviflo, T« x., are to the «tie t tl a' the sect! n damaged is al o it fifty miles in h-ng'li and two to five miles m width. Farme*s all lo»t their i os** ssions «Top- were destroyed and houses, fences ai d orchards were laid waste by the wind Birds an«l small a, itnals weie killed by thousand« by the hailstorm, but uo p-rson is reported hurt HE StBECH1BF.H TAKES PLEASl'KE IN announcing that his at earn «aw-ini I i I m now rurunng on full time a*ia turning out a large quantity of lumber. H- «• pr«*pare<i to fill ail orders with dfapateh, at a at the most rvimuna- ble rate«. A Que «¡uaiit y of Including the heat rustic, celling an«l ftoorlmr furnished on short no.lee. VSntlafaction guaranteed. B. B.SMITH. The attitude of indifference of New York toward the world's fair is causing much comment. It can hardly t>e con strued into ho-tility, vet tie unpres-ion l revsils in Chicago, at least, that it is promp't-d by a smrit < f mean jealousy that would, under the ci'CUinstance«, la- inexcu-ahle even in St I aiuíh . General Veazey, command«*r-iti-< hi« f of the G A. K , has issued official gen eral orders calling upon all <»»and Army comrades in all parts of the I’nite i Siat-k to c‘»nt»ihute t-» th«* |3«M) 00 ) fund requir ed to ♦ rect the National G. A. K Memo rial Hall at Decatur, III , the birih-| lace of the organization. The machinery oi the steamer Itata is in bad shat e and it will require H"ine days >o put it in »»rder again The Juma allenes the a»inland ammuniiion having b«'» n transferred t«> the Ita’a near the i lmd of San Clemente, the Am» ric in law was not violated, and is making «troug rep»esentations to the United Si «tes government with a view « f g> tting |roeses- sion of the munitions. The young men >cem to lie coming tn Hie font in ttiis c-uivry at a lively pace. Wh*n 'lie United States senate is next ca led to order it will contain three m mleia under forty. Mr. Chdton, the newly at p, inted enatot from Tex is, i- 1 TUOI' It MW P-T- ■ nly ibitty—eien «nd Senati rs Kyle and ... t>>r» liope- of CMMJ» |»r Iiby are only toirty-s x. It remiins • i P>ri si nq>- leas. If y» G«*neral Russell A Alger will visit the to lie seen ’ "W- Hie e loung-ter« wi leom- IlilHcllltV of louis, aucl Pa« ific Co ’St, spending most of his lime i are in legis ative abil t es with tl eir l,ut n r Breat liinif. in WaMiinvton. The trip he says is trnoN older nolle goes. PISO S I I purely « no for h»*ahh, and has n thin^ 2*'» ,.*M»l* hBiine»l mt«*l \ ■ During the last inon'h 85,001 immi terdo with the rci'fins by which, as grant« a rived in ihis country. If this rumor has it. he in conjunction with rale C"ntinu,d f, r a twelve-month, it Leigh Hunt and Mr. Clark-on, was w. tild add more than a million to the planning to estsbli-h a gigantic line <f i opll'ation. Of the inirnigr nts arriving RteRir.era fioin Washington seaports to in A ril, Germ inv fnrnishet) 22.756 Italy China. 13 123 Ireland (i.S"2. England and The depart ment of state has been Wales 5,513. Aus ro-itangny 8.701 Swe officially informed «»f the acceptance by den and Norway 3,502, and Russia ti e gove»nni» nt «»I Ch na of the i »vita- 4,272. i tion to pa'ticipate in tho WorLI’s Colum Bud I'a'i-h if Yamhill C>. is an in- bia Exposition. P nby. the Unit’d tenselv disappointed man. if t»>e Dayton States minister, writ« s under d.ce of Herald is io lie believed. Only a few April 1 to the secretary of state the prince day« ago Mr« Pariah presented her and ministers »e«pie>ted that the sec loving husband with a fine baby girl. retary of sta»e shall see that space is Tina i« only the fifteenth child born to reserved a» Chicago for the exhibit of the tt,i« worthy couple, who believe in the Chinese government. •cripttpal injunc'ion to "Multiply and Gold Hill. Oregon. replenish tl.e earth ” Mr. Parish was, l’rosjiector* from the Ruby creek however, ve>y much t iken hack when mines near Moscow, Idaho, report one lie f ,und ti e e was only one girl instead of the biggest strikes in silver ore ever Choice Location.' ami Pr.cea Reasonably of tw>o, »« he I ad confidently expee'ed, made in the no th west. They declare Low. -ince hi« wife at her two preceding tl»at the <»re will g«> 90 per cent silver. lontinerneuts »»» safely delivered of These mines lie in the same l>elt of Im* SEXO F ) I l> IIP CIV:; ClKCVLAItó Cœur <P A leno**, and miners have said twine. for the last few tears that they would ‘surprise the world some day. P»osi e< t- ADVICE TO MOTHERS. or« are going out every day and intense Mm Winslow's Sooihinu Syrup should excitement prevails. alw y? be used for children teething. It •<»<»the’* the child, softens the gum*, allays DONE AT THE ••ftowta Cure All Akin l>ieeneee.ff aB pHin. cures wind colic, and is the b»st FARMS C. B. FITZGERALD, THE HANDSOMEST WORK MOST REASONABLE PRICES AT TUE JACKSONVILLE MARBLE WORKS I I Wo nreutu Ever» DeicilpHon of w.rk • otxr Ilo» io tb» inc^t rrprtnvd sryín. Don’t fall *o rail and »Qünln« aoT dctlgua and ascertain pr’rvs. A Draughtsman** Dilemma. In the office of a prominent architect Gov. Hogg, of Texas, named one of in Chicago one of the draughtsmen is a bisdatwhteis Ima Hogg. Her rep'oach young man who cam« hero from Troy, JUNE ta, 1891. to her father must be, “you’re another.” FRIDAY j N. Y. He lives at a pension on Wabash Col. Jas. Seobie has purchased the ' avenue. One evening during a cold snap TO ADVERTISERS. California hotel and several lots at i he h;vl occasiou to escort a young lady Dunsmuir trom Frank M arinco vtch, bis to her home on Thirty-fifth street, and as The TIM KN ha« n circulation of 2.500 masonry foreman. j affairs with them had reached the stage • Urtame«I eujoyril bj any ucwM|»a|»er where it ia pleasant to be alone together, D. J. Asbury, edit r if the p«abllabe<l between Portland and Red Grant Rlntf, Vai.—a dintaaicc ol 600 nailea. Il Cimnty Xevs. lias been indieted for libel. i tljey walked. The girl was well bundled therefore oiTera the beet Indueomenta The entire newspaper frat-rnity of Grant np,»but the young man was not dressed for extremely cold weather, and when toadverllmera. Our ll»t la principally county is now under arrest. they reached their destination he found routined to Jackvon, Joaephlnc and The rates of tare on the steamers of Klamalh eouutiea. Bunlnes* men the Oregon Navigation Co. running be that his left ear was frozen stiff. The next day he appeared at the office «houldlake note of thia. tween San Francisco and C oob bay have with his ear pjulticed and bandaged. been reduced to $10 and $6. //?/>•.¥£ 2)t?F.V TO SLEEP." The light salmon catch in the Colum His employer noticed his condition and remarked upon the extraordinary devo bia river is so discoii aging that the tion to duty he displayed. The young 1 he tire upon the hearth I m low Astoria fl-hermen have their ¡lands in And there Is Htillnena everywhere; : man was greatly pleased, and for five i their j-ocicets or. the coni' rsagain. Like tr<»ut»leii spirits, here and there. I minutes quite forgot the pain. After he The firelight shadows fluttering go. The Aliianc- metnb-rsliip in Kansas And a-» the shadow* round me creep. had been at work for an hour or so he is estimated at 140, (KlO. Instead ol fall A childish shadow breaks tin* gloom. found that his head was irresistibly And soltly from the further room ing i ff. as notiie papeot wou d make it Comet: “Now 1 lay tue down to sleep." appear, the lueutlterttliip is increasing, pulled sideways by the weight of the And. «omehow, with that little prayer bandage, and that it was itniiossible to And that sweet treble in my ears. Ttie public ha« probably seen the la»t keep it squarely on his shouluers. But Mr thought roes t'sek to distant years of J. B. Hagain's famous racing mare, he went on with his work. \nd lingers with a dear one there; ni rrtr. eri ruttit. e > i»Jt cob ».« lli * Southern Oregon are hereby informed that in addition lo a large and elegant line of GENERAL NOTES AND NEWS Next morning his employer was any thing but gracious and inform«! him that ail of the pr. vions day's labor would have to lx* done over again, for all the lines were out of drawing and the house« leaned |>erceptibly to the north north west. The young man attempted to draw the front elevation of a house, but found that he could not draw a perpendicular line, and that th** horizontal lines would nut lie flat He couldn't account for this phenomenon until one of his fellows suggest«! that the bandage on his left ear. which pulled his head over toward his loft shoulder, was the cause of it. The young man thought the ezplana tion plausilde. What did he do? Did he lie off until his ear got well? No That evening he called tqion the young lady, induced her to go out for a walk and left his right ear exposed to the chilling blast, When he reached home he fotind that lie had accomplished his purpose, and that the other ear was frozen as hard as a rock. After that ho had no difficulty with his house«.—Chi engo Post. tri : ; ,» . ,.*-| . ..r , jer. I,, r-rvi 1 mi' tl* -r instar • < -f du* n*"* * f t1 ' i'li; ;i" at ion i’.;,vi on,- ¡«tilt*<;f n ■»•'I t > wini 1 <’.. s t ‘tave 1» fun* all« 1- 1. 1 was < •ig *. ■«• •. morning i't ¡ ~'1.'ring part of an i. : * -sting chap; i'i i my tu- v work -t i which <1* "i 1 • wi Ji ll* ■ <>i igi’i an 1 d**v in *i;t ■ f ih" b '■”>« t- I had g.'it as fa. . .1,* I; : | dr W •" I liy til ' Ath *1; ... iii i-. to t j * t'; an 1 was natu Iv i it. i < :'gru I'j tho work, w.. . ■in inward monitor, in a still, small, yt i uunii-takabl■*. voice, t nggetib 1 “lunch eon." I looked at my tyatch—it said 3 MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. RIVERSIDE County Treasurer’s Second Notice. NURSERY! Grant’s Puss Oi R. M. MIMI»!«»' H hi » lijiids m ili« (_«»untj 1« uhurv fortín- ........... ... Nulular................... G. E. BLOOMElt. County Treasurer. o’clock. N >w I always take luncheon at hail past 1; never, i i any emergency, lat< i than 2. But 3 o'clock! I felt ill and faint. 1 started fur tho club feeling hk • Rip V in Winkle when he camo home f«*r iu.s luncheon twenty years late. I pari»-1 The very remarkable anti certain a friend. I tried to slink by without hi.« relief given woman kind by I noticing, but 1 could see that he looked P “Moore’s Revealed Remedy ” upon me sadly and askance, as if I were has won for ' it ’ the ‘ name of in some way a stricken wether of the Woman’s Friend.—It is uni- flock. I went in and sat down. Somehow everybody else seemed to bo formly successful in relieving o lat««. I looked at the clock. It was ex their delicate ailments. actly twenty-five minutes of 2. I looked at my watch again. It still said 3 o’clock. It had stopped during tho night. Now I mark the result. I iuHtantly recovered from the starvation from which I had b«*u suffering, and began to converse in my usual cheerful and intelligent man- ner. But I did not mention tho extraor Stands peerless as the natural dinary behavior of tny watch, which 1 remedy peculiarly adapted to now reveal cClV *n strict confidence.— wants of womankind. Boston Post. Friend of Woman. Moore’s Revealed Remedy Notice oí Final Settlement SMALL FRUITS, ROSFS AND SHRUBS. Apples, Peaches. Pears, Cherries Almonds, Plumbs, Nectarines, Quinces, Apricots, Walnuts, Blackberries, Strawberries, Currants, Raspberries, Cooscberrics and Crapes. At Lowest Prices. INACTIVE LIVER. YOU NEED BUT ASK Da KENNEDY’S F avorite remedy Hood’s Sarsaparilla BRONCHITIS Throat Affecdcn SCROFULA Wasting cf Flech Notice of Final Settlement. SCOTT’S EMULSION PURE COD°LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask for Scott's Emulsion. and lH no ejp- fdanation or solicitation induce y<>n to acc*]d a substitutr. Sold bf/ al! Drugglsta. Rt’PKEi.i. is C kvshep —A spei ial from Washington says tlia* Russell Harn-« n -«rrived there on the 5th fr »m New \ <> k and was <•■ Idly received hy bis fath* r. Flic piefi lent h id been reading the young inati’H interview on the aecond- lerui question, and was in no amiah'e train*- ol m nd when the “ Il ir A pparen’ ” whisked into the white house in his ustixl jaunty manner Th»- father and eon had a long interview and Wedneadav thep’in e loafed about newspaper row and the de pots and p »tired out his grievancee. “I w«H shamefully treated bv the newapt- pera,” said th? voting man in an injured tone of voice. “At Chicago I aaid only a few commonuJsce Hungs; blit the next morning when the papers earn** out I whs »♦ presented as having said that fathet d-»» s not desire a renomination. But do a he? (io and ask him. I don’t intend to do anv more talking for the admin s- t ration.” LITTLE LIVER PILLS. DO HOT CRIPE, SICKEN Oil CONSTIPATE. Sent C'.nt ten Si ex HtFC’.CSl. and all troub •« ar lai * g fr«| l&dik*>U«n or Cunttipdtion. lu. proves t lie C* tt.; . i io« )>/ l'urlf > ing t be Bi«»od. Tks doss can b-e nicely *!.: t • ♦*.» t th • < .• ens pill can n*»ur t*» • » . ■ « Easy to 1 tot at so much sugar 4*’ ; - p i up in a «' r.g vial which can b* < arned tn j ocgvt A «.real < ns»ws« I sbm «• Traveler« »ad Rnstae»* X> n. Xoa» <•-«a iae w Ilk- •St •‘(retreat” Trade Bart, hs, d t verywteere. >r. a »«o«Uw IlBpit D«»e and Drea* Uovb fur tr I d »«aiaps. DR HARTER S IRON TONIC. k h Pt r.u Ft RII : fs FS «! ii - Í-! f • ' P p » * ‘ * - ■ » - 1 i 'VFPB ' vfp B asd If fbb’F TH an l HI‘-T- . •• t ■ i ' at »>B is HEALTH and VI; t t-.i-L’S M kkx . f.i 'Y tm F •■4 KU-YFYa an I HF'-T' .«-f ' « I » «• he a I ; h »• • v; .... - ri tw F «Mí DR. HAkHR MtOiCINE CO. ST. LC JIS. Ml ( To cure Bilrci-i' », k H i . ■ ti- pation, Malaria, Liver < orr.plaini-. lake me «nr« siel certain reme,'*', SMITHS BILE BEANS Use th«* SM «1.1. Mr«1 in i'n ' bottle) I'll’ . SHI. rm. 51, -1 I iVVrSlf.ST. e»ul«n..l«> tor* mil Price of either «•»«■. e.'ic. per ¿tattle. KISSIN6:;,-,74I, '";"’"’™ c - ST LOUIS VO J.F.SRITH ACO.': k-rsoi » n : i Tutt’s Pills Faber’s Golder? Female Pills. For Female Irregular iiie»; uothinvlikethem on tho market. AVerf fail. KurceMiullv uned by prominent l«<Het> monthly. Guaranteed to relieve »uppressed menstruation. Ir an Oregonian is dissa’isfied with SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN; our climate, let him read the record ot biltrfid. Don’t bo humbi Hie weather at the east on the 5th anil Save Time. Health. E_____ flth till. The thermometer in New and money ;take uootb er. remedy for diarrhcea Twenty-five rents Simply apply "SwAVxr.'a OwrMBNT." N o York city fell to 38 degrees, ami Hie air Sent to any a<idre*s, .nt.-rnal medlcinn required. Cures tetter, was full of snowflakes. In Connecticut a bottle. secure by mail ou re- evtema. itch, 1MI eruptiona on the face, hand», the mercury fell to 28 degrees ami ice sculpt of price, 4J.00. noae. Ax-., leaving the »ktn clear, white and Address, healthy. Itaareat heallna and curative pnw. formed in many places. In Norwich Ut! for Butte Creek. era arc poatmaaed hy no other retn<*dy. Awk Ault roadside pools and the surface of ti e The nnd«r*igns<) will mv . t'entrai Point ourdruealst for SwAVNtt attiKTMKNT. gro’inii w, re frozen, ami there was a nip fur E «ale Point, Brnwn-boro, Lake rr-ek We’tcni Branch, BoX27, EOBTLAND, or ping wind like that ot October. All the and Ug Bufe .Ver. dai in the week »X- Sold hy E.U. Brrxiko.druKMlst. Jaeksonvillc.Or fruit trees rX' ept at’P e trees, were m renting Bunday, returning the s.inr da', blossom, and the frost damag'd them »nd carrying the alno passengers and exprese matter. I will make ctmneo somewhat tn eome parts of the state. tion wph the trains racb way Mv rates «TWO Baby vss sick. '•* 5T* !w Cssr^Yta. Cherry trees suffered most. There are reason;,tie. I F. W illiams ■ were heavy frosts in Pennsyhatfia, When rhs^Tia a Child she cried Io. Caatorla. ! D lew:,P . Virgm-a, ami as far sr tllli » Who ah« became Mis'-, she clucg to Castoria. 1 Raleigh, N. C. Early fru:ts an I vegeta shake, and Shingle». When she hsd Hnldren, she gave th«»” Castoria l ies were ir jureri nd flow r garden- A supply of the best shakesand «binale» I l> as’ed. At retersbu’g. Va .there wa- has just been received at the fl'izs other la killing frost, damaging watermelot. which wnl he »ohi m quautitie» to eut’ at i 1 aw) '•ltfte mSVbable rater. CALIFORNIA Pos ¡TÌVEi. HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. Th» Cklifonil» Fo.itiv- nd X»gk,:t» ELECTRIC COUGH CURI CUkft COLPI. CHOUP. COkSUDPJn. *. Sold hy »11 Drs« E,ch 25c, 9(k 4 $ ’Ire a» *nft «r AC.' .Prop»- Lot Angele», Cal (HE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY XR.RX PATCNT-! bAiUSHED Œ tu a PENS 04 00 a 3 8- '•O Ui M. PUKDIN. Ckatrmffa Board of Dtrecfon i EMORY Mind var.d*ring enred. Ti *■>!.• !-«••• in • »«»• reading. T vm I íuvih .'’''» fr uimi ptr’ • ' the riot*. P-'.sr-o » : snLNMæn&ft» Al«o E ,-v of the NE1, of aec. 1J in twp 3T S. rango 3 W. Il, longing lo tbc estate of John E. Uosa. decantai. W um—. thè Hon. Janie« It. Neil. Judxe of thè eoiinty eoiirl ot - the Statt et or.'K-m. tor Hleeolintyot 't Jackson, with tin- seal ot said court affi» J. this ;Uh day <>f May. A. It. 1-wl. Attest: MAX Ml'LLF.K. Clerk. ‘ Seeing is Believing. “The Rochester.” And with it there is no «moke, no smell, u »- kf i >,f. no flickering, no aweatinc. no climbing up of the flame, no •tantrums ’ nor annoyance of any kind, and it never needs trimming. Its founts <oil reservoir«) being tough rolled seamless brass, with cen tral draft. It IS Absolutely unbreakable, and as fri/e tif a Ya.' /■)/> cat nlr. Only five year« old and t rrr tno villliun (f ■'‘»'¡amp iitrff. It must be a GOOD lamp to make such a tclkng success. Indeed it is, for lamps may come and lamps may go, but the ’ Rochester shines on forever! We make over a ooo artistic varieties, - Hanging and Table Lamps. Banquet, Study, Vase «rd Piano Lamps r 1 < ry L 1 n«!, m Bronte Por celain. Brass. Nickel and Bla<k Wrought Iron A l U the lamp dealer for iv Lxk for the trade-mark stamp: ’T uk IlucnuTU " If he l.asn'tlhe's i - Rochester and the style you v ant, or if r.o lamp-store is near, 6end to in for free illustrated catalogue (and reduced price list', and we will box and send you ary lamp safely by express, right to your door LAMP CO., 43 l'ark Places New Vwrl» Afanu/'rrfiMvrs. aod fnlr Lei) ip ^orc •. U.c I! . .t. i C Containing 120 ¡Uxnns, u. it furniahed. ----- THE HEM ONE DOLLAR PER CAY HOUSE a .. m PERFECTION FOR THOSE WHO URITE RAPIDLY. (mpoHRibl t » nrikt'tl’.cm; k m <!., .-piirt. orbli't W '» very -in<H»tb and « v< n. s .inple^ sent 1 I.' i ■ A-k ,f(»r J’ i’ C t ■ * DETC^D V JL 010 Broadway, OC W>y New York. Well Drilling and Pros INIIRNAIIUN a L HÜ1LL pecting. Cor. 3d and E Street», HE ( SPEItslGNED, HAVING BECOME »ol<* proprietor of Hodge Bro».' wellalrilliiiF T buslniw. ro.p.s’1 fully announces that he is PORI’LAN D, OR., Notice to Contractors In thè t oiinty f'ourt of Ilio state ,.l Oi< ^,,u I ,r thè f uurity ot Jack» ai. In tire mailer of the esiatei.f John E. il,,ae, d<«-en»,«l. citatiou: T ■ 'lari «tai,l* >. Jenna- il. K, ame-. Altari*la Un,-. l,,a » G II—, Al, line X liliali. Geo. I II,»*.’III-,«. In II,,**. Mtnnie < unninyliam mi .tomi E II,«*..Ir. ami all olh,r- mter- -•■■<i in thè aaid e*t«t,-. Greet ng. N THE N IME I il I HE si Al 1 rii’ oltEGON: I V ai ar, leu, l>> calkdand liquircd lo ap- p, ir m ili" t', unti Court ,,t ih. State ot firc- u >n, t..r rn, f'ounty ot Jack*, ri. al thcCourt It •„III t II> i .-ot, at Ja< k»olivi11, . in ihe l’ount V •t Jack-oli. ou Tur-day. the Itti ,1-y ot July, ISH. ut tu o'cl'K'k in ttie f.uonoon ot ttiat day. tlim and therc to show- un. wl.i ali arder sliould noi be imi,le. I,y I In* , uri .tot t he aduli 11 latrai ri e ,,l aa.U « -lai e ro -, Il tue pr, mi-,-» iiamerl ili li, r l'clltlon li, le:n ttl'sl. to-wit: N !.. f D nailon laind Ctau.i No. io m Twp. u » nith. ot range 2 W. Al*,, Hie fiactional E In of N W'ot aee SI in sauté tow’iiship and range. ta ing tlie iiiismd poition of Ihination Land Ciana No. 71. u- taoimg li.',» aerea. .U*o i lo N G, ot Iota 1. 2, ;. t. 5. and W tg «,f '"'w'’ " *f’ 1,1 ’”»* ••*• o» rango A- 1 !’.• best lamp £'« • \ like Alad- U. ■ ; . n of old. "a won» r fu 1 lamp1" A lamp y liou- For this» «hey ore mil w »rranlcd tn- I ri pl «»•it r and ii !!• fallible, but ai'e a. nearly «-» a. it 1» ,*«>*• t»r«'H k a Mr, which oíble to make a remerlv*. I'rlcc, 23< to. five-» a rlrn r, »oltf brilliant white light 801.0 l.VEKYWIir.Iu:. f s5 '*■»’ /A Purer and brighter than gaslight, softer tl an electric light, more cheerful than cither! That lamp ia -^)R(G0H5l00DpllRlf|(R A J F.ALED PBOPOhAIX WILL BP. RF.CEIVEI _l l»y the Board of Directors of School Dis trict No. 49 of Medford. Jackson cotintv, Oregon, until Jupr 27. at 12o'clock M„ f<»r th«* erection an<l completion of a n«*w school house in Medford, in accordance with plans and specifications to be on file .lune 1st lttJ. at the store of J. A. Webb, Medford. Oregnti. Contractors will be required to give ample bonds for the completion of contract, RubJ«*ct to approval ty- tho Board of Directors. Building to no of woo«l on brick and stone foundation. Tho directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated M hv 27.1W1. Citation. Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious Colic, Flatulence, etc. therefore use now prepared to <!<• nil work in his line in h tlmt-elass manner nn<l at n reanonatili* rale. 1 will also take contracts for pronpeetina plucor mines. The oapaeity of my machine Is P»>teet, I refer to tho work 1 have previously dime tn different |a»rttonaot the valley, IW Satirtaetion irunrantei-d. Fur turttier particular« call on or address W. p. DODGE. Met ford In th<-Circuit Court of th. stat«- ot <)r« g<>n i> i the « ‘ounty < i J m kton. Ih.* luatt» r of tto- as.”iirntn«-iit «>f f *,*.*„.. Wm. i'.diviti<i-, Julia A. Edwanlt-, K. Edwanl*. j’ E«iuar«Js anti W. T. Edward*, ‘ partii« rn under ih«’ fimi ninne ot DI ward» X t <«.. in- solx .-nt «l«*t.t< <»11« E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT OX ■Inno 1. l*t‘.«l. th«* ut>«)X'«-named iunolvent ri.-btoi*-. Iicr«i<»fore rilling bu^in« h«a* Edwardr* A < in JaokHon < >«uuty. Or« gon, nia.l«- a g.-iu rai a-Mgnmt nt to m«-. the un.i« n-’giH-d. A. H Maojily, for tin- ben« tit ot all their cr«*d1- • iiH-i- i and by virtue ot the m • of the • ui- ;<tix. a-.,-i inbly «ii the -tHt- of Oregon, < ntit .d **.\n a<-t to m <*ure to cieditotf« a just ì x i ” n <1 t in « >t at « > of <]« btors, w ho ron- v. v to a«*Migno< s tur the I.» n. fit of « rediton-. ’ «PPio\.«j Octoi. r 1*. D7 k , and tn«- arncndm«nta tn« ft i • a| pftiv.Hi Fobiuary 24. 1*^'. A I credi tor- ,it -,ti.i m-oiv.-nt <i«-btor aro h«T<'by noti- iio.1 :<» pr.*« nt tn« ir claims,und.-r oath, to m<', tn«- uii'l.'rMxno«! a-bign» «. at the ..fli»« •.! W. H. i’i.rk' r. attorn, y-at-iau’. in Ja<-k-onvillr, .i.i< k”oii count v. < »reg««n. xx itbin thr«- month« troni the tint.- thereof. A H M AEGLY. A^~ km. .. Dated lhis5thdax of Jun.-, 1>’«1. •F! not “trarrantril to cure** all clnwaea of diaeaae*, hut only »urli aa r caul I from a disordered liver, xia: l»KH( HIPTION AM) PED1GKKE. c c M c C lendon , Assignee’s Notice. Intelligent Headers will notice that PIIPCC Coujh«. Cold«. Influrma, Br .nrSItl«. LUnCiJ Ho»r»ene««. Whooping C'v.'in,Croup, fort throat, Asthma, ,,n,t cry n' > <, : Throat, Lung« and Ct,»st. in,1 . C--.*- ampllon. Speedy andpvnaanenL. (»cnuioc ‘»¿.n« • “ C’ -* " it«is the best helper to Health and the <iuickcst . ihc on Earth, t’seit in time tor «11 disenses<*t the Stomach. Liver, Kidneys and Skin. Jt <urrs Rheumatism. Malaria, ( opted ToY^uc ami He.'dache, relieves Constipation, Bilious- ness an<| Dyspepsia, dri\ rs all impurities nut of the BI ihm I anti dries up old Sorts. The Busitn ss men buv it the Workingmen use 4*th« J a It« •» take it the ('litldrrn < r> for it and the Eatnu is •ay it is their !»cs. health presrrxcr. Sold evenuhete. a botde; six f«»r fs.uo in tbcOunty ( « ui t «»f th«' Mate of Or< i»r«»n lor thè County of Ja< k-»»n. intb«' inatte!-of tb»-estate «>t Eli«- B u I h -. ,« k, dti't-UM-d. ¡d Ih E I- HF.REBY GIVEN TH VI THE. Il ■iiioi.i-trabu- ; ih<. «Mata ■ l Li., - Bai- ■ ■••,1-. <i. h,;~ 1; . «i fu t:,, ( ,,lJ: |v ( ,,urj >1 .i.ti « «»ijnty. <Jr« K“ii, hi-linai iti coiint i-”ii« h adiimiiMi at <<r. ami by <<rd« r ot aaid ' «»«irt. Tu. « iay. .Ina 7. IN»I, at th« hvur 10 " ' " k. e - t tur b«arinji. .VI |>< i»uinM Hit* I < -t. <i ,ti< ||< !.} notiti«t«. H|,p. UI nn*i Hi» lo- or li» i oi>j**4'ti<iiis t<» *aid a«a*ount on or •“• t«»i •• -ani «iay. PuliliM«« <1 bj onh r ■ t ||<>i». J. K Judrc <»f Ndd Court. BEN.1, I1AYM< »XD. AdiuiniMrat r <•! •»aiti «-iat» Dal. ! Jutì. \ 1S«L BCGTT &. BOWME,Chemists. N.Y. Abeumatism, Neuralgia» Corn? V V L.\ m > O ffice at K osebcrg . O r . i CONSUMPTION COUGH or COLD LEWIS P 1 A / F* A I TI4^ '«thout Health « an» \ I 11 not be cnloyed. Notice lor Publication IS HEEEBY GIV i ' n ' ì'ilAi' IHE I. I..|.,x inu-iwni. ,1 ». tl., r I ihp tn. I .1- mt. i tK.ii !.. u,.,k< tuia, pi out in « ,,t .ms riami, anti that aai«i j r«»«»i wjh I»« mad«' b«*- t .r, iti, Juilg,-,,, , i, ik ,.| Ih(. <j( la kMini-.'Uiily.oi. ti. at Jaek«. nil,), or<- un ihurwiay. .Inn. 1|. i-n. VJz Jam.» I K* nt. h<>in«-M«Md viitiv -No.Xtó. tor tii« ¡-F». t >• « St Tu p it, s, it I w . w. M. H iiarn« t» the tuU«»wing witnesM* to prove tu«» «'ont ; ion hi »*, r«-Mid« nc« upon and«.*ultiVHtiun t Maid land. xi/. M. F liur»t «.r M«xilor«i •«. • ig. BnMr < t Sugi. Pon.t. j. |t Wibuíinr» .«)«<! 1. S ll IlijaniH ol (entrai J’ornt. A:! ot Ja<-kson county. Oregon. JOHN II.SHITR. Or any Dieenee trhere the Throat an.t Luny K« g>M«r. are Inflamed, leirk of fitrrn'jth or Berre Pourer, you can be reliered ami Cur.d by THE FAST RUNNING STALLION Lewis P. was sir«tl by tin* celebrated Joe H ook , rot California, he by Monday. Hooker s fit>t dam was Max flow, r by imp, Eciips. ; 2 1. f{. nni«* Farrow by imp. Shamrock; :ki, Ida bv imp. lb'ls.’liazzcr; 4th, Gamma's dam (Mad Bush y) by Sir Richard 5‘h, by imp Eaglc;flth B« t Busi ly by Wilk«'s' Wond«'r; 7th, by Chant i- <•!«■< r; Mb. by imp. Sterling; Pth. bv Clodius; loth, by imp. Silver« ye; 11th, by imp. Jolly- Roger; 121 b, by Partner; 13. by imp. Monkey; 14th, imp. mare from stud ol Harrison ol Brandon. Lewis P.’s dam was Lizzi»’ P. by Leinster, by imp. Australian, foaled in 1H7P. am! br« «l by W. L. Pritchard «>f Sacramento. California, if« r 1st dam was Addie A. by Asteroid; 2<l, Lor« tta by imp. Sovereign; 3«I. Mary Ogden by Thornbill; 4th,Mary Thomas by imp. Consul; 5th. Parrott by Randolph's Roanoke; flih. Par<><pict by imp, Merritt« Id; 7th, imp. mare bv Popinjay; flth. Bourbon’s «lam by Precipi tate; pth, by Highflyer; 10th, Tiffany by Eclipse; Hth, Young Hag by Skin; 12th, liag (" ihlras’ dam) by Crab; 13th, Ebony of Child ers; II, Old Ebony by Basto; lath, Massey's Mar«* bv Mass« y's illack Barb, TEHMS OF SERVICE. By th«' season. and goo«l pasturage fur- nish.'d mar«*s during the liin«1 for $10 addition al Ev« r\ precaution tak«'ii to prevent acci dents, l»ut no r.'sponsibiht v assuni»'«!. N THE RIVERSIDE NURS RY ICO Doses Ono Dollar Will make the season of 1RP1 at Central Point, where he will be « very Fridav and Saturday, and th«’ balance of the time at the McClendon farm in Sam'a Vall«‘y. Lowia P. ihh handwiinoMorrel. nearly T> years old. weltfha 1050 pounds, an<l for form and action cannot bo Kurpnsaed. lie is the winn« r ot s.-vi ral last races an«l won a lb| mile race at Chicagoan a 3-year-old in 2:10. tu G ii County <'<>u«-t ot 111. Hat, <>f «triaon 1..I tlo-l ,,uut> ot Ja,k~,u tu Un n,alto <u tu, «»tate ut Au» il And«*r- d<*<*<*Mtud. oi H E IS HEIU.IIY G1VEN TIIAT THE aUimui»tiat.,r.,t Ilo <»tat, ol All,, il tnd. r- ~,i>. ,1.» . .«„»I, oa» hl«»l m ih. < i -‘•■•k-,....... uno, or, aulì, hi*, tiiiai a«-< . uni il» -no, a.lniiin-uator. ali.l t.j ord. r ut -.«ut I1‘,~i‘«>. July 7. 1*OJ1. at tu.- lem ,,t 1 ' ,, « »a k a . M.. i »»«- i (<>rb> ai ni< tii«-ri ut AH fai - n- Hit. 1« *t««l are In r. I.y II. un, ,1 I', "I"1 or il, I ol.J, eli.,!!- tu »aid ac- <•«»1)1)1 <> ii «»r l>«-f«>rv «ani day . •'“i"i»l‘*'i t.j .,r,to-ut H,‘,u. J. li. Neil Jndre Ut bHld cwurt. ■I. A. A NI i|- ItHiN , A in«i',i»lialul ,.t »a,.| . -late, l utili Mal l.i, i-m. is one and < n<-h..!f hiilew bil*,w Grunt’s P hmn , on 1C< ti» i v i. • n 11. I > n . k farm, and in tin I » -t and < . . n -i fwmt hern < »n VEGETABLE PANACEA Some Change. “What does Miss Brown mean by say ing she was born just after tho war?" "She moans the Mexican war—1 rj- metnber her telling the same story in '01."—Munsey’s Weekly. Numlwr • , I .................. •fl I “ ................... 795 «ame will couse alti-r the A Larj e. Non WHAT ONE LADY SAYS. Seattle. Jan. 20. 1891 McCullough Kehoes« “1 want you to publish my t<*tdimonia! for Joseph Haworth in private life is a MooiiK'a K evkai . kd H emkdv . for it has been a student. When away from the theater grand thing for me, for it has cured me of headaches, from which 1 have suffered when Haworth t-jsmis all his spare time in ever! became chilled, for the lant ttfeecn completing the life of John McCullough. years. I have »iiffered perfect torture for Haworth has an autograph letter from twenty-four hour« at a Hui'-, somcliiur retch ing for three houis without any rest and un Met ?ull<mgh which money could not buy. able to get help from any of the nuinbcrleaH It was written several days previous to remedies tried. Now I am free from this suffering, tor at the firat symptom of one <d the death of the tragedian. It was these attacks I take a good dose of ’‘Moore’ probably tho l;t-t letter written by Mc Revealed,’’and that ia tho « nd of it It has also cured me of constipation. My Huaband Cullough, in view of the fact that for hhj a it has saved his life, and ‘ie would not tic months previous t i death his brain was without it. We are txith bo happy over h we can not say enough hi its favor, and advise shattered. " We will clitnb the ladder all our friends to use it.” 1 b. J AES GLEASON of fame together, Joe," he said, “and I Cor. 12th and Jackson streets, Seattle, Wash. will help you until we both reach the top • W‘For sale by all druggists. Points for Voitnx Marln«Krs. round." A grizzl»*«l in tin* attin* of a “ McCullough ha l a valet named Bub farm hand prowl««! along the docks all Pritchard, who was a curious fellow,” day With all his rusticity of attire said Haworth, recently. "Ho was a there was a ting ■ of tar mi l bilge water thrifty Scotchman, and to save money about him that a*i i*d to his swagger he always made his bed in McCullough-« and ataniped him unmistakably as a son dresaing-room in th« theater. Once John of the sea. His movements attracted missed a handsome robe which he wore considerable attention as he l*>arded in 1 Richurd III.' It couldn’t be found. vessel after vessel and inspected the Finally, several months later, when pumps mid then whistled for the ship's playing in New York, two little Pritch dog. lit-; eriii»e ext'-n i *d from the sea ards came to the theater, and the dresses wall to llarii. on -tr *t. ¡ nd it was at , which they wore were cut from Mc this point that he was accosted by one Cullough's liamLsoine robe, of Franklin's rutin« is. • Pritchard expressed Ids sympathy "Want to ship, old tnan?" he a-ked. as curiously the day the guv’nor was PREPARED FROM tho stranger climlicd down from th«* top buried. RQOTS& HERBS, FOR THE CURE OF side« of the Lady Cairn«. “ 1 lie was a great man, Mr. Haworth,' "¥«■«. I’m going to sea again," was the he sobbed, ‘ a good man. Many a dress- •DYSPEPSIA • JAUNDICE- reply, accompanied by t’ ■ observation ing-rooui through the country has he that ranching was not hat it was wiped the flour with me, sir."—Boston • CHILLS & FEVER • cracked up to be. •DISORDERED DIGESTION "I’ll get yon a good ship.” snggeste'l •SICK HEADACHE- the runner. M ade a H it —Lillian Smith, the girl Well, yon needn't bother. I've lieen atiootmt who ran a »hooting gallery in •GENERAL DEBILITY to sea for forty years, and mebbe I knows A-lilanil on Main street last summer, made a big hit in Tacoma during Presi enough to pick out a ship for myself.” AHU ALL OTHER DISEASES dent Harrison t> visit. The big banner "What are yon looking for?" ARISIN0 FROM A "A fat dog and a maty pump bolt, you I on the grain arch erected in honor of the DISORDERED STATE of the STOMACH presidential visit threatened to demolish bl .odv lubber Whr.t <lo you 'spose I’m OR AN •Hie structure. An effort was made to hs.king for?" j lower it; t'Ut the italyerda were tied on “Corn«* and have a drink," t siigge»ted 11|1(. I()p |||p ar(.h and could not be th** runner, who was anxious to learn I reached, the structure being regard-das • tor salc ar all , the conm« tinn b* t w , «n a fat d >g m.-l a | not s'rong bear a man's DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS —_ enough . . to ._ '... rnstv | imp bolt and a desirable ship. weight. In the emergency Lillian I "Well, I.- k I s . I ll tell you." said the in v , npieered her services. Producing a small r 11 •■, sin* shot away the halyards, tiniat-.- fri u 1 of Neptune. ";in4 yon want to remenilier this, iMtause t il lie though they were swaying at a lively ti.-eful some «lay. It took tue many ra e in ttie strong breeze. The feat was watched by a large number of people vears to laro it. but it’ ' i h yonrs for the and lieaitily applauded, sake of your I; inihe ss Mark what ohl rp* Palai* r t Ils you - when you want t i ship look for a fat «log. that meat:« the old tnau is liberal with his duff mid you’ll l>e well fe L Look for a rusty pump bolt i. cause that moans that pec’ points nv ke Hood’s Ba: th«* craft is t ighl t ami tight and the crew supcrl r to ah ether medicines, don't have to break I their hearts anil ir in combination, proportion, backs keeping her dry. If the pump jarntion of Ingrct bolt is worn mid s hiny look onf, lads Ilood's Sarsaparilla posses- for she'» i sieve, and yonr watch below tlx* ii::l curative value < f the will l>e s|ient in I; oping her hold dry." best known remedies —San Francisco Examiner. uorn. strength The S. B. HE adache and L iver (T he taken Horst’s Sar 1 lie Marvil Io I lie Sea. to dtrtvtions win k<M p ><»ur Blood. tia, only tn, «fi According Among tho chief figure» of tho epoch Liber and Kidney»» in gn<»d orurr. lch can tra) The S. B. C ough i T hi for C<»lds. Cougna of tb.i' war probably Lincoln anil Sher r c -al, il-mdrt <1 Doset and Croup, in connection with the Headache man wore the most individual and origi in as near perfection as anythin} known IN,liar." M. « ir Cure, The 8.CB. A lpha P ain i re lor internal and mil Th ■ most romantic and picturesque <f' * *r;* r and frail!, r Is,ttie» external use, in Neuralgia. Toothache.( ramv of the many renowned events of that ''" :i'!*1*i c’’ I*’«'«, aniGlonot Colic and < holcra Morbus is unsurpasse4!. are well liked wherever known. Manu time was the inarch to the sea. It has > * .as pwKl results as I! o < x T s . They factured nt Dufur, Oregon. For sale b\ all alre idv a distinctive iliar icter, like that T r in Its medicinal n.**rit». druggists. of the Greeks in Xenophon's story of the H'«oil' b ir-aj ti.lla accomplishes cures 1, th -.;.« nak.u.wa, :.:.4 h is won for it«ell "Ten Thousand." When the news of its tl.,- t '..*• < t **T!.e | r atest blood sue. saful i-Biio reached this part of tb<i I i. far ever «llsc*.vered.’’ country it - rvcl to show the simple and P.-cu’larinltt •'£,«■«!nanio I; >ii -t j itiiotism of one of the most un home,"—there is now more fortunate of the Union generals. of His fl's Sarsaparilla f *»U in Burn-i'le. after the expl osion of the Lowctl, where it is nridL. mine at Pi tersbnrg, had been relieved, than ci »or blood • Hid was staying with a company of purifl.ri,, Peculiar in Its frien Is at a country house on Narragati phi aof.i record of silef abroad. sett bay The company were all sitting no < ibt r i reparation ever attained such j>opu- 1 h the only positive cure for DY8PEPSLA, one morning upon the spacinus piazza, ity in so short a time, CONSTIPATION, LIVEIt and KIDNEY DIS- when a me- -enger rodeupanil announced retained its popularity EAbES, and ia recoin mended by physicians Sherman’« success. Burnside’s delight whin other medicines tail. Thousands testify d < mCdenco among all classes to Its havintr sav«*d their lives. To Mothers was enthusiastic. All thought of him X^of p'd-le so steadfastly. a»id Daughters it bus proved a blessing self vanished The good cause only was <1 bottle; fl for $*’». All Dea’eis, Do n< 11 ■ Iml. e«l to buy other preparation! in his mmd and heart, and running to 'd I »• .•»’.•!■• t> get ti e Peculiar Medicine Dr. DWD fiENNEDy CORPORATION, Rondout. N. Y his wife be joyfully kissed her, saying, "1 know that the company feels as 1 do. and will forgive me.” by .ill dr.igKbrts. Fl; six for >5. Prep «red only by C. 1 HOOT) A CO.. Apothocari« •, Lowell, M ass . It was the feeling of a soldier as sim ple and true hearted and patriotic, bnt not so fortunate, as Sherman; and it was the same candor and manly sweetness of nature tfiat softened Sherman’s voice whenever he spoke of the soldiers of the war to whom fate had seemed to be un kind He is gone, the last of the old fa miliar figures, some of his old foes bear ing him tenderly to the grave. And are not Lincoln. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Porter, Seward, Chase, Stanton, Sum tier an<l their fellows historic figures worthy to rank with the elder Revolu tionary group dear to all Americans?— George William Curtis in Harpers. otn< E Ut Tar.A-i Hin or JA< k«is < <> , NOT1( E i'^HVkì.ì^ c¿i V¡'Ñ'i'¡i.?r V h ' eì / e J TÊ6 Esst ! Waterpr-Kii Waterprcßf bb ^LSSLJ ■raiy FREE TRIA ■ PACKAGE CUfrf PRORHARRIS’ PASTILLES FORTHE CURF &F WEAK MEN VITALLY WEAK Msde BO bv <«•• f O«* •H''»'**»**’« U ’ <•- st . . ,,r. »..!,•< - I < ' * ‘■I M AL IX THE SIATE. \< FhXFtoin Kiiddlelifc r*r tiriuu. h«M«. <»,.««rt»d tn letrth. U/CAV MLM »UT1WWTO Min«»l * l»mil ITT«r WEAR mtn Hiui-n«»' h » stix «. asH« IX- Free Buses to ani frem the Hotel. •"«»II Xi llil UMMS whb > «HI » l»n o in »«»• X«. nnd «11»- U.LL': lark cf kim, »igor sud »tircf »Hit - ’ ua <-rm ns Nothincse inid no deviati..ti In ’»l.H nnsli • 4 an.1 weak rue.! |«rrmaturnlv in a|*j rear) lt.r <,,*! eg*. vharges. RKMI LTX Àlea!» 25 cent»; lodging •ht»* io SO cent» n many t hev.nnd m»«-« tre> t*«l and ^r'rtRWAXFXT rut • d iu pno t s c' i c y cart. " * levi l« nre < f ... t tar ’ in Prof. Harn»* E. I.EWISTOX. T'r< «prieto LA XCCSOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLE!. IkT-DIAI wr ■' Oi-MH » 1H ! ill»« w ' WlAL| intrn, toon« or < i. tnffrring fr»,n. th(x prr ■ ■ ■ I .* ■ 8 tl.< .»»'I 'rr«j •« •* rat, f , rntat |Uc*tloD* ’ < b. HO- net« d. «bn« »r m»y kuo* tbc t->,r roUdiUnr. l .4« I 1, co»« .ill 'Cl -rc inMRIl-c to effr-t * prett cure. O« ing t- i !.e i rHOa I. .rut.*-! In X • Y-*»k a ft* r 17 o.utitH wc offer all » r barter to be rutr.1 bv lb* r< Ir Ii a r P a.ti '< 1 p a’n>*DL cesi» ut ti-.- i . 4 th«. fi Rirctrir U ii - jm -;•» >¡ y I.. ' v*c rue HARRIS PEMEOY CO., Mt«. Chemist*. 99 BE'. KMAN STREET,_________ NFW YOFg, Lave r«:«iu* .ill ' r tfw to £ I. whloh i”*'.!.- -1 • 1 i *■ q> ., n-r.fn w iiTrkTv.rty FT w.i.’.a est riUfrT < i k ••).: 1 1 " . U.'tH. and »itperlor m ■ tí *“• ■Tttt MH fmit; Rib t<» ? • '. ifo I WHEN WE SAY CURE EL TRIC BELT £”(M : CQiìiìfì THISMPESiEÙ”^ at NewRpnper AdvrTttrtnf Perra,r Street), when* ml\« r» f\l WWW I Yesr i > tbeir « r. ■ a,Ute*. I Î* A. "e,'|. ., J , . , I M'. k ... n tinti»», a . 1. « ,| . < :• r..rt, «!,r. •• ouut. 1 " > ■»■' " i r ■ ¿ imi s ». i . . > lt I 11. A i , X ■’ ..«t 1 r, a», v. «K-Ulrl-A, 14ox Atto, Augusts», N»l»v