UH'AL NOT». PERSONAL MENTION. Then* has been ««^meMrost during th»* past w«««-k. which has damag«*d veg»*tab!«'s some I>. Cr«>ncmill«*r B ut the Cinnabar mines what in different p«>rtionx of southern Ore H. E. Ankeny and wife wer«? in Jaeksou- ' again. gon. This i* something decid«5dly unusual. ville y«-ster<lay. Buy a White. C««me to Ja«‘kH«>nvill»» <vn July 4th. Th»' b»-st rvim-dy for h»*a«!ach«‘ ami m-u- W. J. Wimer of Oakland, < al. spent y«-*t«-r- i F.v«-rvbo«ly is comingto Jacksonville«»u th«* FRIDAY Ith of July. ralgia is Wright * Paragon Hoadm-h»- rcm- I day in Jacksonville. N»-w |M»ut«s’s ar»’ becoming plentiful ••«iy. Stops pain in five minutes. Harm Mrs. p. Duncan has returned from her Jmlg» ’ Neil w. ut to Linkvill« ’ thi*we« k «»n ; k < proceedings . COUNTY C Babbitt-metal f«»r sale at the TIME» office. less, tafttelcss, no l«a«i ••ff«‘ftx. S»»1«J by all visit to (iHint's Pass, professional business. druggists. Cures while you wait —Preston’s “Hed- N«» «lang« r rv«-t’ att.*n,|s th»* us«* of Sim- Mr. Graham of Cla« kama* county *p«-nt iuli*a- t-*i at Akc.’’ Castle, th«* s«>uthvrn *t«»«-kman wh<» has ; im»ns Liv* r R--gu’ - t B'en shipping *«» many fat B»ev»’S to Portland Saturday in Jacksonville. •untv Prof, ('rawfordanti wife of Medford last • luring th«- pa*t few month*,saysh«‘ will ship ^-^Offi-’-r* pr«-*ent--II n. J. K. (’. Magruder «•( * ’r.d lMnt w^s at th«- Mrs. H.T. M- ( l.ill.inaml «laughter, «-f Rose week vi*it«’«i Ashland. y/jU'ig«»; B«-n. Haym«»mi am! (’. at l»»ast thro«* m»»r«- truinloads B-f«»ro th«» burg, ar«- visiting Jacksonville. I county-seut «luring th«- w« ■ k. z .-"mmi**i m r- Max M>.:. ¡, ••!• rk , Ja-^$j season closes. It cure* headache only—Preston’s H»'d- W. S. Fitzgerahl ami wife of Gold Hill Geo. M. Low wh * looking aft«-r his ¡11- Bir«B«-y, sheriff. I w«-r«’ here »luring the week. Th«» c«»ntract f«»r «-arrying th«- mail B-tw«’«-n terests ««n Evans cr«-« k thi* w« ek. in th«- matter of tin- county r««a«l petition»-« for by J. F Dit*w• rth ami ••thvr*. in Big r. W. Wist* of Montague visited this valley M' df««r«l ami Ja«-k*«»n\illv has B-« n turm-d E. D. Ros.’flml I.. <». Porter of l‘i*«*’x--i ! Miss Laura Harrison, who has B-cn quit«- over to the IL K. \ • IL Co., which com- Butt«- ami l.o*t «-r«--k prerim-ts. Fe«a«l de l«»ng since. ¡ill lately, is now convalescent. men.... 1 th«- servb’e as an original contractor were in JacksonviH«* on Saturday. clared a publi«- highway and «»rd» rc.l <qx*m»|. \VXv suffer? Preston's ,,H«'d Ake” will last Monday. in th” mattvr «4 tin- county ruu«l peti- S. H. Clary, one of Siskiyou county's capi 0. E. Rus«’and W. J. Mill* of Appl.-gate ti< u»’«i for by S. Simpkin*, et al., in i‘!'-.i*ant talists, call»id a f«»w days ainee. ( apt. Caton has rcm«»ve»l his *al«»un fix wereat th»-eouuty-toeat on Tuesday. creek precim-t. (>r«i«-re.l that M. S. Wake Th»*\«-t w»*ather will prolong the B-rry ture*, st»»«-k of li«|u«»rs, etc., to th«* corm-r of Jas. Kent <>f Little Butt»* precinct was in Ge«». R. Hamm«*rs|y an«! Jos. Douden of man, J. C. William* ami Frank Burkhardt B- California an*'. Or«-g«»n streets, in Fi*h«-r s Gobi Hill precinct caH«-«i W»’«In« —day. town ycaterday on lamt business. appotnt. «1 viewers ami Peter Appb-gat»* sur season, x; building, which ha* b«-«-n hamlsomely fix«-«l veyor, to nmvt at the r»-*i<lvn«’«’« 1 Mr*. French Cures iu fifteen minutes: Preston’s • Hud- up for him. A *-as«» of scan-mag. is r«’port»*<l from th»- W«’ ar«- s««rrv t»> l«-arn ««f th«- *« ri«»u.* illm Cart.-r «»n Jum- Jb, 1*91. to quahfy.aml th«-n- Ake.” northwestern ¡x>rtion of th«* county. • »f Mr*. B« n Hayim»n«l of Rock l’uint. uft.-r pr««.... . with «aid view. to hear of th« ’ death, by con- W«* r«-gr« t F-r «lusters of all kinds goto th«’ S. F. sumption, of M. <>. Wimberly, a x«m-in-law «4 Mi*s Ann!»* Cl»*m«mts of Prospect is r«‘«-ov- Miss Sophia Wi!s«»n of K«»uk Point i* teach In tin- matter «»f publishing a m«>nthly • •nng from an attack of pm*um«»nia. *.-he«!ule «4 «-x|x-mlitur«-s of this r«»uuty. Variety Store. Rev. J. R. ... N. Bril. The young num was well ing a summer t«-rin <«f s«-ho««l at th«- Fort. Whereas. The legislativ«- assembly of tIn F«»r th»* choicest millinery g«»«»«is call at known to many <»f our citizens and highly If you ar«* all run <i »wn, fagg«*d out, tak«- Wm. Kahler, Jr . ami hi* wif«’ start«-«l f* r state uf Or«’g«»u. ut it* sixteenth bieunia! *«-*- Mr*. Prim’* store. respected. Simmons Liver Regulator ami lx* spry. their hum«- in Morrow «-«»unty yesterday. *i«»n, paaseii an Act approved Feb. 21, l*’.»l. J*»hn B. Griffin and Ja -k Newman lust N«»w is th«* tim«* to thin «»ut the fruit set ou A. F. Gartner, special aftent of th»* Pha-nix K. Kubli i* aB«ut againafter hi* recent at which rc«iuir»-sthis «-.»urt t«»pul»IBha numth- w»*vk t«»«»k 100 h«-a«l of Jas. Hamlin's cattle to tack of th«- grippe, but is still far from well. Inxiirau'-e company, was here yestertlay. ly schc.iul»’ of monthly expenditure* of this th*- heavily laden trees. the Dead Imlian rang«- f«»r tin- summer, hav court, it i* or«lere»i that T he D em » m hath Subscriptions t<» th«* weekly ‘‘Examiner ing taken th«» »•«•ntrm’t t«» look after them f«»r Miles ('antrall of Uniontown is ut Eugvm Mr. B«»ulwar of Missouri.a relative <»f R. S. T imex and “Ashland Ti.tingx'* B- furuisbe«! a taken at th»* T imes office. the owner. Duulap,spt-ut a «lay in Jacksonville thi* Week. attending the commeD*-<-mrnt exercises. schedule of tin* «-x|M*mliture* «»f thi* «-«»unty, Th«’ citizens uf Lak«- «-r«-ek distri- t wiJ Thvr»- will B’all kinds of amusements at whi«-h *hall state tin* name* of all «-laimants, A marriage lic«*ns«! was issued on Jun«- 8th Cha*. Stephen* ami his *i*t«-r, wh«» resi«ie th»’ article or *»Tvi«-»’ f«»r which *uch claim Ja* ksonvill«- on July Ith. h«»l«l a picnic <»n July 3«l, with u Bill In th«» on Williams cre«-k, mud«’ Ju« ksonvill»- a visit to M. A. Johns«»n and Charlotte C. Sackett. i* Hllowe«l if or»lere»l |*ii«i, «»r wh.-tin-r tin- evening, which all ar«» c*»rdiai!y invited to last week. Carl Russell is now carrying th«* mall on \\. A. Wright and x n of Linkviile wcr«- claim has B-» n continued .»r r«-jected; pr«»- attend. N*-thing will be 1« ft undone for a Mr. Hawkin*, *p« <-ial ag« nt of th*- Whit«* driven into Ashland by W.B. Grubb last w«-ck. vi»l»*d, that *,ud «-b-rk shall m»t B- required the Ashlaml-Shake route. first-class celebration. s»-wing-ma«-hiuu e-*mpan\ , called on W« ’ <lm-*- to furnish *ai»l |Mi|M>rs f«>r publn-ati«»n any Th«* Jacksonville district school is en horses day. Mrs. Minnie Cunningham of Portlaml is Owm-rs of trotting ami running i claim f«»r which th»- sidary ««r f«‘«-s are pro- joying its annual vacation. should n-im-mB-r that Crouetniller A paying relative* and fri«*uds in this secti<»11 a vid«*»i f«»r by law, ami for *m-h publb-ution H. B. Carter returned home to Ashlaml visit. MBs Rosa Wilson of Rock Point Is now a Elliott «4 Ja«-ks«»nville are the only black - *ai«i ncw*|»aper* *hall B-alb‘W«-«l 25 eent* ¡x-r smiths in Jackson county who can make from his Samlwi' h 1-laml* trip om-dav last square of ten hiw* <»f m»n|«arei! typ* m-w*- r« sid«-nt * *f H»«rubr«»ok. Cal. Pet«*r Simon of Eagl«- Point is in a criti«-al week. any kind of sb*»«-* th«-v want. |»a|M‘r nn-axur«’. An«! it i* further ■ *r«l«-r»-<l that »’«•nditiou and Is not cxj>e<jted to survive If y«»u want a glorious time on th«’ 4th of Geo. Hays, agent f«»r Je**«« I), Carr, will sai.i achedul*» or ex|x-iHlitur»-s so furnish«’«! July v«une to Jacksonville« D»‘|»uty Sheriff Thompson last week I.vied long. shall B- published iu un»’ issue only of <-»n h on is tiinB*r-lan»l claims in th»* upp»-r Rogue B* in southern Or« g»»n SOOB UguiU, tO buy Th«- w«-ath»-r for th«» most part of the past river country for deiin«|uent taxes, ami th«- mon- cattle. Mrs. Ja«-obv an«l daughter, after a pleasant visit iu Jacksonville, have returned t«» Gobi In th«» matter of a b-rry a« r«»*s Rogu** w»-»-k has B’vn cool and showery. pru|x’rty will B* *ol»l by the sheriff on Fri Brother Kvrtson «4 the (’cutral Point Hill. river. Th” «-b-rk of the «-«»urt i* hereby au “Enterprise made us a pleasant call lust First-class cedar fence p«»sts for sal«- in day. July 3«l. to satisfy th«- same. thorized t«> a«lverti*e f«T bid* to build a f«-rrv quantities t»> suit at th«' T imes office. Mr. Netherland's little daughter at Talent The tiniB-r laml B-longiug to th«* »-stat«» of Katunlav. b«Mit, u»-«-«»r»iing to th«- plan* ami *|<-cifi«-a- tiotia m«w «»u filo in th«- «•l«»rk x offi<-c, sunl Eh-gant straw hat* for men, boys ami Inm-s Ellatt. situate«! in Floum-»» Rock Ex-Mayor P»»ml ««f Sun Fram-i**-o wa* a i> r«’«’ov»*ring from h»%r attack of the menin pr»-«’im-t, wa* sol»! by E. D R«» h «*, th*- a<lniin- guv*t at th«- Klamath h«»t spring* during the gitis. boat tu be n*cd «»n R »gu«- river tn-ar what i* « hildrvu at the S. F. Variety Store. istrator, on Saturday last. It was knock«-»! Ixist week. kn«»wu aa th»» oi«l Nail ferry; th.- bidd.-r t«> Great preparations are alr»»ady under way Monthly installments of $10 will buy a • !«»wn t<» E. G. Saistroin at $830. enter int«» a hunt m tin- sum «»f $1«M), «-"mli- fur th«* grand 4th of July celebration in Jack Prof. c. S. Price, *rh«»ol *ii|H riut«-nd«-nt. is h«»u*» ’ an«l b»t in T«>!«> from Scott Griffin. tl«»ned that in- will build *anl I*«at if awarded H. S. Evan*.th«* skillful artist of the granite visiting the» diffen-nt *«-h«M»ls which an- now sonville. the «»«»utroot. Heavy frosts were r«»ported from Sum’s «•ity. last w*-ek «-••inpl* t«-.| th«’ decorating of in s«‘s*ion. Mrs. V. Mitchell was kicked in th«- fa«’»> by Ordered that Cliarb * Vim-ent. sup-rvisor valley aud * iu«’ »»thvr sections this week. th«* Interior of <). H. Blount's clothing estab a h«»rs»* this morning and received serious of roa«l di*triet N*-. 5. notify E. G. Sal*truru lishment, which i* n«»w <»n»’ of the n»*at«-st Gen. T. G. lb-nim * has gem-1«. P<>rtlaml to injuries. Ol«i p.ip»-r*. in quantities to suit, for sale places of business in Ashland. t«» r«-im»v.’ his f»-ncv «-ff th«- «-**uuty r«Mk«l lead rvpr«’*”nt On-gon Chapter, it. A. M.. in th«- ing fr«uu tin- li »gm- river bridgem-ar ByB»e'* at th«- T imes office. 50 cents a hundred. grand chapter. Sipiire Sturges* of Uniontown ami S. B. H«»n. J. H. Stewart and Weeks Br«»*. hav«- f«-rry t«> Aik»-n’* mill within five «lay* from It lo<>k* like w«’ ar«’ not going to have any Holmes of Elk creek were among our visitors «•outracte«! th«-ir p«-.b-h crop. w<* learn, to th«- Mi** .1« **i«> Jack*<>n, wh" ha* B*en paying this wv«-k. th” «lai«- "f th” . ................ till* noth-e. . *i.tinu«»u*ly warm weather this seaaon. anp'iint «4 30,000 B«x»-* or mor«», t«> th«- Salem Ja« k.*«*nvilb' a visit, n turn«-«! tu Grant * Order* <1 by tin- *•••urt th 1’ J. M Childcr*, *ujw-rvi*.*r ■ *f r**.»'! «Ii*tri«-t \ *. 11. 1-'•r*l«-r”«J It never fail«*«! t«» <’ur»- «lyspepsia ami liv«-r Canning Company, th«» ugr»-«-«l prk-e being re Pass Wednesday. R. T. Young of Medford ami Frank Curd to notify Fr«’«l Han*en t«» r.-im»ve hi* f.-m-e complaint. Tak«* Siinm«»ns Liver Regulator. P«»rtc»l to be 1 l-2<- [XT pound. N. I<ang«-ll, «l'-puty internal n \*-nu«- <-«M!«-c- well of Kam's valley were in Jacksouvill«» not «•ff tin-firn- • f th.- <’*»unty r«*ml b-ading from Max J’ra«-ht pr*uni*«-s t«» B* with hi* tor for thi* «ii*tri.-t,’has g-m«- t" Linkvill«- on long sin«’e. Fred ll* u«-k is learning pillulur dexterity the bridge *«n R«*g»n- riv.-r m-ar ByB-.- *f»-rr\. Prof. Narregan of M»*«lfor«l mad«* us a « all pist E. 1‘. i‘i* k*-n*' pla* *• t*» Sum * valb-y at th«- drug-*t«»re «»( J. c. Barrett at Ashlaml. Ashland frivmis ami assist ou«’«- mor»’ in official business. bilihling up that town, as *«>on as In* can p'*toffi<-.-. within five day* from dat»* «»f n«»- O. J. Willanl. H. I.. Hill ami s. p. Oliv«*r of last Satur«lay, ac'on ¡»anied by Mr. Trlf«»rd of Millim-ry go««ds at «-«»st at Mrs. Prim’s, «■I«»*»’ up hi* a»-«-ounts in th«- Alaska c<»ll»-«»t«.»r- ti Trail er«-»-k pn-«-in«-t w.-n-at th«- . «nintv-*»-dt Grant's Pass, If voii want l«argain* in this line don't fail ship business, whi«-h willin’ soon. Or«i»-r»*d that B. w. D’ .in. ■'»up« rvi- *r of to call. during th«- w«-«-k. W. B. A. Tempi»' <-f (’entral Point i* rm- r«»u»l »iistrn-t S* . !•» B-ami h«-r*’by i- •r«l«-r»’»l Several im-mB-rs <4 B,inm-r lodg«» N«>. 23. Saxman prop- Wm. Harri*"ii "f Klamath *-**unty i* hen-, pl**y«-«l on Gen. Kearnes’ new resid-nc«* in W. H. Atkinson bid in the Mr. Elim*r«- ami Mr. to m-tify Mr. Br* /* a A. (). U. W.. w«-nt to M»-»!for«l »»n W«’«im-*«lay Jacksonville. Downing «d th« line «. th*- -•••unty r »a«l l«-ml- ••rtv at Ashlantl at a recent sheriffs sab*, at evening to m«’»‘t II-n. J. J. Daly, grand mas having brought in *• v»-r.il h«-a«l uf h-T*« * he Mrs. Lucien Applegate of thia vall«*V is t*» VVilb*w Spring* $2473. ing from Ja«-k*«*tivi ter «»f th«- «»r»ler. wh«» is |iaying the diff«-rrnt ■*«>l«l to hi* brotlwr. am! pr«*-»’»-«! to «»p-n •ai«l r**a t within five O. I’. H'xbly, a vet« r.m m-w-q aix r man, vi-itingat present with relative* in R »gue Chas. Burch of Table Rock precinct was suB»r«linat«- l«»«lg»-s an official visit. valley towns. »lav* fr«»tu «late «»f m«ti<-«-. our visitors at the l»egiuning of the Th«’ Center farm ami Jo n»-r«*s of timB r arrived from Marjsvilb-, Cal., lab ly ami ina> R.-p.rt *4 *-• «ntr.u-t**r *ln»wing ten inmates among locate iu th»- vallev . week. W. H«-rrington and G. A. Ho||«*nl"’ak, w-ho land B-longing th«-r«-t*> wer«- sol«l at adminis in th*- fuiuty h '-pital. 9 male* ami 1 female, Fn d Otten, F«x»ts <-r*-* k * popular in«-r- liv<-on th«* «»ther side of Rogue river, were appr \- 't Prejudi«-e an«! ignoram'o have given away trator's sal»- last Satur<iay l»y W. A. Owen,th«’ Bill* w » t »» alb’W.-'l as follows: Imlig.-nt, toSnuim ns Liver Regulator. It has stood expert am-tit'Deer. Adolph Hostel of Yr*-ka. •h.iut and AI«-\Ormr, the well-kn*'wumin« r. her«- r»-c«.utly. Cal., wa* th” purchaser, his bid being $1910. wer«- her? yvst«*nlay. $pw,_|.»;-.-alp b -uutn s. $67.50; miscellane the test. The 4th of July c«*lvbrati«ui at Ja<-k*«»n- ous. $1562.36. Corn is n«»t doing as well as it might «1«», Owing t«» a mistak«* in th«' publish^«! »1«*- Cha*. Johnson, Uit»-ly «>f A*hlaml, is m-w vill«- will lx- the gruudvst in s<>uth«-rn Oregon ■w ing to the cool weather, j»articularly at *<-ripti«»n "f th«’ timB-r laml B-longlng t«» th«’ su|M'rintemling th»» putting in *4 a t* b-phum- this year. The School Entertainment. night. Center «'state, twentv a«-r«-s w»*re n«»t *<*l«l *yst»*m at C«-ntralia, Wash. N. D. Y««ung. th«* *-urv«’y«»r, has lat«-ly lx-« n last satur«lay. but will B-disposed uf on July Ja k- »nvill»’ Iu* pr!«!*-«i h«-r*«-lf f«»r a nuin- John Wexler, the Yreka baker, is at pres 11,1891. S«-«’ advertisement in another col Mr*. A. L. N««ltn«-r f Portland, wh * lia* in th«- u|'p«-r R«»gu«* riv.-r country on ¡>r* f«*s- B r «4 y.-ar* up«m the high «’hara»-t«T *»f her ent in Brooklyn, N. Y.. making his way west sional business. B’en the guest of Mi.*.* Sell«- OU r at A*h- umn. *--h*x»l»-nt«-rtaiuni»*ut* ami th«- al»*vm*«* from ward again. laud, has n-turu«-«! hum«-. Th«* 0*age and R»-«l rivers are «>n a rum- th«-m of th»- »«bj»’*-tionabl»’ f«-atur«-s which t«»o Father Champagm- is now <’orresi»omling Notes, . ......ipts, duo-bills, drafts, etc., in with th«’ Catholi«- board of Imlian missions oft»’U mm!*- th«* ol<l-fa*hion<*«l "x<-h««ol exhi A. J. Daley <4 Eagl.- Point an«l A. H. Wy- pag« owing t«» th«’ un iting snow, an*! caus bition m*»r«- «»f a bur«- than anything book form, haudy and first-class, at the at Washington city, with reference t«»»-*tab- laml <4 Cldnim-y K««« k pn-«-im t w« r- at th«- ing mm-h damag«-. »•!*»•. W«- f»’.'l *.»f»’ in asserting that in m» T imes office. T. J. Hamlin of Eden preeinet ami S. Arra- lishingan Imlian *«-h<»*>l in the vicinity «4 «•«»unty-seat duriug the w«\-k. t*«wn in th«* stat«- ar«- there annually lntr«>- CkiilMtrm* Neil an«l wif»* now occupy their Ijikwb-w or soim- "th*-r eligible point east LimBey Sis.-mor«’, wh -has b. en attending -mith < f big Applegat«* visit»*«! Jueksonvillv «lu*;»-«l m**r«- pleasing innovation* ami varia- • »f th«' Cas»-a»I«-s. the Portlaml Bu*im-s* ( <*ll«’gr, return«-«! t«> during the past w<*ek. ti«»n* from the ster» -«ty|x-d form of «-x.-r«-i*»-x m-w r'—i'b-n«-«* «»n the old Neil homestead M*-rit deserv»*s sueee.as; h«-nc»' th«* Flam» Th«-r»’ is an unusually larg«- amount of hi* holm- in Sam * valb-y thi* w«-« k. than ar«- pr»-*»-nt»-«l h«-r«-. ami thvr«- i* «-«-r- alwiv«- Ashland. m"\v ing-machine, binder ami rake are lead taiuly m« pla* «• wh«-r«- th«- same ar«- better A ni •• lin«' of ^traw hats yf the moat popu wild «*uts growing m southern Oregon thi* Mi*. s*'l. Abrah.jn. grand w* rthv matron • appr« <*iat» «1 by th»- public. Although th«- en lar Mylo* is U-ing displayed at the S. E. y«*ar. ««wing to th«- lat»-, w« t spring. In« *n- • •f tin- onb-r *4 tl.* La*t«-rn Star, was in the ing all others in th»’ race. *e<|u«’m-«’ th«- grain *-r**p will n«»t B* as larg«- valb-y «ui "ffi'-ial bu*im -* last w. k. tertainment *•( last Fri'lay eveuing wa* got Variety Store. G* o. Linn has gon«- to Eug«-m- to att«-ml as at first expected, while th«« yield of hay ten up after but tw«> w k* of pr<’|»urati««n, the eomniem’ement »’X«-rcibes, ami may con- .............. . .. _ formerly ____ ..j a resi- will be correspondingly h»-avi»-r. Th«- wif»’of . ____ Is.-iu« _ ’ . Ford, Vin. Co«»k ami family, wlihav. • beetl nt elud«- tv l«»«-at»’ iu that city. an«i tin-public hn«l m» r«-.i*««n t** anti«-ipat«- St.-rlingvil!»- f.»r *.-\. ra’l v\. * k*. n-i uriied to any very great tr«-at, y»-t the h««u*« wa* «1- nt of Uniontown precinct, die«! in Wa*h- Th«* district ^onfrr«-m-«‘ ■ >f th«- M. F.. Church. th«-ir h"in«’ in Clatsop -.«unty thi* w»-ek. cr«»wd«-»l wh«-n th»- «-urt.un r«»**- f**r th«* first ingtun recently. Ju«lg<* Prim, wh«'» has lw« n at P«»rtland ami South, whi h wa- h«-l«l at M«-dfor<l r«-< «-ntly. timo Salem, returned h«»ni«‘ «»u Sunday. a -e«»m- tiim- with as aiq ai»pr»*'*iativt*anaudi«‘n<*«* as »-ver Mr*. H. (’. Hill of A*hlaml has been visit wa* well attend» «1 by pr«-ach»-rs ami m»-niB-r* D. Linn and li. A. Milb-r an-at Portland, I'.ini«*«! I»y hi* s«»n Charley. assemble»! u.**«-mbl»-«l iu Ja» Ja»-k*«»Dvill»‘ <>r anyoth«-r t«»wn. ing her *«>ns Georg»’ and Charles ut Scuttle fr«»m <!iff»-r«-nt. porti*«n* <»f southern On-gon. having b.-.-n '-h -'.-ii t • r« pn -» ut Warn-n ami until after eleven .-'.-l*** k th»’ littl«* folks and Tacoma. s»»nu‘cxc»-ll«-nt *• nrnms wer«-d«»liv<»red ami h-ig«.- N -.lt», A I . A A. M in th* grand W»- l.-arn that th«* Trice minstr« I comj«any an«l th«- larg«-r pupil* k«-pt it iut»-r»-st»-«l. bxlge. "traude«! after its p« rformam «’ here ami th«* Dr. Pavt«»n ami wife of Drain have B*en imp’Mtant church business trausaete»l. Th»-g«>«»<l taste of |»ar**nt.s ami t«*a«-h<-rs had im-mlx-r* hav«.- now disjwrso«!. to a gr»’af *-xt»-ut .*liminat»*«l th«- l»a<-k-num- \ i-iting th»- family <>f I. E. Debuy of Gold Hill Wm. G« «-.th«’ «• •al-mim’ expert, reports that Mrs. J. N. T. Mill« r w. nt t Portland this b.-r re.-ibition* of th»- g-nu* Sum-Buly * during th«- week. •luring «i cl«»udl»ur*t *nth«- divi.b- B-tw«-«*n w*-ek .»* r« | n-*«-ntativ.- <4 A !.»i -l Chapt.-r Wm. I’. Miller tarried a sh«»rt tinv* in Ja* k- Darling. ' ami <>rigiuality «-hara.’tvrizc.l the sp«’« ial trains l*«ad«.*d with fat «.‘attle fr«»m Sam * va!l« y ami th«* M«-ad«*ws List \v«-.*k th«» N"• 3. O. E. S t" th. grand • ! 11 t.-r «•!’ that •'"iiville last Fri'lay, whil«- on his way t«» vx» reisv* throughout. Sm-ii of th«- «»hl stand th*- -'••uth «• -«ntinually pass through this val hail wax plh-1 up to th«- h«-ighth of two feet order. Portland from Klamath county. ard pr«wiuetions a* wer*- r.-mb-r«-«! were ley for the north. • *n sonm fields, ami «li«l no! wholly disapp-ar N (’«•«■k” of Wilb’W Spring* pr«-. given without ranting, ami B-t««k*-m <1 int.-l- The R R. V. R. Co. will run trains • v -ry until the n«-xt day. A vast amount -4 water a few days since. Ib inform ** US lig»*ut training in th«« element* *»f ••|o«-uti«»n- H tu «-«- Dunlap «»t Lak<*view has remov»-<l fell at the same time. h«»nr Ixdwe. n Jacksonville ami M* df*»r«l «*n » Charb-y p. ning« r i* quit*- ill w it h ary art. Th«- singing Was also . . Ih nf. to Th« Dalles.in th«- interest of the C., 0. A I. the 4th «*f July, which will b«- quite a con- Th»- s»‘< r« tary "f th»- s«*uth«-rn Oregon stat«’ trouble. kv k «»f spa* •• pr»-\*-nt* a* fr«>m giving a de- Stag»* Company. v.-ni« m-e. B«*ar«l of Agri* ultur«- anm»um*es that bids tail»-«l a«-<*oiint r«f th«- <*ut**rtaiuim*nt this J. *.*«• s. RoB-rtx of th*- railway - r- J. W. (’ourtney and family are once m»»r»* will B- rv«‘civ*-«l until Jun*- 22 1^91, for th«- H. B. R«‘«‘«l of Ashland call'd one day last W”-k. Buffi«-»’ it t*« say. h*»wev« r. that ev.-ry- vic«’ wa* last w«-«-k tran*f« rr«-«l week, lb- has comiuem’ed suit for $10.000 B«.|y wa* well i-l.-a.*« «! an I highly eompli- at home on Antolojie, after a short resident’«' privib-ge of selling liquoron th«- fair ground* A*hlan«l-San Fram-i*<-«» run t-j «•n Klamath river. • l.nn.ig*-* agam-t Dr. Helm. Francis Fitchi* n»-ar Central Point during the district expo ni*-nte«| th»’|x-rf**rm”r*. a* w»-lla* th»’t*-a«-h- hi* utturm-y. sition. For further particulars read his no valb-y, Cal., rout«’. »•r* wh*» ha*I tdk«'U •*»»« b luius to ensure <r«-*>. Bush has r«-«-overed from hi* illBcx* tice um«»ng «»ur m-w a«l-.vrtm«-m. nt*. su«-«.-e*s. Ike Mull« r. who 1* n««w l<>.-ate»l at Cr« *- . nt ami i* six-nding his time between M»-dford Dua l take our w- rd (««r it. but go t«» Mer uml Jacksonville. Mr*. Web-h «>f th«- M*-a«l-*w* has r»-«-« ntly «•ity. Cal.. arriv.«l thi* w.-.-k t«j m»»v«- hi* riman «Y L« gat«* at Medf«»rd an«! see th«- h«*ii*uh**l«l .•ff«-«’ts t*» hi* m-w h*4m-. H«- will Plan»» machines for yourself. Tb«-y l«-a»l Increase the Bounty. • 4T*-<-t»-«l a «-ur«-«»f G. W. I’rayt*»rof Ashlami. Larg«' ami salubl»- fruit can !*»• obtained by return with hi* family m a *h««rt turn-. everywhere. * California is let.*rmim-«l to exb-rminat«- plucking from one-half t«» two-thirds of th.it wh*» bad long B'en affii* t«-»l with a «-an«-«-r <»n hi* lower lip. By th«- simple ai»pli»-ation of th«* <-oy*»tv ami is now off« ring «1 bounty of $5 now on th«* trees. B«-rt King*bury pai«l a *h«*rt \i*it t«« hi* Th«- <-«-lebrate«l Plano niowing-ma« hine, salves, the components <»f which an- km«un friemls at A*hlan<i la*t we. k. while passing bind«-r ami rak«- has gainvl a reputati«»n |M*r **-alp. In this section it Is «liftl-ult to Cha*. Wendell, th»’ Dunsmuir j»*w»*l»T. wh«» t*> th«' lady alone, th«» «Mincer was entirely re through th»- valley « n hi* way t<> s.-«-k a n«-w wh«-r« v«-r us«‘d. McrrimauA Legate of M«’d- hunt th«-festive prowler, and th»* b«»unty of locatiou In th«? Cœur d'Alene • -*untry. ♦J.50 is stiffi b-nt t«> indue»* st»« kiu«-n t«» takH was in bu*in«-*s at Ashland for a while, ha* moved without pain to the patient. ford keep them. * »»n«- in whcm-ver «-aught by ¡»oiHon or l«-a«L g«»m- into in*olven«’y. F«»r a troubb-s«»m«' «’ »ugh there is nothing Mi** Agm-s Devlin, who ha* ■•••mlu« t. I th«’ Bvl.... Br*«*. start»'»! f«»r th«* Crater Ink«* Iu th»’ «-a-»«* <»f panthers, h*»w« v « t . th«- small Thiu out th»’ fruit which hangs so thickly B»tt«-r than ChamB-rlain s Cough Remedy. primary department «4 «»urdistri t .*< h".*l in rang« - with th»*ir l»an«l of 2000 sh«’en last Ixuinty ••ff«-r«-'l ivr»* is not enough to imlu«-»* «•n your tree*. Fully oue-half shouhl B It str«'ngfh«-ns th*- pulmonary organs, allay* an .-fiieient ami a*-*-« ptab[* manner.l.-it f«>r h«-r w« *-k. <i«'o, A. Ja«-ks<in t«»«’k his tu th«* Ump- th«- ex|«ert panther hunters to f<»ll««w th«- pluck»*»!, and right now. any irritation ami • lT-- tua!ly«nr«-* th»- • »ugh. home in Uui*>nt<«wn pr»-vin> t la*t W. dm *- qua »livid«* .1 f«-w «lays lut»*r. brutes in th«- f«x>thill- with d«»gs, pra<*ti«*ally It i* esp’«-inlly valuable for th«’ »'«•ugh wlm-h day. Mr-. C. P. Park«-r of Gold Hill **njny**d a so oft» n f«»lb>\v.* an atta« k of th»- grip. For th»- only way to catch them, ami th«- result o W«- arc sorry to l«-arn that that they ar»- ix- oming quite troubles.»!»«’ in \i*it fr«»m h»-r brother, Geo. Cary of Grunt's *ab- bv Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point, ami G. R"l»t. Taylor A. D. 11« Iman, A. Bish ami I. m | , who has I h ‘»’! i suffering the high«-r foothills. Th«- lx»u«l- of sh«w*p Pas-, a short time since. W. W. K«*ntn«irof Ashland w n- in J.» • -k *-• »n- H. Ha*kins. M-If-«rd. atta -k <•! la gripp»’ f««r th«- ¡»i living taken to th»- mountain* report ••••n- vilb-on W. i!ne*«l;iy evening, attending th« is still considerably indisjK>*< Grant * l’a** butcher* ar»’ already B-gin- I ha«l «-atarrh in th«-head an«l throat f«»r installation «4 «.ffir* «4 'l. i.l- R k En sidenibl«’loss from th» ir <l»-pr«-«lati *u*, tw*> sh»-»’p in Ge«»rg»’ J*i«-ks«»n s Iximl having b.*.-n ning t’« deal in gra.*.*-fe»l lM*eves from th«- five y«-ar*. I us«-«l Ely * Cn-am Balm, am! campment N P>. I. o. t). r. Win. B x I h -« has purchased th»' from th«- first appli«-nti«*n I wax n’li«-v»-«l. Th*- kill»-«l within KW feet ««f <*amp whil»’ th»-y ranges uf Jucks«>n «’«»unty. «. \\. Walker in the Him* «piarry W. G. Tanm-r ami wif. .4 M -tt. Si*kiv--u *«-ns«-<»f *!iieil which ha«l Bx-n lost was re were halt.-.l for m««»n on«’ day ...... ntly ««n gub h distrmt. am! th»* business will hereafter Th«- clerk of the weather should give u* a their way to th«- Unqiqua «livid»-. If th»’ • hang«-, as *un-him- would be acceptable ami store«! aft» r using «>m- bottle. I have foun«! • -.•untv, la.*t w.-.-k «aim- t - A*hlaml t*. b«**k U<—mlucted by Allison A Bybee. bounty was d**ul*l» «l f**r .1 v»-nr «>r two it is ix-m-fi'-ial at the same time. th»’ Balm th«- only satixfa«-tory r«’m«-«ly for aft.-r their fruit orchard. 15 m-r»-* «4 | •aches Th«- s. p. Co. has made a r»*du«-tion ».»f two- «•atarrh, and it ha* eff.-<-tc«l a sur«- « ur»- in having •-••in«’ into B aring an«i requiring at- the »pinion of th«* f«»othill farmer* that th«- thirds on r« tiiru tickets of al! persons wish tenti«>u thi.* *«-a.*.»n. Don't fail to buy a lot in Nickell's ad«li- my « as«’.--[H. L. Myer. Waverly, N. Y. tr«»ub|v with th«* <’ut* would | m * over, as an ing to attend th»* camp-meeting going on at expert hunter with his d«>gs can fiml every ti«»n to M«-»!for»l. The tract adjoins tin- J. Nunan ami wif. ar* in I* rtlaml, Yn'ka has offer»*«! t«« raise th«» sum of th-- fair grounds m ar Ceutral Point. on»« within a district t«-u mil* Muuar«* in a west Bmmiary of that town. witm-ss th» ’ «-'«mim-m - im-nt • \> r« i-. ■* at Sl.tibofor th«- purpos«- .4 constru* ting a wry short thu»-, It w«»uld »-»-rtainly B- inu«*h Rain has again seriously iuterfer»-«! with Mary - A«-a»l«-niy. I h.-ir «taught« r. M Win. r.yb.'i and wife arc visiting Portland cheaper for th«* •unty in th* long run to haying. It i«»ok* Ilk«- it will bo impossible roa«l froni that point to th«- Cinnabar min« *, Josie, will graduat«- fr- in that « du ati< ami is is high turn* that th«* ¡•»-••pl«- ••( ami will iitb'nd the closing »’Xcrcisvs at St. exterminate th” "varmint* ' asxouu aspossi- t«> cur«- bay l»etw«’«-n showers. institution this week. M ” 'lf"r«l ami Ja-k*«»nvill» ‘ wer« ’ looking oil ’ Marv * A« ad« mv. from which school Miss Me. for their own •-•»ninien-ial inter«-st.s by pro E. Y »t«-*. the g.*nia! pi ' pri«-t-*i <4 th* I»«-l Minin«*. their daughter, will graduate. Wm. High and * I)«*’.'* Richardson took a viding f*»r th«* building of a g«"»»l highway t** N**rtc h*>t«-l at Cr« * « nt «-ity *p»-nt Satunlav run ov.*r t«« Ashlaml from their Butt»* creek, the County Alliance» min»-* from this sld«- «if th»* Bi*kiyous. night in town, il«-k. *-p* à tlr*t-«-la** hou*i- Jacksonville is continually rvcciviiigacccs- Ih’bgat»’* fr«»ni the »liff.*r»nt alliance* met Cal., ram-hus one day last week. That *»-«-ti«»n i* «l»‘v»-l«>ping quite rapidly. ami will no d*.iibt B w. || patr«»niz«-<l by *i<<ns to h«-r population ami the demand f«»r at M db.r.l last Friday for the porp«»*»* of prope rty ix growing steadily. There 1* not Aft* r all. th»* l»est way to know th«* real John Caraghar, a m»-r«-hant at Caraghar, thus«’ <»f »»ur citizens wh*« vi*it th« »-«»a*t .1 m«»r«- b«-althful <»r pleasant place iu th»’ organizing a county alliance. J.din Rowan, merit "f H«»« h | x Sars.iparilla is to try it Fulton ('••.. <>hi", *ays that St. l‘atri<-k .* Pill- thi* summer. of (Y nw »’««unty, s ■tat.* organizer, railed the y-Hir*»-lf. B«- sur»’ to get H»»od*s. sute. H. R. Brown «4 Br«'wn*b«.»r • ha* B • n v. rv ar»* th«’ B-*t *• Hing pills In- bundle*. Th*- meeting to order. Committees on organiza* ______ K. <». Brown. wh" g"t bis start iu Jackson Dr. (»♦••». Barron, th»* veterinary surg«’on, reason i* that th« v pr'xlue«» a pl«-a.*ant ill with typhoi«! f.-v. r for th» pa*t t« n«la/* ti«>ii and constitution an«l by-law* w»-ro ap • atharti-- efT»-«-t ami are« « rtain ami th«»r«»ugli ami «loubts ar«- entertain«-»! ««f hi* r< « .v« ry. ville, visited us one day last week, accompa point««!, wh*« sub*«*<|ii»*ntly subruitte«! th«-ir ha* lately B»»*n operating »»n a larg»* num- lb- li.i'l B* n unw«-ll f«»r *■ »me we, k*. but *up- in th«-ir a«-ti«*»n. Try th»-ni wh«-n v«»u want a nied by Chas. Bogart. Royal is in charge of r« p«»rts. After th«- tninsa**ti«»n of other pre B-r **f rows ami heifers in th»’ valley. reliable cathartic. F*>r*al*- by Dr. Hinkb-. p<•*••»! it to B- m*thing in* i«- *»-ri"u* than a th«* typographical department of th«* Yreka liminary w«»rk a county allian«-»* was organ- \ f.-w «-«q.ieH of th«’ Ameri«’an Settler* C« ntral Point, ami (i. H. Haskins, M«-dfor«l. malarial atta«-k. ami vv■•ul«l n<4 have a phv- Union. iz«-«l. with th«-follow ing «»ffi<-ers : President, <»uide, stamiunl authority on all land inat- i 1 I . ■ '•! W. H. Bru i'h.kW of Brown*b<>ro . . .......prosl- t«-r*. may lx- f-mnd at th«- T imes office. Th«* Ashland B»ys ar«’ establishing sum«- attendant «* during th« • ■: ‘ ' M«-i riman A Logiit»' of Me«lfor«l are selling ■ 1 - - and «1» nt. L. A K ••»«• of Ph’i-nix; secretary, W. r» «"r<l* with th*-ir bi»-y» les, Te«l Bar«-lay ha* «Ion«’ everything p*--il«l«- f«»r th« :• li«4 of newer*, binders, rakes and other farming Th«- stut»’ rnilr<xui commissioners were out ami Lesli«- M«-rri«-k having ma«b- th«- run IL Br* — • of Talent; tr« iisur*-r. Mi*s Minnie machinery ami implements ch»-aj»er than th«- patn-nt. H**lt of E-!«*n; «-hapl.iin, Ira Wak«-fiel«l of iu th* ir privat»- car «luring the w»’«*k, ins|x*et- fr«»m Ashlaml to M«-«lf»»r»l in 1 hour an«l 15 anybody in .southern Oregon. ’ Seeing is be ing th«- railroad in th»- vicinity of Ashland. ('ha*. Prim ba* adv.m. ■ •4 t.. th*- «lignify of l‘l> » nix ; l••••tllr••r ami organiz« r,S. H. Holt «*f minutes recently, ami th«- run to th«- <’«»unty- lieving.” a full-fi«-'lg* «I attorn.having B-.-n n«lniit1»-<l F.l'-n steward. (»♦••*. S. Briggs *»f M»-«lfor«l; Li«-ut. Swift, well known in this valley, has s.’at from Medford in 27 miuutex. Sim-«- tin Sir William <¡« r<l«»n-('umming, wh«» wax »I*».«rk*-»’|H*r. J. \V. M-irk-bury *«f (i««l<| Hill. at la*t B en pr«’m«»tv»l t«»a first lieutennm-y knpe-pintx f»-atur«‘ ha* l»eon intr<»«lu««-«l to th«- pra.-ti«*«» **f th*- law bef..r»* th»- *upr< iu« as-i-tHat *l*»ork* • p. r Mis* St.-Ila Dadose ..f in th»* r«-gular army. II«* is a first-class bilk. H*»m«- of th«’ B'V* make I-. ft. r time against «•«•urt <4 (>r»-g«»n at th«- *-x.iminati-.n h* 1*1 last lately convicted »»( cheating nt ear«lf», was marre «I 1«» a prominent society Iwlle of New w«-ek. With th«- pra*ti il working* <4 th«* T.ib-ut. I«u-ia«^-. agent. Mr. An«l« r***n of th«* wiml than formerly, as ther«» is not m-ar- Banana*, oranges, lemons, candies, nuts, ly so much atmospheric r«-si.*tam-»- <*ff»-r«-«l «•«»iirts h»- had long B-.-n familiar, ami th«- ••«•n- Y"t k the «lay following his disgrace at the Pho-nix; trust«.•* ami iln«im-<- «-••nimitt«-»’, «■lusion to prm-tiee law wn* a rn«»*t *i-nsil«b- hands of th«1 jury. <••-«». S. Brigg*. F. T. Downing an.I J. W. «•!• .. always fr»-*h and first-class, at th«’ K. by th«‘ir «’alvi-s. on«-.a* w ith hi* w«-ll-kn«'wn bii*im-**al«ility h«- Mark*bury ; «b-b gat.--» t«» Hu- stat*- alliance. F Vari-ty store. Th»- nicest st«»rk in th»* Harty Pr» st«»n. the printer,was last week A suggestion : If y«»u ar«- troubl»-«! with cann«4 fail t«» tak*- a high po*iti««n in th-- pro- valley. M. H. II if. J. \V. Marksbury ami F. T. D*.wil rli«-umati*in or a lam« lack allow us t«» sug- f« s*ion in southern Oregon within a f«-w n lrasrd from the state prison at Salem and ing. Th*- first im-.-tingof tle-• ••unty alliam ♦' pass. «Í through th»* valley on th«» following Mr*. O'Neil, wif.- «»f th«- ¡N»pular locomotiv«- ge*t that you try th«- following simpb- will lx- hel»l at Ph«x-nix on July 3«l. Sun«lay for California, where it is hoped In» • ngni» »-r. was up fr«»tn h»-r horn«’ at Sisson. rem»-dy: Tak»-a pi»-.-»* «»f flanm-1 the size of will li\«• a more h»jnest lif«’. ' al.. * ¡sitingfriend* iu thi* valley during th«- th»- tw«> ham!*, *aturat.- it withChamB-rlain** A Successful Term. Probate Court week. Pain Bahn ami biml it over the seat of I’r«-f. Frank Huff'-r of Eugen»’ was on»‘of A most • \. < lb nt showing was mad«- l*y the Tie- f«»ll*»wing pr«M-.-»«ling* hav«* taken I'’an ....... mim-ml Ely * (’ream Balm t»» all 4«ain. It will pr«*»lm-«’ a pb-asant warmth ami pupil-' of the -i.p k- nvifl«* public school in the «’lass wfio were a»lmitte»| t«> th»* Nir bv place in thi* ««»urt Jmlg* N* il pr»-*i»ling -u!T* r.-r* from dry catarrh from personal t»-li»v»- you of all pain. M any sever»- «-ases th«* final examinations *u«-lu*l* d last w«’»-k. th«’ supreme court last w»»ok, an«! ¡Hissed a sine*’ th»’ last report ••[ th«- T ime '« xp.-ri«-m • . |Mi*-hacl H«-rr, Pharmaci*t. hav«- B-« n cur«-«l in this w,tv. Th«-Pain Balm D has n«*v«-r b«*, n ««ur fortune to hav»’ a lx*t- \«rj 4-rediUble examination. He will no In the matter of th»* ♦•*!.»t»’ of John R«»t»-n. • Denver. «•an B- obtain«*«! from Dr. J. Hinkl»-, Central t«-r ««r im»r«- pbasant *«-h«>ol, ora more e til- »loubt inak«’ a goo«l lawyer. d»*«?ea*»-«l. Or«l« r iua«l* f*»r sal»’of r»-«d prop point, an»l G. II. Haskin*. M«-»lf«»r»l. ei»-nt corps «»f t»’a«-hers than those erty. L • j « paugh s circus is look« <1 f«»r through H"n. J. J. Daly, grand master of th»' A. (>. A sore ■ ur* for the whieky ha! it Di wh«» looked aft«-i th»* welfare <«f th«* ris V. W.. is in town, *ie»‘omj»aiiie»l by his wife. Estate «*f Em«* BaB- *« k. lb uring »«f final o d iring th*- month of August, statement ««f a«imiDi*trat«*r *«-t f-T July 7, whil« s. ih Br«».*. ar«- due any tim»’ aft«-r tin- Livingston«-'* An1i«l<>t<- for Drunk«-nness will ing generation in thi* town last s«-a-«>n. In Mr. Daley is a prominent lawyer of I’«»lk «-ur«- any - a*«- of tin- li«pn>r habit in fr«»m tli«’ir several «l«-paitiii» nts Pr« f« >sors prie»* county an»l lias l»een a inemlwr of th»1 Or«’g«»n mid«ll»- of July, 1W»L ten to thirty «lay*, from th.* im><!crate drink ami Newbury ami .Misses D« vlin ami New Estate of Surah F«»r«iyre. Sum«* ««rd.-r a.* Th«- Ma*«»nic gran«! lodge an«l the gran«l er t«> th«- drunkard. Tin- Antidote can !»«• bury hav«’ ea«;li ami all given satisfa«-ti«»n t«« legislature at diffeicnt times. aB«v»’. • hapt. r of th«-R. A. M. ami th- O. E. S. ar«> given in a cup of «’«.ff. «- without th«’ knowl th»’ patron* 01 the s« lio»»|, ami have mcrit«*«l E*tat«- of J. W. Satt* rtl« ld. Semi-annual Th»* Trie«' minstrel troup»*, composed uf holding th*-ir regular annual sessions at edge <»f the p»rson taking it. The Antidot«- tin approbation th« v s.» « arm *tlv striv» «I r»-i«««rt of a«ltnim*trat«>r appr»»v«’«l. f«»urte»-u colored ja’»»ple, p»-rf«»rim‘«! to a Portland this w«x*k. will n«»t injur«- tin In-alth in anv way. for. Estate ut Baptist«* Chegar. Same or«l«-r a* g<««»«l-siz»’»l audienc»* at th«- U. H. Hall last aB«v»’. Am-.ng th«* amusements at Jacksouvill»’ on Manufa -tiir. »l by tin* Living*t« n (in-nii.-al Tueaday evening, ami gave satisfaction. It »tat«- and guardianship of Al» x. am! War- th».* 4fli •»! July will I m * a base-ball gam»* be ('«»., San Fraii'-ibi-n. Cal. S.»Di bv E. C. Ink«’ it Before Breakfast, i* the B-st conq»any of th«' kind on the r«»a«l. run Raitm-y, minor*. Semi-unnual r«’p««rt of tween two of th»- B-st clubs in southern Ore Brook*. Jai-kxonvilb-; Miller A Strang. M< «1- Th«» great app« 1 zerjonir «»»<1 liver regu- f »r»l, Or«-gun. H«»n. Robt. Clow, of Lan»* county, one of gon f<>r a purse «»f $50. guar«lian appr«»v»«l. lator. hiu-«- f««i n»oe than 50 year* in th«- railroad c».unmisston»-rs, math' us a pleas Estat«- of Jes.se Dvllarhide. Ord«-r uf «-on- In almost «-very n»-ighB.rh«»<»«l tln-r«- i* Engiat »J. Positive *p»-« Jic fur liver ant visit last Fri«lay. H«- is on«’ of Ore- (h-o. Givan <*f Littb* Butt.» pr»*«-in« ’ t ha* some an»’ «»r nn«r«- p«-r*««n* whose lives hav«- tinuance mad*-. B;«-l t-»*t«- in th«» mouth on gon’s l>eni»»entfic war-h«»rses and a g«-nial. l-»*t a black filly, for th»* recovery «4 which Im B-« n shvv «I by (ffianiB’riain's (’»»lie, Ch«»b-ra conivi nnt • •ff.-rs a r«-asonal»l«-figure, lk-ml his u«»tic<‘ ami !>iarrh»i*a R- nn-dy, or who have I hm - u r sing in th»- morning, »mil pain* In the reliable gentleman. We are always glad to l»ead hik I !» h « k ot the ev«*, ur« «1 feeling, see him. Railroad Extension. published elsewhere. curc<i of«-Itr»»111«* diarrhea by it. Sm b p« r*<»ns lizzili» ss, lang *’ ......... 1 "i *v mpt»»inx of liver com- E. J. D. Hart ami W. A. Bu«’hanan. of the If you want th»’ best sewing-machim* iu tak«- xp * ial pb a.*ur«- in r«-»-«»mm»-ndiiig th«» 1 »ml. Kein« y—Dr. lienby’s At a hit«’ meeting of Jacksonville lodg«' N«>. English R. R. V. R. C«>.. w«T»’ in th«* valley this week the world, get th«’ unnqualed Whit«-. Sokl at remedy to others. Th«* prais.- that follows Dami» li<»n T* I«-. It« lieve c«»n*tip:«tn»n, 10,I.O.O.F.,thu following «»ftl«-er* wer<’»-l»‘«-te«l »»n business c•nn»,»'t«,«i with th»’prop»»se»l »-x- a di*«’«»unt f«»r «-a*b or ut a reasonable rut»’ th«’ introduction ami u*«- makes it very -»hnrpv« s ih«- 11 I « t I»* ¡lint uni» m up the for th»« «’oming term: W.C. Deneff. N. G.; popular. 25 ami 50 cent bottles f«»r sab- by •*tn»’ * v s * en t”nsi.>n < f their r»*.i l ami w« r»* myoinpanied 011 th«- iu*tallm«-Dt plan. <i i 1 !»»■ g.-!, . 1 e 11 om your John Arn«»l«l, V. G.; Silas J. Dav. s»‘«-r» tary ; Dr. J. Hinkl. c.-ntral point, ami G. II. drug¿ by Mr. Graham. Tln-y vlsit»*«l th»* Butt»' Herman Ib-lms. tr« a*ur«-r; John A. B«*v« r. i"t ! 1 $1. ai*»l take a<-« ordmg t- three (»• ■*. Givan<>f Little Butt« ’ pr» ‘ « ’ inet, as will Ha*kius, M.’dford. rr».» k am! Appl' gat. < *ti«»us ami s.-. ni t«< be timi* Per. Sv»-. of the »»pinion that it 1* a buisibl»’ pr«»j« <’t to I m * H.-« n by m»ti<«‘ elsewhere, offers a fin»- J. W. Hockersmith has B*en in tin- Wiliam* It is said that an «4T**rt is being ina«b' for a extend th«* hue. W»* ar« inforine«) that th« y l'**ll»’«l Angu* ami Durham bull f<»r *ah* cheap. «tte valb-y «luring tin- w. * k. b.oking aft« r his On the Ocean B»«u h. «lailv mail B’tw«-en Sam's vull«*yand Pr<»s|H*ct will make sm h »•xt»,nsi««n to Eagl«- F”int if a H* is a fin«-, large animal. pr.eqx-cts in tin- fruit lim- Ix-buv. H* Al«- yon thinking of « isifin- <’i» -e.-nt eity I*. —t«*fib «’s. A reim«nstram*c to this im-n-as«* Nufllcient hi<lueeni«*nt is made them by the 11 «.», \. h wain ! • Slop Mt till- 1!. .1. < lark ••l»'Wber>' unu‘>uu<'< * that li>‘ i*xprex*« s th«- «»pillion that no !♦•** than 150.- » his *11111111« j dtizens lutereste«!. W«- ar»* of th»’ opinion • MHI | h »\»-s of |>»'.i<-h* -> aloln- will lx- *bipp«*»| Del Norf«- h«»l« l. F11-Ì « la-- ill cvi-fj pnrticii- <>f service will B- sent to Washington, as that »’onue« ti«m with th«- Butt«* « r« « k >«•<■- lo.at a t'.iv h"r-<* on»* night In May. for th** r»-- from Ashlaml. l‘h«i nix ami Tab-nt station* lar an*l h«-ii<]<|ii.n t«-rx t**r toiui-ts \ tine many <»f th«- r«-*i«l»-nts of that section do not tion will l»e »|Ult»’ 1*11« lb'lal t«> J«l' ks« «nvill»’ turn "f whi»*h h** ofr**r*» $2». H»* ha-* eith.-r tin* *.-ason, an<| a* In- will liamll«- m> incon vu w oi ili Pai-illr .....ni an«| suri oiin«b ng de<-m it at all n»‘«,«‘ssary. «-«»iiiitry-van l> - had fr .ni tin- n..r. 1 B >ai<! an«! its vicinity, ami th.it . v« ryb«»»ly sh«»ul«l .*»tray«*»l off or l.a-u »toh»u. siderable porti«.n of tie- »-r«»p of B»th B-rri«-> A r«»w t«»««k phi»-«-at Grant'* Pass a few r*...in- from *1 t.. *1 4» p. r d.n . avenid ng l. ii.I a helping hand t«> the eut» rprise. Our U rao.- 1*. ltou bn»» h»*» n »jath.'ring n ni»*»* ami ¡M-a« h«-*. h»’ finds it to his int« r«-*t t«» and t«» locati. m. lb dm-, d nm-* fll| 1.1 U|1 q, s rtn,| nights sine»', in which sum«- of the sohliers lin«’ is to«» rth«»rt to help us a gn at «leal; but. lot of yoiingcattli*, which ar»* b».*iug »iriven to milk«* arrangement* with the ranm-ryim-n part n s. single m«-a!s, 25 < • nt-. wh«» hav«- B’»-n lo«»klng f««r r»-«-ruits were if w»- ar«’ »•»»iim,«,t»Mi with Eagl«* l’«»int ami th«’ Crook ■ aiuty, wh»*r*' r* lton Bros. ur<* »*st»'U- ami •••»nimi**i"n in« :« liants to tak«- tin- sur E. Y ati : s , Propi ictor. prominent actors. A few shots wer»’ fin’d. upper R«»guc river country in the n»-ar fu *tv. iy »*ugaK'*d in strx'kraibiuK. plus off hi* haml*. Marshal C«»Iby arrest»‘«l th«' offenders ami ture, much l»eii«’fit will ac'Tu«’. Fine Goods at Cost. th»-y w«-r«‘ subs»’«|ucntly brought to justice. Wright'» Jniiiaiin Ginger—strictly ptir**. ith a vi«*w to cl<»*ing «»ut hu-im ** Mr* Our Candid Advloe. An »-x*-»-ll»*iit r**nn*»ly for »'ramps, colic ami Behgious. . stock of wh»*r»; a touii- for th»* stomach and towels It is seldom that we appear in th»* rob' of Prim offers tb.. pul.lic li. r . R»-v. Fath.-r Watry will h»»l«l *« ni« » *in th«- is r* '|Uir»'<l. ¡3olil by all druggists. millinery ulov.-s, ,..,rs, t- anronw a spiritual adviser or family physician, but ■■liihlron'H dr...... at . . .st for’tli.' Catholl«-church at Eagle Point on Sunday Th*' MeGinl»*y troup»' performed at Rose's th»’re ar«’ timet* when wo feel justified in thirty davs. Tlf ladn - will .1 . «, H next, at the usual hour. Applegate, wbil«* on their way to Crescent calling th»- attention of our many subscrilM’rs Highest of all in Leavening « R» v. M. C. Al«-ri«lge of Mc«lf»»r«l will hohl »•itv, i'al.. and had nearly as big an audience to an article of tru»* merit. We f»?e| justified Mrs. Prim a call. *”rviv*-H at th»* M. E. church iu Ju«-ks»»nvill»- ns they hr«*» h» r** th** evening before. in saying that M«>ore's Ib-waled Remedy Excitement •m th«- Ith Kuu.lav of «-v«-ry m«»ntb, at 11 contains mor»’ actual merit than any ni»’«li- The i*»'opl<» of Jacksonville will spare no Cine it has ev»-r l»een our good fortune t«j nun- hiKli ill thi- pla......... . ''Sy-t.'tji Iiiiihl- »•«•l*** k a . m . dy-r' I'-la I'"li-tipatl''ll. I'M- Th»* following ar»* R«-v. R. Ennis' up|x»int- ¡situs for th»* »•utertaiuiuent of the people of t«’st. On»’ trial will make you as enthusiastic !'r’ tarrh «>( tli» *tonia« !i, ami mak«-^ pun-bl«»«>«I mont*: »»n.\*ry snmlay morning, except southern Oregon on July »th. A public din as th»* writer. and builds up th» *vst.-m. It i* $1 b.>ttb’ ing th«- third, h»’ will hol«l services at th«- ner and tail will Is* among the features. at Br««"k.*' drug-Mop»., t <-1! v ur friends .4 Applegate-Williams Stage Line. l’r«’*l»yter»au' hurcb iu PU«i*iux; «»n third Til** largest und best stock of deeds, its m«;rit* wh« h you u*. it. Sunday morning at Ja«-k*onvill»*, ami «*v»»ry martoiKi's and all kinds of real-estate nml Horeaft»-r the folh»wing rates of fare will Snmlay vv»-ning h»- will pr«-a«-h at thePrvsby- legal blank.- south of Salem Is kept at the b»' charged <>athe above line; From Jack- t» rian «-hnr -h at Ju.-k^.nxill»-. - For Sal«. T imes office and sold at Portland raws. snnvill«’t«» Uniontown. 50 cents; to Apple- F’nur v..k” uf <*.x.*n, in goo.l <*rd» r ami Well The second regiment of the 0. Ji. G. will gat«', $1; to William*. $1.50. Packages Fourth of July Bal!. encamp a’ Eugene from the 27th of June to «■arri»Hl sabdy at reasonable rat»»*. Sati-fae- broken t«» work in a logging «-amp. F-»r fur ther particulars apply t«. Ib-nrv Klu.p I at Tin- mal.T'igm .1 will glv. a *.».-ial par'v in th*- Sth of July, anil members of Company I> ti> guamnt»’«-d. J. A. L ouden , C”ntra«’t«vr. M«-df«*rd, **r J..11 ;.* A. L* »• at Ashland. hi* hall on Applegat. *u Friday. July 3d. of A-hlaud and Troop 11 of Linkvflle will 1?"’ 1..... **■ musi** mi I - q-i*. r • ah ! !*'• pro hav* au opportunity of displaying their mil vided. A general iUMUUun is ext«*n«l**»l itary fcnuwlcdgv where it will de the must If you hav«- »ad . h • iry Preston’* I vhWren Cry for Pitcher’s Gastona. o. E K j * íe . gooil. du'ÿmoiraticèimis / / I I HERE AND THERE. ABSOLU LETTEK LIST. The return gam«' of bas»d»all Is-tweon the M«dfor»l and Ja< k-'O.nvil!»’ se«-on«i nines The following remain in the Jack- has I hm ’ u arrange»! for t«»-morrow, ami a son vill«’ post office letters this 10th «lay of June, 1801. g«Mxi deal "f inter»-s! will lx* taken in th«' Applicants for the same will piente aay »»-u “ad- result locally. I V«-rtised Albright. Austin German, W. Jim Corbett and hi- manag»‘r were on the Albers, li«-nrich Harris, I). B. 2 northlxnind train through this \all«-y oue «lay B.xlhird, Myra Hinkle, William last w«-«-k, ami Jim ••xpr«’ss»’«l himself confi Brunton, Harmon Haskell, F. H. J ernt t, Thomas D. dentially to on«- <>f our sporting men that he Bunny, William Kennedy. Frank was p«»>itiv.- that h<- »’««uld whip Jackson, who Baggetto. P. | Cooper, Henry W. Laaton, .1. N. is n«»w in Ills prim»', while h»* «‘an ex|H’<’t to Clrac, Paul Myers. Susan improve a good «1« al in strength, wimi and I Clifford, J. B. Mavey, Bade «»•fence yet. Conroy, William F. Mannen», John Caldwell. W. C. Norcross, W. H, Th»* state railroa<i «’ommission, a«-com- I | Day. L. B. Raglio, Isaac 2 pFinicd by Manag« r K«vhler ami F.ngim-er Durkee. Mr*. J. B. Smith, Geo. W. (iromlahl of th«- S. p. for«-«-. <-umpl«-t«-d their Duke, John G. Sharp, F. Welcome, John si’ini-annual in-»p«-«-tion <«f th«- S. P. limit» on DickbuB, Charles William», C. A. the Siskiyou division during the p«ist w«-»-k, (¡ray, Chas 8. Guiding, Jas. H. and found th«- roudbv«! improve«! In condi HENRY PAPE. SR.. P. M. tion sin«’»» th«-ir last «»ftb-ial tour through this section, although »-«»nsiderabl»* «-an I h - BEAL KSTA1X TKANHFEK*. don<* y»-t iu the way of adding t«> th«- >af«-ty of the traveling pui-li The following (leudA have been recorded in Attention is «-all« <l t«» th«- advertisement the office of the county recorder since the last announcing th.it th« r- will !•« a 4th of July report of the T imes : «•elvbration nt Ja«*ks. »nvill«-. Th»’ pro- O T*Uo to Mabala Morris; lots 8 and V blk 3. gramim* has not I hmui . ntii« lv«•■ «mplet«-d, but Medford. $120. W A Patrick to Nellie G ami Emina Ewan; 1 it is alr«*ady <i»*finii«*ly known that this will b«’th«* gruml«-st affair in .-««uth« rn Or«-g"n. acre In Sec 5. Twp :w S, K 1 E. $60«» M J Ret-serto Benj Thomas; lota 46 and 47 Th«’ public may r« st as<ur«-«l that mdhing Highland Park add to Aftbland. $450. will lx* left undone to inak«’ this a first-class A B S«-al t<> Geo E Chamberlain; luf«6 and 7. celebration in • v« ry particular. hlk 1, Cottage addYo Mtxlfurd. and other prop erly $1. Th»* Ashlaml-Antclop»* r«»ad fight is on M1 xx Emma Tolman t«4 Belinda Barnum; lot again in earnest, ami, as th»* m^spapers of 11 ami part of lot 1(1. blot k 14. Ashland. $3000. G« «» Walker to Win Bybee; undivided of 20 th»* granit«- city ar»* taking a hand this time, in Two 37 S, It 2 W. etc. $550. a paiii'-iilarlv interesting «•as«* may look«*«! ncr«n Caroline E Porter to City of Ashland;4<J0-f<-ct for when tm* matter coims i»vfor»; th»* strip of land in Twp 39 S, K 1 E. $200. county b«»ar»l f«»r adjudication. Certain it is that a r«*H«l is badly n«-»*.l« «l l»etw»*en the two An Inunrance Agent Missing. sections, ami, whil»* w«- ar«- not familiar with Ontario,Jun»* 6.—H. Dyar of Ontario, the th«- relativ«* nmnts <>f th«- two routes pro- pose<|, we trust that an ami'-abl«* agreement g»*nerul agent in Ban Bernardino county,Cu!., will yet l»e arriv« «! at which will give the for the Phcrnix Insurance Cotnftany, for p»*onieof th»’Ant«-|op»- section a bctt»*r outlet farm risks, drove t«> Rialto Friday ni<?rning ami hitched his t<’um in th«» str»-et. H«- then to the valley than they at pr«— nt enjoy. went int«j th»* country to solicit insuram'c on grain —1 and ' 1 has not ‘ ’ been seen since, His CROP WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 13. family here were notified this morning that he ha<l n«»t returned f«»r his tnau. The The following is th«? r»’p««rt of the Orcg«>n was put into the hands of the sheriff, case who Wtmthcr Bureau f*»r tfi- week ending Satur searched all duy without finding u « lew. He is not known to have had money. Then* is day, June 6, 1891: no theory to account for bis disappearance. wesieus OKE'iOX. Herbert Dyar. as he is familiarly known, Cool, partly « I »miy ami cloudy weather formerly r<’sided in Jueks«)n ounty and with <M*«-a*ioual rain showers pr« \ailcd «lur afte rward in Klamath county. ing th«- past w«-«’k. Un May 30th quite a heavy thumi« r-st«-im prcv.iiled In the west ern jx»rtion of th»- Willaim-ttc valley; on the Pronounoed Hopeless, Yet 8aved. 4th, 5th ami (»th showers wen- general. From a letter written by Mrs. Ida E. Hur«!, Th«*re was an ab—-n«-«- of bright, warm »lays. Th«’ w«.*ath«-r c»»u<liti<.ns hav«- lx . n cxc«-»-d- of Groton, K. D._ we qu«>t» . “Was taken with lw«l col«!, which settled on my lungs, cough inglv favorable to <•< reals, «-ausing th«- pros a s«-t in and finally terminated in Consump pects for harvest t«> I««- «-.xtra< rdinarily g«>od. G»’n«-ral r« |'«>rts imll«-at«1 th»- hay enq, to Lx* tion. F«)ur doctors gave me up, saying I «-«•Uhl live but a short time. I gave myself unusually heavy; wh«-at ami ««ats to lx* in better condition than f- r y«-ars,if «-vt-r lx.-tt«-r, up t«» my Saviour, determined if I could not at this >«-a.-on. Th«- • >lw« ath» r ami rains stay with my friends on »*arth 1 woubl m<M*t have not lx-en fav«»rabl«- to the strawtx-rry my absent ones abave. My husl»an«l was ad- crop, which is n««w rip« ning and l»«’rri»-- are visedto get Dr. King’s N»-w Discovery for plentiful. Stem- fruit- will not lx-an av« r- Consumption. Coughs and (olds. I gave it ng»-. »’siH '-ialiy in the Willaniett«* vall«*y. Th«- a trial, took in all eight bottl»?s; it has ••ur«-»l warmth in January ............ spring fronts, rm* and thank G«»«l I am now a w»dl and w**man.” Trial bottles free at E. C. which at th»’ tiim- w« r«- n«>t supposed to have hearty Br'X’ks drug-store. «Ion«* much damag« .di«l r«-ally «1«» much dam age. Fruit is falling ««IT.-oni*’tr« « s dying. Ch«-rri» s au«i prum - at*- «—¡M’dally injured A Child Killed, Clb-rri* - ar«- Ix-ginning t*» rip«-n. B« tt«-r re Another child killod by the us«- of opiates port •» in r«-gar»l to th* fruit ar* r«-*•• -iv«-l fr«»m In the f-»rtn of Soothing syrup. Why porti* ns < f D>»ugla<ai»«l from all of .Joaephin»', gtv«-n mot hers give their children such deadly poison I Jackson ami < urry * unti.Th« « **rna« r<- is surprising when they can relieve the child ag«- has | h *.* h in«-r*-.’.s«**l ami is doing well. <»t it.* peculiar tr«»ub!<-x by u*ing Dr. Ack* r’a Vim-yanis ar«- unusually thrifty ami clusters Baby Sooth« r. It contains no opium or mor ar«-forming. II p-ar* doingw«*jl;iUHonu- phine. s«-«-ti"U" 11« »-ar« r* poit«-«i, in "tie r-*. • ^p«-<-- ially ab«mt L» l'am«n Linn «-**unty. n - lie»- are found. EASTGRN OKEGON. A low»*r t«’nip'-r.«tur»- than th«- i*r«-vioiir? w« «-k. toge ther with partly cloudy w«-ath«*r, prevailed in sum«- —••■ti*’n*. Th«* rain was un usually h«*avy. Thunder storm* are g« n- »»rally’report« «I. (b’iieral crop pr«**¡* <-t> w«-r« m v« r Ix-tt.-r at this s«-a**-n <*f th«1 yar th.in at th«- pr»-*«-nt through..ut thi* *«-«-ti'»n. Farim-rs ar«* jubi lant over »•xc« ll« nt pr--p«* t*z Th«- rain* wero c«»pi«'U*. tiim-lv ami \«ry t»«m*fl«-ial. New lif«’ ami vig r ha* B • n impart«-«t by the rain to all v»-g. tation. Th«- h««t winds of two w»-ek* ago <li«i >«>im- damag«’. but it ha* !x«en to wiut« r ami • -p« íally spring wheat. ”1 hav«- uev.-r **-«-n a m* r*- ¡»r- niisiug pr*«*p«-*-t for • rop*, ' writ»-* a «• rr.—pomh-nt from Morrow 1 unty ..»ml similar r«-p«»rt.* ar* r* - »•«•jv«’<l fr«»ni « very • •«unty. Cri»-k«-t* ar«- «I«»- ing *■ *im-«lamag*-in M.tUe ur «• ••unty. Irri gation is in pr«*gr*" in B.«k*r .«-unty. In \\ . . M ' Mrawls-rri«-ar<- \« ry pkntiful. am! « h.-rri«-* are np« nmg A I-* 1 ■ «f h*t wiml* during th»- pr« *»-nt month will all w the prvs.-ut exc«'lk-nt prosj..... t*> B- r«-aliz«’d. B. s. P ague . Observer U. S. Signal Hi rvi» Salary. $25 per U«’»k. Want«-«!: G". h I ag«-nt* to sell our H' ru ral line «>t inercbambs« . N p»*<hiling. Above Maiarv wi’l b»’paid t » v < ¡<J< nt*. I For tur- tber information Hddr« ** 7 « H1« A«.«» »«> NEH «/. *1 I’l-I.Y Co.. No.173 "»st \ an Bur« n st. Chicago, 111. 1776. J a ! Infants for Children. and “Castori a is «V» well a» taf »ted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” I!. A. A rchi », M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Caatoria mr»w Colic, CooatípaHon, Sour Stomach, Diarrh<oa, Eructation, Kails Wunua, given blee¡>, and prouaxes di- gestion, Wjthout injurious medicalioa. “The use of ‘Cantona* is go universal and It* merits so well known that it seems a wo8i of supererogation Voend«>nw it. Few arc the intelligent families who do not keep Castorm withm easy reach “ C arlos M arttk , D. D . New York (Sty. Lal-e Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. “ For Several years I have recommended your * Castona,' and shall always continue to do so bf it hue in variably produced beneficial results." E dwin F. P ardkb . M D.« The Winthrop, lÄtb Street and 7th Ar«., New York City. Tux CiJtTArn ConraXT, 77 M vrkay S taut , N ew Y ob * Nunan. Spring 1891. I lillFQ " e arc no" °lx;n"lK our Spring 1891 purchase*. LAIJILl'J will find them the Latest Style and Pattern. You THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE INDIA CASHEMERE, WINDSOR TOILTE DE CHINE, ZEPHYR FLANNEL, Plaid and Stripe, DEACON BLA’ K ORGANDIE, SATIN tS, Plain and Colored CAHLLIS. LAWN, SCOTCH BARNABY. PALMER. AMOSKEAG CINCHAM, MERRIMACK TAPESTRIE CRETONNE NEW EMBROIDERY, PARASOLS, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES. ETC., ETC Dressmakers will find a Cimplete stock of Furnishings, 1891 ■ BOY’H CLOTHING, and trunks , GRAM) LADIES' AND ClIILDKEVS N1IOI> Also such good:- as are kept in >t»>» k by a tirttM-lass General Store We resjieetftilly solicit your examination. Exchanging Goods for Country Produce a rd Fio visions, for which always we pay the highest market price is our specialty. J. NUNAN Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 CELEBRATION ! ! lift 1 1 1 vit Li J. C j IJ -AT- « MEDFORD, OREGON JACKSONVILLE. OR.. Legal Blaiikb. A full a**o|-tm«-iit -«f blanks f»*r th«- u*«- Of jiistt«’»** «4 th*- jo-a j.n«l «•• ►!i*tat*!«-* *-»«n always lx- f«»uml at th«- T ime * <*ffice; «I mo • l*'«'<s. mortgag» ~. bills of uale, mechanic’* li«-n*, B-mlsaml • very 1« gal blank generally u*«-«l in <»r* o n. They ar*- print* *l aft«-r the latest ami B-st f**rm*. an«l will B sold at Portlaml pri'*« *. Th«•*«• 1* m> . ...... . *ity for smiling away f«»r y-mr legal blank*. 1 DEALERs IN THE MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPRING, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRINC WACONS, CITIZENS OF JACKSONVILLE AND neighboring town* willcvlvb«at«- the coming T HE Fourth of July m n moftt appropriate style i«i th«- <’««urt House Square, and ext«-mi a cordial invitai ion to <-v« ry«»n«- to corn»- and Mtt»*nd th«’ grandest cel« brat ion ever held in southern On-g«»n. ORDER OF THE DAY Will I««- given in the next ifftu»- «4 th»’ T imes , hs arrangements hav«- not been d« timt ■iy I, completed. CAKPiIAGES, BU3GIES. PHAETONS; VILLA DAISY AND MITCH' ELL CARTS, ETC., ET3. carry a full line <>f Canton Clipper, Extra St« • 1. Gangn, Tricvcies Black Land. Scotch Clipper, Stubble. Turf and Stubble and Side Hill Plows, Gale Full Chilled, and Steel, Sulky amt Walking l’lowt. Twenty- Inch Di '■ Harrowh, St» t l Pipe Frame Lever, Springtooth, Seoteli, Vibrating ami Clipper Harrows. We PROGRAMME: Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Fowffer. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of Homes— 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and I'astry, Light 1- laky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. lKo other baking powder does such work. î. 2. 3. 4. 5. ♦î. 7. s. t», 10. 11. Music by the B hik L S«» iik by the Ole«- Club. Prayer bj t tic Chaplain. /W.ViVJ FORCE' DHOE COK* PbANTEH AM) ( IIE< K HOHIfí Munie by the Bami. Read'ngof the D«-claration of lnd<*|Hii- denee. RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER, Song by the Gle< Club. Highest G<ansi. Lightest Bratt and most complete machineou the market. Mu«ic by the Band. < »ration. Mufttc by tlie Band. Johnson Self Dump. Bonanza. and Star Hay Rakes, Peerless Sulky F Bru t ' remarks by s« vera! prominent citi Hay Gatherers. Reversible Carriers, Hay Forks, Etc. zens. Music by the Band. CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC. After the above exerc ise* there will l»e iu rcadtncfts on the grounds W»' inanufactiir»* our own Farm ami Spring Wagoni«. All ot « ur lmt»l«*ni( ntx arc bought for cash in large «niantit «-x »lin-ct ir<»in th»- manufacturers ami soldio th<- Farmer. We cannot bv umierxold. quality of gtaxlx conxidvrt-d. A call ami cxaininati«»n <>f <»ur Ft«* k ix solicit»-«!. AU goods « m »Id under a dir»ct guarantee A TREE DINNER, «•f which everybody is invited to partake. “German BASE BALL CAME Syrup” u N for a purse of $50 will be c«»m|»ete<t for tw«» ot the best clubs in southern Oregon I by ROYAL WORCESTER MmHHL&IBTÆMM A WRITTEN WARRANTY GIVEN WITH EACH SHEAR. RAZOR. OR KNIFE. All ROT AL WORCESTER 8CI88OR8 and SHEARS are full nickal- piaTed. or japanned bowa with nickel-plated b.adef. therefore WILT T- Il«s NOT BUST iu handling Our prices on nickel-platcd eciesore r»nr • tb.riis » r* from 50 Cento to Al OO. or mckel-plated * it nf our F» cts • Lears from 65 Cents to $2 OO Jn|*anne.| bn«re. n.' kei plated A rr-HM, .Ua>r WSUCS.J t<4 «... I On japanned bows and nickel plated blade shears. from 50 Cta. to Si 50 Button bole•< sspors, from 65 Cta. to Si-00. Bxubroidery scissors. from 60 Cents to 85 Cents ’ wr.ts st u<«s and ssriire arene y bafore it la t«»o lat# lAdee desirin'» reliable Sc'wsorw or Shears should ask their dealer %r the KOVAL WOKCKWR (and taka no others as they arc warranted. Jf jour Libe«- Discounts J. C. Davis, Rector of St. Janies’ Tiie f«-xtivith 8 of the day will conclude with a dealer ouinot supply you. send us the advertised price, aud we Episcopal Chinch, Eufaula. Ala.: will send urn-', potjxid «1U< ents extra for registering/ by mail. “ My son has been badly afflicted 1 MCKNIGHT A CO.. 362 NORTH MAIN STREET, WICHITA, KANS. with a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physicians the evening at the Putted State# Hall, to which failed to relieve him, he has in which everybody is invited. been perfectly restored by the use oi PreparHtionx ar«* being made winch insure two bottles of Bo- the grandest affair ever given in Jacksonville. An Episcopal schee’s German Syr up. I can recom BELOKCINC TO THE mend it without Rector hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this Farm for Sale are as severe tests as a remedy can OFFERS FOR SALE I am now offering a*, great bargain» the following :— be subjected to. It is for these long ill'. I NDERslGNED Hi vt .Mi acre*, ly mg * miles south«-»»»»« standing cases that Boscbee’s Ger T ot hi* Lu tai kvilh-, one r«»rner touching Lo>f rivt r. 1 he Stenin Flouring Mill 24 new J let ring M<>w en c*. fenced, 125 acre« in cultivation. 3 man Syrup is made a specialty. m It » t «- 1* h alt •> Deering Twine Ilin<ki> in growing altail« ami 12 acrcft m»»re in Jacksonville. Many others afflicted as this lad Me« «led t !>••«-••<«». TlH-n arc two gooti a» lift, 12 tine draft liorncx weighing on«- of which will fiirnifth plenty of Gang Plows. was, will do well to make a note of oitli.-r wall 1 for a u imliiii’l. A ditch that tak»-ft 6 Star Sickle Grinder*. wai«r from th«- big KlMinath river runs 1.2GG to 1 ,♦’>(•«• pounds each. this. tin«» igh th«- place, so that it can b<- Irrigated 25«» tons Alfalfa Hay. Freight Wagons. small oixhard of choir»-tr»*ca ift alno grow on th« place. Th«- H«»il ix deep, sandy J. I". Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., ing 4 Milk Cows. 7 Five and Seven Tooth Culli- loam, an«! highly pnxliictlve. Then- ar<- a writes: I always use German Syrup xinall dw«-lling-houftc and other buildings in 90,«H*0 feet of Lumber. vatore. c<mditk»n on the farm. Th»- whole will for a Cold on the Lungs. I have g«Mxl b«- h < J ’. a returnable figure. Cal’ on or ad- Neck Yokes, , Double an<l Single Treen. .„„i.-.v irecs. Wagon Spring S. ati=, Ilai J L. DOWNS or LU. JOHNSON. never found an equal to it—far less dr.-sa Linkviile Or. rows, Stove an<l Mower Extras, and a great many other a superior. ® articles too nunieroua to mention. G. G. GKEEX. Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N.J. Unsatisfied Mortgagee For particulars and terms call or write to ESTATE OF G. KA REWS KI, MILS. .1. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL |H-rsons holding mortgages on real prop erty in .Liekson county. Oregon, which have been satisfied in full, ««r which have lM>.-n partially satisfied and not relca*»<-<l of record, that the abstract of all unsatisfied instru W. F. READ, rrw.id.nt. ments of record will I m ' given to the tt*xexx«»r J. L. COWAN f Ttcsburer f<»r assessment purposes ou the 1st day of July, 1891. li » WM. M. HOLMES. County Rs.-<*r«!»-r. kJ Ja«-k*r»nvill«v June 4. 1*91. KAIIkWSKI, Executrix,Jacksonville, Or. t - t CEO. F. SIMPSON, Vice-President •L O. WRIT J MAF,t<<.ii4 > 11 a The Farmers and Merchants talite Company Estray Notice TAKEN I P BY THE UNDERSIGNED. Sir I rn«>ntI im since, on«-gray mare,about 13 y»ns «•I.I. brand»-«! with a halt circl»’ on thought sli.»tih!« r Th»- owner is r»-«iu»-at<’d to pay ex- I us. sami takethv animal away. . VATRP ¿IVORY rrfr’TrtV^ti FAtfiM. JW r. fW. n hi » 1<1 CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. r»jVII> tri*. 800.OOO.OO. ALBANY WM UlfHCH Otsnici OKKOOIV MECF3R0