ïht ^viwratiuimcij V OFF’CIAL PA«’ FRIDAY 0' JAC»»0“ CCUSTV. OR JUNE U,1*» RictrKocrrv that consists in taking the tariff taxes off other nations and leaving them nnaba'ed n|>'n our own people is a delusion that wil not delude. Justice, like charity, "bon d begin at botne, though neither should end there. EDITORIAL .VOTES JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. <>. J. Vannoy and family last weuk went to T he Giant's Pass Coiuiri i» offered for Sisson, Cal., l«>r tin- summer. sale by the proprietor. Geo. II. Curr- y, W. N. Saunders ha* r«-u« nt ly open<-«l a rcal- w ho is comp died by other business to «•sl.it«- «itltcv at Grant's Pass. remove to eastern Oregon. Theie is a (’. F. Walker is now employe»! in a sash and fin« chance for some enterprising jour­ «lour factory at Palouse city. Wash. nalist to secure a paying piece of prop­ Miss Allie Smith has op«-ned a three-months' term of s«*h«H»l In th«- Wolt creek district. erty. II (’.Kinney was prostrated with malarial T iie Oregonian has several tin:»» state«! 1 fever th«- first of last week, ami tor a time that t! e grand lodge oi the A. O. I . W. was <|Uite ill. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. Linkville t. till! ot people attending court. SILENT WORK OF ELECTRICITY. MEDFORD SQUIBS. Tak,* u look at Nickell's ad»lition. Farmers will do well to giv,* Merriman A Those who attend«*«! th«* late ball at Bonanza report having had a tine time. Legate a call. • Alvaro Bal! lias been investigating th«* re. Au enjoyable dance took place ut the opera- sources of this country with a view«»t locating house lust Friday. h«*re. Miss Kat«* Ply male has been visiting rela­ Matth«*ws Bios, of Little Butte previmt pass«*d thr«>ugh tins section last wu« k oil their tives and friends here lately. way to Montana. Mrs. Crawford, Miss Helen Strang ami Mrs. Nicholas Vaughn Hrrivcther machinery or implements,«“all at Merriman A trip to Kogu<* riv« r valley, after « attic tor the legates. ranch of Jesse D Carr. Rev. G. W. Bkv k of Grant’s Pass WHS ÌU Jiidg«* Wetisti-r, District Altorn«*y C«»lvig, Hons. H. K. Hanna and J. K. N«dl of Jackson­ M»*dfor«l not long sing»*, greeting his uunivr- ous friends. ville arrived the forepart «»1 the w«*« k. TWO MOUE BOCLS MADE HAPI’Ï AFTER LOMO END PATIENT HfrrEIlISO. Sheridan. Yamhill Co., May 25, ’91. Dr. Darrin : Dear Sir—The home treat­ ment you gave me by «dectricity and m«*«ll- cin«'has cureil nm of a cancerous growth an«l scrofulous aff<*«*H«>u in my mouth and cheek, which alarm«*d me and my friends twyon«! «‘Xpressfon. Now I am cure«!, and in half th«* tiin«* you said it would take. I am also cur«*d of female troubles and ir­ regularity of my menses. Refer to me» Our neighbor, Milt Jones, of Perrydale, Or., was cured by Dr. Darrin of a polypus in th«* nose. would hoi.I it» next annual t*es’i«»n on The damp wenth«*r will result in giving this the R»-r rod We«ln«*>'l.iy in July. Ti'h'i» a i county th«- biggest crops ot all kinds ever mistake, as under the new constitution raiswl here. Rev. Futr« II of Grant'-* Pass conducted adopt 'd al the last seeaion of the said ly meeting at Woodville last Saturday T h « fact tint young prune orchyds lodge the tiros fixed #or the annual meet- 1 quartet Y’our Grateful Patient, ami Sunday. ting is ttie third Wednesday iu July. Mix. J. M. D ickey . no« cKcre ling " 1 yew» <»M The youngest child of Jas. Young «if Wil- The grand H'ign will meet at Victoria, |1 ik >0| ht acre in eume sectuins d tor j B. C.. al that time. «lay last week. «»| in th«* Allen district, m*ur ed for a long tim«* with inilannnatiun an«! nied by his wife and soil, were nt lh«-c«»unty- «•atarrli of th«* t»lan Jennings A frequent calls from our rancher*, who appre­ >( <-hil«lhood, the whooping-cough, lust w«*»*k. cure«! ni«*. for which 1 thank you. If thi- profit to the dealer, thn» relieving them of last Week, the funeral being undT the Co.’» new brick building. will be of servi«*e t«> you publish it. ciate his skill with the upi r.iting knife. from reliance on tiie whim of tiie San auspiies of the Knights of Pythias, of Grat«*fully Yours, C. IL Ths Plano mowing-machine, binder ami Th«* new school-house is rapidly assuming which order he was a member. He was ’li«* inclinati«iti of Charley B.irneburg to rake can b«* ft»««>n at Merriman A Legate’s. Francieco butcher«. Cattle are going up pr<«porti>>ns and will b« ready for «iceupancy uun the means of his < stab- an able and upright judge and highly be!«»rv the suinm«*r is und«*«l. in price very rapidly in the east. lishing himself in th«* go«>d grac«‘s of the They are the be*t ami ••h«*Hi)ust in the mar­ Any one wishes to know who “C. It.’’ is respected. ♦ Strawb».*rries arc now abundant ’nd of citi/.«*ns «>1 Bonanza, and he is succeeding ket. can l«*arn th«* full nam«* by applying to Dr. finely in business. sup« ru»r quality, thousands ot box«-s being I k l.ittle Shunt* valley xml other point» Tux public debt, less cash in thetieas- Thu Monarch sal«»on at Medford, umi- r Darrin. 70 1-2 Washington Street, Portluml. in California the plague of cricket» ury, was increased by 1622,915 dm ing the shipped both north and south. t'ncle Jim Lindsay writes to ... friend" ... ut th«* inunag«*!m*nt of H. H. Wolt«*rs, i* prov­ whur«* the Doctor’s olll«*«* is located, ana John G. Abbott last w « m k sold Ids farm near Linkvlllc that it is his int«*ntion to return ing a popular r«*aort. The )>est ot » vury- i where h«* <*an Is* found from 10 a . M.toSp. m . ha" been a" tad this season as ever be­ month of May. This is getting to l>e a - Pass to a gentleman from P«»rtland, here in a short tun«* again,though tin- position thing in that lim is kept there. fore known, since that memorable year familiar story, and the administration is Grant daily. Th«* Doctor treats ull curable chronic, lie holds in the W«*steru hotel at Fort Jont*s, who will tak«- po.sst s ion in a tew weeks. a«-ut«* ami privat«» «liftiMises. Examination at in the fifties when every «reen thma in is’gtiiniiig to prepare us fi«r the abandun- CaL, could not spare him at present. S. A. I). Higgins of the.Taeks«mvilh* billiar«! A slice« sst'ul term ot s«-luiol is being held in the «»ffi«*«* «»r by l«*tt«*r fr,*e. Ele«*tr|cltyis th«* both eontlierii «»regon and northern ■ al- uieiii of further attempts at reduction by district No. 31. Miss Ida Wad«*, an »*xperi- Captain Siem« ns is me«*ting with success in |>arl«»rs waft here on Wednesday, to m«*«*t a his efforts to g«*t grapevines start«*«) m his fi nial«* fri«*mi. It is l>eli«*v«*d that a marn.iga gr«*at»*st known remedy In th«* cur«* of impo- ifornia was denuded of it" foliage by tiie hinting at the indefinite extension of the enced and p«»pular teacher, ts in charg«*. teney und errors of youth, catarrh and deaf­ garden in Linkville. ami there can b<* little li»-«-tise will H«>on lx* applied for. peat. _________ 4‘... l»er cent, bands tha’ will fall due in ness. W. R Nipp« r has been appoint«*«) a«l- doubt that this section will prove well adapted ■ ministrator <»1 the «state of K. H. Binga ­ to the growth of this priuce among fruits. Deeemlwr. Debt payments and billion- Prof. Crawford last w«*«*k removed his fam­ B oth tl it and Josephine counties will dollar congresses are (wo luxuries that man, ami gives the usual iu»t ice to creditors. ily to R«»seburg, after « ‘ »»U' ludiug a most suc ­ P.4 1’ AND FOP Il H Y George Martin, a brother of Alex. Martin, this year proiiuce almost phenomenally cannot be enj >yed together. A CHEAP LOT Elder T. 1.. .lones last w»-«-k stopped at home Jr., will locate at Linkville for tin* practice of cessful term of school h« re. and will mak«* fine ciops of every kind, and the effect can tor a few «lays, whi>c on his way from the dentistry as soon as In* completes his course Douglas county’s capital his future abiding- When yon can get an ENTIRE ACRE of the dental departin«*nt «>f Harvard univer­ place. but be beneficial to the whole valley, as T homa » V an P elt , 1n a lat* a«tide Willamette section to the G »ose lake country. at the best fruit land in Nickeli’s Addition to sity. He is expected here sometime in Jul). it will remove the pressure of the hard written to the (.¿rant'» Pawl Courier on F. Hubbard of Medford has been canvass­ Medford fort tie SAME price? Mrs. B. Helman has be« n visiting friends in The regular June term of the circuit court Nickell’s Addition joins Medford’s wes­ time» which have lies» more or les» prev­ the »object of building a waguii*road fiom Ashland «hiring the we«*k, while Butler is tor this county is now being liehi at Link ing Klamath coutity in th»1! int«*r«*st of the Agricultural Impl»*m«*nt tern corporation line, is situated io a beau­ alent lor »omelime pai»t, as well a» to tiie Illinois river to Chetco, «tat»*« that gathering s bunch of burst*« in Klamath vlile, aud it may I»«* prolong«*d sometime. The N«»rthw« steri» county. tiful and healthful location, and is within a Company during*ih**Vp n --*v w»*ek, meeting d«M*ket ia not heavy; but th«* grand jury may induce »heavy immigration to what is the entire «listanee from Grant’* Par» to stone's throw of the Medfor«i sch >ul-h«mse. < lias. Hoxie, while at work in on« of the Wil­ cause business, as a number of indictments with considerable success. pre-eminently the garden spot of Ore­ Cheeto wouhi not exceed mile», while The lam! is particularly adapted to horti­ a may be found. gon and one of the choice»t places u( res­ tiie cunt of the road open for travel liam- cr« « k -aw-inilts, nut with an accidi-nt Th«* Southern Or»*g«»n Pork Pa« king Co. culture, and great returns woul«! b«* real­ short tune since, whereby he had two rib" S. B. Gardner, who Hv.*s on the coast, was in ha* pur«*hase«l prop»«rty in th«* northern p«»r- idence on the whole c»*a»t. ought not to in* more than $320 per mile broken. the valley insp«*cting his land near the Fort ti«>n of town, m ar W S. Barnum’s new resi­ ize«! there from a few acres planted in after tiie grade stake» are eet. Onlv 39 II J. Clark of Grant's Eass otTers a reward r«v«*ntly,and «•xpressea his intention to r« turn denci*, for their buihlings, aud will cominenee prunes, peaches, grapes, etc. Two of it* best features are that it is free Q ikkn V ictoria recently enter««! mile« of new road would be re(jiiired to ot $25 t«> th«* person who will return the horse hlth«*r t«» resid«* In a short tlm«*, having made op«* rat ions during the month. arr ingt ments to go into the business of from city taxes, although nit lying a great upon Ibu eeventy-third year of her exis­ connect tiie road «ystem« east ami west he lost last month, Km«! the advertisement raising tine horses. in another column. Harris A Purdin, the genial landlords of distance from th«* business portion of Med- tence. an«i her birthday was becomingly of the Coast range. Immediate steps 1’he citizens of Dairy and Bonanza have th«- Grand Central hotel hav»» been making a ford, while the J acksonvilie-Mi-dford rail­ Our local Imrscin« n inspected the line run* celebrate«! throughout her dominion». should he taken to build this thorough­ ninif e«nnpl«*tun his visit to the stabh* imnilfiT of itn 1'rovurii'-nts t«» th«*ir caravansary road will run through th«* land near the The old lady ha» alrrady broken most uf fare. ot L. S. Smit li recently. Many of our bretders locating ami establishing «if a new county which cannot but prove popular. They k«*«*p northern b«>undHrv. road between the two towns, which will r«*- the record» of history during tier reign, It has b en lai<1 out in tra* ts of Hyp T here never was a lietter time to in­ will patron ze him this s. asmi. t Tro«ip B from Ashland to F.ug< ne, ing to try the experiment while the the many real-estate ag«nts. With good has b«*«-n th«-gu«--t ot friends and relatives :n to attemi the coming state militia «aiuainp- gag«-d in «»rganiz.ing f« r soim-tiun* pa*t, and utuble renl-estai»* dealer, who will take announces that heaml his boys will hav«* a pleasure in showing you the addition. <|ue?n live». tin-plai-e and t h«* Illinois valley and Apple ­ nu nt, and it is Imp«*«! that tin* ttill quota will time» insured fur tiie next few att< nd from Linkville. as it wib be an oppor­ first-ulass luind r«*ars«*s and gotxl men S in « e tiie passenger coacii lias been uieichantable fruit and gram produced, a pn•m»unc«’«l su**«-«*s» and afforded « nter- that should not be neglect««! II. H. Wolter», the mix«»l«»gi*t, has r«- In the morning, hurried ordiflicult br«*athing attache«! tothe through freight tram on and witii fine crop»of all kinds coming was tamnit nt to many. Such Kathcrings ar«* a ni"V.*d his saloon t » th«* building next d«»«»r arising phl«*gm, tightn»*ss in th«* chest, «piick- the overland road, it i» announced that on. truly tiie outlook is a nu st favorable welcome chang«* from indoor festivals. t««(*. W. Palm's burlM-r-hop, ««n Front str« «-t. «•n«*d tireathing.liii« s> in the evening or sweat tiie local paMtngvr service will bereaftei one, and tiie wise investor wdl not fail io BEAGLE AND VICINITY. H«* has suppli«*d th«* bar with th«* lln«*st at night, all or any «>! these things art* the th«- tr« nulius for the foniulation of the first stages <«f ««»nsuinption. Dr. Acker's be diverted to this train, which will tie take a«lvaniagi* of tiie situation liefore n» When wim s. Ii.|u« «i s and cigars, and a fin«* billiard Englisli Cough Remedy will cure those fear­ «v -uhooi-huu*«* w« re u«»nq»h t« «I, our pu«*- changed to a fast freight for tiie transpor­ tiie advance in prices that is sure to pie b.rfati t«> realize that th«- Mructuru wa* go­ Our ron«i supervis«»r. Mr. Sy«l« nstrik< r, is tabl«* can also !»«• f««uud there. Giv«- him u ful symptoms, and is s«»lf th«* wi*h«*d- class passengers or emigrants. extant. MIX'KI.EIt VINING At Ashland, .him- 3. of the latter’» method of plavmg bacca­ Our g»*nial postma.-t«-r, M. A. Houston, is f«»r in<*r«-as.« during th«- coming h « u *<« ii . 1W1, by Rev. G. J Webster. Kay A. Minkler, The h<»i»-yard*ot thi» county ar«- in b» tter rat, ha* been finished. The jury wax out ruc<>v«ring from a long and suture Th«*r«* can !>•• n«><|i«*sti<»n but what <»ur f«»«»t- and Miss Emma Vining. T iie fact that the royal Albert Edward < nu t.t "ii ta nt .it t.1.--■ .1» -n lor mans yvara, sa»wly bil! and «»r'-banl Lmls will support a large struggle with la grippe. only fifteen minute», and on the 9ih re ­ there being littl«- or no trouble with in*«-ct owes one Wilson,his coadjutor in tlie bac­ and pro*p«*r«»us ctnimunity. p« st* her«- as yet, John Denis«-, th«- veteran Ml*.-* Rachel Nichols, who is wi--Iding tin- carat banking business, something like a turned a verdict for the «It fendantH. 1 he grower, state*. birch in the Dry uru« k district, visit««! h«-r verdirt was generally anticipated. It 1’« t.-r Fitch, wh > w« ut fr«»rn this place t«> million dollars, ia either evidence tiiat parents lately. Ro>«*hurg ami ha-1»« • n lu busim-ss th«-t«- for J G. Sciinii'lt <»f Salem la*t we«-k opened a the Prince of Wales ia a very poor gam­ ha» thn» laen publicly proven that cigar ’AID -At ( «-iitral Po’nt, Jun«* 2, l“9l, to tact«»ry in th«- r«>oin ivljoining ('«»nklin's Grace Jo!ie*,the little daughter of R. v G.E. S'«nietim«*, last wr«-k W<«s d«-t«“ ted in fobbing KINI Mr am! Mrs. J II. Kltieal«!, a mm. bler or that the talented Mr. Wilson is Cumming cheated a? card» and he is r« al-«-*tate otTiue. and will in ttn- tutor«* >up- Joii«-*«»f tin* place, lias been aft* nJ mg school al th« |»artD«*rship stf«- f tb«- firm of which h<* said to be socially mined by the ^.ipn.vr. pl> th«- natives her«* whb th«* i««-st quality of < ’entral Foiiit paying very highly for the loyal favor. was a im-tnber, and was imlm-wd t«» l«*av«* DAWSON In Trail er« •« k precinct, May 2», 1WI. to Mr. and Mrs. Thoma* Dawson, it It makes the American club men heave Meanwhile »uch old rak«*s as the l’nnce goods, frt shly rolled. Miss Emma Fitzg« raid ot G »Id Ifill, who has town, umha- pr«»nisc not to rcturu, aft« r h»- of Wale» are accor«h-«4 tin* greatest hon ­ daughter. Mi** Alli«* < arson will t»*aeh the Rummer b«-en visiting tru-mls in tin* >1«-a«lows, has ha«I ma«l«* up the loss to his irat«* partner. many a weary sigh to think that they or» at the hand» of the English aristo ­ tciin ot su I khi I ¡n the upper Williams er«-« k , ruturnud bom«*. HENDERSON Near .................................. W«»<»«lville, May 31,1H9I, have no such “pudding” as Pr nee «iistriet. If is unn« u»*tisary to as-ure the Graml Master Tah y "f th«- A. O. U. W. met to Mr. nn«l Mrs. L. ll<*nd bei n tie re for the past two \ • ar» MISCELLANEOOS Reames £ White’s PURC’JIASK <>I-' SPRINGÍSUMMER COODS >L(11 on 1. for ill«- purp«»M* anl t ow n,t I i » t «' bhall be I shim -d b) tin* Town of for 1891, exceeds any of their previott isplat s. .l«< k^oiix ¡11« c< hi poll bomir*«>r j)iT>mi*c* to pay , in t In - sum ot su\ «*n*thousaml.five hundred d« I- Consisting in part of i l«’> <'.’«««' , pHy.-tl»!« on tin- first day of Max-h, | 19«'!.with inter« si at eight j < r cent, pur annun/ L ixable annually tiom March ht. D*»2. until paid. 1 < . 2. Th«- bunds munti«»n« «l in theforc- i ying *••* f;on shall be nuitilM-r««l am! « nt« re»! ! hi «• . ii - « ut \ - order at the tun« • ’ i-ruanc«* ■ t Ii«-r«-ot ati'l shall be payalil«* to ti.e l»«-ar«T, ami'hall with th«- mt« r«-st «-oupoiis be made payable ut th« Bank ot Beckmun & K« uuj « s in th« Town <»t Jacksonville, ( ounty of Ja< kson. Stat«- of Or« gon. and tin- name ami place of liM ittioii win r«- sai»l coupons and b«>nds shall I"- payal< «, shall ««tlierwisc !•«• in legal form of municipal bomis promising to pay and ph*dg. mg th« faith of said l«,un to pa) the princi­ pal and mt« r«-st ot said t>on«ls u ben due. Said bonds shall ini«1ly r«*cit«- th«-l<*gul authority under which th« wum* is cx«cut<«d; said bondg shall I" '¡gn«*d upon ttn* is>uan< « thereof to any pui -has« i by th«- I’resident and K«-cord« r ot e> «id town, un«l th«,* seal ot said town shall b- ai!ix«-«l thereto L) th«- said K< cord«*r, who is hereby authorized so to d«>. I S ec . 3. To « ach of -ai«l fronds shall be at- Henriettas, Alpaccas, Albatross, Black Fan. io-. Brillantines. Albini, ' taeln-d pr»»p« r» «»up«>ns l>«*aring < ach tin- same number as th« bond ami r«-presenting th«- in­ Criterion, Tassel and River Cloth.-, Surah Silk.-.« Allot er Em­ i' r< -I th« »«•<» ii tor «-ach consecutive )<-ar from th«- lust vid« d F ancies, \ oiling, Satiiies, Ch.dlies. Lace Curtains and Curtain in s«-ction 4 her cot . >L< .4. i'lu- i*r« ' >1«nt and R«*cordcr of said Net, Scrim, Ginghams, Cheviots, Ticking-, town ar«- h< r«-t»y nut horiz«-d to sign said bonds upon the issuance thcr<-of, ami tin* coupons attached tlu-rut«» shall I»«* Higried by the Pr«*si- dent ami K«*cord« r of Raid town; said bonds ami coupons shall b«- pavablc u U« n dm- at the pia«*<- nam«*«! in tin* t«ody of the trond forth«* payment of the said principal hereof, to-wit ; nt th«- Burk ot B«-ekm.m A Ream»*» in tiie town of J a« Mson\ ill«’, «-ounty of J a« ksou. stat«- of Or« gon, and the sai«i name and place shall b<- ins« rt«-«i in th«- bod) ««t tin bond and each ol said coujmjiis , bE« . 5. lii« eommitt«-«- on finance of the board of trustu«-s «it said town ar« ti< r« by au- ttior'Z«-«! ami <-mp«twer«-d to adv«-rtise furor r«-ceiv«* proposals in any way th« y may d«*ern CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, tit for such pur pos« , to contract for th« sal«*«»! such li«»n«is and I»y ami with t In- consent «4 said town I«) its boai'tl of trust«*«>low II said bomis. LP<> ii making Hal«-of such bonds th«-comiuit- t< • op tinaiK • shall mitilj tin- Tr«a*-ui« r of said t«»wn ut the terms ami comht iom* t hereof, Is fresh and Complete, all of which will be sold at the and upon r«*«*« iving th« purchas«- pn«-«- there- t- t th« tr«itsur« r shah giv< tn«- put-clias« r a Lowest Possible Caeli Price. r« «•• ii»t, whi<-ti slinll I»« - suffiui«-nt authority tor ii - p!«-si'i« nt and K«c««rd» r to sign and d« - We exchange for all kinds of imirk-. tabb eountrv prodin e, liv«-rth«- r«-«iuisit<-number <»! t»«mds ami « hi - as provided in this ordinanu«- deliver goods to any part of the - it v, and gnarant e rat i. I action in I on- mx t i «» n ».. In « a« h year in r« att«-rand «<»m- :..•-!»«-mg wJh th«- j«ar 1**«1 it shail b« tin* every case. Call aud see us and be convinced. ■ iut x -4 tin board «4 trust« • s ot the sai«i i«>u n ■ >t tnu time <4 ttie annual ass«—*um-rit ami !< vy o! taxes for municipal purpos« s to cans« to b- .«>-• S'-•! arui luvi«-«i m tin- in.inin r pr«?- vid«*»l by law ami «»rdmancc relating ther«-to, an adilitiomil tax fur th«* purpos« ' ->i raising money to pay tin* int«-r«-st c«»ntra«*t«-d to l»<* p>t (i oil said Itomis; an«l it shall!»« th«-«July <4 th<-lioar«l ol trustee« of said town h«-reatt« r t«> pmvidc ways ami means by taxation or «»th« r*t‘« t«» this ' tn«in«*y to pay th« prim q ¡d ot saui bonds when tin* sam« shall l»«-»-omu du«*. >KCTi«)N 7. Tin- money raised t-«r such pur- p«»s« - b) taxation shall I»« k« pt mta« t for such purpos«** in a sp«-cial fund b) the treasurer of said town. We challenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that >E« Tt«»N «. Without further <»rd«-r it was i-iar<-d 1 he duty «4 and th«-treasurer of said an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val­ «1« t««w n shall annually, in ample tim«- to m« <-t same u lu n dm . forward to tie plac«* ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of .*100. It will th«* namc«t in sai«i burnt as tin- i>ia<-<* wijert* th«* average I'M) trees to the acre, and the estimate is based upon the dem­ sum»- and said mt« t«-si is payabi«-. tin- amount m««rn y n«-c«*ssary to pa> tin- installim-nt of onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce il in value, net, of «4 :nt« i ♦ st then about to b«*c«»m<- du«* up«m said bomis ami coupons. tog«-tin r witti th«- «-.st ot marketable fruit each year. « xuliang«-am! transportation <4 sat«! tumis. >h« tion ‘.L It is m r«-b) dcclar<*d ttiat a spe« ¡a« cm« rg< nuy • xists tor tin- iinmtat«of Oregon, • , . nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and invite C.-unt- --I jMk-..«iJ T.-wno« J*«k"..nville. the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you 1. Mias J. Da) , r«*c«»rd»’r of t li«- t own ol Jaek- count) ot Jac kson, sial«-o! Oi» K««n, must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a s«mv.lie. ¡i « »1 -porattoti under tin- laws «>f thv state of Oi • -g<-II. «Io h« b) C« rnf) that th« foregoing foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. iranM-i.pt «1 ordinance N«». ln»«.<4th«- town ol Jauksonv.il« . Or«*gun. has l»e«-ii by m<-carc- ’tili) «- i > iii | mi ' o | t««and w!tnth«-originul«»r«ii- n me«* now • ii file in ni) offie«-. anti I find it a true . - II. Ut cop) -4 the sunn and «4 t lit* With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income win;!« i«nd th«-r«-ol; ami the same is recorded in on a valuation of $1(100 an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this v.iunn 2 at p;ig< > -»<>, .►»; and 3ft« <»f th« i • « -I «I* «4 -.t’.it t■ .w n. fn 11 stimon\ wli«-r« <>f county which yields such an income, aud EVERY orchard does. Iliac, m r« unto '«-t mx hand, affix«’-«! th«-«• al «>• Ja<-ks«>nvih«. this 4th «lav of We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon ofsuidtown June. A. D. !*w|. shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental SILA> J. DAY, r <•! th«- Town ot Jaukstjuville. Jauk- railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with R«*« bon <>id« u unit) . Oregon. STRAW HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies’ Fancy and While Goods. And a lull line ol Parasols, Fans, kid Gloves, Corsets. Jerseys, Ciiiliiur Irons, Etc., Etc. rroit jvcxx >, cig ar *, i-rix;.. REAMES De WHITE. tival took plac«* at tb«* o|M*ra-house, whl«*h Administrator's Sale of Real Mrs. Ashworth of tin M«-ad<»w* s« nt tour was parti«-i|»at«*<. in by th«* W<«rkincn ami a Property. uumb«*r "f tlb-ir r« latlv<*s and fri«*mls, both beautiful wreaths of Oregon moss, turns and Th«- boysof the Appl«-gates«*ctioti are prepar­ F rom Ilio truck patch ami the potata ing to afford the t»as« i»allistsof th<*»*ount) seat flowers to Kansas, her f«>rm«-r iiFi-*s Eva Car«iwi-ll of Sam's valh y. sp« nt H«»u. Willar«! »’rawfi»r«l and other*« r- ■•»•ntly In th«* matt« r ol the estat«* of Samuel <’«-nt«r, jiiHt itaelf to the cnanu’O'l conditions of Sunday in th« s«- parts,thugiu stsot th«- lait« t '- The tb**t «»pen-air concert of th« ban»t boys .li-. .iv.-r«*d a ve n of . oid in th«* fiiothill* ea*t «!»•<•« .*->•«!, American life, or it will perish,” wrote was given last Fri«lay • v«-nmg. ai.d prov. <1 a sister, Martha. "f M« «lfi»t'l. which bi«|s fair t«> pr«»ve th«* N otice is hereby gi \ en th at by vir . 1 g« nuinc iiiusa al tr« at. Th«* boys arc making he to the Republican editors of Kansas. T. F. Attela rry of this phu-« . in company ri«-h«--t llm! "f t:n- «•bara<-t«-r that has thn*» tin* of an «»rd« 1 nn«l license «if theabov«-- rapid pr «gru*s and are < v sell while th« r« furnish 'RMt «•• nL- of wo « m 1 to the railroad com­ h-«lg«* it wa*« fi»»iml to widen «»ut so rapidly at th«* hour <»t 2 o < lock ut sai«l «lay. sei! at K.NVFV positive Maternent. paawe.l on existing pany. and was^n town last w« • k *«■♦ king iik n that at th«* d«-pth "f till«*«* f«-«-t it was at l«*ast putilic auction t«i the liighesli bidder t«»r cash, condition«, foretelling the downfall of to cti«.p the miih . Alni «st all th»- surplus la- fiv.« im-lies in wi«lth am! premises to «»p»*n at th«- court-hous<* «i«»or in Ja« ksonvill«*. in Fourth of July Coruinittee«. l»«.r«»f this *euth»n is now umpl«»yud oil the »he protective tariff. Jackson «-«»lint), Oregon, tin* following de­ railroad work at Bloody Run. Th«* «•Xi’cutiv«* coinmitt«*«*, having charg«* into a broad s. am. Th«* quality ha* proveu scribed premises. f«»-wit: one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by •*x« ’ellent. Th»- p« nrtivu but determined bovin«-s have <>f th«* g«-nural arrang'-inenta for the «••■l^•bra Th«- umlivi«b«t one-naif uifercst in th«« you. tlm 4th of Julj in Jacksonville, met Buy M l ?°« u home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of A i mo - t every family that tak- « tinte triumph«»! after all in th«- «-ncnuiit« r with th«* tionot n«»rth<*ast »piarter <»1 ‘ tiie s<>uth«-ast «piarter of '.ast Mtuulay «■v«*nirur invl app<>iiit«*«i th«- t..l MIKING NEWS. «lads, amt at the coiiiicil u»e<*tiiiH <»f last to examine into the resources of southern s«-ction thirty-tive, (.15) t«»wn*hip thirty-six old age overtake you and find you penniless. CuKKEsl’ONDEN rs of neigii liot ¡ng papers »•ity w«-« k theuit) attorn« ) was instruct« d to «iraw lowing sub-committees: On music — Miss«s 3»>) south, rang«- 2 w.-st of Willamette meridi­ Oregon has found it to their advantage are mistaken in the assumption tiiat the up an ordinance repealing the stock ord inane»* Hattie Ruames, Maggie Linn, Cam«' B< < k- Ja-*k Garvin last w«-.-k struck a promising an—timber land. mari, Lizzie Gniv« s, ( arri«* Croin niill« r, Josn to locate here thia Hiring, and that fact work «if indexing tiie mortgage records in passed by tti«- last council. All belonging to tIn- »-state of Samuel Cen­ Orth, Jos. Hammeisly, John Mil'« r. Jr. On v«*in of «piartz n»*ur T»l«*nt. alone should encourage our citizens and the county recorder'» office was complet­ Whipp, «». M. ter, ii«*ceas«-d. ami situated in Jackson county, C«»mmitte«-s are at work arranging an in- gr«ntn«ls ami «!• coration -J. « We give away the land. Pay us #10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for N«»ti'*«** fi»r tin* bcati«»n of pin« « t ami or«-g«»n. real-estate men to make strenuous efforts ed when tiie young la«iies who were en­ t« r« ith. On quartz mine**, »•!<*.. for sal»* at th«* T imes "f- T. M CENTER. two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and to get immigrants to visit Oregon gaged in taking th«* necessary minute« th« glorious l-'urth «.t July at Grant's Pass Riiboiun, Our uitiz« ns art lull) up w th th«-turn s as t«> Libert) t'ai Misses Hattie N«ivbui*. Ros«- 11«*«*. Administrator of estate of Samuel Center. liefore locating in le-s favored sections. for tiie woik from th«* buuk« complete«! 1 th«' m-cu—it) lor k-ttmg th«- p«-opl- know that « ardw« 11, Agnes D< vliii. Is>u - McCully. Maggu* GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. Date»! this l»)ihof June. 1H9L Linn. On < »i :H«»r, K« a«i«*r and Band Thu Ex­ There are few if any parts of the coast th» ir portion of tiie prehmimry tabor. I the town 1«alive and progn-s-dng. Th« A!iu*ri',au Milling C« h !«*, >tan«lar«l au­ Despite these facte the farmers of the country continue to value eunt iv«* <’om’ini»«•«•. On Dinner -Mi s. J. N. T. thority «'ii all subje«-t* pertaining to min­ that offer greater inducements to intend­ It was necessary tb it tiie preliminary Thudeuoration-dav s«-rvie«-s at Grant's Pass Miller, Mrs. G. M. I«ove, Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Notice for Publication their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and ccmpet- ing settlers than this, snd it ia only checking-up tie «lone in order to secure w. ri impressive ami aroused th«* most inter«-»! Mrs. W. J. 1 lymalc, Mrs. H« rman Helms, Mis. ing. water-rights, et«*.. is k«»pt for sal»* at the ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia aud the slaves necessary to set ¡hem to inves’ig itmg accuracy in tl.e index itself, which is this year of any held her«- in the history of the K. Kubll, Mrs. (’. riiich, Mrs. R. V. Br«- than 20 tons <«f N otice is hereby given that til IE _ ity of its soil,” 6ays a great economic writer The people of Jackson citisens. law in force at present t- quire*« ail satj«- was listened to thtoughout with markuil at­ Managers M«*dtord, T. A. Harris, Ge«». F. following-nam<*«i s« ttl<*r has til«*«! notie«* of Merriman, (.'. W. Wolters, John l urry. Ash­ ■ r«‘ fr««ni th«* Israel l’atom l«-dg»* near Tab-lit. facti >n-* ami ass gnments to be note»! on tention. his intenthin to make final proof in support of county should learn this as an axiom. whi«*h they ran through the And« ‘ rs<»n mill. land, Milton Gr« g«»ry, la sin Murri« k, R«»bt S ir J ohn M c D onald , the ('anxiiart the indire» as well as on the retool it­ Ins claim, and that said pro«>f will b«‘ made be­ The citizens of Josephine countv, especially I'avlor. F)l«*n, Fr«*«i Furry. Henry Bain« burg. Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in premier who has shapeti the destinies of self,an«l tip* labor of mak ng the in«iex is l In»s« about K« rb) ville.undurstan«! th«»rough!) Talent, A. M«>nis. l'ni«mtown, Hon. I'h««». Work has lieen resume»! at the W.i«ll«*igh fore the judgt* or clerk ot th«* county court of th«* court removing Jackson county, Oregon, at Jacksonville, (»re- sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or our northern neighi»or for aliuost half a greatly enhant^d thereby, foe w« rk that the wa? t«> get a railroad into th’s section Cameron, O. D. Sturges*. Appl«*gatu. H. D. min«* sin«-«* th«* «»r»l«-r is t»» agitate th • necessity for it. and let the Kubli, Emmett O'Brien. Central F nit, < has. th»- r«-u«-ivor. ami tim«swill Is* s«»in«*what llv- gon, on Tu«*sday. July 2H, 1891, viz: John century past, die«! at In» borne at Ottawa will not be complete fur sometime yet, wori'l kn«>w that we want it. Hctiue th«* call (•ay, J. « . Hall. E«l. Ti’inple. Sam's Valley, Biunvunuc. h«»in<*st«*ad entry No. 6549. for th»* toiling lateoverdesk and counter,should study our plan well. It means SE'.< «»f SW«4, SW>4 of SEG.SM j «»f N Wi4et SEG on tiie 6th instant, after many weeks’ but will he properly «lune when it is tor the mass meeting hehl at the former Horae«- I’« ¡ton, Frank Cardwell Gold Hill, en»'ephin«* county to bo put «!«>wn 100 Ins continuous ri-sidenc«- up«»n and cultivation tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. f« «-t at pr«*sent, with a prospect <«f a greater ot' said lan«L viz; Frank Lorain, l/Oiiis Hu­ much for Cana«la in bringing about the | Mill", I" at Washington and will remain and we hope the boy» will nut he backward C. D- u« ff. Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great depth being sunk if the l«*- about sonville, Jackson county, ()t-eg«>n. fir«* brigad«* within th«' next two or tin«-«* improv«* hi «*xt«*nt and quality as the w«>rk- valley and our Orchard Home. M. E. ( amp Meeting of — a ....... tariff compendium. To a months. Kuch an organizathm is often the JOHN II. SHI PE, R«*gi*t« r. fixe«! HAV ’t nia and va r»<- nettled ». < »< > a policy j agree,! " upvil upon ' p- paration — im n d«*sccnd. Don't forget that th«- camp-nn-eting will with reference to foreign relatione, that | rejtorter he unboeomed himself, I, and m«*aus of saving lift* and property, an«i ther«* t><* uu time lost in perf«*cting tiie or­ cominuncu at the»« ntral Point fair around* E. M. Miller repo ts <-x«*« ll«*nt pr"Sj».>< ts na.h ,.li..>. ...nr, ..t r».» r» . < . ' d'.llil ttiut I ■ perhaps «... no other man ot hui ,... generation «aid that lie U'JU was Liflllli» going tra to Kaa be Plia the next should Notice of Publication ganization. Juno II. We ar»- looking fur tun go««! preach­ fr«»m his min«* tu*ar Merlin, ami if the l«*dg«' 1 — There ■ - <•» n’d *.ave compassed. is general ■ »peaker. Shaking of the work of the er», and «Ion t know tiow many mor«- will come. continues t«> impnive as h«» g'»«*s d«iwu <»n it. Tin* new sciiool-hous«* nt Kerbyvill«* lias W<- an- going to limit«- it 11n- heat camp-m«-« t next congress, .Mill» »aid : "We will have be«*n compl«t«*w over his demise. a> it has thus far, ho will »•«•rtainly have a L and office at RosKuri«;. O r .,) uigtieit Rogue river valley baa ever bad, it valuabh* pi«»ce of pr«i|«erty. Th«* shaft i* now a diir at tiie tariff and want a tariff only bonds sold, ami tlit* district is now c«|iiippe«l hard June H, è**t*l. f o B-K ■ ■ e a 11 V S E Bl s V I f rk_ B work and goo«i i»ruauti!ng will mak« it so. otice is hereby given that the with as g-><»d a building in proportion to its N lor revenue. Coal, ores, wool and tin­ pr«-ncti»-r* t hat ar<-look« «1 for ar« Rev«-r- «lown mon* than forty f -«-t. and the l«*«lg«* ha» toilowlng-!iam«*(l settler has tiled n«»tice ot W m call the attention of the manage­ plate will goon the free ii»t, and other r<-<|uir**m>tri»-t. widened out to over two feet. his Intention to make final proof in support tewHor I’. F. Hathaway cl »s«-«l a six-mouths' ment of the coming district fair to the change» that the I'»mocratie party lias term at tin* «»hi schooi-hous«* last w«*ek, »t11« 1 W. S. Harrington, D. D., editor ot th« I’m-niu fi ■ In a two-montbs rttn the pr«»pri«*t.»rs <>f th«* of his claim, and that said proof will be mad«* unreasonable and oppressive ruling that wanted for years will be ma le. It will sii"»ains the high character whi« h tiiat «lis­ < nristiaii Advocat»-, G. A. Landen l Ashland. Mr. Gratl«»rd «»f Mountain Li«»n min«* «»xtraut»*d liM) ounces of County, Oregon, at Jacksonville. Oregon, on requires those who take out a license institute anil maintain with England trict lias long enj«iy«*>rtland. W. gold-dust with their arastra am! hav«* plenty Monday, July 27, 1S91. viz: Jesse R. Huggins, thing? Arc you au are that it i.fn n fast, ns on th.-- best M?ho«>ls m tiie southern portion of t he to »ell on the grounds to also pay the closer trade relation», and that will be state. D. Nicbol» "t Grant a Paaa, Ira Wakefi« Id, • x- inorejust as good <»r«* tokeep th«-m running an hoiiustea«! entry No. 6. m 1, f«»r the 01 lungs and far t.Hidtt. n runs mt-iCon-nnipti-'ii nn.lj P. E. ot Idaho conf »rem-«-, Mr. Church, ur h«»rsus ami wagons; souri Hat brought in th«* r«*Hults <»f th«* run last S«4«i! NU«.t NW»tot NWl4«»f See 1. Tp 3» S. The association license*» a man to do a and farmer. We want reciprocity With the th»*re will t>c ph nt) of feed and your horses Bronchitis. Pneumoma and Consumption wall a!i. etr«-ctiv« manner in which it was uarrie«! 3 W, W . M. certain thing within it» enclosure an«) countries of importance rather than nut as well, was conducive to the gr«-at suu- will he taken cure ot. lion- will also I««-a week, ami mining in«-n t«»««kagoo«| Real of in­ R H<* nani«** the foll«»wing witnesses tonrove tell you tiiat • terest in th«* fact, as it is th»* <»pini«»n «»; many his cintinuous r«*si«lenc<- upon ami cultiva­ then forbid» him to enter the grounds to with miserable little South American c«-8S«ifthe “Carnival of Nations,” giv«-n by boarding-hous».* on th«- grounds. M. C. A lekidge , Pastor nt M«*df»»r«L th«* ladies of th«- Episcopal denomination at that su»*h l«*«lg»*s abound in this »♦•«•ti«»n. if tion ot sair«-gon Fanners. Attention Can you afford to neglect it? Can you trifle" business within the lair grounds should are only waiting for an opportunity to history of the uounty-sent than was afT<>rd»*d JOlfN 11. 8IIVPE. Register. that oi-casion. Many striking and beauti­ Newspaper Law. Do not be in a hurry to contra« t your wheat j with so serious a matter ? Are «nu au an-that • and does carry with it the right to enter aB»ert ourselvee. It is a topic dear to on ful costumes w«-re worn by the lad;« s w’horep- < rop, as prosp« cts ar« for good prices.Mud r«-- For the benefit of ail who may seek to and do that business, or it is no license Democrat".” "Cleveland is tn the lead r«--« ru«’d th«-differ«*nt nations.and all act«*d wi ll muinb« r that I paid from Bvu t«i s« v« n u«-nt* To Whom It May Concern swindle the newspapers out of their just at all. The S. O. S. B. A. »hould cor­ for presidential favors down in my state," th« ir several parts. per bushel more than a shipping price list for Coughs. Colds and Consumption is beyond question th - gn at, st ,,f a]ju tall. I can and always will b< able to pay dues, we publish the following which is ----------- ♦- _ rect this matter at once, as it was a sub­ ailded Mr. Mills. "Tiie new party won’t ROPOSAIzS WILL BE RECEIVED ATTIIF. the high«*st shipping price fur ad and any kept standing at the head of the first e«li Modern Remedies’ It will stop a Cough in one night. It will <-li.-< k a ('old in« ject of much dissatisfaction last year. oftiu«* of th«-Seer«-tai y of th«-Southern Ore ­ CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. amount ot wheat you offer, aiui many tim, s injure us any. After we give them a tonal coliiinn in ntanv of our exchanges : gon State Board of Agriculture at Jackson- a day. ,lt will prevent < ’roup, relieve Asthma and cun- Consumption if t d . • ■ mure than a shipping price. Sod«» not be in a 1. Subscribers who do not give express viln*. Or«*gon, up to Monday. June 22, 1WI, at thrashing, that is it they ever get in the in time. You can’t afford to be without it." A 25 cent b ttlemavs ivev u ■ Hon. J. W. Merritt is not enioyingthc best hurry to tie yourselves up to some outside notice t«> the contrary are considered as 12 «»'clock m . for th«* vxelusivc right to retail Tint final surrender of the Chilian in- field, they will not trouble any person ’ of huahh, w«* are sorry to hear. parties hi a contract that will perhaps i«>s<- $100 in Docti.r’s bills—may save your life ! A-k your dm;r.-i-t for it. a liquors «>n th«- fair grounds near Central wishing to continue their subscriptions. and make you no money, as th«*) will not "Urgent rupply veeael, the Itata, to the to \V. 11. liooKEIt & Co., 46 West Broad« .tv. New York, Fr Imok. ■ John Carney of Jos« phlne county visited mak«- a contract t«> ph) mor«* than the mat k, t 2. 11 suhx rihersorder the discoiitinuance Point «luring the coming district fair, com­ D vkin <» the progress of the “ baccarat American ironclad Charleeton, in the ■ ■■uaaaaOBau- auaoe«s93CB33S. KBoa,CuB-, Ills old horn«- her«* during the week. pi le«-will be, and I can and always will pay if their periotiicals the publisher mav «•un­ mencing on Sept«-nib«-r 22 and continuing five harbor of Iquiqtie. after she had eluded »caudal" suit in England, although it ttiat, and you thus iiave th« «-hancus on tune tosend them until all arrears ar«* «lays. Thu suuc<*iwt'uI bidder may, in his «»“ county, to entiiblish their fu­ y«»u now liav«- to tiie mill, a.- 1 am pay mg Hi paid opening of 11n- fair, if he wish«*» to do so. 3. it subscribers neglect to or refuse to tation of the American commander of deavor to »hiehl royalty, the evidence ture home. GE<>. W. RIDDLE, «■cuts t«»r gooti wheat. Thanking you tor pa**t unwillingly elicited by the eminent conn- President. W. J. PLYMALE, take their periodicals from the office of the Pacific a«|uadron, last week, goes to Miss Ella i*l ies, tlu* popular t«-a« lier in our ! favors, I am Secretary. wl in the case ha» established beyond a which they are directe«!, thev are hehl re- Yours respectfully. primary department, will spend the summer show that our flag ia to some extent A. A. D avis . ponsible till they have settled tlieii bill doubt that the heir apparent to England ’ s month- at home on Big Butte. respected by the South American re­ ami ordered their paper discontinue«! Notice for Publication publics ; but it also goes to show that the throne is but little behind the proivssion- J. C. Sheridan holds th«* f«»rt«-it of $50 per si'!«* 4. if subscribers move to other pieces 250,<«00 feet of Lunilter constantly on Land. administration idea of a vigorous for­ »1 bunco roan, traveling through the In th«- Rippy-Fradi-nburgh horse-rac«-arrang­ without informing the publisher am! the ed for July 3d, and It will umpicstiohiibly be L and O ffke at IUMBB ciig , O r .) country equippe«! with his various »port ­ eign policy goes beyond what was nec- papers are sent to the former «lirection, CÎ.EAB Torn TACE. June 4.1891. f a go. eeaary in maintaining our pledge of neu­ ing devices and layout» and opening they are held responsible. OTK’E IS HEKEOr GIVEN THAT THE California buyer last week invested in It bn” been heretofore ibowr is 5. The courts have decided that refusing trality with Chili. To threaten the insur­ gambling games in the houses of bis s« A v«*rnl following naiiK-d fattier has filed notice of tin«- h«»rs«*s in th«- vicinity of C«*ntral Xc z r»»luinns that modern mtdi- t > take perodicals from th«* office, or re­ Ins intention to make final proof In support gent power« with lumbardment of their host» often even against their will. Point, which I* getting to I»«- a stock mark« t * <>l K,. clue liasdeinoURtrfttr»! that a pirn« moving ami leaving them uncalle»! for “pri- of his claim, and that sai«l proof will be ma«ir poets by the American stpiadron, or their Pious England is outraged beyond ex­ some importance. before th«- judg<* or cl»*rk of th«* county court Ky*' j * ply skin is n<»t the result of blood ma facie” evi«lence of intentional fraud. war vessels with battle by the American pression at the revelations no damaging ot Jackson county, ()r»*gon, at Jacksonville, Miss Lotti«* R»-«-d ot th«* county-s«*at has 6. Any person who receives a newspa­ Oregon, on Friday July 24, 1SK1. viz: Rob«*rt discujes, but ¡3 caused by impaired ironclads, if they did not surrender the to the Prince of Wales, while sporting b«*en «-ngaged t«» t«-a«-h again, n«*xt term, t lie ’«•ntral Point school ata salar' y - of ' $45 per 'ligestion, for which they now give per and maxes use of it. whether he has W ilson. hom«**t»-a«f « ntry No. 4«W, for the SE‘4 fugitive vessel and her cargo, was more England is slopping over with toadyism of (. month. She gave the best of sat] Intact ion last \ v*. ‘able correctives instead of pot- subscribed for it or not, is hehl in law as a of SW>4, SW«q of SE‘-4, see. 4. NEU of NW^. than the situation required, after the the most despicable sort in the etfi»rt to year. N W»-4or NEU, s« <-. 9. twp 3S S.R. 2 W, W M. subscriber. a’!i a'i 1 mineral l»l«>o«l purifiers. Two short tcstU He nam«*sthe following witness,*« to prove United States had used her utmost en­ assist the court and the subsidized pre*»» 7. The post master who neglects to give Peh-r Appl«*gat«- and his party of surv«-y«»rs his continuous residence upon ami cultivation tr«»n.a'.< aro I.«'re given tocoutrnst the action ol the legal notice uf the neglect of a person of said land, viz: Merritt B«-lling«*r, Peter deavors to capture the escaping vessel to distract attention from his peccadilloes. last w«-« k start«*«! for th«- uppi-r Rogue riv«.*r tl ■* » :aih M»r .aparillas and Joy's Vegetable Sar Truly “ Ma ’ s boy, Albert E'lward, ” is as to take from the office the newspaper ad ­ country to uoinplet«- the surv«-y of th« two Especially is this cast* when the Elmer, Henry (Blecher. F. W. Knowles; all of whiult In- has contracted to section- «a ;.ar ii la. dressed to him, is liable also to the publish Jacksonville. Ja< ks<»n county. Or«*g »n. insurgent forces have so richly earned great a thorn io the administrati«>n’s township- ize f«>r I iiu I h Sam. JOHN Ii. SHF PE, Mrs P D. Stuart of 1221 Mission street, S. F., er for the subscription price their recognition as belligerents at once. side across the water as ‘ Ta’» boy>Russ,” Register. The town council lias dispon»«*«! with the write* that she took on«? of the leading sarsa is in Unde Sim’s domains, only the s»*rvlc«*s of Marshal Lyn«-a as night watch and pa: . ¡a* for indigestion and «lyspepsia, Its »»n!y American public is more patient under the hav«- appoint«**] L«-«* Rodenburg«-ras sp«uial Bucklen’s Ar^ca Salve. Hnve et-tHliliihcd n Lumber Yard at M.^liord uni will k< < p on l.mi-I a liirjr. Strayed or Stolen Of« Grant’s Pass cotemporary lias aflbction, f«)r it knows that in two year» |>«»lic«-man at a salary «>f $25 a month. Mor«-or Off'-' t v ::x t«» < h ne pimples to appear on her fa<-e. assortment ot Th«* 1.« -t salv.« in th«- world for Cuts, Brui- recently been the medium through which more he will seek hi» home in oblivion, les» dissatisfaction exists over this « hang«-. Upf'O ?Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla th« *.«•- S.T« - Fleers Kalt Ilh«-uni. F«-v«*r 8«»r«*s, From my realtlerice.opposite the H. P. I>. A several thoroughly poeted writers have while only revo utron can save England Many will camp at the fair grounds during ^r*>: t r - t uas the di’appearance of the pim T. tt.-r- ( happ«-«l Hands, Chilblains. C«»rns I,. Co.'s factory. Gram - I1».«, on th. railroad. sought to enlighten the citizens of south­ from a lifetime of disgraceiul miei ule th«- progr«**-. «»t th«- eamp-tne«*ting now going • es and si:e wa* subsequently relieved of het ami all Skin Eruption*, and positiv«* cur«* KoUK-ttme Oil the mtrht of May 3h. 1W1. a <>n th«-r--. utilizing th«* num«-r<»UH I'uilding* on ern Oregon relative tothe importance to after Victoria’s death. Robert Stewart alM fi«r Pii«-.«, «.r m» pay r«*quir«*8l excellent ?iek» t in the field — the coast, or to the coast from the inte­ The match race lor 5*M yards, arrangtsl for ing thrV lln«l it not. Thousands, rior, would render necessary. There can e<|iiaJly compos»*«! of Democrala and the 3d of July at the fair grounds, I»« tween An Effective Cure. thousands «»f dollars are spent annually by Rippey's gray ami Fradeiitiurgh's sprinter, for be no doubt but what such a road will be Republicans—which ought to an«! will he apurseof $2Wi a sid«-. I*» <-xcit ng much com E. C. Brooks of Jarksonville.thc <»l«l« st drug­ our p«-«»ph* in th«* hope that they may attain Jacksonville, On-gon. in existence within a few years, and elected, Mayor W. S. Mason; city attor­ m«-nt among th«- sports <»f this vall»*y, and as gist in southern Or»*gon, has found a sur«* tills b«««m. Ami y»*t it maybe had and con­ ly an«l applied externally, relieving th»* cough ami all «iis. a*. s «»f the liver, st«»ma« h and Surveying ot all kind, done In u II i M- c I rm formed in such matters that Chetco (’aiv; auditor, W. T. Branch; assessor, all tested «-very f«»ot of th«- way. rare sport is ami that tearful h»-adachc in five inlnut«*s. By kidney*. S«.|«| at 50e. ami $1 a buttle at E. manner and a' reasonable rate". offers amueb better hartior than any other Jas. Flower ; street superintendent,1>. W. . - k' ■! for. rep«-ating a f«-w tini«*s the patient is cur« <1 p»-r- _________________ IF’Sp.vlal attention paid to locating gov­ C. Brook*?’ drug-store. matu-ntly . well ami sound. This has b«-en us»*d Taylor; over-ger street department, A. place between the Columbia and ernment lands. two seasons and has not fail«*«! in a uas»-, wlu-re Thr If oriti t.nrlrnrtl. the Golden Gate, it seems like an in­ Anderson ; surveyor, T. M Hurlburt; used as directed. P«*ople goto Brooks'drug- From Friend to Friend police commissioner, Frank lx)gan ; fire The facilities of the proem day for the stor«* in the morning to !»<• tr»-at«-«l ami a«» ducement of no mean proportions for the Estray Notice horn»* at night free from pain and reeling (jo.'s th.' story of the excellence of H >od s building of the road which is to connect commissioner, M. C. Hay ward; connt*d I rodio lion of everything tb-rt wi.f conduce good. Sarsaparilla and what |t has ........ mplish.'d. to m «termi welfare and coni fort of mankind men, J F. Watson, H. B. Nicholas, P. the coast country with this section in­ This is the str..iig.-st advertising which is sre slmost unlimited, and when Syrup of TRAYED FROM THE FARM OFTIIE UN- stead of seeking the Pacific ocean Holikitk, Eugene Shelby, John Myers, Fig. was hrst produced the world was don.' on Is liali ot tills medicine. We <‘U- PM.W. Pile»! llchiny I'ilft. dersign«*d, in Litti* Butt«* precinct. on«j black Ally .two yeans old. witbstartn forehead. over some, less favorable route. There Wm. Dent, W. H. Merrick. II. Hanson. enriched wi'h the only perfect laxative S ymptoms —Moisture; intense Itching and d. ator to i' ll honestly what H<>od’»»kirsa- bratid«*d G G on left thigh. A liberal reward It has been eudorse«i by tiie Democrats; -ai'iirilly i- an>l what it will do. but what it is not only a most feasible and practica­ known, as it is the onlv ietuedy which is singing : most at night; wors«* by «cratx h.ng. b<. don-' is far more importaut und far mor*' will be paid for her return or any infornia- ble route to Chetco, but it may also be but Simon aud Lotan have joined their truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste If allowed to continue tumor« form, which potent. tion that may !«'««! thereto. Its uuequaled record of cures is bleed and ulcerate, becoming very «or«* GEO. G1VAN. a fact that there is no other way forces to defeat it with candidates of and prompt and etfectual to cleanse the S often wayne ’ s O intment stops th«* itching and sure to convince those who have never tried system gently in the springtime, or, in Eagle Point, June H. 1S»1. by which the two valley counties and the their own choosing, to-wit. Mayor, M. C. fact, at any lime and the better it is known iilee«llng. heals ulceration, and in most ens •« Hor-i's Susiparilla. that it is an excellent George; auditor. W N. Carter; city removes th«* union. At druggist*. or I v great region composing southeastern the more p ..ular.it becotms. Dr. Swayne Ac Son, Pii i I ad e i no liein-. nail for 50c Oregon can reach salt water When attorney, E. B. Watson ; police judge, C. FOR SALE. phis. the vast timber resources, the wealth of H. Care*, ; poliT’e commissioner, <»eo. P. Hay! Hay! Hay! Frank ; tirecomnfis ’ doner,I! . II. Holmes; Is late worth UvlngT ,-- — -------- - - - T * - mineral and agricultural products and I . . As the hay ing season is at hand, do not for­ A une , i . akge lit t.i„ of pi he poi . i . f . ii Angus and Durila in stock, can be h.-vl at a F ____ *__ of _* street*, . "t R S. Green­ Not it y..uyr., tbrouirli i'i.- w-.i-i.l dysiivpt..' ! Children Cry for Pitcher’’: Castorin, get that Mrs. <«. Karuwski has n’»-»ut t«-n or the possibilities of fruit culture and com- | superintendent twulv<-D«*f ring imiw«*r»on ham.'.iat must o«- very reasonable figure by calling on th«» urt- [ loaf • iivt-rdaor (Inti.irlr Dr. A« k« r's D)*p» p*u< Tablet* are a iM»*iti .sitivi- I merce with the antipodes are considered. I leaf; overseer street department, S. M. , cure f«»r th«- w««r*t lormsof Dysp pm a, Í ndig> in pu\ «b-rsigned, wh.»s«- p »stoffice a<1 that she c»in pay i GEO. GIVAN’ ti fall«. m nw rviuud’.d Pr.ston • the only wonder is that the work of' » Gill; surveyor, fi. D. Gradon; assessor, th.n, Flatulency nud I'-just ip.it ¡..n. Guaran «»11 the indebtedness of the estate. These ..u.^e 1 Point LlrtJe Bunt? PrklQCT. wed. tno^rcTe are neM* aud tbv best in the maik-“. Ake.” K.T BRUTHIRS. M W iitm 6U New York. » Ct*- building the road Las not already twgun. N. s. Fierce. set afoot tiy the New York Unrhi t soc­ ial correspondents in South America ttiat tiie late financial eiiil atras-ments of th- great banking-house of Baring Bros., arising out of injudicious investments m Argentine securitii s. aa» brought about bv a Yanlt< e pili drummer, who by a stroke )ie< ulative lilck became a million pre hun-eli and. winninj the con­ fidence r tin- manner of ¡«wuing bond* tln-rutor, and tin* tim«* ami manner «>f paying th« «Mtn«* mii «1 authoii/.ing thenal«* ttn r«i»t, t«»r “ th«- purpose of raittiriK fund* tor intimai improvement» in th« Town»»f Ja« k- Honville. Tin- p« opi« CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD irx” is womu #i"Ooo. THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION A . H. «ARSON. H . I. < AKM»M REDLAND -!- NURSERY. Six mil» * South of Grant’* Pass, Joscpbine County, Oregon. A II. CARSOX t SOX', Propridws. 100 000 TREES IN STOCK, Apple. Pear. Peach, Plum, Prune. Apricot Nectarine, Cherrv, Almond. Chestnut. Meiiford Cregr-n IT STARTED WITH A COLD.": (lur t r« « s are grown without irrigation on r«-«l hill land, and all of anown varieties tiiat sm «-e«'«l in S<>uthern < >reg<>n. Tin»*«-«-ontemplating tr< <- ph*.r.ti;ig will do w< l! t«> visit « hit orchard an«] nurs<-rv . or write to u* 1 or price list. Ad«!r«>* t<» ns at Murph), Jos. |4nn« « «uinty. Or. won. orto R. R. smtioh. Grant's l’ass, Oregon. A H . (’ a R< o N A SON. HARDWARE AXD TIXWARE DEPOT AT CENTRAL POINT DR. ACKER’S ENGLISH REMEDY: JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh. P LUMBER YARD AT MEDFORD. Henry Klippel. N Jonas A. Lee. ROGUE RIVER LUMBER CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Lumber, Lath £ Pickets. Flooring, Rustic and Ceiling, Cedar, Yellow Pine and Sugar Pine Seasoned Finisliinii Lumber. Wh«*rc is k«-pt «- insfanily on hand a complete and firs’-via»»* sto»k ot HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware. Cutl.ry, PAINTS OILS OF ALL KINDS Mschanics’ Tools, iORlCULTDRAL IMFLEHED1S NAILS. ROPE. An-I. v. rj tli.na et"e linaginal-'.' tn thin line. Mj x . hh N an-iii w and of the bivt l.ian-te and «•It1 lie Xi Id at the Lowest Ruling Prices. G’Ve me a call befor« point ••’*« where. J.C.MIER1DAN Valuable Property for Sale. NE < k ru nulle* ins»)uth«in(n-4g<»n,«-oii- O taiiiing «HO acres, |n th« famous R« d Blank« ( pruni«*, a sli««rt distai»« «- 1i««m I’i -'*-. p« « t po*t«'ii e.iunty. Or«g«>n. I his ram h i* ‘•necia 11) adupt« <1 t« • 1 he prodiiu- tion ot ha) ami st.H-k, !>«-ing well wat« r« -I hii <4 ti bular) !.. almost unlimit«*«] rang«*. V« g« tu­ bi«-* and «»th« i larm crop* also pro»luc«-«l in abundan«-«-. Th«-d«'V»-iopmeiit <«l laiv« lumb«-r- ing interot* will turnioh h horn«- murk« t for all that « an la- prld with all irnprox « unut*, *t« uk. tool*. fnrmUig imple- m« nt>, also a valuabl«- timi»« r and milling pr«»p«-rt) adjoining, if . -.«rit * tor <>ur Illustrate»] ('utahigue, containitig illusi rat ioti* un«) prie«*» ««t « v«-ry thmg inaiiiiluuturud in th<- I nited Stat«*s. ut munula» turetw' prie«-*. 1<».« nmi i II iim radon* al! lui« * r« pr« *« ntc«l. ('atahjguu mail<«d free <«n a| pii« at ioii. Addr«*** < HI» AGO GENERAL St l’PLV No. 17* W'est Van Bunn St..Chi< àgo EMORY MiiKiwAndfirtntcnwttl. B-w>ks V*am«*'t in «»n* r**ni*!s frotn all parta ot theglob»*. Pr-wpectuB pogv 1