íhc ¿Priubcnu ic ïitucs. « ht i'tuiottJiii « ¡mes ADVERTISING AND JOB WORK Publish«*»! every Friday by CHARLES I wl11 **e tnwtrd In the T imx «t the folluwinx rat<«- T*l? V.068- °*te 'nsertlon.............................. *2 00 e“vtl •utrsr-quent insertion. .’.'.’.. *^75 A lD,'’’f-d rwwonabte. to^ ™i.ter^.umr'le,e bj’ f,r ,h,n *ny Other tu withb.rTr«°n?r<ï1, and.ei*»»PAree favorably i 3lbe btM,e Job Printing of every nnaginable description done at San Francisco rates, and in a prompt and first -ciass manner NICKEL.! E ditimi and PnornutTOH. NEW TIMES BUILDING THB TIMES JOB OFFICE Ottico—Corner Third and C Streets. Kat>« of Sul-criptlou: ■ $S .Mr. 1 50. . 75. »ne copy per annum, ta advance.. • •• mix inombri........................... three months JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1891. VOL. XXI. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. FRANK GALLOWAY, STATE OF OKEGON. IT. S. S«*nat.»m, J. H. Mitchell, J. N. Dolph; C »ugres-sman, I*. Hermann; Governor, ti. Pvii- uoyer; S«*crvtary ol Mat«', G«*«»rgr W. Mc- llrni«*; State L'rcABixrer, Phil Metactian State Pnnter.F. C. Baker; Supt. Pub!*«- iustruction, E B. McElroy; Supreme Judges, K. S. btrahan. Chief J astlcv;W. P. U>ri, K.ti. Bean. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. How’s Your Liver? SILAS J. DAY, I I NOTARY PUBLIC, MANUFACTURER OF riKST JCDK IAL DlriTHICT. Comprising Jackson, Jusepnme, latke and Kiamatu «»untl«*». Circuit Judg«*, L. H. Web­ ster. District Attorney. W. M. Colvig. JACKS«)* COUNTY Senator, Tlieu. <^t*n rm; it pr«*s» ntatives. S. Furry. J. W. M rriit, J. »1. McCall; County Judg«*, J. K. Neil; Cmiimirisimer.ri, C. W. !’.»> - «or, H -u. Haymomi;Clerk. M. Mulh r;Sheriff, J. G. Birdsey; K«f*»r-I«'r, W.. M. H *lm«i«; lr«u.^- urcr, G. ti. Bio »mer, Asses or, I. L. Hamilton; Schmi Superintendent, C* S. Price: Surveyor, P. Applegate; C »roller. J. S. Par.-on; Stca'k Inspector, W. F. Song»*r. Jo.-r.PMINE COUNTY. Joint Seuat >r, W. st. Clair; K.-preaentative. H. B. Miller; County Ju«lg«-, V. <\»lvig; C«»ui- inissi« rners, l'. U. Bigviow, 1*. Hansel»; clerk, C. K Cnan.4l«»r; Sheriff, James C. M oms ; lrca-sur- vr. J. W. Muerer; Aaaoawr, K. C. Hariuou; Scn«>ol Superintendent, W. A. Massie; Surve)- or. C. W. Havens; Coruu«ir. Dr. Wallace. MUMATH OOl’gTY. Joiitf Senator, C. A. Cog-»»vcU «»1 Lake; Ucp- resontative, A. Smdvr of Lak«*; i «»unty Judge, J S h r. Com.niririioucrM, H. B. <’«lupson, C. S. suvvra. Clerk, A. L. Leavitt; Savritf. h. W. G «vau; £raaaurvrk Wm. L. •or, JuUnSmart; .■4co«»ol Supwrtiuumdfcnt. P. L. Voaat.»in;Surveyor, Ua L •»gear I; Coroner, J, T. Forhi». uAKE COUNTY. Joint Senator, C. A. <'“rfrivv*'li of Lak« reri. ntan V.-, \. Said« r. C »unQ Judge, Wiisuire; C »m aisaioa. rs. A. v La.i . t Jones; Clerk. W. N. Sutton; S.nriir. W i.Hrj- L»ni 1’rvari.ner- A Me« alb a. >« io.»: Sup. i ,u- tvndent, A. H. Fisavr; A ms « ^ «r J. L. Mt- Douough; Stuck lnsp«*cior, i>. it- .Jones. MSMTINU or cocurs. ETC. Thc suprutnc court ot Oregon myets at Salem regular terms commencing on th«' ilrst Mondays hi Marco and Octmer; a is«» al I en- dlvt.»a. commencing >«1» hrsi Mon«ia> ui Maj. fnv circuit court t’«»rtliv ttrst judicial district •its in Jack.ri.rn couoty on itrM Mondays in \pril September gn-i December. In K amatu county on s. con i M«m la> hi Jun«- and hrst I Monday m Novvmoer. In Lak«'county «m the .nir l Monday in May an«t the -«-con i Mouday m October. In Josephine Couuty ou first Mondays in March and August For Jackson count> tae county, prolmteand commissioners’ courts meet « very month, e .m.m ivng with tn.- ttr-t M.mday; for J««av- phme couuty, the first 't »nd.iy in Januar.x, April. Jul) ail I S. ,»te nner; tor Lake county, every alternate in-mtu, cmnui’ living the lirst Monday in January. For Kiatnalii couuiy tue rtr»t W«*di»«*sday .n Marcu. Juue, Scptvfber and November. CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCE! n REAL ESTATE AGENT ! Is the (Iriental salutation, knowing that good health cannot exist without a healthy Liver. When the Liver is torpid the Bow­ els are eluggibh anti con­ stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi­ gested, poisoning the blood; frequent headache ensues; a tiling of lassi- tuae, despondency and nervousness indicate how tbe wholo sy’iem is do- ranged. tfcn.Lnons Liver Regulator has been the means of restoring more Iieople to health and nippiness bv giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor­ dinary power and efficacy. Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. LEGAL DOCUMENTS Of all kiu l> «Irrtwn up. • int<*d in theeffe«! pr«»daeed, it Bceia«t > b« almost a perfect cure for all d!8eai»cs of tht tituniat h and Howel-. W. J. M c E lbot , Macon. <• •- Cannot be successfully traveled with­ out good health To roach aaa'thorar.y covered position in lifo requires the lull possession and epention of p !I the fac­ ulties l.lrd naluro has endowed us with. These conditions cannot exist unless the physical being is h perfect working cr *cr, and this Is inpossible when the liver and spleen are torpid, thus obstruct­ ing the secretions, causing Indigestion ¿- J «'tspepsia, wdh all of their accom- panning horrors. FREIGHTS & FARES THE LOWEST. FRANCIS FITCH. and cocnselor at LAW. Wtilam-tto Wtllium tt«* Wl'rtimtte Wiliam« 1 te Jfe«t/o**d Oregon. P. P. PRIM, ATTORNEY AND COI'NSELOK AT LAW. FROM Valley, Vnll«*y, Valh v, Valley. STEAMEU SAILING DATES. YAQUINA* I FltoM MX FHC« i**U»’ Thursday. May.. ...7 j Wiliam«-tt«- V-t 1 \.Sioiday. Max Saturday. May............ Id , Willaniett«' Vall« j. Tu’sdHy. M-iy . Sunday. May ........2-1 Wi'iaim-tt«'Vail« v, W-dib 'day. M-iy Sunday, May ............ 31 Wiliam« tt»-Vail > . Thurs«ln> . .’»lav i: 211 DR. HENLEY’S The company reserves the right 1o change sailing dates without notice. ^arksonrlH», Orej/oa. Trains connect with theO. A ’ViU practiK- In all courts of the state. tnBce Inthe C.Hirt House, tumi door to l*-tt of cu- trance. mid — IL R. and River Boats at r -.»rvalli- in! Albany. c. c. Hocue, W. B. WEBSTER (¡«a I 4 .. I’. A,- 1.11 i' I!. K I '■>. < \>rv 11 ! ih . ‘ Irotfon. Gen’l F.A P. Ag’t, < >re*mn Develonment Uo., 3u|Montgomery St..San Franciaco ( a!. ATTORNEY AND COL N't.l.i Hl A f LAW, English D?ncelion Tonic on the northw« tate. Dili« e in luu Court House, urst door to left of en­ trance. NE PLUS ULTRA H. K. HANNA, TO TTUKNEY AND COL'NSELOK AT LAW. Kill per US- 10 “ I« " “ S •• H “ " fuint-hed reasona » THE I’E<»I’I.K of JACKS. >N. i fllKT ANU .10'1 .ITIIM. • OCX nr.'. Jarl>iF MA< HINE. HARKNESS, It vrrORNET AND COCNSELOR AT LAW. liriint't I'niit, Orrgon. FRUIT TREES 'Afflue in AhlFs building. Front Strei t By the Tiicnsand ! O. F. DL M OREST RESIDENT DENTIST, Jackson County Bank, Medford Oregon. CEO. OE BAR, NI. D., PHYSICIAN he r.sDEitetGSED t- snw or h .In k-»n ¡«n 1 -I «b is tlu « T th'ri for taking or - pl’.in«' c«»un- FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, AND 8 U K G E O N. MEDFORD, OREGO5 Jarkwatlllr, Orrgoa. riiS, e and res'deuce oil (a'.lforiiiu Street. Calls attended prompt'}’ day or niglit. J. A. CEISENDORFER, M. D PHYSICIAN Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. and sfkgeon . Ja'-fiftoHrilir, Or. ■ ■-■■■■■■■■■■a r lit: un trt.ir ... .’^ C0LLS2TI0N3 A 3P23IAL?Y. J. a. WAIT, M . D., Il Ï 8 I C 1 A N à MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS I AND 8 U KG Eo NJ SMITH & WESSON . ■REVOLVERS’ ® The Finest Small Arms E.er Manufactured. ® firriforil, Ort-aon. TOLO! E. P. CEARY, M. D.. TOLO! TOLO! I* H Y 8 i C 1 A N A ND 8 C K G E O N, Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. Medford, Oregon. TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE E. B. PICKEL, NI. D., Jledfurti, Oregon. Cabri prompt ; Attended to Bay or Night. Offlcv on U Mtrvvt. ■ L”. zaledÆUwi for .: . ■ ACCURACY, _ DURABILITY. ■ EXCELLENCE<1 „ WORKMANSHIP and f ' ■ CONVENIENCE in Î — LOADING and SAFETY?*^ ■ Beware of cheap iron imitations. ® Ü Send fori list totj SMITH ■ & WESSON, S/’/.’/yr, / // / />, Ui ss ■ ■ ■asXSBBBBBaa Of the Franchisee and Privileges granted to F. >1. BOWE August 7th, 1888, By the incorporators of said company, now on tile at the Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville Jackson Co. PHYSICIAN A N D H C K G E o N. W. S. JONES, Tbs GßlsbfdteJtrench Cure, w-.,;'^’ APHRODITINE- I« tkMACBl y POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure anv form of n«*rvoin« «Í inch - i » or au y dison'er of the generatile or gai*« <4 either hvx . whet'-r arising fr’>j.Hht*ex«*«* «»r Opium, < r through Youthful mdisen*- -n. r.ver in«L*U. .»N. A. .MU. I. ns u.-««.f Hr«i*> 1 » '« r, " nkefuIncwN, (marine dou n Pains in *h»- ' k . '•etti a. «>>, it Vaici ift.Nprvouft J'r *• t-.1..U. s - turnal EniiMi>n>». 1 v tenrrb r ». 1- z / ! ... V. . ni Mem'tr*,Ix>Mntl’o»«r*mlIm)'‘' I--, v. M J:;. Il f( l:,‘n!. e-.e,l, fren Ir « I to prcc-n'u-c I ri i. I lii-iui tr. l'rl. o tl.no it Nn. 6 box,. : rf ») ',‘tll I y 11:, I O'l OH-ript of pri'-c- Y WRIt I S <■( AttVSTEF. 1« Bii-Fn'or .I ..I.->r rr-. -I. 1. tor-fr.ii t tliemon ' if n rvrni.xneiit ou « I, not elT,-. -. <1 XX c I «., | rcvSol tctirioniu', from ol.l R-i.f x . i iioz . oli uI itlar free. ÀtlUr ■■ ■ THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. rta Branth, 1 z .~ !:-;•■ For •«!<- at Citv Dniu Store. Jacksonville. !* S Udica 1U Lav leu X ILLS brisk, u n a l a ira. ditlce in building formerly occupied l>> Will Jackson, ,’-;r-s a tpeclfic Inilience oner the llutr, e.- rtss It to health? action, resol.ee It« st -onlc ensorgementi, and promote« the rr-.-- Hotts : cure« Inijestlon and^onctl- V, th.'."-:« the appetite, tone« up 3 :..’.c i. a*« r.ake« lit« worth Til SHRUBBEHT VINES AND Train N >. 3 i'*rid.iys. Tliurs tiivs an l S iturda« iu 1 n I iys. We lri<'.-vl.iy,< an-i I r I i> . oi i -u mt r ti«*dmt«* «biys when necessary. T. E. llogg. Receiver. J. R. NEIL, tirant*» -------------------------- Arrow» the Deep, to tin* Far West, Oil sieaintfOatd, < m »»5 and stage-coaches, Hosteltrr’s Monia- h hitter.»« is cariitd a* (be must imp« rfanL item in (be matein luedica «if tlie traveling public, li deprive* vitiated, brackish waier of its biirJn- properties and ex« ran e fl iv* r, count» r- aets the pernicious eilecta upon the stom­ ach «»( bad <>r mdi.'estibie food, remedies cramps, heariburn and upon th» stomach It is a flue detence against niMiarit-l di-« rd« is, nudities ttie effect of excessive btai, Cold aim dump, relieves sick headache, and is an incomparable cure for cosuvenos ami l ilmusness. The fatigue ot travel «*ih n tells in« st disas trou lv upon invalid and cuny-descentf«, oCCMMODHlh to such »xml a^ t<» ] opar- d z - 1 f' . Persons in teelde b« al have th« ir leaisreul zed The Road to feallb PROFESSIONAL CARDS. atmicnev Literary Note. Tli«' Foruin for Jun«* contains an ar­ ticle by th«» Rev. Dr. Char!»*« A. Brigga, on ‘•Church ami Creed.” To the same number Col. Theodore A. Dodge, i>«*rhaps our fore­ most military writer contribute» an ap­ preciative review of Von Moltke’s oar«*er and its effects ou the warfare of th«* future; Sir (’harks W. Dilko write» on th»* New Com- monwealth of Australia, ami General Francis A. Walker discusses the ac< uraoy of theoen- nils of 1NM); a forecast of the new interna­ tional copyright law is mad«* by Mr. Henry Holt, and Mr. Llysses D. Eddy, a New York exporter, points' out «»ur opportunity for s|M*«*dily gaining th«* first position in the world s commerce. Oth«*r articles in this nuinlw.T will be “Immigration and th«* Tariff; the degradation of citizenship for th«* pro­ tection of manufaetures, by Mr. William McAdoo, »'X-nieiulMT of congress from New Jersey; “»Silver ami th»* N»*ed of Money,” by Senator W. M. Stewart. (Senator Stewart’s article will i>«* follow«*«! by an article on Silver Coinage by ex-Seeretarv Charles Fairchild). • Th«* New Northwest: Th«* Land Wh«*r«' Civ­ ilization Completes th«* Circuit of the Globe," by S»*nator Jos«*ph N. Dolph, of Oregon. A review of our financial condition, l»y Mr. Joel Cook, th«* flnuneial editor of th»* Philadelphia Public L«*dg»*r, aud an article on Western Lands ami Mortgages by Prof. J. Willis Gleed, of K huhh ». Tin* Forum has the pleas­ ure ot <' annouDviujj abo for au »«rlv DuaJ**r irticb* ny wffeken, on BPnnarck an artic , ProT. _ and the German emperor. Homie River Valley R'y Co. FOLLOWING TIME SC’HEDVLE WILL tak«* vffeet Sunda?, Feb. 22. IsMI. T ill. GOIXG EAST. Leave Jacksonville at 8:30 A. M.. l;00 P. «.and 5JO P. M. and Leave Whet rock at MO A. M., 112 P. M ’ -V4H P. M. Leav«* Harbaugh's at 8;43 a . m .. 1:17 P. M. and 5.51 I*. M. L« avr Da vis vi lie at 8:50 A. M.. 1:27 P. M. h nd 5:55 P. M. Arrive at Medford at 9:00 a . M., 1:40 p . M. and »¡«•OP. .M. GOI5G W EST. Lav«* Mirilfonl nt 10.00 A.M., 2;V0 P. M. and M. Davisvillc at 10:10 a . m ., 2:12 p . M. and ; p. m . Harbaugh's at 10:17 A. m .. 2:20 p. M. and I’ M. r. si. and Whetrock at 10:20 a . m ., • p. M at Jacksonville at 10:30 A. m ., 2:40 P. M. W. HONEY MAN. President. NORTHWEST FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. CHOICE LAhD ÍLR SA l L! CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND S r K G E o N. .Wc-ff/or»/, Orfgen, I OtDct -Hamlin's Block. THE OREGON LAND CO R. PRYCE, M. D., PII Y 8 1 C I A N Medford« Orrgoa. Homo <>ili<*<* itt )fflc«* in Williams Brick Building, up-stairs. TILE FCR SALE Crntrnl AND 8 C H D E <1 N Ort gon. Crain, Stock and Fruit Farms, Also City and Suburban Property. DR. D. C. TERRY, The Or. gon Land C<» was *Npeclally organized f.»r the purp«.«**<»f buying an ! riutdividina larg.* trn< ts «.I land, and ha*« «luring th.* paM tu.. yt ars l««.uUl»» an«i -nl”! vt.hil .,v. r CNIl aerJi PHYSICIAN A N D 8 P R O E O N. whe7un^¿?■,M,^lreinp?:■rv«1ley:■',,,lC,' Call* proinpily atterah-d to dav or nignl. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. MAPS -CL J w SICNAL TEHAMA CEORCE, Will make the season of 1SSI at the follow­ ing plwci-s: Beginning at the barn of F Frs.i.-Iiimrgh, ur I'entrnl Point. W,sliie~)ay. April 1 MU; mul will make -ramlsut that pls, ,-. M.stfonl, .lnck«KS< KiertoN ASH P eiuohke : Signal Teha­ ma George, who has a cross of Mcsaenger I i I imm I, 1« a handsome dapple-brown, weighing t «■' painda when In condition, and standing 1AV» hand- high. He was sired by Signal t hief; dam by lllackhiiwk Morgan. Signal Chief by Old Signal; dam t-y Langford lh-1- in-.nr, he by llelmont. Tzu«« or skuvick S* a.«1 ui . $15; Inatirabve V' Every pr*x-autlon will be taken to avoid aecldriita, imi will not be reaponalblc for any Should th,o .H-eur. GEO. LEKOl'X. Central Point Or . Mar. 31 1«W1. REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION UIOM 2fc INCH TO H INCH. WINE AND SPIRIT r Any person wishins to sell property Und it to th.-ir Interest to cull and see us Wi A. CARRICK, Ell M oB-olum t '’Pili lot* • I And l.nporter of Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc. MERCHANTS, Agents for Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Sehlitz Brewing Cotn pany, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Schmidt .V Co.’s Sarsaparilla and , Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waukesha, Wis- conti in. 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon FRAZER ÄV t ,-,„»11» fj A Pension Changes. A nundwr «*( changes have Iwen ma«!«* . ...... ntly in tin* |N*n**i«»n rat«*. F<»r tin* loss <»f b«»tli bail«!** th«- rat«* ha** >►« «*n in«*r«>as<*d from $72 to $100 a nxmth. F«»r many years tin* p«*nsl<«n f«»r tin* !•»>* of I»««th hamls, i»«»tli f«*«*t, b"th «*yos am! such otii«*r «lisabilty as r« - (juir« «i «‘onstant nersonal att»*ndancc was $72 a month. Th«» la**t «•*ongr«*s> increased th«* rate for th«* l«>ss ««f l««»th han«ls t«» $100 a month, but th«* • ff«»rt mad»* t«^ secure a eimi- lar in<*reas«» f-r the loss of both eyes was de­ feated. Circus Upset 4 FULL LINE OF THE BEST AND MOST A fashionable cloths, finishings, etc., «in­ stantly’ kept on hand, and nettling but Itrst- Its Causes and Cure, elass work turned out. Sei« ntith aily_ treat«*•! hv nn aurist ot world- YU orders tilled promptly at reasonable WH1« i cput.it if from 2" toijt) v«*t*rs* KtamJing A. DA KRICK att« i all ..tliur tr« atrn* tit« h.iv.- fnil.-d, |{<»w Medford, Ma 13.1889 til« dim« IIIt> iri r» tf •>. .1 ;.nd til«* < till.-« r« tn.ived ini J « xplaimd in « irunla>s. with ath-lav>t- ; f tluiiMI.nee been n«4«*l M S ”f cur‘ - G-.mi prominent peopl-. mailed free. k for u», l»j Anti ta. and Jno. finn Dit. A FONTAINE, eut. Oiliej» orvd 31 Wert li b St. N. Y yrttj’ 0-tof«miu ORGANIZE ALLIANCES. BEST IN THF. WOBI.D. Ten acres ret to fruit alien in a bear- ng condio>n nil yield an i of from $3000 to $4500 per yea requires n-i .xpensire machine operate it. A fruit-rais.-r in the \\ .It«- valley requires but a small < has uli the advantages ot kiiviUze . Ultured socieiy. Ims good and c-iivtn-tut Ularkels and receives a belter income Ir. ii. the same mve.tnieiil than can be I imi I from «ny other line of mi-li.ess You ran ret this land fiom *55 to *75 per acre <4 The Oregon Lard i oiniany ot Naleni.Oirgon. ASHLAND, OREGON. DEAFNESS. ti.re L it. ili i.i.y ixfoum the ’■ HO l„, ,,, , , , . ............... .. ri;..... . -I l> I .!•, . trL-.uiu.r A uan. . < an.l In In.i. h,l I ,,, . 0111,1. ’ „ ;. . . I *t«t«n>tlcM|'------ 1 ..I l . , . ■ \ -M-Mfsix. Hs-tr-fi/r ttr Ghitdren Cry for Piìdwtis Cestirla. F a nr fests . From what ¡ b known of the habits of Tie codhu moth, we learn that about three week« after the chrysalis develops into the miller on ttie wing the eggs are laid in the apple, and the moth is from one to two weeks laying its eggs Ttiis vear I have seen that during the «aim dry days about the first of May the mil­ lers weie developed and utter .May 10th, veiy few pupa <>r worms could be found «Imre tire we-k previous they had been numerous, i. e , in the nio-s on the bark 4 old apple trees. Prof. E. R. Lake, of Corvalli-, tells me that tn 1889 lie no- iced that the norms, many of them, rested during the winter and did not be­ come cury sabs until t-pting, which con- i nms to my observation this spring. Those 1 found and put in glass nearly a .iiunih ago have gone into the pupa state now ; but as the bottle was kept in a coil and shady place they have not yet developed. My conclusions are that the moths will commence laying their eggs about the 2l)tb 20tti of May and those moth« «til continue to lay eggs nil early in June Other nil lers will coming ot- and the early biood will Ls maturitig a»l ttiruugli May and will be laying eggs Bl I tlnoitgli June By this time the esrly brood is out of too way, the second brood will be ready to tiegiii, and if theie are three ur four tn< ods, as 8>me a«rert, millers will be ayingegg» all through the summer and m the eany fall. Apple spraying should tiegm about ttie last day of May .and con­ tinue twice a month until Septemtier. Paris green dissolved in ammonia, with a little soft soap added to the solu lion when used, is said to last much longer than London purple Ammonia is used to make it dissolve and not settle »lien being used ; soap is used to cause it to remain longer on the foliage ami fruit. One pound to 200 gallons is Said to be strong enough. 1 had more loss and trouble this year ami all others from the peach and p inn hotel than from thecudlin moth. Tbu- lar 1 have f uml no remedy that was satisfactory, though I have used different m aue. 1 intend to keep on until I fini something to k> ep them off. 1 he nnller lays its eggs during the summer on the body of the tree near tlie mound ; the worm batches and goes to the root, spending one year on the ouiside, puncturing holes from which, ill the peach, guru exudes. Thia worm slays three years in 'he tree and can kill -m ill pt-ach trees 1 have found large plum trees with twenty borers in its roots anil some are killed, though 1 don't intend to all rw the worms a chance todo lunch harm. As yet 1 find no means of getting rid of them hut to dig them out, knife in hand. If this is very carefully done every fall they cannot do much tiarm. If allowed to work their way, for three years, they will ruin any plum and pium orchard in Oregon. To tie paper around the base of a tree, for a foot or so, and bury the bottom several inch>s, is said to be effective, this can be done in June, each year, and anyone can soon tell if they do any good I mean to try a mixture of pine tar. punting the body and roots, and will refrort my success in the course of time S. A. C lark , in Salem Sttitrsman. A K igiitkoi ' s J vdge .—Judge Hamer created a sensation at Broken Bow the other day by delivering an oration upon a m"tion marie by a local attorney to confitni a real-estate mortgage toreclos- urc • **Tbi« docket ir coveted, up- on page, w th confirmation cases. The ast summer’s drouth has exhausted the fanner's resources, and tie is unable to pay Ins loans. The act of G al, lor which tire pr ople are not re«i>on«ible, has re- duced one-half of them to almost beg­ gary, and this calamity shall not t>e made worse by any act of mine. We are asked to turn 100 farms over to money lend-is, and 500 «omen and children over to patiferism. It shall never be done in this district while I am judge. Ine people are not able to pay, and I will not assist in their being robtied. •'Let us wait until a crop can be tarsed and confidence lestored, and all will come out all right. If a man Ire living un his land or living < ff it, and trying to cultivate it, he should Lave the rr- «aril of Ins work. I will never confirm a sale in times like th“Se, if theowner is trying to make a living on the land Wtien the people are compelled to ask aid to procure seed it Would Ise cruel luotkeiy to deprive them of ttie land to sow tiie seed upon I have a rigtit not to confirm sale« wtien tlie proptrlv sold does not bring two thirds of its actual value, and in these cases it lias nut in ought that amount The sale is ! Ot csntirmel.''— K-aruey (N-b.) Hub. A B oon for K ulcm xtics .—‘ This 1U iorinati jii ,” saul a weii-kiiown physician toiue, “may save many lives; a' any ute. it will prove an invaluable boon to peo; le miff ring from rhetrnatietn in any -Laps or form. KhellniatiHm. aa neatly everybody knows, in caused by ac'diiv ■ 4 the biood. It aliould never be neg- ected. Thts remedy, aa I know by long pra< tice, is v--ry eflicaeiona, audit is aa simple as it is powerful." “Here it is,' lie added. "When a rheumatic twinge is experienced the patient should pro­ ceed to a drug store arid buy 15 or 25 c< nts worth of oil of gauiteri* (oil ot »inter-green), put ten drops on a lump "I sugar, place it in the mouth, >iermit it io dissolve slowly and swallow it. Tina slu uld he repealed at intervals of two hours till tlie laHt vestige of the malady To Liquor Dealers- baa disappeared. In the meantime take July 1. across tit«* fa«*«1 <*f « v« ry a dose ur two of Kochelle salts.” "That” said ihe physic an, “la all there ia to it; Inn it taken as I have pri-scril>e»„ 180 »-re-of W<-»l«o iiiHk.-valiiHlrl,-Improv.-mr-nt. in tin-wnv r.f r.,i.|. t..n<-. < . ’,..rin* «-f the'*«'nductor. h - li« n tof’-r«’, t!i<- latter <>ftb’«‘r having noth­ ing to «!<» but lo«»k --ut f «r tin* niauag«*m«*nt ■ •( th«* train. Th»* company oftkiab pret«*nd that th«' n«*w onl«*r of thing* is not a rcfl»»o tion on the integrity <*f tip* pouductor, but merely to r**li»*v«‘ him «*f «»verwork. Th»« Portland ••E.xaniim r. however, sayf» the company cont«*nd* that th»* uew K\>t«»in ha« r«*sultvd in 60 p« r cent, gain of cash r»*- ceiptf*; but after a while thinks it will prove worse than the old >tyl«. A I arg-* sum <*f money ib undoubtedly «■•»lleeted ou th«* train for fare* e-p'- ially N-twcen small station*, ami th«*re may I m * more or less dcadheae Cured. with LOCA la APPLICATIONS, as tiny cannot rvu-b the s»at of the di-eas«’. i.iiarib is n tl od or constitutional di - ease, a««d in order 10 cure it y<»u have t * uke internal rrni«*»tirs. Hall’s Caiar«b <» mv « io««iR»n ti-i« >nal|v, «ij prescribed by *>i e of the best pby-i ciatis in this com tty f.*r jears, and is n regular prescription. It s composed of 1 be best tonic.** k own, Combined with the b« st hood pur tiers, acting directly on the mucous >iiriaces. ¡he | t ried « onibin*- t’on of ihe 1*0 )ngi»«ii»nis is what pro­ duces such *onoenul results in. curing catairh .’‘end for testimonials fie?. F. J. ( IIENEY A Ct» , Prop* . Toledo, O. Sold by d'liggi'ts. pr'ce 75c. < >!•«• ¿Oil J. C. LEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN LUCKEY & CO A N li 8 T K G K O N, The People's Party. Th»’* n« w | h '»ph•’*• jMirty wa^ organized ut Cincinnati r» « «*ntly; flfl«*ru hundr»*d d gat»-- w«*r»* pr»*M*nt an«1 gr«at »*Dtbu*ta»in pr«*vailed. S|»**»*«’h«*ri w « t «* mu«l»* by Grand Workman Powderly, S« nat«»r l‘f*-1T« r, Igna- tiiiri Donnelly, wh » dr« w up th.* platform and r».*ri««luti"iis. pr f. G. M. Miil«*r, of this state, a*k»*d th«* «•onv«*nti<«u to endorse pro­ hibition, hut li«* \\a** not list»*n»*d to. Th«* {»ropie r party will I««* th'«r<»uglily organize«! anti plac- ti« k«-ts in th«* lb*lup«‘rvisiary. national o Elevtion .-f president amt Unit f»enat<»rs by th«* p«’-»pl«*. Submission of universal suffrage question to the p«*opl«* "f th«* stat* *8. Justic»* to tin* «»id soldier* who in dopr»*<*iatc«I curr«*n« y. Eight-h ur «lay, •* shout A heavy wind storm struck the Sells Brothers circus tents, at Tiffin. Ohio, not long sine«1, and a very general wreck followed. The animal cages were upset, many persons were crushed, trampled oa and generally mixed up in the debris, but really with but few serious ami no fatal re­ sults. Wonder if it isn’t un advertisement for the circus, which is now ou the wnv to this coast? K khi labitv a L aw .—Letting up means sotnetiine letting down. Feed stock reg­ ularly and continuously the year around. N.J least to-day and famine to-moiro«. Eqiecially fattened animals and milch cuws must bave steady feeding. In the cased cows Prof. Arnold sajs: “Imme­ diate loss of milk by not supplying full rations cl milk-producing food the whole of the milk season is not the end of the misfortune. It affects the flow of after years, and counters, ts all eflorts for im proving the milk capacity of the cows ami their decedents. When the udders of the cows are hmpt-e or empty one-half of the year this condition becomes a fix­ ed and hereditary quality which may be I ih ki rt for in the luture heifers with as ■limit certainty as may be expected to produce like in any other particular. On the other hand, if COWS are kept up to the best efforts, they will gradually make their condition a |ierraanent anil fixed tendency tn their nature and will trans­ mit to their decedents the same as any other quality they possess.’’ MUER OX THE RH.VPSGE. The Woodburn Inrif*pcnilent furnishes a compli-ta history yi its “inimical” way, of a late occurrence; “According to newspaper rejiorts, F. C. Baker, the atate printer, has gone to the Sandwich I-lands to visit a brother. He will, also, tour through the eastern states, and will be gone a'>oiit four months. This is all right, so far as it g'.es; but there is a little secret afiout hi« going, winch w« purpose divulging. “About two months ago Mr. Baker got on a bar, blew m over *410 in one night, d- fled the Salem fioln e to arrest him and raised Cain generally. Tlie affair was linsheii up, for't«ould r.ever do to give away a etat-* • ffi er Baker kept pr, tty straight until ah. ut two weeks ag-t, when Salem [e opl. ’e cur-o-ily was ar. him .d f.v an arto lethat appeared 111 the Staternian com-erning a “prominent 1 fli.ml, wie> was arrested and fine’l for driu.k-nne-s and slapping hia wile.’’ The Journal, however, did not ev< n po««ess the nrive to mention the item, eith-r directly or indirectly. Tie* fan's concerning the “orominent utfic ai’a” wild ways are as follow*: “State Printer Baker started out to paint S lem red. H- g >t drunk, and. ailei rag ng about town, went In me and amn«el;tt'-al 11 flu-i.ce. A man got diunk ami tried to take our town, but lie did not go so far as t > abuse women. TV« I'Ulrhet.ed tliat and gave his name. Mr. Baker, state printer though he is, is no better. Th« Salem pai-ers tian 1888; out it would tie a hard task now to find a • lever scliool boy who does not know that the tax levied on imported goods for pro­ tection s sake 1« placed there for the sole pur,K>se of making our own |ieople pay for the privilege of buying them and us­ ing them. This indulgence in the pa­ tronizing tolerance of popular ignorance and ttie gullibility of tiie people i* grow­ ing tiresome. Who ever heard of a foreigner paying import duties? If our neightxir will remove lus partean glasses and look at this question in a practical and common-sense way lie will «ee that it is the American consumer, and not the foreign importer, that "pays for the privilege.’’ He will also discover, by a little inde|>endent ami clear-headed thinking, that our home manufacturers have two prices at which they sell their goods—one, the “protection’’ price, at which they sell to the consumers of our own country, and the other, a much lower price, at which they sell to foreign­ ers, who buy for the consumption trade of the “low-priced lab» “ classes of other countries. Many of our mills are con­ templating stinliing down tbeir estab­ lishments in the near Inture What for? Is it because trie country is being flooded with foreign goods'* Not at all; but rather because the McKinley bill prac- ncly prohibits tli« importation of various kinds of foreign-made goods. Under the beautiful system of protection our me-cliant marine has been driven from the seas, an I we have been reduced to the necessity of subsidizing steamship companies in order to get the trade of other countries. It begins to look now like the silver question, by common con­ sent. will not be an issue next year, and as the tariff w ill lie the question of aH questions, it is high time ttie Republican press was preparing to talk sense upon it. It has a bad cause to plead, but surt - ly a better argniu-nt can le found than to undertake to show that foieigners are putting up for the misfoi tunes of the new tariff law. T he F arce E sdiso .—The navy de­ partment has received official informa­ tion of the peaceful surrender of the Chilian insurgent steamer Data at Iqui- que lately. The information was con­ tained in a dispatch from Admiral 'Mc­ Cann. The It ata arrived from Toeoptlla at night and was placed at the diano- sitton of Admiral McCann next morning. She had on board, the dispatch says, 590() rifles and a so ttie ammunition taken 'rom the schooner Robert and Minnie off I he port of San Diego, Cal She Lad no oilier munitions of war than those be­ longing to tlie slop, ann a« she arrived in Chilian waters. There offers were . omrnurreated to the department at Washington, and in du« tune accepted by this government without, however, implying any recognition on the part of the Umteii States of tlie insurgents as belligerents. As s.x>n re tlie offer was accepted, a telegram authorizing him to cease ttie etia-e «a« sent to Captain Remy, of the Charleston, but the steamer had already sailed when the telegram reached Acapulco. Secretary Tracy sai I the Itata Would be sent up to San Diego. Knsi lts <>g K ino K i le .—Perhaps the most startling expose of recent official corruption comes from Pennsylvania, where the fnastirer of Philadelphia has been arrested ami is behind in the city’s funds to tlie extent of *1,000,000. The tact has been demonstrated that the Re­ publican managers have known of a si.oriage in the city tieaeury fur a num­ ber of yars ami have only nominated iui n for trr-a-urrr «ho would agree^to ■alee it ami hide the face of the deficit. In this way the day of disaster was put off only to tie more certain and over­ whelming wtien the day of reckoning came. The day came with the election of a Itemociatic governor, who in looking after the state funds found a good-sized deficit of such funds in an account with a Philadelphia lank When the bank • as called on for the funds it failed, and as John Bardelev. the city treasurer, was its cashier the failure exposed the shott- age of the city funds. Then the whole ale came out. Among otlieis who tried desperately tuk-ep the bank examiner to id taking conttoi uf the defunct bank was Post master-Genri 0,1 Wanamaker, m l a Democratic congress tnay lie called oi on to investigate Ins cotin ««tion with the affair. Favtr P reservation .—In an interview at S*n Francisco recently, A T. Hatch, the well-known fruit-grower, said : Ex- perimento are now in progress in this city, which, if thry prove a-« »uccrs^ful as they promise to do, will viva the fruit in­ dustry a tioom such as it has never known. A local chemist, who ties been expenmenung lor a long tune, has hit upon a gas which it is claimed will pre­ serve fruit in its natural state fur an in­ definite jieriod uf time, at ttie same time preserving both ttie appearance and fla­ vor of the trait, just as it conies from tlie tree. A abort time ago I was Shown a sample of cherries that had been pre­ served in this way for six months, and tiiev were tn perfect slate uf preservation tn every way. Even an ex tert could not have detected that they were not freah from the orchard. Other experiments are now m progress, and a number of fruit-growert), myself among ttie rest, bav« advanced money to catry them on. Ttie gas ia easy to manufacture, costa littleor uotbing, and no difficulty is ex­ perienced in handling it.” Ermek Tansy Wafers. These wafers are a sure anil ssfe specific A Doty to Youmlf. tir. Ac-kr-r'it Enxlisu Klood Elixir Ims never for an kit-da-.l female troubles ar-d will re It Is surprising that the p.*ople will use s la; rii to remove scrofulous or syphilitic move ah ob-truciu.r,« to t’r* in nthly p«n ’ ,nl‘rJ'l*“1 whe" ’h*'> < »■> swuri- Timber Land f«»r Sale. poisons. Sold under positive iruarsntix'. od-, no matter r hat lb* cause. Í hey are ?'■“’•J*'-', Bug'1»" one for the «gnu* money. Two thousand acre» of sugar-pinc and tir' wbatevery w- nian needs, - - can le use *'*• Aca«*r h English pi’ls nr«* a positive cure ---- .Mini tiwUiU^i ij . i U m . uai utrr.' ***** uy Fng tou '* ki^d*