A MISCELLAN LUU. MISCELLANEOUS East and South I RAW AS BEEFSTEAK 1 \ tftif Süüi'dERN VâCiflC uu . ò LH.i». S'Ulh I : P. M. I.VHVv t’orl .. i 7 a . a L tua • 10 I » < U. \ri V • ” liti I ' Al» iv« II I t»s ”1 tp • :« stat I« *11' ti rl a ol I» ‘ < »Tegoli • ’.I) . • i > i »‘»'E M Portion«: A.i».«u> • t" >*. M . » »•' M. i l.k.\ . I '.«.»O I». M a . M Vll»ans •vM.,Fort*.an I rllhbiM JUEi’El* SLEEPEttS. TO'jaiST SLtEPINC CAMS, For u-coiniii.wtaib.n ot «xo'i.lu-'asa passen- e. r, atta, lieu to E,press Tram». aur o ». <»i> «.'/<».'. t rn t. f n run 11 . wt.t « <> k > t ii . I* MSILIH''' '.«11« KX< »rrsVSl.AV.t —-tu A. M. i re«i>n I* w tile Uai.r .ul. liAll.v sx.-e.r." ra vis- «: v *.1*T sexi, vv.l l;U> r. M. ta-avv I’ 't-liaii'l Arrive «.jt,.« ;;3T, e « trrivc MvMtiniviUe I. ohv «* i ’. I.', v M h We havt removed our Nurseries to M«d- furd. win re we have secured Sew Ground, the soil ot which is a sandy loan», enabling* us without irrigation to grow h«-althy. thrifty trees with an abundant*«* •>! fibrous latvial root« without heavy tap roots, to be cut away in digging. Wvotier Aa cheap aa to be bought any place; ateo Childria’s Shsrt Clcthss, Under 4 years old. beautiful line , C instating of Lisle and Silk GLOV EK llAMDKl-AUIlI IIOMIKK V. Shawls, and many other thinjr* to-» nuraerouM to men- tion. I. have also a . a urrd the •»•rvicea of a FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, I am near prepanal t.» ex*-vute au <»r- dar-. In that line in rtr-l-.-lass ary tv at r.-asona- bl«- ratea. Call an.l see mr opposite J. Nuiian'.s ,:il'aH- tomla street. MHS. P P. I-HIM. ;i 10000 Prune, 10000 Apoles, c000 Peach, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, Washer 4an^ravtur»’d l»v Grant's L' !ti<*h «a*s Cold it Balaam No. 1 Cur.s Ciux ;i rt’B, tin’ ar d n (t .nh, ..o,-.wrd Scalp, and a’l primary io « of the di-ea»«» kn on a* •’»•’• I rhe. ocl, an I a!' Urd. »• v < r «.< r f d om « nun:-. t*r.. e U J .".J !»♦• r B ’ll« . J Hirhma**( olden S»>-«ni«*li In« ,* « t i I», ! - - . • • f r Tri« » » p r SI •» Itich in’s G »Iden O ntinrnt f »? t'.flfff d v-It f >.y r . 'S r 4t Frire gl co p ri: x T e INE wa-her in the world 1 lint will do freed work W, hai.-a coinbtn.-d Machine, W.ish- iH*aril, Tut. and <‘toth«-a lia-ket. lV.-a.-ll Ike Washer on It- own merits. th svriet'oii and price ot wash, r viven on anplh-nt-' h A fCUIlUTCn to «.Il tie- luullea' A .«I o IY m NI l U ., wr.rely (ar e-ipraa jm » « m J THE RH HAIG’S BKI’G ( <>.. AGENTS. ’.14» an«! ’>11 Mai k« t sti • • t. San FranciM•«».( al ----- l’irculars rent Ir««-.—- - i ILiLi j Xi. 11 .'s w ill be a k U o .1 crop for the tar me. I tin- year. There were but few raised I im r-ea-oti, and they a-e very scarce at pie - ent, bringing^ 1 SJ per eat. i.i l. ikev ew. The Emma Jueh Opera Company c .l- l.ipsed la.~l Saturday night in the City of Mexico. Manager l.*x-ke is said to le |S,UeO behind insalaiiesai.il transpoita lion fees. fi.e drain of gold to Europe lias con­ tinued Phis week's exports i t specie have amount! d to |7,73O,0t)J, brinoii.g lip- total outward movement since Jaiu.- aiy 1st up to $42,1)00.0 )0 ANDERSON CREEK. S. S. SMITH. Prop’:. SUBSCRIBER TAKES I’LEAM'ICE IN announcing that Ins st«»ain saw-mill is now r llE running on full f mi*-am turning out a I arg«* Emma Templeton lo-t a leg some time carried fiom the tra.kina tUril Imrs.- ag • in Linn county, in eons-qii« nce of shoe. her buauv falling througli a bri tge, and Civil law has mcce -fullv and enti elv she «ii«’ I Linn county for «27,Ik». re-umed its supremacy at Walla Wall r. Senator Tongue, of Hillsboro, has just The men -usivcterl of lyncliing Hun’, the received several bars of aluminum, from gambler, are in the county jail under an which he intends to make tiorseshoes amply armed guard, and all is quiet at and experiment with them on his trotters. the post. President Harrison is again in Wash­ ington. Orillia trip through the West he traveled 10,lYr)0 miles and made l;!'.t speeches. The president and his party speak in the highest terms of the recep­ tionthey received all tion? the route. M.S. Canan, i roprieter of the Occi­ dental hotel at Corvallis, and for many years a m- st lespected and enterpri-ing citizen, died niddenly of heart failure, age 60. Farmers have been «hipping consider­ able w I eat lately by the tu riiw gauge ■ railroad to Reno from northeastern Cal­ ifornia, and tlie M doc lO'tnty farmers are antic i-ating an o|.pvitunity of work I nig off their surplus to go d advantages. PRICE 5OCTS , Women never swear, h«it when a in in I steps on D e hem <»f her dre*H ;«n I »bins { a couple of yards of expen iv»- tiiniminu*, the noughts which p.».iip'eine court on 'the valley north and we-t of Eugene. Hunters have killed them bv hundreds, May 25th up' rl I the ron-iitiuionali’v of parties getting sixty to Reventv iu a I the o i? nal p irk'u • law pas-pn- day's hunt The pigeons are attract­ i eres*« in I h 1« o hehl it wan not t:» resj.ir\ ed bv the n -wly sown grain It i« not for Kansas to re enact its pr hibito’v u«tial to find them in such large nuinl>ers law after the pac*age of the con?re«oioiiHl I act in _>nier to ship ou* liquor in original at tins sea-on. i package«. Frofesmrr F. B. McElroy is in receipt of | The con'tint stream of immigration t a letter from Newiort, staring he can aecommo1)0 persons during the state the Pacific Northwest sh'-ws no sign of f. acliers institute to lie field in July. The abatement. So far Fouthrrn < >reg<»n Oregon Pacific lias made rates lower haa only received a few from th-‘ ovt r- than ever before. The attendance prom­ tlow which ha«set’le Thomas A. Edison was in Chicagoa few days ago, and speaking about the world's brought a d voree Miit against her bus­ fair, said he had a novelty in view, al­ band, J a«. W. Driver. The defendant i-< though the details were yet hazy. The a son of tie well-known Rev I D. D/iytr. intention is to have a combinati< n of A «laughter < f R«v. Driver als • ha« a p.honographs and electricity, so a man ! divorce suit to be disj>o-vd of at the next can sit in I is own pari in on curtain,f -rrns of players in an «qtera or , one family.— // ftemfH rdf drama on a distant stage and voices of the performers. i quantity »f lumber. II•• i* prepare«! t«» till nil order» with dispatch. ai»«l at th«* most rvaaona- bie rates. A ftnv quality of S>me of the li p rai e s of Alan ti c umy ate pl wing up ti.eii imp field on ac.or.nt of their being infer eutat< < Nurseries at east end cf Bridge health They have thrown away th»’ wushboitr'I.and say tney will u«e nothing but the nr rhe devehq men' of the Mjitlc creek mine,and ilio giowing finit iudm-try ot J that section wih maae a go d-.,.z *d O wn ill tl at locality in a 1 w ye.irs. Trees as Low as anv First-class Nursery >»« L p dies’ Choio The renewal «A the triple alliance is confirmed France has been tuwar.ed in her etlorta to keep Italy I um en ering the b.irg.iin, Charles W. l’almer, president of the Governor Hill, of New* York, has World’s Fair, has sent his resignation to Secretary Blaine. It is said he will be spoiled a good manv campaign st uies aiqasinted niini'ter to China, vice Blair, by stating that he intended being in his seat in the U. S. sena'e alien that An«! a g«M»eeenilier, ai d th it he One of the provisions of the new land has no id* a of again Iwinga candidate i law inns thus: "A person already the for governor pr prietor of in re than lf>0 antes of land A boy named Willie Prinett was found in any sta'e or territory cannot acqii re a near Baker city last week wi h rigiit under the homeste id I iw.” a Lullcl-hi L* through his 1» east. A 44- GIVE US A CALL. It is said that the patty who attempted <’.ilibr-» pistol lay by hi< side, 11 is to rob the Bedding ai.d Weaverville supposed iliat he corn mi ted i suicide stage, and shot Graham, ttie driver, and through giirf over having been chasti-vl la'er did rob the stage, was tried in bv hi' father. MEDFOKD. OREGON Ariz- na tor robbery and received a life sentence. F. '.stern < Logon si vep owne*s, having Within a week forest fires on the lower passed through the wint»»r wi*! otV an« loss to their tl x ks, worth speaking of. are Michigan peninsula have destroyed [.lojcrty Valued at «2,000j'0o, an I left now jubilant over tl ei» pr opect*. Sheep | lilli died« of families destitute. The loss in »bat '«»rlion ronin anti a good price, incu.re-l v»as likely to be «lo'lbled before I b«’ing sold at $25») i»er :■«• id to !»«• deliv«»r- I «»«1 iter sheai ing the flames were cheeked < V% K ■ ------- AMK------- < >u Ex-Congrehsuiun John Young Brown has been nominated fol- governor ot K ntueky bv the Democrats. HAMMON BROS iNtAHiV miMBES CÛM1U1L Zephyr J. .M. \ augl.n and family have return­ ed to Burns, after a visit among friends in Portland. RHEUMATIC PAINS MILLINERY Both Knit and Muslin. A. J was no ai.trm to summon us rrom our pap«Ts and nov.Ts, and we went to bea at 11. An^la remarking that the three “All ghost stories may lie explained,' dr rubs were «leeping beautifully, and said Mrs. Marchmont, smiling rathei that it had tx-en a good move to let scornfully, and addressing a large circl« Lucy Gar the other two company. 1 of friendsand neighbors who, one Christ was roiis.-d out of a sound sleep by wild mas evening, were seated round her hos shrieks from the tbr«s> children. What! More bad dreams? This sort pitable hearth. “Ah! you think so? Pardon me if J of thing must be put a stop to.' 1 said, cannot agree with you." said Mr. Hon and I confess I was very angry with the My wife was fumbling niker, a well known Dublin barrister, of ( young rascals Hush!’ she whi«[H!T burly frame and jovial coimti uanee. ; for tlie matchliox. famed for his wit and flow of anecdote. | < d. 'there is sonn body in the room.’ And Tho ladies of tilt) party uttered excl.a j 1. too, at that instant felt the presence of mations in various keys, while the uien' some ert iture besides ourselves and the The candle lighted, we again looked attentive and interested. All children that Mr. Henniker plea-e l to say was | r> cot.noitcn d - nothing to l»e seen in wont to comman 1 attention, in Dublin dri s-n:g loom, tM-r Hal. Jack and Lucy ism, spiritualism and other themes shrieked in chorus, 'Oh, the old woman trenching ujx.n the sujiernatural. Per- in the black bonnet! Oh, take her away!' •‘Poor Angela, trembling, hung over hajiathe season, suggesting old fashioned tales, had something to do with it; or the cribs trying to soothe the children. maybe the whistling wind, mingling It v is a go<«l w hile liefore they could ‘She camo with the ¡wittering of hail and rattle of tell what had happened. cab wheels, led the mind to brood over again, said Hal, ‘and she came close. uncanny legends. Anyhow, all the com­ lo o to me. and she put her cold face pany spoke of ghosts; some to mock, down near tny cheek till slio touch.sl others to speculate; and here was the tne, and 1 don't like her—oh. I don't like witty lawyer prepared to toll a grave In-r, mother!' • Did she go to Jack and Lucy too? tale of his own exjierience. ■ ‘Yes yes. and she made them cry as His jovial face grew stern. Like the Ancient Mariner, he addressed himself w • IL " 'Why do yon not like her? Is it the to one in company, but all were silent black bonnet? You dreamed of a black and attentive. "You say all ghost stories may be ex­ bonnet l ust night, you know,'said 1, half plained, Mrs. Marchmont. So would 1 puzzled, half provoked. “ ’She s so frightful,’ cried Hal. have said a year ago; but since we last • 'How- coni I yon see her? There was met at your hospitable fireside my wife and I have gone through a very astonish­ no candle. •Tins qiie-tiou perplexed the little ing exjierience. Wo ‘can a tale unfold. They persisted that she had a No man was Ix-tter inclined to laugh at tsiys light alsnit her somewhere. 1 need hard ghost stories than 1. “Well, to begin my true tale. We Iv say that there was no comfort for us wished for a complete change of scene the rest of the night. ‘If any one is try last February, and Angela thought she it.g to frighten us out of the place I'll lx would like to reside in the same county even with him yet,’ said I. My wife be as her sisters and consins and aunts”----- Iteved that a trick had been played upon “Dorsetshire, 1 believe, Mrs. Henni­ the children, and she was most indig naut ker,” interrupted the lady of the house. 'Next day tlie cribs were remov«?d to Angela nodded. “1 intended to take a house for my the upper story, and Charlotte and Jo family, leave them comfortably settled intia. our daughters of twelve and four in it, and run btickward and forward be ti. n were | nt t > sleep in the dressing We pre ! eted an end to the an tween Dorsetshire and Dublin. Well, it room The so hapjH'ned that 1 did leave them for a ’ ti ly.mee we had t.een suffering single day during the thri* months of enr-e was a quick tempered woman my tenancy of the Hall. 1 had seen a •v!io won, | not stand any noniense, and wonderful advertisement of a sjiaciotis H.d's l'.id dreams would lie sternly driven We - tiled ourselves to our com dwelling house, with offices, gardens, awav ■ rtal'le hu reading by the drawing pleasure grounds—to t>e had for fifty pounds per annum. I went to the agent riHini fin- Suddenly there was a com tnoti. :t ow. h.-ad. an outcry—surprised to make inquiries. “ 'Ls this floori.'hing advertisement tn re tiiar. terrified it rounded to ns Aug, l.t I u I tn r l.ook down quickly and correct?’ asked 1. :-t t. I w .;h all her ears Fast flying “ ‘Perfectly.’ t t- p- v , : • heard above, the clapping “ ‘What! ro many advantages are to J a door then -curry, scurry —the pat be had for fifty jsiiuids a vear?' ' M ost certainly. 1 advise you to go er <■! oaro te. t down tlie staircase. We uirrv I aen«« the It.dl. and saw Char and see for yourself. .'to c t t" rhtgov.-n returning slowly "I took the agent s advice, and Angela - with :i puzzled ex was enchanted with the descrij.tiou 1 h»i honest face was able to give lwr on mv return. A i: “ ■tn ar.- you doing, ciiild? charming little jiark, beautifully plantvd with rare shrulis aud trees—a bowery, vi ; ch c e to a hideous old secludi-d sjtot, so shnt tn by noble elms \ l*.»m.< t, who c I ioöc to as to seem remote from the world. The v. il-, p.uited Charlotte. I house—such a mansion as in Inland i ■ -ni. I jn.njwd out of would G. called manor house or castle- - 1 o-T through your room large, lofty rooms, thoroughly furnished, ni Then I saw It«-* every modern improvement. My wife, as surprised as myself that a place of the ¿«•wnstairs, ami I ran f kind should be going fur a mere son.'. ■L h • at the h>ot of the G'gg.sl me to see the agent again, an I * W,!- shut. She cer­ close with him. It was done at once. 1 Li not ti.ive ino! tiœ to open I! would have taken the hall for a year, I ,• »i t ki. v V i.»re she can have but Mr. llarrold advised me nut to do so. 'Take it by the quarter, or at least w i' Ch-irl.'tt-« explanation of by the half year, he recommended. Her down- II: 1 «curry .1 vvtis’atrs. "1 replied that it apjieared such a de­ I •rtsibl f.i< v.puzzled and an sirable bargain that 1 wished to take it A GHOST STORY A law has been passed iu Nebraska banishing minors from the sal ons of that state. This reform was adv. cated Therc are U m Htivlcnts in the Normal by the temperance element, but the J j B m In on«* minut«» thet't'TicvitA Avri- Rili. n-keepers did not oppore it. / P ais P i . istfii relieve«* rheumatic. school at brain ju*t at preset t. / 'viatic, hip. kidm \, ein >l a «ni iiiik ' ii - A Wet,si k handkerchief tied, w th nt A nephew U1<*EH I Id.** ! I grounds, which are famous for swan, grandest races ever seen at Gravesend. geese, ducks and snipe. Jockey Barnes, wi <> rode Tennv, . ..... was ___ Southern Oregon are ben by Inform» d that iu addition Io a large and rit gant line of Furnishing Goode TO GTKIBAL NOTES AND NEWS ALL SORT'S, THE LADIES vead) »lukih« following c uw-of g >«»d«, of which I bave a tuli line: mow ,-KIX l.l,s- hoi . v . < rum HV fl Till KV. MAY 2*3. IMH. 1 he i lM KM lina a circolai Uni <»( 2500 - My baby w a* lnk» ii viTj su k win n waw tUrlargeal eu.|<»ye«l I>y aiiy u< u*»pn|.«-r ihr< <* iiHinlhs <»I<1. and in a t*-w da) s began l»ul»liiblied helween K*crflnu<1 ami Reti breaking <»ut. We eni|>l»>\e«l both of the Kliitf. al. a illatHUcr ot 000 iiiilea, li home th.« lor*»,an>! th< > eonld litrksuia. JuMOpliln» ami w«HKr all tlie I Btiaiiree» itten »; an«! then I took Hlni»:.(h cQiiMtiem to Jaek* >n, to a s • bollici t Alar Male of thl« f"- doctor wlio atlemD J- » '..ill) t • -k'll dlse a”< g, and then h«‘ RHINEGCLD got worn«» than «-v« r. rhrn I told in) hub- ban«1 that we I ih «I nrneafn the mystic winding stream better try tlie I’t’Tl- The Khlnemaids w arded well the gold; « Vl< 1 K k .M> l»!Es any And. like dim voice-* in a dream. way; did not l>av«* any nb-a they w<»nid Their song a thrilling legend told. do any gotwl, but in leaa than two months i “He who molds a ring from this fr»»in the time we began giving them to him Shall rule the earth and air above; he wx« entirely well and not a a|»»»t on him. But flrat he must renounce the bliss Flis hair l»egan growing right »4!. an«! we And wondrous joy of woman ‘a love." thought he would always be bald-hea«l«d. There w.»< n«»t a apot oil In” whole iMMiy, taee Ro ran the old delusive la> and head, only hia nose and »’) «•!*, but what That set man's heart and brain at strife; wan a* raw a»* b»‘»d-steak. So poor tiiere was But Love pretter way. n »t an) t lung but b<»m s, am! '•» weak lie could For he is lord of human life. raise n\ uher ham! m»r head. Mi<” FRANK IIAKRETT, Wintbdd, Micli. First win the woman’s priceless grace. Then weld the ring of \ irgin gold: Upon her band the circlet place; Cuticura Résolvent, Then lore is power, anil both you hold. —W. J. Henderson in New York Times. n A DU Q'k.n ;»ml scalp pui ifi «! ami au- UAD I U t’th*d by « i ll« l KA Soar. Abso­ lutely pure. THROUGH T'.'KETS ovllixm., EA T 4 SOUTH. K<>r Tn »«■•» mid tutori i.u ion r - > 1. VKU I -I IM.IIISI. i. v-t, eov «.Hiso i . stiio 11 MIV The Mt. Shasta Route tangent. >u. «i In. II « ' ). 1’1*11» « it), Ii vin-, id • il«»hBÌ II'» M Ml. I.AIIA MUOVI . LE IV».; !•;«•» A. W K «-. bul ¡i . Portiaml .&JU A. M r i K««.* burg ALBANY L« h \I,PAII.Ï I.XV» pl llxvl : akhive : ac 'Jniiacraiir enni^ hear the The 2<1 regiment ot Oregon National Gnar.l, con>.Ktinir of eleven.eompaniea of infantry an,00tt. The item of transportation to ami bum Cann» j wi I >»• a large one. Altogether the the1 camp w ill cwt the st de somelhiog near ' $8 OHO Senator Stanford projiosea to go into a new business, that of the manuta< ture of champagne. He has secured the services of Eugene D »usj is, who has made tl <• manufacture of champagne a stiidv tor year«, and he wi I superintend the under- taking at S n.itor Stanford's ctdebrated vineyarring pie; ar.ng a reply in which he exacts to furnished on short no.iee. Bernhar.it on tl.« a'age is only excelled throw th«» blame f r the t mgling-np ol (^Satisfaction guaranteed. ». S. SMITH. by Bernhardt at dinner. Sire eats, drinks, the fund U|»on the M< Carthy f »cti< n singR, pats her dog and drinks again. Final proof must be made oi: all desert­ If any thing happens to displease her she throw» eomethinc ar the dog, rails land entries under tne Act of March him to her again, kisses him on t tie 3 1877, within three years, ami when head and asks his pudon. Then she sought to lx* perfecte 1 und»»r Act « f drinks to the health of every In rdy, includ­ March, 1891, v ithin four years from dat«» ing the dog, and falls to eating. And s<> of entrv and p»iblic «tion of notice, and sire continues to tear a passion to tatters intention to make final pro« f must be shown in all cases where entrances aie until tire last raisin has disappeared. 1 instituted since Aucii't I, 1887. J • ¡T 'I 1 I 1 »I III In tlier - ' liege at Corvallis tire students (loll 11 »! p Pill The horse market is prettv dull (II I are required to work on the fa’in one Thi« well.known hoti*»» hn« h»»en rebuilt I lUil, U tini d hour each .lay, amt any labor they per­ now a'd over th • eoas», but la g«» « w»th brick an«l graatly «»nlarg« «I. t»»'.”Ub ” b«’’»ig form r utsi.le of that is paid for. Tit«1 h »rs«M always s«-ll well. Th«* II;»| 71EWLY FURNISHED students are lns ructed in military tac­ sale of hor e-» and mules fr »m th«» h tics in order to fit tin m for tire duties of county (C'al.) stock farm last week cl >se«l It la centrally u cat»»«l in the bii'UH ss part of I town, and a good-■>aniph* r»»orn for commer­ the s i lie , if thnv should at any future F ¡«lav with the miscellaneous j-al * draft In r es, mules and Shetland p ini-•«. cial irav«’l«,r,‘, la Htt»*n there­ time be required to bear arms in Irehulf with. Th» tabl«» i” r'iiKiahtly turni.MH-d with Gold Hill C r< gon ,,f tl.eir country l’r. f. Letcher is colonel I her«» wer- 207 head sold al’ogeth»»r on the beat th«* luarket atf.-r«!.«. anti c mmandant as well as professor of th-t day f«jr an aggiega'e « f $.”»3/iC0, E. K IIKIGHTMAN. I’r. p making an average i f |l70 a head. Ashland. Ort. !«i 1**1». Ch >!<••• Locat on ami Prices Reasonably mathemitrc sml engineering in the s-atec liege — Oregonian. Additional particulars of th«» terrific 1/w. ha Istortn at Gainesville, T«*X4«, are to ftelrware nas ia«se ter gnize in length and fr<»m two to five miles in the nec.-ssitv of legislation upon thia width. Farmers all lost their entire isrint The measure is a modified form l oase.'hions. Croi>s we>e destroyed, and of the Au-'ralian system. It follows the hoii-es, fences an«l or« hards whip laid New York law in a provision for separate waste by w inds. Birds and small animals party ballots, instead ot a b’anket ballot, were killed by thousan«ls by the hail­ DONE AT THE And al ! of but >t prohibits the use of pasters, and storm, but no jerson is repjrt«*d to have forbids ttie u»e of any except official been hint. MOST REASONABLE PRICES Hallo's which can 1st obtained only at KT THE 'Ire twilling r lace. The compar'ment or ** How to Cure All fikiu Blnennra.,t b w,th systems of voting i- to Is* foil >wed. S’inply apply “bWATNE’s O intment .” N<> LU’KSON VILLE] so that a really secret, exclusively official .nt«Tnai inttiicin«’ rrqiilrt*«!. Cure* rrttir. ballot lias bi en obtain' d. «»cxciua, itch. «WI «»Hiptlonn on the face, han K UNRIVALED G O □ DS noae, • -.11 tsil «•. .■ ill ni.'l .-vRiuiii*- «ampl all pain, cures wind colic, and is the b» st Irsls-iiK and . rlaiti pt > remedy for diarrhoea Twenty-five cents CANOES, E tc When Baby was sick, m gar« her (Astoria. a bottle Casa OR INWTSLtwr *» ’ > s «» ugmt solo . • When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. CMCMANOCO 400 WM -.1 NSTOCK ALUQSaDE * J bn R Ho.' for Butte Creek, | Wbtu the became Mi#e, sho clung to Caatoria. ■ Ii«*drr, ANOPMlOCS, ANO ALU v M4«H*»«rCO a *» reo SEND ? J * b't « *»<• ao CATALOG ANO CLUJ Ol ; oumt * The undersigned will ¡eave Central Point When she bad ciuldrau, she gave th a n Castons. n it tn * a > l.iv ■ .1 /efS«A H'zja ; • ry learn..«, and express matter. I will make connec­ M •. BneS.-(en*w .tnuru Aatrr i t'U. MalNk. tion wi’h ti e trains each way Mr rates are reason, bie. I F. W illiams The best salve in the world : : I'ut; Bruises,Sores. Ulcers.Salt Rheum, l ev. t Ih.liM»« a I.Ilif.lt VI. SAI.AKY Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. 1 •. «'•■■ fùrn «b hum«- - I !•■ liHVel. Shakes and Shingle«. . ..ru t br» • lunt. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and i»e. VVl KEK « ..» « an ' .uhi» Twin * lurn sfjtil fr». A supply of the h« st shakes and shingles five cures for Piles, or no | ay required ft ♦ tri- I « r . lin»» I » Iris juMt been received at the T i ' ies office issuaranieed to give perfect"-atisfact i h- « inali _■ r .»«•«Mt „ .. ra. It • \ I %% i i which wid he «old .n quantities io su;* at nionev refatided Price 25 cents pv- bui CWtlrvn fry fa Prltfar’s Cusfat). iV*SlftiBl>Te raus. Fift salebVaMVruartlitr ASHLAND HOTEL by the year. His answer to this was a reiteration of his first advice. 1 can't tell you how he influenced me, for ho really said no more than 1 ti ll you; but I yielded to bn evident wish without knowing why 1 did so, and 1 closed with him for six months, not a year." “Glamor, Mr. Henniker!" "It would seem so. Mrs. Marchmont. We went to tho hall, and Angela was de­ lighted with it. Tho snowdrops lay in snowy masses about the grounds—the garden gave jiromiso of beauty as the season advanced. How the children ran over tho house! how charmed we were with every nook and rner of it! Our own bedroom was i^tomforteble, large room, opening inU< a very roomy dress ing room, in which my wife placed two cribs for our youngest Jack"------ “Don't forget to Bay­ that our G*.l chamber opened from a sitting room.' interrupted Mrs. Henniker. “Well, for three weeks we all slept the sleep of the just in our really splendid suite of apartments. Not a grumble from our servants- nothing but satisfac­ tion with our rare bargain 1 was on the point of returning to th .ir. dirty Dublin and the Four Courts, when”------ "When? We are all attention. Mr IT uniker." FARMS IN SOUTHERN OREGON FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT C. B. FITZGERALD, BOOTS THE HANDSOMEST WJRK AKIN, SELLING & BICYCLES MARBLE WORKS! TYPEWRITERS. ACENTS I • v. m , i : - tile little ones must have ■ . termer •• 1 bv that ol.l wretch, who- : he i- i iiev d In't dream it, father, rut .light Wouldn't I like to puu- . ii h. r!' " Whit a brave girl!"ened Mrs. March- ■ -nt B-.-iv.-’ Oil. Charlotte's as bold as a •i' She went back tubed; and when I )' v. ! her. in a couple of hours. : . w.i.' 'I.-eping soundly. But 1 can't iv eit' -r of us slept so well. If a trick .. . l»-iiig played upon us it was carried < it in • i .1 vi r i manner as to baffle me •a; >lt I ■•< b I ne.-d not say that 1 made i — cf . very cranny about the C a .a I:-'a ■■ and offices: and if there I i '. ret p -sa^.'or a door in the wall a ■ v. iiere it e- aped me We liad peace f >r a I i t night, and then the annoyance r. i - i ininieticed. •?.ng.‘la’s nerve was shaken at last, ti d -he iM-gtin to whisper. ‘There are in heaven and earth, Ho- unite tl ratio’ i ■ John, you are making a storjr,” in- t.-rrti| ted Mr.'. Henniker It lsev . ty word true. I am coming to an end Angela, in spite of her dis- < ...tin- r. tre about her ghoaUhip. The lint'.' and cook and housemaid declared “Angela and I were sitting in the draw­ th. v were meeting the horrible appear­ I ing room under the bed chamber 1 have ance constantly, and they were all three described, wh. n a luud cry startled us - m i mortal funk. As to the children, ‘Mother, mother, mother!' th.v would not leave off clinging to “The little lioys were in G-d in the their mother, and fretting and tremb­ dressing room. Angela dropped her tea­ ling when evening came. The milkman, cup and dashe.l out of the room, forget­ tl:.- baker and the bntcher all told the ting that then was no light in the room- servants that we would not be long at above us. the hall, for nobody ever remained more “I caught ut> a candle and followed her than a month or two. This was cheer­ quickly Wi found the children subbing ful and encouraging for me." wildly Jack's arms were almost strang­ ••But you had never seen the charming ling his iniith r. while ho i tied in great old woman all this time?" excitement, ‘Oh, the old woman in the “No; but I saw her in the broad day­ black bonnet! The old woman in the light 1 had agood long look at her, and black Ixinnet' Ob oh oh!’ a more diabolical face I never saw—no, “1 thought a little fatherly correction not even m the dock. I was writinglet- would lie beneficial, bnt Angola wonld j ters in the study about 12 o’clock one VI /-I«- crxiT,.». a . ; i — C — L'l. .. a la. ’ not suffer me to interfere. She tried to morning, when 1 suddenly looked up, to soothe the little beggars, and in a few n-e th.’ apiiearance that had excited such minutes th •. were coherent enough in a turmoil in my family standing near the their story. A frightful oi l woman, table A frightful face—a short set wo­ wearing a 1 ack bonnet, had Ixs-n in the rn: n t expect frained from speaking to the other ohil- ..«•. : ■■ : . a- I ■! v iii .iuous eouute- t:i dren. who -lept in an upjer story, though i < f t lie . - ttninal cl.u-'. 1 softly entered their rix.ms ami exam­ fell pen the f or. aft. r 1 . i ” ined jirex'.-s and wanlrubes and peejxjd pir.ly g»»;r . t ,i lgh the ti-tire, ar.d behind dark corners, laughing in my w K a V. : eri ini vv tern it had leer. sleeve all the while Of course we both L< * i not much j . i ken. however, ul- believeil that Hal had G?en frightened 1 .i my theory <>f a human trick- B c by a dream, and that his little brother iroscd like a ' » u - tu rceined over had roai'd from sympathy Don't -te tf.ri.ed." breathe a worn » f this to the servants •Bid vou tell Mrs. Henniker what you whisjienxl Mrs. Henniker. “ 'I m not such a fool, tny dear,’ I re- had .'fl’ll?" ■■Naturally I did At this period we plied But pray search the lower ro talked of nothing el-e. bhe saw the ap­ gions, and see if Jane and Nancy have parition twice herself. Once «he entered any visitor ;n the kitchen,' she continued our dressing room and saw the figure She came through your door, mother, bending over a sleeping child (it faded as troni the sitting room,' 6ublx-d Hal, with she looked); another time she was with eyes starting out of his head mein the drawing room, when she laid ‘TA ho, love?" asked his mother. “ 'Tlie old woman in the black bonnet. down her book and whispered, ‘See, see, near the door!’ There, sure enough, was Oh, don't go away, mother. the api»‘.arance that had visited me iu 'So Angela had tosju-iid the remainder of the evening between the childn it's the study in clear daylight. I did not make her out qnite as distinctly now be­ cribs. ■\That can we do tomorrow even cause our candles did not light up that Ing? a.-ked she I have it! Lu. y shall end of the long room, or my older eyes lx* put to G‘d beside Jack. Lucy was were not as good as Angela's.” “What did Mrs. Henniker do?” our y. 'ingest, aged two. “She started up and ran to catch the "All wi at well nuxt night T.'Bure i ahi woman in the '.)*ok LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS "And did she catch her?' ‘She caught a shiver—nothing more! “After this 1 resolved to give up the hall at once, sacrificing four months' rent for the sr.ke of my wife anti chil­ dren. who.-e nerves would have soon tx*- come shattered had we remained. 1 went to Mt . Harold and told him how disagreeable the place was to us. He was grave and very guarded iti manner, confessing that no tenant stayed more than a couple <,f months at tho hall — that his client certainly made consider able in consequence—that he had done his utmost to find out what was wrong with the house, but all in vain. Mr. J----- wonld not speak about it, ami when strenuously urged to explain re­ plied emphatically, ‘1 shall never tell yon the story of that house.' "Wedismi's.-d the servants with hand­ some presents at once on our return to Dublin, so desirous were we that the children shonl.l never be reminded of their terror. I think they have not heard the old woman in the black bonnet H|x>ken of since we left the hall, and the younger ones have probably forgotten her. As to us, we can only say that the ».viterr is unexplained.”—Argoev. Administrator’s Notice K IVEi. 3 DE iu the matter oi th«' estate of L. C. Romine diWMMii. LloTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE h un«h 1 -ign« «i iiusb« « n appointed HdinniiMra- t«»r of tn«- « stat«- ot L. C. It* mine, dee« as« d b) ord« 1 o1 tin Count\ Court of th«* Stat«- of Oi« gon in Mini for JacK'on ( ounty. All pi jsons indebted to said estate ar«* r«*- «iucst«*d to s« tth- th«- sam«- immediately, mid iho>«‘ having claims against th«- «-stat«* will pi*f nl itn iij to im-at iuv 1 <-hidcn«*v in M< ad- o*.».' iH'tc.ni't. Jai kson < «»., Or., with proper voia iu-rs attach« <1. within six months lr« in th* !ii>r pub.¡« at:.. 11 of this nolle«-. Datcl Ma\ s, lsul. JOHN DoDSON. Administrator. G i ent’s 1 it: :> C i. K. M. '1 M !’.■«»>l’l-op. I- «1 M< « k * 1 V I) »,. Il ’ »I I > I ( dll SMALL FfiUlIS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. ‘ ! Apples, PeoChce. Fci P«'tcr son. d« c<*«ist <1. fr* ' lb I l> III .BEBÍ til VI.X ’JHAT THE 11 un«h-i * gn ii . mund tor Ja«kson count*. All p« r>« n> md«-l»le*l to eaid catate ar«* re- uiuc iiniii(*diately, and Ilin.'« having « lainis againsf the «stale will present tii«*in t<« me al my r« sin count y. Ort gon. w it ii prop« r vouch« n* at­ tach« d, u it* in t»*x months from the first pul»' licatioii of this noi •« . I MKS. M C. .MoHIllS,Administratrix. !>a’< «I Api il 24, 1H»L THE RIVFRSIDl KURS RY County Treasurer’s Second Notice. 1' l«M*Kt«’d «»n<* an«! « th - ! Grant’' P»«>'. «••> K**^u< i .\ • i farm, and in tin- I « -4 an«l Hout hern< t < Ot ri. K m T keasi heh or J acks ..*. <•<>„ J a . Ksoxvii.i.r. Ol«., M hi ±t,|swl. I f Holl» V. Is ltl.ltl.lfl GIVEN IliAT'lHEItE un fuii'ls in tli« < ouiiiy Tt Hbury fur tin* !'« «¡t lllpl lull <»! ( OUIII) WHI l lilllf* pMltCbtcd up f<» <>ctob< r V, 1HM5; Numi W Numlkcr /»nd the bci»t lump r . -r made, like Alaa- Gt.i r of old. ”a won- dertul lamp!" A lamp CONSUMrTICK SCROFULA «»Bl I _O i.b*.«.lui«'ly non- r x ploai i r and UM« l»; < alialib, which gives a clear, aofYv briUianttvliI te light EMULSION IIP »o.MER. County rrcuMirer. COUCHS*T,S Notice of Final Settlement CURES of sft rax>llt< youAi! Purer and brighter than gas light, softer than electric light, more cheerful than either! That lamp is Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gaineil one pound per bri>kt>, chinm/yt, no flickering, no »wealing no climbing up of th» flame, no “tantrums nor annoyance of any kind, and it never need» trimming. It» fount» «oil reservoir» being tough rolled »e»rnle»» brass, with cen­ tral draft, it is absolutely unbreakable, and as ime at a (allow catxile. Only five year» old and tt,r 1uo tnillion fj lamp, in It mu»t be a GOOD lamp to make »uch a teHsng success Indeed it i». for lamp» may con.e and lamp» may go, but the “Rochester »bine» on forever! We make over 2.000 ortistic vaiietie», — Hanging and Table Lamps. Banquet. Study, Va»e and Piano Lamp» every l*ln, »ui«ty (.«»urt ot Jut-kbon county, unt as such »«lminibt i ator. Mini l»y «»rtjer of said Court rucbdMy. Jut) 7. I nu I. ut the L«>ur of IU o’cl«>« k a . M.. ihb« i f«»rb«*aiing tii«-n«»!. All p«*rbons nit«-M ,'t«\l ai«.* li< i< b) notila-d t«» ap- P< ar and tile his or h« i obj« ctiuua to suid ac­ count on or l»«’for<* said day. l’ltblibhi-sl by ord«T ot lion. J. K. Neil, Judge ol saii‘■ l.AM» Ot HCl. AT RoSI Bl KG. ÜRj April 21, 1*91. ( OTICE !S HEREBY GIVEN IHAI THE tolniwnig-iiHincd s« tt!< r has tiled notice ot hi* intention to muke final pnatt in sup|M>rt ol Ins claim, mill that said proof will be made t»e- forc tin- ju«lg< «. June 11, Ist’J. via: Jam« a K« nt, hoim-st' i«■;«►’», tot th«* >L V4 ot -•< 2.5 I wp - l/l W. W. M. H« nam«-' th«- foilow ing witness«'» to prove his eoiit:nu«)us r«'Sid«,n<*e upon andcult ivatiuti ot «aid land. \ 1/. M. E. Hunt of Medford, Georg« Bu-n ol Eagle Poii.t, I. IL UilliHltlh and 1. F. Williams of Central I’oHit. A!! ol Ja< k'->n < ounts, Or. g in. JOHN il. SHUPE. Register. gCOTT&BOWNE.Ch^m! N ng ROCIIEbTEIt LAMP CO., 4J Park Place, Now Y gf ’ u . Manuf.-fturtrt, and We OwneetnfltncheorfrP-:*-- ' P«S Xar^at Lsmp ,*•» ir: 1 1 Lie V.. 1 THE ONLY TRUE IHON gj TONIC Administrator’s Sale of Real Property. Will P»rtfy Ih» Weed i n» mis’«th« Liver sud k'-lrrj« unii ke«ior» th« H»«ltb wod Sifcr« uf Vouih I In th> t’ounty Court ot tlic Stai«- of (»r. gon. tot tIn-< «»uni) <>t Jackson, sittmg tor thè transaction of |»robat«* busin« ss. In tti«-umili t «>t tm* «-state ol lnn- (♦.’«••» h clear ù-al- thyconu «■» ■ 1 fr re juent .Hteir.; t* at eot>nterf«iV tng or y « 14 to t>.« e • arity origin« ponotri'-’-r T.e’.t *!*•’. ’ ' * i»tl!«»lSAL bb « ì KE'T. Dr. HARTER’S LJTTLE LIVER PILL8W Cure ‘ .. .. «n. Liv.«r Come uint and S TÄ••/„•A o TI( w ! «»Ii S.itnrdau, June < K <»f aaiddav, m *11 at pub­ auction t<> th«* iiighot biód«T. at -wit: N I? 4-« « :.•’». t »* P L’'. r 3 «*. situatiti iu Jack* ' »n < «»iinty. « »i ogoii.t-oiitumiDK In«» nvrv*«. Al b< lonirniK'to tii«-cf*tat<* ol inn«-»* E!h*tt, • <•< ased. aud hituMt«*U in Jackson county. < negron. Terms of saie— cash in liand. E. D. ROSF. «»( Inno Ellett. de- at ( He.i’x h'* S r: p * 1'n««» and praam bovi■ O.K i» ' -»»i r«-. «- i’oftwoc«» r in (>o«taEe. F Or. HARTL-) .VXDG1HE CO , E l L c j», M— «nd a h.*i the “ Fish Braud Slicker.0 They are guaranteed storm-pro«4. waterproof, and wind­ proof Inside one of them, you are as much out of the weather as if indoors. Ihev are light, but warm Being re-enforced throughout, thev never rip; and the button* ere wire-fastened. No rail­ road man who has once tried one would be without it for ten times its coet. Beware of worthieaa im- iitlons, every garment «tamped with “ Fish Brand” rade Mark. Don’t accept anv inferior coat when you can have the “ Fish Brana Slicker ” delivered without extra cost Particulars and illustrated cat« kJofue free. A. 4. TOWER I K I-4”* A »1 JtSrC-'ï» To cure lb'..* ii-i'aS. k IiuLidio L< , t «'F.sti- palion, Malaria, Live r < otrplainl.-, take the 6afe and certain remedy, SMITH’S Citation h tit) Court o! th«» State of Or«*gon lor tin - <.'«»unty ol Jack*»<>n. Int:.<- matter of the estat«* ot John F. K«>ss, d<*c«*ased, citation: To Marx Stani« ) . Jenni«* B. ibatno. Abarilla l»a\ i'. L«-wis G Ross. Adeline M-hmitt. G«-o. B Ross, Tiios. 1». Ross. Minnit* Cunningham an i J >hn E. R »ss. Jr . and all others intcr- • -t«ii hi th« Mid «•stat«*. Gr«-ct ng; IN THE N AMEVb THE STAT». < »F OREGON; I You ar« hereby called and required to ap- p«ar in t h«- Count) < ’«»urt <»1 the st at «• of <»r«- gon. for ttie Count) «»f Jackson, at tin* t'oui-t Room tluTeot. at .la* ksonvill«*, in the County “1 Jackson. <»n Tinxiuy. th«* 7th day of July, l'î»l. «t b» o'*l.wk in the forenoon ol that da), tlu n an«! th«*re to show caus«-. it any, wh) an order show!«! n«»t !»«• made, by this « ourt.tor th«» administratrix of said <*state to seli the preinis«^ naiin'l in ber p«»titn»u In n in hl«'i. to-wit: N b,..f I>or»aii«»n Land Claim No. t>*7 in Twp. 37 south, of rang« 2'V. Also the I iHx tional E Ly of N W <4 of in sain«- township an«i rang« . being th«- unsold portion ol Donation laiu-l Claim No. 7J. con­ taining 41.7> acr«*s. Ais«) th«' N <»1 lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5. and W* u, ot tlu^N W ’4 of sec. Iti in twp 37 S. of rang« I n i in < ■ Boaton. Maes. CONVF NIEST. K!SSIH6?’'n:’o;"“ i I.F.SMITH ICO VEGETABLE PANACEA PREPARED FROM ROOTS 8c HERBS, i FOR THE CURE OF ' D P STÀ* -L J À U N tHC E • ¿ ^CHÍjÚS8rFEVÉÍÓ Ï J •DISORDERED DIGESTION- • SICK/HT a DÀCH E* ' , •GENERAL-DEBILITY- AHC ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINQ FROM A DISORDERED STATE or the STOMACH INACTIVE LIVER. ion SALE BV ALL ST LOUIS MO. i To cure roatK eno»"« tlie medicine muat bo more than h piir^atise. To be per» manent, it must coutuia Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tntt’a Pill« po*acK« tlie«<* «inaiiliea la Bn emiuent degree, and Speedily Restore » Als«» E Ln! the N E *4 of sec. 12 ill twp 37 S. rang«' 3 W. Belonging to the estate of John E. Bow. «lecca Red. Witm-ss. th« Hon. Janu-s R. Neil. Judge of the count) <*ourt <»f the Ktat«* of Or«*g«»n. for the c«»unt) of Ja« kson, with th«* s«-ai of said « -urt affixed, this JIKli day <>f Mav, A D. 1«J1. Attest: MAX MI LLER. Clerk. to the bowel« their a»f nal p«rt«ifaltlt ■notion, an e«i*>eiatial to regularity. Sold Everywhere. DO YOU WANT TO SAVE ------- FKOM CALIFORNIA P ?.. •_».■> lo .'.o «‘ENTS ositive OR AN • E l> HEREBY GÌ\ ÈNTI!Al BY VIK :tn <»id« r ami iicens«’ of thè abov<~ H « tu<-<>1 utiti'-d « ou 11, in th« at»ov«-< lititled tnatt«-r. 1 I .¡vi < »N !•:% Dollar you ' DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. ____ ÌMMÌ.SJ7 YOU NEED BUT ASK CATARRH Aheuinalistn. Neuralgia. Corn' • »nr Illustrat’d Catalogue, ationa and i»nc«*s of every «unti in th«* l nife«! Stat«s at inanuta* tur. rs’ prices. Iti.tmü illustrât ions, ai! lines r« pr« sent<*<1. Catal«»guv maile«! free on application. A«i«ln*s' • HI« AGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO.. No. 178 West Van Buren M..chirag«>. HEADACHE, Ard ALL PAIN. Thr C»lifornl» Pciitivr nd X.gv »• ELECTRIC COUGH CURI Cl/Dts COLDS. CK0UP. COSSUMPrrOP. Sold bv all Piaggi.-««. Ea-b 35c, !0c 4 f 1r«a,'n«cr A Co Prop * Lo« Ariel«,. Oal EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY ALLEN S noc ^“ n RN SEEDS. Il th, M . lomt «ou ,b-.tl with do.w not ke.-p ttor.i. ».ni to AI.I.I X dr,.I He t-.ijt. the |>obli(X<-. Ih-.uilitul I i.li.togio- rent tr> «-. A ddress : Th«* S. IL HE adache and L iver (T he taken n■ ■' \<’.v M!hH»th an«! evrii. Simples ►■nt EL’! J *i rece ipt cf return ¡»u«*'.ir ‘ . 2, OK., ---- THE BI>T— ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSL I«* the onlv positive cure for DYSPEl’SIA. CONSTIPATION. LIVER and KIDNEY DIS­ IN THE >1 A I E. EASES. and ia rvt,*<)inniende«! by phytdciam* when other niedicin«*a fail. Thousand# t«*stify Free Bates to and from the Zetel. to ft# having saved tbeir livea. To Mothers No Chinese empl«»yt d an«! no deviation in a.ul Daughter# it has proved a blvMing charges. JU bottle; fl for >5. All Dea’era. M«*als 25 e«*nts; lodging 25 '• i.is i«i «*cnts Dr. DAVID nikkEDV CORPORATION RoHdout. N. T I . LI WI. J < »N. l’l « i i ir i ELECTRIC BELTb±$, (jwiug t" the Kiva nur cesn ol tin i ' w *•» ¡.I 6 Klrclrie ^u«»|»cUH«»r) 11« !<.’’ v. ha'c redu<*» 'i tl.«- pn •• ir-.-i vei which link« wit tii' <*h<»a|> < A - • U. an«i «u|H'Ti"r t • <«tb« i h \ h an «P*T > * gold it from $ t" f 5*’. i r< • bv m . »orflLirTIIRI b i»«‘lt«f' rglll -« n«l - r -i«" r Ad'ir» “!». t‘nliforuia Ehflrb- Beili'«». Ilm 2¿‘»K Man Francisco*» a!, creali at Mark« t Couch», Cold«. Ir.fD»«nza. Pr^nrMtlt. __ Hoarfer.ee«. Whoopirtf Ccvg'n, Croup. hroat, Aathm.-., aftd ever) aff« • n of the —¿L THIS t’ÄPEBES,'^ I ¡»wllwi E. W. ALLEN THI. I Xl.ElGIGSF.D OI-'O'.IIS Kill t-Al.E I hi. 1 Hrttt ot ;Hh H.-r.-x, I, tug x inllo* s. tith, dm ol Ltt-kvill.-, on«*corn, r toix-liinir G— I river. It is all len««*«!. 125 acr«*t* in cultivation. 3 a«’ie> Jn grov.ng altaifa and 12 acr« s more seeded th« rcto. Tti«*r«- mm two good w« Ila. «•ither «»ii«-ot which will fm i i'li |«h nty of water tor a windmill. A «lit« h tlmi tsk« a water iMGii th« big Klamath rix«r urns thr«» igh tlie |>laci*. t*<> that it <*an la* irrigated. A Mnall or« hani of choice 11«*-s it* also glow­ ing on the t»lac«-. The soil tb «1««p, bandy loam, and highly |»r«>ductivc. Th« re art a »•mall !. htion on tlie farm. Tin' whole will t" !*« I ‘.a r« asonable figure. Cal' <*n or ad- J L. DOWNS or I. (’ J ohnson , Lmkvilh* Or. To Delinquent Taxpayera »TH L i> HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE dciinuu« nt tax list «»1 Ja< kmm <-<»iint) . < >rc- N t g'ln, lor l''.««!. liMb b<*eii fur rod over to rue from tin- Hon < <»unty Court for its imnuxiiate coi- 1« ction. All perwona wbo arc on aai«i lint will pl« af call at niy office in Ja<-k«*nnvilh* and settle without further delay, aa I will be com- pclicd to h «-y upon th«* property of 'aid dr- linnucnib. in < r b r to < nforce* pay nicut of -aid tax. If not paid forthwith. A i r«»mnt compliance with the law will mv « cwt« J. G. BIRDSEYE h«*riff «nd Tax Gdiovfor <»f Jiidn-ii Conniv Or» iron. Datc«l April 30 1K»1. EMORY Mind wxn<1«Mnngc’ir*d B w.k« U«**nsd in on* FMMlin«. Tnalinwiniibfr. m »]| p»r*w «»f tlie (bib«« Pr>«|M'Ctu«. i- -» st FRFF., wnt on anp1ic«tH»n t«i A- L4WKU.. »7 •«Mb New \ .~fr Newspaper A