1 EblTOEHl VOTES I KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. JO8EPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. MISCELLANEOUS Capt. Caton's new quarters on th«» <*orm*r of California and Or«'g«»n streets will W. I. Waiileigh returne«l U-t w«*«*k fr««m a I 1 Mr-. Wi- ..f Ag« r vi-itc«l th«* F«»rt «luring U.J. Win..*r nf (T.iklanil. Cal., i- in th«* I m * among tlx* haml-oim'st in southern T hk M.-ilford Vii! nri£**a the people of ()r«-g"ii. W. C. Engl«*d«»w, th«» j»aint«»r,is n«»w trip t«» l’<»rtlaixl. vall.*v. f that city and cf JacklM nville to try to ¿et th«' w«Wk. «‘Dgag* d in putting >»n tlx* finishing touches A . H . < AHSON. W.L CAJi.-ON OFFICIAL FAPFU 0' 1ASKÍJN COUHTT. OR the Ciniiabar trade by eon-tru. ting a Barti«*y Miller of A-lilami was in Josephin«' Ex Slx'tilT M. D. Chil«l«*r- i- .•x|M*<*t«*«i here Dr. W.iit«* Was an -ng our visit--r- during ami is doing goes! work. I <•«’iiuty last w«*«*k, h>«?king after his mini's. road io I bore vahial>!<* iuiiu*e. Yreka f«»rn visit soon. tb«* week. I was troubh'd with catarrh for seven JUNE 5. 1“"1 ba* <-tr**ied il k») toward build ng a road Mrs. G«>.»rge B. Curr«»y and sou r» turn«*«l J«»hn Shaliock I h - -ubl« t hi?« muil contract | FRIDAY A band <»f gvpsj, - i- inf«*^ting thi- pin«*«* years previous to «•«mimencing th«j use of from the other aide of the S akiyuns !•» Chas. Knight« !! ••( Fort Klamath. from a trip t«. I’li-rniv. in th«» up|M*r vall. v at prem*nt. Ely’s Cr«*am Balm. It has done for me what last w«*« k. Surely the people of Rogue river valley «•th«*r so-<*alle«l cures have failed todo—cured 1 < >1 C. S. S«*rg«*nt r«*turn«'ne m this matter, Jas. MrD«»u^all mi l Parker Br«»-. «-f G«»ll ¡ag«*«i by Jas. Williams in the absen«*»* of his Miss Jpssj«' Lanp-ll ha- r«*turix <1 fr«-m a IT. S. senator. A« there are nearly 50,- Portland *prciali*t, a free advertie-ment thcr«' lias b«*«»n quit«* a demand for the ls»«»k, after hi- extend« «1 educational s««journ at l»roth«*r J«»hn. visit t«» Eagle Point. OiXT mem be» s of that or^aiiizati. ti, they la»t week, le having failed to colli et his Yr»»ka. to examine int«» s<»im* of the special curiosi- for exc.'. ils any of their previous ■ plays. Francis Fit« h ami wife hav«* r«*turn»*«l fr«»ni ti«*s «»f kgislation found with in its cours«». wilt no doubt prove a factor in the Oc­ hill for the regular standing notice con­ Mi-S Nelli«* G. M”S-,(1 sister «>f Sheriff Mo-S, The t«'a<*h«'r-' in-iitut«* « f Klamath count}* I* ft last w«*«*k f«»r h« r h«»m«* in Sm Francisco. their trip to P irtlm I. Consisting in part of tober election. The fanners I ave no use tract,•«'«ti<»n. They ar«* now getting Jm*ks<»n T hx joint commi‘tv** of s nate and reference to <|t:ack practitioners generally. in«*— at Ken«» ami ha- ma«l«* a nuinl>«*r of frihen of Smitli river. Cal. <>f th«' season this w « k. county r«*< «'ipt-, l»«*cau-«' th«*y are mu«*h the bouse that has been trying to locate The T imes had some experience with -al«'s recently. B. A. Williams is a«I«iing an addition to his «•hca|H*r. Miss Hyz« r of Or «nt’s Pus- sp«*ut a «lav the w:iat«* of mnnev in the printing and Aborn, but finally brought him to terms. Judg«' Weister. Di-tri«t \tt«»rn»*y C«»!\ig h«»t«*l at M’-rlin. for tlx* a«*<*ommo«iatiou of a in Jacks««nvifi.- tm- w«*«*k. Th«* l«oard of trust«*es met in r«»gular ses­ ami H"ii. H. K. Hanna will arrive fr«»m Lik«*> st«H*k of gr«M*»*ri«*s aixl summer drinks. distribution *»i putd.«• d x-umentu baa He te n g., and no mirt ike view this w«-*k. Th«' farmer's fri« nd in all eni«'rg«*nei. >--- sion last Tuesday ami transaeted some busi­ a«lj wirned until July Ita menibeta have A shland is rnai over Wanamaker's Dix«»n A Son an* n«»w the duly u<*<*r«*«lite«l Siminou- Liver Regulator. ness "f importanc«*, but neglected to do any­ found out vnough to make it certain that Prof. C. R. D.'Lap is t«*a«*hing hi- fourth agent- for the -al«' of tlx ,siqM»riorlim«* manu- thing toward graveling our business streets, mistaking the place for Salem, and from ¡5 to 23 per cent • f the money now ••<»ns«*«*utiv«' t«*rin at I.«»st river and ha- a ia*•tiir«*«l by th«* G«»lt| Hill lime company. A. (’. Parker and C. M. Fri« ^w«'i.* aux-ng furni-hing water f««r str«*«*t-sprinkling pur- referring to it in kun »|a*ech at Portland large aud pr«»M|M*r«»iu* •»«•ho«»l. paid out may ea*»ly raved. The • »nr visitors during the vve«*k. i p«.scs and ««thcr matters that should lx» at- a* "the little town on the boundary of th* Frank Dessvuger. wh«» r«*pr«*s**nte<| th«» rarne tiling t* >ul i be «tone in every J. I>. Fountain <»f K«*no now «»erupies «»uar- K«*rbyvilh* l«Mlg«* «>f <»«l«i F« ll<»ws in tlx* grand W. E. Dean <•( Grant - I’a-- paxl Ju«lge t* n«i«*«l t«». stale.” It wa* a great thing for Atdi'and branch of the government, if the attempt Whil«' th«' northlH.uud ¡«a—eager train was and for the jwace of mind of Max Praelit t« r*« in th«* Z«*v«*|y hotel building »it K«*m», 1«sig»* at Portland, returned horn«* last w« « k. Neil ami wife a visit last Sumlav. wam made by men unhampered ami in with hi- M«H-k of in«*rchaiidi.**e. that Max wasn't at home to en.lnre all Sir John M«*D«>nal'i. Canada's prinx minis­ standing on th«' trestle at Tunmd nine, Fr«*«i Frantz, who will carry the mails 1 m >- ago, n i»ass«*ng»*r ear nert. ______________ t.iking water, a few nights ago (iRAl’I* VINES, <1 BRANTS. GOOSEBf K- (’. Cunningham, wife ami daughter, t\v«'«'ti Grant's Pass and Ur»*sc«’Ut city. ('¡il.. ter, is lying at the point of death. this He would have lievn mre to a •h, thinking t«*rru KIE>. BLACK BERRIES. RAsPIll |<- -topped down from tin* coae".., . ilead-to-rights ceitainty that Hie presi­ Mi— R«*ta Beall Cunningham. vi.-it«*«i friemln f«»r tlx* n«*\t thr«*«' y«'»ir»*, wa-lx'r«* during th«' feet below, KIES. STRAWBERRIES. PIGS. ' I>. M. Barn. . aIl .| Di- k Nicll« b I iirrna was marer than fifty . .. -------- , A m a sample of the political rot the w«*«*k. dent ha I forgotten all ah >ut his carrying at A-hlaml during th»* |*.i-t week. valh'V vv«*rv h«*r«* during th«' week. ami lx• was terribly l»ruis«* its leaders that fl ig at Wa*lnngton over two »ears hi- fall, llis cries w » t «' h«‘ar«l. fortunately, Henrietta*, Alpaccas, Albatr<»s. Black Fam ii *. BrilLiri'iii. L. L. Jt'iining- and l*«»l»Tt Morris, who B«»b Emmitt has <-oinpl«*t«*«t th« w«>rk on Albiui, Our in * * arc pro« n without IrriKHlion on with unceas uncea'I ’vjf ’u regularity, re¿uUrrv, may le* New potato«»- are fast sup**r- «ling tlx* «-hl ago, and it might have driven him wild. th«* roa«i i" tlx* stat«' lin«*, and th«' gra«le Is in ri*pr«*sent«* Ros« l»urg for iiHMieal r.-d loll land. H!..l all <»♦ anown varc-tlei* that stock ami are of «‘xccllvnt quality. cited its alatene nt that the epeaker Criterion, Tassel and Kiver Cloths. Small Silk.-, Allot, r Em­ *u<-cc.*l t reatmoiLit. low- in the grand l«>«!g«’, return«»«! fr«»m the l>ett« r «•on«litl<»n than ever ln*f«»r<* known. in Soiitn.-rnOrcKon. A ctive oraxari'Ns have been b. gun of the present Democratic house of rep- . ..nt. ini.hitma ir,./ |,|Rr:*;;., will do n«»rth last w«««*k. John J. Lathr«»p ami Julius Smith arrive«! broideries and Flouncing, in black and white. I’i.ptes, l.at the **ame rules on the portage railroad at the ea*cailt s i I., v...ur orchard anti nura. i >, <»r write from California lust Friday « -veiling. CROP WEATHER BULLETIN NO. 12. ('ha ” . K. Chans|«>r. «»ur ¡H.pular county Cal. wa-in att»'i)'l»iii« «' at tlx* (quarterly «'.x- to u* tor |'rl<-<* lira. Addr<-.* to u* at Muridiv Fancies, Veiling, Satinea, Chailies. Lace Curtain.' and Curtain <>f the Columbia, ami < i >verm>r 1 ’ . nnoyer that Csar Rxed erd*ir«,e«l «luring the aminatiouof t«*a« h« rs at Linktill«* la-t w«*«*k. «1« rk, ami J. P. Coleman hav«« b«'«-n ru-ti«*at- S«*v«*ral coininuni-'ation-i ar«' unavoidably I.iiin* i-ouriij. i Ir.-iron, ortu K. II. Malron’ life of the la-t congirew. Nothing could isofthe opinion that the toad can ami Grant'* Pans. Orciron. The following is th* report ut the State Net, Scrim, (»inghtinis, Cheviots. Ticking*. ing at th«' By I ms * springs «>n Evan- cr««'k «lur­ crowded out of this issu«* of th«* T imes . J. W. Hamak«*r M«*»*oinpaiii«* Sal«*m la-t w«*«*k, having land in­ Dr. Will. Ja« kson will next w« «*k tak«* p«»s- ter« — ts in «•«•miih'ii which n«*cd«'«i their atten ­ bagpii».-, vv«*r« ’ in town during tlm w-*«*k purpose. Its completion will t* ‘ tiaile l the highext «legrex, and the lh*mo«*rat WXHTEllN OBEOON. tion. -.•s-i<»n of th«* quart» r- lately .►«•«•upi. tl by who would suggest tleir reenactment with delight by the residents of the inland For health ami happim *'*'. the b«»on of all Dr. B«'a«*oinan«l will have «m<* «»'f th«* pleasant­ ( ■*>ler. partly cloudy aud cloudy weather Bonanza will c»'l« ’ brut«* on tlx- thir«l day of empire, as it means their emancipa ­ wouhl t»e consigned to merited oblivion. mankind, tak«* Simm««u- Liver Regulator. est «»ftb*«’s in the city. Im* prevailed during the week. e"i»oeially th,* tion from thr tyrannous itile of the cor­ July this y«’ar. an«l h«*rcitizens ha\•• arrang«*«! Gem-nil showers have fallen, WorkingmeD cannot afford to I«»-«* time. latter part. AT CENTRAL POINT a in«»-t attra«*liv«* pr«»grammc f*»r that «*e«a- G«*o. Robins«»!), now in tlx* saloon busi ­ porations ami «ill inskr wheat blockades Bonn L zhan iunght i,oiiM»li*Uti"n si«»u. ness at Marshfield, iMisscd through th«'val- Simmon- Liver Regulator will k«*«*pyou 4r«»m i-'peelallv in th,- southern jmrt, when* the y among the things tha* were. T cause it wa» againa« Lift interrM* tbat rainfall tunouuts to froui sfxty-two hun­ 1 I l«'V last w«»«*k on his way t«> San Fram-isc«». it. 1IZ .1 I’ M < »l»en< hain ami wif.» arrive«! h<>mc thi.- H«* is well known here. dredths of an in.h to over on,> Im-Il. lutti,* Port land, F.«»t lortlanil and Albina ‘ T he back of the big strike in the coke Y-»11 fee] fmiit ami vv. ilk in tlx* imx I’. Willaim tt,* valley gem ral storms aceomisi- I l should be consolidated. Many other regions of Pennsylvania ha* been broken w«*»*k. having iuui quit«* a w« t trip ov»*r th«» I IJ kJ I No app«*tit« ‘ . Tak** Sii»»m*»n*> Liv. r Regula ­ «•». <1 lt\ »•»»»•• ail'l huil • * t-vairu l »>■» «ho 'lath. mountain->m tlicii return from Rogue river Tlx* m**n«*y accruing from th«* sale of the people sited in th«* xaultr <»f tlx* First National Win. umi \ixir«’W Bailey "f Foots cr«'« k last «l»'Kn'«'b a «lay cooler than last w«*ck. Where ih k« H constantly on hand a complete A numivr •! th«' festively im lin«*«! «'iijoyx«| whether anyone voted apiinat Ilia in­ barons imported nee- Th«' previous week having l»een unusually and firn»-ciana stock ot w«'«’k went south, t«> th«* Sa>*rain«*nt<» valley. ami foreign a -pl. ndid tiui. at »h< iilii o l»all given at th«* Bank «»f southern Or«*gf gr«*at valu«« t«> <*rop- "full kinds. Th«* political p irten.l. liecauie no principle, ' I t i!lo**lv an.l rcubborn contest l b * is a subscription s«*h«»«»l at Merlin, with an served this y«*ur than ever in southern Ore- -«41 is again in ••wellent condition and the Is R«*v. Sutherland fresh and Complete, all of which will be sold at the were involved, ¡lie TlUfc*rwenot coui- one of the beau 1* of that ‘‘protected averag«* att«*ndan«*<* «»fm«»r«' than 25 pupil-. g« »n. growth "f vegetation D wry marked. Warm­ tnend the ahtlie ahowere»! upon I. >t »n«' of the l«*ading ••iii/.« n- any anti-eonaololationi.t by the r/reye- wont to talk ahull at reel ion inn •• al­ day «»f last we-k. tions«* last Friday evening was larg«'ly att«*n«i- <»f Pleasant cruek pr-'i im-t. «*ulleof Hamilton ami bi- «leputy hi «' th«* most tlatt«‘rlug prosp«M ts f«>r th«* wheut nal capvuaed. Call and see us ami l><* coin ¡iceil. busily engaged and -I *ing a larg«* amount «*f crop throughout thi* se« tion. Quit«' a num- everv <*;L'<*. nt: election held at Portland, Ila*' ii- ui au«l I* rcgar«lc«l a- tlx- large-1 v«dt Tlx* -«'«ml of Epworth L« agu«- at the i« -i- work. In i of on. -pon«l'*nt- report fruit (ailing Port'amf amt Albina last M >mlay, t<> • \« r «lr«>p|M*d m Klamath «•«•uuty. «|«*n<*«' "f W. W. Ben-on. at Merlin, on a r«*- A HF.« hi iriNo uFFh i u ■ f the I . S. A from th«» tre« -. Fr«»M.**, which at the thn«- deenm w het her the three eli*rilt.i he c< n- K« ti«» i- rapnlly extending li«*r trad«', hav­ ■ *vnt Satuniav evening, wa- «»n«« «>f tlx- mem­ T. J. K«*nm v is eugug ’ d in building a -ub- was in the v>»l!ey during the w< rk ing now two-1 r.- ¡in,! tlx- !!■ tiling-mill t«* orable events in th«* social hi-torv "f that stantial addition to hi- re-id.-m*«* in Ja- k-oti- w « t «- not -uppo-.•«! to hav.- injur«'«!, evid«*ntly *< li.li.t. ,1 into one large citv lestilted in «liti ronshi.'iabh* «lamagv. Prunes, «'h<*rrivf geeking for i»c»u't»». but was unable • Iraw to, a- well a- the saw-mill ami lak«' Ph««»*. vill«*. i»n«l |H*ai‘h« - w* r*' injured. Cherries <*sp«*«-- find enough to scare a setting I m n oil her a complete victor' for the con*o!idatioi>- • •mm« re«- Ku k of h«*r pro-j»«*rity. tsts. Every ward gave a majority f r con­ Th«* programme f«»r th* 1th -f July .•*•!. I-ra­ iallv will not prow to | m - th«' flop hop« d for. The st«*ain -h«»v«-l lias h«‘.’n titling liv« l> nest. Even H e lioye here, whom the Th«* artist, Parrott, has under way at his work at Bl«»« ly solidation,the total majority being 8,412. ............ Kun ' Ut «luring th«» \v«-« k. tion will app«*ar m the next i—u«* "f th«* Yamhill, Cla'-kamas, Linn. Benton. I^in«* and community felt that it could eparo, -tixlioa Ihx* painting of Mt. Shasta, which Dougla- «*<»unti«'s r»*p«»rt th»-.*»«* fruit «*ondi- T imes . An«l «v«*ry 1 htng eia«- imaginab!«* in th'a line. hadtuoiiiikh respect f< r their.selves to of which Portland contributed t>211. East will Is* of striking Iwaufy when «•••nipl«*t«'d. th«’ «lirt from whi- h i s being utilized for fl’.i- tioii-. Curl leaf ««r y«*ll<»w- are obs.*rv«*«i at M v k « hh 1< ari n«-w and ot thè beat branda, aud ing in several <*f th«- -ina!l« r tr«**tl«*- in thi- Portland 1525 ani- vall«*v la-t w«-« k -ur damaged. ing in Curry «"unty. Strawberri«*s are ri|>- cl ance» of promotion to should*»:-straps. Portland,2‘i8 in East Portland and 462 in •ni|M*lled th«» sheriff to go after th«’* «l«*lin Albina. The T imes believes that this pri-« ,1 th«* «•«»mmunity by bringing in a l«»a«l The whole wynt« tn cf the regular army l’r«-I l’r (■»•ntral I’oiLit w• r« at th-’ ••■»iintv - at 'luring KAHTEKN OKFaiON. must be retiv>! ¡it r«*mun«*rHti\«* tlx* w« «*k. dated city of Portland will grow fast and uties ruling «luring th«* j*ast w«»« k. in any other w.iy eu^tam life will con­ ( ,»«>l«*r. partly f|«>udy w«‘ath<*r with g«‘n«»ral tweome quite it.,p rtant under the new G«*orge Smith will this week g«> t«» th«* Wil- pri«*«»-. hd acre of thrifty, well-cultivatod, producing orchard trees in th«* val-. rain- pr« vail« 'l ^-un- «• Tu. sday : Sumlay ami sent to become perpetual «log-rubbers rfyiinf Mr-. Laura H-ul- r and children «•' !.iin«*tt«‘ section to spen«l a month's holiday, A bran« h of th*- Washington Pro«iu« «’ <’«»m- Monday w**r«' wry warm with east winds, ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of JflOO. It will for Wot Point graduate*«. ami w ill att«*nd th»' .-oniin«*n«*em»*nt ••x« r« i-« s nussion Co.. >»f Ta«*«»ma. wa- <»|M’ix»«l in I'r.tiM i — •• • are paying relatives in Jm I l h»* ram wa- h«'avn*r in Union county than vill«* a vi-it. A. .1. II eniii us s of Josephine county at th«* stat«’ uuhersity while aw.IV. Grant - Pa— la-t w.’ek, f-»r tlx- handling • *f in oth«*r .-«fti‘tn-. <>n th«* 25th an«! 26th Average I'M) trt?es to the acre, and the estimate is based upon the dem-' last week returned home from Calilorn a. W I. Vavvt« r of tlx* J.i«k-<-u • thun«l«*r >t« rm* \wr«’ «pill«' g.-n.-ral. On the onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce ?1 in value, in t, of Secretary Jerry Ru-k look- very mu- h like pn»*lu«*«» of all descriptions in < arloa«l- - r lr is reported that the president and I where be was q,i'zz**d a g. 0>i deal Prof. J. N. Hall, «»f Klamath agen«*y. in buil«l brok.-n Ms. ami (»<•". F. M- iriman «-all**'! .it 26th a->uth uin l «»f unusual wverity was marketable fruit each year. his wife brought back mo»e than four I am to the praet < ability of San Diego -liape of head, whi-kers. et«*.. th«»’ « nly dif­ • •flic«' this vv«*«*k. . \p«Ti« nf.”i in part»« of Gilliam county, es- Wil, mak« th« -ertMin «•! ls91 at Central P«»int, huntlred articles of ¿«»hl and silver work II 1. I.vman ha- a« «ept»*«! a j »-»iti««ti as 1 CMpit.i! Sts budding a ra lr ad wlxicb, widbr«\t« liar at Arlington, whh’h di«! som«* dani- manshin given to them as presents dur­ .« n«i th«- baiane«* <•! th«-1iui<- at t h<’ M< < 'i«-nd«»n ag«*. Tlx* rainfall amountvl to from .10 to 1 U»vs«*»*nt c tv toJacksoiivii e or Grant's County Cl«*rk L«'avitt ami w if«* arrived at H«»m«' trie t n«'.’ir Dund»*«- Orfg«»n, am! \vill th«* valley la-t u«*« k kx-king f--r li _•*. but ing tbeir recen. trip, li the reiwrrt is laim in Sam’s Valley. lri of an in«*li. South ofth«* Blu»' mountain-, Pass He brought home a long list of Ixum* from th«*ir t.-m through California thi- get 50 00«i tr»*«’- r«*a«ly f t planting th«* "I- •lid m»t buy any. 1 .1 wi- P. !► a liami-om« som I. 11« itcly .5 j ears true this sjmji I is a shame to the presi­ • p« ’ .*ially in Crook am! Grant < ’ «»unti«'S, th*' i ipiestion«*. to which the pr« jectoiw <«t the wes k. having r« -f«*«l a few «lay s at tlx* Shovel « har«l r«>w next scas«m. «%« urli- 1« .'•u ¡M»unds. ami t«r l«»nti and W«’ regret to b arn that II* nrv K. "• ath- r is yet <■<"•! ami s»*a*-«»n Iwkward. dent. lit» perfectly knows that these In other words nn acre t.f producing fruit trees luts a valuation Of oi«i. a« i • »n « aun«»t b«’surpass« -i pr num nt citiz« us • The rain wa- of iiu Miinabl«* l»em*flt ami things were n d given !•» B**nj imm llarn <»t -evi i.«l ta-i iac« > and won a llj mi:«- raee $1000. It is better than any bank for the bank is sometimes can æ«l at (Iotas ■ business answers, vvth a view to ninler- value t • th«' wlx at • r-q The east wind th«- pr« si«lent • t I taking the woik itnii»“«hately, if they with th«* intention of remainingp rinam-ntly ha- b«’.’n n«» light in Grant s I’a-- «luring th. -into Canada by the cashier, Dame nature a trust-worths guardou I’l -« Kin !<«S I» I'M'llilit F. - .un.- ¿.«mag*- in pait- »ates.. nd it is a»i irufe -enry Ja« ks--r.ville s . h •). ty i- waking up again and Wa- ’o ••tiinti«*s. i.»ui- I’.wa- -i«d |«y the <<|«biatcd J« m * Tlx* rains have ■ unti«*-. The raiu- bave r«*- ¡think it will prove a prof table invest- pa-t w. ’ ek wiiii ’ h Li« ’ t l«'«l to many < xj»h tive- having foiiml th!--♦•«•tion to be mm-h b«*tt«*r that th«» presiitrnt oi the Uni’ «1 Stat«*» | takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. (»1 <•.>:«» ~, If a ml entertainment- -<- ial parti« - «*te. ar«- It h< i ot < c.Mîoi h .j i¡. |,y Monday, |bi< k« i f \ iv»*d the «-Xi i II. ut w lieat pr«»s|M*ets thrmigb- inenl A i iilto<«i to »ho e.»ast im what for hi- health than th«* low« r Willaim*tt»* val- from onr wariii« r-tcin|»er«'d • itiz«-n-. bi-I dam was Miy!li u«r by imp ÌLciip-«*; fr« qu« utly l«eing lx bl. Mt.unld receive pr**senis fioin a»;vtssiy | «•ut tiiis M- •t|oii. Frult m well set ami thrlv- you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the 'if s of thor ’o il IO ' I . I i I w l \ ¡ H,|I -bam) «.( k ; ;id, ida soutliern (>ieg«»n n»*. «I m m«>r«» tian any-i r: \ nuinb-'r of Grant - Pa— nx-rehaut- siib- The earlier prSMufents were exceedingly Win N «ah s sawmill i- m«-t* running mg ni«*elv. st rawben ies ai «* Iteromiug pl»*n- nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, and iiivit«’* I" ni| B» iiazz« r; «il». Gamina - «tain Mail thing elrte. D won d «1 v«*h>p ih s -ec-i - rils ’ I •■* th ” •.» pit..i ■ . k ■ f ’ i : . M. oi i . I ill«* lak«* .- < itiz* ns have dc«-i«l**«l t«* hav«* <;. n« ral proHpv t* for . r«»p> of all sensitive upon this p«»mt of honor, refus­ B -h y ’»y -o Bu liai ! '»'h. by imp. Eagle; 6th tiful. tion in a wot «lerful «h grex an I make it their l«»«*al celvbrati«»n «>n th«» third «»f .Inly, p"i k packing ■ mpany. wlx ti M« -.-rs. Ul­ on full ti n«* in Sam’s vall«*y. ami turn- «-ut kind* ar«* at tip pre-ent tini«* im>.-t flatter- the birds anti orchard [»estate make a restaurant of your orchard, yon ’ B--, ’y by Wilk«- Wonder; ;t Ii. by Chant 1- heaps of good I udi I h r, ing to receive even the most tr thng »»ecoinl t<* I oil“ on lit»* I’a<1 fie si |>e. ami have engaged S. B Cr«in-ton t >-pr« axl rich aixl H'wkersmith w. r. in tlx* city la-t !••• i; -th. by imp. St«’rling; Plh. by Clodius; B. H. I’A««I E. must not complain that your horticultural methtsln have j i .-ci| itati >i a « b'lh. ing. objects ottered as sonvenirs of the by imp, .- ,vcr«y«; Jit»», by imp. J«»IJy th«* bin! f fr.....I«»m f"r th«-nioii that gb»nou- week circulating tlx* -ub-criptx«n b«.nk-. ft Lee of M Obh. r\« r P. S. signal Service. country’s progress. That lat«r presidents foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. l< nei; 12th. by Partner; I >. by imi». Monk« y; T iik iran-fortnati« n in the freighting «M*<*aMion. Last W*’«hx’s«lay th«' la«li« - «.f th» M E. and l* st st«»ek of lumk-r in th«* ■ unty an I Inn. imp. mar** from sfinì oí Ifarri-oti oí have been less Nen^itiv** is a fact which biiHtiixFM b•tween Ashland ami Linkville I their pri -es ar«* quit«* low. Ib and«»n. Th« Jum* term «»f th«» < ir« nit « «»urt f »r Chur«h gave a nx»st enjoyabl«» festival finds its worst nianifxMtation in Mr. ov* r th«* usual route lias brought tl e I • u i- I*. - dam w as Li/^i«‘ P. I»y Leinster, I W Mark-l iny (T. bl Hill ium I l> \ Klamath -«.unty will convene next w-.’k. Th»' ■ >n th«* par-<»nag« lawn, at which -trawlwr- Harrison’s apparent inability to see that fa< 1 hotn»» t«> team-h rs that the r«»a«l «!«M’k**t i- a light on«*, though a iihiii I h r «»f ri« - ati«l light r»*fr«’shm»*ni- w«*r«’ -.'r\« «l, th. Pr«’s|«*y of Brovvn-lw>ro w. r. am -ng ur vis- tç. ¡mp Au-t i,an. 1. iti in Kb. and br« d With half the care you give wheat-fields, aud it will yield an income l y \\ 1. Pi t« h.o i oí ruim-nt«'. ( ailtornia. there is improprlet v m taking anything was laid out with the «xp«c*aGon that criminal c.i-«— may lw brought forth by th«' pr«*. «’.’.I- I« ing applied to th«* ........ 1 of the • itors during th«* i«a-t week. i l-t dam va- Ad«!:« A. by Ast«TOld; 2d. on a valuation of $1(MX) nn acre. There is not a wheat-field in this II* and everything that he can get from any­ Ioade«l teams would alwavn go east­ grami jury. I- i'tt.i by m i' >< v«r«’ign; ¿d, Mary Ogden Dekgates fr- in «lifT«*r«*nt farm« r> alii ’ ■ I i uh 4t ,M ar y Ì boma-by imp. ( on-in; body for nothing. county which yields such an income, and EVERY orchard doo. ward an«i comn hack empty. This but Jes.-M’ D. Carr wan in t««wn lu-t u»«» k an«i (•Hint’s l*a>- ll••rs••lu«•u pr«*«li-1 that, if th. y will m«« t at M’-dford t- day f -r tlr pu • i. I’.oi n by Itamioiph s ll«iain>k< : 6th. r I iowm how shut t-R'gh’ed we mortals are. -aw his agent driv«- piO fhuul • >f K< «gu«* riv«*r d*» h -'T win th«*ir -hare <«f th«* ra-<•-at th»* ‘ «»f forming a «•«•unty aliiam*«*. We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon I*ai*H]uet by imp. Mi rriti« Id; 7th. imi. mar«* » Pop:njay ;-1 ii. Bourbon'- dam bv rrífip1- T he O»egon ftate grange wrms inclin­ i Who. ten years ago, would have in- • attic through <>ur stred •ts. Th«1 stin k w » t »‘ di**tri« t fair, th« r«* will at any rat«* !«•■ Iw it . r shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental I ’ d' \ 1- !. i>- k - t !> • than thrr«* »*ver has l»*.-n . 1*lh. bv ll.yhtlvr; 10th. Tiffany l»y in unu-tuilly go..«i condition f«.r ‘u early in tiux* nia«l* ed to take a Land in politics, and at. Ha | dulgvd in ti e dream »bat this season the th«* apring t« rday. a< -nipani«*«l by hi- bi ” th« r I clq-. . Ilth. Yonny |fag by skin; 12th. Hag her«‘t«'f«»r«‘. S«ini«‘ <>f th«* y<»ung-t«*rs at th«* railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with vVbdia- late Pension roughl to handle aeveral wlieat nnrj Ins <»t K .«math e -untv wouhi dam by < ial.; Itili.Ebony ry. H«* ha«l -«»m«* i«l«*a “f unib'rni** f«>r tlx- Grant - Pa-** ( <«rnrt f unwell, but are n«»vv convab.—c«-ut. old age overtake you aud find you penniless. of making In- futur«* home in Sp-.k. im- Fall- road u ill have t » l»e i(*rm«h*!«*re!»i- the changed c •n«ht»otis »xi-t ng am! sixt«*«'ti fr«*«* -p« n-air «*.a«4i»*r - e\- n«*xt four nn•nth’*, < anivt !•«* t«»«» highly r«*< - ilent Harrison. Why Lord should take that will exist until there ia a <*«mr e« ting «ioul.t deliver a first-.’h»«s «»rati«»n. j amination last w«'xk w«»rn Jam«*-ami Liz.z.i«* We give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for the precedence of any other judge or i line cf railway brlween trie twose« •; n.< Wight of Dairy VC-- Rh -da How,- ,,f Bomin- '»mm«'ii«b'i|. a- th«* Kuxl will pr«»v«* an in-ti- I’. Ivory «’Isewher«' gives m-ti- •• that In has tuti.'ii •«( whi.-h any t*«wn might U pr.»nd. lawyer in the state we cannot ander- two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and Valuable Property for Sale T h it silly b«.v Russ, ia at it again, and Z4». Mi— Gay of Tub* Luk«* and Miss Clara Til.* «*ultivati<>n "f g”<»d ta-t»* in mu-i> taken up a -trav mar«* am! r«*«pi- -ts th«* fltand. He in neither an aide or learned Br**it«'U-t«'iii • f Linkvilli*. A FEW DOSES OE owner to « all ami tak«' her away. GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. i-af«*atur' of town lit«' that -!x*ul«l L.- «*n- there ia no telling what he will do to jurist,and being a'moil a.s deaf a* a stone obtain the notoriety f» r whi«»h tra aotil is ,,| im: Ml,'I PI.SIUAHI.E F MIMING F. I>. Mitchell r»*«*«utly r«*turm «i home t<» •••iirag« «1 «'V»*rywh«'r«*t wh»*n pos-ibl«*. This Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value X1 Harvey Ricliardsou «»f Trail er«'« k pr -in t poet be i*t certainly not tit for a judge «ml «»•>« k raix ii«*> in s uth«m Or«goii. < ««n- ever craving. He ia spoiling “Pa’s” Bonanza after •'»mpb tmg th«* winter - term plat•«• i** «•-tablishing a reputation a* a mu-i- ha- di-e -vi'i t d a miii.t mim at what i- km»w n their land high, and rob its soil by sow ing it with wheat and c< mjiet- ta;n11) jz »'40 a«T(••*. )<•« at« «i « hi th«’ tamous K« «1 before whom canee must He trie,I without i < al • ••nt«*r that i< wry gratifying to ail of <-ur as th«’ r«'«l liek, wki« h pr«*mis« - w«*U. diHtii*« k f«>r a renominatu n by making at tin* Stat«* Agri- ultural College at Corvallis, ritiz«*ns. BiHiik’-t ’TNiii« . jt-h.at ti c«uinty, <>r«*goti. tl e voluntary eta ement at Chicago last and is putting in th«* vacation < «inv.i—ing f-r has never display?«! anything above l iii-ran« li is •»p« « uillj H«lapt« «l to t he pi« m I uc - Prof. G H. Watt vill return t-- thi- ■ •»a-t of India. “ Export the wheat of a country and youshipawaj- the vital we« k lhat th«* present holder of the an- Ga-kell s literary dub ..f Chicago. A MYSTERIOUS POWER. tioiiot ba\ mix ! ht>>< k. bcinp well watci<f Tub* lak«* « \hibited last ceatrul hat does n«»l «lesire n tenouii- ity of its soil,” says a great economic writer The [>eop]e of Jackson ti butarj t*> al!n«><*t unlimited rang«*. V«g« ta- rarely ever quoted. He >I mo has a bad a[-j lying for a — -h”«*! in Wa-hingt- n. natioi’.tiniesM theie is an abaohi'ely nnan vv«*« k >«»nift uati.|4e- ,.f ry«* ahm-st m l«|«M»m, ELECTKK ITY !•'«*- atxi «•tlx r tarin erops al»*o pr«»diiced in « WOKhEI.rri. 1LMEDV F««R county should learn this ae an axiom. habit ot leaning toward people who which »iv raged «>v« r thr«*«* ami a half feet abiindan« « . Tlx-«lev. Iopm« nt of laiu« lunit»« r- U. G. Hurley, an • xeelh'nt ¡ hit m-b-gi-t i- » P high. Pr -|H cts f«>mn abundant « r»q* arc THE PRESENT A'O Dll. I»V KEIN < O\ TINIES done him either («olitical or prrslNF mtewsts will lurnish n lx th « Tnaik«» («•r Every bread-winner at the forgo or near the cutting saws, or in a mu i lhat b- turing m different |«orfi.-n-of the valley t of almost us goo«l as they w. r«? la.-t y«*ar. TO ASTONIsll THE 11'»I’LL WITH ELE« TEI« can b. pr«>«!uv««i. It Mill b« with service. The state grang«* evidently ' am! m« « ting with ■ « u-nb rabl« -u •■•■—. Bound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or all imp! • a «*in«’nt>, -tovk. too>. farm*ng ituple» Mr. «VUES. not know what it waa doing wlie in your cheek and the sparkle toiling late over desk and counter, should study our [Jan well. It means in« nt-, mi - • a valuahl«’ limb« r and mbiing Carroll A. ('•». hav.* exfcndeil their fa« iliti«*- Jas. M-*D'»n<'Ugh A s >n- • f Wilb-w Spring« ged El«*«i •tr«»-Magn»'ti-m. tlix won«i« r of the ag< . prop« rtx a Ijotning. i! destr«Nl. For t> rin-aixl pawed that resolution •nt, f<»r produ.'ing fin»' -«'«la-water f«»r summ«‘r ami th< x* ni««d»* of tr«atni«-nt h th** arum «»f pr«*cim t hav«* «iriv ti 125 heu«i «»f >*attb t*» intormafion applv to S. .- A*k*r. in v<>ur evi -Strictly iKHi-acoliol a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of *2 years’ work. A further i'rosp« vt. or >. J Day, Ja it. root an«! F«-r l«ilioi]-n«*-s am! Imadach«« Simmon- ic, its effect uj»«»n pcr>o!hs suffer tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. hratvh. f«»rcv»*r. for«*v«'r. It r*m«»v«*s r^mos.-s mon* m. ag<«ny I an- I. ' ’ ■ will prevent the « tul.Mii inMiixcnt* f James Em« iv writ* - to friend- in Link- and -lient .-titf-ring tlian tongim «•an t«‘ll. It vv >rld ever saw.-*[H. II. J1 m *. Ma - n. Ga. it bombarding Ilia’ jtort, and even that Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great vill«’ that he Will pr hHl.lv r«*turu t«> Klamath « lires the morst hope|«‘MM «*«Ses and reliev«'** ing from liquor habit is woiider- valley and our Orchard Home. fail Hideration liny no! deter them if Johnny Orth m» I ng-*r rnak-— trips to ■ "unty lat«' in th«’ -iimnier. a- lx* ha- had pains that «»v.-ry ktx»wn nu'ans hav»* low mm h .-i«*km s- in < ••rvalh- -in«-«* hi- return a-*ut'* governin' nt, of il world do not ► ( • ntral Point with hi- but'-lier wagon W I fail«'«l il», whi- h < dii N- substantiat«*d Lv th»' reecg» t lieiii h * tie. 1 ge,elite. It »' om thither although h«* has I.... .. doing w«41 «*Vi«|e|X*e *’f tllollsamls of p«'rsoiis who hâve W«*rth having r«.—-p*-m d his mark« t th« r* . fui. »• -in that in j'lHtice to onr ng financially. I h -.' d «*ur»*«l Ly Dr*-. Darrin. at 7U 1-2 Wa-h Wni Harri- ami wib> of \-hlaml h iv. ien ingt. n st l’-rtlaixl. Th«* el faction Inn r« tMru»*«I from tli» ir trip t - California, th«» All vvh an afford t., <].> -o ar«* buviug cat- < urai-h* rhr«»ni<*. a. ut«' and privât«* diseas«*-. aiu'cesefully condni ted the warfare am tl«» during th«* |>eri«M| <4 low price-, in order W m R onen , of Portland, Or«* , writes : □stravasaHgsgasvMnpi Examination** frv«' fr-'in 10 A. M to K r. M. former being mm h I* m llt.-d l-y the trip. Balmaceda and bis troops, ae if > to L«et a iM-m tlt of tlje booni now a certainty “ oohe ’ s B evealbd R emedy cured me m* y«*ar ago \«>u tr« at«'«l n•«• rre* k were b»*r«* lat«*ly. Th«* latt« i br- ught nia fb'urt’ Sin Fram-i-e., ..very Monday. Tim* - Peru is simply waiting for then A. B. C ase , of ontorcy. ‘‘»«I., writes: lungs and far t • t t.*n rut.-i i •:(•» «.Vwismnj •• * .* : P le f i < hr«.ui. r.uarrh in th«* h«*a«l and thro; 4 t. in h s|ck child for ti. atim nt by Dr. Robin ­ to hav«* gr«*atlv « hange«! within th«* |«ast f.*w become exhausted with their interne ends in Death? l'.*>ple mfferit from A th.ua.B ’It entirely destri «y«“«! my tasi«* for spirit­ W. y«*ar- as it ha- m t »s*«»n so v«-ry long ago \our El« 'tri«'and M> di.-al tr.-atm.-iit perma­ son. struggle to |>oiince U|>on and ahaorb nently •ur*'r export. weH i« ti e tw»t < f the fight so far, t under th* unfav.rabl* • oUditi*jn- t«> Addrei>s—4>i;o. STARKETT. ¡ibsvuve. nd •*v«n could litlie liann rerm't from their 1» win« ii vv«- ar«* still -ul'j«*«:t. it <»ncc. S«»l«l by »»II druggist», or Walla Walla. Wa>li. a A «ian«.*ing party t« k pla-. at th- r« -i- S tew xht -H<» i . mes Hurt; «'«> , Sentile. Wash. DeMte!**. Permanently Curait Can von afTor.l to lic^L-. t it ? Can ,v<**t trifle* nition while it would probably pre' •b'«|t •* ••( A'lain Selnmit la-t Friday «•v. iiiiig. nt a wjui i r r : ? Ai- ’' ■ ■ 11 .ii ■ • t ., t ■ with so so serious Bcrious a a iii.ii inatti Ar.-\ u aw aw.ii a repetition of the Itata tiaaco. Ma.'l.sis Or. May ¿It. I'.'Jl farmer*!. Attentlun whi«*h was vv«'ll att« n«l«*d atxi pa--« d off lid l’r. Darrin Itfiir Sit -Yon wi~l> to know TUWltho,,HM’‘h<*»' Ik> n. t be In h hurry to contrm I your wheat if my hearing i ve tall ruiht ami if I am sati>tl...l pkasantly. \g\j not be cniojed crop, uh pn-p.n-r« ar. tor «".al price*, and re- T hk recent sinking of the :n9ttr> of member that I paid from five to a« ven cent* with th«» tr«'atm«*nt I r.....ire.l. I Will an "for Coughs. Colds and Consumption is beyond qu^fion the ;*r. ;»t< t < f all* J. C. M -Ciilly arri\»-«l fi -m CinnuUir la-t THEREFORE use ironclad, Blarn a b ncala:i ¡ft., n »♦» lad. lean nix ! Hlway« will I m * able to pay now a- I < ouhl ifir«'« tlv after y «u op»*rat«*«i ell H«* earn«' in f«-r a lot >f ax«— f--r th«' m« n em­ the higheM »«hipping price for ail an«i any Chilian navy, while the war vessel ploy.««I th«r«*. I in time, “ You can’t afford to be without il ’’ A ’,5 c. ,n K»t:’«* may * *\ a Ml amount «»t w heat you offer, and many tHno m«« arid that I think it a p»*rf«*«*t « un- Truly your-. lying at anchor in the harbor of CalutHiv-p. psi.i. dtives all impunti» s «»ut «•( favor*. 1 am III I, ”»d and di'its itp old Sore*. The Businr-s arrival of his family from th« r..!-t. cranky, and is constantly experi­ will no lunger enab]»« any country to American |s«»pie.” Improvements ar«* going «»n in «lifi- r«-nt Yours respectfully. n-< it XV »>fkiiiKhu-n y th* l .'i-bts dominate the seas, the best policy for 25O.« i (»O feet of Lumber <■ nstmitlx mi li:iii,l. ('. B. Hay- of Eug« n«* has h.*. It \ Ì-l»IDg portion- of Ja-’k-'Dvillc. Thr«'«* r«'-id«*nc»- menting, dieting himself, adopting ’ : • ■ ■1 Farme •M.HtL.r.!, .May r.th. A. A. 1HO*. tbiegovernment to pursue in the future T he Republican advocates of high , fii' ixl- in this \ieinity r«'r»*utly. ar«* m pr«»« «*-- "f trnusf.»nnatit*n in t«» min*h strange notions, and changing the t »s ’hen h< s. h< altli preserver. o. 1 c .< rx whvie. tT crinh* sugar, and on that .liiiu ll. w , ltrt. looking for P-n good preach­ enjoy«*«! a pirni«* at th*' fair gr<»un«l ut the (a«‘t«-ry of Sissou, Cui. nn,l more wiiieome e|oH«* of th«* s«*ssion la-t w«*«'k. How does he feel ?— He feels at Its vessels with torpedo nets and tubes day 11»»* retail price of refined wiigar drop- er". W , are going |,, mak. it the t„-«t csnip-tni-ct The railroad pay-«nr was n-'t pri j»ar«*'! t<- times n gnawing, voracious, insati­ as well as with In«» most effective rapid- I*» I ah »nt one-fifth. For years th**se Ing that Hog,,,, river valley ha* ever had. it Win. W«*rtli has re-um«d hi- I.nt.her m«*«'t th«* d<»man«ls --t th«* ^ «•n tlnUr trip r<*«-»*iUly, but s«'ttl«'r> pared ««» «lo all w««i k in his line in n John Morris, St«*v«» Svva« - k«*r ami J. ( <»«-k Flower the Remedy. Prof. P. A. Williams last we«*k wi*ot Ashland, Mr. Gratfordot I will als«» tak« «’«mtra.ts 1«.r pr«»sp« cling the price of au/ar, which occurred si­ <..*, Imrg. J IV. Ml'li-r of hast Portland W for th«* S<'Bnd rountrv, after establishing an pa-t w.’. k t«.iLS-i-f in ilrhmga large num- How doos he feel ?— He feels no P'..«’« t nun«--. Th«-<*apa« it\ ot m\ ma« h)n<* i« S an F kvn , isto thia week witnee*"» ex«*«*llent rv*putati«»n as an instructor am! a multaneously with the removal of the Nil h..l* of Grant » Pa*». Ira Waki-Hrlil ,*x- i"*r of «.*attl«* from this valley. 4<»* • t«> t. I (• 1« i totlx* *. rk I hav«- pr« viously the tran»lun guarnnt« cd. aa false every «neb assertion. If it works th«-r«* wiiUtr plenty ot an(j yonr horscK p< r-«»nal pr-«|»«*rty belonging t«» the «'stat«» «-f Have «'stablislird a Lumbrr Yard at M< df«»«l F«»r tu’-th- i particulars t'o *»i addr«*®» Barn.kow, «,eir to itrincnae eata'ee and Th«' Iiogti«' Riv«'r Vall»*y TundM. he is there — August Flower the «•••ntly ami re alized (air pri« « *». M. Ai.EKHMiL, Paaturat M«*«llord. the tittuul atory ul a diaaolute father ,Utt- Downing as manager, has b«‘«*n organiz«*«! the tariff on any other commodify. If h« r«* ami will no doubt tran-a«*t a go«»d «leal Charley Y«*n, tin» Chim*s«' «’.»ntrat t-*r. -ay- Remedy. carded by h," family, who does the Notice to Contractors. ' this reduction were carried through the <»f busin««4x. W«* n«*«*«l immigration «.f th«* h«* will Iw unable t«> «*.-tablish a cannery at umrii't' i* toward the mrl »bom A VlUOItors KICK. whole catalogue < f necessities, the living How doos he feel ?—He feels right kintl and will n«> «l«»uht get. it. A-hland. Then* will tw on«* put in op rati-'n he hae ruined jn-t in time to leettiina'iae of the people wonl I he materially cheaper k ’'Terr han I' m Wife the Bone of Contention. UA LED l,K«»Po-AI> U ILI. Ill RE( I II El l-y other parti«—, however, we learn. after a spell of this abnormal appe­ the ott'apnn», by K<>in>t through th,* mar- Th»* synt S« h«»ol l»u«- The increased pn«*e in living expenses A Denunciation. iinjN»rt«»d fr«»m Kan-as, i- already \«-ry weil J. J. Daly, grami nia-t«*r«-f tlx I 5\.. tite an utter abhorrence, loathing, riage ceremonv according to the law» of fruT No. 45» of Me«11or«i. .lavkM.n c«»i»nty. caiiNcd by the tariff is the tax which the \ well kunwn merchant who has been greatly thought of, amt is Iwjng patronized by p«'r- is visiting th«’ «lilL'r.’nt l«»dg«’- "f that "ider. « »uw the prodigal in more or lean »ecrecy to mouthful would kill him — August •*< Itool I ioiim ’ in M«»ifolti, in a«««-i«!•«»•■«••• with ^¡ve it to hi* wife, who was very «leli« ate, but H«* is tin» fln«*st animal of 1| in kiixl in Ja«’k reduction should not he exten«!«»d through I'wlges n»*xt W«*«!ix—day «‘v«*iiing. Jum* 10th. the fatherland, hie suLet ,|nent reetora plnm* and hp«*cit1cHti«>ns to |><- < n hl< .him 1st, Flower the Romedy. ’ of caution first consulted his physician, Dr. son or Josephine munth's. l-’.d. at th< Mor« o! I A U’« bl«. M«df«»nl, tion to the got*I grace* of tn* people, to* the whole list. There is no logical ar­ A vv«»n«b*rful growth of rhubarb ha- l»«*en gument tb.at can b*» porhice«! to show II. Griswold of RjO Market street. The«h»rtor. • h« g!-n. < "onti .o-tor-w i!l l>< r« qnn« d t" Ml' «• pro«lix'«*'i at Hon J. II. Stewart - |»la«*e «lur­ illegal marriage with a titled i.erman ampi« l»on«l-tor the <*<»tnpl« ti«»n ot contra«*«. How does he feel?—He has ir­ why the reduction tdiould stop at sugar. u> is «.ue of onr heading practitione s objected. ing th«* ¡»re.-“nt -«*a--n. the «lireft tails.* I h - Specimen Caws. lady, after the l.eartiraa abandonment -uhj«*rt to approval I ¿y th« li« .aid ot Dir«s fora, • lug ho h«l never seen a sarsaparilla that di«l The lesHon taught, ano here brought ing ti|f «iruinag«’ umi lilwral manuring <-fthe regular bowels and peculiar stools— lhnh’.inu to I..- «»t m ««< m | on bi i« k «n«1 atone of in» fitet wife, and hie early death aa H. H. Cliffor.l, New Cas^-I. Wi-.. was •t contain potash, which thinned he blood within the comprehension of all the loumlatnm. Th« . Datisi May 2^. W.*|. at his patient «lid not have n vitality to lose, people, in that the tariff is a tax that Tlx* R. IL V. R. R. (’«>. r»*«*«*i'.*'i a hanartnient, finds that the woman bar.. . stimulate«! the excretory orraus, promoted dices «•n the ¡narket. A’rtrr th» M uh P i i . ■ n.. ' "" ’ -• aixl seven b«»x«'s of Bu«*ki«*n - Arnica Salve, upon th«'su-*'-s w hi«*h ha- att«*nd“«l their K« \. I M. Sliroiit. r.»st«*r Pmt«'«l l’r--thr* n of low degree has o nsol«d her blighted H...... .. t ......... • ' ' «••’ tiou, an ! repair«»«! nutrition, hence created new • fforts. fail. Huccesufully used ami hi- leg is souixl and well. John speak Blue M"Un«l, Kau.. says | f...*! jt I. a....>.| I <1- •!. ’ •'« ■' •... I, * aflections with a new man, securing her | I Church, t»y prominent ladies harr Mr..' • .g’i' my «btty. to tell what w -nd'Ts Dr. King- blood aud was the very thing for coble ]«eopla »•r Catawba, <>.. had tlv«* larg«* fever sor»*s on . lui« I« tt« r Tlx* Jaek-oni ill- l»as«*-b monthly. Guarantee«! r. ml ■» #-«•»'• * is «lone for in«*. My lungs The above exp’ains the hundred- of < ascs In his l«*g. «I«»ctors s»iid h«' was itx-urabl«*. On«' t . M«slí«»rm«* 'dui» menstruation. last Saturday amd ■! >f« at«*«l while the legitimatized offspring liaade- thought 1 '«*oul«l Mv«' «*nly a few w.»« k-*. I people, have been bull! up by Joy's Vegetable Arnica Solve rur«*d him entirely. S >ld at after h «-It»-«* «’«infest. A J gam“ was SURE! SAFE! CERTAINt F. C Br? ’ ks ’ Drug St- r* •*». lefal Blunkr velofwd into the bloomiug maiden who to k five bottles < f Dr King .- N* w Dm * * ry arsaparilla after the potash bansaparil’as failed. playc»l Ity bulb sMlv- Don’t be b’lmbursred. ia wiiat is wanted to grace the ancestral and am .:uud aii J ”»’J gaining > !’•. in Its effects are creating a sensation —5 F £x y f..i' ». rtiistti'f «i ' r jr Bav* Tima. Bealfh Tb' JackrznvfVo si1. - i :ray I balls in Germany. There are lew sec­ Weigh* . ut tu* e* ol 'b- piate nd con*rgb,e» r«n Haj! Bay’ Ha«’ yucirisB regularlv ani **-111 u '1 'll ' and cjODej.taka pootfi Arb'ii L • Miasg' iL" ' s runu.'T M »Ina, r I e found at ih" I imu ofti e tions of the world where th*» conditions alto th« haj ing ?cQ8''n 18 at hand. «1 . d p ?or. &i*h V' ^Ileot mueu'Irr tin i-omlug «'u Af -ratb ; .,b -ul d*ed» ino*'gage , 11 la oi «ale, tea me- and the ,-Uniate are just right (or de­ C xMsCf'T. -1? ■» flent to any addreea, g«.t that M tf . G. Kari bik! has about ten or r.jty Th-,. La-.j anfurxi u <~’zr *'r Po >ot buffer Auy Longer - u I c-tr 10'lLg i F b — I »x 'nfld'-o’ l’r Chst '<•'• ben», I mo rls Nt.<| evev •ecure by mail ou re­ egal twelve De’ew t>i**'overy Or < ••n«'iaiptl'U. Knowing that a rouxb cau bo Checked in a »old at a greet »neritic«». »«• tbnt -» h can |a«v üffen Lt tintes lately. ceipt of price, 92.00. „Inni gei e,»llv u»r,l in Uree. n. Tl." are Oregon shakes bauds with her sister brat» eui all. aU'l ' , — e ia Ack. rS English t ough Item,sly. ami will re- THE APHRO REOICIRE COMPART, ....; fri"u,l* ;. 1 _* i- securing so much fiee advertising trom m,-numv thousand i t<» urge them ( titii.l tb*- m..m-> tvall who Imy.'take it as per an.l it buriM"l loth" g^'oiiuil. " 'bln.-nlt Western Brauvb, Bvx27. BOHTLAND. OB’ no iF<«<»- 0 Moore’s Revealed Remedy STARRETT’S THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION Medford C.egrn GARDEN SEEOSi The Best Because Always Reliable. Spi ridi l'iicfs lo Market Gardi ners. I. " IT STARTED WITH Ä COLS I,"- ■DR, ACKER’S ENCLISH REMEDY! “August Flower” \ A /FAI Y y ./7\* /'funder's'-^*' LUMBER YARD AT MEDFORD. Henry Klippel Jonas A. Lee. ROGUE RIVER LUMBER GO., Well Drilling and Pros­ pecting. T Lumber, Lath Pickets. Flooring, Rustic and Ceiling S Fabers Golden Female Pills. $3000 s ..°r i trtatW’* w'frrfvW. Ltujf . StW. ■" ttiv’.ia.r AiVS XV. uuU fl Cl'. A kt*. ' ’ wfiy evuiWitu-U tUt d l»y E.V. Br,»*k».»!rugv1?». i?^O» I I 1 THE POSITIVE CURE