I H Elu: AM. THERE. W. (>. Vaughn and wife passed through P. Simon of Eagle Point has bonded his PERSONAL MENTION J. J. Fryer of Eagle Point, who was here CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. town ycflt«-r«lay’ morning with some fine stock fine farm for piü an acre to a real-eatate 'yesterday, informed us that everybody in for their Klamath county ranch from G. C. firm of Portland i that section is indulging in railroad talk. Buy a White. Gen. T. G. Kearnes has recovered from his Culy’s place on Applegate. The following proceedings have taken place • Land-buyers seem to be more numerous recent I Hues». In the circuit court for Jackson county since Ba; ley,the cattle man of Siskiyou couvty. ¡han evtr and a boom in iy be expected if Clean up your premiseB. MI bbob Portia and Sylvia Knight of Salem the lant report of the T imes .* x • - V • FRIDAY Miss Kate Hoffman ig convalescent after her last we»-k drove three carload* through to (he propose«! roud is built accompanied their lather, Col. N B. Knight, L. L. Angle vs. Jonas A. Lee; to act aside late sickness. Take a look at Nickell*» addition. Asblao'l for shipment, loading at that place (who was on his way to his Klamath ranch; to trunt deed. Decree ♦'or defendant. James an«! C. M. Harvey last week on Saturday last. Miss Cora Brown U »¡»ending the week with Ashland last week, numbering as guests among Chaa. Nickell vs Riley Strait; to recover Swindled a Widow. Horae and jack bills at the T imkh office. their party M iks Clara Litchfield of Salem and money. bought 2110 acres of the fine Colver farm at triends in town. Judgin'-nt for $65 and costs. Miss J«*saie Jackson of Grant’s Pass. Melduin Obencbaia uf Ashland was here Phoenix from E J. Farlow, the agent, pay­ Ashland. Or.. May ft.—A warrant was iR*u«*d G. W. Stephenson vs. A. P. Hatntnond; to re­ ('urea while you wait — Pr?Bton*a ‘ Hed- on Tuesday, en route to Applegate to gath­ Max Muller.<-«»un»j ch rk. and family visited this atti-riKMUi and tch grauh»-«! to th«- sheriff Ake.” W. D. Garrett, a prominent contractor of cover money. Judgment for plaintiff for ing $50 per acre therefor. The tract h « i - Gold Hill on Tii'-oL: of Douglaacounty at Roerburg lor the arrest er the cattle bought by Jesse D. (’air’s joins the Stone farm, whn h they sometime Portland, was in Jacksonville last Sunday, $16'.» 49, coats, etc. W. P. Hillis vk Carter Bros?, modification of ol Luth« r L. Buri'-nsbaw. a lawyer, who has P. Donegan <-1 B The latest styles at Mrs. Prim’s millinery agent, .Mr. Hayes. :n ng his old aceonipani« d by E. Sanderaon Smith, the injunction. since purchased from Roberts ,t O'Neil. Defendants allow'd to divert and had his Mhiiucic «»ut in Ashland f«>r th«- past store. mining expert. Mr. G. has been inspecting neighboi s on Monday. use one-hall of the water now flowing in the x«ar or tw«>. Burt«*nahaw soliciteil th«- col­ C. B. Kingsbury is «again in business at stone ami linn- quarrh-a as well as quartz Baiiev , the cattle man, who bought so natural channel of Sykes creek for irrigating lection <»t an insurance policy for $12lMI lor Will. Layton "f Applegate paid friends in mines, and seems xvell picas«-«! with thia It cures headache only—Preston’" H?d- Ashland, having purchssed the grocery many t attle in the Pit river section during purposes until the further order of the Mary J Moure, an ag«-d widow lady . whue«* son Ak? * ,XS>\y«N\ * , section. store of Will. Breeden in the Van Sant the past few tuonibs, will hereafter drive Jacksonville a visit this week. court. di«-«! several months ago, an«! t»n Wednesday block at that j lace. Mrs. G. W. Hayes and her children have J. T. Layton, th«- veteran miner, xvas in Wm. Ulrich vs. D. R. Burroughs: confirma­ to Ashland for shipment, having secured «<>lit«t« «1 the am«.nut of the poliey through Babbitt metal for s de at the T imer goncto Montana to Join Mr. H. town a few days since. It is Just forty years tion, Sheriff's sale of real-estate confirmed. Die Jackson «-«»utity bank at Medford, laud office. Junes A Otten are filling their stores at more ijdvantagrous ra lroad tales from the he himi«*«l at Yreka, Cai., and lu- cam«* to Wm. Ulrich va. J. W. Walker and Russell A « veiling I)«- paid Mrs. M«»«»r«- $ÍUN», saying he L. A. Simons is teaching the spring term of since Woodville and Bolt with elegant new spring latter place than from towns over the hill southern Oregon before Jacksonville had Co. Same ax above. and was going bad not c«»licet« d th«* balance _ There is a fine prospect fur big crops of goods. They never fail to please their nu­ school in the Dardanelles district. been laid out, which is acv«*ral decades ago. C. U. Beekman va. Jas. Hamlin: motion to away t«»r a tew days aiul would c«»ll«*vt it on all kindr W. C Johnson, of Deleon, Texas, sueti Cesteria cures Colic, Conati pat ion. “Caatoria ¡a no well adapted to children that merous cu stumers. hi** return. Suspicion was arous«si, which le«| R. Benedict, a proininent citizen of Apple­ Jack has seen thia K«-ction in every stag«- «»t its issue ex'imtion. Demurrer overruled and de­ out a writ of habeas corpus for the cus­ Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, EróctatidH, T recommend it a« superior to any prescription development. _____ fendant given thirty days in which to tile an­ gate, was here ou«- day last week. to the discovery that he had c*oll«Tte«t the full Cures in fifteen minutes ; Preston’s“ H?«t- Kill* Worms, giva» bleep, and promotes di­ Those needing horse and jack billa wifi tody of bis son, who was in the possession swer. known to me. ' H A. A bcmkb , M. D., amount through th«- Me«lf«»rD the charge ot «-tiiiH-zzleui« lit. I>« puty Fied. .1. Martin of Table Rock precinct its merits so well known that it seems a work Sour ‘ Cantoria, ' and shall alwaya continue to G. W. Bailey of Jenny creek is in toxvn. gate through the »remises of plaintiff. ( ’ ol. Boyvditch ami A. S. Hammond, Ashland Tln»s. McAixlrew is now the owner of the first class stuck ot millinery, and is pre­ o so aa it U m m vana bl y produced beneûcUi Sheriff Taylor w»-nt to R«»s'-burg and In ought cr II»*«! h few days xgu. of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the I). Lehners vs. Theo. H. F. Engel: to recover Sugar has dccliiust half a effnt a pound since Iiiin (»ack. pared to furnish the handsomest and latest well-known shorthorn bnil ’’oani,” impor- attorneys, visited uh on W'^dnesday. intelligent families who do not keep Castuna reaulu. ” money. Demurrer overrul'd and defendant Burti-nsliaw hail an cxainmation in Jus­ W«* have had a few warm «lays since the styles at rea«onable rates. our last report. tr«! to this valley by H«»n. Kobt (’low. rail within easy reach ” Eowiw F. pABDxa. M D., W. H. Norcross, the nurseryman, has gone given thirty days in which to answer. tice Kerry'a court on Tu«-K«lay last, and was last isbue of the T imex . C arlo » M artyw , D.D.. roa«i commissioner. He is one of the best- to California to remain sometime. M The Winthrop. lÄtb bireet and 7th Ave., State vs. Thoa. D. Roas; indictment for an All danger to our fruit interests from frost discharged, the state not having mud«- out a New York City. The Ashland amateurs last Friday night bred animals in Oregon and look a number assault. DiainisHisi. New York City. choc against him. Hammond \ Brigg-* ap­ The Jacksonville band is practicing reg- gave a most enjoyable entertainment at the RotM-rt Westrop is a resident of Trail creek now seems to be at an end. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. W. H. Atkinson va. Maggie Saxman, rt al.; of premiums at the state fair at different and peared for the prom-eutlon and S«-natt»r u'arly for tii? 4lh of Ju y. is stopping with Thomas Lawson. A. W. Sturgis and wife of Forest cr<-< k were to foreclose mortgage. Decree granted. M. L. hull at Talent, where a faiF house times. Weatherford and Col. J. T. B •wdiieii for th«- Special sesaions for June 29th and August John A Hanley and wife of Medford were n Jacksonville lust Saturday dcf«-ndant. It is not the first tune that liur- Subscription.-» to the weekly ‘ Examiner” gr< eted the young people. T b » Ciw*r« C owtaxt , 77 M lbiut R tbbtt , N'«w Y ou The name of the fellow who robbed J. M. at the county-seat during the week. t«*nshaw has tn-en «li*eovci«-n of h«-r Excitement Sam DeRoboem made the classic shades are visiting relatives anil friends in Marion Simmons. He was held in $200 bonds by friends in Jacksonville last Saturday. Ed Knowles will leave for Salt Lak«- city and Munroe counties, l»»wa, this week, and ’Stjuire Berry of Ashland, ami in default of meagre pittance, is probably the most Khaiiic- of Mke «reek a visit last week. Runs high in this place over ‘System tul«»f all of them. Through ins low «■mining will remain east sometime. W. 1. Vawtrr, cashier of the Medford bank, next week to accept a situation. bail will linger in the county jail until next he has so far ewapeil th«- pcnil* ntiary. Davui Cronemliler and Terry Byrne was here a few hours on Wednesday. A petition is being circulated for a mail guilder,* a* it cures Dyspepsia, Constipa­ In al! diseases ot the stomach, liver and Septemb«r. though he may not be so sue*-« -*!ul m his went to Cinnabar a few days ago tion. Catarrh of the Stomach, and makes route to the u|»pvr Antelope section. E. P. Pickens ol Table Iba-k precinct lias kidneys, use to the exclusion of ail other work in the futui«*. lie lelt Ashlanii imme­ pure blood and builds up the system. It Emil DeK'Jtxwiiu’s >pirit«-«l mare, which diately otter hia • xammation, au«l H is said J. W. Wiley of Eden precinct and S. M. is $1.00 a bottle at Brooks’ drugstore. Het.Kley Bros ot southern California are medicines. Nature’s own remedy, Plun­ was attached to a cart at the time, ran been here on different occasions lately. that he is bound l«»r « «»«» h bay. Th*- public spending a few weeks in this region ders (»regun Blood Purifier. N. Cooke and Dean Bros, of Willow Springs Ral»inK«in ot Talent were here lately. Tell your friends of its merit when you use away on Tuesday am! demolished the ve ­ sliould give him a wide I»« rth. were among our visitors during the wcea. J. Carter of Williams creek Is furnishing it. Elegant straw ha’x for men, boys and Gus. Mitchell and L. F. Christian, who hicle. Three of his children were riding in Pelton Bros, are driving a band of young this market with excellent vegetables. children at the S K Variety Store. lost several head of Worses, have recovered it at the tune, but furtuna’ely they escaped Lake County Races. The First Symptoms of Death. Mrs. J. Houck of Ashland made her Jack­ them through the medium uf the T imes . rithout injury, although nil ut them were cattle to their stiak range in Crook county. Four «lays' raeo will be had at Isikrvicw, First-class cedar fence posts foi sale in Nothing like advertising. sonville friends a visit «luring the week. Tired fc bug, dull h<*adauhe, pains in dumped out. Postmaster Town»» of Phienix visited his rointiu ui tug June ¡0. 1>V|, umkr III» auspices quantities to suit at the T imm office various parts of thet»oison<*d It must be purified to avoid death. First rare: One-halt mile dash, tor untried well. Leslie Merrick and Milton Gregory yesterday. and seasoned lumber on hand, and First-cla*s seed potatoes for sale at one locate We wish them success. )r. Acker'b English Blood Elixir has MVCT Maddle-h«>rs»-s. Purse $71 Set «»nd rare. Trot­ which thev will keep consta Hly supjlied Miss Ida Toltnan of Ashland lias be«-n pay­ Prof. 1 B. Raymond ot Flounce llock pre­ tail'd to remove scrofuloua or syphilitic ting one lull«-, l»e»t two in tine«. 11 h»r ai! « cut a pound nt the S. F. Variety Store. A. H Bennett, having sold bis farm in with the best in this line. They sell at the ing Miss Isaura Harrison a visit during the cinct made the county-seat a call during th«» poisons. Sold under positive guarantee. homes owned in l.ak<- v«»unty Max 1st 1X91, I are now GjxTiing olir Spring 1891 i«nrcliascb. Yon week. D L Beever, of Ashland, has gone to Central Point precinct, will not leave Jack- moat reasonable rates. week. which have never trotted for a purse. Purse LAl/lLu will find thcui the I^atot Style and Pattern. son county, but is aireadv looking fur an­ Sisson t«> accept a position in a saw-mill. A Sale investment law businosa B. B. Beekman returned to his Hon. J. F. Watson of Portland is in Lake Many immigrants are arriving n the other place on which to locate. SXCOND DAY, Jl'LY L state over the 8. P. liues. but (he tide is In Portland last Saturday, after a visit at Ida county on h-gal business, being an attorn* y iu D one which Is guaranteed to bring satis­ M«>ntbly installments of $10 will buy a First ra« »«: »MN» yards anld home. THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE Purse $*». StTond me«: bt vcn-cightha mil< house ami lot in Tolo front Scott Griffin. • of purchase price. On this sate plan you can at home in Oregon, while bis wife and W R. Buck and family will return from intending settlers are coming this way S. B. Holmes ot Elk cri rk was one ot our late dash, tree for all. Purse $75. Mrs J. H Caton, of Little Butte pre daughter, Miss Mattie, will cr<»ss theocrar The crop of the present year should call southern Calitornia soon and permanently visitors. He reports «.* very tin ng looking nice­ buy 11<»ni our advertised druggist h la/ttle ol TIIlKb DAY, -iri.Y 2. Dr’ King's New Discovery tor Consumption. cit.ct, is recovering fr in her serious illness. to make a t<*ur of the continent. ly in that locality. fheir attention to the merits of southern locate. It is guaranteed to tiring relief in every case, First race: Three quarter mile dash, free for Judge Crawford of Medford was at the A. B. Seal and J. I’. Mattingly, tin- ubiqui­ when used fur any affection of Throat. Lungs Ohl papers, in quantities to suit, for sale all. Pum«« $IW. S' « <»n«l riu «-: Five eighths of Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure. Oregon as a place to locate. county scat on professional business on tous commercial tourists, swooped down on or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation a mile and rrpvat, tree for all. Purs« $l<0. at the 1’iMiCK office at 50cents a hundred. An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and Rev James Hummer last week returned Monday. us a few days ng<>. <•! Lungs, Bronchitis, WhixipingCouirh.Croup, rornTH DAY. .II LY .I where a tonic for the stomach anil bowels to his place in the upper Bear creek valley etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeuble to taste, H F. Cook is operating his mine on Hun­ Miss Johnson, daughter of A. S. Johnson of J. D. Coughlin is in San Francisco prepar­ perfectly safe, anil can always la- depended First rare: Mile dash, treu for all. Purse gry «reek at j re.-ent, with fair prospects. is required. Sold bv all druggists. to remain, after prospecting through the Sterlingville precinct, arrived from Cdifornia ing to ship a carload of bloodtxl cattle to h:s upon. $100. STond race: Halt mth* and repeat. Lake county rauch. Mrs. G. F Learned (nee Miss Jennie Mc­ southern states for a location. He vouches Wednesday. Purse I'.’». Trial Itoltle free at E. (’. Brooks' Drugstore. A i.unib-rof minor improvements are for the fact that this count v offers superior HI’UCS. J. Carroll McCaffrey, John Harrytnan. Lew continually taking p ace in Jacksonville. Clendon) of Colusa. Cal , has been visiting inducements to the settler to any otber re­ J. B. Welch will set his portabl«-sawmill al the family of her father, C. C. McClendon Ten per cent entrance in all no « s. Five Hal«-Kiid Mr. Mathvi spent Tuesday afternoon That Terrible Cough. E. P. lhekens' place near Table Rock fur a gion he is familiar with. per cent, of entrance to be :ul«l« d to all purses, tn Jacksonville. inonth a run at once. A fresh su, ply of crockery en«! glassware 01 Sam’a valley, during the week. in the morning, hurried ordifficult breathing necond horse to receive «»in-fourth ot entire has just been opened Ht Rranies A Samuel Mct’a-lm, th“ ?tagc-driver. was hit? x Jaim-H Helms and Henry Ammerman of Rev. M. A. Williams of Medford precinct arising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quick- M Purdin, gnee of the insolvent es­ purse. All entries must b<- made with th«« vi-ry seri >usly injured rec»*ntlv near Th«- * »« on tary before’’ u i hs k r M.. the night be­ 8t»r«. tate ot Kincaid Bros, has dei lared a divi­ Dalles by being dragge«! by a span of horses Tab-lit wr» at the county-seat on legal busi­ Hpsnt a few houi-s aiu«»iig his Jiu'ksonville cn«d Lrcatbmg.hm-t«* in the evening or sweat inrndsnot long since. at night, all or any ot these things are th«« fore the rave. • *‘Allrac'M to t»e run under Dr. B. M. Gill, uf Dm.? muir, was in the dend of ten per cent on the total indebted­ he was leading, becoming entangle ! in the ness Wclm sday. tirst stages of consumption. Dr. Acker’s Bloo«| Hors«- Association rules. Trotting raees Miss Hattu Rennies wax at Ashland one day ('has. Hamilton and Miss Mary Matney, w ho English Cough Remedy will cure tins«- f«*ar- to be governed by th« National Trotting Asso­ valley last week on professional business. ness of the firm, which is now being paid. lines. It was a marvel that he escaped last week, being called there by her father's have tmen in Ashlami precinct, returiu'd to tui symptoms, and is sold under a poaitivo ciation rules. with his life. Sam formerly resided in The largest and best stock of deeds, What wili Simmons Liver Regulator du ? temporary illness. Uniontown a short time sine . guarantee. Mak** y.ui well by restoring action to the mortgages and all kinds of real-estate and Jackson and Klamath countn-s. Mrs. Isli bad a nice picket fence built dur­ Judge w“bsterl' ft yeslerday morning for legal blanks south of Salem is kept at the liver. The Coining Road. I f fails, money rounded ; Preston's ‘Hed- John Sisemnre, of Farewell B«*nd, (’rook Lakeview, to hold the May term of circuit ing the w««-k alxjut h* r i vsidenv-Oil her big T imex office and »old at Portland rates. farm. E. W. Starr doing the work. Ake.” sine the orgamz.ition of the company which county, is buil img a c<»inmo«lious wagon court for Lake county. A l ew assortment of fine trunks and proposes to build a road from t hi-P. line to valises wi re received at Kearnes «t White’s If food sours on the stomach, digestion bridge acrosfl the Deschutes river at his Ellery Dixon, tliestm k thief, was sentenced I. A. Pruett, one of the successful farmers the big timber belt by way .»f Eagle Point, all last week. is defective. I»e Witt’s Little Early place. This will be a matter of gr«at con­ oi Central Point precinct, paid the T imes to Mt*v«*n y«-ars in the penitentiary by the su­ * who are jM»swss«d of rea.-oning (acuities will perior judge ot Lif-sen county . Cal. Risers will remedy this The famous little venience to tesidents of the west side of sanctum a call 1 ik - ki lay. admit that it is but a matter of t in« until the For constipation, biliousness and kid NEW EMBROIDERY, PARASOLS, HANDKERCHIEFS, pills that never gripe and never disappoint. the river, especially to those who always road will be an actual fact. When the in­ Al "■ Newbury is now a resident of Eugene Mr. I/oveh ss, of Williams creek «lied a few dread fording that roaring stream. ducement for extending the railroad through ney affections remember Simmons Liver where lie is in the employ of a new railroad days ago. He was an old ami respectctl citi­ De Witt ’ s Little Early Kisers never gripe Regii ator the valley was first held out it was considcrtsi LACES. ETC.. ETC zen and bis neath is generally regretted. Our readers who are afflicted with deaf- commencing business there. or cause nausea. Mud but sure, assist lightly by the gentlemen to whom ir was Many peculiar points make flood’s Sal Notes, receipts, due-bills,drafts, etc . in rather than force. Best little pill for sick news shoul I not fail to write to Dr A. Fon­ Mrs. Dolly I^ove went to Portland Tucsday Mrs. Fine, of Plush. Lake county, will spend made, for it has been until recently heralded .pan! la superior 4u all other medicines. abroad that the resources ol the in«»uiitain book form, bandy and first-class, al the headache, chronic const'patii n, dyspepsia taine, 34 West llth St.. N. Y.. for his circu­ in response to a telegram informing her of the next tew months in Jnckson county, on Peculiar in combination, proportion, region which the road will penetrate were ot T i . mkk office business connected with the Hoagland ” estate, ' ‘ lars giving affidavits am! testimonials of the serious illness ot her sister ? the poorest quality and not worthy of con­ The lambing season ha* proved more wonderful cures from prominent people. H. A.Crydcr has r»*utnr«) farming on his There will be a social party at AMipob-K hall and preparation of Ingredients, Jacksonvii e will give one of the grandest than usually propitious. Tillson bmith sideration by capitalists Win n, however, the gentlemen accent*-«! the invitation ot the Ith of Juiv celebrations ever hud m south­ beportstbat eleven hundred lambs have The doctor is an aurist of world wide rep­ ranch in Sain’s valley »after some months sp* nt in Eagle Point on th«- 29th inst. The hand« Hood’s Sarsaparilla possesses sotuest lauy and ugliest g» nt w ill be aw aided the full curative value of the utation. See his advertisement elsewhere. tn charge of the Gold Hill hotel. residents of Eagle Point to lnak** something ern i >r«-gon been add'd to Wm. Bybee’s band of sheep. prize«. more than a casual examination int< tln»se Fr'fl latrson and Carl Swenson of Central best known «medies Geo. A. Jackson, the pioneer melon-man r< souri-ea. they were agreeably surprised tu A “Balm in Gilead for you by taking A. A. Cleveland of Astoria, grand chancellor the vegetable king- Constipation, blood-poison, fever! Hoc- of the valley, was at the county-seat re­ point preciwet wen- at th«- county-smt find one of tin* faire>t i>orti«»na of the valley S;mm« ns Lt ver Regulator for y our dis­ Wednesday on land buwiness. ut the knights ot Py tin as ot ()rt*goii. has been LADIES ÆIWU CHILDmO"* SHOE* Kirs' b'lls an«l funeral exp« uses cost about cently »nd states that he will raise the nestling alongside little Butte ere« k. while eased liver. Feculiar in in the valley visiting the different lodges ot 1 wo bundrr'i d<> lars; Le Wilt's Little Early usual amount of luscious melons this year th«- water-power which they b* held was a Miss Issie McCully is becoming an expert that and economy — order. revelation to them, existing a- it does a.» close Ako sucli g«.onr examination. Robert Vining la*t wt ek returned to Ta­ now in full bearing. His 1 »cation is e«pec ble for manufacturing purposes. When to running ord«-r and the boys expe l to saw an cine Miss Bel. Swacker, of Missouri, who has immense amount ol lumber during the com­ this was ad'l« d t tie proximity «.f tn vast b. It .. «iuct d I«» $22. coma from Ashland with the ¿Shetland mllv adapted to peach and melon culture, "One Hundred Dosee I t said. been visitinu her brother. O. Swacker, of of sugtir-pinc t .ml» r. yet u tit one Ini I ami ••un­ ami he very sensibly inak» s a specialty of ing summer. Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro­ > ■•«•’ t ’«uiimi-ri-ner Wendt’s at work on ponies purchased of W. C Myer and a buggy Dollar.” Meuicines ir. Foots ere« k, has returned home. logged. it t . k nu prophet's ey e tor them to ihose j rodurtmns. Mrs. Rummi l.an old and highly respi cted resi­ 'lisc rn the fact that in i. >«. an opportunity * h» ruio.'s !ea«iing out «»f tow n and making animal which he took up for his brother s larger and smaller bottles visions, for which always we pay the highest market price Zach, Cameron ot Uniontown, who is inter- use. dent ol Antelope district, n. it was is our specialty. Erickson, who ti le«i in the trestle-work k'nx n A H<»ley. wi I have the exclusive Waldo, made them a visit this week. * as good r’ su’-ts flood's, < *»rn h < - a good start and promises well, circle ol mends. not strange that iinindiatc step-« were taken the Wagner soda is making arrangements to battling i»riv:l»-ges at _ t«> s«*curc a franchise and rights ot way by the The largest crop ever raised in southern at Talent, in its medicinal, merits, D. Linn, who was Mt Eugene for a short time A large vein ot what i- thought t • !»«• lirst- move his plant to Oregon city, where he springs this season, and will open a depot return«*«! home last Sunday. H'- «s bett«-r organization uf a company strong enough to < >r»g..n is anticipated. j, .’uc-'T’ ksli'-s cures bJb claas C«»al lias l»e«-n disc«>\'er«-d oil Willow ere» k. carry <»ut t he plans of the project«»rs, and w«« will engngt in a large contract of the same for the sale of their product at Portland in plt*Hsed than ever with that little city. in northern Calitorti'a, much to the gratilna- I Lis v.-on for i:Bcll yanturcthe prediction that there will be a A nice line of straw hats ______ of _____ _ kind. a short tithe There is getting tn lie quite the ____ most tlOII ot Ag'T people. who Mrs. Judge Tolman of Ashland, railroad in operation, at least as far as Eagle popular sty les is l>eing displayed at the 8. riritcst blood a lively demand for the miueral waters of Point, within the coming twelve months, per­ F Variety 8tore. There is a gieat deal of travel over the southern Oregon where they have been in­ has been paying Mends in Jacksonville a Mrs. W. J. Ply-male, state secretary of th. purifier ever disco ver ed.” visit, returned home on Wednesday. haps in tune to handle the <-< ming crop of Ashland Linkville road at [»resent, and the troduced. Ret»« kah order, wid leave tor Portland this Pcculiarin its “good name grain and the output ot th» lumber nulls ot W. I’. 11.lit-*. < ne of the leading citizens trade of that section is once more to some V. Cook and family of Clatsop county are w«*< k to attend ill« annua! mc« fingot the Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 that s* cl ion this s< a»ot>. home,” —there is now more of l’lea-ant creek precinct, caBed on the extent being diverted toward the towns of Francis Fit« h has been circulating n sub paying Sterlingvllle a visit. Mr. C. is inter- grand association. ----------- > - sold in Ti me - la.-t Ti:e-day. this vallev sCription paper in the interest of the pro- ested in the extensive mines at that place. Quit«* a number «»1 Knights of Pythias. 1 tom of Hood’s Sarsaparilla it Is mx«k, Probate Couit John Miller has had a severe attack of in­ M«tl!«»id ami Ashlami hslg.-x. were in Jackson- Lovell, where Some frost was perceptible on two or It is quite the Lobn-n now to take De­ pose< •«»nt no damage resulted. _ culiar in it? and bowel disorders. They are small pills, hoped that everybody in the central por W. H. Holt, xvho has been a resident «>1 Ap ­ last report ; tn n if the vnl er and along the proposed The great original Casey, who still resid«*s plegate tor tn« past *ex n years, ha- g me t«> ice«»rd of sales but mighty good ones. E. C. Brooks sells Estate <>f L. Romim J«»hn 1» wison ap- Henry Reed represent«*«! the Oregonian j route will lend a helping hand, as the en­ in Ashland precinct, spent Monday in Jackson­ ms old home hi the Winaim lie valley. We * I reparation uointvd adiimistrat«»r. A. Woolly, H. II. at the recent reception of the presidential them. terprise will be one of immer se benefit to ville. He is still vigorous for a man of his wish you prosperity. Will. Mitch»*ll. G. W. V m« « nt n| j nor. i«.. ever attained such popu- \ ears. Henry Shearer of Applegate was in h»u n the entire section. Estate ot John Anderson. E. B. My r ap- party at the state line. The Burroughs property at <’« ntral Point ity in so short a time, the forepart of the w» ex. accompanied bv . . ««• . . . <*• » > . . Miss Theresa Bloonmr spent several days and the Walker prup«-rtx in Gold Hili w.-r« s«»id ¡»«»inted administrator. Sam Hadley a pioneer of southern Ore hi» cous'n. J E st,.ar. r,who lately arny.,1 , Jo.ltfe U ebster on X\ edn^Iay announced last ar.d retained its popularity week at the count v-arat. as the guest of at sh. i itf - si'l. iMt tMiturday. Wm. I ii i. h, Estate of W M. Elliott. Sam»* appointment gon. died in Lake county recently He Iron. Iowa but is now a reatdent of I'ort- *ec,s,,,,1" ,n '!>• case W in.er vs. Wad- her brother. Treasurer Bloomer,at the Taylor the judgmt-nt cn-ditor. uid th« in in asaiMivr. confidence among al! classes UKAI in the Janj j leich <»n th* nu.t>«»naaf the defendant b Rt- Estate of John Kotctj; p. t:fiori t<> sell n a! was his own worst enemy. of 1 e«*p!e bo steadfastly. I torneys fodismba the receiver previousiv Mrs. H. K. Hanna, uh.» lias bevw at San prop. rty. 4'nation ord< i. <1 i .>uvd to heirs. We have tl e largest stock of men ’ s sum ­ T. M. Hln«*s and his wife of Forest Grove fM net be in I iced to buy other preparations A. W. Scott, th»* Salem contractor, re-| appoint»<1 The court grained the motion were in Jacksonville one day recently.<»n their Francisco and Oakland, < al., tor the benefit of Estate of Innes Ellett. Ordei made tor sale mer suits in town. Try us and see if we turned home last » . . .... i. _ after K.;.. __ ... in I I - Rt)«l .1 M - r II ’, •« ot real property Vit be sui»* to get the Peculiar Medicine week his . tour Wadleigh will resume possession way to Applegate, to visit a s«»n and his her health,ret urntai homeon la.-t night'sirMii». • accompauK-d by her «laughter Rosa. Estate of M. Peterson. Personal property haven’t.—Kearnes «k White. southern California and Anz ma seeking of the mining property (’has. Schultz, family. ordvrcfi sold. Miss May Sackett, the teacher. r«-p«»ris la Don’t fail to buy a lot in Nickell's addi­ health and recreation. He is much im­ who has been acting as receiver, will there­ Estate of Jesse Dollarhide. Time tor hear­ Thus. McAndrew of Medford, who is one of fore return home soon. a»» having cut down the average at- proved. AoldbyxlldruggiMii. fl;«ixfor$5. PrepAredonly tion to Medford The tract adjoins the ing petition for sale «>f r* al pr« »j « rty extended. the most enterprising and prosp«Tous farmers grippe tciidance in th«- « hittiney Ko. k district school by C. I- H«H>D A Co , Apothecaries, Lowell, M am . Estate of Jas. W. Collins. Final .s’ateim-nt west boundary of our town. The Jacksonville district school will take in the valley, made us a pleasant call ou K> but 14 during the mouth ol April last. P. P. Black, Jeff Richards and All. Car ­ of S. J Day. executor, heard ami approved. Wednesday. The .-tnep-shearmg season will soon be ter of Forest creek were in town yesterday. its usual auiDiner vacation in a few weeks tOO Doses One Dollar Estate «»t E. L and Manly <'«»nie>. Sarah .1 ('. W. Kahler's tine Altamont stallion “ Ty ­ Miss Jennie Jackson is in charge of the balt” is Mt Eug« nv, where he is in cliaige ot Wright appointe«! guurdiau. over. The wool crop was never lietter nor The first-mentioned gentleman has lately | Prof. Price, the principal, has given entire tn tight two mining claims of the second-i satisfaction , an i he has been effi v ntly as Ja. and Miss Hattie <»!!i< es. hrtving Hucceed'-d Miss Laura Harrison county hoisc-tane"-is will «io well to outsider named. O. K. S. I Newbury and Miss Agm*s Devlin. Ali are last Monday. l'he Texas cow-boys take Sin-mous Liv­ his im rits. as in- is a ni st-class horse. CABRIAGES, BÜ3SIES. PHAETONS; VILLA CAI57 AND MITCH­ The best remedy for headache and neu ­ first-class preceptors, pain-taking t nd pro­ A tar« well s< < lai was given by Adarel er Kegu a’« r when bilious—J. E Pierce. R. IL Loos is again talking of starting Mis.-es Keegan eiil<-rtaiiied a number ot ralgia is Wright ’ s Parauon Headache rem ­ 4 'iiaplri No. 3. < ». E. S . at its a.«*f n u ular meet­ R incher«» Grande, Texas. gressive, and spare no efforts fortlie ad­ another iiewspH|H*r st Sisson, (’a’., having their lii'-U'is in a haiidsoim manner la.-t Fri­ ELL CABTS, ETC., ETC. edy Stops pain in five minutes. Haim* vancement <>f their pupils. ing to Misa Emma Pape, who ha-» tor many ora-antz'-d a joint slot k company with that day evening. Parlor games ana dancing were rhe street «-oiumissioner should look less, tasteless, no bad effects Sold by’ all years been on»« ot its most active members. object in view. indulged in ami Die line Clipper that was A handsome bouquet <»f Howers was pr(*sentcd at'er s< mt- of the streets an«! backyards, druggists. H. S Evans w-is lest week app m ed to We carry a full line of Canton Cli|»j»er, Extra Ste<-1, Gangs, Chas. Griffiths ot Gold Hill called nt thvTiMEs spr«.-ud assist cd I ac « ntvi ta.niiu nt materially. in i b\ Col. R A, Mili» r on behalf ot the chap­ lhey neei tvaci « is att«-ndcd llu-meeting JI’ Hurley, the bridge carpenter, Ims i cauM.(| the resignation of E. B. Huti- his brother fienry is now a resident ol the many « ■ »«! qualities of the young lady, Pat. I very, Jr., was in J acksonv lle Tues­ returned to Kansas < city ...... _ »... . is n .. first-« »,,... . 1 __ . -itv to reside perma ! Maker 1 i his is* appointment , as Multnomah county and engaged at hiw ttade, of th«- Jucks<»n County Ass«»ciuii«»n. uui«*li and Stubble and Side Hill Plows, the pleasant fraternal relations she had sus­ day. He informs us that he has sol«! 38 netdiv there, was 11* la al Ash aii'l i;i*i Siiuhinj. We liave ami his coL'eaeues remem- , yj r p- js Hn enterprising, reliable citizen, that of carpenter. tained m the chapter, and extended to her the head « f catrie to Jesse D. Carr. n«>l been t urnistivd a report ot 1 lu prove« dings b« re*! him wi’h a handsome present when , the same meeting of the board Geo. W. best wisb'-s of her associated tn the n« w life Gale Full Chilled, and Steel. Sulky and Walking 1‘lowe. Twenty- ns x«t, hence lhey do not appear «n this C. Y. Benjamin and C. H. Fisher of Kosc- I that yy-as inviting her tuothci seen« sand other- * Smith was confirmed as deputy marshal, marshal. ‘ burg, both newspaper men. were among th«* weeks T imes . A ph-a-ant May day ball was given at “e **’H- Inch I>iw Harrow»-, Steel 1’ipe Frame Lever, SpringtiH»th. duties more happy ami important than any ot ■ Pnormx on the first mat., Iulow Bros , of I he«.|> buyers find a dearth <>f I baring be<-n nann d by Marshal Mayfield r«*c«*lving party that cam«» out to Ashland to Eastern si The ”Wx*»t Shotv" has giv« n uj> the ghost, lu r previous life. Mias Pap««, in thank.ng the Scutch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrows. ep in Oregon for the first t me I such times as he was unable to welcome the president. mutton sheep alter an event 1 ul caret r ot sixteen y cars, ami chapt« r, made a most touching allusion to her Ajhlati«!. furn'shing the mu-ic. fulfill the «lutits of the • flice prusp'ftive separation from par. nta and Cant. S. Saltmarsh, one of the pioneers of tnt-company that xvas in charge a» the time of J J. Brookfield, who has been at Cres­ in n any years, this season, and will be un­ friends. A charming luueb was serv««d. and Oregon, has removed to Lebanon. its death aqd L. >amu< 1, the original pr«»priv- able to fill their contracts with »astern John Minto, of Marion county, who is southern the'M-casion was a very pleasant on«*. { Ore- cent city for soiLiefime past, returne«! to butchers. Linn county. He has the best wishes ot his tor, are having a wordy war as towli«» xvas the ¡ southern Oregon not long since. collecting stock statistics for the deparf- numerous friends here. cause of the disaster. gunlati. May ------ A beautiful akin,bright eyes, sweet breath, nivnt of agriculture, has been in the valley Mayor Howard of Grant's Pa-s made the fol­ Hi. Allison was taken quite sick Wednes Mrs. Chas, S. Moore returned home to during the week, for the first time since lie good appetite, vigorous body, pore blood Klamath county on Wednesday of this week, lowing appointments, which w« r«-confirm«*«! d»v morning, but is improving under attempted to find his wav through in the accompanied and good health result from the use of De ­ t»y the c<»unci|^ Polic« judge and recorder, J. by Harrs Lang« II. who will the treatment ( f Dr. Geisendorfer. A. J< nn flnarxnal, J. H. «'olt»y ; city Htt«»r- Witt’s Sarsaparilla It is sold by E. C. company •>( « band of immigrants from the make a long visit at Liukville. !Txt« ll; Hirv« yor, ( . 1. liax cqMistr«,«,t Willamette section wlm, tin.i«*r the leader­ JJON.4N7.4 f'OH< T l »HOL' COK* Pl.ANTT.K A SO CHEIK ROUgR , M Lu irk last week turned over his Brooks. Mrs. M. Turpin, of Kansas, the prohibition ntvudcnt, J. C. Randall.; ship of Uncle Jesse Applcgt’e endeavored y business Kt Ashland to Crocker & and woman suffrage adv'M-atr. who came out H. E. Loomis, representative of the Ore ­ to reach Cali'ornia overlan I lor supplies ( «», w bi.ught it a short time ago. Th«- advertis«*in«*nts for Bcalc«i proposal* to RED, WHITE AND BLUE MOWER, to visit relatives in Jackson county, wi gonian. has been making our town a sev- during the Indian wars of early Jays. build Grant s Pass'brick school-h« »us«-br« mg tit probably remain in this valley. Highest Geared. Lightest Draft and moat complete machine on tin market. Bybee ps. have purchased 150 bea«i of eral-days visit. He has taken quite n tour I'Hlx. lo-xxit; G. W. 4 atehing. $14.496. The death of Branch Vaughn, at his Evan R R«*amrs arrived from Linkvj catti«* from en George of Josephine coun­ number of subscribers in the valley during Cooper & Henn« it of Y r« ka. $13,KJ6; Haskins A | father'*- ranch near Fort Klamath, as the week and will remain a few days. I re|M»rts Wilbur, $13,716: E. < . New« h. $17.^sl.;2. Has Johnson Self Damp, Bonanza, and Star Hay Rakes, Peerless Sulky, ty, win« ba *»w being delivered his stay. monev scarce in that section, but says that kins and w ubur, who ar ■ resid. ills ot Grant's result uf nn attack of n gripp.-, was a great Hay Gatherers. Reversible Carriers, Hay Forks, Etc. -.............. ......... - ---------------------------------- Very popular, werv small, very good. De Purities the blood, increases the circula­ surprise to his fru-mis in this coun»y, considerabl«* improvement is noticeable there. Pass, being the i«nv« t( bidders, xx«re award«-«! A Pure ^^jtn of Tartar Powder. the contrai l. Wil - Littir l-'arly Risers, the pill fur c«»n- tion, expels poisonous humors ami builds wh > w«*r“ bu.’il v unprepar? «1 to Lear <>f so Elder James Hummer has returned to Ash to\cvery ^thcr known. Superior Mipatim . bffin’ishess, sick headache. CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC. up the system. V \\ ’ bat mote do yon want a ' vigorous « a young n»;.n con in - to xo uil- laml,accompanied by John L. Baskur and Wm. Geo. E. Payne of Grant's Pass, the architect nrni ? I De »*> Witt Surcui.nril. ­ time y .. an . Used in Millions of Homes— to perform? W itt ’ ’ « s ¡Sarsaparil • i «1 He 1 ft ’his v Lev hut a H.t ooper and family. The gentlemen with xvho I urnish« «i t tn plans tor our i - oiii t-housc The | oxt« fli« e at Klamath city, Cal .has medicine »Ve manul art tire our own Farm and Spring Wagons. All <>! our Imnienient* arc him ate relativi-s and will settle in this sec ­ la is reliable. and a numt»er ot other buildings in tins coun­ few week- Kitice, Mini xxhs mi ’.ttci» w-iin the 40 Years the Standard. bought for rash in larg«* quantit•<■»* dirc ilitv. p< -t paid, up«*n r«-ccipt of the Poat, <1. A. R., of Ashland tor asaiMance to in­ Ashland had a narrow esc a: e from fire of tins circuit of the M. E. Church for some­ Missionary Society , under whose auspices the f.>Il.»v. ing. Lox prices, which are niadetoir.tr«»- Fred. Farrier ha« recovered from his ill­ racious little creepers. digent members. Bond "t W A. Patri« k. -X. time paM. left for oak creek. Douglas county, professor appeared here. Besides the rendi­ Il commari'l« r of sit’d post, with J. M. Mc< all.Jaa. ness and will r.-une his position as fir«- Judge DePeat», of Athena, I’nialil'a m.e day this week. Flames were seen is- with his family to reside tor th«* present, tion of siterai difficult pieces by Aamold, dtiiv the g«»ods int-. each neighb«»rhood. Couklty, B. Beach and J. R. Casey as sureties, in in on the R. R. V. K. R. next Monday. ^7 Xl’ATEXTEI) IX 1RBB 2ZL ciun’v, amt <’omniSsioner Taylor of «u ng from th»- roof of the Ariilend h«>tei lhey have made numerous friends here. Here xvhat the manufacturers >.d an alarm w;.s tturn»diaielv sounded, Hon. G. W. McBride last week pass«*d dr«w on music. Miss» s CarrieCronemi.Ii r and gard t«> t »e ware: Bills to a considerable amount were audit'd, bx A.M.WjllMinol << n!< uf. K sd - bk . nnd w j A lew cop’« * of the American Settler’.«* Eagle Point both r»j->Te over the nrriv: I «i i« ii brought «mt the hose c«»iupany. Mollie Miller and Johnny Milli*r lavored the Guide, standard auth«. rity on all lend of bouncing v»»u ’g Democrats in their With th»* assixtance « f the *p!«ndi«l wa'er through the valley from Salem, on the way to audience —------ ----------- " I" «-re has bej.-n a growing demand for say to tlu* public that w<- have the with sotm « \e« ll<-nt vocal iiiumc . veais. San Francisco tor m«*dical treatment for his l«»r a grade « f ware t" take the place of matters, may be found aliu T imm office. households. We Congratulate. system which the grai -te «'¡tx- possesses the ailment which has iucapacitat'si him from while Geo. K. Neil nvitisi a popular pii-ce in solid silver and silver plate«! war«- We have Mora Fine stock. Bnt and Mo4 llnrahlr (lirhint his usual iffectiv« manner. Altogether the «\’»«-t »mvntrd t**r M.mr t an«-to attain thin end, Heavj’ trainloa 1 shipments of California impending conffagration wax soon sub­ attending to the businesK of the secretary of evening The weather has been cool and cloudy, Chas. Cob-man, of the firm of Avery A Cole­ watt agreeably spent. in tlx-State, and will put it agmm-t any dued. The loss wax small and fully stat' h office tor sometime past. 1 are n-w a‘ > V offer the vablieour man, the well-known rai«*» rs ol standard dratl w ith ram threatening during the past few fruit have been passing over the railroad s Nickle stiver and Silver Meta! Waiv uianu fact urc tor Miss Isabel Young of Seattle and John E. This is beneficial to growing crops. during the past two weeks, an Har­ were at the county-seat during th«- w«-ek. Peter Bosi bey has been painting and it !s a la*au’ltul v ut« c h»r. i> highlv p.»h>hed, from t«-n to thirty days, from the moderate I ii attendance. baugh, B' ti lleali. Fred Frailenburg. D. Pen- recovi ry. H out . W es TH op . à PRICE OF MACHINE. $i»»,oo at. I « an i.ardlx’ l»e distinguished fr..m pure (leansing the family premises on Third tnger. K V. Beall. Bybee Bros.. < . < . McClen­ Prof. Nrsse, well-known in this section by W W. Wilson ami family have removed street, which present a much improve f xiiinker to th? drunkard. The Antidote silver Will out wear any plated ware ever I don. A. J. Daley, J. F. Gregory ami J. H. to their farm on Ant«-l1 as represented, or m.»n«-v 4th 1x91. at 1 o'clock f. M., for the puiposcot were received by Reames «k White this most diseases originate from impure blood. head of cattle in Jackson a* d Josephine i. fun!.Tabl. s[ .a I'.rks >' ; electing o®» »-r* «4 tlirswiH) for Inc ensuing week • ( I' at'j-e it. improve it. purify it with De counties. He is not pay mg a big figuie, rb j À k half I../cm Dess.’t S|»< -ns $i |*.-r hulj ! year, and to transact any other business that Wit'\- S trsai-nrilla and health is restored, he only wants steers, for which he pays en. Tea >p«». ns <« ■» p« r half dozen t»ugar Capf. <’aion has rented the Fisher corner strength regained. Sold by E. C. Brooks $17 .rn a head fur 2-year-old*, ami upwards. may legitimately I»«-brought before the me« t- Shellsand Butter Knives cents each xml ing A full att»-ndiinc« ot tlu ■members is dr­ on California street ami will soon open BELONCINC TO THE Our stockmen should not be too ke n to us p .stal order for a half do/ an«! tx* o»n- ain« ble. business there. It is a good loc »ti«»n for a Senator Frank J Moffat of Oakland, Cal., sell off* th« ir b»«f ca'tle t«» « . ns it will no’ v’.nccd. You can return g«»ods it not satistac- H'ghest of all in Leavening Power. — I ’ . S. Gov't Rejiort, Aug. 17» 1889, S ilas I. D a secretary. saloon. passed through tie valley last week.en he very, long bef< re they will command Jacksonville,Muy '»th. 1M>1. Address, McKXIGHT A CO Rufus S Moore, of Liukville, ha* Iw-e-» route toHrattle with his family, to visit good prices. The Very fact that spe< uh Wichita, Kans. PECKAHEP. friends there. Hr i* in charge of the 'I inies ton are investing so heavily in them i- a * aide.I a contract to survey a consul, r It. nti- n f«»r thè inali) art«* < I kiti-liu sa Ith of July re ebrat on. ami the sin round­ *A oml« riiil'y refreshed by Hood s 8arsa ing c< in try is expe« ted tube th» re. What s ir*»uble«l wi’li rheumatism and trn«i Hhown th«- late W. <’. Y«>ung diiring nis : Iru in Jacksonville. lu the County Court ol the State of Oregon, 2 I ict ring Twin« Binders number ol diff-rent remedies, but s and ab<» for thè ex pressi'» iis ol Mmpatin t»< - * p,.ru a. It really does “rnnke the weak for tno County of Ja< k*»<>n. the matte' w.tli JacksouviCe followit g tln> none of them -eemed to do lorn any goo«!; 12 tine draft horses weighing atowed ou uh in «»tir misfoituue. U • si.ali 1 strung.’’ 2 Gang Plows. In the matter of the estate of Albert Ander­ exantph it is her turn to celebrate this alwa)sh«»ld thvs« km t pi '»pie ir» Rial» lui r» - • but finally he got hoi«! of one that speedily son, deceased. 1.2«>«» to 1,600 pounds each. a Star Si< kie Grinder».. in» itibraiice. Reamer A White have added tu their al- time. OT I t'K IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE | cured him. He was much pleased with it, Mtu* E. V t n <; ani » T amii .». r« ady large stiM-k a oeauliful line of boy’s administrator of theestateof Albert Ander­ 250 tons Alfalfa Ilav. The C. C. A S. R. R. Co is now running : ami felt sure that others similarly afflicted 2 Freight Wagone. Jacksonville. Maj 1’. 1M»I. son. deciwd. has filed in the Oninty ('oiirt c oihmg. which they are selling very a daily passenger train between Crescent would like to know what the remedy was of Jackson county, Orttgon, bia tiiuil account 4 Milk Cows. 7 Five and Seven Tooth Qnlti reasonably. * city and Smith river bridge, which is being : that cured him. He states for the benefit as such administrator, and by order ot said The ohl structure, which was i of the public that it is called Chamberlain's OO.oOO feet <»f Lumber. Court Tuesday, July 7. 1X91. at the hour of $25 Reward. vat ora. Henrv Helms, J. Jacobs and Howard rebuilt. washed away by the flood of 1890, cost 10 o'clock a . m '.. is set for hearing thereof. All Pain-Bnlm. It is for sale at 50 cents per The atM»ve reward will be paid for the ar- Durkee’last week left Talent for Willows. 1*25,000. persons Intonated are hereby notitb-d to ap­ Neck Yoke», Double and Single Trees, Wagon Spring Seats, liar bottle by our druggists. Dr. J. Hinkle. rcst and conviction of ttie i»er*«»n or persons Cal., where lhey will probably spend the pearand file his or her objii'tions to said ac­ Binger Hermann ha* recently disposed I Central roiut.and (». H. Haskins.Medford. who broke into the school•I ioum * the latter summer. count on or liefore said day. rows. Stove and Mower Extras, and a great many other part of last week and commut'd a nutnbi r ot 2?.!) fr«>m Es.st Portland, it ».* ".'i«l. hsvmg ing tl.e 1’eimo: ICO .-a <»• n property al Ash are nlmost tP'limi’« «I. a’.'l when Syrup .if Tig< was ti-st pr-»dti p«i the world was ivning, Maj 2tt, ! !»| \ full attendance of itou^hi an jnlviesl ot Ge«». Engle in the ami from W. P. B un, and will erect a enriched sun t pisos »-EMEijy foli a r.vum b^t r mio of th* l<»dg, r< «pe f> d. as there ' K»d ¡(«»use. « nly petted laxative Its Cau6ee and Cure, two-story building on the same to accom known, as it is the only remedy which is ♦ 'I I S< irutiflrtlly treated by an aurtat of world­ i The ’Vill-buring machine o9 Mresrs. niodate Geo. \\ . biephensun, w ho recently truly plea«ing and refreshing to the taste ■»U! ü . l or Cold in the He»d it hat no equal wide reputation. Deaf neg# eradicated and en i Creed, in a ten-hour fun on a welton T«»m ieaseil the «alo »ii. and prompt an I effectual to cleanse the tirely cured, of from 2»i 10.30 vearg standing, Riley s farm on Butte creek, got flown to a N«dl«r. Nunn rous train-loads of cattle have system gently in the springtime, or. in aft'-r all other troutmentg have taiiixl. How the difficulty is reached and the cause removed passed through the valley for the north fact, at any time and the better it is known Hereatt« r I will b« iu Utmd.me« atibe» it i «!• pth of 41 feet. the more popular.it becomes. fully.explained in circulars, with affidavits drug Mure and take lull . barg.- of the pr« Mrs. Geo Bartlett, of Roaebnrr, wife of during the pa*t few weeks, ana more are to and testimonials of cures from prominent scripti.»n busm< <-. will atit nd t.» «.flic«* an ; i|)c > .utherB Pacific conductor, has been follow, that section being compelled at people, mailed free. town practice «»nly. present to rely for its supplies of stallfc«l Why suffer? Preston s “Hard-Ake” wil It is an Ointment, of which DK A, FONTAUiE. D r . J W. R uunsux . 1 \ i-iting i.«,r mother. Mrs M. M. Cooksey, 2»8| |dÀ4 etf on Ariiuua anJ Nevada. cure iou. 34 Wc-it Jitij -T: F. Y to the noe«ji)H. Prfi <• "•o ■ J j< k^ouviUc, ur.. May 6. Ml. * at Central Point, - m 1«! l.y lUdiL AdJA>F. y i’ ¿he ,xl nnouaiic inwi I CASTORIA for Infants and Children Nunan. Spring 1891. INDIA CASHEMERE, WINDSOR TOILET DE CHINE, ZEPHYR FLANNEL, Plaid and Stripe, DRAGON BLACK ORGANDIE, SATINES, Plain and Colored CHALLIS. LAWN, SCOTCH BARNABY. PALMER. AMOSKEAG CINGHAM, MERRIMACK TAPESTRIE CRETONNE Peculiar Dressmakers will find a Complete stock of Furnishings. MEN an