che Jtì cmocvatic e iiucs ErnroRiH/. . votes . Til k people of Eugene are thoroughly satisfied that Governor I’ennoyer was right in not going to the state line to re­ ceive Harrison About 2,000 of them were delilstratelv snubbed by the presi­ dent Tuesday morning.—. !«•! Six miles South of Grant’s P ark , Joseph)ne F Hl DAY City Attorney Bowditch of Aslilan i was at Th«' Meudows school open»*»! on the 4th with forttie w«*»*k, while the rainfall has been ini County. Oregon. the county>seat last week. J. E. Potter, th«* ye eran school teach'r, at exc<*88 from «»nr to two Inches. In southern; Henry Klippel. Jonas A. Lee. Oregon tiie rain was unusually heavy, general th«* helm. P. Womai k of Tulare, C tl., has been visiting Tut U ‘tst Orf'i'ininn ot Coos county rains prevailing trom the 4th to the 7th invlu- his former home in thia section. S enator M organ of Alabama thinks it “iv»*. On the tttli a thunder storm was ex­ 'lhe Antil ’> v» i .'--i.»'- !'•• • will hereufter be published by a com­ Mrs. C. S. Moor»* and Misa Jessie Langvll under the efficient nu :i «•:• ui'T.t <-i ‘‘1 i“S I perienced, which in Benton county especially pany organiz -d for that purpose. Grun­ is not war but cash that Italy wants, it Dee Ankeny ot St er mg. whs accompanied by high winds ami hall doing visited at Grant's Pass during the week. dy Short, a native of Jacksonville, wdl wiiI be sometime before she gels either -light damage to cabbag«* and rye. Hall ac- Tin* farmers of this Si'ctioii who have just cuinnanted the thunder-storm. ‘Hail fell In A number of new enterprises are in process act as foreman and Orville Dodge as edi­ from the Vnited States. We are not iu tinisiied planting corn ar»* quit»* Jubilant over sections on th«* 7th. Light troats were gener­ of incubation an«l promise to turn out well. tor. We wish them the fullest meas­ a condition to fight, and tiie fifty-first Monday und Tuesday s rain. D iriso the Cleveland administration al on the 7th, Kth and 9th, doing noapprreiable congress not only «¡>ent all the money B *n Grge lias sold IV) In ad ot » attle to ure« of pro’jierity. Warm sunshine* prevailed «»n th«* td Henry Atteberry, one of Merlin’s bright damage. there was in the treasury but all that is the Democracy of the country were more B\ t>e<* Bros, of Jacksonville. He received S10 young men, is payiug his father, T. F. St b «nd 9th. Apple. Pear, Peach. The increased warmth lias l»e<*n of great expected to come in for a year or two. or less afraid at all times and in all a head all around. Att»*berry of this place,« visit. l'aastpcsT H vukisos wouldn't put in an Periiaps if King Hnmbeit knew this he places lest sister Rose Elizabeth should benefit to cropHofall kinds. The growth is Many prospectors have outfitted in Grunt's Hgc»i lather of Joe Martin of tiiis plae»* remarkable. Winter wheat is. in places, quite I Plum, Prune Apricot appearance at Fugene, although several would change his tarties. open her inouth and say something or Pass «Inring the past tew weeks for their sum­ lui Tin* “ been lying dangerously ill at th»* home of rank. On low land spring srrdixig is not com- I thousand people st..,od >n the pelting rain write Hometiling that were better left un­ mer campaign in the hills. hisdnughter, Mrs. George Bmith, but is some­ plrtrd owing to the rains and wet soil, home Nectarire. Cherrv. to recilve him in a respectable manner rye is beading. The hay and clover held“ ar»* Sn kktamv B laine is quite ill iu New said and unwritten; but the feeliug of J. <’. Hall of Williamsburg precinct is haul­ what Improved now. pave established a Lumber Yard at Medlord and will keep on hand a larg»* unusually promising. Hay will be a big crop, He preferred to remain in bed and snub Yoik and his friends seem to be unrest while she was left unmuzzled was ing a large »¡uant ity «>f potatoes to the Jack- The Mountain school, which has be»*n closed the rain being very beneficial. Hops are pole Almond. Chestnut. ass»$rt merit of his fellow eit /.-ns than to disturb hia alarmed. It is stated that his condition as the >>eace that passeth understanding s<»nvilieand Medford markets. on account ot siekmss, lias resumed studies. lilgh already ami so far are very healthy A carload of lime was riant»* recently Th»* many frh nds of Grandin« am! Grandpa formed. The vines are thrifty and «lust« rs Germany are only “t cents a day, while prescribed was pepsin, for indigestion. Myers, who have been so near «lentil's door forming. Fruit trees ar<* lu-avlly lad« n. Th«* to take tua pen in baud to show a more which weight'd 121A> pounds apiece. in free-trade England they amount to Mrs. Blaine said; “Since the presi­ or less admiring world what a wonder ­ for tii«- past two months, will be pictur'd to lr«»st has not pruned out th«* surplus fruit Win. .McAllister of Lowell, Wash., last week hear Hint they are on tin- roa«l t»> r»*covery hence considerable fiuit pruning will hav«* t«i GUAPE VINKs. ( t HHANT'. GOOsI l;| l< $1 .~M>. The teaching of this “picture” dent's absence from Washington Mr. fully smart man “pa” is, and how little Visited his brothers, Simou and Lewis. He has under the skillful tn atment of Dr. Wait of be done by hand, else th« trees will b<* broken KIES. BLA< KBEKKIES KASPB1K- obviously is that tariffs or their absence Blaine has been working very hard, and credit Blame and the other party lead­ become iutervstvd in their paint mine. down. Tin* prosp«*c*ts for al) pr«siucts ar«* un Medford. KIES. STRAWBEKKIES. FIGS. usually promising. do not regulate wag-s. t' e tact is tie has been called to look ers deserve for their w ork iu the achieve­ Mrs. L. L. Jennings visit» »! relatives nt Wil­ M. Welch ami family, who became so EASTERN OREGON . ?acc3BBVSBBaaaeBaBa«_ .^a » • a s. c c a a b c 3 a ■ ■ The U inperature has b«*»*n about an nv« i age after all the affairs of the department of ments of their party or in the diplomat­ bur during the week, going with Mr. J. thoroughly disgusted with our stat»* during Our tr«*< H are grown without irrigation that It is quite pitiful to see how an<1 left tor windy Kan-as, hav»* returned well «•«»pious Wasco county and decreasing in 8uccc»*d in Southern<>r»*gon. W. H. Gilbert last week purchased a new satisfied that there are'.uts worse places than amount, In revenue tax on dea ers in manufactured other attack of vertigo, and said lie helpless the part is in the hands of the HWi eastward. In Morrow county only Tti«»8e contemplating tr» «* pl'’?:!;;,*! u . ; do of machinery tor his new sash and door (iregon. Mr W. is a cousin ot the well-known sprinkl»« were experienced. Light frosts. h *- tobacco, nor on manufacturer» of tobacco would be able to return to Washington asinine puppy who has bought an in­ plant l'.iyo i know that a little cough i < a dangerous a well to visit our on-hard an«! nurn»*ry. «»r u nt. factory at Grant’s"Pass while in Portland. mill man. J. B. Welch of ttie M«*adows, and. currcn th<*^ I», u“ f.»r prie» liM. A«l«ir« ““ t<< u-at Mutph} terest in Erank /.eslie's lllnstxitrd .\cws- Mayor Kremer ami Mayor-elect Howard, of like Hint gentleman, is a desirable acquisition damage is reported. Th«* w<*athcr has b«*«n lun ;s and far toooften runs intoConMUmption and a JoK»*piiin«* county. (Iregon. »irto K. K. Statmn’ 2d, the date when the new law went in- paprr for the sole put pose ot belittling all Grant's Pass, went to Portland last w» » k to to any community. more cloudy tlian usual Grant h Pash, Or» g«m. Late spring grain Is in need <»t more ram WiiiTiitK are we drifting? As if the men of hie party, with tiie intent to show assist in entertaining President Harrison ami ends in D«.ith? 1’eople suffering from Astiima.B to rff-ct. The tax was not heavy, but AH. CAKSON A >< >N. unless more moisture is soon to t><* iia»l the Bronchitis. Dneuinouia and Consumption will all B dealers do not regret that it will be iui- acceptance of a free special train from what superior beings ttie Harrison tribe suite. REAL ESTATE TRA5SFER>. spring gram will be a short crop. Fall wheat therailrual magnate» was not a sufli- tell you that c posed no longer. Harry Price is assisting Ale«' Ireland in the are to tiie other party deities. Blaine promises unusually well. In Umatilla county Tlu* following deeds have been recorded in the ground Is qu't«* hard, but the lat»* showers ient insult to the great mass of tlio peo- has fretted himself into a fever over the management ot his meat market amt is giv­ ing satisfaction. The choicest ol imats arc the office of tin* county recorder since the last t»«*nctlt«*d it somewhat. In sections tali wheat pie, wl o believe that the president ¡»en ­ sidy fool's assertions, which aie only always kept tin re. M r . H arrison ih ao afraid of Mr. has begun to head. In Buker amt Malheur report of the T imes : counties irrigation is mainly depended upon Blaine that it would not ba aurprising if titled to the privileges of a plain, every­ given weight liecause of the medium E. E. Hedtleld is now eiiscone«‘d in haml- Can you jdTord to neglect it? Can you trifle" I N Sli»M»k to Ciara E Wick; lot in W (' Myer ’ s for crops ami here they arc very promising, as day American citizen, no more, no le«a. AT CENTRAL POINT through winch they reach the public sonn- new quarters in Jennings A Co.'s brick ad'litioiito Ashland. ♦’•(*>. be telegra'plmd to Wa»hington every with so serious a matter i Are you aware that • the cool, cloudy weather rctarde»!evaporation. Clarence Farnham et al. to Walter Farnham; In I nion county wheat prospects are «*x«*« l- moining to tin ! out whether the foxy The irom car of the special free train on and the sem -ailtlioiltative air of having building ami displays his tinestock «»t jcwclrj to excellent advantage thcr<*. 21'» acres bcl»>iiging to est ot Alien i- andSnrah lent. South«»! th»* Blue mountains spring Is seeretaiy of elate h i i carried the white wInch Mr. Harii«on ih making his tour emanated from the while house. Son Farnham. Partition, etc. backward, frosts are fr«*quent. Fruit is now The serious illness ot Mrs. Tweed Coburn at A Clarence ?for Coughs. Colds and Coosuiuption is beyond question the greatest of allW bou»e off during the precetling night. ih erublaz >ncd with big gold letters Russ ib a pestiferous insect, a'ld is likely Farnhan* et al to Emma Eugenia blooming; frost lias don«* no damage to Its«, Grant's Pass last week was the occasion lor >nging to sataw* estate, far. Spring grain is ««lining up, but more Never mind, B-tinv ; don't worry. Your "The Presidential Train.” Photograph» to tiring the grey bans under giand- t he summoning of her mother, Mrs. Baldwin, Jackson; 72.M ac- I Modern Remédie»? Il « ill stop a (Juugh in one night. It will ch.s k a Cold iu • same. of Ibis royally-equipped train should be rain ts wkh«*d for. Snow yet lingers iu th«* fatlu-r's hat in sorrow to defeat in the from Ashland to wait upon her. ■ ucceBsur will be a good Democrat, and Paday. . It will pr-v>nt <'roup, relieve Asthma and cure < «usumptiou if taken? Emma E Jat'kaon »>« $»l. to C!ar,*nr<* Furnham, mountalns, k«*«*plus the a'r co«,I. Thr«,iigh«»ut constantly <»n han«l a compa t* dibit ¡bated from one end of the country next Republican convention, in spite of I in time, “ You ook. " Walter Farnham; *0 hit»*rest in water in Eagle B. H. P agve , which will no doubt prove popular wren to buy second-class railroad tickets, or I ghta are not even worth mentioning in the ’•corporation" at their peril, Sc. eBBOBBBBBBJ C C B B B 3 B B B B B B B BB B B B 8 B B 8 B-MI Mills rac<* toi stipulated time £1. observer U.S. Signal Service. Tiie "Courier" sensibly advocates l»vglnn ’ . ng walk, when they wish to go anywhere, this connection. Democrats throughout A I* Talent to Edmund Brooks; lots 7 am! 8, prospective attorney». Heretofore appli­ early to prepare for an adequate exhibit, at t»lk D, Tal» tit. £7». cant» for licecee to practice law in the lhe tiain <>n which Her Majesty, Queen the country sliuuld encourage the fool in the Stoves, Tinware, Cutlex-y, Last Notice. Portland mechanics* fair, of the varied Marion Tryer to J F Tryer; lot 12, bik40, court* of Oregon have had a chance for Victoria, took her recent jaunt was not his folly and the Democratic national products of Josephine soil next fall. M«*dford. *4" Those indebted to us are <*xp«*cted to to be compared, for magnificence, with ad mi a-ion to the bar only one each year committee could well afford to pay him Thus MeAmin w Io I) H Miller: l««t 7. b'k 24, call an«' settle AT ()N( E, as alt accounts Miss Nellie Moss hurried up from ban bran- —at the second day of the Octolwr term that U|>on which Hr. Harri«on ih now a little extra salary until the windup of cisco lately when apprised ot her brotlmrs M«»itor«l. £4(>* W C Myer to Clara E Wick: part of lot 24, not settle«! shortly will be place»! iu a traveling, is it any wonder that the (the slHTitli illness, amt is rejoicing With of the court. The court bits lately made the next cam pa. gn, it there ;s alack of law} er a bands for coilcctioa We c«*as« d W C Myer add t». Ashland. £.««). OILS OF AI L KINLS Ins friends over bis convalescence. people clamor for a return to democi at it- anew rule by which the written applica­ (> T Co to C K Klum; lots 16 ami 17, l»lk G, R nu“ii«e»s on July 1, 1*«!«». und «»ur books Republican support, ft Would be a R add to Ashland. $110. must be balanced without further delay. •tiunlicity am! every-tuaii-pay-liis-own- T. Shattuck returned trom St. Louis after tion of five or mure person» will procure Deui'xuatic calamity for R ush to be Blip- Morris S Miller to Anna R Burdick; acres marketing Ins five carloads ot (>reg«»n pota- T imes P i biimiing (’»>. way methods? for thein an examination at any term. pressed while he is dishing Up crow 111 toesat gtMMl prices, :a*t w»»k Theconsign- on Ja« kson creek. SJUu Jacksonville, Jan. 21.18‘JL R l> Stephenson t») W W Murphy; lot oil such varied and interesting iorins for uient was but ten »lavs on the road. M aiiame B l vvarsKY, the great tlieos- the palates of Ins father's savins. Granit»* st r«« t. Ashland. Tut American A'<<>nw»ire7, an organ of Mrs. C. M. Stone open«-»! a ’resh stock ot Huhnr« fitmi ii rim ( ullrgr. Ashland L*»dg»* N’«» 23. A FA A M. to W H ths protected manufacturers and a wor- oplrist and spiritual ¡»tic leader, has final­ tot] drug*» amt fancy goods last week. Sb» keeps Atkinson; stripti feet sU im'lws on muth side KLY BROTHERS. M Warren St, New Tort Pr'.re B0 cta.1 NAILS. ROPE. ly come to grief at the hands of the fell Of Cortland. Or., will open Sept l^t r r . __t J. one of ttie nvatt*st ami best drug-st»>rcii in •biper of McKinley, argues that the in­ of hslge building whvr»*on to build stairway, .Kl>Hll,|i SQUIBS. A . Wesco, the leading penman of t be » »»a*r destio.ver, the gripjie having gathered southern Oregon and sei's verj re*»soiinbiy . etc. creased taxation on many articles lias And everything else imaginai«'»’ in tti'r n»- has become a j artner in thi* school and wdl o T Co îo W J Ward, lot* 10, 11 ami 12, l»:k The ladies of the Presbyterian congr« gation made them chea|»‘r. It also joins in the her in last week. All her legerdemain My g«»o Benj Haymond; or catalogue • fieinoon in Jacksonville. house iti the presentation ot "Th«- Temple of sh»*ritTs gar, says the Portland Trlejram. Cheap­ ing when it came to a downright tussle Fame” Inst Thursday evening. It was well $11 >,44. deed t<» so aerea in twp 36. s", r 1 w. with death, ami she »band ttie common Miss Maggie Tice is visiting Mr-. J. Lowest Ruling Prices. A. attended. Notice. er because the tax thereon has been ta­ I ruled Stat»*« t»i lohn B m<«l Eliza J Wrlsiey; ken off. So there you have it. Pay your fate of all in the usual manner. There Lee at Ashland at p.-e-enl. Three Ice-cream parlors will intimidate bash­ patent to ]> C No 42. in twp ;*> s. r 2 w. Complete c«»pies of township plats, posteti G've me a « all before g<»in^ e sewh» r«*. 8tat»*s to ifavid Mosier; patent to D up to dale of the order, made for $1 50 per J. C. SHERI DA.\ money anil take your choice; articles were many who claimed »upernatural M m Mary Davison ot this plae IB ful young men at Grant's Pass during the C Cnited Xo 42. in I wp Vi s. r ! w. coming summer, e«»miuci»*d t»v Mrs. ¿i. II township. Money must accompany or­ •re cheajiened by either increasing or de­ powers for the woman, and her admirers t- n liun the Floun e It n-k school. Lewis !<♦•« s to Davul Moder; 40 acr< “ in tp Martin, Geo. H. Pah thorpv amt C. A. Black ­ and dupes were numtiered by thousands; ders. Address m s, r 1 w. $100. creasing the tax on them. THE FAST RUNNING STALLION, J. C. Tipton has opened n butchershop ______ , stone, respectively. hut »hehad lost her charm, wliatev» r it G. W. K imhali . Roseburg,Oregon. A II Benn»*tt to Frank Muthei; 160acres in in the bmldmg east of the Railroad saloon. Wm. Jordan is handling .M«»rford John's twpjtis. rlw £50ti(i. was, when she needeu it worst. Her ­ Pl R('HASH Ol' T iik appointment, by Gov. I’ennoyer, tin«- Adrian colt out ot a Sir Walter mare, al BuNietoW F Towne; water ami lot No Geo. E. Anderson ami family have gone the racw-track near Grant's Pass. Experts sa\ 22, Otto M AURI Ell. I’I khu I x . Ä4S4.50. of Hon W I.. Bradshaw ot The Dalles mann, tbemagician,»ays be can duplicate her every trick , but the host who think Io Sirs, n. Cal., to remain during ttie sum­ he is apt to win in the two-}«-a! old < »«nt« st at Lucretia F .Morgan to W FTowne; lots*.» and as i'idtfe of the seventh judicial district, mer. the coming district tair. 10, t>lk — Pinenix. SI ’ «0. Gltl’BY— TI<*E At Ashland, May 10, Will initkc t)n*H»a“««n ot 1“*.H at Ontral Point, to succeed Judge Bird, who was com­ tliat seeing is believing, wdl always think S to Elias II M« K»*e; patent to acres Rev. G. L. Webster, L. < . Gruby au»i Misa Th«* taxable pr«»pcrty hi Grant s Pass school in I twp win tv h<* will b<* »-V» rv Frida) anti >aturdav. <’h- ne five-acre tracts in Xic»<• T» ad- 3s n , r 3 w. Maggie* Ti« «*. pelled to resign the position on account her possessed of some supernatural power. district since th«.* late division toota up and th«* ImJaiic«* of thvtime at the M« ( • nd«H: It is so very bard to detect a shrewd de­ ■ litem to Medford are ottered on favorable of ill health, is Said to be a first-class $K>4,M0, an increase of 373,<am’“ Val!« \. terms. •«•eds anv of their pn vioii 1 “ 91, A. J. Bagley , lat»* of Ashland, anti Mis. “ uig tne cutting off of a portion «>f the terri Lewie 1*. ¡“H handt*«)Ui«*aorr»'l' 11« al ly 5 \«-ar“ one by those acipiaintod with the new ceiver of her strqie in deception that Dlsi’HARCING EARS. Annie J. Du!« ot E«igt-wood. tory embrac«tl in the old district. old. weifrba MKO pounds, and Í01 : sod Consistine- in _______ k re judge. He is a pioneer of Oregon and it wdl pas» into the history of the su|ier- | A. Garrick, wife and child Inst we- action cannot )»«• ttirpaaavd. H* ie th«- u inn« r natural that she was the living wonder i moved from Meilfoid to their future home La grippe is still prevailing among tlieresi- formerly lived in Washington, serving I’K. St IIM1TS TIO FOLIoMIN" EX- ol m * v « tm ! tast n»c»*s an«! won a P4 nil • ta« «* of the age during her lifetime. Certain in Ashland. «1« tits ol tiie soutlnru portion ot threounty. HORN. at Chicago as a i-y«*ar-old in 2:10. the county in the state legislature in lKA(Tut A l.ETTFK H«»M \ ok\TE- Nearly all of tti«>se who att< nd»-»i th«* lat«' term it is that she has lung been recognized HEM RIPTloN AND I’EDIGHEE. Fl |. FAT11XT. 1874 Mr. B is an old time Demociat. a Kiley Strait, the guiiMoiih . ha« gone to of the circuit <*ourt - am! tin i <■ w« rt* many »»t Lewis P. was Mr»*d by the c«hbtat« d .!<« as the high priestess of Theosophy. FERGUSON—In Ashland. May 1, 1*91, to Mr them—came homesick with that disvas •. l’a'1 ornia. It is said that he will not re good lawyer and an eloquent speaker. HooKvrot ( aii1«»rni3. In ) y M«>ti-Liy. II k< : - and Mrs. H. A. Ferguton, a sori. turn alone. Tit 1 \M<-oK. Or., May 7. tir“t «lam was Maytbiu« !' bv in !.. Lewis McAllister has sold a halt interest in T iiroi uii the refusal of the Republican Dr. Darr 11 Dear Nir Your letter ask­ AKNETT-hi Liukvlll»*, May 3. Iwl. t«» Mr. nnd 2hi«tnr<>« k. -si. l-la hi-» paint mine ii'iir Grant's Pass to his T he pro-eedings of the county com­ senate to accept the Democratic policy of The blind preacher, Haskell, delivered brother, Mrs. J. P. Arnett, u daugliter b\ imp. B«*¡M*hazzrr: 4th. Gamma “ lam Mad ing my » ’ 'ibli ion, receive»!. Woitul -av Wm. Me Allister «>1 Washington, '¡ lie missioners' court will be pub.ished in stopping an excessive revenue by reduc­ an interesting discourse at the Bap'i-t pric»* paid is ^anl to be Bosh*} '»> Sir Richanl '«th, b> imp I .«g «,».’h Arrangements that tny dist'fiarging **ar of years' standing EATON-Nvur Gold Hill. .May 7. 1H»1, t< Mr. church in Medford one day last week B« t Il<»s« !} by Wilk«*»*' W<«n im:«. Mvrling; 9th. b> < scale, we learn. county hereafter, under the provisions (omul a surplus of IlOt),0)0.000 when it your treatment." N. Lancell and wife of Jacksonville were lot h. by imp. Silver»*}«’; lltli, b> imp. .) >iii FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. The twenty $VK) school b»»n«ls issued by Yours trulv, of the law enacted by the late legisla­ catne into power mm. Roger; 12th. by Partner; 13. )»> imp. M r«k« > ; Through the reckless in town Wetlue-d iv iccotnpanied by their District No. 7 wero issued lapt weclL rb< A LETCHER. l4th. imp. mare from slud ol Hairi“<«n t son Harry. wlio-eeves are I emg treated by ture providing for >uch publication. It exjien litures of ttie billion-doilar con­ I sehooi eh*i k ami chairman «>1 ttie board had t<> Brandon. .Mr. L»-tcher ¡s in the jewelry business in Dr. Geary. is right that the public should know ex gress, approved by the president, the sign each bond t«>ity-onc times, mclmliug th«' YOUNG— In thi“ city. May 12. HU, «if <*<>n- Lewis P.'s dam was Lizzie P by L» insl«*r. «•«»upon“, and tiuT«- was a mark'd improve­ T llamook, ainl one ot lhe soli«! men < f the Nuinption. WHII hiu C. Y«»ung; ng««l J0y«*an*. •ctly what kind of service their officials treasury lias twice resorted to desperate I«) imp. A iistrulian. t<>$thni In J“7'‘. an«l bred Forbes A Coker bave dissolved partner ment m their « hirographj b« forc « a« h had pl «re, ami one wii«»s<* wor«! . an be r» lied on 1 month ami 5 days. t»v W.L. Pr’tehard «•! S.icrameni«*. < aiit« rnia. are rendering them; and as Jackson measures of questionable legality to shin and J • ’. Coker will eontinue th- bos- sulmvribtd tor the '’’-iinh tunc. Dr. Darrin treats with electricity and [Th«* fun«*ral. which was larg«*ly att«*nd«d. Il* i 1-t dam wm Addh A. h» Aster» county baa a commiaaionera’ court »trove avoid a deficit, and is now turning in ness at the stable in the rear of the Clar- medicines all curable chronic, acute «ml t«w»k plae«* Thursday afternoon under th« Henriettas, Alpaccas, Albatross, Black Fain-io. Brillantincs, Albini, lri«retta b> imp. >.»vi 1 • ign; » I. Ma» \ « »gd» n School C ’ lei k J conings giv«-s notice that the reproach there is no otq ction beard on »till greater desperation to the small "iid'.n hotel. Thornhill; 4t h.Mn v Ti»«»mas bv imp. < ’• -osi. . school tax 1« vi«d March 2. IN'!, tn »listrict No. private el ami Kiver Cloths, Surah Silk-, Allover Em- b} Kohert Ennis pr«*a< hing an itnpr»*ssive ser­ ’»th. Parrott by Ramtolpb's Roanoke; tkh. any »ide to the full publication of any of change iti its vaults to meet current ex- Mr Ma'hei. an experienced brewer, ar 7. isdii" and ¡>ayat»lv ami will b«' return« «! de­ mg inanh -o I, nt !*Vous »ielllity, cflect ol mon. An ext«»nded notice of th»* d«*< .m««*J I ’ anqia t I«} tmp. M»*triti« i«i; 7th. imi* mar- linquent if not paid <>n «»r before Jul} I m xt. • ir r or ex-es-rs in »,ld «»r young, loss of broideries ami Flouncing, in black ami white, I ’ iques, Lace their proceedings. ' pens««. With $30.000,000 in pensions rived from the nor h this week and intends School Clerk Wad»* of »listrict No. 2s give“ by P«»pinja) ; stIi. Bourbon*“ »lain l»v i’i»fii’ - ne niory. «I’ nph - h c.tused by men nrv in the will appear m the next issu«* of th»* T ime - : Fancies, Veiling, Satines, Challies, I.a<-e Curtains ami Curtain tate; 9th. by Hightlvr; 10th, Tiffany by < soon falling due and only $12,000,000 put log up a brewery in s um- portion of (loticethat the special tax levy n his district improt«er treatment of private «liseases, ir SLOAN— N«*ar Lakevmw, May 2. 1W)1, Lemuel E« lips«-; lltli. Young Hag !•} >km; 12th. Hag will be delinquent after Jun«- 2t', lsVl. r.LLkKV D ixon , one of the thieve» ar- available to meet tlm demand. Secretary southern Oregon. Sloan, of pneumonia; ag»*d 51 years. r« gu!arities m women, e c , and never pub Net. Serini, Ginghams, Cheviots. Ticking.-. Wiki ras'»lam b>(i;«i«; 13th. Ebony of ( Hild­ rested in Lassen county,< al., lor stealing Foster ih exercising bis ingenuity tn de­ Mayor Krenter vetoed the chicken «»nlinance I .“b«il m tne papers. Ot!ier,70’*i Washing­ The Monarch saloon it Medford, under ers; 14. ohi E>“iu\ by Basto; 15tíi. M»»“b» ) ■ stock in northern California, and wlioi vising a plan to wo. k off — the - fractional c Mar» l»\ Masse)’s fila« k Bart». ttie management of H. H. Wolter».i, prov­ paxs.ti by the Grant s P hmi council, tor winch ton street. 1'ortlaioi, Or. Hours 9 A. M t»* TÌ.HM“ «>t SERVICE. was also implicated in the same kind of ’ silver, long carried as an “unavailable ing a popular resort. Tiie best of every w«* giv« nim credit. Gur town has not b«'com»' 10 i*. m . daily. Examination fr« e amt con metropolitan enough as yet t«> pruvi«ie By t he s«*HM»n. $30. and g«»od pasturag»* fur­ • biis.ness in Klamath county, had hi« trial t asset, but reckoned as cash by Secretary thing in thutline i« kept tmre measures tor keeping chickens closely con­ tidential; question blank*» and circulars nish«! mai'-s during th«- time loi $l sustain his veto, but it pr«»vcd at home after one visit to tiie doctor's of enougli under the new charter. tree Me«licines sent to any ad dress with­ C. ( . M« < LEN’DON. legal contest, able attorneys being en­ pating the payr.ient of unmatured obli­ did quite well with sheep purchased in T out the doctor's name appearing. IT I’ gaged on both sides. Hon. Clay gations as lias la-en the policy of the Douglas county recently. — - -------- ------------- THE 1 INI* KHADtTI R >TALLD»N, KLAMATtl ( Gl NTY ITEM*. YV. Taylor of Shasta county was leading treasury for several years, the secretary lj NVhde the pir,k Tea" given by the ladies CENTK 4L POINT POINTER*. counie-l tor «tie proeetmtion, »nd to his is meditating an extension at a luwei of th ■ W. <’ T. I’, last week was not as John Callaghan has left Sprague river for forensic ability anti legal acumen must rate of interest of the Vj per cents soon i remunerative as was hoped, a m 1st p eas- CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, £ Miss Emma Coakl«*y r»turn»*d h«»me from be ascntied much of the result. ■ ant time was had ami everybody went parts unknown. to fall due. her trip to ( al forma last week. honi- satisfied. Circuit court conv«nes on th»’ “econd Monday in June. The Burroughs salo»»n property was sold at T he Chilian insurgent vessel Data, F ob the past week the forest tire» in Prof. W .1. Grawford last Sunday tilled h»*i itT‘“ tai«'at th«* count}-s«*at fast Saturday ( lias. S. Moor«' has be« n appoint««! notary “ and the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan which recently slipped away from a the pulpit of the Presbyterian church at hid in b} Wm. I’lrich, who held th«' mort­ Is fresh and Complete, all of which will be sold at the •nd New J-raey have been almost with­ deputy I'nited States marshal after lieing I Ashland. The regular pastor. Rev. F. G public by Gov. Pennoy» r. gage oil it. Lowest Possible Cash Price. out precedent in II e history of that far- I seized w ith a cargo of arms and ammum- I Entrance, is attending the general assembly L J. first-rat«* bla« ksmitti. will 1 In pr«s)fot th« assertion that merit is r»x*og- Will mak* thea«*aa<»n of 1*91 at the follow­ ing places: Beginning at the barn «>t F. open a shop at Bonanza in a short time. off region. Whole town* have been | lions of war aboard at San Diego, under ' meeting at Detroit. iiiz«'d the world over, may be mentioned the Fradcnburgh, at < entral Point. Wednesday. We exchange for all kinds of marketable countrv produce, April 1. 1*91; and wiped out, villages annihilated, and m-n 1 a charge of violating out neutrality laws, A. Howell of Bonanzn has «'tnbark«*»] in th»* ta»'t that Hon. J. W. Merritt was rec«'ntly Drboy ft Sluart this week removed their will mak« stand“ at that 1 •«•<•« gniz«*»i as a inemb«*r ol the Anmrlcan place, .Mvdford. Jacks«»nviHv. Ph«» nix. Ta'« nt have been emraued in a hand to hand | lias eii needed in getting I'ncle Sam into I jewelry establishment from Gold Hid to photographing l»usine?"-at SusanviHe, Ca.'. deliver goods to any part of the city, ami guarantee satisfaction in A< mh'iiiy «>1 Political an t S«»« ial Science ol and Ashland «luring th» to H“on. «Kht with the flame» m hundreds ot lo­ a pleasant predicament. The guns and Medf -rd, where they will tuake their head­ Sergeant Ca«t«*l has lM*rn drill the Philadelphia. everv ease. Call D em • riitk » x am » P ex > i »; hee signal T« ha- 6 ami see us and be convineeP B two «lays • ach week. ma Geoi g» . w ho has a « ros* ol M«ss»-nger blood, is a handsome dapple-btou n. w» «glung been feared from such i-aeualties. The an insurgents, of couise, and we have not their new 1 n ation. Merit Wins. A band nt “to< k cattle sol»! in Klamath 13»Ni p«»un»ls wlien in < «>ndition. and »tambng unusual part of the occurrence is the yet recognized them as lielligerents, The fam ly of Wm. I'lrich is visiting »•ounty lu“t week for the low price <»t ?! > p« r W«' «l«.“ii«* to s.ty to our citizens that for lBVv hands high. IL was sir«»l b) “:gna vears we have been selling Dr. King s N« w l-aac Mdtenbiircer and w'lfe of Williams head. fact of such devastating tires having winch makes us unaccountable to the ex <*hi«*t; dam by Blatkhawk Morgan. Signal Astounding in Its Effects in the l)is«'ov « ry t«>r C<»iisumptlon, Dr. King s N« w Wm Wright ha“ th« Ingalls plae«* rent«d Chief by v Brons ■» now the sole proprietor th«' wages alone nearly a million dollars ii> de|sity I'nited States marshal ashore H»»iiston A Cabh r building at LinkviUe in t hem « very time, ami we stam! teady to r«*- should thex «wcur. GK<). LERol N. her granite quart ie» »hould awaken in who was left in charge of her ami put to of the Railroad saloon, having piiretiased h .short time. tumi th«* purchase price, (f satisfactory re other Gisease arising from de­ Central Point,Or.. Mar. 31, I*.»!. suits do m>t follow th«'M'use. Th«*se r«*medies terest in the line granite and sandstone sea wdti all baste to join the ironclad the inter* st ot Mr. <> Donnell. He keeps a Mrs. D <; Mclnfo“h will vi“lt relatives and have won their great popularity purely on ------ o ranged Liver, Stomach, or Kid­ quarries <.f southern Oregon. This sec­ Esmeralda, which was known to be wait­ full sleek of the best wines, liqu rs and friends at San Bernar«lin«>, Cal., during the their merits. E. Brooks, druggist. cigars. Give h tn a ca l when you are in next few wet ks. tion c wn rec«»rder of Linkville, cure for la grippe. It Is taken laith internal* ever before attempted In Medford. Pupils is the ca«e. perliaj« a half million dollars it was finally determined to despatch the and teachers are working hard to that end, last we» k hamkd in his resignation to fhe ly ami api>hc«l exl«*rnally, relieving tin- cough onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce $1 in value, net, , of board ot trustees. will be expended each year in wages to ironclad cruiser Charleston from San and their effort« will certainly lie crowned andthat tearful beadaclie in five iiunut»*H. B} M r .“ Crus. A. Rrssm.i., win, i& favorably marketable fruit each year. Tyra Stanley has b«*en doing ago»»«! d«u$l <«f r« p« ating a few times tii«*i»ati« nt is cured per­ kn«»wn throughout th«* N«»rthw«*et. says : quarrymen south of the Calapooia«. Fiancisco in pursuit of the two insurgent with success. manently. w<-H and sound. This lias hern use»! "l’or tiftc«*n y«*nrs I waa u c<»n“iunt Muff« r«*r frult-tre»* pruning for th»* citizen* of this two | vessels. She hastily departed after giv­ i “«'asonsand has not failed In a case, wher«* from H“tlima without any r« li«*t. <*xc<*pt that S I, Beiitielf, of Jackson county,Oregon, s«*ction r«*c< ntly usedMdirected. People goto Brooks' drug­ obtain»*»! by constant cliang«* of l«,calit\ Two ing the Cbihaus two days tt.e start, is in lown. having been summoned to the Tut war department has finally given store in th»» morning to b«* treat« “ ! amigo Cha*. Willson is «»ne»* more at Linkville, year“ ago .M»»- nett is a pioneer resident of the West Hide, tirat, and prev«*nt«sl th«- terrible distress p«*eu the soldiers who are to arrive the lat­ 1». W Anderson will hav»* th«* ii “ ual quantit} an«! is re<*<»intn<-nd.-. A < klbl Kilk«!. | Itata and is making the effort to do so, hut moved to Oregon 7 years ago — Sian «»t tin»- m» ion“ and v« g«-tabl»*s at hi“ L»«“t river hi-ii other iii«“licin<* tail. Thouaarvie t. >t :ty ter part of the morth. Grain and other l»«*aral»l«*. Any one who has «*v«*r lia«i nathwiH islau« ( t ’ i'. , New». Aimth»*r child killed by the use of opiates can understand tin* gratitu«!«* I f»*»*l towar«! into Canada by the cashier, I so she will unquestionably come in con­ gap ranch during the (mining season. I«» its having saved their i \«>. T»» Mothers Dame nature — a trust-worthy guardian — contracts are being completed. Fort giv« u in th»' form of S»s>thing syrup. Why Daught«*rs it has proved a blessing tact with the Esmeralda, which is a ves­ The following citizens ot Medf ord mule J. H Colahan has purcha“<*«l tin Barela} motlmrs giv»' t heir «■hi’«lr»*n such deadly poison this rem«*!} . B«*li»*ving it has >idd«*d ph'asant takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if Klamath is the (sial w liicti should have $1 b«.ttl»*; 6 for I». All Ib ahrs. sel of gn-ater spi ed and about equal filial priHif on umb-r-la' d entries in tiie springs pla is promised by Mr* der the circumstance», an affair of great he i ndersigned offers for sale Wanted: Gms! agents to sell our genera! S tewakt -H oi . mes D ik ’» j Co .. Sen ttl«,«sh. painstaking; hut, when it comes to dis­ foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard. At the meeting held hy the voters of Metz, r» < « ntly tr«»m Missouri, who will put in his larm ot .Oh acre«. I) mg “ mi!«> south« ast interest to the whole maritime world. A line ot merchandise. No ptshlllng. Above a stock ot general merchandise there soon. criminating lietween this state and Cal­ Medford district last Saturday it was de ­ ot Liiikville. one corner touching 1/ost riv» r. salary wi'l be paid to “live" agents. For fur­ It is all 1« nc.'d, 125 Hi r« s in « ultivati«»n. » ifornia, the latter always gets tlie pref­ stern chase is a long chase, however, and cided to bull I a near and commod mis ther information address Dan Cronemiller of th»* fort boasts »>f u it may be that the advantage at the be­ achool-hoiise J. I). Whitman. H F. W. od aer«*!n gr«» alfaltu hih ! 12 acns m«»r< < iiica »}OG enehai .S i : i * ply C o ., erence frorji the powers that be. st» « r that stands 19 hands high ami w»*ighs th»r«l«». Th« r» ar« two good u« I.s. ginning will lie maintained until the end and J A. Whiteside were appointed as a 22(10 pounds in fair flesh. Who can beat it? No.178 West Van Buren St. Chicago. III. With half the care you give wheat-fields, aud it will yield an income s<*cd«*d either one of which will furnish plcntv <•! and the anticipated fight turnout to he committee to confer with lhe directors in • ”t. r Imill. A dit< h that f,.k- - Wm. M. Knight last week brought two on a valuation of $1000 an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this S ome of our farmers intend cutting but a foot-race, which some American the matter of d-vtsing wa.s and means, thoroughbred bulls from th»* W'illam»*tt»* acc- water from tin* big Klamath riv» r runs For Sale. county which yields such an income, and EV EBY orchard does. through 1 h«* place, so that it can I»«'irrigated more hay than usual Tin» we think i« citizens hope will be the case, for public I make plans, r te. ti«»n to tils father's ranch near Fort Klamath. A small or« lit»rd ot < h«»ie«'tr»«*s is als«» grow­ Four yoke <»f ox«*n, in good order an»! well is about equally divided I a mistake, as there i» every probability I sympathy We propose to Bell you an acre of fine alluvial 6oil, within cannon ing H 11 Wolters, ttie mixologist, nas re Dr. ILA. Wright will hcrcaftei be numher»»! broken to w«»rk in logging camp. For further oil the plae»'. Th«* soil is d«-«p. sandy that the hav crop w ill bo uniiHiially large here between the insurgents and the moved bis saloon to the building next door with th«* faculty ot the Portland meilical particulars apply to Henry Kllppel at .M»<1- loam, amt highly productive. There ar« a 6h<»t of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-contiueutal small dwelling-house and «»fh» r buildings in witbout cutting what will yield a fair Chi'ian government. to C. W. Palm’s barbershop, on Front college, having recently accept(*d a call there. for»!, or Jonas A. Lee at Ashland. railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with g«MMl condition «>n th«* tartn. The whol« u 1 street. He has supplied the bur with •mount of grain, to which must be added Chas. Hammon«] will probably “tart a nur­ I»«-sold at a reasonabh* figure. Cai on or a«J- the finest wines, liquors and cigars, sery near Linkville sometime soon in <»rd»-r to I' obtx vster -G ener . il W annvmaeeh one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by drvss the large quantity of old hay still remain­ J L. DOWNS or 1. C JOHNsoN. Wood Wanted. supply the rapidly growing demand for fruit Ltnkvill«*. Or. ing. Owing to the »bort crops in ' seems to have had an eye open to the ad and a tine billiard table can also tie’ trc«*s. you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of Proposals will tie teceived al th«* office of found there Give him a call, for be will of lire - pants business Europe, it is the general belief that I vertieement ------------- treat you well. the Rogue River Valley Railway Co. in old age overtake you and find you penniless. • Quite a number of cattle are being driv«*n John F. Junes, Edom,Tex.,writes• wheat will command a higher price after 1 *l,l e making bis triumphal tour in this into this section t rom Ja< kson county , having Portland,until the2.5tb insL.for th? delivery Some youthful pilferers last week went b»*en purctias»*d for th»* purpose of being of .KI) cords (12d cubic feet) of merchantable harvest than for some years past. The state and California recently, and his I have used German Syrup for the WOIUJ 11 #1,000. through Goldsmith's store and purloined a matured ln*rt*. fir wood in «juantities of 50 cord“ or more past six years, for Sore Throat, supply of ohi wheat is shorter than ever tracks have hardly grown cold ere lauda­ ------- FROM along the ineof said Railway. Woodtobe before known in the I'ruled States, tory editorials are beginning to appear lot of cigarette«, candies etc., obtaining en­ R. S. Moore has obtained a contract for We give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for Cough, Colds, I ’ aius in the Chest trance through a rear door by removing to oO (’ENTs of the following dimensions: 4x1 and 20 surve} mg six t»>wnships of t lie public domain which will account for the big price it’ tn the columns of local partisan sheets, the glass. The boys were apprehended down in Curry county and start»*»! for th«1 inches l«mg. ami to be stacked securely. and Lungs, and let me say to any­ two years, and we will present you a warranty t kss than 2-’> cord-. Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value 1'1% <• I-, ]>ollni- y on s-]»<-iircM>nt. Mrs. Jackson Hockersmith of .Ashland will Sunday morning at Jacksonville and every and colds. I recommend it to every­ objected to the view they took of the partment. There is a marked difference No. 178 West Van Buren St..Chi« ago. Every bread-winner at the forgo or m ar the cutting saws, or in Notices for tiie location of pincer and spend tin* summer months with her daugliter. Sunday evening be will prearb at the matter, and it was an eminently correct observable between the tone of these one tor these troubles. quartz mines, etc., for sale nt the T imes of­ Mrs. Fountain, the wife of our worthy scliool Presbyterian eburch tn Jacksonville. sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or one Gov. I’ennoyer said the same thing ”shrap-clo«iing»” editorials and those fice. superintendent, having come out «luring the -------- — •---------- toiling 1 ate over desk and counter, should 6tudy our pl an well. It means }?;i'?.**“*"'1''*.' ...................... w.,u.u >» '’"lulged in by the same papers when week from the granite city. The American Mining Code, standard R. Schmalhausen, Druggist, of a home for a life-time out of the meagre savings of 2 years’ work. A the rir.-./,,. ,.I ., up-torted the facts in ttie!,*“'y wt‘r“ Peking vigorously about the To Sheep Men. Ellery Dixon has been ronvicte»! at Susan ­ case and sought to give our wu ri’hy exe ' inefficiency of the depaitment during the authority on all subjects pertaining to ville. Cal., of st<*aling stock and some of his HEREBY RF.-PFXrrFrLLY INFORM |HE Wool bag.“, fleece twine, Little’s sheep Charleston, 111..writes: After trying more beautiful and a larger home than ninety per cent, of the popula­ I I farmers all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for pals will be lik«ly to share the same fat«*. and tailoring peonle «.1 .)«. eo ‘ cutive a lot of nueviable notoriety j i t »now blockade of something like fifteen sale at the T imes office. scores of prescriptions and prepara ­ dip, for sale at Nunan's, Jacksonvile. that I hav«* b«*« n appoint«-«) I>« oiity Organizcr Plxon will no doubt be a»*ntenee«l to»juitea tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. proved to be a veritable boomerang, how- of Aluaneos and Industrial 1 nb>n“ in this low . months ago, as well as between these tions I had on my files and shelves, T. I’. Judson » • the I» .. governor — _ _ without relief for a very severe cold, who arc desirous ol organ!» ng A ilia net« A QUAKER'S OOZ17N* admits - ideas were condition of the --- r postal --- e wax clerks on the’over” district and lias put a mill on it, which is headquarter« in th»- building known as the valley and our Orchard Home. SAMUEL H HOLT Phrmi. Or which had settled on my lungs, I Fnioii hotel, when* iu enlarged and pleasanter correct and that he acted like a tborongh land run within the past year. It really kept busy crushing ore. Richanl Sfege, the well known proprietor of rooms th»*y will be able to entertain tlieir gentleman and a Democrat. looks to an unprejudiced observer like tried your German Syrup. It gave the Quaker Dairy. No. 30 Fills St., San Franc!«co, Considerable prospecting must be going customers in better style than ever. there had been a iree-pants distribution on In southern Oregon, ns n large number A company’, with Frank Adams ami Dan last week sent the following letter to the Edwin me immediate relief and a perma­ somewhere in the neighborhood under of location notices and mining guides are Colwell at th»* head, last week purchased the W. Joy Cn. nent cure. ® A» our readers would like to know who the dispensation of the Philadelphia being purchased ar lhe '1 lmiis cilice. tine Kansas stallion brought into the basin by "My family June been taking comprise the presidential party on the branch ol the department. No one has Coleman »V Avery, paying £1*50 tor th»* animal, G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla now J A. Harvey of Foots creek lias dis­ which was a good investment at any reasona­ electioneering trip which Mr. Harrison is BEST IB TIRE WORLD. ever gainsaid the statement that Wmmr for months with splendid results Woodbury, New Jersey, U. S. A. ■taking at the expense of the railroad understands pants, from the waistband covered a well-defined quartz ledge, which ble price. x Ttewweringquantisewre unaurpaaaed. actually Our experience has been that after prospei-ts very well He crushed some of M. Hartcry and Mrs. Boddy of Tule lake •nd other corporations, w- annex tbeir to the spring l»ittom thereof, in the ^uUaating two bvxea of any otbvr brand. Not the ore. and realized $.'■ from a single pan. recently purchased X68 acres of lanerM of hi» own party \ X an occasional dose thereafter keeps Busk, scj-retary of agriculture, Ruasel) «latently keep this feature of his qualiti- eron ft Co., after several years of prelim of real estate in tiiis section within the next the systeu in perfect condition. A inary preparation, are now being operated few months. 1’i.r 7*enin1o Trr«>*«'ar B. Harrison, Marshal fiauasdell of Wash­ \ 1 I A IC ! 1 ■>» ■Urtah» fn t rreflr talk«! Int«» un Z'.cZf I .-ations to the fore I here can be but one on full lime. A good season is expected Henry Finley of the Sprague river section i ii«*«: imthiutfiikvi';« :* peculiarity of your vegetable com- i 1 INFERIOR ington, E. F. Tibbott, executive clerk, sensible conclusion, and that is that he there •«■«. v !»•• • a»» t.-ri cnireai>d l«< , The Sterling Mining Co. has a good sup­ home on his return. James Taylor ot th»* does not h»s* Its cfTcrt. but seems t< by prominent ludi Tear •> t*.. r •• n • • - •gent of the Pennsylvania railroad com­ one of the most valuable adjuncts of his ply of water and two pipes al work. It same J neighborhood was also in th«* valley accomplish the same r»?sn!ts continually. As » -IS |THE monthly. Guarsnt ■ th* eituan •«» <» l < If»| 1 tnrenl.8 «• ' »i » . en . ar» tliat ainnut t pany, three newspaper representatives pants factory. Aa a financier he i» un. is expel tea a good cleanup will be made at after supplies during the week. Xomonr« «■ r nrettitl.-M ... r I «. •. tlll1 to reiirvo aipprvssed liver an«l bowel regulator and corrective it is per Ib-cause lrarnrri I .1. Birr l ut < rre worker ft.,n. ea, h i 1 • '.-ri win, ( fection. We woul. MialR— McKee and Mrs. Dimmick. They travel through a rilling of the revenue official»’ I Don’t bo h’.-ia''-’" v ' at this season the blood is full of impu­ tie“ to get «he r«*'lur,. T •r.-'e.' B To in royal etyle and are very little in he recovered the $4iJ0,0t'g) which he eon- ated for several months this season, as tne That k Sav«$ Time. H.-jilt . A. M Rowe. .*r •._* street. 3 r.. a!« circuit court has dismissed t|le r. ceiver rities. tb I’a-tarp. haughty and upeeemly conduct; but-that J be slwnld ri"! pay on a single importa- which "100 dos»*84)ne dollar" is true. GojNd/••furec.n be had Ht r.Enable rates s bis style, atid he doesn't care who [ tton of ribbons. The local revenue press -------- ♦—-------- -- 11 ÎHE AFHBO RIEDICIKE Äv‘'u';usuu «•“»*. u«** in some sections of Oregon will doubtlebj I f you have headache try Preston” '* Hed WesternUrauili, Uui27,1OKTLAML 01; likes it. la l«lb und S-lb Cun». Ake." • ÄffJ vy E.u. mxx,iu,0xurg;rr, J3vksusvu¡0,ür t OFFXI^L FAMI O JACKSOM CGUNTY. HR Lumber, Lath>: Pickets. ’Flooring, Rustic and Ceiling, Cedar, Yellow Pine and »Sugar Pine Seasoned Finishing Lumber. 90 YOU CQUtiH?; “IT STARTED WITH A COLD.”: HARDWARE AND TINWARE DEPOT ‘DR. ACKER’ S ENGLISH REMEDY: JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh HARDWARE, PA IN T S Mschaaics’ Teds. ATARRH« THE POSITIVE CURE. b Reames & White’s LEWIS P., SPRINC^SUMMER GOODS STRAW HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, Ladies' Fancy and White Goods, IT Y GIVES And a lull line ol' Parasols. Fans, Kid Gloves, Corsets. Jerseys, CurliDf Irons. Etc., Etc. « SI •S ä ' YOU SIGNAL TEHAMA CEORCE, HEALTH M oore 'S R evealed R emedy . REAMES De WHITE D r . KE1WBV avorite M is Led Interest at IO I’tr I'eiil.oiiSIOOO. “German Syrup” CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD F REMEDY T For Coughs & Colds. irr 00 YOU WONT TO SfcVE is ORCANIZE ALLIANCES. THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION Medford Oregm WAKELEE’S Fabsrs Golden Fentale Pills. DON'T BE Isííifí' POISON! Children Cry for Pitcher's Uastorfc. FRAZER GA.ffsEE $3000