uANtUUS. MISCELLANEOUS. iidov _ id South VIA I RIPAY... SOOTHER» PACIFIC CO.’S LINE. COVERED WITH SCALES. AWFI1. SPECTACLE. ci’RKD in five w i.Kks nr the « lti CVHA REMEDIES. The Mt. Shasta Route. Exprt*M Tr*in* Leave i’ortlamiTiaiiy.___ gkmth I __________ ¡North. I: %. m Roseburg . 5 V> m Kosebnra . XJU a . M.¡Portland tóWr.M Ali; m I • U D UÜ K* i (- LÄAVI biKB 1 Portland . ...5.4IÛP.M. Albany.......... '.»"n p . m Albany .......... ScW a .a. Portland a . M’ "T üllä I i T büäö ¡ l S ñül TOURIST SL éé PINC CARS. For aevoniinoi’aiion of st»v»»nd-<,,.iss pasacn- zeri ati;u*h«*d t<» Express Trains. West ^ide Ulvibiou. KTW » KM POM l‘L t * l> * • OK % ALLI* MAU TH U.S’ Mil 1 Bit hl-: »*< HPAY.) 7 Jil K. M. l.’-av Port.un i Arrive 5 ft) P. ÎÎ. IL10 P. M.I Arrive Corvallis Leave|L.'.y> p. m . At .Ubanv an»i I'orvaii»aconnect with trama Ot Oregon Pacific tlai>r<>a«l. DAll.t KXPHKsS THAl.X* tPT JM’NP A Y.)_ 4:4b P. M. Leave Portland Arrive H;2t» a .. m »J'> p. m Arrive McMinnville Leave 5.1» i. m THROUGH TICKETS «all points, EAST A. SOUTH. Fur Ticket «mn«! information regarding rates, m iliN. etc. rail <»n Company’» ag» nt nt Milford. K ¿oKHLEH. K-.l\.ler capita. inilei»te«liiess of this |S50,0OC,0j0, or about Millionaires are buying projierly in Florence, Or. Last week a Chicago ti-m secured several blocks there. A state shooting tournament will 1)0 held in Salem on May 22d and 2.T1. V long hst of prizes have ln-en offen d. Judge J. II. Bird uf the 7th distr ct has ■ esigned. lie has lieen sick ami unable to bold a term oi court for neatly a year. !■ rum all indications the salmon canning industrie* through, ut the northwest will litipushed vigoioti-ly duringthe e inmg season. Representative Hardy lias decided to remove fioin Baker city, wh. re he has made his home for tl e past live years, to Marshfield, L oos county. The safe ill J. II. Whiteaker ’s general meicliamlise store at Cri * n II,L ne coun­ ty, was blown <>i>en by t«mgl.u» last week, and about »500 in com secured. An exchange says. One hundred ton.* of black saml from the lieaeli at Coos bay was sent recently to Astoria tube worked lor gold, lt assays »S to the ton. The cruelty if sending Mr. Blair, of NeW Hampshire, a* a minister to ( Inn*, ami at tl.e same time lorli.dding the Chi­ nese to esca|s-by coming here, isobviuua. A broken »ceptre that once w elounds ainc» In- write» toafiend in Vienna that all G4 pag«w, 50 ilium rations, and l’XJ testimonials. left the White llo-iae. residing in St. Fetersburg have b en or­ dered to leave the city by May;«. Tins DIM PEES, black-heads, red,rough, ( happed, Commissioner Groff say- the public means the ruin of many Jews. Southern Ort g«.n arc hereby informed that I Im oih skin cured by ('utieura Soap. ¡and division is dose up with its work in addition to a ¡urge und elegant line of Ex-Senator Ingalls say» that the new now tor the first time in twenty years. navy we are building is a wasreol m nev, Willie Reard. u, a 0 year old boy. i- and will Is- worthies* by 1901, owing to Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakniss, Hacking Cough. Asthma. Pleurisy said Io be the fire-buz who started om the advance in th - art of war. lb' w.mts and Inflammation relieved in one oi the ti es in Red Bluff, Cal. lie has to fortify our fort* ami let the navy go V. mldiil tu 111) -t. < k Hu fi ll. » III« cla»o! minute by the CVTKi Rx A nti -P ain P ias ­ been arrested. ter . Nothing like it for W. uk Lungs. fuuda. ‘it wiueli I liavr a tuli line: Gov. l’ennoyer has name 1 T. W. Da­ The sale <.f the famous IuGuina de venport, ol Silverton, as a lm inlier < f lhe Ta, lie ranch,49,bOr> acres, in Tu are coun­ board of regents of the S ate Agricultural ty, Cal., trail English syndicate is re­ college at Corv.dis, to fill the v. ported lur $1 001»,Odd. Roth Knit and Muslin. carised by the resignation ol .l. W. Ex Senab r Blair has accepted tiie Chi­ of Aurora. LilAHTi liaRddOBEi CJMPLEIL nese mission and has arranged lo sad The interior «lepirtmei.t h.isju-t isHlVtl hum San Eranciscof r ti e Flowery King­ 2>JS pa ent* for Oregon city I t* 1 tlVS4* ¿•cheap *» to bv bouirht any place; atao dom on the 1st of May. lots were granted by mt ol congress of Hon. John Mayo Fainter, son of Sena Sept. 27, 16.5(1, and the oam r* think 1 hat tor Palmer, i f Illinois, a lawyer who has forty years i* plenty enough lo wait Under 4 y«ar# old. l>eeii locaied at Tacoma du ing the past for a title. THE LADIES I CANT BREATHE. MILLINERY files’ Furnishing 3oois. HAMMON BROS. Child van's Short Clothes, IN Ult*EI< I LßX ! beautiful line CpHSETM. Cons’sting of L’aie and Silk IIAMDKEKIUEI’^ HOMEHY, two years, has removed to Centralia. It i* apparent from the spic h.'S m; e M. J. McKinnon, ex-warden of the at the Woman'» Suffrage Coin nt ion hi state prison, is now a notary public and Wasliitigton that th,- women ot Kan as We nave removed our Nurseries to Med­ e ecied Senator Ff. iffer, the sun•—s-.r to ford, where we have secured New Ground, the assoei.ited with the Scandinavian immi­ How long iiave the women soil of which is a sandy loam, enabling us gration as-ociati n amt real e.-tate com­ Mr. I igalls of Kansas been voting" without irrigation to grow healthy, thrifty pany of i’oitlaiid. trees with an abundance ot fibrous lateral Junction /'¡lot: I.. E. Mm-, of A*hl ¡nd roots without heavy tap roots, to be cut away General Lew Wallace, the author of in digging. We offer “Ben llur,” says that tie can cure rlieu- arrived here Tuesday, to fill the po*ition mutism in one nizht without fail, with a of car repairer for the S. p. Co. We un- p u tice of mu-xard and garlic applied to deistaiiil that Mr. Moe will remove his family to this place aS soon a* he suc­ ¡lie rules of the feet. ceeds in securing a house to rent. Jim Lo’an. the political Irons of Port­ For the third time the Democrats have land, i- against consol datum <.f 1’o'tland, Eart For land and Albina. His opt>oei earned the state ol Rhode 1-land by a de- lion in on account of selfish reasons en­ I'ided plurality, lt does riot count, Luw- ever, as it is aroiten boioiigl, dominated tire Iv. Simon is for it. by laws that weie nia«lu a decade ago, It mu-t be gratifying to the people of giving the minority the powe r to elect. A izuna lo learn from S eretary Picctu By a procia . ation i*sued by lhe presi­ tr at Geronimo's Apac es have not Ireeii And a good assortment of ail the leading va­ -ent to New Mexico, and will be kept in dent there Was added to lhe Yellowstone rieties of fruits. national | ark a st > ip of laud ai out twimy Alabama permanently. mileswiile* on the east safe, a wi.;er strip Italy Las seven huge battle-ships, on the south, extending over t:.e gieat eleven urmured cruisers,lots of commerci-- Kccky lm unlain divide as west as destioyer. and any quantity of smaller Idaho. craft. But the I’ni ed Stales is »■ i-eeuie The Drkercity Jlt -i ha* (li'C4>ntii:- GIVE US A CALL, fioni them as it would lie were they on ued lt* daily edition. Dial's bett4*r. \ allot: ei planet dai y new»pa|»*r in a wcekly I uimi is a An instance in enormous rise in values puor investment far bollitile I r< pue ur in Butte city is commented on. A month and bis patrona. California io* n- a e MEDFOKD. 4)RFC»4>N. r two ago a certain mining ptopf-rty was crowiied witti p.s>r reprcsenliitions ut record0tl,(KH>. An editor kio I« a i al rooin puff. Hay­ Replying to the t-il’y btories that the ing: “Her dainty leet were llu aned in shoe* that ling >t have been taken fur widow ot Gt neral John A. Logan was c< i teniplatii g mart: ge, that noble lady fairy boom ;” but th«- l.lumb ringi ump"*i- n plies, in sub-tance. that .-lie prefeis lo iur made ¡tread: "Iler diity tert were eiica*e«i ill shoes that might i«.«ve been remain the widow of a dead hero than to try wedded life lor the unci rtainty of taken fur feiry boat-.'' 10000 Prune, And many other things too nutncroiia to men­ 10000 Apoles, tion. 1 have also ttxurvd the services of a c000 Peach, FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 1 am now prepared to execute an or­ 5000 Pears, ders 'n that line In Ürat-elaM style at reasona­ ble ratea. Call and see rue opposite J. Nunan’s >n 4 a - 10000 Grapes, urnia street. _........... Zephyr Shawls, MRS. P. P. PKIM. THE WOMEN OF ORECON — ARI—----- Oil it >«ti*ik«B. They haw thrown away thy washboard.and MjT they will us«* nothing but the LadiHH* Choic » Washer ¿gnutortured bv W. A. (• »ndimin A Co., Grant'» Pas**. 4)r» gon. Trees as Low as anv V First-class Xurserv. * Nurseries al east end cf Bridge. The air of Sail I rani I Co «1 * * n «1 agree “I>o you know the vain.-of an oath '” with the buffal'es at tiie park. Time have die 1 out of the four. Whether this asked the judge uf an old darkey who was to be tue next witness. "Yes, sail, is the result of a change from their native I does. One ob rle.-e yeah lawyers done cninatc ol the high an i dry plain- or a I gib u,e fuali dollar, fob to sweah lo sutlin. bovine protest against tinning the peo­ Dal's de value ob an oath, l oah dollars, ple's pleasuie-gruund into a cattle range may be a matter for debate. sab.” From reports uf the McCaitliyite inetn- Lawrence Barrett's wealth is e.-timated i.e«s uf commons who have river tld it gets em ugh ot them to fill the legi- river by a tinea! of ioree. opens the way to the new Briti-h sc tie- 1 lature. They would cost less than the meats hi Mushonalaml. Great I’, it.on i.* I regulati' n kind, and would serve the Veiy prompt in settling such matters! stat, just as well. With a little P over like For Ilei | Webb C. Hayes, son of K, 1». llayes, negotiations with France uvei Al«i an • f Fninont, O.,lives iu Cleveland,where and Newfoundland i-*ue* drag slowly : he is rated as a business man of great but France is loo big to be bullie«!. rapacity and in egnty. The young man This is probably ilieexplan.tion uf the takes littie inteiest in politics, ami is ap­ singular behavior of the I alian govern­ parently d. iug all l>e can to remove tlic ment. It ha* been bid ied into bullimg blot from the family escutcheon. us by an opi««j.-ition it lacks firmness ami ties. Coast to lay ax’d«* their prejudice*, give our W'aah**r a totr tria and be convinced. There IN ONE wa«h» r in th»* world Hint will do good work. We hax r a combi ned Machin»*. W,«sh- boarl. Tut» and 4 ,»th« s Hacket. W« t*i the Wanher on its own merit*. D»**cri>»ti hi and price of washer given on app'lc u i »n. A.cNTSWaNTED Ladtea can make from $1iX»to 324Hipvr month Apply at unce for terms. ANDLASOH CREEK. S. S. SMITH, Prop’:. La Ilich ia'a Golden Bibani No. ! V’ir«a Clianrrrw, firs’ an i * . ond s’.x p n; Ser .sen the Lege and Bn«!v; Sore Ears, Eyes. N’nae, ct.* . t’op|«er <. lo'nd Blotches, Syphi..tK Catarrh, distaiied Scalp, and all primary fo — • of the d.wea.-»«- known a« - Privo, «5 4)4» p«>r Bottle. L« llit liau'u (« ltlrii B<«1 wain N®. 2 O»l ■ revi un. I UI MS ;» -..», ; Rheu­ ma sni, hint in the Bones* Pains in the lb ad hack of the Neck, ( i-«-rated Sor», Syph lit c ki»h, Lumps and con- trai te-i 4 or * of the Limbs, an 1 eradicates a 1 li|«-n •* Mniith A n i. «lut<» f r ?' • < ur ■ <>t <, >•! > r a, », hr ’ .» i < 1, n*i I a Lrina-v «’ f G< : ’ »I d .rrai.,'« in« nt . Fri» <« $ J 3(> pr r Botilo. J l.e K!< hitu' > •'oi 1 en *»pani«>h In- j-rti i», f r - i *re < vs sef (. n >r -, I ff»n m t • • t Strwtur -I'ric«« SI > f»« r It >tt!e. Le ftlrhrsu’s Golden <) ntment f r t‘io eff t vc h . *.,’« f . • s r. .t -.nlrru* • -s. Prirent tl) p r Box’ l.o Itichau’a G«»l»»w»ri rebuilt <«th brteii and gr »atly enlarged, bctiid» s i>» 'ug NEWLY FURNISHED aia centrally >« eat«*d in th«* buaineas part .»f own, and a gve and Priced S eed A nnual Fo. 1891 will be mailed FREE to all ipplicant«, and to L»t $ea«on’»l kuMomers It i« better than ever. 1 L Every prr«rn i ^ing I fl 1 1 should vnd f'i it. Address fl | D. M FERRY A CO. fl DETROIT. MICH B Larcrst “Who is tiiat terror over there in a gieen gown?” asged a careless stiangei at a leception, poiniing out a lady to the m.m standing next to I nn. "That’s my. wif-’’ indignantly answered the man. Well, my dear f- How,” was the wholly unexpected rejoinder, ‘’don’t get mad •d> ui it. I am stue you have my heartfelt sympathy.” London, April 17.*—The Bluo-liook. i>su. d by the government recently, dis­ closed ti e fact that 152 peer*of the realm are owners of places in which inioxicat- mg drinks are S' Id. The number of ‘drink shops "owned by these peers is 159. Im luded in this li-t is Right R.-v. Rich i d Lewi*, bishop of I.l.mdoff, who, the line—lo-k slow*, is the owner of two plac< s devoted ,o the sale uf intoxicating drinks. C. B. FITZGERALD, .And all of OSE It has per— -aiientl.V <-ur<-il TIIOV-AXIIS mim-.-ii by doctors h<»pe- of ca»cw pr l.avc premonitory symp- less. If yI u Cough, Difficulty of Wun1«. sui-t don’t ilplav, but use Breathing. I’lso s <1 .E FOR t •(lystM I’TIoN By llruggisU. 25 « ente Immediately The railroad bridge for the Sou'bern Facitie company across tiie McKenzi- river, near Coburg, is completed. There is n-.w nothing to prevent the company fi om going ahead with the proposed ex­ tension of the Oregonian line. The bridge is the longest wo den rail way span in America, being 2-50 feet. ■ fl tsnn rtT*ln Philadelphia ■u tue NrwMpaiMir A resi-t. llur tail i* ireing iwisted as we twist that <4 the British lion ab .ut election time. The I i.ited States is made a c unter in tiie game of domestic Italian politics. We have the opportunity to see how we like it our* If. C. F. Huntington, president of tin« s F. R R.. is coming west with caution, pur­ suing his usual tactics oi running by «lay and sidetracking hi* car whenevet niglit overtakes lnm. Nothing can indue«- him to board a moving car after the sun sets. In fact, he never leels safe on a train iduring the day. IL1 is always |-reiiiciing d.MMter anil wondering wi.erlier the -w itches w ill be set light at the next sta­ tion. , Sii,erinten«lent Downing, of the state penitentiary, is mure than uneasy over ihe symptoms develujied by a prisot er who is a patient in the penitentiary ho*- pital. He f ar* the ailment i* the ed leprosy. The unfortunate victim i* a color« <1 man, W. M Morris, who l a- been f «r several momlis develot mg symptom* of some li 'irible di*ease, which i* now making quick inioads uj«on him. The senate finance committee i* meet­ ing at Washington for the purp se of -ters from here, liad expai l«ol and more especially to land business, for then causeil etmrmoii* it.image t<> a neighbor­ tlieie was no state hind board nor cleik. ing fort, which wa* ti e d with soldri r* Hun. L. F. Grover was the m xt govern- Au officer in commami * t the lort In a <1 a uraftorthe private secretary had been rumbling sound previous t«iilie final ex­ regularly introduced by Glbl s, and his plosion and hastily 'ill .I lhe so|«l « r* sccietaiy during the first term and until to leave the fort lb -m.« led ill I Ins re-ignation during the second was II ■ a .'oiiting a • di aster \* it was, 11. Gdtry, who accompanied the le'iriiig I sever»' peasants who were in the vicin- governor t> Waelinigton, where lie has ity of tiie scene of the expl.rsi'in Weie since remained. Governor S. F Chail k l e«l uti 'right and a iiuii.bvr ui »j'litir* >.>,«»** .>»• Jr< d. \li the h<»UHen or I I. h?> s* mj ir. wick’s secretary was Sylvester Simpson, I more a brother of Sam tiie p -et. T. J. S itu*, -.vitli'ii a radio* «fa k I a, eter ui the of Albany, assisted Governor W. W. Siene of the exi !«>.*i«m Hen- ki rioiH v itiayer during his term, and upon tin* dan.aged. T i«- ex n’t number uf kdled and wound, d i* m k >own 1 wo < flicer« election of Hun Z F. Moody to the lion Muiind» d and fully 123 orable position lie chose Cnarles B. art- danger al Moons, uf Salem, fur his secretary. civilians hav ■e been tak«*u lo ddl«-r« nt M' oily and Monies were succeeded in hospcai*. St-v«*ral f.iui'ti.'H .‘■tam,«i glai-H 1SSS by Governor Sylvester Fennoyei Window s in thh* Wti.t a.i hi.i «ling are ami Frtvate Secretary W. A. Munley, shattered, Thu full amount < f damage and the latter remains with the goVirnor is not known at pi« sent, Liu? the loss is Viotlier i»q«oit Kaya that dining his second temi. lie very grace- very seven«. lul.v piars Lament to Governor 1’eiinoy- five are kdleii u a id r .on to a large num ei's ( leveland, and Halford to l’resideiil l>er of « ' iinded al e.idy mentioned, ami ll.iirison. Most, d not nrailv all, of the lorty small li ni-« * are i<*dti'»*«i to ruins lhe magazine con- private secretaries to Oregon’s govern­ by ttc « x| losi ai. or* have Peen honored tnembe s uf that trilled 25'1 Ion* of puwdei. ihe c aus«* moet honored profession—journalism — of tiie explosion is unkmiwn. SfafesiiKtn. F akmer I ngalls .—Mr. Ingails ha« evidently undeilaken the role oi farmer viitbou: aiiflicient study oi tiie pa’t. He i.a” net evt n got the “tcake-up’' rigtit. A< coid:bg to the dispatches from Atchi­ son lie *4*ars a gray suit ami work»» nrgio hand»; that is the in »ke up of the bu<*olic biigadier of the tkHithern states, ii t tiiat oi tiie hoiie.^t farmer of tb< great west. He wears a “bluod-ied ir cktir,” white the real farmer—be ol th* faun as cuntia-di.Mmguitdied from bun of tlu* metropolitan stage—wears no in i ktie whatever and carries a hay*foik or hoe ins ead of the cane which Mr. is r»*poite«f a* wcaiir.g habitual'} . The touch oi warm he drives thither in a spring wagon, transacts Ins business quickiy and goes iioine again, ihe true tanner never be­ haves in that fashion. When hr goes to town be stays ail at last they hav»’ obtained what they want The result ’ h fi tleient, howevei, iroin their anticipations. The real wooi- grower of Ohio finds tl at he is losing money tinder the McKinley act. The pr < e of hn wool is going (iown and ti c demand I »r it is det lining. An increas« of duly bus not helped him. lhe manu- ta« |»t» ter An-trahan wool at high* r prices, because it is betti r adap’ed to their purpose. The principal suffer« r, however, is not the Ohio wool-growt r. He h>s*‘s nothing. He simply fads to gi’t s nnething that be wanted anil that he ought n t tu Iiave. The real sufferer i* the man who has to pay more for hi- <*i««!h» s, id* bhink“t,Ins hat or his carpet in con*« qm*ni of his effort to c«)mprl the mannfactti« r to Huy wool that le c iiinot use or pav an artificially high price ♦ »r the wool that he need*. Anoth- ei effor r.rade by the Ohio political wool* ra will not ’‘ndear Imn to th«* carpet­ makers and carpet btiyeis. \Ve do not grow third-cl.iss carpet wools; but the Ohio man has persuade«! the treasury olfn iais to charge double duties provid­ ed for under the McKinley act on s<»rtt«1 carj»et wool*«. This bit of spite will not «!«> any one a particle of good, ahhongl« the Ohio intellect is not below believing that wool may b* raised bv extortion A g*»o(i many jreople will he deprived o’ the luxury of carpets by this move and pric» s will He advanced. Apparenilx the Ohio w<«o!-gruwer s now determined to destroy our woolen manufactures, says the A m * }b/X IVor/*/, Dgvol’Ki n nv Doris.'—Two huge an«' ti« rce mastiffs, owned by Ge ieraU*an«l«>, .1 Ma Ind, Spain, escape.i from their k- • per*. April 25‘h, and rushing through the rtrr eta attack.’i. the ti«st person they met The victim ehance«l to be a boy of 14, named Martinez. He was quick ■ V'-ipowered and thrown down by tti« brutes winch then began to lacerate the fl«sli in a frightful manner. The boy’s sliri-ks attracted a crowd of people w lc 'rii-ii to drive the dogs away by assailing ih. tn with stick* ami stones, but the»« efforts proved futile ami the boy’s ties! «as torn and actually devoured in the jne*. nee of the spectators. A d< z» n po­ licemen finally arrived ami rescued the boy, who by this time was in a living I’oiid tion. Twenty-seven gaping wounds «• re found on his body. Ttie crowd, «ho lacked the courage or intelligence to save the youth from his assailant*, now became furiously indignant against the owner of the ma-tiff*. They spread the news of the shocking affair and the impression in some way was formed that General 1’ando was res|>onRible for the escape oi bis animals and for their terri­ ble work, and an angry mob gathered in the vicinity of the general’s residence, ind though the |>olicu cleared the streets, it is feared that the threatened attack may yet lie carried out. AN aiioxai F kvkr —There is a fever of mol> violence and lawlessness cours­ ing through the Veins of the nation that must be subdued. The tendency to resort to violence and defy the forms and authority of law is strong everywhere, whether it be among laborers struggling for what they deem ttieir rights, or in c -nimunities where crime has been com­ muted. Almost daily the wires bring news «if some deed of blood done in defi­ ance of lawful authority, until we are rai'idlv gaining the reputation of being a lawless and bloody-minded nation, despite tiie fact tba‘ four-fifths of the law lessness is perpetraied by, or caused by, men not born upon our soil. But tha' mak-s no difference. We have admitted them into full membership and are re­ sponsible for their acts. (’. A. D ana , editor-in-chief of the New York Ah, «. gets »50,OK) a vesr for his ser- v ce*. Busmis* Manager Laffan is pai l |25,OiO diestc A. Lord, managingeditoi* re< eivt s 115,000 and I’aul Dana the same amount, while tiie overworked editor of this paper wears store clothes and takes egg* on subscription in order to make out a tirecarioua livelihood, and the T ims » is an influential paper with a "large and increasing circulation," too. God, von know, like* a cheerful liar, and that’s what the DannH are from all accounts, and that accounts for the larg»* salaries in Oli-olrte Fa*l.i«,n. Coining ox « r « n the Bri"klyn BnJg«- ears I saw nil i.-« 1 g» ntl* rnan «•earing a comfortable gray *haxvl wrapp«*! aroniul his drooping .shonld.-i*. Th«- right wa* unusual, though it w.i. qmt- comm«m .« d«*z«‘n or more year* a/" Turning t *a w-11 kii 'Wti di v g<« >■ -an «-ly anyl»»ly wears them lv u I good.* men and utletm i. *«T* thesam« qu<*i n.-iibi tr« maillr' c iv. .1 th«1 same atisw« r i'ii- t; -m « f shawl wearing by ag«’«! gt titi« tn« n ha* N-rotne almost entinly .m*« i ". New Y •rk ('ontinent. **«iv<*«l bv Mrikin^ « hi R< tte rt ( annon. a «■ th«» new lim* l»*p w with a bnckrt • f ¡»aint. f. • tating hiiii t«> tho ■■ a f«^t. Th“ f ill r. nd r. *1 him i; a im»m«*nt. ami < r . gatte-red. • tin ' i • pi ho»ly. < 'am.*«n . te.'.i\ m to hl* !'•*••?. '»nd. • bing he gii»\*vi»*«l t*(*mu'i !;a\ I struc k ?h * gr> ’ii. ] oi. • • d«N*p iu«leuiati‘ >n in t h n«»t injur«*«! b \ ?.d a> r» ACEHTS W. H. iianr, jdttrMiB. RIVERSIDE Administrator’s Notice. NURSERY! In the matter of the rotate of John Roton deceased. Grant's Pahs, Or KBCSFfJ ANOTHER fflEN’R WIFE. “ Y »«i •< otin ir»-!.” wells-d young Jacob Uruen At h * _’••«• i DeljnihGr Krown.— “ Y<»u kum * i hit wif# upon tl.e street,— •• ktioca you down.” >. u re wronr.” good Hr«»wn replied, i:.U<1 and ro«*k ; t 'ml I'v. r. -; .t .1. r.lcd *•1 her <»n the <1 hack - find I tiid *•■« Imu««* Rhe k '»«•ked sn hiinils'trre the wry picfl •fuieof b<*HUty anff heul’h What is th»* .1« . < : «»f « it ? ’* ’•Wdl.” r. ■ d Gree»n, “irince you «wk it. I will tvli y«u i ; i i.'1 uti'-H Dr. Pierce'# I arnri’XJ PrcxcTip’i« ti. i. 1 uc**cpt your apology. Good night.” Au tin filthy woman is rarely, if cr» r. beau- fin' nr nisena«;» discaaea io to whi.-H whi«*h bo so many miuty ttful. ’ Th* ii" ; • ciiunr of the R«*x it’«* 2 sub.hrt. siit'b ('t. are proJifb* pr< : ■ cau«eiW»f causes^ * pale. Mllow blotched with unsightly piinplM, dull, JuBirrlott eyes and emaciated forms. W’oraen ro afflicted, can be perma­ nently ur»d bv using Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription; cud with the restoration of health <*ou»<*a that beauty which, combined with go« d qualities of brad and heart, tnnk«$s women ang< Is of JoTuitueas. in-.t’iiio PretcripttoaM it the only medi- rine l«>r v. omen, s .¡d by druggists, under a positive lee from the manufactur­ ers. that it w ¡1 give satisfaction in every ease, or m«.i»«*y wdl be refunded. It is a j-unfit*« Fpcclfic for Irip rrbea. painful m< ua’ruatl<>n. unnatural Ruppressions. prolapsus, or fulling of lhr wouib. weak back, anteversion. retro­ version. bearing-down sensations, chronic congestion inflammation aud ulceration of Ibe womb. WORI I»> D t SPIWRARY MlDTCAT AB u OCIA- nojv, Manufacturers, Buffalo. N. Y. DR. FiERCE’S PELLETS laAxaiiv t* or < at hart »»*. according to aim By dii.ggn.L4. La-lUt vLuL of "S larg« a «loaa. La»y to tak# aa «o nturb e-igar 4U pilla ptit np In a «t rong alai whtch > nn be < arriM 'n »»*t ppckat A Gr»at < »■»••• k.r. lo Tra»*1»ra aad Kaslae.« ■»■. N«aa Gaaaiaa w’ik- tei **< r«ir*»i', Trad» Sarte. Soid F»«rywbar». Sia. a bo t i la lampi«- Da»« and Drc-aa Boote f«r la. la aiasapa. Di HARTER S IRON TONIC. ( k p: 1. . >’ e HI«'« : PFi.t UTK theLITTR» • ad te : *• F Y J» ai, • F.I MTcRFe ite DEBU IT a TFDB . ta HhAI I M «t'd VlQVlol S S1RKS(,THofTnt-tnF ROCUEKTER LAMP CO., 4 J Park Piace, New York. THE OR. HARTFR MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. Af.Jn’f*’ fvre*t. and #<5?* Owner; ,,Z?nchr»f. rPlJtm*t 4 ‘»« 1- ip ¿-turc tn the World. PACKAGE c ‘Hr To cure u-n. =», Sick Headache, Consti­ pation. Ma'ana, Liver Complaint», take the sate and certain remedy, I SMITH'S BILE BEANS 1 *p the S’f %I,I, Sire (40 little Beans tn the TiiLN Vii I'FIUKNFNT HFM 1.1* « • ' . ' ’ - i-< - 11 ■ *. !»■> 1 - « 1 in |>n - i i»>-i \ < » car« :l ‘ - P Prof. Harri#' ’ ■•"Si >7(1/11 ’■ “ rC'f. Barri# (4 * V■ ÛLVBI.E Mi DICATF.DTASTILLE3. yr»i ** '''*» imi km • 1 ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ . ' t • t » .' kin.« tr.o li i - eoi,.buon ’ ' ’ • •■ ■ *•«■’ •» j T.-mi * curo. • 1 ... • \.r« «■•• 1 «-r* r : M. I om* .. oSrr • ‘ I'. m i « r« a*m« ut. HAf.'.'IS DÏ CO., Chemists, N * " -f- 'T\__________ NTW YORK, buttle) This Trado IViark H on Ths Best pi Waterproof I W ¡Pçrxfi f* r i., -lentt»* ’ OtHi g»»», X. ■« - T «xzer. IDrt. n. T hey ike tiie most convenient . Suitable ♦<»«- <*11 yVf^c*»*. Price of either wire. 25r. per Bottle. KiSSINß ‘;7 rifo -,7 ’’ - « 7O --' ‘-“" XJ B v«i rtf ro, per» er ’‘ »«•n.r-f ■ W ■ l J.r.SMITHACO.M.Ur.of BILZBEAX» ST LOUIS MO. Tutt’s Pills The dyspeptic, iho debilitated, xrheth« •r from «xcem of work of mind of body, drink or exposure in Malarial Regions, Will find Tutt'» Pills the most genial CBlorallve ewer otTered Che suffering ralftd. Try Them Fairly. A vigorous body, pure blood, strong Serves and a cheerful mind xw ill resulk SOLD EVERYWHERE. CALIFORNIA Po SÍT¡V£< S Faber’s Golden Female Pills. A VEGETABLE PANACEA P ROOT ’S tie MEWES'S FCRTHE CURC CF f HEADACHE. And ALL PAIN. Ths California Positivs and Vsgs'ivs ^DlWbtRED DIGESTION- ELECTRIC COUGH CURI •SICK HEADACHE- Bo'.4 by all Drcgfists. Esch 25c, SOc & f OiMl.ns.r & Co . Prop’». Lo» Angel»», Oal CL'RIS COLDS. CR0JP. COtSuMPtlO». ^CE^X r A^ P e BI LI T Y* EVERY ONE SHOULD TRY A7!C ALL OTHER DISEASES ARISINO FROM A _ ER DISORDERED STATEor the STOMACH X’XtCtfS PATOIT OR AN CM INACTIVE LIVER. • l«*r C.-.stori». FOR SALE BY ALL RMIK po W tep I Wben sii** « x* a CluM. *h<’ «-r««'«l tri .i .tona. >. PENÒ IVluwi sii«* iH-i'isni.' Mi**, *li«’ «liinp lo I actoria. YOU NEED BUT ASK 4 tí A| I EM'Q ALLtn ó 00 DRUGGISTS & GENERAL DEALERS. If you want TJIE BEST, buy NORTHERN grown »4 o a PERFECTION FOR THOSE WHO WRITE RAPIDLY. impo*»«ib!«* to make them Fti< k in th«* paper. *spnrt, or blot Wtit. wry pinoolh and even, hamples •ent FREE <>n n*c< ipt of return itoit iL-, 28. DFDDV JL BIO Broadway, w i .*» a * tiwfw 1 I « the C » OC kzWay New York. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL Q SEEDS. Notice for Publication. L am » office Rt^si hi r «,. <» r .. i Mai« h 19, tebl. i rit.vt the following-named s« tiler has ti1« <1 n«»tic« "1 his intent'on to make final proof in support «>f his claim, and that said proof will b* mad«' t>« - for«'the Judge, «»r in his abs»-nc«-. I»et«»r«* th«* 4*1« i k <»1 ‘th« -4 on nt y Court uf Ja< k*t n c«E«4 and WU. .,f >E*4 uf Sec. 1. Twp. Js K. ;j W.. W M. Hr (laincsth«* following uitn«ss«*s to pruv« hi* c<»nti«iuous rroidence u|s>n and cultivation ol said land, x iz: T homas J. K«nn«\. < hai < * Wiiit«*rs, « hns (’Inch and Tony Christian, all of J hc k*<*n\ 111«*, Ju< k*'»n c«>untv. 4b'. JOHN II >H( PE, RegiMt r. otice N at is hekeby given Notice of Final Settlement. Iu the County Court nt the Stat«* of 4»r«*g< n. tor the 4 ountj of Ja< ks<«n. In the matter of th«* estate of Wm. Wo1 A I E «»I «»I(1G«»N. I Y«»u are hereby cail««d and r«-<|Uirt*d to ap- pt ar id th«* C<»unty 4 ourt <»1 the >tat» «»t (»)»•- H»ii. tor the County of Jacks« ii. at tin 4->u»t Room th«*reot. at Ja« ksonviile. in the 4 «»untj of Jackson, ou Tuesday, th« '»th day of Max . i*'.‘l, at 10 «»'disk in the tor«noon of tiiat day, then and th«-r<* u» show <*aus< . it any. w Lx an ordi r should nd b<- mad«-. i»> this court, tor the admmist»at««r of * i.d «-*iate to s«*H th«* premises nam«*d in hi* petiii' ii herein tiled, to-wit: N. E. l4 section 20, twp. 32 south, rang- 3 east, situated in Jackson ( <»untx, « )i«-goii. WHnesa, the Hon. Jam«* K. *N< il. Judg«* of the count! court ot the Stat« d 4 »t*« gon. tor the «-ounty «»t Jackson, with th« s» ai <»t *««..! court affixed, this 4th «la! of April. A. D 1*31. Attest MAX MCI.I.ER. 4 hrk Administrator's Sale of Real Property. In the County Court of the Stat»1 ot Oregon, t«»r the 4’ounty ot Jackson, sitting for the transaction oi probate busint-**. In the tntttt«-r of the «-stat«* ot Samuel t enter. N otice is hek È o Y g Î v B n that iiv vik - tuc«»l an ord« i and lici-ns«* of thcab«»!« - « ntitl«*d couit. in the abov« -eniit:«-«l matter, 1 will on S'll'T'/a;, Man IS'1, at the hour of 2 o'cl<»ek «»f said «lav. m H at puniii auction to the highest l>iduttiw«>i’ «¡ umi ter of s< etion six. d in township thirtj- svVen 37 > south, rang« «me I vt-i <>t in«> Willam«*tte .M» ridfati. tog«-ih«r with a l and atiiruhu* the improvciuciiui and apport mat c« s tli«*rcunto belonging. Aj»prai*e«i at $Ai -«i. lai niing lands and nnpn»vith! *«< !< n thirt!-tivv. . m township tturty-Kix «3«: south, range 2 w» st «»t U illanu tt« Mu minn-tuni-« i land. AU belonging to th«- rotate * T reasurer «» f J a < k *«» n Co..» J a < k*<»\vii.i.»:. O r .. April ifi 1*91’»' NOTICE IS HEREBY GI\ EN 1H.VI THI.KE arc funds in th«- County Tr«a*ury tor th«- redemption of County warrants prott*st«*«l fr< m August Id, lss». up to October 9, 1\*5. :n«'iu- 81 vv, to-wit. Number.......... ........ WO Number. .... 612 ........ 521 •* ........ 522 .... 5tìW ........ ........ 450 “ ......... ... «Iti •• ...... .... . .. MS ........ ... «¡15 ........ . . 1>79 .... ««us “ ...... ........ 1» •• •’ ...... . . . . .W» .. »«20 •• ...... . .. . 544» •• .......... «K1 •• ........ .... Ml •• ....... «hl« •• ........ •• ......... .... «¡34 •• ........ 'H** “ ......... ... 5»«l •• ........ ........ 5541 «Lis “ .......... “ ........ ..... .......... .... í 4WI .... 55Ö •• ......... “ ...... ... «Lri2 “ ........ ........ 557 •• ......... .. . «L‘*3 •• ........ ........ 577 •• ......... 662 .... 572 •• .... M4 •• ........ . . . , 4i2á •• 676 •• ........ *4. 1 . 5.32 •• ........ ........ H2« •• 771 •• •• .... »C5I 773 •• ........ •• 444 . *4 7s3 ” ... .. .. «KE» 7. •••■ •• 7 fc2 Ml »• w*.’ “ .. .*. Í * ... M •• 7 NT 5M 7941 •• ........ -W •• ...Il ... 7U3 .. .. 567 “ ....... IntereM on the same will «« a*- alt« ’ th»* above date. G. E. BLOO.MI R. Count! Ir«aeur«r. Settle Up Notice 1.1. PEHSttN’S HAVING TAII I I' 1" hik I »•••*.unr* ul,h 1 A tie Ihi'ir not. * ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE >l< |-*>Mix*l on Jnn j. l-*-*l. .'l'c li» r< I-» >■ Th« S. B. HI. XI»A< HE AM» i.rVF.nCritLtak« n IN THE STATE. ¡ic<*«>rding »■• dim linns will k«*« |» you» Blood, Liv» r and Kldn«*ya in k « mh ! <»r <' i -o ¡.Lungs Cheshr C«vs psoffiyttnaatuii Utauine stgnitl *’I, 2**:. ’ the ot Jac kson < <>unty, <)r«'gon, his final account as such administi.ilor, and bj <»rd«*r of sai«i C ourt Tuesday, April 7, 1K91, at the lioui «-f ¡0 o'chak a . m .. is s«*t for hearing tii«r«'o1. All persons int, t•st«*"k*.«trinrui*i. .l.n k-«iiville.l>r Wben »he li ul < l.ilJreu, *Ue gare th«'in Castori». In the matter ol tin-« Ktat«*of J ckm * Wilson.Sr., d< a*e«l. 4ITICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE underaiirned baa t»«*en ap|M>jnt«*d bj th»* county court of Jackson county. Or« gon. Hit­ ting in Probate, administrator «H th«- « Ktat«* <»f J« kk <* Wilson, Sr., ort of his claim, and that mid pr«»ol will be madv before the Judge or <'ounty 4Jerk of Ja< k*«»n i iiunlj, ( Jacksomille, Oregon, on Naturdaj . May 2Ü, 1MH. viz: William li New­ ton. homrMend < ntrv No. 4b.r»H, for th« f.L, «>1 bW‘.. and W4 of SEL4 of >. t Tp .V» >. R I W. WM. He ñamen th«* following witn«K*«* to prove bin continuous rehidence upen and cuhivation ol Hind lami, viz; 4 \ k - ihís Vro­ man. 4'urtla Mill« r, lb-njamin Haymond, «if Rock Pomi, Or., 4 hail« * Gritlit h. ul’ Gobi Hill, Or. JOHN H.SHCPE. l»«giKt«*r. Citation. FRÍE TRIAI 2 1 WEAK MEN re- K oserviu ». O k .> April 1. I«4*1. » given that the otice is hereby given VITALLY WEAK M • -i "<• it ; .ration rt n NkXIAL \ll-'*l*«>. • l-illclii. . r mi « ■ - i. i»«lt r.-tj • -Imc-uth. -VEAV L r ’ U ' ,U ' ” ,u '«RHII*. !»» I ll ITTnr 1 ■ >\ h m *ti<»\ w <*riM. WF »#>»*««. i>- • »! 1 ' I • 1: Y 1 o «"«F«» Mil»! » till X DK 4X In 4 »»I NG Hird «lit»- ■IF <«• I I « • ■ »tu »fr ’ hi. ’. st rrr.g 1 • ill: •« ' i al orgnn» . ■ ' . . : ’ r ' ’ IU :« ; ; I ' ..«-I 11.< •• ! nge Don’t be Lumbnceed. e 'l ime. Health, an 1 nionc.' fake no util at hereby administrator of the «*stHt<* of Wm. Woolly, N a«c»*H.*«* /*’ no flickering, no Rweating, no climbing up of the flame, no 'tantrums nor annoyance of any kind, and it never need« trimming. Its fount# »oil re«ervoir»i being tough rolled »ramie»» brass, with cen- t al draft, it is absolutely uulirrukablr, and as > 'ft at 000 art Stic varieties,—Hanging .. . ! I able 1 . ; ps Banquet. Study» Vase and Piano Damps <*%«*»•/ ktii<1»ia bronze. Pcr- ccjain.Bras*’. b»’>*k"! and Black Wrought Iron, the 1 dealei for it Look fcr the trade mark stamp ' T iie B oche ^ ter ” If he hasn’t thr » Pochester a: d the style you v. zd. or if r.o lamp-store ss near, send to us f r fire »1! strated cat.-dopc.e Lately by express, right to your dccr. For Female Irregular i ties; uothiiiglikef’iera market. ?«?t'r» ih ce’-sfnllv used eminent ladies y. Guaranteed lelievo suppressed menstruation. N is N ¿tk for Scott*» Emulsion, and let no ex- ptanation or solicitation induce you to accept a substitute. FOR THE CURE OF t rr.jng»'inrnt!». At tiw- fuir I’ ll ■ f I i : ab-r I '.irli*'." au l fi« :i. Sli rtnaii w.ilked arm in arm ut •.>f tli«*< hardi and waii.-i i» :i? in front f<*r th* • i on the pa' ston t«> f« rm. S •* »ter L'ar’.. •'«■ i< in . : . • *. • I exp. et . xvill havi tuv» .ut h r« - »nu time." ”1 *:-. »p<)>•*.-■•>.'■ rcpb«' Hh n. Sher nian. at.'I ad ,»•<1. “I ani t’<.? going to bave anv « f tb. nor.-en-* «il uiy furerai.” "II w do yen ki)*'\v.' ‘ r«*-p*-ii‘ì< 1 S» nat «r Carlisle: voli w II b»« there, but h( lp- les.*." Gen. Sh nmn r.'pli" 1. I hav«- alrca iy made all th«- -ment* f r my funeral, aii'l it th« y c n. t obi v. d t' th«- letter I «vili do *■ tail kicking dead or not «mad."—Cur. L ’Ui vilb- C« ’^»Journal L am > O ffk e otice THE RIVERS1DE NURSTRY 1» lo<*nt«*l one ioni «ibc-hulf inilr*. I h -I« iw r.riuit’* Pa.-s. un Itogli« rivr-r, <>n ih. Inmlck ratin, and 111 thè In -t and eh atieet soil in southern Oregon. With Hypophosphites. ?A5ïiLLE5X <>«*n. Mitrili a f»’*» I given that the Notice of Publication. PALATABLE AS MILK. And the best lamp ide, like A ci;; *t of old. "‘a won­ derful lamp'-’ A lamp ubxolutt-iy moii - t* k ploNK < and n na l»t » uk able, which i.i-. rs a <*|<*nr, molt, Lr: la: \x bite hght t ss p cif Parei an! brighter than gas light -»ofter t an eleitric light, more cheerful than cither! Tiiat lamp i# is hereby by order of the County Court of tin* State o! Oregon in and for Jackson County. Ail peraona indebted tu said rotate are re­ quested to »« ttl«« tiie Kame immediately, and tho»M* having cialms againtH th« ••etate will pr»*Ncnt them tomcat Jacksonville, JackMMi county, Or»*aon, with proper voucher* at­ tached, within Hix month.* from the first publication of thlH notice. Dated March 27th, lb»l. I. M. MCI.LEK. Administrator. 'V. H. P arker . Attorney, PURE COD LIVER OIL ! otic e undereiKimd has been appointed adininititra- N tor of th«» <*atate of John Ruteu. d< c*< at»« d, SMALL FRUITS, ROSES AND SHRUBS. Cvrjr>i?-L I j S j . PRC TH ARRI S’ff Notice. Wc are prepared . to till nil outer* for rem e ery work in either marble or stone h All !»♦ trous prires that defy competition, •‘/Toirt. Cur. All Ski« Dl»rn,ra.,* wishing work n. .’so, F. W hit - , hdilihy. Iu»ap ttP* alm^B:i'l « io hum pnw. Manager Jacksonville Marble Work». er» ar«’ I-« tl** oilier r. in' tly, .\*k our drurfirint forSwAYSR sOisi MT.xT. Pat»d Feb. Iff, 1<»1 Legal Blanks. A full assortment >f justices of the peace ami constables can *iways be found at th- TiMrs office; also d-eil*. mortgage-, bids of sale, leases, me­ "’r execute Every Deacrlptton of Work in chanic’» lien*, bunds and every legal our line in the most approved atylc. blank generallv u*ed in Oregon. They are Don’t fail to call nud examine samples and printed after the latest and best forms, and will be sold at Portland prices. There is designs and ascertain prices. Safe for Sale. no necessity for sending away for your For Sale. A lirst-cla-s Hall’s patent fir« -pr. ■ I saf** legal blank» Fredi n i ch cowm . graded Jersey and LUIEHAL SALAKY weight 27on lt>s., first cost 12V'. «11« ap 1« r Durham thoroughbred Poland China' pa \ î . te 1 â . bom»1 or to tr:ivi*l. If you have headache try Preston'* “lied cash. Address ,, „ beg-, a gtni e riding mare. Apply p P. U. VXCKEK 1AU. i - turni go1 trw. ” JI. rrtins, Medford hii) AUgutx Xaiula MARBLE WORKS I An Ice tdverti.iiu; *< I htii «-. Manager William i a • i. ni«- that is away ali«-a«l * an . ii,n ver attempt- ed. Fl«-'l it v ter lay before Chmf Bigelow, wii i he ,a-l:ed that otti- cial if he would I««- v 1"1 itilig any law bv delivering ic on th" piv.m« re in front of the princip il b.i*im•** ho i "* of th«- city. “Certainly - >11 ean." at:sw«-r«*l Mr. Bigelow, “but what i* th" alvorti in“ scheme in it?" •Well." n-ui.irù.-l Hirry William*, “von made us talco rl iwn the street bill boards ami th« st ind* at the ar away*. We had to do somethin«.;; *14 1 have plai iil an order with an ¡in­ it innfa«’t- uring company to fri* th«- lithographs of lav attraction* in bi t cake* of ic. Manufaotur«'r«' than that, the lii;. .jraplis v. UI ti"t b««sj»>-.l« d. and that i* all I car- fir.”—Pitteburg Dispatch. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. 1X1.1 I .M D. HAVING BE(«iMi: i pi i« • h <-t I»<> Iff«* Uros.' w« !l.«lriliinrf - . 11'i't if iillv announce* ho ia n--.iv ] t« j-.n -I t.«d‘>all woik in his Ifn»* in a - in.i’i:i. r and at a r< a.-onablc rate. I will .1 •'it.ik*’ enntrncta for pro»p«M'tin«r , . i i i n- Tii- <*;ip.n‘itv of my machine i*» I»’ t -t. I rid« r lo th«* work 1 have i>rcviouuly «1 »n in d’tb r< nt portions of the vah«*y. i ¡’’’ mi '«tae’ion guaranteed. I Fur nirthvr part I cal and «ffiL-eri r t«« «.there wlu» h ar^ — “c. ’rijt frnni fl - ft» 4 '• 1 r- ’•■••'■* for I? I nr TJi H15: be 16 f * r i 10. sen«’ f / I£U*?r Address, < ûlifornfh Electric R’’*/5 °* HanFranchco'Cai. creali av*üi Mark» i t.« >. t THIS PÄPERs;.« “EX Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce 8tn*et>, where nd ven fJFlAl W/Mllf ^-stâwHiW Yvlm» 1 ni l tor tin- lit*! inn* to «ail »nl *•"' HiiinnnlH in*1 i>ui«l i-i 1**1 «** -'l'*;' I*' 1 * in Hu liniul* "I Hn»tt"in* > '"i “ ; “ ■ lion »iih.'..*t.»*l.l<*l 1-. I la* izrd I*, voll.vl hi **I r. * * i| i 1 •' u* PI* »»*• l»ki ti<*tr*’< aii.l«»»' < ••«►. »<’ n.a*l mon«. In our * WH1TF„ FRAZER GREASE BF.NT IM TIIE WORLD. It# w»»anog qunliti»»#*re nn#urpaa#*id. actually outlasting two b-ixes of nny othar braid. Ntt SKcttdbybeat.M^Gr/rí llEGE.Nl INK. FOR SALE BY DEAT.FRSGrsERAI.Î.Y. f yr Mind tnndern