H EKE AN h THERE. » PERSONAL MENTION. was last week circulated, L0< AL NOTEN. REAL ENTAIT. TRANSFERS. praying for a dmlv mail front Central Point I>. Linn has gon«* to Eugene city onl»urtim*ss. Buy a White. Th« following deeds bav«* b«*vn recorded in to Browmdioro. There is already a daily Vacation is last approaching. service as far ns Eagle Point, ami, as that the office of the county recorder since the last Miss G«*iu*vicve Moore visited Ashland last I be While is still king. section bills fair lo develop rapidly from Elder G. M. Wliitmy ot Lane county is in the report of th«* T imes : ,M\Y! !’•••!. FRIDAY S.'iithern ()rrg*«n orrhardists are paving i this time forth, it is «levmeti advisable by week. valley. B* autiful spring weather. Jiu*«»b Wagm r to Ashland Lodge N«». 23, A. Ira Johnson of LinkviU»* was in the valley far iiu»r<-ntitn’ion to their holdings than many to extend lhe service tu the first Mrs. W. R. Couk is visiting r«latix«*s at F X A M.; I«»t in blk I. Ashland $125. last week. ever before, ami will get their orchards into numed t«»wn. T ;ke a look at Nickell ’ s addition. Talent. Welcome F«»w!er et nl, to Catberin«' E Crys­ I PRO? WEATHER Ht’LUTIN M» 7 prime c< minion before long. Mrs. P. P. Prim returned from Portland lol a. blk 71, M<*dt'ord. $'.««•. Mensl«*s are prevailing in some p.irtions of tal; Horse and jack bill-« at the T imes ottice. Carson A Son of R< «Hands have one <>f yesterday. W A Forties to C C Ragsdale; lots 17» and It! in In all diseases of the stomach, liver am! lb«* larg«*st and best, nurseries in the state. t he county. Th»- following 1- th« i«*|M»rt oi th»* (>i'< g<>n blk 20. M«-l!<»r«l. Jas. Drum Im- « !- 111 J> to : N. Fisher is disporting of his g«»odsal a v« ry : WcMtlu*t B ui » hu t*»i the xx« « k ending S.itur- ^Ciires while you wait —Preston’s ’ Hed- kidneys, use to the exclusion of all other 1 which i** filled with clean, thrifty trees <»f c F llat»eock t<» (Kiwi Hanson; lots 1 and 2. California. da«-. April 2'»th: medicines, Natuie’s own remedy, l’.un- t!ie finest and n osf p* pular kinds blk 3. Park addition to M«*«i1or will he r»ady Dr. Waite «»t M««!ford mar«»j»<*rty adjoining «■«•metcrx in Jacksonville. «ni the Ski. .20 acre- in twp day at the cuuuty-seat. R»jutli«*rn (»reg.'n I» — than an inch of rain t«*U. 37 m . r 2 xx $250. I tt;<* county < «»mm—loners’ «ourt to re 1 us«- in more than a hundred special cases Cameron Bros, of Cni<»ntoxvn < amc to Jack- l)r. Jones ot M«**lford was here on W. dnrs- The 1en»p«*rature rung, d troiu om* t<» two .1, . Mrs M .1 Armstrong to W J Booscy; 15 a«*rc* Castori* mt*« Colie, Constipât inn, i ay < ’hadev !s putbn ' up h saw mill on j io-!« x «he mor.gnbtR, *«»m« tning that lofcaiaTli. The unanimous answer to our soiivlll»* Wednesday •‘Caat orla Isso well a«lapt«‘J to children tLal day on pr«jtcssional business. green a day below the av«*rag«* l.»r lb«* xv»*»*k. Aht« Io| r cr«-« k. in twp 37 s. r 2 xx-. $JW0. b-i.r M oo M i ti, I>uuTb*i*a. hnviaimn. j in«|Uiries is : • ‘ It'.s the best remedv that I f recommeud it aa superior to any prescription I -h u d have been li«-n cinct xx»*re h«*re y«*sterday. don«* mii «I it will now I»«* tiirth« r «lelax«* visite«! C01 1 ;»<-t- liave be« n given the Jacks«)!, Lewis bivcrs«»! Evans creek continues to -»«stions it is twang ptiMtiir«*! down Spring your * ('ast*»na. and «hall always commue tn Sam«* to Granvilk* Naylor; K) a« r«*s iu twp It* merits so well known that it tgwms u work Jacksonville on Wcdli« -day . , K. Kubli.J. A. B.»)er and Mrs. Frances furnish tlu* market with excclknt ti-h. vil e Marble Works for the tn.ildu g of gt aid that lias l»»*<*n n «» u n i- 3!( h , r 1 e. of supererogation to endorse it. F«*w are the do so as il has iaxanaUy produced bvneflcial > H"-eript'in-to the wee kly • Examinri ’ L iy will aticnd h e convention of Rebekah biiml-ome st->ne « n■■ l«».sui*•■« by lhe mana­ Fath**r Blanchet r«*turneria results.” Early gardcu slut], such as ra expel tlu* impurities in lhe bhuxi and soiuest of any in llie -late, out-i«ie <»f Fort Pass, alter a visit in Jacksonville. broth« i, who is a resident of Washington. Lore Faster Bloomingdale lCcfurmixi Church. It is thought that !*r<*si«!< r»t Harus«»n an«! incr«-a»4lato«-M than usual have sheep--h« aring 1- m progress every where. give strength to the system hefiire the land, is rapidly filling up with elegant Miss K. la in!»« rger i- at Grants Pass taking his party will pa— through th«* vallex m xt E. B M\* r an*! E. B. Hunsaker of Ashland specimens < f maible i.nd stone work. been plant«*!. Straw and «»th-1 -mall !»»*rri» - A • cfflimony m a number of important cmm -. vttects of warm Weather are f«lt, use ur.tifui yithi is certain Tu«*-«lay fon imon. Judging tr«»in th« iolloxx xv, r« am« ng our visitors during the we« k. ar« coining on finely and ail promi-e to be T ue C entava Conca wv , 77 Mi mur S takst , N ew Y ork Plunder’?« Oregon Blood Purifier ing eorr<*Hp«>n«l<*iic»*, s«-nt us from M«*dt«ird. b* l he Merlin saw-mill is now running on plentiful. L miii I»*- an* «I 'iiig well. Pr« para- Mrs. Di. Hinkle and Miss Mary Mee of f’en- M t .- nr* g«>o»!s were received at N11- Liberty «listriel school, which is I»« ing taught »nay make a short -top th»*r*•: d will turn tiona ar«* !»«*ingma«l«* t*»r rtlu-aring. which xx*'ll 1 ■ « tral Point were in Jacksonville un Monday ALi-on A W: Iker ar* shipping a large full time with a large i««r« e, • nip.»* of fa-bi U this week. by Pi«»l. ILiscItun, will liohi a picnic <»n M.tx b«* in full blast next w«*« k. Tn«* w«-< k «•'■.*♦ ^ MEhl*oitt». Or.. Apr«l 27. IMfl. ijuantity • f iheir -npermr lime to points out much lunib» r «Hiring the «■ m og sum- Chas. Slit« r, *»f th»* Crystal Paine«* salo«»n at .kit h T«i B< njainin Harii-.ui. Pr« -id« nt S. A., with ni*»-! tMV«>ral»li* prospect- tor w«-t im (»»ary bus taken « barge of one of al«»ng the S. F. R. R. They wul semi 1«MJ m« r for lhe 8. P. 1). A L C >. passed overland on«* day recent !y. Mr-. Chas. >tiang and Mrs. D II. Miller of San Fi aiu'l-c ». «" ilit. Oregon i*r«»p- t a* Ma'hew- place* on Butte creek. company has recently < I *se«i a contract Mcaw-mill on Butte r eek for we« k. minute-? ConirudcH want t«> ►>♦•«• you once El»*Kant straw hats for men, boys The weather has !>«*»*n nu»r« «'lomly «hiring L. Shelby, formerly with tbeii tg«* Kerne tu« ir entire «»ut| u» of merchantable lumber cinct made our town a visit during th« week j ft E hfok !», Dr. J. A. G*•iseniioi-l>*r ha- return«*»! troni more. th«* pa.**t week than f<>r a !«>ng turn and light chilihvn at the S. b . Variety Store. troupe, has let Bryant, the elocutionist, to be cut durir g the coming six month-, ( «»nmiand»*r ChcKt.i A. Arthur INist.G. A R. Edgar Aml«*rs»n and Fred Furry of Eden Grant's I ’ a.-s an«! may be tound at his office rain* were general. Ov«*r one-halt an inch pr«*»*im*t were at the county scat (Turing the I hcr»atl«r. lb»* board of trustees will hold their reg and is traveling with Georgia Re*d’.- amounting to about 1,500 feet per day. t«*ll thr«»ugh.»ut III«* Mecth.n, I het.'iiip* « atur» Till. HEI’LY. week. troupr, win« h is now at R »stburg has been -lightly b» l««w th«* ax nag* wtl> ««- ul ir monthly meeting next Tuesday. S as 1 - ham i-< <». April >. ! m *.»I. J. A. Iluuaton i~ un«*«- mur«' a i*«*i'!«*nl *»f 8. H Ho!»,r«»unly organizer, recently in­ casu»nal I’glit frost-. To J. it F.i !<»rd. M» «ll.»r«i Mrs. P. P. Prim act «»mpanied her daughter. Linkvillc. xxhleh h* i- I»« iter-:tfi-fi.-tt with Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—9trie11,v pure. stituted •*h«»*i ix All»an< e. with a fair mem The rain that tell was iie«*d«si. t«*r th«* soil Fa«*(x -peak 1 aider than words Sim The f’rcHid« nt «lir«*<-t-inc to say that h<-xvill Mrs. M. J. Canning, on her return to Portland than » vet. An ex« rllent r«*medy fur cramps, colic and bersliip and the foil« wing otlicers : L A. this WM-twcoinlng «Iry an«! lat« -.-o»vn main w.t* moi-- Liver R gulator will always cure wetk. i»<* glad t«» M< <*ept } «»nr kind invitation ot the not g«-rniiiiMting. The iitin giv»- r well, a prominent citizen <»l Cent rat county. vi-lt* «i hi many lri»*n l- in • re-nh nt ; J. \\ . Beattv, **•« retire; John f«»r a few ininut< - it our -chedule will permit. that not yet app* aring. Th«* ram that tell i- «piami t i«*s to -uit at the 1 im ek ottice A . Wrix h’, trea-urer ; Irn Wakefield, chap­ Point, was h< re on W«xincsday. aec«»mpanic«i t«»n last xv« • k. G eo . W. B«» yi », In Charge. worth a vast Mini t«» th«* win nt tb 1*1*. Pr«»M- If it was known at what time the presi­ lam; Theo. I! by Dr. Terry . Wot. lee! ui er; Jeff. John Aa)ip«)leol Eagl« Point. B W !>• in of jeetswere ntv«*r bett«*r tor th«* wheat crop All mi-erable .suflerers with dyspepsia dent and Ins party would arrive in south­ Drvenmy. steward; R. T. Blackwood, Judge Neil «vent to Grant's Pass this w« • k Willow Springs, an«! J. I*, lh xxsot Apph-gut« Salary. $25 |M*r Week. than they are at the close of th • pr« -• nt w« • k are cured by Simmons Liver Regulator ern Ortgon, no doubt appropriate piepara- doorkeeper; Geo. Clift, assistant door- on l»*gal business, and will not r' turu for wer«* in Jacksonville lately. The incr«*aH«*»l acr« ag«* an«! m »r«* favorabl. Wanted: G«»od agent- tu -< II our general ««•veral day s w «* h » her will produce a much larger crop than Attentmn is « ailed to the card of Dr tinus wouiu hr made lo receive bun. keeper. line <»f mt i « haruli-e. No peddling. Ab«»ve Sixteen carloads of «’attic j>abH«*d t hr«»ugh t he the phvnoni«*nal yield ot la-t x« ar. Gi a— <»n Terry, who bus located at Central Point. If fomi sours on th»* stomach, dige-ti«»n You Judge Prim and DStrnt Atlormy Colvig v«ll« y on Tuesday . T hey were -hipp«*d from -aiarx wi'l b«* pani tu ••live" agents. For for­ W*-' i,rt "*'" 'T*'11'".- oUr 1-1*1 jitir«. li;u<-. Theban Framisc«» Chronicle says that have th«* rung«* is growing and furnishing g««<»«l th« r information addi«*— returned from their professional trip t«» southern rang« a by Portland put ties. Early after May l*»t the Oregon express would LAl/lIjij will lind them the Style and Pattern. teed. Stock me flattering Shearing is in First-cla-s seed potato«* for sale at one is defective. De Wittj* Little ( ni< ago G enehai Serpi v Co.. Grant's Pass. Risers wi I remedy this The famous little arrive in ban Fiam i-'C«» two hours earlier pr«»gr«*-M. Fh «*‘ cm ar«-:»»rg«-ati i xv««»»l ot gm>«| cent u 1 ound at the S F. Variety Store. Sh« riff Birds« y arrived with the tramp who X". 17 *« West Van Buren St.. Chic ago. III. pills that never gripe and never disappoint, that at present. • oinllty. Fruit promt-*** unusually well. In Cha.*. Patter nn«l Fred Nye ot F'«»urie»* II*»« k br«»k«- int«» L«*wi< -tore at Ashland on Tu« -*!ay The Tiding* says ihat xvaaco county th»*re has t»«en a larg**iy In- precinct hnvri M«>ntlilv instaHments of $10 will buy h gone to Court county, on a tour night. H<* was capture«! at Hornbrook. The largest and best stock of deeds, Agent Kane Las not b« en notified of any of Inspection. $27» Reward. crraN*sI acreage tn watermelons. V« gctable- huu-e and lot inTolo from HcottGnrtin. • mortgages and all kinds of real-estate and intended change, but it is tlmught (hat the Wool promts« -t«» bring a higher price this in ganlrn» ar«- growing rapidly. As in wes­ Th» above rexvard xvill l>c paid tur ili« ar- ( ’ •»roller Parson is in California « hi a ten ' tern Ort gon. th«* prospects xx « r«* nvv« r better « hinge will be ma«le. This would make spring than for-onu tini«* past. Million rtheep There was a l.ltle frost one night last legal blanks south of 8alem 1.« kept a’ the i rcst and <*onvicll«»n ut th«* i»ur**»n «*r p« r*ons for bounteous t*r«»ps through »ut east« rn we« k. but it did no perceptible damage. th»* south-bound train arrive in Arblaml at «lays tour «»t recreation, to r«cuperate from ar* ■commanding a handsmiu* figure, t«M). T imes ottice and sold at Portland rates. xvho br«»k«- iiitu th«* -« lux»f-house thè latter overxvork in his profession. Urvg«»n. B H. P agi e . about8;20x. M. part «»f last xverk and coininitt<«d a nuinbcr It -cent- highly pr«»bal»l«'that th«* K. Il V. H. oi»Nvrvcr I'.S. Signal Service. De Witt’s Little Early Risers never gripe Obi paper»*", in quantities to suit, for sale Conductor Dave Houston has been recuper­ R. will be ext* nd« <1 t*» Butt«* cr« « k. and may­ ot .awle— act-.. By or«!« r »f th«* l»«»ar«l «>t Cha« E Chappel, one of the pioneer ating from th«- rheumatism at Nhovel « r< • k be to Josephine county , at no distant day. or cause nausea. Mild but sure, assist «lirectur- ut J ìu -k-otix ili*■-<*hoo| «listrict. at the Ei meh ottice at50cents a hundred. rather than force. Best little pill for sick residents of this valley «lie«! at the Jack­ springs during the pust week. CIRCI ir COI RT PROCEEDINGS, Wiieu y u feel unc«»mfortable about the headache, chronic constipatn-n, dyspepsia sonville hotel on Mouday, from asthma, Rev. T. P Hayn»*s. P. E . has been in this Pasture. Mlswes Lizzie Graves and Eritella Levy arc lection and h* Id a quarterly meeting in Jack- *’ mneh t kc S;inm<>UN Liver Regulator after a protracte«! illness. For a hvng time Tin* following pr*»ce«*dmirs li.iv« tak**n place The -heritt will on the 30th inst. se i he was engaged in mining in I'niontown assisting R«*v«»rder Holmes in re-indexing flic eionvillv district on Saturday and Sunday . Good pa-tur«* can !•«• had at reasonable rat«*« D"i« 1 f rget ihe party «t Rose’s haH «»n *ome v-tluable real r.-tafr under execution mortage records ot the county hi th»* circuit court for J«»*<*phinc*-.»unty since Peter Apphgate I.a* a party in th«* fi*lu-«* again, hax 'ng 1 xx*ith n -■ x «1 • « «»Id. supplement«*«! by a mafig A. W « m o . the iv:«*• mrtime -luce, Ja- McDougall «»f Willow Springs pre« inct ' make it the l-adiug mi-ino-scollege. Send of liiirtiu iHhip. Diainiascd. erai huj ply of matzos, or unleavened The Talent sch«»ol is taught by Miss El a was awarded a jmlgment of l/.Vni and whs in town x <*-t«*rr«'gon vs W m Pratty . Era 11k iml from an attack of la grippe, we are glad to sonville on Monday afternoon. May I, l.S!»l, sp« nt a few hours in town Wednesday. some y cars to com«*. cultured society, has good and convenient G«*o. Mitchell; im!u te*l for buru iry . D*-r«*ml learn. D. Lyle Rice goes to Albany soon to take at 2«)’clock. for the purpose of electing a J. I>. Maxon of Applegate, who was in town John E. Pelton of Ashland, the well known markets and receives a better income from ants «*ntcr a pirn of guilty ami » rank Mitch« II | charge of the S. R. agency His family board of directors for Hi«- en-umg year.an«! inf«»rm«*d us that hr is ♦ -ngag»*d in Mt(M*kbuv> r. passed through town «»ne day this the same investment than can be bad from arntrnc««d t«» thr«*c year- itnpi isonment *n flu* A. 11 Maegly recently sold two acres of will accompany him, ami it is «¡nite possi­ for the transaction of such other business y«.*ster«!ay. mining togois! advantag«- with Mr. Ch« n«*y u. » k. accompanied by Mr. Haye-, wlu» r«*prc- any other line of l>u*lneMs penitentiary and the othets t<> >>nc y < aiim- g irden lam! to Mr Beltzey of Portland ble that he will make h:s future home You can get as may come before the imeting. A full prirto!iin**nt each. this land from J.5.5 to $75 ¡»er acre of The Huger passed south one day last xx*c»*k avnts Jesse D. 4.’arr. there. attendance of stockholders is de-irable, as to Gen. E. D K«*v «• vs. .1. J. Sfom : to rcc< v. r m*«ncy . for IP»*». take station at San Francisco h - tin- n* xx* The l»nsin«*ss <»! J. T. Layton A < o., at Oregon Land ('ompauy of Sa lent .Oregon. Ju'lgm- nt for $29tu ami « o-t-. N «thing like it foi dyspepsia ami indiges- Hon J. D Whitman has our thanks f«»r business of importance will <•« me up for <*oinmaiid(T ol the department of th«* Fa«*if1c Giant’- Pa--, ha- !•» • *n p!»»«*«*d in « barn- *«f Wim« r llr««s. va. Anna F. Smith, ct al., t>> t n Simmons Liver Regulator is a “afe, consideration <.K Ciian-lor an«i Jas. ruffs, who will wind it a « ' pv I the tir-t biennial report of the torcelo-e »mortgage. TvHtmiony taken 11. R. Dunn, manager of slaver A Walker’s How to Break u>> a Severe Cold. LADIES' AIM) < iULDREN'"- fillOl-X S ate B< .«r an- k« pt in stock by a tin-t-cl:«--- General Store will cure any case of the liquor habit in rt-•!« nec wh i h wid embtlush the Card Tims. II. Stimson ol Little Butte came in on consin. On trial. has b«*en in this s«-eti«»n forth*' purport«' <>f dis- po— s- genuine merit we consider it a We n>iH ctfully solicit your examination. ’.yell I arm. It I- «pr.tr the fa-hi n n «w to take Dr- from ten to thirty days, from the moderate th» i ailroiui Wednesday, accompanied by .Mr. posmg ot mor« or l«*s- ot them. duty, and **e tak«* great piea-ure in telling drinker to ihe drunkard. The Antidote ('ai.die. xvho is «« eking a home in this se< ti««n. Witt'- I. tt r Earlv R ’ srrs f< r liver, stoma«-!» Kall rend Extension. Wm. Ihm* ar«! w fe were expected 8u<’b h medicine can begivrn in i « up of collet* without the Hh«*ritT Birdsey an«! WiJ Jackson took tlie tiie public what it in H. B. Oatman of Portland, a Rogue river pi Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro­ < meal A-'ll ami from Santa Rosa during a* «1 b v\ r| d‘Tiler-. I'i.cy : «1« Hth s d«mr with an atlwk Grant - Pa— burg ars to Salem oil M m lay. we found Chamberlain'll (.’«»ugh Remedy. but mighty g«»od ones. E. C. Bro* ks sells -iu i'.ff Mo-s "t .lo-cpiiim « «»unty still being w« rr at th«* raiiroa I tn«*« ting at (’••nlral !' unt tue week By the u-»* of thi- syrup we have relieved, visions. for which always we pay the highest maket price, A nt idote w i .I i o ’ inj i re i h • health in any «»t ap«»pl«*xy, but was I»» tt» r at last a«*c«»unts c*»ntine«i to In* bc«i at that time them. of that In-» Moivlay «uniiii. Tli« r« ^ufi-nt in a few hours. -ev< r«* cuhls. ami in the v. «v. M munctu*» i . J'V the Living-tone is our specialty. Notes reielpts.due bills,drafts, i Avctton want a eu.lr«»ad aixl xvanl it b.i«ily, but Mr-. I . N»* wiii . iii . iu»w in Ashland, will re- S. L. M<»orii«'rtd oi N« ss« ity. Kan-a- .< re-ws- course of tw • .»r ihri-e d.tx - .entirely broken Wheat is scarce in the va 1- v and a good ( I it'llm ai C ». >..n Er im i-i o, Cal. . *.»d by ioin arr n«»t x« ry particular w hat town tti«*y «*oii- I»-.ok form, bandy und first-class, lx r liusbaiul at his new -tati<»n at Fort |»a|>« ' publi-h< ’ . < al!«« I at the 1 ’ 1 Ml - « 1h<< «»ne them up, as h iv«* -»-x « rid <»t our in» ml- tu article commands (Ac and upwanis a E. < Brook?-. I a« k.-«»nx dlr . M il er A Strang. «'anby . Wash., some!itne during tlu m«»nth • >1 n«tt wit h <'U th«* railr«»ad thr"unh th* x «.!• x. 1’ imeh office »lax ttiisw'k. II* !< on a tour *»t iiis |»« «t ion w:. »m we have recommended i'. It is ail bushrl. Four has also advanced, being Medford, < )re| ion. It woiii'l t»c of tinmens«* bcm nt t«'th« xx lioh* Jun«-. an«! is \x« II ¡«1« a-« «1 with our county . it i- n pre.-ri te«i io <»e by the lUMUt.i ic- «••»untry to hav«* a rai!r«»a«l m «>p»*rati«»n t«» the quoted at $22.rt> at the Medfor I mills at Mrs. A. Cortez of Lakeview* Joseph V Dory, of War-aw. III., was B. B. Beckman « t Portland i- ¡»axing Jauk- Butt«*« re« k region, an«! it ( « ntral P nt -•*- through Lmkvihe last week on her present I".. A Ba’.dxx in. -«m «>' Judg' Bal'lxvm. -I««**! turer.-. If x'-ii hav»* .« c-»ugh ami w.mt to car**Mthr plum it will n«»t !»• impoN-ibl»* f«»r the b »y city. troubled with rheumatism ami d tried a sonxillc a visit. He is practicing law at the on \\ ; | ims creek « n< lay I ust w < m k at I i .-« 1 “top it. Chamberlain -(’ough Remedx' will th«* R. R V. IC It. company t.« - u-c tin > p. __ ____ _ ..,___ The best remedy for headache and neu­ numtier ot different remedies, but __ says „ tu« tr<»j»«»lirt and meeting with vun*i1e»*in«*d by ail wh«> knexv him \ bi/ a*"«, rtmrnt of fresh garden seeds, ralgia is Wright's Paragon Headache rem­ none of them .-er med to do him any good, success. (’♦ntral Point, and b. learn i ... .. that'! 7!...: *7 A. IL'iiston F. edy Stops pain m five minutes. Jacksonville, April 10. 1891. The marshal-hot al a tu»odium win» broke the water power on Butt«* via * rk. k. Oil' On«* cr«*xv of Tabb* R«»ck pnvinct is «put«* ill 11« has awnv from him a- Iu wa- about t«» art« ~t him less. tasteless, no bad « fleet-. Sold by ail cured him. Hr w.«s much pleased with it, <*ouhl opvrat* th«* nii«»l<* plant, via x ia any r 1«mt« . Vai leiy Store. th»* b«*en prostrated by a severe atta« k *»t Ekctric Bitter«. druggists. and felt sure that « tlx r.- similarly afflicted Mild all th«* t«»w ns <»f th«- « «*iitrai x alh y x w«»uln at any « h»*m < als. Simmons Liver Regulator i* will “l«»«»k a lce«llc <>ut. -o popular a- tu m•••• 1 no Hpit ini mention. All Thus. K. Whelpley of Flnunc»* R«n k |.r> sonvtl e is enlarging ami greatly improving <>T ¡he public tfiat it is < a led < 'hambrrlam litn«*. Th«* <*<»ninvtinii <»f Butt« « r«** k witti mil I but « ft’retive. xx h*» hav«-iiM*d Li« «*tric Bitter-sing th«- Mint* «•met called y«*stcr«l’ay. .. IB* _ inform* us t bat Po'.k Hull«»t Meadows pr«« hu t. «»m*«»t our foiig p Jiicksonx tile in a c<»n*utninati«-n«1« \ <»uti\ i »be the stage, s*» 'hat it w 11 answer the pur­ ** «n ri ■ -hing ‘ - «-< »nd it*« *n in that prominent of prane. A ¡•■.ii'-i nu -liriiic di»**- not 1’11 1 1 1 It i-* for sale at >0 cents per • very thing i- in II* 1 -to« ki hi -* r-. - in toxvn. He in­ «*.xi-t niui A nice line i»f straw hats of the most poses of tb»- lust compan'es which will Pain Bdm w'«»h«**l !ly many :• i* tlu light it would I»« i- giia. ant« «■r»l to F.agh* P«»in< i*x another rout«*. F Variety btore. • ot tb< L iv « t Hnd K i «! i )»* xh . will r«*mov<* l*im- i I « j Bili j this w< • k. He tia* been nt Portland visiting t«» tin* grouml xx it ii great f«»r<*«*. W|»h Ii on* will be taken 11». <»?coiir-c. u «1« •« 1 t»t. les. Boils, Salt Hlieuin hii «! «»tb« r Hn«-*ti<>nf« A sim mer (rum!—Wright’s Blackberry his lather, wlu» was -tru ken with apoplexy ------------------------- 1 r the hai dsomest gent’s furnishing Cordial. Once ustd always taken. chu -* n ! I»y imputo blot-L Wil! «iriv« Malaiin •lEDFOhD S U U I Hs. Tin* ¡>r«M*l«'nt - -i-t* r. Mrs. Eat««u «•! N rib Re.ta­ lately. /■•«•■is go io the 8. F. Variety Store. New ble and prompt. Pleasant to take. ImP- Rend. Olli«», xx h«» "¡is seriously injure»! in a from th«*->M«*ni and prevent h - xx-ell as cure Indian War <>n ttie Kia math stoc k j«is 1 received. Mrs. I>. H. Mewart «»I la« Gran«!«' arrived at runaway a. « id« nt. hi «•• -mpany with a f«-male alì Malaria t« \*Ts.—l or cure of H«*an V pt 11 Lit h. 111 whi« n R* am« -.V W h'tv are contintiHllx* adding druggists Bitters— Etitir«* -atistavtion guaianteed. or at Jack.-onx' lie. to remain s«»metim«' with ii«*r sister, Mr-. < . W. resented, ami is recovering rapidly. I »I Al.» K' IN I HI tw»> huiian*» were k 1!»«! »«rut s »me oth« r*» -• 11- pew g<»-o* of the latest styles to their al money refund«*«!.— Prie«' si ct- and fl. day - ag«». ami is n w «•ngage«! with his !»r«»th«*r <1 W. Priddy, the (\ntral Point brick day; but a- no programme has been ar­ nuxiicine, under the intlm-n« «* of xxh*cb .-he manufacturer, Mrs. T. P. Kahler «‘ontinues to improve Jneks«»nvill»* this we, k and will remain p« i- It« r.u*e in gath«Tinga baml of young cattle ranged we are unable to state where tloy calle«! at lhe T imes ottice wmm -educfsi from th«* ! i «» iii «* «>f hrr parents tor their st«»« k ranch in Crook « «.»untx. manently. under the treatment of Dr. Jones. will ntftke any stop*. Snelling and aiu»th«*r Indian w • *r«* k lh *! by • ■lie day la»t wttk. I’. M. Centcr. a«imimstrat«»r «'f tlu* »state of Mrs. Malloy-Barrett has return«*! imrthward >atubo an«! his Non. and o H mtn w ho trod to Mbs Clara Mingus of Ashland has been Purifies the bluo«i. increases the circu ’ a- Ragsdale came up from Colusa V. < ’ . to assist in th«*savingot souls on Puget s«»un«l. of S. ( enter. d«< « a-cd. will s« ll th« lam! i«e. stop th«* trout»!*' wrr«* w«»uii«»n mad«* th« attack «•ourt Ii . ii -«' n th«' h'og«.r« p surg«*on of that city II«* has suf!« rcd witIi if Th»* raiir-a l company have been clean oiit tin n<« it , of tin* «•«■unty taking any hi large «juabtitits. D. T. Lawton ha- returned to ihr Wil- m ar Ja« k-onx ill**, i« g<>n. where th«*y John M. Nichols "f Liltl«' Ibitt. nr»*«met has It wa- o< « iipn «l by Win. « bastam am! lamily vatnv from.—[Yreka Journal. tion t • Me«lfor«i The tract adjoins the fare. end it’now presents a much-improv* d so tar r«'cov« re San Francis«*«» and the S.uidxvich i-l- amlliay-A J« 1! i«-y . the contractor*, hav« r»*- Tricycle-. Black l.;«n|x-r, Stubble. Turf Mis.-es Josie and Minerva Ariustronj past, have returned to Ebci inx are ands. II** will be absent troin home two nu»v«- 1’ several humlr«**! thou-am! dollars t«» re­ Witt’s bursai urilla It is sold by E. C. now employ«*! in the Pal ace hotel at months or nu»ro. A fine line of trunks, valises and hand- they *vrk**. ♦ |ii.*al4 that cun«* through th«* pr* — «me i.«,l« , has b«*«*n io this sec­ stipulated amount are ru»t alway - as formnat* Inch I»i-<- Harrow-, St«« ! Pipi Frame I.«-«« t , Spriugtootli. where he will continue the tailoring and Wonder how much mail matter the ever did business in southern Oregon, has clothing business. ing«*ttuiH «'lit whole as they were in M< !tor«l. of C B. Watson, Es«|. tion again Hi-» firm are locating a numb« r of S'-ot< h. \ ibratiug ami Cli]>[>< i Ilairo««-. it is risky l»u*in«-«a for th«* citizens, though x • ung iK«iles. who swarm about the post | immigrants. dir»*ct from flic ca-t. in s«mth»*rn ­ moved bis stock ot ready ma«leclothing to ('apt. W.F. Song« !. accotbpanx*d by his wile g«MMi tnanagemvnt on tin* part ot th«* tr«>up»*. otti« e ev»ry evening, receive? Ashland, where he wid also engage in the J. fl. Backus, formerly of this place, is and daughter, Mi*s Mollie, la-t week returned Oregon, am! ar« r«*c«,iving nnich a-s’-tam*«' W«- think that «Mir i>«-»*pl«* wall nut bite again, from their l«»«*al agent. J . Harrytuan of Mcd- tailoring business. now located near Grant Pass t where he is from their winter's s«».iourn at Poimma. Cal., h«»w«*v« r. H« ywo«si s contract* arc «••»ii«*ti«* ■ W w »« r expecting to remain some months, t .-tarn x- a caimery at Ashland during ple were affected by the epidemic. th»* lodge Tli«* y »ung la«iy, who has since !•<•- mm * why he »honld !»«• pal*! -•» mm •» l»eti«*r P. B. O ’ Neil returned last week from cornea resid« tit unn I’a|»e. RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER, businr-!« at >n eni. was at Ashland with Cleanse it. improve it, purify it with De friends. He is enjoy mg ♦•xectlent health. The R. R. V. R. R. (’<». is now using its own Usetl in Millions <,f Homes High« -t Ge;«r<-«l. l.-.ghtcM Draft an«! most cotupl«*t<' iiia*iiin*'oii th* market. It. II. Dunn, manager of Staver X Walk«-r's hi- family during the pant week. Mrs. II. L. Cummons accompanied Mrs. Witt ’ s 8 trsaparilla and health ro|iing--b»«'k. a haml-«mu* pa--< ngcr »«nd is restore«!, extensive branch house at Walia Walla, Wu-h.. J. (’. Whipp mad«* a trip to Central Point ¡o X’e.us iiic S'an«lar»k- Johnson Self Dump. Bonanza, and Star Hay Rakes. Peerless S nl J. S. Cummons of A-hland. Dehcu’U' «'. to- . t ?' i Hy, l.i^nt I laky to wornanhpnng Wag.m-. All «»f out fmpleracot* «re and imincilint«-tri« n«!s «»t tIn- hi•»«!•• la-ina in riie cr* p pro-; eel could Rot be better. ern Oregon. bought l«»r chr I i in large quant t •> «Iin ct from th»* msnu’a« tur« r% mid- »l»«*rv»d after Ih«* c«-r<-m«my. Th«- coup!*- s«»on ville last Friday, tot the benefit of lhe odd NEW THIS WEEK The wretch who mutilated the fine Htt«rwaul took th«* train tor tluir tutor«* ibis time and the crop will be a very large A call an«! examination «»! our *»f'»« k is solicit«*!. All goo«ls s«»!d under a direct xuarautc R. V. Beall an«l wif«* went to San Franc!«« «> Felloxx-' orphan h«.m«* at l‘«»rtlaml. xvas on«* of On Saturday, Mav !»th, 1S9I . another this bom«*, being acc ou»pani«*d to M**dtor«l by -• v- ne unless something unforeseen happen-. horwe* belonging to Mr* Karew.-ki at her tlu* handsomest «-vent- xvhich has taken place week t«» place lilt I«* Vlnti«* under th«* care barn last week sh«‘u!«l be keelhauleil for meeting will be held f »r the puroos«* **f hu ¡«1 a new storing his heming. The lad’s mother w i'l r«* gigrtl ami «’verything pnsrtcd off nic«*ly. Sever­ Oregon am! «*arry Um b«.--t wi-li' 4 of all Guide, standard authcrity on all land just before fly-time, merely to depreciate school -house F II Y S I ( I A \ A N D SI KG EON. main with him whih* und, rg«»ing tr«*atment. al ot th«* young liulu sand gentlemen ai»p«*ar«*d with th* in tutbcir m w home. in lull dress, and xv« r«* conspicuous by -their matters, may oe found at u. T imks ottice. their value. lhe distillery building i finished ami eh-gant costumes. Excellent music xvas fur ­ < > Mimi pt'int, Ot f i/oti E K. Lu< »•■« ot Eu<«-nc »topnol Ht A«(i- Erickson, the railroad contractor, has, the machinery is being j ut in position, laicl one day lam w '■» «■> ' l«lt lux brother, the nished by (’«»<>k s string band, iiromiiu nt La-t Monday was the 72«! anniversary of A New hici»n»«ir<»ti<»n among which xvas Pro! . Fitzgerald of Eagle C h II s prompt lx atl»*n riiF. ri <>i-i.i: <>r ja < ksox . cl ' bkt Artnicsot ln< «»rpornt ion have been fil< «1 in purchase a $10,(M» plant tor the »»«nm iylhat Point. Th«* supp«r xvas prepar«*«! by th«' approptlately observed everywhere. the 8 P. (’o. for the work «lone at the fills harvest-time. AM) J">m*Hi.XE COI’XTIÉÍ. ladi«*s an*! i- highly « impliment<*d by those the county rlvi-k's «»file»* by the South« rn (>rv- will I»«* operating at bam- county ’ s « apital dur ­ Strayed or Stolen. m ar I’ aleiit, and a number of his < mployes aon U on Pork 1 • •» n « Pa« ««« mhk king * < < <• ’ . « which i< 1 i- - compos» p* 1 • who partook «>1 it. ‘ ing tlx* coming summer. .NL<¡*»r (. »in-man returned to bis duties B. F. Wilkinson, who has been studying have been idle at the latter place for some Win. Siuig* r. Win. Clri« h, W. I. Vawl«-r, Wiu. Slinger. I'lru-h, Vawtcr, .1. .1 W 1 he und« t'sigucd is now uianufavtui iug a* dentistry under Dr. Deinoreat, left for H«»ckvr*iuith and E. Warman. Th« prim ip-1 a- i rv-i«!eut of the Lakeview bank last weeks in consequence. I)r. M. S. Rohr, a young physician just from wo BAV HoKHES. WEIGHT Allot T For Naic. Portland this week for the purpose of com California.was at dtf!«*rcnt i»la« «-s in the valley plav«* ot t'U.-in«*—1- Multord. an«! th«* capital w wk, after a winter’s sojourn in Arizona th» Meadows SswmiU in J ackern evuotv nine or ten hundre«! pounds—».»tie a light Mrs. Russi i and daughter last week rr during the week, looking for a locati<»n. His M«>< k 1 m pla< * d at t25.uo»'. dn idud int«» sliar.•« Oregon.the T»vo x,»k»* ot <»xen. ir g«>od ««rder an«! well bay -and the other a dark bay. tlu* former t»e- J. 1’». Dyer «4 Talent was in Jacksonville turned sadly* to Lakeview, after the death pleting bis studies. ,4 <|iCl va«*!i. Tin- « nu-rpi i-* u ill pr«»v<- 0» appearance favorably tmpo-sse«! all with l»r«»k«*n to wurk in logging camp. I <»r turili« r ing soiik * siuall<*rthan the ottu r. Tlu*dark l»av • 11 M«»’ dav . acftimpant? I by a grni|**man of the husband ami father in ('alifortiiH Neil West has gone to California, taking whom ho wiis thrown in »-onta«*t. Ki-«*at I»« ii'-h! i*» tin* wbol« «»t -outlu-rn ' >1« von particulars apply i v Klipp«*! at >!•**!- has the letters !’. I- .on his left shoulder, and hn it will furnish a r«*u«l> « i-h oiark«*t lorn wb iwd t ngttge in pro-pecting in that vi- Mr R. ba*1 one i u!!« re«! from ran«***r. ai t.-llion “Brushy,’’ formerly torr«? in the future. It is tin- intuition of th» and were slio«1 I xvill pay ten dollars to any owned by W. G. ( oot»er. company t«» con»in« nv«- operations -•»* n an ! .Mrs Chas Williams of G«»ld Hill pre of tlie bay ci’y phy.-i«-inns. on«* bringing Ou in to in«*’ or giving in«* infol - by A.M.Will»*(>nof (»i« « ni» af. Kansas, and v • have everything in rvadin«“* win n the pm a «•met die«i on Wednesday, after a ling«* mfr matlou where tliex ran <»«• found. The Monarch saloon at Medford , under One of the Hol is-Lent stage stars, who -ay.to the public that wc have the mg seaeon commenc«*». ill - e.-.v Mie was a daughter of F. M. Fred» went broke while in this valley, did n« t the management of H . II. Wolters.is prov­ L. F. ( KRISTIAN, ---------- <------- H che:* of .«11 in Leavening l’u«i drug- it setm.s a.- it it would be necessary to do n box filled with *thge property, belonging The proposal to levy a 20-mill tax for manufacture for gi-r m -a«utlw rn <>r«*g«»n, h.i- ioiin«i .1 sur«* mu* ii thinning after the fruit is firmly set I to the ‘ Kajanka" company. school purposes, being one-third the on«* t«»r 1.» aripp* ■ It •* t.ik* ri both nt« in.« • on the tree*. IIAI ’ IHITY ANI» GOOD WOBK. We are in receipt of a neat hr «! interest amount needed to build a new school­ lx and appli«-«! «-xtvrmilly, rcli«*ving th* «-omth HB »M------ and that fearful lirada« I»« in tiv«* minute*. By Walt« r Farnham, wlio came from Port- ing litt e pttb'ication caLed ’ lhe Young house in Medford, was defeated at lhe polls repeating a t* w t-m«*a th«'patient is » un*«l p* 1 Idea.’’ If is. as its nsine indicati s. dev«'t last Saturday. C ENTS inaucntly. well and aoiind. This has b« vii ii-« *l land h «bort time ago suffering from tb** PULCE OF MACHINE, *1« xa ,‘ j E. W. Hammon h is h* en in San Fran­ two ■« :»*••-ns and liaanot taihsl in a i a-«-. wh*-r«* a_-ui*, tound thut this climate cured him ed to (‘«lucatiunal matters, am! is edit**«! — ( »N — by Prof. N A. Jacobs, tea« her of the sec ­ right away. dm d as u Etn ■ in u on -peut! apple market for the coming seaton, «nd I., . mu !’. V.';< y. Or.^o L. F. Chiistian in another column an- home at uigbt free from p .-ti and t « ling will carry <»n the business of shipping fruit When I began using E vs ( ’ ream Balm n«'Um es that he has lost two horsed, for good. the r»coxeryof which he otters a reasona my catarrh was so bad I had headache the to a larger extent than ever. .1. r*. WELCH. If so, xvrit«* for our Illustratili Catalogne, whole time and discharged a large amount Notice of Neu Survey. hie reward. Miss Emma Tolman of Ash laud is once contaimng illustratiotiN and prie»-- <»1 vvery of filthy matter. This has almost entire­ more teaching a class of art students at thing nianiitai'turvd in th<* I. nit«*l States, at The »»Uic* rs of the Roseburg lami «-flu • giv«* The pre-ence of several horse-buyers in nianufactiirpr-' prie«--. PUldi lllu-tratiotis. notice that th«* hvr«*t«if<»r« un.-m y. x «-! poi tmn the valley last week, and the promise of ly disappeared and 1 have not ha«! head­ Medford, where much interest is taken al! line- n pr«-« ut'*'!. Catalogne inali.-1 irte <»! t««wn*hips -»1 south, «»t rang« 1.'» w. .-t, t«»-wit; »thers io com?, is encouraging to farmers ache since.— J. H Nuoiuiers, Stepbnev, among the young ladies in Hint a*-thetic Conn. dii nppli' atj.'ii. A«!'lr»>-, of ace- 1-. ad ot H<*cti<»n- 13. 14, 2». 21. 2.'». line. Miss Tolman is an t xoprnt tea« h»*r and rate hers. CHI» AGO GENERAL SI PPLY CO.. 21», .t?» und ¡si. baa b«*» n «urv« x • « pr. pa»«dt«. i*«» ' H. H Wolhirs, the mixologist, nas re­ applicants for th«- « ntrx • ! -a d tuii l- in h iv-'uai can be relied upon to get up h tirst- firm,ha- be* n in Id.*,i.<» after machinery for Administratrix' Notice move«! his -;)l<»«»n to the building next d«»«»r b« t «-t»»t**i•• un-iirv »-y«*«!’’portimi* <>î sai«i town- clu'*- Crlebratiot . the p>ant, xx bile Mr. More. aiioiln r mem­ to C. W. Palm's bathershop, on Front •hip. ______ Evans creek has had h siege of the meas- ber. has ¿one t*» San Francisco, also in its street. In the matter of tlie e-tatc of Martin Peter­ He has suppiie«! the bar wi’h son. deceased. ¡«-- «luring the List two weeks, which ba- in’erest*. the finest wines, liquors ami cigars, Our Candid Advice. DECEASED. h ..« »• p« 3'iii»is»s out of u number ot ti »• at.«! ft tine billmr«! table can also be otice is hereby given that the Ashland bus been ‘ fair as a garden » f It is seldom that we app«ar n th* role * f voung» r g« n* ration undersigned hat* been app«>int«*l adminis­ th»* L*>rd~ from the railroid trains for a 1 found there, (jive him a call, f«>r he will Mdiitual M'ivtsvr or family pto-u i 'o, I ’ I am now offering at great bargain» the followin'* tratrix ot the estat»-of Marrin P*l>n »*< rn; 'l. ["*' '¿ A.1-,.'! p»«y able semi-annually A WRITTEN WARRANTY GIVEN WITH E»CH RAZOR. KNIFE OR SHEAR. I ter; be iM.iitinu..) to UH, lt ami i. t -.pt, enjoy, Sealed Proposals for TTnild- ms aood ben'th. It you bay. any'Throat. RAZOR PRICES. Many vears’ practfi’e lias given C, A ROYAL WOUCESTEK RAZOK STROPS *RC THt BEST row« . too- and M<>wer Extras, and a groat many other Ujrnr. H.rw.in nt:i< «■• r unr ( u*t*t 1 ruubl«* trv it. We guariLnt«** ' L ’ing School House. »l.OO, r«ir fur pnttixig u Keen cd^c on a raz r. A*»k your Pca’tr for 111 ndri< ka. «»-»*•- W . quabty. ban a -in’e treasurer recently *ent t«» mgton, D (’., unsurpassed success iu ob- I witiMtaeti«»n. Trial !»«»ttl«* fr«s at 1 C. article«» too numerous to mention. l« u< ü« I . M« Knight i < o. ’ t Royal Worcester Brand f l.Xo.Mff hul - -kiy on county $17!- H Dii '- teii - • 1 Sch*M»l In-tru-t No.7. «)f Grant's TlwBvtt Ke suit Tlie First bjmptnnu of buiiU. If te aniuot e ?;’/ ▼■•o. twr.4 MRS. J. KAREWSKI, Executrix,.fa< k.-< inill«- • as»— and have secured allowance of many low ground, P.1—. J<»s**i*’«;u« C**un»v . ('r . »n. u i ’I r* *•* f\^* G. B. Lan*fer» last we»«k went tn Seattle Every ingredient» Cdjploycd iu produV'Dg ei" ;tbcd*pjice tud wjwl.l s t’ »• had beep nrexiousiv rejected H- •’.**! t’.li* ’ r tlu* t'Uil'l’ng <•! i »'iu k t-vh *ol i»at»n Tir.!rsv! s S«r ai nvfila D etrh^H rUn’. an 1 li<*'i.-< i i -.ill ti ;< t ii) th«- 4 »U..w*:u» m.«n- »■•.I. ur l uit. : i1 !... ,v. -ini,. .1 t:. I H -■ *• 5(1 axudu poxt-paU .CQ, i. i v. it. . w II —*• *1» !»•• f • I • *. • d by l.r -t of pe kin*! it ’• p’ rut 1 t t V;. \ i o II .‘.1 . I.. B M «• r pre-¡«le-over the < tfegon I.I tue btoiil.n h. I. iht . t*wwii. F«»r brick" ork. Wuolxrork urij ,.f ni.v.rnliii. ;, !• of, F&u / Woxo. K w. root- ..ml »»<>!•* art* car* fub) .-.•«t«»l. )•.. ,,,... ntla-fciing Separately. or tho whole. AU I m ly I rftiii A h and h*«t‘ l it A-hirt.«! under lir ntw mat age- I rlriiplesor fr. <. ii.. «il íai.ME'Jí l l'i. CA I A I.KII -b ,t Ex iest cxaiuined, and only th< I m -t • • 1...:»• d; tfrinj t.y )ida will be <*l«»«*d on ru UST. C!.««;rKeHuf u uu-n.Jiu a 7™ poUon<«l bb.iHl, s,, iimtier hi.w il b.-enme I*.ent . a d canno fail to give satisfaction. -o that fn in the 1 mu ’d purchas. unt 11«»< 1 s t I i ?h • prei < detit-al parte n«*t arc ve wHson.il It unist I.. puni).: t. utatl > she i* «ne of the b« s: housekeepers in FHlD.l F, MA Y Sth, L<»5f, earUin. Fur Cold m the ,t httl no equal .-HiMipanila in prepared, everything • rjire- :» and in d • yi ght, t! e Oregon c nr.- »Ii u. per v ulex Dr Ai ki r < Lugtibb DI....: KUsIr lut. lier . r The proprietor, H B. luily watchni with av'ew to attaining thu Mt 2o’< l«M'k I’, m . at Win . time blds Mill I m * r* ni"V< N<*n>fuloiiK or Hyphiîitie c o; recent!* >ii will not n>v*»tthein un­ Reed. wa- •« 'I»*«! to Irdi’ina last Monday tulHxl to I b«s»t r(-»flt. Why don’t you try it op«*n«*d. Plans nnd -j*«*« ti«*atluruj can bo s«*cn poison*4. Sol«! umler positive guarantue. til ;fit \ arrive at Salem bv a «lispa'cli announcing the death of his at the drug-tor«* l>t Ki « in«*i. MCKNIGHT & CO., The direct«>ra clniiu th«-right to r«*J«*ot any father at that place, and tie will probably Ashland was burglarized Lewi- -tort at ________ „ County Court R2iU North STnln Street, To Sheep Men. and all bill*. A Relluble Dealer wanted iu oa* h town to han-fl* our foM«. not return short of three weeks The .•Il I .a «.lay niLtii Ht <1 Stier fl Htr.i-ey ha.. Write si usee sa l a*'ur« sgvu<-y b*:f !nv- .ti.-atp. No fu'tber particular!1 hotel wul be in yxcclleot hands durlag bi9 . Wo«l tiwee twine, l.ittla', sheen JT Hi.nOtl.tU. vi. , ..'i .. I, ' sçii ►*: Ulït. », 7, «w.niiii>''’ftU9 bWi MJ I’D j ‘ diji, fvi sale at NuWu e, JaeklOuvite. aWeLCe, b* we yet. have Dctn rltUVtU as ytt. Grau' d í’a#, Ur., AI'n! S. lfJJ. ¿dii mxt ¡- tu ■••• ■■ P a bj mam Auürt*tï. E. T. 11 a ¿ í . i _ íe > x V.'aiAft, ?hvJlciwr?4MQimni Those needing horse and jack bills will find that the T imes printing establishment prints them brt’er and cheaper than any other in southern Oregon. 1 A petition Infants Children. Nunan. Spring 1891. I THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE INDIA CASHEMERE, WINDSOR TOILET DE CHINE, ZEPHYR FLANNEL, Plaid and Stripe, DEACON BLACK ORCANOIE, SATINES, Plain and Colored CHALLIS. LAWN, SCOTCH BARNABY. PALMER AMOSKEAG CINCHAM, MERRIMACK TAPESTRIE CRETONNE LACES. ETC., ETC Dressmakers will find a Complete stock of Fnrnisliw. NIETX mid BOVH CLOTIIINÍ«, TRUNKS, J. NUNAN ) L 1. MEDFORD, ORECON MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPEINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRINC WAC0N8, Baking CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC NE PLUS ULTRA T MIIIII LI CK WASHING MACH1KE. rATCVTEV 15 DO YOU WANT TO SAVE ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI, N ROYAL WORCESTER CUTLERY - best FOB SALS BY woo all hardware dealers