vhc ¿Democratic dints EblTORIA!. .VOTES 77.?/A’ W7' TU K MASK JOSEPHINE COUNTÏ ITEMS. Mrs. P. Griswold of Ashlaud vi.-uted th« Pa-» last w«*ek. Circuit ««»urt is still in Mcssion mid will c«»n- tinu«' a while longer. Miaa <’«>ra Smith han r< turned b« Porimnd, after «juite a visit here. KLAMATH COUNTY ITEMS. >am Park»T left tor his home near Pvtaiuma, < al., I a* i w<» k. Ira Johnson caniv up from the Rogu»* river valley last week. D. Willson is back from his tour to tin* Willamette vail. y. ladies will play their own gram! march .it tlie party tin* evening. «1 'hn R. ht am! wife of l‘. !:< an bay were nt A-iiland during the w<*< k. Mrs. Kester of Poe vall»*y is this we« k visit- ing friends nt lied Blurt, ( al. 51« **rs. «tom* an«l Wheeler of Yr« ka made i In* couiity-s» nt a call last week. <’ A. llariielHirg will open his new saloon at Bonanza about tbeStb instant. Mis* Aliev Stitt->n « aim* «»tit from Ashland last week to teach the Kciio school. < ’. I’. Hughe* ' hht w< » k took a band of hot * s trom I’«».* valley to Josephine county . N« xt Monday it. .A Emmitt will begin th«* r. gular spring work on tin- Llnkvillc Ager road. J» fl Kasson, late of Pelican bnv, passed t hrough Jackson county going nortli one day last week. J. F. Iflooniingcamp came up last w.'ek trom his home at Bogus. Cal., to hl* Sprague river ranch. Mr. Weils of Yreka arrivi-d last we« k tor the purpose of thoroughly prospecting tin* minesat the lo ad of Sprague river. Mrs. G. W. Smith boasts of «>m* of the choicest «<*|»!ctioii.« <»f plants ami .«hYubbery m tlie southern part of th«* state. "Curly" Webb last week set out a row of promising poplars along the front of his premises adjoining the Hotel Linkville. T. 1». Blair and wife ot Lakeview pass«««l through this section last week, oU their n - turn home from an extended eastern trip. The annual mei-ting <>t the stockholders ot th«’ Little Klamath Watri Ditch Company will be held at Linkvillv next Monday, .May 4th. The water will probably lie turmd trom the big Klamath «fitch on th«- first day ot July next, fi r the purpose of ch ailing the ditch. S. I,. Il.tlh -and Ed. Lytle are now in charg»’ of th«- Van Biimim r sash nn«l or factory’ and will ke« p it humming with orders all.«um- mcr. The ladies’ silver cornet band ball this even­ ing wiP be th»' novelty of novelties t ins season, an«! all will attend who ever go to the shrine of Terpsichore. William Bark* r«turn»«1 to his Tulc lake ranch last week, after a two-year« al>s»*nce in Ca'ifoi nia, an«i will at once proe«'»*d to fence ami improve his holdings in this county. T he great I>euii crane clean »weep of Oil«* mn himlly aver without truth that I ' l la-i N'lVeiulH-r, Hwy» tlie I'locHgo Govviiior l’ennojri was be.raved in the | OFFICIAL PARU Q- JACKSON COUNTY. CR I ih batt v b at« n by the Republican i le.in l.uuse ot I s iii.*ndH Uy the recent publi­ ' ■ «weep ol th«' trea«niy enri Ills. cation f the alirg» d interview With bun I 1 ' EKIPAY I by a Trlryriun rrpoiter, concerning his , AY 1. I*’ 1 , T he Roaebiirg Reitfu ami Del Norte I court eih|ueiie, if we may so term it, ■ J. Par-!« « ’ mid wif«* return« <1 horn« lr«nn their have Lotti commenced I .Cal I.W.- .«... . . - where there ia an interchange of roc :al i j visit to ttie bay city la*t xve« k. laroR out for the counterfeit |2 silver new volume» I They are first-class local courtesies between the president and tin* j ! ('.J Kurth ha* a neat r«*Hid«’nc<’in vour*«*of ' certificat, a. T’-ev carry the portrait of paper« amf ably represent their re«pe«- governor of one of the state«. By th“ construction at Gram' Pa**. ■ tlie late tien, flanc s k on their faces, t ve localities “i'ioSH-litting” prorvh«, the Trleijram at-! and are printed ujr with taint j Grant'.* Pass from east ru Oregon. 1 the genuine that trea urv • tjs-rts have i poking as critic, ' wok on the Coat bay an.] R.ieburg praise am. the be-n deceived Slo riff M.'*s is recovering from his sex « re raili. a t ba« t«-« ti «<>«1 mule«!, from 'a; k these representative« ot tiie journalistic spell ot sickn.'aa. wv an- glad to ami’»unev. J uf ftiml« li ih fearetl ttiat the «u«i>en»ion Mafia that has made Portland notorious) Mm J. A. Jennings «»1 Grant * Pa*s h»i* r« I T he Lakeview E >’r is right.Mjiialv will !>• indefinite. tor years Lav»» sucre *ded in placing our turned fr«»m her visit t«» Dougla.* count.x. I indignant *>ver iim pu1 beat on of th- w«»ithv governor m a nn»at unenviab!e: -tiHot No fur th« Grant monument at Wear«’sorry to K arn that J.e I. \.»«uni of j fact that her i«>pnl.tt;ori is les- now than I girt abi«»ud, although his position on Grunt * Pass is again conf:nv«i to Ids (»«•f a pr q»er reception of the in lt>- interim, >>ut . in fact 1609,000 will have to Ire raised for it« I M ik . S A. (’umrnons of Grant’s Pa** visited common with the , to oetensi- . wealthy but it is not probable that he completion. i rvlat'.v« s at M«*dford and Ashland «luring thv bly become independent of its parent week. will again indulge in the extravagant paper, and avail itself uf tlie enhanced T he Pacific Coast and Eastern Railway luxury of a bdlion-dollnr congress for Misses Kitti«-and Jvnnit* Clark of Glendale worn-« years to come. It did not agree Company, capitalized at one million mad facilities afforded by recent changes visit« «! Jost'plunw county tn« nd* one day last we«k. dollars, with its principal office at ( ’ .«>« in thv schedule time of the evening with bis internal arrangements. Bay, was incorporated last week, having trains out of Portland, it has been posing G. W. Anderson «»I Williams precinct, a lung»hoprd-ior Pvuiocratir weli-kn««wii prosp« vt«»r, is at thv county-scat R osebi 'I k . stands ready to present for its object the building uf a railroad as the this w«’« k. daiiv that was to disenthrall the minority from Coos Bay to Winchester, in IKrug- l'r> sident tiairison with a marble Isjok, D Lee !•» now in charge of thv S. P. I> a L. chiseled from the q wry in that vicinity. las county. The stock is divided into paily of the .«täte from tlie unhindred blm ksimth*h«tp at Grant's Passaud k '. v •.* , duminatiun ui Scott’s paper, tlie Uregom- C«».'s Fortunately it wi'l us exempt from the shares uf *100. entire satisfaction. an. Toe pub ic, honest in intention and imputation that it contain« spring poetry T he rase of J ill ill« Knnili vs. the S. P. Hon. H. R .Miller r« turm«l trom his P«»rt- im reforr easily duped, was at first warm l.tnd or advice on tl e Italian question. trip a f«’W «lays since. Hi* family will radroad company, for damages for inju- in its support uf tlie unproved Telfijraut soon Join him here. 11> s sustained st Lake I.abish, terminal- inmi**i<«n«-r C«»lvig and family ocratic an.« Alliance candidate fur presi­ for f 15lM). |10,Ok) was the amount sued contents, amt ostensibly Democratic in will mak«’ this place their houi«' again tor thv future, we understan«!. dent in 1892 The new boom has come lor. The railroad company is gettingthe l»uhtics—ami Scott’s bueinese sagacity onl of the west, where the senator is a liettcr of those victims who went into m supplying a “long felt*want ’on tlie Rev. J. T. Hoyt «>! Portland addt »‘*.*«‘«1 a l.irg«’ other sideuf the i uusv, which the f)re- «•ongri'gafion at the Baptist church nt Grant's favorite. ItenKwrats everywhere would court,it would seem. The public seems to failed utterly tu till, was extolled : PassonSunday of last w«’ek. not object to voting fur l’altuer, fur he is tie at a disadvantage when trying to get by those in tiie secret as a rare evidence 1 Th«’ mini«* of McAllister postortic«’ will li« r« - able, brave and clean. justice from corporations. be known as Merlin, th«* onler having of the woikings of a great mind. And I after t'vcn made iron, headquarters. T hs initial num) er at the Centra! Point M. vto R C rsoikr of Chicago concedes indeed, accusing t ) Satan bis due, it is Th«* S. P. D. A L company ha* b«*« n <-ngag«*d KnrerprUr, tl»f tiiat paper published in the elect ion of Hampstead Washburne, a fact ttiat only minds of extraordinary on an order for 12,0(10 eheri\\ l»«>.\« s t »r Ca ifor- that town, in un uur latite. It is a neat the regular Republican nominee, by a ability can till their coffers at tiie expense nia parties during the past w« « k. and interestina sheet, well edited and plurality of 389, and has instructed his and by tiie five cunt»'tuitions of their E A. Estes, having trad« «! his town property The for a farm not tar from Grant's Pass, i* no full of promise. The T imkh weleoiuea Democratic friends to withdraw all oppo- per.-unal ami political enemies. longer a resident of the county-*« at. tliia addition to aouthern Oregon Journal­ sit.on to Washburns’« recognition as the -ciieme worked magnificently at first, ism. wishing it the fullest meastlie of world’s fair mayor-elect. Rev Dr. C. C Stratton will deliver thv eom- Creg er is a and the Democracy uf the state might invncvment ad«lr*v«i in tlie Trlrijram I lian la*i wet k n the int»-rcst ot the Oregon publishing of a distorted interview with flow iirich« « kv«l by <«ut «loot*, and our • 11 iz> u* t Mutual New Yoik otfi. lais have had no better that the reduction of the price of Live. Sto«k Tnd«innity Association *«-<-uring a shar«’ luck looking the gentleman up than their lias revealed ths fact that the consumer < tuvernor Pennuyer stab tliat gentleman of it Ashland, and proceeded « ast from Oils point. Iaindon cousins had ih-n he was honor­ pay* the tax. Ttie Democratic party has in the short ribs, through the as*umed C«>1. Hain«*», i»n«* of th«’ atf«»rnvys t«>r W. I. W. S. Parrott. W. L. Long ami Louis Gr«’« ri alwavs contended that the |ieople paid mantle uf Democracy in wiiicli the r^lr- Wudh'igh. return«-«! horn»- 1 h * i Satur«lny «*v« n- hav« b«’« n sketching and otherwise using the ing them with Lis presence. ing. leaving Hon. < ’ . W. Cr«»ss to finish th« lava b»Ms-luring the past w« «k. with a view the duties levied by the tariff in increased had disguised itse.f. It is bad to using their labors in the line of illustra­ prices for all kinds of goods, which is enough t »r a paper politically opposed tu w«»rk. tions. Cockerlinv's mill in th« Appl« gatv *ection A« Guv. l’ennoyer has not seen fit to stoutly denied even now by the Republi­ a public man to resort to sucii qumtiona* will do a g«»«s! business tliat y « i 11 *teadily in­ Th»* entertainment given at Linkville last atqiuint the additional judge provided for can managers, who hope to again bam­ ole methods as “cooked” interviews with crease ns th«- merit of their produ«t bc«< >m«*s «•vi ning for the benefit ol th«* local Sunday- by thè legislature, Judge Webster boozle the public with their free-trade him, in order to compromise hiui with known. sch«»ol was a success tn <*v»ry way, ami all mimt suun leave lor east of the mountains, cry. But the truth will out, even if we the people. It is utterly despicable ami Mrs Malloy-Barr« tt gar»* a parting h’eture w«'nt home satisftvd that a profitable evening to bold court in Klamath and I.ake coun­ must wait until 1892 for it* appearance. disreputable to discuss with equanimity at thv Baptist church m Grant * Pass on in r had l»e< n -pent. way northward last week, on thv subjv« t of ties, aithuugh there is still considerable Marshal Hnrn this w«*« k had th«* pleasure of when a disguised enemy, posing as a temperance. w. ¡coining his mother an«! brother, just from A ttek reading the perveited accounts irirud in uider to obtain tiie longed-for ( important bus ness in Jackson and | A single passenger train r«« « nii\ hn, tion. Josephine counties to engross Ins atten­ of the l’ennoyer incident in the news- opportunity to ply the tiagger, will come hoax ily loud«*«! voa« h»‘s t«>r Portland, th«* M.-cca H< went to Ager last Sunday to im ct them on tion. ilia Honor will not return here pa|iers, the president has been agreeablv fawning aiound tiie intended victim until i <>t th«* immigrant tu thv northwot «'«»ast ju*t ih» ir arrival there. until after the inpldle of June. snrpriaed this week to receive a very the r»qnsite amount of confidence is at present. Mi*. S. L. i 'ooper i« engHged in the colhvtion courteously worded telegram from the obtained, and then drive the blade in i Grant's Pas.*'school bonds a »-re di*pos« <1 <»t ot specimens and data in the natural history !in» tor tin- stat«- agricultural college.anti it is | at par to >an Francis«'«» parti« * during th«- Ir we are to wait until the revenues of governor of Oregon, expressing sympathy t ) tim blit. l he mask is off the t«> state that her work, whatever ph«’ of the accident to Trlryram, ami fortunately Governor wv< k They will run 2ll years and bear 1 per m*cdles* the postoffice lepartrnent exceed the with him on account of undertak« h , will !»«• thoroughly done. «•«•nt. interest. expenditures I.« fore we can have one- Mrs. Eaton and assuring him that the ' Ptmnoyer pioved invulnerable to this Gertie Polio» k has 2U *« ho .«i* «'Urolkd By the burningot hi* house in Lang«*ll valley cent letter p 'Stage, there is a likeli­ people of Oregon would regret any change attack m tiie dark. We fancy tliat tiie at Miss the lower Deer ere« k s« ho«>l.and w ill d«»ubt !•*< « ntlv. J W. Bryant lost «’verything hr had hood ui a very long wait, as the iniqui­ in his plans that prevented his going to Democracy wdl nut lunger feel impelled less hav«* a most prosp«*tous t« rm during thv rm earth; but hv rt'turns thanks'for the warm 1 an«l cordial manner in which neighbor* am! tous postal-sub udy law of the last con- that state, where, the governor declare«), tu support that paper from partisan or next few months. | tri« ini* came forward to Ins ifllcf in Ins hour grea* wdl ad 1 largely tu tlie expen­ a wry cordial welcome was prepared patiiutic motives. The management of .Mr*. Johnson will soon tak» charge ■ t the I of ne<*d. ditures of that department without add­ for him. tiie /r >//.»///,or the alleged management, Bagley hotel which is her prop« ! t \ . *u« < «-eti-| G. VV. Barron of Ashland preeim t was in ing Mrs. billyl»on. wh<» has pr«-V' I au » ill* .« tit i ing much to it* receipts for sumetime tor everyone now rral'7.“S ttiat Moffett and clever landlady. F rank S i win trawled as far as St. i Linkvilta tast w«-» k **n v« t<-nnary busim-ss t to come. for soiii«’ ««f our stockmen, who think it advina J. o U' h amne to inert Sullitan and went l<» is m» rely a figurehead ti at is subserv­ Asse*s>1 W ool mi x «•- v«-ry ««-nstbly alvocit- match Sullivan sa»d he was retire!, tliat it has made a mistake from a busi* the mountain and has bt-gnn «»p> i at i< n* on in w!l make st.»ck cattle very hign »n th« ' eoiirs«' of the n« xt two yeais. ing tbs «miabli-qirm-nt ol * m*. uritig mill and taking Slavin by lhe hand he wished r.V's point of vi~w, ami that tiie pul»l c th«* county-seat si«!»-. in l.wkecot.iniy twaavo freight on th* ilirt h'in all the luck in the world and « vi-r.i! Kl.imath Indians ar«- said to hav«' annually sinpp 1 out, be«hi«-« co'iip-lling (lared himself glad to meet him. *• You drop from their eyes ; fur in Wednesday’s Pass and is doing a go<.»i butdm*« • be. n at th»’ bottom ot th«* pit tit l«»ud at (Ink • Rar, ( al., aiming th«* re«! im*n, and while the the C'immiH«i< t men to cla»«ify their are the only man who ever came to me issue ttie lame apolugy fur a party urgan tirst-elass »hot mak» r H» m< rit* *har« yt‘ public patronage. I «it-« gon contingent got ba< k to thv mountains wot.il« wtiere they l>el*mg, I h *« h |«* ttie to ask for a fight,” raid Sullivan, “The makes a new prole sion of faith and after killing s«’v« ral lower Klamath m««licine i .1. (». ('lark lia* r< ni"V» d In- tamily toGrant * ' m«’n an«! tun k>. further trout»!«* is look' «! for, bent Ohio prtxiucl. If all better grade» others like to talk three thousand mile» espouses the cause of “independent Pa.*.* for the purp»»*»• ot taking up Ins ab« «dr of Oregon wool went to market in as away.” SUvin said, “I stand on my j jui nalrtn,” winding up a 1 >ng harangue h» rc for tlie future, his h**attli t»e ng much as th« Happy (’amp Indians ar« bent «>n r< - v»ng»*. goo«i »li»|ie as ttie Ohio product, price* reputation ami want no man's, and I’tn on ihe subject by saying of itself; “It aims better here than »1st-whci Much mt» r»-st i* taken hi the ’*' I ihih I, realiz-d would l>e almost 50 per cent, open to tight any man in the world.” io tie a paper for tiie banker,the capitalist, Citi/.'-n* of M« rlui have r« ive.J h * mhh nr»s • »rgan.z.»*«l in l.inkvilh* during ludi« . _ ......... th«* i.i-T t«-w higher ttian now. tlie corporations, tiie land-owners, from 11»»* S. i*. ma nag» r- t lull t li« 11 ¡> t t u 1 n a«-« k *. and all an- .li*|-.«.s«-d to cnc«airagc its The meeting was a friendly one. pot prvi!»g«s at that pine« u 111 probalJv h.imatmn Ashl«’ from Its novelty an i th»’ out nu less ior tiie man who carries a d» g» t favorable eonsidvration pl»’’«*ui»* it will afford to th«' community as Ir is asserted that Di Rudini, after dinner-pail to Ids daily toil, and hv m in- « i it form as s have outdone themselves N» wt Campbell has r turn»*»! trom <■•«•?» u.iiaat«« the participants, it is satd to bv re­ in tbeir reception of President Har­ several interviews with B iron Fava, has ual industry tarns an t.om st hvelih »«»d.” count) and will probably become a re*id» nt markably h« »ilthy • vr< is«’ tor la in-s to b. wc 1 Lave <'iuitie«i tlie of thi* r» gion again. He i* n t at n!lpl» ;e*ed abl«’to t«M>t tln-ir own horns, as w« II as stand­ rison and hie party. No king or poten­ .ic« ided upon the terms of his answer to I It migf t just ing thein in goo«l st« a«l to know h««u to do *o »piahtyii'g statement tliat comlud» s tiie with the climate ot that .■*«•» lion. tate was ever rec-ived l.y Ins suf>j-cte I Mr. Blame, which will hr to thia effect m ease ot an emergency . Daly will not rest aatisfiel with tie cuiifvbMiui), ft>r all will realize that it is with more cringing sycophancy and R» \ Ha.*kir* prvach«-d at the Hogu«’ unit tra*on* given by the L ’ mt» «! States, The lipper beer < l'« « k s« liool-h<>u*» s on the ei '«Illg tlie vei’est political rot, although the regal pomp than was displayed by the <>t last w« « k. tlie ttrat tim»' this *• ■a*, in » FMR a L POIM POINTER*. unwittingly made, days peupie cf San Franciseo and some other question is one of public rights, an i acknowledgment, that th»- usual r»'liglous »«Tvie'-s have be. 11 public rights denand recipr«jcal pro* . perhaps, ti.at it is still but thv evening hrld. California cit'es. If Mr. Harrison was Jas. Pink d« iviiti d tast week tor California. not himself disgusted with the proceed tret ion f >r ttie subj -cts of friendly powers. I adjunct of the morning c»rporati<»n organ, It is runioi« that J. C. M« • dum d 51 ii i'-n i ii.i- tl.iy has he, n putting in a wlille in tlie lugs, it was because lie leans toward a Di Rudini declarestliat acivilizsd nation I is n freshing in these days of perversion county and Wdi la« k*-»n wul Marl a b« nio- would fail in its duties if it di«l not de­ of truth. cratie paper at Grant * Pa*s in then« ar tutur»* mountain». royal asistocracy very much. There i* a good " field here tor such an •■nt« r- mand indemnity ior rhe fatuihes of the Mi- .la*. Wright and « t trip last aoinii aid through Caliturnia lias thus Gram’* P»«** we.-k I'acoinii enpitaliHt yv I d iiivc M- hibit <4 its products and r. sources, to­ we. k H«-i*llu Tiy« Southern 1’ac.ticCompany have far resemble«! inure tlie triumph of a i • tl in 50 iivrei» of fruit iami arr« •>- the river J R. Williams an«! family of ('«*ntral Point gether witfl Well ami carefully prepared put on valedor the first tune mileage ticket ' Ru’tian conqueror than the visit of a last summer ar«- paying Grants Pa ha a visit. statements uf the advantages it has to republican tulerto his subj cis, -, many Whipp A Hatbaw.iv ar« u»tt:iirf ie - «•n- AL ssth . Wright and Rarkrr of ('» ntnil offer capital as w-ll as latiur, will delib­ books. These ticke's entitle the bold« r t tie anything ct'iiiHg. iiH tif 1 it.in • v n th«\ null« ipat« <1 I in win1 at th«* c«Hjnty-ap« i at lines to the extent of 3000 mile*. Each but well- lisposetl towards turn. It de­ 0.0 Kincaid m»w holds a poaitioii in th«* advertising that could not fall, if intelli­ Kerbyvill«*, ami we trust th« \ will *u< • • « I 1 III ticket Hears a senes of lines marked from monstrate* anew the inherent disjiosi- their’« ti«ivav«»i>. book k« »'ping »in«- m on«- ot the im i« ant»!«• gently directed, toad.) millions of dollars hou*«'H at La Grand«1, Or. 1 to 3000 and divided off in sections of tion towaida hospitality that ever actu­ to the value of property hi the state. It J. Christy la*t w« • k <1.»*•'.! i tiv> -y« ar* '• .t*«' five. These portions of the ticket are ates the*« utb and this coast, and proves ol i i>« \ anti« y '.«i ni .ni i u . i .; t •• Will M» rriinao, th»* gi'mal stnti«m agent an«! - n would simply lie imp issible to invest the < ut uu off MH as inc the passenger irnvei*, travel«, noi nut lei« less conclusively that the American |>eople bri'iir it into a high Mat«* <»t cultixatioti. a* In­ . xpr.-s< <.p. rator. last w«. k n turnol from his .. .. L .. rin people jv-rt.-. ’s ’.b :___ l>.7„* han *“ ,h*" ?*in« ,uk, n. ' tf •’ » can eliminate tlie item of politics from is a first-cl ass tarinvr ami thor»>ukrhi\ unJt r- viMt to Portland r« lativ« s. stands his busin«*ss. thus advertising their state. r. titrai I’.urn has an «•vcvlh nt ba*« -baII tram except for cros-ing I >akland«erry. Each their minds entirely, when it comes to Riley Mansfield i* in «'haigt i f T 'iiattm k » « oming on wlr.eh will *.M»n !»«• readv to p;< k entertaining the president as the presi ­ ticket costs 175. which is 2lt cenis a fine < |yi > gon. disrepute by the refusal of our legislature Dr. Terry. Iat«*!y of Kan*aa city. Mo., ha* 1o- }{•• was rai««'«i in < aiitarnta ami :.* «v« ¡l bi. H «'ap. mi l ■lion’ I ,*,* made to compass so desirable tw-en agreed i>|«>n. There »»« a rumor was so narrow-minded as to jump to the ami councilmen «■! Grant s Pa- -. It .* t«»’bv Fi«*»! Ira I'-nlnirg* Htallion at the fairground* to-day. an nd, and it should be attended to at current that the Ashland bicycle club conclusion that the whole demonstration . hoped that n>< n will chota n wh i be lib« ral oxer. g • • i ie would turn out to welcome the distin­ was purely of a partisan nature, ami anuyet conservative, a th an cyi Fr« «l Fradenburg baa ordered n hfin l*»mm* pul'ln- good ami not « ontro!l« «l b> am man < r I’*' « « of marbi«-w.,tk of J. ( . Whipp, win« h guished personages; but we learn since that it would Ire a purely partisan wel­ I clique. will Hsitiun in the mat­ q iebtion, and luture legialaturea will not merely succeeded in demonstrating the The splendid driveway Hirouali tin' center Th«’ Commen tai hotel at Grant's J’a.s* is b«>- ot town 1« a gay tu* on ........... .. ter, and he made the subjoined 'emarks have their time taken up by reeieting or truth of the assertion tha' when it comes Sunday ................ afternoons, ing thoroughly i -em.vat«*»! ari l n,a.-.'.| in tlr.*t- wliiii all ng» which ar«* abroad invariably advocat ng, aa the case may lie, the yesterday to an Associated Press repor­ to social amenities ami courtesies the «■law «'«»mlitioii. No pains will t»«* spar« «! by mak» th«* rounds through our b«*autitul towfi. ter,this time for widespread pubu< ation : raida on the treasury for wag-in road aul. utilitarian northern mind is prone Io ex­ thv proprivtr«***» to ph aBc th. public, and Th'' May-day ball a« t for thia evening will be “The interview relative to my reception Recently the court decided that the hibit a wueful lack of education as com­ g«Mxl meals an«l coiufortablv lodging* can al­ on«’ of tli«* tilvafanh^t event* tor a long time of Piesideht ila-naon in O.egonas pub­ law paeeed by the legislature at ite •**- pared with its southern prototype. The ways be obtained at the Coiuuivrcial. in ('entra' Point Thv hal! is In rxcclk nt con­ J. B. Williams ke«*ps on« of th«*b»*st butcher­ dition and the t” *t of tnuRic will b«* m attend­ lished in the pr, ss reports was an im­ »‘uii in IA j P j , appropriating fund» horn disposition to rule out the Democrats in southern Oregon, being always ance. wliil«’ an cxcelk nt supper will be pro­ perfect rtatement of a private conversa­ the etale treasury to build a wagon road from participating in tl.e demonstration shops MipplU’d with thv choicest eut <’V«*r given at ol his old/ricml* been at th«* county-*« at at by a legislative committee, yet I concede ed Y’on Mobke, who passed away from this place, in that held on Saturday evening of H tleiien B. E lkin * io authority for his earthly triumphs at tbo advanced the th^Euit* !a»t wanta might haw bv u nvg- last w«’ck. Hc is au excejlcut instructor as that if I ha«l authorize-1 the interview aa well. published I would I e liable to censure, tile statement made to a r-piesenlutive of age of 91 years last Saturday, and ov which under the true state uf tacts is tlie I’ouglikt epsie .\r‘U'S-PlWS to the t fie. t whore i««jlt, of Alliance fam»*, was in tins ?• iRamulla a bmueli >>f Die ul- nounce Ins ilecisiun not under any cir­ question but tl>at bo was far the sn^fir this precinct. The new Alliance is cumstances to allow his name to he used naimx Ik* r, tn honor of E. I . Walker, and ol all of the fighting men uf hi* out E vsn tl.e regiiiar truops hav* caught ■turtu oi it Li 15 members. at the next national Republican con­ the infection, anti a party of soMiers at vention as a candidate for president. It country ; and it is an open question if ht Th“S. O. M company this week renrw I,ad iiis equal in all resm-cts in the who!« Walla Walla last week lynched a gam­ K<*f 1 ve opnratbjw Torihe forth»’ seanon. s«‘as«»n. opening up ••** is said that Mr. Blaine's letter or an­ woiLI «luring his momentous career "1 bler whuEad killed one uf lheircoinrades, with nn order #(•.<«> fruit box» s. for which funds'ii the county iruasuiy .......... «< nouncement will be so positive as to While the more prominent generals of tion <>f the following «-ounty warrant rii-’ \ V hav«- tm have the material now on <»n ham! I ihih I 1; It >t in * without putting ths state of Washing­ admit of but one construction, and that 1 test«««! up to January L N’umb« r* hop. d th.’ < oiQVhiiy w !1 kv« p tlH’ir torew • iu- tun tu ttie 4*x|*-nsc of holding a trial. is lie will never aga'n lie a candidate for I ilie American rebellion have their chain- %. UJ. UI. b!‘, lol. l.U U’l. KJ“. !•>. 1J7. I I yta on full time ail summer. The affair 1» altogether without preewfont the presidency. Arkell, editor of the 1 pions, who will ever believe that the 21.C6. 67.7U. X, 77. I.. IU5. ¡02 12U. 1J„ 1—, Tin r« c< it t® from the tMTi’^flt entertainment 1 | European urin es could not have dupli- 15i. 1’55. 12a. K‘l. 1 M. U5, 121, 11116. 11J. Ill, in artoy circle*, and will lead to a thor- giv» n at the hall In Ml«* Hogg building on announces that he will soon i ’* leate«! some of their achievements, yet all 74. 71. 155, l'ti. 174. 114. 4 Ugh Overhauling of the post as regards heli the above letter of declination, > «turday ot la^X week w» rc tul!y en«»ugn to i J. T. 1’iynn again vails th«’ att» nti«»n oi tlm -•Tt.« tli.’ Lila lie« due e a source < f relief to the will concede that ill Ins peculiar field itum giant public to th«* udvantag« a.iff« •: t«l by Iht » ’ loikt delighted at tbv!d«’aot I the German warrior was in mo«t respects the fruit lands, railroad lamin and town being ‘‘out are ot highly all departments th- greatest indignation uebt.” Too much cannot be respective Republican a«p rants to the ex that such a low standard of disci­ pre-idential nomination, as Blaine would their equal, in some their superior. property iu th«’ vicinity ol th«* Pas.*, as a d< - *ai 1 t»l th«’ iner t* of the entvrtainnj«*nt. which Certain it is that lie was never caught sirable place wberciu t<>« »t.ibUsh a ni< . Ue Imped that the president ’ it lie ever failed in accomplishing his this bvvtion iu many way s. Yll' llortr/ £'nrir/ic«r. ■entiments to bitterly resent tfi* '.canton and party w ill remem tier the many cour­ weli.laid plans, he could always a.-cribe After nearly a iwo.wcrk.- trial tb«- Wjtm r- The facilities of the present day for the kiiVng ol hi* feliuw in a drunken gam­ tesies tliat have lieenshown them in trav that failure tu other faults than bisown. Wadleigh ca,<‘was subiuittvd. It was *tul- I'rintuction .,f everything ibnt wid comlm e bling quarrel. Who knows'but what « ling tl.rough the I’acifi«' «rate«, and will Ttie grandest feature of his life was the bornly contested by abiv ««mnscl on b<>th in «lerial welfareandcoiufurtof nisnk nd ami p?«jbably involves as large a sum of iandy Ohls’ success in shilling ju-tice bear in mind that their fiist social ditty native simplicity of bib character, which bid«**, re irlmot'l unliniiied, and when Syrup of moQcy aa ev«*r was sued for in s mtnern Ore­ had something r. >1» will, the action of the on arriving in Oregon is to pay their remained hi« distinguisint'g characteris­ gon. Judgee Hanna and Prim i«pr« nt« the civil eoii'ts, win 11 the 1 rirnifal so doing plau'C u< in the puxition that ready to do him reverence. There were G. H. I’alcthorpe. Grant’s Pass’ popular ba« t u!v pl.a'.ing‘alid refreshing to tl.e taste on trial is environed with tlie 11 tl'ien« .■ will enable ns to dispense hospitality all the element* of greatm ns in his make­ kvr. never taib to give aalisfaction. His And prompt ;md effectual tu cleanse the ami m mey of the gambling e'otnvnl v ? . and courtesy to the utmost limit of our up, wit built tlie superciliousness of tlie bread hiu ! pastry are tn«’ b«*st in the mark«'! sy-teni geri'ly tn th«, springtime, or, in Sin h trav» slit s on j istn-p are farther a ready-a'.»*. Besides, I»«-k»--ps f > I. at any nine ami the better it is known resource*. After viewing our niagn ti grandee or the haughtiness ct the nobility I an«l«'ouimand a v»nlvcll«>ncry and cigar store, where may reaching in their »fleits than at first lent cent s«eneiy Rienery in m thè tin* ride down thè the Fiski Sislii to alienate Ins force* fiom bun, and in always be found the < h'jlc' st candh■&. nut?, tie more |>onulHr.it becomes. Sight Would seem j»us*ible. consequence lie had tlielove and admira­ tropical truits. soda-water, etc. Wheu you voua ami alter tasting of tl.e quality 111 p.*» 4... ...— to ... build 1.. . 1 and ... > operate a r tiii.ery. shuuld pay th* same respect to the sov­ , responsible for his greuter victories in last w» eg, as also a matinee Saturday after­ tl.»« place VSEFTL IXFORMAriUN the tit Id. In history Y ’ uu Moltke already noon. Thv engagement was a suc«'«*ssf ui om*. They t>*nsibly ar.d fully real z* tn Douglas ereign power of the state through which Tilbury Fox, M D., the eminent medical wn ootinty thv imperative tie. e^ity |.>r beirijj he pasted as would lie accorded by a ' ranks among the ' great and good,” ttie the hall b« iug w«-ll tilled every ••vening. Pad­ dy Congrove, Fred Jay and Neil Lifchn«*!«! arc ier, in Ufa work "Skiu Diseases.” thuxaccouou highest distinction tliat a.,y mortal can WMMreii the coining settion, as never foreign potentate to the l-gitima'e ruler llrst-ciasK in their r« spe« tivv roles and proved fvi the pimples so common on tbc fa< e abd neck betorc, to liamlle the wioituotis flint of a neigtitioring dominion; the code hope to attain; and while royalty joins prime favorite», while Georgia Ree«t with her rating too rich or too greasy food, or too hearty crop th*t HeeuiM inevitable. 1. ft lu« k« »Inch governed Washington and his ini- with the common |>eople in mourning trained dug»- could imt be «xcvlh'd. Dr. ’s »Jluctlvv lecture* and cxccller* <-a lu^ while the excretory organa are sluggish I _____ ataúd i mediate succeeaors in tlie highest of bis demise and extolling his worth, it is Carb like folly for our own people Io medicine» also bad a g«>od ctf«»ct ou the audi« < a uses in most people indigestion or a dyspepsia! idle in such an important matter, when i offices, and nt tha observance of whit It at in tlie hearts of the great mass of the Ger cnee, which‘‘yividctJ up’’ uiauv shekels. c«»n«li’ion. which < auses tho Llood to move slug- SO much is at »take. The first fruit» ci | l>n>e the president has an oppor- man nation that lie will live forever as Yvhi« ii tn t iru enfeebles tbo pores. Tbc their ideal - of .......... what the great .- general ■MWSU toll are il.itil» to I..- ^...,.1 ,,, tnn.ty «.f don < a «ra«. fnl a« t wbi< h Willi ! ........................ -........... --------- Religion». result is that the exuding sccretioui block in the thrown away, if no provision is ma.fo Il'l»< *'l to Ins cre.lit f r all time to I'•’,OU'<1'i*® Ur and represent in his voew- The following are Kev. Robert Booth s pur*?s. whit h Inflame, each dlstlD’ t inflamma lor utili* ng Die surplus which all antiei- , couie. We sliould not feel called upon tion. therefore dues appointment* for the present yeur. hirst tion bt'ing a pimple. Dr- pate. In a week or two at farthest all' to thus remind uur Republican brethren Sabbath uf each month. Medford at 11 u«.»t prescribe "bloo-1 purifiers'’ so ; member their duty and call uu him at |Cuuld stand, so he resolved to go him- ahouij see many u fortune in tbo can- I tberoiroa, autl why sgr^MTltUs umg bUnocM kwu. Saarm. otti tu escape lurtbet urjttutot.um uMMren Cry for PittW’s.Vastvrl^ HWBfkl* Mil 001. H Ml APPORTIONMENT. ■ ■■■■■■■ ■ ’«X. MISCLLLANtUUS. WHY DO YOU COUliH?* ». Supt. Price on tin- .Ti Monday in April fuade tiietirst apportioniip nt of m I hmi I fund« tor 1801, ot wliivli tlie following is a s'linui n \ ■ zT z •~l A. II. CAUSON. Du you know that a little cough is a dangerous 5 thing! Ato you aware that it often fastens <>a the £ lungs and far too often runs into Consumption andB ends in Death? People suffering from Asthma. B BronchiGs. Pneumouta and Consumption will allB Uli you that * Six luilveSouth <»f Grant'* P hm *. J««vphinv County. Oregon. 4 .1 li. CARSON i SON, I'tiifiirtiirs. r DR. ACKER’S ENGLISH REMEDY! TREES IN SI OCR, 4 for < • igln. C >lds and Consumption is beyond question the great.-st of all! 100 000 I Can you afford to negl with so b'Tious a matt, r t . tr 13 t it? Can you trifle re you aware tliat • )J «b ui lò'in.-dii'-? It will stop a Cough in one night. It will check a Col.1 in • Fa «lay . It will pre.• ut Croup, relieve Asthma and cure ('onsumption if taken■ F in time. '' Y ou t an t afford to b.' witliout il.” A 25 cent l.ottle may save you I s 0‘) > Doctor s I 'Is—may save your life !. A'k your druggist for it, or write® u> V. JI. H ooker >fc Co., «Ö West Broadway, New York, for book. ■ ’.I 44 41 14 II ;i i., Apple. Pear. Peach. Plum. Prune Apricot Nectarine, Cherrv, Almond. Chestnut. Walnut. > a a ■ « a > «. 4 a u i h r ' i* ■■■■■■■■■■■* ** ■■*■■* a 37 17 15, — À ▲ ------- ci 4'.. .11 4 > I» ¡I III ----- W ä I® (.RAPE VINE* ( LliRANTS. GOOSEBER­ RIES. BL.A«-KBERRI». RASPBER­ RIES, STRAWBERRIES. I IGS. THE POSITIVE CURE. ■i ELY BROTHERS. « Warren St- Nsw York. ITIc« 60 cta.1 *r"" n uith«»ut irrigation «»n red hill land, und ail of gmiwn vur.i tus that succc<«d m Southern Oregon. Th. mi .* c«»nt< mphiting tree will do w<1. to viMit our or«*htu*F |IC| IIS ,1HI7 ««2 1".’ 127 1 . Hi :»k5 1 *7 175 50 50 50 mi m) mi 50 5ti mi mi 50 Notice. Gol>> Bl.ESSIMI TO HI MIM I V S . - «in «'V"ii pieni i « o teli « «-ai - ' *1'1. Fow est (» hove , < Ir . March l'.i I hav- ii-«-«l I le i »BE«i< IN K 11 ’S I. V I I' A ih't .4 Ha i llid 1 III- inf'llat' r« lu t It |. <;,„| . Ill, »»ma to liuniaie itv. I tak' pliHHUri- ill n eiiiiine-lldHig it to tin- affi . teil I am now mari« ninety >'iii> olii, .•Hill«, t" I >1 ''«.in in Gig 111 till' 'Till' or ot tin- Hm!« ui II.o i one.an, ami «ine« I I'ogan using t HfEt l*'N K 11».\ I ) I E A 1 eut..) ..... ! health. 11 Will Ml SHOE Children Cry for Pitcher's Castola. AT CENTRAL POINT SPRING/SUMMER GOODS JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh. for ls'dl, txceetls any «>f their previous displays. (,’onsisting in part of Where is kept c«»n*tMntly on han«! a complete and firar-cluM bt.xk of HARDWARE, Stoves, Tinware. Cutlery, .'di (Hi 50 («I « II'» 0 11'» ftj hi « STRAW HATS, FURNISHING GOODS, PAINTS FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. OILS’ OF ALL KINDS Mechanics' Tools. Ladies' Fancy and White Goods, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Henrietta-, Alpaccas, Albatross, Black fancies. Biill.intiues, Albini, «'ritcrioti, Ta.-sel and River Cl«»ths, Surah Silks, Allover Eni- broiileric.- and Flouncing, in black and white, Piques, Lace Fancies. Veiling. Satines, ( hallies. Lace Curtains anti Curtain Net. Scrim, Ginghams, Cheviots. Tickings, NAILS. ROPE. And ev«rvthjng «-lue imagi uh !»'«- m th’s !’«><• My k « hm ]* ar. new and <»i thè beat brandi*, and wil' br aold at thè Lowest Ruling Prices. G’W wva call before goiiq r tw'whvr«*. J. C.MIEKI DAN* And a lid! lim1 of Parasols. Fans, Kid (¡loves, Corsets, -Jerseys. Ciirlio? Irons. Etc., Etc. THE FAST RUNNING STALLION, LEWIS P., M ARRI kl». KLIPPEL V ....................... I.-At » •« l.iik,. Xpt I 14, 1«*|, J ihn H K |>p< hi Ml»« N« It Vatid'-rp'ml ot < ro< .R e« oint y. \V. ' Martin. Justice ot ttie p> ace ottkiat’iny . IH NN PAPI In .lat k- uv -.Api .“'.1'1. b\ Rev R< la. Ennts, R. R. butin and M i * n Emma Pape KING In ( h« WHU« an y .« ■ y. A pt . 2i*t. b*‘i. toth« wit« “t N. .A King,a - m GJ ISBRi: H r !n \>h in ». \pi i I ». |M •! Mr. and M I LV At >t« amb «at, \pril 15. I'- 'l. T . Mi and Mr*. G. ’ < u:\. a *• >u GILI ILLAN At (ii -it’* »’n** Ap» to Mr and Mrs. R H. 1 • ui, t Imigi Will niake th«’seaaon of Irtd ut C«u>t ral F- • ut, where he wnl bc «?v.rj Friday am! Safurday. am! tt»«- balan« «• of thc tum uf th« MeCh nd-m tarm !n Sam s Valh y. L« wis P. I nh hand*<»in< s»«rrel. n. arlj ’ >< ar* oid. wvighs l“50 pound*. an«! tm torm and actioncannott>esurpaaaed. H« ial a of M’V« ral ta*f races an«l w«»n a llj mii« ia< » at ('hicag ias h 3-year-old in 2 In. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. rr< > i */ v < j <’<>. cioali ASl» PEDK.Itt E. L“wi* P. wh * sired bj th« c»*l« bratod .!«»• H o «» k » r«»t Cali1«»rnn«. l.«-by M«»nda>. H<««»k» i * tirst dam was Mavfh.w« ! I « imp E< ,p*. . 2w Ly imp >hamr < k >!. 11« by imp. B« l*« hazzrr. Uh. GamuiH * «Lun Mad B »*l’ \, '■> Sir Rn-hard 5«h, by imp Lag;« :«»th B« t B »*«- \ i»y Wilk« * Wtin-h i: 7th.bj Chanti- cl.*< r; Hlh. by imp. sterling. 9th. bv*C:«*1iu*. l(Hh. by imp. SHv»rvye; Hth. bv imp. .b ;l\ K’»g« r; 1-tti. by Partner. 14. bv uni- M< nk- « . Hth. imp. mar«* fi«»ui stud »’i Harri-m «’»f Brand«»n. L«*wi* I‘. * dam was Li/zie I’. by L« in*t« r. by imp. Austrahan. foaled in 1**?.'. and bred bv W. L. l’r'tchar«! <>! *.«< r.tui» nt<». « aiit«>rnia. H« r Ist dam wa- Addi«* A. bv Asb r«mi; 2d. ix»r» tta bv imp. S<»vcr« ign; kJ. Mar> Ogd« n by ThorntuH; 4tt).Mar> Thomac» b> imp < «>n*ut; »th. I’arrott by Ramiolpn * R«»am»k«': tiih. Parkin; 12th. Hag Wildm*'dam byt rab. ) >th. Et»«»n\ >»t • t.i l- « tm ; 14. (»Id Ebony bv Ba*i< ; 15tL. Ma-*« \ s Mar« bv Mas*« y ► flla« g Barl». REAMES It WHITE. DIED. RLSSILI. \t >»• ruin« nt <5«. \|-i ’ «. ls'.’l. John M. Ru-*i.:. ng« «1 j «ai - . • ni -nt li* nm! '_’•« «!a>• EMMITT At *i \ ”«• • tit - h »n!t i. P it- liinl. A pi ii E.tli. l*.‘l. I‘n '•* I ..mt« 11 iu«l y< ars, 5 n><»nth* and 2»» «la\ s. Kl- I v \ - I . v M , Mun M. Rie, . H rn«t i V«’ <«f 1 *•«■•«>-> l x t ,».« : .« m - i «’•" >«-m*. 1 iiK iith am! l*«lays. (’HAITI.!, In Jmks->n\: •. \ir ; b ('111(0. E. < 'iapp« l; ag“'l ab »ut ?'\- a BALDWIN On Willlatn-. . k Apt II'.‘I. I» »!, of cotwuinpfn»n. E A Ra '.win, * -n nini Mir. Ju.lg« Bahlwui: y cars. pf.Wlh remedy 'Ve ehalleugo the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that an aero <>f thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val- I ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of $100. It will ■average b’O trees to the acre, and the estimate is based uj>on the dem- 1 EHM* OF SERVK E. By thc M-Mson. and g<»od j»»i*t ur.«».»• lur- ii:*h«’ gnal T. ha- ma G»'org«*, who has a ;gnal Chief by Old Signal; dam by Langlord Bel­ mont. In* by Bclnutni. T erm * Op SBKVK F.. Season. Sl’>: inainan««. $20. Ex erv pnx aution will I»«-tnk» n to av 1 a«*cid«‘nts. t«iH will not be responaibl should th«*y occur. GEO Central Point. Or., Mar. 31. 1N0 CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income rWLCX—«ME .ui a valuation of $1000 an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this rvvi’TÌj-M»' - county which yields such an income, and EVERY orchard does. i>Wl «r. t We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with ¡one growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by Friend of Woman. i you. hundred Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of The wry remarkable ami eertniit old age overtake you aud find you penuiless. relief given woman kiml By l*r I!*» WOT Gl.E \SOX Cor. l itli and Ja< k<'»n streets, Seattb , Wash, for sale by al! driiguiMs. “German Syrup” For children a medi­ A Cough cine should be abso­ A and Croup lutely reliable. mother must be able to Medicine. pin her faith to it as to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, or dangerous. It must be standard in material and manufacture. It must be plain and simple to admin­ ister ; easy and pleasant to take. The child must like it. It must be prompt in action, giving immedi­ ate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It must not only relieve quick but bring than around quick, os children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long con­ finement. It must do its work in moderate dose-. A large quantity of medicine in a child b- not desira­ ble. It must not interfere with the child's spirits, appetite or general health. These things suit old as well as young folks, and make Bo- schee's German Syrup the lavurite finally mwiitiae. W. L. CAHKQN REDLAND -I- NURSERY, It STARTED WITH A COLD. ": I I J. H Hutr. i J. Mcl'ii» ison. .............. 3 Will. Ray 4 I rank T<«w11• W. A. I’.il i irk M. i’lll’ki'j pile ........ I num I w .»Ik» i W. If. Gray A . J E dh «-v in -I. W. H<>. k. • miih .. II lol. Ol*. ii I" Win. Ifra«ibhs\v la L. M. ThoiiipS'tn 1» Martin .M« 1>. hi < h )»I i !«5 J«Hin ('«»h inan la J . S. Hagry................ 17 (.Mr«. E. Pi<*ning 1« .J. G. Martin I m John tirivv»'. ■-*v H«*i hc « I’« Hun 21 Will. S. Rail« \ •r-’.i. K. im i 21 G»*o. \v. R. ah 24 E«lgai Andi-rsoii ... 25«R. ii HsyiiioiDt 2». R I I*» art 27'Z. (’aim i««n................. ‘is riioiici* W In’Iph Y 5!» Alpha M« l»ow.'I- .Hi E. N J’lovolt 31.W. R- lllKinli «th.mi 32 N. Ii«)fim r 33jli. E. Ank.-nj 34 ’G«*o HntTinan............. 35 W. V. Jon« *........ . 3S .1. ( . ('»»ruin ... 37 T A. N’« YvniHii 3s M A. Smitii Win r»’iii|| 4” (1. E. Ko*f 41 A . b. Mooli 42 W p. EarloYv 43 a . W St iirvis. 44 J S. Marell. . 45 I. X Mn-t\ ....... in ini* •’> W. R. ( nit..ii ♦F- M S. Wak. man J. ( . ( aton M i \ li ■ • i J .D. Grs.v ........... J. b Ditsw« ith Oi I R ■ ■ ■ ■ V THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION he following time schedvle will T take «'tDi't Sunday, Feb. 22. 1*01. GOING EAST. L« av< JacksonvHI« at s.JO a . m .. I.ft) r M. 5;4(’ I* M L» av«-Wh» tr«»« k at s.40 a . m .. 112 p. j M 5:4* r. M. L< avc Harbaugh's at s 4 i A. M., 1.17 r. M. ! 5:51 p m L»*ave Davisvillo at S.50 a . m . 1.27 P. 1 m . 5:55 p. m . Arrive at Medford at 9;H0 a . m .. l;iu r. M. t 'cOO r n . D r . .' F REMEDY avorite DON’T RE lib the onlv i»«»f»1tiv«' cur«- f«»r LG M’M’MA. ’ATIoN’. LIVER .ml R1DM V K'- talk«*«! intoan l I niNMll EA>ES, and 1* r«»<»inin« nd «1 bj | ' - ;,J INFERIOR ! wiit !) other iDedicin«*»* lull. Th.nifaii SR 'i | Io itb bHV'.uu savod tb«ir Ifrv«'*. 1>.M and paugbttis it has proved a I • *.b . $1 bottle; G tor <». All Dca’cD». Dr. KLNNLDV CORPORA 7IQM, Rcndo R. '■ llrcauik* POISON! i/ LT IS 1 ! 1 PI! iji 111 i n - 1 tt’ri ) j nr ) and and GOING WEST. Medford Oregon ’ Z ï'^ A and Lav«- Mtdford ut 10:00 a . r. M. and 7:30 p. m Leave llavibvillc at 10:10 a . n .. 2:12 p M. and 7;37 P. M L«* h v«* Hai baugb > at 1(»;17 a . m .. 2.20 p m and 7:41 r M. L« av.’ Whetr«»« k at 10:20 A. M .. 2:25 r. M. and 7:45 p. m Arrive at Jacksouvilk* at 10.;« a . m .. 2 4« r. m aud 7:55 P. W. HOSEY .MAX. Pl« Mdeut. WAKELEE ’S -IS THE- and and Nlorr ProfilHbk Farm for Sale To HE I'NhEltslGXEl» <'H i li' »tut '«Lt his tarin ot 320 acres, lying *• unies *< utli. :«*’ I of Lineville, one »*«»rner touching Jx»st n\«r. 'll all ten«.«*!. 125 acre» in cultivation, a»'b uill furni'h plenij wat.T tor a windmill. A «lib t> that take* water 1roui th«' big Klnuiulb rivci run* through th«* pla<*«*. t»o that it « an I m * irngat<*d. A small on bard ot choice tr«M* is also grow­ ing on the i»la<>’. The soil IS «b-« p. randy loam. an«l highly prudut-tiv< . Tb«t“ ar«' a small dwelling.bouse ami other lani.lings In Cood condition *>n thetarm. Th» wh«»!»- will e aol«^! a reasonable figure. Call <» b oi ad- » drc-< fj L. DOWNS or EC- JOHNSON Linkville. Or. Sonn’ One Ehr .11 T ) j « T ' Î Notice for Publication. MEDFORD, OREGON. L ami Urrui at U. w - ebitii .. tiii.t Aioli il. 1<.|. i otice is hf . keuy given C. W. Wolters, Proprietor. A Full Line of Choicest Groceries kept and Sold at R asonable Rateg, N that the l.illu—iuir—ttl.T til»*) it.-tku-of hi» lnt.'tition to unii* tluul j.n* i t of bi* .-lHiui. uod tbut W'l IToot *. I b'_ lu t.i.' In ­ furi* lti<* Judk<* or rlrtk i.f tbe l -* uoij < *>.irr ot J:o X-oti courtly, Orivou. «I .lack'.'n>l iTitry N«*. I.Ui*'*, tor the si ut S ki 2& Twp :« S, K 1 W, W. M. * H' nmu'vlb. tollowliix witn. i-s s t., i li'. contiouout- i v»idt uc> ui“Uii uu.j. uitiv-Mtiou tot t*>!4 IZO't. vi** M. F Hurst .*t Mi-ltont U^orje* J»u»b ot F-icl* F oil «, 1. U. Williams ani T « WHIian aof Central 1‘otnt A'' rf J»U’k*on count}. < >r« g««n. Hurlât er. i'i'i'-ii Fruit' iu sea-uti, Candies Ñutí, l-t<-. Al'tt Stationerv «.f All Kinds Setti** Up Notice. XlttNEYS I»CE ME. <» or hook at. ourils, «! !.<■ tllui l.j Mu A LI. l't,l-vi If tot pai.l t.y t|lHt tiu>.- thè) w;j uhi ( W Uv FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY. eitheii hi n note 1 . UJ. IIUV IO. ' pllcrU .. n s *l*wy..r**hMndiifll.' u t'. ------ 1AJ. H*UUt.