chcjicmocvaiirf imes H KHK AND THEKE. .1 ''I r Oi,n ,,f took a run over Ul» hill to H'skiyou !a.»t week. He reports tnit Henry Truitt i-potting up h fine lio til bui.dmg at Bu’te <-r«e< over there. ’¿7'' *;• *’ •"-« «'• F. Wolk.r Will be the deb-gates to the Presbyterian General Assembly at Detroit in May next, from the Southern Ore^fon Presbytery. The Rayruon»! and Whitcomb «‘xcursionista PERSONAL MENTION The rented engine which was in use on 17H AL SOTES. over th«-"Mt. Shasta route will be fHr more R. R. V K. R .was sent borne tn i»s owners, numer<»usduring th«- «*otning Hummer months the P P. Company, last Friday, and now Joe Pierce ha* returned from his trip to Floor is now selling at Lak-view lor $1.15 than «-v«*r before, at least »»» »ay» their agent, The White is still king. the “pony” has the whole responsibility of California. Mr. Holden, who was in Ashland last week, per sack. E HIPA Y A PH II 21. 1 local travel ami tiaflic resting on its shoul­ making arrangement» for the accommodation Gen.T. G. Reaine* spent Sunday night at Fine growing weather Hon. J K. Neil returned from the north «»I the first large party coming under their ders , so to apeak. Grant a Paas. this morning. auspices on June 1st next. Take a look at Nickell’s addition. R K. Sutton of Ashland took an invol ­ Wm. G. Messa) of Salt creek was one of our PROP WEATHER Bl'U.ET.N NO K Frank R. Nei* and wife ar<* now residents of Since the Rogue River valley Irrigation untary trip to Grant’s Pass last week to visitors during the week. Horse and jack bills at the T ime « office. East Portland. Company has assured the citizens of the Little t'i^^r»8r^00^ successfully taught by M is.s recover a team which the colored blood Butte section that they do not intend to In­ The following m the report ot tlu- Or»-g«»n Rev J. A S|ov« r an ! v,’?fe ari*nt tlu-ir home­ Cures while you wait—Preston s “Hed- A. J. Daley of Eagle Point visit«tl the county terfere with vested rights or to rob appro- hl.a Brown at Eagle Point was compelled Scott had hired to go to Josephine's county stead in Table Ito» k f • Weather bureau for th«-w«-« k ending Sat urdax. Ake.” «cl seat on Tuesday last. seat ami c«>rral the affections of one of the April I m , 1 m 9I. priators of water already used by them, all fo temporal ily close last week, owing to W. T. Moore and wi»'■ i <’ ut;-,! P int pre When she Thin bulletin I m ba?'« d on r»-porta rci-e»v«-«i Chas. Dora has gon«* to D.mglaw county to opposition to th«» con torn plated acheme for It cure-« headache only—PreMon’s Hed- trie ¡»revalenreof the grippe in that vicinity. amorous damsels of that place cinct arc reported seri-iusiy ii'. bringing th«* waters of upper Butt«- ere«-k to from 163 corrcMpon grief in jail there was no one to Dr. Pryce, the well-known physician, made B. B. Beckman came up from Portland this gon, this bulletin will in future I»«- div:«1»-«l in­ Bil bitt metal for sale at the T imes ts d-fe.’tiw. De Witt’s Little Early look out for the team and the owner wan us a pleasant call on Wednesday. The presidential party is expected through morning to attend tiie Odd Fellows' ball. to tw«> parts, «»lie to tr«-at entirely <»t that office. R seis wi 1 rente«!«* this The famous little comp» lied to follow it up. Scott undertook this valley on May 5th or rtth prox., and ala*«, wvtion wept of th«- ( .i’ca«h•», the other of that I. J Hansen And wife of Willow Springs it 1» rumored that they will pass ov«*r the Bragg Bros., who hav<* b«*«*n working in this section east of them. C'i'es iu fifteen minutes ; Preston s “Hed ! ills that never gripe ami never disappoint. to abduct too old a bird and was held to precinct visited our town laft week. vicinity, r«*tnov fr«»sts .«.: < he,«-bionic ronstipatn n, dyspepsia feel that lie was not fairly treated in not Ang«-Ics, and think of making their horn«- Soin«* «»t hi» fingers mutilât«-«! in Chris. 1’irich’s money for th«- work «lone tor the c«»mpany. S jb’t r:-, t iw ro th»» weekly ‘ Examiner” hav»- Isen report««1. Cloudy or putty cloudy having b« en given an op|> irtunity to clear It app'cars that Hall, tin- man who went to “ For several years I have recommended planing mill. •‘The use of ‘Pastoria* is so universal and weather preih>minHt«-«l, With xvarm. bright ink« n at th«- T imes office. <' 'ii.-! ¡¡-.U)«f Littie Butte precinct wa-s Gen Applegate he had the misfortune io above th«- ground an»l growing ri-markubly Bal«-<1 grain hay ot a good »¡ualitj' is t»«*e«»m- Th«* obligations of th«* company for the work Gen. T. G. Reamffi was at Aahlarxl this w«*ek “The Winthrop, ' 125th tìtrect and 7th Ava.( It i« qa te the i i ’ hi >i* now to take De ­ New York City. i i i.< xv :. Tuesday morning. well. Oats ar«* healthy, and «spinl wheat in antagonize the temperance folks, who again on business connected with the Knights ing a scarce article and thvr«- is considerable «lone by teamsters and quarrymen amount to New York City. Late Pastor Blootmugdale Kcfurmod Church. Witt's Litt e Early Risers f« r liver, stomach demand tor it. growth. 8pring s»*c«bng has b»-«*n rapidly Templars. about $IJMJ6. non«* of xrhith is likely to be G o. Isaacs of Medfor«! was at the court a» d b. \v« I d.s«»rdcrs. They are small ¡»ills, «•aught him napjung in the way of carry­ puslu-ii an«i eonsld« table ¡ rogr« ss 1».« n paid, entailing considerable hardship on th<- ing ««lit the stringent revenue regulations W. ¡1. Parker, who is accumulating a first- XX ol kmet) I)r. Will. Jackson and family of Grant's made. Th«* acreage has be« n gt-m-rahy large­ liuu-e on business on Monday. but mighty gomi ones. E. (’. Brooks sells concerning «he taking or .smuggling of whis­ P.-iss paid Jacksonville a visit the forepart of elass laxv library. add«*«i a number ot O k * best T hs CltfTAr* CoMTAMT, 77 MVIRAT STRRRT, Ni» Yott ly tm-r« as«sl. Fruit tr«*» s ar»- all bl«»«>iuing six! works not long since. ky into the territory of Alaska. First-class cedar icace pojts to» sale in them. the week. Our old friend H B. R«-c«l has change«] his lean ng ami generally som«- blcMun is falling. Gardena are coming on. early soxvn s«-»-.l 4 j »-, x quiintiiivs losatlai the L imes office. The best remedy tor headache and neu- J. J. Stimmcl, a tonner Yr«-ka merchant, calling since «»ur lust issue, and now instead oi W. J. Gregory and C. C. McClendon, two oF being tin- “co'iibination fence man” ol south­ iDff above the ground, ati-HwLerth-3 iu bl-M-m, our sturdy farmers, were at the county-seat noxr ori the roa«l tor a large eomim-rcial firm, ern KÄÄL ESTATE TRANSFERS. J. M Allen *f Lassen county, Cal., is ralgia is Wright's Paragon Headache rem­ < >reg«»n, is «-»ititled to the Hobri<]U(*t of the ..n«4 tnuill berries *v all Mr. Slover of Sam's valley railed a few days The resid«*nce «>n th«- Cardwell farm, xvhirh to th«-control of the well-known Or»-gon ho­ Hop* are being traln« d and growing raphil.x. Pills often leave a person constipated, druggists. the office of the county recorder since t he last ago. He says that crops are looking nicely in has l»«*«-n doing servie«-for so long a time, is tel at Ashland. H«- is xvel! acquainted EASTERN OMBGOM. throughout the southern part ot the state, has i s I. ver Regulator never does being supcrsc«ied by a m at, new one. that sittion. hheritT Birds« j a«tv‘rir*»es to sell some report of the T imes : Th«* temperature has In « n about normal, a host ot friend», is an excellent business A D Helm to Jacob Wagner, »¡uitvlaini to M»‘ssrs. Medvnski and Th« I ks of Medford, Chas. Hamilton informs us that L. Yocum, mail, and xx-«- pr»-di«-t a large mi-asure of su<- A few showers fell, but nut an .......... Fust-e!a>s see«! potatoes tor sale at or.o Variable rei»!-estate at auct’on on Satur­ avn age Accompani«*d by relatives, spent Sunday in an «»Id resident of Ashland pr«-<'im t. say noth­ amount. 1 h»- weatln-r was g«-nerallx partly cent a f ound at the 8 F. Variaty Flory day. M««y i(ith, under «ierree of foreclosure .04 acres in Ashland. |5. day last wc«-k. He xvas about 70 years of age. ing ol th«- fact that he has the b« st hotel Javfcsonvlll»*. cl<»udy or cloudh-ss. with bright, xvarm sun­ State of Oregon to Jacob Lesser, 320 acres by the circuit court in the case ol Britt vs. in which to operate that can be shine. A few frveta are r«*port«-d south of th«- Monthly iujt-liu***’^ to $10 will buy a Meeker, et al. in twp 34 s. r 3 w. ?4liU Frwl Jay. lat«-with L«*hii<*r» Bros, «»f Mon­ building Chas. Schultz, who is in charge of th«* Wlm»-r found in the state outside ot Port land, be be­ Blue mountains. du u’vnufl lot ¡n Tolu (rum Scott Griffiu. • Same t»> Fretifi L‘-‘*ser. 320 acres in same mines near Waldo as receiv«-r, spent a day in tague, joined the Paradox M«- A. Garrick, tin* M«-«lford tailor, has l«*aa«-d country up tin- river, who n»»w have to go 15 aredoiuvwej. I rent irevsar»« Allowing buds Sexnuor Rr«»s. and Jas Dodge of Gold Hili th«* shop lately m. for California this week and will spend Ashlanoaml will remove hi- st rv ice. J.O HaL of Talent B te»ch ng the spring vood company ami report having ^xud a b’k 24, Medford. $.‘m Pass. manager of Bryant, th«- elocutionist, who is F M iTymal»-to b»Hie E l-»h. n at any given point t<> warrant private capital G rin «1 m bool al Ten Mile, in Douglas p easant time. That Butte «'reek Kiti-nsmii. in investing, and yet the actual residents who to land in twp 37 s. r 2 w $1. K. Kubli and John A. Boyer have been elect- now in th«? valley. county. ar«-most int«-r«-sted in its maintainancc are , i 2 w. $1 A Saccwwful Worker. of at once extending the Rogue River Vail, y terms. James E Smith to E Sanderson Smi li. Judge Webst«*r. District Attorney Colvlg ing the coming fall. Witt’s Sarsaparilla It is »obi by E. C Railroad t«> th«’ splendid water power on Butte (initclaiiu to int«*rest in ‘ F«-viler, ' , lv-»i and Messrs. HanoA, Prim and Fitch «»f th«* W. F. Wilkinson reports much Improv»- Work cannot b«- successfully continu«-«! un- l>r C. M nniss contemplates an early re­ Brooks. creek at Eagle Point Th«- m«»st casual In- Cbiei,” “While Ruck” a d Jay Bird” Jackson «-ounty bar ar»- at Grant s Pass this tn«-nt going on in th«- Huit» creek s«cti<»n, l« »s 1 lo re is an active mental Interest in it. spvvtion is enough to satisfy a thinking in:ml in- xal from Marshfield to the NVi lameite week. which can truthfully In- said <»f « very ¡»ortion If tin mind Is not clear, bright and buoyant, I have been iroubh u v. tin t lironic cararrh bulges. $1.500. that such An exh-nsi-»n a« that |»r<»pose«l wouM sect .on then the work is a drudgery and the worker is forjears. Ely ’ > Cream Balm is the only E Sanderson Smith to 8 J li nker, quit Wm. Bybee, Jas. Hamlin and W. M. Mathes of southern <>r<-goti. almost w«»rk a r» vo!uti«»n in tn« business in- a machine. An occasional dose of Mo«»rc’s tervAta «>t this valley Th«-r«* is no la-ttvr nor ('apt. 8. Saltmarsh ami family last w« « k rt* Itcveah d K< m«*dy will put the body and mind Miss K emhsmmer returned froip her rein» tiy among the many tha: 1 have tisul claim to undivided 3 LG «»1 ab- ve claims ar» arnoug those who have been at Grant's Pass during tin- week, being subptenaed hm moved to Linn c«»unty wh< r<- th»-x will mak<* In such harmony that tin* hardest tasks will tnore easily Availabl«- water p«»wcr in tin visit to the family of Captain Saltmarsh ihit atlord-. me rtlitf. E. W. Willard, $300Q. T valley than nt and atH»v«* F.agl«- Point, while thems«-lvr action ari iv« s, «»t th»- bride - par« ntH. n«*ar Arago, <’» m » h C«».. owrlMid passeng« r tra ns and standing- Sheriff Birdsey, Frank Yocum and Robt. New machinery for th«* blue-gravel mines substantial assistam*«* will b«* r«-inler«-d in i»"Ok form, handy and first-class, al the room is all there is left quite often. It is them up, as have several ot our friends to M hh -I i 25. 1*»91, l»y !<• \. S. Barklow, J. H. T im eh office. Hardman wvr<- at Grant's Pana on Tu« sday. parrying the pr«»jevt into « x« cution. It is a whom we have recommended it. It is all at Gr«-«-nhorn. Cal., a few miles south of Itadabaugh and Miss Matti»- Wimer, forim-r- and kiioem n< t an ui UMi i' sight to s' e u: wards of three it is represented to ne by the manufac­ having b«*« n >ub[»»ruAed hm wttmwM«-* in the Yreka, has l»«-«-n i>urvhas«nl in Portland and is matter that c«»nctms th«- wh«»le vall»-y, ami ly of J«»scphine county. seed*. A big «ssortment of fresh garden cas«- <»f the fellows who burglariz«*d J. T. Lay- 1‘uLman slcej ing cars a:t u bed. would d«> mor«- than any other coiivcivabt«* now being ¡»lacetl in position. turers. If you have a cough and want to t«*n’s MINN’H K-HOAGLAND-In Grant's Pass. Also sb <‘1 i jx°<» is interested in th«* celebrated Ma« ktin of Trail er«*« k ¡»rednet HOHt KOH Th«' $>HU0 issu«*«i by tin- town of Jack visions, for which always we pay the highest maket price,- and Mrs Ruby Rice. fine Mould umpn stiouainy at n«» distant day A nice line of straw hats of the most Geo Ibllyer, a im-mbt-r of th» Wag« K«-ene sonvill«-m»t long sim e have b«-» n purchase«! i /.or G. 8 Miller, the Gun ore expert who is become part of an ov«*rlan«i system. We no. ular six les is being disj laved at the 8. troup«-until quite hit« O'. pa«.M- t1«>at- HOFSTuN MERRIMAN At East Portland. is our specialty. trust that su«-c«ss will crown the .tf -ris ut F Variety btore. at present nr«vest'gating the iron ledges When y»»u can get an EN 1 IRE ACRE of val!»-y last Sbnday nignt. on his wax to Port Aprii 5. 1’91, G. A. Houston of Portland an«l mg in«!« bt«-« k just received. Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 Milla. Shan. Conscx, the genlui coiMluetor, who lias ! h -«- ii in Ashland for somt-titu»* in tin- culture, ami great returns wuuhi be real­ In sight. Several parti« s had to go to th.- < a. * Chas Shultz was up from the Wimer 'trengln regained. S-dd by E. C. Brook« ized there from a few acr^s planted in wa** one of the victims of the Lake Labish di»- vain I k »| m * of g« ttug r« lief from liver tr«»u- RGY< F.-HCFFMAN-In Llnkvill»*. Avril 1\ of the company to rev»v< r their • fleets, which ast'T, was in south« rn Oregon this we* k. He bl«-s of long standing, died of his malady there 1-91, bj 1‘. E. Robinson. J. p., David P. were reluctantly given up even ’In n, the pro mine in J- ’«-phinc county on Munday last, Rutil Rehekuh D«*gr»*? L »dge No. I. I. o. prunes, pen« hes, grapes, ©tc still uh «* s a crutch. John B«>u«l well-kuown m at the K«»ot r»-si«icnce latt xx «-« k. Roy«-»-and Mrs. Matti«' Huffmau.of l*angeil priKofS of the circus ;»ct:-g asifil.ey had an re urning in At da’y. Two of its best features are that it is free southern oregou, a «.x*o ui pa tiled him o F. l hes elected .: . : Mrs. "■ Frances Lny, K. valley. understanding wit fi the thi«o es. V.'hi’kvand from city taxes, although u it lying a ^r»at E. J. Failoxx ’ of Ash ’ . aml has been appointed i Kubli and . . Jun A- ?.. B»yer, delegates to Miss l»e»:e Cochran retnrne«! to her •lgar* w»-re also sold without lie n^e and other Hon. J. D. Whitman of Medford has been in tor tin- Lion and lmp«-riugla« county tor several days, attending to agent mi pan i «.*s, of London. an«i a is«» for th«- Na- lliat in» eia in East Portland on May 18th. ford. while the JacksonviH- Medf. rd rad­ hl-» duties as a member < of them should rival agents a stiff rub tor busin« ir W’al er for An excursion train was run between Ja< k- M ASSIE A» M< Allist. r. April 12. ls*.»l, to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Massie, h son. Win. Bybee, Jas Hamlin, W. M. Mathes. R. sonville ami Medto*,d gud Tu»-si«>ii of th«- Alba H« xwo « m 1 < >m- GARRICK At M.-dtord, April 10,1891, to Mr. sonable rates on the most favorable terms, Benedict. Win. Sonson. O E. Rose ami other The N’tw I'riBUi. I>»»;i t fail to buy a lot in Nickell’s adtli- flat this season. He i« one of the hand­ viz one-third in cash; one-third in one residents of this county have been at Grant s pai.y. \ goo»ily numb-r participate«! in th«* and Mrs. A Garrick, a 'laughter. Pass this week, having b»»n autnmoue«L W* dfV«-ridon, th«- train la mg load«-«! t«» its utmost EISBRACHT In Ashland, April 14, b’.fl. to DEALEK8 IN THE . i . « trw t adjoint tbo somest and best torses in southern Oré­ year, and balance in two yea s. t he ct-nsy* has al Iasi be« n c< i»ipl« t» d. < h. gon. Vi parity. witii<*88cs in the WimiT-Wadlr‘ub t**p‘ cago is l»«>w the M-ct»n«l ci<\ in tin- union. In west boundary of our town. Mr. ami Mrs. Eisbraclit. a daughter. For further particulars apply to any rep­ l-*su she had but 'sU.'Oi ami«-lpina <46,- Z ■edt ’ . pr. the Ashlan«i tailor, last week M. A. Walker las» w»-« k r<-inov«-«l th«* ratth* VINSilN In Lang* II valley, A|»r»l 3. 1891, utable real-estate dealer, who will take -- ---------- W”«, HouyjVuRQ HouvjtKUQ *’H1 w. W. . ... E. .............. Buchanan of from his horn«-ran<-h n«-ar Ashland to their 01)0, Only ten years ¿hows ( li:«-ax<. with 1,- »na T. T. Thomas has removed from Gold Mr. ami Mrs. David Viusou. a daughter. inti Lpftjand ! who are largely inter»»sted in the R. sumriH-r range in th«- D«-ad Indian country, tUH.iNM), a gain of over half a million, while Hill to Calitornia to reside, his family removed his sto«-k » f go •ds to the thriving pie.’.sure in showing you the addition young city of WhatC'-m, Wash., where he B. V. R. H.. have been at Jacksonville and BEACH At Wihiams. Cal , April 17th, IMM, to Philadelphia has IJHH.iMxi, a gain of Gut u'uu.- fol «»wing him tbitber last week. »• ---- though th«-grass is s«mu what light «»ut then- Medford tor several days during the week. Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. Beach, a daughter. will doubtless earn the same reputation for I ()mi. It l«M)ks n«>w as though New York and tin- gr«»un«l v«-rx soft f rom th»- rv» ' oi­ These gentlemen are on a tour of inspection. yet would soon b«- playing s0 val ev. • •*’ This is what you ought to have; in fact, Fred. H. Roweof Roseburg has gone to Idaho ami now she ha*» 1,5I3.OUU. or a gain of a little Witt s Little Early R’sers. the pill for con- DIKII. Heavy f»«st fidgiu bwsiue^s on the S. P. line ov«*r >MW).(MM). T he south is al-.«» '*h«»wn t < be stipattoi , biliousness, sick head*cve. 1 h«* A1 bor (lay exercise« at Ashland last you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thou­ to sup« rmtend th«* removal ot th»* sawmill hm, made it nc«-«-SHrtry to run th«- passeng«-r machinery Iu has there to Douglas « ‘ ounty waking up. Atlanta, with :»4jum in ismi . m»w ov«-r th« ’ 8fiklyous in two »«x tlons «m s« x«-ral sand^ are searching for it daily ,and mourn \ 1, «• ,*e of Gum*, \aliuetr ;»Vi I hand- Friday were p»cnl’arly interesting, includ- J. C. Moore, on«* of hia p’.rtne»«, will soon «»«•casions recently. Th« shipments from the BtltlASEY-At Norwalk Ohio. Apr. 11th 1*W1, has 65.1 iiu, nearly do»»bli»»rf h« • *••• « r pop . Mary A. Birdscy mother of D. N. and F. G. i.-.liop. !ii no ngh.»..», Al«*., with le»s than b«-> of <«!»>■ s ami prices has just been ing the raisii-g » wup ot th«- h ading militia J W. Walter of G,id Hi 1 a«;d Ed. Card bouse. ¿h«- pass«-«! Ctnciunatti tn th»- ra« »- In a liami- may attain this boon. .\nd /«•( it may be 16th. Geo. McKinney, formerly ol I«ake\»vw; I ....... ... .... . m ain, ihw i »«•li in i 11 r «nut) ** 11 II M ’A fl til »n- 'II- m in th«. Dusinesg. m ipie sm’ar n:vi •ether table delicacies Saturday Of citirse a fine time was had digestion and oust the demon dyspepsia j NEW THIS WEEK and install instead rupepsy. We re W»- tak«-1h«-ahov«- rtg”r«-s !>.»»«• t!•»• ï'îg’.ulHi d just received al ibe S. F Variety Store. Tricycles, Black Lin4 the most diseases of liv r ^tofuacb fiipd kidneys. of soul hern Or« gon a^d Sev« tai JraihM hav« A tew copies of the American Settler ’ s After suffering for twelve years from con ­ QOpAphdle and 4< t urn)-- works «»t th«- kind we Tra«'hfotomy wa« successfully performed Sold ut ah ', gnd ♦iuhper bottle by aildrug- tagious Blood Poison, and trying the best <>ecurr«-«l there. (Tr^udmaJ Dawson and a ¡Gale Full Chilled, ami Steel, Sulky anti Walking Plow*. Twenty- ■ate seen. Ir tn ngr«' to way _. . that tinti raí Guide, standard autli« rity on all land physicians attainable and all the patent med­ villi«! vX VpV-l Harris ar«- th« latest victims agent in the field will fairly coin money, ns matters, may be found at iu T imbs office. by Drs. Pryce. Geary ami PiLreijl ot !U’ed- ftists. icines procurable. And steadily grewing wor-jr, Other partira an- not exp«*ctr«i to surviv« Can be made in the next three fnrd last week u(»'»u ^he person of the Inch Disc Harrow*, Steel Pipe Frame Lever, Springtooth, we all want the new ccn-us »tati-tics and tin- long. I gave up ail hopes of recovery, u,nd the new features in this atlas which oommend it When you go t«> buy Hood's Sarsaparilla little 6d p;ed cl did of Mrs. Baker near An Ingenious i untrfvance. months selling Scotch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrows. to pv«-ry h«»«lv. The History Company ot >n»» b • *ur»» to n t it sirians prono»in<*«-d the uv»c hiburuble. Hop­ U> everybody. D 'n’t Qe pul dtt tr<4 inf- ri r kutislhtCHe. Insist upon Hood s. Levi Morris of Taient has secured the ing. It xxill no d«»ut»t be the s«»«-ial «-vent id membraneous croup. lT»Mil the flr»»t Dotth*. ami alter taking twelve Un-b«»ast rights 111» > want agents. *en«l ‘we THE NEW STANDARD right t«) sell a patent codbn ui<»’h extermi­ cured, sound and well, and tor two y»-ars the season ami will De participated in bx p« «>- ¿all attenti»»« to th» ir adv«*rt’*« iu»-nt in Mr*. T. J. M< Daniel writes friends at Lak» view’s «tfli als ^ec-m to have peculiar nator, which for simpii- lty and effective­ was have had no return or Hympiom of th«- vile pie from »-very »«-ctioii unti»*s, M»iifor«l, Anni I Hh. at *,: l») o clork r. M.. and t egg it immediately looks for a place to Gained Eighteen Pounds. New Railroads, New Post Otftces. &e., fce. nroperty, ami n w his a most pleasant and calling f r ref«.rm J>OA'.*5'Z.4 FOKtE IfHOr COH\ t'l.AXTKH AXIf CHUCK f'lfCK. wh«*re himself am! sons, together with Butler was op«-m«l with a s» rimai by R» v. W. . A. ... Helman hav«- th«- ca.l on about 8(X) a«-r«*s of The locusts and maples planted by the hide, and invariably seeks the piece of bur­ I consider 8. 8. 8. the best tonic in th»» land Sinick of Ros» bürg. Kev. Hobt. Ermis was Dome. BEA I T! Fl L lap inside the wire. When it transforms market. that will b«-greatly enhane«-»! in v:«l\u t»y health, RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER. pupils of t he Jacksonvide schools on Arbor 1 took it for broken down !iiod«-iator: J. R. Erford ot Medfor«!, vl»Tk. Chas, ¡’atty will teach the spring term of building «»f the |»r<»|»«>sed ra''n;;d to k rcs- Lmh-X'‘ participated in their perishes " *............................. Johnson Self Dump. Bonanza, and Star Hay Rakes. Peerless Sulk lot»“ retint» I rdih a very ekeiting runaway at • net s Tatih’s. W tin»- Engravings. W m . G f -KI/OCK. Belleville, O. <-« liiiM having return, <1 to his ___________ forin»*r chHrge months pests are exterminated in this manner the planting ‘ iwintv years from now. ” Treatise «>n Blood and Skin pisea»»« inadvd Central Point one day last week, in which Hay Gatherers. Reversible Carrier*. Carrier*, Hay Forks, Etc. Etc. ut Oakland and Wilburn, were received from tirsl year, and none rmi «in after the sec­ One of the R 1*. V. R. II. Co's flit earn tlu x were both thr«»wn from their wagon, fr< . SWIFT SPEClFICCO.. Atlanta, TEN BOOK8 IN ONE. ttir Pr»*sb>ter> of the WillHIlH-lte. Rev. E. G. This e xterminator Ins be» n used Mrs. R. V. Beall ami M«s. A M«*rriman ond which was badly damagiM. Mrs. L. was Siruuji' (»! A*li:anu mountain in a disable I A practical, us« ful w«»ra which every busi ­ thought to hav«- been kill«*«! for a t'm«-. but ness man, «-v«-r\ h«»m«-. ev«*ry sch«»«»l, ¡»rof«-s- CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC Grunt -Pa—• Wt r»-ch"*eu ms delegates to th, condit’« n. and those in authority refuse of Ontral Point pre« inct attende«! the fu with much siicce-s in <*aiit> rnia. For fur soon recovrn-d. general h .-*.— mbly which convene s m Detroit. to receive it. lf»>r Sale. neral of their father, th»* late \V. H Riddle th» r pn ticulars, write to or call on Levi sionul man. mechanic or tarim-r wants and will W«- manufacture* our own Fann ami S|»ring Wagons. All of our Implements are Morris at his fa>ni near Talent. Samples Mil Stot. l'li'«- new «fiurrie-, ijl in «■•<■- «•f th»- C*»w creek section, who bad for so 7 wo yo*e of oxen, ir gooe?n a central figure irr that to fitteml at the b<*-daid«- of his brotlu-r. particulars apply to Henrv KUppcl at Med- mon«*«! settlement, and wh i died at an advanced next meeting will be in Pho-nix. A call and examination of our st »« k is solicit«*d. AU goods Hold under a direct guarantc win» was Ktrieken with la grippe, but arriv«»u’t wast«- Ashlaml, Or. Anril l*th. ls*'l. the young man having breathed his last be ­ S<>uthern Pacific employees claim that thin- waiting, but semi $2.00 for the elegant Fr<»m a letter written by Ada E fore tin- d«K*t<»r's coming. Fred Wall, who formerly resided in there is a strong probability that the great A Daty to Yourself. outfit at one«-. R< member, Hurd of Groton, 8. 1).. we quote: “Was 8. B. Galey of Ashlaml go»*s at the fruit 'Jacksoi,vli-,has charge of one of the corporation will soon begin the construc ­ Farther • Aliiau«? li i« btirprising that the people will use a taken with a bad cold, which settle«« on each y«-ar with renew«-»! faith and ONE MILLION freuht trains which runs out of Roseburg tion of a «ai r al from Mott. Cal., over to my lungs, cough set in and finally termi­ common ordinary pill when they can sccur»« busim-ss vigor. H«- is setting out ten acres more in Atlas«-s wilI be sol«l during 1891 on account of 8. 11. H«>lt Is organizing a numb» r of alli- the McCloud. Timber land locators are nated in consumption. Four doctors gave a valuabl«- English one for th«* same money. j peaches this spring, in addition to hisalH-ndv flu-new eensus. and this is the first and best .mc»‘s in the«-<»unty.tlie t< >tlowimr I»« ing among f« r Port land. Dr. Acker’s English pi'ls ar«’ n ¡»«»sitlve cure TO THF. PEOPLE oF JACKSON. CVBRY th«* la.-t Pr«>gr«-HM Alnam- lab tit. J W. Addr«*as, me up, saying I could li v** but a short lime. for si«k headache and all liver troubles. They ■ larg«-holdings. It must be admitt«-«! that h<* Is in the field. A goodly hiimb r of families have al- taking advantage ot the * ’pointers’’ inci AM. JOM.1HINE COVXT1ÉS. on«- of th«- most painstaking ami su«-« e»sful Abb«»tt, pr«-»i. Sherman, < hnplaip; Mi-»s St»-lla a»,«»v- Pr'»s|»ew manufacturing at tarrh, throat and lung physician of Port­ earth I would meet my absent ones above. Ashland city council, owing to tlu* fact that 723 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. To Sheep Men. J. F. Adams, d«H»rk« epvr, F E. Smith, iumh U My husband was advised to get l>r. King's h«- whs about I«» r«-move to his ltogur river tfie Mead«»wa Sawmill in Jns»s on«* of h«-r most reliable and dent; J. H . Mast«*rson, vi« « -pr< *»nb n: .lames viewing patrons of the company in this creasing practice. Those who wish to straight toward busim-ss m« n wh«» cannot fail Administratrix ’ Notice ron-nl' him should go direct to his offices, eight hotties; it has cured me. and thank Blevins, sec y; E M Bl» vms. tr« axiir« r; W E ¡»1 »ce last week. to be on«- of tlu- leading citizens in his new li. Go I 1 am now a well ar.d hearty woman.” Children Cry for Pitcher's Castori» ¡»lac«* Darling, chaplain; H <’ K:■ -ck. 1»-etui • r; .1 A Fourth ynd Morrison streets. of residence. Mardon. Si. war.l; J. >. Brown. i<. i k, . p, r J Trial bitt lea free at E. C. Brooks diugstore. PATLXTtli IM 1888 Mrs. M C. Morri* has been appointed ad- to vfiu matter of th«- «-state of Martin P«-t«*r- Brown, assistant d«H»rk»p< r. I Redfield Bro-» of Ashland pr»‘cinct have Regular size 50 cis. and $1.00. ministratrlx <»f the estate of th»* late Martin soii, d«*r«*asen««f Gn enhaf. Kansas, mid wl Peterson, and gives notices to thateffeu' iu begun the nmnuf trlure of the improved otice is hereby given that the say io th«* public that we have the another column. mowing machine which Ibev had patented umlersign« «! has b«-»-n appointed adiniuis Slate bi«cov»*r»*d in Southern Oregon. Religion*. some years ego, and have had four ma­ tratrix of the ••state ol Martin Peterson, d<^- Bfkt nnd Jln»t Durablr Xarhinr Comm^sioner Whitman of the state A larg»- b«»dy ot tin«- 'lua'ity of slat«- lias ju*t The following are Rev. Robert Booth's chines completed at Tar- nia for the pur­ Highest of all in Leavening Power.— V. S. Gov’t Report,, A**- «7- ,s89- c«*asod, by order <»f th«- County <’ourt of the be» n discov« r» «1 eight milts north ot Grant's boerd of horticulture says that there is pose of testing them. * T heir improvement appointments for the present year: First in the State, and will put it against any State ot Or»*gon, in ami lor Jackson county Pass, ami four mil» s w.-t <»t M.-rlin. Sampo «* even more scale in the norihern portion of All pers«.ns ind« bt«-nounr« d »-xv»-l- »laughter of John Inompson of Will »w moved his saloon to the building next door third Sabbath, Medford at 11 a . m . ami 7 tral Point prtvinct. «»r to my attorney, Wm. lent by a slat» r from New Jt rsev, li. Tit man. >1 rings pr»cinct died on Wednesday morn­ to C. W. Paint’s barb«*rshop, on Front p. m . ; fourth Sabbath. Jacksonville at 11 M. Colvig. at Ins orti«-«* in Jacksonville, Jack- • treet. He has stip|»he«J the bar with A. M. and 7 P m . This is the first slat»- quarry <1isc«.vcr«d in 1’IUCE , Adinlnislratri v. ^3 Ad«ir«>s m H «.rdt rs f«> 8am's Vs’h y. Oreg«» who discovereil it. ing tiie third, he will hold services at the Da 1 cd April 24, 1891. treat you well. • wo probably remove to Eugene for busi- Presbyterian church in Ptxenix; on third ne*s purposes before long. J. n. WELCH. A Terrible A ccident. My son has been afll.cted w th nasal Sunday morning, at Jacksonville and every Notice for Publication Sunday evening he will preach at the Those needing horse and jack bills wifi catarrh since quite young I was induced Yr, ka. Cal., April 20 — A miner on the Klam­ ath river s 'ine distane, ■ troni tn r« uh t with a lit d that the T imes printing establishment to try Ely’s ('ream Bairn, and before he Presbyterian church in Jacksonville. terrible acculent day bt ye-terday. While prints them becer and cheaper than any had used one bottle that disagreeable L \NL> < H l H E AT RoHEIiri«;. < Hl.) working alone, he eplic, d a rupe ih , n a larg> drum otice is hereby given that the pears as well ah anyone. It is the best which he started to r» voicing, w hen Ins leg fu- I’omer -y «k Berg»» of Portland are pre Ten acres set to fruit when in a bear­ foliowing-nam«*«! M< ttl,*r has tiled notice of cattarrh remedy in the market — J. C. came entanghst in a coil of rope and h< was paring i. to lower < the iiv grade auc ui of Him their tramway Ins intention to miikr final proof m support of ing condition wiL yield an income drawn »ip to tiie »Imin. One leg wa», <>mpl, !•-- h» I w R < k Point, in order to again resume O.m«-ie<*.d, Arc »la, 111. his cluim, ami that said proof will be made be­ of from to $150«) ¡»er year and I) pulled off near the knee, while tiie other business at their lime quarry. A sure* cure for the whisky habit: I)r requires no «xpengitre machinery to fore th»- judge i.|- clerk ot flu* county court of was crushed to a jelly. Both legs hav, b« • n BELQMCINC TO THE J a, kson »•ounty. Or« gon. at Jucksonville Ore­ Antidote for i>rupketiurss amputated, but little hopes are entertained The Monarch saloon at Medford, under w II cure a i.v < n«e - f the liqimr habit in operate it. A frurt-rais« r in the Wiliam gon, on Thursday. Jun»* 11. I*.il, viz: Jam»-* for his life. elt«* valley requires but a smad »»iitlay, « Kent, homest’-ud entr\ No. 3765, tor th«* SE*-4 tiie management of H. H. Wolters,is prov­ tr»»rn ten t«> thirty »lny*, from the mo»lerate dnihxon of See 2.'» Twp :r> S. R i W. W M. ing a popular resort. The best of ever* drinker to the drunkard. The Antidote his all the advantages of a civilized and* He names the following wittu-sses to prove cultured socieiy, has good ami convenient Au Eftrcthe Cure. tiling in that line is k»»i>t there. • DECEASED. an brgiven in a « up of coffee without the markets and a better income from his continuous i csid« nc' u|»on and cultivation E. <'. Brooks of Jacksonville i li»- oldest «ii ug- know edg»* «»f tl.c per on taking it. Th»* of snid land, viz: M. F. Hurst ot Medford. The rm*ds are improving fast since the th»* >»me investment than can be had from gist in s<»uth«*rii Oregon, has fouml a *nrc Antidot»- will ot injure th«- health in any George Btudi of Eagle Point, I. B Williams I am now offering at great bargains the following:— You can get < ure for hi gripp»1 1» is tak* ii I m »I1 i int« rnal- pleasant weather began, and they are in a way. M mituctii •••! by the Livingston»- any other lin? of bu*dn?K8 an«l I. F. Williams of Central Point. All of 24 new Deering Mewcr*. l\ and applied cxt»*rnally. relieving tie- rough c ini .natively god condition, excepting Chemi- al Co., > »n 1 ran« isco. Cal.; sold by this land from f.V» to $75 per acre of The The Steam Flooring Mill Jackson county, Oregon. ♦ mi that 1« ar!ill headache in five nunut» - By that they are 9 >iuewhat rough. Oregon Land Company of 8aleiu,Oregon. JOHN H. SHFPF.. 9 Deering Twine Binders E. C Brook ’ , .1 ,< k-mvil.c ; NIiI er «k Si rang. in Jacksonville. rep«-ating a few times tiiepatiimf is cured p» i- Register. Rubert Vining last week bought s \ tin Me,lfor«l, < »regon. uianrntly well and sound. This has b« » n used 2 Gang Plows. 12 fine draft horses weighing May-Daj Party. rwo s»*a>onsand husnot faihdiii a case, win re broken half-bred Shetlanti pomes of W. C. Joseph V Dory, of Warsaw, III., was A. CEISENDORFER, M. D u*« d as dir« •rte«l. Peupl«* got«» Brooks’ «¡rug­ Myer of Ashland to take back to Tacoma 6 Star Sickle Grinder*. 1,200 to 1,A t'rns Alfalfa Ilav. evening, May 1, 18D1. The best of music good. To expel the impurities in the blood and none of them sCerne»! to do him any good ; Col leg«». 7 Five anti Seven Tooth Cnlti 4 Milk Cows. Gradiui railimM^ 'rTthe St. L«»i! give strength to the system before the but finally he got hold of one that speedily and supper wdl be provided, price of Aiken's building Calif* cjMAik ______ ____ on ______ Quarterly Cokfeience. O. E. R usk effects of warm weather are felt, use cure«! him. He was much pleased with it, tickets as usual. 90,000 feet <>f Lumber. vatore. and felt ’lire that others similarly afflicted Th« Jrd •niarterly <•r-.-1« Nn i v. ' f ■ v. m Preaching at II a . m . on Saturday, and tion is c: led for .Monday, May ^th prox., Pain-Balm. It is for sale at 50 cents per recognize catarrh a< a blood disease which article* too numcrou* to mention. •»«>"»«* 11 a . m . and 7/u» r. w. <>n Sunday. at the Town Had tn Jacksonville. Sinele blade. ___________ bottle by our druggists, l)r J. Hinkle aggravates tiie mucous surfaces. Moore's »»orj r»-sj>en _ t, a î . i• . m TH'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ?•. rts . s', ct« a 60 cl». For partiefilar* and terms call or write to Revealed Remedy purities the blood, re ­ Dtr«-etors <>f School District No. ., of Grant » brunii*, hi ,. f ut «■ •.f '¡ , Wright's Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure Central 1’oint.and G. 11. Htiskins.Medford. Doublu blade. stores health to the atlecieu membranes, Pas«*, Josrphiii'- County. Or« gon will receive blr k". .• hl., h I h \ , r ; f ct« to |l pv An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and VwJge Notice. MltS. J. KAREWSKI, Executrix,Jacksonville, Or. ron Kn'.re». T6<’ »■' t’ M*al<*d bid«* t< i th«* buibling ot a bri' k srho«»l The fact has become a ready noticable stope offensive discharges and corrects the ROYAL H'ORCEeirr.' Cnttk Kune«, tl Í5 to t'2 5«. h ,«!<«. in sal i totrlrt in tm 1 ..!!■ u : m •»»- Warr» n Lodge N.. ri , a . F. a A. M. will hold where a tonic for the stomach ami bowels th’« ®prr f tl a! all the tra;;:« ;•<. »north bres It For sale bv all dm gi ts. A relhC-le dealer wanted In ! n«f to-vit: For biicku-uk. «««»•» iwrk ami I -p«M • «I in» « ling tn th M:»sopic ball W« dn -*- is requir’d. Sold bv all druggists arc h« a\ y It a i«»l wl; l«» th»-se going souib . j i. «n i thau.l e ■ ur ent- ; plaMcriiig ’-pamt.-ix ; ,»r tin- whole. J th n. vt. W«.ik in fh< l.-t Owen Keegan went:»» his Butte creek Wr ir at .-«, ■•«>»*, vi >’ ^76, ZWJ. tmi, 1» aving Dave Thompson in charge ».f fact that a heavy tide ol immigration 1> Of Portland, Or., v..H «»pm 8»pt. 1st J. Uc líale ’ v «*, M a .'. Ml 1.1.LH ! at Jo'iH-k i*. M . at which tinm bids will be the court bouse during ids at^eneo setting our way fiom the southern couniry. A. Wesct*. the leading |»- iimau «»1 ibe coast’ .»p«~nvd Plans and specifications ran be s«-« n Lest get her share ol the ma«- J A JENNINGS. church on lhun««hiy. Api;. at 2 ’< «•!..»•■ rate to Ager, if the company wishes to School i h.jk Dint. N«>. Why suffer7 Presión s ‘‘Hed-Ak»” vil p. M. A full atttndan« r i- de> r»«l. divert ti e Lak»* county freight from the of emigrants that annually pours oyer the Grant’s PaS!% Or.$ A pi il T. !-vi. MR?. < . Ù. BLLK.MA5, S'vt*. Rockies from the eastward. cure you. customary »outh AMY S33U1O R’VALWÎ^M'TLERY :BEST.m wwoo N “ : ■WON