I *■ i < LU-1* Snuotrartrí ¡mes. íhc iíriMOfrath cimes ADVERTISING ^ND Piii»lixhed «•v»-ry 11 day by UllAi: f .!•> Enrroit axd JOB WORK Advertising will be inserted in tbe TIMES Ht the following rates: Ten lines, one insertion............... r............ $2 (0 •• ea< l subsequent Insert " <5 Zf“ Legai advertIvcrneiiis inverted rtasonabfr. A fair reduction from the ai>ove rates maae to yearly and time advertiser». XI« ’K Hl.U. P hí H’K ietok . NEW TIMES BUILDINC. Office—Corner Diird and C Streets. TIIE TIMES JOB OFFICE Rat*« of SulskTiption: is more complete by far than any other in Southern Oregon, and compares favorably with any ii the State. J«»t» Printing of every imaginable description don<* af San FrSncfac rates, and in a prompt and first- c I mms marine 1*00 copy per annum, in .uivane» •• six months .. •• thn-c unmtha «2 *»O. 1 ». OFFICIAL DlHtUTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1891 VOL. XXI. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. FRANK GALLOWAY, Warning to Fruit Grower«. One of (lie many resources of wealth to the people of southern Oregon is in her fruit crop. Neglect last year caused a se­ vere loss on account <>f the apple worm (Cfidlin moth). 1 have exnmined severf-.l apple on-hartls m tne past three dava at. Whitman, .Medtord. Or., memb*r of the 6tate Board of Horti- «'Ult ure (or the 3 1 «listnet of ()rrgon. A. H. C arson . NO. 16 THE HIL1.I0X-DOLLAR COXGRESS. OREGOX AT THE WORLDS EAIR SI’L'l T 'LA TIO.\S I. I ' LA. I D. If the debts of all the states in the Notwitbstanding tbe leginlature faileil Repr»tentative Hermann has submit­ union combined were added to the debts 'o mak- an appropr’a'lon for an exhibit ted to the commiMioner of the general of all the cities in the union and the at the world's fair, the rnterprieing im - o land office various com plaints »ent him ls»nde!•«<»OU total would just about balance the appro- shall make some kind of a showing at agricultural lands bong entered as tim­ .VI <*, Bonal, the proceed, woulii approximately Multnomah. commissioner irdurm- Mr. Hermann that Lands. 8 Furr>. J. * ■ Meniti. J. »i. '!» « a.l. « »uni) cannot exist without a settle tiie bills of the Bdlion-Dollar con­ Columbia ... r efforts are b' iug made to prevent this fl Judge, J.’ K. Nei!. « HU.iiisM f. «. 14>- Clattw»p......... LEGAL DOCUMENTS i healthy Liver. When the grí ss. »or tien. Hay mund;L‘iei k. v|. Muller. >li» i .il. J. wholesale speculation, and that in award­ Tillamook .. G.HinWe); H«'corder, vv M. H >«m -, i r» a.w A million men working steadily for Washington, Of all kinds drawn up. esp«*ctnllv pertaining ing contract* for surveys of unsurveyed Liver is torpid the Bow­ < urer, G. h. Bio»»m< r. .A»» r>oi, i. b. Hamidou; to the svttleineni ot c$Unt« e». two years at $1 50 a day cotihi earn Yamhill....... lands, especially, applicants fur surveys ¡fchuoi Mup»*rmt«'Ud«ut, i . Fric1 . >ur«-.»«'i. els are sluggish and con ­ P«»lk ......... enough to pay the cost of the Billion- P. Appi«-g»«tv; Cor«»i»vr, J. 8. i’arcon; M n k must affirmatively ebow that the land is 4 I Benton ... . * (ollrftor of itfounu. Prompt KrinitUxtr«. stipated, the lood lie I Insp’x'tor. vv . r . »onger. Dollar congress ; but as workingmen cer­ ('lackainas agricultural, and that settlements are f J4MKHI1INK C«»l’N l’Y. .i i tainly do not save, on an average, more Marion ... in the stomach tn.li- made in good faith. They are required MONEY LOANED. Joml 8»»nal»»r, * .«’»4. < tau. ll. pre-. mat i v •*. Linn ......... than 10 |>er cent, of their wages, it would H B Mmvr, Couniy Ju.tg.. v « ». v • -m- in each case to show the extent an i value gestcsl, poise n i n g t' J I*anc ........... Investment Securities a Specialty. Jackson uiisMotivrs. C. o. dia-*:o*. F. Hans» u;« I« « k . < take the savings of ten million men, Douglas... jjii! I of the improvements made and the ‘ate County Scrip Bought am! sold. K. vuamsior; Sn« rid, Jan - ( . »I —. It» .<-.*« - « 11 blood; treauent hettdaclu' working the same length ol time—that .loeephme. I have a complete set wf Maps of al! th’ *,r“ -wt»of residence. It I. wh l»een found difficult vr. J. »V. »Derer; .A.-*«»«’.-«.»r. h.«, liai i L' h «» v«*yed Landsin this count», at»i rweiv. .Ab­ ensues; a feeling of l:i -i- ib to say, of about half the entire work­ Jackson... ?kmo»»l Sapermi, «ideili, »v d »I «— .' uve)- NM) in nome caw», however, even for / ■«./ fidr ( 'oos ........... stract« monthly from Robdmrg of all new The Bird Law. Ut. C. W. Havens, « >r«*(i. r. Pr. »% a .a»' ing |,opulation of’tbis nation—to accom­ Curry tiuie, despontlency ..ti 1 l'«l »ettier», to obtain »urvey», as in moat entru s made. I am thus pr« par« «l t«> mHke DUAMATH » «M M * It is unlawful to kill or destroy the nests plish the same result. 2HU cawrt ut.surveyed agricultural Linda are Klamath... out Homestead an«! Pre-emption papera, and Joint SvIUàtur, A-. A. «’og"»*''" ‘d Fak'-, H P- nervousness indicate 1." . (rip to of a Lak«* ......... 200 of the following birds in Oregon and viola ­ can saw to partu s the cxp«*nsv Tiie net earnings of all the railroads in rwM llUUlve, A. -■'111.1. r ol l..lk < .uuO . i.lMMl in mountainous district», or are covered Roseburg Land Office. tors ilirreuf will be lined or » ‘•ent to jail. the wliolo system i; de­ the United States for three years would Waaco....... j ï . " ,|. * "'“i" " arm with a den-e undergrowth of l.ru.h. and tl Nightingales, skylarks, gray thrushes, almost meet the appropriations of the Sherman . c M. 5tlVvr». . .. I». A. '• I.« ••«’•'• Morrow .. ranged. Simmons Liv' 300 auivevota declined •<> survey at lite exi»t- I HAVE SEVERAL FIXE FARMS A XI > OTflEH W liowwii; Trewwurer. ‘«ni. t. H > •, T -X-J black thrushes, linnets, goldtim bes red- •*»«'** MY Vmatilia... 2 ooo DESIRABLE PROPERTY IX Billion-Dollar errngress. W.r, Jouli Siuart, .- h i . .— su |. v . uu . o i . ut. L. Regulator has been th • brvasied ( European ) robins, black starling-, 1,500 mg rates. < ‘.'tali settlers have made ........ HANDS FUR SALE. rf yuu.ilaut;Sur»e>ur. «»a U »a. ai i, Vor ..ni, J. • I Tire first two years of the civil war Union » heavy co itrihutiuns themselve» to induce grosbeaks or mo**king birds. The forego ­ 1'utJO Baker . means of restoring r . re a T. Korb.» j rw^Proiupt reply made to all lettere». ’101) surveys, which is in violation of the law, ing aie birds nut one«! aid turned loose in were ti«l«-d over at an expense equal to Wallowa .. U»« < oLM». Charges in accordance with the tim«*s. 300 Malheur Í that incurred by the Bdlion-Dollar con- people ♦ - health and Oregon (r<-m Europe. Joint SrtuUor.t. A. L.«»*».' «»• La».-, l«.-p- Hcf«*rx.t»> p. rmtsAlor., to C.C. iH-kman. E*i-. « I H O tí a hcaltliv Liver than any L larks, grosbeaks, indigo tiiicb or swallow." Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY'. more money in two years than it took to foni irraaur.-r; A. «t.c.ul'>t, " 11“’ These are native birds of Oregon, found Total......................................................... $5n,i«)0 of such roiiaii land, l>aa lewi, until re­ agenev "lino«« n on earth. teoJvut. A H. ria... r. A- - .t , . . r- .««>- run the government for the sixty years View ol Fence in Position. pbntilul in our woods ami ««pen glades. A committee met at Port land lately cently. $18 for the standard and mean­ D’iuuugti; St«»ek li»»p«'cmi. O. iva u - . It acts with extraor­ der, $15 for township and $12 fur section 1 be tine for k lling any* of them ot destroy - from the adoption of the constitution to and ikkiie«! the follow ing addreee: M£KT1N«¿ «>► COLHTS, Kit . the cl >se < f the Mexican war, including ing their nexts ix not le>s than $50 nor more The supreme court «»i «»« - •" dinary power.«nd etlieacv. “The committee ani»ointen, . oiiiui. iw .ua ou m -' >l u‘ >.' m -la>. wan! securing fumla for the purpose of ington that even at there rater lie could all lines collected coes to ibe informer A-It g'-Ti. rril fariilv rrnv I. f'.r ilv-: . p . fu.-circuii court lori», llr-l ju.lu ut. .li»li u 1 To pay the appropriations of the Bil­ not procure cont tact r from refutable sur­ Turbi.t I.io r. C"S-ti| ■ i : . c «e I n.ti ' ■ r This is rather a severe law , but it is a law lion -Dodar congress in a lump would making a creditable exhibit of the pro atta 1» JaclKou . orlili» o» n< '< ‘ '‘ use anything . ' > ■■ nevst twit ni* ami slmuld be ob»-yed. lake HO «trame*-, • liicta of Oregon ut the world’s fair, to lie veyors, the general land office recom- turn tkul. iaia tain i’.."|i""' In tv..uu.ttu s|>poiiits i in i o il. i pr"'i.i‘ •■<’.; u i ' f«»i $25 to $.'»" is a tempting itiducemen’ f<«r j ist about me up ali the gold and Silver held in Chicago in 1893, aek your hearty men led to tiongre-s that the rate, for I..- aUiiu-t •' I • st.-' t ' . f' « :*'l tl.- '■ eu M^uiòa) ut N 'V. u.i" i U’L.a. '»«•me one to it 11 on you Let the birds coin in the Unite«! Stales. co-operation, and a!eo that of all boards Washington t>e $25 for standard mid me­ at.u: li alt'l IV's . .. .inni M .ii.Lt» nt.Ma» ui N i .» r.. u..t ,l..u la» The money spent by the Billion-D *1- >t vtrely alone ai««l >avt* trouble. W. J. MtK lbo T. .'tai-i.n, I.a. of bade, public »mi private btxlies ami ander, $2.i for townrl ip and $20 for sec­ ut tkl u.cr. lu J «.. pinne c utut» oli llr-l JACKSONVILLE OR. lar congrees would buy twerity-m-re Mondays ni Marcii ntu Augu-i the good will ami sup|K>rt of all public tion line» in extreme car« a. Thia is the fruit farms in California, at $50 an acre, Fi t Jaik.s- »n county tue vaunt y. pro bai » ini Protect Your Heallli. epitite«i citizens. You are n q'lestetl to highest maximum yet a .lowed. K. pre- c.uuiuiawioiteia courts titee« •». r> lu.uiiu. fr,r a million lamihes. eelect delegatee, nottoexceed live, from eentativo Hermann moved an amend­ ....... wtt,. tn. nr-l M.... I >». t.u .1.- - (.’»«Id and moisture 'comtutiid have a t«»r- Ir.e Brill. rr-Dol.ar congress appropri ­ pinite eointt). tu«' Ur»« Moit.la» nt Juuu.tr». THE » NPEUSIGNED HAVE FOItMED A each county, to meet in this city on June ment in the hoii-eso ar to include Oregon 1 «»ri-ing »-nert tq on the bodily organs ami ate 1 the entire value « f th,. Br.tish mer ­ April. Jul» all'lBept. in'., r. tor l..tk. count» 1 eopartm ixhip with an auth r.r«xi capital «»! 1 he diuextive and secretive pr« are 15 (l’iom er «lay , for tiie purpose of con- with Washington in line-« maximum evu-rv allertiate inoiitii. .■.uniti. u> .ug tn. tirsi for tin* purpoaeot currying«»n a Cener­ -X. I.S K«H.f> OX a apt to b»' more lartill)' uerlormetl in wintt r cantile marine. Hidering the heat wav ot raising needed rat« r. but it war ruled ««at on a t«oint ci ai Banking Business in all «•! its branches in M.ni'la» i» January. t or iv.mi.ilti county Hie If ev«*rv Republican repres«*ntative in Xi POSITIVE (han in the lull. 1 he same is true, also, e ner of advertising t* e state." af Bet kinan x Banking House, 8. E. corner Cal­ and November............................. ________ Xliort Idilio to <>$i iiioi'nin often tluggieh. and the pores ot the skin asked to carry his proportion of appro­ ifornia an«! Tinnì streets. to cure nuv form birthrate fur (Jo-gon war allowed with Multnomah county will contribute (’. C. BEEKMAN. of n»*r\«niN «» ’brow «41 Imle wa^te matter at this season. priations in silver dollars, each one of ' J THUS. G. REAM! nearly half the amount, ami there should Washington, so that although the rur or an y e no «iifficnlty in raiemg the balance veyot-general of Oregon ba- not a»ked a little, ami also purifying and regulafh g. gans of <• therxc x a; «1 the safv.-t, surest and most tboiough tram of fourteen freight cars. proportioned to each county. The these higher rab-B.yet should exceptional whether ari>imr / ■ u FRANCIS FITCH, The cost . f the Bdlion-Dollar congress t«»nic and alterative that can be used for fr«inth«»«'X<(‘NNi\c money so contributed ami expended difficulties exist he may recommend con- STEAMER SAILING DATES. would budd six warships like the Monte- u-eof St :ini!ant>, AFTER these purposes is Hostetter’s Stomach Bit- BEFCRr < ATTKllNEV «SII COI'S'EI.IIK AT LAW, wouhi he bread cast upon the waters as tracts «or the prer- nt highest ratea,which Fit«»« Kct ps the largest stock of t imi, over ind’:’i?'ii«'«‘. A«- , s.u h n v 1,.- - fittings of the same material. Willamette Valley. ThuirUay, March . W .iiie tif V.i.:« >, M hi lay. March ...16 T »wer r, Wakcfnim-xx, I • a- mrdown Fains ir t»» the painful disturbances of the bowels, the In securing new people ami additional of the aecretary of the interior. Tbi-amounts appropriated by the Bil- W'/.aim tt»- VaII« y. Satunlay , March.... t«u. k .-»•ni - ¡mti Wrakii* **•. II \ st»'r:a. Nerx «•' - l’r - Win.ini» tt» Valley , Wfdtivsday, March.. 2*» bilious attacks, and the nervous visitations lion-Dollarcongress would support the capital for every county in the slate. MORRIS M. HARKNESS, Willamett«* Vallcj , Monday. March . ... nation '1. X « turna! Enu--■ un , 1 .■ «.rri, - ft. 1 Nnw-rAFi.R AnvtBrisiN«; —Tiie iirft zin«*xs, , W. ak M-'inorv I .'M«»f F<»\\ r a» ! Ini| «» so common at this lima of the year, will do AflOK.NEY AND COUNSEL«Ht AT LAW. W ork of a M ob .—At Sealant!, Wash., i newspaper a«lvertiHemen? can«e out in t<*n«y, . w!■ i( h If »••eh «'ted • :« n 1« a I to prematvir«’ we I to re-eiif«»ree their svxtems with this standing armies of all the great powers The company reserves the right to change sailing «lat«*s without notice. —and — obi HU'»' mid in-an t- Fri« e iUKl a l»>x. 6 l>ox > renowned vegetablestoinachi, an«i invigor- of Europe for two years. Tbe world April 11, at 1 o’cloc k .«. M ,thirty or forty the London Thm* in 1648. Oram'« /*«».« a , Oregon. “-•'I:! I v 1 ih ! • fiain N • i wo run ru. s layx. Thursdayx mi imJ i SaturJ.iv .^.t11«i ■ i- i» s. '. and i iut« .U« - ruiediate i iii’ti'uii «i«_yí «lays when indemnity to Germany. Wc have vates the whole |Ji\s:<(Ue. • lu»’S«l.iy s fii’l Fi : lay «n intcrmixliatc day h Ii ! er»»» invnt < re is n. t <■(’." ?« d ii- «* Mmi y. rrain N«>. 4 will run Mondays, * h . rivi • 1 .......... -........ John Edwards, murderer» of the Fred­ «lavs, when people could not read, the P. P. PRIM, T. E. Hogg, Receiver. r«»g«»n Development Co., *> rd /. 1 * * ' ' 3 ! ' ' \ C C ° >.m Francisco, April Id — 1 he steadily Democratic congress that preceded it the door, when the leader of the mob heard of the old English public*, or inns, (’«•»rv «111».Oregon. trave bought out all the threatened to throw a dynamite bomb known only bv the -winging sign above > 4 do-itgoruery St..8an Francisco Cal. .uiv-tiicii g tendency «»I the wheat market would “The P» ar," “The Sheeps- • s nt prexrnt «he chief topic Ul*< Ussed on universities ami colleges of the United into the jail. Ttie guard then tiecame its door? ________ Will practice ... in __ .«.I ____ «’«»urtrot tli« ^«atv* ottice For sal«- at Citv brine Store. Jacksonville. in tur Court HuUév, third dour to it'll ot vu- \ hu ge. Indications , are that local ex­ Slates, with all their endowments anil frightened and < pene 1 the outside door, head," etc., were common names in traiKiv.__________ ____________________ porters, or those who ha«i the forethough« | pr petty of « very description, and left a first firing his pishtl to give the alarm. those davs. There is a place in t.ondon ■HSK&’trc-.-??. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1. Appt«. Trees • a to J10 per 1«W to buy heavily some time ago, will net balance Bufl’n rent to pay the cost of all J R.NEIL, Peach " ........................ 10 •• 1H *• ** He was taken by five men into the wood­ named Cheapside, so ca'lrd t » bran I handsome returns, i’lobabiv not n few ot Plum and Prone Trees ■ . » “ I«» '* *' the strips of the new navy now in com­ shed afrd detained until tiie tragedy was the o'her si«l«‘ as the dear one. The Ch- the producers who «old earlier in 1 ’ ie see. ATTORNEY AND COVNSELOH al law , Ottier trees and shrutitiery turnislied reasons over. Brown says that s ven or eight nese arc aa «1 to he the m j-t tngeniou- son now regret having «lone so. though in mission. lily. ./««rA'NVMrilO't *>»'. They make The a|>p'«>priations of tire Brllion-Do’- shots were fired. J hn Rose and Ed in their advertisements. Send «or (.'»taloguc to each season there are those who buhl on S Cannot be successfully traveled with- J. H. SF.rn.EMIEK. WmH’burn.Or. ‘ The too long fora rai»e, and finally have to ac lar congress amount to over $1G fot ward« were found dead after the crowd use of their deformities, even. Will practice m all courtx «-I th« stat -, «»th« « ■ out goo«i health To reach wea;th or any cept much lower price« than might have every man. woman ami child in the retired. Sheriff Turner was asleep at celestial cook shop of the (»OK-marked in tuv Court House, ur»l d«*»r loieilot vu- 9 covcled position in li’e requires the full been obtained nt other times The» pros­ United States, or $80 for every family. his house. The affair did not take over Wang’’ and “The celebrated eel pi«* lbb7 H possession and operation of a>l the fac- trauur. 18» pects are very go« <1, -ay wheat speculators, i shop of heavenly beauty,’ are samples <>f M LCI >FO1< 1>, OREGON ■ ultles kind nature has endowed us with. tor an •xceihnt wheat crop throughout And by th- ingenious system of taxa­ twenty minutes. No attempt was made H. K. HANNA, Americana Lave ■ These conditions cannot exist unless the the coast this year. 1 he comi aratively tion extended ami systematized hv this to force the iron cage, although a sledge­ ¡oriental enterprise. TTUKSEY AND COV.X'ELOK Al LAW the ait of advertising to Manufacturer ut mild winter and equal distribution of rain congress, Die l.ulk of these contributions hammer was found in tfie jail, where it carried physical being is in perfect working tiad been left. It is .opposed the men the greatest perfection yet attained have been most favorahle for the probabili­ comes front tire poorest people. erter, and this is impossible when the f/«arAk*MUMV»44r( Or. ties «f a good crop, while a strong Euro­ Estimating the average price of the were shot down in their cells, The devices used ¡11 this country t«> diaw livjr and spleen are torpid, thusobstruct- Does a General Ranking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ pean market, CotiMqaent upon a failure of floating vote in 1888 at $2 per vote, Iruw Everything Will practice in all courts of tne biute. • Hbct was conducted in a I the attention and capture the mind, or Ing the secretions, causing indigestion the French crop, has made tne local market much tloes the fl. ater with a family think quiet 111 urtu'a brick, up-stairs. ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. manner It will lie remetn- | the eye, are innumerable. Public ctir.- and dyspepsia, with all of their accom­ Dealer in strong and firm. a h«, oleare«! on tiis set vices in electing the bered that Hans Frederickson ...---------------- and ; ositv offers to th«* shrewd advertiser -- panying horrors. J. J. HOUCK, Billion-Dullar congress, asks the Eimn- wife w. re murdered in Pacific county a wide and more prolific field than any DR. HENLEY’S 1‘eafnm Can’t be « ured NUTAUY fVBLIC AM» iWEÏASi EK. inrr. little over a year ago and their bodies other,js-rl aps. Who is there so disrern- OLLECTIONS A SPZ3IALTÏ. by local api hcations. ax they cannot reach buried in a pig-pen. John Rose, John ing that lie has not read some attradiv.-, A full line in stock of Uultl Hill, Ort-yun, the diseased portion <1 the ear. There is exerts a specific influence over the liver, S extimj x r in favor of electing United E Iwards, George Rose and Edwatd t»aper to find at t_._, article ____ _ «inly one way to cure dealness, ami that is excites it to healthy action, resolves Its State senators by direct vote of the peo­ bon were arrested and cltarg<*d with the . tbe end that the wole objm t « f it was tu Will attend to ali busin»-^ in my iinv wk *» GENERAI. BUILDING MATERIAL by constitutional remedies. Deafness is proiupiueaaand Ml reasonable rate». chronic engorgements, and promotes the ple instead of hv means of legislatures crime All were convicted except Ed- j call attention to Horne doctor’» remedy. caused bv an n tianied condition of the r^titnatea «oía r*44 - lUt sent nn aDDliyation secretions; cures indigestion and const!- seems to be growing throughout the ward Gibbon, who was acquitted. The t Other«* more uautiona uill g cnct* at the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube ROBERT C. aNII TH, Îpat-*M »••-»re«* •*“* ann*4itp «onPA »»n In California the spectacle convic e 1 murderers subs, quentlv oh- end of a tempting Mory to find wheth« r * a t>^a> tun«« u**1** >»«H von have a coivitry. COI NTRY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. the entire system, and makes life worth rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, ami was lately presente«! of a senatorshlp put tamed a new trial. A lew wee»-, ng*» ' ft ie no« m >> adlie, or bln , ATTUKNKY AM) A i LAW, Factory at W< idi« r*s Mill. Salesrooms cor when it is entirelv (dosed dealness is the up at am tion l»efore the general assem­ George Rose escaped fiom jail and has lo>ke away with contempt but an ii*- J Jivir.i. Third mui E street«. Portland. < >rvg«»n. result, and. unless the inll ttniuation can be bly of that state, and there have been not yet lieert apprehended. ! ward feeling *-4 triumph at having out­ i*«*«’, taken out and this tube restoied to its nor­ repeated instances in different states of witted tbe akillfui decoy, al! noeonwioui» Purchasers of property or Capital Stoe k of the mal Condittou, bearing u: 1 be destroyed Vilce in laQtou Ji < •>. * t«rivk. iip.laira. S herman ' s M arch to the S x a —Dur­ that Hie advertisement here, too, has a< - t< r« ver ; nine cases » ut of ten are caused by elections of senators, whose chief, if not rompliabed its purpose, the name of the their only, claim to recognition was in imi an address delivered (»■fore the Union Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflame«! ROBERT A. MILLER, advertiser has l>een rea»i. Individual their wealth. An election by the peo­ I.-ague Club of New York. Chauncey M condition of the mucous surfaces. \\’t wi l give OneHun«lr«d Do lars for ple would not give the same opportuni­ Dep'W made the fallowing slaloment re­ , eccentricities formerly figured prominent - ATTOUNEY AND «'Ol N-Ll.'Ht AT LAW. any case of Dealnexs (caused bv catarrh) ties for corrupt on and bribery, espec­ garding bow Sherman came to make his ■ !y among a«lveit:sing schemes. George he : cndeksigned is now taking ok - •/«•< K-tifiirtllr, i»r. that we c«*nnot cure by taking liali’s Ca derx through Jackson an«i Joscphln«* coun­ ............... to - .... ially in states whe»$* the Australian sys­ c-lebrnted ...... march the ____ ses. “(lue Holland’s alleged falling overboard to rarrb Cure. Semi f.ir cir« ulars, free. ties for tem prevailed. Hon. R Q. Mills of story which <¡ener.il Sh -rman tol i me] help tbe «-ale of Ins benefit tickets was of »■ce in buiMing tor.io r>> . h i iirki I 1'5 l’r. F J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo, Obi". General Agis, for D. M. I erry & Co's kii.«i. Sometiiues public sympathy Texas has lately dec:ared unreservedly gives the inside history of the famous that Will Jackson. Of th«« Franchiaea and Privileges granted to F. H. ROWE - • Sold by ad druggists. 7 > *. in favor of the change. “Our govern­ march to the sea Sherman had Been • may I** invoked to popuiariae a i layer.Lut August 7th, 1888, ment,“ he says,“is f mnded on the intelli­ importuning Gem ral Grant, President j the « ffrct is always femia-rary. Though O. F. üfcMÜWtbT, adj kind raised in a first-class Nuraery. Raring Programme. gence an«! capacity of the people to gov­ Lincoln and the war department every j many ami ingenious an«! generally auu RESIDE .N T D K \ T I S T. By the ineorpirat-irs of saiil company, now on file at the The racing pr«»gramin«* for the state fair ern themselves, and they are as capable Those wanting trees will do w« ll t«» give me «lav for permission to cut loose from his , ces^iiil have been I he meth<»«is that have t heir <«rd» rs. as I will guarant« e salistaction. this tali ix out and already’ distrituit« d base of supplies and march through the | b *en tri«*«l, the nvwsj aper a iveitisenietd Recorder's office, in Jacksonville Jackson Co. I warrant a’J my fh•• ■*. if prop« rly cared for. niipn g the horse-«>w hers. The programme of electing a senator by direct vote as Garden Seed. Terms «»f payrm rit easy. l*i«»«luce taken at consists of nineteen racer—ten trotting and th *y ar«* a governor, congressman or any Country fioni Atlanta to the sea coast. ;a conceded t<> l»e the la‘st, anwest pur>e in the « ther officer.’’ Mr. Mills adds that, in Stanton thought he was foolish. Lincoln ; aupeiseding all of hers Tob», Oregon, October 4, 1889. A S JOHNSON. trottii g races i* $«‘5u». wifli entran« «* money his opinion, ti e tanff is the paramount was afraid he would lose his army, und Jacksonville, Oregon. Aug. 1.1H83. F II V S I C 1 A N A N D S F R G h » > N. added, w h le trie .4’) (laxs ix ^4<"». th»- 2 :3u i.-sue b»’fore the pt*« pie, and that the phi S ays the Eugene tiuarii Senator while (¡rant «n the main agreed wi’h the I class an«l the 2:26 and 2:22 clas-ex tocratic rule in th«* senate “ought to end t Ja« h•»<»!»♦ ili«*, Oregon. ___r . there _ were staff influences around Veatch ia having considerable trouble plan, ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■a I'M«! each. Tn«* trotting an«l p.’icmg race, | and will en 1 whenever the people have J. H. GRIFFIS. him that were hostile to it« execution, j <$vei the insurance cn Ins tb»uring mill «... T/Z/ f IIIBRATEH ••• «ifi • r»ti««- .oi l r» .<«lotirr rm « nt«»ni. « *1 • >1 • 2:20 ( lass, has a pur>e «»f $1000 The Crass, Clover and all kinds of " | ; th«* r'ght tr •*!« (■♦ H‘*ra‘ors by a direct One dav Sherman rce«*ivt*d a h b'grarn ( recently burne»l at Cottag« Grove. He Call«attended pi«unpt y day «»r n ^m. tr<»ttii g .xtalli«ui stake ix|2-‘«». wub entra’ < »• | SMITH & WESSON _ fr«’in Lincoln say if »g that he might use , fit st took out a policy of $4,900.after w’ards I he purstx in the rum.11 g are fr -m $3 hi vote.’’ E. P. GEARY, M. hi*, dixcretion. lie I’ instantly ‘ “7 ordered -1 1 one a pobey ' — « * f * ”’ It • - a. •* — there — — |3,D0d. pears is - a a entrance to in one and a R k . i - ki > k ni \i ive Ih»ck» rv of Miiwuuri. of his start to .ak»- a detachmen! ’ ‘ and pr«>vix»on tn a.l policies fl at when an ad- fiiirth mile da-h. One tiv-rights d «sb MANl'FACTt ltEltS OF I’ll V s * ’ l A N A N D -•* r R <• EU 1 a\x $11", t,ut there is no « ntrance fe»-. • h I i • in.!n«! company refuse to 1 1 ay the full amount of insurance, hold- We want vou for a customer. Give us .Aprii 9th : (> Ninimcrs, l’ortlard. «(« - , r.i e ami die the result of tie* muddle. ■■■■■■■■■■■■a mandt-r; J. II. Brndsbaw. >;il»*iii, medicai gress; or. in oth‘*r wo»«l*. an av»*raje an­ of an old quartz mine tn Lake coonfy, i Insurance p-Iicies have a multitude of mv.wli IAN AND 5L It «IE on . director; llvv. 1. E CLipp. I’«»ri .and, eh i p- nual burden of about $8.10 on each one Oregon. It 1« one which has been | conditions printed on th« in in small lain. 8 lem was cho^en :«s ibe ilare f«»r Ore«/«»»», Successors to Miller Bros. Catalogue Free. thè encampmeirt Februai v 1’. and 12,1x92. of « ur 68,990,(»0 of population. It is also looked for by different proaj»eetora, an«l tyi>e that arc rarely read by the insured. «Ifficc -Hamlin x Bl>a k. Del» gatex tu thè Uriti iial enc.tinpuiei.t well to remeinb» r in connection that the was found accidentally last fail by some I We should not I m * surprised if many I increa«e«l exienditures of the Fiftieth sheep herdera, who came arrosa the old business men who Lave taken out sec­ —llev J. F Eliis. Fon-st Greve; R. A fORSALE ABOCTtnn AI RES OF EXTRA R. PRYCE, M. D., Fraine, Perdami; J C. (’»oper, McMiin- congress over that of its immed ate pre«ie- camp, and found the skeletons of the last ond polic:eson their property are in tbe quality of agricultural Innd. being a part ot thw Hiram < <>iv« r Donation Land Claim; vil e. Altemales B. B. Tutte ami F. K. ■ censor were only $71,621.369.29, while party of prospector«, who had evidently same conditi in. PHYSICIAN AND 8 V R g E <» N. situate«! about .r» miles trom Ashland. ot a Arnold, Pori lami ; (iwiigr AA i hams, Salem. the average increase for each congress i»een murdered by I* (hans. It has every —WITH ITS— mile south of PlKrnix, .lin k.son count), Ore­ Ui-«ir<>r«l. Oregon. during tw» Ive years of Democratic con­ appearance of I raving been a permanent gon. The Oreg«>n A California railroad and El M HAL E a I LX s I. s <•! CoN«iKI.-*MEN• — •the Oregon A ('alHornm stage road pass Take it Before Breakfast, DlAce in Wi'iiains Bri« k Bui.«ting, up-stair.'». trol in the house, beginning with the camp, a« the date of 1.867 or 1869 can be 11 Oll««- < >ili<í<* ílt >»Tll«‘Ill, <>!-«*<»-<> II, A reference to iiiea 01 the scute- througli said land. This tract of lami is all A The great h pperzer.ton;<* a«» <>r nixlit. bead and bat k of tbe eyes, tire«! feeling, with the Havemeyers, ami is now a mem­ claims have already been taken up. The ator Miller of Cslifornis. Ami the esti­ E. D. FOÙDRAY, Phirnix. Oregon. mated cost of the Heat st funeral, which dizziness, languor—symptoms of liver cotn- Ashland, Ogn.. Oct. 3 1*90 ESTABLISH ED ls?4. For several location lies west of a small town called was on a slightly more elaborate scale, is I 1 «mt. Remedy—Dr. Henley's English ber of the sugar trust. J. 8. WAIT, M. 0., Paisley. It is predicted that things will han<1elion Totiic. Relieves constipation, weeks Mr. Searles, manager of the sugar |l<),0«)0. But the Hearst funeral will VHVSI« IAN ANI, Sl ltGEoX xharpens tin* appetite and tones up the trust, has been in this city, and la«t boom there in the spring. probably not serve as an illustration of Th«- <>r« gon Land (’«»..was especially organized for th«* purpose o| buv ing and subdividing • ntire sys’em. Get ttu* genuine from your week J. C. Havemeyer arrived. They the extravagance « I the e« nafe, Itecaueo ttiulfor«!. Or«u«»n. i.irg«' tracts of land, and has «hiring tin* past two j »nr* l»««ught hu <) xiiteln id« d (1V( r ,j imj acres druggist 1« i $1. and takeaccor«iing to direr T iieke ia peihaps no labor so tiresome (•«•usulted with Spreckels, but terms of Mrs. Heard, bef< re the deputure of acrex ot ¡.«mi int«» hv«* t«» twenty a« re tracts. Tin* suce«*ss «.f this umh rtakiiig is shown in the tions. Office on Milin Mr«-«-!, in ('hibbT'»* f>’iil«l;njr. tact that «mt «»f 2MI tracts» placed on the mark« t. 225 hav«* b«*« n sold. the agreement are unknown. It is as tliat which it» performer nee« m to the funeral parly !<»• «Le l‘.«< iLc coast, V m II m pr«»mptly att« n«l« <1 t• ». «1.«y and ni- «o . Semi for Catalogue for lsol. \\ . claim that ten acres of choice land in fruit will j :« Id a larg, r Incom«’ than 1«i a«*r«*t* of ai-compli-ti no l ’ oo Promised. hrickyanls near Anhland Address—«■ K« ’• -T A1; I: F.TT. has been effected. The Havemeyera thii war that Howard and Curt », the trip would be paid out of the • state of DR. S. DANIELSON, W»* also make valuable improv«-m« nts in the way of r««ads. f. nces, ch aring the land etc The Myrtle creek mines, owne in Oregon ’ » Walla Walla. Wash. will control the eastern mark«*! and We can sell a small tract of'.and for the sain«* pric«* per acr«’ y«»u would have to pay for a : tlie dra«i senator. I he only «’.iflh ulty in Phy sio-Mtxlical paby try men in Eugene and vicinity, Spreckels the western. large farm. Spreckels’ l ig Mate p-nitentiary, have Iteen laboring the wav of < any mg cut Mrs. Hearst's promise I» pay bi-, s tv- the Register The Philadelphia n tineiy will la* turned (»ver ever« day. Sunday» excepted, for t «elve idea is that the 1 n|» : - m uh.ngu of the PHYSIC l.’A N A N L S C R G F. o N. hyiirauhc ininmg is r arr e«l on day »ml t( ttu* x»-n He, who is nigh' ae«l h grea* deal o'g, 1 I is washed to the tnut and ttu* trust’s American re FROM IN< II T<»J. IN« H. Mediar«!. Oregon. .lay the« drag o«*-r the »ante wel' known niittiorized to pay its eX|»e’tM-, and there our every il»y. Tin v have not yet hail a firpTV lu r»* will either he dosed or will Special attenthìu given lo <’In« »im !• ••- Il in ie may l»e some terhinuAhttes i « j overcome Spreckels’ refinery. path a heavv piece of pig iron 1« .it, up.' and it is mu known winl tiie run even with C. II. VF.t.ll IF, Ashland. their punishment for maiming them r. -ii.t is I'l.ese nine- are paying from» Adolph Spreckels to-day denied having tn the mutter of refunding the money. t<» .»> cents to i he tan. and a gentleman ti » nt«*re«i the 11 tixt; blit admitted an agree­ selves in the hope that they might escape r A i »pyW'.hou: it .m tin- iiiy who has et«gage«l in hv und' i ti n« «•. (J> :»« r« x in « ulti posteilesumate Ilu«t b>r seei $l««aiamt $2 ikn ) th m there have het-n no mon self in p >s- Wilt S« ll. I»« • K'nt uu«l lliinill.- St t.AK dealer» on the coast think that vatioit. Good ImiiMf and outbuildings and veiHilv. 1'lioiifcrl, c.»i«i|>atativeiy a youni worth ot gold 1» w*i»li«d«'Ut every tweim- THEREFORE USE ner«--x;ir.v barn i'«»<>iii. Fruit enough t«»r a four hours, f-iti per day won <1 b- big | nv the Si.rec ke H combination m San 1 ran e.i amputations.— StdOn'i'n'. man. few educator» tank higher than small tamily . Tw«» living -spring's «>n t lie | 'a«x . cisco w ill be able to main »in old prices Ihictor Jordtn. He ha- held the pre«- tndy ft.rHioek and irrig; ’i .u purpo<« s. t he I Ag«*nt8 i>r Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jos. Seblitz Brewing* Coin- h place Tut following dispatch from Wsshing- //o/ for Huttf- Crffk, after the first of April, notwithstanding is I M-at«sl three miles northwest «d Eagle i.lencv of the Indiana stale Vniveraity Point,»«nd nine mil«** from < « ntral Point rail­ ton, dated March 24'h, is in relation to for »even yea«», and uial-r bin a«lmini»- the competition of frtar sugar from the The undersigned will leave Central Point p:n«y, Milwaukee Bottled Beer. Schmidt «V Co.'s Sarsaparilla and road station. I f sol«! btdor«-lull Vest file crop This is tne special agent who was in Lskeview irat «>n the im-t.tnt'on hak tnadea trtirked A Choice Collection of for E«gle Point, Brownsboro, Lake cr»*ek West Indies, via the east. will go with the place. .A small bunch of cattle I -.N the best helper t<» Health an«J the «>»•« k«-.U an«! some hogs will be s«»ld also, if desirbd. anress matter. I will make contiei - a potiii'i to Hawaiian sugar planters. eoa«t to assist in the prow cution of » • in t Dys.te-irvM.dris« sallimpuri"«^«»"" ■t » «•«»ÌÌS1TÌ. FRF.DF.RK K SC HNEIDER. tioii with the trainseach way Mv rates ,... I ...I inJ.lh-up- Smith, the defaulting official, recently ' Anr p'-rson wishing »•» x« II pr«»perfy Wl are reasonable. These planters and the San Francisco I F. W illiams nili e >nEyy-i.in, In nil IB- World ther^ i> liuton. Cvrr* their rivals of 2 cents a polintl for fifteen lias returned and is engage! in wilting .. o ,s*htirl«-.h.wnhV«*‘', Escitdincnt Ur. tiaine. «¿olden opeelfle. It is rumored tliat he wi!) IIALF THE U(iS'J'of hoist ing saved 3.11 evenwhite. $1 CO a botgc: Jix ter . . years, without any gain •" the public nis report «» 8tur< k»*vp« rx. But« hers. Farm* th . his ! Kwns high in thia place over "System I>et iheni meet on an equal footing now, Ire asked to resign as soon »“ he tilCK It can be given in a cup of tea or cofl'na J. R. WRITSMAN, Vice-Prwident. W. F. READ. President. Mai'iilnlsts, Buil'ivrs, i'ontnic* »rs ‘‘uilder." as it cures Dxspepsia, (un’stipa- report, ii not already bo len'teet ted, l»i- without th«- knowledge <«t th«- la-rron taking tin«! other««. Adinitt••«! to be th« Settle Up Notice. orcliïtot 'Ifliiifov Imn. ('atarrh of the Slumuch, and make- and see what comes of it. cause of certain thing» in bia manag' it ettei tine a rpe« dy and |loeks. Freight prepaid. inent of the acconntantt' «livn-ion of the whettier the i ati< ni ir a m«.d«-rute drinker AVe Can and Do l' M 'NI.Y- HI E ME. LITUI.K '".V 1 And I.«porter of is U t/0 a bottle at Brooks* drugstore. AA rite lor Catalogue, Thousands of general lanil oflL-e, to wiiic'i S-« ret«ry or ni alcoholic wreck. «•r 1 ."k « .■ »unt®. must I»«' Mtthd by Ma\ fh' « 4] Tell your friend« of its merit when you use Gmirmitv«* Dr. Ack« r’s Blood Elixir, for it has 1*1. 1- I It ji a paid bv Hi" tim«* th» \ will ! S' L'e takee ex« «.ption. He «a- appoint­ ; drunkards have beeu cured who have ttkei? ( ’ niton Iron »nd Eminr Wks. l>e«ntu!lj tfcc witbou b» i dared lux I o - a \ . r'*4 hun«!’» f«>r c«»ll' «di' "• Eat. l.<»2. !(• Brush St.. Detroit Micb rountrv that it la rup«*ri«»r to all other prupu- ed from Ohio.” XF.wyiAN FISHER. thvir knowledge, and to-day believe the» catlons tor blood diseases. It Is ap"ÿt■r•, cur .Tricks««Uy;II, April 2, lwl. Farm for Rrnt. quit drinknig of their own tree will N. t«»r syphilitic pois«»niug. ITucrs. tnrrtkmsand MEDFORD, ORECON. ffii.f.o <«riR ,.n. 1. ». »ern«i.l» .T h« R. Fr< nrb Tnno Wafer». pituph-a. It purifies the wboi«'sjstem sna harmful effect results "from its administra­ (.« oj.vin.lr I 1 ,41 ¡X t .t . • Kräder, 1 he .lobii (’enters farm near Baar creek thoroughly builds up the constitution. These wafers are a -ure and safe speritic tion. C’ires guarant« »• . I k '» Bare Street Shakes amt Shingle«. nn. Bathe-«»» a »^r. RfV t $ xianfly kept on hsn»L »nfl nothing but flrst- I HEREBY REspyj tvi |.|.y |XF$4RAf THE N ik «. S. E. I rh Atnrnr». * . ■ ■ ■ ......... . . , . _ , I farmer*» an«! lab.-ri’itf n»-.t| . .,f .ri Co. nghs t,«Bf no matter chat th* reuse. Ihey are Cincinnati. O w«»rk tm n« «1 «»of. i >< I ■ , ’ e precinct Oct. 2o, A sill«; ly of tlnsb. st «hakes and sh ’>••!!*« wr «nur i r . ,, turnte ' H.« !.• I het I ha\ • !»••« t > u» . nt«' Diin.ts Orgimiz* r wh«trvrr\ w m*n • ewl-. «n«1 ran ts- use«1 Ihr work All ,» « . -, < . j a, |a , r •JI .»r«f« rx tUl«x| pr«»fnpf « •«! $■ •*»« inabh Al.BAN V. OIîLXiOXi. h-» ju-t been receiv«rr» -»p«.!»«!. ... .. . ,j t,( ln 4lj «liNb «lille «Old I. Ill« s •' * ' ' ' . iniiiedm•« i • »• I b» «i-.n BreMon \ > ■; ■ ■ « Cat Jhildren Cry for Pitther’s bastarli 1 fAMi'.l 'Ali.-» Ill'i A ' !r* te at or-«-« who are ■!» **»r...i-■ ’ IV in / n._ \ j;U„. t .alU»..m.«uufdLtu; is «* «n Tiaucitco f p>«Mvt . . i .|$- TOI**®- I ! » d Are Miafvrii, M«»? 13.1^ ’ piixbu!» a '.v., lukiUAv, maux . t?AML EL II. HuLT, Pinruix, Or. I STATE GY OREGON. c s W itul .r-. J. It. Mtui.' ll, j N Itolpn.l C'.Hitjre-ueiMi. H. H.riu.u.11, U..v. mor. S. Ivii- u.n.r >. .i.l.ll) "I .'I.U'-. leoiuo >' M.- lir'i.l.-’'t»t. ti. w.ur. r, l'un M. t-eiiaii Nul.’ 1 Prtnur.r V. lUH. r. s.i|l. fa..... . i E. H. McKiroy; »uprcinc Jtidges. K. >. otranan. Ctncl Justice;W. I*. Lord, K.Bean. riMsr Jtuu ivi. i»i.u, J.»»cpi».nc, Lak«1 and Klamauk uuuntio*. « treuil Judg« . L. K. VA eb­ ete«, DiMricl Allome). VA . M.iolvig. SILAS J. DAY, REAL ESTATE AGENT I How’s Your Liver? CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCEI 4 rn- H; -444 M tí - tí Il’s Esp Tidily adipic! fur Farms, Ranches, Orchards, Gardens and Lawns, BEEKMAN & REAMES’ BANKING HOUSE, NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Euccessors tí C. C. B íc I m ’ s Bank, The Gûkbi «toJ French Cure, !- APHUODITiNE” Jr' ’ X FREICHTS & FARES THE LOWEST. WOODBURN NURSERY rnit. Shade Ornamental and Nut Trees NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES PRICES: I The Roail to ïeaitb > Jackson County Bank. J. C. CARSON, Sash. Doors, Blinds WINDOW (ND PLATE GLASS English Dandelion Tonic MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS TOLO ! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE FRUIT TREES By the Thousand ! T FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, GRIFFIS It WALKER REVOLVERS; GOLD HILL, OREGON IS F. L. Posson & Son, SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. THE OREGON LAND CO CHOICE LAND FOR SALE! F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. STARRETT’S I GARDENSEEDSi The Best Because Always Reliable. Grain. Stock and Fruit Farms. Also City and Suburban Property. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. MAPS.» PRICE LIST. W under À’T- ” WINE Q rcgon B iood P ürifiír AND SPIRIT TILE FOR SALE Tilin? of All Kinds S|ircial Prices to Market Gardeners. LUCKEY & CO MERCHANTS, REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION. Vs E iv City and Country Property For Sale. 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon DETROIT A. CARRICK, NI n A The Farmers and Merchants Insurance Company ORCANIZE ALLIANCES. Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc. CAPITAL- STOCK, $500,000. «»A.II» W ’i ULRiCK District Age.it. UP. MEOFOBD. ORE-ON L'