MISCELLANEOUS. East and South VIA sooraERM pacific co .’ s line The Mt. Shasta Route MISCELLANEOUS e iu^vmoiralicaiin^ MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN aprila , IO ADVxHTlhERS. COVgREH WITH SC AI ES AWFt’L SPETTACD«. C'VHKD IS FIVE WEEKS BT THE CUTI CUMA HEMEDIES. "fexprvaa traina Leave Porti ami Dali y. Buutb I iNorth. 1:00 p. m . Leave Port land Arrive V:.B> a . m . 7 TJ A. M. .Leave Medford Lcavei 7;U5 a . m . 10.1’» a . M.l Arri ve San Fran«* ¡»co Leavol P.MP. m . A» w > vh trains «tuo unq at the Loiiowiug alai io us north of Roseburg; E-st Portland Oregon City, Woodburn. Sab in. Albany, tangent. Shedd», Haisey, ihirrisburg, Junc- Tiou City, Irving. Eug< iie. tC<»¿E b U ku MAl L DAHA : AHM1VE: _______ LBAVC____________________ Portland .... B:U0 a . m . R om « «burg . 5:40 p. m RuAvburg . .tl.UU a. m .|Portlaud ... 4.UH p. m A LB AMT L» >’ al . DAILY Except Sun lay LEAVE; AHH1VE: .5:00 P M Albany ........ If;00 P. M. Portland Ai bauy 5:00 a .M.(Port.and ....V;Ub a . m . About the 1st of April last I notico! some red pimple* like coming out all over my iMwiy, but thought nothing of it until sometime later on, when it began to l<•- Mb C tors in the county, but with- JU v\ out aid. After giving up all hope* of recovei y, I happened to see an advertisement in a newspaper about your CfTi- < cha R emedies . ’ and pur­ chased them troin my drug­ gist. and obtained almost Im- mediate relief I b« gan to notice that the scaly erup­ tions gradually dropped < ff anil disappeared one liy on«*, until I had been fully cured. 1 had the disease thirteen month« before I began faking the R emedies , and in four or five we« ks was entirely cured. My diseaae was ecz.« ma and |»s««r>a>. I kmw TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, of a great many who have taken the RKME For accommodation of »ecoud-oiasa paaacn- dies , and thank in«- tor the knowledge ot rera attMcinm to Expreaa Train». th« III, especially mothers Who have babes with scaly eruptions on th« lr head* and bodies, l vannft «-snr«-* my thank* to \ >u Waat aide uìvibìoi ». My body was covereu with scales, and I was BKTWEKM FUBrLA » l> a < OKV a LLI x an awful «»pectacl«* to behold. Now my skin ___ MAIL TKAtNS UAlLT «BXCBPT «UNDAV.) 1« as clear as a baby's. G eo . C otkt . Merrill, Wis. 7UM) a. M. Lcaw Portlan«l Arrive 5:JU P. M. DL1U r. M.¡Arrive Curvali!» L« ave|lL*:^ p . a. P ULLMAN tíUO'ET ^L l EP l KÓ. Cuticura Resolvent, Al Albany and Curva.as connect with trains of Oregon Paci tic Railroad. DAUt EXFHEHH THAI NS EXCEPT SUNDAY.) 4:40 p. a. Leave Portland Arri ve »;JI a .. m 7:36 F. M.(Arrive McMinn\ ’..« Leavt k46 A. M The n< w Blo, ’ t»4 pages, 50 illust rat ions, and 1ilv skin cured by Cuticura Soap. I CAN’T BREATHE. MILLINERY Chest Pains. Soren«-*iM. W» akmsH, Hacking Cough, Asthma. Pleurisy and lntiain nMtton r« li> veil in one w ado« ’ to my Mi < k the full« wing ciaaaof minute by flic ( i th rax A nti -P ain P i . as - good», of which 1 have a lull line: TEK. Nothing i’kr it tor Weak Lungs. T he riMt.N hM« m rirrulatloM <»| 2500 iUeinrge«l enjoyed by »*••> Mew«p»per puhllMhed between Portlawd and Bed Kintf,«'al.-ndi«tai»ce ol SOO mile«. 14 therefore oiTerw the best Inducement« towdverltaer«. Our list 1» principally confined to lacltaou. .Io»ephine aud Klamath rouutte». Bn»i«e»» men slmultltakr note of thia. KEHTTIFIL ITU.LAMETTE. From til«' t'asca.l*.' Iroa. n gorges, 1.« apmg like a <‘hil*t at play. Win.ling, wnli ning through the valley, ilright Will»lil*tte glides away; Onward ever, Lov.lv river. S*>ttly «'ailing to tin* new; Time that M-ara us. Maims and inara us. L* avvs no track or trunch on thee. Spring's gr*s n witchery tr weaving Braid and border for thy aid*; lira* *' ton ver haunts thy journey. Beauty dlnipl* a on thy ml**. Through thepurpl«- gat. s ot morning. Now tny roaeai, ripples da nee; Golden, then, w hen day departing, Oulhy waters trails Ida Ian«'**. Waltzing, flashing. Tinkling, aplashuig. Limpid, volatile and free— Always hurried T** be buried In the bitter moon-mud s«a. lu thy crystal deeps, inverted. Swing« a picture ef the sky , Like thou«- wavering hop«*» ot Aideu 111 inly in our hope» that lie; Clouded often. dr«,wn«*d in turmoil. Faint ami iov > l>, far aw ay Wreathing sunshine on the m<»rmw; Breathing trgrance rI i I ích I complexion of the »enate is fast The first ingots of tin or«* ever made in approaching. It will come in 1893 There California reach«««! San Franei-co tire is gooti reason to believe that in the two latter part of March. They weie made years tiie Democrats will gain a senator in the Temescal tin mines, in soutl ern in each of the states of Rh«>de Island, California. New York. Montana, and possibly in Cuusual activity in the tierman war Connecticut, Massachusetts and other office at Berlin lias cause«! rumo«aof war state». At all events, it is quite certain that with other nations. There is much He- creey maintaineii as to what the prepa­ there will he a revision of the tariff in 1893. By that tun«' it will not be in the rations are intended for. |>ower ot the Republicans to pievent it. Congre-s is contemplating extending ai l to the Pacific railroads, wealthy cor­ 1‘ hei . i ’ s and B laine .—The current porations, in the shape« of lending them number of Haryf. 's .V igucine contains mon«-v, w hile it laughs at 'tie prop«isitioti tin* most valuable unofficial contribution ; of loaning money to the farmers. perhaps the most valuable contribution The Roseburg I'laiii'lealrr says : Rev. of any kiiitl ma.le to tin- Behring sea con- Wui. Lund, pa-tor >f tiie Episcopal troveisy since it t egan, in an article by l’hi lps, late minister to Great church in this parish, wi 1 soon leave for E. J I Aurora, Indiana, having been recently Britain. Tins paper receives geneious i ap|«ointeeful sign in a controversy too much evening to make arrangements f ir the clouded h’ partisanship from the begin- Charles F. Chick* ring, whose name is celebration of the co tiling Fourth ot July, mug. Mr. Biyaul liamlletl the Behring famous whetever pianos arc played, is Eugene ought to catch the worm. sea question with courage, sense and dis­ At cheap a* to be bought any place; ato<> «lead. The St. i/ouis (¡lobr-JJeinorrat, one of cretion. He was finally prevented from The “County Fair" w ill clos«* its phe­ the leading Republican papers of the reaching a solution by the weak yielding nomena! run of three years at tne I'nion west, says the late congress ha* «lone of Great Britain to the mtertering protest Coder 4 year» old. squa’e tin atre next Satti, day night. more harm to the party controlling it of Canada, tmt tor which we should have boautiful Une of had an international convention for the Five new alliance lodges have been than any other in tiie nation’s histoiy. protection of seal life in Behring sea long organized in I'matil'.a county, each C’OKMETS On the hill above the town of Harney bef re now. But Bayard had been em­ with fi teen to twenty charter members. the e i- a well that tl >ws upward- of fifty barrassed and Canaiia aided, long before We have removed our Nuraeriea to Mod- Consi.liug of Lisle And Silk. 1 >e,l iware is in hard luck. First the gallons of water p «r minute. The |>eop)e the discussion reached this point, by the ford, where we have secured New Ground, the frost n pi e«i the peach crop, am! then ti e »oil ot which 1» a «and} loam, vnabhng us GLO V EH are figuring on the advisabili'y of s««« ur b.ttor and unwarranted attacks upon his without irrigation to grow healthy, thrifty trea-ur««r nippi«! «70,1X10 of the state's ing the supply for use iu a water works. policy by the American partisan press. with an abundance of ttbruua Iaterai HANDKERCHIEF» trees tunds. Counsel has been darkened in this root» without heavy tap root», to be cut MW ay The letter P appears to be a mascot. in digging. Weoflvr IIOSlEIi V, Men can lie foiimi who are willing to There is Pentrover of O.' (Mi -qu ire mile>, ta-ing larger in pres nt ami take pait. tornia strevt. American secretary of state. Under extent than \e niont, M.*-saehusetts, MRS. P. P. PRIM. Slate Secretary Methide is reported these circumstances, it makes a hopeful And a »P»«*! ruent of all the hailing va­ Connecticut, Ihrlawaie an«! Rhode Is­ still very «ick at his rooms in the capi ­ epoch tn the controversy when the Dem- rieties of fruits. land. tol building in S.dem The troubh* is ociatic minister to England, who began Ti e McMillan electi >n bill in Minne­ inti imination of the bow* Is, with which the cut rent negotiations, conies to the sota limit- ami defines the arm lints can­ lie ha- been down ever since the close of support of the Republican secretary uf didate» may si eml in st.'teelection*. All the legislative session. -fate, who is endeavoring to prosecute W * ------- AHN • — the state«« will have to do tliat sooner or them, in the most cogent, vigorous ami The Stute Horticultural S ciety will GIVE US A CALL later, and the s« oner they do it the sell­ nmpiahfied defense of the American er will they he ri«l of blucke-vf-five fx>li- hold its quarterly meeting in the stale posiu n that has yet been committed to hou-e at .-alem on April 14 ii. The pro­ ti<>. They have thrown away the washboard.and gramme is an interesting one. ami as bus­ pa| er.— Ortgoninn. say they will use nothiug but the The gold 1 of of Anaarn. the French iness * f inifiortance is to ts* transacted a MEDFORD. OREGON. R ev . P h Hon nut C rosby leaves he­ cc lony m eas ern A i t, i-« aaid to be the large attendance is looked for. li n*l him a noble example of clerical largest gold coin in the world. Lt ig courage, IKwrality and independence. worth shout £t>>. The Japanese ubang danufactored by W. A. Goodman A Co.. Captain W. W. ruundersis slowly re­ Grant's Pam. ’ >reaon. i- next in rize. is equ i lo ten English covering at the i>enitentiary from a se­ He was early ami late the tin less woiker Hoveiel*r>s am; weulis two ounces and a vere illness of spinal fever. He lias against the evils incident to the liquor some hopes of getting i ut soon, ami a traffic, ami yet he was an outspoken halt. opponent of prohibition, and tile advocate Lieutenant End G. Schwaika, the petition is now lieing circul iteil among of high license. He was_ able the newspaper men of Portland to that Antic ex pi • er, at «1 a naive son of a lvo-ate of lie absolute seculai ization of Or««.on. wiio rec-mlv hu t himself badly effect. the public schools, always insisting that by failingd..wii a stairway in Iowa, ex- Fort Scott, Kansas, April 1.—The all religious eXercist s should be banished i hiuittd no little talent us a hutmjrous follow ing telegram was sent to Secretary from them, as their introduction was a health . writer slid I' .ito nist wh.le a school Isiy B ait e to-day by a nunilier of patriotic clear violation of the American idea of at >alem, in tiiis state. eowtrovs:  hundred thou-aml cow- absolute separation of church ami state; i L<* Rithta'» Golden Balam Vo. 1 Be»*erer, of the Walla Walla Journal, hov- of Kansas would like to spend the that religious exercises in public schools Cut s Chancre«, fir»' and » cond furnidi could not be made abs ihileiy non-sectari- giv«s strict Satl'ala. lulls the following summer in Koine. Can you S«rrsrn the Lag» and llxlv; Sore Ears, au , that tm-se schools were supported by Eye«» .S< O p..r HiOtle. L« Rlchan’t G l«l-n Ila Wain No. 3 *aur-kr»ut barrel on Saturday night, so and 32c for fancy lots, but 11'1*1 rs re their support, ami that, therefore, they Cur-•» Tcrti -.rv, JI- rm ,.x' Syph: dir Rheu­ ttie kraut i an't work on Sunday." fused to sell at ttcise ticures. Tne mar­ should tn* wholly secular in their instruc­ matism. Pam« iri th«« Bone», Pains in the ket is quiet. The Columbia brand of tion. He declared that tiie American >|«ad kv k cf tb- N’evk, I I crated S«»ra The largest republic in the world, and California prunes, boxes, seventies to putilic school had been weakened in its Throat, Sv ph ..t c k«yh. Lumps »•>«! con­ influence for good, because some of its tracted < or 4, S ’.ff.-icM < f the Lind «. an 1 the only one thai !>as ever liv« d a cen­ eighties, is reported selling at 11c spot NOW IN ACTUAL USE. 5,(10 eradirikA « I d s-a>«, from the sv ’em, conductors ha«l, at various times ami in tury on a purelv I>emucratic btsis, is the We would ask th«« ladles of this Western whether ca ;-rd I . ind * r< ti n or ab iJ I nited Mat« s of America, which contains A fatal case of burning, resulting from vari riis places, insisted upon th«« reading f Mtrcury, 1 avmg the b « m 1 pur- ah Coast to lay as'de their preju«llc« s. give our i 1 althy. I* .• •* > 3 * O per 1 otfl«*. 3.1’60,(IM) >qti re miles, being almot an attempt Io light a tire in the kit* hen of tiie I’totestant Bible in these schools, Washer a fair tria and lie convinced. There is ONE washer in the world thst will do good I,” Kichnu* • (• d.lrw *- anlah A»» i- «qua! in extent to Enrol e, wlrch has stove by tl e »id of a can of coal oil. i* w hu ll la cleat ly a sectarian hook to the work. We hax e a combin»«d Machine. Wash­ dot«* f r t' •» i urr «f Gono-r’ a, t.t \-nine kiu^doms, empires, piincipali- rep rted from Seattle. Hundreds of i co­ Catholic pupil, and on» which he is for­ Jrritati nC awl, and a" l rina-v or G< board,Tub and Clothes Basket. Wvsellthe lai domrangenu-nt-. l*rl« e $ 3 30 per ties and rvpu* lies. Washer on its own merits. pie who know better are,however, taking bidden to read by bis spiritual fathers, Bottle. Description and price of washer given on ths dreadful risk every day. and the wie> use the Douay version. application. l.r llichan*« < ol.len Sp anish In- In the elrcti< n «4 General Palmer, Illi­ wonder is that so few cases of disaster j-rti »», t r s h < as 4 < f G n h i a, nois sends ti e first Democrat to the f fUnun t _v< •• t Strictur s.Xc I*rlc«* A nother chapter in the Parnell scan­ follow. 91 » p' r Rattl«*. L« 11 cm can .nak«- from SUM) to >2(0per month l i.iied S ates senate since the time of dal u ill probably I m ? devoted to Mis Apply at once for terms. l.o IBIctinn'« G >lden O itfment Thomas A. I>«vie« I as written a curi- U Shea. Lt ha» been the opinion all Stephen A LMi.l is. w hose death oc- for t e OT • t.ve h n»«f>-« < cu red in June, 1S61. Illinois has been oti-ly interesting little l>ook, on the hack along that us soon as all legal harriers and mint «x prh o$l «up r It X *4 which he asks : "Am 1 a Jew or a were removed I’arnell would shade Mrs. I e I »eh.iu*« Gold- i Pli neglectful « f Demo« >ucy in the past, but : I Br i i i1 .tni« I < ' ■ \ | | It the author will kindly O’Shea’s head under his whiskers ami »he will n ote than make up f<>r the Gentile?” « r. ex . or ov< v r .. » T itratin' . nn.il us hi» ph"to, we’ll under’ake to call her his own. But it seems that Mis. omission in the lutu e. Price S3 00 p« r Box, r\ communicate to him the desired infor­ O’Shea is inclined to be obdurate. Torlc ei.«l Nervine, Her Sent everywhere, C. U. 1»., s«igirv!y j« «.rd Sev» n hundred new freight cars arc to mation ; but without it we decline to divorce is a» good as granted, hut her per expreae be built at S « rainento. They are to I m ? answer. friends say she will not marry the object ANDLRSON CREEK, x-mewhat I «rger ainl of a different pat­ THE. HH IIARDS DHUG CO„ AGENTS. The la grii p“ has been epidemic at of her unholy affections; she has come 5íB and 511 M hi k< t Mn «1. tern fiom the cu's tf at are in pre-ent UM . to the uoncltihion that Parnell wants San 1 rsncisco. Cal They will I m * thirty* four fe» t in length Chicago, Pittsburg ami other eastern -----Circulara »ent freí*.----- nothing so bad as her ducats. Tics is too and will have a capa« lty of thirty tw of the politi­ ble rate«. A tine quality of 23, says: A check for f2.500 to da*, illness of employes. cal tide of fottune instead of the ebb, she reached Oliver K liertH, the proprietor of 8U The carcass of a sjiertn whale ninety- ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, the A'lirgton IL u-e, from Senator John five feet in length was wadied ashore on would have had no hesitancy in sharing P Jones, in payment f>r the banquet the ls*acli near Cape Arago, below Em­ his proud name. including the b«*at rustic, celling and ftooriiur furnished on abort notice. expeu-es teml« red to members of the pire city a few days ago. It was prompt­ (^Satisfaction guaranteed. Felt several yearn the house of parlia­ legislature ami Nevadans generally. More S. S.*»M1TH. ly 1 caled by its discoverers ami prépara champagne flowed then than at any bin- tions mail • to secure the oil ami bone. ment in England ha» been trying to pass 'N a law permitting a widower to marry a Ì quet ever given in thi«»state. The head gave HIM gallons ami the re­ detvas«’«! wife*« sister. It is one of the maining portion 120 barrels of oil. A re..l estate dealer, of Port Townsend, stock bills, and last week it came up and Wash , m a private letter to a gentleman An intoxicated Atlanta, Ga., negro was passed to its second reading. The in this city, s»v-: What can’t you say of went to church, ami because the preach­ bou.-e of lords h s upjajsed the measure times in Oiegon? Here it is quiet ami er CATII>. him down and sat on him. The negro despite tier rigid views concerning the interei-t high, people leaving town exc«-pt ft. wa« arrested a*.*l held, not on a charge of proprieties of life, favors the passage of This show's that wo, of Ore- gamblers as'ault, hut oil » charge of having tlie lull. Those who oppose the bill do gonfc are no worse ; IT than the p ople < f brought liquor into the lion e of won-hip not bay whose sister they expect a wid­ 5OCTS BRICE b «oming ’ ; W an h i li gton.— Kosebu nj though all the liquor about him waa in ower t<> marry, or state the m ral or Thi» w*ll-k'i«Kri noiiNM ha* ha*n rebuilt Revieu'. physical objection to I.is marry.ng h s his stomach. w»th brick and tcr^arly cnlarg«*«!, bmidva being wif ’s s.ster. After a l. I“ <■* il.’tit Ilarris n has* wine Sï It wis half a century ago tl at W il lain- •- NEWLY FURNISHED ¡sense »f ot thing*,. thing», ■I' the fitness filri*—* o' (I** hut ette l'niver-i y was removed to Salem. T urke are two editors in The Dalles a; p i te«l ex-Senator Blair *f N.«w 1 ala centrally i< catnd m the buenm part of It was first lia ateil down near where the who are Iroring their readers with their ' H «mpshire as env««y extraordinary ■n«l town, and a g«M»d*Min>pir r «un for commer­ Chemawa school now stands. There denunciations of one another. If each is cial travelers is tttt»-d up in eoiinvctlun there­ ' minis er pl -nipotentiarv to Cnina. Th** was but little discussion over its removal to be believed both should be in the pen­ with. Th« tab.e I« constahtly I urnisuvd with e^-senator, who began a speech on the be best the market affords. to Salem then. Everybody wanted it to itentiary fur the crimes «barged against •th of Febi uary and finished it <»n the _ ■ K llllb.ll I’M W Prop. come. Tne school is to be returned each other. This abuse is very tiresome Ashland, Oct. ID Issd. 2-’th will F h * jiHl It e jierson to enj_>y the north, but will Is* removed several miles and is only indulged in by men fresh in (’bin se drama, th«* first act of which from its early site, when it was merely a the newspaper business, or afflicted with t)«*gins one day »mi ’he last act closes mission school fot the Indians. > n, on *«x:■ .rai ion of cornirii-si ms, 778 want more trade with Canada and a tion. Catarrh of the Stomach, and makes ; iqa>n remov ds. 74 to till vacanciescau-ed Canadian administration that does not pure hlood and bui'ds »ip the system. It by «le.ilh, ami 459 were made at offices want more trade with America. Mean­ is |d.iX)a bottle at Brooks’ drugstore. »In h were raised trom fourth to pre-i- while the news that the Newfoundland­ Tell your friends of its merit when you use i der.tial class duri g the two years. At ers propose to let us have bait bee and it. rnr»n< J«i pre-i.lential offices no changes have I not to let Canadians have it on any Hn! for Cr^f/c, | yet been made. terms, may serve to moderate the re­ The undersigned will ¡eave Central Point joicings at Ottawa. for E tgle Point, Browm-boro, Lake creek All? H E TO MOHlr.KS. I and Big Butte every day m the week ex Mrs Win*)««» s Soothing Syrup should ceptingSunday, returning the same day, Arnica .Va/r* SEND EOK DESCIUPTIVK i 'IRCULARS ami carrying the maih.as also passengers a w va t e ti-««! f«ir chthlreii teetning. ft The best salve in the world for Cute and express matter. I will make connec­ • tiv<. «IT. «live .m«i pul«' f««r sickliest! J a. ksoTivi ksouvi.l ■!-- 1- I* P? (e e-inct -inri Oct. _’U, 1500. A tirst-c a s Hall s Patent tire-pro«.f safe j Jr,. .«ehf. -li.oi.I.rtS Ht.|n:««h. Io— «»I’ npp’tll«« our line in the m<.st up|«t ■ *v « «i st j le. I gilt 2700 lus , first co-t $2». cheap tor is, * tln-.v wegi i.iel « .nip.< xion ««ml bilmuancM. ’ “ ‘ have we Don't tail t » ca uud exuiuxut ^uuiyb » aud .ii«»«/ Address l>.«n I'luuivd, i Hier m i Atuencu of À casb Jiutnedialt relief by mine Preston's ‘aVWM. wi ittKvrttuu incut. M. I’Tkt'U«, Medford Ur. “Hed-Ake.' Laiiea' Furnishing ¿roods HAMMON BROS Children's Short Clothes, > Uli^EKIL 10000 Prune, 10000 Apoles, c000 Peach, FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER, 5000 Pears, 10000 Grapes, Zephyr Shawls, THE WOMEN OF OREGON Trees as Low as any First-class Nursery. On u Strike Nurseries aî east end ci Bridge L>adi<«s' Choice Washer' I AGENTS WANTED S. S. SMITH, Prop’:. r ASHLAND HOTEL CATARRH FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. r FARMS ASK FOR The first, it ia said, owes its ¡sipularity, if not origin, to a young southern mem­ ber of the Manhattan club, who not long ago snrjnised his v* tiler and the chef of the clnbliyorih ring oroiled bacon served with a plum lct'nee salad. Th«* waiter I;«« i.a' «1 before filling the novel order, uiol inquired a b«*cond time to a& tire hi.ustlf that lie had heard aright. When tiie news of the novelty became notse l .".broad, ami the members of the clnb le ui«ed taut it was the gen- tleimui a custom !■« or ier bacon with his lettm*. they indulged iu a great deal of good n.-tnrel chaffing at his ex ¡tense. Finally one after another tried the combi-i.itioT found it p J,¡table and bore testimony <■ the fact. The oddity has now beconn e:.tr mely (gipnlar in the city. It if remarkably palatable. Try it yourself some time if you doubt this statern «nt. The oth *r dish is also a combination. It is much affected in the better class of chop hou-rs iu Iktth New York and Brooklyn. It consists of a broiled En­ glish chop, bmileil bacon and frie«l sausag" ■. serveil together. The dish haw about it the suggestion of ill advised txiunty commonly met with at an up country dinner party. It fills a long felt want, however, in that it will appeas«' the appetite of a very hungry man who has a g > >«l digestion. Try this, too. soni«« time when you chats*«- to st '.il into a chop house and don't Im w ■.' •l it to order.—New Y'ork U id. hi th«« f’rirr «»f Soup W hs Raised. The pric»’ ha.s • n advanced live cents a pl.it«'fur <*<>np ( il U th nt Young’s hotel l>e<'au.r ¡««el;«>u lip the ;! « f i •■«• t-,1 v. • fimi that Av,, ar«« net ',«■:,. ,etl « « li'te«-Il cents i 4i sonp orders. Tiii ’< the reas*.a we have raise«! th»* price of s««np from fifteen to twenty cents jmt plate. The bnme difficulty lias prevaile«l in other h(»tels, ind I am pleased to learn that the pro­ prietors, like ourselves, have wad** a notable advance in the ¡»rice. It is the only way to hope for anything like a profitable business with these p»*ople. - Inte rview in Boaton Globe. Good Corn to Haise. A Kansas paper says the entire supply of Ji-nisaleiu corn came from two ker m*|-. These pro>itice«l the seed from wl .ch five bushels u • ro raise«! the fol- i««v ing season, am! th«- next crop amount ■<1 to 5 ■ gy : ,r malotig the r««port, that he w.c, *ip a tr <• v.'h.’U he saw the wolves —Di troit Fie«- Press. C. B. FITZGERALD, Gold Hill Or* gon USE THE BEST. S eed A nnual THE HAI DSCMEST WüRK MARBLE WOPKF Children Cr> for Pitcher’s Castana, Giant's Fähs Oi IF A BODY 'tEC.T A HOOT The mikado of Japan is to visit Wies­ baden next summer, partly for the waters ami partly for the sjiectacle “of innocent merriment.” Six villas have been engaged for the emperor and his suite, which will comprise at least sixty persons. No mikado has ever before left his own dominion. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caster!». When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she b««caine Miss, she clung to Castons. cr-DCkrni SCOTT’S I SCROFULA BRONCHITIS EMULSION COUCHS CURES I Wasting I: dseäses Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have pained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat­ ing properties of the Hypophos­ phites ami pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. 1 . Soli! I.) riV Ih-it/rr/i RE Wtw SCOTT X ECW.'X,Cl.crr. Rochester.” of his «-.aim. ann\111«* Saturday. May 23. IbHl, viz: Willi ton. hom«st«-ad « ntry No. 4K»!C fo '4 aii'i H of SE>4 of S«c :e. W.W M. H<-nam«-b the following witneaaea to pr<>\•• Ina continuous r«*aidc*nc.c upon and cuJ ivation «4 M«id land, viz: Ctrenua Vro­ man. ( urtia Miller, Benjamin Haymond, of It« • k Point, Ur., < hail«a Giillitii.ol Gold Hill, Or. JOHN H.bHl'PE, Kcgiater. Administrator's Notice Iri th«' mutter of th«‘<‘stat«'of J<-s»e WilsoD,8r.t (i«*<*«as<*d. d TK'E is hekeby given that the und« rsign« d hab tieen appointed by the count} c«»ui t of Jackson county. Or«.'K<’H. sit­ ting in Probat«', aiiministrator ot the estate ot Jc«8b<- Wilson. Sr . d«f« as«- sett It-th«* same immediately, and those having claims against the ««täte will prcM'iit them at my rebidcncc in M«dford pre- cim-T, Ja<-kson count}. <>r.. with th«’ proper vou< iieib attach«*«!, within six months troiu th« hi ft pul. licat igii of this notice. Dated March 27. I»91. AKTHLK W'lLSON, Administrator. W. H. PAKKtH. Attorney. GY Notice for Publication L and O ffice otice at K osebvkg . O r .J March IV. 1MM. J is hereby given that the settler has ti'«*d mrfice ol N his 1«>li«>wing-naiu«*d int<-ntion t«i make final praid pro«»! will tn* made be­ fore th« .1 mlg«’. or in his absence. b«*t'or«* th«’ Cl. ik of tiieCo(int\ Court of Jackson county. Or., at Jacks«»nviih-, Or., on Sat unlay. .May 9. I«*.*!, viz; William Sch<»vptlin, homestead • nti} No. 4tiO2. additional entry No. 5715». t«E*4 s ’”1 ot Sec. 1. 1 w p. js S.. K. 3 W., W M. He nain«*sthe following witn«*ss«*s to prov«* bis continuous r«*bid«nec upon ami cultivation of bald ami. viz.; Th«»uins J. Kenney, Char!«*» Winter».» Inis Ulrich and Tony Christian, all ol Jacksonville, Ja< kson county. Or. JOHN H. s HI I’E. tU'giater. Notice of Final Settlement otice is hereby given that the tiie estate<»! W m. Woolly, N <1. adiuinistratorut « . ;»>• d. tia* tiled in th«* C«»unty < ourt THE ONLY TRUE ? IRON ’t*/ Q < ot Jack.MHi county, Oregon, his final account as such administrator, an<<>• of Tsuth I»y*Der«t», Want of Ai'(«*t!t«, Indlg««no^ k Lnck of H’rength and *11 red K F«-v tog aba - ynrtd.Bonte mu»- »nd nrr»ífl r«»e*iv» ^yw«^ d - w force F.üh«r»«neth» rulad rid juin; I'C h Hra:n Power. —___ _ _____ Sufferiu» fiom comi* »iute I Ä E h 1 ETd peen »r totbrir »ei will rtnd UMUICO i IH BARTEK’S 1FOW TONIC » «mfe und »cee-ly c re G.v«» »clear. b»el> thr compieiren Frequent nttenipt» at counterfeit« Ing od ' y ndd to the popularity 4 the origin*! |)o not *i!*i tn*nt—grt’he ORIGINAL **d RIST. Notice of Final Settlement In the County C«»urt ol tin* State of Oregon tor th«* County «4 Jackson. In the matt« r ot the < ?»tat«‘ of J. W. (.'ollins, d«x*exihed. ft«>TK'E 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 • x«t utor «4 tt»«* «Mate <4 J. W. Colima. u«v< aacd. has fll«d in th«- County Court of Jac ks«>n county . Or«*gon, bia final account aa Mieti « .XA cntor. and by ord« r of aaui Cour« Tm-adax. May 5. at th«- hour of 10 (Or. HASTtR'S LITTLE LIVER PILLSS o'clock a . m . ia a« t for hearing. Ail pcraona (hiroO. neUi'arioo. Liver Oompiaiot and H-.ckB Hen !*< «i- .-.«rnple I »ove and Dream Book ■ int« reet«\i ai r her« by notifi«xl to ap|«« ar amt tr.fcne.1 >n rece : t of two certta in poetare F 1 til«- hi* «»r m r «»bject ions to aaid account on or Dr. HARTER Mtoicixe CO.. Siloul». *o b« fore naid dav I’utuiahed by order «4 Hon J. R. Neil. Judge <4 said Court. S. J. DAY, Executor <4 aaid estate. Dated March 17.1-9’. ktWTCtW__ 5F -. 7>.T» RAIN! RAIN! RAIN! Administrator's Sale of Real Property. To cure Biliousrces, 'Mck Headache, Const!- I ation, Malan.i, Lirer < otr,plaints, take tiie safe and certain remedy, SMITH’S Itl the County Court of the State ot Oregon, tor th«-County ot Jackson, sitting for tiie tntnflGU'tion ut probate busine**«. ¡,( • «!•• inntt«-r «»t the estate of Samuel CeiitiTT* dec«*as«ij. otice is heke » y given that by vjk . tu« ot an ord« r ami license of th« nlnn . . • ni it l«d court, in the abo\■••-entitled matter. | will on Satardai/, May lS3lt N l'*e the St! II.1. Size Pl little Béant» to the botile 1IIEV \ ke THE MOST CONVENIENT. S-3t* á 4/s •>!<<» to*- f*14 Ti'icf of either «ire. 2">c. per Bottle. KÍSSIKG"’:'’:?0»?«® If there’s one set of men who appreciate a good «raterproof cnat it ia the fanner. He knows that a •* Fish Brand Slicker’’ costs him lets per year than any garment made. Did vou know it rains or snows erne dar in three the wnole vear through ? A " Fiah Biand Slicker ” makes every day a pleasant day to its lucky owner. C-o anywhere with it is rain, hail, sleet, snow, or blow, it is wind and water proof Costs less than rubber, and lasts tes times aa iong. Rubber is good for show days, but will rip in a week. If you want a coat for hard wear and hard weather, get the *' > tsh Brand Slicker ’’ Every good thing has its imitation, so has th'- “Fish Brand Slicker.” Ixx>k out. Ha- ware of worthless imitations, every garment stamped w.’.h “ Fish Brand” Trade Mark Don't accept •ny inferior coat when you can have the ” F ish Brand Slicker’’ delivered without extra cost Par« and illustrated catalogue free- A. J. TOWER, - ST LOUIS M0« Tutt’s Pills To cure cowtK cnp«o the ineilictiie moat be more than a pargati^e- To be per« maneot, it must contaiu I ZT-'--, \ >\ , «'«of RlLEBt.es J.F.SflTHA.CS.'! Boston, Mass. Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tott’a Pill» posfleifl thtae tc a ui û. FENS O PERF C’tC’l FOT 1K9 E WHO WKIIE RAPIDLY, d imp'--« 1 - ’oft ko them 8*j. k in the | ftp« r «-pm • • \<*-v rmnotb and 9. « w PERRY & CO., 0 s ^INTERNATIONAL HOTEL « Cor. 3d and E Stirata, o POKTLANJ). OR » Containing 120 Houma, well furnistu d. SEEDS. ----- THE BEST----- Th«« 8. II. HF.AtiA« HE AM« LlVEIlf'rKEtnk.'N a*«cordinK <*> in ir«.«l om r ONE DOLLAR PER DAY HOUSE If the Merchant you d«*al with do«*» not k«*ep Th«« 8. II. CoriiH < « i«K for Cold», CoiiRhs them, »end to ALLEN direct. He pays the anil'Cron|i. ill<>onn««vtlon with tin II. n.la, he IN THE STATE. postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent free. Cnr*'. I" a* lli'ar |«. rf «viion a-any t him known. Th,« 8.CB. Al.riiA I*AIS i ke forint.«rimi ami B ul 6 b cxt««rnnl II«««, in M nraliria. Tootha« II. Cranio A dduehs : E. W. ALLEN, N«i « hin« ««- eti.|il<>y« ni»; lodxlnx S!> c «« i .1 h to 50 ««enti* fat lur«-! at Dutur, Oregon. For aale by all d ruiririata. ('. I.EWJSTON, Propriété Free A fl fl fl «'^ 1 ■-«% Xk J I I I I ■ I I I I I | I -'» v . . a JW tl>|l IIII I t " 1 ar h-nv to « » « Tparm thalrown lova'.iti*«." h»r« • «|lars n . rthr» In» 1 w*,« a’,»«, furnish I .................. r, » run tvosb win fawsot possibltcall per - bOX.LLT, H IMF. TBEATTSKJIT rLUKDIVITB- LX THE HI At II OF ALL THAT WILL <>1TE LXXTAXTAXKM'S KtXlt F A.XD A PLRMASKAT tl’Mi. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES OR AN i X » I INACTIVE LIVER. O c a w n o a 9» AU p z Í-*. ARISING FROM A .<4 o u J < DISORDERED STATE of the STOMACH s X I •DYSPEPSIA • JAUNDICE- • CHILLS & FEVER • •DISORDERED DIGESTION- •SICK HEADACHE­ GENERAL DEBILITY- « NOW AT PORTLAND, ORKOON < ./i,. I a __________ rORTHX CURE OF • 18 X « • DR. ABORN Sold Everywhere. ? 1SÌTÌVE PREPARED FROM at th«* hour ot 2 o'clock ot said da« wlJ at ¡»ut»l’c auction to t he highest bidder fot Qtmh at th«- court-house «loot in Jacksonville. uth«'ast quarter of the northwest «juartvr. and th«* n«»rtbw<*st quarter of the s«»uthw«*t quarter <«f s«-cti«»n s'x, in township thirty- >• v«-n .n» south, range one (!) w«*st of tin Willamette M«ndian. t«ig«*thcr with all and singular tlx* impr«'V«-m< nts and apnurtenan» e«> tlu-rcunto belonging. Appraised at farming lands and improv«*«!. Also the undivided one>half interest in the south half ot northeast «juarler of »««tn-n t liirty-tive. G township thirty-six Gfc> s«»uth, rang« 2 west ut WJIanuttc M*« ruiian— timh«*r land. All belonging to the estate of Samuel C« n t«*r. deceased, and situated in Jackson county, Oregon. Terms of sale—cash in hand. i m < e \ rut. Administrator Hr ¿r.' ■ 'f "«jlEIrrtric Hu«i»« n*4ori licit. |w|t. ’’ ' *«« ! FOB SALE HT DE Al-FRR GFNERALLY. tyr hart* rvdur« il the pr;« •• fr*>in t**« hi,, a‘ I which makesi« th« cheap « a , 7^-/\ - e»t FIRKTXìLAMS BEI»! in tM number, \ah ' ste n.aklnr <*t< r fltNN« ■ «rar r i ■ . \ U ■•>'•«•:«: aj / ..7.’ »a/f » GJ’’' U. S. ami ‘• h j <-ri<«r to oth< rs *> hi- L are Exchange! Exchange’! < • <1.1.t.A. Ito* 4VO. Aunuiia, Maine* 4*“ *v' Aol'l at from |l!l t«> t'i*1. Free bv mail forfLlorTJlREE » m U a for IHO.-*eDd for .-infilar he medfurb roller millb - will /\ddr«‘AR, California Electric lUltCh. Box give In exchange for sixty pound» of clean San Francisco' Cai. creali at •Ol Market Ht . F ■ ■ fl KI I- s**"m*<1 atniirWtWtinenfwork, ■fl 111« L. V ‘ tun ing uh«»’ MB tuilowa; Thirty-eight pound» »VH J I l»l »° ■ ’ ' »»’ * ''■mg • r . an I :n 'h* r straight tiourfn farmer a sack«, or tiilriy-four ■ '*•«■«1 ’'«• s't •• vs hrvcvrr -b»v l!«-r Any . , , • ' r • k< fl t?r. Exetiangr v ill ap- < 2 Í «. r .7^ S ona ren ,lo „ ,.,k Fsrytnlram. ■''i r’lilbg* U • Msrt «r«; Ji , ,i,i, y -Bn . tt« i .t . mill by adoitigt*«.« |« unda • • ’,'■'•■'*• *"n’s. « ' • 1 r t>mr •-> the r rk Th s • » > 1 - *♦ :• ly t » buy or »tun-. <*i tuku lu .««.»• « : - v • at «n«l 1.«.«.^» r ond< r lui sur ,-•« to rvprv m k Newsp»p«'r Advertising Bureau <10 Spruce m i . .«n • xcb.tnz',any amount otTercd. li. r" •• »r • rsrn ng fr fll f “J go f ¿o |>rr wrrk and orwsrda, Street), where u«!vrr- MPMII Wf AD tt w A A. DAVJb amt m n* a litile eii.erirn« r TVr fum;»h sou the rm- bucteUor to D a V if X h > a >CB Vic« iìVrWìtó'ùii! æa’Â'Kas-’iwâiS'A«' •»'- T A|inrC Coughs, Celil«. Influent. UeoncMtll. LU il LO Hoarseness. Whooping Cccga.Croup. Sore Threat. As'hsin, 1 ■■« ry eff-«. n eft!«: Throat. Lung$.nd Chest. ■- ' ■*- fens msrtiqn. Speedy aadp.rinau.uT. ucuu.-u-..-«.u "L .ttU," given that the in the County C«»urt ol the State of Oregon, fui the County of Jackson. in the matter ol the «*state ol Win. Woolly deceased. Dg > And with it there i» no smoke, no tmell, •i « ' f'.Kt < cf'innaij», no flickering, no sweating, no climbing up of the flame, no “tantrums nor annoyance of any kind, and it never needs trimming. Its founts (oil reservoirs being tough rolled seamless brafs. with cen­ tral draft, it is absolutely unbreakable, and aa of a tai ■ is < >» ■> Only five year» old and • »r f ’ i tr i'lion ( f f’-ese lamp- i j un. It must be a GOOD lamp to make such a teHang success. Indeed it is, for lamps mny come and lamps may go, but the “Rochester' shines on forever* We make over 2.000 artistic varieties,— H.ng mg and Table Lamps. Banquet, Study, Vase and Piano Lamps e»«>ry kind, in Bronze, Por­ celain, Brass, hick* land black Wrought Iron Ask the lamp dealer for it. Look for the trade-mark stamp- ' l iir. E ochkftiii If he hasn’t the ' 1 «• Rochester and the style you want, or if no lamp-store 15 near, send to us for free illustrated c at.ilcj,..c and reduced price-list), and we will box and send you any lamp safely by express, rifht to your dm«*- b«wly or aoinething. If it ian t vri <«ur neighbors it is with some dr«*ad , Governor John S. Pillsbury , of Mill­ tie- ota. is to present to Sutton, N. H., his native place, a brick town house, whi h, in addition to qu arters for town D. G. Pitner, of Ukiah, Cal., is pre­ paring an incubator on a large scale. His hop house is to be converted into one. Th«« house contains two rooms, each 24 feet square, with a «opacity of 16.000 eggs. He will begin by trying 8.000 eggs in one of the rooms. It is to be heated with wood, and kept at a tern Administrator’s Notice NURSERY’ Miss Harriet E. Lathrop, M. D., resi­ dent pathologist at the .*-tate Hospital for the Insane in Norristown. Pa., is. making her influence and intelligence felt m that institution. In the woman's w. r*l « man :s never admitted except m «■< i-ultation or accident. The patients arc iu charge of wonu n, from the head physician down to the night watch ofli es, will contain an apartment for a public library, the donor furnishing a supply . 1 Gi.iks for a foundation. The sit«* for th«« building has been selected an«l th«« work will »«xin be under way LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. MISCELLANEOUS RIVERSIDE lias Itrm Ma«!«* n I.ord. On. of England's mo-t popular states­ men. r lb«nry J imes. has lieen practi- ediy ««Ivi-I !>y Ixing elevate*l to the I; ui.*e of lords as a lif«« ¡s*««r ami lord of il. II«- wxs eeu introduced into the city. THIS PAPER ££TJ HfcW lUnlv