I HERE AM» THERE. V hr .íicmocraúc (i imc.ii Buy a White. A< > nunu a r¡ 11. u> The White is still Minn »"i Circuit courtis in session. SOVnURS OREGON PlsTRh T »AIR. Fresh fig, at the S. F. Variety Store. The Southern Oregon 8’ate Board Of Agriculture -r, -- - - - held ila annual ineveimg V. at Grant’s P ahs April 6.h. Present were Geo. W. Riddle president;(.tbarles Hughe«, vice president ; R. A. Miller, secretary ; diirr- tors. D. 8. K Buick, Dr F. W. Vandyke. John F. Miller, F. T. Downing, James McDonough, G. T. Baldwin, J A Haines Hon. J. W. Merritt was prrsent as repre- sentativeof the Jack«on County Agriculti ral Association. The constitii io :> w.t» amended to a I »w the sr retan |3(M) a year for his services. The foil >wn g officers were elected to serve for the eiisu ng year: Presuieul. Geo W Rutile, re-elected; vice-president.Char e* Hughe.*«, re elected; secretary, W. J Ply male, treasurer, F P Judson, reelected; executive committee, F W. Vandyke.F T. Downing ami Ge •. W Kiddle. The coininitlee epi»oiiitrd t » revise the constitution and by 1 iws was John F. Miller, CharirM Hughes end D. 8 K Bun a The conatiluiion wa« so amended as i., allow a second vice-president, amt John >• Mnler was elected as such, l'he president appointed, a- hi* aseociaua on the tinam> committee. D 8. K B uick ami Charu« l Horse and jsek bill, at the T imm office. Gag- Keene troupe April 13th. 14tb. Utb. Cures while you wait-Preston’s • Hed- Ake ” J S. Houck has left Saletu. this section for It cures headache onlyLpreston’s Hed- Akn ’ Babbitt metal for sale office. Caroline Gage at the V Monday. at the T imm 8. Hall next PERSONAL MEMTON. Constipation, blood-poison, fever! Doc­ tors’ bills ami funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; l?e Witt’s Litt!»* E.»riy Z. Cameron of Uniontown was in town Risers lost a quarter. Take your «hoice. y ester» lay. A gr^-ftt many ca*?« of la grippe of a V. Cook of Clatsop county is at8terEng- severe typ** ar? rei <»rt?d on upper Rogue vill • again. river. Chauncey Ny? and wife were both R. P. Ned of Ashland spent the week reporte periorni ? De Witt’s Barsaparil clo«e»»r unfortunate at the T imxs office at 5ocent« a hundred. K. V. Beall oi Central Point am! 1). Allen ciation the bonrd adj *urmd to meet at the who went insane in tbeC*»ve abov»* Ashland Avers residence on First avenue in Ash­ some tune. Cail of the president. The meeting was liar of Tolu were here one day during tiie week. The Gage-Keene dramatic company are ai»-w we* k* ago ami was taken to California The Monarch saloon at Medford, under monious and much interest was imtnifeaied tughlv st»uKen of by the press everywhere. fo the home of his father for treatment, land. Cough* ar d colds kept off by taking8i.il- in the aims and « bjecta of the association H<»n. W. K. Price and Scott Gntfin of the management of H. H. Wolters.is prov­ mons Liver Regulator to regulate lhe sys­ Health brings happiness. Health can he d ed soon after his arrival there. Tol»» were among our visitara during the ing a popular resort. Th? best <»f every tem. secured by taking Simmons Liver Regula­ thing iu thalline is kept there * Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism und week. A hirst-Claw Coiiibiuation. I> H. H Y<*«ger, the well-known timber tor most diseases originate from impure blood Mrs. Frank Davis accompanied her We take pleasure -n anm-uucing that the ♦ Xpert, spent several days in towu ibis President Reuter of the board of trustee* Ten th«»u«ami feet of lumber at Ham’s val­ Cl.-an«? it. improve il. purify it with De guest*-, E J Lacy and wife, on their d«- week. Drop ? of Medford havr secured the Alba is confined to his room, w? are sorry to W’itt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, pariure from this place, for a tour through Heywood Company *«>r a one night’s p«r- ley »< hool-houwe for sale bv Scott Griffin of strength regained. 8oid by E. C. Brook* learn. Th»* delinquent tax li*t will not be as • ( alifornia, and will be absent some week-. larg« a« ♦ xpecled. 11 will probably amount formance about Apr I 22 i, on n guarantre Geo. H. Himes, th? well known Portland <’h»»ice five-acre tracts in Nickell’s ad­ A very pleasant meeting uf the W C. T This is one oi the largest and flneal itompa- Four of our sportively inclined residents lo 112.000. mea in it- line on ihe road, and h h is som»- dition to Medford are «»tiered on favorable C. was held at th? home of tf.e piesident, job printer, made the T imes office a friendly hav b eu indicted fur gamLlmg. Only iw<> Attorney Pentz • f Medford was at the Mi«s Boo'fi, on? evening last week, and »•ail on Tuesday. <»f the brightest siaia in ihe proi»*M<»ii terms. were arrested, th? balance being conve county-seat on professional business last Alba Heywood, one of four great »niper A. Lamb, the Phamix miller.and Ins wife nientlx absent from the va ley ai present. Monday. N»»lr* receipts, due-bills.drafts, etc., in the l' cal a"S«>ciation bids fair to be a prom­ sonator*. 8;gm»r Jovinr. who pass* <1 over book form, handy and first-class. al the inent feature of our social life in lhe visited in Medford mid at th«* county-seat J J Murphy of Ashland and J N. Mana­ future. J. W. Milhr. ’he advame agent of 100 the coast with Patti, Miss Olga V» fdgren a few days since. I’ imks office Nebrsska f.»mili«*" who w»iu »i ¡i^e to better ti« hl of Willow Springs were among our Swedish »<•( ram>, a giauuute from >tork Spring is now here, and the authorities seeds, Commissioners Haymond ar.d Taylor A big assortment of fresh garden their condition by removing to this "ectmn, recent visitors. holm. Sweden.and a member«»! th** Emma Juch Opera Company this season, M >« slf»» fa, clover, timothy, etc., at the 8. F. should .«a«- that ulleya and back «ir?eta ar»* were here on official business on Wednes­ was m M«dfuid la«t wu»-k, looking over 8immons Live»* Regulator is the foe of dearie»! up A liberal use of whitewash day and Thursday. Anna Mi'ier, one ot tfie tin» st lady viol:» Variety Store. the situation. mala ia,as it throws off the bile ami prevents on trees and outhouses, and paint where soloist.« before ti.e public, a tluie sol *i*t its accumulating. T. B. Houston and wife of Josephine A nice line of straw hats of th? mo’t needed, would also improve the appearance Mi**8->phia A. Wil«on of G »l»i Hill visit­ who has grauuut d under Fred I.ax popular st \ les i* being disj layed at the 8. of many residences. county have b**en visiting relative* and ed the fatinly »f TlK'iuas McAmlrew near E D. Rose. T. P. Kahler ami A. H. of New York, Miss Henrietta Zorni erman. friends in the valley. this piac«* «luring the week, being on her Booth.>y were down from Flounce Kock p am» sob'i’t. The con pany a!so has a F Variety 8tore. The t a*tor anti trustee* of the M. E wav :o Klamath county to take charge of a «luring th? week L. S< hn* nter an»l family of Wagner creek I’burcti of A-ti and 1 ublnhcd a card in la«t fine solo orchestra o eight members ar.d a Mr*. H. E. Baker of Medford and Miss Tii? tv w ctr* for the R. R V. R R. C Silver solo band The railroad Company h «ve hifen visiting Ed. Hendricks and we« k’s Tidings, in which they heartily Mamie Dav, from th? Ish p’ace, visited »ihool there. w fe of App'egate. re expected to arrive anv clay ami wi 1 will run an excursion tram, h aving Jars endorse the work of Mrs. Mali».»}-Barrett Jacksonville yesterday. A pile <>f straw set on fire hv one of John make a h «nd<»n*on of A|»|»legate. The Dickson ami Pat» hen families, for­ will remain several weeks. H. H. Wolters, the mixologist, oas re­ Mrs. (». W. Albright entertained Mrs. F r«’ -♦ lass baking powder, with a hand­ merly of Lake county, were the victims of a Attorneys Bowditcb, Hammond, Burten- moved his saloon to the building next door Iu the matter of the estate of M. A Brvn- tan«>. Final report of adnuni»traif x ap­ some |.n/«e added, only 65 cents a can, at runaway at their new horn* m Idaho a shaw, Watson and Briggs of A'hlatid have to C. W. Palin’s barbershoi», on Front Fr.nk Lewis and Miss H»ckatborn of Butte creek precinct one day last week. the 8 F. Variety Store. sh«»rt time sin» »*, re u ting in the death of been at the county-seat during the wrek. proved ami discharge order*«1 upou tiling street. He has supplied the bar with the yout'gest I’amhen < hn»l and the sever? A tine rain commenced falling yesterday wiiii'*, liquors and cigars, proper receipts. A four month* term of school will be bruior.g of several other members uf both Messr«. Pomeroy ami Burrage, who are the finest billiard table can also be evening, wi h a prospect of coniinuini.' all Estate of Wm W«>ol*y. Ham? as ab**ve opened bv Prof I. B. Raynu»nd in tlie iron mines near Rock and a tin«* Give interes’ed in the ' fain hies. him a call, for tie will night. It will prove of immense benefit found there, Estate o* Ge*». H’m'k 8 iDP* a* aboi ? Trail creek district soon. Point, visited the county-seal on Wed nés- treat y»»u well. • Estate of Jvesr Doll trLide ('c. 1 on to J Niman still continues to receive n»-w I am an »4 I man and have been a cen- day. Numerous timber prospectors have been g-.ccl* H»* has a new advertisement in heirs, regarding sale ut real eslai«-, «»r.ivred staiii sullerrr with catairh for th? la«t ten exsminii g int»> the timber land* on E k Mr*. H K. Hanna h it f*»rSan FrsncFco Burglary. issued aimther Column, whn h everybody should \ » ar*. 1 am »-niirely < ured by th? ti*e »»I E"tate »*f Inn* s e II h II Hamv .*« »»»'ov*-. ami Trwil creeks recer tiv E»y’" Cream B l.u. It is strsiig»* that »■» one d*»y th.s week, 1» r in»•»':c il trrain.ent. The hardw.t»? "tmeol J. T L«\i(»n ol read. Judg4* H tnna a< c mpniiied her as far as > E«taitf «>i John Koi»n Inventory ol simpl»* a r» iin dv will cure sm h a stubborn Regulator for I u»e»i 8 mimma Liver M»'"-r«. \egl»t. T‘i\I *r. Million West amJ ! «»rantPas* w.** enter» <1 on lhe ui^h’ el appraisement i»lv«l. siiuwi. g property I*» in 1 ■.•►»uioii with .mmediat** relie! --[<>. G. park.«, Ex Masor. Macon. Ga ibex da* s in Jacksonvl I? Gen. Linn ami Evan Kearnes, students al an entrance through a rear window Estate and gUardianshit» <»f Jas F. Wait FJx Senator E rs to the vulue of $110. lhe authorities member of lhe U. 8 senate so many years, ‘ ‘ till the Estate and guardianship of Geo 8 Farra and belter prices will rule than has been the folkiwii g special venire, to vacation of Josephine county were notified and a has resign?«! hi« position. His resignation panel oi jurors d• aw n for the April term th** ca-e for sometime past. T. L. Lmkswiler. guardian, »li*. barged search for the burglars wa" in-tituted. »»f the circuit couri: " C. Pearson, A. D Col. R. A. Mdler and W. J. Piymale Sheriff Birdsey wa* also t* I-graphed t«», was a gr» at surprise. Guardianship ol George V Gdh-it? and Very popular, verv small, very good. De Naylor, Geo. B Ro»*. R. J. I’am-ron. E Th? county tr<*a*nr?r last week gave the went to Grant s Pa«« last Monday to attend Hugh H. Gi.letie, nnm»r* b 1n.1l "ettlt- Wilt « Lnt Early R *ers, th? pill fur con- Ja< *t»s. Jss. Ediott, Rufus (ox, ____ Alex the meetitig of the 8. O 8. B. of A., retui n- at «1 he captured lhe trio at Gold Hill with sheriff a receipt f»»r nearly fdo/OO in <*n? mem approved ar.»i guardian dis< 1 aig*d tiie assistance of J. H Williams. They »lip.itioi . biliousness, sick hevdaehe. Thompson, John Redden. day beinc for taxes received during two Estate of James W. C«»l iris. Tiod*y, tng next day b.»d nearly a'l of the booty on tfieir pcfsoks . or three davs previou«. M»i 15>ii lNbl, a| p<»»n ed as i ineo. tu.ai A ti ? fin? of trunk*, valises and hand- Mrs. B rr»tt, the evangelist, caine to which was consequently' recover?«]. The Captain Thomas Smith of Ashland has I bag* «»f a I "iz-*s and prices ha« just been Ja<-ksnnv.l »■ last week to have th? editor»»f settlement Lewis P.,C. C MeC endon’s fine running rascals showed fight and were arrested so far recovered as to be able to b»* wh* eh d Ii ventor y of a i Estate of John Orth. r»c ive ! ¡it the s. F. Variety 8t«jre the Ashlami R»cor t, who ha« b en pub down town, but ha* had litfle relief as yet with some d ffi. ultv. Hhenff B nhey took «tall on, made a mil? in l:42’a as a foiir- praitement filed iishing h number of severe cnt»cit>ms con­ from bis partial paralysis. them l»» Grant’s Pas«, ^hvre they had un year-old. He i« the fastest horse ever N**t a tew *»f our people have seer. Caro examination b* fore Judge Cuivig, who held seen in southern Oregon. line Gage and hercvmpanv perform before, cerning her c.»re?r in the east, indict?«! fur A ( urrect Report- John Landers and Te i Barclay, two pop ­ criminal libel. The grand jury failed to tneiu to fthsw« r, and lhe next grand jury Th»1 members of A iarel Chapter No. 3, <»nd all die loud iu their praise of them. ular young men of Ashland, made their will attend lo them. The rumor which we repubi sbed a ft w take any notice of tfie matter, however. i O. E 8.. t» nd* re»i a reception to Mesdimes ady friends a visit on Sunday, (’na-. Bar. Why suffer with dyspepsia, biliousness or weeks since, to lhe effect mat ihe le air I). Linn and N. Fisher last night, winch Messrs Whitman and Narregan of Med­ its of the same place was here the day be evangelist, Mrs. Barren. wi o I as been bo «1 an v di-e««? of the liver when y«»u can be was a very pleasant affair. More Hoodlunnsni. ford hav* made a propisition to the com­ fore. ing a series of revival meeting* at M* di»»r4 •»*«•* !»BI was shipped t<» Medford re­ Ft e county r mnnssioners’ court wa« in ihe county, to ach buck * heat flour, rolled oats. b«»n?v, that the as-essor fail* to tin t and as«?».«*. degree. baked for the sociable of the O E. S. from informs us that a iiigh *ind I as l»eeti pre­ claim* lhat aueone has the <-p 1 n <4 re­ tuapl** sugar an » oth**r table delicacies Miss Caroline Gag**, th? c ever actress forming and lending a n* w 1 fe at wn. just re« » ived at the 8. F Variety Store. M. J. Canning, of Canning. Wailace the Masonic i such a handicap upon her a.* «•• un , Gui 'matters may oe found at tu ”’M«s office. Mr Price, the manager of Clara would probably have happened had not owns »he Fleming farm on the desert, whs Morris, by his firm. business ; audy will find himself in the hearer.*, it perforce indicate" a lu^h d* cirr I appear. There was a great rush to the sheriff h Jacksons die promises to be an auspicious of mtiiisl power in ber*»il, or a iuuite»! ottio last week, to pay «axes before they valley will be a prime necessity in a few county jail or penitentiary. one Tbr«-e standard and popular j-lavs 1 bat ’ired feeling is entirely overcome became delinquent, ai d Mr. B r»1sey and months more. degree uf in eiligenre and < oniiiion se» «e will be presented. Don’t fail to secure ill her hearer*. Let lhe work go on with­ : bv Ho«»d’« Sarsaparilla.which gives a feeling ins »leputy, K. T. Armstrong, kept Mr«. D. Linn . w ho ha* b»*en in San Fran­ Supreme Court. your KeatH early. out kt or hn drui.(e, and tin e will deter- ’of l»u yam y and strength to the whole Very busy for a while. Ov»r $20JK» we e cisco for several month* past, undergoing mine which born ot the dilemma the pub ic 1 »y«tem. H. M Chapin of Jo«ephine county wm 1 received in one day, 112,009 of which were me iical treatment, returned home Satur The following cases appealed to the su­ will roost on. the railroad company, winch paid day evening much improve»! in health, we preme court Ircin this county h ive been here during the week for the purpose*.if ob­ Ashland amateurs ar? rehearsing “ Ruin- from 1 taining permission to run a drift under a decided during the week : ?d bv Drink” for presentation at th? Gan- 1 its «axes under protest. are pleased to announce. Kearnes A White’s State of Oregon respondent, vs. Charles portion »»f the town, where rich digging« lard • i*rra-h< use on the evening of th? 15th The Taleni grange is now flourishing htp known to exist Prof. Frank A. Huffer of the University G Rmpey and Frank A in y. respondents ; instant. , with oV4-r 70 !ii'-nib»rs and the following Purchase of spring and «unimer g *ods ex of Oregon returned b« me on Monday, to appeal from Jackson. Judgment reversed BuHer, R 8. Dunlap s fav»'r te horse, ceed« any of their previous oi-i l.iy" c*>n of officers; Janies l’urves, master; spend his spring vacation. We ‘ learn that Reserve«! seats for the Gage Keen? per corps ‘ .2__ and cauae remanded io court below, with wh » was alm*»st a* <»ld as Sergeant him- sisiing in part ol men’s and b«*s > ‘pr ng formance are now on sale al the 8. F. M rs. Hulie lh»an, * verseer; George And» r- be wul s*»on choose the legal profession ♦hrecti-ns t»> find law in accordance with s. If, whs kil ed yesfetdav. a cancerous dis and bummer clothing..*traw bat9.furni hug Variety Store. A number have already soii , s»cretary; E. K Anderson, treasurer; and be admitted to the bar ’ this opinion and n il er jud .merit thereto ; ease, with whu’h he had been suffering a goods tine bools ami ."bo»s, lamei' !a»i< v be* n s< Id. | W. J. Dean, lecturer; Miss S»elia Du 1 >s, for plaintiff. Opinion by Strahan, ('. J. iong time, making that step necessary. and white g< ods, Henrietta.", n p.u .is, al- la>er < ♦•ths, surah | ur»-r ih** aiaootll »Iu? trom u« lof stat? h? wife of J. B. Ca'lrl? of Talent, who Henry Lipke, wh • di«d there last week. I The manager of McFadden's Uncle Tom’s He was a tormer resident of the Butte creek from Jackson. Judgment of lower court die«! a few »lay s ago of con-un»ption, after a Silas, al -<»ver embroidery ami flounc mg in taxes, amounting to over $12,0(0, a few reverted. Opinion by Lord, J. Cabin Co sent hi« band, Hheilmd ponies, section, and a worthy young man. black and white, piques, U«*e fancies, veil ¡days ago. protracted illness. She was an estirnbl** etc 1 , to Jacksonville to draw a crowd to ing, satinea, chains, f f||P gloves, corsets, jeiseys, < urliiig iron*, etc r?p»»ri*d. < inly a few have resulted fatally, i attendance we don’t know it Our people coast, called at our sanctum Wednesday. by the board of trustees to enforce the cur district schools of southern Oregon wi-l size»i up the show by the duffers that were He represents one of »he best and most iew ordinance, which requires all buy* tin Our st«*ck of family groceries and provis­ however. celebrate th** • •<•< a«i»»n by holding appro­ J. F White has already started an orchard sent ut»; ami they didu't uiiss it much, thorough works of the kind in the United der eighteen years of age to be at home by priate »xercises ami planting a number oi ions, crockery and glassware, tobacco, ci­ States 1 gars, etc , is fresh and complete. Al- of of >00 ree« on th»-P?arce ranch near Ster- either. nine o’» 1 »k 1*. m ., unless they liau* a "Uitable trees upon the different school these will be "old a» the low. st possiblt Ii gvdl?. and will make further improve­ Among the war department orders of in­ Mr*. Newman Fisher of San Fran» isco, valid excuse to be on ’he streets after that gr»»unds. cash prices. We exchange foi ai kinds < f ments there. terest m tins section 1« th »t » ailing (or in- formerly a resident of .JH» k"»*nv Ih*. is pac­ time. Al boys vi dating th:» ordinance The 8. O B. of A. offers to pay th? Jack- marketable country produce ueiiv r goods dian recruit« for the regular army Ihr ing her ol«i home a vis't. Sh» wul leave tor will i»e pronip'lv arrested and punished, I> -n’t fail t»» read the new adv?rtCement to any part of the city, ami gu.nat tee »>a<- of J Nunan. whois dt*pl tying one of the company of infantry at Fo-1 Bidwell, Cal., Ceutralia, Wa«h., in .» sh»-rt ti«n»*,wher»* her li e fire beii wi.l be tapped three tunes t»n(’ in.tv Agru uhural Association $.'stu lafaciion in every esse. C . I and ee us ! largest an»l b**st stock ol goods ever brought is one ot the companies designated in which hu«b.nd is engaged in bu imss with Ji e e »< b evening at nine o’citick, lo give them ami 10 per c«'i»l. of lhe gate receipts for the use of their grounds n xt 8- pteiuber. If and ta convinced R kamkm A W iitte notice that it is time 10 jo h<»me. the experiment i« to be mad»»; but as an 8ol<*mon. to thi* market. the off r 1« not excepted the district fair Indian will never under any circumstances Agent Matthews’ fanidv were at Ashland will probably beh-bi in Roseburg. Th*- lark is now protected by law. Hunt­ enlist in the infantry, no trouble is antici­ Grand Jury. Everybody Knows several days during the week.en route from Th? <«ge I f th*T <*f H'in A C. Stanley er" ran only k>l this bird at their peril, ana The following is the final report uf the th? law even forbids disturbing its nest pated over any tin tue precipitancy about Salem to the Klamath agency to j >iri Mr. That at th s season the bicod is filled with t. f Sam s v. l ?y died one »lay this week, af­ too many recruits coming tn. Matthews at that place. They intend impurities, the accumulation of months of ter a short ilIn< ss. He wa* a gentleman of grand jury : egg* or iu young. We have made a careful inquiry into all Commissioner Whitman had a number of spending the summer months east of the ch».*e Confinement is poorly ventilaud many ♦ xcellent trait* of character and bis There ar? not many cases before th? trees which were infested with the San mountains. charges of crime which before us stor»s, workshops and tenements. All death is tn«Hirn* d by many. W? are sorry Aside from those particular violations «»i circuit court which will require a jury Jose scale at Ashland, along the mill-race, Gen. John F. Miller and G. T Ba'dwin, these impurities anil every traceof scrofula, io learn that Mrs. 8tan|ey. the wife of the law for w bich we have rei urned indict mt nt", innl, and the petit jury will probably be cut down last week, in the hope of the hardware merchants, both from Klsm- sail rhe un, or other diseases may be ex- deceased, is quite ill with la grippe. we are «aiistied lhat some of our ct»iz^ns d repair, ai d have no able wind, however. maintaining of a free ferry somewhere ing unable to resell there from Klamatb hibitions ot McMahon's Vnitid Shows,both pork-packing company, with a capit siiggestions to make concerning them. county ai the time first set. owing to deep Thoee nctling horse and jack bills will above the mouth ol Re» s creek on Rogue There are 10 inmates in t be Colint\ h "pit 1. afternoon and evening, to accomm* date $20.d that th? T imes printing establishment river. If .Midi a ferry is established, with snow on the mountains. ihe citizens of Jacksonville and vicinity, crop of sou* hern Oregon and «move ng it with th? car? they receive from the mana­ , prints them better and cheaper than any suitable apj»ro«( hes, it will l>e »*f vast i?me is The many friends of Rev. F. X Blanchet, ut half rates, or one tare for the round trip. into hams, baron and lard. Th benefit to that section, the residents of the who for so tnanv years wa« in charge of Make up your parties and for tune ol train« a feasible one and cannot but p Ve high- ger , and everything ab ut ti e institution o’her in southern Oregon. c ountry north of the river having now to go indicated c eai lit.ess and go«»«! manage |v r»inm eraliv»* A number« p eminent this parish, were giad to renew their old consult the conductor. By <»rd»T <»f A Sunday srh Friday, April 17th. From all Th*- facilities of th? present day for the Some careless boy with a pistol one ?v** cannery at the old location of the Plaenix heaitii and time seems lo have dealt gently account* ibis iiianii'-oili ♦ onibinaii n, Aith (at b*e( cattle on? day recently io Murphy floming mill ere sti l investigating th»* with him. product ion of everything that will condu» e nine last we» k lire»l a sh«»t from the hill- its wonder tul gni * xy or ar« mc tale nt ano Bro* «»f A*hland, receiving 3’-^ c per pound to material welfare and comfort of in auk. nd | side above 1« W”, whi<*h took effect in one i ossihiliiies of the coming fruit crop, ai d wonders from wonderland, will with its for th»* animals,live weight. are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of ' <*f the large panes of glass in ihe front of MINING NEWS. wbl doubtless carry out their pr ject in advent here mark an epoch in the hi*'*ry On«* of ( hri* Ulrich’s children was seri- some part of ih»- valley, as there can be no Figs was first produ»ed tfie world whs N Langell s residence. Th? bullet bad <»f thia tecti*»n. It is b\ f ir the greatest ouly 11 with »iiph'baric croup th? forepart ♦ .oub' that we will have an abundance of enriched with the only perfect laxative . almost spent its force when it struck the Notices for the locution of placer and circus in 1 he univ» rse ai d our citix-nw, i*o h • •f the week, but is improving under the ah kinds of canning as w» II as of inarke sble quartz mines, etc.. lor sale at the T im zs of- known, as it is the only remedy which is ’ glass, but ha»i anyone been in the room at far and near, kibouid fe* I spr«ia|*y lavoreo treatment of Dr. Robinson. truly ph asing and refreshing to the taste I ih? time their lives would have be?n endan- fruit this year, if the next few weeks pass nee. by its coming, One feature alone ♦ f it* and prompt and effectual t«> cleansetfie uer?»l. Boys found with firearms in their L. J. Marek will probably soon be r L- by without akil.ing frost. many aitracuons, Queen Jumbo, 1- enough pointe*! p«»>tma."t.er at. Etna, vic? F. X The tunnel in the I)yar ledue on Ander­ system gently in the springtime, <»r, in I possession should be severely punished . as A sure cur» for the whisky habit: D r son creek has been put in a distance of to arouse the curiosity ai <1 aitenti »n 01 M u-ty, resigned, a petition to that effect th»y have no business wi’h them only on Livingstone * Antidote f»»r Drunkenness over ion feet and prospects well, so the fact, at any lime and the better it is known ‘ extra«»rdinarv eveiybody wi bin fifty niilrs. The pr«"» n< t having b»en sent to Washington. iccasi»»ns. the m«»r? popular.it becomes. will cure a-.iy rase »*f the liquor habit in owers claim. of ihe largest anmuti in the h story of the world, ai d lhat a living, breathing, moving J M. Farlow of Chimney Ro»*k precinct, from t»n to thirty day«, from the moueraie Mullen and GrlHth are s >i I to be doing mountain o’ flesh is suffi» lent to *»iartle ih* a (»(other of Perry an 1 8»me«»n Farlow, drinker to the drunkard. The Airidote well on their extension ot the H<«pe ledve sluggi-h blood of the most inert among us di« »1 a tew d way. M mutnctu!eit bv the Living«t<>ne The American .Mining Code, standard aonvil e and Mr diord on that occasion. give strength t»> lhe system b?f»>re th? < liemiea! C ».. ^»»ri Francisco, (’.»I.; sold by authority on »11 subjects pertaining to • ff*rt«* of warm weather are felt, us** E. C Brooks, Ja< k«» nville ; Mi; er A Strang, all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept (or . Grand Jury. | Plunder’s Oreg»»n Blo<»d Purifier sale at the T imes ottice. ! Medford.Oregon. • • TI e fo lowing is h h"i < f the granii j-ir*»r- ’ J»'e (io<»«iw n, who is charge«! with 1 It IS reported that l)r. Braden of Gold McFadden’s Umle T »m s Cabin Co. i«* empeneltd for U e Apr I i»-im • f ih* < rcuii mu dvr, in Suusta county. Cal . h«d hi« I I not meeting with much success A* thev HUI has at 1 I Iris mine amt in Ii to a syndi­ As th? jury disagree«!, cuuri : M Belling»*». io rman J. U Phipps trial l»tsl week cate who will commence very extensive play in a tent an»! pa»a fe he «tre-tM with S. Vai Dvke. G W. B«"hfurd, J«« R. another trial will be bad at once. a bind, a pair of Shetland p*»mes drawing operations soon.—[Courier. I Kean e.*. l>-iv d Ki g nini B. Beat h I * Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure. a ve*y .«mail carriage and other things that E K Anderson give, formal notice ol du • in» nt* v » r** h ui d ng tii m Win. J* hn An exce llent remedy for cramps, colic and attract attention, they manage to draw fair- Ins intention to prove upon his Davenport »oi ai.d Ja*. M* ( »riby, who bn k»- uno th« where a ionic for the stomach and bowels * 'led audiences; but their company is so mining claim before the Roseburg lai d of­ railroad < ar at Mtufoid and stoi4* several is required. Sold bv all druggists. large ana expensive «h«t lhe manager dors fice within the next sixty days. ■rH tl»4 reir» m, for ltrceny ; sgainat An elegant line of Windsor and four-in- well if he gather» in enough shekel« to pay A Greenhorn mmer tn the Ix>e. A Lash Messrs. Harris. Hanley, R*.i field ami expenses. Those who have attended the Kicbey. for gambiicg; agait st Jn* Parr. hand lie», scarfs, tor summer wear, the performances do not speak very highly of Co. fiaim, near Yreka, last week picked a latest and handsomest styles, is now being nugget weighing 123.30 out of one of the for larceny Not a true bill wa* returned them. sluiee-hoxes. These drifting diggings are in thecate of ài Baley, he'd for an ft"- displayed at ih? 8 F. Variety Store. If food sours on the stomach,* digestion Joseph V Dory, of Warsaw. III., was proving very rich. sault. The grant! jury tinisbtd jts busi­ Nimmons, Cameron A Co., who own rich ness in three days, adjourning Wednesday is defective. De Wilt’s Little Early troubled with rheumatism and tried a ______ K -ers wi I remedy this Th? famous little number of different ________ remedies, but — says ami extensive placer mines in Die southern evening. I h - that never gripe and never disappoint. none of them »eenied to do him any good; portion ot Josephine county, are now en­ Standing Committee«. The largest and best stock of deeds, but finally he got hold of oue that speedily gaged in ground-sluicing. Next season they The following I» a list o< the committee- mortgages and all kinds of real-estat? and cure»! him. He was much pleased with it, will have one or mote giants at work, of the hoard of trustees, appointed by legal blanks south of 8al?m is kept at the ancfrfelt sure that others similarly afflicted and will doubtless take out large - mantitle s would like to know what the remedy wa« of gold-dust. fre.icent Keuler, which »>ll «erre the t wo T imes office and sold at Portland rates. that cured him. He states for the ben* fit Simmons, Cameron A Co. have purchased of Ja< »Konville dnring the eon.ii g year De W ill’s Little Early Risers never gripe of ihe public that it is ca'lrd Chamberlain’s the placer mines and water rights of Des- Finance—D Linn. Max Muller. N Kohli. or cans? nausea. Mid but sure, assist Public improvements—Li. Lum, M.x ral her than force. Best little pill for sick Fain-Balm. It is f ir sale at NJ cents per Belles A Connell, near Wald*», Josephine bottle hv our druggists. Dr J. Hiukir. Muller. headache, chronic cunstipatmD, dyspepsia. Central Point.and G. H Haskins,Medford. county, paying $3,U00 theretor. Th.s wul euab e them to du much effective niu ing, Sanitary —K Kubl>. < ha». Nukeil as they have secured potrsassmu of a 1 taud woolen mills Company are making preparations to construct ibeir new supply of water and other advantage«. Fire Wiiden»—Ct*». Ktckell. SU'CM Cattle ft r Bal?. ('«irrs in fifteen minutes. Preston s "Hed Ake.” "¿ir ABSOLUTELY PURE Grim, a Rrdglous. R y. 1 Wa ry will ho <1 *rrvic i< chun h at Eag e P »mt on üQJ duoday ut this mouth. duine to the mi Is, which w ’J do sway The 111 dersigned off'ra BO head of tame with th? | rv«?nt nn^light’y row of sh?»is in Hay for Sale. tfie rear I t e principal business house* range cattle, in good condition , for »a'e al a reasonable figure. For further particu­ 1 f tiie gr»*ntte city, ami will leave a Ihr undersigned offers for sale 150 l »na lars caii on or addre s me. broad alley between the new of gfxxl bay. t ab on or address A; C a NTKUL, VfilOuWO. 8 E. K h , Jacksonville, Or. art the vrttM. Be Your Own Master. LOCAL NOTES. Few people spprecia'e how much their impressions, their whim* «nd impU Bce, and in fact nil »heir nont 1 ene’gv de­ pends on the harmoni'us net ion of a>! ihe vital organs. A poorly digested dinner may make one quarrel with a friend. A congested liver may bring imaginary gloom and trouble into the sunniest day. A rheumatic pain may keep you from busi­ ness or work and entirely change some marked-out policy. A few doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy will give life to every function and make you enjoy your friends and your work. Í 4ITI17Q LAl/luÒ We are now ujæning our Spring 1891 purchases will find them the Latest Style and Pattern THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE INDIA CASHEMERE, WINDSOR TOILET DE CHINE, ZEPHYR FLANHEL, Plaid and Stripe, ORACOH BLACK ORCAHOIE, SATIRES. Plain and Colored CHALLIS. LAWN, SCOTCH BARNABY. PALMER. AMOSKEAG CINCHAM, MERRIMACK TAPESTRIE CRETONNE. Baking Powder A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. AI Used in Millions of Homes— ICA finti BOY’M CLOTHING 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. i bio other baking powder docs such work* NEW THIS WEEK. Coming in all its Superlative Splendor. THE GHEATEST’. THE GKANDEST’. THE BEST! M c M ahons NEW UNITED SHOWS LADIEK Albo eurh goods ns ure kept in stock by h tirrt-clara General Store. We respectfully solicit your examination. Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro­ visions, for which always we pay the highest niaket price is our specialty J. NUNAN Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 Hippodroin«'. Museum. Wild Animal Exi tion and Gran»! Frc«- international H Fair, will exhibit at Medford, Friday, April 17,1891. Enlarged to Four Tim**s its Former Size. Il«l TIME" MUIIK GHAM, A City o! Teni*; A w»»rld ot Wonders! An ¡«mazing Galaxy of Crowned Champion Arenic Stars. nnrPN ttimrh T h < Mammoth «»«?<%•? IJUtlLrl JUnlDU Mast ■•dun. the l^rg.-M animal known to history, a ponderous moving mountain; weighs-M’M pounds inure tnanany Elephant ever seen. Europe’s Greatest Curiosity. — AM» ALL THE WuMJEHS.— . More ................ absolutely An AII-F'-ature Sh*»u ... . new ...... arts than old and m w in any other exhibi­ tion 111 America. Nature n Marvels and Apt Artistic Supremacy Unrivaled. Gem ral Jubilee Occasion lor all. for Infants and Children • ‘Castor ia L$ so well adapted to children that T recommend it as superior to any prescription known to m**.” II. A. A rche », M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Castori» cures Colic. Constipation. Sour btouKu U, Diarrhœa. Eninville an». j J a < K"«»V1LI 4. • IH.. April 10. 1»V1. ( otice is hekkby given ii < atthumb DEALERS IN THE nr»? funds in lb** County Tn'iuury f*»r the redempttun«»! Count v warrant«* prut ent ed fr«»m Align»! 1(1, 1* m 5, up to «.let *b»t b. I sa .'», inctu- OiVe, to-wit. .'dll Numb« r Nu nibrr «12 55.3 ■Si •• 56W »■•<1 i •• «1« H»h j •• ♦UH 1»4>* ! SU 1-7’.' : 60 ¡M2? I 6OH 5.fl‘ 62« 1 MO «21 Ml CABBIAG3S, BUGGIES, PHAETONS; VILLA BAISI ANB MITCH M5 j •• 'A4 564 ELL CAHTS, ETC., ETC. 550 ! •• tipi 5Ai 1 491 55b i •• 6.52 We carry a full liue uf Canton Clipjwr, Extra Steel, Gangs 557 ; •• 053 577 •• ♦•62 Tricycles, Black Land, Scotch Clipper, Stubble, Turf 572 ’ 644 t«25 •• and Stubble and Side Hill Plows, 67« (ti .552 O» i 771 Gale Full Chilled, and Steel. Sulky ami Walking Plows. Twenty Itti •• 773 444 Inch Iffsc Harrows, Steel Pipe Frame Lever, Springtooth, tMG . 7*3 Scotch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrows. 551 762 5HI 1 •• H4B 5s4 i “ 7K5 5M0 “ 7*1 5t»7 ; •• 7W Interest on the name will c,-..c after the at h »ve date. G. E. BI.OOMEH. County Treasurer. N MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPRINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRINC WACONS, Sil Shovel all-steel Volunteer, Parila. Caa/on, and Combined Riding aid WaikiDg Sulky Cultivators. A full and complete line of Steel Frame Cultivators and Corn Tools. JIOA.1AZJ rORCt: 1HIOP cor \ Citation aad curck row kb . RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER, Highest Geared. Lightest Draft an AND JObEPIIINE COUNT1É8. the county of J on. with the a»*al court affixed 4tli day of A... CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC. NE PLUS ULTRA The underaiKned ia now uiannfacturin« at the Meadow« Sawmill tn Jackeon count,, Oregon, the Attili: MAX MULLER, Clerk. ed Proposals for Build­ ing School House. tiTli E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Dirwtur? «»f District No.7. <»f Grant’s Pa."*. Jos« pliiiU' Count \. <)r»*gon. wlh r«*c«»iv»* eeahxi bids for th«» builuitiu of a brick m'bool houi*<‘in said dintriut in the lollou-inK man­ ner, to-wit: For brickwork, woolwork and plastering separately; or tlu» whole, bids will be closed on FKID.l K, M l F Sth, 1891, at2o’cl»x’k P. m . at which time bids will b«* opened. Plan? and sp»*citications can b«» seen at th«» drugstore «»t Dr Kremer. The diriftors claim th»* right to reject any and all bills. J A JENNINGS, Seho«»l Cl» rk Dist. No Grant’s Pass. Or.. April 5.1X91. GOOD LI CK WASHING MACHINE, PATENTED IN lbNb N Faber’s Colder? Ferrod ■ ' EH AFE! CE ITA»! 1 I Save Ti»nr. H.aiti an«lnjo:i»*i ;t4k?u<»»»th er. Sent tn any addrers. secate by ma 1 <»n re CeiT't *'f prive. f J.OO. Ad'lrc.* «, by A.M.Will?- n ot Grw nl< at. Kur.sns. and wi say to the public that we have the B< a I and MoM Durable Machiae In the State, and will put It aaralnM any manufacture for RAPIDITY AND GOOD WORK. I PRICE OF MACHINE, J10,00 I Delivered to any addr<*ss in my district. Addr«*s all order»» to ’•ain’a VaMt-y. Orerò J. B. WELCH BELONCINC TO THE ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI, DBCKASED. I am now offering at great bargains the following :— 3 he Steam Flouring Mill 24 new Deering Mnwii». in Jacksonville. THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, 2 Deering Twine I'imlerr Western Brauch, Boxlff. I'OBTr.AND. or 12 fine draft horses weighing 2 Gang Plows. Sold by E.U. Bmoks.driurgfst. Jacksonvtlle.Or 1,2'»») to l.fiOO pounds each. ♦> Star Sickle Grinders. tons Alfalfa Hay. 2 Freight Wagons. W ell Drilling and Pros­ 250 4 Milk CvW6. 7 Five and Seven Tooth Culti­ S»<»,000 feet of Lumber. pecting. vators. Neck Yokes, Double and Single Trees, Wagon Spring Scats, Hur he undersigned , having become sol** proprietor of D»«dg»- Bros.' well-drilling T business, rows, Stove and Mower Extras, and u great many other respectfully announces that fie I h now prepared t»» do all work in his lino in a articles too numerous to mention. first-clHss manner and at a rt*a«onahle rate. I will also take contracts for prospecting For particulars and term6 call or write to pl«.cor mines The capacity of rny machine is 40*i feet. 1 ref« r t«»tb»* w ork 1 have previouslv MRS. J. KAREWSKI, Executrix, Jacksonville, Or. don*- in diffiTvnt portions of the valley. tAF*8atiaTaeiion guarant**«!. For further part i«*ulHr? »all on or add res» w. p. DODGE. Mud ford. ORGANIZE ALLIANCES. I HEREBY BE-PEiTFl’I.I.V IXTORM THE I turni» rs an»i lab »ring | m *«» j >1«* of Ja<-«Mon Co. th»t I have bu» u appoint» 4 ¡». i.utx Oricani/.» r ot Alliance* ami hi»!u-trial ( nb»iiM in ilio rounty. <’»rr»^p«»tid« nc. «ollritu«! t rom all w|j»» ar*.’ Qc/irom» uf <»rv »ipzing À lu» u cri. JAMITL If. lbJL?.lWn!ÿ Jr Best Ouch Medicine T>mmmended by Physician®. Cures w h. re all < Ise fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the ( l. ’. lr-.. take t without objection. Bv druggist®.