FKKSONAL MENTION. /hi- llorlil /'urii hc(f. While Z u h. Cameron of Uniontown was Lot AI. NOI». As will be seen by the usual notice in an there , umn, Arthur W 1 mi has been | engaged in plowing hi“ garden, a few days j Tm* facilities « f t he pre ent d iy L r the Buy ,i White. Ed. er ot Yreka visited in Asi I »ml -ippoiit« d «iii'ii-.istrafur of th * est *te i f j i:"'. hi“ little daughter (’ora fo'l »we«i him , , : «»duct mn :»f «-ver y ihing 11* -t Whl cohdm «• N xt Sunday is Ea*t-r and in a furrow :-i< ke«! up a nugget of g' l L j recently. Je*se W 1 n, ¡Sr *.«» material welfare and comfort of mank mi i I*« While is still king. Drummers are numerous n >x*-*i wi ’ h quartz, which turned out to be FRIDAi . .’»»Al I ’ I 27 1 >91 are almost unlimited, and when Syrup of W. H. Newton of Sardine cr-ek made us Satnut 1 Gomp. r . the great lab»>r ajta worth $24 Money is not often picked up T..x*»s w 11 soon be d« 1 nquent. Mrs. E. l oss visited Jacksonville yester­ Figs was first produced the world was a call last Tuesday. t<»r. pass* d through th»* v . ley la*t week in that manner nowadays. day. enriched with the only perfect laxative from the s«.uih, on his way l<» Fortland and Fresh figs at the S. F. Variety Store. The >ugar Bert. E P. Pickens and H. L l*h were in Wm. Morgan of East Portland, a terror J. W. Robinson of Woodville precinct is known, as it is the only remedy which is the S »und cities in town Horse and jack bills at the T imer office, truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste to evil-doers, ia in this section looking up Jacksonville recent y. IL n. J. M. McCall of Ashland has re­ Wright’.* Janfatca Ginger—strictly pure a case, lie is acting as a deputy sheriff of ceived the following letter from L (’. Cole­ A man traveling to California died on land prompt and effectual to cleansethe Dr. A. C. H« Im retur..e«i f. m a I . ines> ('ures while you wait—Preston's •’Hed- An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and .Multnomah county and had charge of system gently in the springtime, or, in man of «San Francisco; ”1 beg to inform Ake.” the cars yesterday. where a tonic for the stomach and bowels Sandy <>1*1“, al Hillsboro, bringing him to trip to Portland last w- < k. I fact, at any time ami the better it is known you that I sent to J W. Wiley a package « f Everybody is invited to attend the le< - is required. Mold bv all druggists. C W. Kahler, Esq , who haR b en »juite | ihe more becomes. th«- penitentiary to >erve the sentence | re ­ sugar beet seed for him io try the seed in Babbitt metal for sale at the T imes ture to-morrow evening. ill, is able to be about again. the land he lives un near Phtenx. lh-t office. The Medford a I Ashland W. C. T F. nounced on him by Judge Taylor. W . T. M* ore ami son of Centra! Point seed li s been iruuo led by Mr Òpre* k* Is The First Step. Fitt- Bro. Leeds of the “Tidings” has had a re­ precinct called on Monday. The board of trustees held a special meet­ The Talent railroad fill is about com­ folks enj »ycii a lecture by Mrs. Emily from Germanv. While th* re in the other 1 Steven*, a l:»«ly with a i aiional reputation, ing ¡a*t. Friday night, at which the question lapse and is not as well as he was. Perhaps you are run d .wn, can’t eat, pleted. asked Mr. >hrld«*n. «me ol the paitners».f Wm. P. Miller of Klamath county tarried can’t sleep, can't think, can t do anything lhe forepart of the week. of fixing the salary of night wat -h came up. Misses M.dlie Miller and Jennie Jackson here a day while en route home. Mr. Spreckels, wbnh«rhr w« u'd be willing Cirenitcourt will cunveneone week from to your satisfaction, ami you wonder what J. Bollinger has sold his farm in ('entre! It was decided to confer the duties of night­ made Grant’s Pass a visit last week. U furnish others with s, »-d in Rogue r v. r n« xt Monday. Since the advent of the railroad the genus ajls you. You should h( «*d the warning. Point precinct to Mr. Scott, lately from the watch, lamp lighter, janitor, etc , upon the valley free of charge. He told lue the tir*t You are taking the first step into Net vote* Misses Mamie Linn nnd Kate Plymile tramp is becoming in >re abundant ('(»nsidrralile rain has faLen during the east, for $lu au acre. He will return to marshal, and his salary was fixed at $55 a year Mr. bprtckeh donated seed frte «»f month. This action of the trustees gives have gone to Yreka, Cal., on a visit. Prostration. You netda Ne^ve T«»nic, ami Mike Hanley, who shot himself acciden Caliiorni i with his family. charge, but now he will furnish seed f .i 2U • past few days. general satisfaction. in Electric Bitters v»>u w 11 find the exac t ( CAR TAG2S, 3UJGIEC. PHAZTONS, VILLA DAISY. HITCHSLL, tally not long since, is about as usual per b —what it wd» rust him to import Wm. Slinger and Childers of Me If ord An elegant line of Windsor mid four in- There was some frost Mundiy night, but remedy for restoring your m rvous syst»m CASTS, ETC., ETC. Henry L. White of this county »nd Mrs were among our visitors on Tuesday. Mr. W’bitmai ’s efforts in behalf of our t<» its normal healihv condition. Surpri“- from Gì rmany. \ uii will please make that no damage rr-u«te the pr plihr m,h the b eai pa- '«test ami ha idso!i»v*t *’yles, is now bvitig i Tyler, formvrly in charge of one of th»* *!e mg resuI s follow th«* u «* of this great Hon. L R. Webster is once more himself, 1 partmeiiis uf the Grant's Pass sell« ol, who I era, so that ih »*e who want to avail them Wm. Manning has been appoint*«) post display* dat the 8 F. Variety Store. M m jor Barron of the Si-kiyou mountain Nerve Tonic arid Alterative full line <>f Canton Clipper, Extra Steel, (rang, Your app«- We eairy a i Were married ut Grants Pass on the 7'h after his recent wre*tle with la grippe selves of »l;r Opportunity by M*ndillg 20 muster of Cn y »nville. could have been seen on our streets last lite returns, good digotion is re*tor» «1, un i Ashland held her * lection to vote on the io“i., immediately went to housekeeping Tricycle, Black Land, Scotch Clij.per, Stubble, Turf cents, the price of the seed, and 10 venia Friday. Miss Kate Hoffman is convalescing from the Liver ami K-dneys r«“ume heallhx Mark Watkins of Big Applegate was here proposition whether or not to purchase a at R xE Point, where Mr. White has a fine | for postage, will forward one pound by her attack of quinsy, we are glad to learn. and Stubble ami Sitle Hill Flows. Prof. Crawford, principal of the Medford action. Try a bottle. Price 5(k*. nt ai. yesterday for supplies. my had building last Tuesday, l he ques ­ farm amt hotel property. They are w»ll man . ur a lew can club tog -iher f .r l*M ibs, school“, was at the county seat one day drug-stores tion wasdecide«i in lhe atlirmative. and favorably known, ami have the best Dr. ( ’ olvig of Rock Point last week visit ­ wi I ship the same by freight. The time Subscripti ons to the week’/ ’ Examiner'’ Gale Full Cliille.l ;mc 11 arrows, Steel I*ipe »end y»>u a |-amphlel The .1 acksonvilie c»)rrcspond«-nt i ’ ) uf the Wm. Bybee has returned from his springs fourth of the R. j L y-mll water companies ( has. A. I’r e t of Central Point precinct railn a 1 depot, which is ihe right thing in with instructions " Scotch, Vibrating and Clipper Harrows. on Evan “ creek, much improved in health. orgsniz-d m Lik»- county w»ll bin d reser ­ Linkville “ Star ” autlj* >avs; “ Mm h talk the right place. n;.»d*‘ U“ a c; li yesterday. about a roper mill. Talk is cheap, but voirs, owit.g io the eca c.ty of capital. Hon. J W Merritt of Central Point A large quantity ot paint could be used lhe Sisters' Scho »l. Wm Bybee wid plant ab»>ut 8»M j prunds money mak s th»* hot bi“cuits. Chin wind The largest and best stock of deeds. conies uff the lung* but the stuff that spent a few days in JacksoLVille this week. to good advantage in Jacksonville. Let it There is fairprusp » » ti; ,t ihe long-u.ik« d- of alfalfa srv.l this seas >n. mortgHges and all kinds ot real-estate ami makes rul er mills must come out of your be forthet ming. (¡e»i. Hines and family are expected to re of Sis’ers' »« ho»»! fur R .sUmrg will n»M El ler G. M. Whitney has sold his farm legal biank* south of >aiem is kept at the p«->< ket. Will you biow all summer ab nit Airs. C Straub of Willow’ Springs pre turn t«> Applegate from Jackson county at ter:al ze in the near fu'u »-. Atl*n«i,ni<. , in Lane county lor T imes oiln «• ami sold at Portland rates. cinct and her son 1* red spent a dav in Jack­ what von are going to do? Set in wi’h once. pretty sure to be ha-ntt-d soim wh»* e in sonville Ibis week. your money ami start ’ he roller mill! ” The great vegetable substitute for pills is Mrs. J. Parks of Sivil ngv ile precinct southern Oregon, and rfo r • ;s n«» | Uce “ . Mr>. W. H. Gilbert visited last wees went to Grant s Fuse this we k to visit her Mrs. Pet* rson, relict of the late Martin fav«»ral ly Mima «d as tuis city. Oi . u ir*« Simmons Liver Regulator. ffO.V l VZ.i / *>/.KOi* fOKX /•/.iXTEK A\/f CHECK KOH/ H The rumor circulated about the valley w iihber friend, Mn*. O. T. Hammill «»f sister, Mrs. Kelly Fields, who has been la*t week, to th»-effect that th" sterling old Peterson, died at Centra! Point yesterday, Jacksonville wants it and wdl make ¡n Geo. Rigg“, formerly uf this county, is very sick, but is much improved now’. 8a 'em. after a brief illness. eff >rt to get it; but if Roseburg wants n l now station» «J at Lodi, Cal. Dionter, Samu»*! Culver, Irnl fott hit Hfo ip RED, WHITE AND BLUE MOWER, *■ Jacksonvlie can’t haw it The diurch Mrs G. W. Cooksey and Miss Matney of Gen. T G. Reames will soon be iulify his Hizip'tt« u»-«!, L.ylit' t Draft ami tiiowt complet*' uiactiinv mmodi«>u* school, ai-d I v Unable public do«’uments. handsome manner. It sets wi l remedy this The famous lull the fact, A number of Indians following W» (im “day. John an Sulf Dump, Bcuanza, and St nr Hay RaLea, Peerless Sulky there is no reason why one sli«m»!♦• on it, in the vicinity of a treach­ bid before it is too late.— R >sebu g Flam­ harrow he was using dealer. Fiesh t'al’fornia figs et theS. F. Variety in taxes ihi* \ ear ns at this lime list year. erous pool bur not the body <»f Mr. Colver. steal claim. CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ETC. J. N. Woody of Eden precinct mad** us Sheiiii Birds* v will so.-n return his delin- Store. On’y 15 cents a pound. Y»»u are slightly »»pl», Hro. “ I I t-nde » er Mr B *oth of Grant’s Pass visited his a i lsasaut call last Saturday. He w ts ar A young mail name 1 Mason Hickman, qu» m list, w h . h w .11 no doubt be a big one. W<- iiin* "iir «»wn Far.n ami Spring Wag*»«!». Ail of our linpk-nmnt“ are The Sisters will'-ertainly > p**n >. Mary'» p r nts Ht this place last week, remaining lfs« u hern Oregon does not I.«ve tìrst- wim was employed at the ranch of George companied by his brother. j !«"Ught i««i « «s!i in io. '411101111 «•“ ■! r«-< 1 from ti»« inanuf act ur* rs an«l - *>!<1 direct to the Academy m Jacks in Re n x* August. 11 class crops, signs are deceiving. Constipation, bhant-poison, fever! Doc- Dunn above A»Llan«i, last week fell a prey over Sunday. i Farmer. W« «. :um. i I»« un i« rs <1, «¡uaiity of g«»o«ls c<»nsid< rod. Judz** Crawford and G ’ -o 8. Howard of reports t«» the contrary n »i withstan mi. t-ns’ bills and funeral exp»n>es cost about Mr. Wheeler, repr» s *nt »t> ve of the Mitch­ Medford. ar<*«. mpanit <1 by their wiv-s, A vail an ! cxamitiai -«»a of our ?I m k 1“ Holicited. Al* goods soi l un i« r a direct guarantee Besides, ihe pera«m wm» is in «hirge» f It i“ said that» colored troop, of soldier5* two hundred do.iars , l’e Wilts Little Ear.y to dementia, and bis relatives from Fulton, Cal , were obliged to take him to Ids old ell A Lewis Co., made lhe T imes a pieasant made us a visit recently. Roseburg par *h was msirumeni 1 in imv will r* garrison Fort Bidwell, Cal. Risers tost a quarter. Take your choice. home f»»r treatment He was with difficulty call yesterday. mg t he s» hi»« 1 clostd here, and ihere is no Sin* etho railroad was built we see five A.-toiinr aiiv headache, chronic coustipatiuli, dyspepsia. Ashland BAL. Aasociati»>n. quamiti* s to suit at the T imes office was organized here la.-t night by Mrs Stev­ below. Al Br. 11 of Ashland last week went to ens, with 28charter members. W L. Neil reports about 18 inches of The Ashland Building a* d Lo»n A--o ;i — —....... -.... ............. v a- otlier i.i-ias.- aiifiiiLf frolli r Ki F Va'ietv Store. n<_'---- It drivi- all Impuritio Engle, A. >. H tmmomi, K Sutton, O Even Lake county is complaining of bad It is <1 i *• the t i-hi n n »w to take De the Rowe Lumbering <’ ). near Glendale, a <’• U“:* ounty, <’tl.. but will return to this H. B • not, J. W. H<>« ker*mi’ ■. » II Mc- I hn B. G. •tlin ..f Dead li diat: has been Witt - I. tt e Ea l\ R >rrs t r liver, stomach fo-,v wtekssmec, which resulte«! in an attack <*«•’.»..> in ihe m ar future. road “ this spring Bad roads in the spring froin thè l*lo<>d. Bride. Wm. Fatter*, n W. »1 Î. -eds wa- at Mrdi *1 .» d J »‘u‘O’.vili»* recently. a' »1 b w» 1 d ««rders. 1 in y mi .• * mall phi*, of pneumonia that c »uld not be overcome. .1 . i^e 1 JePeatt, who is lo at« d -1 AHa-ns, mean big crops m the summer rr-rlected president, F. D »un, vu e pres - - »ud m e*. E. < . Brooks sells ?»’ r L u len was about 55 years f age, and Cm i.a C(»u iv, h «s bui’t up il go d : r.iC- The Cat! «d e church premises have b*en dent. Geo E igle, s.-cr« tarv. H Montlilv insta in* nts of |ld will buy a but nui ’ B. » »r»er them. an md.ustriou , upright man Heleave“« ti .nd is doing « ll. much improved t il* L am! pr« -ent a much trra urer, ami M I . M < a I. L F \\ llrs h*»u*e and lot ¡n Tolo from Scott Griffin. • a w ife ami several grown sons ami dnugh n«*at» r app- tian« *- th m I «rmerlv. «nd J. R Nurns uh it b r- *d the mditini* 1 be g me'aw pro^etsdiirks fr mi Marc h M kh C has \ *1 sK Lemberg» r, court sH i ograph» r, T.m cl ***ts - f Ep.« lire lea. packed espec- 15 h I - Sr, t-’»i l)ri 1 ’. Quail, l»h» asan'* ters. c- mnutie« T e tie * ciai s’ai dm, g of lhe Prof. J. B Tron b ey ar. • and ■ -i • \ t»« kil • t during the ’ *Fui- til » <-rn v <* I wa< a < ■ fj*iant *nl’« «•■«• are now r» -1 ients of Monterey, y > k .| Mil» ht* ! A Lew *C» lu.vt oprm d tier leturni ig on 1uesday. from aslInna without an; r» |uf. » \ . pi timt to its pr«»-peri:y As the I in • coy. X d by lb« ir old I.«.in*- at Ta « nt Iasi we»-k. Old papers, il «plantities to suit, for sale months o >« pt« mbert Oct th r nd to N v branch h -us»* at M di"fd ami widen :- a < »i»t a; m d I » \ <*< «listant clrm^ • >1 |. <-.i. u y . Tu . th*aivan e mte e«i t paymen s un u:; m»nv at the L ime -« office at 50cents a hundred. 15; h. H. E. Ankeny and V. (’ »ok start» «1 for v r.v (.utup ete stuck of farm wag«>n ■. * j ■ in- Ex->he»iff Ja-"bs < 11 r* siwni II nu*n a 1 t ri« d M ooke * !ü: \ h \ i . î . i - (Il *i je. of its ear »<‘r loans «•Xpir».- « Xcir».* witliiu wiHiiu n tew Portiand on T-ir-d-»y ‘o a’tetid th !u • a J ■* biiyaiu in *t * saw m 11, “ tu 1» «1 i )«ar*;ii.'.< A bcau'iful ' • . lit* \ -, sweet br-a h, w.»rk imp rn.«mi.*, curna ui hav i »• I*. ■ • , au f lue t»em-fit* «■♦•« «•>>-.! 1i<.m ;l w. »::< The Pity Bikery is furnishing first-class •‘Cantot: :• months, the chum » » .ire favti’atdr t r nu- of I he late < 'apt. Anke \ . A well adapt ■ : to«, ha ir' Pastoría curre Colic, C< r.stip jnn, g«c d appet t". Vigoruin body, pure b'oo l adapted I«» th •■* *e. 1-n -t c. unify ! ni *t « latifAiiig. I» wax • ni- r< ¡t» I li"in th«- They b ut li\ mi »* ; " H B ow b;. b« ur bt<»ma»-h, Diarrh > i. l.n* -Lati««n. me rum» loan« Hie «•» coining *ninm* r Tne bre ui ami Hs trade i* sttadily increasing. tree . j hist, am I pr» v«nt din« t.r:i¡.¡< !i*i; •■« p- cu as superi-»r t • • a* y j-rc..KT.:ptivU and g« o«i health result from the use < r D manufacture and a strully iir*t M r s D. Linn is improving s> r »p .! y Ify»»u have an « hard and wi*h it to L ir t«> tin- »iiscHf«- i.i.i! in.«d»-ht' ,t in<.*t im- i knowutom« ’’ Kalis W'truis, goto bl«rp, ani p: »axiles di seertt.ny ( onq lit« .* that the paid-up capit «1 II. A. AW Witt s Sarsaj arill.i It is sold by E. ( . • . I-., «•lass line "f goods ami sell direct to lhe that she is « xpected to retuin ir .m >nn bear nice, he.»itny find in i L ii «Line» . n't ; I.« arabi' . Any <>m-u n<> ha* < v> r h i«l a-tim.a (’has Alim. hi has j hinted several thou- gestion. •tuck has tai nt d < ver L” | » r « « nt per an- M»n«l berry pl »nts on his farm near Tolu. Brooks. consumer. Farmers will c.»nsti;i their «»wn*co in a short time. in S«. Oxford St., Drt. Uyn.N. Y. Without injurious médication. j can understand the gì titud« I i el tow u i n*gleet tt» trim a 4 >prav ii at *>.»<•«*. nuiu. inteiest“ by ♦ x imiuing their st«»» k b< f »re t ais r« tni- l) . it- .!< v .ng i ha* a f !< <1 ph a* im ---------- _ Th«)*. A ( ’ rump has won his contest i J W. Sev« I v« ar* tu mj hl« .I riav. m.t hv*itat* <1 t<» r< c iu- W I Vawter, (’. I Hutchinson aid purchasing eNcwheie. S»-e th« ir advertise­ “Tor sereral year“ I Lav.» recommendod A Kruuless Search. “The ii '■ of ‘( t ’ ria*i< so universal and reek were at the county-seat on lues lay. against A. J. shirk, involving a tract ot ment in anutiivr column. whi'h to e 1 clean'K’g. T’.e >’reet» ■ mm * iiiun«l it t»» .di 1 ¡k«- t*u!1 ■ I « r*. and a!wax*>u i!h « ha“. Strang, prominent citiz ns (f M« y » ir * Cast«>na, an i sii *1! ulwau continue tn lmd in the L:»k« view -list! let, the secretary its no nts so w»-U ki.owii that il ne*-;.■$ a work »: ‘ er sliou'd Io »k • ft»*r them at once thesarm happy t»-“u:t*.” f-»rd, were heie yesterday. Linkv. I Marc.» 21 ih* pirrv *rnt I.» N • one » v r tri* «l S’tnmon« Liver Regu­ of the i' termr alii, ini* g th* c »nimi*>i n*-r * of «-¡q>*T»-r>za:i a :■> «-D'b.rM* it. 1 .var»-th»* du s<. as it Lx» mvaria'-ly produced beneficial The pr» a 1 hers belonging t«> ih»* M E ■earcb for »he rem »in* < I >amuei < lv ». lar r w »th *ut being satisfied with its effect, decision. results.” r. Srhul'z re' urn» d from J"s*q bine roum iut«*liig«*nt faii iii* -■ w H w G u U m I keep Sanderson Reed, one ot (he best-kn wn church in southern Oiegon at Central supposed t»» have p»-r >h»‘ ■. have »<•?»» m I wiUun easy reach tv on*- da\ this week He reports il e E dwix F. P arueb . M. D., C arlos M artyn . D.D. T> n h»«u*am! !• et ••! lumber at Sam’s val- The best remed; f »r hea lache and n« n- 1*. mt Mart h i’i'h and organized the Rogue of lhe young lawyers ot Portland, si—nt Wimet m ne as still being shut down. His h»«rse wa* fuiin t in »j <»tt »»♦*,'he- .ui il»- T" he liti'! a;i druu---*f .-a* iid 1» “The Winthrop,"lkSth fctreet and Tth Ave.t Wednesday hi Jacksonville. New York City. had been taken < l! and ’he hors.-’s h » i 1» v *• h l-hoils»1 for *ale bv Scott Griffin of ral ria is Wright s Par.»cun Headache rem- ' j River C.tmp me«ting Ass« c ation. Re«r. 1 Si ev aki -H«> í mi * Dm < ■ i . •*. ait • . W h « h. New York City. Late I*.t *• r 1/ Jale Jieiurmcd Chur« h. J;.Tip's Golden of Floun. e IL ck pr»-< inct edy Si.ii s pain tu five minutes. Hatm- 1 L. Jones was elected presei»m ami Rev. C. tied to a bush. His o\er. «»af wa- f tin I Th» Hon J. P.Wager of’he “Ea*t O.« gon:an' w »s in town yesterday. He is just recov- r- Ivss. t asfeless. no bad »ffv'ts. Sold by ail' ! A. Lewis secre’a v.' Revs. Lew s. Aleridg«* spent a uh I* at Ashland l »*t wt»*k near the hor.-e. i-untaininj letters uddr«---ed CL e tive-acre tract“ in Niese IS ad- druggisis. ing fr"m ’he accident which befell him I ami Lamian weie appointed as an « xecu- while on his way southward. t«> the name i f >1 v»-r. Nobody w is I und. •Jittuti to Medford are uttered on favorable n w thi welt T hk C evta ’ r C omtaxv , 77 M cbbay S treet , New Yons lately. I live commit«’’. The lair-grounds at Cell ral h» Wever. If is supp»»s»d that aft^r t>ing terms. A mi -, c r hi » n ’ > rht's Blackberry : Point have been secureci and th" first camp- Rev. Father Watry made A-hltni a Th** flu»* in Mr- Turner’s » e .l*ed . 1 v. . \ .* taken. Rvb.1- I meeting wili be held there beginning June p » call Sunday, holding services on Fifth street burned ou’ 1 i*t Sunday Administrator's Notice. started f» r be p; but »»w ing fo his Hoken leg If y >u t’--el al. broke up and out <>f sorts at ih<* C itholic church th« re. morning, causing an alarm of fire. No be became txhau-ted »»ml peri.-hc I Mr ajit.i ♦ y »in ;v»-r w. h N.iumons Liver Reg­ ble ami prompt. 1*1«■asc:l ««» take, lndis- 11, isj.q, ami c mtiiming about two weeks. petisib e lor *um n»-r troubles 8«>ld by al damage was done. Colvtr wa9 h*>ru it» Ohio ami w a- s» v*i.ty- ulator In the matt, r <>i th«- c*tat< «>1 John R •:« ri. I have b« en bothered with catarrh f. r Mi*s L»ttie L »uden la“t week returned druggists r rti ’w i i. " ^wi ¿g.. -- œ ^ î — «»QBxr . uuni sc*en years • f age. He w.;- m h* lexa- f d«-evas»*d. about twenty-ye.irs; I had lo*t sense of t » lhi(»*niuir from A“l.l «nd. where she has The--». Engel • f 1 h«i*n x is supplying the The best g "d “ at tbe lowest prices at Mexican War.came to Oregon with the eat y otice is hi keiiy <; i \ i : x t hat the E. K. A hlv d auctioneer, A'hland market with a superior art« 1" of smell « n ’ . ii « Iv , ami I Lad alino-t l»»-t my been visiting f «r soma month “ . iind«-rsign«*d ha*l»«-« n appoint» d adit, nistni- settlers. Io at:ng in s»»irh. nOregon, whete R »me* A Wnite’s. G ) and judge fur ha* been engaged in st li.» g a I d uf house heading oikw» 3, H I. H ( ksactingrs hi“ ag* nt My ey« * ¿ere g«-t»mz so dim 1 • i tor (»1 th«- »«- «»I .h im 1; ii. d ■ • as»-«i. Mrs. C- ra Si- gleton, w >" has b« *n pay he has since re-n!e I. He was the tiist un­ \ . - * i. h< I 1 g«»o«i* under ex» •’ C; »1» l*»sut d out of bad h»gvl some on«1 t<> thr« a»t my i •■» lie. nt th" g'allit city. , h\ «»rd« r «•(’ tli* < «»only * .tint «*1 th. Slat«- ol pur ter uf blooded h«»rrcs to ih* state »1 (»re- < b ». »* clean alfalfa seed. 13 cents a th*’justice's court at th»’ granite city th* Now 1 have my hearing as w» lia*l ever mghrr parents, dr. and Mrs R. B> ah, a Jud<<* t he "With formerly of IL : ♦*) ) j < )r« g«»n hi and tm Ja. k>«»n < ouiit t gon. pouml m h»’s to suit,at Nunan’s store,Jack- past few days. tiad, ami I can s»-e to t bread ns tine a nv» r«-gun. with prep r vouch* i> at- services were held it» all the (’atlmlir and T imes office t.p he-1. within six n: ii'h* ii -iu th« first im dieine to p«-rform ? De Witt’s Barsapanl Ely’s Cr< am Balm for catairh. Mrs. E E. have one of hi “ fine Arabian hors* “ *< rious J. M Luark of Ashland called on the Grimes, K«-ndrili, 1 ’ » rry Co.. Ohio. publication «•! tin* m i.«■«■. many uf the other chui» Lt s According t«» la is reliable. J im r* \\ ednesday. IL has just returned ly injured by a careless driver while d**- Dated Man h .".th. !>•! \ big«“* -rttm-nt of fresh garden seeds, the gospel it is the beginning of pissim The manner in which our citizens are from a trip o eastern Washington. scen ting a bill in the state of Washington, 1. M Ml LLEK. A In. n*“!<»r. In hon r- f .»r\ of h fa.fa, »duvrr, timothy, etc., at the S. F. last fait. w . IP |* IKK EK. Atl.-I-IH-V. of th»- A . O. C. W. J he a»< d t-ranches of that not tu >peak ot iheir in arty support of the the Savior's tiiumphunt mtry ii.tuJvru-a- Variety Sh»re. J»»s. Rapp <»f Talent,the veteran gardener, C. 1. M *sser, representing the Portland order preparrd interesting programnits f »r efforts ot tile stat»* board of horticulturt* to made us a call Wednesday lem.whtn, as Si J» hn i»« .»rds, the p. pu- IL* has one ot “T* legram. ’ canv isM d Jacksonville last Frmk Abel is doing well at his phoio- f Administrator's Notice. lace met him and L strew» . .. d hi Li* road wiih gi aj h g tilery in the new Bancroft bin ding, pr* >«*ntatiun at ent* r’’*;nuients field dur­ eradicate llie fruit pe*ts that at one tin»« the finest iarms in southern Oregon. Saturday and “»cured scv ral suhscritx-r“ ing the week. palm-leaves’. In the works of ottier eva- hade fair to eradicate the fruit, cannot be too AT Nan Francisco. for that j »uriiiti. Win. L Miller has been Mrs (Te!and and dan liter, Mi' “ Vida geli-ts it is stat» d that the way was strewn highly commended. We have here one of The “green so» ia. at (laniard's opera In th«'inaih r «>! ti-.r< “taten! J« Wi’.son.Sr.. with boughs, and hence :n rhe « bs» ream You don't have to continue dosing with house at Ashland was much of a suc­ she prettiest little t«»wnson the c«»a»t; ami accompanied by Miss Mary Clarkson, will appointe 1 agent. «h-c« H-ed. Next Monday M Ihird n. the a-signee of of the day palms are not who ly used fur S mmo’s Liv r Regulator. Often a little cess on St. ’atr < k s day, and lhe young since our citizens have taken renewe»! soon remove to Yreka troiu Lakeview. otice is heheby gixi . x that the decorations. The olive, willow, __ ... yew ___ undvrsigmd ha*- he« n appointed !>\ the and cure* ♦ ff'vciiHil y. folks of that place take a lent-wed interest courage fiotu the advent of our rai r« ad il Ju ige Prim and wif»» returned from Port th* e*in*es of Magruder Bro* and Kin- Cai«! lLos .will auction off the good “ re ­ |v»unty « "uri ut Ja«-ks >n e >un1 v. « h < gon, *1- other branches are med where it difficult bids fair tu again be one of Hie most pros­ lat.d on Monday. They w re aceumpani« d A ni**e line of straw hats of the most in ln*h history. I ting in l’r«»i»at« . adiuini>tra:"r <>i th' »*i i.« eî maining. I he unsold goods were brought to | rm ure palm-. Next Sumi»y will be perous. by ih« .r daughter, Mr.*. M. J. Canning. . J « >*■ Wils« »n, Sr.. d« < « .i>« «1. to Mt-di -r•’ 1 t“t week. E. W. H iinnmn I of Wimer again fur­ Easier Sunday, the last of tie Lenten popular sty le* is being dis| layed at the N. I Ail p« r*mi* indebted to *aid »*tat« ar«- r- - A sure cure for the whisky habit ; Dr. A. B Saltmarsh and fun ly of Union nishes th«* •<>.egutiiaii' w th an «'Xrellent ar- season. 8»-r vices w II be Io I I in th.« ♦ «tho- F Variety btore. A p -'t.ti insp*ctor wn“ in Ja I - ■ 'picfI«• d \. Aduni irai. r. McGee A Co., is in town, but will return calls attention t«» the fac t that h«- has taken Antidote wi.l not injure the health in any tall. Fellows’ Ort bans’ ri*»mr c •inniittee of; sto« k just received. W. H. F akkek , At r.n j . “«»on. IL* says that a large amount «*f up an estray animal. Read his notice lor way. Manufactured by the Livingston«* Jacksonville ban arranged ’o give a grand ; Mr. Kimlall w.i« j*»ine«i by his wife on As summer approaches the travel «nd further panic liars. fancy ore-s bah on A pr 11 21* L f «r the I m m-fit ' 4’hemical C >., Nan Fram isc«», t'al.; sold tn S'ltulay.and they commenced iiou'ekeeping Mlbstautial work will he dull«* thi“ se:i“on. Notice for Publication. of th» home Tl e var ou* *4»tnmitte«s are freight bd*iut'“s <»( the 8. 1’. company are A goud-s ze«l aubience assemtiled at the The Woman’s Re'.ief C rps «-ntertained E. C. Brooks, J a< k*onvilie , Mi: ei A St rang. at once in th«* r«sid«nce south of Judge bu'i.v at work ¡»r» paring ! r the oteas on, incre t* ng rai ly PresbyL rir 11 i r. <1 for ing it L»k< v ew. wi:er«at the “Examiner D < Herrin, the A sbland photographer- o die lead ng lights ol die \V. C T.l . S .«« •‘Sarah's Young Man An*x«ell nt per- winch has air» ady L Cat« rmanc»* wajj giv« n. I. •! • ■« mg nun • I *• ti :« r l»a* 1» • -«I ma jc«- <>i the upeiv s on ot the ladv mend» rs »1 ifi- ill»* intent io dig ami <>perat»*a canal am! g"n scenery for an eastern firm IL «!• e* self. his ’.nt• nt "U t" mak«- lina, proel ::i supp« it ot order in the tn• rm* nt of the Odd Fellows’ F. W. Mitel»» 11 and H. G. Shock of E ig'e The Orchard Iloi!;v A**1 < i.etiou isuiant- reserv» irs for irrigating ami manufactur tirsi-cia*“ work. Henry Wa’Kins. h leciurer .‘-urn - abil­ Ins claim, an ! t hat *a :■! pi "> 1 will I"- nia«ic I»< - building. It is hoped that Grau I M t*t*-r 1 I*«) nt were here »»ti Tuesday. Mrs. Shock ing 2u acres m<». »• in c-Loice tree“. It Las ing ptirposes, l)ids fair to prove one uf the J ihlg -. or in L.s al s«-tl< «-. I»« l ur«* 111« Mr Harvey who has M ngU“’ fain, ity, addressed a sma 1 * z I audici Ce at < 1 ■)-<- i k 1 lu Burnett, who has »L'nilied h s intention i re:uri ed w uh them. Upwufds ot »io a( r« “ planted, w lii- h is • vi- b.g inslilui.-ns of th«* v.’l ry. 1 lie incur- «»! t ?»• • < xi nt;v * < nrt < .lack*«*n « «»untv in ill s pr« ( inct r« n eel, and Mr. Lewis arm the 1'resbyter:.:n cliur< h ou W»dne“Lay < >r., .»I Ja< ks- >n\ ;/l«-. or., « n "aliiiiiav. May of visiting this part ot bn jurisdict on. tn t\ d nee tnat tneir scheme is pruvdig popular, evening on a iel giutt“ topic. His r»*marks '• 1**1 v i/ XV . i .¡> >« in ptliU. In •!!.' *t « ;«'l P< -raiurs are Henry Klipp* 1, T'rai * i • Onioi'S and potatoes ares-«Id cheaper at f.«m I v (»1 Men lows precinct were in Ja* k find it Convenient to he pres nt a' hat time. as it rightfully whou »1. J A. Lee, J. B. M tie«- «nd L. C. Gru‘*y. sonvilie on Wednesday. were interesting and well received by «h•> «• « nt t v N". 4«i( r.’. a*ianil <-nti\ No. 1'.*, Brethren and si*»trs ol the order in the the 8. F. Variety Store, Jacksonville, *1.1 4 who heard them. ! r ÌL. f ’- of >E’« an ! XX . . .1 Reames A. White wish a settlement The cumia y in end <*■ »n*irm ting arid state and all s< j uming brethren are cordi­ than anywhere else. ; x\ . w M H- C mductor James Hansbrougb. who ut Sv . 1. lx P. - >. K. maintaining a canal 3»l miles long, 12 f» et The hoodlums who are playing all kind“ names th*- toil«,wing wiims* .* t - prove hi* ally invited tube present. J. Noonan Phillips has resigned as gener­ witu aii »ndented to them. I hose imprest across at the top and 8 fret at the bot­ h< 1 is a berth on the S. P.. running into al manager uf the Oregon livestock mutual e«l will find it to their advantage to make tom, which the preliminary survey, made Ashland, is a brother of 8cnatur-elect of prank“ on the railroad track will come to I i-«>ulinuoti.“ r«-si«i« ne«- open and cultiv atu>ii ol an ear>y settlement. See their notice among gritf sooner or later. Eff »rts a:»* being said ¡and. v / I h.'inas J. K«-nn« y. ( uar.« * indemnity association. A no tiier !*i<»iiter (>«»*•. by 11- ward A Nun, shows can b'* made to Han-brougb uf South Dakota. our new advertisements. made to locate them, and when they are Wint« rs. ( hri* I’lrich and 1 ■ hiv ( in i>: :.m. ail ¡cover M««lfurd with a lOU f »ol fall It i* th»* Capt. A F. Ankeny, wh»» for so long has W J Mills and Z. I>. Hvde of Applegate Laura Harri*on, the W. ('.Tel, discovered the severe punishment they ol Ja( ks«'!lVlih . Jack* 'll (-«Hllit V . Ui . Jim Hall, the n«*w attraction in the pugi­ I intention tu begin work on the ditch in a .ions ii -I'.i Vi., k . t.-t. i. been a faniil ar figure in Oregon, and was h »re been engaged m manufacturing an ex- Co.'s operator at this place, ha“ been ii:~ deserve will be meted out to ’hem. listic hue Hom Austral a. passed through ■ “hurl time. well known throughout the length ami ce lent qti 1 ty of furniture. usposed for the- week and Miss Amelia R v Mr. Alcridge »4 Medford pr«*a< h« I the* vii lev Iasi we»-k on his wav to Portland, brend’h of the state, died hi r* »1» ni «»n the Farm tor Sale. The prevalence of la grippe this spring is Muller is in charge e»f th»* office at M. E. church in Ja« ksonvii!e last Sunday. 1- r“’ * lass baking powder, with a hand­ lie allect.“ the aristocratic sty 1-* and is said even more general, if we ar«- to beiirve Hie 2.3»! He whs one of the e»»r|ie*t ««t pH-neers, H i“ remarks concerning «mr town w»re not corning to the < oast m 1M7. Full »»f energy some prize mLied, only <>5 cents a can, ai , to bv handsome in looks ami dress. Th "S. t ’ o lu s. who has been spending the I A good farm and st.- k t am h.eom.lining 1W reports ot the lieaith <»ffi« ers, that» it was c< mi> linentary, | rincipai y because firw.t.“ and enterprise, he had L«-en s< tiv» y en­ th«* S F. Variety Store. The m w locomotive t -r the R. R. V. R R. last year. It bids lair to be of a lasting! wint* r in this vel < y, will return to Sprague not lav-'ie 1 with die audience he ♦ x;u« trd acres; 10 a« i < * in eu.i vation. (>«»< h I house un»l »nithuikiing* ami gage«! in business, und .nd great deal to river vuiL*\ in a short time. He purchased Whv wili y u suffer from Indigestion arrived th s we« k ami is eu*C'»nced in tn»- character, and the fa< t that it lias«1» veiop» «! a sin di band of young cattie while h-*re. But, th- ti, he did no« kn-»w that th«* pt< - necessary l»arn room. I ruil enough t«>r a «lev» I-p » *■ the " - re-(»ur» — - »s - of • i.i■ ci mm >n- . roundhouse. it is small, but handsome amaz nglv in southern Oiegon during the small family . Two living springs «»n th« p'aee. ami Dyspepsia? >immons Liver Regulator tit* here h ad never gained a reputairti wealth h<»r several y« jT “ “- • p (*t tie c» n.lm t- and powerful. The pas-enger car is expect­ i past few we« ks is a source of anything but handy torst«»ck an 1 irr;gi.’i"ii purp«»s«-s. t in ed the Sterling mines, flip Judge Hanna. Di-trict Attorney <' >lvig, a* church goers 'up tu la>t sea-on, is pleasant ami cures. (»lace is I M*at»sl l hr« « mu« s ma t hw< *i < j Eagh- ed suon. Conductor Dyer informs us. satisfaction to our people. Ot course it is J W. Howard, a pr- ruinent business ’oint.aiid nine mil»-* 11 "tu C* ntra) Point raii- [tth the fatal malady Wilt II hr wa- -tru ken vftth Jack Faupaw, wed known here, fell in a i in n* congenial to the f« chi g- of ti;«- av.-rag»* Francis Fitch, L L. Burtenffiaw and A S. L. <• -rb»-r <»i Klamathe untv, a member ' man to have the “grip than an ordir ary Hammond went to Salem the f«»repart ot man of (»•ant’“ Pass, mad** Jack'onvi I«* a I r«»ad stat ion. 11 >« l«i I»» !<»• h.n v « *t th»* crop which c tried him a^ay lay. (’ai»t. Ank»ny fit at t r»si ent citv recently, but medical • of the w* 1 known linn G her Bros, I bad cold but the fact tiiat tl e prevailing the week. Laving business m th • supreme visit la**t Sunday, a<*c«>rnpanied by his lam- i will gowith the pi.»««-. A small bun* Ii -I catt • was the -■ u: ».( h< ' r rind i highly re*-jtcted aid *tr.light» ne«i him out whoiesalv bul< •!:«•!*• al .u i aim nto, < 'al., article really i».«» s on d-s in,-ul.*hvd !e:«t- ' court. ily. IL* think* that our town will be con- I an«t “»»me hog“ will !»«■ suhl al-«», if d«-sired. by < 11 *h • knr a him / r His wife died some easy ; l wo-t lonis t-a“h. balanc«- t«> suit I. W. Hays, the general superintendent has b-en in t! e va‘1* y r- • n’ly purchasing urea tr«»m the «ffete cuhl in im- l..-a»i or “iderably benefited by the railroad, it tne Terms y«ars ag-». but everal children, grown to I'liu ha*« r. For part-ciilars empurc on th«* Dr West and wife of E leu precinct tn ole m«r»hoo(* d Mt. ! ‘ w ____ in »nt» d, mourn ; im, a* ol th-* l*"s al lelegraph c*>mp»ny, was in • stock cattle. He secur« d about Juo bead. ctirst, r«>!,s itof itsch «rm. The a'lnovai.ce the liMi:*«ffi e a callon Tue-d m impure blood nave uude.g ne during th»* pa*t lew ;v-e».s friend“ m J .»ck'-wnvdle,when* they formerly show the rtqmsite public spirit. •*>»• rial Tax Kr|M‘«k*l. Settle Up Notice. th»* > l‘ last week, having resumed it“ «Tt-a ise it. imp-«»ve it, purify it with De makes them believe Unit all li>riu< r a tempts resid«d. Some very small individuals smeared the Witt ’> S »rsapai ilia and health is restored, >»n heir part to f allow ’he lashi m were The special t x h ref -h»re require»! from hubii of making monthly tups. rai ro ol track in < r iwe 1 s fiel 1 with rancid Chri “ Bl ik»*. who is now living in (he Brooks deiusions or fiauds. Ad h ui to tm- “grip” dea'rrs in and mai hiru or soft soap last night,so that the train ..... I'fartur» . "... •.... J r ’s tobacco ll fi h > v » ns h a \ ixg i ah i d t *» > ei - Th" t»x lis’ of Jack“onvil e school district strength r*-. ained. Suhl by E. and h»r» well however to ad cold*- and thvir Dead Ind an country, mad»* Jarksmivi le a could mak»-n » pro!r»-“s ami caii*ed a delay and cigars hast been r* j «•.».» »I ami will tot has be» n declared p « c J' ks . dersigimd «»ii Jan. 1. I**'*!, ar« her« l»v notified be in *ff.«t on ami atier M y 1st, 1KH over t »the sheriff fur collection. of nearlv half mi hour. There is a law is in a be*ter < u.dition than it has t:e* n for snow a“ having neaily disappeared in that tor the last Him- t > call and *«ttl». a* ail Al! persons liable to mie rn d revenue t. x ag Iinsl “11« Il pr«)C* edliigs «ltd the perp» section. 'unts n«»t paid pi I .r t«> Apr:; l*»t i w : i I»«* Speculation Dangerous. La*1 view's public schools have grown s » nearly two \* »•* pa*t, and tn-my tratisa a e r« «piired to make app icatioiis ....... ................... tr.»’»rs ol th “ « utrage w i 1 i ot dunk it so aui oli lorin piar, -«I m tin- hand* «•! an nti"im y t«»r « • « - tmns are look* *i for during lshl. C» h sider- 11 for two m»nib.“, May and June, and rap'- Iv m tl»»-last year as to call for the I. J. Fryer, one of the most enterprising hitmv wh« n they fin I *p ihi t«*rs in timeout III Illi: IT*»l I I. OF JACKSON. ( CllKY Scarudy a day p asses with »lit th- tew’s t ion with cost - a«l«l,*. and prominent citizen “ of Eigle Point, ty jail. i/.e«l to < ollocl an«l I « «•« ipt t«»r a i unnicy due of some large i.ilui» ft h; g *»5 er tn«* past few week“. pin ation f<>r *pe< al tax “tami« for oi.e year, wires- (tie usual Jesuit ol >, «-« Mr. McLane, stat * veteiinary surge«-n.tias us. Please take ii"t I« « ami say e c..*ts, as w<* >n in ca l *d at the T imes »dli.c ye*lerday. It A line line of trunks, valises and hand- bheritf Bird“*-v went to th“ S *k»y<»u 'tucks »»r -ome ♦ u.s'i need ni'»n«-y in « ut busim-ss. in uuler H»at nd lax»-« f r the full ve»r‘m.«v b »gs of a I-izrs ami prices has just been was his first ride to Jacksonville on our vcir ure. been in Jack'on county lately ami ex I lu und« 1'igin <1 .* ii<)u imiiiufa« luring at KI AMES a WHITE. mountains Mund iy !«. < I ♦•»••. poll tax from fall dim *»n th* h»*f day of Julv of r »«h reoived at the S. F. Variety Store railroad. amine«! a number of hor*-s supp 's* «! to be the ( hinese wot king for S sson, Cro»’k* r »t ITie same ♦ lectriu cllirtli' »arirs to »Par ti.»- M«a«iow* buwmili m JaCknun county. ye»r in*tead of ti e first *»f May, »* hervt. distant trit tubs the sad tidings of death of .Illi t»id with the nasal g.« b • kil ed wer* sp»< lal tax f* r the p* ri<«d • ml.- g April .'Jo n, any | n.» 1 g tstab.ishinetit in southern ¡»pr “• «n ■ 1 efL-i ts hor*rs b» 1 mgmg t«i J'»* M*Doib»Ugli V. settled lor them. 181)1, can Lave tl.vir -'an p * x rmt* d f«»r < »'»'g-.n ’«» i not hotse and jack bit s. Remedy is no ioii t ut is sold on deliver his Lcltirv in Ji*ck“<»nvi le to-mor­ M Ferguson, Sirs# Straub of Widow n row (Saturday) evening. All are invited May and Inn* .!<*l, by the payment of one- John W I i'crof I I“ making a r umber <•! po-ilive guarant* e. D * not Ini to g»> t<* to at lend. 8 »rings precinct and J. S March of Sam * .1. L. Grubb, the AMi'and milkman, has r.lTIVILb IX 1“““ sixth (ti ihr ra>* '<>. h v* ,ir. ne w FGBTLÄNC, OREGON your druggist and a-k for \our monev it muck-: t e 1» *• m; r<»v- mcnis a' ins rec» ntly d« horned 15 head ol hi“ dairy cattle, by N Lw- i.ii Deputy Collector. Lx A M W il*« n «.I Gn • ni* ;.t. KiiL-fl». and wil Mi" F. 11 Bi .«wn < f Douglas r untv has pure’ amd ranch lie »r Fag.«- F i t. Ilei* • ot sali-tied. We ki »w y»»u w.ll go Mini < utt n * tix it horns close to their skull. It tr i s. i es 1 at the correct name of sav luth» puLii« that u e have the a p «». iC--.V*' cit Z'- ■, ami we trust many i»n.\ notlur b*nle. Fur sale by ad drug- • ■p' i.ed a thr«t* inomh“ scb«»» 1 in Littl«* >an J oar *♦<•«!♦•. V* iy p pular, v«-rv small, very good. Dr moi»* ilk»’ aim w li mo- to i bis <• linty dur gl la Rutte district :•! E ig c I'oin’, a’d starts off \oung Met a tl y, who is coniin» i in the n Bill und MoM Duniblt* Miifhiae Will s Liu»»- Early R.*ers, the pill fur cun-1 ing tne 'iithiii r. under the most favorubl« au-| ice“, with •* n y j » I h r *t» a ing fr in a freight « at K The fo’ <»wi»ig sunnier i»*medv is rec u at Medf rd, is Demar He * in old i & An Ingenious Contrivance. over thirty scholars. in th.>1111. and will l ut II »irain.t an) «.liter Mtî? ‘ •• ’ J unintended bv H n. J. :». Whitman, d s siipatno . biliousness, sick headai he. -J r. It is sa:«! that southb »und tr.»ins out of ;«»> <|er. having g yen i»on< s to appear m < immuta« tur«- tor trict hoitnudiir I i < nimi"i> n» r. ami Levi Moi ns o' Talent has secured the o John Nr ho'» of little Butte creek is re­ Purtian«! will leave that place nearly an n»* of the San Francisco «courts, with his Id I Nunan left lor San Francisco last «bullid b» ti^e»! by ti •-e : av ng »ilM *ed gaining t»r»iie.dtb under lhe skillful treat­ hour later than at pr-s-iii ufier Apn» 1 *», in rigtit to sell a pat» nt codlin moth extermi­ o z 'i -L- ’ J HAl’tDITY AND GOOD WOKK. X Sunday, w here he will apt nd soim timein f »ther as bondsman His identity was for tre» s, M« it is K miwn lo b ■ »pute ♦ Ili* ic uns : ment 01 Dr. .Stanti» I I of E igle Point. nator, which for simplicity and effective order to make connection with incoming I «ying in a fine, large stock of goods for tunately di“( overed by a clieck- bo »k in his O A . va 1 j Uie|ouiu»d <1 lye, dissolved A trains or» (»tlivr I nes which have recently ness lias no superior. 11 consists of a piece this mark* t. Mrs N accompanied him a*« pos e*sion, and die eld« r Dem »r. who is R o in iw<> «piali - o! water In hai dissolve of burlap sa* k tied around the fruit tree, -n I be Api il apportionment if school funds | change»! th* ir t'me-tabe-*. poor man, will be spared the loss of h ’ s far as Ashland, where she sj ent the day PRICE ol MACHINE. >K»,«»o two pounds of ro’in. Thru add one p »und will n t be so large as u-ual, owing to the ’ over winch a piece ot wire gauze is se­ C money. r of tall »w ami water I»» make eh-v»n »pi ut*. f »cl that t x s air being paid so slowly I A -li gill..r a. • idt-ni resulted l ist week curely nailed. Wiien the insect leaves the with H. Judge ai d family. Z II. liv. r.d I > nnyii.ldr.— in m> diidric«. Boil the same as com mon snap l'*c or.» fr ni u ax «ut of lhe hands o: egg it nnimdiately looks for n j la-to W. 1* D '»ige of M If- rd is now sole pro *3 G o. fi Biown, who was married last Addi .» nil urd. r- t.. ' «m - V.III. J , Ori'iro Branc h Vaughn was over from the Car- < 'li (* IL ti» y at bi - ran h above the (■ »V" in hide, and invariably svrk.s tue pi. <•;• of bur­ we»k to Miss Rutti Mathews, daughter of prietor of pint of this to one amia hall gallons nira*’t> <0 J- II. WELCH. mo:e water. An <-c»,a*b Klamath county nt once. sinking hi“ tatb**r-in-!aw in the face and into a moth it has grown too large to find a member of the weli-kn-»w»i firm of J. < . m that line, as well as pr >si»»-etiug mining I spraying with ’bis thrmign the summer o laying in."* lip and no.-e open. egress through the gauze and naturally Brown A Co., of Salem, Or. The happy «laini“. He has drilled a number of wells Fresh buck w heat flour, rolled oats, honey, X wdl destroy ih»- young i » ih »*r *■ a »■ .ml perishes. 1( is said that nearly all of these different p »rtions of the county am! > maple sug»r an i other table delicacies h Horace I*h of Butt«* creek was laid up pests are exterminated in this manner the couple i as-ed through the valley recently, in leave the trees < b ar in the ta 1. never fail«* I to give sati-f tciion. His jti't received at the .S F Variety Store. last week willy burned foot, the re first year, ami none remain after the sec­ en route t<» the capital. machine can drill to the «ieptli of 1st f-»-t W Honeyman and W. E. Buchanan, if i.«*<—s“ary. We take pleasure in reconi* Ibis exterminator has been used B» gus ItiMirauce Ag» nt. (»rn I. <». Reames s< 1 1 a piece of lam! *ul’ ol (boppine a frying-pan full of hot fat. ond 1 h***uniiiitiatr b tliat with much success tn California. For fur members «»f the firm of Hone*, nun, D- H art men ling Mr. D.’s w.»rs. Hi- adv.’rif e ueai I .i f l'«»r land this week.fur $3500. He »•nv r.»n ron» n,:»» v ; j ; •»«••■.rin:- A m:»n named \\ II II »rri* »n, g » ss bachelor in his A* <'■»., Poril:»n«i,propri«*tors <»f the R R V. m* -it w i I app • ir next weeK. tb«-r particulars, write to or call on Levi nn.:.i.v,’i ■. l'.' r-î '.t i;.ir!»«nw- to represent the Asl I o.d I* demniry Live ••¡.id $20 tor it a number of years ag ». ••♦’’iiesv «» sterri s»4itu«les. oriisat his farm near Talent. Smipl»-“ R R . ma«le this section a visit l »*i Hun N v. ♦ IX tue a» ii • ' ;,*r mix gito Stock Insursnc. ( ompaoy of AMd ind.Or A Chinaman robbed Mrs. M ll.ou' : b»* seen ut K. Kubli’s hardware store. They leturned home we I sa’i“tn*d with the nsi.'.v AM«n« : ' i.i. ■ am » a rccent y insured huu »* si » m - k f r J bn b arding-h'ius»* at A'hland last week of a manner in which their railroad is being A <»• T. W Lecture. Walker, br., of Helix, tak og Mr. Wa kvr'- qua* tit v of canned iruD an t pres *rve^' r: !;«e> '.r ill».. conducted and pitroniz?!. BELONCINC TO THE Tin* New Discovery. O I W-H e’m • e. rrau l 1‘f’turer ftheA note ther» for, amt al*» did liisircx-» with We learn of the serious illness i0!r* J -Til? mi t ‘Jiv.ily. j'" ■ r>.pern.» A minor gained «’iirrencv in t »wn dti'ing <1 E W. L»r this jiin.-dirtion, wdlb»* in other farmers, It now »pleats from a ve heard y-«ur friends and m*ipii- • f Little Butte prrpfnct. Dr ___w____ _____ burs tai ng about it. You may vuurse.f th«* week that Fr«.*d K'ipp*-1, formerly of I .<-k-"i vill* **n th«- 2“-h in -t ail I lehver a tienl cure for Catairh < : tb !!■ < !. Asthma telegram receive»! ‘ bv .V essrs. Gav.t’ A II ( «1 1-cnir<*« n matters p* rtaini’ig t »•he.>rd«*r and all Throat, Bronchial, hung Heart Hendry X from J. A. Lee, *« «retHry <»f th» Wa tv of Medford lias the case/li charge. he om-of V»’* many who know tium person­ ’h's place, lias b* en BUcces*iul in captur II» I E.VEI«. al expeiiAic»* just how good a thing it is ing th** affections of a w* al’hy lady of Chi- .Vra ig« m *nts *re i tn » le for an eu 1 U sup. Stomach, Liver a:. l Kidney Aflection«, company, to whom t»»ey “»nt an u qu ry, A lev. copies of the American * rttUer’ jprta umenf ¿»n that ■! »v, to which flu* pub­ Nervous IXrbilitv, ct'. Consumption, in c.-igo, »nd that he married h r lecentlv. ify.u have ever tri« d it, y-»n ar«- one of IL im*, ♦ t .1 V S. li». Mers I :iiu tu.w i.fieriiig at great bargains tliat H »rri'i'D )“ not t* an »... ho ize i “Ig the following:— Guide. tamlard authority on ail land i matu r*. may i»e found al the I imks other. of ti»" e* a ♦' x\ He will probably n* g «ti »i.' the hu M. G r«>y, ate of I’.* stall .« li fr.» nd“, because the wonderful IDs friend Charb*y B ger of Washington lic i* I’.viu* t. E\ •»•Rent mu-ie wii be pro its various stages, j crmanently cured. vide 1 lor th»* occasion. The Stenm Flouring Mill Hai risoli li Oregon v 1- B M • i «n i Jack Wr ght ; ihiug ubout it 1* th it, when ome giyen < Hi :ated as best in tn on th«* oc<* »*i >n p»»ck.t th»- m«»ti y 24 new ilerring Mowers. I) r . AuoRN ’ sOi K.isAt.Moi'F.Ci T reat ­ r »■ lad.. “ <»i ih- A-hl itol Presbyterian A i .» t»»al. Dr. King’s N• a Dis< verj ei t Kyi" V s Frank Ainv ami < . < Tbur*d y « * f • ght or l/t < ment an I niiai at ; ons in Jacksonville. 2 Deering Twine Binders. M x Pra< lit last week returned to his cut. . .on urn*»'a Mipp<*r unrnk.-m<>r»»"a ««•••k 111 ••l'«'' •i Star Sickle Grinders. system, tlr-r 1 y pr.-beigiag li! Wrak, What li i osta. I. M. Mnil» r has been appointed admin­ deal- is, w is roughly liar.died in that p'ace « .lav, nervous, t-> 2 Freight M'ngors. Prie !..«•■ mining and engineering Rchuol of that piarmi: an.l «ellm-4 pl .’e-l vare M-.“tbe i arefnl y con-lder» d b» thè girai istrator of the estate of John Roten. de- by a crowd of Imodiums recently. They everv time, or money refunded. constitutions, <11 , ti I young iio iri.iblv 4 MilkC '< >w s. country, and perhapsof the world, and will Eh-elri- «'<> . Eni: < w,,->d, (Il «"H g v ’ y >n majority of | copi-, in mg even ne» e*s - eeas»d, and » he where fives notice to that i threw him down arid put sand in his eyes, 7 l iv«' and Sevin T«u>th Culti Trial bottles free at all drugstores. rendering medical assis'ance necessary. ti» -ofl fe. H o i s SarsHi ar I a commrmls effect. complete a th ret -years’ course at that in­ fui instrip-i on-. In ibi« binine«« tber.-n gain from ten to thirty pounds in from • -------- feet id I.unilM r. valors. thirty to ninety s. nini.ey Mreveryb<-<»y A Ki stitution. lls»|i w tl sp eetai f» recto thè gr-a’ middle Dyspepsia’s victims are numbered by Notice. Much disappointment exists in the east­ D r . A horn ' s ph> nomer.alskillanr cem­ omv w t.. g-1 »t medi» in: 1 power. l'Hlbr been restored to health by Hood's Sartia velous runs Live created the greatest l ’ e'iimy» r to ,»pp mt the new judge in this etery work in e;ther mr.rtde or sloue m rn«« . S i . im and M«»wcr Extras, and a great inaiiv other oi !y ** e of wlii» h « a»» iruh be sani I an !» astonishment on the l’> iti Coa t and district It s cm- that ill- Ex eilency wil prices ihat defy competition. AR pt rtmn.s "hsi Dos-s (>n* Do lar,” and a b tt’e lakrn throughout the Ann ricati co: tiuent. dur­ artich ' too numerous tn mention. I! -best of .-Il i-i !.- Wo '■ is progressing on the ditch which not make an apt oinim» -r>t am! let I lie p» ople wishing work d.'iie are r« <]iieste11 av* ’ag- lo la>t ing the past tw ’dy-five year-. Asthma, !• "" parti« and t< rms call «< in Rogue river l'» the cb 'ose two judges a; the next g»-nerul elec­ their orders « arly before tne i ush for spring i! «rry a im.n’h i w Catarrh of th ■ Ile a l, nnd .Tl'i hroat. Bron- ar.d summer work begins. All work giuti f »rms ot M« ssrs. Pickens, Bybee. Drum ami tion. MR>. .1. KAREWSKI. Executrix, Jacksonville, Or and Lu:, f trouble inst ntly relieved, L< liten 5* r»lct‘H. Huusakt r Sa»uu**l II If of I’ho» ii’X lias been ap­ anteed to give uutisfaCli<»n. also Ear Diseases and IX -afn.,: oP.encured J>o. F. W hite , Wat \ w 1 hu <1 Good Fiiday The iarmrrs have been v ry busy during pointed d»pu'y organizer ot alliances ami Manager Jacksonvil e Marble Works. permanently at first v :i tilt iti >n. D r . imiustrial unions ut Jacason county, and I tl t’ntl « 1 e < hurt h Hl Jackson th»- pas’ f<»rti.ight bni*hing the planting • f Dated F* b. 13, lMRl w ill begin tne active work ot preparing lor A born 'S essay on the -‘Curability of Con­ * v< nu g h» w u| also hold s r- crops. The ruin has interfered with u them the next campaign in a sboit iinr . It is sumption.” an I a treatise on “Catarrh of lu- - ni-- p a » i « x'( |-, •-ter 1-umLiv. somcwliat. quite evident that tue All..nice foiks have Iht.' /or /tutte C'rerk’, the Head,” a .'th evidences of some ex­ H’ d « vrn g. >nd .»’ Medford at 11 h the -am- '•<» » . .......... all,| u II j CA1HU.I p» > « ■ «i. ¡ ' ». iiiake it the I- ad. ng I u.*-. m *s cu.¡» ^t. >eu* .Medford ; re< u ct lor sometime past, is re puiusht d. It might hare resulted ni some i ir.«i..- tail» wav. My rates are reason:»bl* . I I F. W illiams uue getting hurt. tir citali gue. covering «lowly. * UINVITU iü C/.U fCH FhH CONSUUATIÜH òhe j3nnocratif MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPRINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRINC WACONS. i'ix Shovel all-st.eel Volunteer, Parlio. Canton, and Coiubincil Riding and Wa'ikiDg Sulky Cultivators. A full and complete line of Steel Frame Cultivators and Corn Tools. M oore ’S R evealed R emedy . for Infants and Children. ;; :; . N FÜR ÏUE LENTEN SEASON ! ! N N U NAN’S GEORGE’S BANK BONELESS CODFISH, N ACME OFF-SHORE MACKEREl, PARAGON MACKEREL, COl.millA h-IVI'll! SALMON BELLIES. GEXUXE IIOl.LAXTt HERBIXG, EXTRA MESS MACKEREL IN KITS, oysters , sardines , etc . A NE PLUS ULTRA filimi in k raí»; machine . ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI,