J hr il cm oc va tic c unes MIThKfrU. XoTES. .VuH JfxTl< f. KLAMATH «'OL'STY ITEMS. THE APPLICATION OF E1.E well at this season of the year. Hie icign of “My L »t.Willson hn> 1».« a app<» t n!«-dadminiMra- their hand. The whole country has if M ’ . ìls • f l\ xiis, the great Ir M-emti u: :: L mis i n s;»«nt a i» w days in .¡aymgol N. •». llrirocM» at Siamai on tororthc partix r»hip « Mate ut Fori, - a W i ,|. gixe* th«? f«»llowing nail" .v «> watched fur months the course of the son. exponent ( the tv«\ . • i •• if irprsFcnts Yreka, March 13th by the jury, after rial < t the assassin»of Uhicf Hennessey , J. S. W right has la-rii .-ipp«»int<«! admini.-- 1». «--j < urr«l of Variou • ailm» ,,t* i\ ;«• \a . Dyke has accented a a • r '’ 'I > Brving uf th■- leiibt-iatinguver ten hour», bringing in a of the New Orleans police force, who, if 1rat..r o th« estate ut Benton Ilu-!*- n. «!«- Mi.** Netti«» Keoxvn, Hotel i'. i : ,an«i, rh« 1- t ve». Il«* is certa, , v posit ion nb typt w l iter ut Visalia, 1 ceased ma'i*m, so she could nut tai*« her arm !«• t *h honor. verdiet of luanalaiighter and recomiuvnd- will be re in rm Ire re«i( wa<4 murdered by h r head, cured. • he kalian organization known as the I-.. II. Bt ggs is becoming an »-Xpert type­ ng me .layer to the extreme mercy oi A. 1.. Kicuaidson, 32U Fr ml *tre« t. Port “Camorra,’’ on the loth of last October. writer, having recently obtained a modern ; : IK tliusgnt Hiat *«»•• Kal-v inigstioi tlie court. < has I- Shepherd t«» Max Pracht; lots J «V 4. hind, deafness 20 \ears ami ringi-g i ois »- blk 2, Alaska add to Ashland. $3IK). The dead chief of police La«i discovered machine. L.j< wil'to i ’argr eytent rcvobition z* I»o you know that a little cough is a dangerous ■ m ihr head, restored. Jas H Barnum to Elizabeth Cumulons; one M k II > i < ki -< x—Wli.it’s tbi. “recipro­ the existence of this nefarious black­ ran* limg an w \S . 1.. ( «me, Baker City, Titlanmoiv county ' 1. Townsend, lately of Ashland, bas a«-r«- th»« snow on foul la.*t week, «»ver th« «111 «"Unti*s. Il mav provi* tli«* biggv-'t city’' of voura, Jim? I don't exactly mailing institution in America, and had through < ’ H Pickens to B«-nj Haymond; 1.57 acres in Oregon, kidney and liver trouble, cure«!. lungs anii'*n an I» 8. O. W. R. «ased P. Henderson's l«>Lsuri.tl par catch on to it. Hunsaker add to Ashland. $22ti. l»een instrumental m bringing its meth Lmd ol a lihwing •'• di.giiH*. Amirew Douglas, 8«5 Oak street, Portland, ■ lids in Diaih? )’< "ph* Miflering from A u, i.. Wm Slinger «t al., to Harry Perrin; lots 1, 2 There is st Hi some snow, but it is rapidly deafness, cured. Mr. Itla ne—I'll give you an illUHtra- < b 1 s uf detailing w ith refractory Italians Bronchitis, l’th untonia and Consumption v 1 r.llB A 3. t»lk 4h M.-«i!.»r«l. «Hr.’ ami farming operati.»ns ar» Ih-moi est ami B. F. Wilkerson were Ir .< th;»t the l.;»k. vie»-!.ii»k- ti'in. I wi rked for you in 'Ss, now y, u who refused to accede to its unjust de­ disappearing I. « • McGrew. 11.5 (j street, Portland, nrr Ray A Minkler to G F Billings; lot 2, Heim ’ s being resumed. tell you -------------------------------------------------- that it ng the visitors tu Jacksonville iaslSim- udd to Ashland. $25i). v«»u* del'iiit) and kidtivv complaint, re.*tor- !«2. That'« mand» to tlie attention of the public, ---------- -- „ Till** »nd l-inkvill. - Atfrr cta*t>* hn«*.« »r.* to turn in anr., inff.imni;! i Mr. Ilairiaon—llutnph! 1 don't think •f the members oi tbe uigan.zation, dent <»t this s«-ction. iruinrinii more ..X|»*-.UtionH hun.ilinKof th- signee Purdin will bold un auction J. H Barnum t«> Eliz •!»•■!h <'ummons; lots 1 tion ot neck of bladder and kidney iroubit *, 1 of bankrupt goods, commencing on ami KJ In Coolidg«-add to Ashland and other which is nothing more or less than the Can you afford to i»*gl*< t it? Can you tnfl«" umileM H.-ll »- tH-tter tin.** ' ll th«* route. uiiicli >;f t: at tcheme. cur« d. Horatio Smith will r«s*«»wr from tlu* in­ lands. f500. .«.»lii inst. «itli tx> serious a matter ? Are yotl a ware tliat • he i-ev«-ivc«l at school in Santa Clara, at \\ . Hays, 014 5tb stiect, E.i*t P«»rtland .X I twv'.K naiue'l J. XX'. Ilarrinxlon kalian forni of the »lass known among juries HOI »14 tl»e UuitlanJ the Chinese »»“highbinders.” Its mem­ Ins liuine tn Linkyillc. or , intlaiiiiuatiun of neck «1 bl«i«l led by ihe cars some weeks ago, is able R. s. Logan «»f Chico, Cnl., arrived last w«-« k *ciatic rbtuinatism, came on crutch« .s t«< weekly // J. citizen of Altura*, (’al., two week* ago, bers wouhl levy blackmail on prominent Of Port and. Or., will open Sept. 1st take possession ot ins r«c« ntly pur« lias* «1 H e 1>«»« tor, cured and left crut hers at th«- about again. an«! w. W Co|>vl;Ul.l. who have re the «¡Barrel originating over the fact that citizens of the Italian »quarter, and, fail­ to A . Wesco, tbe leaditig penman of the c«»ast, Pfor Courlis. Colds and < «.n.-»iinpt i. n is In-yond qiiesüon tlie gnat«-t "fall* ranch in Langvll valh-y. Doctor ’ s office. I Modern R.inedies? It will stop a < >ugh in one night. It wdl < h" k a ( «,1 I in» moved it to the Maiqtlam b’.ock, Purl- tlie (tea»! man had employed other coun* ing to extort it, would assassinate their has heron e a partner in this school and will .1. t’uidvr and Wife la-t week returned E. D. Pric«‘,AlLinii, Or., drain» *.* L5 years, Tony (’astel am) 1. C. Johnson will engage It w ill I'H-vi nt < roup, relie»«* A-thins and cure < "iiMiniption if tak, n* t laibl It is a til*t«l.4SS 1’••I1HMTAÚC ar! in im|x>rtnnt eafiea {lending in the Victims. Eleven members ol »he unholy !e an'l afford to U* without It.’’ A 25 cent l-.ttle niav sav x..ua or catalogue. h< rn (’alihirnia. paper at» I sh»'U «l he w» Il uníame«!. roiiit.*. that Harrington had been han- band were plainly itnpltca'ed in the mur- barn is rcauy tor occupancy. •I S Jennings, Sellwood, Or , ozetua oi f StOO in Doctor's btll—may save your Jif<* ! Ask vour druggi-t for it, or writ. • •lling lor him. Harrington teoutun bail. • ler ut Chi» ! Hennessey, and the whole :mk 8hi«i» ler uf fhi.-t section whs l<»ok- Th First Symptom# of Death. J«»lm Irving was ch-«-t««l «lir» <-tor am! E. E -kin diMMse. 15 years, « tire«!. ito W H HooKiiR & C 46 West Broadway, New York, f«»r lx>ok. ç power of th»* law-abiding element of the Quimby J. M. Miller, Hubbird <>r . deafnest Hi ap a *rhu« I f«»r the summer term in tiie T he Kepub'iicaus aie beginning to be chrk'.t tin Fort Klainatii scliool «lis- Tired foiling, «hill livndavb«*. pains in kaasaBBiusBau- n b b b d b b a a b b b b bb b b b s b i» m b B» Ar a church fair recently held in city was brought to bear to bring about a ti ict at Hit- election held last w« « k. • ur«- I in s minutes. various part» <>f ttn* body, sinking at tin- pit frightened at the prospect of losing con­ »I , er valley thi** week. James Daily, New York hotel, dvafnts* of the stomach, loss of app«-iit«-, h-vcrishiiCKK, trol of tlie srmitv. Tiieir nmj »rily is Iras >alina, Kan*a>*, they hlindfolde«! the conviction. Unlimited means were at C. Cunningham is building a tin«- rt sidenc« 15 \ears, cuied. Don’t fail to buy a lot in Ni k»-H's addi- pimph-s or sores, are all p«»sitiv<‘ evidence of than ten and tii« re are sw iat low-tar­ im n an«! iet thrm kis* the wom«-n at the disposal of tiie Italians, h jwever, ami 11» ar tin- Fort, which will b< tlu- « .pul 1(| iUK. potsomd I i I oih !. N o matt«-r how it bc«Hinc tion to Medford The tract adjoins tlie Mr*. II. J . Miller, cur. <5 h and Al«i« rsts. , thing in that Bt-ctioii when cumpl«-tv«i. poisim«*«! it miiHl be purilh-ti to avohi deatli. iff senators am«»ng them. It h now re­ 15 cent* apiece. One man kis*ed hi* by means « I ”tixing’’jurors and corrupt­ La*t Portland, general debility, < ured and west boundary «.f our town. l>r. A« k«-rk English BI o « m 1 Elixir has n«-v«T w.teeeveit lim»*, and when lie a*cer- ing « ilicial- the ai'cused succeeded in Janu s G. Wight was < allv«l to Vacaville. garded a> certain that the M« Kinley tar­ gained 8 pounds. lulled to rem«»ve scr««tulous or syphilitic Mr Wheeler, representative of Mitcheil ( al., last w« • k to att« ml at tlu- b«-«lMdc <»t his Mrs. A C. Landis, 8U5 We t street. A Lewi*, is ¿mung us «gain, lhere seems poisons. Sold under positive guarantee. iff law will be rep* al«-»l «»utright »»r great­ faine«! the baee deception he dcrnamled getting a verdict of ucquittal. !»«thcr, who was taken very ill will) piu um«» th»* return of hi* tnonev and got it. !lv So long as there was tlie remotest >« ¡ittle. cured ot a scrofulous sore on leg | nia. ly molitie»! in !>'<’», if not m xt year. to be some attraction h vie. tw entx’ ye ars ago by Dr. Darrin. «luln’t |»ro|»o*e to ¡»ay for that which, ac- prospect of justice being lueted out to the Filea. Pile»! Itching Pile». J«»hn L«»«»scly will return s«»«»n trmii his ihe Oreg'n L an ami Trust ('•>. has W. F. Hubb »t«l, superinh i.dent of the I'. <• wding to law, divine and human, i»e- otleiiduis the law-abi«img element of the T he HUpr»*iii»* «’•»uri u \\ ashiDkjt« n 1.4" prvta-nt hum«* at Boise city. Idaho, it is rv- 8. I-i.*h commission, Claekaiiia*. Or . mo'h • p* tied sn office in Mcdfur«!, one dour SYMPTOMS- Moisture; intense itching and singing; most at night; worse bj scratching. southern city w « t »‘ «pii» -«■« nt, and waited I i p«»rtc«l, to again become a r«’*i«l« nt «»I Klamath reverted the «!<•« i- » the lower c.iiirt long-d to him. smith • f the tiniiiil Central. ! I V< , ■' * • \ <-r if - | • - « ounty. 11 allowed to continue tumors form, which in tl»e cai - vr of Jul ti E ’«war»li» am! John 1 Lum «s Buff , Mo'k? b’.i . a . •*>. kid Tm. ntate railroad coin mi ar inner*, who tin* terminatali of tlie tiial m much the often bleed and ulcerate, becoming v«-ry sore Ja» • t< n*Mn. chust-ti 2b acres *>i tue Lacy tract. new trial was urdí »♦•»! uti le ground ot i’.u itic road from the southern boundary ( der tr a s. When, bow-ver, thu trial scalv than ever. umii tor .she Or. Swaync & Son, Pliiladul h«»«»(l, nerv«»u> debility, <-ffv* ts of t rroi *.<»r lhff. W hitman 1* Iva k fiorn th*» lt«*Mld pbia proved but a mock» ry of justice, and tiie numerous errors, Tliin Wil i one » f the uf th* state. BUT CURES r Mrs. Setli Cox «»f Butt«-< rc« k !>n- !•• • n vis­ » rreh*es in ol«l <>r y »ung. loss uf memory, business c«dl«-gv ut ban Francisco, where he They Lav«* foum! two must col«l-l»li !e»l mm«lers ever commit hri«!‘f«** in southern Oregon which they lad became patent that tlie city was iting her hither's family mar Linkville, uml • In-ease* caused by rm reury in th«- ¡mpuipvr has been tor th«- past several months. NOTHING ELSE. Excitement was join«*«! by h«;r husband and tiis brother practically «lonnnatcd by a foreign cle ­ ted in the northwest. an«i it luuki a* if consider dangerous, ami will recur men«! treatment ol private diseases. Othce. 7te2 ( luu ics last week. A protracte«! meeting will commence Run* high in this place over ’’Sysfeml »Va*tiingt<»n >t., Portland, or. il«»ur., on In* way • oiitidentiai; «lUestmn blanks and circulars bridges within ten days after notification. tlie people arose in their vx ratti and took t*• Lak« vu-w, w li« r»- lie ha* relatives living. >ent gra'is tu any address; p-ment* < iirt«l uffi late. pure blood and builds up the system. It it 11 They will also make other vigorous ( mot» vengeance on tiie unhappy culprits H< contemplates locating in thut scctiuti. W ork will noun be cummeme»! is ll.a bottle at Brooks' drugstore. at home. H. 1!. 1 ii< i*s web «»med ii.s family from Tell your friends of its merit when you use the stale’s appropriation for the recommendations as to repairs ami im­ in the prison». Tiie call for action was W. II. Si»«»* k ami Judge Piirk«-r ar«- al t b«* east last Week, and they are bow COin- signed by more than 100 ui the leading Susanville, Cu’., waiting for the trial «»I Syl­ it. Ca>M*g«h*a p<»ita«;»* railr«>a»l. which wi i be provements of the line. fortHbly estabiished at fhrir new ____________ home m 'Ihe “Lift- uf Gru. Nhernxan.’’ citizens of ihe city, and on ia*t Saturday vester and Di xon buy s, w Rich I hi * I»« «11 p«»st- HUtlicient to bii'b! ami ••»|'iip the line. this place. p«»n«s| until April lit Ii l«> enabh- witness* * to Do Not Suffer Any bmger. StN ATuB S tanford is «lisappomtvd ov« r ’ the populace arose e/i uiiis.\e and raided I be « nt« rprising I’a. ific Pubiishing ('•»., It will materially assist the people of arrive tbrougn theanow blockade. «4 Portland utui San Franci-co, ar«- ag.-»’n I'. ( catth- on the day. am! th«- first stages of consumption sen« * uf m«»st inter« *nng meetings at the of the l ni« i> Uaciti . It a too ! a«l that the srnat«*, which pointed out the vaga­ ' blow to ti»e Italian Mafia, l ìiv corrupt range, winch lie had l»«-en l«-cding at in* Till«- t »ihetr-4it. 11.i* Utrie it it» wilft tiu- Lite (’In *ti.»n church in Mcdtord during the broken in a w« « k. we hereby guarant«-«- !*rr • i (««ricf ai >lierin;m, w litten l»\- tin- d. < ««a- A«-k<*r'M English <’ough R«-m«siy. an«! will t«-- Uit* l»a!am e ot »a*t«rn Oregon w;i.s iu«t ries in hia two ¡»er cent. hill. He has uot jury had acquitted tux oi the malefactors, htk«* ranch, during the w«-« k. Tli«- sm»xv has ♦■«! general * te.low-uarrior and !»•»*ur statement ......... of — three ------- others -......... on -......... nopely. We cannot think too much of measure, and lie is having his speech on : cenre in it mo.*t .'«•»i'll ar uf all biographer*, \V. correct. cently in Id* b »th xe.tr. Lad voted for every the subject printed an I extensively cir day. Tiie | risonerà ha I»- mid the Indian War,” also brought out on t«> the last campaign. Urhio. ______ this coast by the Pavitic Publishing ( ’ «». ently, of showing that he ¡9 the I ___ Iurmslu-d by th« «-.»unty court. ’ Th«- w«»rk ; j ed thvy were ruthlessly taken from it» will b«* st ipulat« d t«> be c< >!iiph tc«i bx the !ir*t A gratelui nation is at all limes remix to T. «• firm of Leonard «V Skeeters has I T iie n . . c intimirs it» gosl iarmvr’s friend. He is also disa|>i»ointed protecting dour», together with two of June. honor the nirnpjry of her brave sons xxh«». is»*d doing hu-ims* it this place, and D. because the ¡»r >|»osition to pay the sub- «jthers ot ti e organ.zatiun who were wutk in i;vh.» i ul tn»-p-<»i !••. Uumment- A half-breed named Walter Moody was last during life, have followed the Stars an « t ('•»y, ’att iy «»t Roseburg, has taken poM- si«l ze«i road*» <3,ihM»jkM) was struck out i awaiting tiial, and all were either shot or ing on the pasnAke of the lmlian drpre- •vk «1« xv «-ck d« 'tc<*t«*d t«-«-t••• I hi in the t lie vfforr effort to m.ikr'i mak« - away w i H i Siri|»*s upon the gory liei»l of battle; ai d «sion ut their uld -tan«!. pony, sadd.'«*, *add!»-, bridle bridh- mid and spurs, spur*, wli, w In« h h« had h * is part ¡« ularly Hu-case with Hit* hist «4 dation claim» bill by congress ami tbe of the deficiency hill, and ha«l been try-! hung by the irate populace. The terri- a .»oily, l«i>i row« d tioin sundry piirtivs, un«l i '«instable the great \V.«r lieroc* w ho has just been ing to have it replaced, but, of cour*e, . ble proceeding must ever be regarded is fact that a large number uf attorneys HURTS AND ILLS Tvnnis ot h< n<> «>vci haul«- ; lu I larmer ’ s iriend, certain pennons are ¡»re- and yet the enquiring western min 1 wil! prosecute claims on the basis of receiving SlmritT Gowan is kv ping track __ of the hors«*, ot honor ; mil uf gl«»ry ; full • ( the l«»v«. fifteen per cent, uf the claims, the E'.otm- paring to circulate in tbe same districts ! be apt to justify it to some extent, llii«'t, N«»rvroKs, •SS, an«J hai him ' lo<-Htc«l in tile nth-ctiun and gratitude ot hi* 1« Low cit izen • ; Business is loon ii.mg up and we exptct a ARE rilOMITLY Cl'KED HÏ i./’ i recently anncunced that it will open with his loan* bi 11 *|»*e« b his connection ' Whenever a foreign organization l>ecomes British p«»ssv>su«ns, w h«•!•«• hvean lav his hands tuil of everything, indeed, that cues t«> prosperous year, ihe r«-m -state market on him at a moment ’ s n«»ticv.sh«»ul«lth«- fell.-w with the l ’ a« iiie railroads,so that he may ' s > strongly entrenched on our shores as m Washington an Indian depredation ensure au enviab e imino» ’ .-»uiy io the Such as : un«l«-rtakr to cross the line mt-» Wa-hingion is improving ni«’t Iv ami several *a!es have nivinory of the departed. Thi* beautiful be»-n mad»*, while a number are on the tapis claims bur au and ui I pr«><•»-< ute claims not be able to secure die Farmers’ Alli- to be all«* with impunity to license lie wiil doubt:« ss capture tin*rogne \ et. «Sprains, an er support for the i residency. i murderers to ply their calling, ami to so w ork, just issued by «»ur It lends, the Fa< die for on»--thir«i the government allowance G. W. Smith. (’. S S«-rgent. R. \V. Mai-pl«-, M. Purdin has purchased I L. llamii* 'ubhsliing Co., wi i be no iiiemi fiu tx-r in . . . . tar defy our laws as to nullify justice or or for a commissi >n uf five per cent. t« Lilian and Walla«-« Baldwin win Gru ises ton’s int« re-t in the Grand Central hotel, A l.i. aroun«! the press has gone | even the semblance oi* justice, the situa- « A -I«-« M. ted !'• tru.-t« • ' < d l.nikvill«- at the «■l«ction keeping green iur many yeais to come the anti took pi phi a few davs since. The tale of how Senator-elect Hansbrougii, tion is becoming very serious, and it is li«-st n ecntly. I». t'. Brownell r« «••inl«-r. G. story of ihe Lite general * early life, hi* new firm of Karri A Purdin will no doubt bounds Ai rix. ArioKNEY t.it»ks government wonhl printer with bu* one shirt. There is, Swellings ply the knife, even ¡.legally, in the hands ne w deal. J <: hismith an«i family were summoned KiioxviLe. at Mi.**iat shirt wliich is worth telling. evil, rather than to allow it to grow ami tr««m Salem to spent having !•« en ol the generalship and military grandeur «>f Fort u 1 at el v the ill n«--s w a* ony temp »rarv I become finally utterly beyond control. the United State* supreme court involv­ cesses was ins marriage to a very rich the best in th«- Willamettv <-<»untry Mart. l * which h i* prubai? y never been surpassed and J res r«4turned home a few «lays after­ flourishing in busin« ss down tlu-r« He Te­ in the annals of warfare. Ail these matters ward. Cn thcField ing the jurisdiction of Uiis g overnment wife, whose father was tiruily opposed ccntiy purchase«! ins partner s interest in ll!* TE.M’HER< MEETING. over the Behring s<*a ii-dieries, pending to tiie match. The < l«i inan persist»»! are most graphic;» ly ami vividly dealt with business. A- 1 h»* tbi’d -tory g« v* up on the distillery 7ho Wator by ihe able authors; and when it is remem- reference of that i sue to arbitration. 1 in ins refusal to recognize tlie “tramp' ’ xVe challenge the reader to sure« -dully coutrovert the assertion that As soon as he wa* able to travel la-t beied that General llowar«) has. with the build ng <-ur ciiI/. -ns begin hifuilyappreci- The Turf Th'- .Li«-k.*-m County Teacher*’ A*s<>«-’ittion Lord SaLsbiirv prop« s -s to arbitrate this son-in-law, ami prophesied disaster to a ’ e the m lgnitmie «if the con-. em*. It will w«*« k. Join) W ells <>t Spragm riv«r, accom­ consent of the ia'e general's tainiiy. ha.i an acre of thrifty, well-ciiltiv.ited, pndm ing on hard trees m the va - m«t m t • ntral Po'iit. March 11, l*'.«l. ut 1 “ • f«»ub' • -* pr v«- a ! it pr«>mi*e.| to I in the mutter and s -cirtarv B.ame wi.l doubt­ tlie imprudent daughter; l»ut th»* story , «»’cl«»« k x xt_. Prof. W. J. Crawfoni, vn-«--pr«->- panied by Ins little son, went <»v« r to t»> all tlu? private «iianes ande iit ley of llogue River will yield a net yearly income «.'f sl'U It will ¡•omniei« ial line and boot xu-t ’•♦-iielit to i less accept l.i> pr« position, instead ot goes that as soon as Hansbrough was { i«h nt, cnlliiig t**«-meeting to «»rd« r, with tlu th« <• d homest« ad abov«* A*hland toatt« nd at acctss Âinîotes s. omtem e «1 Gen* r.d Six* riu.m for the pur- the (-«»mmunity. li'Hownm iiumb« is in altendam « . Mi**« * th«* l»«-dsi«)c ot Grandma Wells, and her s«»n average 1n. wa»* hatebet, and slipped a large s;z -d clun k I.otti«- K« « «1. Etta V'ru-s. !>«••• Ank«-ny , C«»ra J. II Hum «•! Nrvaila. Mo., contemplat« s an no doubt but th.it the b ok under n«»!ua- is to \V. i ’ alni ’ s barbershop, on Front marketable fruit each year. uy, 51« .*.*!s. P. A G« tz, B. R. St«-x«-n*. I. • arl> removal to this .*«•«•!i He has supplied the bar with Uso It. B. Kaymoml. I. A. Sim«»n*. t.ri-tiu r. G« ..rg« Hum «•! Linkville. that a « ai - le< «a.*« d soum r. I' is ill i-’.iai« <1 Lx’ -trvet. the hncM wints, liquors and cigars, I IMM worth of California legislator» th a a great c »untry, an«l the nate parent I Th«-meeting wa* <»p«-n«s| by a song by tlu load of p«*oph-t r«»m Ins •<>wn v- ll s«-« k horn«- i portraits, ¡»atilt cents, eî etc., from «-n«l to and a tine bdiiard table can als«» be week, it was a source of immense relief should always l>ear in rnimi that there is ass«iciatb*t>. !c«i by Pr«»t. < iaw t«nd. in t he boiimlles* w«-st in a lew xv« • k*, ami THE 'Ttu- <-<»ininitt»*«- «»n programme submittisl that numb« is «»( them are «-oiitempiating lo­ end. 1’iie sti-el ¡ late «-ngraving uf th«- .ate found there, Give him a call, for he will to the fvetiags < f B«»o iler Bruner, the • no telling where the lightnings of f ut me the *t be­ tollowing: Chas. A. Vogeler Co.. cal ing iu this part ot the World, it sutlicicllt (»»•neral, front a i h »(«»graph t4k»-n treat y«»u w> ■ i i. • |40d police-pat run age dtapenaer. Hi» are going to strike.—//» >//«.’ Jon/ mt!. I Roll «-all at I»» a . xt. mduc'-m«-nt isotterv«! th« in in th«- -iiap< «<1 fore hi* ia*t liine** in his general - uniform, Baltimore. Nd. Rev. M. Ah rnlge was at Ashl;»mi 2. Singing h-J by Pr«»t. U . J. (’raw-|’<»r«l. is a very line iik« ms*, and a master pice eligible locutions. crime i» mo small,>n comparison will; tbe T he United States treasury is h.ink- 3. Applieati«»ti* t«»r nu-inb«-rsiup. of the engraver's art. Th«- b»..k >h< uld *ever.U »lays this week, assisting in the open purchase of eleven men at an aver­ rupt, as far as the reckless an»i extriva- There is in» r«-a.*««l int«-r«-*t tak« n in th«* pro- L I >. Hist«.i) I. A. "i coiKlm ting ot the protracted meetings now In other words au acre of pr.--;b.i.tu > ..t th« arh -¡an tind iu* way into every paiiioiic h.-nie in age price ♦■*• li e publ.*hvis' advfti.*«- being hi- d at h it place. We h am that the I •». Int«Tiiiissi«»n. 11? 1000. it is better than any bank lor the bank is sometimes cartied tion of the public was temporarily dis­ lican congress can make it >o, an«l it work ««f the lady evangel!.*! will be trans* • •th« r *«-ctions ot eastern • trvgon. 'i h«- g«-m ral ment in another c« dimit. A1>'TERN«X>N si F.**l< »N. tracted from th»» contemplation of his ■ would l»e actually so tu-dav if all of the ferred to this phi«*v *«»«»n, and alter that tu into Canada by the cashier, Dame nature - a trust-worthy guardiau — g«»vemm« nt «-ouh! not d«» a wiser thing than Ja< K-<»nviIle t«» « xpenda r«’asoiiabh amount in experiment­ misdoings. The entire boodle gang has appropriations had to be p.ti«i at on« c. ! 7. Koi! call at L:ki p. m . i he situation is ripe for tbe | takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if | s. Ringing h-«i l»y Prof. P. ing in 1 his l»n*-at an early «lay. Ii would do Iwviit.x Thr.-c Years in the Drug Bu-inrss. reform of a go »d ninny sinners in both a «lay ot rvckoniix«"ming for them in In tiie dying hours uf tiie bitty tir>t con- I A Talk «»n Primary M i! mot« to *1« v« I * *p • -a*t«*rn < n • -g«»n. • -p«-«« tl a.I ti.v patent medicines that »here wai s a lack of talent on the part ;» oum lence, Ivar of a her» after and every W. J. ( rawt«»r«l «••ui«! happen. whi« b aie km.wn in th s < «»un ;.*, ami < an of th»* w »n iibi-bc evang»- i*t* in mak i'g the I n the present d»*;irth of the great men I other restraining intlm-m euv»*ri>OArd,a:.d the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you II. It«-a«iing G. I Niwbury. SintUTS *v< «• the fact* in the case. truthfully -av that 1 have m-ver known a Th«- pr«-s« rit county- court and ••«•mmlHsii»le thing ¡2. Qiu-ry Box. must not complain flat wur horticultural methods have precipitated a Minutes of th»- prt v ■ting n ad atxl • r* ot KlamatI) count) hav« pr«>v«-«l t«» !•«• al" r»*ine«fv for BI«», «i D ischm - s • I n.<»rt- value nity for legislative freaks to parade their that promised to aswisr in the looting of And th- l'».t lamp H««w to Break up a Severe < «»l»l. leutix« fotli«- !»«-st interests ot th«- «-«Hint). ibuhS »s iS. tSwdl's bpeciti*. I. Mr. A., a ll|.|l"V..|. foreclosure of tlie mortgage ou your orchard. ever made, like Alad­ ecc»*ntricities. Among lii»« most unique the treasury, wuicti their leiuler* had On motion Miss« • A n.»l«!s. May B) rlu.*«- investigati«»n «»t th«- !an«i-otli«-e i»-- « ii-huntr. wa-5 ir »tible i w itn an eruption of >.i\ > the Virginia( ity. M«»nt ,,,MaHi- «n- din s of old, “a won* • Vi that a larg«- the skin on the ba< K of hi** itan-is. ami Lad ia of tiie genus is‘’Suckless Simpson,’’ tiie I agreed upon for the pmpose of co? front- Sack tt. Messrs. P. A. Williams. A. A. Fries turns tlr v liave di's--»v«r«-*l • mpt ” A lamp W!»en we tind a me«iicine we know to ot lan«l «»n whicli final proof «>r pa>- Ui V im sought re.i« ' oi’In !> Ft «•• al mem-.t Kaasas «•elei»rilv, who has Been making ■ ing the 1 ^mocratii’ congress wilh a deli- and J. A. Jomis wer ■ »-leer« «I to membership. amount km genuine nie-i’ xxe < «»r.sider it a ubsolctfly iiou- ll»••nf ha* !•«•• n ma«!« has b«-«-n !• tt off th«- t.«x- F. S. Hist«»ry was iiitr>>i eiploiihi'and ll 11- hay w t ile the sun shine . H«« bids fair | ciency. < >1«I mou.'ly claims that had been mon* am! handled i»y *. “ that _ -nth-man in a 'ists from lssj t«» th«- pies« nt tun«-, and hav« fa!« nt, a - » «d some of FLe tn •'» noted fj -< t - duty, an 1 - ac take great p!«-a*ure in felling hi < nkal Ir. which lahst.* in Ni ’ .v York, ami .1- 1 la-t r -«-rt ne publn xx hat it in Such a !iie«iicine to tie* oE»e tiie ‘‘Blue j»-ai of tiie coming refused a hiindre«! firm s were tacked on cre«litabl«- manm r. In «-«»mmcncingthestiKly «»rderctl about I3.*.ou a«-r«-s ol land «»n which -5 rlcar, *«»lt9 congress. Iii rv*D«»ii*'u to the artless in­ i ti e appropriation bills ami railroaded «•f hhtory he iliows pictures «»I men. places tlnal pr«»o! Iia* !»••« n ma«l«* to !»«■ pia«-« «1 on tn« -pent *oniv tmjtiths in Pari-, Fram e, umier we i-'tin«l < ham!»« r am s (’«»ugh K»-in»-.ly. t rill, o'.tvv li tic light and oatties to his •lass, and als«» gives talks on ta.xruU for the pn-sent jear. treat m« nt « f theptiy *.» oii.F th» . «', ami tia«i By tiie n*e of thi- *yrup xve have relieved, of i With half tbe can* you give w i.eht-t’h kls, i.i.d it will yield au income quiry cl a Wasii’iigtoi: la«ly last week. I through, extra salaries wrr v »ft? i toetn- history ami finds • •ut a x « mm I «h ai ahuut it !»••- -eeured only temp« rary r« li« f All» r ill in a iew hours. -••x»-ie rail«'.*, and in the 1 er and bt ighter **If it is re.vlv true, ’»Ir. Simp-on, that I ployrs wiiu ar»* already pai»l bevumi for«- Ill«- “ -• * t«-\î book im tak* n up n«-xt I!« on a valuation of bllKAI an acre, lhere is not a wheat-field in this than i;ax light, softer this treatment h - vxa- tiu.diy « . «•!. <»und <»ur.M ‘ of t xx • or three «i.i\ s. entirely broken mak« > it a , point . to have books an«! pup«-rs electric light, you wear no sock-*,” tl“’ gallant fi»ak their »leserfs, an I money was scattered i ami JOsEPHINI col NTÌ ll».»l*>. and xv«-lt, bj’Swift’s Specif) '. ttiem up, as h ive >«-ver:d oi our frn-nds to than county which yields such an ineoiue, and L\ ER\ orchard does. all helps lu- can g«-t. ami tru-f to »rouse h more cheerful than Ano-her customer, Mr. B., had suffered whom we have recommended it. Il is all cither! That lamp ia replied: “Madam»*, I a lv< caiv reciproc­ arout.d in every direction as though tiie spirit «•! mx-vstigati«»u among hi* pupils. II' We ¡>ro|>ose to sell you an acre of tine alluvial soil, within cannon tor many years with Bloo«l Poison, ami ity; show me y»»nr s«» ks and 1 will ex­ ! treasury was overt! ¿wing with a surplus, tak« sup w«»rk topically, assigns hysons f«»r it i-r n-prevented io ne by the manufac­ in ad van«’« • ami t lit- n«-xt d:iy <-las.- i • - thotuhl I:»-ha»!’bten cure«! by im rcuri.d turer.*. If you have a cough and Want io shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental < hibit mine.” Tbe la»iy was slowly re­ as it was two years ago when turned over < reiuhnu it«-s«»n l«-f*«m «»I last «lay. For r«-vu-w* takes treatment; but the disease rtturne«i|acci ■• -m- -top it. Chamberlain's ("ough Ren»r th xx>»rk. For sal»' l x- Dr. J. Hinkle < ach numb« r ot Hu- class tor a composi­ And xvith it there 13 no smoke, no •mell, is to come iroin to pay all uf these wild to 4« zvii sm?ii botth s of S. IS. S. made a p r ('« m r d Fomt, audit. JI. II ask';.s. Me«Hurd ti ’ ■ 3e-i c' trunt /f. no flickering, no sweating, oue hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by tion. Th«- «-ssay s ar«- r«-a»l ami hand«-«! in ’«»r fret an«1 iasfmg < ur»* Tm world i» moving ahead very fad. appropriations is more than any on»* can corr« eti««n. I «••sttu1 blackb«»ar«l tor outlim no climbing up of the flame, no ‘■tantrums ' you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of W Ii Dr-i-wA».<» nor annoyance of any kind, and it never in 1888, everyhodx win» wa* not protec­ see at tins time ; it isn’t in the treasury, xv«»rk tor • a<-h «lay’* w«»ik. S«xir:i< p« rtiiunt Consumption Cured. • I needa trimming. Its founts toil reservoirs» old age overtake you and find you ¡»enniless. n-nuirk* xx « t <- in eh by I'r.'t-. Getz, William*. Treatise < n Blood ami tionist was a ir*-»« titad* r, no matter how nor can it possibly get there under the St« vens anician, r.tircd !r«nn practic»*, being tough rolled seamless brass, with cen­ little i>e wished ti.r tariff re­ present methods uf taxation. Two years having had plat?«-«! 111 his hands by an East tral draft, it is absolutely unbreakable, on moti.'ii tlu- paper «»t I.. I . Smith was Mi ■ lie India mi-.-ionary th«- formula ot a simple and as ' ft na a cnmila. duced. Now, the chief of k publican uf Democratic economy in tiie house ami postponed until iu xt meeting, to be inserted v«-grtabl«-1 «-iiictly for tIn- -.p« «-«ly and pi-rma- Only five years old and < »r fun tnilllon ii-umpt 1« ai.Br»•n«-hil is. Catarrh. (’iwlainy i/< bf' It must be a GOOD lamp to in«»tion Hie association a» III lì. 1 STELLA recipro» t v. wRich is ii<>tliing but another thrrt-on may pull the country through dinner. ( F. Walker is about again att«-r hi* r«-ccnt Asthma and all Throat ami Lung AtT« «-ti<»ns, make su.h a telling success. Indeed it is. FKAPKXIll KO. 1'1 tie.*.*,an«l is gradually regaining hi* *t ri-ngth. posit i\•• and radical cur« for N«- i voub We give away the land, l’ay ub £10 a mouth, 10 cents a tree, for fur lamps i ay < me «nd Ian ps mayge, but AIA EH NOON SESSION. na I« r free tra I*-. It is also a noticea- without making it necessary to put new i the “Rochester s ;.cs cn forever! Wc l».-l«ilily an«! all N«rvmis ( omplamts, after I- tiiat every - u U m ui tiie Farmer s »axes upon the already tariff-ridden pe»j- I Th«- asso< iat ion rv-assemlile«! at 1.3 b r. m .. It« x T. L. J<»n«-s hist xx-« • k • ntertaim <1 his two years, and we will ¡»resent you a warranty deed of the acre, and having t« ‘ *t«-«l its w«»nu-in«!* «»I « as«-s. has I .-it it his «luty to and Table Lamps, Banquet, Study, Vase and GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. A«.lance congressmen who have hern at pie No mor«- oil • arth vx < '¡I -■ • th) t.u-e; t»y the iucmt»ers tm- programme was days. mak- it known to hissutl« 1 >ng fellows. A« tu- Piano Lamps every 1« •«.«!. in Bionze, Por ­ Wasiiingt* n and a ntiinirvr oi ti»em are But may H«-w!io has l»er«dt u> S knati 'H P almk *, who wan elected taken up. ,ii«-«l by this nmtiv«- an«! a desire t<» rtlicv«- celain. Brass. Nickel iiI lack Wrought Iron Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value Geo. Walt«-rs <»! Grant’s Pass is selling a Fill us with a living grace. motion Prof. P. A. G< tz was appointe«! a there now favor.* fiee*trade out and out, • after the moat hum.in sutb ring. I will s«-nd !r<‘«? ut charge, to |lloloil£C d« s;r«- it. tin* r«-«,ipe, in German. trade mark atainp “¡ hk R ochlsti ii ' If he their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and cciupet- Thou want young and fair ami laithf ul, Ft■• -m ii <»r English, with lull «lin-vtlons tor All thy ways xver«1 plea-antm-.**; hasn't th ? •* < "• Rochester and the style you ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the slaves will tiie K’-piibhi'aii i»«>.-*«-s make tiie | gentleman of much ability ami force of th«-next m«-«-tingo! tfl' association. pi . paring am! using. S«-nt by mai* by addiess- L. L'-imard is at his Spragu«- river valh-y N«»x\ I he laui' I slamls al"-x • th«-«- x‘. ant. or if no lamp-store i3 near, send to us (in motion an «»rd« r was drawn on tin ram cam| aign o! b'C? WidiLev usurp tiie character,and will prove one ui the lead- ing with stamp, naming this pap«-r. W. A. 1» at pr« *«-nt, l«»<»king at 1» r Ids Hit«n *i* ih “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital­ in a silent wal«-hl u ‘m for fiee illustrated catalog *' tand reduced of India. f«»r $2 <> in tav««r of N. A Ja<-«»l>s N« 1) 1*. >2») Pow«-rs’ Blta k. Kochcst«-r, N. Y. lk-moerat'c pueitnm and pose as taut! ■mg members of the L’. S. senate. He tr«-asur«-r price list), end xve will Lox end send you any t<«r «-ash advanced for programmes, stamps , t h;it locality . ity of its soil, ” says a great economic w riter '1 he people of Jackson Atid each «lay w«- sevin t«» list« n Ian p safely by express, right to yout d< r reformers ? ' wan born in Kentucky, September hi, am! ••nvelopes. (’«»ck« rline A S«»n «•! Murphx pr« • im t hax « For the 1« «-t that coine no mor«-; county should learn this as an axiom. KOCIiESTER LAMP CO., A talk on primary geography bj Mi•** N< Hie bargain««! th* h - propi-rt^ !«• Mr. Denton. Iat« - Th«-y ar«-tf«'a*<• *» h st II young. He obtained iii «- ii <■«•* wii* Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in first with color, am! tak« < ol>j«Tfs ««t ifan’ir-iefv’-ert. .»*'*•'■ tn U > sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the faetones, or .«ini tlu n a short ta k i* giv« n on ih«- subb-ct , school «liri-ctor at hi* n«-xv h«nn« -at Yomalu, a Bright and xvinsm ami s«mu-tinrig about th«- *li«'it tunc ago. toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. It means N* v« r mor«- will any oth« r ing literature to tiuiio -»eekera at I’ort- in 1>.«'‘, Palmer entered politic.-* and wa* « ountry. Tin* • x« rri.se i* t«nth almuld l»e I ••levied senator in Ls54, when Leopposed I ing Ih«- young pupil* . ««m«- id»-a «»f siz«-, direc­ imli-positiori siifti«-i«-ntly to I»«- abh- t«> ait«-ml Mx littl«- gii l. ten y • ¡os «.I ng«\ had Bright's But we’ll cease ali w« «-ping, autlii'ient of a hint lor our ci* zem. to be- the Nebraska bill an 1 brought at »out the tion an«i '! *tancv. 'I’I h - *eho«il grounds ar«- Ilu- har«lwar«- stor»-. l)i*« as« . Ii«-r ankl« s, fc« t and eyes were ter­ more beautiful and a larger home than .ninety per cent, of the popula­ V es. we’ll «Iry up «-x «-ry • x • . measure«! an«! I«a-ate«i. In this way th«- pupil ribly swollen. Four ••! «»ur b«-sf pliyjucians Htir tkiemnelVeH ill the niatlei of d.xHemi- ¡election of Lyman Trumbull to the U. S. F’Hins a vast amount «»t v«-«•graphical knowl- Th«>u art wait mg 1«» r« < • ix. u> tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. H< alth i< improving fast, ami th« r< ir«- not att« n«l«-«l ii«-i; but lu-) hi« was «1«-spair«*d •»!. < »n our «-«»tiling bye ami bye. AT CENTRAL POINT nating information relative to our local senate. He supported -Fremont for tbe «r him as lu-iitly *«» many «-as«*« «»f sickness a* ili«-r«- But a mothi-r h«»pcs unto flu- last, and I «1c- Write to us, and wo will send yo\; our illustrated I h *>k of this great I. II. advantage*among the desirable iiunii- presidency in l.<>6 and Lincoln in lS»>o. In • rit« rs upon "the siudv ot the text book wvr«- a short tinu- sine«- t« i lium-«! t.» try i>r. David K«-nn<*«ly's Favur- r on. valley and our Orchard Home. it» R« nu-iiy , ma«!«-¡it Roiuluut. N. \ . granta now coming to tlie atate. Wilh He raised tbe fourteenth Illinois infantry Iat« Dr. Ji-ssup is making arrang«-m«-nts to !«-av«- Pro!. W . J • raw!..rd >luf his subnet full LETTER Li *y mpt«>ms «»! tlivdis«-as« h it livr. W«»rds tail Where is kept constantly on hand a complete March. Is'.»!. cexaion of aeveral hui-dredw !>f families it ••levied governor of Illinois by the Rn Max '.»th. t•’« « \pr«-ss my gratitn«!«-. an«! I cannot t«M> will s«»oti tc*t its capacity . and first-class stock of I li«-pr«--id«-nt appoint«-«! W J (’niwtor«!. I.. But :«-r. Wm Mil. s.Tim<. B. 2 holieHt iarmetH ami imel'.amcH hi thin publicans in IxW, which office l.v tilled <-ai n* -1 ly -«•«»»niiH-n»! th«* Favorit«- RciiuMy , A. Simon* am! Mi-s A. J.-nu-t F >i be- «-omm t- A great deal of pr«»sp<-«-ting w ilt In- <|oru- in Baum M« Dani« I. L. w hich was tIn* <»nly m«-«li< itu- tak« n after !««■)■ valh*y during the coming xuinmer. It i- tor tour yvais t hut his polHit’al course t« • on programm« tor t in-Max nu.-tirg. the mountains «>f J«»s«-phiiu-county th»- eom- Bh-ds.»« . J. F. N. ai. Marx < a-« wa* abandon«*-«! by tlu- physicians. our own fault if we do not m i lire them, • luring the term was such to alienate turn Th« «pi» stiot» b.i.x was opened mid *• v«-ral ing scason, as is usual b« rc. Brown, Newman. J«»hn 2. Mr*. Laura A. Kempton, Wvst Rutland, Vt. Bat xv it. Jam P«-lh-tan, Louis for they are on tlie limit lor juat -oi ti a trotn ins party, and lie became a Demo­ • ¡m *tioiis xv« p r« ad ami an*w« t «-s. Moved »nd seeon«!«si that tlie thank.* ot th«- Richard. T. locality aa thi».___________ • >n Mar«-h I It h whih- groumi*lui«-ing. an Stoves, Tinware. Cutlery crat, which he has been ever since. as*«M-i.-tt!«.n be t«-ndercd the <-itiz«-ns <>t ('« n- PilMS Bolton, la.-. Ko -* I. N .11 title «if lltni'I'Hif, N. T Point uml the teacher* ««t that < ry for embankment tailing «>n him and crushing » lav« r. i has. >h i rca. W. II. General Palmer is a very pleasingspeak- tral « o«>k. Harri« tt A. Stantield. Dr. W. T iik n«-w fish 1 «w , , ¡»a**»*l by th.* last | er and ha: a cool, self-possexvd manner th« kind and h«»*pital»l»- mamu r in win« h tin- him. We Can and Do m«-mt»«-r* ot th« ass.a*iation w« r«- ent«-rtain< «1. T«sl«i, .1« • I> 11 y. R»-v. G. J. W«-)«s1» r of th»- Ashland ('««ngn - » ’law-on. >. H. teg slutnr»*, provnles tl •• luilow ing, anuHig 1 when on the r s iurn that takes with his !(• ••••ipt> lor du«-* and t«-«-s t rabtr« «'. B .1. W. . ks. M« di.- Guarant« « Dr. A« k« r’s Bloo.i Elixir, for it has gational «-Imr« 1» has temporarily e\«-hang«•**-•« iat on a ljourm <1. I »avis, >arah Watson. Ellie b«-en fully d«nioiist rat«-«! to the p«-ople o! tills i OILS OP ALL KINDS pulpits with R< v. R 4»t. M< I.«‘an «•! tin Pres­ X \ .) \« • •!-.< S ■ I >a v js a I i a i »*•• -, W lot«. Daniel shun'«) take nuti« v a«•c.»r«!ir;g’iy. Ser. 8— made a canvass ot tin* state for the uftice muntry that it i> sup« rior t«» all otlu r prepa- byterian church of tin Pass. hx an-. 11 S. Whitn« y . S. catKins tor blood (lis«-as«-s It is a positive cure Mechanics ’ Tools. It shall not be lav In I *r the piopri*-h>r of United States s.-nator at the last • »! th« ■ sum pics <»f ir«.n «»re sent off for assay Hurst. Woo«|f«»r«I W«MHtrutt. J«.*, f.»r syphilitic poisoning. Ulcers. Eruptions and NOTI» E Of NEW >113 EY. of anv sawmill in th»s state, ur any em­ • lection, iiaving been nominated by the purposes I-«*«-« nt I y t>) the board of tra«!«-, but II ickman. lag«- Wilkins, i i .mk pimples. If purities the whole system and I pr>‘V«-«! wortliv <«t investing capital hi its Kelling«-r, A. F. ploye therein, ur any «»tlu-r pvrs«>n, t«> Democratic party tn convention, He de thoroughly builds up t lu* constitution. L' niti . d S t i tes I. \ \ . i, ( io he . re«lu«-tion. that s«-nt l»5 Dr. Flanagan. ............ » HENRI PAPE. Sii., r. M. cast saw«lust, planer shavings or olht*> serves the compliment bestowed up >n K«»s> huhg . Mar«-h 17, C-'l.i l>. !>ix«»n A S<>n. who »'stablished a !»••«! lnnil»er waste n«a«te hy any lumber man N«»ti< •• i* li«-r« i»y gix ■ n thut tin pl.it < t tin him. and none will have cause to regret NAILS. ROPE. surv« y ot township N«», 1'.» S, .«! K II W, <»I the st«»r«- in Grant < Pass soinetim«- since, ar» A iaru«- and • ntlmdastic mass meeting W. is aceotnimMiat- b’ Id in th«- «>p«-ru-Imus«* at Grant * I’ msk <>n t h«‘ •u<*h Bawd list, shavings or other liuuhur thi* «>lhv«- on T uis 'I hx . Jum* !»Hi. IhMl. Tin- Imr an«! relia'»lc, and spar«s rm pains to give I It h t' • i oiishh-r tite «|ii< st ion of bringing out a Ami everything else hnaglnab’e in this lino. waste to l»e thrown ur «Im« bar.-« «1 in an) p;at aceor«ling t<> th.- surv» x. «-«»veting tlu- sat ¡«¡fact ion. dit« li from -- Rogu«« My gotHis are new and of t he best brands, and -»— river for irrigating pm- I Rop-U FATHER BILLETIN NO I. l<»ll<»wing *• « tu>n* ami part* -d *• -et i< «tu i ii -«nid .. wit' be sold at the maiuu-1 into the watt is »f this state, ur It __ is « -tunuh d that th«? ditch will «-<»*t Supt. Johnson, of the Grant's Pass Water. poses, 1* t«»xvn*lup x / •* E 11 «>t 1, S W 11 >>f 4. * .»1 *.np.ioi. and ¡nd’. id will will ‘ irrigate 15.0* 0 ac res «»I valua- Light A Power Company, -lat« s that the w«nk tbe <’«»•».mhia river, ur r » dep«»*it th* Many peculiar points make Hood’s Sar Tlu toll.'Wing is the r« p«»rt ol Hu- < >reg«»n ni «-t I». 7, ». A |»i. >'»,«.! II. ail «»t 12.' N V. <>t’ ¡*»»«1. /. ................. was appointed _ A committee to nu- i«'buil«ling the «lain across Rogue riv«-r. Lowest Ruling Prioes. samewh re hitfh w ater w ill take «.he same Wi utlu-r Bureau for wv« k «-mling SatunTay, 1 i. N Uj ol H. Hll «»! |\ I»,. Fl. I*. Ii» A 21). N W «4 ot im p.irilla superior to all other medicines. ir incorporation, wltich was waslicd out this winter, will com­ in'«ii;iti i y draw up papers " for «»t 21. S E l 4 ot 24, ali o! 25, S ot 2»i. S E Vi ot Mat I li. ilu « iitir« ’ « immunity is united upon into any of the waters of thi* *tate or the mence in a few «lays, the ¿ ’ «-L-uliar in combination, proportion, G ‘ve me a cal! before gohij. v’sewhere. 27. W U» ot 2K, an«l ail ol .>»». .>1. 32. 33. 34, a :k> I'iu- autumn an I winter m«»nth*. up to I •-]»- t’-asibiliiy «»t tiie undertaking. Columbia river ; and any poison or p-r- ru.irx J.( .SHERIDAN Notice is ai.*«» giv» ii that part ot tlu- lu r« - and preparation of Ingredients, A* *o«»n as the school •lir«-«-tors as«-ertain 1. "«-r« warmer ami «Iri« r than usual. 80ns \¡«dating sny of the prov Muns ot 1« I’i u,u x was v<»ii*ult rablx « «»l«b r than usual totor« un*ui x-.-y « <1 portion «»t towrwhip No. I* that tli«-re is the amount ol «im.iMo <,f t.ixabl« IliM’d’s Sarsaparilla possesses «»t R No. H W, Ii «s !•♦•. n *urx . x < «1, un«! a pkit prop» try in the «listrict. th«-y will begin tlie thi< section siiull be deem** I guilty ot a ami ii]»«iut Hu- iiwrairv ani"utit <»f pr«-ci|»ita- >. A t banca lo Make ?»!«»i«c>. the full curative value uf the 11«ui ••««-urr«-«I: th«- snnw-hill in «-nst« i n (>r» - ot fin- su rx «x Hu rcol will I». tlhd in tins <»fti«-«- construeti »n of flic propose«! new sclto«»- xnis'le.neat.or, and up«»nconviction there­ gon best known remedies bring « *i>evirtllx h»-avy M mt < I i . ho far. on Tucsday ,’M «y t h«-!2t h.l>'.»:. Saul plat cover- h«»use at Grant’s Pass. I fee it my duty to inform others of of -hall be tine.I in a -uin not less than ha* b« « ii co«»i ami ii < >t «juit«- an av«-rage pre- ing th«' lollo'x -i ng se.-t i«»n* and p-trt*o| s«cfi«»n- the vegetable king- Fr»r Ferrale I t A « ommittc»» has been canvassing Grunt * ■ut. <•«•• pating .*; ooi.s ca-tors, ¡« vx» \ w »4 «,t n ■ ip!tati«»n. <’him»«>k xvnuls hax « «H-curr«'l in x / * 1 . a N F. ' i «.t r:. ail «.t |100 nor more than $250. ties: i 1'“ Lr i w. ck I cleared ÿ27i»u, and Pass l«»r th«* last tw«» «lays getting M ock , N E ' | ot :J3. N «-iist«-rn »»reg«»n within the past t«-n «lax*, W in three weeks Froii Fruita in w a-on, Candi« s. Nut,., E s«-i iptiot«* to start a ennmuy th« p«« *«-nt s«-a the Hood’s Sar- in* akmg mt»» tlu-» nth. Iiiw . .*t« rnt>r»- and part*«'! sect ion.*. <4 part of Hi«-unsurx « y «-«I to insur« tin undertaking b« ing a *m-v«--«. Faparilla can get < ir« niai» was g«»n th«- *• 'll is x-«-ry wet; »prime plowing ami i can trul, th-* iiieuiiiaii.s ».«- ■ art «<1 bv leading a seeding hav«- I»«-« ii delayeti. Fr.ists hax «- b«-m port■••i» ot toxvn-hip No. 1'» S. of R. No. I .’. W; cine pu r . f now hav« e a nice home ami bank a<: Th«- pr«»p<»*iti«»n to establish a < turnery at “One Hundred Doses di-pat« 1« iio.n XX a-lmgt ui to tli« effei't tr««Iu« lit. but «»w ing to Hu - Iat« rit *tat< of veg- will b-- tilvd t" wit; S«i lions 1 and 2. N E '.i tii«- mm’i »n. Pass « hi tli« joint stock plan is ................... .. count ah the product ot '•» investm m a I »c said. inrrtiiiK and E ’•« «»t‘ 5 E 11 «»t 3. N «»t II, ail ot 12 ami «■tatn»n m» *«-rn>u.* damage has b«-cn I tin- • pntc !il»« rally to th«-stock l»«»«»ks. Dione .inke d toxvnship*. wlu-at field* giv« s proim.*« ot unusuail) A < >ty I'olicemau'« 1 xp«Ti«‘iu-o. f Tcculiar in its medicinal merits, detailed t<> ni.ike an itive..tigation, and g«»«Ml win at pr«-sp«s-t* thr«.nghout ca.*t»-rn J«»iin W«-il*<»t Illinois valley will train two it to a n ITo« .d’: Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith­ be arrived at Lik.-vn*«* !a-t u< « k. lie ()r«-g«»ti. Gctu-ial r« p«*rt* imheat«- that at Min tr ; ;. i’.xRD'l 'Iru'-.’ii pur.-ici' i * ?<» : animals for tlu* volt trot at ilu «lisiru t t.-i-r pres«-nt the conditions w-«*r«- iuxci nu»r«- fa­ m \t tall. It is als«» sai1« vel«»p one and J. T. Bain another, for the title of “The greatest blood who had made complain' Am ng the i ag«-«»I tail-sown wh« at is m»t an averag«-; <»w A W«»nder Wurk« r th« *aiiu- t;u • . Mr, Wells lias sc>«-ral tin« that th ■ often leave the ‘■ystoin in w«»i** I-OU- cha>g«a agairst 'null r a a-* that lie was mg to th« <'onuaiighy a i ■ t.n«i- *prmg »««wing. Th« *n-m»l iu al­ Bmlington. Ohio, states that he had b*en a« u, JJtx 27* 1 vt’t \ ; .Ytssteru brau« tending their st«-n ly use is apparent, The new home,”—there is now big swamp-land man of Warner valley . ly otT th«- wlmit «ItMtrictH «•• « ast« rn (>rcg«»n. umier the care « f two prominent physi­ opnu-nt. Slold I») E.C. Bro<.ks,«lruggist.Ja« ks<*nville.< ) Tlu- w«MMiw«»rk ot th»- iu-w bank building laxative principi«» sold In in circuit court ca-ew against th«- settlers In xv« *t«-rn (tn-gon tlu- soil is too w« t, «-xc. pt cians and use«l their treatment until he wi.l in J »y’«s V •table SarsHj.arn.a of Hood’s Sarsaparilla compait- fav«»rably will) the finish ot any on th« upland*, for any spring plowing «»r was not able to get around. They pro gets it* < atharti«- ; in that vicinity. XV. T. Boyd made alii- *«-« «lmg Bright, warm, sunny «lax* ar«- gen- ii' ticn by in: the mu- Lowell, where building in th»* state, and will la-si«!« s prov« a other blood davit that S«ii«l**r wa.. one of .Xlct’on- « rail) wi.slu-d l«»r. Tin- a«i*nu« of truit irvv* iiouriod hi* • a*e to Le ' « n-umption and sp'.-n«l••! advertisement tor our nat 1 v«- woo«Is. cous M*erv*i«»n* att­ 1 gently stimulating «h'in- than of as th» ml« rnal trimmings ar«- ai! of woo ls ach. It is purely »•gr-table. rf'S-s not 1 se its purifiers, incurable Hr was persuaded to try Dr. ha*0- < u iargclx increased and Hu y appeal to naueby'a bondsmen in ten < f these e.tsea. Peculiar in its grown in th«county . an I that fa« t will only b*-nb m g<»«Mi c«»nditi«»n; trim l»u«ls arc -xxell- King’s New Disc»»vrrv f«-r consumption, effect, i« vc nn-l nteolutely »•■•» he phenomc ­ fi ken Nr. Hartman had prevu u.ly secured an mg and tin r«- i* an oeeaai«»nal r«q»«*it ot tdos- coughs ami cold*, and at that time wa« not hav« to I»«- known t«» mak«- a liv» ly demand nal record of sales WV furnlth ereryfhinf XV <• »«art » r«n yonr 4p»rr mmwon, or nil your t II.» •« i abroad. occasioi '»n-in-ntsly by the most «ì* . itf affidavit fiom the iu.lv «¡eik that -ai­ -«•iu.». 4 lie *n«»w jn the mountams of « i-t. t n able t" w dk a« r •.** the street without r»-st t » tin it « from at»r«»ad. other preparation entirely new l»»d.»n<1 Lrinji w on•''< I' m F-i t » f^»» i « >• * * k •• .1 “1 wards, der »»» no: i»li a s:i ¿_* <• bond ti ed n tl e ing. He found. b«-for«- he had used half of I lu- h«'p« - ot Grant's P;«.— are now- laigHy ever attained such popu ­ - JP’ è '-’I ..-mwa f« « tai<- r« p««rtcd t«» hax* tall« n dui;rg ’tlu- « Vi lean. th< • nd tn .»•• •t«*r a little * i p»-r>nr "> • h *. * iri. »h y ou theeni- clerk’s office 1>V Ml A Oimaugny. Anothei xxinf«-r. >to«-k wint. rr«l xx«-II and i* m g....«| a dollar t»ottle. th »t hr was much better ; 1 .nn« «l to the propos«-«! irrigating «iitch tr«»m larity in so short a time, plovmrnt *nj ««■•< b « ■ u » 11» » . V> •*■•. et *-«i lain her« Full uoilic« r «»f N« ’ ■ I’ «’.rttr I Rogu«-riv«-r, ami all sincerely hop«- th«- proj- be continue«! to u*r it .and i- to day mivrn^t uD FKEK. 1 K I F A < O.. slUlblA, X a I.VE. enj. y. affidavit mad.- bv C. I uiba« h « Large I « «»mlition. Few winters have l»«-vn m*.iv fa­ . - - tt..«l retained its popularity • r to Ituihi th«- sum«* will materialize *«>••)». As un Frani isen. write* ing good health. It you nave any thro.n. • With <0- al»'v t«» st«»ck than tlu- one ju*t cl«**«-ut, an. PAbVE. They nev*-r fi.r incomeetiU.eV. ihe p< . '' fli' e records tiuus exist 'ut l>c sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, l>otb nerve and capital |o carry th»4 project sot y >u? Bon*e r«ru O‘»f f àüO. w a w J.- f ran to i •V ue £ tô - ubstiaatc ca:« ’ » uf ■<- • Observer U. 8. 81gua. Srrvxce. cerv fur . «*»n«h Yn*i «ando «L»- work and I»«» through successfully: 4»ut there can b- no it t! * vx w-’l x»‘ t Can ’ t Sleep Nights alio* that .-snidei was never poatmaster « hotn». n harrear you ar* Man be- for the g:«i Although « 'ired 1 h . vlio 1 ep1ur'.L*t • luestion <»t the feasibility of tin setu-nu- or }Innari are a««:lv aam-.ii< from •• to th- i. 1: at any place, ilu ir t.ouble ahtad Is the complaint ut th«»nsand« suffering from its proving protitai»!»-. With this view pre ­ king it. and never had ray ;t m ;iï*ir«<’ O A /; lOaday Aüag-» XX a ahow _» nu h< w th.* v-ir. 6o!d by all druggists. >l;«ixfor$5. Prepared only * *PPy and content is a bride with*‘The Ro Asthma.» onsumption. < otighs. etc. Ind x«»u vailing. it is n«»t t<> I»«- wonder»*«! at that a great regulated. Ry hun-a-lng or «BnñnMiinu and ««art «, u L an w rk in »pare tin a I« m 'he aWdavit mei , fi r .-nidrr say be • ■ r.othin ever trj Or. A«k-r* I’.nub-h fh nuxlx If orali th-* tin«a Big m< r.e« fur w -k- «,’ ; • . !i ' .-i UX C ei« I «Dura unk«:"'M« at n<«h I II. Uniteti •&: icgiyuj»" • a / ** ¿«» av u. *7 »w J ✓ri. i s>lu uu a ju-5.t.v guarantee at -k. and A. •it- «ally construction’ jury. 100 Doses Ono Dollar 8bO Portland, .Mnine i V1C a ¿, bEEDLMAN, Rochester, N, Y. Tiu; lar.e flouring mill at «'ottage .vr, In’lolig'lig to Ikn. K. V! VcatiTi. tuiru.J about 3 u’clcck la>t Saturday •uotiiii.g. Thn origin of the fire ih un­ known. Th** loan in ****!imat*-*l at ♦!•«,- * 00; inHUrril fur |*i.'>00. THE CURE WHY BO YOU COUGH?: IT STATED WITH A GBIB. ,DR. ACKER'S ENCLISH REMEDY: CUBES SPORTS. CF M7.N AND BERSI Seeing is Believing. CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD I he Rochester.” ri." worth si.ooo A MOTHER’S LOVE HARDWARE AM) TINWARE DEPOT JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOh THE ORCHARD HOME ASSOCIATION Medford Oregon HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS MEDFORD, OREGON. C. W. Wolters, Proprietor ¡Peculiar Faber’s Golder? Female Pilis. Full Line of Choicest Groceries kept and Sold at Reasonable Rates. FRESH EREAD EVERY DAY MONEY Hood’s Sarsaparilla