Whe gmonaticaimw FR^llAY .... .MARCH']3 -----------------■ ■ ------------------------------------------------- -- -------------- CAR rHIEVES (Al’GHT. Last Sunday evening, at Medford. s. 1‘. car No. 4HiW>, containing a consignment of goods for the new Medford clothing mer­ chant, D. G. Coy. was broken into by traiups at about 9:30 o clock,and 21 i airs of double blankets, aeveral haU, a number of pairs of »hoes, some razors, etc., were found to be missing next morning. In the car was found a No 10. badly worn-tramps shoe and a No. 7 of the same species, the mates to the odd shoes being found al the end ot the switch, denoting at least two thieves to have been present at the robbery. A lot of “dope-waste” had been piled on a dry-goods box ami lighted to serve as a candle for the rascals, and had burned n hole through the box, showing them to have been engaged a coi.s-derHbie time at the job. On Monday the sheriff was given a minute description of the stolen property, and ran the thieves down at Ashland, will* the assistance of Marshal Mayfield ami Deputy Marshal Smith, wLo obligingly ran one of them into the cooler while the sher­ iff waa given a fair swing at questioning the younger of the fellows, who had ub tamed a night's lodging with a woman liv­ ing near the depot at th a place. Alter making several contradictory statements the man at last confessed to the details of the crime, and put the officers on the track of the missing property that they admit having stolen even to the two ¡»airs ot blankets they had used for bedding and left under a laurel tree near Pturnix. 1 he other fellow virtually admitted ins com plictty in the crime after learning of hi partner's confession, but both denied breaking the seal of the car. or taking the missing 19 b'annets. As their stoiy hung together so well the officers are incone l to think that oilier thieves raided th** car after they left it The young tv low who confessed gave his name a- m John­ son, the other calling htmseif Jim Mt Car thy. Both had a pieiiminary hr .ring be fore Justice U. 8. Walton at Medford on Tuesday last, and were held to await the action of the grand jury In default of I'M**) bail bond* both languish in the conn- ty jail. They were photographed by P. Britt yesterday, in res|>onse to a telegram from the railway authorities. L. K. Fields, the general traffic superintendent, thinking they are responsible for other crimes in which the railroad is interested, lhey are unquestionably elected for long terms in the penitentiary. Francis Fitcii. K-q., as sisted District Attorney Coivig in the pre­ liminary examination before Judge Wal­ ton, appearing as the iepresentative of tl>* 8. F. company. The cases of goods were badly torn up’m the car, the frliow- being unable to find the clothing they were in search of. No clue has yet been found to the nineteen pairs of missing blankets, nor to several missing fiats ami five pans of shoes: CKNTKAL TUlAT POINTER*. Frank Amy and Larkin McDaniel wtie at the county-seat on Wednesday If our town don’t make .t long step for ward during l”.»l tbt I t tin*«- are wrong. Miss Emma Blooming» amp of Siskiyou county. Cal., has been visiting Mrs. t red Fradtnburg. Miss Mary Jacobs returned to this pre cinct after a pleasant visit with Ashanti friends, a few days since. Peter Day of Prospect is in town, and will next week leave for San Diego, Cal iforma, for a protracted stay here. Jas. Williams, who is assisting his brother, John B., in the butcher business at Grant s Pass, has been visiting our town. Our town has b en visited by a large number of strangers, wb" are Io king af er the prospects of Central Point and the timber on Ku^ue river M. Purdin, assignee of the insolvent e> tales of Kincaid Bros, and Magruder Bros., Will soon hold an auction-ah- < f th,- rem­ nants of their stocks of goods The city election last Tuesday proved an interesting one and a fair vote was cast. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year Trustees, P. W. Olweil, J. W. Merritt. J. A Gibson, C. G. Rippey, E. Pieasant; recorder. W. B. A. Pimple, treasurer, J. E. Harvey; marshal, David Lynes; street commissioner, Wm. A. (.»wen. ■ ■■ ♦---------- Copp’s Settlers Guide, Revised. Henry N. Copp, the Washington ( D. C . > land lawyer has revised and reprinted hi" Settler’s Guide, the seventeenth edition In view of ihe recent confusing iecislati »n of congress, this book is an indispensable assistant for all who a. e or expect io be in­ terested in public land. Settlers w ill save money by purchasing it, and ail who expr- t to take up land any time in the future should get posted and save expensive mis takes. A chapter, illustrated w ith numer­ ous cuts.shows how to ted township,section, and quarter-section corners, and explains the system, of surveys. It give-» full infor­ mation about the homestead, pre-emption, timber-culture, desert land, ami other law-*. The price of the book is 5q cents. It will tell you w h » is enti'led to enter land ; how continuous your residence must be; what improvements you must take; wi:at affida­ vit» you must swear to, about contests and on what grounds they can he com­ menced; also suggestions »bout stale lands, stone and timber lands, mineral lands desert entries, »aline, railroad, coal, town­ site ami other lands. Its purchase will save you money and trouble, as erroneous statements circulated by conversation among »cltlers may,it acted upon, cost you a contest, perhaps your land and improve­ ments. MINING NEU*. Notices for the location of placer ami quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes of­ fice. Jack Garvin thinks helms f >uud 3 void­ able quartz ledge near his saw null on Wagner cr«ek. Philip Mullen of Phtrnix has been doing considerable work at the Hammond A Bowen mine at ¡Steamboat during the past few weeks. The American Mining Code, standard authority on all subjects pertaining to all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale at the T imes office. Elmer Febe;y, I’. Crudden ami J. Kraus, of Requa, al . have gone to Thomas ere» k in the ¡Siskiyou mountains, where th» y wid engage in mining on a ledge located sev­ eral years »go by Mr. Fehely. Spray Your Tree». Hon. J D. Whitman, horticultural com ndesioner for this district, is now in Jack­ sonville with a complete spraying uppara tus, and is fully prepared to operate against the Han Jose scale and other fruit pest» We hope that our citizens will lend nipi their assistance in gei ting 1 ni of what promise® to be southern Oregon’s greatest inemy. Mr. W. is doing this work at the »west possible figure. The peoi ie of Jacksonville sh<>p!d awaken to the impor lance of this matter before it is too late, as much of our future prosperity depends on if. A Canard. The itinioT that has been all »at that there bad been a collision between citizens over the county-seat question at Burns, Harney county, turns out to be a hoax. There is bitter feeling existing be tween tbe adherents of Harnty city and Burns, but it has not resulted in bloodshed an yet. The county records will remain at Burns during the pendency of ti*e suit, bv order of Judge Cliflord. It is to be hop«d that there will be a satisfat ie back porch of tbe re»idenre,into which the little child fell unnoticed The life less body was discovered by the motbtr about fifteen minutes afterwards. ----------- ♦—------- - A. 0. V. W. Lecture. o. B. Whittemore, grand lecturer of the O. A. V. W for this jurisdiction, wdl be n Jacksonville on the 25th inst. ami deliver a lecture on matters pertaining to th»* order Arrangements are being made for en en tert»inment on that day, to which the pub­ lic is invited. Excellent music will b“ pro­ vided for tbe occasion. A Girl Worth having. The Orchard Hor^e tract, near Medford, A good bridge should be built across Sterling creek. At present it is next to is now under tbe superin tendency of Henry Pohlman, a fruit tree expert lately from impossible to cross that stream. Buy a Whitt, Lo« Angeles, who has himself bought five Geo. Mickey, upon whose leg I)r. DeBar acres of tbe land. Eradicate fruit pests. performed an operation, has recovered so J. B. Welch, the veteran sawmill man, (train is looking well. far as to be able to return borne. contemplates removing his mill to the Emil DeR iboaru will build a long string railroad during the coming season, having The White is still king of fence on his farm in this precinct. He secured a contract at tie-cutting for Wakeup! Cleanup!! Fixup!!! has contracted for over 8d0 cedar post». the railroad company. It commenced raining again yesterday. A fine line of trunks, valise» and hand The official figures show that the fares on Fresh ti'h are being brought to market bags of all sizes and price» has just been the R. R. V. R. R. average about 50 per day, received at the 8. F. Variety Store. a pretty good showing for hard times. Next comes 8t. Patrick's Day—March There is no longer any doubt as to tbe Very popular, verv small, very good. De road paying expenses. 17th Witt’s Little Early Risers, the pili fur con­ A large majority of our people are op­ Cures while you wait— Preston s “Hed- stipation, biliousness, sick headache. posed to discontinuing the night watch, as Ake.” The wives of T. P. Kahler and 8.S. Aiken thev know that the marshal has very little G A. Hollenbeak and wife were here of Flounce Rock precinct have both been to do during the day, and bis services at yesterday. quite sick, but are convalescent now. night are far the must valuable. , W H Lewis of Applegate has been in Tbe T imes office is turning out heaps of McKinley Mitchell of French Prairie. town lately. job work of all kinds. The neatest print­ Marion coiiuty. who lately passed through ing is done here at tbe lowest rates. die valley on his return from a trip to H. P.trhcn of Mott, Cal , »¡»ent Tuesday in Jacksonville. John Bigham is now a resident of San Washington, D. (?., has failed in business. Liabilities, 940,000; assets, $.50,000. Eggs have become plentiful ami are quo­ Joaquin county, CaL. where he is engaged in the fruit industry and doing w—11. Mrs. 8. R. Taylor’s boarding-house on ted at 15 cents. , California street is deserving of and ie- Mrs. O. Biede of this place, an accom ­ J. B Montgomery of Butte creek was in plished pianist, is teaching a class in music ceives a large share of the public patronage town on Sunday. since the completion of the railroad. It is and is giving the best of satisfaction. second to none for accommodations. Tbe newly elected town officers will qual­ All tbe streams were very high the fore­ ify this evening. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and part of the wt*ek, (*au“ed by the copious most diseases originate from impure blood. S. K. Witt of Woodville precinct was rain on Monday and tbe melting snow. Cleanse it, improve it. purify it with De here Wednesday. Fresh buckwheat flour, rolled oats, honey, Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, Good bal’d hay commands 112 a ton maple sugar and other table delicacies strength regained. Sold by E. C. Brooks aboard the cars. just received at the 8. F Variety Store. R J. Hartman of the general land office H. Harrison has returned from his trip Winter has been somewhat “lingering in nt Washington has been at Lakeview dur­ ing the past week, studying up the swamp­ to Josephine county. the lap of spring, ' but there is every sign land question and investigating the John SjJ-acv ami his son An'drew were of its getting the grand bounce very soon. management of the land office at that place. here u fewr day s since. A tew copies of the American Settler’s Line Repairer Whittle of Ashland was S Fitzgerald of Gold Hill was quite Guide, standard authority on all land matters, may be found at tbe T imes office. in Jacksonville re-establishing connection sick during till week. with the Postal system last week. Will 8 Sergent bid in the lots sold at sher­ Miller now has the office at this place, his Rogue river ia booming, owing to tbe iff C. s sale last week at tbe court house, being headquarters being at R. A. Miller’s office. rams and melting snow. lots 6, 11 and »2 in Culver’s plat of Pbce iix. U R. l’at'erson of Woodville was at Numerous water-rights were located on It is the intention to have the postponed («rani's Pa>s last week. Rogue river and Butte creek before shooting-match at Gold Hill sometime upper the passage of the flume bill, and a Lmle of the tax levied for the present during the spring, when the weather settles. clashingot interests will result, whenever year has been collected. Commissioner Whitman,who has made a the company commence to construct the Forepaugh s circus will show in this sec­ personal investigntion ot the willow» ill flume. tion of Oregon in August. this section, says that even they are full of By the provisions of the new Australian scale. ballot law it will be necessary to subdivide Fresh oranges, candies, lemons and nuts Ashland. Medford, Jacksonville and Central Mrs Z F. Moody and Miss Edna left by at the 8 F. Variety Store. the overland train Sunday evening for a Point precincts, each of these having more W. M. Miller of Applegate precinct spent brief visit to Jacksonville.—¡Salem States­ then the stipulated number of 250 voters Wednesday in Jacksonville. allowed. man. The trial of Jos. Goodwin, formerly of T L Linkswiler of Eagle Point is about It is reported that tbe 8. P Co. will this place, will be commenced at Redding again alter his recent illness. hereafter ibtain its supply of gravel from about the 23d of next month. He is charged Assessor Hamilton has commenced his tlie inexhaustible deposits in Jackson with killing a man at Fail river valley, Cal , creek. • work of assessing the county. named Hall, while having some dispute There has been a superabundance of rain with him. > bool assessment schedules, receipts, during tbe past few weeks, and ihe pleasant The board of trustees shouid order a etc , tor .-ale at the T imes office. spell of weather now prevailing is welcomed street lamp placed near the railroad de­ Bu*iness is looking up and money will by all. pot, as badly needed. At present pas­ no doubt be more plentiful soon. <>n ihe evening train experience Every tissue of the body, every bone, sengers The R. R V R R. Co. finished their muscle and organ, is made stronger and more or less inconvenience in getting ot! switch in Jacksonville this week. more healthful by tbe use of Hood’s Sarsa­ the cars in ttie dark. Once in seven years—the body is re­ The lumber output of Jackson county parilla. newed. Th«* blood must have th»* elements was over 2 ».U0U,tMO feet last year. John R. Stearns, the new superintendent of vitality. Wright’s Compound Syrup of I he A bland ami Jacksonville school tax of the AshlHini water works, has qualified Sarsaparilla cleanses and enriches the and entered upon ihe discharge* of his blood, and gives a new impetus to life. w*l. be delinquent in a few days. duties. Hold by ail druggists. First-« las» cedar fence posts foi sale In School (’lerk Huff r reports 2frj sc hool quantities to suit at the T imes office. W. H. Parker has recently been en­ children in Jacksonville distric t, a gain of The roads were never before in such a 15 over lMjui. There are 150 malesand 142 gaged in overhauling tbe probate records in an old case supposed to have been set sorry pi ght at this season of the year. females. tied years ago, ami there is a prospect of Monthly installments of ll<» will buy a Tbe prospects for big grain, fruit and the heirs reaping < hool-huuse for sale bv Scott Griffin of nicely and wiil soon be in the enjoyment of are correspondingly jubilant. her usual health. • Since our careless legislators allowed bis Superintendent ‘’rice will make the first The storms which have been prevailing office to be rubbed of a large proportion of apportionment of school funds in a short during tbe past month have delayed gar­ his legitimate perquisites, County Survey­ dening and spring seeding, which will con­ or A ¡»¡»legale has resumed c arpentering time. and was engaged with the railroad bridge sequently be la»«*. I he bib* is removed, the head cleared and carpenters several days last week. dige.-f.on restored by Simmons Liver Reg­ C. N. Lambert, the Gold Hill miller, will A portion of the stranded Hollis- I^nl have bls mill-race deepened during the com­ li.ator. ing summer, so as to do away with the dramatic company, which broke up at Eu­ Choice five-acre tracts in Nickell’s ad­ necessity of a dam. gene last week, passed through the valley dition to Medford are ottered on favorable on a southbound freight the next day. The C. I. Hutchinson is now the general rest of them were watching for a chance to terms. freight and passenger agent for the R R walk back when last heard from. E Ray’s fish-traps at Gold Hill were V. R R. company and w ill doubtless give Mr®. Barrett, tbe evangelist, is said to swept away by ttie late freshet in Rogue satisfaction to all. have converted 125 sinners during her stay river. Everyday the great convenience of tbe at Roseburg. She also created a lively A number of Jac ksonville people attend- R. R. V. railroad is demonstrated anew, sensation at Ashland, much to the disgust vd the M E quarterly meeting at Medford ' and we are glad to see that it is being of some of the holy. We are informed that recently. hberahy patroniz <1. Mrs B. is tbe notorious woman known in east as Mrs. Malloy. 1 be best g< <»ds at the lowest prices at The project to ere'-1 a complete roller ­ R ;«mes A White’». Go and judge for It is the intention of the Cbewaucan ir­ process figuring mill continues to be yourself. • discussed by our cit zens. It would help rigation company to have their ditch so The employes of the R R. V. R. R. Co. the town very much laid out as to cover at least 100 sections of received their pay for the last month on land. The reservoir will be located well up Tbe present game law protects ducks the river and tbe canal will run almost due T Uesday. from March 15 to Heptember 1. Grouse, north until it reaches wbat is known as Choice clean alfalfa seed, 13 cents a pheasants and ouail can only be killed Irom Windy point. pound in lots to suit at Neman’s store,Jack­ Heptember 1 to November 15. sonville. The Lake county agricultural association Miss Clem. Dodge of Gold Hill, who has The Oleson Swedish Company was been suffering avered. Jacksonville, one day last week. For many <>ur railroad continues to be well patron­ legal blanks south of Halem is kept at tbe years ranchers along Rogue river have T imes office and sold at Portland rates. cultivated the plant hi a small way, pro­ ized. both »is regards the passenger and freight traffic. De Witt’s Little Early Risers never gripe ducing an excellent quality of the smoker’s l>es( friend -natural leaf. Patents are being received by those who or rause nausea. Mild but sure, assist Attorneys east of the mountains antici­ took up the first timber claims on upper rather than force. Best little pill for sick beadache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. pate great things in tbe line of increased Rogue river. litigation, as a direct result »»f the passage Miss Laura Harrison is ensconed in cosy A »on of W. H Myers of Table Rock of the Raley irrigation law. Riparian own­ precinct cut b:s foot quite severely one quaiters at the depot where she officiates in ers are preparing to uphold their real or the dual capacity of W. C. telegraph op«*r day this week. ator and ticket agent for the R. K. V. R. IL fancied rights under it, and are inclined to look upon it with suspicion. A big assortment of fresh garden seeds, If food sours on the stomach, digestion a'f bfa, clover, timothy, etc., at the 8. F. Have you a friend “back in America’’ is defective. De Witt ’ s Little Early Variety Store. Risers wi«l remedy this The famous little whom you wish to remember you? Bend him the T imes for a year, and its weekly Tho“«* residents of Jacksonville who at I ills that never grip«* ami never disappoint. visits will he pleasant reminders of your I termed the Josephine circuit court have A small consignment of choice apples kindness. Remember, all the district news returned home. was shipped by Benj. Eggleston to Page A tor only |2 50 per annum, to any ¡»art of B. F. Crouch, now of Linkville, will l< Son ol Portland during the week; but the the I’nited States or Canada. I cate on I j ; h land near Tolo during the com­ apple season is about over for this year. At the Ashland school meeting last week ing spring season. Constipation, blood-poison, fever! Doc­ the proposition to purchase a new school Mrs. Karewski yesterday sold one of her tors’ bills and funeral expenses cost about lot was voted down. Prof. C. F. Hhepherd large gray horses to ohattuck A Patton of two hundred dollars; De Witt’s Little Early was elected director for the ensuing year Risers cost a quarter. Take your choice. and W. A. Patrick clerk. About 140 voters Josephine county. It is quite the fashion now to take De were in attendance at the meeting and Reames A White have just received another large assortment of fine shoe®. Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver, stomach much interest was taken ir. the election. (’»Il and -ee them. • and bowel disorders. They are small pills, The following are the names of the pupils but mighty good ones. E. C. Brooks sells of the Gold Hill school whose average stand­ M is» Rose Luy of this place is now learn­ them. ing in attendance, studies and deportment ing rhe ,,art preservative” in the “Mail ' The people of Jacksonville should not exceeded DOper cent, during the past month : office at Medford. neglect to clean up and beautify their John Cox. Will (’ox, Edith Dungey. Arthur F»»r (he handsomest gent’s furnishing premises and give the town as neat an ap­ Parker, Ada Parker. Ollie Mnrksbury, goods go to the 8. F. Variety Store. New pearance as possible. It will help matters Harold Cryder, Amy Cryder and George Cawley. stock just received« wonderfully Great sport was experienced by the young Onions and potatoes »resold cheaper at A summer friend—Wright’s Blackberry the 8. F Variety Store, Jacksonville, Cordial. Once used always taken. Relia­ folks at the recent box social, reading and than anywhere else. ble and prompt. Pleasant to take. Indis- singing contest at the Gold Hill school. ¡»ensih'e for summer troubles. Hold by all The reading prizes were awarded by the L. Lowden and family, who were in druggists. judges to Misses Katie and Ollie Parker, Jackson county last week, have returned to the first prize for singing to Master Frank Rowe Douglas courtly. Citizens of Crescent city have proposed Parker and ihe second to Miss Inez Fitz­ to the b P. management that they will gerald. Notwithstanding that the past few weeks build ba«f ol a railroad from this va.ley to have been quite stormy .the loss of stock ha> »heir place, if the company will be equa ly A solid plank sidewalk should lie built along one side of C street, fiom the court been small this season. liberal. house to the depot. Jacksonville needs Without a doubt this medicine will cure Purifies the blood, increases the circula­ more good sidewa ks since the railroad you. 1» has cured thousands. Take Sim­ tion. expels poisonous humors and builds whs built. The dirt thrown on either side mons Liver Regulator. up the system. Wbat more do you want a of the track should also be removed, as it (’apt. H. Kelley, late of this county, wa» medicine to perform ? De Witt’s Sarsaparil­ ' does not he!|» the appearance of the street, to say the least. elected mayor of the town of Burns at the la is reliable. late munic ipal election. While grain is already getting rather A number of prominent citizen» of Lake First class baking powder, with a hand scarce in tbe valley this season, tue supply county are seriously considering the propo­ some prize added, only 65 cents a can, at of haj- is ample for all demands. Every­ sition to sink an artesian well in that region, body is confident of a prosperous season to determine the feasibility of that method the S F. Variety Store. approaching'. of irrigating and providing water for stock James Cantrail and wife of I’niontown in the dry season. There can be no »|iies- W. F. Matlock, of Pendleton, was at will “oon remove to the ranch purchased of of the success of the project If they Portland this week. He has about decided tion J. W. Richards last week to breed his mare Alta. 2:23,’2. by Altamont, will but go deep enough. Chas. Griffith of Eagle Point has been to Sid C. Benton’s Almont Medium, 2.33, A train-load of tweoty-two cars of Cal­ making some improvements about bis by Happy Medium. ifornia beef passed through Halem lately prem ses during Ihe past month. The best remedy for headache and neu­ on its way Co Portland. There must be wrong with tbe Oregon beef pro­ Messrs. KI ppel, McGee,(«ruby and others ralgia is Wright’s Paragon Headache rem­ something or the buyers. Why do ttie butchers have recorded water-rights recently in the edy. Slops pain in five minutes. Harm­ ducers go so far for beef? Is it because the beef is less, tasteless, uo bad effects. Sold by all upper Butte creek section better, or are there no good cattle in druggists. Oregon? We think r ot. Thos Rdey his let a contract to clear Everybody should spare neither pan s a tract of land <>n bis Butte creek ranch to Mrs. (’hatles Pruett of Central Point uor money io effectually eradicate the scab* 8. A. Potter of Eagle Point. ¡»rec inct had a narrow escape from a horri­ and other Uuit pests. The future of south ­ I ake county will carry over almost half of ble death on Wednesday of last week. the last bay crop, to be util zed another year ern Oregon as a fruit-producing country de­ While descending from »be nay-mow, where pends on it when it will come in handy. . -he had b eu hunting eggs, she slipped A beautiful akin.bright eye*, sweet l»r» aib, and was precipitated up(.n a pitchfork Wm. Anderson, aged years, commit­ had beet» earele.-sly hit «landing be­ ted mietde i. lortlaudj ot long sinc e. I n good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood , which side ihe siack. One ol the tines penetrated tbe let er he kit behind him he. said that and good hen-th result from the use of D her abdomen be was operated on ty a doctor m Jackson­ Wilt's Saisaparilia. It i9 sold by E. C. while in doubt. and her recovery was for a i Brooks. HERE AND THERE. After reading Mr. Gray’s experience in the plating bu" nc‘s, I sent$3 to th'* Lake Elect»ic (’»».. Englewood, 1'1 fora Plater, and cleared 121 in a week Isn’t that pretty g< od for a girl? Th» re is tableware and jewelry to plate at every house; then, why should any person be poor or out of em- Iiloyment with such an opportunity at ville, who ruined him for lifu. iacd. AblBiCRlBER. The Raley irrigation law ia inducing a number of people to plan and lay out ir- d *ating ditch«» and canals In this section as well a® cast of tbe mountain®. In Lake county it is thought that it will work to tbe benefit of large numbers of those who other­ wise would not be able to utilize ths re­ source® at command in this line. Tbe same story of hard times is told in the statement th «t com*« from every di­ rection that taxes are «*<»m!ng in unusually slowly this season It is ihe three t result of the hard winter of a year ago and the comparatively short crop last summer. Another year will tell a different tale, if we mistake not the signs of the times. C. W. Kahler, E-q., is confined to his room by a severe attavk of catarrh of the stomach. We hope to see him about as usual soon. Prof. J. T. Hover, tbe book agent and general rustler, is now engaged tn assisting Prof. Gantard with bls dancing classes iu the several Sound cities. L. Stacy, late of Ashland, as now in the butchering business at Tacnnta His son Charles holds a position iu Vining Bros.’ hardware store at that place. Wm. Clrich, district agentfor tbe Farm­ ers and Merchants Ins. Uo. of Albany, has returned from his trip to California tn the interests of that corporation. W. R. Kirk, a stockholder in the Browns­ ville woolen mills, was tn Jacksonville Tuesday, accompanied by W. I. Vawjer, cashier of tbe Jackson County Bank. A former resident of Lakeview, Mrs. Buck, has been so fortunate a® to realize about $60,000 from the »ale ot some min­ ing interests belonging to her late busband, down in Arizona. During his lifetime be invested heavily in copper mines,which bad not turned out well prior to his death and Alvin Bieberstedt of Butte creek, who were not then considered ot any ba» been quite ill lately, recovered sufficiently to.ride to the county-seat on special value. Our Willamette contems are loud in their praise of the fine stall fed beef they have been eating lately, which they credit to California. Ttie fact of the business 1» that the greater portion of this rich and juicy beef is the result of the intelligent care and attention of Jackson county feeders, prom inent among whom may be named Fred Barneburg A Sons. A fire originated in the Ashland depot last week from the telegraph wire® in the office having ignited the hollow table leg through which they come up to tbe sound­ ing board An operator present extinguish­ ed the flamer; but had it occurred at night it would have doubtless resulted in a los® of $50,000 to tbe company on building and content®. Rev. H. H. Fairall, D. D , editor of the “L»wa Methodist,” says editorially, “We have tested ttie merits of E y’s Cream Balm, and believe that, by a thorough course ot treatme nt, it will cure almost every case of catarrh Ministers, as a class, are afflicted with head and throat trouble®, and catanh »ermM mure prevalent than ever. We can­ not recommend Ely’® Cream Balin too highly.” I used Ely » Cream Balm for dry catarrh. It proved a cure.—B. F. M. Weeas. Denver. On Tuesday, March 24th. the voters of Ashland will have submitted to them the proposition to buy a budding to be used as a city ha1!, calaboose, etc. The matter has been under discussion for sometime, many holding ibat it would be cheaper for the city to purchase property of its own during the era of low price® rather than to con­ tinue paying h igh prices for rental ot scattered quarters. A sure cure for the whisky habit: Dr Livingstone's Antidote for Drunkenness will cure atty case of the liquor habit in from ten to thirty days, from the moderate drinker to tbe drunkard. The Antidote can be given in a cup of coffee without the know:edge ol the person taking it. The Antidote will not injure the health in any way. Manufactured by the Livingstone Chemical Co.. San Francisco, C.il.; sold by E.U. Brooks, Ja< ksonville; Miler A Strang, Medford, Oregon. The entertainment at the Presbyterian church last evening was all that the most sanguine had expected it would be. which is saying all that need be said regarding it, for <>ur people have learned that whenever the ladies who superintend the performance promise us a treat it is always forthcoming. All perlormed their parts well, the lunch was appreciated bv all present ami it is tbe unanimous wish ol tbe community that we may enjoy a repetition of tbe entertain­ ment al an early day. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a number i f different remedies,but says none ot them seemed to do hint any good: but finally he got hold ot one that speedily cured” him. He was much pleased with it, and felt sure that others similarly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that cured hint. Hr states tor tbe benefit of the public that it is called Chamberlain's Fain-Balm. It is for sals at 50 cents per bottle by our druggists, Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point,and G. H. Haskins, Medford. Tbe Spring Medicine. The popularity which Hood's Sarsaparilla has gained as spring medicine is wonderful. It possesses just those elements of healtb- givittg. blood purifying and ap|ietite restor­ ing which everybody seems to need at this season. Do not continue in a dull, tired, unsatisfactory condition when ^ou may be so much benefited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purities the blood and makes tbe weak strong. Pronouuced Hopelrm. Yet Saved. Front a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hurd of Groton, 8. 1)., we quote: “Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on nty lungs, cough set in and finally termi­ nated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up. saying I could live but a short time 1 gave myself up to my Saviour .determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, cough* and colds. I gave' it a trial, took in all eight bottles; it has cured me, and thank God I ant now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at E. C. Brooks’ drugstore. Regular size 50 cts. and (1.00. Wednesday. John Berg accompanied bint. A. W. Scott, formerly in the contracting and building business at Ashland, was a passenger on a Southbound train one day recently, seeking health and recreation tn 1 mtnediale relief bv using 1’ie-tons California. "Hed Ake ’ ---------- •--------- Miss Carrie Pfeiffer, daughter of Charles ‘ laPP>" au<» content is a bride with“Tlie F.o Pfeiffer, proprietor of tbe Revere house at Albany, died lately of pulmonary disease, lustershe lives in the light of the morning. aged 21 years. She was well known in this '¡'vifArnnwrf. wrt/f LaniP c-.’. i'erk. section and highly esteemed by all who knew her. BORN. Miss Mary Mathews was greeted by many old friends at the Ashland depot on her passage through the valley last week, to HKMENWAY-ln Linkville. Feb. it. l*sl, to Mr. and Mrs ltr. Heinenway. a son. join her father at the Klamath Iqdtan agency. The rest of the family will follow COOPER-At Kenn, Fili. tK, 1«>1, to Mr. ami from halem soon. Mrs. JI, E. Cooper, a daughter Miss Isabel Young of Seattle tarried at OOODYEAlt-ln Ashland, March 4, Issi, to Mr. und Mrs. Robt. Gotulyenr, a son her old home in Jacksonville a few days last week, while on her way from San Fran­ lit t'nlontown pris-inct. March 3. cisco. She is manager clone of the lead BENNETT 1K»1, totbewifeof the late Chas. Bennett, a ing millinery establishments in tbe queen son. city of Washington. DA VIS—Al Gold Hill. Feli.ZI, Is'JI. to Mr. and Mrs. G M. Davis, a sort. LOCAL NOTES. JORDAN Near Talent. F< l>. 27. IW1. to Mr. and Mr*. F. M. Jordan, a daughter V. Cook arrived at Sterlingvilleyesterday. DIED. G. W. Heckathorn was among our visi­ tors last week. —In Grant’s Pass, Fei>. 26, 1*91, La­ Judge Dav has added a fine, large map WINDERS vina Winders, wile ot John Winder*: aged to his office collection. 44 years. John F. Swift, minister to Japan, died at bis tost on the 10th inst. It. A Cook of Foots creek, ex-county commissioner, is in town. Miss Kate Hoffman is suffering with a severe attack of tonsilitis. C. B Watson, assistant clerk of tbe state senate, returned home on Sunday. Burglaries and conflagrations may be averted by continuing the nightwatch. S.ntmons Liver Regulator has never been known to fad to cure all liver di«eases. Lit< r I had a bad attavk of Gravel, six j<*ars ago last Juno bow well I renu inbvr that day — I saw Ur. Kennedy’* Favorite K< inc |b. nn. Toledo, Oil io. cut ‘ »there ar* d<.ing aa we'l Why Some «-am «»ar »SOO. 04» a cm, «In th* work and lit« h> reter you are Even be­ en, ¡1v earning fr«>nt »8 to W e show you h'-w »•■II. < an * • rk in ai>are tint« of al! th* time. nmnet ¿ r work­ (¡000 LICK WASHING MACHINE, PATENTEI» IN 1MK bj A.M.Willson of Gru-nliaf. Kaneae. and wfl saj to the public that we have the ers Failure unkii 'Mi nmcnf th*m. M IV a nt! wottderf .' I'articulain free. Bnt and Mont llurablr Marhiae ■I. llalletC «<* Co., IB«»* HMO I*«»rtlnn<1, Maine in thc*8tatc. and will put it against any other manufacture* for RAPIDITY AND GOOD WORK. A V 1'..% K T I undertake t" 1 nefly teu 11 a ut tnn’y m'rli <»ti’ |-era..t r tliet lite 1 at ill also furnish the situati. ii <.r rmp -t nient.nt v > ht t can earn that amount. \ 1 a«i 1» a nd «p: ■- k I y learned i drair* but oi e « It» X I. and MOI.I 1». I t • ulars F |< I'.l’.. A'! 'reaa at . u s, 12. C- Al»l.KN. IB«rx AugtiMis, Muinr PRICE OF MACHINE, 410,00 I)<»liver<*d to any address in my district. AddrfH* all order® to Sain'H Valley. Oregon Sheriff Birtlsey has entered suit against the county of Multnomah for the extienses incurred in capturing and keeping Milord Roberts during the mt morable blockade of ISM). A road should be built to Cinnabar, via Jacksonville, a* it would be < f great benefit to the valley Our citizens should lose no time ill lending the necessary assistance to ttie enterprise. Those owning land around Jacksonville should lend their assistance to the develop, ment of this section by dividing up their possessions and putting th< tn on the mar ketat reasonable figures. The latest dispatches announce the ebetion of Gen. John M. Fainter as I . 8 Senator from Illinois, twoof the Farmers' Alliance representatives having voted for bun. The election took place on the IMth ballot The various building and loan associa­ tions are jubilant over the passage by the legislature of an act declaring their mem­ bership contract loans non-usurious, the matter having been a mooted fioiiit here­ tofore. During ihe recent snow blockade in Lake county it required 4H hours for the R< tiding- • Lakeview stage to get from Adin to Richer, a distance of but 15 miles. Travel on the line has been virtually suspended since Ftbruary 2H:h. Mrs. Van Dttz"e, an educated blind woman .gave some exctlient Illustrations of the methods in vogue tor lifting the veil of darkness front the eyes of the afflicted in a lecture at the Ganiard opera-house at Ashland last Tuesday evening. The fire insurance compact has made an average reduction of about ft per cent from tbetr former rates on Ashland risks, in re­ sponse to that town's petition after the water-works system was completed; hut the rates there are still very high—too much so ‘The R< Hector-'is ihe name of a neat and spicy journal published monthlv by ilte literary societies of ihe State Vniversitv at Eugene. A E Reantes is editor in-chiel and K. K. Kubli Laurean editor Both are Jacksonville boys and acquit ibemselves creditably. We are pleased to note the promotion o! I. W. Berry, formerly of Jacksonville, to the position of first warden of lite peniten­ tiary made vacant by the resignation of Mr.’ McKinnon. Wils, made a first class second warden and will no doubt fill his new ¡Ktsition creditably also. Notice. Those wishing to sell goods of any kind Willdowe'l to consult D. 8. Yocxos, Sec­ ond hand Dealer. Medford. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have: in fact, you must have it. to tully enjoy lite. Thou- “and® are searching for it daily,and mourn itig because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent an­ nually by our teople in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet ft may be had bv all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters’, if used according to directions and the u«e persisted >n, will bring you gm«i digestion ami oust the demon dyspepsia and install instead .ttp-p-y We recom­ mend Electric Bitter* for p p'ta »"■> »11 diseases of liver «tontacb ami kulnevs. Sold at QOC. ami |1 W per bottle by all drug­ gists. Y obx FOR THE LENTEN SEASON 11 end aa a diatinguiahing title, bears the name of Webster s Interna­ tional Dictionary. Editorial work upon thia reviaion haa been in active progreee for over Ten Years. Mot leaa than One Hun­ dred paid editorial laborera have been engaged npfin it. Over 6300.000 expended in its preparation before the ffrat copy waa printed. Critical compariaon with any other Dictionary ia invited. Get the Beat. W. A. Grondahl ot the 8. I*. Co accom­ panies the railroad commission ill its travels. He was here Saturday, as al.-o was Frank Miller, theclerk. J P. Mattingly, wbo arrived from Klam­ ath county yesterday, reports that sec­ tion in a flourishing condition. Prospects are good for a prosperous year. for Infant» and Children» ACME OFF-SHORE MACKEREL, The Siskiyou stone company now show some splendid specimens of dressed Slot e at their quarries above Aslilai d. Rev. Robt. McLean of Grant's Pass was prevented from tilling his recent appoint­ ment at Ihe Congregational church at Ashland by reason of being ill. CASTOR IA A NEW BOOK FROM COVER TO COVER. A big quantity of granite, cut into fine, large blocks, is being shipped to Portland It makes handsome building material. Justice Marksbury of Gold Hill called Rev. Father Watry is now established at Tuesday. this place, but will hold services on the D. I^hners of rhoeinx made us a call last Sunday <>f each month at Ashland yesterday. A large quantity of first-class wood is be Mrs. 8. E lilt made Jacksonville a visit ing taken from the Holman addition to on Wednesday. Jacksonville, under the management of T. Marshal Mayfield ot Ashland spent, a J. Kenney. day here recently. Evans A Brunk of Ashland la*t week re­ A GRAND INVESTMENT B. F. Wade of Sam's valley was in Jack­ juvenated tbe front of D. R. A E V Mills' log the Family, School, or Professional Library store with a new dress of white with gold sonville yesterday. trimmings The Authentic Web,ter'« Una­ Sam VanDyke of Eden precinct made us “The Last Loaf was presented by tbe bridged Dictionary, compriaing the a call on Wednesday. iasnee of 1864. '19 A *84. copyrighted local dramatic clubat the Neil school-house W. T. Anderson of Eden precinct was last Friday evening tn creditable style to a property of the undersigned, ia now Thoroughly Revised and Enlarged, large audience. one of our visitors last week. W. K Cuiton ot Gall's creek and Chas While of Bogue river called on Tuesday. J. B. Sollner, the Sisson, Cal., tailor, was here the forepart of the week taking orders. Geo 1{. Hammersly has been at Gold Hill for sometime past, engaged in mining. Judge Webster has been confined to his room by sickness, but is able to be about again. A S. Barnes came home at Ashland from a canvassing trip to the Sound during the week. L. F. Christian, who has been in Portland for several monllis past, returned home last week. Larkin McDaniel, an old resident of tIt s county, will soon leave for Iowa to perma­ nently locate. Miss Ida Cantrall of I’niontown visited her friend. Miss Halite Realties of Jackson­ ville. last week. M. Purdin, a prominent cit'zen of Med­ ford, called at the T imes office one day dining Ihe week. Frank 8. Dearbort-, a pioniinent business man of Salem, visited fi lends tn Jackson­ ville on Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Young returned home to Jacksonville last Friday from her visit to Ashland trends. Judge Print has gone to Portland and wid return this week, accompanied by his wile and daughter. Mrs. A. T. Kyle returned home to Ash­ land last week after a pleasant visit with relatives at Albany. F. J Boughton, representing the " West bltore.’ was in the valley in the interest of that journal last week Geo. W. Colvig and A. N. Hamilton, railroad commissioners, tarried a while in Jacksonville last week. Gen. T. G. Keantee went to Ashland Wednesday morning on business connected with tbe Masonic order. Geo. E. Bloomer, court I y treasurer, has been coutined to his room this week, but is able to be about again. Francis Fitcb, Esq., tbe Medford attor­ ney, lias been at the county -seat on several occasions during tbe week. It. T. Vining was expected this week to visit in Ashland, on bis way to California He is still living at Tacoma. John Butterworth and family have re­ turned to Ashland to reside, after remain­ ing at Yreka for almost a year. Messrs, l’attee, Moore, Rose and Milsap of Flounce Rock precinct were al tbe county-seat Tuesday on land business. Cncle Nick Wright and family of Pnion- tow n precinct visited Jacksonville last week. 8o did 8. C. C'arier of the same section. Mrs E. B. Hunsaker and children te- turneti to Ashland last week, after a pro- itacled visit with relatives iu 1-ane county. P. B. Whitney, who has been auditing with stuiuacli trouble* hr sometime past, stopped 6'ver at Ashland for a short stay. Miss Emma Bloontingcamp, who has been visiting friends al Central Point and Ashland, last week returned home to Bogus. Cal. Ward Douglas has removed front Walla Walla to Spokane Falls, where he is still iu the employ of the New ^ork Life Ins. Co. John Hockenjoe, who was strnck on the head with a slick of wood by Manon Bai­ ley. has recovered so far as to be able to be alaiut. Mr. Hutchinson, freight and prssenger agent of the R K. V K. R., is tn Jackson­ ville frequently since assuming that posi­ tion. Harry Smith and Godfried Peters of Yreka ‘were northbound passengers one day last week, fora visit to Oregon's nte- troj>oli8. G. W. Hayes has trailed hi» property in Jacksonville tor a blacksmithing business lit .viissotila. Montana. Ttie person with whom he made the bargain will soon ar­ AE-SOLUTP.L-Y PURE HAPPY RECOVERY Measles at Talent caused the postpone merit of th* entertainment announced by Prof. W. .1. Dean. Daisy Pinter, daughter of H. Pitm r of Plui'iiix died of croup on Monday, aged about three years. l>r. Kenm-d h ' h Furoritf llt nu rli/ Prepared by Ashland’s society folk* will honor St. DAVID KENNEDY, ItoNDOFT. N. Y. Patr ck next Tue-day with a “grren " ball UR. >1 |»er l»< »ttie. Six fur$5. Byall druggists. al ttie opera-house E M . Miller is now managing Smith A Leabo'.s store at Ashland, and acting as agent for J. W. Hockersmith's bacon ami pork products. Jonn Wolters will re-open the City Bakery in Jacksonville. As he is an old and first- class hsttd at the buslines he will no doubt give satisfaction P. W Pattison is now sole owner of the popular cigar store at Ash and where he has been associated tn business with C. W. Johnson lieiet« fore. Messrs. Bleakie, Day. Ku*s>ll and Gay of Flounce Rock precinct, wbo ma Ie final proof on their land claims yesterday, paid the T imes office a call. Baking Powder Therein nothing! now enjoy that i do not owe to having uaed Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Rondout,N. Y.. at a time when 1 was buffering all that a human being could endure. My troubles began in my kid. neja from which 1 never expet h-d to recover. My Physician said 1 had PKKJiOSAL JUCMION. Ed. Warman of Medford was among the callers during the week J B. Saltmarsh of Sterlingville was one of our visitors during the week. Hon. J S. Herrin and Attorney Briggs of Ashland were here on Wednesday. Enoch Hamilton of Ashland has been on Applegate paying bis relatives a visit. Dr. Jone* and F Hubbard of Medford were tn Jacksonville last Wednesday. Sei ator Calm ron went to Gallce creek this week to look after bis mining interests. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17. 1889, J. B. WELCH. M B »ran be earned at <>nr KFW line ofweric ■ ■lliiru . . « ti - » Ivl 11 111 I" I' • * - ■ , -s I . lllwllnB ■ one . ail •(»• the « <ments. or all your time to the *nrk 1 his is «n entirely n»w lead.and bring« wonderful mi e«s t every « rkcr. Rertnner« are earning iron« f Si to »i® p*r w • • k and upwards, and mor* after a little ei i.rriem e We can fumt»h you the em- plovment and t*seh v u « HF« . space t « • s | in u here Full ialurnzauvo »KKk. 1 It I F A < O . AC tel bld, BAlkt. fallowing time scheih le will lake fib ft Sundae, Feb. 22. 1*01. T he GOING BAST. Leave .Jacks«»nvtll< at H:30 *. M.. 1:0(1 r. m . 5:40 r. m . M-ave Whetna k at b;40 A. M.. 112 r. m 5:48 P. M. L«*av»* Harbaugh's at H:43 A. M.. 1.17 I*, m . 1*. M. Leave Davisvillc at 8;50 A. M., 1:27 r. M. .5:55 P. m . Arrive at McsHordat v ; imi a . M.. 1:40 r. N. MIO I* m . and hiic I and and BELONCINC TO THE ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI, DE< EASED. I tun now offering at great bargain* the following :— 24 new Deering Mowers. The Steam Flouring Mill 2 Deering Twine Bintiers. in Jacksonville. 12 fine draft hoi>et» weighing 2 (-rang Plows. 1,2 r«*eeived. G. F. 8CHM1DTLE1N. W^JviUc. Or. Notice of Final Settlement ThcS. B. HE adache and L ivek C une taken according to dtrectionH will k»*< |» your Blood, Liver and Kidney« In g^ai order.* Th«* 8. B. C ough C uke for Cold®. Coughs aad Ooup« in connection with the ll»*adn<-h»* Cure, la as nt*ar perfection asanythiny known. The S CB. A lpha P ain i re t<»rinternal aad external uav. in Neuralgia. Toothaehe.Cramp Colic and « hol«*ra Morbus is uneurpaaaed. They ar«* well lik»*«i wherever known Manu­ factured at Dufur, Ureacon. For ®aie b> . druffirto. i p by the i ndkxsignkd . w Central Putin pnviiict, Ja<-k*on county, T aken Or<-«on, on*- red cow. branded "K"’ on rifnt hin ear mark*, crop "t and two anllta an< underMt in Habt ear: alao up|*-r half-cro* Iff left ear. lint- r**l and white .potted brtfer. two year* old. not marked nor branded: one red bull with white face, y*-arlin« part, no Caine to my place in inda. nt-’rk- or bran ‘ DdlTrubcr. 1 FRANK JBO,