Retake of Preceding Frame imrs ff he vnuotratu u unes Published every Friday by OfcLAltr.EH N 1«’KEEL., E diti nt and P hupkictok . NEW TIMES BUILDING. Ofllce—Corner Third au«! C Street*. 1 : the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done ai San Francisco rat«*, and in a promptand first-class manner. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 6. 1891 Jutes of Subscripti«»n: line copy per annum, in advance .. " " six in.»n(h*. •• three ni«*utha ............. ïhr Jruiofratibï ¡raes. DECEPTIVE TARIFF AMl'MEATS. H7//SKY TO HE CHEHPí'.VElJ. Fi»« ot ‘¡be C hicago , February 21.—It wan offic­ ommended a perked by lhe legislature, nearly <>» ITATI Of OKKGON ially annoum c! to-day tiiat whisky is to of Paris green or London purple to (T, S Sviiat«»r», J. H. Mitchell, J. N. D«>lpii; || which have become Uwa: !>e cheaiMT The best article for 10 o50 gallons of water as a spray lor the Co»»gr«*«*man, B. Hermann; Governor. >. n cents a drink is declared to be tlie com­ codlin moth. He had tried it, but OKXCRAL LAW». n«»ycr; s*i'rvtary ot Mate, Gc«»rgv W. M« found it too strong in this proportion. It The general appropriation bill. iltri«l«'; Stat«« Treasurer, Phi: M« t*H*han Stat«-Il ing standard. CoVEKING ENTIRE Boor WITH WH1TB NOTARY PUBLIC, The Australian l»allo< MU- Ti«e new secretary of the whisky burned the young leaves. He reduced it Printvr.F. Baker; Supt. loMruvtlon, ,| SCALES. SUFFERING FEARFUL. Regulating prlinailealn ctt|«i of ¿M. K. B. M< Elr«»y; Suwr< tm Judges, R. S. Strahan, ' trust, Colonel 1*. .1. Hennessy, said: “A to 1 pound to 405 gallons of water and Ct RED RY CUT1CURA. Appropriating $45.000 for tbt legiauili iChh-f Justlcr;W. P. L««id, R. S. lb an. been here in New Jersey during the past new process of manufacture baa been thinks that strong enough. While Paris WT<> provide for lhe recording of will». riHriT JUDICIAL DISTKICT. week. To begin with, the pottery manu­ discovered which in n»v jmlgment and green does not mix so readily with water <’on»prising Jackson, J«Mvphine, Lake ami My fiiscaae (paoriasia) first brok*out on my For the protection of »ea guile. ....... Klamath «wiunlira: Circuit Judge, L. K. W« b- facturers of this city reduced wages last in the judgment <»f our officer* will ma­ as London purple, stiil lie prefers it, as it k ft rhvvk, spreading acroes my nose, and al­ Blate board of charltlvs and correction*. most covering my face. It ran Into my vyra. •t'T. District Attorney, W. M. Colvig. week from ten to forty per cent. They terially re«Iuce the coat of manufacture. has proved more effectual with him. Appropriation of stream« for irrigation and the physician was afraid I would lose my JACK.*»* C«»t‘.XTY To protect salmon and other food fishes. did this in the face of the fact that the “Tliis is the «iiscovery of a Japanese He would advise all to be careful in the «■yeaight altogether. It spr<*tui all over tny Senator, Theo. Cu»u«*ron; IL-pr«-iitativ«*. To complete the stale capllnl. head, and my luilrwli fell out, until 1 waa en­ S. Furry. J. W. M rntt, J. M. Met ill; » minty McKinley bill gives the potter a tariff pro­ chemist named Takamine, now a resi­ use of arsenical joisons. The grower Amending laws relating to guardians. tirely ba Id-1icad«!; it then J udg r, J i I N v • I ; ( »iiiiiii.sMioi»«*rs, « W. l ay- tection of sixty per cent Before the re ­ “liould first try it on a few trees to test its lient of Chicago. He came to this conn Time of holding supreme court at I endle- LEGAL DOCUMENTS brok«* out on refers arsen­ to the »ettlemcnl ot' ratal« s. Ri-gulatlug fee, of county ansrs. ...... my t rit ire body, iny face, S«’h| Superintendent, C. S. J*nc«'; Survcy«»r, Mr. Wallace’s Regulating recording or town and cinic- was awaiting them under the new tariff, tire New Orleans exjiosition, and fell in ical poisons to all others P. Appl«*gale; Coroner, J. S. Pai i»n; s Ò m head, an«! shouldor»being the tP Authorizlng the admission of aliens as at ­ and urged them to support the party experienre with spraying for codlin moth worst. The white eeatw fell love with an American girl. lnsp«vtor, W. F. S«»ng«T. constantly from my head, was going to add to 'heir material pros­ JOSKPH1ME « «H’NTY. “After having visited iii« native coun­ was not altogethi-r satisfactory. Obser­ MONEY LOANED. shoulders, and firing; the skin torney. to practice In th- courta of Oregon Joint Svtmhir, W. St. Clair; K pr« *« ntativ perity. This plea was an old one ami was try and »iter having re|»orted tlie sue- vations last year up to July 1st failed to Taxing tannery men for would thicken and be red and H. II. Miller, County Judge. V. Colvig; i \u Allowing the state board of agriculture to Investment Securities a Specialty. Jackson After this date pretty generally disregarded by the men, very itchy, and would crack cens of 1» s mission here to the Mikado’s rind any apples affect, d. int**»onvrs. C. O. Bigelow, P. Hans«-n;< l« rk. t . County Scrip Jiought and Sold. and bleed if scratched. After acquire real-estate. K. Chanslor; SiieritT, Jain» * | Sup<*rinf«-- Joint Senator, C. A. Cog-»wed ot l.,«k< ’; R» could nee a change: : and Protecting German song birds. pressure of the screws when tliee ections process of distillatmn from corn, can save to partius th«' expense of a trip to te Cuticura R«’solv« nt. - [ -------------------- He London purpl** if proiwrly applied. He reeentative, A.SnuhTol Lak* ; C<>«iiity Ju«ige, WW nil Ittiost after I had tak«*n four iHittl«*», 1 J ____ ____ To protec« laborers eugaged in clearing were over. Roseburg Land Umc«'. thoiight tiiat tlie yield under tlie pre­ described what should be a |s*rfect J. S. Orr; Uotuiuhsston« rs. H. B. < >m,»,s.>i>, « lin'd; and when I had used tdx bottles ot '*To'establish a rogue’s gallery at the petil- C. S. Silver»; Clerk, A. I.. L'-avilt; >u« i ir, E. This year proved no exception. Infect vailing prooees was inadequate stid sprayer. The ncxzle should I* such as I HAVE SKVEKAI. FIN« rAIIMS AM» OTHER Cuticura Resolvent, one box ol Cuticura. and W. G«»wan; Trvaaun r, W m. E. Ilow < , Assvs- one cake of Cuticura Soap. 1 was cured or the "To*provide for the further advancement of the increa-od duty through the McK-n'ey rather expensive, He set about cor- to give the tiri«’“t possible spny. He said meant A II1.E PKOrkKTV IS MV itir, Jtiiiu Miurt. >« iu > ' Superiti!« n li ut, I’. I.. dr« adful dtavaac from which I ’>ad .AiF' rcd tariff bill on pottery ware has reel HANDS FOK SALK. the Woolly aj hie is the worst enemy to in the matter." Fountain;Surveyor, L m L« ^k« i»d; Coroner, J. cling l<»r tiv«* years. I cannot « xp- as witC , pen the State Kefortn school. , retailed in the big teat redurtion of wages lhe apple orchard. Working in the root "Din heYncce. <1 **’ whit 1 I Hunwtta sufferi’d before ¡»«’lore ubi u»i:» ;»- r the iik nvinrw-tr». KeniHRm. •^“Prompt reply nirdr to all letters. wralT T. Forb«*. Permitting only citterns of LAKE CUp.NTY. They Mired my life and J test It iny duty to Washington to fish for naltnon in the Culum- since the business became established Charges in accordance with tlie ttrnra. as well as the branches, ami the cottony "Well, I should sav Le did.” Joint Senator. C. A. Cogsw« H of Lake iwrinission. to B«-«-kinan, Es«»., rivn; >i»cntT, W P.H« ry- Jacksonville. ’ SILAS J. DAY. ity made a monopoly of the Trent i the corn lu«l reacbe«! a certain stage of no way to enpliiate the nuisance. He furd Treasurer: A. McCallm; Scho«»l Superin­ the prevention of contajnoun disraM-a among pottery trade. A strike may be av-jt-L tendent, A. H. Fisber, .bsssnr, J. E. Mc­ fermentation, «Ji^tillers Im ! to a«l«I malt tried many different methods or specifics * Protecting laliorvrs in timber and logging hut it willon’y be because operative* Lav Viewot Fence in Position. Donough; Stoi k Inapt < i-'i. I». R. J grains, su< h a> oats, barley or rice, to without effect. Tlie green apLis is not so MEETING or 1’01 KTS. ETC. Tie- n,-w BI< h »1 Puriticr, Internally (to ^Appropriating $25,00) for new building, f<»r no other course to j>ursue than tlie ac­ bring aliont4conversion.' much to be feared. The lady bug is an The supreme court «»t i»r«’gon ineeta at <-h-Hii“<- tie- bl,HHl of Hit impurities soil |siison- ceptance of the inevitable. The worker in — — ””2.'M’'Ll*UitjHrst Remedies for the “This was the most vistlv feature of enemy of this insect. <>us ,-l,-im-iitK). amt I'litieura, the gr<-Ht .-ten the State Agricultural college. ('un .smt Cuticura Soap, an exquisite Skin Amending the law pertaining to suits for (tottery is a skilled operative and can the pr « e-H, aa the malt and small grain green aphis as published in bulletins h< iiiititt<-r, external!) Uo clear th«- “kin and the partition of real property. earn noihing to speak of ill any other are, of eours«-, much dear* r than the issued try the state board of horticulture, s<-alp ami restore th«- halrl, have <-ureon«l cultural,e--, hair lifeless -*r all 1 letlnlng the duties <>f county officers. object lesstJti has b en shown by tlie malt. The conversion of tlie corn mash applying reme lies as published in the gone, sultering terrible. What other r<-medli of inauufartute. ton. nic ted with the shore. ag >, used the alleged harmonious re a J ì "“S< ii y cent. We have entered ___ _ _ _______ into a contract Til OS. (I. REAMES. Providing for I he Incorporal lonof religious protection. The Claras have been p ,- with Takatnine for the use of hia process I.aurene was drowned at Wilmington, beiu-vol* nt. literary or charitable societies n< ar San l*edro, while trying to rescue raded from the one coast to the otli, i li­ all through the I’nite«! States." Punishing the Isiycolting of employers by i Back ach«-, kieaker in were swept away, and a number of fami­ «atling dat«'s withoiit notice. land.) lies occupying tlie territory inundated nearly 3,000 people are thrown out ol counting a . I r.«in N«». 4 will run Mondays, Wednesdays and b'riday s, and on intermetliato «lays Appropriating f16,000 tor the militia of up again. to cure nny fornì tlie devastation caused by the recent P. P. PRIM. 1 i. Hogs. Rcc«'iv«-r. trary, ui.liwful atxl unconstitutional Oregon. ni iH'rvotis discaro on the northwest coast. In l'atterson, only halt an hour's ride acts w -re done in pursuance of a plan flood. It is now thought that only four spaciAi. and local laws . or aliy disoi ATruKNKV ANU COL NSKLOll AT LAW I C. C. HOCUE, tl.c generai W. B. WEBSTER Taking Fulton Park Into lhe city of Port- from Newark,is one ot lhe silk producing concocted by the leaders of the partv lives have been lost—tlie Wells family Gen i F. A 1‘. Ag t. O P. K. K < <•. Gon i 1 A P. Aff’t. Oragoa D»*v«*lopmf»nt Co., «;«*-is of eiti» Jar Ac nom ri llr, Or»tj>ta. '■"inereaslng th»- salaries of chh f emrlm-er centersof the country. Silk has re, etvi d just overthrown try an overwhrlming at Duarte and Severano Lourene. near Cor val il». Oregon. ; lM«»ntg<>ruery St.. 8an Francisco ('al. Wh'tì.’T « Wilmington. Near San Gabriel the adequate protection tor years, and is to (ro: > : heex« maj'riity of the peeqile at the ¡»oil», ami an.l first assistant in the Portland tin- dejiart- river formerly passed down east of the u <-.d .-, AFTER ‘lay given the hem tit ot the high tat.If BEfORt in the i-'osing hour of their ¡tower, to in­ Tobu«’«'o or Op iHin, < r tùroinrl» 5o a tiiat piupr«, ,.i numoerof repmiiated and The county bridge at San Gabriel has àttoiln ’ ey and counselor at law , icorrho a. |)iz- truHoii. N >< ttirnal turnal Emi-* Emi'»-; »u». •n«. J.v Lvirorrh«« I»ix- Changing the name of Roy t«* Mt. -Gm* J,- i educt ton of wages, amounting to trein defeated candidates of the ¡»arty a* that I e n carri««] away, and a house W1M /.n»—. W . ak Mcinnry, I. .«» n of Power nnd I th |« o - Authorizing the Astoria. Sea Miore A rav-i Jack»oarOlrt Ur. twenty to twenty-live |«r c. Ser* ’-.*nt ’ I v ma.1 on r«'crlpt of price* vast body of water covering an area of Albina io build or acquire bridges across tui the nulls will lie clusi-d ami the othei tlie country. ” 'llie r< solution says all \ U KIT » I ‘ N <1 ‘ XRANTLE in given for Willamette. in lhe lour! House, Ural « o« rdi rd»*r r«" tii.-er, ttie jn-iic- Relating to tbe county court of I mou out a large crop. Smith & Hall have in­ For sale «t Citv Drug Store. Jacksonville. iary committee is «iiii-cted to submit a Will pracliwe iu ad e*»urla ot Ilo- SUU«-. Ollie, r Extending to Lane and Linn counties the structions from Hurst Bro«., of San Fran­ In i.irtn's brick. up-sUors. Tin: Fruit tlrntrer nays : A scene joint resolution submitting (or ratifica­ cisco, to tuake contracts fur tl.e crop of operation of the drainage law. .„„„„a Dealer in Changing »alarlcs of the county Judge and acteriMic uf Ualifurnia’i» **.»itt-rptis<- ami tion hti amendment providing for tlie 1S91 at figures which will guvantee tlie J. J. HOUCK, push can be found in the vim-j ar*!» of imji »acl.ment an 1 removal from office, treasurer of Sherman county. NOTARY PUBLIC AND Co.NVEYANi ER. Providing that two pilot comiuimloncrs Fiesno coiin’v, where liut ilie ieuf men with suitable ¡»en vlti«-“, tlie speaker of grower a good profit. This firm s con­ shall reside iu Aalor.a. the lioii“« or tlie |>r-Siding offii-er of the tracting in California at 15 and lit cents Authorizing the Uooa Ray, Roseburg A E®”-. may be even ¡ilantinz K'bl*» vines at per pound, but th«y are willing io pay A rail line in » hk .1 i *r ern railroad to ,-vustruct a bridge acres, ' '»a1 niglit by lantern light. To th - womlt r- st nate gudty of such ¡iractices. ■¿cent more lor the Oregon product. If Bank slough. mg observer the vineyaiti lands seem Io any hop-grower of this county is in For lhe relief of David Mctullv. GENERAL BUILDING MATERIAL. be infested with a multitude of huge tire B aki ii C itv . Foil. 25.—Full parti, u- doubt whether Io t are for his < rop, bo CliHiiKiBK boundary liuv ui ClaUMP « du General Agis, for E. M. Ferry & Co’s Columbia T flies, winch are darting and moving in lars ol lint avmani-lit* at Cornucopia le- counties. WM. M. COLVIC, can now contract all lie can raise, and at (. hauKi'iK boundarie» «>f L»-Hlani countj . every direction. It is claimed by the veali» the fait that all iinmene-.- huow - a price that will make him a good profit. Crvatiutf a W«utvrn Oregon district agricul- aTTOliNKV ANO COlNSELiHi Al LAW vineyardista who are |*la:itiiig vines at nli'l»*, p--rl:a|'“ a hundred f»»el in depth, It corts altout S cents a pound to ma'ket that more work is accomplished by the of Hit- Eastern <>r,-gon Mining Company, iiall went to Portland Saturday to buy Regulating the tv«* ot vlc.ks and »herinn in men in the same number of hours and leading from the Rt»d Jackr-t mine I> tlie a car-load, paying better prices than Cr«^>M. Klamath ami ia$k«- couutivs. ROBERT C. SMITH, R« gulating the »alary ot countj juugt ill tiiat a large amount of time is saved, null, ami den»o’ieh»-d it completely. Portland buyers.— Eugtne R" i er. Grant county. 4 . »„..ui lue one set ot men work from 6 o'clock Furtii- i investigation reunited in tlie ATTORNEY AND CLH’NSELuR AT LAW, Authorising Columbia count) to duh in the cvi iung until 6 o'clock in the startling fact that three men, i mployeee R evoke the last November election '' Aut'h.’.rizmg lhe Willamette Valley Railroad Tlie the II ext Short, Orejonion and other Re- HE UNDERSIGNED IS Now TAKING oil- morning, when they are relieved bv of tlie company, were missing. Graal'» /'» in «, Orrj/nn- Grass, Clover and all kinds of dvrs through Jackson am! J«»srphinv coun­ Company to iwtue bonds. another reiay. name« of tlie nr.firrtnnatea a»,» given as pnhhcan papers denounced the Demo­ L lianging Um, aud place ol holding cot ties for Hugh Curran, foreman; H Hoiaten, crats of Wisconsin for making war, as In the sixth Judicial district. ..,„t,io5 D elinqi kst Si B“< iiiiii .it“.—With tl.e watchman, ami Jules Nicl Authorizing Multnomah county to • mP"> they alleged, on the free t-clpjo’a of that ROBERT A. MILLER. At <1 ii bailitis Uy th*- y ear instead ot l»y < »<' " r11 ;m caption "It nnv Concein You,” tlie St. ing-lious- • kee|»,-r. state, as they den ahded the repeal of providing fur more clerical aid m tin otn> ATTORNEY AND CUUN-ELoll AT LAW, I morning Fred Stein, ma: •k'» r, fujedher I Any kind raised in a tirst-class Nursery. Louis Huinorixl thus fishes for mon, y the Bennett law requiting that tlie Eng­ ol the secretary of state. , -la»!«* I out oil I with a niitnh-r of in n »r*. lish language s'.oi 11 le in the Regulating the lees of offiitrs of Lur y among ers: “As »,- Trees, Bulbs, Fertilizers, etc. JarAsonrlHr, Or. Those wanting tHM-s will do well to giv<* me r< c o er the 1 tmow-.dioei> with shovels to i ^¡'o fund Salem's «..sting debt oi t3'-""- cannot afford to tend out a collector to private as well as tl.e put- ,:»■ schools. their ordeni, aa I will guarantee satisfaction. Till# O'Vir-1 tardies of the nil-sing men. I warrant a'l iny tret s, if prop«-rly can'd tor. The Democrats
  • JOHNSON. imcorforation acta . disastrous tinancial results to tlie I The legislature now tn se-tsion has re­ N. D. rOUNG, Jacksonville.Oregon, Aug. 1.18*3. Tl'isway it doesn’t c st us much, and lncor|H,ratlng and amending the charters of Half the lhe Eastern Ore gun M-ning t’umpany, who pealed the obnoxt >us law. » Boe Keepers* Supplies. a numb.-r of »owns including ‘■ agreeable to mo-t of our frieinls. Grant's I’ass. Ashland. Harney. Jackson' III*. few have not honored ttie draft“, have been aUvn«ied with vtnharia-aing' Republicans of ti e legislature joined We want You for a customer. Give us Medtord and Burns. •lisapp'iin ’ nvnts aiol iiniurr>« « ‘ n obsta ­ the Demt c«)tu- .... THE < Et EUll.lTEH • • • •■ tike to hear fioin then*' they did not It is now in order for these papers to tirsi - a las» jf invncenient «f mining operations in the rise up and denounce these Republicans mainivi and at rvasonai»!«' rates. MANUFACTURERS OF Ah'Jiit cm* year ago a »imiiar as enemies of free schools. But will lOpvial alleni mu paid to l«M-atuig g>»v- The manhy. overt! »wed lands, sunken lots mo vol names with adilresies. Hue d* vs camp. anow-H «!♦* ui’«’di 1 »••!. «lung ah-mt rrmuviit iaii'le. ami h.tlf MibiiH-rgril river banks, winvh this “nt w w.iv to they do it ? No; they w ill remain as si­ collect oi l debtH give them birth, lhe seeds ot malaria im­ strike tlieT imks ’ di linquet'te? it ¡shoped worth of «latnaue to their tramway and lent as death. Successors to Milter Bros. Catalogue Free. pregnate (lie air, and aie inhaled al every The Flnekt Small Arms Ever Manufactured." O. F. DEMOREST, that tlie mere suggestion of lesoitmg to boarhat nalrnon on ACCURACY. made many of them, comparatively remedy or to prevent, pure in its , sa\s the '//•» ••nnid /. This Comstock mines rept, sent an actual loss Its name is Hostetter's Stomach Bitter«, a CONVENIENCE In PHYSIC I vN AND SURGEON. LOADING and SAFETY. family specific and safeguard, ioremost Douglas county, a right-of-way across abstinent • tie.u food is nut claimed for Beware of cheap iron imitations.____ not only as mi » antidote to malaria, hut ai>o prit a’e property and authorizing the salmon in the river« < f (’anada and of $36,000,000in assessments tn twenty- Jarkwuaiilie, Oregon. I as a means of permanently removing dys- c .mstrm t on au I maintenance of a canal Great Britain, where Hwy are taken in live tears. Sierra Nevada is the banner Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to | stock for assessments, having depleted • »»Hr« an«l rurdencr *»n California Strwt. pepsia, and relieving constipation, liver urination,for manufacturing, mining and _ SMITH & WESSON, £reat numbers with th • ait fi iat fly. In < alii* alt« nd«ti prompt > t»r Illg the cash vwls of its «tolders by complaint, rneuniHti>m, kidney anti blad­ all other jmrjio.ser. Las ala > been vetoed ■ SPK/ VG U//. /./>, X4M.I the rivers of the coa«t generally, and in der aliments,and nervousness. Among »u- by the governor The obj-ctions of the the Columbia in particular, it is claimed $6,256,600 and returned dividends in I vigoratits it takes the first place ami is also E. P. GEARY, M. D.. scarcely a sixtti of that sum. Of other { a suiK*rb appetizer. y»se it systematically. veto are that the biil confers upon a that salmon eat noth in ¿after leaving the stocks, Union has drawn $2,310,000 in H Y S 1 G I A N ANO SC K G E O N. private corporation the right to divert salt water, as nothing is ever found in water for private pntposi s without im­ their bton>a< hs. According to this tlitj- assessments and never pant a dividend, 1« l the —WITH ITS---- lumbia a> early as po-sible in the year quality of iigrirultural land, bring h part Sabbath of each month, .Medford at 11 general law known as the Raley irriga­ —there are plenty of th in in the rivers of thr Hiram ( <»lvrr Donation L hih I »'laiin; E. B. PICKEL, M. D., o'clock a m . and 7 r. m . second Sabbath, tion bill gives sufficient rights to all IlAZkt.ToN, I’«., Feb. 27.—Ti.e four Hitnat« «l itlx>ut 5 milra from Aj-liland. '$ <»t a now—and they remain until late in the mile aouth of Phtvnix, Jark^on county, Or«'- Central Point al 11 a . m ani 7 p m . private corisnations. PHYSICIAN A N II S U R G E I» N. caved fall or until they die. Thu fact that sal­ llungunans rescued from the gon. l’li«' Oregon A » n.ildrnia railro:»«l ami third babhntb, Medford at 11 a . m . and 7 mine w-re brouglit to tlie surface and (In tin-State Insurance Go's. Building.; th«- Oregon Ar < alilotiiia stag«* r«»:»s mon of various spec »-« an I all siaei are Mrtlfuril, Or«*g«»B. p. M. ; fourth Sabbath, Jacksonville nt II through said land. Thia tract oi land Is all A Tint Catholic church lui- gained a val­ taken at the fail of Oregon city with given a emali amount of lemon juice and A. M. and 7PM. No. 1. deep, blHcR-loain |M>tt«>in ‘ him !, being AND BRANCH OFFICES IN PORTLAND, ASTORIA AND ALBANY. Call» promptly Att« nd«xl to l».iy or Night. The following air Rev K. Ennis’appoint­ uable acquisition ill the iH-rson ot Miss trolling spoons or wifi» a bait of tahnon tnilk, ami allowed to rest. They will one of the firat claim» *«*ftlvd upon in R«»gi»«* Otti«*«* on B strvvt. ments: On »-very Buuday morning, except­ Drexel, who took the black veil in Pitts­ roe g«M*H for nothing with the believers probably recover from the effects of river valley-. All wrll m»pi>lh*d with living Hus for saie a large list of water. This land will I»«'»old In «|i»at»titi«’» to It is imposaible ing tbe third, lie will hoid>ervices at the burg a few days ago. She brings into in the totai-abstinence-froin-food thc- their long confinement W. S. JONES, M. D. hu if purchasers. For further hito'-iiiatioii in- Presbyterian church in Phrenix ; on third the church $7,000,000 and will found the to try to get a statement from any of the «Hiire of E. J. FARLOW, Ashland. Oregon, or ui v. Munday morning, at Jacksonville and » very PHYSICIAN AND S I R GE < » N. men at present, owing to tlieir weaken« d order of the Bl-ssi-d Sacrament. The E. D. FOI’DRAY. Fhirnix. On gon. Sunday evening lie will preach at thr condition. They are so extremely weak Ashland, Ogn.. Oct. 3 1W0 Mrdjordt Orrf/t>a. object of the order is to educate the In­ Tut proprietor of a po|> New York Presbyterian church in Jacksonville. dian an«l Negro in the Catholic faith. restaurant says that the verdict of over- tiiat to »imply move their lieaits is im­ Th«’ ' inn* >n Land Co., wax rapifirtlly organis'd for tlw« purpofo* of buying and subdi vid Ina Office-Hamlin's KI«»« k. i rat trm f•« i f hind, and I ihm «luring the past two yearn Imught and Kubdlvith'd over 3.2«) aerra Such a devotion is lieyond the ken of work, which is so often rendered lit »on possible for them. How they lived for ,i< r< - <>t land inti* flvt- to twenty a« r«- tnu'ta. The hii «*(*(* rh of thia undertaking is shown in the H«w'a Till«? most mortals. In this wicked age heir­ theS11 i .inn tiiat !• n acr« h of choice land in fruit will yield a larger income than ltJOnerraof a. We. Itie undersigned, have known F J knowing as lie does « I e comp >i ent parts Cheney for tlie last 15 years, and believe Tliikk were several RepuldicaM io W hen Senator Faulkner of W»st V r- of that highly- p:< < <1 staple, tlie mince- bun perfectly honorable in all business man tlie legislature w lio quietly op|s,-eetiiate his mem ­ Hall s Catanb Cure is tak-n Inlernally. putely a paitisan thing, tor several good He iirld thr fl >or id (lie senate for Ses-s-r it is ca|>able of imscliiel as dire as acting dire, ily U(*on the blood ami mucous ory. I 1 uitj w VVl^ reasons, among them the following: sorta,:« a of 111*- »> sleni. I eslintomals sent twelve hour« in the del ate of lhe force is the much-abused "heart,” though, of That lliis appointing (siwer Las always An»' p«’i*on wishing to sell property wn fr*e. Price 75c, per bottle. Bold hy ail bill, ami when he had finiabed tire hard course, it is not as likely to Irerotne tsen hi the hands of the governor; that M)H SALE, MUM. ACHES OF LAND -41M It nd it t«» their intvrewt to call ana ace u* task a««igned him by bis Democratic prominent tn mortuary reports. "Heart di ugr i-ts. w hen tlie late George L. Woods was gov­ acres <»T farm land in the valley, good for colleagues he was as fresh as a daisy and failure'* has a much mure aristocratic fruit or grain. ernor, the Dermx-rats had the legisla­ Take it Bef<>r Bnakfaet, good lur another «lav’s conscientious sound than "stomach failure,” and the Two thousand six hun«ln*«l ncrr a I kt:.(!s«»f 1« lab* troubiC« an«i will re Or. lisinr»« <*«llr» »prrifle. languor—symptoms of liver complaint. PHYSICIAN A N I> S U R G E O N. move ail ' b-truci <»ns to the monthly peri It can be given in a cup of tea or cotire Remedi—I>r. Henley s English Dandelion oda, no matter chat th* rau-r. They are without the knowledge ol I be person taking m «« »;/■«/' Tonic. Relieves constipation, sharpens the Me«ifora e by ’he Living"tone ' hen» - whether tlie patient ■■ a moderate drinker HALF THE COST of hoist .ng anvi-d .. innnufact urrts, >an Fram isco Cal. o Stor«’kv«'pers. Butide-rs, Farm* is. or sr. alcoholic wreck. thousands of $1, and take according to directions. Machinists. BuiMers. < «>ntisct »rw DR. W. STANFIELD, drunkards have lieen cured who have taken FULL LINE OF THE IIPs*n ..... and others. Admitted to be the A tashloniibli- I olile Ferwarrt. cloths hnisimT “ '»'I 1 MOST ths Golden 8|>eciti< in their c< flee witbou E L E C T 1 C PHYSICIAN, • <*>n- greiit«*Nt Impr«>v<*m«’t»tH Even nia«le Stanlly k.pton lum.l.“otim.L W. F. READ. 1’re.ident J. R. WRITSMAN, J hr World Enrtrhrd. 11'thing hut Hr«,- All ihose kniw in.- lheiu“<-lves imlebled titeir knowle is in « \ • r> mich a« RiwuiHHtimi», Afdhmsi, Piles. Kidney way M<»dford. Mar U Iw A-J arhivk . to material welfare and comfort of mankind sup«*rtor t<» any and all other preparution« t«»r Septembér all acrounta will he |,'acet., ih troit Mich Complaints, etc., a apecinltv and full parDi-ular». Addreas in confidence are almost unlimited, and when byrup of th<* Throat and Luna*. In Whooping Cough thè bauds of an attorney fur col .et tion. GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO.. 185 Race blrtet .1. C. SlIXKlIKM Figs was first produced lhe world was and Croup ìt is magic ami r« li< ves al onc«*. Cincinnati, O Central Point.Sept. 1, IstlU. enriched with the only perfect laxative Wrofferyoua sample botile ir««. Rvmem- known, as it is lhe only remedy which is I mt , tlus ibinedy iswold ou a positive guaran- Shakea and hblnges. Excitement truly pleasing and refreshing to tbe taste •ee. HE MEDFORD ROLLER MILLS WILL Mimi •vn-l-Wng <*’ »‘H’L atraight flour in far •>< i k-. <«r thirty-tour fjVTL«|Y|We»kEeb3cf Evdy aqdM’ad, Eff.’ •Mw fact, at any time and »be better it is known la. 6 so, I uh Ar». Coir.jileir copie» ot township j-lats, posteti tiun, t.'atarrh <4 the M. ini.cb, and make, I which will I* sold in quaiittti* a io suit at , pouiifta of »ackcd tl >ur. l.x«. hange will :»i>- LlfitnNlLf Errcraor Eicitac« tn Oidor Ycv . I ft e more popular, it become«. I ply nt the Ph<>« hi x mill by adding t wo pounds It reasonable rates. va.le ■ a M»< h ,D kr*,br' 4. Ilf’lncklirp ¡,(. up tu date uf ine ordir, maJe for $1 >,^PI,l»<»K«.4XSAI'Ar.Tt»C» MOT. I I am now r«Midy to buy <-r store, ot«' in townabip. Money must acconipany or- is $1.00 a bottle at Brook»’ drugstore. Suit •.f«l»l«Mr H«** TKKATMKM-Hwlt«. I« . day. »toreon exchange, any »mount < th red. -. i lantlh fr««» »$*«•• «"4 » •r»lÇ» C«cnlrie». Write lb««, Tell your friends of it. merit when yuu use Why suffer? Preston's "He!•«»;» Oll 31 <•<.! torci, MANUFACTURER OF REAL ESTATE ACENT ! CELEBRATED UNIVERSAL COMBINATION FENCEI T y TT k ¡á i ' - 3J¡ Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. Collret roí Arrounts. I'rouipt Rrinittniirfs. Ì’.' ¡J Cuticura Resolvent, BEEKMAN & REAMES’ Farms. BANKING HOUSE, ITRONG AND CHEAP. JAY ROUTE o (Jill iloi'llill ITSTOPS THE PAIN. IES THE LOWEST WOODBURN NURSERY TL) Cui. '.i.iUd french Gure, VINES AND SHRUBBERY ;;:,”APHRODITINE”Se J L NO APHIS ORLICE ON TREES PRICES ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1, 1**8. Jackson County Bank, 31 EDFORD, OK EGO3 J- c. CARSON, Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. Sash. Doors, Blinds F. L. Posson &. Son, COLLECTIONS A STZCIALTT. WINDOW AND PLATE GLASS MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS TOLO! TOLO! TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE Of the Franchises and Privileges granted to F. II. ROWE August 7th, 1888, By tlie incorporators of said company, now on filo at the Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville Jackson Co. Tolo, Oregon, October 4, 1889. J. W. WALKER. J. H. GRIFFIS S U K V K Y O J SEEDS SEEDS FRUIT TREES SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS By the Thousand ! T FRUIT TREES & SHRUBBERY, a ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■ GRIFFIS & WALKER, ■ SMITH & WESSON _ White 1’ine, Yellow Fine, Red and Yellow Fir Lumber, a REVOLVERS: GOLD HILL, OREGON. a STARRETT’S GARDEN SEEDS! CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. THE ORECON LAND CO F. L. Posson & Son, 209 2d St., Portland, Or. ■■■■■■■■■■■■a The Best Because Always Reliable. CHOICE LAND FOR SALE! I Honte <>lli«»e nt Mftloiii, Oreg-on, Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms, Also City and Suburban Property. LUCKEY &CO., TILE FOR SALE. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS, MAPS / PRICELIST. . NX. Tiling of All Kinds * REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION City and Country Property For Sale. . x.*.*. $ Choice Lauds For Sale WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, i Agents f«»r Cyrus Noble Distillery, Jog. Sdilitz Brewing Com­ A. CARRICK, pany, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Seliinidt .V Co.’s Sarsaparilla ami 3Ierchant 'T'n.iJoi- Iron Water; also Arcadian Mineral Water from Waukesha. Wis­ consin. nCTDOIT 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc. A Fulton Iron uml Engine Wk$. MEMORY Exchange! Exchange!! SGO.OOO.oo. ACENTS u¿n,K,it '- \':ï T FOR MEN ONLY! ALBANY. OKKGON. WMILRiCH. District Agent. • • MEuFOHD. OREGON Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorio.