Ot §rmtitïirtit ¡Miura FRIDAY FEBRUARY» 0*1. USINO NEWS. B.tme mining ia being don». XotiCM tor th» location of plae»r ano auarts miaes. »tc., for sale at ths T imm ot­ ic». Coasldarwbi» snow f-ll on tb» higher aaouBtalBs last wack, which will afford eoae» walar laur on. Th» Amancan Mining Code, standard authority on »11 subjects pertaining lo •41 mining, water-rights, ate., is kept lor sal» at th» llMks office. Dr. Flannagwn last waek removed hi» onartt mlU from Grant's Pass tu tbe Ex­ chequer mine on Applegate. He baa a tine lol ol ore on the dump. Tb» rains of last week sftorded some water fnr tb« miner**, but we tear that the supply will warn run down, as the froety nights and warm days ar» unfavorable. Mr. In mas and Dvaert A Pearson are operating their r»-peciive araslraa oil rich rack near Lewnd, end while they can only spaculaia on the results as yet, they arc sanguine of • giad showing Josephine's mining population «re looking more cheerful since the late rains have given them plenty of waler lor immediate use. and take a more hopeful view of the situation now than a few weeks ago. E 8. Smith ot 8 tea mb* at last week went tn Portland on hu-ines» connected With tbe mine. The tunnel is now in on the ledge over 500 teat, and it is contideiiil* thought that ano her fllty Get »ill bring them to the rich body , f ora they bay» been so long seeking This tunnel ia now the doapost in tho stale, it is said. JMKPB1NC tO TRAC HER»' INSTITUTE. Th» foltowing ia the prowramm» of tbe teachers' instante to be held et Grani’» Paas on Feb. 2S-I, Mlh and 25forii, the service giving the best ot Mtisfaciiou. The pa tronage has been good so far, and will doubtless increase, as tusny will come to ________ ,___ ,__ tbe connty-aeat, un business and pl.a-ure. bent, who nev.r w.mi.t have 'hou.ht of eemo g before the bnnding of the road. Last Bunday Dearly 100 people made the round trip oyer the line, ahil-iheie w-.e many others who role one aay oiry. In a short time tbe c. mpany wul baud e freight, charging live cents ter hundred pounds for distances less than three miles and nine cents a hundred-weigbi for dis­ tances lets than six miles. The minimum rate will be 23 cents. It is expect», that the new rolling stock wbuh ibe Company is having built in the tael will arrive ma short time, when the irip between Mediord and this plate will be matte iu less lbs' 15 ** mlnntee. When every ibing is gotten )U shipshape, Una will be a brst-cl.s» Lue in every particular. What U HT The town of Grant's Pass was ibis week eon.-iderabiy agitated over a duineat»« quar­ rel which resumed arri. us«y to at least oi e of tbe participants, iwo pistol slmt.* were heard and afterward the w ife of Wm. N. Baundete, a pioneer id«n» r e.»i ii-g fur brio. Further developments sbow-d tb *t her husband had b*en badly, t n- t iaiaiiv. worm »led, a bullet from a pi lol bating found lodgment in bis bead. Mr. 8 mui .- de*,a who was st»ii alive and ra»i<*tiai at iaet accounts, declare» that he fired a pistol at Die wife and then »but bimarlt. A» iwo pistol», with oue chamber in tach empty , were found, bia atuiy is not credited Fuller parti« oUr> will be give in our n*xt 1M% Sad Accident- Mi«* Ida Bimi-fcins. daughter of H. B'mpfcina of Juiup off-J«* precinct, June- phiua count), w»i (Downed in Louee cre*-k Friday night. Bba was in attendance on the ball at Merlin and with her partner (Mr Crockett) was un the way to «upper, which was eetv«d at B. A Wi.liaiu» buMtd ing-hou»e un tbe other aide ot me creek. By aotue mrana obe mis-rd the the bndee and fell * into “ atrenm “ ______ w_ efl»rte _____ were made imme­ Altbuugb diately to rctcue her. ihr WxS druwimi and ber body wa» nut recovered until next day. M wa bimpain* waa an intelligent and “ >uung iad\, highly r. suevted b» ' * 1 - mm all who I ms tier. Her grief-rtricaeo ily h.»« the al o cere» t sympathy ol tue whole collima oty. l&bu_______ . Sherman in Jacksonville. Th» death of Gen. Hheiman reminds the Yreka "Journal " of an -hcident occurring ar* Mr. Hayee' j urne, from Rai, Frauci-co lo Portland, »bile in office, »co lujanied by the General. On reaching JaCkM.rrvide by stage they »H>| ped alibeU.8 Hotel, tbe prcprwtnaa ot »hub (Madame H,,l-) proponed charging them an •xurbitant price, wbuhiwk tbe Gel erai by ruipri-e, ano eauaed b>u* lo gently ntui-k; ' My dear Madame, we did not come io Jacksonville to buy yonr hotel, bm simply to be accom­ modated tor the night." A» soon as the matter became known, many of tbe ettisens ra-led * n th» proprietrvaa »id eettleir ibe bill, it having been their intention lodoro; bril they bad no know.edge ot tbe lime when tbe party Was • kneeled to arrive. Proposals Waated. Propoaala fur tbe delivery ot 10U cords off wood will be received al tbe company a station at Jacksonville until 'lbur»day, February WJH01. W ood to be of sound fir. delivered and staged alongside of track, not less than 4x4. ZTeet long, 128 cub’-c teel to the cord. L'aeb wid be paid uu accept­ ance. W. H osxtmam . Freodent Rogne River Valley Railway Company PotOmod. Feb. 13, lísDl. Dant leal Well, And yet vou sis nut wck enough to consult a doctor, or you retrain tr< m so do-ng for fear you will alarm yourseif and fnei ds— we wul tell you just wbat yeu need It is Hmd s Barsaparida. which will lift you out of that uncertain, uncomfortable, dangerous condition, into a stale ot f* <>d health, con- •deoce ai d cbeerfu Inees You’ve no idea bow potent this peculiar medicine is tn eases like yuors. PMtoAce Bwglartnd. Tbe Ashland poats.fBre wan entered by oue <-r more burglars on Wednesday night and nil the money in it stolen 'lhe rate was blown open end several hundred do - lars abstract«*! therefrom The tlnef * n- Wred the boildmg through a window in the rear * f the bulKiinx. H.d a m li<,n*»*- been on duty, ibis robbery would pr- bab y not have occur red. Last Notice. rhoee indebted to ua are expected to rail and settle AT ON< E. as all accounts not settled shortly will be placed in s lawyer s bands for collection We ceased business on July I, 13U0. and cur books must be balanced ai b u' further delay. T ims * Pt'siisaixo Co. Jacksonville, Jan. 21.11*1 Appiccale-William* Btege Liae. Hereatisr ib» fnllowing rate» ol fare wi be cbargFd on lite abuve lire: From J»’<’k- •onvd • tu Uni* ntown, 50 rea*»; to App »- gaie, •!; to Wdlism». 1150. Package» eairhd s*L ly al r»a»unablo rate«. Baiis- factic-n goaraniecd. J. A. Lort>Kt.C* nira* tn e a ,-aru.ar in this school aad «rill nakr it th» ¡radios business colime. Semi •r catalogua.______ _ ■alt» Me Me. Tb» undersigned has lour „ood mu In­ for sate, ahn h b» will dis, orr i.f at reason ahi» rates. For further partirniart sridrers n rat Mmk Tcdi-t, or rallón Oao Micar.r. Gal. »< *e k. MMN> la Maa. »MKI.0ÜL. My J. H. WbHatso of Mrdfurc.vn iiu pravad taras aaaurity tn J*.ck»'n coumj at CM bMt rataa of any loan »gencn in th* M o MF* LOC AL NOTES. _ __ .J another Strawberries were blooming in various j the disease completely before • Coninmption Cwyd. G. W. Bacon of Foresi Prove, who spent _____ _________ season rolls around. . The T-C ailment c:l—C" was iri- I la«) «uninirr in Jacksonville, is in town on parts of tlie viill'-v .luiing tbe mild Wf-atber | ___ i A h old Dhridcian. retired from practice, trodtlC'd among “ the horses north of the < f last weak, and partial« itis tbe salvation -* • having bad placed in hia hands by an East a Ti»it. He is or. bis way te ine fretti «.'ali- V. Cook of Clifton is at tbe Sterling mines. This is Lent. - India mltslonary the formula of a simple ol Die rruit crop that we are bavinir tbe river by a number cf broken-down rail­ lumia. regetable remedy for the speedy and perma­ road "plugs ” that were purchased and R. T. Young of Medford made us a < i‘l Buy a White. fr .sis of the jresent week. The bud« on Binali in size. great in resulta: DeWiti's the a round trees were almost ready to taken into that section tome years ago one day ibis week. I nent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh Asthma and all Throat and Lun< Affections,’ The White is still king. Little Early Misera. Best pili lor Constipa burst ill some localities. It msv be necceesary to kill aomething like Mrs. M. Krause has been paying Ashland also a potlttye and radical cure for Nervous non, basi L.rBics Hradache. beat for Bour fifty animals now, to completely eradicate Debility and all Nirvou, Corn plaint« after Another storm is threatened. Have vou a friend "back in America' i he disease, and no time should be loat In and Medford a visit. Stornaci!. having tested its wonderful curative power, «boni you wiih to remember you? Send apply log powder tri atment. in thouKHnds or c«***s>, hw felt It hl, duty to Tbe farmers are rushing tbeir work. P. Black and E. P. Vickroy of Forest make It known to hlaautferinv fellowa. Experiments in the line <»f boring for him ibe T imes mr a year, audits weekly Actu­ I have a cn itii * n arGt»', siys ex- creek were in town lately. ated by thia motive and a desire to relieve Fresh bread at the 8. F Variety Store. ar U m an water wi 1 pr» bahiy be undertaken vi - iib wi 1 Ue | le.is.m reminders of your human suffer I ng. I will «end free ot charge to n the vicinity of Lakevuw tbe coining kindness. K. m-mber. all tbe district ne« « Mayor J. B. IeniK.-rai. of No-ih i».-« Moines, Milton Lindley was here yesterday. Hie Cur»» while you watt—Preston's *'Hed- summer. all who desire It, thia recipe, iu German or only «2 50 per annum, to any part of la. Some years ago be sa< employed in health la much improved. Ake.” French or English, with full directions tor this city, where they were printing circu­ ihe United,'''tales or Canada. preparing and uelng. Bent b* mail by addre««. AT It is reported that Geo. B Landers of A. Ludorfl, tbe popu'ar representative of Ing lars for Cbamberlain. He had a deep seat­ with Stamp, naming thia paper, W. A Nick Bose baa returned (rum northern Ashland waa rohbvd at Gold Hdl one night A. Darneille of the Applegate section, ed cold and terrible cough. and while sel­ Sachs Bros. A Co., is here. N otes , 830 I’oweni' Block. Rochester, N. Y. t'eiifornia. recently. John E. Pelt« n was with him at who lias been under treatment by Dr. ling up copy he made up hi» mind to buy Mies Minnie Dennis of Medford is visit­ Geary for s..nu time for an atketion of the a bottle, li cured bin and that was tbe Fre«h bread can be obtained at the 8. F. tbe lime. Notice- ev*s. left for home last week, so far re- first 1 ever knew of Obaiuberlian's Uough ing the family of K Kubli. Variety Store. Rev. Mr. A’eridge has been conducting a 1-ovei.d a“ lo be ab'e to read with a fair de- We are prepared to fill nil orders forcem Remedy. I have been strongly in its favor Twenty-tbree passengers came in on tbe e'erv work io either mnrnle or stone a Capt B xe*,f Uniontown precinct w« series of meeting» ai il e Bapnst < buich at yr, e ot eonif 'rr. He was almost blind e-er since My own experience and that train from Mvdtoid last night. Talent dmp g ibe week, which Wr«e we 1 when Ibe doctor took the case. prices that defv competition. All persons in t>>wir y.sie'day. o> my family convinces me that ibis rem­ attended. John Gridley, late of Ashlsud, now re­ wishing work d me are request* d Io place edy is ihe be-tin Hie world. That may be Fresh ora* r»e, cand'ea, lemons and nuta ! he railroad r. mpany is puiDng up a sirong language, but that is what I think sides near Redding, California. their orders early before the rush for spring H use bill N<>. 160. granting rkht of wey bridge at tbe 8 F. Variety store. ai-toss Evans creek, near Woodville. ai d summer work begins. All work guar­ to Central Pont biunr Pine Con.pany io I be b'gb waters wa-hed out tbe falsework For sale bv Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point P La horde of big Applegate and P. anteed to give satisfaciion. Taxes are due. and they never came in construe l a flume or cam 1 passed the a few days since, causing lhe structure to and U. H. Haskins, Medturd. Levins of Ashland are in town. J so. F. WnrfE, so slowly as this year. legislature, DUI was afterward vetoed. < are. n, and lor a shori time passengers, Manager Jacksonville Marble Work». A postmaster of Lane county, last iron th Washington’s birthday is the next event b.ggsge and mails were transferred. Dated Feb 13. 1391. Bisson, Crocker A Co. will tiv the ex- Take Simmons E ver Regulator. One bv misttike banded G. M. 1’1 ast« r a letter on »be list. It fulls on Sunday. i enmeni oí u-mg t amor, engines in th* it 1 Ills trouble is over now, however. do*>e is worib 100 dollars. add res >e« t»» Wm. Preston. It bapr»ened The fit st railroad train passed over the lodging caiiH»s in the Biskiyoua dun gibe The small boys, and large ones, too, have to be a letter from the latter’« s^vecthearl. new Cow creek track on the 2d inst. Fresh honey in pi'chers, ouly 50 cents, coming spring NEW THIS WEEK. a b -d l.abit ot jumping on and off 'he rail­ and Plaster took great delight in reading at th» 8. F. Variety Store. road trams « hue in motion. They du not ibe episile to the bystanders, who all The regular quarteJ^y examination of For horse-colic ISimiuons Liver Regula­ The roads are worse now than they have appl cant» fur teacher*’ cert heal«» wi l be seem to piotn bv ibe accidents that happen thought it a hti e j -ke. Since Mr. Plaster te r is known to be lhe best remedy. been at any time ibis winter. h-Id by Supt Price and his osistanta i-i queinly through this dangerous practice. was indicted by me Uniud Slates grand The wife of J. E. Fenton is lying quite If ii is persisted in, ibe board ..f truateea iury and convicted upon trial in Judge Prof. Na-regan ha> «old bin interests at next Wednesday. Deady’» court for an alleged violation of a ill at their residence in Spokane falls. will pass an ordinance prohibiling it. Tolo ai d moved to Medford. U. 8. ala title, by so doing, be is rapid ‘y Thousands of fruit trees are being set out It is rumored that a new bank will be lhe mail contractors on the route be- changing his ideas as to what constitutes a Wild flowers are in bloom in someplace! in difierenl porliuns of southern Or» g-n iween L-keyiew and Acer, Cal., aroused j->ke in tbe abstract, and he is not certain opened soon at Ashland by local capitalists. l b's will cena nly be a great fruit country io the wmxis and on tbe Hills. ih*- w*a b of the Lakeview people, »bo wlm baa the call on the laugh in this par- in the course < f tnue. Chas. Owen« of pleasant creek and Geo. I have 1 he sheriff will sell «onie hnsines' pro|*erty ex * nsiv ly signed a pe'ition to the iicular < ase Mr. Freston ni.d his best girl Lar:more of Williams creek were in town Mrs. John Stanley was accompanied |>o't*l HUlli»-ri' in Piioeinxon Mar* h 14, 11*01 ie* HI «» ¡1’IJ «iitliori'ies at Washington asking were bom resting easy at last accounts. this week. home to Bisson last week bi M s* Anup |tii*i »tie < onira< u*r- be nquired to carry The | upils of Willow Spnnvs scbortl will Cook ol A hidi.d, wh«'se lain ly* she had j tbe m «ils uir ►«•hedule iioif fi**reafter. Is the Oriental salutation, W. G Co*»per, one of Medford’s promi­ We cs'i your att* ntion to the advertise ­ give an entertainment next month b< en visiitiig fo* s 'tnei me ment uf Simmons Liver Regulator, which nent business men, was on our streets knowing that good health .1 ff Howard, n«>w a prosp«»r>»U8 farniFrof appears in this pt per i onlay. T'd> standard Tuesday. W. R Lswaon ha» been nptminted assist­ Dr. H-mvr D Jones oi Hail y. Idaho, W' n>-«n « • U'tiy, Wa*h , visiting ti»«* r* xnedy, the «-n»y ge» nine of whicu is tnan- cannot exist without a ant rosdm .sier under John Galvin. who ba* b«en visiting Ins parents at Rose- Id hum st«««! a») *ve Ashland and e»»ter- Chas. K. Fronk, the S. P. Co.’s clever uia< iurtd by J. H. Zeiiin A Co , »nd of healthy Liver. When the 81 Vai* mine's ria. was generally observed, i-urg i«>r me past tatonth, itasg- ne home. •ai ing bin parents. Mr am! Mr«. Z'lioi whnh they aie tbe so is pr«»prieiors, dots agent at Medford, made us a call un« day Ibis week. He is pra« tlcing dentistry. H twa'd He w II n so visit tu» violer, Liver is torpid the Bow­ though *.ot so exten-ive y a, usual. nut ue.-erve to be clashed with ttie many Mr- M. H. Parker of Spraciie river, now “patent” noBirumsso dberally adverti-eo Will Short is again a resident of Eden Henrjj Mensor, formerly of this place, >n els are sluggish and con­ First-class cedar fence posts for aale in very pour health, b- lore returning north. now a r» aideni ol (’• m »alia, VI ash., pas>e«i throughout tbe country. It is one ot tbe precinct, having jeturned from Alameda quantitive to sun at the l iMisuffidk. stipated, the food lies »bioutb the va ley on his w-iy to San Th»* dea«i b< dy of a man was found under very best prtpa> aliens in Use fur dyspepsia county, Cal. Two inches i f snow Ml yesterday morn­ Franci-co, one day tecMit y. in the stomach undi­ ’he W If creek r«i road bridge last week or afl- ciions of lhe bj^weis, aud is recom­ Bells Bro«. ’ and McMahon ’ s circuses are ing, but mon of it ru>n uieited away He bad evident»y fallen from th? tr«**t|«*, a» mend» d by the regular practitioners « tiid io be billed for ibis section next July gested, poisoning the lhe rain raise»! 'he s ream« to a higher -»i.e ot his ihiwti* wa* bn-ken and hi« b >«iy medicine. It has a large sale in this city, and August. Ten ebests ,*f Eptcnre tea, parked espec­ pO'iitduri-g'he week than ’h»y have i>e» n blood; frequent headache and can be found m all our drug stores. A whs ba«Hy b ui*e»i There w f »s noihi'te on ially fur this trade,at Reames A Wnite a. * at any lime during ibe season They have his pers- n I«» ah»’W who ib» man was. It is hottie or package bhouid be found in every D. Allen of Tolo. who owns the biggest ensues; feeling of lassi­ Subscript" ns to the da* y and weekly recede«! somewhat since then. said he was under Hie influence of liquor family, as its judicious use is'alniost sure to an*l finest overcoat in the valley, was in tude, despondency and "Examiner" taktn at the T imxs office. prrv«nt a bihuus attack ii taken when the town yesterday. Tbe county commissioners’ court at it* al the time. ay niptoms first show themselves. last session approved the report« of O nervousness indicate how Monthly installments of »10 will buy a Tbe deserted wife of the late Ashland John R Stearns is the new superintend­ Harbaugh, G. F. Schmidt ein, D. Allen and bouse and lot in Tolo fromBcott Griffin. * the whole system is de­ barber, Finck, (who was compelled to leave ent of the Ashland water-works. He will J. R. Tozer, road supervisors. that place when the story of her wrongs make a good one. PKHSONAL MENTION. ranged. Simmons Liver Dr. B. M. Gill of Klamath city Intends Senator Mitchell has introduced an »vs.* iu»d«* public) died last week in the to permanently locate at Dunsmuir, Cal. Pruett Bros and Wirt Pool of Central Regulator has been the amendment to the Indian appropriation Bixbv lodging-house at Portland, where Miss Josie Orth went to Medford yester­ Point precinct were in Jacksonville tbe W J. Howard and 1*. Chartrand of Med­ bid, increas ng the salary of »be Klamath sympatb zn of the young lady'.« friends i at Ashland. dinary power and elheaey. Misses Coakley of Central Point vi«ited parent*, am! the eloping c -unle wdl s ( end Hill. hold regular meetings her after. John 1 D. Couyl lit, of Lake county lias onr c’ty afew days ago. Mrs. I>. Peninger ->• nietinie vi*i'ing the gio«»m’s relatives in NEVEn DCCN DISAPPOINTED, Ten thousand feet *>f lumber at Sam's val­ was in tn*n tbe same day. Wright's Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure H e east, after winch they wiil settle been at Yieka lately. A* a general fondly n’m^dy for dv*pcp*U ley scbuol-bouse for sale by Bcott Griffin of An excellent remedy for cramp*, cone autl i!<«Wn t»» live al Su< rarnento Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc . I hardly evei A. H Col. Row I'tch, Fred I)rake, Judge Tolman I Sundernian is employed on a Tuio. • ufc anythlm; e!i*e. «n 1 have never been db «here a tonic for tbe stoimn b «nd bowel.* »nd 1.0 Mi ler of A-bb«nd are in town. The ,‘herdT wa* unable to fill his advertis- farm near Eugene city. appointed in the effect pmdneed; it *eem* to Stall-fed cattle are bringing good prices, is required. Sold by all druggists e*l date for eoilectmg iaxe.s in Shake pre be almost a perfect cur for all disease« of the Henry Kubli and family of Applegate BoIsC K. Kluni of Talent and they always du at this season of the Stomach And BoweN. Tbe town is full of canvassers for dif­ cinct, owing to ibe snowfa I in that section. were in town yesterday. Green B. Mathews of Eagle Point, who y»ar. W. J. M c E lrot , Macon. Ga. A g"«-d lea'ure oi the proposed n« w assess ­ ferent kinds of articles. The* hard times” been sick for some time, went to Port­ A. Weiss ««f Oegon city is paj'ing bis ha* WHY ARE COME PEOPLE ALWAYS LATE? A stitch in time saves nine. Take Sim­ don’t "eem to discourage tbeni, as their ment law is ihat it will do awaj’ with the land for medical treatment. They never l -ok. ¿bc..d a J ■ 'e have been Lnn-Ati t * v ... »'.1 p! t.r^ *eas* n, ran to thé gro- mons Liver R< gulatur and prevent suk- seductive talk make« more or less victims. fis» ie*s exp» n«e of the regular tax-collect- brother, John Weiss, a visit. A. Alford of Talent wa« nt Sa ’ prn not long Cery for the.r t»ecds. and then repeid over it fur ja months, ruihcr than st p ; t: . v l.^t they will want inz visit 'O each separate precinct, at a tiess. Mr Hampton of Portland, a cattle buyer, «inre, acmrupHnv >ng Sheriff Birdsey when The largest and b«j.*t stock of deeds, t»mc * h» n n»» on-.« n»s to pay tax- a The for the garden. VICK’S SEEDS never disappoint, is the verdict bom ü.e r •> uhn I ax*e plante»! has been in tbi* section iu ely. them. It it is Flower or « ’ «¿euihle-o. Is, Plane«, p, , ‘ *s, oraaytl.ing this line, MAh ’ J' NO M1STA 1TJ; be took I. J. Stathe pen John Woods has succeeded G. F. Schmidt- mortgages and all kinds of real-estate at-d sbertfi wi I (tend in 8h*ke precinct later this year, but «end j i cents lor Vick's i'loral Guidf‘. deduct the io cent» fr- in fr»-. x r .rr, ft costs legal blanks south of Salem is kept at the lem as supervisor ui Woodville road dia- in th»- se«son. after giving due notice. Seven CHr’ORd» of fa» cart'e nassed through lt'-v M. C. A'eridge is conducting a series nothing. This pt net.- c-t-lo^ue < nrmx.i three coiorej pUu-*, Grandest Novelties ever offered. T imes office and sold at Portlatni rates. ti ici. rhe valley one dsv »his week, en route to in cash t»rer.icxn< to tho«-e^sen '..ng club order-, f i wo <-.* .h prizt * ,.t one of ti.c 7 tatc Fairs. Gram! The Roiiue Kiv» r Valley Railroad Com­ of meeting!« at Talent ibis w«ek. he following time schedule will offer. chance i«r ^.i ’.uic in .. •»,..,»« i/om f cr i r . »•»■ tj.--untv, to cate- for »he Lenten season. F »r partic ­ Mi*s Laura Hairiton spent Sunday of Farmii g ha* be« n vÍL,o»»»us'y proseci ted yuuised. Leave Harbaugh's at 8:43 A. M.. 1:17 P. ular« see his advertisement-elsewhere. O -omel 111»- p •►!. hti'l ■ 11- gr- M«» -t t O' ti- n J «el s- nvi le. and tw-- mi es beyond Wm. ast week in A ■-bland, her former home. 5.51 p. M. I*e Mui er receive«! a Smith Prein * r » f »be plow Day »nd famib »hi« Leave Medford at 10:00 a . M.. 2:00 p. M. and ami r- enter*ai n lng « propos (I to pirChase •unyihe. wnek. Mr*. M< G«e i* a sister of Mrs. Dav. is the pr z , ami cuntesiMiits fr» ni D»»ug a«, H. H Sparlin. a prominent citizen of 7:30 p. m . l!»» H i-c dine bui ii'iig at a priiffi-red p’ire Davisville at 10:10 a . m ., 2:12 p . m . anil J«ck8 »n county’s legislator« iu«y be ex J»»-ei bine and Jackson counties *»re rl - * f $4 f>»si f..r il t purpose It is estimated WdiiMni4' ere» k, visited us one day last week. A special di«ra»ch to the T imf * an Leave 7:37 p m . gible. pr»rnot«w di had b^en vetoed bv rhe governor. bk form, handy and tirst-ciHBs, al tl>r d’ ilvgi-i* I re>»» • iu- r—•• ive-i, $_’12,2h8 08. La«t ye «r setrintf the b. P D A L. Co , was here yes- known to me" H. A. Alic lira, D., tor the County of Jackson. WitEoSuyurious medication. I IMKb other t- enii• in »ec- ip*« •• ♦ » ■ 9 908.75; iniei egt, Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. J F. Wended, < ne of i tie p’oncpr’esiden’« In tbe matter of tbe estate of Geo. Black, N 8 T»rew wr le* t»> ns th »» ih winter $.il9>»Î» Tot I $70 104 14 T. e »n’al ex- ie d «y deceased. A big « smhi • oi frvNli garden seed«, III K -H im h c Unix h. s b- en a»- - X ee< nu*- p n il! r-* W» r. $17 181.19 of which $28- E K Owen of Central P- int, as also W. nf Cre«Cent C»»V. (’»!., died h » San F^anriacn otice is hereby given that ire « is f ., • lover, liuiuiby, etc., at th»- B. F. y mini « re aim ib * o k was ng w«H. 477 21 W -> for fire •» s-es. •' For several years I hare reeommeBclel “The use of Castoria' 1.« so universal and I’ Le wr ami wife, spent W« di e-dav in nn th" 17»h in«t. He w»« cnn«:d**red an administrator of the cHlatc of Geo. Back, excellent man and a succeseful l»wver. Variety Store. «• b ugh there have i-e- n a Í w mh - w Jacks >nv ill«*. deceased, baa hied in the County Court of its merits so well known that it seems a work Jour ' Cantona.' and shall always continue So o ao aa It baa invanat ij produced beueflcial of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the *1-» m». \ *er a m ,*t intere*t’ng t’ia' before Re- J»«. Gib«on, fo-rner|r wi’b Fl*»’«chner, Jackson county, Oregon, his tinal account a.*» Henry Wendt in ai i o brr column an intelligent families who do nut keep Castoria reaulta.” A W. Scott forn>er>y of ashist <1, s «» , ordei Be*rv af A«h and last Frid y, the Co,, now renresen»« Murphv, such administrator, and by order of aaidCourt nuuncrs ♦hni hr is a catHliUaie f^mrtre.1 Thev s-ll in re of D-Wit*’* Li»t¡- E.nly iw - St L«»ii’« l*dir«. who undertook n* the Good batnuntan hospital at F-rtiand Maver within easy reach ” April 7, lKi’l. at tbe hour of 10 E dwin F. P aros *. M. D., Grail» iS Co. in t’lia «e" ion. S G. All**n Tuesday, C cklos M artvx . D. D . Ct imuibsioiitr. Rif-er* tnai .sin <-ib«r pil ; tt»«ir acti-u i- »•»*r y no ih»' die**mHkini: bu«ii-e«s in »he f r treatment. ’clock a . m .. is »nt tor Inarnur. Ail persona “The Winthrop. "KMA Street and 7th Aw*. travel* no further south than Albany nmr- o interested New York City. arc hereby notified to appear and »a*y. d-» not grip-• r < »u*e pai.i, are ibe he»rl o’ th- RO* ial c«’ntre «>f il;e granite New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Kdiey afttCtions nt years' «'unding r*e-t regulator of the Liv«r. 8t-macn ami file his or her objections to said account on or E B Hunsaker returned io A-bland ad«rs. ci. v. « ere i*. i*''hft’g-d. no case having been fi«-ni cur»d by d«nnuons Liver Regulator.— Bowti.-f B. C (’»-ter nf b»e Anrdeeate came to before said day. b'R trio to the S«cramenlo va: ley a m i-’e out against them, despite the earne«t tew days since. by order of Hon. J. R. Neil, Judge [J. W. Puviits. town w:t»i a t-ef't’on for a nrw *chnn| di*-4 of Publisht-d said court. Travel on the R. R. V railroad i* fu ly »fl-.r'« of th»* ci’v atb rney to discover ♦ riot in »hat «ec»inn which i« b*dlv needed. The a> nual scho >1 meetings will be held «quai io txpeciN'ions s<> far, >»nd 1 i he re is crimiiiHtW'g evi iei ce. It is gHliine to the P. DONEGAN. ^iessr- Medyn^ki and Th iss. proprietors Sunt Priro will doubtless grant the prayer Administrator of said estate. everywhere in the sute one week fiom e.«rv rra.««»n to believe that the i road will h »«dal endetso’ our neigh boring »own to "f tbe Medfor»1 distillery, spent a day in of »he petitioners. Datf-d February 18. lsMI. t ext Monday. at least pay operating expenses I from ibe hwve fh»* bu*v marrs <>f t iade bn tight inio town L«at week There are rumerons inquiries made for ih»ir ba»‘K(ards, as it were. A great deal of sickness is reported on b* ginning. Walter Lennox of B<»gns, Bi-kivou coun­ ve»erinarv examination ot «dock said tn be Notice of Final Settlement • Mos- un fl»t by Mr. Basye. His fuCher is T E Hill »f Minneapolis last weeiê ty, v sited numerous friends in A bland The be.«t rented\ f r beada< be ; infected « i’h glanders, in the Sam’s vallev. s-iil quit. tick. bough’ lhe T'dm n sulphur springs preper- during ibe week. Willow Sprmgs arid At'p’egate section*. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, ralgia I3 Wright'.* Par ».on Heada tv :»i.d will gre itly improve ihe premises, The tim* h»« come for prompt action in The “Record” says that Hubert Donegan edy 8t»»i s pHiu m five minu'es. for the County of Jackson. Mrs A. T. Kvle. Jr., of Ashland, is vis «iih 'lie K.teii ’ ion ofe*tHl»l»s : ng a breeding is in (tiaige of a survey ina purtv down in Ie»»s. tasteless, no bad effect.* 8o’d by ad fa ru t r trot tu g st -ck «t that place There itmg h« r siMer, Mrs. C. W Ayers, at Al­ th»» premise», if »he disease is to stamped In the matter of the estate ot M. A. Brrnfano, dec« as««]. druggists. out soon in this section Central Amrrn a otice is hereby given that the are 103)^ acres m h- fra« t. mi d it will event bany ibis week. District Attorney Colvig ws« (‘ ailed to TO THE PEOPLE OF JA< K" Ct 11H41 Your con-, h will not ’»st all winter; administratrix of the estate of M. A.Bren- M ’T Ka«e Howell is home again nt Ash uallv i-'ove a v» rv vn u »bie price <»f proi er- Dan. Griflith of Bfeoinboat. wh > hi« been Grant’« P««« this week bv a te'egrsm from AM) JOSEPHINE COUNTIES. tano, dec«*a8cd. has filed in the County Court Y»»u wiil I ot be ktp awake at n glit; land idler m month’s visit Lu her daughter. •v. Southern Oregon h reputation f- r be visiti» g d flerent p«»rtioh9 ol the couiry, Co oner Flanagan of Josephine enuntv. of Jackson county. Oregon, h« ’ r final account Y »u * ill L’* » lllllll- uiate r«*li»»t if Mrs. D. C Herrm. ni-.' a “hor*e be.-«v» n will yet m*ke this When he got »here he found the man neon at* such administratrix, ami by order of Raid You wil u-e In- Win’s C» tub a id C«»n- *erti«m one .if ihenood he ««’quarters of was in «own Wednesday. The undersigned is now luanufan turing at Court, Tuesday, April 7, l«wi. at the hour Mrs O C olidge of Ashland re» urn cd suinpii n t ure. Mrs. E. Williams of Gold Hill was in whose body h<» expected an inquest would of 10 o'clock a . m ., in set for b«»nrinir. »Ml per­ the troiting-h «rse breeding industry in ihe th«* M(*adi.WK Sawmill in Jauk^on county, U m ae k from a visit wi ed by bis famny. time f »r »he transaction of business at the show n the «biewd fruit dealei that lie must steadily, we are please I to mention. I IM ES, Which W i 1 be » f gr» a’ la n« fit to Brit »nd Mn»! Dnrahlr Murbior For Street Commissioner. county-seat. be u - ami C'»mi g fo *eeur»* the call »i f»un produc»d in thiR vad»y last year manufacture for kson county b ink, has been here several were conaiderably disappointed because he undersigned takes this means Cail and see them • Headache is the direct re«ult of I idige«- would have found a ready market ut top .la of informing the vote» of Jacksonville times during the week, on bus ness. »hey were deprived of seeing tbe exhib’t of RAPIDITY AND GOOD WORK. that he will I m - a candidate for the office of Birds have be«*n singing nearly ail winter. lion and St< niacb Disordeis Remedy these prices. Newman Fisher left for Cen»r«ii« on Sun­ the golden state, wh»ch ha« been 15 months street commissioner, subject to their wishes They don't have to wait nil spring-time by u-mg De Will’s Little E.riv Riser* and A sure cure for the whisky habit : Dr day. uh* re he i« engaged in bu-inesa with on the road, better known ns “California at the ensuing town election. your Hra.iaine disappears. ’The favorite comes, gentle Annie. on \\ heel«.” The dt-lav caused by the HENRY WENDT. little i»iii every where. Livinyatofies Antidote for Drunkenness Joe Bo onion, also fomierly of tills place. PRICE OF MACHINE, fcio,#0 slide :n theC >w creek canv»»n made it irn- Jacksonville, Feb. 17, 1891. Mrs J. E Fuss and chi dren arrived a wdl cure a iy c»»«e tbe liquor habit in 8c rcely a tiain j a*-e* t hrmigh Ashland from t» n to tnirlv d »y*, from the moderate M »s .Mabel Bruns of Colorado, daughter po«p»-ib * f r the manager to halt at Med­ few oay.- sii Cr to join Mr. Fuss at bis new P . Delivered to any a* in my district. ford and k ’ ep O'h**r date* for the »-or h without i»av ng tr.-ni one to b- rueun Wegner creek. drinker to the drunkard The Antidote of Judge Walton of Medf -rd. and sister of Addresa all orders to Bam s Valley. Orogen • brrecailoads i-f iruit attained toi». The can he given in a «lip of cidlee without the Mrs. G W. Hayes of this place, is paying Th«* (O'»l*-*t weather of the season so far fiat consuls almost wbony if oranges know edge of t’ e per-oti taking it. The them a visit. J. B. WELCH. has be« n 20 degrees above zero, registeied and lemon- at this time. Antidote wi I i ot injure the h-alth in any E-i Morse, formerly of Morse A Eddings. one morning >ast week. Our friend« «fioul I give DeWitt’s Cough wav. M •niitHCtii’ed by the Living*t»-ne Ashland, i*now Mt tmme in Minneapolis Colie-lor Pracht of Alaska has sent his and Consumption Cure a dial No diM.p- Chemical Co., San Fran« i*<<>. Cal.: sold by only partially recovered from his i'iness of son, W. B Pracht, to Fr> iburg. Germany, p >n tiueni foiiows tbe use of this re iab e E. c Brunk*. Jar kmnVihe ; Mil ei Strang, last summer. to complete his education. medicine, and it merits the praise received Medford, Oregon. judge Parker and Aill. H Shook of from all wbo use it. C. W. Ayers was up fmni Albany tn pay K'amath county have g .ne to Susanville, Mi“S Dora Horn r» turned borne tn Horn- ASHLAND, ORECON, bruok after a pleN^ant visit with Ashland The sch' ol entertainment at Ganiard's off the ham’s at the 8>.«kiy< u stone romi*e<», a'd feacher*. i* giving the ver\ best of satisfaction to Mrs. George Bridge of Portland visited Frank Guthrie, well known in this sec­ and audience went home we.I architect and t u'lders abolii the metri po­ Ler old home in A>hland Ian week, while pupils lis. a> «I that o; er nions will lie conducted tion. is tilling Shan. Conser's place as c«n- satisfied with the performai ce. en route to Ban Francisco. on a larger scale than ever at the quarry ductor of one of the trains running between The National Granite Co., which is «lining ihe comii g season, The Ashland Portland and Roseburg. Tbe T imes ( flier is turning out heaps of ven ping a large quarry in Asblami blue sandstone used in the Portland citv A Choice Collection of j«»b work ot all kinds. Ibe neatest print­ cinct. has incorporated The incorp Ctiss. Carnev and wife made their Satur­ hall is m«-re admired than any other build ing is dune here al tbe lowest rales. tors are I Hall, Si J. and P. Ho*ran, a»»«t ing stone ever b» fo-eused in that city, and day visit to Jacksonville. Tliev went to Medf-.rd fr.-ni hero, to viMt their daughter, Mrs M Ober ha« returned to Ash ibe Capital stock ha.- been p aeed at FJô.OdO. there will in future be a ready market for why is Httend ng sch«M>l there. lai-d from her long s< j -urn as nurse in St. The Pacific States Publishing C< mp«hy is ad of it that can be supplied. Vim ei. l ’ b hospital at i'oriiand. W A Buchanan has gone to Portland preparing to issue a descriptive i iu-ttated Any person wishing to sell property wil During a quarrel over the sum of fifteen A fl»»e line of trunks, valises and hand- patuph et, devoted entirety tc-this valley, cents, tw-> ( ninainen became engaged in a but will return in a short time. He is find it to their interest to call and see us ••••AT'*** managing the affairs « f the R R. V. R. R bags of ail ►izvs and prices bar just been and ibeir rci reretitaiive, J. W.Croake, was fight at C. w cr«ek last month, which did in th- valiey securing data, views and nu' terminate until one ot the celestials bad qui'e f fli. iently and acceptably. received at the B. F. Variety Store. orders la*t week G. H. Hav» s. representing Jo«-e I) Carr, On the Liver will break down If you want THE BEST, buy M. M. Ubenibnin bws returned home to i f'/r e io Joss 'and. The murderer made A subscription |i.«t wa« circulated in l ’O’ m I h * escape and elu»’e«i bis pnr-uers ha^b-«-nin the va lev aga-ti after ca»tle, Ina family at A?b a* d, alter finuhing his and i* buying m »r«- or less He is accom ­ JacK»onvlie ibis week for the purpose . Í null' a iay or i w • ago, when he wa* obliged c unact in Low creek canyon. the energies of life, hii <1 unfit you enlarging the residence of the pastor in •o apply for f od t one of the camps along panied by G. B. Linders < f Askland. Kry West, ini|»orted and domestic cigars charge of theCath "lie church. Our» im n* the « reek, lie was refused, and before J 8. Eubanks. Jr., has sold his interest for Work, Business or Pleasure. —ibe beat and most p« puUr brand« in tbe resp'-nded nbera ly, several bundre»! duliars attempting t » leave was recognized a# ibe the grocery business at Ashland to Mr. market—al tbe B F Variety Bu^re. as-a>*in. B f -re he could be turned over in being hubsr ly « wb«d by 8. b Ga«y, wid ie sold at newed The niuod must have ib»-element* ihe tir-t time ma* be nont>uo»i, and gives a new impetus to lite. aiater l a» t-reu m st favorable lor lb*- the family of hi« Iinde, Hon J. 51 Heriln. maple bOgar an other taine delicacies 5*ulu by ail u uggieis. fa< mu g * lenient, ai d it looked for « while He a'so called at Jacksonville. just received at ibe S F Vatiety Store. Sul. Abiaham « t Ros» burg was knocked las, week as ii the miners were not lo be Rev. Fsther Watrv this week remove! to We pay n»> attention io anonymous coin- sei»8«iesR by a click ol Movew od bnti« g f rgoiien in lhe dispensation of the favors Jacksonville to permanently reside The I PONE AT THE BELONCINC TO THE muiiicaihns; t either are we nspinpibe b'lli above Ibe eve. it fli-tu g a pailful oi the weaili' rcierk. Rev. Father creates a favorable im- loropiniuiic» eu rented bv correspondents. wound. Th s Jobn*«>noi th* 8. F. Vaiieiy p*e«s on among all cla»*es, and we tru«t he Ti e overcout thief, Parr, who was com ore was ai*o ’knocked out” in about the MUST REASONABLE PRICES Arthur and Emma Fitzgerald have re­ 8 nutted t" jri I la»i week to await the action will enjoy a pleasant resilience among us. same style last we«k. turned bum to G<» k 1 Hi i ai»rr attending , f tbe grand jury, *i'» oi * re -at from his cabin, is lhe death of their n fan« daughter !u*t week, liable to g, t bis d* sells this lime. Tlieie after bia temporary sojourn in Ashland, I am now offering at great bargains the following :— There is danger in impure blood. There of acute btuiK hiti*, all»r a short illness JACKSONVILLE little d.uibr that the fellow really spile and was HCcontp»n:ed by little Lora, is haie’y in taking Hue d'.» BarsapariGa, lhe Mr. D. Was absent in Josephine county at 1» 24 new Deering Mowers. The Steam Flouring Mill daugherof Mr. and Mr*. A.S. Hammond, ibe e.-ai ii, order to get himself committed great blood puriticr. 100 dusts one dollar. tbe unie of her deuth, but reached boiiic in for tliofydays longer, r.s he rather like,I *h 'will make an extended vi-it with his 2 Deering Twine Binders. Hundreds of testimonials like this : in Jacksonville. ti e * on,f.,r>able quarters effo-ded in lhe family A tew copies ol the American betlier'» time io attei d the lurnral. 12 fine draft lion-es weighing 2 Gang Plows. jell. He wa- ignora' t of lhe fact,bowev»r, “ J. E. Miller. ” Astoria. Ore., writes: “ It Guide, standard authority un all land Mrs. .1.8. Herrin and M. Mickelson, of If Miller’s bill regulating freights ar d matters, may be found alike I imbb office, tares on the railr- an* oi ’he state becou es in»! Ins Lot i f! use constituted a Itlouy tins and Josepboie counties, who are cured me of a severe Liver and Blood trouble. 1,200 to 1,600 pountls each. ♦! Star Sickle Grinder:-. under ti e law» of Or* gon, and realty ha,I We execute Ever y Description of Work in The legisiaiute wi*i ediourn to-muriow, a law, it nill mean mu b hi the way of ad- no d s r. io ,e- a lemi in state's prison of iimlergo'ng ireatmeiit tor cancer at the 250 tons Aiialfa Ilay. 2 Freight Wagons. tr Hohl by allMnigxi«ts. liir 21 m , me i res« lined 40 day» expuing at vaniageons tre*gbt- to» • ur luu be» d» al» r-, which he is now a-sured John Ocander h nds of the famed spa-isllst, Mrs. Dr our line in the inoat approved style. 4 Milk Cows. 7 Five and Se-ven Tooth Culti that time. Ibe u.aj jii y • f tbe people je- fruit giowers a* d farmer-, as against th ae ot Medford apprehended the fellow at Woods, at 8»n Francisco, are bo b hopeful Don’t fail to call and examine sunipl»*« and of a complete restoration to health. o ’ our neighboring state oi anfornia. T. lent. j.uce. vators. 90, tin«! co» siderable V* 11 r*Hiuce*i for coughs, colds and croup; spection to lhe Rogue river timber belt. i t io; no:hin rliket aken vp by the yndeksigned , in L. G G< odell of Eden precinct visited m trouble m keeping them fu ni under the ihai >he pubbe uppre. tale true merit, and Mr F eed was formerly employed on the on the market. For particulars autl terms call or write to Central Point precinct, Jackson county. WedotMiay. He iniultus us that he ba­ lo« uwutive. fail. sivcesRiullv •nc* Oregon, one red cow. branded “K” on right in time it «as certain to be*’onie pcipular. T tmks . MRS. J. KAREWSKI, Executrix, Jacksonville, Or< by p'nmiuent ialie hip, ear mark»», crop off and two split« and ne»? I) 400 acres in gra.u, wbuh is doing Th, ir most aangum* holes have been more monthly. G inrant»«e« underbit in riabt ear; also upper balf-crop in A peiitioti is .«aid iu have bren circulated man re», t u 0 'er three hundred thous­ nite ly. to relievo s ippr< Met A Safe Investment left ear. One r(«i and white spotted hriftT. n Cresceiit cit) . C •!., ouro g ihe pest w»-ek, boules <>t < liiiiiiber'ain s C >ugh Reni- xnenstmat loti. two years o’d, not marked nor branded; one DeWitt’s Little Early Liners; only piU rrqursiina lite R R V. railway company and Is one which is guaranteed to bring you r*lv aie n -w sold each year,’ and is recog- SURE! SAFE! CESTAIN! red bull with white face, yearling past, do fur tbr. me Cui snpaih-n, Indigehtior.. ««»extend «heir line westward io it*e c-»u*i lozed »s "ibe best made." wherever satisfactory results, or in case of failure a marks or brands. Came to my place »n Dyspepsia Noh* to good- bold by K. C. at unce. Il is under si'K>d a liberal bui u.* known It will cure a severe cold in less return of purchase price. On this safe PISOH REMEDY FOR CATARRH.- Best EMieet Don’t H a htimbngwl. December, lwW. will h«- granted by the town »nd »eiilemenib - me itiHti »ny other trea'meiit. For sale Bl»n T to use. Cheapest Relief is immediate. A cure U l»n you y»>u can c»n t»uy nuy from our »^ur a'tvtruard advertised Bare Time. Health brooks. FRANK AMY. ana nioncj ¡take uootL along the route. ’ iruggist ruggiat a bottle of Dr. King’s New Di«- Dis- certain. For Cold in tbe Head it hat do equal. by Dr .1. Hinkle, t eutrai Point, and G. H. Lon Walbridge of Siskiyou county. Fa«., r. oovery for C fhini*) h> Asiiiaiid.bttv Il is m « «1 h’tev.r. but ding and I . n Rent air nddre-ii. ’to b»ing relief in eve»y caae. When n»ed || g sold his p- sscesiuns dl the Aral tallied aSbuemtlt'D it« Oregon is in a flutltisliina « u> - •I r.rc Fv »-a I < » r-s The c. ses «4 i a» .1 gie-1, or Incit-iei t for any affection of Tbr»*«». Lunga or C hest, •.«V - * • »»'• •: ’ : see nun. diti« n. Toe s?tot» • f tbe K* sebuig ».3*0«.:- glai>d*rs, to widt h the htieuti ,n **f the such as Comumptson, In ft-mm lion of THE I'NDEKBIGNED RESIT/TFI’LLY AN- p, ings. Brunt bin». Asthma, Whooping 1 nouno*s tlist he is n candidate tor re-ekc- Tim Dugan is puliii g 8l. Mary’s Acad alioli bow commands u prrin«un ui $30 p* i deputy «1* ck iuspei tor was called so.ue J L I tion to the offioc ot mart»b:d, subject to tb»*de- share. Tbe»»* is t ik of lonuing a.-Mxi __ _____ _ __ we-ka-iuie, are auioilltd io b * bill a few I C, f HE â'HRû KEDilllit COMPANY, Cough. Croup, etc., can »¡ways b«* *rilfi. l'rioe, ÊOe. Sold by druffinsU <*r «ent imondiMte luvorv. t and “ every ttfzrt will be math tu itgnrp utrt Wwti’ ’ " | ty E. V. UT ma». MMresft B. T.'UeiüftwD.NVurfÄ. F l HKttx ANDTHKKK. FOR THE LENTEN SEASON 11 NUNAN’S ACME OFF-SHORE MACKEREL, Your Liver? PARAGON MACKEREL, COLUMBIA RIVEE SALMON BELLIES GENUINE HOLLAND HERRING. EXTRA MESS MACKEREL IN KITS, OYSTERS, SARDINES. ETC. Rogue River Valley R y Co. T Infants Children N NE PLUS ULTRA. N GOOD LICK W ASHING MACHINE, T LUCKEY & CO REAL-ESTATE ON COMMISSION. ELEGANT NEW GOODS REASONABLE RATES Too Much Load ALLEN S NEWMAN FISHER'S SEEDS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Moore’s Revealed Remedy THE HANDSOMEST WORK Is King of the Blood, Liver and Stomach—It has never failed. ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI, MARBLE WORKS! Faber’s Golden Female Pills. T B J r CATA R R H L S • *