ühcgmotniiu'èiiui’s H».Kt AND THERE. The i g op» rainin'* a** fa-t as possible and throiivb the vai ey n th«* nurthb *u > be a b >1 • u>s line of road, n-* (be compnny nected w tb tbn journal. oani'g it now ar»* sp iring no expense to The 8‘ckm-SN that Illis b i make it such. sou'bern Or>g>n «he Tiie-t<»< k inspector of Lskecoui>‘y finds sort of n ffuei z ). is abating Furiunat« iy but 72.00 head of sheep in th it coumv this few deaths have occurred. >e son; but a tew favorable years will re- The railroad bridge carpenters have been t Irnisii tlie ranges once more after last busily engaged in overhauling ihe «resiles wint» r’s feaiful losses. One benefit result­ and bridges in th«* northern portion <•! ih«* ing will be much better prices fu$ the sur­ county for several ae«-ks p vt. plus • f mutton sheep. Tbe price «•( ÒFef citile ut the cities of Have you a friend ‘ back in America’ the coast is better than it • as been for whom you wi>h to remember you? Send sometime and ra advancing steadily, lhia him me T imes tor a year, ami ns weekly is great news for our siockim n. Vtiis wi I 0»- pleasant reminders of your Mr. Watts has arrived in Jacksonville from k ndness. Rem< tuber, ah the district new s Montana. He is looking for h’s brother, or on y |2 oh per annum, to any pari of J. Watts, fornier»y of Ja* k'O » creek, whom h l’nittd stales or Canada. h*- has nut set ti lor niu«»y }ears. Rev. Father Champagne expects to locate Geo. M. Love intends running a delivery a large number ot tnmilies of eastern im- muuAu ’M ms <• lomst* on the vacant govern­ waeon, for the < on venirne«- ot tbe pe«>pl«* « f lands e.buut Lakeview during the Jacksonville, if tbe business men will g«vr ment i •mmg Miminer. He i as been extensively him the proper encouragement. engaged in the colonization line in Acts at once, never fail«. DeWitt ’s Mmne&oia, before coming here. Cough ami ConsumptmnCure $ remedy A It is reported that both Medford and f«»r Asthma ami that feverish condition Ashland will get I he benefit of reduced rate-* whi« h accompanies a severe cold. on insurance, on account of having water­ Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure works m condition to successfully tight It is no more than right that they An excellent remedy for cramp“, cone ami fi.e where u tome for tbe atornach and b••web should d» rive some ben« tit from their enter- pris« in establishing the systems. is required. Sold bv ali druggists PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOTES. CENTRAL rOINT POINTERN. • John 8. Sims of the planing-mill was at Geo. W. Haye» left for Montana last No ‘ Califurnia on Wheel»" to-day. Ash and OU business one day recently. Sunday. Mewsrs. Parker an I Gay were here one Mike Forman, who wa* sent to Hie cala OFFICIAL PAMfl OF JACtSüN li Ü Uh TI, uR Col. It. A. Milter started for 8aleui last day 'ately. boose for a-sauiriHg one Whiteman a short Hurrah lor the railroad! Sunday. Firnt-cla»» potatoes for seed at the 8. F time since, served out his atnlence and is The Lenten .ie*«»on 1« here. .F EBRI A BY 13. i*H Abe Fisber baa relumed from bis trip to Variety St ire. free once more. G. W. Isaacs and W. Dodge of Medford Centralia, Wash. St. Valentine’« Day to-morrow. The •’Oregonian'’ of a late date says: Cal ed during the week. < i "Representative Merritt’s speech on MIMNb N1W* 1>. Lei ners oi I Valentine« at the 8 F. Variety Store. Chas. J. Howard of Grant'» Pas» was in Thursday niglit on wagon-road measures villo ou WeUlir.-d » town one day this week. was his maiden eflort. He was closely Frtab bread at the 8. F. Variety Store. Notices for the location u i ...rei anU H L. Wbiteof K iki’o’i.t was in town G>o. Hamlui of Eden precinct mude ur listened to and bis aigunient could not be quarts mine», etc., for saie at tut 1 in»» of­ Cured while you wait—Preaton’a •‘Red- again last Wedneulay. broken down by his opponents. This a pleasant call one day tills week Ake ” fice. Gen. E. L. Applegate is making bis Elder David Browtfr /held Dunkard aer- speech gives Mr. Merritt rank, among the leaders of the house." It IS reported that 11. T Hutchins has friends in town a visit. Call ui the 8. F. Variety 8:ore for valen­ vicea at the Naylor achoul-house last bun discovered a very promising quar.z ledge tines. day. Mr. McGee and wife spent Wednesday on the divide between Jru kson «.ree» ami A Meritorious Measure. W. C. Parsons, the Arizona capitalist, morning m Jacksonville. E B. Hunsaker was al Yreka lust week Foots creek. , Representative Jeunings, of Lane, has a spent a day at tbe Sterling mines this on bu»in«*aa. Chas. Prim made a professional visit to week. bill before the bouse for an act to secure The American Mining Code, standard "Caatorla Is »dwell adapted to children that Castori* eure» Colie. CoueMpaiiçn. Grant’s Pass ou Saturday. greater caution in tbe use of firearms in Fre*h bread can be obtained at lhe 8. F. authority on »11 subjects pertaining to Sour Stomach, Diarriirsa. Eructation, O. Gi b rt of Crescent city. Cal , has het n liuniing, and to provide a penalty f r kill­ I recommend it aa superior to any preecnpcion all milling, water-righi», eie., 1» kept tor V««riety Store. Kills M onna, givea sleep, and promote« xL- Hon. J. D. Whitman of Medford made paying tus former home in this section u ing or wounding human beings. The act known to me ” H. A. Aacuxa, M. D., sale al lhe ilMsa vttw. visit. us u visit one day tins Week. .S«*: tlnu'-up time is at hand. Don’t for- WitLtrtinjurious medicauoa. wi.uid make tbe persoi wh > liiooisani tlier Ill Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. While tbe mimi» generi iy have hail a *et »h«- pi inter. Miss Genevieve Mo .re, wbo lias been by mi-take fol a deer.liear, or othA wdd Levi M 'tris a> d Jas. Heims were at tbe vt*ry *1 *c*m««ping w ftlcr »«r. _u»Uio vi.-ii ng frienoa at Ashland, lias reiuinetl ai imal, guilty of criminal negligence, and, Thetuuniy j »ii wai without a prituuer coun'y »■»' lait Wedne-day. “ For several years I have recommended “ The use of ' Caatoria * is so universal and burnt. pruS^rCtii«g wih b< dun« out mg li$r coiuiug uni) a 1« w «lavs. upon conviction, would puni-h tom bv im Iu menu so well known that it seems a work Sour * Castoria,' and shall always cooUnue to Judge H onia paid Gram’s p«», a pro- lew Ululili» ; ali**» MJ* ’I1** bjdrau.iC' air Rt v J R. N Bell and family are conduct­ priontuent in 'he penitentiary m t less than o so as it has invariably produced beneficial of supererogation to endorse It. Few are the fesiional visit duiii'g the week. G C. terae1. lhe Likevirw attorney, has nearly »li »-rariy lu l.*kr a«ivania„v ui iVtTj ing ihe City hotel at Independence, Pols three yens and by a tine not exceeding Intelligent families wbo do not keep Castons result*.“ diOp oi available water, the output win gone lu&an Francisco. $114X1. Tlie bill is now m the bauds of tbe within easy reach •’ E dvim F. l’aanxx, M. D.. W. A. Owen of Central Point made tbe county. pr« bab>y uol be V€Ty far »Lu« l ut tue atti- C aiuxis Maarvs, D.D., county seal a visit a f< w days since. Fresh ora' ges, candies, lemons and nots “The Winthrop, l*Hi Street tud rib A t *. Several parties fr, ni upier Rogue river judiciary committee. New York City. age w«»oii. A >et »priug wuUtU proven went to Roseburg this week lo make prool New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Vviittobia boiinOZ » tu si lue ui the lint.ers ¡n ai tbe S F Variety store. Mrs. M N Longand little son of Asbland on 'heir limber claims. Siieculatlon Dangerous. tbe lower h Us. visited fiiends at Grant’» Pass last Week. Fresh hoi ev tn pitchers, only 30 cents, Scarcely a dav passes without tbe news We are glad to announce that the bill Pt It is reported from the Appl»guU section at he 8 F. Variety Store. Messrs. Edwards and N<>fl»ger <>f Talent ubo i»li the «Ute board of horticulture of some large failure Hashing over the tbal two tenderle« t, wbo Utcauie « xhuu precinct spent a while tn town on Wednes­ Was killett in the aetiatr. L t t «Dim»-ei'ceii dav before yesterday, wires—lhe usual result of speculation in over ibe converrai»« n ol s me old m u a which was Ash Wednesday day. The legi-lature has passed a memorial to stocks or some equally dangerous venture. rrgaidii'g 8«.tur parti« uiai .y r»cii u ggmgs... The same electric current carries to dear John S. Hamrick of C’e'itral Pouit pre­ tlie war deuariment asking (bai Fort Klam­ Theda)" are growing lunger and soon e»r»y uay:*, ruuciudvd inty w< uiu»«r d dislant friend lhe sad tidings of death of cinct made us a pleasant call during the ath be regarrisoned. That’s right. 'Upper vn ill be eatvii beb>re dura. (bey cuutd noi itdocuvet tbe u»d dilli; loved ones—too often the result of specula week. A man named Allen found a rich tioti in patent nostrums. Moure's Revealed that »ueb murarti siucess »u« « <.e«> II you are a candidate for a town iflice. Jos. IL uden and Max Jacoby of Gold qtlariz ledge near lhe conjunction of Lane their effort’* Cha« liiry 1« uK • ut uve» IK» ,«i make ),.nr wants kiio^n at on«e. Remedy is no speculation, but is sold on Hill were at the county-seat during tbe and Ui.low creek, one day ibis week du.»l lb« very tirar day ibey avi»« lo aura, positive guarantee. Do not fail to go to week. M «t'hai Gri~ ) elsewhere announces amt lhai they nave d lie i«iun b> IH n.ealis mt i li'ispital jres eiday. He was about 65 years buy another bottle ...Ij For sale by ail drug- Jacksonvilleon Tuesday, accompanied by Henry R *b« rts , ot Linkvihe. viaitid ol age tuuieiy worked ou» yet gists. her son Ed. fi Aliil.i in A>h «i.d during the week. Dr Loomis. Ibe spe. ial land agent, was W J. Boody ot Washington, who is so ­ Important Ruling. Firste«-ia>s cedar fence posts fui wale iu BUI, That Should Paas. in this aeciion last week, tie proposes to journing in the valley,niadeour town a call rigidly < ross-i xeinme those who make quanlitlt s tOsUllal lhe 11MK8 office In lhe case of the Oregon and California A mtmuriMi wa- exitiAtivtly cucuhiui a few days ago. tin,<1 proof a< R .seburg hereafter. Railroad ( ampany ag-»in.-1 George Pickard, mid sipiie«i in lb«- upp« r vmihv a .u i.a- Wr.l 1’ } male haj gone to Ashtend to Mr« Harsh 8tou«ht has returned home on appeal by said company from a decis­ A heavy windst .rm prevailed throughout been presented to iht egialuiure b> Keprr- take a p su on in tbe “ ridings ’ « ffi e. Is Now Complete in Every Department. We are 'o Pheenix af'er a pleasant trip to Ala­ lhe valley yesterday, which did some ion of the commiNSiuner of tbe general •rnlMiive ki» < a , pr*yu g *ur au m H Frch of Chimney Rock precinct viait- meda county, Cal. dauiHge. It is reported that the tool of tbe land office rejecting its claim to a «¡barter tiuu of 910,000ul aiMteiunu? tor tbr purp.-ar Displaying the Latest Novelties. section of lam> at Oregon city, the secre­ nt re pal * lU^ ami pUUH.g H> goo»i Ctn.ililxoi •«» «h coun y-rtat one day this week. John Miller left for Iowa last week to pay .Medford roller mill Was blown oil'. ihe <4u wagon j«>ad ir-m Kurut nvn for ib>8 ai p»upi ia> >uu ba* beta Mi. sloes Mutual Indeniliiiy Association. in (juesiion, having been excepted from Sub**» rq t ns t«» the «tai y and weekly buihlitig LW r>’«is o! cumbin «t'u i fe i< t c <»>e de a • f the lesser of the twin boom Mrs N Lotuieil Is »fid in Portland, but Several »gents for this society are now m ai pedant’s gn;nt by the prior entry of McCall’s rspecuti c.»re, «no 1' •!»< tm *» g Ex u>inei’’ taken at the T imbs office. He put the population her b-’a'th is Huproving so steadily that she lhe field. n.r Cai»«. Crow» li and .«on. w. «> now « w.i cities »»I the imrih male fur Mr. Meir il'ali iia » >12 (AJO ■ Cross, was subject to lhe entry of Weber, under whom Pn kard m w maims I ti e y ung g anl at 35,tM>0. and c.-nimg a expected home soon. tbe Stephenson place near town fur a ruau ir» m Emile Fu»i>l '•» K.a.u*. $« Monthly insunimenu» of $10 will buy a Miss B.rttia Autenrieth of Yreka, Cal., within iwooftl.e Census bureau s figures county. B*»tb m-auuirs »tuuiu lecrtve >ou->e anu lot in Colo from Scott Griffin. • The largest ami best stock of onn snoa slid imgers on ihr footbi'.ls thinks the creai v< lume « f s««uiheastern mer haunt» ai ail, and eveiytliing is in ex­ Eil Wilkinson and wife of Medfonl spent lolo fast week. It w«e in bad condition isguaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction or more *e 1-grtfd* U wag n :<> •<;» over ilhi *n by that route money refunded Price 25 cents per box it*. It nt cmuiiion. Hay will not command Bunday in Jacksonvil e. The latter is still and consequently buried at once. divides the moi v secure win O»eg»m b in For «nlehv alldrnggists Chris. Beale of Big Butte,Jackson c «uniy, an\ th ng uke the tiguie it did last spring. visiting her relatives here 1» Pituer, «■'■ns'able of Eden precinct, C. Coleman and E. W. Carver will not retaining ibe rapmiy gruwii.K Ba«ie ui tiir southeastern cutiniies, and di. citing 11 Wisheiea kw day sag»* on« tfijial business. ba“ b-en visiting tus brother, Win. Bed *, The Lakeview “Examiner” publishes Miss Delpha Masterson returned home to at cept the damages allow, d them by the • il K ama h county during the p ist week froiuStn Frant»scu a.*» it- t»»?e *f su»-piit». Kuad Supervisor Dean of Willow Springs He m««y possible conclude to mente there, the names ui several delinquent debtors Gold Hida few days since, after a visit county commissioners’ cuuit and have ap NEW THIS WEEK. pealed tbe matter tu the circuit court, The matter is urgent, and *e uu-d will re who h.*vc eit that town without settling «ith friends in Line county h «“ b* en r« i airing the roa 9 in bis district. lxrvi Morris bus accepted the amount c«ive early ami laVuroble ailei»i.iuu at Mrs. P. Watson has let the contract up, and if some of tlie citizens of this Chas. W. Wolters, Medford's clever awarded bun in that road controversy. SaielU. We ought tu iitve these appropri­ Andy Weidner of Talent was here for enclosing her i«»tiu the cmi-tery t.» tin* i ounty are not more prompt and pnrtieu ation», Ly all mean*. Bom road» <$rv Uauiy W di es«lay with alo d of choice vexeiab.es Jacksonville Marble rVurks. wh en is now iar m meeting their obligations in baser and grocer, made tlie T imes a friendly A- the T imes weot to piess this morning needeu,a d we -rust the de>n«d appropria­ ihe future, they uuy look for similar call Tuesday. He is doing a good busine-s. we lesined >hat a big slide in Hie Cow engaged in doing some elegant work there ­ T n ihouwand fret ol lumber at Sam’s val­ tion« will be rais'd from the mai«Diti- ir sc a let r ley -« boul-huuse lor sale bv Scott Griffin of home on Antelope cr-ek during last week. train from arriving at Medlord, attached I.do • Tlie counties of Lahr. Klamath and Pr«»f. C. 8. Price is engaged in plan ing by Hie jutni comnittue iu wmcu »bey wcie Dr Pryce of Medford being in attendance. to which wul be lhecars c .main ngtbeCa'i- rtierrea. Cb« ice five-acre tracts in Nickell’s ad­ 15 u« res «.f an orchard on his pr >pertv ne r I Harney desire to be formed into a separate loi niw exhibit that lias been east for the Mrs Jackson Ilockersmith of Ashland past 15 months. dition to Medford ureoffered on favorable Ash and, having con'racted with Wm. T agricultural district and a»>k the legislature Be >gle to prepare the ground ami plant the to grant them lhe customary allowance of will vi’il her daughter, Mrs. Sarah Morton, terms. Accidents. $l.VX) annudly, to be expended in pre­ at Tenino, Wash., during tbe next several A shooting match for the championship trees. Ashland markets are now supplied with of Jackson.Douglas ami Josephine counties, John Carney, one of the owners of the A grand ma“k ball is announced in Lake­ miums. It is bardiy likely that they will weeks Ladies will find our Goods Fresh and New. be m * coiumodaied, as only one fair can be for a silver medal, will take place at Gold uiou irotu the vicinity of Rose­ view for Friday evemne, February 20 h I'entrai Poiut hotel, met with an ac< idiot Utupqua We are sorry to learn that T. L. Beck is Hill ou the 21st. The excess of entrance tn tbe Cow creek canyon last week which burg. whn b is expected l*i be une of the girai siiccessfu ly maintained in this district. Iviug very »'< k with asrbina at the residence fees over lhe price ot the medal <*15* will for a time lo-ked very .»ein u*. He was Rogue river apples are retaking for $3 00 of lohn 8. Brown in Willow Springs he added Comic anti sentimental valentines in social events of lhe bunch grass belt ibis Distances: lUUyardswith rest; foreman of a gang ot carpenters wi.o we«- year per box in San Francisco, and even better prec net. re k • prolusion al “ “ “ ” ’ ’ the 8. F. Variety 66 yards, oil baud; five shois, string meas takmg down the a-t span re of DeWitt’s Little Early county-seat on Saturday, accompanied by senseo*» ; nut the col I water revived lulu R anie“ A White’s. Go and judge for Risers than any other pii»; their action is Your Examination i ,slime. Hr y juiseif. easy, do not gripe i-r cause i .;$ i . j , are ibe (he qua ity if ti>h. flesh ami fowl that have empl -yes. was brought io t i m ral Point on ihe ireight they will reach ihere,as they almost strand < hui«-e clean alfalfa seed. 13 cents a he«l reguiat« r of the Liv«r, S’. nitch and adorned iheir tables the past few mon'hs. train, ano Dr Parson, the c .ii«| uny sur­ ¡•oui’d in lots to suit at Nuiitoii’s store,Juck- Bowels I ’nil), in mis laud of mia ami honey,there G. W. Alfiriclit. wlm returned from Cali­ ed here. geon, was »utuuioneil tv ailend mni lhe >oi.v lie. is no iea>on whv anvone sh uild not live fornia oti Wetluesd iv evening, was the first We are sorry lo learn that tlie d wellmg- a . Lamb, the Phccnix miller,ivi«ite«i th«* doctor found that bis injuries were i'ke a 'ord. Wuh a very litile assistance regular |>a«seiiger who traveled over the bouse of Ja< D. Stevei.s • f biaie creek pre- Astounding in Its Effects in the Win. Pence ami bis son Dave, of Elk upper valley one day last week. This mi l fr- tn the band of man, nature will here pro­ new radroad supertit lai and ibat be will recover with­ ciii. t was desiroy d by fire last ¡Saturday ere« k, were over to the Forest creek diggings continues to hoi i its excellent reputati'n vide, ready for our using, more b »unte- out any i rouble. Cure of Rheumatism, Asthma, under bis management, and is uoing a tine Chas. C. Pursell and family have returned night, tegether witli all its contents. Mrs. Max Webster, son of Rev O J. Webster, thl“ Week. ou ’ ly o' her most toothsome dainties than business. from tlnir visit to Grand Bend, Kansas. 8. was iii tins section ami her husband was Mai aria, Biliousness or any met with a painful accyoeut on Jan. .’10 b inmost anywhere el-e in the known world Noles, receipts, due-bills,drafts, etc., in < barley has almost recovered from his »t Wilderviile at tlie lime. A defective that might have proved serious. In draw An assistant superintendent for the Link- Hue probably was lhe origin of the fire. book form, handy and first-ciass. at the other disease arising from de­ Edson Bros, have completed their pr<>- serious illness ing a loaded gun—a 22 ca ibre rifla, called T im km office vilie-Lakeview stage line has hern pruims- Phil. Stevens imorms us that they have a pea-gun—toward him through a picket e«i Mr. B’gg«. wh • finds the duties «d the posed improvements at the bhovel creek Fred. H. Rowe, the well known lumber* gone to housekeeping again. ranged Liver. Stomach, or Kid­ spring**, ami ihe public can rest assured of fence, I be gun was discharged. Tbe budei A P« ol of Eagle Point has been improv­ office too much fur one man to attend fo D. R Davis, traveling superintendent ample accommodations there in the future. man. passed through the valley fur San The Only Aa/r f'r«i to state, everything was well done i ' ll'cling iaxe« a'tmg lhe line ot the 8. I*. railtoad through the Cow creek canyon, shoulder-blade.—(Asbland '1 idi.igs. «¡uickly ch anvd. they havii g been temporarily removed i hr oughuut. K. R lie brought home over $4.0UO. A big >«S“<>riment of fresh garden seeds, druggists. higher up the m luntaiii during the pro- M rs . C has . A. R usseij ., who is favorably PRICE, .50 Each. ■« f « f ■,< lover, muotby, etc., st the 8. F. Sudden Death. rhe Ltkevlrw “Examiner ’ thinks tbe J. T. Breeden is preparing to »et «»ut one Clias Graves and Cb»s Dut>ee of Linla- gress ol the improvements going on there. known throughout the Northwest, says: Variety 8t«»re. In I io « re tie a separate agm ultural district vtlie passed through town Sunday, en route thousand ft uit trrea on ins Applegate “For fifteen year» I was a constant sufferer Liberal discount to A ah iiin . Sainplo Samuel C< zzens, the colored man who ranch this sea-on. T iaf locality i“ said to ou' of Lake, KI.«tuaih ami Harney counties bom* frem Louse creek. Joaephine county, from asthma without any relief, except that by mail on receipt ot price. bus lieeu living on tbe hill m tbe southeast-, I’ is pr«>bable that (he W I', telegraph Again lu the Toils. obtmin'd by constant change of localitv. Two i> destined tube tabled in ihe legislature, where they have been engaged tn prospect­ ern portion of town for sometime t»«-t. was th e \v ll i e removed to the railroad depot be particuiai iy well adapted to th«* iru’t as F. B. CASK CO. years ago I tru-d M oohe > R rvealed R emedy K .iina'h does nut wish to be included culture. Ja«. Parr, a tramp who »tide an overcoat ing found dead in bis bed by Thus -M Siewart D> u lew days. tin* benefits received from it were tbe 14Uti Valencias«.. Sau Francisco. Cai u ibe new district. Lakefounty will pre­ fr. ni M. Beilinger’s wagon at .Medford an«l on Munday al ter noon He no doubt most arat it ving. It gave me relief from the Gram is raising in price, good wheat sell­ pare i h hold a- good a fair without stale W. H. Shook of Klamath county visited While the owner was attending a Christmas first, and prevent«*«! the terrible distr«-as pecu­ Hay «’on iones firm, ihe baled article ing at fiO- notified si we nog at $12 a t n ami the loose at that cmt.“ a Ou-brl f.«r a mt of BMM) U“hel-« by <$ -end «ti excellent exhibit to lhe Southern during tlie week He wm go to California the meshes of the law fur a similar offenae bearable. Any on«* who has ever had asthma once and an inquest was bed h< Jud Ce sum d« 1 Vritd luiding firm a few days Silice, but w »ul days can understand th«- gratitude I feel toward Plymale, acting as coroner. Dr. D>-Bai was Isaac Louden, who is at work at Rowe, not accept it. master, Dixon and Sylvester. juurn in tbecounty jail tbal be resolved to this remedy. Believing it has ndd«*d pleasant summoned and a jury empaneled, con­ ■Doug a.“ county, has been visiting relatives At a meeting of the city council of Ash­ years to my life.I have not hesitated to recom­ Your cough will not last all winter; Eugene Freeland, wbo has been employed get bat K into tbe institution. So be stole mend It to all like sufferers, and always with sisting of A. Thon p-on. Adam Sibiutl, in tms seen« n. land last week. Col J T. Bowditci# was TO'THE PEOPLE OF JA< KStiN CTRBV Y«‘U Will not be kep» awake al night ; the same happy n*sults.” H Harrison, Gu<. Newbury. 8 P D-Ro AND JOSEPHINE COINTIES. app ointed city attorney for the ensuing solong at the bans of Asbland a» book­ an overcoat, a pair of pantaloons, etc You will ge» immediate reliei if Ja k 8 elting who was struck by a roll- boam and Frank Ka»»bai»r. who returned year. A ma'ter of great delicacy, requiring keeper, has re«ign«d his position and gone fioui the room of J. p. Hobson, who is employed on 8. L. Bennett ’ » farm near You wil use De Will's C«»u*:h and Con ­ mg l«»g ui hr Siskiy >us a few days ago, is to Portland to reside. Vice-President F. H. the following verdict; ”We, the jury em­ « X|>enei»ce and «he exercise of diplomatic Medford Pair was arrested at T. lent The undersigned 1» now luaiiufaeluring at sumption Cure. paneled to enquire into un ihe evening he was H. L. 1! ill ’ s , tbe Portland timber land­ bound him over to appear before the grand B tewart -H olmes D rug C o .. Seattle, Wash. Samuel l ozzeus ; that tie'S a Colored man takes place, and candidates should make tiatmg for ihe pure a-e <4 the well-known appointed 1 hat the doughty colonel will buyer. last week crossed the t'aat’ad»» over Gregon,the jury, and n default of bail lie was brought U5 years ot age. ibat he cam» to his denih iheir vi aids k m»w. Toiman springs property, near A“hland acquit hini-elt well in the difli ult affair the Dead Indian route, in company with to J at kioi.vd.e bv A. Z. 8 are and turned s-imet'me during ibe dai of ih> ti li of Feb whicti rumor says he wui improve to the goes without saying. J. K. Leabo, to invest’ga'e «onr' timber over to ihe shenfT tor safe keeping. Be­ ruary , 1SU1. aiul that lhe cause ot bis d-aiii R .»men A Wh ie have just received fullest extent. The mi’diie-r* < f the present winter has land there. Tn>ortnient ut tine shoes. was apupiexy " To the H on . C ounty C ourt of J a « k « on a good cham e ol serving lhe slut.; gt C ounty J. C. .Myrtle, recently from Hptikane | J furnished an exhaustle's subject for com­ Call and *ee them E. W. Allen of Portland, wl.o furnishes . S tate of OREtiON: We. the under- by A.M. Willson of Gn-enlt af. Kansas, and wil A Curious Case. Fai s, last w«-ek purclmsed the resul nee ment. obi sett ers and m weotuers vie ng the best n *rtbern~grown se* ds, lies some­ Saiem for a w|ii*c. signed citlz mt* and Titters of Gold Hil’ pre­ say to the public that we have the B y“ A Jeffrey have at Iasi rompleted wliit e.till other iu paying homage to Ore­ thing to sat to tlie readers of the T imbs ip cinct. county of Jacksun. State ot Oregon, re- A Grant'sFaasdi-pao h of ihe 10th say-: th* ir work m Cow creek canyon for the * r«»perty of Dr A. C. H» ¡m at Ashland for gon’s ma ■ ch less Climate. Thou h ihe another Column. They are quite popular Rpectrullv p«*titi«>n your honorable ftody to K. R. V. K R. $2 400, and wdl soon remove his family to Brut and Most Dura lilt Machine "Mi»s O lis Lindsay, ih- daughter < f pi... ra lroad compai. y. grant to M. F. Hull an»er» ot this county, w»s taken »nd i< n y Tbe parties now owning the railway be­ sell spirituous Ii«|uor8 in quantities leas than iu the State, and will put II against any other been unusual in its uniform mildness, it can represented. R« v F E Jones of the Eugene Christian 111 on Saturday »ft-rnu .u and neonoMucrd tween Jacksonville and »Medford haw one gallon, for th«‘ term or mx months: Hammon Bros.still ship occasional car- m>i be regarded as phenom« nal, since it is manufacture tor Jarnea Dodge, J Taylor, Kobt Hardman. dead Monday by physiciHos. Tlie funeral «bur« h bem a series of meetings st Ash- loa«l <•( apples to San Francn-c > and other nut the duplicate of several winter? to which Capt. A, C. Smith, the genial gentleman formed a corporation, known as the Rogue Julien Riennl, Wm P Jacoby, Jesse Dodge, b RAPIDITY AND GOOD WORK. took place in the Methodist church, South, land during tbe wreek. ’ • I. A t»,A .-A» fl»a«VhMA*t« points, ah hough the traffic has about °ea>t «l tlie memory ot the pioneer runneth back wbo has recently purcliased a portion of River Valley Ranruad Company. They Ray. F M Fr«*d« nt»nrg. E K Cardwell, Chas this afternoon. A t tbe close of th» »ervu e, Tne depot ami warehouse nf the R. R. V. for this season. They shipped two car­ I wuh pride. the Herrin ranch near Phoenix, for the are putting everything in tirst-clam« order Griffith»«, William Smith. J J Houck. W F when ihe friends ware passing around tlie R R C«>. at hi.*« p act are nearly completed loads last week purpose of putting out an orchard amt and will *‘o«»n have a good road in every re­ Shaffer. Jas S Horn. C W Stuart. I E Delaiy, G Tlie c< I* bratetl esse of the Vnited States coffin io take a lareW'-lf g ance. »oineone ami are neat buildings. spect. Their new rol»tng-sto< k will be put M Davis, »Tas McDougall. J L Rowe, Nelson PRICE OF MACHINE. *1«»,eo Francis Fitch ami A. 8 Harun O"d wero ' against Charles t . Stone and E J. Hide vineyard, has energetically begun opera­ <11 lhe mad ms soon ms completed noticed that her chress were fin-bed. »ml The Hebert. S K Robbins. .1 N Mitchell. S rt Moore, tions and will soon have one of tlie nicest Delivered to any address iu my district. lhe body was taken ba> k home and ml The Gobi H'll rea«ling circle has proven allowed $25 »a« h for «lefendmg 1. J. 8fary Ì was bruugut to a c use in Judge Deauy’s places in the valley. fust regular trips were made ye-ierday mihj 1) F Firmer. J B Dungan, A Huoton. Georg«* Kalls. J H Williams. Cha“ N l*ainbcrt. W L known means of resuscitation are h. ¡i g of g'eat benefit to tbe membership during they bavii g been app'inud oy Judge court one day I ist wet k by Hie arraignment AddretM all orders to ham's Va’Icy. Oregon proved ^uite successful. lhe following McClure, W H Runnells. J F Ralls, M P Ja­ Web-ter to appear for lhe defendant, who of tiotii of the prisoiieis for sentmee Mrs. Emilia Thayer Rice, daughter of crew is in charge of the tram : Mr Riden coby, W Dungev. Dr J B Walter, E M Roten, used. Many ate confld' nt that she i- on y the long winter evenings. had no attorney. Ibey each received ihree years for subor­ the late Hon. A. .1. Thayer, who recently h air, engineer; Wi 1 Farr.er. fireman, and T Thomas, W D Dogden, T J Moor«*. W S in a iranee. a» a com.quence ol congestion J. B. WELCH. S .iw fell to tbe denth of two inches in nation of perjury, and Stone was al.-o died in S.tn Francisco, was buried at -John D^ar, conductor. Ibe fare is onh’ Eaton, Thus IsHwrenc«*, M Foley, Lewis Sex­ of ibe brain." Dwellers in the foothills who hive been Nou'hern Oregon Monday night, but most auer, F M Pai k«*r, P T Smith, R F Yocum, P awarded two years for conspiring to de- Corvallis Mr.« Rice was a native of Ben ­ 20 cents each way, but what lhe freight getting out wood for lhe railroad this !of it .soon melietl away. Smith, J W Walker. A Boy Tries to Keep His Word. winter have not lost many days, and will trauil the government. Tb.riaiter swindled ton County and a lady much beloved by all charges will be we have nut lean ed as vet e number of people iu this section about IS wbo Jtnew her. Hon’ Richard Williams of U h is to be hoped that the enterprise will Attention is cslled to the advertisement of realize on their contracts much earlier than Lnkvulr. Or., Feb. 6 —Fred Clift was >e- month» ago. Portland deliveied a very interesting ad­ prove a remunerative one. If you want THE BEST, buy riously slabbed by J< Im Fairchild, a 19 the Spencerian Pen Co . which manufac­ usual in consequence. dress at tbe funeral. tures ihe best pens made. In S itu's valley recently .while D . Duggan year-o'd son of John Fairchild of Siskiyou, Headache is the direct result of I idige“- Applegate-Williams Stage Line. Lora Hollis of the Hollis-Lent Dramatic Cal. Cl.ft was intoxicated and sought a Saturday and Sunday nights were clear tion and Stomach Disorders Remedy these mill lit« .»oil Johnnie were cutting brush Hereafter the following rates ot fare wil quarrel with Fairchild, wbo tried to escape ami co|erionuance that ff the Merchant you «leal with does not keep rest. No blame is ai tal lied to Fairchi.d, M Purd n.paid off th*-employees of the R. as we have very few thoroughfa es that and when the gun arrived he shot tbe eat, evening to enable tbe troupe to get out of them, send to ALLEN direct. He (»ays the bringing lulu down the first time are worth mentioning. town. A pioneer or the child of a pioneer wbo acted only in self-delense Dentistry. R V R R. Co. last Tuesday. postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent free. never appeals in vain to tbe sympathies of Will. Jackson, surgeon dentist, will pay Our friends should give DeWitt’s Cough I feel it my duty to sav a few words in coast residents. J H. Pr»stop, who was recently sent to Proposals Wanted. professional visits to the following places ; and Consumption Cure a trial No disap­ ri ga il to Ely 's Cream Balm, »ltd 1 do so A ddress : E. W. ALLEN, the pen. from this county, is acting as pointment follows the use of this te iab e entirely without solicitation. I have used All tlie fever patient» at Ashland are re Jacksonville, February 221, where he will Proposals for ti.e delivery ol 10U cords ol flunky in that state institution. medicine, ami it merits the praise received it more nr less half a ye.ir, and have found potted to be couvaiescent at last, although rtniain until the 28tb; Glendale, fioni 171 Second Street. Portland, Or. wood will be received at the c> mpany’« It to be most ailiiiirab.e. I have rutlered some of them had quite a serious tipie March 1st to 5th • Canyonville, from March Geo. Conn, aim has been st Portland and from all wbo use it. »i.ilon at Jaeksonvnle until lliursdai, lioiu catarih of ilie worst kind ever sime 5tti to 12'btyud'e, from March 12th to Februar» 19,1X91 Woo i to be of sound fir Salem nnsse 1 through the valley recently, .•••AT”” Chinese new year commenced this week, 1 »a« a lit'ls boy. and 1 never hoped for wlnle ill, notably Miss .Mabel Wagner, who K>tb. Piates lined and artificial teeth delivered ai d slacked alongside i t trai k, b «mid for hi* h< me at Paisley. and the average Mongolian is enjoying cure; but Cream Balm seems to do even was at one time very low. The cause of filled wuh gold. Satisfaction guaranteed the visitation is to some extent still a not less iban 4x4. 2 feet long, 12H ■ ub'c feet Everybody km ws scrofula to he a disease himself. Large numbers of fire-crackers Many ol uiv acquaintances hive my.-tery, though the drinking water ot that at reasonable rates. to the cord. Cash wiii be pani «»li accepte <»f ihe hlo»»«i, and Hood sS«rN«parilla is the and bomb« have been exploded and that used it with excellrtit results. — Oscar portion of tbe town i$ generally held ac­ ance. 1 bes« remedy for all blood diseases. ‘ biandee” ff »ws *ike water. Osi rum, 45 War ran Are., Chicago, DI. countable. Vf Vie sick folks who were Pruning. W. HoNCVMVX The railroad company will carry mti 1 An in* rease of i ension has been granted President Rogue River Volley K.ilwoy Toe National Granite Company, who corlfitied lo their rootus longest, Daniel Geo. Mickey of Gali ’s creek, who has had Chapman and Hie members of his family [ P< Ik Huh f th«* Meadows, one of the most andexpr«bs matter between Jacksonville have Ho < i ntracl for supplying tbebuildiug Company much experience in horticulture, i, en­ an«i Medt«ir«i hereafter. Ed. Warman ha» j enterprising citizens of that section. Portland. Feb. 13. ISD1. m i tor »evrfrai large Portland structured are all about »L’am, Fred Wagner is able to gaged in priming and fixing up a number be up, and In He Hull» little RuHi Le««h Leeds and Ouia taken bis strige off the route, alter an e. now m prta-ess of erection, baveb'en oblig­ ('ru< ker are recovering ol orchards in the vaVey- He does good A fine line of trunks, valises and hand rapidly. I I ba»iN of ml Nixes ami prices has just been decent service of several years. Religious. 'd to open anew quarry on their prenil.-es work and hq prices are reasonable. Those I Don't Fail to Call and See them before going above Asbland, owing to injunction pro ­ needing Ilia services should address him at A man employed on the trestle work at Rev M. C. A’eridge will presch at Mid­ received at the 8. F. Variety 8tore. llelmes Bunnem <’ullage ceedings having been instituted against Kock Point. _____ Talent by Ericks«»n Co., was hurt ford the first Sunday morning and rv. n'iw Elsewhere. Key West, imported and domestic cigars wmle handling a scraper. Dr. Parson, hem tn the circuit curt for removing the Of Portland. Ur., will open Sept 1st J. of e»< h tin nth ; seroi d Sunday, al Antelope —the best and most popular brands in tbe the railr»a«i companv’s surgeon, fear« flume of the West Ashland Ditch Company A. Weeco, the leading penman of the coast at 11 » M , and •' Eagle Point at 7 f. M ; market—at tbe 8 F Variety Store. REAL ESTATE TRA.NSFERS. !roin the line ot iheir lower quarry The has becotre » partner in this school and will that his injuries are quite serious. third Sunday al Talent at 11 ». st and at PERFECTION FOR THOSE WHO WRITE RARPtX The following deeds have been recorded in Case w.Il be fought out tbiough the higher make it the leading business college. *iend Meilfotu i" lhe »veiling; fourth Sunday at DeWitt’s Little Early Risers; only pill The frosts of the past week are doubly courts. the office of the county recorder since the last itnixwibl • tt» make them »tick in the yaftr, Kpnrt, or catalogue Jacksonvile at 11 i. si. and at 7 r. st. ' for < Ur me CoDStination, Indigestion, welcome to our fruit raisers, as they re- or blot W ite very smooth and ctm. Sample» report of the T imes : bold by E. C. Brooks. FREE <.n receipt of return uOeUgc. 2 < te. Adi Rev. Father Watry is bolding Lenten i Dyspepsia Mrs. K. Kubli and Miss J Orth had a tarded the growth of the fruit buds as well James Rock to Stephen Oyster, quitclaim to •ent The First Step. for P. P P Hnt, services at different points in bis ein mt. 100 acres In twp ;« s, r 4 w; |U7H. D<»n t fail to read C. W. Wolters’ adyer- as aided the cultivator in preparing the nar ow escape from a serious uccident StO Broadway, M. N. Long to Georg«»Crowson, 5acres north Perhaps you are run down, can’t eat, Rev. R. C Ogle«by recently organiz'd » tiseiu» nt elsew here. He keeps only choice > soil for planting, an important item hi set- while on tbe way to Medfoid one day re- •9 New Yo*. veiiily. a support of tbe buggy seat having can’t sleep, can’t think, can t do anything of boulevard in twp s. r 1 e: &KI0. ting an orchard. church al Emigrant creek, in Ashland g«»ods ami sells at very reasonable rates. ,G. H Baker to Miss Helene Buhlmeyer, lot 1, precinct, with eighteen m- tubers. re- b oxen, pio ipi'atmg the llrst-named lady lo your satisfaction, and you wonder what blk 2. M.dford; >500.85. Once in seven years—the body is A tew copies ot the American Settler’s t • the ground. One of tlie lines dropped, ails you. You should heed the warning. E E »Miner to Susie E Heynner, lots 37 and 38 Giiiiie, «tamiaril authority on all land I newed The nl««od must have the elements but U i * m > Orth held to the other and glint You are taking the first step into Nervous in Miner’sadd to Ashland; $400 • •f vitality. Wnght ’ s Compound Syrup of If Your House is on Fire matters, umy oe lounii at the Truce office, Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic, and C K Klum e| al to Georg«* W E«lwards Zi ed ihe boise they were driving into the ’ Sarsaparida cleanses and enriches the in Electric Bitter» you will find tbe exact inter «Mit in hits 1, 2. A 4. \ rt an«l 7. blk “K,’1 In tlie mutter of tbe ostate of Samuel Cooras, You put waitron the burning timbéis, not deceased. Fre.b buck - heat flour, rolled oats, boney, . biodi, and give« a new impetus to life, neiresi fence, wb"n assistance arrived. remedy for restoring your nervous system aud lota 17,18. 10 and ¿1). blk “M,” Talent; $400. Fortunately Mrs. Kttblt did not susiam on the sluoke. And if y< U have caiarrh m.iple »ugT an oilier table delicacirs i Sold by all d»uggiste. otice is hereby given thaï the Wui H Brown to George Crowson. 1« a« res to its normal healthy coq I'tion Nurpris- BELONCINC TO THE serious injury by tier tall, though rhe had you should attack tbe disease in the til o-'. ! just rt ce.ved at ibe 8 F Variety Store Äs, r 1 e; $2U0. undersigned tuu been appolntydadiuinUtra. mg resul s follow tue u-e of Illis great in A twp Re rder Holmes this week receded the a close call. not 'n tour nose. Remove lhe impure tor of the iodate nettle the samr- immediately, and Price 50c. at all pattern of H oaietta cloth, and not a baby will cure a iy Case of the liquor habit in action Try a bottle. manently cures caiairb 1 also si'ength- Ihooe having claim» against the estate wyi Tbe intai.t ebllil of Frank Hmi'li, which 1 carriage, as ri por’ed. la ml (map 187«); $24di. i from ti n to thirty^lays, from Hie moderate drug-stores I am now offering at great bargains the following : ens lhe nerves. Be sure to gel only H-otl's lm«b. en v> ry »ick wnb pneumonia, i» im A C Helm to J C Myrtle. quitcleJiU tu k share priwtit H k ’U i to me at my |>l»<-<-«if iiu.liK«« at [drinker to the drunkard. The Antidote Satsapaiilia in East Ashland water ffiteh, belonging to Jarkaoiivtllc, Ja< k«iMi county Oraron, with Last week 8enat« r <’ameron introduced • ' can be given in a cup of coffee without the provn e under tbe trea'nieiit of Dr. De Bar. 24 new Deering Mowers. Better Than a Gultl Mine. The Steam Flouring Mill ur<.p A B Gregory. k>U jd receives a better income from J.xo. F. W hite . tion to th«* office of marshal, subject Io tbe de­ Mr». Biu'-Hue €. Hahn» lutMlonarv tor 1st cision of the voters a» the ensuing town elec­ from Mansg« r Jacksonvii.e Marni' Work». Em er 8'epben»on, formerly of thiscoun- markets down by th«* b«y, being far stipe _ erpp ol lot g. lustrous wool this spring the same vestment than can be Neck Yokes, Double and Single Trees, Wagon Spring Seats, ilnr l he 11 irks of ibe valley are now »o nearly »ny olherUine of busln»*,» you ¿an li*liLl»l ctrari h, Troy. N. V.. a»ya: “iBni only tion. i riur to the local product ( H. AV. GKIMEH, ly, 1» l ow a resident of Silver city, Idaho, Dated Fi b 13. letlrl trre from the scab that Hie practice ot fall this land \ont $5r> to $75 per a,-re ni The too Kind to »dd iny tiKtlinony to th»- Krcnl Jacksonville, Or.. Ftb. 12,1W1. rows, Stove and Mower Extras, and a great muny other where lie is engag'd ui the Wood aud coal Tbe Pmtea below Lakeview have just -bearing is no longe- absolutely necessary ♦aluu of Dr. David Kviinixly’s Fnvorltv Ki’ino- Company ol halem .Oregon. dy. madi at Kondoul. N. V. I< han permanent­ bus in« as. Bogue Hirer Valley Railway Co. caught the fever and have been engaging ami «1 I douhil«»» be abandoned to Sonie Oregon La articles too numerous to mention. ly cured me of Smull in size, great in results: DeWitt's in «he gh"«t dance every night lately. Jhas | extent in the future. Tlie stock tn»i>ectmn Passetig-r trams wid c nmt* n*’e running for parlicnlars aud tenns call or write to 8herl«H'k, who lives near the camp had a Kidney Trouble», law has been of vast benefit to tne sfici'i' g»l Blaaks. on Thursday. Feb. 12, 1S91- The following, Link- Early Riser». Best pill lor Constipa­ I’marrli of tne Bladder. al»o ot Gua»uiiu>tloii. MRS. J- KAREWSKI, Executrix, Jacksonville, Or. , For —fwaals tri’/C’ 1 n 1» the time schedule unUl further notice: tion, best for 8ic» Hea«lacne, best for Sour curiosity to see the performance, and he raiser« of tlie coon y, for witbou’t it t"| ey A full assortment of blanks for the use 1 would »Oil» «hat I na'-d Dr. Kennedy'» favor­ wei-t over ; but lhe Indians made him go could Haver Ua»e succeeded tn exteiuiinat- i -,lve ; laaUhHiffhkv : .T Leave Jacksonvi le at 3:30 .1. M.. ai 11:30 Stomach. of justices of th peace and constables can ite Remedy with the full coom-nf of my phy»l- a 1 h th«* Miarket. /. home. Uig tl>- Ju st. A. M., ami at 5:30 r. M L-aV" Medford ar fail, ee.-sJUil« , always be lounij/at the T imes office; also ctan." E 'I Pool, who ha« charge of the Merri­ _ . „ it) ». m , ai 1 1* M., amt at 7:30 r M 1 rains man farm ui Central l’otut precinct,furnish­ Several years «go Chamberlain A Co . of 1 have a cousin wh >is a printer, says ex- deeds, tuortga Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy 1» a p. >iuio<-ht ta'tir . bids of sale, leases, me­ will slop at Harbaugh's on betug signaled. remedy for Nervousheas. Khtuma- I '. ’utblj. Gntysnf'' <• ed our reagents with excejleut veg«tabl«s Dèa Moines, Iowa, commenced ihe manu­ MayorJ. B. Lougbrau of North DesMoines, chanic's lieu/ bonds and every legal •OTereiKn Kidney tad IJ ver Complaint, and all th» to rdf- t* * :»•] facture of a coughsyrup believing it *u t|i. la. Home years ago he was employed iu blauk gene y used tn Oregon. They are U»m. Hua week. ' peculiar to women. It drive« tbe po-aoo xceastrjition. tbe most prompt er i«.rtion» of »outbern Orexnn- The time ie in time it was certain to become popolar. lug lip copy Tie made up bit mind to buy no necessity for seeding away for your Dr. Kennedy'» Favorite Remedy. legal blauks _______ _______ have Tu«$*. H m I ih . township. Money must accompany or- Made at H oi - spout , N. Y. $1: 8 lor $5. ThHr most sanguine hopes have to^en more a bottle. It cured him and that was the aud xuouey .take no oth n»ariy here d-v« Addre-s er. tii-M I • • ’Tber Ilfat t U I ttie 111' TfMXe a ■ w. -» . , b t five inches ol stmw ha«l fallen edy are n w sold «ueb year, ai d is recog­ u rr »luce M. owu ex,er.em-e ami tliat o; < ned a liu-Uop at Iris residence ou Tiriru Mnlrs for Naie. nized as “ the best made. ’ wh«rwe- ouuv iam'.y .. i.vnicf» un- tbal thi» retsi- couiuion, ordinarv pm when they cau »*»’ur»‘ there r h.’ t in li.e w,.>i.l Tl;ttl ,.,ny lK. j where hets prepared to do all kinda of new a vahmbie English one tor the same ui 'uey. Th** umfersigne.l lia» f.-u* g ».»I mule» mg. Ai-c rdiiig to that report, there must known Dr. Acker'S Euglisb piUs ate a poaitivc cure - .l'v l e.„....ce, imi 111:»' ir.wli.it ! tliii.k ' fl rsale, wlili b lie will d s, o-e a>'>nii in his ¡»«e ut lhe mo.i for sick heuouelieand all liver UouUt*. They t r t)7 J^HmkVcZX»' P able ta'»’« For fill th-r n irt i’li'ar- addle s now, as we have had considerable stormy bv Dr J, Hinkle, Central Point, and «J. H. Folnl'ir«s£>^5r«te». HeiraMs;.cUW me ^rjj ginoti. tbAx*. WnVy tF»l JO W-* «YestgpBranch, Bux27, TOKTL and . ob ’ noti U. Hi HuAfoF. ti e at K» k Fui- t, or e»i|o-> iKutres entwert 1 (iu,'7" ---------------------------- ifitiffcfcEi rfih»r