■WM P’Tse»#*!’* PKRSONAL MENTION. barometer li»*re during th* past wet-k w : ih relaiively a« ii-uch higher than Judge Neil was in Ashland one day last li.e n"rn al ns it was lower than ttie aver Thc following is tin* jury list drawn for the Buy a Whit“. I year 1891, by the county commiftsioners, at a " a* ih - time last year. A mi tl winter week. IS HOW AT PCRTLA.NB, OnZOON. I their last term: now n.s as'tir« <1. more especially as the The Wiiite is still king. Judge Webster spent a Gw days at A^h Sprague River-J M Dlllunl, Jesse Watters, If j idieio ’-Jv :;i ma t i, t.‘iH .1. rfwaii« have re-turned to tb«*ir nesting land last week. O r.ClAL PAPtR OF HCKSON COUNTY. OR R H Irwin, G P Lapnaiu, J C Natl. Fkilltp R will prov • rvnun-rativ ir »m ih« Circuit court is in session. ha»int in ih'* K iniaih marshe«. Jas Taylor. J no »Veils, Frank Blade. e»p«cial:y if extended to the lune and > C. Minguflof Ashland spent Tuesday at Pits, Kiainath Lake—W 8 Davis, A H Lawrence. Th»* country is full of drummers. \V. I . Ban^ftsscr. postal clerk at Ashland, qn«rr>e«of Jackson cieek JANI AKY23. l-‘-l. the county-seat. FRIDAY J V Plaiitz, R XV Welch. w.ismie of thr awarding committee which The county hotel now has three boarders. Poe Valley—J R Butin, Hobt Casey. Alfred h Now Complete in Every Department. XVe are J. M. Shelley’s friends are congratulat­ determined la i «Satunlay at Ban Franri«c«> R jbE A Miller left r«»r th«» Wi’’.”.niette Elving, W o Endicott, 8 N Haz«*n,C P Hughtw, CMNTH a L POINT POINTER* The tax Gvy for 1891 is 20 mills, as usual. ing h tn upon his recent election to the what pastal clerk in the Pacific divisi«»n valley last week. Charles K«wter, G W Sutton, .1 B Short, J L Displaying the Latest Noveltiee. presidency of the Travelers’ Commercial hi* mad- the best rec«»rd during the past Wright Gray Williams. Ed. Hanley of Harney county arrived The days are growing perceptibly longer. Asrociation of the Northwest. Tule Laku-Jaa Bevans E«lgar Ball, Thomas year. The prize designated by the post- D. L. Newton has dose 1 b is n- s** here. here a few days since. Dixon, B (J Eastwood. John Ratliff, Georg« ’ ( tire« «hi'e vou wait—Preston’s “Hed- Ct.a*. Lambert s tl nir ng mill near <«••! I master-general is a handsome g«»ld medal. WHson. D A Presley, Stephen Stukel. Wm (’•rn«»n and M’*r-Lfti L«’t wer«» in Ake ” (). Russell ot Josephine county ia pav- Dairy—A (J Bcairs, L J Bauman, Jasper Hili «11 no t>e o|»**rat«d again until he P. A. K i t dv, th** well-known ¡»eddier. Jacksonville a Gw d.«y « i <* *. Bennett, C F Faith, Clark Hainak»*r, Charles F »-sfi table ving now. funeral wa« conducted under the auspice« to Portland yesterday. K«*no — R M C Brown. G L (’base, J H Miller, Acts at once, nev* r tails DeWitt s Awfu'ly cheap goods a’ the 8. F. Variety Dr A. J. L«t»iu*ns at d wife were the W B Townley, J H Withrow. C »Ugh ami Consumption Cure A re nrdy «»t Medford lodge, I U O. F., last Wedues- 8l re. R E. Drum, postmaster of Tab** R a*k Wood River —A A Cunnlngham.T A Culbert­ guests <»f C. Cuwle* of A-hl «n l ta^l week. < ’ ay De<*»*ase«i was a familiar figure in b»r Asthma «nd ibat feverish cunditioii son, D (’ron»*miller. Bird Loos« ly,K M Morgan, -ouihern Oregon end h ghly esteemed office, calG<1 on Wednetday. Jac ksonville was fu’l of Medford people whu h accompanies a severe « old. K. R Owen and J. E. Ilarvev tna-le a George Nut ley. by ail who knew him last Fridav Thos. Liwosn and Marion Hodges visit­ tusiness trip to the county-seat last Tiles Lost River—Levi Broadsword, H H Burn­ Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure ed our town on Wednesday. ham, T J Clopton. Wm Davis, SII hs Kilgore, day. E. J Jeffrey of Portland has returned J. A Hoyt of ¡Gi r creek called one day An excellent remedy for cramps, c«»nc and . \ Z . '7//Z'z J H Oatman. M F Orr, F D Swingle, G K Van There ia conai«G*wh|e ?a'k of starting n th s week. from a tr 1» to the s« «*ne <»f his Cow creek Thus. Collins of Klamath coun y is local" Rli»er, Simpson Wilson. whcie a tonic fur the stomach and bowels ci.nv n contract The c-ntract proper, he ed at Phu irx for the present. newspaper here, (hir town nee Is su *h i>n Linkvllic W F Arant, Wallace Baldwin, J <• W Albright, our m'llcr, is visiting is required. Sold bv ah druggists. I *«\*. h «* b«.- ii accepted by the company, enterprise R. Cooper. Wm Clark. Samuel Dixon, Emil rofl Tl’OSE wno CAKAOT POSSIBLY call fib Bro Harlan of the Medf »rd “Mail” made Egvrt, C L Hammond. J T Henley. M V Hen­ iiOXALLT.H.niK TBKATXEST PLAIKDWITB. Ol-eu Bros, and Pier« e Askew of Tab:e bul ttiere is still *om«* i»dditiorial work in ini- M. F« rman was lately mns «Grab » in­ Cabforitia. dricks, J P Lee, F MeC irnack, Thus Martin, D Ro* w preeim t mad«* us a call un ltiesday pr.ivnig the hastily thrown up roadbe<1 us a pleasant visit last Friday. IN THK KHCH 0»' ALL THAT WILL HIVE jured in »n a't» r«’a»lot« with one White Seitling-up lime is at hand. Don't for G McIntosh, Wm McKee, J T Noel, Nowton the company put in «»ver a small portion ot Bi»as Conley amt Silas Craddock ut the nsiAMAXEOI S BELILF ASH A man, and rhe case will be adjmticaied in get the printer. Mrs. H. Judge of Ashland visited J. Pratt. H L Parrish, (’ 8 Sergent, John Shep­ same section were in town iliac day. ti e ruad I h *1 *pring. Jusuce Plymale’s court at Jacks« n- Nunan and family last wet k. PEBXAM^.T CLUE. pard, XV B Simpson, G XV Smith, S H Taylor, J A H Guyer, formerly of this section, is ville. Mike says he was struck with a B C ’ Taylor, James Tobin. N«»w is the time to work for Jacksonville. J. A. M Gee, w’l.o has been in the Steam W T. L« ever and wife of Central Point The most speedy, positive and perma piece of ir«»n, and had his a^-adant ar- now in Coos county. BO AD SI* l»g KV1SO ICS. boat distrn l fur sometime, left for Gazelle, Wi’ti uniied effort among our ciiizens the precinct called on Tuesday last. »lent cure for Catan li of tlie Head, Asthma rested. Fresh orar ges. lemons and nuts at the Cal., recently, where he is engaged m work­ «»id slnre town will this season recover Tlie following-named persons wen- appoint- Henry D. Kubli ami family of Appl*- e«i road supervisors fur the ensuing year at mid all Throat, Bronchial, I.ung, Heart, It g ves us pleasure to an: « tru e that 8 1 Variety Store. mu *h ot it* «» d-time prestige. Il is one of ing a *juartz ledge that prumi-es wed. tin* same suasion: Stomach, I.iver and Kidney Affections, the must desirable towns in Oregon as a gate were in town yesterday. the>e is a prospect «»f M field below Commissioner Tayior of Eagle Point has be «aid <»t the capacity uf the adjacent sa’i-fact»*ry arrangements hav g be. o <5; SiMn y Pai k«*r, rt; Joseph Scott, 7; N F Hiidu- it» various ■ tages, j cnnancntly cured. been suffering with a severe Cold. Gr »«in g f*»r th“ railroad track on 0 street town, which ihe railroad c«-mpanv have (< olhi Is fo fi uit raising. niM c »iiuuunity '■ Tbo*e x.*... who — advertise ! *»’»«'»1« relativer at Orange,. Cai. Geo. W. Smith of Table Rock precinct gives instantaueous relief, builds up and 2 — from financial troubles. ot measres last w unt\ ? Those who read the were lu Jacksonville on Wednesday. system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, Luke county's tax levy for the ¡»resent «ere tepurted io Lakeview at one lime. During the year IK«» the county c!«*rk, of the gentleman who was so glib in trllin a • verti«emer ih in ihe local paper, “Two Ladies will find our Goods Freeh and New, Josephine county, (who kindly furnished the nervous, debilitated o-'«l broken-down R«»bt. Wes'ru? and Scott Griffin of Tolu our ¡*e« ple h«»w to build a tLinie to ihe year u» 18 m I s j ei d**llar Why point the ai «i iw • mak»* f.-ur. ’ ’ The largest and best stovk ot «leeds, constitutions, old and young, invariably T imes tins list), issued marriage liceuse» tu * ui ¡»er Rogue river some weeks < go. left 1«« Fr« sh h<»'iev in pitchers, only 50 cents, mortgages ami all hinds ol n a«-« slate and iH< r.»l I t i her I: ha* 1« ng ; been demon­ •pent a couple of days in tbwn this week the following named persons: gain from ten to thirty prut’ds in from a hurry while ternp» r«rl|y slnut »»f ca»«h at he s F. Variety «Store. legal bianks south oi feuiviu is kept al the str.*)«-«! that nothing paya better than an E. Boker and Stella Godard. Fred Pap«« has gone to Portland to tes­ - b- m r0 h «1\ erii-enicn’ in the T imes Charles E. Shaw and Mary J. McClure. T imes oifice and sold al i’orlland raies. tify as a witness in a certain rail rot d case B<*«utiiu weather continues, much to D r . A born ' s phenomenal skill and mar­ evidently c» nclii«'rd noi loinvest his sur- Wm. Bunch and Ina M Bunch. t:»ed »gust«»! th«« inn ers. Did r Car«» re eived a telegram an- A summer triend—Wright's Black f»«*t ry Georg«* W. Stillinger and Sarah Miller. piu» capitai in tbiartgmn. velous cures have created tlie greatest L. Shideler and «laughter of Medford M irris Car«» in Oscar M. Knox and Naucy Cook. num. « i 1 g th«* death «-Í Mrs. Once used always taken. Rehu- made our town a visit one day this we» k astonishment ou tlie Pacific Coast and J ti»s a . Lee of Ashland was among Coiuiai. F. M. Freeman au*l Cclcstia Hoskins. When her bie Mint pioiupt. 1 ieasant ’o tuke. ludis- 8 «o Ff a.*»< l-ro on Monday, lMtallattoM. tli-»s» in town during the week. throughout the American continent, dur­ Warren L. Tuttle ami Madeline Mastin. hush.imi accep e 1 c position in the Purt- Öoi«l by ab P. W OlweH, a prominent citizen of pensible tor summer troubles Mr«. Ah'sn*l Re be«, ah 1» gre*- L k U< James Honogue and Emily Marsh ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, All <>f which we offer to I’tircloiecrf* at the Lowtrt Market l’ricw l.tiHi i-u.*t in h u>e s-veral months since, Central Point precinct,was hereon Wednes­ E_-b»rt Haiumond •>( Meadows precinct druggists Ralph H. G1 Itilian and Myra A. Wheeler. Robert Taylor. N G; S B Whil'l-, V G; Catarrh of the Head, ami all Throat, Bron­ Mr-. Caro went to Bin Francisco, being day. spent a d;»y in J u k«onville lately. George W. Thrasher and Delia L. Hart. J H McBride. RS*. M N U iur I’ >; L»ur The 1« coiuotive don g -e ▼ ice on the then in poor health, »he was a most esti- Your Examination is Respectfully Solicited. chial ami I.ung trouble instantly relieved, Charles Getty and Lucy Ferry. High. War; AB»h.C«»n; LE Mo-. I <» . Evan JL Kearnes and family' c«»ntemplute L. F Coburn and famdy have removed Jacksonvi h- Me Hord i auroau can be tirâtU niab e I »dy, and made many friend* dur- Blake W. Baldwin aud Mary E. Coffee. a!co Ear Diseases and Di a fness often cured A D Helman R S N G ; M F <’a ev, L S from ( re.««*» nt city to Yreka, Cal. everyday lh» »« ui.d is >W< el music h» tu h* r r. sid<*nce in Rust btirg, who will he an early r»‘iurn to I a nuvide from Bin J«»re, Dudley M. DePuy and Mat>«*i E. Boyd. permanently at first consultation. D r . NG; Mr» R Rih, RS V G; S B Wfiippl*. J. I’. Martin »ml Olive L. Caseholt. me eais uf ii.e aVrt.«g< c*t /.• n *1 J . dChöfll- pa e«l io hear <»i her d ab—¡R-view, Cal. The freshest and nicest c%ndy ju«t re­ A born ' s essay on the “Curability of Con­ W. .1. Cuminmgs and Nancy L. Houck. L S V G. Af er the instal a'mh a ti Vine. J .Hl B»ib. Geo. Barneburg of Elen precinct wen* J. B. Lindsay amt I’cinpy 3. Ramsey. sumption.’’ and a treatise on “Catarrh of lun« h a»» ierv«d in the h «li by the sister- enved ai 'he 8 F V irieiy 8t«»re Tlie Jacksonville A M«'«Burd I ror.h a lew days sin e, and G now at As Robert If. Faulkner and Mary Grit ill ng Ti.v | heroin« na »»’ sm»w banners.?<»oit“n Of the degree. the Head,” v.'tli evidences of some ex­ First-« rt"» cetiar fence posts fm sale in Wvdne.'d«»> eV- niiig b'«» ignl oV« r Houier Wiiite and Mary E. Svyterth. ot»'» fV'«l among the higher peaks of the toria. traordinary cures, mailed free. Call or Golden Rule L »dg»* of Old Fel ows. n. Grant's Fa>>—C K < iian-lur N <1; J 11 Harry M« (’al’en of Roseburg secu»«d address DR AB0RN( D M. F-rr\ A Co.’* celebrated seeds, >n vf Warren l"dgr. to widt h lUaU> ut LUeill to M<>unt F.tt after the recent storm«. a clerkship from one of the legislative com­ li P, Lincoln and Alberta Johnston. Colby, V G; J G Jessup. K S; J« s M<>*>, in* Ot.g. W. N. Saunders and Margaret E. Hoyt. Fourth anil Morrboa Nt«^ Portland. OrafM. Though ih«* air was s<> balmv and quiet in mittees. PS; J A Jeon ng-. T; J C Ro. W; J I «] .»iitiiies to sun.at Reamen A While's. Wm. Bub and Uivinia E Conger. Rotiertson, I'; W H Fla*is *a*». R S N G , 1 hey sell m re ot 1)« Witt’s Lillie Etrly h- iow» r va lev, there wasevidMi ly a gale 1!. H. W> i'ers <>f ihe Medford “ Mon- N ot «.—Home treatment, eecurely packed. Rent by Columbus F. Loveless and Edwina Jone». Mrs. W J. Plvmale has b»en app«»inttd About the biggest rurne ever made on a »mall inveet- L L lehn»»»a*. L * N G; 1 Y De 1 . R > \ an n ’ w >' in-»ng our vi->ii»»rs un Friday. Risers i*.a . «i*> <»lher pil ; their acm»n is f»r < \ e h«*a«i. io» the peak of the mountain •MjrreN!» to a’! parts of the Pacific Coati, for those who 1A/IJAT Mark E. Davis and Francis A. Miller. G; J M John. RS8; < Lido, L S h; 1» «a-»« d • n«»i grip“ r c.»U'v pain, me 'he -!>oA«d 1 -i g fle**cv streams «»I sn<»w dust one of th»* «1« rks of the h iiiw engrossing Jaiucs D. Stinebaugn and Annie E M«x>nt*y. Cannot possibly call in person. merit is that reported by John Alexander, of Mariposa, M«»nthh in.sta >ts of $10 will buy a he i regU ut* r ut t; e Liv r, Biuinacn and . fl L» the e st, uirat ng the impres i »n 1 • committee Hohicv Nutt and Mary Marsh. took. I G. UL INVITED TO CALL FOR FREE CONSUITATIOL California. He writes : h ■.;•« u : I »1 in l’«»io from 8e«»tl Griffin. • hetniiid- «f the iii.trf- rmed that Pitt Samuel Daniels and Deborah Pease. Buw« is Jas. H «mliil and P. H Uviatt cam« tip Ke»bvvi !»• Lodge, I OO F—J:««’'*l» II41- J itmes F. Stith ami Delia S. Naucke. had h**?nn !<» b* I-h furih fir- a d snioxe. from Me tford Weim«sdiy, r -m tilling a m th, X G: R P Ue«r;’e, V <»; < has Ha • T.*i « I e-’s f Fp • ur«* t«.-». packed espec­ Robert ii. Martland und Katie Hailahan. The hot investment I ever made in my life was one of $1.25. Rt bert «str p h iiii«: a relic oi ancient Frank E. Applegate ami Annie Bernhardt. Hr : Peter Hail en. Ti«*••»»; Dun If mt, NN ; ially mr 'hi- tram ,¡»1 R am«s A Wnite r . • tlaxbun R gUe liVVi, a short liiue sim r i n A Mir«- cute for the whisky habit : Dr. few hours. It brought me health, wealth and happiness. The investment I DvLiiney R. Hatcher and J**ssie Strand. B W For be-, f’-n; Chri- Kru-e, 1 G Livii.i.*«l<»ue s Antidote for Drunkenness l( Ind an War < mb. W. J. Wimer »1 (> it land. (’a> . has been A pba^'iit party took place at the resi the shape ul a |>tli ¡in d S. < Ruhl«* and abbi«* Smith. w 41 cure a »> «-«e -Í the liquor habit in h»*re on lega* made was the purchase of one bottle of Moore's Revealed Remedy.’ oun <»( Wuiîj n can be seen ai the s»a Roscoe W. !*• rsons ami Eiva (’. Wheeler. ' «¡-me <•; Hugh Elliott a tew evenings since. Fnr7em.ile Irrep-ilai t’- m t- n to inirty «I »y.«, from the modérale co in'\ no«*. Hymeneal. H« Ims. Chas. S. Smith and Lydia H. Cockcrlm«*. ! tie>: no* hLreLkefic Thousands of other people have had equally as good returns from the ,li inker to die drunkard Tne Antidote 0:1 j a ¡»era, ii. quantities lo suit, for sale James O. Rodgers ami Alic«.- Banister. on t.»e market. A quiet wtd«'ing to* k phice on Widms W H. McAdams who had bi« l»g <• m b-* givrn in a cup ot c<-ffve wiihout the <’ »p*. W. F. Bonger y « ii <1 fami y have William H. Jones ami Sarah E. Fi« l«ls. fad. cn< « ewullv is* purchase of this sovereign remedy. It cured Ri<-ltiir office at 5ocents a hundred. ¡sevtiely Luii n».»r < ie ven • ¡(y, ( al , knowlrtig» <1 «in* ¡»»-ison taKiug it. Tie q i «rt r f r H.e winter at Pomona, Ce!- John B. Johnston ami Frances A. Tuttle. !»y p «»nuiiPT:t 1«'. of T. W. Paitx.m ( res«*«■»»» citv, the con­ Jn*« « 8 eg» I. the genial agent f«»r B»*rwin about two month« ago, < 11 oDe ol »h»' A ’.ii ou- W iii not injure the heal.h in any itornia. J>>hn H. Birth-ami D«*lia Allen. Newr-a.-tle of asthma in a week. It did the batue thing for John i.iontnl} G'lemn • • tracting part«» b n»g C. C Ru-s, a re« dem Bros ul Ban Francisco, called yesterday. logging trains, is al) e lu be itroumi on why . Manuf.ictur«<1 by the Livmg«toi:e James W. Turvey and rwidi«- L. Topping. to relievo » ippr« Ilewit of this city. R- 0. A | AC Oateb anol-huu»e for sale bv Scott Griffin of E (’ Br«M»k*. Jacksonville; Miller «k Btrang, last week. < has. D. William and Mary Trimble. their rheumatism in a marvelously short time. J. M. Jones and W. Don ’ t b*' humbHrtf*' ’ * by Rev E A Wible, l » hsh r«»f t e M E. Tolu J. Stacy nor Cnas R imel, indicted by me Mvdfura, Oregon. Chas. H. Johnston and Anna I j . Stringer. Hon. Win Kahler has returned fr«»m S mv «» Tiinc. 11 wall chu'di. and «a- witnessed by relatives a <1 I’r**d G. Nelson aud Ida H. Hamlin 1 ’ . Johnson of Seattle attest ita efficacy in ick, but is somewhat bet­ now impossible lostate when ih« ii trial.- *i I Mr. Er;« kson of Minnesota, who has th» (’liarles lx»veless and Eatella Pollock. er tronbles. Thousand^ cf reputable citizens from one end of the N» wton E. McGrew and Attie V. Willi». he« been m re>i lent of ihisc» un»y »»ut a tew ter now co; tru< t lor the b g ti l at W< gner creek, is ed in health. lake j’iace. S»*nt to ariY- add terr James Hull and Lottie M. Jess. years, he has garne t theg«»ot the ttie i ght kin«! of a man for th«* place and T. F Atteberry of Sam's vallev iur- write its praise. If you are ill, what . secure by ma I on r« Pacific Coast to the other < Cha«. H. Met lung and E-tdla Angell. clt.tens general!», and th»- bride is an A fight (Mdirred in m Ash! m i salo«*n w II liked by hi- men, nil wbite laborers. ni-h“ this week, which resulted in He 1 ne «»Id gentleman, his son anil son-in law Wednesday. Addrers, Fehely, of the Ki «m tin We, with many barkeeper, who had a tirger bid y nitten, I «•verste Un- workmen, the business agent Moore’s Rescalerl Retnedy If you feel bad every morning UE.lt. ESIAIh rUA5nFEKS. THE A?HRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Mr McGee, mansger of the cinnabar others, wish the nenIv-ruai r e«i couple a soUi'illy thrashing ihe di unkru di-' uroeT uf b-mgW.II Beaman. 1 h«y are employ mg I I» Smith and lier infant babe, of the* peace. Vkftern Branch, Bux27, FOKTbANIt. long an«1 prosperous j» urney ihr« ugh hie. on arising, if you are tortured by rheumatism, if you have any a number «»I men with good lean»« at $3 mines in the Siskiyous, visited our t«>wn on The full.»wing deeds wer«* rec«»rd«*d In the I nein«, died one day la.«t Bu Me Wednesday Th»y started at ut»ce for a tour »iirouth office <»! ihe county recorder siucv the last re­ .Sold by E. C. Brooks, dru^g-ist Jacksonville. <>f the ills of mankind, invest $1.25 in Moore's Revealed Remedy JHT Bell «ill ail ti »ii « if t’.e | ersunal per uth»-rn Oregon, th»* former fiotu»* »»f the H. Oliver has removed from Ashlaml to *t ttiw Sergent b « »is. The company expects to to SOW lot» (from, nennd rtt. «’ts ot Gv»i. W Eiwu MJ Rei-ser to l.«a’»t II >f Gr<»xv; l«»t 24.High­ bride atm bri«1egro»»m.- Dei N*»rt« Rec »r«l b • employed severnl mon h« between Wag- and see if it will not give you relief. For sale bv all Druggist«. sea«« n. f<*r the use of the i ranch i ear t'u« en>x on the .31 t -ns* , Mr. n» r « ret k ami A-hiai.d ami are hiring all T Io, where be is largely engaged in ihe land Park add to Ashland. Coiind«.ration, fruit business. E. havii gdetertu.nvd to rt ruuve nis tuiui y 127». NEW THIS WEEK. A g 4x1 market fur the teams po-sin e Plaut C«»rn. I to ban Fr.«ncisc«». Bameto sam«*; quitclaim to vacated portion Max Mu'lcr, county clerk, has gone to of Gresham street «1. bay grain and other farra produce is thus • be lowest prices at Our farmers are already making ¡*i»p»- Portland and Salem, and will be absent Once in seven years—the body is re- «»I en.-«l Btate of (>r»*g«»n to M P Benton; SO acres tn Go and judge for ra’loi s tu i in a large area in corn i.«xt twp 35 8, R I XX . «| iii newe«i The i>k»o«i m-i-t iiuve ib**elen cuts i sev« ral days si ring, partit nia* y »»n a«l«?i»e soil where i Same to I rank H ^»senbrrg; 160 acres in .**••■. r.i \ if' a< » ('hanii*«* lain A C<» , rf «»( vitality. Wrigh* s ( uuip mi*«i byrupol always d« es *se> . Thi*< is as it - i «»ubi h»*. You feel tirt-rl—Do you know Jas. McDonough and w*iie of WiEow twp 3» 8. K2E and Sai -apan la cleanses an1 • f Cent- >1 I t <• h< > Hi» I h ■' M*>: i • '. I »«a. «< in tn n el the in mil Sp* i’tgs pre<' n«*t a* c spending a while at fur il.e Me,lf.»r*l «!i**i.lory « I sib»rd a J hh G Birds«*)'to Beekman X R«*amew; sher­ what it tnt-ans? You are ner Im:, u ■ r ol i » o . ti -x i t.|> nrl evilly it ’ «• be A p leg ite uf last b uoo, and gives a new imi etus l-» 111. . iff s d»*v«i t<> two-thirds interest in 245 acres in maikel f-»r every bushel that ••» raise-l, o f til s prompt a * 1 i* lift’» e p rp«ra(i *n the coutpy—e *l. bul«i Yy an diugg^-ts. 1>. N<». »■»> and 5s.72-io > acr« s in section 1"», voug—Why? Y<>u cough in th» while the cultivât!* n ol * t»rn h in trie ii- x»t pr«»»ii»<,rd f.»r co rli3, cu.us and «roup; The family of I. J. Hansen t in Jackson­ un of Tab e R »rk h ♦» lost a t« Test • f the b< st agrn uliure, b-mg supe morning —Do you rt u'iz<-tb<- « ium ’ Th j b«*st remed*, f- r head.i< he and n**u- di :i • tie publn appreciate irue merit, and ville. $10,100. rior to summer fai own g as a prep.»ration he •> turno* which he advert.-es ralui-» is Wilght's Para-On Hea»l »< Io* rem- i*. lime it «as i eriain to become popular. Bp ings precinct are paying their old home John (¡«»rdan toMai ia F J H »!- : quitclaim Y’onra|>ia-tit«-i-.|>r—What main • hi Dakota a visit. for wheat the lo*b»Win sea-on. Be-nie-. to 1.5 (luimi arr»*« in twp 37 8. R 2 XV. $221». H Ml lll- Th- ir most sungumt hoiestiave been more edy 8t«»i s pain in five minutes, it so? You sca-iil like a < ¡range., even Mt existing pnce», the crop is a re­ .Murk X'hiiissrl i<> Etnilie 8ch!u««c|; Pio a<*res less, tasteless, no bad « lie« is 8uoi by a I tn r- receipts, »Hie foils, drafts, etc., in in I wp 39o, Il 4 E. $1. munerative one, and, with th»* adv.i: Cv And the best lamp aii * hot les <»t ( hamb» r am s C nigh Rem* (»old Hill, last week removed to Grant's peraon to your frit nd»—IM you i> M»k !«»tm haiitlv and fir*«t-ciaNs. al the dr ugktai s. Scott Griffin to Robert W«-stn»p; lots 3, 4,5 »•ver made, Itke Alad- th«l may be looked for so« n. It will t»e »»i Pass to prectice his profession. and ti, tuk2s. Tolo. $1.5«t. Our friends sboul I give DeWitt’s I ,’ough nix are n rful lamp!” A lamp No dlshp- and < oiisum|>tiun Cure a trinl Mrs. John Wimer of Ashland has I ern th«- boulevard Ashland. $titin. The proprietors of th«* dl-liil ry inf •• tn us the change been m > gradual it lias known It will cure a s»«vrre cold in lesi I I r» »• C »tH orii coaches ar,d fifteen stag»*« p nntment foiiuws tin- lisr cl»»* lutcly non- use of I tins bls re iab e in attendance at the bedside of her father, that the» wish the yei .w ««• n f»*r their All 8 J Day to Mary E Day; property in Jack­ •• i pl«»af e and un- time than any «»inrr treatment. For sale IL Lewellen, during his il tiess. I»»-solo at -miion At Yieka, Cal., on • ■M ajHsl your aotiee? medicine . ami it merits the pi aise rrceiv< d sonville. $200. U*e, which fact the •arnfets sh* u d take th« il-t lost. l»i-«-Ml«»»Lie, which ox Dr J. Hinkle, Central i’uint, amt («. H. (ruin ail who use it busic E H«*vingor to E E Miner; lots 12 and ^ives - y ci» nr, »oft, notice of Haskins, Medford. Mrs Newbury last week returned h*»n e 13, b is a printrr, says ex- from H !« f t, «lover, timothy, etc., at the S. E. tion and Stmnicti Disorders Remedy these Holman Peter, at Grant’s Pass. donald; lot«« 7 and 8 in Miner's add to Ashland. r*urer an I brighter We do no« .-ay this to frighten A I’. Haiun»>n4, v »1 niasier of A.* Van 1 Variety Store >4HU. by ii'ing De Witt’s Little E iriy Riser« and M , \- rJ. B. IxHigbrai» of North LV n Moines, 'han gas light, softer I i. .Some »ears ago he «as employed in II. F. W»»od of Medford came to Jacks« n- ,5(10 apoplruc attack Tbr p..*tolb< r bu'inm. nore cheerful tnan little pili every w here. is one t'ring ’•'• liieh v Z’ c! amherlain. He had a drej» seat­ the construction of the railroad depot, ither! That lamp is 1. attended 10 by hi* M»h and dainthtrr, 1>*< t> as M'. R iss li wishes loreturn to his place mi G.* i s creek. ltfci.10-100 acres in twp 33 8. R 3 E. rrguiar < Irrk. in thr < ftr r. A corresp »ndent writes that 21 in« hes of ed cold and terrible cougn. and while set- Fred Wagner of the A«hlan«l _ “Tidings'' ____ T"r<> badiy iijurrd mwere brotulit t » J E. M: er, the timber-land expert, has sn»»w tell in » few «iay 5» in I nion disirii t ihu up coi»v tie ina'h! up his ruiud to buy ii • rec..... a»»Yi.*« i*. a re’ u r • • <1 to t hen a! is, Wash., trom bis visit Flounce R«»« k precinct, at the begimdug « I aboit'e. It cured him and tnat was the force w confined to his bed last week with a severe attack of typhoid fever. Lines on the Heath of Little Harvey Pankey. ti • « «•»«»•. »•’' <•<•»»I* u»»J $1.00 |wr Kettle. quarri man n.med Krllry, rn i> oyed t tn. to Minneapolis. And with it there is no smoke, no srr': the »ear O dv six inches fell during the tirst 1 «wr knew ot (’haiiiberlian'» Cough < -. ././I, no flickering, no sweat,: aork. of thr hiakiy. u 8 one t'vinpam . A R me iy I have been strongly in its favor Tin* lit tic crib is empty now. W. H. HOOKCiJ euce and that w rk on the records at the court house i<»r Tin- little clothes laid by . block ot aloi e Wrigb ng a ion aid a li-li nor annoyance of any kind, and it neve 1 he 3 B. remedies lead everywhere and «»: my iarni y convinces me that this rem­ Haminofid A Briggs during this week A mother’s hop«-, a father s joy. foiled and prrssrd film againat anurbrr in 3o uc-vs of g»ain and are still at it needs trimminr. Its founts «oil reservoir: In death’s cold Arm d«»tti hr. an* at'aining a great sal«* The» are ex­ edy is the be't in me world. That may be stonr, Iht1>cl*ng »»nous internal injurirn. Th-.v are ril-tlers. being tough rone ! seamless brass, with cer D. Linn returned from Ban Francisco on celled by none and equaled by Gw. and Jack Snelling, a loggrr at a mill in the tral draft, it is nbaoluiclj unbreakable, Dear little Harvey, so pure and good. R lines A Wh te have just received those in nee<1 of them should give them a srr* ng language, but that is what I think Munday evening. We are glad to an For sale i-v Dr. J Hinkle, Central Point, and as fa ft at a tai '■ w caftlt Si.kiyoui*. ia ihe i.tlirr man hurt, A I. g another large assortment ot fine shies. That promised to be so fair; nounce that the health of Mrs L. is i al­ Only five years old and tr-r f ra wiHion tt triul ami be convinced. and G. H. Haskins, Medturd. rolled over him. crushing Ida ;>rm and Cali ami «« e them Why should death with icy breath • thttt lamp, in vtf ■ It must be a GOOD lamp tc proving. Select the Hower most rare? shoulder and badly hurling Ida l ip, but Wilson A We.lsworth l;i.< xveen purchn*-«! make such • telling success Indeed it is. After rhe Wagner c?e°k »restle '»• complet­ the Hunsaker stock « f goods at Ashland oi his 1 hancra for rrcovrry arr go al. Tit THE PEOPLE Of JA< Ks»N AM» JOSE­ for lamps may come and lamps may go, but N Ltngell got hack from Pori and <’D Dear a* thou art. our little Harvey, PHINE COIM1E>. ed it is like y that one near tlie ’49 digging» J. H. R“gprs, ussignee of the estate, «nd Fruit lAiids in the UillHmeite Nalley. the •'Rochester' shines on forever! 5A c Tuesday, to which city he accompanied We will not weep tor thee; will in Xt be fii.ed in. make over 2,000 artistic varieties, — Hanging One thought doth cheek the -Lifting tear. and Table Lamps. Banquet Study, Vase ana have removed io the «>‘<1 Hunsaker stand Th iam: i> situated troni 3 to 5 miles from bis w re. Aho returned there for medical Bill» Introduce«!. It is, that thou art free I the >’at«* < apitol, with its excellent thip- tre>.tnent. Piano Lamps every l»ln<1« in Bronre. Por­ The undersigned is now nianutactui nig at Mr. P » r e, representing the famous in the O ld Fellows’ building. The fo’lowing is ai uther ll*t of Hie bi In p.i g f n iiittes, cannery, etc , and 1» espec­ Grass w ill grow o’er the new-made grave. celain,Brast, Nickel end blavk Wrought Iron Il i-sa «! that Wm. Mutin uf Oakland, introduced * m the figliature by members Snn h Fr» m »*r type writer, was here ihe th«1 Meadows SauniiU in Jack- »n countv. Moses Hui of Cbic^g*». an advocate of ially adapt« d to fruit raising Ask the lamp dealer for It. Lock for the Bright Howers will bloom and fade; for»*p.«rt <»t the w*ek. Cal., second son ot Alex Martin, intends from Ibis district ; Spiritualism, held sevetai s- ance- at Ash­ Or«*gon, the trade-mark siarrp: ‘Tug Pocnr^TF.a If he Five-acre tracts irom $53 to |7» per acre, going io India soon io j ractice h*«« | rofet- And wild birds will sing a sad requiem By Miller—Defining ihe «lune*« of th«* land during th“ p'*st week, which w» re hasn’t the < » - » • Rochester and the style you Above where our baby is laid. Th«»-. Cr.tes-’r, a well-known resident of attended by main interested ii. the phe­ ali «11 uva «d ai.d readv t«> set to fruit. •ion of dentistry. railroad c«>ii»niissi«»nwr*< want, or if no lamp-store ia near, send to ue R«>'» bur^. ha-« been granted a patent on a T»*n-a*-r«* nat i partia ly ruluvated for for free illustrated cataloru* land reduce«. Bv Mnler—F-»* I.D.UOt) fri rond along nomena ot raps and matvriaiiz iti-»n. G*». little pilgrim, to thy home 150 p**r act e. Newman Fisher, the ¡iotieer merchant, Trice-tist), and we will box and send you ar.; PATKKTED IN 1KW Rogue river in J »septi ne and Cu ry conn late am! valuable device. (»n yonder t»li**sful shore; I wcnty ac res light timber land, with who is also engaged in business al Ceti Our railroad c< niinm s to b«* quite a nov- amp safely by express, right to your Cccr We miss tin h« re but s « m » d will c«»in«* Mae, L»kev ew cit zens are putting up fairlv el'y, I») A.M.Wilhion of Gr« « nh »if. Kan-ae. and >11 g «al spring branch, $3.5 per acre. iralia. Wash., is looking after h s inter ­ and many are avail!: g themselves <» XVher«* thou hast gone before. ROCIIESTER LAMP CO.. By Merntt—T*» a l«»w mothers m a;» go<».| ic»* from H»e water company’s reser m ») tn the put »lie that u «diate the Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in culti- ests here at present. M. P. the opportunity 1*» take a ride bet«e«*n 4 J Park Place, New Tc* point gu-trdians by wi l v*>ir for use next summer Jacks *• ville and Medford. Th» r«»ad runs \ a ■ io*, ,'pr mg branch running on the ¡»lace, Manuf aeturtrt. and tnlf Oi/*ne-f rr- Bv M ill str« teb of e un- for $3-5 per acre. dent«. F r y acre - 01 choice land a!i cultivated, m a >b »rt time, to h«dd a term ot court lor in the Blate, and will ¡»ut it against any «»th» 1 t*»v»n pre«* n«-i, wn ■ was severe y itijur«dby try Happy and content is a bride with “The By d'iider—T«» incorporate Lituvi le. Judge Bird, who is suit .*!• k, although im -mal house, some young fruit already set ma nut act urt* f« By Merritt—Granting Ml ar Fin»- Flume «*i h -T'K, is c »Il vale.« ing. The locomotive made th«* run between i-u:,|70 per a« re. hester;* she lives in the light of the morning. proving in bra'ih. Co. right t » build thim - in laOMon < <>u t . RAPIDITY AND GOOD WORK. Ta ¿tarn mart, uriit Hacktittr Ca. Ntw York. Rmh Reb k«b degree lodge will give a J »»< k - oo vil e and Me«if *d in 20 mn ut* s I t* ity acr«s of land al cultivated, in J. W. Mattox of Medford made us a '■ a' p »» y on th«- eve» ing of St. Vaten- one day ih - week, whnh shows tuat the wh*-at this year, for |l»5 per acre pleasant call one day last week, accornpn- tr «ck is»api to 8 hiii '* Valley. Oregon d’ z* n chickens a» Ashland t»> W. P. Benn, a( r» aflcr ihe trees air 4 years o'd. An charge of the XV U. T< I. Co. at present, But n mother h«»i»es unto thr last, and 1 de­ Sarah A. Stephenson vs. Elnwr D. Stt'phen- citizens. Our ¡»cm le were taken m »me­ (¿•n e m 1 unibrr «»f people fr»»m difleretit i tie ornithologist of tt»e bridg*-. ami f«»i’nd ind i»iri* u> man c vi niak*- a go* d iving for Miss HarriMUi being «tetamed at Ir me by termined to try Dr. David Kennedy’^ Favor­ aon; »uit tor «1 von-e. what b* au> prise, but niai.aged to get tile To Elmer D. Steph« nson.thc al»ov< named de­ h»* < ---------- «»untv .j-------------- have b«* ir >ni hi* nis lain dy while h's orchard rets to hear thr illness of her mother. J. Ii. WELCH. ite Remedy, made at Kondout, N. 1. whistles and «lynam te «»f *r.»ume in • P I or. 1» .. i - . ol . — ft ntiant: Sam’s v»*l e» ran* h There’s money in i:n.’ bv raising vegeiab e> and various crops •ration shortly at far tn»* arnv «1 ol the til- C«»ur» bU'inr?*« during the week J. W. Bowden has rt moved his head­ IN THEN \ ME ti have to invent .sod wc «ill quarters to Albany, as agent of the Singer How happy 1 am that I determimsl upon swer th«* complaint of the above plain­ that the day tuaikrd ah epoch in the his iroz n « V» r at L«kevt»-w. wi h c, Id and sewing-machine c«>nipat«y, where lie was this 8. K. Witt « f W»»<*dvi le pre«*inet who coilrs«*--tor on«* by one the wdl-knowni tiff inlhealMive entitl«*«l court, now* on file lory of the county-sent w«»ui«i be bul th* fozgy w-ather pr, veiling there. ha*« been a' w »rk ir. the U>»w creek canyon symptoms «»f the dis«*ase left her. Words fai with th»’ « le» k of said court, within ten days Pr c»* j »Hied bv his wife this week. truth The tun»- is s«x»n ««‘tn iig when f*»r Jeffiey Bax s i«-r several month*- ,« as to express my gratitude, and 1 cannot too from the date of tlie service of this summons F«»r -« r<»iula in every form Hood’s 8ar.*a A. xVriiz. 1 who «xss until htelv a resi­ «•arm&tly rcemnincnd the Favorite Remedy, ihe cars will be rut ............. n ng re*.u ar¡y, .... .m . i upon jou. it served in Jackson county, Or«*- in Jacksonville Wednesday. He rejorts dent of Flounce Kock prec nc»,' is no w which was the only medicine taken after her gon; then gof.d-bye to the stage toich tor all t» »r 1 • 1.« a radical, reliable remedy. If ba« b »th tunnels compiei« d an i the balance of l»ut if s«-i ved in any other C‘»unty in the an unt tpialed r» Curd of cures. soj »nrnii g at Lt R »y, Mich. He sends for case xvas al>andon«*d by the physicians. time io cun»?. state of Oregon,then within twenty days from the work atxiUl so. the T imes to keep | osted on Oregon news Mrs. Laura A. K< inpton. West Rutland. Vt. the date«»! the»« rvice of this summons upon K» \ West, imported and domestic cigar« you; or if S« I’Ved on you out oi the state of E Barbe, one of our most succes-fii 1 The .«h.rtlmct a Lnulrr. r~the b»-si aii’l iiio h . p--pul«r brands in the From Nature’»» storehouse R. R. Dunn, who was manager of Slaver />r. Kt nnfffff9s Favorite fírniedn< Oregon, or by publication, then by thr first vine yardists, is clearing the 40-acre tra« t A Walker’s business at Medford an«l in day ot the ensuing and regular term of said Tbt •'«»regonian” t.aa th. largeat circu­ lu .rket—at the 8 F Variety Store. Com .« aii the ('«»mponetit purls of S 8. 8. that he purchased of the railr» ad company Vnilf nt lioHflvnf, N. Y. court, lo-wit: the «th day of April, 1H9I; lation of any dally, Sunday or »e.kly pa­ Ttiere 1- ho chemical n«»r anvthitig which southern Oregon, has finished his mission I)» Witt s Little Early Risers; only pill and you are berebj* notifi»sl that if you fail to per weat ol ilir But kj m >m Ian.., and in f«»r ( hr. inc Constipation, Indigestion, an«! will plant it in grape viiy*s a« fa-t (‘.»me« fr» m ihe < hemi't s shop contained here ami will leave for Portland in a few appear ami answer said complaint, as hereby as possible, l his will be valuable ¡>ro|»erty Can't Sleep Nights ordrr to further increase ns < ir< ulaiioii Dy>pep>ia bold by E. C. Brooks. in H. B 8. 8. Is therefore a perfectly sal« days. ic»iuired| th»* plaintiff will apply to the said in due course of time, they have »elected with great care a large court lor thr^rellef d« nianded ’in said com­ Is the cotnplaint of thousanda RulTerinir trom at.d harmless remedy, xet «0 ¡»oweriul is Francis Fitch of Medford, A. S. Hammond, list of valuable hook, and other useful ar B.»d c«-l«is are popular. The unnatural I’nder the management of C. W. Roby. it that it has never iaile«l to mi»e Blood L L Biirtrnsliaw ami J. N. Phillips of Ash- Ast lima, ( ’ommmption. Cough*, etc. Did you plaint, viz; A «lecree dissolving the boids of matrimony now existing between plaintiff tide*, and ar. ottering tb.-ni a- pr-nnuin. wioitr wea’hcr now ¡»revailir g is the cause eX-puMmaster of Portland, assisted b»* i’- 1-0 . It always cures "« r hil i, if taken «•ver try Dr. Acker ’ s English Keme«K? It is l.ind, attorneys a'-law, have been at the tl»«*b«*Ht preparation knpivn for Lung Trouble« and defendant, and for tlie car«* and cust«»dy to rach new »nb-criber 10 >mv or it- -ev. a «•i -«» much h iwi ii g and .«net zing. Har»y Murton, f«»rm» rly ib the f»»r« irdmg in for«* >otue vital ¡»arts is s«» stiiou-ly im­ county-seat this week on professional busi­ Sold on a posit ivv guarantee at 2.5c. and 50c of the chihlrvn as ¡»raj «*«1 tor in the complaint, iaeuea ftr yearly »ub-cripimn-. fb- I business at R« s« burg, the Holton Hous»* paired a« to temler a cure impossible. It and judgment for costs. ness. A i ul to repeal an act declaring the will continue to be one of ihe leading • ara •'Oregonian'' should be in every bn«, relieves Mercurial Rheumatism, an«i cures This summons is published in the D emo ­ bold Send for premium list to tile O hk KI .math river navigable ha« been intro- vansanes uf ihe metropolis. Rev F. K Van T.issel < f Ashland has cratic 'T imes for six «•«» iimxti Iix «• we« ks, by all sorts <»f Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, • AT-- MARRIED. du« ed in the California legislature. noklAM PrkLtantSr. I o , Portland. Or renn ved to Astoria, where he has accepted the order of Hon. L. K. Wcl»st«T. judge of the etc., by eliminating th«* poison from the Honevman, DeHart »t Co. will replace First Jue «11 B■••• <1 and Suu Diseases Cupt. Thus. Smith of Ashlaml has so far, tlng. < lav ( ha*ley, who recently returned now in U’e weighs ab -ut 25 ton-«, ami the »urcharged wnh’’largì» fool” L«st Sunday man« d ire«*. recovered Irom his recent attack of pa COX—REES—At Iaikevicw. Jan. 14. 1W1, S. evening and ct lunii't« d an as-ault with a from Vt’ii'aiift. intends to put up a good new one will be neariy a- iarg«*. 8WIF1 SPE( IFD CO.. A lanta Gft. ralysis that tie is able to interview his S. Cox and Mrs. C. Re«*, II. A. King, J. P, dangerous weajMin (a pi-to») on two re-i- saw mill un Antelope during the year. Residents of Ashland were hit lily t» . J Th«* right w »y to cure catarrh is lo eradi- Better TI ihii a Gold Mine. lighted with the |>r««gramiii»* <»f the Swedish valid ’ s chair. and bad an examination in Jusuce ih*rri «. | citc he pi>i«. n--u« taint which causes the Octette r»*nd«*red a* tlie G miaid <»p»*ra- WEBER M« NEELY. In this city. Jan. 3». bear­ Ten acres ,»et to tiuif « li^n ina ls»u, by Rev. K«»bt. Ennis, Richard H. Weber cuiirt, bring bel • »«» hi ^wrr 111* l»«.i..ts • b e t-e, by taking H.-ol’s Sarsaparilla F D. Pettibi ne. representing the Port­ Don t Fail to Call and See them before going house recentlv When the railroad gets l!g conditi« u wil yield an income of The Dall«*s and Miss G«*orgi« McNc«*ly of were fix tl at >8,u. wnitii r«-u d but b- land ‘Ex iniinir,’' a spicy amt newsy daily ('entrai Point. But er A I'horut-son of th* upper vallev to running regularly .»qr citizens can ot from $3000 to $f.50o per year and ami weekly, is in this section soliciting given, aid lie whs act« rdmglv taken t" Elsewhere.! »van tbemseivcs of such treats at neigh rr«|Uirc*s n > expensive machinery to jail by C«»nsL*»Me Tayl »r Rnmei has ■ i».»imht a i i.-e bunch of cattle from H WALKER-WALKER In Ashland precinct. «»per mk * it. A fruil-ruser in the Wiliam- business. He has been doing well at other borii g town-. j H rii-« >n of tni.« place »luring the week. Jan. is, 1891, by ilex*. G. J. Webster, Jo«. G. since b*en indicted b> the grand jury. points in the vallev. « tte v.ilb y rripitres but a small outlay, Walker and Miss Anna T. Walker. A shrew I r *gue ha- been w rk nz th»* h «sali I he advantage» of a civilized and ; \\ » f - r. • *»-d to note tb.e improvernent M. M H’ke'soii, accompanied by bis w fe Grand Jury- t \\ 1. M < me oi (io|epl*ine c tuny f»»r Ban Francisco WRIGHT—DOWNING.—At the Oregon Hotel, in Ashland, Jan. 14. 1W1. by Rev. F. G. d**-iii e !• dg»*M of a s»*( ref «ocietx dr-s’gtiat««! m »rk» t.x a. d r’.-ce.vv' a better income ir«»m This tody re« « i. V» neam»* investment than can be had from iasi week, lor surgical aid for Mr M . who jn obedience to the ord-r math io ihe eir has been troubled with a cancer on his Do« niug. Ei • -h bm k lo at fl«»ur, rolle«1 outs, honey, h* - You can get tongue fur some time past. Wewhei 1». e u ien list h**.ir.l from. Lo k lb s land from $.5.5 to $7.5 per acre of The Dan (»ray formi «n. E. Barbe, I A. llou-- j J i-’t t-«c».vv«l aithvb F Variety Store. out fm him. E. Lewiston,of the International hotel at BORN t..n, c«- 8 I* A. — B. Chapman v»n, * Ol ver. » <-• ' > *d- Oiegon Land Company of «Baleni.Oregon. Portland, was r« ported (langrt ouslv ill at ham. Jacob Neath-«m» Neath «nor. Two bill I Th»* J ck'<»nville-Mrdford railroad is ham, r. T«'» we»* N D Julien, «»lie of the richest men in San Francisco last week, ami Mrs. L. returedone agan »t 1 J Stacy for morde* m I e ng-ireng'nei.ed and pua i»» fine shape. northern California an«! a pioneer, died at 361 Rreaiwar How to Break up a Severe Cold. Rew l wrk. passed through the valley from the north .MERRIMAN In M» «lfor«l. Jan. 12. I«»l. to Mr. the second devree, and thr « ther »gains» It will b“ a first via«« ruad when completed In» residence near Y*ek «, usf Mmdav. aged an*l Mrs. George Merriman, a sun. to nurse him in his illness Char. Rurnel, for an assault wnh a danger« Savs the VnginiaCity, M«»nt.,‘‘Madison- BELONGING TO THE A tew » .»¡»ie« <»t tlie American Bettler’i* 78 vears and 7 ni< nttis. He was highly re­ THRASHER -At Altbnus«*. Jan. H, 1M»I, to Mr. oh » weaiM»n. An adj-»uniment took place Guide, standard authority on all land spec U*d and leaves ft wife and several ian When we find a medicine we know to Mrs. M. L. Alford of Ashland last w.« k and Mi s Gts». Thrasher, h daughter. po ’ snss genuine merit we cotsider it a on Wrdnes«fay. chi dr* n . as well as cntertaii e«! h» r sister, Mrs. S iigrn». bef.-re a boat • f friends, to ma’ters. mav ne found al the T imks office, mourn him. duty. and *»e take great pieasute in felling ihe lut<« r’s departure oil her journey fro o MITCHELf*—Near Jacksonville, Jan. à'. 1MH, I«» Mr. and Mi -* N. Mitrhell, « daughter. A»tbur 11 <>mi M»n, deputy sheriff, is en- Die puhli«* what it is Such a medicine Klamath r«mnty tn rej »in her liusb rnd.the Decision Affirmed IrECEARED. J. D. Scharir. who Heifer Lost we f< umi ( hambt rlain's Cough Remedy. lieu'enaiit, at Fort Huachuva, Arizona. Th« sni-reme «•» urt. win h »Tinted a re gag» »1 tn iiinkmg tne annual tax-gathering traveling tnen 11 r i lOUod.«. Not much money is being paid atn now offering at great bargains the following :— By the u^t* *»f this syrup we have relieved hearing in a lew hours', severe colds, and in tlie NE RED AND WHITE HEIFER, THREE ¡a • ed irom this c untv, «tfini «i 1'« for in. self in the fem’s furnishing The Steam Flouring Mill 24 new Deering Mower.. years «»Id, «*ar-marked with an under half - c«»ur-e oi i w • oi ihrev days, «-niire <1 Re, - rdei H »lnies 1« engaged in re-in- the Perkins hotel nitr «1»ct-i» n »*n W- dne-da» ln«t A* will crop in «*ach «‘ar. Any information re garding ti em up, as h«ve s-v«*r 3 oi our friends to • li .’inc a visit, after a i absence of manx lJNVILLE-At Luk *vi< w. Jan. 14. 1M’I. May­ be ren rn bered. the « »-• w *« «te* id««l in ,1» xmg the mortgage records m the county, p;«S'e whom we bhVt* rev» mu ended it. It is all nard, non uf Mr. and Mrs. Tli«»b. iauvill«*; f»»V'*r <-f Jas Hamlin in the upfa r court. something that 'huuld have been done long cisco last we«-k R. E. DRI'M. Tabb* R. V'cuted •<» i»e by the maniitac- «11 the gr.»und that a pre-umption of pay ago- Ashland is having tiveiy timt*« « ver tn 1 Hirers. Il x»*u have a Cough and want to I'.umbing. n»ent was rahed be» au-e the jurtguient McDONAi.D-At I^akcview,Jan. 15.1891,Th«». rt Star Sickle Grinder-. to 1,«»«K»p<>tinw z r«», nut there was little snow at ide propose to enforce the « n r.. I’o i t, ..nd G. II H isko-.s, Medford. dentistry in Jacksonville fur the past six GALL-In Sam’s Valley. January 5. 1«U1. ___ T , ............. . sam« and allow 7 Five «nd Seven Tooth Culti­ 4 Milk Cows. months,’ left for the notch on Wednesday, Sarah J., wifeof ('.(.’. Gull; aged 44 years. time. their posy beds and garden pah fies to rest Last Notice. 4 months and 23 days. with the intention of returning to his ola Cui stipation ___ . poisons the blood. De- from ihe marauding r«»oster which crows vator*. !»<),«'00 feet of Linnber. was born -- in --------- Illinois. ----------- August - 13. . - Deceased ----- ----- --------------- Tb«*a indebted to us are expected t«> Wm ■ I,itile Early home in Chicago. He is a first class den- i Good ^eetls. ................ Risers cure Constipa- in the morn, tra la ,.............. . . : the plains :............... : came * to • i de- lMfi, anti cr«ttw«*d atid call and settle AT ON< E. as ad a«c«»unt* Cist and a thorough gentleman and is Tree*. Wagon Spring Seat«, liar Neek Yokes, Double and Single _ lion. The cause removed, the disease is (»r« g«ui With her parent.« Mr, and Mr*. J, A. IM»NE AT TUR Truckload after truckload of seeds were serving of a liberal patronage. not settled shortly will be placed in a I g«»ne A fellow by tlie name of Waters has tieen PankeyMn 1853. <>n wer rates ’han he could if tie ami on investigating it was found they burn ess on July 1, 1890. ami <»ur bo«»ks children, survive her, an«l ar«* left to mourn articles too nnineroua to mention. Specimen ( ’ •**. we «* from 1». M. Ferry A <*<> of Detroit, h«*r untimely loss. All were at h«*r bedside at Liul * Ear.) Ri«ers. Best pili tor Constipa was a bona fide agent. Neither tie t or the must be balanced wi’b u» further delav. M( ST REASONABLE PRICES th«* tmiH «»! her death except her eid«st 8. H. ........................ Oifiord, N< - w ___ Wi«.. For particulars aud terms '’all or write to non. best GrSick Headache, best for 8uur money that be couected will probably ever Mi h , for ii.vir norihwvsurn agents, F. IlMKS PmUSHIXU Co. K,. L Po-son A Son, 209 Second street, Port ­ daughter. Mrs Gall was a kind and affection­ troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism, Stuiunch. i e heard lr« ni again. The ie<»|».e should Jacksonville, Jan. *21. 1891. MRS. J. KAREWSKI, Executrix, Jacksonville, Or ate wife and mother, and highly resp«»eted by land, Or. l'osson A Son have ^o'.d and de­ his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was look out for aticb bi ks. John (’<»nipton and John Berg pur­ liver»«! Already tins season over three atfeued to an alarming degree, appetite her many fri«*nnum»*n(s, Not it you go thr«»uvh the world adyspvptic. John 8|>eaker, Catawba, 0., had five large The boon his love hud given; school Report. mi- to r»*"i e • "*’. Marv’s Academy fo' toinb> ones ,ii>d ah kinds o! marble and Dr. A« k» i - Dyspepsia Tablets are a t»ositivc Fever sores on his leg. «luctors said be was Although her body moulders here cure l»»r th, worst tormsof Dy spepsia. Indiges­ The i«»L«»wii.g is a list <.| Hi» pupi.s • f the regular s bolattic year, which cum a. Her soul is saf«* in heaven. stone work A’.! person» wishing nice tion. F.atulrnc) nn«i Conatipaflon. Guuran- incurable. O »e boitl»* Electric Bitters and l>isf. No. 40 « I.< >♦• average't il di» g is JM mtncee m August one box Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cured him (Boise City impers please copy.] work done i u Ibis line are r< «¡ut sted to can ecd. *t it» Ointment, uf which a small i-articîo is appi <*<1 • i d over: Will Arne*. Fred B .It, E u.aii. A im BT hs , K T. I ìazbliike . Warrén. iV luiuiedmie relief by using PrestOD U p n’t fgjj to call and eiaminv I It cures headache ouly—Preston’» Hed- Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla. for the M. E. Church, booth. Il is a neat, every ca^e. C«»iue and see uu before buy­ riu’t, Lula Herriou. J *w» - Car« fiuti. “Htd Ar.e dWJtfni arftl íh^rtaití ¡fflcA. 1 ing e’.sewblre. Ake ’ cuuiujbfliuus Biructure. IVA WiVi. Tcatbcr. ghtgmanniitïiiars HERE VNI> THKKK. I I) Max > !, wh»> return“«! from north not long s ti«*“, tins pur**h.«s* »11 <*ie«k I c«t«d there |»ermiine»jtb' DR. ABORN COMBINATION PLAID AND CHECK WOOL SUITINC, SIX-QUARTER ASSABAT ALL-WOOL SACKINC, TEAZLE CLOTH, NEW FALL PATTERNS TRICOTS IN COLORS, HENRIETTA CASHMERE ALPACA, BEICE PEASANT CLOTHS, New Silk Plush, Velvet and Velveteens. I We can v Boots, Ladies’ and Men’s Fine Shoes. Groceries, Etc., Etc. W h AI Faber’s Golden Female Pills I DID ‘ Seeing is La neving DO WHAT YOU AILS KNOW ‘The Rochester.’ -n you ? DR. ACKsiR’S ENGLISH REMEDY NE PLUS ULTRA. 5 « I GOOD LICK WASHING MACHINE, I A MOTHER'S LOVE Saves Her Ten-Year Old CK f f ELEGANT GOODS REASONABLE RATES NEWMAN FISHER'S I < SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI O THE HANDSOMEST WORK * MARBLE WORKS 1 /