Shegm.ocratiuinK5 HERE ANO THERE Buy a White. i he White is still king 0 FILIAL RAPIR OF MCUJR COUTH. Ct FRIDAY. .IASI A I! Y 1Ü. I*”!. i'ure- Ake - hi re yon wait—Preston’s ‘ Hed- Fresh table delirac es at the S. F. Variety St re TEACHERS’ INSTITI'TE. AwfuUy cheap goods at the 8. F. Variety Bl re The Jackson C«»ui»ty Teacher*’ A*s «c i- tion met in Jack*-<«nvil »• J«1* 10-h, ixt»l. at 10 o’ci«» F ee presiding.with the lol «»wing m •i«»b«-re n tendance: Misses Hattie N wburv.l. »’v C Hav, De. a J. P.ckel 11» n s«- * f« Lottie’Reed Dee Ankeny, Messrs, yv. .1 (’rawford. I. B Raymond, Gus Newbury, N. H. Clayton. The association was opened bv the mei. bers s nging several b*-: utiful s»*i»g*. e«i b- Prof. \V J Crawl »ni with Mias De-* Ankeny as organist. Minutes ot die prevail» me tnu ««sd and api roved. On motion, Mi-*e< Ag ics Dvvlr». C«»ra Ankeny, Messrs. B R. Stevens an i J. 1. Miller were elected to mrmtwsU:p. After some pertin«-nt remarks by Sup’ C. S. Price the Aa,ociati »n, on motion, a i- journed for dinner. ArTEaNojx asMioa. The Ass<*cialion re-aaoembled at 1 ;.'J0 o'clock r m , and »her «ev^ral s »ng* by the members the p-ogram i.e Was t iken up • Schiatl mai a^ement" b\ 8n;»t. 1 r <•»• was pre*ented It) a logical ami b -ugliiiul manner, wa-a very imeirstiug i .- hk and abounded ni many g<-o Give O .«1 ln.-uu tion in Ptnsiolugy ami H vgiriir,” w tin h had been assigned to J. W. Brat«y, nut that gentleman not bei g present, » as bru tty disposed uf by 1 few well-timed remarks. ■‘Coiu|»o-‘itu>n W »rk, whi h jv is to h iv - been pre-ented by Miss Emm i Coleman, but who (ailed »O bv on hand, was iak» h up by Misses l ei a Picket and L »:ti»- Reed, who di*p«»ae«1 of «he -ubj«ct m g -o■» 25 o ler«-«l ¡«a d The query box piove«! a Vrry ng ¡•art ot ’l»e du) s sc--ion, »mi muuv -» blv questions were a.-bed an i an-w« re«i Moved a* d < a'tied Hid' kt e ih ius« «•! it*<»ciati«»i> be ie<»«iertd th» cux :- «1 Jai ksonviHe and Hie lea« hers of u»e pub i.- sctu»«»is of tbatcitv tor the sumpiuous nd- iaiioi) prepared fur the members of Ur i Ass.ciation. Receipts fur dues and fees, >2 90. On niutiun, the Asso» ia» »>n adj urned. N. A J ACOB8. ftecietary. Whs sutf* r? Prefi*-*n’s ”H»d-Ake” will » ure y»u A |w»ti’ion praying tl*e Irgtslattire to Our town whs visited bv quite a number of «: h x»i teacher« last Saiur.iny Th« nine d till* IS*» ssnient laws so that church pre»; • rtv w 11 '.»«• tax«ul. »mi «Iso one against c* untv inst tute aact «1 th« ni hither, nn I h I* ng -the worlds fair buildings at they h» Li «ti H»t»*!«!8ti»ig nn in*tr*l> tiv i i> .- -g • <» i s«it d»»y h t'e been in circuia session. i t««-n here la elv ’ and were numerously We are Iu 'ky to h ive perm in»*n’l» lucat- signe«!. td with u* a city demist who will give v«»u The McGinley tr*»upe have hung up st nil (lie m «nee y»*u want in d nti-’rv. Ca»l <»n Dr Marc »ux. At the U 8 ilutet, lheb-r, ('aL, to enable their cornet p ayer « d tunny man ti» recover from the measles. and see him. Tiivir .i v inee «g« nt hnd a stnb’en «ttack (’. Wendell, the Dunsmuir jeweler, wh«» of • ompunction <*f conscience, resulting in opene»! a brain h e-tabii-hmen’ a» A*bia* <1 p. r’ial paraksi-, which has laid him np Isoiiie'ime since, ba« dispensed wrh the ■ *»», s • B b ami Eva «»reenjoving a much* I secon.i h» us** and returned io « a* f* rma ne»».e«i re st Starring it through the prov- m e -1-n’t nhat it might bu in s »me lespccis. J with his stock. Pre»? s.F L lgnb »tt in has gone to Linn com ty. EKKSO.NAL MENTION. G W Haye« wilt go to Miasoula, Mon­ tana, in « sb<»rt timt*. Miss E'la Young ha« returned from Seattle, Wash. Henry B. B'ack an I fatnilyare now ocat. ed in Colusa county. Cal. The following deeds were recorded in the office of the county record« r wince the last re- • port of the T imes : Mary A Davison to II F Wood; lota 3 and 4. blk 44». M< «if »rd; «75. Edward Hill t*» L»»uisa Brown, «0 acre« in twi»4(Js, r 4 e; >Hi0. Eno« Blair to Minerva J Armstrong, 15 ■ acres '.nr.« in ir* twp two :J7 s, a r »• 2 9 w; »v $¡24. L I'tta Skeel to Berth * S Barnum, lota 1. 2 and 3 in t»lk Cl, Medford; I K R Dunn to W 8 Barnum, lot 9, blk 24. Mud i ford: >125. I B F Adkins to Name, lot 12, blk 22. Medford; $200. i Jesse Richardson to Wm S Barnum, Jots 11 ! and 12. bikfiti. Medt«»i12lM). G M Pierce to W 8 Barnum, lots 9 and 10, blk 22, Me«iford; ffiOU. Angle. Plymale A Short t» N B Bradbury, lot 12. blk 1, Cott Hire nd»i to Medfurd; >100. E P Geary to Edith J Briulbury, w«-st Jialf of lots 1 and 2, blk IX, Beatty’« add to Medford; >86. Wm P Swope to Jet-Hie M Patterson, 80 acres in two 35 h r 3 w; >1 ihj Al. Hopkins to Edward Hill, 100 acres in twp 40«. r 4 «•; >»¡0 I. O A: T(o to Daui« I Baer, lot 20. blk L. R R a»l»i to Ashland; $xo. Same to John H ('»»!«-, lot 25. blk E, same add; j Druniiiier- are quite numerous of latf. Dan Cardwell his returned to Jarkrm* ville. Geo. 81-»ver of Grant’s Puss spent Sutuiay in town. A L. James of Butte city, Montana, w as Mrs. J B Carlisle of Tal-’nt vi«îtc ! r ends here yesterday. at Oregon city during wee- Fresh orang*«, lemons ami nuts at the Mrs J. W.Sowden of R»»«eburg is viiiting 8 F. Variety btoie. relatives and friends in this section. Mis-e.i Gilsun of Stetbngville are aitcnd- K. J Harris, the well-known c«»rumer< ial ng uur district sc I uh »!. traveler, «peut a few hours here recently. Mrs. Will Jaokson lias rett:rn:d to her John W. Powers of Ashland went to Port­ home iu Grant's Pass. land last week, but returned in a few days. T. C. Law cf Willow Springs precinct Mr«. W. J. Ply male his gone to Portland and Salem and may be gone several weeks. was among our visitors. A. L. Warren uf Wiiderville epent a day Geo Wise, the Montague merchant, took a run over to Ash'and one day last week. in Jacksonville recently. 1 he Jacksonville Marble Works are The best reinedv f r hea«la« h« and n-u- ralgia is Wright’s Paragon Hea«!a» h«* rem­ turi ing »»tit large quantities of monuments, J 1> -llinger And wife visited our towi' edy. Stops pain in five minutes. Hatm- t»»mb.itones and «11 kinds of marble and A!! persons wishing nice yesterdav. less, tasteless, no ba«l effects. Fold by all stone work work don«* i n this line are requested tu call druggists. Settling-up time is at hand. Don't for­ and ex imine designs and prices. We get the printer. Circuit court han been adjourned until guarantee our work to give satisfaction in •text M»>n-«turdHy la-t. although ll*e cr an j jury ha* b<-« n *»uimno!i- ceived ai the 8 F Variety Store. Pndip Wendt, the second son of Mr. af.d tnuke a vi-il to California in a short time. Chas Owens ot Pleasant creek precinct e«i to consider it. M s firn«’» Wvndl of Jacksonville, died uf Capt. Werk, the well-known hurst- J. I). Coughlin and Geo. Conn of Lake w «- be e yes:« rday. Conductor (. has. Win*ton, of the work teyer on Wednesday nn»rnin< after an ill gone to San Francisco un trainer, was here one day this week. county have I tram between Central Point and Wolf 1» fails, money refunded ; Preiton’s “Hed- nesa of «»Illy a few days Industrious, I) M. Ferry niHCh Dis«»rders Reni»-«lv tl*« *e Miss Katie R**ew the .southbound train several hours one First-ciass cedar fence p«»3ta fol sale in those in nee«i of them should give them a can be given 1*1 a cup ul coffee without the knowlrdg»* of the person taking it. The Springs precinct were at the county-seat day recently. trial and be convinced. J quantities to suit at the 1 imkn office. Aiiliuo’r will n«»t injure ttie health in any during the week. A*h!and play and concert goers anticipate wa\. Manufactured by the Living-tone Sheriff B rd-ey and his deputies are en- A big assortment of fresh garden seeds, Jay Bradley and wife have returned t<» a faifa, clover, timutny, etc., at the 8. F. much pleasure from hesring lhe«h (‘heini* a1 Co.. 8a«i Francisco, Cal., or from g. gi-d iu Mimmunir g the grand jury. Octette, which wi t til. the secou I ph««>' m i \.C Mar.-t» rs A (’<». *»le agei ts, R«>svburg; thi« valley aft»-r a long re-ideive in Wyom­ Variety 8tore. M»»nthlv installments of >10 will buy a the winter’s course of eiiteriaiuments at E C Brre»ka, Jacksonville; Miller it Strang, ing and Montana. it *ure ami l«»l in l'ulo from Scott Griffin. • Henry Blecher is engaged in haudrg (laniard's upent-hoU3e. Mt df*>ra. (> egou (’al. Eubanks uf San Francisco, Kline A wood lor the use uf the Jack ou ville- M eu- Oi«l paper«. In quantities to suit, for sale Our cu*turners ail speak h Uily in praise Co's popular traveler, called on Tuesday fuid railroad. I at the f IMKS office at ftdcents a hundred. Bur Fruit*. and did a good business. of 8t. Patrick’s Pills. They are tl;e t«st.— Thro. Engel und D. Lehners of Phoenix Fruit sb i nv-ips from Rogue river vallev T«-n th u-ami t»-et «»f lumber at 8am's va!- B ebky B ro *., (’nrro l. Nebraska. For *ale Mrs. D. E. Hvde has been engaged in ab­ bv Dr J Hinkle, Central Point, and G. towns prior to the holidays, m cht I o 8<1 stracting work f»>r A. 8 Hatntu »nd at the were in town Sunday; also Weeks Bros. ** \ -• hool-huuwe tor »ale bv Scott Griffin of and Mr. Baker. H. Haskins. .Medford. lol-, amounted in round number» t >; A-h- court-house during the week. ¡.»iu • iand, 24’»,.»iM) p«>U‘'ds; Medford, 340,(»70 continues to make Im- N H. Spencer ... Our friends should give DeWitt ’ s Cough (’b-he five-acre tracts in Nicaeil’s ad- Mi-s Mary A. Chavner lias returned to provements on his fine fruit (arm iu Griffin No doi.p- p«>ua |»« unds. Shipments in small her home at Gob! H 41,»Tier a long visit with creek district. p »intment foiliiw*« Hie us»» of tins re iab e terms. medicine, and it merits the pra se receive«1 lots a d ny express doubtless amounted to friend« in the Missis« ppi valley. R allies *fc Wh te have ju t ieceiv«-»i b *1» hs inth'li inoir, or a lo'al of about 2.- 11«»bb . Wall A C » s mills in Del N »rte from all who use it His Grace. Ar< hl»isbop Gr«»*s, acconi |i.mi)N) p*»u <1-ol green fruit, or over 120 pHiii**«! bi threeu h«-r ¡»r.«st-<»f thi-« «liocese, ai.uliit-r large a-.-ort men I ul line sb »rs. U..H >y, C^i , nave .-hut down f r sryerai Cali and see them. E. Eri k-<»n ha* the contract for th" big I * a mails. When It Is con-ide rd thsl our w < ks fill in th- Wagn-r »-reek botiom f >r the 8 urrnards .*r j«i-t< uming fairiy in’o bearing, went toCahfutniu • ne «lay recently. Cul. E. Hill, the Umber-land expert, wns Dr Callaghan f -rm«-rly of this county, P. folk* Ab**lit (®.04) cubic y «r*!** »>f «lirt and Ihai -be ulisiiiess of shipping is } el In Judg* Prim got b.cK fr«»m Salem on in JnCudUuville une day lust week, accam- has nu* g out ms smug e at Wou«iburn, wi I have !<» be m«»ve»i wnh »ut interfering us ui'an y. tni-is a must favorable show Wednesday morning He argue«l seyirai panitd by hia wife. M riun. with tiie runnn g ut trains mg. Hon. J. D. Whitman, in ¡»resenting case- before lhe supreme court while there. Mr. Elmore, who purchased a partiun >am Geary h -««l -p »-ed of his claim on lb member that Dr Marixnu. dentist,will ti.e-e lads before Hie late meeting of the D. strict Attorney Colvig and Judge of the Armstrong farm in this precinct, Stair Board of Horticulture, and comment­ E kcirua to (’<»1 Pence and Mara Win- »mike you a fmi upper and lower set of the Hanna returned from Salem i»n«* day la*t was here un Tuesday. ing «-n the fact that the b »aid forbade the I n ngham. b«st teeth f r only >25, ami satisf y t**»n w»rek,u here they h »•! important business guarantee«!. Hi* offi*'e is in lhe U.S shipment ui iruit infested with the >an before the supreme court. L A. Simons now manipulates the bin h Notes, receipt.-, lue-bills,drafts, etc., in Hotel, Ja< k*onviile J -« u!r, slMte«i that they Conveyed but at Gold Hid s« ho«»i, wnicn oi ened for the ; b”«»k form ha«»«iv and first-class, al the a ia nt i ei <»i the fruits already grown in C »minissione-s Taylor atnl Haymond teiiuunthe 5th instant I 1‘i me - office Frank Hatton a* d John Win: i’ gh »in tin- sv- ti •»*. were at tl.e county Wednesday on of­ of » l.t» s a mas ««> i -i: v h . ve b« » n v o»t. g ■ 1 he flint interest of southern Oregon," ficial (»usures«, wiie-i an a ij uiriied term W. J. Gregory, «>ue of the s»ur«Jy faimers (> »e of A-hlwne 1 i»»er uni .1. Ih* (ure (•> our Val ey. L iwyers (h awh»rd an 1 Pebtz ui Mi dfi-r.i Rev Robert E .liis assist«*«! the local Rob'am to «ell liquor* >»f «1 tie - n kind* •I. 11 Hutter, clerk of this district, an- • tie w I k » kibs a bird, in m” judgment,” pastor, R'V. F. G. Strang«* «»t Ashlaud, in acre at the cuumy seut • n nou .ee-that school tax is now due «nd f«»r the ensiling six nnimh* Mr. Whitman added, a friend—a bolding dany services at the Presbyterian uu-ii>e>s one duj mis wee.«. ¡>av able at bis office. Th re«* inches « f hh «» w fl st L «kevievv **n tact tt-at ought to be rvc»»gt lied by every church al th«* granileciiy ihis week. Wm. R. C »«»K ami Gto. R. Owings have larmrr an I frutl-g ’ oWer." the l*l in*t.. and there have been several > me de-renble holiday goods still remain E. F. Vickroy oi Forest creek called breii ¡urnistiiug excellent music ¡or a at ih«- S F Variety Store, (io anil get light fnhs since, but n»>t eimugti to alarm Saturday, lie is now engaged in putting number ui social gaiiiciing*. Nlocktnen. The mercury touched«» two them l.»i almost nothing. Newspaper Law. Installations, his farm in good order, which already or three days lH*»t week tn th it section. Rev. T. P. llaynes last Sunday dedicated For the benefit of all who may seek to At a stated meeting Ilf Ruth Reb« kali preset» «a much-improved appearance. M. - Ph<»ebe Woodson, late of Asb'and the bunding recently bunt un Applegate Wm Jackson Armstrong, lhe lt*«-turvi, Degree Lu-ige No. 4. I. O. <>. F., Ilei i on ;n*.i B..naDz was recently married tu J. W woo has bsen the gu at t* r «*.»m<- w«-» k* t -wifclie the newspapers «»ut of their just Thos. Collins of Klamath county is in for tiie M. E. Cuurcn, South. the evening of the 12u* nid . Mrs Moine Mitche l u* Mo.Hague. »hies, we publish the following which is Wm H Bets? ol latent, r« turnt*d t<» the kept standing at the head of the first edi the valley and wi!» remain during the Krause, 8 D. G. M , lnslai ed the t »Towing Kry West, imported and duines:ic ciga»s winter lie will drive a band uf young • tH era for lhe ensuing ur.:» ; Mrs A* w ( ai d.dates for town * fli -ers should make lecture field last w«ek, leaving for lac *ma. tonal column in many of our exchanges : — (be best ami must p >pul *r brand.- m the rattle east ot the mountains in the spring. riricb, N G ; M«s. W. J. Piv ui t r, \ . G. ; then wrehr.- am wn t-» the pub.ic. An- hi* first engngeiut nt beiure returning « a-f. I. Subscribers who do hot give express iu »raei—at tbc 8 I’ Varied) Store. Wifi. C. Denctr Rec. dec.; M -. h ; an noum «in-nis are in order. ( ’. B. Watson «4 Ashland went to Salem Taiti.t’s pro’ress an i growth are i!lu* notice to the contrary arc considered as Clay Charley wi:l engage m lhe lumber, 1 reas.; John A. B«»yer, Em. S «■ ; wishing to continue their subscriptions. lust week, tor lhe purpose of seeing tl the 1 lie » ou ly der ic, on the 10i!i inst, is- trated by th»- f «*•’ ti at her citizens are ¡»re­ Mrs. Mary Sillier. K 8 N. G , Mi-- K.i <• 2 li subscribers order the discontinuance h'dise of representatives would favorably business un u large -ca*e on AineiOpe n«xt Piv male, L. 8 N. G.; E.»i«-r Bind R >. V. siird a mar* iaxe license t«> Wm. N. U right ps ring to build 1n.iles <»f snlew *1 k on «»f their periodicals the publisher may con­ i consider his claims tu the chief clerkship. seat-uu and bas a sa a mill un the way. lite Hi am street, pusr th-* >« h<>»» h» titre, at G.; Mrs. A Heims. L 8 V. G.. Fr«-«1 L iv, and Xli-s Nr ne Downing Archbishop Gross took a leading part iu an ear»y date, a mu i)-ne«ucd improve­ tinue to semi them until all arrears are Hon. Ben Havmond of Rock Point re­ W.; Mrs Nellie Plyma e, I. G.;Mi>. M. paid J» it. W.l-o:i ami f muly. after spending ment. (be dedx alion ul the 8t. Marys catnrdrai Krause, C. 3. If subscribers neglect to or refuse to turned from Fortlami last week. He prov­ nt Ban h ianclscu. which is a magnificent -•-me m. in thi- val «y. returned tu their Ai a stated meeting .»f lab r R » ck En­ h* lire in Kl.iinath county. Mr. Wills, an experienced ami *u*'* « <*fui take their periodicals from the offi»e ot ed a leading member :«• til they have settled theii bill there. of *h* 13cn iia’.,>. J. Day, 1». D iiv s with rela'iV« s Joe VV’.iler n»»w i G P., instal r«i lim io -wing * tii -* i - :«» fr -tu l. «■ A;»|»leg «*u country on \\ e»in«*s«lay ii»«*imiing the Cwos bay » It C. ti.iw.t ami ,in»i • •< ter •*! Ilo-i; paper discontinue»! 1) Rutledge an«! wife were the guests of j a Igerna, Cai. He is naop) in »n.i -1 re I men gh. in i wn. lire « nsiiii.g 1« ru. . ii. V li«m-. < i *’ . Kahi» r ■* *taib n T«t»wt, both ot I If -ill*' nbei- move to other places Judge Day ai.d wife last w« vk Mr. R. e. iy a- nr iu res i no .*letp over the J D«y, H. i’.; J*»in. *o. • r, »>. \V.; j • b whom are rer.t. rmer v of Ashland, pt.- A Boyer, 8«iii*e; K K « »Ii, T*v»- ; L. Hi »»u.i. lb v 1 r) on hi- way tu d»-a?lle papers are-ent t<» the former direction, eating lecture at the M. E chili» h la*t Streriff Birdsey «»ne d.'iv la-t w- rk -•» «1 Tne vv ;te ol 1 D 8 tilth Pupovu h, J. \S.; Freu Luy, I 8 ; h tr I «-l w ee*, fr m L re Angele-. s«»nie c»»it*. h«»!9e« ai «1 much u«-rv b. Ion - they arc h -l»i rvspoti-ibie. Sunday uiurmng and evening. precinct died ot puerperal .» v r Bund. G. 5. The courts have decided that refusing ing tu I . J blat y . at Mr«ilu»«l. I«» -atisiv a 1 nr iniao i « hii-i p iss'-«i a a a v . D W - L t'b- Eariy Kiser-»; only pill 1 tie following officers oi Obve R i«ex .n t » take p»*rodi«’.uis from the «»dice, or re­ Mr. Connolly, one uf the 8. P.’s lo.'omo- since C”i st p«»ti n, lmligestiun, • hait«4 mortgag* he <1 bv Z I . \V t gh1 <»f mov mg and leaving them uncalle«) for “ pri- l ve engineers, lias beet) in Jacfisunville un tue same time. loii^e of Medtord were iu»i »lie»l «*»» >t.e (im f-»r i h in« Portlan«!. Tne mock realized a o»» ninai Dv p i- ia te.-hl b\ E. C. Brooks. inst. : .Mrs E B Picael, N G; Mis A ». ma facie' evidence of intentional fraud. several ucc *s.uns lately tie is in charge t.'uris L'iricb has received ihc c »ntr.ict t * i.(.»thing, the best mar«* ng but $.». \Vo*aif*»rd, V G; Z »1 Ly n, it 8; M >•> <» Anv person who receives a newspa­ uf the engiire whica hus been standing «m bull«! lhe ueput, tt.'., lor tne J.u kviuville- i ha*. G* th ns n.t- accepted a clerkship Hrieu Nlrang, P 8; Mr- 1 A Meriimu* . 1. in Wnl Ja»»»by’s store at Gold Hill, after In our rcpjit of the insia lari »n *»f the per and mages use of it. whether he has the Jacksonville-Medford ruad since the 1st Alvtiluid railroad at'ibis end oi Um -ysitin. The following are ine newtv-insiaired ot •*ffic«rsot Mail i (’.*m:ii in-le y N*» I. K r . subscnbetl for it or not, is held in law as a of January. Hr wdl nu doubt pul up neat, substantial c o- ng his ?cho«»l on (Jail’s creek ticers uf Medf*«rd 1 -»ig« B > vVrbt», N we mad«* a mistake hi giving tne name «4 subscriber. Rev. F. E. (-lark left fur California last buildings G.; TW Johnson, V G, Ct»as Strang, >ec ; ( h -mber am A t’o's tt ’ting angel, Wi I ' the gentleman wh«» was riecteti - v*»rn- 7. The postmaster who neglects to give D 8 Y«»ungs, rreas; I A W* bo. I’ > . I . * id» H i r »ir , . f 1 >« - .M<»ii>es, Iowa, was in (hr beaier Tue Rrd Men have disposed of their line Win 8ln«g»r «4 .Mr«lf»»r»i was | the legal notice ut the neglect of a person Week, and delivered a sermon in the Cat ho­ Wu 4t. K i S’ G , A N < h*»re • *. L > N G , A vai.ry « n tint business last week. rle* trd t»» that ¡»ositj>>H «n I a -»» duly in I to take from the office the newspaper ad- le chuxh at Yr«*ka last Sunday, lhe bn* k building m JcCkb »nvule to a c«>m>»wuy Journal ” spe»ks highly of Lis efl »rt. M Wu»*«ilord, R8 V (»; \V I. \V.uia«e, L S composed ot B. A Auiennetn ui Y'reka, i dres-ed t»» him. is liable also to the publish stalled. J C. H ¡i»rah is renuilding his pottery Fa»her Clark is accompanied south by Ins C. W. Kahier, E. Barbe, ('Das. Nicaeii ami VG; B Hutison, W; K 1 Y’uung (* (•; 1 1 ’-r for the subscription price k Iu on K gtir river, preparatory tu burn ­ Cuu-un Mr. Zaches. The weal nmderiCed TlP-id) tll'T' - A .Merriman, I (», (» L Wet»b. K8 8; 8 B J uhn Oi tn. ing a nur lot Ul Ware in the spring. nd » shower f.-il ih tt mg a. It McGee, L8 8; VV 1 Vawt« r • on. MIXING \EU>. Miss Jessie Langeii returned from Port­ Two meritori >us bills that sb*»ul»i be :>c^rep»d that mucn more r.titi w i I Ib v ('. M Alerich has been conducting land on Wednesday lasr, in order to enable l»a>s« d by lhe legislature are those appro­ ^»nz the pr«-ent month,a- ’U l - mine s Probate (oiirt. an interesting serie- ot revival meetings at Notices (or the location o( ¡»lacer and tier ni 'tlier to again visit the Good Samari­ priating slate lUnds lor tile cuustructuui of it badly now ami other interista wi 1 j'iariz mint's, etc., for sale at the T imes of- tan hospital at th«* metropolis for medical rcNtdi to east oi tue moumaius from Ash­ In this court. Judge N«-il presiding, i he Br w i.shorudur ng the past week. use t»»r plentv i*turc treatment. Weare sorry tu learn Mr«. L.’s laud and Centrai Point. loduwing procied ng« •.«» m p ace -i u e i;.r E«1 Farra has-ume of the most prumiarf health is not so good as it has been lately. lo»t report of the T imk - ing .«»king tall wtirai in th» cotinty.oiiXf« rii*' American Mining Code, standard We are very glad to iearu that the S. - *»rity on «11 subjects pertaining to James Hendershott, of C »ve, Union trrs are maaiiig pieparatiutis io return iu In the mat'er ot i hr e»ta'e uf l hi»s *i»»r- Fred B id.-ey place below K«»ck Poimr ung, water-rights, etc., is kept for county, was interviewing Ja« ksun county Jacksonville during (he coming summer. rrli. F«'b. 3,18H1 *rt us tiiue tor nearmg l iir rigtit way to cure < aidr» h i>4*» eradi it* I imes office. members of (he new legislature lust week, This is good news, not only tor Jaalierh»*id. In » • lie» 11 • maple >ug«r an* other table delicacies a suitable place to locate a colony of Aus­ Ih Jacksonville Milling A Mining Co. encelo cilati* n G. F Bilung-, » xecuior, ju-‘ recv.ved at the 8 F Variety Store. trians, t peul yesterday in Jacksonville. from the N • V » I.» *»tif rt-n •- . am! w made h statement. met «»Il the lhlh and elected J. Nunan, We h«»pe tnat lie will be suited in this sec­ central point pointers . Wi i e l>-*Rolw»ani is recovering front his af iei be .-ui f» led bv th«' ‘-I. E conference , res dent; Estate uf BupCsle ( Legar, J D.»y, Saine a- set reiary; tion. where can be fudli 1 the choicest ft Uli serious illness He had a very close call. of Oregon Rev J H. b. Williams a-t r. above K--nnry, treasurer; J K nnry, E. J and graj e land, which he is sear« hi:ig tor 8. C. Mintfi k is l»< ing vi-ned by a tiepin vv E t»«e of J» hn Cat trail, Inventory Dre. D B ir and Jones were in attendance. week remov»d t»> Rem», N«-v ., from L »if- Ham-, M. i atoti. Ch is Nickell, J. Nunan who recently arrived troin theea-t. at the likd sh«»wing ro¡«rty lu the amount < f fhe Warner valley Chinatuan who .,n»i I’ ( ronemi ler directors. l’he com P B. Whitney, Lake-L»bish adjuster for view, tu t:i» e cha’ge <»f he « hur» h >4fHt> 72 pai'V has spent n«*arl\ >4o«J in prospecting Dix m A S »n of Grant s Pass purchased ensnared the afL'Ctl >ns u( a white girl h id the 8 F company, was in the valley ia-t f- rmer ¡*la«e. a tough time in getting a marriage license, Estate of 8 (.enter. A»!m ni tral*»r tiled in Jackson creek district ami w.ll CuLtinue thr«e c«iloads of hay here firs week. business« connected with his office. The * M t. A ngel I’ollege B inner’- sav* chat document being refused linn in bi» semi annual statement, win h wa- a» - lJe work ‘•tut further, believing that they W. C. Engeidow has dine some ti» e PaU , Or., wa ­ Kt v Father Blanchet > f St A tew copies ot the American Settler ’ s own country and at Lakeview. He finally proved. i uv i goml quar l m ne. ¡tainting at C. Clrich’s factory iu Ja> k- made the riffle at Fort Bidwell, liowevec, E'tute f tumor heirs of D. Porter, < > r- Guide, standard authority on ail land at this coll« ge a few days Mg*, visiting the bonville. He d<»nat««i a -iiv«r der made confirmo g sa e «»Í real property. matters mav oe tound al the L imbs office, Jack-onville boys. where he was married by contract during Keniarkabie Rescue. medal, whi< b is to be giv^n, ut the en«1 of Estate <>f lunes Edatt I ven ory fi r«i Represent «live Merritt has been appointed the holidays. Ge«» Megerle,.Ir., wh • has been employed the -cho- 1 year, to tin- student who excels Mrs M ! ( haef Curtain, Plainfield, III., showing property tu the value ut about at J cks . i » - m Ion ranch on Rogue river, on iti’- bouse committee io wait ou ih D Linn and w ife namwly escaped being m good conduct. make« ti I»»- statement (bat she Caught cold. governor. MS0. last .veei. rr.urne»! h »me l»> Evans creek. run • verby a truck, a few days since, a. whict* sett e I on her lungs; -he was treated Estate <>f D. L. H i kois Semiannual M nev ba* a bad habit of tl *w»iig out <.f San Francisco, a cable car stopping sud­ Ha-kcll Amy. Tine Magruder. and statement uppiov d. (’-•» xt|, Mt on p«»isons the blood. De­ stoCn c**un»ri»--, • x ent when -!.»•« p or < it- f «r a ni »nth by her familv physician, but H«-told her she wa-a hop» less Fred trade».burgh w» te t the county seat denly and cutting otT flight fr.mi me big Witt’-* Li tie Earlv Risers «’tire Const)pu­ lle are marketed. Wei s, •*'i-go's »x.«ress greww»»r -e team attached io the wagon. Mrs. Lmn li .. . lhe cau-u removed, the disease is office at I akeview t-*u«dfH<»m n»'\ »•r«t<‘r-, vr tun <»f consumption at*d tt»at n«» medi­ on Saturday Our Railroad. was unLmt. though inr *vvn to the ground, aggr« gating >11732.2K, «luring 1*90, an»' « ou »1 * lire h.-r. Her druggi-t suggest* The street c-»nifiiissi«vner. Mr Parker, is while tier husband escaped with some Surveyor Howard ami ins assi.-ian’s. n«1 g »ne e*t Dr. Ki. g - New DisC 'Vrrv for Consump­ they cashe.l but I3!t. igu're/a'mg bu $ » 071. doing some tir-t-class w.»rk on our street-, b uises. ii»g f«»r the JaCksunvi le .Mvdl«»r. d 1 .. gr < sm i-so g«».»d ill the footh'lls this tion; -he b« light a u»«tti»- and to her delight whicfi are ii’iw secund t>» none 3B. *«unng the -amr year Company, have .-ure • y« d ami ioh t»> r»-mmit ♦ r y«*u’’ >• n«i I», tt¡ - f .ufi berseli sound an«! weil, now right«» ot D. Wtl-on t • the Presley* place in day, when ihc pro|»osition to buiid a line, W. J. i*lv nine’s 8««tb|r>, ms a*.’,»» lhe E oqueiit bma I -ti six--, k'Tvat in re*uits: DeWitt s him fhe T imes t«»r a veai. ami its weeklv «loe- her* wn I« -u-» w *rk ami is as well ns Litt»e Butte precinct ami now resides there. targe scimol-huus- came lip. switches, etc. and the w «rk ol laying the s l(. py«-r was. -Ere* trial bott|,*H < f this Ilis brother, John Geer, Is with him. speeches were made in ns favor, L>«it * 1 Ear * Ri-ers. Best pil- tor Constipa v-its will De I'leasan’ reminders <*f( yuttr L ties nod rails wiL be comiuen* v»l at om e. kindness, lb rn mber »1 the dt-l net ue .v - G vit Discovt ry at E ( . Bru.. . '3, large availed nothing, as the nu»j »nty i g^m-t u Mr Purdin, assignee oí the insolvent The L«coinotive ami cars t»»i toe new I ne i)ut»,b«-si i rno Htadai he, best tor 8«»ur tor only $2 50 i»er annum to any part of L«. tb - 30 • .»luì $1 00 es ates of Ma ruder Bros, ami Kincaid was large. It was ill»* must tXcit ng school arrive«! tins *re*. I* wid n*»t tie i«»ng tie- 8i< tnach. ih - I’nilvi >ta’es.»r Canada. Bros., is doing very well iu settbng.consid- meeting ever hel i there. fore lhe system will b*- m « nip.vie runin g Max Jacoby < f Gold Hill,the fruit packer, D»cal Mtasures Pr<»p«»sed. We are informe«l that t e chi-f output ering the unfavorable circumstances. order, as nu lime nas been l »-t in si re g.h- wa- tn Foil.«ml iast werk, E'i. Card wen The tax levy of twenty mills, made by of the Medford «listi |»-rv will 1» ■ th«' Lett« r B I- wer- int iiiu» '-«! If» ihr St-Dute oil eniDg the tra* k already laid a.»d m»t*i*i>g c. n*m* ting tne business during ins J. ('.Sergent, for lhe oast few years a the county commissioner-at their last ses­ grades of brandies an*i high w iiu * suitabh* lire»i y bv Sen tt. r C *gs veli .-s »o‘l»»ws: remains undone t»u< th»* coinp«e t«»u 01 th«- a* sion, is app*»rtione«i as (»¡lows: For state ter mwli* inal ¡*urp«»s- s. The grape «•r*»o . f T p * <■• t « nip >y si. t h ir » la nn I r successful merchant <»l Klamath county, purposes, 1 milts; university. 1-7 null; w >rk at the Wrs’em termi<»us. It will t»e has located at itospa-e wub his family. l.tlenl'- .-ch *ul- l*»*e none the Jacksonville ¡oothiil region w ill ti *d »< of their ex . ti* a me i. d si < ti n 1 !<)»»! li id ’ s code ; w »_»•*; »«»invtbing n vei to see trains running military, 1-5 mill; scno»l, 5 milis; imii eleik- «mi -her ff. in He «i I proba ly engage iu mercantile geni >o «f ers 10 3> m Is; co in y,io .it’d 1B-35 reguaily into .»a» k.-o*.v»lle. lho-e wi»«j «-«*.irn* e under lhe »-arefu tea« bin uf Mi-s readv m market there hs he b rl.-y.tye ai d !•» re ii ate f« r- • r*. k L ike a nt K amati) »» uufirs R- p- pui»-gonian*. A K amath. Senator Catuer«»n has imroduc- to the supreme c*»urt have been argued evening, a splendid supper was partaken ami submitted. Two have already been good liioa, for every r»«piisite of succe-s , lent teacher. of in the lower story of the Odd Fellows' e»l a bill to amend ihc Medt<»rd charter. decided, vn exists from barley t.» pure water ami stipe- p A Chinaman Murdered. Representative Snid<-r«»f L ike prescrit- <1 a Ja< k Bart e has succeedei Jack True on ri«»r building stone for vaults and F. Hubbard, appellant, vs. the Town of building, followed by a social party at the «ml cellars. ! I to amend the * lock law. One Celestial »Hired another at tl.e west th* L'n*v le Ager stage route,having tired Medford, respondent; appeal from Jack­ Red Men’s halt. (June a numb* r of invi tatiuns bad been extended, and it is n« e l fork of U»»w er eg a tew nights sun«-, II «»I iiavigaiiDk! between Grant's Pass and The .8 P. company h is let the contract ton county. Judgment »»f lower court af less tu say that the participants greatly seems gambling an. o e Crescent city. for the big till ’in»ier the Wagner ere» k ____ that lb«) , had been — „ ___ _-jd B O' Hrowneil. firmed; opinion by Btan,J. owed the other 15 cents when he went to trestle, and the work ha- begun,» peri'ions i 1). M O.-borne À Co , appellant, vs. F. enjoyed themselves. L. Leonard,who has had the fast trotting not’ interfering with running of train*» [ (>ur T**lo c«irrc4poi)2U0 an a»*re . ' -in« e. He h-ft Jos. ('- x’s ulace to go hunt- for ton»of *1. ■ - hi . ’ " ,*-• »«*. "* k'-, •" D-'- SM i . m «toea impressions, then whitus and impulses, ery kingdom unle.-s be ihen unu there Bi-hop B. Wi-tar Morri« of Portland, It Is the Best. which * i > ih * i»* I).i- not bf-«*n beard from and hi fact all th« ir menial em-rgy dej»emis made a st ttiemeni , but the lailer was i.»o hc ».nipniired by Rev. Mr. Lund uf Ea-t 1 b«- A-hl »ml ainat* ur dramatic club will A u »• iv m ide a (borough search for him quick, and. uruwp.g hi- pistol, kil ed the For i. «nd. was in fhe valley un church I have used Swifv's Specific f«»r elemis un the harmonious action of all th" Vit 1 aggressor, lne mm»ierer hut no lime in set Vu e duiing ti»e week. I nresen’ lhe thridiiu drama, “ By F«-rce <»t I wi hunt success. The boat i*e had used, ing the bl«.od of impurities, and find it to organs. A poorly digested dinti r may laipul-e, ’ ’ at the d. but is a most excellent j remedy possibly conclude to visit the other towns ! toumi a watery gr i ve. A made. There are a lillliibei of h ocenv »( operations in Cow c»e< k i**r Asinma and tnat feverish condition in the valley. The cast is a strong one. ' ptoinptiy. J- M vndky , Litchfield, Ill. the ¡»lay will be cal»mated to please, «ml 7/ie llorO/ Enrlchril, w h.. h accompanies a severe cold. Canyon, nil ot whom are nut < hinamen, Treatise on Bioo«i ami 8kin Diseases work and entirely change some marked their »IT *r -s w 1! doubtless hr cruvi.H with i Tiie facilities of the pre-ent day for the either. policy. A few doses u( Moore’s Revealed The «¿ita ion uf the proposed flume j mailed free. tewin'» 8i’E< inc C«>., success. production of everything 'hat will conduce Remedy will give tone tu every tunctio»* ’ »cnein«*««»niinm-s, sevrral Portland men I Atlanta, Ga. and make yon enj »y your inemis anu New Year's Harvest. having interviewed the residents uf Sam’s i There may be persons in this conuuuntry ■ to material welfare and coiufortof mank nd who arc at tun» a trouble wrli c-d'C.or ■ire m I ii »»si un iiiitrd, ami wh«*n Syrup of y< ur work A Duty to Yourself. Win. Matte-ui Ed-*n pr«co.ct Iasi we» k , vaney last wee* un me saoject. subj-* l to t>«»wei complaint. If -(», they higs w is ti st pr »duced the wuHd wns brought to Jacksonville ir presentation t*» It is surprising that the people will use a W i *gni’.-Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure I oh u d try Chamberiain's «otic, ( h •»••’-.« e ’iehe«l wnh the «»lily perfect laxative the T imes office some specimens ot v«»iui - ‘ .\n »-X» • li«'hi remedy lur cramps,cone and i ami Diarrhoea R«-mi«ly MARRIED. I' will at! rd kn ovn. as it is the only lemedy which is common, ordinary pill when they can secure teer wheat, oats and timothy th ti womd when* a ionic fui tiie stoma» h and bowels I '. almost immediate relief, and w hen ie jm »«i trulv pb-a-ing ami refreshing to the taste a valuable English »»lie for the same money. I)r. Ack» ’ r's English ¡»ills are a positive cun« make residents of a boom m ciion green w n i> wim watsr is pleasant to take. If tak4n us ami prompt an I effectual to cleanser tie for sick headache and all liver troubles. They M('< LVNG -ANGELL -At Rev. nuuired. Sold by alt druggists. envy. He hud se.end »tools . f win it full) .. sweet, . easily * *-• ..... 1 du * nut soon as the first n «ii c it i* *n of tiie disenst* sy-tcin gently in the springtime, or, in — Arthur Nichols, Ctias. McClung an«l Estclla are email, taken, and three feet high headed out ami in tin b u »in, The largest und best stuck of deeds, iw felt it will ward off the attack Angell. Many fa . at any nine and the better it is known gripe. oats both Wild anti »uiilvatid vaile'l»*-. * mortgages ami all kinds ol real-estate and people use it in this wav, ami rind that it the more popular, it becomes. HALL- OW’fcN- \t the rcsidenc»'of the <» from three tu five feel in bright, heaued out ! leg.«» d .auks south ot Salem is kept at the never fail- them. A 25 or 50 cent b 4»!e Holmes Business College elating minister, Jan. H, lwl. by Rev. M. and id blossom, ami timo by that was al­ I t. me - ulhue und sold at Fur Hand rates. mav be obtained fr*»in l>r J Hi kie, Cen­ Williams,.I. ('. Hull and Miss Mabel Owi De mages Awarded. Of Port ’ and, Or., will open Sept 1-st J. inoti ready Co cut. (he sre»i having lurme«i both of Central Point. lhe Ash.und but« hers still sell loin steak tral Point an*! G. H Haskins. Medfurd. The long ami stubborn contest which A. Wesco, the leading penman n Jaiiu try, the lime wnvn in»* M. Hogue. ready made su **,aniial nu r -v* men's ou i n E«t«'n prec net. was finally terminate«! by ground is tr» z»n tour tret deep t»a» g in Da A ban»! »4 < utile belonging to Tims. Mar­ his residence ami ou!)*uiidnu-. ID- ami l»i- >500,(MX), to loan, >ft00,0Mi, assessing the V »-w ‘ last appointed ‘ anta. Truiv 'h'« is a Fondermi mutiny, tin was sold by Sheriff* Birmny at Central faniiiy are delighted with th« < -*ang«- fr«»m ! By J. H. Whitman of Medium,.»!) im HORN io«i Lev. M«>rri-.>3u»L The ( ountv at ibt ¡»psi rates of any loan agency in the "i:\IL- In M» il' *r I. \ *. MM, »•» Mr. V. «»tli' v • t ih«* bi I. G« »-rge W. Crows *n has sold his stock are the right kind ot cit.rens their • e*gbb«»r** An Fxtensiou Bpoken Of. and Mrs. I». T. Scars, a daughter. ---------- «------ ----- .4 uiovi ions ami the business in Ashtanit rejoice to see (hem settie among them. It is now proposed to eX»tnd the Jaik- j»o\V F B* nn, wh » has nmve«l the »lock FAELKNER At Grant's Pass. Dec. 2\ to Notice. Betti r Thap a Gold Mine. General E L Appiega'e was circulating Mr anet to i ii'l when in a l.ear- I Te Complete copies of township plats, posted ui. Butte cieek, iu connect wuh me ia«ked- we» k. after liiiiwing final «• ttlem»*«*t •»! in* i- g <-«.n ot" u W'l wl void an income up tu dale of the order, made (or $1 50 per A ml . mer tri« nd—Wright’s Bluckberry »«! Hume li<»m Upper Rogue river al Ibal atl «irs at th»- Klamath agency with bis suc­ ut irotn 130110 |3»M) to >1500 $1500 per year and township. DIED Money must accompany or­ I'lov. anti cii xeiis uf the Bu te erteu Coidiai. Oiice used always taken. Relia­ cessor, Agent Mathews The general rc«|U.res n«» machinery to ders. Address n»> expensive lountry promise substantial aid to sucti .»n ble ami piompt. Fiea-anl to take. Indis- claims that he was making a successful operate it. A * írmt-raiser in the Wtllnrn- G. W. K imrall . Roseburg.Ormmn. HOWELL At Ukeview. Jaa. 1. 1MH. infant enterprise. The ii.atfuih« • nt water i ower pensiuiu lor summer troubles. Bold by all i tight with the Indian bureau a' Washing­ ♦ l tv valley requires o _ „ but a small outiay, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. A. L. H<»well. ot tl a' | lace is a leiupialiui* t<» capnai to drugg iata ton, in betialt of the Id* ar»» and iw correct h s all the ad Van t ages of a civilised alid HOBNETT At Willow ranch. Cal.. D*c. 3». invest ilit-re, «»I ¡-self, and, when taken in I hey sell inure of DeWitt’s Little Early existing abuses, such as have brought « ubured society. ha*< good ami convenient HAJPPY RECOVERY I shii . Joseph Robnefi;ag«si •« years, fi month* connection with uie posMoilities of il»e Risers tnau any other pili; their action n* Ion tiie SioUX troubles in Dakota, when m »rkets and re« a better income from Therein nothing I now enjoy that I «jo not and 17 <1 h > h . lumber trade and attendant manufactures easy. d«> nut gripe <>r cause ¡»am, are the Bishop Newman and the M. E. conference th same investment than can be had (rum owe to having used l)r. David Kenned)-’« MOKl.KY At Oak Run. *' h I.. l*«l. in. ot the future, « ffers unparalleled induce- t»e-t regulator ul the Liver, Stumach and at Gram's Pass * resuiuteii' him out of any other line of business Y’uu can get Ifavorite Remedy, of Rondout, N. Y.. at a tim«' fant daughter of Mr. «nd Mrs. M . 8. Morley, ments. lheie womd be no question of Bowels. office, because his supplications lor divine I this la'ni from |55 to $75 per acre of The when 1 w * ah suffering all that a Ini man being fortner.y of Lakeview-. enduro. My troubles b«*gari tn my kid. plenty uf iransportaUun tu keep a wen- Ou lnesday of last week the nortbboumi assistance were nut worded in the ortho Oregon Laud Company ot Sale in,Oregon. could no)« from which 1 never exp«»cted to recover. WENDT In thia city, Ian. 14. IM*1. I’htlip equipped road busy ad (be time. passenger train was equipped with a snow dux style. Wendt: aged 11 yearn. My Physician «aid 1 had pl*»w over the Siskiyou», which cleare«! John Keown, the worthy postmaster at For bale. Bright’* Di*ea»e. away ab*. ut a foot ot the beautiful on the Keown, Alleghany A'leghany county. Penn., says (mod Nerds. One fast mare of blooded stock, I years loiter 1 had a bad attack of Gravel. Six )ears ••Chamh rl-iiti's <’ »iig i Remedy sells br’ter • old; summit. one }<*iing work hor-e 3 yeirs old; ft uc»lu..d after iru» kl a* uf seeds were last June—how wreii I remember that day than any other ’’ I he reason ol this is lie­ one (»inn w «_•> . one new saddle; one iron ago —I saw Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy ad­ noticed paaeing up the street Saturday, John C. More, who is engaged iu cause it can always be depend«d upon. und on investigating it was found th« y me.chai.dismg al R<»we. Douglas county. Let any one troubled witn a severe < «>ld bar woh pmlev-; a numb-r of large tubs vertised in our paper. After using three I was well. I have never had a return were fn ni 1>. M. Ferry A ( «» of Det run . n«»t L*r iroua G.tnda e, writes us that thing» give it a trial and they will hnd that the rom the dt'-i»ll»rv. Fir particulars en­ bottles of tiie disease, and though 1 am over sixtv Mich , ¡or ibcir n«»ri hwt st» i n agents, F. ate lively ill that camp, and that the nier- first (lose will relieve the lungs and make quire oM'. B K«»MtT. lacksoiH i U f . years ot age I am vigorous and strong as 1 L Poss««!» A b*jt., 2t '.> >r» »»no »fleet, Port­ « u weiii«! wn to 10 «tegrtes b**iow x»*roa breathing ami that its c -n inued was in my prim«-. What physicians ana th«' A Child Killed. many remedies 1 bad taken could not do Dr. land, Or l*o.-s<>n A >on have .*o:d ard d»- f w night* sim e. use will Ire» .he system ut ail symptoms of Kennedy’« Favorite Remedy did; it stayed tb«> ineird already ibis .-m on t vt r three Alioth ’ -i- » hild killed by the us»- of opiatre lhe cold, the pruniptne.-s ami certainty diHVHHe ami made me a well woman.—Mr-. (»nee in seven years — the body is re ­ carloads uf Veg»talle st e»;s a in e. l hes- < given m th»- torm »*t Soutmng byrup. Why BEST IM THE WOBEI». must bv tl e very l»e*l Of steeds, and they nt we«i Th»* i»l”U«i must have the elements ot this remeuy in re«ief a d cure of colds motlH-r- giV’-ilivircfiildrcn such »b adly poiM»ii Ern»*line P. Mizer, Burg HI 1!, Ohio. has won tor it ninny sincere friends and Dr. Kennetli/ ’M b’arorite llrntctly TU «rearing quallllre.r. nMuryaMed. »«u»11» issurpri-ing when tli *y c»ui rvli»’V«* the child •»insi have Very low prices, or the ti ro i f Vitality. Wrighi’a Compound Syrup of made it very popular. F««r sale by Dr. J. Pr. pHWd by of its peculiar lr « - »Lb s t»y using Or. Acker ’ s •id n» v»*r ti:«vr secured such an immense Sarsapanda cleanses and enriches the VU. OAVID KripikUY. KONDOVT. N. y bn»«»»!, and g.ves a new impetus tu life. Hinkle, Central Fuint. and G. 11. llaskins, lhiVx »o««4t>er5 It v aitainu Q*» «»plum c»r in«w- Oregonian, December F m VvW-.1, sfx fur W. lri- all irurx’s’i. FOB SALE BY DBU.F1W GENERALLY. F yr SvIT I y fl ru g t Meffiold 5biu by mb diuonstn. 1 (Or their catal^ue. I'. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MX?AL NOTES. . NEW THIS WEEK. v h A Swop»1 to H L B okks , 40 acres in twp 3« «. r 3 «: >I(M. Sam«- to Samuel Etter, 40 acres in same twp; >11«). O A T <’o to L Etta Sk« el, lots 1, 2 and 3, blk 43. Medford; «luu. Sam«- to J ii Barnum, blk 29. Medfurd; «300. Jami'« H Barnum to Bertha S Barnum. same as last abov«; >5oo. J«»hn SiRemor«* to H 1 Pelton et al., Iiaif in­ terest in «0 acres in twp 35 s, r 2 w (partition). Mary S Sia«-m*»r«'«-t al.. Io John Sisemon*. all interest in b2.H acre« in same twp .parti­ tion). Road sui*rvis«»rs. At the January term of the county com­ missioners' court the f<*l owing ru«d su- per visors were appomted for the ensuing year: Road District 1 -Jas Coakley. 2 (’ O Vinecut. 3 A A It «»rd. 4—D B Soliss. .’»—I \V Thomas. ii Bartlett Obenchain. 7-E. A. Moore. H G. C. ( uly. 9 ' LA It«»*«- lu­ B W D« an. ll N»-Ison H<»sm«-r. 12 I. J .Mark. 13- G F S<-hmidtiein. 14 J M < tiiJd» rw. 15 Saimu I Furry. Hi -Jolm N Young. 17- Thomas Baldwin, fs Geo W Bi'iilc. 19- Saintu I 11 Cook. 2h Wm Ray. 21— John M'lh-i. 22 -( )liv«-r ! >»-w s. 23 1' H Gilson. 24 CK hs Thurman, (i W Fi « ). »■> < ’ I, Sy»l«-nstrikor. St» pbm Heers. 2s—4'has. Williams, 29 Jaeob Wagner. 30 W I Moore. 31- I »aniel !<«•) holds. 32 J !• DitswortIi. 33 B I Wyanl. 31 W h Price. .G .1 W Masterson F M Bh vins. A rr.i rti Sairr il.e tiest -alvr in the worhi for < tllF Bruises .^ores. «'iccrs. •"alt Rheuni, Fever Sores, feiter, < happed Hunds, tTiilblains, Corns, and allSkin Eruptions. and posi, tivecuresfor File «, or no j ay reqtiireJ It isgu.iranteed to givo ¡»erfe«-ttatisfaction or money refnn«le«i Prie? ‘?5 cent» per boi F ot salebv alLir’iggistE K-sines »k White have received their n»-w sto»:k of fall and wn.ter goods, con- -l'Un/, in part, of dry go -dj, ladies’ tit e .Ires- go d ., lam y l ’1» ds. a.lies' and gents furnishing good . tin-- -h-e-, fiats and cio'.hing, all of w hit !» they sell at the mod reasonable prices. Call and see their n«*w eoods before making your purchases elsewhere. • COMBINATION PLAID AND CHECK WOOL SUITINC, SIX-QUARTER ASSABAT ALL-WOOL SACKINC, TEAZLE CLOTH, NEW FALL PATTERNS. TRICOTS IN COLORS. HENRIETTA CASHMERE ALPACA, BEICE PEASANT CLOTHS, New Silk Plush, Velvet and Velveteens. Ladies will find our Goods Fresh and New. We carrv Boots, Ladies’ and Men’s Fine Shoes. Groceries, Etc., Etc. All of which we offer to Purchasers at the Lowest .Market Trice ¥<>ur Examination is Respectfully Solicited. li/UAT Alxitif the biggest rnrn» ever made <»n u i-mall invest- Wnnl inent is that rep«jrtef Mariposa, California. He writes : The be.-t investment I ever made in my life was one of $1.25. It broiiglit me health, wealth anaiif othei people have lnul e*|iially as ^ o * h I returns from the piir< liat-c <>f thi? bowreign remedy. It eurtxl Richard William»' of Newcastle of a -thma in a week. It did the same thing for John Ilewit of this city. R. C. Al qj - Oates ami Captain Al. Taylor <>f Seattle ..ver their own I signatures say that it cored their rheumatism in a marvelously short time. J. M. Jones and W. 1’. Johnson of Seattle attest its efficacy in « tiring liver and heart cf reputable citizens from one eml of the tronbles. Thousands ' .. . to . the .'.„• other write its praise. If you arc ill, what Paciiic Coast better investment can you make than the pureLaee of a l>ottle of Moore's Revealeil Reme«ly If you feel bad every morning ftlA on ariting, if you are tortured by rheumatism, if you have any DID of the ills of mankind, invct-t $1.25 in Moore’s Revealed Remedy ami sec if it will not give you relief. For sale l*v all Druggists. Cures iti fifteen minutes ; Pre-tun ’s “ Hed Ake. ” BORN DO WHAT - ••»»rru'hö. OF.tGLN, AILS YOU You feel tired—Do you know wliat it inuajis? You are nvr vous—Why? You cough in the morning—Do you realize the cam v? Your aj»|»'tite ia |iour—What make I it so? You becui like a change». )N*rsun to your friends—Do you know what is the matter, or has lhe change 1xx*n «-«> gradual it hat escaped your notice? You have KNOW^C H YOU? Consumption! We do not >ay Hi is to frighten you, I u( it i- tru The •« are the sure symptoms <»f this tcrriLh* disease. Tlicre is one tiring w’ii h will check it and that is DR. ACKER’S ENGLISH REMEDY. It is re<• ..mended l y t’»iebe«t pbyeiciana 4a Europe and America. S.*»r«-nt>, ?»<• eeat« aad £1.00 per Bottle. W. H. HOOKER & CO.. 46 West Broadway. New York. for t .- ose wi:o r . yv - jt p ^ iblt call ft » ttON.LI.T, II •'!»: V.:t AT*»EVT I-LACFJ» WITIk ix the **»: v ii or * i . l ti : » t will « ite UBWmm ■** ■ nn.n r AXD A PEHJIAXEXr CLBK. NE PLUS ULTRA. Tke most speedy, positive an<1 perma tient cure for Catarrh of the Head. Asthma au”d broken-down constitutions, ol I and young, invariably gain from ten to thirty pounds iu from thirty to ninety «lays. D r . A born ’ s phenomenal skill and mar­ velous rur- s have created the greatest astonishment on the I'acinc Coast and throughout the American continent, dur­ ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, r.n l all Throat, Bron­ chial an 1 Lung trouble ir tantly relieved, alco Ear DiseaM/samllle ifne: soften cured permanently i:t lust c< nsultation. D r . A born ' s essay on tue “CuraLility of Con­ sumption.” «nd a vatise on "Catarrh of the Head,” sritb e idences of Some ex­ traordinary cures, mailed free. Call or •ddress DR ABOpNj TO THE PEOPLE iff JACKSON AND JOSE PHlXHteCuUNTlEs. The undersigned i« now nianufncturiug id th«- Meadows Sawmill in Jack-« n count«. Or«*gun. the GOOD LKK WISHING MACHINE, PATENTED IX 1** by A.M.Wili«onof Gns nkaf, Kansas, and wn say to the public that w«- have the Bnt and JlnM lliirxblr Uurhinr in th«' State, an«! will put it against any other manufacture for RAPIDITY AND GOOD WORK. PRICE OF MACHINE. $1*»,00. Ihliverrel to anyadt pos^ iiiy call in pcr' a. UL INVITED TO CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION. Assignee's Notice In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon f»»r tin- county «•! Jackson. the matter of the assignim nt ol J. C. 'Vhipp, doing biitdni — nn•*. is*.«», th»' abovi nain<-d insol­ vent d<*l»t«»r, J. (’ V.'hipp lu*r< lofore doing business a-« J. ( . Whipp. a marble and stone cnttiT an«! contractor, at Ja« ks»*nvilh . Jack- son county. Oregon. ma Star Sickle Grinders. 250 tons Alfalfa Hay. 2 Freight Wagons. 4 Milk Cows. 7 Five and Seven Tooth Culti- 9**.*'00 feet of Lumber. »aton*. Neck okes, Double and Single Trees, Wagon Spring Seats, liar lows, Stove and Mower Extras, and a great many other articles too numerous to mention. for particulars atid terms call or write to MRS. J. KAREWSKI, Fixwutrix,Jacksonville, Or. AT THF. KCVi'UtHH. JACKSI »N VI I.T. I FRAZER brease MARBLE WORKS I We execute Every D »criptiun of Work In our line in the most approved style. Don't fail to call and examiut* •niwpH’S tmfl 1 tin^ as.Vrtaln fri.’.s Ir ceri-i-z'.. fr'ur <<»»d :/* * *> ’* * •*’. Easieat - A cure is .! ¿i:u r.oequai. . ..I»’ r .n • nntnKr.t.<»i v, re * • pr: u* » jp ;i- •* <• .< •r;l: l‘.xv. ‘ ..1.1 !.,; ,»r.i.:. V|r rent b* i- «.I. L. T. M azel - unk , Wurn'a. 1’». ’