The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 26, 1890, Image 4

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Retake of Preceding Frame
till king
> a caring (iff tune is at hand
Remember the railroad ball.
Wri’e it 1-91 ifter next Thursday.
SIMM. St»».
Notices for th? location »r pi•»«•?« .» t « « 1
uartx mines, etc., for sal? at th.- T imk - * <.f.
A number «1 pr<»*p<M t.-i* ur« at work in
J ack sou creek diatnct, which i* rich in
N xt 1 h ir««lay is New Year’s day.
1 be c »unty j ui n >w has two occut ants.
I’nrr-* whit- \oil wa;t — Preston's ‘ H?d-
Ake ”
L is* Sun 1 »y was the shortest day in the
Awfu'lv ( heap goods a! the 8. F. Variety
Ed Gore is now working with bis i roth St »re
er Will iu I'a^e At Son', com.o Lou r
Whv'uff.r’’ Preston’s “Hrd-Ake” will
at Portland.
ure y <»u
Cotoulrrabi«- pro*.. c.. i. i- t-emp dot c . n
hiiiti "« hniitt refurr ed fr »in Portland a
«outbern O ••^ou. Many rich min
w H it * day* since.
be diacoeeivd in the Inline.
N»- v and nobby fiats lately in at Kearnes
Dr. Hrud. n has returned from bi* C.i <■ À White*.
forma tfip, and intend» to o.araie • lie
\\ e are enj »ying the most beautiful
Swindell mine ai d unil bmi.elt in ll.e fu-
win ter weather.
Helm* A Peilett n«»w own the Wagner
The Mountain Lion mine in
Fiat di.inct ha. a large .juantil. .1 rub creen plahing-mill.
qnariz on the dump, ready for a long >e.i-
H>> iday go ds almost given away at lb?
»on's run.
S. F. Variety Store.
The American Mining Cude. standard
M- <if »rd ro’ler flour in quantities to suit
authority on all subjects perumin.; to a» Kearnes A White’s.
all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for
sale at the I tMzs other.
11 fa s, money refunded ; Freston’s “Hed-
A k e.
E Sanderson bumh. ihe mineralog s'.
<ir-»c»rir* and pr«»v sions of all kinds,
made a close impel tu n of the McDonough
ledge in M idow Spring« curing tlie •» , < k fr>>b at Reames A White’s.
Fie keis in this mine have prove., very n h
J< nn Morn* ha- returned t» Foots creek
■ n the pa»t.
■ from M »loc County, ( al.
The Ashland parties win were engaged I ( ha* Fiester of Josephine county was in
in prospecting ibe coal de|»osita in of tn?
Meadows and
-..J 8am » valley have -hut Jack.-onv lie on Wednesday.
down work utnd spring, iheir e»*ntr.»ct tun­
T. A Harris and L C. (¡ruby of Med-
nel having been completed
Tue in .i» a- i f->rd were here on Wednesday.
tions are still very tavorab e.
i Beall Bro*, of Central Fo nt were in
J. B Riddle male a new discovery of 1 larksonvide during 'he week
nickel near the old Oregon nickel mine,
Y<>u can get liolid ty g »ods at less than
three miles fr»»m Kiddle station, A spec.-
men on exhibition at G^abam A C >.’•» real- j < »st al the 8. F Variety 8t«»re.
estate offi( e cont.»ms about 2ó per i rti’. (»1
Fir*t- ass cedar fence posts foi sale in
nickel. The quantity is inexhausl b e
qu.mtiti» .* to sun at the I' imbh office.
Mr McGee, the manager of the cinnab «r
Every ih.dy *b »ul<i attend the railroad
mines In the biskiyoiis, w .s m Yreka ast tai. I Ail be a gl<»rious affair.
week. The work al’the mit es is b-mg
< iar;' *rrie*. currants and raisins for
pushed rigfit along, ten m^n bring em­
ployed there W. H Quigley is freighting the hoihiay* at R»- lines A While s.
supplies to the miners, says the Si-kiy u
John R Stan ilev and family have re-
m-'V«d from l\»lo to (¡rant’s Fass.
County Teachers’ Institute.
Dr W. H. Sommers, formerly of this
P1 «re, i* n >w hr aied at Emir«, Cal.
The fullowing is the progr imrtir wh rh
>« v» r.d * mum igvs t »«»k place during
Will be Observed at th? luretlf g of Hi?
County Teacher»»’ Ass- ciation, to be h- »i «• • hrptma* a i 1 s >me arrests fo’lowed.
Jacksonville, on Siturda; , Jmiuuiy Ih.
Muntbh installments of $10 will buy a
n >n-t- ami lot in l<»lo from Scot (Griffin. •
1. K«»|l-ca|l at 1«>■•’cluck A M
2 Mi»gm* by A»»ociatiob, led by Pr f.
Oi l paper*, it. quantities to suit, for sale
A Gel«.
at th«- I im »> office at 50cents a hundred.
3 Api liratio: • for men«b«*rship
Vai. Ha-kiii* ba* returned from Klamath
4. 8chooi
Mat>agvturn’.— S ipt
1 ’.
« «•nt. y, fo »pend the h »Inlays at home.
5 H«»w to Give Oral iii-trioti r« in
I it? G <> 1 Lm k wabing machine leads
B» .»ftv.
Physi»»'«»gy ami Hygu n*—J W
even where. Every lady should have one.
Discussion le«i by L A. Simon* J. O. H».l
Miss D?Ipha Masterson.
( luhtnii* mas* was held at th? Catholic
( Lurch in ih * place by Rev. F. E. (.lark.
AtTBRN'V X SXFMcN. creek celebrated tbe holidays
Roll call at 1
o’c.o« k p. M
web i grand masquerade ball at Talent.
Singing led ty Fruf W. J. i r.wlord.
E riurntaiy Seien r —l‘rot. F A Gr’z.
fen th *i*and fret of lumber at Sam’s val-
10. Composition W »rk—Mi-»
Emma » > *■ ii«»ol-hou*e for salt bv^8cott Griffin of
( uieman
Discussion l?«i bv Missr* Clara
B Frink, De ls J Fickel and I, »ll’r R-rd.
< h ice live-.icr? tracts in Nicked’» ad-
11 Number W »ik Mias Hatti? <’» burn.
«liti« n t«» Medford are offered on favorable
12. Query Box.
te» io*.
Every member of ih? Teacher*’ A*»*»' i t
lion is expected to be
hand proinp i>
E II t art- r fcand Francis Ammons oi
and without fail, ami al» teacher* • f J.«« k
son County are mo-t cor«lta ly tr«|U«**tr I to Ph- i*a t creek spent Monday in Jackson-
be present
• ■ •
Teach» r-t d > y-»u belong t»» th - A
R mo* A Woitc have received another
il » ii * If not. w» kind \ inviiv y ii t - join Ii
.('••»!urn 1.1 o! g. nts and ladies’ tine
us and partit li a e wi'ti u* tn Pi»- ¿rviit work *h»>
w«* have iziaugiiraUd. Il will certain!, ly do
M * De|> h . M t'.rr*on of (told Hnl has
y«»u ii«» bariu. ami. lake ».ur w »rd t r r it
will b?<»f ladling b« nell’ to y »u t you lc nrvu vi m g in Lace county, her former
•irr b» become an ai live and prog'? I Ve home.
teacher, Attenti th s m et ng and investi-
yards wide,
L »d'cs ail wool sacking,
gate lor yourself.
8» bool (.'ill rrs are al*o invile I to at « nd. a» ,<»bt!kJ c *. per vani, at Kearnes A
Wh e *
(.rant BiMerback was found guilty ?*
h . .(••! -i. »b- iodirtnient, and fined |XnO
Ju ig Pip?.- al the last ne.*.*ion of th?
• ye
Douglas circuit c«»urt
The charge wa*
c >au t with a dangerous weapon upi x th«*
1 '< O M ti at on poison« the b'ood. Pe­ p »<»•) ot John Trimble at Glendale. H?
Early ~
R s?r* « ure C«»t»*Hpu- i* m»w in j nl serving out bis seutence.
Witt’s Li lle "
tl«»n. Th? cau*e removed. the disease is
There are two opinions in Harney valley
regarding rhe advent of a railroad in that
Kufu* <’( x «»f Central Point precinct «a* -(> il«»n
Many people believe the railroad
he*? Wcme-uiav. He informs us that tie c* inpany *ouhl not build th? line through
in is import a tin? J tvk into th s coun y either Burns or Harney, but would estab­
lish a new town to he detriment of both
Chri«tmas was general y <*e'ebrat?d. and tbeoiheis Nevertheless, tbe maj »rity of
the number of presents bast* »wed wa« the peop.e would gladiy welcome the iati
fully as large as the Lard times war- ” -au
Reames A White have received their
The children were bn«lly disappointed n?w stock of fall and winter good*. con-
because there wie« no i’lirs'im* irte in *i-tin , m part, of dry go -d*, indies’ fine
Jacks »nviile. This has never happened dress good *, fancy goods, ladies' and gents'
furnishing goods, fine shoes hats and
b* fore.
clothing, a-l of which they will sell at the
J. B WcL h ha* already sold a number ino-t reasonable prices Cali and see their
• 1 the G ><»d Luck Washing-Machine.'«. All new uo-ds b<tore making your purchases
whi have tried them are loud in their elsewhere.
It wi I h«» seen bv the advertisement of
John Miller ha-* had those trees infected Mrs. J. Ktrewski, executrix of the estat? of
with 8 m J«»s? scale dug out «»f his or« bard. G Karew*ki. that there is a rare ch.*n«,e lo
His ♦ x uuple si.oil'd be emulated by many purchase mowers and many other articles
at bargains that cannot be duplicated in
this market afier all are sold. Mrs K. is
Small in siz-», gr.*at in results: DeW itt’s determined to make prices that will sell
Little Early Risers. Best pill tor Constipa ihe good* so that she can settle the indebt­
tion, best forSick Headache, best for Sour edness of the estate
Foul»« Sachs, the millionaire merchant of
Mrs. Rh'ida Dora returned to her home San Francisco, died last Friday night, aged
at Prospect Inst week, alter a pleasant visit 72v?ais. He was one of the pioneers of
with the family oi XV m M. Richards on 1<>3. and the first of tbe family to settle at
the gate city. He was the founder of the
It is «aid that th- land-office offl'ials great b«*us?.* of L. A M. Sachs A Co , ami
Heller A Co., and was an uncle of
offer som»* hopes of ib? remaining unsur
yeye'f ¡and m this cuutity being surveyed S »ch* Bru«., L pm « ii , Sam, I»e, S »'. and
Brn,wed-km wn m this valley, tt • r former
next summer.
An intineranf dog and monkev show is
The new c**mm:iu«i?ry of Knights Temp­
hea led for the c >as( from Salt Line, ami
is a’ present gatliering up the loose change lar al Ashland will perfect tbeir organiza­
tion next month, w>.«n a number ot Ma
in Lake county.
'«»me notables from ahroaii wni be present
Circuit court will reconvene on January » at tbtir organiz »ti n Th« ir asylum will be
12th. when consi lerable new bus i ess will in toe Ma*«»mc building al the granite city,
pre-ent Use f. the Stacy caseioming up for where a number of alterations will be made
trial at that time.
for their accommodation. Gen. Tbo*. G.
Th? news of’he death at Summer lake Ream«*? was up one day last week confer­
with other S«r Knight« with retereace
last week, of John Bagby, wo* received
here a lew day*« ago
The remains were to teguii«, etc.
interied at Paisley.
La.*i Monday evening a large »udienc»
H II. Spaulding.A. V. P. R R. magnate, a Ashland na<i the pleasure oi listening to
i* Contemplating buying an interest in the Wm. Jackson Armstrong's inUresdng .ec­
Klamath city milk, ami developing the ure m delense oi tue Russian Nihilists, th?
ti»st ol the winter s course arranged tor by
business to ihe utmost.
thvirl(»cai bureau. This is a feature of so­
During th? past week no inconsiderable cial life hi the larger towns that JacKsuu-
Uiiea-mess has been felt lest we should cannot we.I avail herself of. A num­
have a repetPton of last winter’s storm* ber ••! our citizens will attend one or more
during the next few weeks.
ot the ent« rtainruents at A*hlan«l during
tbe next few wee*», however.
Thetuk v crop h is been hnav;ly’leved
u:>on during ’he pa-t month, many bun
The ladies i«f the M E Church at Ash­
dreds t eing-h-i ped away. The local de­ land gave most entertaining “Calendar”
also very larg .
*..rials and entertainments on Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings of la*t week at Ihe
The *uit commenced in Josephine coun­ Gaiiiard oprr..-bouse. The unique feature
ty bv J \V . f unnvgiiam against the S. P.
R R (’•>., f>»r damage* for k Ihtig his son of ihe fair Was a .*?ri?s of sale booths rep
resenting the 12 in mtb*, presided over, of1
Wi ey, has been dismissed
corns»*, by lb? grace and beauty of the
George Briggs is at work on an «’b» r granite city
Krci'atmn*, music and »at>-
$200 residence un 4th >t., Ashland.for A. F. l- iu* on We ines'fay complete.f the pro­
e sum was Tea ized by the
sctiul z. v* ho i* investing pretiy heavily in
real estate in »he granite city.
n i or •
ag- in
ca e.
The c nnty clerk issued a licence on the
A freight tram on the Southern Pacific
24tb to Win. H 8t wart and Mi*s Ida attempted lo pars over a bridge, near Al-
Jam* Barnehurg; on the 2-'»»h to W. A. Let- b»ny, one «lay last week, which was under­
teken and Miss Lois Scribner.
going repairs, and the effect was that the
ri gine got across safely, but three fiat cars,
Acts at once, never fails lie Witt’s on? loaded with railr »ad iron for the Jack
Cough and Consumption Cure
A remedy sonviile Medford railr -ad. and two with
for Asthma and that feverish condition lumber, fell into the stream twenty f??t
which accompanies a severe cold.
be low and were crushed Co splinters
Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure «•(tier portion ot the train became detached
An excellent remedy for cramps,co ic and snd stopped upon the brink of the cba.*iu
where a tom--for the stomach and bowels N > one was hurt
isr*«4Uir<d. ><»i(i :>v a > druggists.
A sure cu<? for th? whisky habit Dr.
Geo R. Pitman and w ife of Ashland pre­ Livimi*tc»ne * Antidote fur Drunkenness
cinct w. re here Chri*tm;i*, accompanied bv w II cure a iv case of the litjuor habit hi
Mr. Lettrken ami Mi** Scribner,
They from t»n to imrty days, from the moderate
drinker to the «IruoKard. Tbe Antidote
had been in Tube R ock p ecinct.
can b? given id a cup ol c< tr?e without th?
Harvey ( layt »n of Summer lake la*t knowledge >1 'he p»-r.*c>’i taking it. Th?
week met Mrs.
at Auer on her return Anti :<»>« wil not inj ir? the health in any
from Portland. She ha* t>een greatly ben- wa\. .Mam.f.ictur« «1 bv th? LivingMune
ehtrd bj her s j »urn in Puitlaml.
8.»ii P i a » i.*cu, C »•., «»’ from
A. (’ Mar-t» r.*A ’’<». *« le agent*, R«»s?burg;
Th. largest amt best stock of deeds, E (’ B cm 'K s . Jac-ksonviile; Miller A Strang,
mortgages and all k*nd* of real-estate and M» ciforu, Oregon.
|eg»»i b anks south of Salem is kept nt th?
riMKe office and sold at Portland rates.
Travi* Lyn« h <»f W«gner creek, s«»n of
G. H. Leu« !», while working at the edger
A *u i mer frirn I—Wr ght’* Blackberry it the *midi saw-null list week, hid his
Look oat for Them.
l»r C r i?r o»‘ L"s Angel?*, (’al , has lo-
Cordial, (licensed always taken,
The secretary ef *tat?, who is ex- fficio <• ,t» I at 1 ib ui. f »r the practice of bi* pro- b e and prompt. Plea*ant r<> t *ke. 1 mils* Lit b?n«i ami wrist torn tn a shocking
manner by hi* c »at-de?vv catching on th?
in*iinui<*e cornuti'*uot»?r, g^e* ••in th? fe**i n.
pem*it»le for summer trouble* bold by alt teeth
«»f the saw. Surgical assistance di«i
B-. h »he farmerb and the miners hai »h? druggists
following a* an l’euj »»! i ?** wl i< h L?
reach him until evening, (the accident
B«»th need it in their
hope* wil* be puNi*bt I by the new t»*i ?r* - in w i ti deiiglit
b i* ne--.
Thev sell m »re of DeWitt’* Little Early occurred at H u’clo« k in tbe morning) ami
of the N*at?, »»* a m-itt-r oi public in'» r« *'
Kisers man anv other pit ; their action is be ha* since been doing -»s well as c<»uld be
beveraiso ctUlwl”mutual brnryo ent in»ur-
N<’i«-*. receipts. <1u? bills, drafts, etc., in easy, do not gripe • r cause pain, are itie expected, having spent several days nt
>nc« «»nocialt.» ii »” that ar?iingt»!? t“ pr«»v?
f»?'t reguiat- r of the Liver, Stomach and M«df(»rd to l»e near the attending physi­
(h»I they bave »utìi» lent capital t«» c ti
cian, Dr Geary.
them U» a heel»*? io do business under rhe T imks office.
iawN <4 lb‘3 »tat? hav? r?c«uth . hi violation
B«-ttr. I han A G »hl Mine—Ten acre* se
Aib rt (’ »*? of F«.rt Bidwell. Cal., passed
of our law. tent agents to th- stat«- to through the valley last route to ralgia is Wright’s Paragon Headache rem­ tofiuitwhen ma bearing <*on«1ition wl
•O’icit inauran«’« «»n 'h? n**?*«!n>-i>t pian Portland.
edy Slops pain in five minutes.
Harm- yield an inr«»iu?ot from |JhUO to f4.30h per
For th? protection of ib>* puuc b- n*ur
year and re<|U res no expensive machinery
ance ( «»mm **K>ner »ial»* lh tr Hie trave
(»• d by. a ho ba* l»cen in 8pragu? Ic**, tasteless, no bad effects. Sold by all to operate it
A Irml-raiser io th? Wiliam
ing ufeiitM of ali du y in eliseti li r ir nr.»n ? nv? vill* v for * ni"time, returned home druggists.
♦•tt? v »IL v r?<|tnres out a small outlay,
compaio?* bave li» en*?s (r< -m the insurance W? ine*«iay.
We are lucky tn have permanently locat­ li«* all the advantage« of a civilized and
department io act as hi? in urani
with u* a city dentist wh io will give you cultured society, tias good and convenient
G<» t-.ii s minstrels mad? a favorab ? im- ed
Fer*ons pfof«MM»g io I h * *uch agent* shou «1
all the science you want in (Lntistry. markets and receives a better income from
be called upon to «xtib't their I d »ire*
Callon Dr. Marcoux, at the I 8. Hole!, tb? sain? investment than can be had from
Fraternal benevolent rocieticN, *m h a- I ia*t wet k.
and see him.
any «»th« r line of business
You can get
M j . mou *. Odd Fellow* and Kngbt* of Fv-
this land from f.V» to |75 per acre «»f The
I. ! a i 1 ;> ive Pence of Trad creek passed
The Christmas ball at Orlando Rose’s Oregon Land Company of dalem, Oregon.
thius, ar? not rvqumd Io have uvei .*r* t«» th* ugh ’own forth? A pplegate country on
hall on Api legate was an »ni •yable one
grant such pecuniary re ir’ a- i* mi h r z«d We»n?*«iay.
Tiie attendance wa* large and th** mu-ic
A number of alumni of th? Vniver* itv <»f
pv ibeir regulation*; but such M-ce’ie* .<»
.1 B. W» L h arul Wm. Carter of M ad- ami supper excellent. Over l'"J tickets Oregon who re-id? m the metropolis have
not employ agent» t«» solicit in.*urai’< <•
(I th? organization ot th? Portland
The ifi»urance C”mmi**l»»i»« r r»«jiir* - t.».»t
F i iversir v • f Or»*g«»n Club. The club ha*
ing th« w«ek.
be be noiuird whenever the Ht,rni *.»f ;»n
Headache is the direct re ult of I idige— or its «»bject tbe prumot on «»f ’h«» closes
unlicensed company sohcit'« iu*urai.Cr in
( «>'h ng ami cents furni*bttig goods of t ion and St in .ch I>i*(»rdei * Remedy Illese *(»( lal r»-!at ons and the advancement of
this stat«, as it ta h'* intenti«!» to *»-• uie th? t v*t qun itv at Kearnes A Whit?’«— by u-p'g De Witt’* I Little E«rly
T Risers an I tlie interest* of tb«* Cmversity of Oregon
.... . .. . ’ ’ Th?
n... favorite
th? pr«»*?( ution of rm h violator* of the new this wren.
i"ur Head?( n? d sappe.r*.
Th? following officers were elected : Presi­
law. He *-n«is out tb s iti?m in ti ? hope
little pill exerj where.
dent. B B. Beckman ; first vic?-president,
Henn Knutz?n returned to Sierra county,
that the ne**paper* ntxl th? pub ic will
1 he S B. remedies esd everywhere and A L Fra/er; second vice-president. Miss
« o-cperate with him in bi* * it«»r > t<* ut Lobi Cal. after a pleasant visit with relatives
Etta M’»«»re; secretary, J. K Green tie d.
Che Uw ami pr«»itci inn«»< en* ptr*ons ¡win on Applegate.
celled by none an I equalled by few, and A d luinitte? was appointed to make ar­
being deceived and defraud» d.
D 'pencer of Ashland accompanied Crit. those in need ot them should give them a rangements f ra banquet to be given at
T«‘man to Alaska last week.ona hunting trial arid be convinced.
tbe cL»se <»f the year.
Tlie Railroad is Here.
andtubing trip
Then* may he persons in this community
In re «bralion of the completion <»f the
who are at times troubled with c«»lic, or
J •. Rapp has recently built a fine barn
riiiruad to Jacgsonvill? a grami bal wil be on Li- Wagner «reek ranch. A. J. Wile« x of St. Patrick’s Pills. They are the i«sf.— subject to t»ow«*l complaint. If so. they
B ekky B bos .. ( arro I. Nebraska. For *al?
given at V. 8. hail, Jacksonville, on the was th? bulkier.
bv Dr. J Hinkle, Central Point, and G. ?h««u «1 try Cnamberiain's (’otic, Cholera
•yelling of N?W Years dav. Jan I, l*!«l
and Diarrhoea Remedy. It will aff»rd
II. (i. Sh«»« k, George Weeks and 8 »tn H Haskins, .viedlord.
R»»cei»tion comm 't»-e M» di<>rd—F» <»!»« i*
aimost tnim?<iiat? relief, and when reduced
Fitch. Wm. Slinger, Dr. (»»-arv, I. L H in »¡••ary were in t«»wn from up th? river
Our friend* shout I give DeWitt’* (Tough wn n water 1* p ? («ant to take If taken as
iilon. Ashland il <»n J. M Mc< all, Ge . a lew «lay* since.
and ( onsuniption Cure a trial No disap­ soon as the first indication of ttj? disease
B. Landers. G. .M. <«• ainger E I. Farlow.
A vhh I an <»unt ot hohdav good* has pointment follows the us«* of this re lab ? is felt it will ward off the attack. Many
Crn»r»«l Foini—W. A (»wen. R. V Beal1
medicine. and it merits the praise recelyt d people ns? it in this wav. and find that it
J ack b?« n »l .*p(»*««i « f in Jacksonville (luting from all who use it.
G T. H»r>hb?rger. F Fradei burg
never fails them. A 2-'» or 50 cent b »tt!e
aonviile—Henry Klipprl.J Nunan,
mav be obtained fr«»m Dr J Hinkle, Cen­
Remember that Dr Marcoux, dentist,will tral Point ami G. H. Haskins, Medford.
Beekman, O llartaugb.
An ext’ aordinardv large redu rtion in all
Floor maoag« rs . A h an ! -< > H. RI »unt. w«’r*’«*d pi?«» g «»'is nt Ream?* A White’s make you a fml upper and lower set <»f the
John Keown, the worihy ¡«»«tniaster at
be*t teeth f«»r only $25, and saii-factn'n
Ge«». F M< Connrl , M Gregory
C?i t ai < a I »nd get bargains.
gu irntiteed. Hi* office is m the V. 8 K'*own. A eghanv county. I’« nn., says:
Foint'-C G. Kippey, (’ha-. G y. W <’. I
rl»»in s (’.»ugh R ine fy sells be»ter
Wm B»1»»? bn* but« h?r?«l nearly 70 hog* Hotel, Ja k*«.nv He
Leever. Mrdf<»r- G F Merrim u Ch»s.
than i»ny other ’’ I he r«.is«.n of this i« be-
Woltem. T A H rns. J .< k>onv»l e—S. P. t!,i* h «-on, ao«i will *o »ii have plenty of
L.ik> vo w rilz»ii' are wroth'- be-'an «• < au*e i> «an al way* be depended upon
«ti it » 1» •-on ami Laius.
D Rovani I ha- N ckeli, J. G. B r.lsev
the stage people tail io deliver their P >»»- L-t a- y one troubled witii a severe cold
Grant's Fas.- C. J. Kurth J. M. John. C.
> me «te-1 r .bl»- h • «lav go«»«!* still remain land .«r 8 in, F-an i-< <> m-i! *hort of 9G g v r a trial and they will fimi tliat th?
K. Cbansior. Gold II I—(’. N L»inl»* r », a' h? 8 F Variety Store, Go and get h ur*. a»t>i»>iuh sch'dule t me is hut 5*»
li st Oi»*«-wnl rt.lieve Cite lung* a d make
W. F. Jacoby, M F. Hull. Fhoeni*—F' ? • ttn ni f«»r ain»«»st nothing.
hours from the bey city.
hr athing caster, ami th it it* V'ntinued
Furry, lb»*-. Etuei. Wo dviil?—W V.
ii*? will ir«-«* th? system of all symptoms of
D. McCarthy, th? genial engineer, is
as New Year * day will have corn? ami
June«, J W. R buis-in. G Schmidt elm
Sam'* Va le\ H -rate Frltoi . E I. « Hnl niMKing a large a«i<lition to his orchard g »ne b. I »re th? n«xi is*u»’ of tlie Ti\ i •*. we ■ he ('«»Id. i h? promptness and certainty
wish «»ur pa»ron* on? and all a Hat pv • •I th - remedy in »? >?f ar.d cure of cold*
well, A. L. (»ali. Eag e F >int - I . E. N.eti- n?.»r lal?nr this season.
ti * «ton tor it in my sincere friends and
ols, Jo*. Rad?.", F rai k Brown. Apnleiate
8 eve Swa< ker I.a* returned to Fonts New Year. ’ tru*ting that l*bl will be re »ii »-1? it very For sale bv I’r. J.
—John B«»li,
B«»it, H. D. Kubii.
duixiant with prosperity
Hink »•. Central Point, ami G. 11. 11 i* km«,
ni« ntown-
O’Brien. l F ’»d<
Hon rm-« . ( m«- has t»»en L*r s••met me past.
Th? ladies sh old not fail »o read th? ad- Medl rd
roil, W T. Hoslwn k (>. D. Sturges*.
Alusic by the Ashland orchestra.
I • e race at Central Point for th? $75 vei»i*emrnt « f M< Al «n A M( D »nneil of
MKinohi» syums
A gaioral invitarmi! is extrmted
pm *♦• wa- w >n by Rippey’s ”C»p,” who P»»rH «nd, who have tip* ni< ?a ami be*r as
sor i nient < f < b»'»k* and wrap* at the me-
The proceeds will be devot?»! to help in I»»- it ’ Kin kitat” handily.
th« j»a>ni»ol of the purrhas» p i- • of th?
T ke :i Io >k at Nickell’s additi* n.
Mr. W II -< r.»f| .f Dak "ta has purchased
depot ground« tn J a > .*onvi I«-.
Commis*ioner* Fault a <1 C'ow, of th**
• .I
oi R II Br twn’n farms on Butte
N < kell’s addilion to Medford is attract-
state ra;,r >ad commi**i >n, were over Hie in mu« h ati?nii in.
< r»?k, tliroiigit C W. Taylor.
Miuoidr Election*.
line as tar a* Ashland, pispding all the
Rea-on L wellen and Milton Lindley, trestles rep rt* «1 as danger- u- last week.
The following «.ffi« er* wt*ie elect?«! by
R. L. Dusenbury of Reno ha.’ become a
tbe Manmic lodges of Jacksonville <;urn>g t«,» |1 •! r»T residents of southern Oregon, They found s >me that needed attention re dent <»f our t »wn. He is industrious
are y ng dangerously ill in t<»wn.
a id enterprising.
tbe week
Lake county h is perfect? 1 the organiza­
Oregon Chapter, No. 4. R A. M —T <•*.
Lak? c«»un»y * < i izpns are petitioning tion of *t c unty urn udural association,
A b .tiding and loan association is a nong
G. Keume*, 11 F , A M. Berry, kiii_ I he«»
('ameron, scr ib? ; D»vi<i Lum. C. of IF. vi_ r«»u*lv tor a tri-weekiv mail service over $17»*» in stock having been *u »*rribed, tn«* p hnbilit ts in Medford in a short
and it is t ropo*» d t<» til up grounds and nine. We need it
Robt. A Miller, F J.; C. C. Beekman. R fiom Lakeview tobumnier lake
A. C.; Geo W. Isaac«, Treax M ix Mu
A *!.«> tir g match was h?l«j on the 24th, hold county fairs herealter in tha» county
Don’t fail to buy a lot in Nick Il’s a! i-
ler, Sec ; N?
son Hosmer, G. M of .'?! near th. re- .ten e «f NV. H. Buttwick,
The tract a Ijoins it«
George Conn has made tn? town of Lake­ ti«»n t » Medfonl
Veil; J. W. . Howard, G. M. of 21 V?il. whi h wa> liberally patronized.
view a proposition to move li s roller figur­ west boundary of our town.
W. H. Flenn» ml , <■ M bl Veil; R
Th«* offir?r* of Adarel chanter No. 3. ing uni to »hat point from Paisley, pro­
A carload <»f lumber from Lee & Klip-
Ju».-)lai*, sen i»>?i
He pe. S saw mill Was received for sidewalks
O. E.
wdl he installed to-night.
A vided a sufficient bonus is raised
vtarrrn L xigr. N ». io. A. F. A A. M
boqght »he mi I at r«feree s *a!e for >10,000 ami t rosMngs at Medford last week.
— David Lmn. W M.. J. R. Neil 8 W .
last >vek.
Win. M Holme*. J W, , T. G. K» ame*.
Wil ii Be« k sni J rh . D<‘<lg? ram? up
It i* announced that Med'o-«1 will sooq
Treas ; M»1 Muller, brv , F< ’« r Ebner ! from Lou*? creek Tuesday af ter noon.
Barnes t a* handbd 3
tiny? am the? paper, one «f Democratic
pounds of w < m » i a' d pel’s ri Lak? u< <1 M
I I r\ are engaged in mining there.
pr chvities The more tbe merrier,
Adarel Chapter, N" 3. O. E. 8t »r —
doc < (»untie* since April.
Hr ha* p • d
I»» W ’»’* L ttl? Early Riser*; only pill «>ui in « a*h in Lak? county nearly f.'Wl.llliO
Th? Monarch saloon at Medford, under
M M , . I h-1 . < »m
Mrs B A. M "«
_ ve, A M., b»r <h n «• < . i at'nati* n. Indigestion. during that per’od for p -Its ami pulled th? management of H. H. prov-
eron, W. F : Mr» Fannie L
8 »Id bv E. C. Brooks.
ng a popular resort. The best of every
Heims. Irras , Max Mull? . D.V'p«-p'ia
wool alone.
Mrs. A. „
thing in thatlme is kept there *
Sec ; Miss Emma Fap?. ( 'ofbiuc'livss ;
John Grander ha* been engaged wi’h his
One? in seven years—»h? body is
._ re-
Mi.*« Haiti« Krame». A Cun.
!ba i’*g m.i« h r e nt the Kar?w-ki barn on newe l Th»* nl»»o.l mu*t have th” elements
Th? ball given by the Knights of Pyth­
the M-*df* r t r<» *«i during the week.
of vitality. Wright’s Compound Syrup of ias at the opera-house on chris'mas eve
lndUn W »r Veteran».
was one «»f the most enjoyable ever h?ld in
II «rrv Bra. d.»n and Ike Deiner formerly Sarsapan la clean*?» and enriches th?
A meeting of ll.e Imlran
vetera s of of A-hland ar»* repO'te«1 as doing well a1 bond, and gives a new impetus to life. this section The music and supper c«»u d
no' be » x« ell«*«1 ai d gave general satisfac
th-Koene river war wi»«' nl <<i t'> »•••■
he r min?* •»!» Ca.*t'e creek,Cal.
non. Th? atiei dance was good
the Court-bou»« on taturd»» , Dec l»'li a'
Th ait-nti »n »-f fh«* railroad comí any
which Jews CvX w»« called to t e « n.ur
Th? < hriHtiu •* tree at the Baptist church-
•nd A. S. M<> lure e.c.d eecieter., A w H ch in. »• h.imis in a sh »rt lime. Il is ha* beep call, d to the unsafe condition • f • D W?dn?*dav evening wa* largely at tend-
the high ir?'t north r»f Grant’s P psr . ami
committed of Are conneiinir o' I’r. A W. th? be>t t u-mes* property in town.
au«i ti e ?nt»*rtaitiQi?nt was a great suc-
t » iti? damaged «tat? of * »me other tr?*ties
I’aiter.. i>. A S Mel lure, Jr«.«- ' ■ X A I',
Many farmers witbin a
I.« « ii'.g authorities «ay the only proper
orth and south • f that place. ~
Repairs c-** ni ♦ very w iv
»turn n ai <1 B F., was ai I'O' o w «\ t-» »r?-»t catarrh is fo take a roiistilu-
rudiu* of live mile* uttemled with their
'h'»u d b< made üt -»nee.
draft a trillion to conyre.«« for the pa'-a^’r ;?>.)? tv, like H »od’s Sar.-apHr1 ¡ia
ftmili«*, and the tow is~p tuple were out tn
of a '.ill for th- re lef of the v.dunt-' r-
Wm. L .w*'»n, sec ’on f »rema ». recent:
»»-vrin.w v force.
enKag.d inlbe Ko II. river wars. A'ij'.ur:
B« i J Ih'hins n - f Wagner creek wa- in tra-i'fer’’«d to Cow rr ck Lum Ashland,
« iia* Wd .wh» purchas’d the Noland
e.l io meet fie
27th. Names tnrolled: San F .n i'< <> a-t we« k on bu«ln?<s con was badly injured by a pr^maturi bla*t
c ri » r iotend* t«» »-r»‘«*t a ilo-. I trg? brick
A D. Burion, Jiss. ('■ i, I. A M I**. ne«•:«• I wi'h ’i*<* Umpire G. A 8. M Co.
there I«*’ w-eg. He is no v un'er trea»- emt.ot! up« n the site of tt»e frame build*
K. M Kubrrrs«-n. li E. P> w.r-. " N.
J»*f * K?u r «»nd Ed Nunan. who are a’- ment by Dr. K erner a' Grant’.* Pass, nl i js li i* *»i«i that th? stru tur? will be
Grithih A. W. I'aitrr«..n, II.
.!• hi «<"•. terding Mount Ang»l c«»l ? l ?.cern? bom? it i th »iuht win r?c v r
tour *ioi|es high and th? main p »rti-»n will
W. B. samp-ou Mrt'o • II,
d’.iri git« we» k t«» spend the h«»li«1ay a.
An effort is b lng mad-* t » have t ie Lake- b»* U*?d as a hotel. Surely our town s
Wm. s
Miller, D.uil. C. Tl.oin.i-.
ffi ur? 1* a moat promising one.
Cbnrci.i.l, Kid,i. Putier-mi. A.
ILan’iful weather ba« b?en prevailing,up V'.ew p-»t-..ffice graded third-class in ih
and bi»| I en Jenkin».
Eugene Guard.
to Cbriumas morning.when a heavy rain- department The w »rk in th? office war-
H H Wolters, th? mixologist, has re
rants a salaried postmaster, and the «tamp move«! I»i* saloon to the building next door
st.»rm set in, which lasted several hours
cancellation* are »iiffi ient to justify the to (’. W. Pa ni’s barbershop, on Front
All iUll to th? East.
Sher ft B rd*»y will commence th? col­ promotion almo*t . very quarter.
He has supplied th? bar with
To d«v wi l t»? ni» m»»r» in h-- h».*»<-ry li-» i n • f i?x :»•* f »r l<90 "i ihe 12th of Jan
Frat k D Ie’wi««»f the I dia»> Bureau nt :h» tinest win??, li«»iiors and cigars,
8« eh" s notice tor full particulars.
of J h « k *«»nvb ? r - «1 n»N*m th? c"i'D»i -
•m i a nn? bitliur t tatiia can :» f » be
ti«»n by reil <»i Hi? «‘id «lilt«» town will» th» "
mid there. Give turn a ca!i, for •? will
A b * . -p:» » oi the American ■settler'- maml for »h re r r i*»» i rg »»I F«»rt* Bid
F «•mo««!. U» I in. \ w. i r-pwr» t ju1 -
• •
(tuide. -lamitrd authority on all lami well and K'«ma b. I is underst»»-d I»e tre«i v-»u w.-.,
lair i ♦ XI I t ■ • ■ yy h
inav t»e found at the I i . mks other. Wil rvpoit f.vorablv f» ile war «it-pari-
><»ine s;i? >k t.iiet ^tol? an <»v?rc.>at. glove*
g» neroli« n ovtphetni t it»„t th? r iiir«».to miff t« r*
rnen», at ir-a»-t as to Fort B.dwell, Cal.
ai d i «juilt (r .in Merritt Bellinger’* haci^
bgN hud a l»i»| | y I mo « out of all it*
R.»s»* has b?en
b. en appointed adminis
E. D. Ros»*
iroitbir*. D bat beep u I >ng t m«* ’abort,
Ti e remain* of Koester, the old man win!«* he nn«: h * faniny were in attendance
tran r ■ f the »;>tat? lune* of Ellatt.decea*ed.
ing,” but it «?« lii* hi»!» and vigormi*. ami Iiis notice wdl 1»? found in another column. wh » had been linking for several days, nt the I’iiristrnis tree festivities last
who knew* but it wul be ext. p.;»-d to , , t
Were found
in the riyer n*»ar Hawk- ¡Wednesday evening. Suspicion attaches
water in on? directi»vr» an i i<» lb?
the b;¿
1 h • ■
aimng s "Ck of holiday goods at insville. The supp »*«i»i*>n is that he coiu- i to «w » tramps wl»«» were prowling along
timb?r in the other b» f -re a<h < a»le g- e1 tt>»-s E Van-tv 3t re must go; so thev mined d suicide. Ino igh bis f»- ends rhrik ! th? .1 ica-onv.lir branch ra lroi I an 1 ah »nt
by Turn «»nt rv?'y»»«H(y a» «1 <i;»i». ?
it h »ve 1>e«- n m » ked down to less than co»’. * it a’ b? w «a d» n» n‘ d nd ?e i th» ri f r i hr .* ir»'i h* • f row • *»n th-? p e *? ting eve t
•U« <*•»• ut b? I 8 btd n- X V ll*«'.*
; i«».r
T • m«»r « - St. .1 >hn’« U tv. ai d the a c e ■ 11-
ne »lx »I»-»- »• i i fti . i - of ili - diffe-eni Ma
For Sale.
The I imks . c H- h ju*t in r? ci t <»f <i
-on c i» dg - » 11 be lii-ia led ill the even- large stoeg ot « '»nimrii ia' and w dding
Hohnes B iisiiii ' m » • ollrgt
() « I .-t in t e «»f bl • >'l* i *t»4 vear«
>' K
9i8ti<»neiy, piper *b-ck *»i a 1 d *cnp ions, old ’-tie young w>»rk bor-e 3 ye»'B old;
Of Pori’aml. <>r- wll «rei. S pt l-<
A. Weset».
Í” »■« ist
.1. \\ H.M'i t rsmirh shipped a tin? lot of i etc., ami is bett> r p” pre«! th.n «vertido «>•.«* I ,rm w („'»• ; «»ri? «r?w sa l 1*?; mi? iron
. ÜM»
has Lec«»n e a parti-er in this s« l¡ »■• an i will l am* ami i , . n to Klamath county by I first cla*s work at I -w?*’ c;t ran*. Le«y? bar with i»u>L*v*; a numb *r of .arg? t in«
teams iu charge ut Wm Gee during the y<»ur orders a »d b »VC them cx«*cuted in (be .ro:,, the .it,f.ikrr. Fur punkulars
make it the leading uuamesscollege
I best possiblQ style.
quire of C. B. Hostel, JackiQnnU“.
ur catalogue.
Notice to Taxpayers
J H. Hynson and Thos. Lawson of Trail
creek were here a few days ago.
Ii) the matter of the e*lat»- of I nne* Eilatt,de-
W. T. Constant of Central Point precinct
was in Jacksonville last Saturday.
underNigm-d haw been apiiointcd bv th«
N county
court <»f Jackson county. Or«*gon, Hit­
that the
ting in Probate, administrât«»!' ot th«* < »tatv of
Kecor-ier Holmes and wife spent Christ­ inn«-* Ellatt, dve<*aacd.
mas with relatives at Eagle Point.
All pcrNons indebted to said estate ar«' re­
queued to Nettle the twill«* nnmediat«*ly, and
Mr. Bagley of Lake co inly accoinjanied ttioae having «laine* against the entai«* will
ureaent then» to meat my residence in Flounce
G. K. Hammersly to .’^cksonviiie
Kock, Jackson county, Oregon, witlpthe prop­
Willie Williams
Leek returned home er voucher* attach«**!, within nix months lrom
the first publication ol tins notice.
for the holidays Irffit» 8au Francisco
E. I». ROSS.
N. F Nash, I’. J.unie <»n arid <»•*-». Shum­
AdminlNtrator of the ent ate of lunis Ellatt,
way ol E leu pi coin t ar.- h re t »-«lay.
Dated Dec. 25, 18®U.
Jos. ("I ft ha* retur led h<jtue 'o the valley,
after bi* -bur’t« ur through California.
Miss Cora Linn and her brother George
returned frnm Eugene one day this week.
F. M. Short <>f Hungry creek. Cal., I*
visiting bis many friends in this section.
Cha*. Walland wife have returned from
their trip to New York and other eastern
J. J. Houck and W. 1» Mcl’hire «»f Gold
H ll made us a pl a*aiit vi*it the foiepart
of tbe week.
M ish IL rtha Booth returned home during
th? week tr«*m her visit with her brother at
Gram's Fa s.
TE ARE—And are prepared to
i Show hundreds of beautiful
things, l>uth useful and orna­
mental, designed especially fur
tokens of love, friendship and
| \
UR Sture Û stocked wjtli oddi­
ties and novelties in gift goods
and if wuu want
clioiee—better than you cJ"
at home—send to us f<
want and you will
Low Price alone win more than
offset the trouble.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
coldly alLiruggiaU. >];aixforgfi. Prepared noty
by <’. J. HOOD* CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Haas.
ICO Dosos One Dollar
Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Sproot
Str«*et>, w lien? ad ver- Mini If ARM < oritn’cts may Ml la Mf W||lfK
h-» mad« (or it P IIK b II I UllIV
ft TE are showing the latest ideas
11 in Toilet Cases, silver fit
tings; Manicure Sets, silvci
fittings; Jewel Ca.'es, Work I loxes
Satin Glove and Handkerchic
Cases, Iland-Painted Opal Plac-
ques, Albums, Easels, Phot®
frames, T<>vs, Games, Picture
Books, Fans, Slippers. Jewelry.
M M M M S M M n
A H. Fla le-, «u.e of J • seph ne county’s
prominent cit z-n* Wl' in Jacksonville
Fr««l Drake came in from Jl.irney lust
week t«» spend the lioiid.t\ s at home in
IS Nt,?""'
X cPlar,; r
Messrs. Birneburg and btewart were at
the County seal last Wednesday.
is hereby given
j inis make need's Sal
mi ; «i' r to all utlier m«*dicine&
r in «• ;.»l in;Ui«'n, projiortion,
I.. f-uration of ingredients,
» S irsay:.i'Ila possesses
11. I curative value of the
b« t known remedies
tbe vegetable
Fee-liar in
and economy —
Hood’s Sar-
only medi­
c • n e «. f _
can trul
“One Hundred Dose*
D »llar.”
Me«' ines ir
sn.aE r bottles
•• ’ .»rper d<»s<*s, and do not
g<»od results as Flood's.
y r
:i i in its rncdicinal merita,
.8 .1 i.
i accorri lislies cures hith
:*»’o uni
1. > won for itself
t!.«* titl- • » f “Tl.e ¡ r .¡fest blood ever di ■ v« rcd.”
r.-.-cb it ini’* ••
'if I’r.. .
sold in
Low c i
it is niadi,
tl; a n
¡er blood
purl fl
P«M-uhar in its
nal record of sales
no other preparation
ever attained such popu­
larity in so short a time,
d retained Its popularity
and « iiftdchce among all classes
f I < < p’.a so steadfastly.
Do not ’» • i;.<iik c<l to buy other preparations
V.t Lc Mire t . got the recnllar Medicine
I <
Administrator's Notice
The undersigned Sheriff of Jacks«»n county,
John Carney was in town during the
Oregon,or his deputy, will meet the taxpayer*
of said county tor the purpose of rec«*mng
Judge Priiu has returned from bis trip to
TAXEH foil lfi9Ot
On the following days, in tln-ir resp«*cti«e
Mr». 8. E I*h visited »hecounty «nit one preclnctR al their usual places of voting, and
day Ibis week
will remain in eacii precinct from 9 o'clock
a. in. until 4 o’clock p. m. of each day, to-wit :
’Squire Furkeyp lert Ctntr.R i -untcalLd Willow Springs.
January 12. 1891
Gold Hili. ..........
13. ”
Kock Point........
lw *
CritTolman last w.^ek returned to his sta­ F<»ot’s Creek
15, “
tion in Alaska.
1«. “
Pleasant Cre« k
Miss Cui ton of Gali s creek visitid our Flounce Rock
19. “
town last Monday
Trail (’reck. ..
2(1, “
Meadow* ..
21, “
Judge Neil was at Grant’b Pass last week Table K<»«k
on legal business.
S’. ••
Little Butte
Rirf Butt»*. ....
24. “
Geo. Gilletteof Ashland spent Tuesday at IxMjt Creek...
2M. “
O- ..
tbe county-seat.
Mt Pitt
Chimney Kiak
25, “
Nelson H-siuer of Foots creek spent a WterlinKville ...
W'. "
day in town recently.
lTniont<»wn. . .
31, -
February ...
B F. Miller and VV. H. Newton of Sar­ Applegate
dine creek are in town.
Central Point .
E. D. Ro«? has returned to Flou .ce Rock Eden
precinct from the coast.
Talent ........
Alex. Orme and Bailey Bros, of Foot’s Shake
creek were here M«»ndny.
At leant one-half must be paid in cash.
C Magru«ler was among the T imks ’ VÎH1-
Tax-pay«*ra will please pay their taxes at the
tors during tbe past week.
above stated time?, a* tax«« wil' betuune de­
W. L. Plym ile of Albany arrived h« re linquent the ttrat Monday in April. 1*91,
aft«*r which coata will be a<l«L*i f«»r rollecti«»n
yesterday to spend th? holidays.
The law in r«*gard to thrir eolhetion will be
Mrs. Wm. Bybee Las gone to the Wil- strictly « nforccd.
Inmette valley to visit relatives.
Sheriff and Tax Collector ot Jackaoii Co.
— <>F —
Ju 1ge Webster, D *trict Attorney Colvig
and Hon. H K. Hanna have return« d
from (.¡rant’s Pass.
J. H Knutzen. Esq , Applegate's w«»rthv
justice of the peace, made us a pleanant
< all on Wednesday.
John Tucker.Meyer Br«»s..F.e<l Downing
ami Fred Fech <»f Chimney Ruck prcclmt
were in town lately.
Mi*s Clara < ameron returned to Ja« k»on-
vi le last .Saturday after visiting friends at
Medford ami AsbLmd.
.la* Pelton and Lindsay bimore of
Sam’s v.-il ?v a e taking a c-.ur-e at the
Portia' «1 B 1*1.1« ** ( .»dege
E. E M nvr .»mi w f - of A*li and enter­
tamed their h ri, . E Miin-r, Jr iti San
Francisco, «!u i »g ’lie w« ■ k.
Above Goods ami Many Other»-
The Leading House of the Coast
Louis Autenrieth, the Delia merch »nt,
arrived from ( alifornia S ltnlay ami spent
the next day here on business
G. M Parkinson "f A*hl «nd la*t week en-
tertaii!?«! hi* br«»iher-in-law. J E. Andrews
of Oakland, < al., during a short visit
Scribner's Magazine
John O B M»'h <»f D >ugla* county visited
relation* ami friend* in Jacksonville last
Siturday. He is on his way t«» California.
For the coming
will be noteworthy for a a number
number of
of special
, •.
,, ,, * v ;;.. ...........•• *-•
features which the Publishers believe arc of very unusual interest,
and among them the following may l»e mentioned:_
Fr«»f. A. I*. Arm*trong and wife left
Jacksonville on Saturday I »st for San Fran
cisco, whe-e they will spend a fortnight
Miss Carrie R »j»er, «‘’companied Ly her
brother Ford, list week r« furred to Ash­
land from San Francis« •» for tbe holidays.
We are g ad to leain ’hatCba*. (\ Pur
*el', who La* been «langeroiislv ill at Li*
parents’ home at Great Bend.*, 1-
Ja.*. T. Tuffs and Mr. Bov«l of Grant’*
Fuss spent Tuesday in t«»wn Thev came
to atr?n«i tli? meeting of Oregon Chapter
No. 4 ,R A M
Haro'd Jack* *n went h«»m » to Portland
from Ashlaml last we-k f »r th? h*>n<l iv*.
He ha* recently be« n trouble I w th ?r>*i|-
el a* in his face
(’apt Th«» . Smith • f Ashland is said to
be gradually rr« "\e ing from his recent
stroke « f partial pu < «* *. and wi l soon be
able to be about again
Ambrose Bowers, foreman of tbs local
8. I’ bridge corps, i* ‘‘pending tbe holidays
In a visit with friends back in his old
Pennsylvania home.
El. Begg“, who i* now superintending
the National Stage com- anv * bu*ine** in
Lake ami Klaina’h counties, i* paying his
relatives in Jacksonville a visit
Messrs. Peck ami B »atman of Spokane
Falls, Wash., have b«*?n in Jacksonville
for th? p «*’ w« rk. Ttiev nr? taking some
interest in our mining resources.
Commissioner Taylor-»I Eui? P«»in’ was
in town not long sine?, a«*cornpanied by
M»‘N*rs. Will»*'r »ft an! Parham? if. who
lately at rived from (’.tntda to locate in this
Will. Young has returned from Colorado,
*h?re ti? Lad Ixen f«»r *♦ v rai weeks for
the benefit of his health. We are sorry
to sav that he is not a* well a.* when be
left her?.
U o. R Hammerslv of Lak? county is
visiting his family, who are spending th?
winter in Jacnsonx He says that re
rnarkably line weather i* prevailing east of
the mountains and that slock are still fat.
G. M. 8trou«i of E»*t Portland, whom
nearly everybody in Oregon is at (piainted
with, spent a day in Ja< k*onviile. He
would like to serve tbe state as railroad
commissioner, and would no doubt make
an acceptable ami competent official.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
Sir Edwin Arnold
font riVuteii to the December number the firet of a •eri««? of four0 Art«.
¡»« oph-.-itH whj - k . and ite thought?. Mr. Robert Bhirn who wan coinrni^L n J.1
Henry M. Stanley
'I h m . nt Atriettn Exh.b.tion b. !d in London. Both jil'.H«T.llV.w;.lF.i;’;traud.',,nt
The Wrecker.
Prof. Janies Bryce, M. P..
Ln order to Close Ont the Entire Stock we have marked down
author of • Th«* Am«*r*can Common Wealth *’wil* write a «rrirttof r. >>>
etubodyw the result, of bl. r.e. nt journo? .nd.tudle.on t^tand«^^^'^
Ocean Steamships
........ .. •••■ ^* -H-.I«b.Hut.jJJ^;rb.“VbTid
Great Streets of the World
Come ami be convinced that wc mean just what we pav.
11 1 1 1 U ‘ ! ! ! >. h h h
people or
phine (
j icksun
am »
The m ice of Scribner’s Magazine admits of adding a sul’scrii»-
tion to one's other reading at very small cost. Orders should be
sent at once.
i?.3.<>0 A YEAR.
Charles Scribner’s Sons, Publishers,
45 Broadway. New York
J ose ­
The iin«L rs gm «1 is now manufacturing at
th*' M»*ad<»w* Sawmill in Jacks«»n county,
Or«*gon, the
by A M.Wil'sonof Gr«*«*nleaf. Kansas. nn«l wilj
-ay 1«» th«* public that we have the
Hot ami Most Ilurablr Marhinr
Stat.. ami will put it a«ain«t any other
manufacture for
I'l’.ICK OF MACHINE, »10,1».
I»« liven*! to nnyaddr»*? in my district,
nil urden» to bMin'e Valley. Oregon
Don t Fail to Call and See them before going
I am now offering at great bargains the following :—
o. 4 new Deering Mowers.
1 he Steam Floaring Miil
o Deering Twine Binders,
in Jacksonville.
2 (lang Plows.
12 tine draft horses weighing
G Star Sickle Grinders.
1,200 to 1.A00 poundseacli.
o Freight Wagons.
250 tons Alfalfa llay.
Í Five and Seven Tooth Culti-
4 Milk Cows.
90,000 feet of Lumber.
Neck Yokes, Double and Single Tree?, \\ Mgon Spring Scats, Har-
Tlie ino<?t speedy, positive and perma
rows, Stove »ui'l Mower Extras, and a great many other
ficnt cure for Catarrh oi tl)“ Hea«l, Asthma
articles too numerous to mention.
and all Throat, Bronchial, bung. Heart
Stomach. Liver and Kidney Affections.
Foriparticulars anil terms «-all or write to
Nervous Debility, etc. Consumption, in
MBS. J. KAREWSKI, Executrix, Jacksonville, Or.
iU various stages, permanently cured.
D r . A born ’ s O riginal M ode of T reat ­
ment and liia M edicated I nhalations
gives instantaneous relief, builds up and
revitalize« the whole constitution and Ilf II IT About the biggest return' ever made on a .'tnall invert-
system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, Wllnl im nt is that reported by John Alexander, of Mariposa,
nervous, debilitated B”d broken -down California. He writes:
constitutions, old and young, invariably
Tbe best investment I ever nmdo in mv life was one of $1.25.
gain from ten to thirty pounds in from
thirty to ninety days.
It brot -ht me health, wealth and happiness. The investment I
D r . A born ’ s phenomenal skill and mar­ made was the purchase of one bottle of Moore’s Revealed Remedy.’’
velous cures have created the greatest
astonishment on the Pacific Coast and Thousands of othei people have had ecpiallv ns oood returns from the
throughout the American continent, dur­ purchase of this sovereign remedy.
It curd Rickard Williams of
ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma,
did the same thing for John
Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron­
md Captain Al. Taylor
chial an«l Lung trouble instantly relieved, Hewi t of this city. R. C. A I QE Dates and
also Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured of Seattle over their own $ | ,^U signature- - say that it cured
permanently at first consultation. D r . their rheumatism in a marvelously short time. J. M. Jones and W.
A born ’ s essay on the ” Curability of Con-
liver and heart
sumption,” and a treatise on “Catarrh oi 1’. Johnson of Seattle attest its efficacy in curing
he Head,” w’.tb evidcDcca of some ex- troubles. Thousands rf reputable citizens from one end of the
| traordinary cur«;e. mailed free. Cal! Ot _____ _
Pacific Coast to the other write its praise. If you are ill, what
better investment can von make than the purchase of a bottle of
Moore’s Revealed Remedy? If you feel bad every morning |> I |k
Nor«.— Home treatment, Ft<au*ly ¡»acted, sent by
«xjnes* to all part* of the Pacific Loa* t,fbr those v.ha on arising, if you are tortured by rheumatism, if you have any UlU
(aaifcul potstbiy call in pciYou.
of the ills of mankind, invest $1.25 in Moore’s Revealed Remedy
1 HI» ’NYIHD TO CALL fOR FWE CWStL. A« «3fL and see if it xvill nut give you relief. For sale by all Druggibts
For r th and Xorrlsoa
Portland« 0 rtf IB*
i ou feel tired—Do you know
what it means ?
Y ou are ner­
vous—Why? You cough in the
morning—Do you n-alize thecanee?
Your apja-tite is jaxir—What makt«
it so? Y’ou Hvui like a cliang's.
jwrson to your friends—I«» you
know what is the matter, or ha«
the change lieen so gradual it luu
<t«-a|M«l your notice?
Y’ou have
KNUW’ l ^, YOU?
_ _ _____ We do not say this to
you, but it is true. These are the sure sj mptoma of this terrible disease. There
is one thing which will check it and that is
It is rec»»(«1’-d 1 y the be*t phyeiutans in Europe aud An erica.
2à reni«, 5‘» er«l« aa«l Si «O per llwttlr.
W. H. HOOKER & CO.. 46 West Broadway. New York.
Is the kind that pays. Scores of
"S young business men, and hun-
c-' dreds oflxwk-keepers and sten­
ographers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi­
ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College, Salem,
Oregon. Both are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses of
study, same rates of tuition, ffmunrss. Shorthand, Typewriting. Penmanship and Etq*
tisb Departments. Write to either fur joint Catalogue and specimens of penmanahip
¡■•■'I (x>uyh Medicin«». Rnnmmended by Physicians,
l ured whore nil else f.uls. Ploasnnt and agreeable to the
t» te. < I. tldrtn talt t without objection. By dnuntirts.