• *•• FRIDAY ;iie « «till king 8.'t-aritm-off time is at hand Remember the railroad ball. OFFICIAL PAPER OF JACRSuN COUNTY, OR XVrre it 1*91 ifter next Thursday. N xt Thursday >s New Y»*ar’- d iv. MIMMI XF.Ws. 1 he county j id n *w has two occut ants. Motices for the baallon «»* placer »;<«: auarlz mines, etc., for sale king w ith Lis troth er Will io Page A Son’s com..ii*.-i u h«»u e at Portland. \Xiiv«utT. r’ Preston’s “H«d-Ake” will •ire you Con*iderabie pro*y« cii* t-vtng •!«»» e >n southern O egou. Muuv rich mm - w il be d scove»rd in the luture. hiii-.i "« hmitt retort ed from Portland a fra <|.»y« bluer. Nr.v hi . I m»bby fiats lately in at Rrames Dr. Bradtu has returned from hi* C.i »- A White’«. forma trip, and intends io operate di«- Ue ate enj lying the most beautiful Swinden mine ai d mill himself in the fu­ win trr Wrathrr. ture. Helm« A Prll-tt now own the Wagner The Mountain Lion mine in M •« uri Fiat «lisini't ha« a large quantit' «f n« b cree* plniiiiig-mill. quartz on the dump, ready f« r a 1 »ng sea­ H«» i«lay go «1« almost given away at the son's run. 8. F. Variety 8t«»re. The American Mining Cu«ie. standard M*«lf'»rd ro'lrr tl >ur in quantities to suit authority on all subjects pertaining to »» Ream«« A White’s. • all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for sale at the T imes office. I ' fa::.«, money refunded ; Preston’s “Hed- Ake.” E Sanderson Smith, the minemlog > , made a close inspection of the M« Don ugh Gro<«rie« an 1 provisions of all kinds, • ledge in Willow Springs during th»* w» «-k. fr«*h at Reaiues A White’s. Porkeia in this mine Lave pr »ven very mh J< nn Morn* bt« returned to Foots ere« k .n the past. from M »for county, Cal. The Ashland parties who were engaged < ha* Fiester of Josephine county was in in prospecting the coal iieposit.* in of die Meadows and 8am'» valley have »but Jaru-«»nv lie on Wednesday. down work untd spring, ihrirc«*ntr »ct tun­ r. A Harris and L C. Gruby of Med- nel having tern complete«! Tue in i. a- for«! wt-rr here «»n Wednesday. tions are still very favorab e. Beall Bro*, of Central Point were in J. B Riddle male a new d'seovery of Luk son vi Ir «iuri: g 'hr week. nickel near the old Oregon nickel mine, ¥<*u can get holiday g MMls at less than three miles from Riddle station. A spe» • com I at the 8. F Variety Store. NI extiiniii-.n .it G ■ .L.* a > estate offi« e cont.iins ab»»ut per < *-m. «d First-« ass cedar fence t»osts foi sale in nickel. The quantity is inrihausi bv qiiantilir« to suit at the I imkh office. Mr M«-Gee, the manager oi the vinnaL »r Everybody should attend the railroad mines in the Siskiyous. w..s in Yr»-ka ast ba i. I wn! be a glorious atlair. Wrv*. 1 he w. rk at th«- lu • - M bt in.* Crant rrries, currants and raisins for pu.«h«-d right along, ten nim being em­ ployed there. XV. H Qu’gley i* Imehmt g the bolmays ai R--ime« A White's. supplies to the miners, says Ihe Sukiy u John R Stan llev ami family have re- ‘•Telegrau’.” m- vr i fi. m Tolu to Grant's Pass. I County Teachers’ Institute. The following is tfie progrumitoe uh « h will be observed at the ineetit g of the C ounty Teacher» Ass ciation, to be h* «1 a’ Jacksonville, on 8itur«la> , January ‘ 10. IfOI: 1. R»»II- ch |I at 1»> • «’clock % M 2 Muging by A‘««»ciatiob, led by 1’r f. p A. Grtl. 3 Api licatiot s for membership. 4 School Manage men:—8 ipt Price. 5 How to Give Oral ln«trucli n in Physt»»!ogy and Hygn-ne—J XV B« ,«»t>. Discussion le«i by L A. Simons. J. O. H ».t • nd Miss Delpba Masterson. •k Intermission Dr W. 11. Sommer*. formerly of tbis place, 1« n ■w l«»* aied nt Eimirt, Cal. 8» V» Tai * rtlnm iges t »ok place during • hristma* aod s »n-e aud lol in 1'ulo from Scott Griffin. • Oi l paper.«, ir. quantities to suit, for sale at the 1 iMKb office at50rents a hundred. VaLHa-kois ha« returned from Klamath « oun y, to «¡»end tiie h inlays at home. ¡he «• oi Luck waiting machine leads everywhere. Every lady should have one. Notice to Taxpayers. PKRMONAl. MKNTIOS. John Carney was in town during the The undenugned Bberlff «»f Ja« ksun county. Oregon,or bis deputy, will meet th«- taxpav« r« week. of haul county for the purpose of receiving Judge Prim has returned from bis trip to TAXES TOR 1ARO, Portland. On the following days, in their resjactiv«* Mrs. 8 E f*h visited ’he county *eit one precincts, al th»*ir ununl plac«*8 of voting, and day this week will remain In «*ach precinct from 9 <» clo« k a. in. until 4 o'clock p. in. of each day, to-wit: ’Squire Purkeyp lei! Ci ntr.i! point call» <1 Willow Springs.......... .............. January 12. 1891 XVednesday. Gold Hilf................... 13, Kock Point.............. U’ A CritTolman last w«'ek returned to his sta­ Foot »• ’s Creek ....... 15. •• tion in Alaska. •» Woodville................... 16, •• •• Creek. 17. •• Mi*s Cui ton of Galls creek visited our Pleasant *• »» Flounce Rock ........ iy. town last Monday »• Trail Creek................. 2(», »• •» Meadows . . 21. Judge Neil was at Grant’s, Pass last week Table Ro<-k •>-» •• •• on legal business. »• s: •• Little Butte.... •• Bi< Butte.................. • *• Geo. Gilletteof Ashland spent Tuesday at Ix»at Creek.... »• tbe county-seat. Mt Pitt..................... **7 •• »• 2s* »• Ch’linney Rock........ Nelson H 'smer of Foots creek spent a Kterlingvilh* ............ •• »• day in town recently. Cniontown............ 31. •• »* SlcambtiHl.................. 2 February B. F. Miller and XV. H. Newton of Sar­ Applegat«* 3. »* dine creek a»e in town. •« Centtal Point ......... 4, .Med lord...... 5, »* E. D. Ro*e has returned to Flou ice Rock Eden ................. ». 6, »• precinct from the coast. ». ♦* Talent ............... •• Ashlam!.... w*. .............. “VA Alex. Orme and Bailey Bros, of Foot’s Shake. »* 11. creek were here Monday. Jacksonville........ 12. At leaflt one-half must !»«* pnl«l in cash C Magruder was among the T imes visi­ Tax-payt*rM will please pay their laxca at th«- tors during tbe past week. above stated tiin«n, a.* taxea will i»«*in«- ur through California. Miss Cora Linn and h«*r brother George returned from Eugene one day this week. F. M. Short of Hungry creek. Cal., 1« visiting his many friends m this section. Chas. Walland wife have returned from their nip to New York ami other eastern cities. A H. Pia ter, oi.e of Joseph ne County’s prominent cot z**n.«. wa- in recently. End Drake came in from Hurney last we» k to sp«-mi the Loiid.tx s nt Lome in A«bl.i»id. J. J. Houck and \V. L McClure of Gold H *11 inn«ie us a pl« a-ant vi«it the foiepnrt of the week. Miss B< rtim Booth retur» ed home during Thee nnty clerk »«sued a license < n the A freight train on Ihe Southern Pacific the week ir«*m her visit wiih her brother nt Ch;i'tm »« mas* was held at the Catholic 24th to Wm. H St wart and Miss Ida attempted to pass over n bridge, near Al­ Grant's Pa s. < ht«rt-h in ih«s place by Rev. F. E. Clark. Jam* Barneburg; on the 25th to XXL A. Let- bany, one «lay last week, which was under­ Judge Webster, D strict Attorney Colvig AFTBRNO» N ,«Ii»«I' X. teken and Miss Lois Scribner. going repairs, and the effect was that tbe Wag?.er creek celebrated the holidays Roll-call at 1 :30 u’CilWk F. M ei gme got across safely, but three flat cars, and Hon. H K Hanna have return« d with a grand masquerade ball at Talent. Acts at once, never fails DeWitt’s from Grant's Pass. M Singing led ny Prof W. J. i ravtord. one loaded with radr »a«l iron for tbe Jack­ A remedy sonville Me«ifur«i railroad, and lw«> with <♦ Eu*e for «ale bju8cott Griffin of for Asthma and that feverish condition lumber, fell iutu tfie stream twenty feet justice ot the peace, made us n pleasant 10. Com posit ion which accompanies a severe cold. Coleman Discussion led bv Misses Clara below and were crushed lo splinters The call on XVedneeday. * B Fru'k. De«la J Pickeland 1. »U«e R ed. Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure «»tiier portn»n ot tbe train became detached Ch dee five-acre tracts in Nickeil’s ad- 11 Number W »ik Miss Hattie Coburn. John rucker,Mever Bros..Fred Downing and stop|»e one was hurt le» ins. w«-re in tow n lately. Every member of th»* Teacher»’ A-* •• li i i« rvquirrd. Sold bv an druggists. A sure cure for the whisky habit Dr. lion ia expect**«! t«> be >»Q band pi<>mp • 1> Mos Clara Cameron returned to Jackson- J. 11 < 'art* r b an«i Francis Ammons oi Livingstone s Antidote for Drunkenneas « k and without tail, and all teacher* <-f J o Geo R. Pitman and u ife ot Ashland pre­ sou County are most cordia iy icqti-**te ' to Pi 'S t creek «;»-nt Mond-ty in Jackson* cinct w. re here Chri«tm:i*, acc«»mpanie tTee without the Sam’s v«l ev a-e ■aking a cour-e at the im it t»f g nt* ».nd ladies* fine Harvey Clayt >n of Summer lake last Knowledge <1 the p«-rso’i taking i». The Portia' «1 B i«i.iej»s ( oilege us and |-am. i; a e *uh u* m thr g»»*a’ work «h<’ week met Mrs. C. at Acer <»n h»*r return Anti «•'• wil n«»t inj ire the health in any we have lUAhgurat» d. Il a ill » erlaihly »io M -* Delibi Mt'ier««>n of Gold Hi 1 has fr«»m Portland. She ha* t»een greatly ben­ wa\. MHiit.I.»ctur« «1 bv the LiVing-lone E. E M ner ami w f ■ of A-h and enter- you n » harm. and. imk » i.ui woid i rl*. it < heiiii>'al «.'-«> . 8.m F ■ a i i«c«>, C »I., or from t «inrd ttieir a rt, .». 1C Mim*r. Ir hi >an will be of lasting b« uctit to you 4 you de t>«a ii vi.«iii g in Lane county, her former efited by her s j «urn m Poitland. A. C Mar't« r.« A' Co. *ule agents, Roseburg; Francisco, ffi ers are also invite i to at «nd. h » <>. " c *. i er yard, at Kearnes A T imkh offi« e and .«oid at Portland rates. Travi* Lyn« h of Wagner creek, son of the next day here on business While's G. H. L\n< h, while working at the edger G. M Parkinson <»f Ashland last week en­ A mi ; liter friend—XVright’« Blackberry I” i ,»t tbe 'im h s.iw-mill last week, had his Lo«>k oat for Them Dr C r o r o' L -« Angeles. Cal , has lo­ ter ’an?e«i his broiher-indaw, J. E. Andrews »n IkOliiA. Coidiai. Oi ce use«! alw.iis taken, Reba* The «errciary *.»f state, who is ex- fficio rd» ¡at 1 drill, f »r the practice of bi* pro- b e ami prompt. Plea«ant '•» tike. I ndis- Lit iiMii'l ami wrisi lorn in a shocking of Oakla.id, < ah, during a short visit insurance c >a*mi'^i«»ner, gfve* »•in tn»* few«! n. I»ensii»ie for summer trouble*. 8«>ld by all manner by his c«»at- lervc catching on the John <> B »o’h of D mgla* county vi*ite«l teeth <»f the «aw. Surgical assistance did Bo h »he farmers and the miners hai 'hr druggists following a* an Hem «»I i ew* Wlil< h be m»t reach him until evening, (the accident relation* ami friends in Jacksonville last B«ith med it in their b«»pes wil! be put4i«be I by the new psi er* ■ m wi h de lght occurred ai 9 u ’ clu« k in the morning) and Saturday. He is on his way to California. They sell m »re of DrXX’itt’* Little Early of ibe s’ate, as a rualter of public n'» r» *' . b i* ne-«. Risers than anv other i ll . their action is he ha* since been doing .»s well as Could be Several so called4*mutual brneyo rut ii ,? ui - Prof. A. P. Armstrong and wife left N««t»*s. receipts, pr. ve Jacksonville on Saturday I i«t for San Fran that they have suffi« lent Capital to ♦ ti .j '»■«••k form handy aiui tirst-clns». at the be«t reguiat« r of the Livrr, Stomach ai d Medford to be near the attending physi­ cisco, whe-e they wiil spend a fortnight cian, Dr Geary. them U» a license to do business umler the T imes office. Bowels. laws i4 this state have re, ri»tl\ . in vi«»latn>n Mis»C»rrie R »per, accompanied Ry her Better Than A G »1«! Mme—Ten acre* se Alb -rt Case of F«*rt Bi I well. Cal., passed The best remedi f ir he.«dm fie and neii- of our law, sent agmts in ih * state »<« through tiie valley last week.eti route to to fi uit when in a bearing conditmn wd brother For«!, last week returned to A*h raLri * is Wright's P «ra/ou Headache rem ­ •«» icit insurance »»n *h* as.*e««!i»t*»»t plat» 'and from San Francis«*«» for tbe holidays. Portland. edy Stops pain in five minutes. Harm­ yield an me«>moot from $3<« mj to $4500 per F«»r the protection of ih«- pu oc the n«ur year and re«pi res n<> expensive machinery XVe arc g ad to leai n that Chas. C. Pur aiicecommissioner »'at** th«' the travc .1 »• 1» «1 bv. whobH' l*een in Sprague less, tasteless, no ba I effects. Sold by all to operate it A Iruit-raiser in the XVillam sei’, who ha* been • lang»-rotis I v ill at hi* tng agents of all du y m enstd h e n ur.in e riv«* v»li«-v for •» »m«*time, returned home druggists. rtte valley re«|inres out a small outlay, parents’ home at Great Ben«!, Kansa*, !• coiupauies have li. en«rs fr- *m Hie ii> sura ore XX’«* ine««iay. XX’e are lucky tn have permanently locat- h ic A number of alumni of the Univer: ity of from Ashlain! ia*t we k for tbe h hi «! iv*. pv ibeir regulation«; but such s««c eilr* .«> .1 B. XX'« 1« h and XV’m. Carter of M« a«i- and supper excellent. Over l'"J tickets Oregon who reside in the metro» olis hav«- He ha* recently be« n trouble! w th er\«ii- not employ »gents t«» solicit in.«urat < «•«»!,ipl» t» d tbe «»rganiZation of the Portland ela* in his face The insurance c<>rumi.«9i«»n*r rrqur* * t n»! ow< p'e ri« f mad* our sanctum a call dur­ were so d. IG'iversi»v • f Oregon Club The club ha* bv be i toil tied whet.rvrr the agent of un> ing th« wi ek. HertdacH* is the direr» re tilt of 1 ’h tig an«l gents furnishing gn<»d« of tionamiSt m «ch Di*«»r«l»*i thia state, a« ilia R im intent)« n to sr< uie th»* bt*«t «piadtv ut Reaiues A White’s— by u«i»’g Dr XX’itt’« Little E «rlv R ser.* and interest« uf the Cmveriity of Oregon stroke « f partial pu ««*.*, ami wi t goon be Ike proaetufion •»( ru< h violator* of the n« w this week. \our H«*adM< nr «1 snppe irs. ’i he favorite fhe • abie to be about again The following officers were elected : Presi law. He s-n«ls out tb s item in ti e hope iittlr pill e'erj uh» re. dent. B B Beekman. first vice-president, Ambrose Bowers, foreman of the local Henr' K’lUtz-n returned to Sierra county. That the newspaper* and the pub ic wi.i 'Ihe 8 B. remedies emi everywhere and A L Fr;«^er; second vii’e-president. Miss 8. P briilge corps, i* spending the holidays co-K»urrate with him n bi ♦ H r'« to uphold Cal. alter a pleasant visit with relatives • re attaining a gr«*at «air i hev are ex­ Etta M *«»re; secretary, J. H Qreenfie d. in a visit with friends back in his old Che law and protect inn«»« ent per*« ns ¡WUJ on Applegate. cel !• Jacksonville a graml ha I wil be on hi- Wagner «reek ranch. A. J. XX’ilc«*x of St. Patrick's Pills. They are the i «st.— subject to ¡»owe! complaint. If so. they relatives in Jacksonville a visit B ekky B ros .. < arro I. Nebiaska. For «ale given nt V. 8. hail, Jacksonville, on th- whs the builder. Mespr*. Peck ami B »atman of Spokane by Dr. J Hinkle, Cmiral Point, and (». shoii <1 try Chamberlain's Coilc, Cholera • yrning of New Year’s dav. • <» » . .»<■*!. Jan I I. . l«!ii * . ’ I an«t Diarrhoea Remedy. It will atfird Falls, Wash., have been in Jacksonville Reception »’omm H« ♦ Xiedfurd—1' rant I« II. G. SI km k. George Weeks an<1 8«tn H Haskins. Aledford. aim«)*t immediate relief, and when re«hiced for the p»st w»*ek. Tnev are taking some Fiti h. Wm. blinger. Dr Gear' .11. 1! in t»«.-irv wer»* in town from up the river Our friend« *h«»ul I give DeWitt’* Cough win» water is p'easaiit to take. If taken as interest in our mining resources. ilton. Ashlami 11 on J. M Mc< uli. tie . a lew «lays since. and Consumption Cure a trial No di*ap- «out» a* th«* fir*t lmiic ition <»f the «itsease Commissioner Taylor •! Eule Point was B. Landers. G. M. '•'Singer E J. Farlow. A VH*«t HO'ount of holiday g«x>d* has p »intiuent foiiows the us»» of tins re lab e is fe!t it will ward off the attack. Many in town not hmg sin •«*, accompanied by Central Point— W. A "wen, R. V Bran. medicine. am! n merits die praise received people use it in this wav, and fin«! that it be«»i ili.«pu«> burg from all who use it. never fail* them. A 25 or 50 cent b »tile M«**s»s Wiil * r «h and Parliame.it, who nonvdle—Henry Klipi el.J, Nunan, <’. C i the past (urtniKbt. mav he obtained from Dr J Hinkle, Cen­ lately arrived from Canada to l«»cate in this Remember that Dr Marcoux, dentist,will Beekman, O Hartaugb. A»» ex’« «ordinarily laru’e re«!ti ction in all tral Point ami G. 11. Hawking, Medford. county. Floor maoag* rs: A h an I —O H. Bl »unt, ; w««r*'»u a fini Upper ami lower set «»I the XVill. Young has returned from Colorado, John Ke<»wn. flic worihv |M»«tma*fer at b»-«t teetli for oidv $25, am! saii-f-i« ti.*n Cel t a> < a 1 and get bargain*. Oro. F M« C«»nne| , M Gregory • gu irantt-ed. Hi* «•ffi«*«* is in the V. 8 K»<»wn. A leghanv county. I’« nn., says: "here he had been for *♦ v -ral weeks for Point—C G. Kipj-ey, Cha*. G v. W C. •C iamb -rlniii s C«»ug!i R *nie-!v sells be»t»*r the benefit « f his h«*aith. We are eorry Wm Bv‘»»e ha* bu»« here«! nearly 70 hog« Hotel, .la k«« nv He I.cever. Mr.lfor- G I* Mernm n Chas. th it imv oih. r ” 1 he r«"s«.n of this i* be- to sav that he is not a« well as when be t'U.i. and will «on» have plen'y ««f Wolte's. T A H ms. J«. K-onv I e S. I’. thi* Lak« vi» w ritz»n« ar-- wroth' lie«*aii e • au«e ii «an always be depended upon left here, < ti >: ♦ b • N ckeh. J. G. g the stage people fail to «teliv» r their P in­ L-t a y «me trouble«! with a severe cold Grant’s Pa«- C. J. Kurth J M. John, t . U o. R Hammersly of Like county is > me «le- r hie h » dav g«»«»d* still remain land « r 8 ui, F’ hu i - co ni-il «bort of 96 g v r a ni «! and they will fin«! that the K. Chun- i’f. Gohl II i—C. N. I. «mb» r», a’ he 8 F X’a»iety Store, Go and get h ur«, altimiub S' lndule t ine is but 56 ti st «io*«« will relieve (tie lung* a* «1 make visiting hi.« family. who a-e spending the W. P. Jacoby, M. F. Hull Ph-rni*— Fe i tln-m f«»r alnmst nothing. winter in JaCKBOii'i«le. He .«ays that re hours from the bey city. hr-athing easier, an«! that it* c«ne b» lore the n» xt i««m* «»I the T ime -, we • he «• •!«! Ct. M. 8trou«i of East Portland, whom well. A. L. Gab. Eagie P >int — I r: N . •■- near Talent »hi* season. wi*li our pa’ron*. «»ne am! all. a ‘ H hi pv nl«i n«» d«»ubt make The ladles sli *nl'l not fall Io lead the ad- Medl rd rot», W T. Hoslwn k.O. 1». Sturge«*. an acceptable and Competent official. JlMIC by the Ashland orches'ra. I : e race at Central Point for th* $75 vet tpement «f M«AL«n A McD >nnel| of MKIiKihli SQtUID. A geiieri*i invitation i* extend»* I p r--» wa« w ui by Rippey's ‘‘C»p,” who portl »nd, who have the ni- es and tw»*t a« sortment « f «lo‘«ks ami "tai* at the me­ The proceeds will be devote«) to help ,n in it •• KIi« kitat” iiandily. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. tropolis and charge reasonable prices the |»ay no nt id the pur» hn«. p i..- of tn«- T kr i b> *k at Ni< kell’s adilili n. Mi. W II .*< r.»ft >f Dak->ta has purchased depot grounds in Ja ksonvnle. I re oi Commis«i»'nrr« Fault a d C'ow, of t! ■ R H Br.»wn’s farms on Butte N « keH's a tit up grounds and Robt. __ A Miller. P J.; C. t’. Beekman. R A. C ; Geo W. Isaacs, f*rea» , M »x Mu A «!.*•■ tir g match was held on the 24th, hold countv fairs hereafter in tha' county Don’t fail to buy a lot in Nick H’s a i- ler. Sec ; Ne’son Hosmer, G. M of .’Id near th« re« «1rn« e t<> ’hat point from Paisley, pro­ A carl<»a*l of lumber from I^e A Klip- Dunlap, sen i»»el He pe. .* saw -mill was received f«»r sidewalks O. I. 8.. wdl he installed to-night, A vided a suffifient bonus is raised arr» n L aige. N ». 10, F. A A. M rtftree ’ s «ale for $10.000 boqght iht* mi l at lunch an 1 social dance will follow. ami i rossings at Medford last week. — David Linn. XV. M.. J. last week. XVm. M Holm«*, J XV Xvd' n Be« k and Jas. D«'dge came Up It i* announced that Med’ord will soon Treas ; Muller, Sec ; J\»«r E M Barn«*s I as bandi» <1 3.rW.njn nave am the.- paper, one < f D«f' ocratic from Lou*e < re» k Tuesday afternoon. pound* of w«H»i a* d pel’s n Lak»- a> <1 M Tyler. I I ry are »-imaged in mining there. pr «'livities The more tbe merrier. Adarel Chapter, N • 3. O E. Star - doc counties since April. He ha ■*■ p. d D« XV »»’« L t’l»* Early Riser*; only pill .•ui in cash in L.kr county nearly $50.111» lb. . I uu The Monarch saloon at Medford, under Mrs B A. MlUnr, W. M erun, XV P : Mr» Fannie L ve A M , for ih n <• C.'i bhimti n> Imlige«ti«»n. during that period for p Its and pilli» d ihe management of H. H. Wolters.is prov- Mulle , Dy -p* p'ia s «Id bv E, C. Brooks. Max ng a popular resort. The best of every M rs. A Heim«, Irras ; w«>ol alone. ihing in tbatline is kept there * • Miss Emma Pape. Conduc'lrr»s ure ; ----- John Oca'ider ha* been engaged wi’h his Once in seven years — the bodv is .- re- Misa Haiti« Reames. A Con. I b.t mg m.«i h nr nt ’he Karew-ki barn on newe l Th»* nlou»i mu«t have th»* element* Th»* ball given by the Knights of Pyth­ : »hr M**df r I ro «<1 during the week. of vitality. Wright s Compound Syrup of ias nt the opera-house on • bris’inas eve Indian War Veterans. FOR TEOSE WHO CANNOT P0SS1TILT CALL PER. H.«rrv K.’ h dop and Ike Deiner formerly Sarsapari la cleanses an»f enriches ’h»* was one of the most enjoyable ever h* l«i in •ONALLT, II.DIL TLEA i VriM PLACED W1TB- A meeting of the Indian war vetera «of of A-hlaiid ar»- repo te«‘ ns doing well a» boo ), and give* a new impetus to life. ibis section The music and supper c«»u d no' be » X« ellvd ai d gave general satisfac IK THE REACH OF ALL THAT WILL GIVE th* Rogue river war was cal ed t • m- e a' Sold by all druggists. hr r mm«*« -•!» Cast*** creek,Cal. the court-bou*e *»n J*atunit.v, Dec 14th at "on. The att^i'dance whs xo « m 1 iNSIANTANEOtS RELIEF AND A It i kelv that the R*«l Men ’ s building Ill :»it' nti »n «-f th» ’ railroad comiauy which Jesse I ox wa* Called to t e » hair PERMANENT C t RE. < hri«fm «* tree at the Baptist church- and A 8. M»’ lure etC'td ,*e« ieiar\. A w ¡. ch * »■ h uni* tn a *h »rt time. It is ha« l)o-ii call» d to the unsafe condition < f on Th«* XV »•dti«*«day evening wa« largely atteod- the high tre-t north of Grant's Pess. and *The innst speedy, positive and perma committee ol five con*>sii» g ot Pr.A W. the he«t i n-mes« pr«>perty in town. t » the damaged state of s »me other treaties »•<1, and the »*niertainQi**nt was a great suc- fient cure for Catarrh ot th? Head, Asthma Palter*» n. A 8 Met lure, Jess* < - x A I’. Leading authorities «ay the only proper Many farmers within a orth and tu’Utli <*f that place. Repairs ce«« hi » ve>y w iv Burt- n ai d B F. Pow.rs. was ai po nttd o w t\ t » »re*t catarrh is to take a conslttu- radrn* «»I live mile* uttemled wiih their and all Throat, Bronchial, Lung, Heart ‘hail'd be made at once. draft n pentlui» to congress f*»r the pa*«age «•n.d . e;.ie ' v , like H*>«». u* nver Wars. Adjour: B« i i R«’‘’in* n « f XVagner creek wa* in tra i-ferr»<1 to Cow cr <*k f utn Ashland. Cha« XV »1. wh> purchased the Noland its various stages, permanently cured. ed io meet Dr . 27th. Names «nrolled: San I* .n i'« * a«» we»-k on hu«lne*a con- was badly injure I by a prunatun bia«t <’• ri • r intend* t»> *-r**<*t a lin»-. I »rg»* brick D r . A born ’ s O riginal M ode of T reat - A D. Burton, J««*- C« x. L A M ne« t wi’h ’l-e Umpire <». th ught will rec v -r tour «to.ies high an«! the main portion will revitalizes the whole constitution and W 8. DtFlaiii.tr, .-amp-on McCuniall, tending M«unt Ang»l col ere, came home An ♦ ff >rt is bmg ma«!-* t » have the Lake­ h«- u«e Miller, Dani C. Tboma*. W. dun glh« w«» k n« spend the holidays. Churciud, Robt. Putier*<»n. A. 8. MtClure B»atriful weMther ba* b»-en prevailing,up view p- s’-office gia led third-class in th ft» urv is a moist promising one. nervous, debilitated S”d broken -down and btrpi en Jenkins.- Eugen«- Guard. to ChfGtmas morning.when a heavy rain­ department The w-»rk in the office war­ H 11 Wolters, the mixologist, has re rant« a salaried p»»«trnas«er. and the «lamp move«! Id« Si»l«wm to the building next door I constitutions, old and young, invariably storm set in. whi' h Hated several hours ca* cellation« va ■ riiniiMii" n are ' v suffl 11111 ient iv - ii , to it» j justify the io C. W. Pa in's barbershop, on Front gain from ten to thirty pouivls in from All Rail to the East. thirty to ninety days. Sher fl B rd«« y w II rottimene» the col- promotion alnioM »very quarter. -trevt. He has supplied the bar with D r . A born ‘a phenomenal skill and mar­ To da' wl I l>e no mumble in h** h’storv h < *i n . f (Die* for 1S90 ”» the 12th of Jan Frat k D L«*wi< of th» 1 diari Bureau at t»»- hnesi wines. Ii<»m»rs and cigars, of Ja< h«onvii e. a* wi n»«»in_- i|>e i n n»< - na y S« r h * notn e lor full particulars. ! a fine miimi I tabla can a * t be velous cures have created the greatest W »«h'ng’o*• h '« b en i v»-«iiga*in the de ti< n by r. il oi it,r , ni shu»* t wo with tt<< > urn! there. Give nun a call, for ue will astonishment on the Pacific Coast and \ r« a . op:» s ot tne American Settler** maud for • h- re r r i«o i »g ot Fort- Ri I P »ail!« ai!. XX. 1 11, w. i r I MT» t ju - • throughout the American continent, dur­ Guide *iMii«»mc sue k t.;iet *t«»|e an <»v»*r«*oat, gl«>ve* men', at Ba*t ms to For: B <1 wed, ’ al. pga iia«l a happy iss’lr out of ail it« H1.«1 « quilt fr in Meriitt Bellinger’a hack* Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron­ E. D. Ros.» has been appointed adminis troubles. |i bus b two traiups win) were nr»jwling along A rorn ’ s essay on the “Curability of Con­ timber in the other b* f -re a •♦»< a.i«- g< e* t»>»-s f X’ari»t' 8t *re mu*t go; so they mitred sutchfe, tun igJi hrs fr ends iti nk * the JaCKM»n»'dle branch ra lroi I an ! ah »nt sumption,” and a treatise on “Catan-h of by 1 urn » nt ev»-1 y”««»»y a* d .to e to it- h i ve Her n m r ked down to less than cost. that be w »« 1» ri» rr d -nd fe i th» ri f r I th» sot»*! h< • f »«'wi <»n the p e'»* !mg eve i he Head,” w’.tb evideuwa of some ex- sU'Cr-M at 'be I 8 h'Jl n. x I U»**1 traordinary curve, mailed free. Call or T • mor «• - St. J »hn « »L»V, and the it <■ e ' 11 >• evei .« m-ta led in the even- large Holnir* B usiiusm • »liege stock ot c<»mmer< ia and w »1 ding (): ♦ I ,'t m < r of bl . »did st » k, 4 years Focrth and "orrlson Sts^ Portland, 0m*SSb i’ K st&tioneiy, piper *u,ck u a I descrip ions, ol't «.lie vouiig w »rk bor-*9 3 yers old; Of Fori and. Or w.li • i S pt I .1. Nn-rt.—Home treatm-r», »«c»J*iy packed, »ent by A. XVrsco. the leading ja unirli f • «• * XX H«» cl * r«mirh «liipi-e I aline lot of etc., and is better pi peed than « ver l »*i<> o.,«* I «rm w »¿«i • ; one 'i»*w saddle; *»ue iron to all part* uf the Pacific Coa‘t,for ihove v. ha has Lecou e a pai ti«er i«« thl* »<•!»•»•» and will h im« Mild L-» n »o Klamath c«»nnty by first-cla*s work at ¡ .we-' c;t rjft*. Le »ye bar with pu.ley« ; a numb-r of arg? tub« Cnnpl posstbiy call in peooa. make it the leading businesscollege. en«t trami iu charge of VX ui Gee during the your orders aod have them executed U the from ttir ilt.«t Urrv. Fur parikuldrs en­ week. I best possible style. HL fflYITlB TO GAU. FOT FME COMSIflTATiaiL ur catalogue. quire ot C. B. Rostel) jRCfcrjuvil!*, DR. AHORN I more sold In Lov. ■ 1 ’ it is ma»!'., th a n er blood puri fl«* I Peculiar in its ' : - nal record of sales abroad. 4 no other preparation ever attained such popu­ larity in so short a time, and retained Its popularity Administrator's Notice. I at;«! « nfidei.ee among all classes "f j«« pie so steadfastly. In the matter of the estate of I nut's Ellatt.de- ! ceased. Do no; ; • induced to buy other preparation« ötige is herebxf given that the ' : t o mi :«* t ■ get the Peculiar Medicine und»-rsign<*d has been ap|»oint<*i by th« ’ county court of Jackson county. Oreg<»n, sit­ ting in Probat«-, administrator ot the estate <»1 lnn«*a EHatt, d<**<*as«-d. .*wl«ll y a’biruggisU JI ,»ii forgi. Prepared ou’.y All persons indebted to said «-stat«* ar«* re­ by «'. I. IlOUl» A CO , Apothecaries, Lowell, Mao. quest «*d to settle the sain«- liniin*diat«*ly. and those having claims against th«- «-stair will 1 ICO Dosos One Doi'ar Kvsent tln-m tomcat my residence in Flounce ' >ck, Jackson county, (»i«*gon. witlrthc prop- i may be rnunq no er vouchers attach«*!, within six months troiu file at Grò. P. th«* fli-st publication ot this notice. H owell A Co’S E. I). ROSS. Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruos Administrator of tb<- «*statc of Innis Ellatt, Street », w her«* adver­ deceased. tising contracts may D m t«xl l>ec. 25, lWd. K» mad» fur it u N Hood’s Sarsaparilla XMAS AkZ' ¿•’eoiuiiar * «■ p* pcinl.3 make Hood’s Sat i Mb'< i r to all other ni'-dicines. i '. ir in r. ;ai inaXien, proj»ortion, ju : preparation of Ingredients, i •*' > S irs.apai Hla possesses th«* iu 1 curative value of the b, t known remedies the vegetable dom. Pee’Unr in strength and economy — Hood's Sar- Fap.irilla tlie only medi- "hi« h can trul f^ “One Hundred Dose* I« «liar.” M« <’ -inos ii larg r i«:.d sn.ai: r l«oitles . <• ?.»n:er do-«M, and do not s good results as IL hm I’ i . » its medicinal merits, l acronq lishcs cures inth 1 > «.»n fur itself I r itest blood * vered.” (/ YOU < IS Nb?R ! ’1 ARE YOU READY FOR IT ? READY ARE—And are prepare*«! to Show hundreds of beautiful things, Ixitli useful and orna­ mental, designed especially for tokens of love, friendship and esteem. B FOR c I I' UR Store is stocked vQtli oddi­ ties and novelties in gift goods and if wou want ' choice—better than you ew' at home—send to us f< r want and yon will 0^2 Low Price alcnc win more than offset the trouble. 0 S H A R M I T S M M M î ' î n ì Gì I T CIVEN AWAY ! R M H A C S HOLIDAY GOODS!! 11TE are showing the latest ideas 11 in Toilet Cases, silver Ct tings; Manicure Sets, alvei iittings; Jewel Cases, Work Boxes Satin Glove and Ilandkercliic Cases, Iland-Painted Opal Plac- qiies, Albums, Easels, Phot© Frames, T oys , Games, Picture Books, Fan-, Slipjters, Jewelry. 1 ■( ÌE ILLUSTRATED CATALOCUF — awl Majiv Otbert. GIVEN AWAY. R ----- ---------- - ------- B HALE NOS. Í CO., The Leading House of the Coast SACRAMENTO. CAE. Scribner’s Magazine For the coming year will be noteworthy for a number of special features which the I ublishers believe are of verv unusual interest, and among them the following may lw mentioned Sir Edwin Arnold — AT THE — r<»ntril«iit< > t«i th« Decr-n.'ter number th»* fl n't of a mtmh <»f f.mr •• a n. i S. F.VARIETY STORE, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Henry M. Stanlev has lin panil f<.r th,- January nuinlJr an ln>|x.rtant article utxm Aliu an I or.-i Another la.nirlbution tn thia tl. Id will h< Mi J s. ott ’liJ'o th. r.ven. Atnean ExhUntion h. id In London. Both ■ r <> r- „ " - The Wrecker. Prof. Janies Bryce. M. P.. In order to Close Out the Entire Stock we have marked down of’ Th« Am« r’csn ('»«mmon W< altb'• wil* writ» a *»-rir« of Four Art« < » > embody!!« the result.his recent Journey and Mud,« oo th.L.ud of ^^r-^dJkgTnt "^* PRICES TO BELOW ACTUAL COST. Ocean Steamships and -Man.tr. m. ni.- are ...L Great Streets of the World Come ami be conviiice«l that we mean just what wo sav. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOLIDAY GOODS. ! 1 J ! ! ! i > 1 1 ! 1 ! ! NE PLUS ULTRA. ’ London; Boulevard. I*«ri"; The CoS,,* Bom.v ’ on «'«esd.lly The price of Scribner’s Magazine admits of adding a sultscrip- ti. .n to one's other reading at very small cost. Orders should be sent at once. $3.o0 A YEAR. 25 CENTS A NUMBER. Charles Scribner’s Sons, Publishers, 743-745 Broadway, New York. TO UH 1’EOPI.E OF .1 K KSoN AND JOSE. 1’HIXE («’IMI». The und« nrgn<«l is now mAimfncttiring at th»* M«;i«h«u« Sawmill in Jacksoil county, (»i <*guii. 1 he ELEGANT i HOLIDAY | GOODS PATENTED IN IRAS by A M.WilSonof Gr« « nîeaf. Kansna. and wib «ay i«« th«- public- that we have the --------- AT---------- BcM and Host Durnblr Hachinf REASONABLE RATES in the Stat« . and " ill put it against any other manufacture for R.XF1DITX' AND GOOD WORK. PRICE OF MACHINE, »10,00. 1 »• -hv«T«*«l to any a all <-r«]er* to Sain’t X'alley. Oregon. NEWMAN FISHER’S J. B. WELCH. Don t Fail to Call and See them before going: Elsewhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BELONCINC TO THE X Lt v a White G W. Wa ker « f W Moville i rr, ;in t v as I Grant Bil»!erba«k whs found guilty hs h ge«! i* ’h* imlirtnient, and lined $250 m low «i • n Turbai H«* iute» ds I* en- ?:ig- «n th»- lime bu ■ .» «* on un « xl-r. ve I h.v .liiig Pi|.e>atthe last session of th** ILmglas (ircuit court The charge »ca e. a-.«au t will» a dsngerous weapon llpoR th»* Co» s ii at on poison« the b’ood. De­ !«■ .«o«i «»t John Trimble at Glendale. Hr Witt’s Li tie Early R’ser« » lire C*»f»‘*ti| a- i- n«»w in j oi serving out his sentence. tion. The cause removed, the disease is There are two opinions in Harney valley gone regarding t he advent of a »-ailroad in that Rufu« Cox of Central Point precinct v a« '(.< ti«»n Many people believe the railroad he-e We«ir*e-»dav. He info»ms us that he «•• mpany w«mi I not build the line t-bnmgh •mil import a tine jack into th s coun y either Burns or Hurney, but would estab­ soon. lish a new town to he detriment of both Chri*tmas wa* general y ce'ebrated. ami tbeoih»*tH Nevertheless, the majority of th* number of presents lw»stuwed wa* tbe people would gladly welcome ihe iail- fully as large as the bard times war­ - *aJ. rant» <1. R»*ames A White have receive«l their The children were badly disappointed new stock of fall and winter good*, con- because ih»*re wn* no t'hr s’ia »« tr«e in «i«tin , in part, of dry go<«ds, ladies’ fine Jacksonville. This has never happened dress good , fancy goods, ladies' and gents’ furnishing goods, fine shoes, hats and b* fore. clothing, all of which they will sell at the J. B Welch ii i« already «old a number uio-t reasonable prices. Call and see their • I the G iod Luck Washing-Machine.«. Ail m w tio .ds before making your purchases * who have tried them are loud in tlieir elsewhere. praise. It wil he seen bv tbe advertisement of John Miller ha* bad those trees infected M»s. J Karewski, executilx of the estat»* of with 8 »n Jose scale dug out of his <»r« bard. G Karew«ki. that there is a rare chance to His ex irnple sl.uu'd be emulared by many purchase mowers and many other articles at bargains that cannot be duplicated in others tin« market afier all are sold. Mrs K. is Small in siz-», gr.*at in re-out*: DeWitt’s determined l«> make prices that will sell Little Eariv Risers. Best pill for Constipa i lie goods so that she can settle the indebt­ tion, best for Sick Headache, best for Sour edness of the estate Stomach. Louis Sachs, the millionaire merchant of Mrs. Rhoda Dora returned to her home San Trancisco, «lied last Friday night, aged at Pro« pre t last week, alter a pleasant visit 72 yeais. He was one ot the pioneers of with the family oi Win M. Richards on 1853, and the first of tbe family to settle at Applegate. tne gate city. He was the founder of the It is ¿aid thit th** land-office < ffi -nils great houses of 1 . A M. Sachs A Co , an«1 Sachs, Heller Co., and was an uncle of offer some hopes of ibe remaining unsur v»ye*' «and in this county being surveyed 8 «dis Bro«.. L pm m, Sam, I«e, 8 >L and Ben,weil-kn« wn m this valley, tier former next summer. nume. An itinerant dog and monkev show is Tne new c«»mmandery of Knights Temp­ healed for the c »ast from S »It Like, and is at present gathering up th«* loose change lar at Ashland will perfect their organiza­ tion next month, w«.en a number of Ma in Lak** couuiy. '«»me notables from abroa«! will be present Circuit court will reconvene on January i at th< ir orgamz
  • mm«»( week cooler- last week, of John llagl»-y. w «* rrnived rmg with other 8^ Knights with relereace here a lew day« ago The remains were io legal!«, etc. interied at Paisley. Last Mondny evening a large nu iienc* H H. Spaulding.A. V. P. R R. magnate, ai Ashland na i tbe pleasure ot listening lu i* contemplating buying an interest in the Wm. Jackson Armstrong’s iuleresung .ec­ Klamath city milk, ami developing the ure in driense «•! tGe Russian Nihilist«, the ti >t ui the winter s course arranged for by business to the utmost. th« ir local bureau. This is a feature of Mo­ During »lie past week no inconsiderable dal life in ihe larger towns that Jacksou- tlnea«ine*9 has been felt lest we should vi.le cannot wed avail hen-elf of. A num have a repetition of last winter’s storm* her «»f our citizens w ill attend one or more dining the next few weeks. ut the ent« riainments at Ashland during the next few weens, however. The tick y rrophisbeen heavily "lev e! upon »fi ring’he p.t-t month, many hun The ladies «»f the M E Church at Ash- dreds t eing -h i pe«l a"ay. The meal de­ la« <1 gave most entertaining ’’Calendar” mand *bn also very larg -. s.icinis and entertainments on Tuesday and XVednesday evenings of la*t week nt the The -u»r commenced in Josephine coun­ ty bv J W . ‘ unnvgli im against the S. P. Ganiar«! r damage* for k llmg bis son resenting the 12 m *nth*, presided over, of Wi ev. has been dismissed course, by th«- gra«e and beauty of liie George Briggs is at work on an ’’her i grani e city Reciiat'on*, music ami ial>- $20>*0 resideuce on 1th >t.,.\*hland.(oi A. E. l-aih on We h»es«iay completed the pro­ schuiiz who is investing pretty heavily ui gramme A ni- e sum was rea ized bv the real estate in the granite city. x ladies. ESTATE OE G. KAREWSKI, f ih : r kV» »iinir. ill ,4’1 ,U- i.. 1A. WHAT DECEASED. You feel tired—Do you ktxw what it means ? Y ou are ner­ I am now offering at great bargains the following : vous—Why? You cough in the 1 he Steam Flouring Mill 24 new Deering Mowers. morning—Do you realize the cause? in Jacksonville. 2 Deering Twine Binders. Yottr appetite is |xior—What make, 12 tine draft horses weighing 2 Gang Plows. it «,? You Heeui like a change,, 1,200 to 1,000 pounds each. 0 ¡Star Sickle Grinders. jicrson to your friend«—T>o you 250 tons Alfalfa Hay. 2 Freight Wagons. know what is the mutter, or ha> 4 Milk Cows. 7 Five and Seven Tooth Culti­ the cltange been so gradual it lias 90,000 feet of Lumber. .ucai.d your notice ? vators. Neck Yokes, Double and Single Tice.-, Wagon Spring Seats. Har­ You have Consumption ? rows, Stove «©id Mower Extras, and a great many other We do not say this to frighten articles too numerous to mention. you, but it is true. These are the sure symptoms of this terrible duwase. There Forjpartieulars an