The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 26, 1890, Image 2

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    'uouuuf e iw
ik Hncci has tiinahed hi» 45
in,I diet in N«w York city,
ill-b'.vWn mu-'e,.m freak, an,I
the conntr». Two tnimlred
jla WAlclif-t l> m >»t In» fir»«
meal, lite»«lly » ' break-fast, ‘ last
Gov tn
I»«" •*" G-'»’-’'* ,he
J at
«•¡dency ottli- Union Pacific i»)»tein
urBChrmtmBapre'cn« thia year, w hen
the old man die», one i* constrained to
wonder to whom he will bequeath the
eartn. II he hv. s a few war* more be
will have an "all-rail ’ worm i fence
around the planet.
T he
iik |»ro¡»*jMeil
proponed ti.jnie
project* from
up|>er Rogue river to the railroad con­
tinues to excite (zvorable comment awl
to engroea tlie aernMW attention of all
int -real edi« the development of the ower
it will la* a ¿real »lav for Jack-
aon county when the completion of the
flume can be announced to the world.
T he election <»f Puboii ah I cited
States eeimior
the long term by the
Idaho legislative, it is claimed by hie
opponents. w.U' illegal, ant a contest will
probably be in»titute«i.
Ihe statutes
provide for the cho«Ming of two senators,
while three were ebueen. Gov. Shoup
apd W. »K McConnell are the other sen­
» <10.
Ytyflias been engaged for
s annual message to the
h will prove an able state
«•eruor has the faculty of
i^id always
, <^.t.
».«•••" pieacribea ttie
right «utnedy. Ttie legislature will do
well to heed his warnings and sugges­
___________ _
B laine is once more endeavoring to
run a bluff on England, in order to fo­
ment a war feeling in this country that
will float him into the presidency in 1892.
The old boy is well aware of the popular­
ity of bis reciprocity measure,aud thinks
he sees in the fisheries dispute some­
thing that will offset the Farmers’ Alli
ante detections.
T hk Lake Labish disaster has c ist ttie
railroad company in actual damages paid
to injured passengers no less than $200.-
00d, and Uie end is not yet.
By the time
all repairs are completed the company
will have sustained a loss that would
have placed every tres.le on ttie line in
ffrst-class order. Moral: Railroad econ­
omy is the road to disaster.
S enator F rye ,in the Behring sea mat­
ter, »ata that we must wait for informa­
tion from the jnnt commission which
will visit Alaska ami investigate the
matter, and then refer their cone usion to
a board of artntiatiun.
II • said that it
the Pieeident wanted additional fund-
with winch to fnmrah better protection
to our sealing interest congress would
no doubt vote them.
U nh . e J erky R i sk thinks he will
climb into the white house over a
barrel of sorghum sugar
He makes the
announcement that government cheiu-
isU have at last discovered how to
separate the sugar from the syrup with­
out precipitation, which if true wil mean
the production of sorghum-sugar at a
great profit. It will be in the nature of
an agricultural revolution on the rich
plains of K insas an 1 Nebraska, should
it turn out to lie true.
P ennsylvania baa +'>’0 poet-offices,
ami the population to make them all self-
aupportmg or priaiuctive of revenue.
Oregon, with vastly mote territory, has
«/»J poat-< tli, es, and many of them Will
not pay for mail eervue for years, The
two states have kindred resouices and
bulb are equally accessible from Halt
water. Our climate is vastly aujierior
and our agricultural capacity ten fold
greater. Toe comparison should induce
profound reflection on ttie pait of those
peasiinists who already iieheve that Ore­
gon is getting overcrowded.
vania lias grown mote rapiiby during ttie
past,« than ever belor«.
S inator H oar speaks for hit party
when lie asseits that the arguments
which tie Deims-ritic senators are mak­
ing sga n-t tlie Force lull will not affect
a single vote
Twenty years ago even
Mr. Hoar himself would have recog­
nized tlie shameless character of thia
admission. A numb« r of senators, near,
lyall the Republican members of the
chamber, determined to vote for
Force bill, no matter what may be saul
against it, n j matter what maybe proved
against it, no matter if their judgment
should be convinced. There is no more
abject surrender than this of ib>- intelli­
gence or conscience even in the land of
the Czar.
Wi. admire the pluck of the Montana
Democra's, backed as tiny are by the
W. J. Peoruae. ttie editor of the
1»<uin<//«’irriu/of Butte city, was
. . .-!< attle recently on Ins way to Victoria,
in conversation lie staled that, »hen the
legislature of his state meet a this winter,
an entirely new election for the United
States senate will be held. Senators
Power and Sanders, who were last year
declared elected by the Republican legis­
lature, w it b.-disowned, and D-mocratic
senators elected by tins
which is l>eriiocratic on joint ballot by
seven. Mr. Penrose is himself a member
of the legislature. He does not think the
V. S senate will admit the Democratic
lias ttie
hearty co-operation of Governor Toole.
A gentleman informs the
(i<iZrt,e that Se retary Windom has tieen
snubbed by Harrison, and it will not lie
a surpn-e if he should resign.
so the (>a:ettr'ii informant states, wanted
Harrison to make financial matters,
especially the bond scheme, the chief
subject of his message.
He impressed
U|sin the president ttie importance of
calling attention to the financial condi­
tion of the country, and the necessity of
prompt action on the part of congress.
Nearly all the cabinet agreed witti Win­
dom that it would tie the liest thing tor
ttie naity for Harrison to make the sub­
ject of financial legislation ttie keynote
of hie message ; but tl.e president could
only see ttie Force bill, ami let the op­
portunity of his administration slip by.
M h . M< K inley will go into hieti rv as
‘‘.Young Man Afraid ot His Bill." ’ His
first intention was to Lave his master­
piece enforced immediately upon its
passage. Then the prospect of finan
cial distress made turn relent somi-wliat,
and be consented that all goods entered
before October 1st might be withdrawn
from bond under th i old duties at any
time before February 1, ISItl. Now he
has agreed !o postpone the time again
until July 1st, for gissts entered liefore
the 11th of last October. Perhaps tiefore
that time the new congress in extra ses­
sion may have repealed th« worst of his
taxes, and the McKinley bill in its orig­
inal deformity may never go complete­
ly into force at all, says tin* Ejraminer.
The country will not mourn to see it done
away with, as they are already tired of
the measure, which is so ely in the
interest of the favored f- w
The casualty by which J M
Tlu* holidays are being nicely ot*s<*rv<<l in
m: p*u:, < .Cl uianuia, tur< r- woiiM re Klamath county .
came to his death, and winch t«»ok place
ala 1 ■
I >* ny t! .• .V. }
/,/ , «<iy
Gilbert G. And« rs«»n of Ol«*ne visit<*d friends while he was working about the Stacy
pin* ; inil 1« «a iu>i |«»r »mi»*. I* h.u« !»♦*« n at Ashland last week.
tab e|sawmill on D. P. Barnes’ ptace in
<iv«licate«I, in its new home, to tire inter*
John H««gan is slowly convalescing from his Sam’s valiev, Wednesday morning of la-t
w»ek, continues to excite much comment.
» st* ui llie people ul the United Stale*, recent s« vere illiu-ss
Th« r«* is no snow as yet, but some rain, which The un ortunnte result of a hasty action
and will r«*iiiaiu L» ev«*r lai hfui to that
while in a heat of pa*9i'»n is de ply <ie
D uæiretH, sub-ciibe for it.
J. <’. Sergent returned to Dairy a few days plored t»y the friends < t the dead man and
Tiu u.%v;J »¡»propriiilion hill is rum- since from hi* trip to Kogu«* river valley.
bis day* r.
1 be < ircumsUnces attending
1 provides for one new slop, a
Al Farrow pass«*! through Lmkville from the incident are about a* toil »w*. |. j
>ta< v bad c«intra« ted t<» saw up th- timber
tup - crew i rotect' d cruiser, similar to
we« k.
ot» the Barnes plair « n ihe share* and Mr.
crun er N > 12.
Tbe cost is limited to
Rtev<* Curran, th«* vet« ran h«»stI«» <»n the Barnes had employ« d J. M. Roberts, a
$2, "K’,•**>.
tin- bid carrii-H a total np- Lmkvilh -Air« r route, visited frien«ls at Ash
young man ot 26 y« ar*. a wife and
pr«. pt b.t» »n ■ .' alsmt «3 t.ô'JO,Ojd,
being land during the week
two children living about one mile from
ats d! f 3,O'Ml,000 less than the estimates
Th«* firm of Slewart 4 Ratns«*y having dls- Moonvdle. to receive his share of lumber
solved partn«*rsh!p, Mr. Stewart !s now sole from ihe saw
an.I c ■ imk
I i r.»l>lj more
year’ ’ »
About seven o’clock on
more than
than laet
last year
s owner
of the property.
Wednesday morning
the sawmill em
F S. Stanl«*y a«lv«*rtisea nursery stock at ployees.J. E ami H. B. Olsen,T P Askew
1,«x tl.-t i en vat in Iielaiid leau.U-«} in lowest prices, for « ash or trade. He is reliable b;la? and James Conley ami S.las Crad­
and guarant«*«** satisfaction.
a do al ¡or r,.rnrll. In the Kilkenny
The management ot the Hotel Linkvllb* now dock, were engaged about the engine and
election Im» candidate,Seullv, waKdefeat- runs a fre«* bua to th«* mineral h. taprings saw getting ready for the day’s run, ami
Mr Stacy was engaged in rolling a log
ed hy llemiewy.the McCarthy tandida e, every Saturday an«! Sunday.
Mr Wilhoit and wif»* «»f l.«g«g lake had the about thirty feet away. Roberts was sit­
hy over a thousand majo. itv.
on a tool box on the platform beside
Hami lton bays | neatly cueiciuu was mi>f >rtun< to los«* their llttl«* daughter
the furnace. remarked to Engineer
wetkby the hand of death.
excrci.-ed in North Kilkeuiiy, amt that
.1 W. Hitmaker
Haniak. r has
ha* decide«!
decided to fit
tit up the Olsen that be ha«l sprain» d his wlist the
_____ t ■ . by J.
■ A.
• as
the l’arneliites have good ground to con- buildif g recently occupied
previous day ami did not think he would
test the validity 01 lleuneaey’a election. ms a sakwin for us«- as an office.
be able to work that morning. Mr. btaev
W. T. L«*e of Tennessee arrlv««! at Linkvtll«* was not aware of that fact and obsei vmg
A r a meeting oi tiie chamber of com­ to assist hi« father. J. P. L«*e. in th«* manage­ Roberts sitting idle, ordered him to go to
carrying off a pile of slabs lying mar.
merce the counuitte- on tl.e cousol.da- ment of the Esmond.last week.
Much inter»*st is still taken in tlie «¡uartz Roberts responded: ”1111 not working for
lion ot Purtian I, Ewt Portland aud Al­
discovert»*« at the head of Sprarue river. As­ y u; I'm working for Dan Barnes.” btacyt
bina aubinitted a report favorrig conroli
says show from $2 to $24 per ton
replied: "It you don’t get to work, I Ugu
uation,which was uiianimoualy adapted.
1 h«* example of County Clerk Leavitt, who somebody to work in your place.” Roberts
Accompany ing the leport waa abil. to be has put up ami is maintaining a street lamp answered: “Get him, then ’ This exasper­
presented to ti e legi laiure, authorizing at his dw« Iling. should be followed by oth«*rs. ated S«acy, who shouted “G— d -you, get
A. D. Bali«* disposed of his "Examiner’ down from that engine.” “I’ll get down
I'be acLerne waa tried
present, the 5th choice in th«* list, to Irvin
unre b-lore; but Aibma wuu.,1 nut listen Aubrey, who knows a good thing when h<* sees when I get ready,” replied Roberts. Stacy
started towards him
with the wooden
to it, a d so the matter wasdrop>ed.
Bunn A Woodruff have sold their interest !n handspike in his ¡hands, saving: “Damn
Illi. Farmers Ahiauee ia already
pa- fh«- K«*no flouring mills to th«* popular miller \<>u, vou’ll get down before you’re ready.
I’ll fetch you down.” Roberrs stooped Ila preaideirtial candidate« and p it- in charge, who will control the plant in hi
and picked up a strip of board about two
ting them through their paces lor ihe turc.
(ret long, stood up and awaited his ap
E. H. Cooper hasreturn«*d to bls Klamath
raeea ut 1SV2—Far met Tiluuan, oi South
county ranch nt Cooper’s station, on the Aah-
Carolina; Farmer Stantunl, ofCalimriiK ; land-Link rille road, after a lengthy sojourn nroach. When about five feet dis'ant,
Stacy said, “What are you going to du
bdrur-r Kii'k, ot Wrconstir, and others, at Phœnix.
with that stick?” Roberts made no reply.
n.e I.lea! Not an Ohm man in the whole
Sherman Stani« y return«*d alon«* from Ash
‘Drop that slick,” said Stsc.v, and alter
procviwiun ! Keep your eye on thovati- land last wc«*k. Mrs. S. remaining at th»* gran­ repeating the phrase without eliciting any
ite city to nurse her mother through her se-
he struck at Roberts with the
aiiatu as it looms up over tiie n-xt hill, noua !lln«*ss.
and see il Farmer Brice isn’t there or
Fre«!. Mills, who recently returned from San handspike, ihe latter partially warding <>fl
Francise««.wherehr att«*nd«*<l the funeral of his the blow with his arm, although his head
late cousin, Warren F. Mills, will engag«* in a received a imart rap, slightly stunning
I n the supreme court, in the matter of qu mtier of enterprix**.
nun. Before be could recover Stacy struck
Miss Jennie Smith left Linkvllb* for San the second blow, bringing Robert* hi*
the county-seat tight between Burns aud
Francis« «» last we« k to attend a seminary
Harney, ttie judgment
waa reversed there. H«*r father, Hon. G. W. Smith, accotn- knee*. His appearance alarm» d Stacy,
who then helped bun down from toe pin
and the case temamled with instruc­ panied her to the gat«» city.
form, amt before the men could get to him
Hon C A. Cogswell and wif«* of l4tkevi«*w he placed the Injured man’s hat on h>s
tions to Issue analternative writ. By this
Harney is given an opportunity to appear «ojourne»! in Linkvill» se veral «lays last w«*ck. head, and the ati«r sat down on the I g
Th«* s *nat«»r leaves tor Salem in a tew days, to
and allow cause why the county-seat att«*n<l to his h gislativc duti«-s.
i nrnage holding hl* head in his hands.
After a few moments Robert* rtqtievted
should not be located at Burns, which
S. L. Ferrin of Wisc<»nsin last w«*«*k pur­
waa den.ed them by the former pre- chased th« Kealihcr farm on the K«-*n«> road, >oui gConiey to accompany him to St n-
ley »drugstore, as he was badly hurt
emptory writ of mandamus issued out and will immcdiah ly move his family thither
noy could not leave the mui and Roberts
from th«- blizzard-strickeu east.
ut ttie circuit court.
Many of L nkville's most prominent citizens Walk* «1 alone to the drug store ab «ut a mi e
T he farmers are doing a good deal of now b«*long to T»« m » p B. O. N. G.. am! were »way, air vu.g there in a faint ng condi-
pr« sent in all their glory at th«* mas«iurrad<‘ t!«»n. Dr. Manley was id himsell ai.dun-
hard thinking these dava, and it is Bound ball last evening at Academy hall.
oble to do rnin b t«> relieve him. and Lewi*
to pioduce results,
t he National Farm­
Many of th«* young nu n of Unkvllle fin«! di­ I’aukev. bv hi* «hrections, hit« bed up a
ers Alliance has juet put a piank in its version during » he hulidav s« as««n and in the
earn and conveyed the inj ired man to hi?»
platform m lavur ol a just and equitable long winter evenings, at I> E. Barrow's shoot­ home, where be < xpired in the presence of
ing-gallery in the rear of Carroll’s saloon.
ms tamdy at about 3 o clock in ttie aftei-
tax on
incomes, and the
The popularity of Curly Webb's saloon is
country will endorse it.
Under such a n< v« r I«« tt« r illustrât«*«! than during the ¡;o«’n «>t ill»* same day. As soon as S’acy
tax something can be done to prevent holiday*. H«* is fitted up in elegant shap«* and beard > t his death he bunted up ttie con­
the hb«*raI patronag«* tie is receiv- stable of the precinct and surrendered
toe »..0,0110 a day capitalist from growing deserve«
himself into in* custody. Coroner 1‘ar-
richer and the |I aday toiler from grow­
Homer M Reckes of Vincennes, In«!.. visit«*d 'on*. was notified, and. alter bis arrival al
ing poorer.
It is the > oneentraliun ol his uncle, Jo C«»nger, at th«* <*<>uiity-s«*at din­ Muonviile on Thursday afternoon, empau
loo much wealth in the hands of the few ing th«-w«*«k, while on his tour through the vied* C"T«>ner’s jury at Stanley s had,
coast country in search of health and recrea­
that ctiecks general
pros|>erity. The tion.
with Dr. Geary a- examining sureeon, ami
farmers are on tlie right line, aud in this
D *t Atty. Cuivig representing ihe state.
(in«* of the Sons «.f «-X <h«*riff Childers and
tight they are the people, fur the people wi I«* of Salem die«! a week ago, after a few The jury found n effect that the «.ecease i
ne to his death by mean» of a wound
la) s' illne«s H» w as a promising young man.
are with them.
and w»* siDccr«*i> sympathize with bis bereft i fl cted on <he bead with a club ot wood,
and that i « their • pinion thecrime ..f man-
J ok report of the sale of the New York parents.
I. M Van Horn ma«le a short visit to Rogue s aughter had been committed. The ver­
1» rM. sent out by some fabricator of
!-• wci-k. Van Horn bi «ihers dict was turned over to c<«mmi ing mag s-
ta.seliumls, is absolutely without any ar«* busily engaged in providing shelter for
uat**! . C Gall, who was present, a -d
foundation in tact.
The rumor was so their stock this w«*« replac«> their r«*cent'y
while the witnesses a. «l accused w< re pre -
alsmid iu its terms that it did not s-etn burn«*! barn.
ent in the hall
th** prel m nary exam -
e ici’ing ttie facts as aboye recited
to call fur a formal denial; but inasmuch
• n W« Jn«*s<lay even ng was th«* cr wmng
>ta< y wa* held to await
as inquiries reach tins office from remote ••vent ««f the s«*aa«»n. in the ry«u of th«* llttl«*
parts of the country, it may be said once folks. Ev. rybody was there’ and ev«*rybody t ie action of the grand jury, charged wnh
the «¡line of manslaughter.
Ihe magis­
ami tor all that the llorfrf baa not been went hoin«* happy.
The grand mask ball advertised for Christ­ trate tiled the amount of the bond* at
sold ; that it is hot lor sale ; and that it
mas « veiling at Aca«l«*my ball in Linkvill»*, F.'»*i)U ami <|uite a number ol Mr. Btacy’s
wdl continue to be what it has grown to under the auspices of Troop B, O. N. G., wa* neighbors (fua ifled in sundry amounts on
in progreflM a* w«* w«*nt t«> pr« as. with a large
1« under bis direction—the greates
the foilowing «lay, the bond bring filed in
att« ndance and assuranc«; of a fine time.
newspaper ami ttie foremost I)emix*ratic
the county clerk’s office on Tuesday, ait« r
j .iirnal in the United States.
approval by the justice. Di-tnct Attorney
was sati'fied that the bond tihd d.d
Democrat should have it.
«»f mission work, an«) will endeavor to er«*ct
ru w church ««lin<’**s at several points tn th's not fulh 1 the re«]uirements of the Oieg.»n
T he cold, cruel, crafty Sioux warrior, and Lake comities befortt many moons roll statue* . «'inti immediately file«! a s« co .d in­
Sitting Bull, is dead at last, and the "round.
formation before Judge Neil, sitting «»« h
bones of this terror of the border will
Much satisfaction
!s expressed at the magistrate ami the accused was brought
by a deputy abend on Wednet» lav
ere long be where civilization demanded
fulfilled fheir »tr»**t grading contract In Link­
Aftern examination yesterdsv
that they bo put many years ago—on ex­ able. The county-seat pr« s«*uts a gr« atly im­ evening
Judge N i ht d M
.'tacy to ansv e t« t! •
hibition in some disreputable dime mu­ prove«! appearance since the work ws* coir-
cha ge of ru «r-ii-r in the second «iegree,
1 le lying, treacherous, brutal plvtvd.
without bail and remanded him t»» th»*
chieftain has been constantly
Waiter Marpl«* had th« sight of one «*ye < nstody of the shenfl
Ihe December
ladore ttie public either as a maker of almost 4«>tr<»y<d in splitting w<»«*l at his term of circuit c «urt isstill In session and
I 1 Iridian history, a massaerer of Cu-ter, father's pia«*«* »«¡i«* day r«*« « ntly. A «quantity ihe accused can have a »needy trial, as
of powd« r in a knotty stick had n««t been ex-
in h*r*ec’i «n 1231. 1’sapter V. Hili’.»» Code
a border raid, r or a rostrum-freak Indian. pl<*l«*d b) tlu w<MMl-chopiit*rs,undin«-ndeavor-
Sitting Bull was but little over 50years mg t > split the chuna a spark from bi* ax« i he court can r» -*ummou th»* late graml
ignife«l th«- «*xplo*iv«'. and iH sid«** burning and j iry t > act upon the case
Th»* di«tri< t at-
of age ; but for more than 20 years he h id bli*t« ring tin* la«l's face dr«»v«* a larg«* splinter
i«»rney will make the necessary motion on
lieen the great chief of the western plains. into his •■>«•, with disustr«»us results.
the 12th «4 January, to whi< i> date ihe
Hu little folks of Linkvill«*gav«* a fin«1 rnas- court is adjourned, and it is pr bible that
I ONUBKSSMAN Cl MMINus of New York <|uera«le ball, all by thetns« Iv«**. on th«* 12th, a special venire ol jurors will try the case
offered in Congress a resolution selling him ! a prettier troop «»1 fairtvsaixi fays hasn’t mi its merits before the em! of the coming
be«*n s» « n in a century. Th«* judg«*s, Alex
fortii tiiat the members of the house of Martin. Ky Taylor and Frank M« < «»rinick. month.
n prrsentatives of ttie United States have «iward»*»! tn«* pri/.«*s a* follow*»:
First prize,
h-ard with profound sorrow and feelina $1 50. Franc«** K» ssh r, for iieate*t costum«*: H H >
Mottr. TO IC
s«*cond pri/«-. tl 70. Bra«lf«»r<! Cart« r. for th«-
akin to horror reports of tlie persecu­ b«*sf suM.un«*«! charaet«*r: ttiir«! prize, «I,
tion of Jews in Russia, reflecting barbar­ Maud«* Baldwin, for th« must «»riginnl costunu*
When v« ti <*Hn set an ENTIRE ACRE uf
ism oi past ages, disgracing humanity N«»t tlu 1« ast pl* asing f«*ature <»t th«- «*nt» r- ih»* br*t fruit lan i in N h k»*l * Ad«lition fo
ai d impeding the progress of civiliza­ tainment was a bountiful apr»*a<! of truit and M»*dfor«i for ll.e SA M E price ‘
cak«*, partakt-n of with avidity by th«* tired
Nn keirsAiid Don joins Medford*» w»**
tion. That their sorrow is intensified youngsters.
tern corporation line. 1* situated in a beau
by the fact that such occurrences should
lifuland healthful location, and i* within a
happen in a country which has been a
«tone’s throw of the Medford *cho<»! hou«»*.
tiiin friend of the United States, and
I he land is particularly adapted to horti­
that clothed itself with glory not long
I). Hunt of Waldo visit«*d Grant » Pass one culture, and great returns w«»uld be real­
since by tlie emancipation of its sens «lay recently.
ized there from a f» w acre* planted in
and by its defense of Christians from
The First National Bank last week r» m<»ved prunes, peaches, grapes, etc.
I wo of its best feature* are that it is free
the oppress on of Turks. The resolution their vault int<> the n«*wr min hug.
directs the secretary of state to forward
Stvplu-n Jewell b«*gins a term of school <□ fr«>tn city taxes, although n it lying a _’r»af
distance from the business portion of Med­
it to the American minister at St. Peters­ f it* Cent« nrrial district next week.
ford. while the Jacksonville>Medford rail-
burg for presentation to the Czar.
Mr* (Jhas. Taylor of Grants Pass visited road will run through the land near
H< sc burg on legal bu»int ss last w< t k.
northern boundary.
F ok sometime past it has been tl.e
Th«* Hparlin Gotcher water ca«e has I ecu
It has been laid out in tract» <»f ...
ti V e
practice of the treasury department to postp«>nc<l until th»* regular March term.
acres and less, ami will be sold at very r»a-
return to China, at government expense,
Th»* Masonic officers of Grant'* Pas* lodge
all Cbinere laborers convicted of enter­ will be instull«*! io xt Saturday « veiling,
viz one-third in cash; one-third in ore
ing our territory in violation of the ex­
year, ami balance in two years.
Tlmber-lan«) grabbers are one»* mor«'cruis­
clusion act. This applied to Chinamen ing through the chon-«« timber of the county.
For further Particular# apply to any rep
utable real estate dealer, who will tak»*
smuggled over the Mexican and Cana­
Circuit court Is still in Mcssion, reconvening pleasure in -bowing you the nd lition.
dian borders as w. Il as those direct from
next Mon<lay. Several < a*«*s have been tried.
A recent decision
hv Judge
Don’t f«»rget th»* hall that will be given next
Maxey, of the United States district court w««*k by th«* old Fellow* l«.*ige at Grant's
A Ray of Hope
of tlie western district of Texas, however, Pas*.
1- or all who are held by ’ll«* claims of scrof­
wdl, if it is sustained, compel a modifi­
D. W. Mitch« II i* now conducting a flour ula or otlier diseases of the blood comes
cation of this prai tice. It is tn effect and feed store at Merlin, where h«* wdl doubt­ from H o « h I' s Sarsaprll'a. which by impart­
less do well.
ing the
elements of good health ami
that the government has no right, under
Dr. J J. Ston»* «•! Minnesota was a late
the law, to send to China the Chinese arrival at Grant s Pas*, where he has i« gal strength to the vital fluid dissoAes the
bonds of disease and sets the captive free.
lalrorers who enter the United States business.
No other remedy j«i existence combines
from contiguous countries, unless evi­
K« Iley Bro«, ar«* pr«*paring for a long run at the positive rcon >mv the peculiar merit
dence is produced that they came from their saw-mill next season, having Mlr<*ady a and the medicinal power of Hood s >aisa-
China, or, in other words, that the lan­ larg« number of L>gs on band.
guage of the law authorizing their return
Th«*d«*corationa on th«* new national l ank
"to the country whence they came from"
handsomest edifice south of Sal«*in.
should in such cases be' construed to
mean the contiguous country and not
Wm. Herington has removed to our town
thl* county, there being no en«i to the
from Flounce Rock precinct.
Christmas-tree entertainments, balls, etc.
T iik attempt of the Republican mana-
Hon H. B. Miil«*r visit«*»! th«* Sound cities
Hr is
gt rs to tort-go tl e usual holiday recess, last w«« k nth«' «-ompany's lnter«*st.
pusbiug the sugar-pnic tame rv« ry where.
tn order to pass the Force bill ami other
Tucstlay « vening. Dec. löth. will b«* long re.
political measure, is in a fair way to
mb« r« «l as the first occasion on whu !i tlu
prove abortive.
It is unhkelv that’ any • lectric lights w«*r< lighted in Grant's Pass.
positive legislation will be achieved by
Thu* Mcf’rosky family left last •«••■k, to take
congress this week, ami the failure to charge of a hotel down in Wo«*jland, Yolo
take tlie recess is not expected to re­ county, • al. They havethe best wishes ot all.
sult tn any measurable advancement of
'Ihe ('hristian denomination will hereafter
public business.
In the senate the hold servier* at Grant’s Pass atthecourt-
«in the first anu third Sunday* of «ach
elections bill will probably consume the h<»us«*
first three days of the week
The p ,s-
Grant's Pass church membership in th«*
sibilitiesof an interruption hinge alto­
various dt nominations numl>«*rs about 4<Mi.
gether upon the rentiit of negot atiut.s The « hristian church has an enrollment of
now in piogress among the Republican nearly fifty.
The splendid w«*ather of th»* past three
senators upon the sut.jer t of the caucus
financial bill
If a harmonious under­ months has greatly • xp«*dite«! building opera­
tions in Grant's Pass ami throughout Jose­
standing to support this measure is phine county.
reached, the elections bill may lie laid
t’ollrctor Br«*thrrton of tlu* Alpine club
aside in its favor, and the discussion in museum at Portland is collecting sp«*cim« ns
the senate turn on financial matters for in Jos« phiu»* county and investigating the
a few days.
It is probable that success­ Hogue river dam.
ive adjournments for two or three days
The Grant’s Pas* W., L. A P, t ’o.’s pumps,
wnlch arriv««! last wi rk, weigh
at a time will n.ark the couree of the and are capable of hoisting an immense
house during Hie holiday a»ason.
No ( «luantity of water.
business of importance is expected to be
( has. E. Williams and Miss Mary Trimble «if
'lone, as so many memtiers have left Jum|»-<>tT Joe were lic«*n**«*d to w««l on«* day
Washington for home that a quorum ’ last w«*ek. « has. do<*wn t tr«*mbh at the prva-
1 pect of domestic bappin<*sa.
can hardly be secured.
The little folks were entertain««! by Santa
A W ashington dispatch of tbe 20th Claus and Christinas tr«*«*s at the Baptist,
• Pr«i»hyterian and Methodist churches at
says that Senator Stewart, the Nevada L Grant s Pass last evening.
statesman, spoke in opposition to the
J. D. Allen complete«! the frame-work of bis
federal elections bill yesterday. The • new tarm residence near Grant'* Pass thia
speech was the feature' of the senate , wr« k in tiui«* for the y«»ung p««>plc to utilize the
proceedings, ami is the principal topic of new floors for holiday tripping.
Very few senators were ,
in their seats when Stewart arose to
address the senate, but before tie bail |
been spesking ten minutes most of the
seats Were tilled by both Republican and |
Democratic senators, who listened with
the closest attention. Tlie Democratic
senators crowded closely around him,
snd frequently dapped their hands in ’
respinee to Slewart's vigorous denun­ .
ciations of the bill. The galleries fre­
quently broke into applause, which was i
not sto|q»ed by the presiding officer's
At the close of the «|>eech
Senator Teller elmok 8'ewart warmly
r>y the hand, and the Democratic sen­
ators c owded around him and did like
wise. Now that »be first Htep has been
taken, there is no doubt that many will
follow in the Nevada senator's footsteps.
Senators Washburn,Cameron.Teller and
I'addock have privately expressed them­
selves against the hill, and Quay, Pet­
tigrew ami Ingalls are believed' to be
igaiuet many provisions of the measure,
and tm»y vote against it, though such a
radical d-|>arture from the usual party
iitles on the part of Ingalls and Quay is
not looked for.
At any rate, the die-
-enterH form a big nucleus that grows
taily. and the promoters of tbe bill m iv I !
ST hk prediction of John W
Walter of Ohio, that the next boom in
America will be in tanning lands, is in­
dicative of the fact that our consuming
capacity as a nation w ill soon < qual the
productive capacity of our tillable sod
under present conditions. Die congress­
man's sage remark that our surplus at
present would support
but 5,003,0(10
souls, which nunilwr our natural growth,
assisted by unchecked immigration, will
scon add to our population, while the
natural productive limit of the country
has already almost been readied, is put­
ting the mat I er in a very forcible light.
Even the most injudicious legislation in
the future cannot prevent a series of
years of greatly increased prosperity Io
our farmer friends in th» immediate fu­
ture. The settlement of the vast erniiie
west of the Mississippi has l>een almost
completed in a farming sense, and oil'
people are to lie cong'atulab d that prices
of ceieals a'd stuck p>odui ts bid fair to withdraw it at any time
soon re-adjust themselves.
hen a vwute is taken.
Alex. Ireland. Abe Hansbrough, Ed. and
Sam lb*«ifi<*ld constitute a rifle tram <»f genu-
ine crack« at Grant's P mm *. r«-a«ly to me« t all
"shooters'* when* the inducement issutfl« lent.
The action « f Conklin vs. Tuffs, to recover
nion«-y Hil»*gc<l t»» be due a* a commission tor
th«* salt* of tin* Tuffs farm near Grant's Pass,
wa- tri«Ml .luring the past week ami decid«d in
favorof the defendant.
Another flouring-mill man was inv«*stigat-
ing the possibilities of th«* Grant s Paa*
market with a view to bunding a mill, last
week. It is only a matter of time until we
will have the d« sired mill in uur city.
Th«- Water, Light and Power company are
onlv waiting n»«w for their n« w 72-ineh L« tT« 1
turbine wheel, to have the water-works in
running order. Th«-pumps arrived on Mon­
day of last week and are huge affairs.
Mr. Baldwin’s little 3-ycar-old son fell into
th« w, 11 at his father’s plac«* on«* day recently,
snd but for his 13-y car-old brother's prompt-
n«*ss in lowering a ladder ami rescning him
the little fellow would have pcrisb(*d.
Th«- pay-roll of theS. P. D. A"7?TconipHny
for November was In excess ot $7,lli), which
figur«* was exce«*ded in the two previous
months. The disbursing of so much cash
insures prosperity in their neighborhood.
N. P. Dodge was confirmed by the V. S. sen-
at* M MMHMter st Giant’s Pass recently
having been r«*-appointed after tb<* office
FHtwd into th«* list of pr«*sid«*ntial offle«** a
ew months since. H«* makes a good official«
Our Candid Advice.
Editor Oregonian : For twentv years I
have l»< en gradually growing deaf, accom
______ •
panied with all sort* of ringing poises in
my ear*. | |,;id despaired ot ever being
re ievrd until some of my neighbor* had
tried Dr. Darrin and been cured.
gave me mu age ami led me to try him. He
ha* my hearing and stopped the
noise* with elecirnuty, medical and surgi­
cal treatment. 1 ¡ive three mile* west <»i
P rtland on tl.e Barnes road
Portland, Or.
M ixf . M arkey .
Mr. Editor:
For fifteen year* 1 have
been d at and gradually growing Worse,
until th»* pn*t ihrnu years 1 could not hear
w t h tick or any conversation.
came to Dr. Darrin and receive I hi* e'♦«
trie treatment, and am now able to bear a
watch tick and feel overjoyed with the
cure I have received.
I live in Albina,
and my pla< e of business is in the market
on RuS'ell street, near the Contimntal
E. I). 1’lElil K.
‘■ehlt.'in that we «■ ; »• ir in the r«»l** «»I
«piri<u *i adviser <*r f.iniilv |»hy*i<-i>«n; |>'p
lb»Te are tiim** When we feel ju*«t tied i:
< ailing the attention of our ni*' y sub*« nh* •«
to an article of true merit. We lee! justifi­
ed in saying «hat Moore - H vealed R-me •>
contains more actual merit than any medi­
cine it ha* eter been our good fortune io
Ona trial will make you as embucias-
rifas Uie writer.
The following drtfls were r«*conl«*d in tin-
offlerot the county recorder aluct* the last re­ I
port «>! the T imes ;
WrIconic Fowler, rt al., to Mrs. M. J Smith
lot 6 In I«Ik 49, M«*df« rd. ¿90.
G. W. HoMiiri! to G. A. Howard:d«‘«*«l of gift
t«> lot in M. dtord.
Anna 1 Nichols t«> E. F. Walk« r;
act» » in
town*hi|> iifi south, rang« I « hm «25«
Ehzab. th E. Ay« n to B F. Ko's. r; part ot
lot 7, bik 3, Aalilan«’.
U m. I inch t«« \\ P. H. Legal« ; undivld«*«!
Iiaif of lot 15. blk 3. Medtord.
James M. Matney to Antelope M. E. church;
lot m township
>uth, mnge I W fl
T. E. Jones to Sufeiv E Hevmer; lots ¡2 and
13 blx k *R ' RailriH«! A<l. t«» Ashland. $22.».
J<«tin (• \ an Dy k* t«» W. F. S<mger; hi* acres
m township.M south, rang«- least. $|U0.
I. A. Merriman t • Emma M« rnman; lots 15
and hi. block 2. M«df.»rd. $!3U.
John H. Dolben t > Katherim* Hot»« rts- lot 9
f»lwk 1. Cottage Add. to M. dh.rd $2.X ’
< >. Gauiard to J. J. H««u<*k; 11* acres in t»»wn-
slnp M south, rang» 3 west. «1.
Hulda Culver to James S. Hukill; south Hal!
of lot 14, l>ii«»«*nix. $20
Unit«.«) k
stat<*s to. . G. Van Dyk«*; patent to
40 acres in townsh p iis south, rung» I <mst.
Same to snm«*; ¡abut to 40 acre* in an mo
Same to saint*; patent to 240 Seres tn name
Sam«- to same; pit«*nt to 4«» acres Ill KrtlllC
W. F. >ongcr to John G. Van I)j k «•; 20H a< r. M
In t««wnsh!p 3* «•»uth, rang«* I « •ust. water
privileges, etc.
A Wonder Worker
Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of
Builington, Ohio, states that tie hid been
under the care « f two prominent physi­
cians and ipetl their treatment until he
wa* not able :o get nrotind. They pro
nounced his be consumption and
He was per*u id» <1 to try Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption,
coughs and cold*, and at that time was not
able t " w.ilk a ro** ’he street without re*r
ing. He found, before he had used half of
a dollar bottle, th it he wa* much better;
he continued to use it and i* to «lav enj »v-
ing good health. It you nave anv throat.
Iu> g or chest tr<»ubl * trvit
*ati*faetioii. Trial b«»ttie tree at all dni.--
Du Not Suffer
Any linger.
K»lowing that a < <>ugh can b« < tn ck«d In
«lay. and tlv fir«t Mag«** of con«uniptioti
br<>k«‘iiin a w»*« k. wp hereby guarani» »* Dr
.\< k« i * English Cough R« iiu*«h. an<l will r« -
*i:n<l lh» iu«»n« \ toall who buy, tak«* it a* p»*r
dlr«'« tion-*, an! do not hn<! «nr stat<-in« nt
Cures in fifteen in in ut es . Tre-ton s ' Ite, I
LANE BLAIR-At Lak« vt. w. D<v. IS, IRAQ,
by H. A King. .1. P . B. I . loin«* of S.lvcr
Ijik«* io Mrs. S. .1, Blair <»f Paisley.
)VERTON At th« Ijtkeview Hous«*
by II A. King, J. P . D«c. »'«. 1*90 .lames N.
Givan to Mr* Dora (»v« rioii. b«»th of War-
Ill r vaUi J
BARNES-LINVILLE At lu«k» view. Dec 17.
1*90, by R« v. William«. M« rritt Barnes to
Miss Kate Linville.
That Kill uorK in ST1CKÌ’
a h y oths r Soil Cheaper thuu JVow’M
o] f ^iiol ifiiolit // (dìi be houyht any
u h ere in the Country,
>»sit ¡MÍit<»í ion
The above mentioned Implements and many other kinds of Standard
Make for Sale by
H oliday S eason !
New .Múflanse and Fur-trimmed
Jackets jtii-t received bv express.
Literary Industries
New Silk Plush, Velvet and
An induKtrioiiM, intelligent and <*nerg< tic
manor woman wiping to work < an Mrun
profitable eniplovun nt hy applying p<»w b.r
the I< m ‘ h 1 agency for tin* township forthat
wonderful new book.
VERY FINE 6000',
Ml.Vf-k WAT< Hl'S AND JEW.
1 I.lit -ll.v ASH ri.Al WAKE
I I I ■) \M bltl.—ISG AM» PER- '
i t mi nr < i'i>. si am ,Aim
UM-i ri.itri mi > < hkistma » am >
Mk —
Which he is selling at the
//. 11. Il l \ (RUET,
Th«- Famous Author.
What Is it? R«*a<l th«* gr«*at dally papers
« v« r> wh«*rv t«»r an answer. It is
to tlu l*M.k wori'l. A tr«asur<-hou*»« •»! bril­
liant lit« rar> j« w«*ls. A graml galn.x> <*1 wit
am! w ;*«1om. A graphic r<*< »»rd <»t
Th«'lif«*-story «»t a man who, I' ginning at
th«* ts»tt«>m round <»t tlu ladd. r, ha* 1.« d« 1« r-
iuiiu*d industry <»v« r« om<-< v< ry <>b*(avlv and
i KKch«*«! th«* top.
Very Lowest Prices.
M> goo»N arc tiu*t-cla*«. and I will ><*|| them
at I'l .< • - that u ;,i u'L'ti’ah a'l. G1 v. tn«-a call
an i !>• «<»nvi jevd that I hi » an just uhat I aav.
E. c. BR ooks .
Ja< k*«»nvillc, Ongon.
Ladies will find cur Gccds Fresh and New
We canv Boots. Ladies’ and Men’s Fine Shoes, JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR.
Groceries. Etc., Etc.
a«wiir» <1. (or all class«** are «1« « uly int« r«*st»-<!
hi thi* pow«rtul wi . ik ;
nn«i tlu- pri«« th«
world rv«T has b«*«'ii fixed at a phcnunu-nally
low tiguri*.
W ... r<
Ov«-r MNi pag«*M, b«»und !n Crimson Silk Cloth,
gilt «*lg<*s, with c. Mly «-over d«*sign.
copy ac««>inpanicd with a tin« lull pag«* st«*« I
plat«* portrait ««t th«-dt-tingiii*h« d author an«!
It «itjuiaift* balt-t«»i:«* idu**trations, 5*.,x9
inclu-s m siz«*.
- k pi constantly on hand a complete
and tir»»-das» »Ua k of
Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery
cal v« ry country, and In cverx t««w n, «-ounty
d stat«* in th»* I'nion.
’th« hit of tl»«
«•nt’iry. A«iilrcss
723 Market
BIEBER PEYSER At the home - of the
bri'h’H par»*nfH. T)«*c. |S, |*90, by Judg«-
Wilshire. Aaron Bieber to Miss Fannie
For ’’«*vui’.‘ Di
itie* no:!i*.uu’I.kt
on tl»<* marlvt.
‘ •»
Am! « v.Tvthing « Luc imaginaire In tlit« Hue.
M\ u « hm ! s ar« n« w and ot tbcbcet brande and
wil1 lie sold at the
Lowest Ruling Price#.
HOWARD N’i-ar Ashland, Ihv. 13. l*Mi, to Mr.
and Mrs. (’has. Howard, a daughter.
for Infants end Children
“CBatoria.s to weH adapted to children thrt
I recommend it a* superior to any prosrnpUon
known tome’
IL A A bcher . M D.,
Western Branch,
D’Ve me n call before ir«»inj e Rcwhcrr
D«*n‘t be hnni!''irr'r«*d
Sa\ •• Tim«*,
tl «.*«»( i
an., mon«- .take n »«»tl»
Sent to anv a -Lire**.
Bernie by mail <»u re
Ccipt "D'rir. *_•«*»
EWEN-NN-ar F.igli- Point. !)»•<•« 'tuber 9. lMfWI,
to Mr. and Mrs. I). T. Ewen. a daughter.
Box 27. 1’OKTLA.NI).
Ill So» Oxford Si». BruoAljm, N. Y.
I Caxforla cure* Colie. Consti patine.
i S«Yur Stomach, l>iarrha*a, Erurtata«»n,
I Kills Worms, gives sleep, suzd promote*
U UJliU'U t .S
«. i
to re!’«*«»* * . *. •
LAYTON On Anplcgate. N<iv 21. IMO. to Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Layton, a daughter.
Machantes’ Tools
Faber's Golden feale Pilis
CHILDERS—At Sahin, Ihwiiiber. 9, 1WO, <»f
spinal meningiti*. I.. I)., sun of Martin
D. Chlldrra; aged 16 year*».
Strret. San Francis o. Cal.
I Without injurious modicaUXL
Ileal Eslate Agents,
Tax C cntavb C ompsxy , 77 Murray Street. N Y.
Win Sell, Lease, Rent and Handle
Highest of all in Leavening Power.— I’. S. Gov’t Rejiort, Aug. 17, 1889.
O « «
A Choice Collection of
City and Country Property For Sale.
Any p« r*«»n wishing to nell prop« rty wdl
find it to t heir interest to call and tu.x* us
'Ve challenge the reader to successfully controvert the assertion that
an acre of thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val­
ley of Rogue River will yield a net yearly income of jloo. It will
average HHI trees to the acre, and the estimate is based u|xm the dem­
onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce '1 in xalue, net, of
marketable fruit each year.
. L. L1
In other words nn acre of producing fruit trees has a valuation of
$1000. It is better than any bank—for the bank is sometimes cartied
into Canada by the cashier, Game nature a trust-worthy guardian
takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course it
you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the tret's of then
nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, ami invite
the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you
must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a
foreclosure of the mortgage on your orchard.
Price, S17
The leather. Workmanship an<I Finish arc of
hr v»ai HI-.ST.
We «*an sell you
Harness at from $6.00 up.
Road Carts from $9.50 up.
Coiiqbt, Cold«, k«f!u; .Tia, BroncMtlt.
ce. WLr
-- ( 01 ¡jh.Croup,
at. f-1P*''1.
X n
n of th«
Throat. Lur $
< C nsi;mpt»oa.
Ipeeiy and |>< rr. ui ».t. »
1 -1. ButU.”
r% t”
: ndianapolis ,
ind .
I>r. Acker’s English Pills
in Every Department,
-playing tin- J nle-t Novelties.
Henry Whipn’s wife, living n»*ar K«*rbyville,
was taken siiddcnly sick and die«! last week. Ar«* active, effective and pure. For sick h«nd-
She hHd been troubled with weak Inugs for ache, disord«'red stomach, loss of appetite,
to save defeat eome-tiine past
Two little children mourn ba«i complexion and bfliouan«**.«, they have
with their r**apected father the death of a ( n«*ver been ciualed, cither in Amvric-.t er
* i loving
1 abroad.
uXuwplAr) ^ifu and mutUer.
ÿear .
I’ncle John Gildereh eve, who has been
in the furniture business here for some­
time past, returned to Rose* iirg this wet k.
We are sorry to see him have us.
It ha.« been heretofore ihnwr te
theso column* that modern midi-
cine has demonstrated that a pim­
ply skin is not the result of htood
disea«es, but i* caused by impaired
digestion, for which they now give
vegetable correctives instead of poV
ash and mineral blood purifiers. Two short test^
monials are here given to routrast the action of
the potash sarsaparilla« and Joy’s Vegetable Sar
sa parllla.
Mrs C D Stuart of 1221 Mission street, S. F.,
writes that she took oue of the leadiug sarsa­
parilla* for indigestion an«! dyspepsia. It * only
effe« t was to cause pimples to appear on her fa» e.
Upon taking Joy’s Vcp’tablo >arsnpari;ia th«
3r-t effect was the disuppcarance • f the pim-
*les and she was suhsctjuenfly r« liev<*l of hei
lurtjgv'fion an ! <ly«p« pwia
Robert Stewart als*
wrihse from Petaluma. < al., that
being troubled with boils he found
that one of the leading sarsapa­
rilla' actually increased the erup­
tion«. which responded at once to
Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla and
Ii^a; ?carod almost Immediately.
O nly
Having purchased of the well-
known C loak M anvfactvreks ,
Boston, Mass., all their
At the nominal price of 6(t cents
OH the $ 1.00 we are in a position
to offer them for less than the
original cost of material.
For example—
Garments that bold for £16.50
We will sell for
The rain marred the amusements an
nounced to take place here on Christmas
day. bull there was a guod-nzed crowd,
^hich had a royal time.
A young girl here had been suffrring for
12 years mtli Blood lfiseases until she bad
lost the use of her limbs, and was suuj i l
to many troubles incident to the disease.
The physii laus declared her case incura­
ble, and predicted that her life would couie
10 a apeedy end. Alter takings. 8. 8. she
recuperated so fast that it was plain that
-he had obtained a new lease ot life, and
she has continued to grow better umil her
l>ermanent cure is assured. Many other
patients in our hospital have obtained
s glial hemfit iroiii S. 8. 8., and it ban De
come quite a favorite ill our house.
T he . st . Joszrii H ospital .
Higmaud, Ill.
F amily
FREE TO JAN. I, 1891.
The ma-querade ball at t’entral P<»int
was a tine afl-ur and greasy enj »ye I by
the large crowd in attendant e
From Nt. Joseph
F orar
John Carney of this place ha* been ply­
ing his u*ud avocation down in C >w creek
It is to be hoped that the building of a
V’ flume to the limber belt on Rogue river
will ninteiialize. It will be a great enter­
prise for our town and the whole v.d'ey a*
To anv N’FW SVBX’R I IIF.ll who will cut out and send nn I hl* «lip with name and
adder»»« mid ^»1.2 5 <n Postal •'•r C'<i.rr n ffoney Orrfrr or Hrgudtrrd Lettrr at our rinbk ws will send
TJ i t; V <H T11 •» < t>HPA\!O\ I il EE i«» Ju nn a rv, 1 **f> 1. mid fora Full Yea r from thai Date.
Vhiwnf . r ho tudea tlir 1 11 11 l>(H DI E. HOLIDAY Nl MHFIO* for Thnnktgivlng. < hrUluin«,
New leur’«, EuMer nn«l Fnurlli-of-.l uly, and all ihr llluairuied Weekly “uppbmrntii.
THE YOUTH S COMPANION, 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass.
Electric Bit u rn
E'OLEY BEALE Tn Big Butt«* pr«*<*inct.
lh‘c« inb» r 14. l*.*0 by
<’ Park« r, J. P .
Michael Foley an<l Mis- Alic« B« ah
C hildrens
P age
X’o other Weekly Paper (fires so great a Variety r1 i.iifertaininy and Instructive Reading at so low a price.
This remedy i« bec«>njitig so well known
and no popular bn to need no special
mention. All who have use«! Electric
Bitters sing the same song of prais»-—A
purer medicine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to th» all that is claimed
trie Bitter* will cure all the diseases of the
liver and
idneya, will remove pimple*,
boils, salt HiPiim and other affection*
caused by impure blood.—Will drive ma­
laria from the system and prevent as well
a* cure all malarial fever*.—For cure of
headache, constipation and indigestion try
Electric Bitters
Entire «at'sfa« t on guar­
ant'ed, or money refunded.—Price 5o cis.
and $ 1.00 per bottle at all drugs tore*
Dre. Darrin make
make a
a *(>eci>tlty
sjiecislry of
of disease
diseases “
of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and all
nervous, chronic and private diseases,
such a* Loaa of Manhood, Blood Taint*.
Syphilis, Gleet,
_ ______ w
Bpermatorrbo«, Seam d Weakness,or I
• •I Desire of Sexual Power in man or
All pec’ Hr Female TroubL a,
etc., aie cunfldci)
iy and successfully
treiHrd, and will
er no circumstances
take a ca*e that fk
cannot cure or bene-
fit. Consultation
' barges reasons
Cures of priv-
«ties upases guaranteed
and never published in the papers Circu­
lar* and question blanks sent free. <)thces,
70S Washington street, Portland, Or.
SC‘^CE I charming I W eekly
’"00 I T ravel !
«450.009 ■; n iTAinHORSEtefRAT^i J *f"* r ¡N atural
J H omes
8. 8. 8. lias relieve I me of a lerrihle S to C
Illa, from Whit'll I tied Slitf. red. for < loir.
It »fleeted mv nose tirat a- cuti.rrb iten
carried < fl the hone, «nd continued
until it deatroved the soft bone
right side of the nose, then went
thro'il, ami later on to my Inn •«. and it
looked as if I was doomed
S S 8 h « •
cured me, and has aiso cured in y Ht I
daughter of ih** -ame dis. a-e.
Mu«. N K i T ciiev . .V.,cl
Treati-e on
Blood amt Sk 11 "11 - a'
mailed free.
hwicT Si'ti trie Co., Atlanta, <ia
j. s jknnixi . ii n nep or SKIN DISEASE
' 1 S tories
R ead in 1
Currit Hrrertr amt Hvr I'liihl.
Editor Oregouian: For lifteen years . I
have been troubled with a skin disease
Or. Darrin has cured me. Refer to me at
Bellwood, Or.
Specimen Copies and Eeautiiui Calendar sent Free
While You Wait,"
With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income
ou a valuation of :?10<J0 an acre. There is not a wheat-field in this
county which yields such an income, and E\ ERY orchard does.
We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon
shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental
railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the s I ojm ' of the Pacific, with
one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selected by
you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of
oh I age overtake you and find you penniless.
irr i?-i wo mu $i,ooo.
We give away the land. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for FURNITURE FOR SALE
two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and
GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard.
Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value
their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and compet­ VING TO ILL HEALTH. THE I NDFR-
sigm <1 «!<*sir« * to retire fr« in busiiuiw, and
ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the slaves
fT« r* all th«* furniture in Hu* I’. > H«>tel for
r<H*«>nabl« I ifok . Th< luild-
of India. “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital­ ng. w MtMViry
hi< h is a substantial bi i< k « ne and er-
ity of its soil," says a great economic writer. The people of Jackson pet ially as*igiH*d for th< In.ul business will
t « nl« «l al a low rat.' to n sp. risible parti« «,
county should learn this as an axiom.
r ort urther partícula is apply to
J. D ERo IB »A M, Jacktonvillc.
Every bread-winner at the forgo or near the cutting saws, or in
sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or
toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. It means
a home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2years’ work. A
HhK • r
the (Vl«briM»-J
more beautiful and a larger home than ninety pet cent, of the popula­ v *
tion of the civilized earth can claim to own.
> <
.xyr •
nal and Uhlf G em : . ■
i ? •'
.C frciF. ' urfact Kelalit i
Write to us, and we will send you our illustrated book of this great
/ 'Aff
oat .a. Ir -»antly r*h<Rrrse»«*r-
*•/ \
", Ì* •‘C t“'*! tlio'i»«a<l«i. hwtab 1».
valley and our Orchard Home.
Ä^l* Lt2T 1
IH‘«-trd pHVipblet Sol
The Only Xnff Protf rtnr of finite
for llmiiif, Tour mt. Picnic and
Protects Butter from all ndorv,
«lust, heat and handling. Keens But­
ter cool and ««’eel ami is easily and
quickly cleaned.
E k ch,
Lib« ral dis<‘ouni to Agents. Sample
by mail on receipt of price.
1 utia St., San Tran
Msilford Oregon
. a.?A