i Everything iniagtnabh- in h«* nt i e • fl (> «licet <»d* at the 8 1. Vanity • 8tur n- ar Sa:»-in recenh has been to indue® ib<* Buy a White. 1 ’I he following business ha* been transacted J ackson viHr. railr al aut borine* io make a cp refill in- Mrs N I.angeU’fl health continues to J C Corum of Spikenard was here Tues ­ ‘•pt-c mu of bridge* and trestle» on the lin*- improve. j in t his court -Judg«* Neil presiding flim ethe M re rain :» needed. day. The entire lio'idav Mock at the 8. F <»t UîfitlAL PAPÍK af JAGUuN GUUaTï. UR the road. It is the intentions of th«* last issue (»1 th«-T ime *; Variety» Store must be __ di-p«»-»-«! ____ r_____ __ of _ . bene® company to siib»tiiui® tills for many of the I he White is still king. Sheriff M ors of Josephine county spent Onions arid potatoes attheS.F Variety Estat«*« f Sarah Ann F'»i«ly«•«*. M. Mickelson prices have been marked down to defy Wednesday in Jacksonville. Store. minor ire*tles in this section. : appoint« «1 « x« cutor. an«l J. K. Dodge. J. Looin- Re»«l the new a«lv**rtisements. coni petition. FRIDAY i is and Ira l>275. As Wil' I m * seen by notice in___ ('hristmas |>rr*enis at Fhher's. aind I er astic \ t I • en 'a thi* week ?o d «-x «minati n* fevk days since «»n !flt d I »tsiness yestr rdav. E* ’at- ot Wiml« Im Nu*. Administrator column, B n _________ ___ ... . n pi"* » ti’- Hat mon g iji ’he j^ub 'C z>» the tl... estate .... ... ol ~I E. L" B o t ed admiliiMriih I. r »• o! Roscoe Trice of T«»i<> ¡M attending school •Strang« r» arv becoming numerous in Estate wt.J. E. lt«»s*. fuh- bill of personal •chool.s f«»r svvc' al days past Tb<' attend- it tl»«-Albany college »his winte*. ‘ ure-whi e you wait—Preston*» • Hed- cock, deceased. plop.*i-ty re turned and sale Hpproved. Jack»uuville ;< ic® i* *l-ad iy inrri'.iaing, and th- pu Tli* following bU'i e- a ha* been Ira»1.* id- Ake Estate uf Hoiac«-Root. Eliza Root appointed Kev. Father Clark is contemplating a Henry Crydcr and wii«- have 'm-c«e«ied pi s a r <1 'mg good work under*« h® efficient Great sport ír promised at Onrr.-I Point executrix, and G. F. Billings. J. H, Tozer and ed In the circuit h c.tniiii: j .*’ in at the 8. F. Variety to the management of the Gobi Hili hotel corps < f tva' h«»fs now in charge. on Christmas day. uf the I lnr.a : Estate of W. Is. Km lighter. W. B. Colton ap­ and will doubtless make a high reputati« i. • We understand buyers are endeavoring 8 or®. Lums smhuii n vg Wit. E .1 Ul « t a’ M. Ubenchain still lingers, but will leave Everyb >dy goes to the b. F. Variety Store pointed «‘xeeutor. and J. E. Smith. G. F. Bill­ for the house. bbet it!'» sa e v nh m «1. io ri’iiir ici b- rfi atilein Grant county at | for Klamath county in a few days. ing* ami L. A. Sackett appraisers. Whv suffer? Preston’» “Hed-Ake” will fur tbeir holiday good* Abram B si» xb . Cha* E. B • be «t a H B. Rc»-d, he «•( “combination fence” *>» l»er h- ad, to be delivered next si ring tstateof JohnNoland. Final account allow­ «nre you G. R. Gallant of Ashland was in town on furrc'eatire. Sb» r-ff * *- 'e «<»• tiiined Geo. Cross | r now a**i»tant milkr in tbe ed an«! administratrix discharged. fame.pMssed through the vaiby « few davs This is anmiier indication that b«-e! is E*tat«*i.i H.< Miter. >ain«- order as above, Ne a and nobby bats just in at Keanus ►in« e on bi* r«turn home to bis bead­ rapidty in« reasi« g in value. If vou have Monday la.-t on business at th® court bouse. LinicviHe flouring mills. J. P. Swe. «v* Urfiir M. bweet. dix i Estut«* of Hugli Johnston. Same order made. While’s. Referred to W N Lu« key to take t s e**r* and p en y ol bay. the 'I imes won!«! quarters at Portland. Sheriff Bird*ey is steadily improving I.'tui- of T P li »yd, >.«ni' order. N-w iibin, bacon and lard are beeinning mony. *ay 1» f«-« «i it ali«l sell vour beeves next and 18 attending to Rome of hi.* office-work. I 'tat* «if John < antrall. Sarah A «’antrall Cl' d.ir> tor lstll h ive put in their ap t«» make u»« ira i*pear*nee. Brooks has ihe mo-t m.ign ’ ticent a*sorr- summer. State of Oregon v*. F B. «1 * r •> I I appointed .I'liiiiiii-t i at i lx. and Um Kay. Win 1« ai ince. n e t ol jeweln , wa'- h* .** e «• , i ■ -«»«it • rn L. Le«»i'>«rd of .lo*ephi»'® c««ni»iy was at Wright; indicted h»r «»b>tru- i. ’ h i Se«* the l.e«u’ifui d|*nh.y f »r tbe holi lay ! (.««int roll amt Jas Km ki- y appraisers. I i e 1.« w te'«j.-r«ph l ie between Ager Jacksonville a few «lays since on business. l-tat« "1<« har«u.-ki. Johanna Karewski highway. On trial yestetday \ l.v « u t. I*o - it ;>» ht’leto ks are dazed at the O eg -it. < a.i ami ?r«* lie ba ds. m thii gs land at the 8 F. Variety 8t«»ré th- E son hotel, >hov11. Jr., bus commenced to will be creatly acc«uiiinoda‘ed by this new was on our streets a few hours on Tuesday visit» I E-jtate ot E BulMock. B«*n Haymond ap- J hn J< ffrey of Forest cre«-k was in town (1 «»ur town last week Slate vs. Benjamin McCiearx . selling rea«i law with J. h . B*atd, E'q , but has P « ’ lit'-d M'lmini.-t rat«»r. and Ja* McDougall, J last line. 1 hr great want of that beautiful liquor without license. Plea ot not guilty on Moutlay. not vet given up the “rule ami stick,’' says summer resort, Shovel creek, was quicker W. H. Barr and W. G. Cooper of Med­ ; W Ma*tci-ill an«! I Householder appraiser». Mr. Sahtroiu and wife of Prospect were •mered. Read the S. F. Variety Store'« new the Yreka “ Union.” menus of communication with homes and in town on Monday last on real-estate bus­ ford called one day tbis week. Mitchell A Iz-wis company ya. Downing announcement iness. The tnen Henderson and Bayley, who business concerns. A Ehu«»re; motion to ui^olv** attachment The health of Mn». I). Linn I» reported to MARRIED. Klippel Jc Lee bare shut down their were ao badly disfigured m the recent t me- overruled, Twenty five hundred pounds of leather, W. H. Leetis, wife and daughter, of Ash­ be poorly, we are »orry to learn. iee at Lakeview hotel, are recovering th«- product «4 the tannery of Dennis Try­ land. were at the county seat one day last A. T. Kyle. Jr .vs. G. L**r«»ux; to r«cov uttu until spring. E. H«»b*onf lately of Butte creek, has T<»l«il.ER KLIBPEL-At Portland. Dccem- I tom then injuries. er Derflonnl pr"p*r»\ C«>nlinu-d. on t<" ent city, wm taken to Grant’s week. I" r III. Is'.*I. Fre«! W. T«»rgl<*r and M isb Ida M- if.inl roller tl >ur in quantities to suit i gone to K*an:ath county to locate. W. P. Hillis vs. J hn an- R»n*oni Car­ *' li- .mt.■ & Pa'S « n Tues«lay of last week by Tom Klipp« I, daughter of Adam Klippel, foriin-r- bite’s. • Mrs. J. H. Cleyton i f Silver Miss Alice Dorn, who has been stopping ter; ii>juncti«»n. Leave granted tu tile ly of Jacks«»nville. Berrv >itice the leather of this tannery W. H. Newton and family of Sardine has beet» at ............... I Hainan'«» amended c«>mplaini !' fails, money refunded ; Preston .“Hed- Cortland, for s •iiirlime past, wa* rti 't int«o fllced in’«» southern Oregon in town for sometime, returned home last creek wer«- in town during ihe week. Sunday W oodcock bennett ai Gram's Pa**. I Joshua Neatbamer vs Ben. Owing*; in­ Ake " i • <■ baa • •«•• -ti a steady demand f«»r it in Nov. 2». I*41, H ra<-.- Woodcock and .Mis* regaining tier h«*»l'b. Reame» «I White late.y received a large Mis* Jennie Booth departed for Athens, ■ p eieiet-cc t • San Jose leather. junction. Decree I that p ai"tiff »hall Lottie B«mi« tl, both oi Waldo. 1'e Wilt ’ » Colic and Cholera Cure is to visit her sister, Mrs. E. DePeatt, last » hny th«* branch fr« m May 1st to 1>«C. l*t «»f always -ate and always sure. Marriage licence i.**u«ii Dec 11th to An­ cinct. Dec. '.«. I*’.*', by 1C« v. Mr. Kennedy, ‘ Yreka,» promiort t business m>«n of tbatse« - each year; driend nt> t«» have u e < ( ¡»aid B«aut fui silk handkerchiefs for Christ- rame length of ntu-. Such terms are the tion. iriiioves another citizen highly re- Win. f. Bostwick ami Miss Augusta Schnei- Wm. P. Miller of San Jo*e spent several drew (’antiall and Mrq. Anua Valide». taxpayers' delight. water fiom Dec. l*t »o Max U', ami vv.it« r lit is p e.-ents at Fisher’s. der. | f|>eCte i on iM»th shies of the state line. davs in town this week, en route to Klam In south lu»k at ali seasons, lii'isin , f \\*m. Bybee sent a drove < f fat hogs to G F. Billings of Ashland returned home He was but H yars of age. his death alb county. S< IIMIDTLIN BOOTH In Medford pre­ «•merries and provisions of ali kinds, coat*. Grant’s Pas», which he had .»-oÁl there. on Thursday of last Week, after taking »11 i «-Milling (" m brain iroubh-s. We sincere­ cm«». I»' ••• Hili'i «». I*'.*', by R«-v. M. A. Wil­ J. F. Johnson vs 1> li. Burr-.iigh*; to fresh, at Realties 4 White's. J. 8. Howard of Medford was in town liams, .1"*' ph >chiiii«itlin and Miss Debbie active part in the late Sunday sc hoot con­ ly sv inpathizr with bis ber« ft famby. A social party w 11 bej.iven al the 1. M. *ec«»ver money. Di»n»n**»d. several days this week on radroad survey L. Hall on Wagner creek Christmas eve. L. Booth; both ot Jack.sonx ill«*. Kent* niber headquarters for holiday vention at Grant's L’ass. M Fries vs C ami 11 Magrude ing business. E. C. Brooks, the well-known Jackson­ g. ods—8. F. Variety Store. Judgment (or p aiuti A .’arge number of cases from (his district Tb» tax-roll will be turned over to the ville jU' h a-« wai<-h«»s, jew ery. plush g > «ds, etc. home soon. In Lag«- prevind, Nov. The railroad, although not yet completed, BERNARD He ba* th»* finest, best ami n»o*t complete :5)Ui. t<> Mr. ami Ml*. T. E. Bernard, a Everybody goes to the S. F. Variety after January 1st. next. ' County C«»mru;**4vneri Co0rt- stock in his line in southern Oregon, ami da lighter. — AT THE — ( has. Pur ell. who went east with his ia doing Jacksonville much good in many tore for their holiday goods. J Ma'nev has remodeled and painted can always t»e depended up< n for a bargain. family to visit his parents, is reported to be ways. he following procevdii ,7* l‘‘ok ‘ e at his farm bou-e acd outbuildngs near ( ’ OFNTS At Tul«'. l»«-e. 2. to Mr. and ’all and eeelhat tine, large stock of goods Brownsb rough, adding greatly to the ap­ A number of physi. . tn have ub’»jned Mr». W. 1*. Count*, a ««»u, R anies White hive receive«! their ( dangerously ’ll. the October term ot tl e c< n. ’|DMH,Der® ht mg di«|4ai ed at Nunau's. n« w stock of fail and winter good*, con- pearance of bis preunsei. Miss Maggie Linn arrived at home for licence tu t the holidays, from San Francisco, last forms. snlerable plowing and seeding has aii'l Mr*. G. W. Howard, a suu. Wright's Jamaica Ginger—stnctlv pure «ires* gu"«l . fai’cy go als, latiies’and gents' Petition of F. M and, A J. Stewart .,,,r one since the late rains. Ther« will be a grand masquerade ball at EARIIART—At M. dfonl, Nov.27, I«*», to •Mr. An excellent remedy for cramps, cone and tiirmsiiing good*, tine shoes, hats anil Sunday evening. change «»f county ro*«i on their premises ! and Mrs S. Earhart, a won. onld be a nicer (’hriatmu present where » tonic for the stomach and bowels cioihu g. ail of which they will sell at the Superintendent 0. S. Price will be at Gold Ganiard's hall in Ashland on Christmas J. It. Whitman, <’ K rinbamer and I-«aaC Ke sewing-machine is required. Sold bv all druggists _ night. attendance ______ on the Webb appointed viewers, l«> meet Countv most reasonable prices Call ami see their Hill next Saturday, in ____________ hl hl». 8urvey«»r Applegate on the | mu sea on Ih«* !>• w y« ar will be inaugurated by the < F. egant .holiday goods can be obtained The Lakeview "Kgtminer ' is agitating m w ru dsb'fore making your purchases local institute there. Friday, Dec .Sth. at 10o\lo k a . m . • th» proposition to . tier a bonus tor the es elsewhere. at E sher's at reasonable prices. Geo E. B oomer, county treasurer, and Completiou of the Jack*onvii:e M« df<>rd ' N «V. J»». IMO, Infant County road |»el tton»d lor by Wm M tablishmetit ot a roller tl .urmg tudl at that A. (iarri k. the mt* chant tailor of Med tome of his Jacksonville friends spent last railroad. ■P'd ■) liijiitha an*! 2H Mathes et si . in Edm i r«“ tn«’». J First-c'asa cedar fence posts foi sale In place. A good suggestion. 1». Stindav at Ashland In order to Clu6e Out the Entire Stock anti girt the Public («»'«I, takei p • a*urr n> ann »uncing that h** C B Wat*on of Ashland was in Jack­ U hitman. Ti e«> Cauu ron an i J H Stew quantities to salt at the T im (a office. I t < I»* B llv Robinson of Klamath enun’v sonville during the week, on professional MILLER At Yr«-ka. N v. :jft. Bv«». of brain INDUCEMENTS to trade with us, we have marked dj'wn Tl*e lire la*ldi»»»h* nld take mi occasional w 1 oe in J > i kstiivi 1c *>u M «nd *v of each art ap|»ointe urrants and raisins for run ««th the engine, to ......... . lia> d in week I *r th«* a • oiumodation of those wli«» is \ i-itine his many friend* in this section business. tr.»ubi«-s. Hugo Mi.'l'r. a native <»f Kayna. meet at the cierk * « tin *• .«nd «j ial l • 1»« c • He is pre- He is e»*j'»ying go*»d h»»a th Germany; fig«*i 44 >«-ars. 10 months ami 11 emergen* les like that of last Sun t iy m ru­ may » v« «1 « Gi’ ing in In line 19th at 10 o ciock m E- U • arvrr. L the holidays al R-aines ,k White’s. days. Mrs A Sc ’ hmitt entertained a number uf I a • • I to - o w -k n the latest ami m »st ap- C Coiem«u ami Lt vi M««rr - u «• < l.di> > l*»r Heaps • f holiday goods are already ine, without non«cessary delay. her fri« n-i* at her h »me in tlii* place a few 1 tyi«--. 0» not tad Li give him a Ttios Collins of Sprngne river, Khtnath P" Ve< damages being sold ut the .* F. Variety Store. ------------ was . here - < n .... For fit’iiirr.re of every rlesc iption goto «a ■. Remember the lime. Mondays of coun'y. W« <treei 1«. C 'ir««l 1'ght tall of snow on the 3rd inslant. Mis- Pauline Karew*ki returned to her among the best. For tale at A*hl.a- d w II next flies«! iy el-ct mavor Come and l»e convinced that we mean just what we >nv at and selis st the most reasonable rates. . between the main air«-el anil the i'll! in J. m d city coum ilmen. city treasurer, _ _r re­ pr- -« nt home wrh her sister, M;s. A II Variety Store. Monthly installments ot J10 will buy a K. (>re®D*h li« Id. The largest and beat stock of deeds, corder. Mirvt \ «>:, marshal and street Cum- Maegly, at Portland, last week. house aud lot in 1’olofroinScottGriffin. • T B. F. Peart and J. L. m*.»tt of E Valis The t»ond • t sheriff B rdsey as tax c »Lec­ mortgages anil all kinds ol r* al ■-tale and liiis-ioinr. l‘re-«-ul indications point to »VI had a narrow < escape I: in Grow uine t- e the preparations that Santa Claus is * legal blanks soutti of Salem is kept at the ttie r«- el» « tion • f a number of th«* present tor examined and approve«}. Geo Landre'h. formerly in the berlter creek a sho* t lime ng<>. Order nia«iw gtantiiig peiitiun <»f Dr Bra alrea ly mat mg at the S. F. Variety Store. T imes office and sold at l’ortlaml rales. business at Adilnnd , alali otM mP* l b»- wa’er-works squabble will w*as elected treasurer J J al (lie recent Ne***| ort election. den to build daiu in lol 5, sac. 12, twp 36 «, J.»Iiu B. W. 1 i »ms — row comitictiug a Old papers, ir. quantities to suit, for sale 1 Henry Mulkey shot James Sünksrd wi h figure to s«»n»e ex ent in the municipal r 3 w. i tight »«nd i aity lines but'h-r*hop at Grant ’ s Pas*, having mic wdl be abolished i: ¡¡IE a .tk-caiibre revolver >>n Nov 24th, at 1 M. Wagner and wife of Salem, ol<1 ceedeil David Payne. Hospital retort ex »mined an 1 approved. ai the I imu office at 50cents a hundred. pioneer» of Wagner creek, r .>1V. nt city, rhe b dl lodged «const th • fur the tune visited the Change in County road praved for by T. We are still haring Beautiful days, ’ Creac« family of Jacob Wagner this week Ttie legal papers l ave _ . Jas Wright, Fred Frulenburg and Sur­ F. Atterbury et al. was «»rue el made; though the mornings and nights are cool. coll •r-bone and did no serious injury. vey«»! Applegate of Central Point were m ol«i roa«l t«»be vacated. A summer friend—Wright's Blackberry supermr court of 8i*k y<»u countv. Cal., on Mr* A. S. Hammond and her little girls, town Mr Bohanan, formerly of Talent, is now during the week. !»« half of Mr. Maben. 1>. m »craticcandidate County r«>u«i petitioned f«»rby L. A. Mur Cordial. Once used alwa) s taken. Relia­ Ashland.visited Die family of John But­ located un a valuable ranch in Lion county. ble .uli prompt. Pleasant to take Imlts- ¡ t«»r sh«riti at the recent election, asking of phy et al , r«>ad ordered penrd terworth at Yreka during the we« k. Mayor Woods of Woodville was among a recount uf the vote lor sheriff be Ordered that the tax levy L»r the year Ten thousand feet of lumber at Sam’s val- lænsible for niwwr troubles bold by all that Jacks nville’s visitors during the week. hail There are strong reasons fur believ ­ Mrs. Nancy (Vane an«l daughter, Mrs. 1<*> ’«e fixed ar 2u mill* on tne «mllur. i>-y sUmol-house for .aje bv Scott Griffin of ' druggists ing ’hat st ine strange «level* pments will Walbridge of‘8 skiyoucounty, (’al., w« re at He is as agreeable as ever. A nnmm-r of bill* were audit**«!. Tolo. • J M. Thompson, recently api* inted re- bj math ami *li «t Mr. Maben may be en- the county-seat on Tuesday last. W. H. Parker this week rc«'.eive nt Centra Point. Mi-s Agnes (iibson, late of thi» trace,was valley. litioti to Medford are offered on favorable practical mtller.and is sin plying resident, I' Ilt'I’LA VINO They are beauties. G W. ( latno of Gohl Beach, Curry married at Los Angeles, California on the There will be tu»key *ho-»ting. h»»rse rac- te< ms. ot L«*e county with a superior quality ot c«*unty. and Holmes Bro*, of b>tna, th 8 29th ult., to a gentleman nain d Warner ing an«1 a masquerade b.ill at Centrai Many minor improvements are being Rum’iiel Bros, on Klamath, river are , f! V • (mu'y. a e remembered by the weekly 8 Point on Christmas* James M Cantrall and bride visited Ash­ made in Jacksonville and substantial « n s Hammond « B.igci ■« lb» latest law »ml F. ‘ Fxaminer ’ in ’t> presentation of valll target and turuey shooting will c« in pu t ig tn an improved pump at their wi 1 be commenced in the spring. abstract firm at Ashland Jlr Lr gzs 1»'" able s (ivt-nus to it* Mibscribers this year, land immediately after the wedding I hey inence st 10 o’ch»ck 'harp. !» stum-« l«u> u> me. have our congratulations and best wishes. Tn"«. M les and Will, Webb have arrived re-ent arrival lrotn Minue.ots. and 1 be f e fo'iuer et* IB h chance and the iat er yards « ft-hand and 17 • yards with le-t, or K-atius 4 White received last week a EM’H IAl.tA FoRTHE ll<»I.IDAYf, COM- M. G. Munley of the “Catholic Sentinel” from KJama’h countv with their farni ies. any other diMa« cr ib.il parties stio ting huge assoriiuent of gents'and ladies'fine firm succeeds to the business of A. b. Ham 161st« h n ««• from tRelist of presents, rang- n g trom a pair of 8U.*p»*mlers to ten acres at P«*rtland «as v-mvassng this countv to spend the winter in the valley. moud. rosy agr»e up*»n. MSTING IN PARI OF shoes. • ut orange or«-i)Mf»i. during the week in the Interest of his ja Horse ra« ing will comm» n«-e ut 2 «•’< «•• k The Baptist Sunday-sch ol c invention, Somebody must have wrdic > a le"er to GOl !» AND SILVER W \T< HE- AND JEW. per. l'alii"! Kt bards of Gold Hill took a trip Santa Claus t • "end «11 Hie k *'d Jackson- First race, single dash « I 5ts> v.»r«i*, free held at Grant's Pa u not long since, was The paint« r* ate to» tHi*y tutting on EERY. <11 Vl lt \X|) PEA I’ED WARE. . I to Liun county to visit relations during the Ville buys »nd girls eotu* thing nit e for th«- lit shing t< u« he* a’ the hand*"nie new well attended ami «piite interesting. I 1.1 G AS I DRESSING AND PER 1» C. Herrin theEi*t Portland photog- -I'm* wdl be fulh»wr«i by pony rates, eh . I week. Christmas the way the 8. L . \ ariety S ore Ager R R. depot, w di h i* of the newest rapher, wa* joined by Mr*. H. last week, I I Ml RY < AM>. < I ANDARI» The most beautiful marble ami st >ne The WO-ysrd ra« e will l»e «»n. of the pretti- Bin»K<. I W Y MIRRORS. d» sign. .«nd'a:«i to be the tine*t looking she having c«»ntinued to reside at Ashland wok. and h* aps'*f it i> now be ng turned 1. ui'es' all wool sacking, lj, yards wide is tilled. -est races ever seen in southern Oreg »n. UNI.-I Pi lli I Ml>. i HRISTMA*» AND railroad binl-nngon the entire line of the s'naSO c’.s. per yard, at Kearnes 4 out nt the Jacksonville Marble Works. NEW YEAR s » KRDS, ET« The war department has transferred to C A O R. R it i* located near »he hotel tip to that time. In the evening there will be a grand at he- • the secretary of the interior, for d .1 and >tore, a nu»«e conve nient point than ma qtierade bail at Fmdenburg * had. A 1 Jos Simon, receiver of the Oregon im­ W.J. Plyniale, having purc.hesed one of Which I » i- M‘Htng iv. tin ibou.d mask «nd e» j >y them*« ive>. Mu*i« it was the -on of "B ib" McDaniel who tion under the law, the mili a-y re-«';“; he old fretgin .Uj. ’t «here trains fotmer- provement company,has made several trips D. Linn's dwel ing-houses on Oregon «tre t, 3,0u0 by Fitzgerald's «»rtbe«trM Reception ««»m- ws> kule't by the railroad near Biddle last tion at Fort Bidwell, coni nnmg through «he county on the 8. P. lines sine® is having it neatly tilt« <1 up and enlarged. ly siuppe«!, *ays ih»* “Journal.** zuitte« -Mrs. Elia Lyne» and Mr. ami M « week. acres. hl* appointm« ut. Show hunf love, friendship and Andrew Cantrall of Applegate brought a Jacksonville, Oregou. >hat gambling was rife m the community, Isaac F. Bassett of Gal“* creek has re­ The ’»iikiyou C«»n»«>lidate»tfnt, will s great many. both winter and summer r*»n l»e obtain?«! t ■ w *ki. 41«v«*a^**l. A young man who was taking a ride in Josephine «Hiunty last Friday. She has county, and has gone to as-ume .' •nta « laus is again in the land and has «»Th E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE by fol owing Braver rr thtewn from ll-e t«»p • of a eral months past. eounty < »uri ' >f Jack*"!! county. Oregon« Bit ­ Variety 8 tore. and if wvu want s.iinetliing Oregon line, for cunne« ion with r«»a«.s the * Feast of the lmlll «I UHteC net p mn G. W. Bennett has sold his farm n ting In probate. <-X'*-utrix of the eetate of freight «-.if by a lurch of th«- engine and Mrs Wm. Kahler wa* taken very ill af Pleas mt cre»*k precinct to hi* brother-in- G. Kar« w*ki. M> Rev i r«*t ipifa’«* i i»«*f\»«<*n two moving cars. Hr choice —better than y<*u can obtain ter her return from R »seburg. and since qincasUver company will bui d a mad of ilus section, lias been elected marshal ot Ka'her Clark A l per-on* iii Drain Oregon in Illi* w«-re trrtibly crushed. The body Mond*y and Tuesday her recovery was Ca ifurti’a, Our customer* all tpcak hu ’ b'y in praise at home —end to us tor wh.it you 1 considered doubtful. tli'iae having olainis against the «état» wlU Beaver down to main Beaver creek, it th« was taken t<. Grant's Pa** and interred bj Mrs Sar^h Cantrall has been appointe«! i»res«-nt them at mj r **¡*1«’nc« In Jac|»*onx-lUe. Citizens and county will meet them with a Clothing and gents' furnishing goods of of St. Patrick’« Pill*. They are the 1 ■ st.— rr .«lives r» ar the mouth of Applegate. Mr* Max Pracht and son left Ashlar <1 adtu want and you will find tlint the lu-kaon ixiuuty . Or..w1Ui th« pruf»rr voucbne will thore thaii pubhcation ot this uotic«*. to assist Max in “ eating fat ” during the I il Haskins, .vledford. usual notice. A stirr cure for t'.e whi*ky habit ____ Dr. long w nt- r evening».. nany offer to but «i w II be alami ♦» mi e- , Date*! Dec. 12, I«'. Caitle are in prime condition on the Living*!«.ur * An’i I »te f«.r Drunkenness offset the trouble. .1« »IIANN \ K \REWSK!. long ami willco*t nt lea»l (W a mi e Remember that Pr Mar* <>111. *l* mist.will ’U. J. J d’O’i and wife of Eugene ; Mr* J.Wat'O’iuf Ja« k* »tivi'le lecently I Executrix ot th«-la^t wi!l an! tcMament of a* the country i* very focay, says th» range, at d loa-es will he light this season make you a full hl I er ami lower ,et,..l the w II cure a iy « «'C f th»* I q;ior habit in *e H- reat \sblaml an I over the 8i*kiy »n* to | received the vad new* « oí I he death of one <; Kan-w-ki. «!•*•«-as«*d. in cut sequei ce. it' tii t n to thirty «1 «y*. from tiit mo leratr Yreka “Journal ’’ best teeth for otdv Î'-’ô. of her hr »thers in Maint H - was a most drinker to Jj<* «iiunkard The Antidote view the scenery last week, b« f »re return­ esttnmble genii« man. The latest, newest and nicest holiday guaranteed. H * • ffi e ing to the Willamette valley TE arc ing the lat. -t idea*- c in b«* given 1.1 a cup ot c ff'« e wi'h 'Ut tlir go Ivi !• precinct was here lu lge Web hr. 1) strict Attorney Co’- the very lowest | in Toilet <\i«e>. -iiver fit­ Numerous < >>n»pUii4. ate i.«arr«cti< r wbM h «•>.«. «>1 our livriy boy« are 8- e the grand display of holiday goods at i* once til re btiim b ' g ut in th new* wav. Manufacttir»«1 by the Living-tone Grant * I’a** next week, where a special less hunter ■ ’ had fatally wounded a tiñe III thematf i ot th«* « Mat«* «•! John < antrall, ting'; Manicure Set'. t>ilver 'h*-4*a>4s«|. ge ting into ot rutinin.' l»ot.K-r»<'.s on Sun ihe 8. F Variety Store New goods com­ paper field,hav ng invested n a h .If mt* re«, t'hrmi' a Co . Sa i Fran.-isco, Ct'., or f otu term of rotirt will open < n the 17th. horse belonging to him. «»TI< I H HEKEin GIVEN THAT THE [nawiekiy.al fndepeti lence Folk county VC M.»r'l< r-A t'o. s«,|e ak«*i t*. R'»*rbt»rg ; day, lor m rry, ut ti,<" viciury ol town ing in every day. ting>; Jewel ('a'« -;. W.n C'»unt\, Or«*g<»n, ait. E 1’ Vickrov of Forest creek disposed tr.ni«*, and wtnl«* tlx* I imkh do*-« not d«*. r*' Ashland’s enterprising vming fellow*,were of the very best washing imidiine* in ide, ting M« dforu, U eg«»n. itin Glove an.l Handkerchief in Tr «l»al«*, atratrix «»f th«* «-state We recommend 1»» Witt « t **hc HT.d to »«».«• a. a c>..or, th«* < inplain'« wtmb of his upper mining claim to Peter P. at the county sea» on Wednesday of this an 1 is taking orders for the same. Every of J<*lin ( .infrail. 'l«va*«*L Cb le*a Cure tiecaii.e we b Itev» it a xafe (.»«>- len brothers, Jam«*«, Henry ami we* k, on business at the court-hon-e. bouRewite should have one. some ot our b,-f citizen« «re maki g c*>i,* Bl e k during the weak. Ali P’-raon* i»uiebr«d t«> aaid estate are re- tses Hand-Painted Opal PI hc - and reliable reined». Its g *or s~e <»l ( e I'nlontiiwn. Ja*k' *o count*. Oregon, with ratues. Toys, Gann-.. Picture ly, but sometime. , lime re,.r«.ai!• ptnng for another arge under- ha* been in town c«»n*inuously ever sin« e friends. very banebiuai etteet in ike loug run. IF from th«- first pu!»llcation of this untie«-. ■ taking, getting an irrigating ditch from ■sreported. Munr b* y« of a larger grown, doubt he an interesting one. and should be tbc efl.ct tliat Representative Merritt is » Dat«*«! Decvml'cr 12. I’-'.»U. Joseph Clift of Talent has been in San ! R-gue river «ver their rain hes on the Francisco Perry Foster of ruble Rock pre« inct, SAKAI! A CANTRALL, are ur tutg ib« youi g.tera to ib«»r <»ar»«. wen aitended by teachers. during the week, and Intended candidate tor speaker o' the lower hoil-e of F rt Klamath r »ad 1’hey will begin w rk to visit the B»-Bnmy colony at Kawenh. who was in »own not long since, intown* us A'lminiMnitrix of th«- otato «»I John Can­ (optilar Mriitimenl»bvu.il ditrr them from I'e Witt’s Little Early Risers. Best little 'be Oregon legislature. trail. «hveaavd. on tin- *auie in a *h »rt tun»*. I «»¡sting in it. Tul ire county. Cal..before returning home. that Innes Ellattof Flounce R ck precinct, pill f- r Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach. Bad AS will he seen bv ou» real-estate trans­ who has been dangerously ill, died a few Better Than A Gold Mine —Ten acres se Hr'atli. Sold by E. C Brooks. Miss Jane DePvatt of A «bland, who has days since. fers report, B F. Peart has disposed of hi* to I rail when ma beni ip • «mdit <.p. w 1 Administrator's Notice. Snuday M«>niing'* Blaze. Circuit court Is still in session, but will pre-emption claim tn Flounce 1» *ck pre yield an in<*«*mvoi from |3t)U0 to |4500 per been soj ourning a* Grant’s Pas* for some­ Our cat »'-ns were arouse«! at an un­ adjoti'ti next week, reconvening after tbe ci-ict, to Mrs Hilda Salstrom. who will year and requires no expensive machinery time past, last week departed for Sitka, Got off too Easily, Alaska, where she wi 1 spend the winter In the mutter <>1 th«-«‘state of Enos Babcock* holy hour laHSnnday morning bv an alar«», term fur Josephine county ends. establish her hottie there. t«» operate it. A Iruit-raiser in the Wiliam with f'iends from t h s section. (!«■cea*4«*L of hr»*,« auxed by ti.® burning«»/a siuad w«t Sin rill Birdsey and J lm Dyar took . ’ . • it«* vall»-y requires but a small outlay, ha- The Pl*'a«ant cree< s ho I hnu«e ehe’-itl Binlsey atul wife tbis week com- GTK E HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE bouse in the re «r «•( Fi*ti«-r’» m«»rr. The W.R. Porter of porter, Krh'e**inger A Co., 11 Preston, sentenced to the peniten iarv li s ali the advantages of a < ivilized and been coniplel«*l at d *»• ti "*l w.ll contene ru nee housekeeping in the Maegly resi ­ uml« r-n«M Im - I" • n appoint«-«] administra­ engit e wa* *o« n on hand, but a leng >ty •»• • w «* m the valley this w»-« k, on a blind h T*e for a ye.ir lor stealing x. vcral ar ti'-b s f om OF — th-*re next Holiday W. J. Suide» in . barge. « til ured s«»'ie«y. i»a* g<>'«1 and conve nient trading tor <»t th, '-tile «»t l-.nos B-«l»»-'»«-k. d« ceased, lay wa* rau*rd m getting i» str« am of waler dence opposite the court house. expedition. The day wa* e ’ ear J. B Sollner, to bdem. Judge Wehstri mark, t* and rc< «• ve • a b«*tler ncome ir-»m ¡iy «ltd« r ««>-e n«»l cure 8 ck Headache and regulate the bow- fleet» cred't upon ail concerned. Above G' hh U Httd Many Others. Ail p« rs«»n< li tx mu claims against said such a Sight sentence, as the bunches ot any o’h' r I nt* of '»uGiies* You can vet steer cle irof Phoenix for a while. working a* nicely as it «h-»lid h «ve «tone. e s. Soln by E C. Brooks. an* In r« !•> n«.tiiunl to pntjent them, P. Britt favored ns with a hottie ot hi* tins lat 'I fiotu t > >75 per . F. W. ToT-ler and Mi«« Ida, daughter of keys he had in his |»o«sessloi; and the nu­ <-stnt«' acre • f The with tin pro]»« r \ ■ iicli« r-. t«» t h«- undersigned, 1 he building was almost «‘omplrleiy burn­ Uhequaled i larei this week It 1» not sur­ merous thefts tie so deftly cumin tie ! An extraordinar ly large reduction in all passed bv even the <;alif trill:« article, arid Oregon La d Company «»I Salem. Oregon. R-v. Aifam K it p « 1. formerly uf Jackson­ while in Jack*«»nvd »• -h-»w him t » bt‘ an within six months Item «l it«- h« rcef. ed up, but n«> other damage resuitr«!. Dated tlr- I»«-«-« tn!" r 12th. lrtfl). Crit. Tuitnan i* at h ni-‘ from Alaska and ville, were married at the home of tlie experienced and impuduit «leak tbiei Marshal («rime* was ;>r«»mpiiy on hand worsted piece g, oils at Beanies 4 White’s all who try it are loud in it. put-.* Mr bride’s parents in Portland L>ec. 10, JK90. BEN. It \YM<»ND. Administrator. to • un«l the hr-l aldrin, ihe origin of this week. Ca l and get bargains. * B. has manufactured a large quaiitity * f wi 1 r> main m A*hlami tor some weeks b»- Mr. T »rgler is a leal-esta’e dealer of East The fact that lie ch>»Me h’s bosom friemls \V. II. E akklk . Att’y lor Administrator. f<> e rem1 ning to h;* po*t < rit. now has a the tire is thought u» have been a wooden wit.e tbis season. and employer »■> victim*, aster ge i ng into Portland, ami they will reside there. Our eii't-of-the-nioiinlaiiis cousins are f*t position .-«t Wrange), the saiue th.tt a*h-ii"Pj er/auani-L II»® «-Hi d ng. clam rotis fur more ram. They fear a Pre«« dispatches reported las' Friday ( nr » John Wrisl« v had aceept'il S<»nie« Hon. Henry Klipnel returned during the their go >d graces, and robbed them right repetition of the season ot ltOttl. that the train which was .term e l by time up«». 8<»m**««( heoffi i<»lis Republican w« ek from a h’irried trip to Chicago, to and left, nonchalantly inaintsining Ins FURNITURE FOR SALE Elrrtrii* Bitu-r»* g off an open switch at Marysville. «* *il creek s< h »>1 above Ashland will runnit lime, also stamp him as «a criminal in '.XI» Cal was wrecked by tramps, who 'hr. w i I’m 1»* John wa* too old to attend t > th** inis-i >n at the city by the lakes. He I Tbis remedv is bec«»nnng * » well known be 'aiigtn by l'rof. A. L. Haseltou of Eagle re- open the switch with Hie intention if ! dunes ot the position, however, at.d “Son p rt-ti ip weather prevailing on the ■ other whom there is no guile and a thorough and xo po; ular as t«» i v«d i o special Point during the winter months. confidence man This is pr »bablv not the ditching the engine and cars. ’OTELLOR RENT |< 'rit.’ was promoted lbst» ad. To say that side of 'he R »ckiesas well a* here. nientum. AH wbu have ur«| Electric* first tune that l're-ton has been behind N< b dv can compete with the prices ( Mr. Wri* ey was indignant owr the tri« ky Biturfl aing th«* same s«»ng of pruia»- — A Once in seven years — the body is re ­ the bars lie hotild have been put in pr s- a-keds at the 8. F. Variety | pr«« e. dings i* putting it Very mild. pu When yoti can get an ENTIRE ACRE of booby is 1> conduct since arrest <1. liver and idney», w.ll remove pimple*, eg- u'rix of the estate of G. Karewski, bi«»o«1, and gives a new ini|»ettis t«> life. *ulij «-t to bowel complaint. If so. they Ing. w hh-li i* a sub-taut tat bi i< k one and «-s- • he b«*st fruit 'and i*» Nickel'S Addition to bud», *alt rheum and oilier affectiu >.* uecea-ed. See her notice elsewhere. peeiallv il-s|gni <| f<>| t io* h"t< I l»u«in<-M. will *h n d try <'oainberlain'H Coilc, Cholera Medford for the SAME price? Boid by a.I druggists. cause«) by impure L|«»"«l —Will drive ma­ al * l.»w rile to r«*-|»oii8ibtt' partir««. an 1 I 'i tri I»«» .« R m< ffj It will at! -r «1 Co es it, fifteen tinn ite« ; Pre I .11 s ■ lie f renic'l Nickeii’.** A«id tion joins Medford’s wes­ laria from the ayatein ati'l prt-vent as well F«>rfurther part u-iilars appi\ to Our • *cbanett* note the |ns»*agp south a'lno*! '(iini' li it«* r« lief, and when re«tuc««i t h stmaa festivities m proapect are en- corporalion line, is situated in abeau- Ake/’ I J il« IA M. Jack« rnvllte. as cure all malarial fever-. b«»r« ure «Í grus ii gthe minds of the litile folks. Only to ihe ha«*rnment«» r« pair ««bop* last we«-* wnn water 1.* p e.tsani to t ike. If taken as tern 'ifulmm»lip.»tion ami in«nge*i on tr> t wo w • eks intervene before the 25th. of the wrerk- Ji, soon a* th« fir-1 ¡tolicition of the disease -to » ’ m ihr w «»I the Medf<»r«i >ch«»<»l-hous**. Electrn- Bittern —Entire *at**f »• t-«»n guar w hich w»*r«* in a terribly «lilK| i-!:«t<* I ««»n- is lelt it will ward off the attack. Many Ill»- lami I* psitTiilaily adapted to hort- Ja i >s -S'eei assures tbe Klamath city I I | dit|«»li. an teed, or monev refunded.— Pii«e sz ct.s. folk- N w Irmk* iia«t to b- p aced people us« it tn this wav, and find that it ' iidurr, mid great return.* would be real- I.at work will once more progiess on under several to enable ¡he n to ke«*p the never fail* them. A 25 or 50 cent b»li!e ized mere fr'»m tv few acres planted in and >1.«M> |»er bottle at m H drug *t«»re- tbe into a' that point in a short time. rails at ail. ma\ be obtained fr »ni l)r. J Hinkie, Cen­ prune», p- .n he», grapes, etc. For the coining year will l>c noteworthy for a number of special W s Ci. well has had teams engaged in Two <»f it* lies' features are that it is free Burglary at Medford. W. 8. Crowell has take-n ponsrsRion of tral Point and <». 11 Haskins. Medford. features which the Publishers believe are of very unusual interest, hailin g .uiub r for a dwelling on his recent­ the tine farm be recently purchased of John Keown, the worthv postmaster at from city taxes, although mt lying a great LasI Saturday morning, just before day­ ly i ur h «-• d ranch near town this week. and among them the following may l>e mentioned :— distance from the business ixirtion of Med Keown, Alleghany county. Penn., say.*- [ G«-o. W. Stevenson, situate'! in J 'Cksonv lie break, iM'tne our ng burglars broke int-» Every bode knows scrofula to be a disease I precinct. He will devote a p«»rtion <•( the “CtnimherlMin's (.’ough Remedy sells be'ter ford, while the Jacksonville-Med ford rail­ Adkins A W»-bb’s hardware »torr, road will run through the land near the that* any other ’ ’ I ‘ he reason of this is be ­ through the front door, aid nn««h- w.v of ihe b>.... I. and Hood's Sarsaparilla is I place to orchard purpose», and will make cause it «an always be depend««! upon north» rn boundarv. exter sive improvementfl b« fore many AT contributes to the Deem.'»or number 1b«- firm of a serie* of four •• Aiti« li * np<>n Japan, ' It* the hi st remedy for alt blood diseases. with a <|uantity « f ammunition revolver' It ha* b?en laid out in tracts of five Let any om* trouble«! witi» a severe cold months roll round. people, itt» ways, and it* thought*. Mr. R o I mti Blutn. who wa< commi*aiei»«'d t«i *•* t<. J hj hh including a large C«»li s n»vj* pistol^ A tew copies ot the American Settler's for Scrlbp«‘r*H Magazine, baa prepared a very r< ma«kahle mt I»* • ! «irawing* to 1 liiHtrat« Kir give it a trial and they’ will find that the acres and less, an«! will b«* sold at very rea­ knives, cu'lery, • tc. Nt clue P» the per|e- Guide, standard authority on all land I The f »rnial transfer of the Plyrn le first dose will relieve the lungs and make sonable rate* on the most favorable terms. Rd win’* paper*. Article* upon the r«x*ent Ja|»anc*e F«-*tival, will l..Hhe sys’ern of all symptoms of year, lions, just alter the nigb’wuiih bad re _F«»r turther i»articulaiw appiv to any rep­ railroad company, took place during the the cold. I he promptness and certainty ba* prepared for tbe January numbtr an important article «.;•■»» P.'gtni«* or th«- Grew! tired II ie generally tup|»osed to be the sotue articles which would make tbe nicest r»ast week, and »be work of clearing off the <»f this remedy in reuef anil cure of c«»lds utable real estate dealer, who will take African Forest.” An<»ther evDtributh*n in thi* fl«*l«i will b< Mr J * •tt K« Uh > ;,<•<« unt uf and moat substantial Christmas presents. •AT • work of tramps. ot and neighboring ground has been going h«s Aon tor it many sincere friemls and pie «sure in showing you the addition. th«* recent African Exhibition held In London. Both paper»« will !•• •<“ pl> II ii'ti»f<<|. Everybody can buy handsome Christmas on for some days. made it very popular. For sale by Dr. J. presents th s lime, hrcau-e they are sold so Hinkle, Central Point, and G. H. Haskins, Troopfl at Ft. Bidwell. The subscribers to Bincroft’s histoiv are M»dfvrd Physicians Consent. low at tleS. F Vareiy Store, Jacksonville a Serial Nov«-', by Robert Ixniia Stcvcnflon and Lloyd OstM>urn«». will run trt« i gii h 'urge pari gradually feeling Heir way out of’ th«* A Washington dispatch of Nov. 221 M ir . Emelin«* C. Hanna, missionary for 1st of the year. Illustrate«! bj Hole. A two-part story by Frank K. stockton w ill uiso ap|a ar. De Witt's Lillie Early Risers. Best The iiupr« 3-ion that the Medford s< h ol Baptiflt “slough of cespond’’ in wlm-h ¡h* y have says: Ii »true»« ns f< r the »1» >i d-nn e< t church, Troy, N. Y., twiya: ”1 am only Liver 1 ’ 111 ev>r made. Cure Constipation dire t »rs exjie yoti»u» g. n ’ leme-n who Ban e remsimd so l«>ng. 1 he 3!)(h and las' of Fort Bulwel* have hern r«cali«d, and too glad to add iny t«*stim »ny to th«- gr« at Lieutenant Nat I* Phis’er. First I fantry, I everytime. N-ne equal i'se them now. volume of the ren 'wn**l wor* ho bc-u with <’«•; tral P * nt ma il« ns is «n i ey value «»t Dr. Davhl Kennedy’s Favorite K<-inc- author of “The American (Ymmon Wealth.” wil* *rit<-a striea«»! F« m Aitlcl«* upon India Ihr December term of the circuit court issued and i atrm * can now offer complete ♦ rroHoit-». rite < a*e in po nt, where’ll • dy, mad«- at R«mdout, N. V. it has permanent­ wlio i* now in charge there, h •* I»« tn or­ youth* w« re < x imle-d from the Me«tfo «1 ly cured me <»f embodying the results of bis recent journ«y and stud lea on this land <»f m \« r-t tiding intercut dered to turn ««ver the tommand t«» for this countv was one ot tbe shortest >ets to the uni' itiatrd. school tor nine «fays for dancii.g with a Kidnefl Trouble*, anotlier officer of ’b-* regime’ll. It i> proba­ ev< r known. Not a jury case look place. Two “Bisters of Mercy” w re here la*t girl ar »lie olutT t«'W",wa* owing t<» Ihe fa* t Don't Fail to Call and See them before going ble that ii|»on receipt of the report of th of tin* Bladder, also of Consumption Jacksonville will certainly have a Christ Tuesday collecting f«»r their convent in tha’ the xotng m ** wa* smit en—.vi h Catarrh will be the subject of an important s« rick som« what upon the hi»'* of th«- siicceaaful Railroad inspecting officer a*nt there, the strieiary I would stat« that I us<*l Dr. K«*nn In vices, ’ ‘ Remedy with the full consent <»f my physi­ ol war will send a large retai. « t tr »ops. and “Management.'* an- some of thcsubj«-cta touched upon and illust rated. The < htl'ii• ti ex|iect Hand are entitled to it to do so from the Ar« bbiebop hii 1 I- ther w- v ett tin* x' ti-ig go t!«*:i rn exp *-ed cian.” 'h .« g« i.'-r li're , I>r. David Kennedy’s Favorite Remedy is a il emse ve*. Th - able-» >di •! i iz«iu ol i Tl e qqi e shipment from Siskiyou coun­ Clark. '1 hey n t*t If Youi House H on Fire from the citizen* generally. Medi r«l <»r any other town in th»- val ey Movcreign remedy for Nervouancaa, Rheuma­ wi 1 not aggregate more than 125 car­ tism. Kidney and Li ver Complaint, and all th«* woii!«l t»e only t"O gl ««I to ‘ -xp ise th m* Ives Ynu put water on the burnì» g tin.ber*, n t ty is the title <>r a novel collection of .rtlcl«,on wlilrhth, iiutlo r j - I »re-t « II <-oll»b..r»tetc ('barley Yen. who ha* rhirg»* of *«»tu<* ptxruliar to w«»im'n. it dove« tbe|M»iaon irlve the < liarocteristlcs of fsmoiw Ihoroiight.r«-«. TheHr»t. the KU hard HitnllOK «nd illu-ir.tod by Anhur B. LroM. OII k i. «ill billow <>u Ph-.d'lly you should attack tur di a'® n th' l»!o d, A lire <>f stylish gent's hats for the holi­ fur the contractors in the C w meek can­ maiden** ra /•. Kennedy^ Favorite Rrntedy. not in <7 y. ... ur .............. n<>.»e. R»ni'«v»* ** You L-.-1 tired—Do you knew cau.*e, and the l«»c tl eft'« (t *ub*ide.*. T«» do F. Variety Store, lake a look at them. altogether and ’hat it wi l take two months fare of «lie mile folks dictated the action The price of Scribner»« Magazine, admit* <>f adding h t-ul»'cri|»- what it means ? You are ner­ I Made al Rondout. N. Y. |1; 6 for $5* of the school dire« ‘ t«»rs at Mediord. this, take H* one’s other readiiig at very small <‘oet. Order* i-lionld be blood purifier which radically and p» rma- "of Legal Blanks. W H. H arnpton, collector of mining nently cure* catarrh. It also strengthens made an assignment for the benefit morning—Do vou realize the cause? sent at once. A Wonder Worker. A full assortment of b'auks for the use th«* nerve* Be sure to get only H< od's creditors, naming James 8. Rodger, as statistics for the census department, ha* Your api* tile is ¡««»r—What make« assignee. been detailed to colled information rela­ £.3.00 A Y EAR. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young mm of of justices of the peace and constables cun 25 CENTS A NUMBER. > arcapanlla I livv. Father Champagne expects to tive to the mineral springs of Oregon, and Bu’lington, Ohio, states that be had b.»»*n always le found at the T im km office; also it i : You . im - iu like a ehaugeu spent a portion of the past w»ek in tin* deeds, mortgage-, bids of sale, leases, me ­ under the care «4 two prominent physi­ Im I a church ami locate a bister's school Mebo«»i Tax Levy. p>i ,n to your friends—Do you county, also visiting his blue gravel claim» cians and u«e«l their treatment until'he chanic's lien-, bonds and every legal The school n.»c ii g l*«-!«l last M< nday ai Lskevtew in the course of the next few oyer on the Klamath. was not able ,o get around, l'hey pro blank generally used in (Deg m, Thev are I: ow v hat is the matter, or has months lor the | ur>M»se ot j •‘•'•ing on tin' tax levy printed after the latest and best forms, and 743-745 Broadway, New York. t'.e ch; been so gradual it has N" Unping, no Nausea, no Pain, when A arge number of our friend* from nounced hl» * »se to be consumption and will be M»ld at Portland prices. Tberesi* que«*ti«»n, ah )e i»ot a* in rral v ait»r.ded .»bl** He was persu uird to try Dr, lie Wi t i s LitHe 1.>t'le Early Kisers are taken. 1 RygnM Evans and Pleasant creeks were at th»- th- incur a* desirable, was yel “large and r«*i»« < ’a I De cM.-ai>ed your notice? no necessity (or sending away for your King ’ s New Discovery for consumption, ble ” ai d it unanimously decidrd to Mnall pill. Sale pill. Best pill. Brooks • countv-saat during the forepart of tiie coughs and col l*, ami at that time was not legal blanks ‘ week, - being witnesses m th ....... - Neithain^r- able t » walk a» r »s* ’he street without rest levy a ta \ of .'» mi' Is on the dollar for school sells them. Ynu have Consumption Uwings water ease. We V/. are ... irlad to learn ing. He found, before he bud used half of purposes. J ckmrtivill«- » rif'zen* are deter- No wonder I he children — and old folks, Dr. Acker ’ s English Pills that ni»ned on eastairnng ti e h gh reputation of too—linger at the S. F. Variety Htor«*. that a compromise was etle tsd, so We do not say this to frighten a dollar bottle, th »t he was much better; Are active, effec tive and pure. For sick head- I vnr pnid'c wcho • s. v li ife-yer happens. l.e co «*inin»’t» us t *n H< to «lav e».j v- a* o > r..r > . , . • f • ■ frrihlc disease. Thera ft.at ni e di*pliy of holiday goods catches neither party will be itmired. ii«», disordered Btuina« b. Iosa ut appetii«», ing go » i healih. li you ii.avr anv thr» ;t, their e^c. and biliousQ» ss, they bave i ■ it t.n.i1 J. b. Muller of Ashland br •’ r hi- huwe i lui g or < U-sttroun) •, trv it Weguar«nt«e bad coniplexiun i e ■ j) u '-. ik " recommended by Physicians, . _ (>. E. S. Keeling- n«»v* r bS-n equaled, u(tbvr in America or ! wh; re a'l eh« f ills. Pleasant and agreeable to the R yc« Lansmg added to tbeir fams in and distorted ins features by falling It mn satisfaction. Trial bottle freest all diug- abroad, —------- , at Mrs. Loftus* rc -i iene- after stores. Tl err will he a re n.«r»l»«f» n.r • f A«i «rvl In* .-ection bv their performances at Med the stoop i -ta. Children tahrit without objection. D» druggist*. } .. on ijnir««:ay (ord ai d Ashland last week. They missed dark, one evening last week. week, Dr. p- > nge «.Latter N q •• <>. I ..J I Ml T.MMCr.. «■ ’ ' ' ---------------- ------ ------------------------------------------ Turkeys Wanted. J Am “ “ I • veiling. Pee 1Mb. Ali meli h r- are re- ap olihtb e entertainment by not coming straightened out the injured member, and Lt cure headache >nlv— Prcs'on’« Heil- The higi eat market price paid (or iv® ijiie ttd to be present. . with >i t tai1. (ul^er is recovering his wonted cum- (É lU IILKt AM» I H» K» I’ » i .