HER* A.M> THKKK. J Buy a White. The White is still king. oliiCIAl SAPIR OF JACASJN COUNTY, FRIDAY OR ...DECEMBER 5. IMO Maw Meeting at Murphy. A mass meeting was held at the u«ual place ot voting in Murphy pm inct N >v 21. lor the purpaisa of discus«.ng an I ad pi ti • some r,solutions tn ngatd io the prop. «<<1 Oregon tax law. The meeting was called to onl.r a oh F. G. Pay tn «tie chair, Georg. A F. tin a. ling as secrtiary. Bv ord, r of the chan tn u. the bill was read. After some dism-non the lol owing resolutions were ’ead amt adopted : K sholvkp , That we. voters qa>se t*e sanato,ial committee. l«t. W e favor doing awav with county assessors and bevo g pre.-lnct a«se«aor« instead, to be e ected bv the voters <.t the precinct. 2'1. W’e favor the county court acting as a board of «<|Uadza'lori. ■hi W e are in i:• ol >3* 0 as > ow. A It. W’e o| p. se eh. ir >■ llgh’. t. legraph . insurance, telephone compaio* s, etc, me1 Honed in th- pop..« -d mil pay n.g taxe- to the state trea.-nrer. wbt-h rightly lie ong to ihaditlvyrnt counties. 0:1» W'e o|>po«a lhe r-peal of the Mor' gave Tax law >.r any part of it 7lh. Al'O resolv'd, that hereafter w »• wilt m.t vote for any min rrgard e«« * ! party, who w 11 n .t p . dge b u.se ft» »rk atid vole tor th- same Af'er which F. G. Pay, G. A. Fenn an 1 Lee bdi were annoti.ted H~ a committee to draw up a p>t t' f p««at mistress of thr sen­ a»' -mj anied his -on Chas. Knighten to ate at the coming session of the Cal l riua J Hi’kronvil e ’•» attend circuit court this legislature we* k, hir I I»* tli «darted for home Wednes- All jurors except A. Throckmorton were «lay afrernoon v a lhe Rogue river route, « xpeclir g I«» encounter considerable snow discharged lor the term on Wedt;e“d.iy morning, nut a sing r jury trial having <»n tlie divide®. taken place. Manager Koehler, of the S. P. lines in O.e- from a We understand that a large number <»f g< n. obtained receipt“ in full number of pa*“engers injured by the recent filings on th« untakeu timber lands at the lira«» "f Rogue river were made at Ru.-c at C'dt nt near Salem The prices paid for such r* ceipts Cover amounts ranging from burg List week. llfin to $2.5nO, making a very heavy loss on An elegant ime of gent s furn shing the company. good“. f«»r the fail t'adr, has just bem re­ 1 he “Mair’ was unju-t to Senator “ i- <1 ceived at the 8. F. Variety Store. Don’t i'amcron in s'ating I hn » wet*k that In* tail to see them dam. Ii»er had gone east for a visit. Tiie Latest advices from Inni- £ l» tt of upper young lady rete”ed to was Miss Anni«* Rogue liver we*e to the »thet that he was ' ameroii. daiight* r »«f R J. (’ameroti of shiwlv sinking, witii c«»n*tant hemorrhag»- I’nioi town, wlio wi l attemi s« I (»ol at Limon. N«bra>ka from his lung“. PERSONAL MENTION. i S. S Martin of Taient was | business last Monday. in town on Theo. Engie of I’boenix was at the coutty seat on Tuesday last■ S. 8. Mar in d 1 Tw re in town oil real estate i > um I1< j - n this wrati.*»g their Wm. Jackson Armstrong w II b»gin the lia“ sren ny of Ids brother’s family for a about again after a -tores for the holiday tra«le matism. I f fails, money refunded ; Preston’s “Hed- lecture mti »* n at. Ashl «mi. arrangoli tur the “«•ore or none oi years Ake <*«»ming winter by thè locai commiltre. Tim“ E Nichols of Little Butte creo'k Sheriff Birdaey leave« for Salem this Date m»t yet lix d« at S F. Variety Store ® ■" B 11 ui • t Flounce Rock precinct was Ihrie should be at bast IWL Chas. H. Hull, who was s»*v< re'y n jur»d service, ( f as. H Fierce of Fro-J e«*t w «s at th»* in t»>w n a fr w day s this week. while make g a coupling <>n the r.-niru which H. Bios, hav • ik » o :hr *ia’r treasury at lea*t on«- half Art .rm \ (’ B. \V.«fs«»n of A bland wa* than ever bef«»re at the S. F. Variety Store. First-f n.-s cedar fence posts fui sale in been gathering f »r him. of wi n li, .o-coiding to law will remain down »O legal bu-invs*» \Vednt*s«irty a ibi »plantitie* to suit at the l’t mfr office. The usual number of i>arti<** and enter­ ye* I er*lay R- vs. C. H. Curtis of Portland a -«l E. S :ockei upfur.MX months. tainment“ are announced for the holidays. ( ranturr'e“. <*urrants and raisins for Williams of Cahforn a, «-onduct-d an nl'- Mrs. J. H. Whitman of Medfur-I spent Hon Ja* R Ne l ami wife drove UP to the holi-lay* at Kearnes A White a. Pre** dispatches report heavy snows in day y-ervice at thr Congregational Chur< h A-hirind Sunday, amt thr judge afiervvard* several imurs iu Jacksonville lust Mondai. the eastern states within the past few days. Miles Cantrall of I’niontown, is conduct­ at Ashland yesterday. ’.vent up to iii'pr-'i ih»* new bridge across \ i-ituig Ii lends ing a successful »cbooi at Phoenix. Tiie new national bank at Med fold will Southern Oregon’s representative“ in Emigrani crr*-k at the Shepbeid place. !. W Whittj’C’tof A’hlami was «»n h»n I M irs Ellen Burseil closed her term cf both houses of the legislature wi I work t-> I he *t<»"r w«o k on this bridge is reported f >r srvei:,l «lay- Hus week, in readiness f»»r open for business about January 1st, 1W«1. HH> r.ll $'>n Mt) Hr I t Hi “ch«*«»l ill»* l»«'*t in »be county, (he rock all bring it« th»* Antelope district iaat week secure state aid for a road fioni th- head of I h<>“ IL Whelplev and wife of Flounce *t h i: g a . r at C.«!.. w.»* in Ashland several «lays last ‘‘Courier’ cal rd «>n the T imi . s «m Wednr*- dress po>'«i . far« V goods, ladies' an I g« n»“' setdement »»f tne (j Karew*ki estate. rhe S. F. Variety Store i* the chnapt st day while visiting Jacksonville distance from th-- busines* portion • I Med week. furnishing go«»«i*. fin«* shoe-, hats and p’ace in southern Oregon to purchase hol- ford, while the Jachsunvill« -Medf rd •. i A’t -ri.vy* Burtmsbaw, 1‘hil! p*. Ham- idHy good*. Wright’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly purr clothing, all of will« It th* \ will sell al lhe <’h* i- e five-acre tr.i' t* in Nickell*.*« ad- r«>a«i wil run through rhe I*.mi mar the till *n to Mr«iior«i are offered on favorable An excellent rmiedv for cramp*, code ami iiio - i reasonable prices, »'ill an I see thrir m -nd a »•! iVal* m oi A.*h arid wer«* I'l m>rth« rn bound »rv T'm smitlib.niml train w 1« .lelayeif on term*. where u tonic for the stomach and bowels ; m w : »> «Is lx fore making your purchayes da.l . uliemiam*-* r of M» 4 s«»i»hb e rates «m the m«»sl f-«v- r «bo terms large assortm 111 of gents’ and latites’ fi- e at (be T imes office. flu»*»- wishing a f«»rd. take* p.»a*u-rc m ann-'ti >cing that Im tow: *t veral »ia\s uis We**k oil jury duty. Deputy Sheriff Arthur Thompson rcimnts • v z. one-third in cash, one tLir«! in <»(.«• sho»*». chance in th* grand Dr ember drawing w 1 oe in J.«' k*"hVi le "■ Mo: «l »V of each about H im he« of -now nt Sinkivou stxti«in year, ami balance in two y«a s. ( '»minis*Hiner* Taylor ami Hayiuono yesterday evenir g. l'he public school« resume»! on Monday, should semi m their names at once. week for thr a< < omnmdalmn of f >«»sr wh • F«»r further t»arti< u'ar* npplv to any rep Hr is pte- -tt« nded the regul ir month'y meeting of utable real estate dealer, who will taar aft-r the week's hoi div, cui»eqHent on the Rovce A Lai s ng'* company were hilled may n«« d anything in hi* line the »(»iintx hoard »»e«i.'i» -day and yc.-t«r- sn-.vv jn the Siskiyou* and an «»pen institute pleasure in show ing you the mi lition. for several points in this section They pa « «1 to do work m the iatr-t and in -*t ap- day. “win h ni»ile the northbound train \ hour« I. oi «* all wo«»! sacking, l’j yards wide have been having a great run among thr provrd *tylrs. D> not fail to give him ;• Inte ye«’« rdny evening call. Remember the time. Mondays of ’>«jiiir»* Angl«* an«i J S Morgan (»f Med- at *■ . *i cper yard, at Rtames «V Columbia river town* the past month. MMUAL INSTITI TE. each week. lord sp<-nt s« yeral days tn town this Week During the rond case onteat tb (“ w»ek. Wh ie * The y -ting f »Iks of Eaglr Point had a Hie local c»niniittee at Gold lln . «¡» "P The S I’. <’<»nipiiuy h.i* «'arried to th»* as member* ol »he regular p*.tn»*l of circuit th« countv c<«mniri*i ner’s court ’ “»,»ni was A “ hhu.«i merchants invested in S-utt pl-assn? da? at Pool'* h i I on Thank ­ the bu*iest place in thecmirt hoi 4»»e. pointed by County Superin»» »lent Pt i », r ij r*me <’ourt tiie t-.i'« * ol \Vi ham Guthi i«* c«»urt jurors. arrnued h* t«»i«»ui:g pr« gramm f -r <« v d « V ehre*«.* made bv .Manuel Pereira last giving evening Thr mu“»r w «* furivhr.t an«! Mr® Mi.ler who last month obtMine I J " Vesta! of L h I»* Butt** and A. W W. Forbes of Brownstown Josephine by Stidham and son ot Central Po.nt. “• 1 i««I list ; i u ‘ e 1»» b I»« hi at that p'ace on week. jiuigtmnt a gait si th»* uompinv in th»* (’..rmack «»I Big Butt»* precin« t were on county, wn * Mpf»uint» d h not»«'y public by S*.tur lay. Decern be- 20 h nisi; For furniture of every de*-ript w»n got«) -uni*» «'i I i'1»*’ami $ »»WF) re.*|>t*(*uvelv, a- iiHi.d,-ul.iect to call a* juror*,the tir-t three (« «vernor Pennoyer a few day « since. N »U s. receipts. <1 ur bills, drafts, etc., in M«»HM1.M> -R.-M«»N— W A. M b«»ok fonu bandy and first-class, at the John Gildrrslrrve of < entral Point H» tiama-!«**. in the Linn < ircii't court, for th«* day.- < f this week. Fraction*..................................... John E. B«»tt«*r. T im bn other Mr Huev. who not king • tince buieht » keeps a complete and fir*t-c a** assortment Ku ingot EneinwT J a« k Miler and i-’ir»*- P«*nman*hip .................................. H. A. Crvd«*r. M . < >!»em*hain of Sprague river vi-ited ram Ii on I.itile Butte creek <>( Lewi, Rees, mati (¿u tit Guihri»* tn the “Wl'cli nrcident and sells at the in<»st reasonable rate*. # S»-h«M»l i»i«*ciplim'.............. Supt C S. Brice. An’elop* s< hool distr ct has rr-organiz-d I»'- fnmilv at this place several days »hi- ha- returned to Eagle I’.iin’, to reside. last Numnirr. i AFTkHMyn* NE-.-iox—1; W r. m . The large*! and br*t stock of deeds a literary s«»ciety for the ensuing winter we k. He rep rt* every bine t! »urisbing M unic . .. The r .untv tmard this week authorized rn«»nth?. mortgage* an i »' k'n«!- of real-estate and S* e tin* ann »unc m- nt el-ewhere of the in K ami'll county this fall Grammar . . . « D. Griffiths rt.e school super ntrruh-nt to have hi« leg ii l> * *"Utn «•! s.»l« n‘. is kept at thr grant! ball to be given one week from till* <»• >ar.tphy Mim E Gi Iffiths. W (i Holme* and Georg«* Engl«* of Ash- otti -e in th- court house (feted up for offici­ R*»je ami JSIe«!gr tobacc« es are flvF.s oftit r and >•» «1 at l ori -iml rates. ••Vi no k at tl »* n**w Wimer school h »use on » >rt fit »graphy .Siphia Wilson. Ian ! w» re iu t'*wn prrpa't»! to serve their al bustles«. the !»<• st. For sale at the 8. b Query Box . Evo'“ creek I lie proprietor of »lie • oil';try a.* jurors if called on. last Momiay, >t re. ."now f» 1 to a » -op-hi» rabi»* d cents ttirtii-liing good* of higher divides during the re»*» nt -torni. h ii-« it» ib«« 11 * g t on, Ashland ( lothing Thieves road at G •elidale. evening, which was fairly w» i| patronize«!. D (' . wa* at A*ii ami duriliu* the week,as creek ptei'iin’i w« re among the for'iinatc v;<>. itv duri'gibe win» at an average pri • As a conciudii g item, un th«* two burg jurors to get on the gr «' d jury ami tl»ej of |12 per head. Toe total ■ i the injured in the Lake L a lars spoken < f in lhe article publi'he t m Jackson county can now cium to hav«- th«* a«!van«*e agent of a colony of prospect- tin»*h»r& ami departed bi»h A'f holiday goods at a heavy debt, but it has something to *>•■•« Ba« k* r from th«- same locality is also in j*a*senger ori Monday’s train f«»r Jacksoti- during the week. of them pleaded giplty, w is smt tic« »l to the s \ ar ety Store. New goals com­ for it. (til* section « n tli«* Maine ni’“*i<»il. the «tale pn*on f«»r on»* vrar, and was ing in every »lay. vi le. iiavt'g brought h< r little baby’ to this \ eit Shutx repleni*hever from a1, a’ta» k of lyplmid v«*-ter»i tv by »aking out license to sell malt J. W. Courtr ey uf Lake creek is working (’ordial. Once usr«l alw.«vs taken. Rr ta- last Tuesday. Tue other was taken *ntraet f«»r th«*in in advanc»* • f p.tired by her daughter, is vi*itmg her pital He wax removed there, , but died D 1. Mosier of Eagle Point h«« About panting 1 h»* immense p »“-ihnit« s at Mr:». Martha Fleck (nee Armstrong) of druggists parent“. Hon. Geo. 8 Wa ton am] wife »»f Monday night He Neemco t«» think nr E**t P«*rt and, v:*ite»i relatives in tbit Rufu* C»»x and .1 w. Cox » f (’»»ntrn: fonied 'l»v a few g«»o i cannerie , pr»»p»*rly Med’ »rd. her «ister Mrs. Geo. Hays of complete,i a rnmfurtablerr«:denre for him would die, ami did not want publicity City durir g the week. Point precinct w« rr Ill tow n o • Mo dn\ *'lfate»]. t> r con-timing the auipluN pro­ this place, and nam»*»»»us relatives am! •«* f Nt»«! iHphew. Frank Brown was the given to hi- real name aa lie s »id I he was < -i architect and builder. the transfer of then duct ot a val!«*y “'U’ti as ’in- ht ** hard y friend* hi the va ley. S B. Hull this week ««»!«! his ranch on last, completing respectable parent, tge aud had a i mother valley ram li to S. S Martin for *1 .dent r»*al z . m ! a* vet. Whenever we can market The Orhoco ''lirrigw*' call* on Judge R »cue over io Th »s. Whelpley. who will living I lie one who was *e:O below *.tn! Th«* marriage • t Miss Veriimia V. But k of such bulky products as v»ge’ables to local proprty. Bird to re* gn, it having been nearly a \esr lie was burnt «»ut m th- S*attl«* tire and take puss« ssiun >oon. ’ buyers hi unfimi’e«! J am» .* M. Cantrall of the •” be was able to attend ’o the bu-ine»8 he cuuM Rot beg, would rather steal thun Tiie best remedy f*>r head iclie and neu­ th-«t the tide of do'lats will once more *.*t “«me place on W» «i'lesd iy ot [this w ek is a D.«n Ha*k» 11, of stage time memory, i* of his «»ffi«* , »win? to ii health. I beg. ami “o lie stole. He, too, claiiue i to man» r for rm g-atul itioti to the frieti«H of b l«d I r the pos.tmn of deputy sheriff ut I ralgia is Wright’“ Paragon H»*n»ia« In* rein­ our wav. have re.*pert»b e parents. ed}’ Stops pain m five rui iutes. Harm­ S u ta C aia « utinf •, Cal. Turk-v shno'ine. horse racini: and k A sure cuie for tiie whisky habit Dr both of the » «»'«»rai ling parlies. We wuh less. tasteless, no bad effect* S<»'.i by a l I i Livingst»»’ie * Antidot»* fur Drunkennv** th»1 v un • «'on Iv long hie u i boumiless L-r .ii I nia«firrsw creek wa* last bad two fingers nipped off fr«»m hi* right »•an be given in a cup ot Coffee without the evenimr. w here about f r v c »uple* enjoyed men to till llieir fall orders, an.« Vra r l»nt- contributed by him to the recent I v is>tier»*g..n. M. L. iug will be the principal bug,«ess ..f t> e the “ R**c‘»rd.” ot interest to our readers, and replete with Mani'f»«" tin d by tn» L vmg-toi r Alford * ored-st .» tur. i*hr i 'tie be-t <«f next tew we< ks if it doer not turn ro’it. Our < U-tom- r* ill -peal, h *. ii v in n :o-e < wav. Owen Keegan acted as hai ill to the gr.»n«i informatiou n««t r»*<*«!iiy obtainable. Mr. l eini a Frv!■*.-«•• •, I'■»>. n ftom I mu*t«‘. Xoone would think it. to bark at them, Hsninion«! is thoroughly f;>mi tar with Hu juty an«i < h «s. Schuitz as bailit! to the co urt I of Bl. Patrick’* Pill*. The\ «re ili»* «»st.— \. (’ Mai -1« r- A ’ «>. le a_'» i t*. Ro « her B fkky B ro «.. » arro l Nebra-ka. F»»r *al** Wm Kah » r at <1 wfie 'vent to Roseburg b it the fi.rhtimr weight ..f three of our l-ai* sut jeer, «n«l ha“ taken great pains in thr ami triai jury itus w»ek. E < B ’•»*•* .1 o nsonvi le. Mtlki A Strang. ing . It xen«. S I. Hay. <■_ < Beckman hi d bv Dr J Hinkle. C*n:r; Pmt. am! G. I a * f Fr hi a y to attei d the funeral »»f ’ be I n !« p> ai a*ion of »he article. Hr was t aiur M« dfor«i. 0 »*go i Peter D.»y. W’il. am Bltakie and Chas. J. (« • •• g • Jt.bn-o:'. w i«> v •»* » h-oth* r «»f Mr*. Thos. <;. Ifeanm« i« the same to a notch. »» y mm h « bagrine.l at the < are es-i.r-.“ of ' Gate ol Pr »-p»ct were at Roseburg on lim­ H. Ha-kins. Medford. Mr S u'hwnk.a go - d-t at ur* d Re; uh i Kah er. Tin*.*. F. Kuler and w fe uf the proof rrndi'g in the -tile p:iniii»g ber laud pr <»t la-t week. ‘ A Social Irnrtitute is announce.! at Gold Remember that Dr Mso-otiv. d«-nli*t,'%ill can mad clrrs on liitv A“l)l i Sa1» Frai»- Floti "-e Roc hcc iu 11 ¡.-d them, as »lid office, and we have illd»*av*-?e«l loehmiUMt* makt* yon a fml upper a"d l *wer set <»i th* « * o run. t* Ils tin* “hiry, \vl;i h is too ;«'*■• Janie*' M !»••• on_’h aod wifeut Wil- H l f >r th» id’ll inat.. to be participated in 1’e W’nt * Little E irlv Kisers. Only pill to (best ’eeth f«»r*oidv $2«’>, and -.tti-fa« ti-*n ihe errors wh«h occur in ihe previ u- go .4 t» -»•« p ’ Wtit v i r »s-ing on the lo.y *i ri”g*. the latter » x »tiding their trip by the local teacher' of that progressive pubhcNtion, although the b-tani al term*, . citit* > ck Hcu«l tone and regulate the bow- guarantee*!. Hi“ oth-•• is in the f.S Contra C<»*ta tetry boat one nigh?, just ’»»A luny to\i*d tbe’.r daughter nsiding burg. All are invited to attend the ser- are “<»mrwh.it d tticuit for thr unin tiuteit to ! e s. Soi«! by E C. Brooks. sion.. Hotel, Ja< ksonville. after ileier. nt eie« ti«»n*. two tionest tdd theie. k< ep in order. gentlemen from the interior were di.*cu.**- Fred Barneburg. the cattle dealer, was E. Manvill. who «old l.ia ranch and We recommend De Witt’s Colic htm I ; in town fr*-tn Medfoni last Saturday uu Ch lera Cure because we in lieve it a *af»* ing the »tlvi i.* ot ihe Denio« ratic victory in mine? on Forest creek to Peter P Black a Killed by the Hirtender. PROF. Kor IIS OlM'fA Ein . | business at lhe court house. hr eastern “ tat» *. w-hen one said : 'll the a few days since, contemplates, a trip t • and reliable remedy. Its good effects an* ¡»»•in«»« rats have a ... majority ...... .... j .../ what do \ on R Ming. Cal., Dec 1 —A rep >rt arnveu Fmclaml tn the course of the nex’ f. w ^ave ‘h»* l»oy* and the girls from scrofula -bown at once in cases oi < tmlera M"ri«u K»|{ TH r. < l HP or < <.\>| MITIOV I*. « HEATING think tiirv will do about the M«Killle\ to night that Joe G«j«idwiii, an ex stage months. | ami similar complaints • ml o’n« r form* of impure bloo«i by giving mi GHi v:r-s COMMENT ON BOTH bill?’ The other replbd II they are driver, who has of late 1» en tending bar al ! them Hood * >ar*apanlia » «».M l N ENTS. Bet jamin McCreary, who w «. indicted ! The plat of the Orchani Home \-*o. honest they w i : pay i’. RvC rd. Fall city, well km»wn in s«»ulhern Oregon, bv til. late grand jury for the crime of «<11 i tion tract near Medf**rd w i* tib«l f r kdled a tuan <»n Sunday bv the name <>t Numerou* pensioners wer«* » b*erved B«*tt»* l’ h:«n A Gohl Mme Ten acres *e ing «piritumu liquors without license, was Al en. It appear* that Aim went into the 1 ab< ui tiie t*oui t bun-»* signing affidavit* a* record in the "t!i< e ••( tl.«* c»»uniy re»*or.k r to Iruit when in a t»eari,*e «*- N. C. Levering «»f Scott vaUev Cal , is tvehind the bar he wou d thump nun The Warm Spring« Agency Indians wnnt i Tiie Sou»hert> Ore*g«>n Stat«* B««ar«l < f to operate it. A ti iiit-rai •* • t i lit-tn i • • in 2u _'■!•> « n i — •<« ■', and Cheyenne*. wi 1 hang up a uberai pur*»* to b« • < mnet«*d h is all the advantages adv.»ni»ges of a « ivifiz-d ivi!iz *d ami t« stity that he cured r “ ai m* and told him to desist, but <««» -iw n in " Oregon and .... < nl- the Mo.lo, « and think t|i«y can get away De W itt - Little Early Risers. Best little for at the next f them r<**iding I tornia t »-•iay. which is no less remarkable witii Sitting Bull’s force, if given a show at tinu*t thr p at«4 out »«»on- “ide and snot nil L»r Djapeisia. >«»ur Stomach, Bad foais of 1889, brtd in thr* disirict. market* an«! receive* a better income from than th»* w<»n«b rt'ul discovery made by Pro- A en tbiuugh the b»a«l. killing h>iu in­ Hr am. Sod by FL C Brooks. them th»* * iiiiii * investment than can hr had (rum fesm r k • i h, of Berlin. A number of <-mig'ants pa“*e*ì tiironud any other line of btislne** stantly. Y»»u can ert A late dispatch reports that the Messiah An t‘X‘’a»»rale. II» »ME EVIDENCES. - this week. Ca I and g«*t bargains. • last week, wi'h the u*ual accmnp.m«m«*nt Marion Gnttio a t C »ironwood last Mun Th«- tollowing rrernt cure i- most eonclu- ami S< mmole’s tribes are the most iinrulv ; of dog*, loo*»»' stock and cbil Iren There may be persons in this community The J. K. Green sale at Eagle P»>int last the Kickapon tribe is always uneasy. Sn- «lay **io*»«i up ih»* suit** f the Burry I .»tai t«» wh«» are at lum:; trouble«1 wu h c «lie, or >iv« liotn«-« vnirm «* of Dr Abmn’s wondrr- Circuit court » onvenedon Monday morn­ subj»*cl to bowel complain?. If su. they fui siK-crss m curing asthma, bronchiti«. tierstitions dancing is going on. Geu’ge W Hopkn* iv-ll-t* i «■ week w;i* wel attend»«! am! the property ing with tiie usual number of att- rnev*, sh«>U <1 trv < nainbrriam s <’oilc. Cholera catHrrh aii'l consumption. hugti-liopkir* syndicate. The tract <■«»•>- *uid genetaily brought fair prices. Rev. J. R N Bell's busy hfe in connec­ ► ih .- ot .“,♦»! 1 acres « t tine fruit land. I«>catt«1 Il will affird tion with the "Educational' Compendium” A larger for« e is now at work in the Cow htigant.“. witnesses ami jurors in atten and Diarrh«>ra Remedy. It The docket is a very light one a*mo.*t immediate relief, ami when reduce«! bail a mile south of Cott« nw< od Calm r- cre» k « anyon than during the summer and dance H-MIERIFF. remb r< <1 it tnipoa.ihle for him to attend tl e imw« ver. and will be “soon «ione. nia. it is the purpose of the company to 1 the work in yet tar from completion. with water i* p easant to take. If taken a* district teacher « institute at Ashland fie colonize the tract as a fruit tract, ami »¡bO Royce A Lansing were gree»ef the '’Compendium," and the low price, hou*e8 at Me«i»ord on Tuesdav am! at A*h ik felt it will ward of!' the attack, Many Manon Griffin is a brother ot •"» ott Gr fli ■ paiiipuiet giving the full particular* of p» ople us»- it in this wav and timi that it fl per year,places it within the reach of all. laud on We»inesda’’ evening. Ihe » om ol Tolu, ami is well known in this see ti«»n. ihe Like Labi.sh railroad accident. or 50 cent b >ti!*• pany wou d have coiu»* over to the countv- never fail* them. A II !•:<•• H’ l.njNOT LIVE Ml ;’H LONGER. An Interesting case ha« been pending in mav be obtained from Dr. .1 Hli.ke, (’« n- -eat. ha»i tl»e railr«»ad be« n t*< tnpiete»! If you '»itTi r from catarrh whv don't you Justice Plymale’a court for some days, T«m*li«*r» Certificates. f ral I’omt and <» H Haskins, Medford. taue Il«*«ai * >ar-ai art -b:. »he coni iron sense Onvoftlu Mist Remarkable Cure«» on Record. wherein one of our dealers is endeavoring J W Hockersmitti, assisted by T. J. Bell, lhe billowing obiamvd certificat«« <»t remedy Considering his Physical Condition. It has cured many people. to establish the fact that a debtor wa> leav­ will kill ami pack si» »ut »MX» head of hog-» S >me little time ago „ a . i fication Bl 1 r»-g-.!.ir t ..» • f \ el ing the State Without settlement. A« the before the season c’o*« s He is affording wli it purported Iu tie a gobi nugget bef«»re am nati* n. <*« nduct»d by bupi. P»ire and 11. E. Dulvnon. wh*» committed suicide a market for the local product, beside* IN JFSTK’E TO HR. A BORN departing debtor bad bought a ticket at W Hir-i.of Montague, of the suppo-eti gissistants, at Ashland last week, when r«-<** ntiy at («tan»’* Pass formerly resided Medford for a point within the state, and making the business profitable io himself. value of about a doz *n dollar.-, and asked there were but fourteen applicants Mi*se* at Yocumville, biskiyou county. Cal, disputes the claim, some nice questions are F oiiest G rove , Or., Nov. 10. layo. The scilo«»! teacher* passed resolutions the !«».*. J Kearney .wife of (’undut»»r valm f-**. P opk h«d b»*tb r "i<»ok a 'iitle. • hat no on«* 1 bought I would live v«*ry long. hit. hed a leant of mules to a wagon, pre K army. vi*it«d her c<»u*in, Mr* W N i I rate*. out“ ahunt l«>ai;i g mom y oil nu’gc “. About three months ago I c<»nsult»*«l Dr. |> rat. rv to going to town, when tbs Our neiL’hbor* d* wn the riv»*r adv*, at» L .< K» y. nt Ashland one day last week French Tansy Wafer«. Hd«l the pie»f nfeire»! It» !».•. .• l *«« o , it Ab,»rn, Fourth and Morrison Ma., Portlan«!. mule, ttxik fright at d started to run. the forming oi a local company to c«»n (»i . ami have te*« n treat»*»! by him since that, These wafers are a «tire ami safe ape« iti«- A tew copi« s of the American Settler’s «truci »he proposed «irteli, to be taken out would have b '-n worth eh mt f li nen and I am i*onip»*ll»*»l, in justic«* to Dr. Aborn, knocking Mr. 8i«emore down ami dragging f .r a • kmdsof Iemale troubles and will rv- Giii'lc standard authority on all land of Rogue river at Gold Hi I and carried to dulia»?. i to say t hat h»* r« li»’V«**i m* at on»*» and that 1 him some fifty yards. One of lhe wagon n ov«’ m L • b• p» ri matt« rs. may oe found at the I imbr office, GranVx Pass, ami prubab'y on down the John Keown, tiie worìliv postimi*¡t*i ut have Improv»*»] steadily. I have not had any wheels passed over his < best, bruising hint «ri-, ri«» m.»|trr »* h «t lb* cause. ih»y air K» o ^ ii , A »‘gliiinv <*oii' ty. P* ihi „ -ays- hard attacks of aatliiDH ami am not troubh d quite severely, though he was able to come river. !>«• Witt ’ s Little parly Risers Best ith it at a.I now. and I think ihat the catarrh to town, and when fie retun.ed home Sun - whatever. w«in«n need“, »»nd can i»r u*ed iimlvtl ins »’.ugh R mip’dy m »IÌ-I»-■ ter w and The penmanship of the will left by bronchitis are nearly If not quite cur«xl, I..ver Pill «-v»r made. Cur»* Constipation •• j»* y. F«»r -a c by »he Livingstone them ttri” any o'11» r ’’ i |,u re.«■«. >n <»! 11»1 - i be- and that I am entinlj satistl««l with his day was feeling quite sore front his tnju-ies. lute Gustav K «rew*ki. tin- w rk of a eve-y tim«* N**ner«|ual l ’ *e them now. vai Co., ni uiufa< turerà.San Francisco Cal. au*»* ii cj',*4 always be d- . » ml« «i upon treatment «»t my case, and would advise tlame Fram i-co ar»i*r,i“ the a«!mirati**n ol ........................ Ocboco “Ke L* t any «ine lr»»iiblt*«l win« a s» ver«- * old ad!u ted as I huv« h»'« n to consult Dr. Aborn from the accident, says the Every tissue of the body, every nerve, who -er Hi»* M.I1TMHK. bom* ami n.u-i l»* is made stronger and was filed for pro! a'«*, with pro»»fs ”,tta.■!>«•>n» t" e'tabn.h i ,»11101 on .1» ui • cate th** pois » ihhis tmnt which causes the pany ar • sa «i to b<* getting r»*a*lv to re­ lite cold, l he prompt1 » •> a d ec”b my Ha- «h’v*•»♦*! t wi’iitj-tlv«* j I’ai'N to tin* succ »» sn - aurvetri» titulier l»i.il< al lhe lxud "I Kmrur it >;■;»>«•. by taking 11« od s Sarsaparilla, sume operalioiiN at »In n | ¡ »lit. The w *rk ot this retueny in te ief a1 d » ur«* «.f co IU m 1 ut tnatirn nt <»! tin Ey«*. Ear, ( atarrh of the THREE MORE RFMARKAK1.F < I KES BV t i.rc- 1!« ad. \- tlmin. ('«»UNumption.aml all affections 1HKITV THE NEW MOPE OF TKFATMFMT river, lhe impression liavmK gone »bro.id ot rip-rapping tiie river above the mill, I i -s won lor it m my -incere I imuis ami of til* Throat. Lung*. IL ait, Liver. KidiwjN KF.VoU TIUNt/IN«. THE FRVCTICE OF MI PI th»' the lamie will he surveyed and -■ ‘ place«! '....... ‘ From every section in the valley come preparatory to putting in another »lain.goes ma«!e it very popular. F«»r “ale by l»r. J. and Dig'stiv.* OrgmiN. N.-rvouR Debilltv. CINE on th- market 111 a -bort lime, There are reports «»I good health ami a cheerful out­ steadily Toward. Hinkle, ( entrai I’oiu.t, ami <». II. Ha.-kims, Scrofula. BI o < h | Taint and ah ».< o-'der ord.’ Sold by a>l «iruggi.-t* g v.ll at O E IL.ee s hall on Aiq.le^nfe I I k* v i uml i tn»* *npcni.l n I» m e ot A. I d»*n<*< s of som«* extraordinary cures, mailed Dr. Darrin'-* treatment by electriciiy. Now I . in able to w.»rk and f»el |M-rfvrt»d la-t w**» k »hit ’lie ang r S't*'1»*. i|i»* *• vol ti* *♦•« limi foieii»:iii • n 'h* t*»an\ ad«h«’.“s upon r«« < ipt ot a tw«»-»*»nt wo'i d advise all »tie -• ffiit t»*i to try the id uxi'ie will be |-rovnl. 1’ i'ii» . I- r ii «* • i. v«-i> np «• *♦•• tmn s*«uiti stamp. Dr. \born c in I»«* < ..nsult«*! daily 10 mode of dire P«»st«»ftice, Sun»>.vview, I, ,1 y al d Sh'e sailli e W II lie ilm,.os. li 01 t > tm i.ew Emigrant cr« ek bridge during lust I Mm i;»gi e. Mi. Stori.“ has ni »»!•■ a ti i- r ■ U' a . M . to 4 and 0: M> t«. io i* m . Sumi.-iya rivela» that rime. I’h»* burgravel cn th»- KlainaHi hid f« r to pr<»v»* a I e> x. n»,»«i »ii the • oasi, ’lie ttain g -mg out t.- •« t'o :-'»• - Spring* hotel for tomorrow ' it present prosp«ct* ho d out I have been deaf for past fifteen years. Arplekate, <> iaon. ISc. i'!»1 » venin-’. Dec. »• Tickets, including supper. Goose lake in l.ak-» c.»un»y Oregon, h i“ ■M u a.ip* la.*i «Sunday in 11 mi mtes ui h- Dr Darrin cured me with electricity in Happy Hoosiers. $1 50. dried Up to J*u» h an exlent that w!-••• - i oiit an. r.x ra exritioii»»n !•»* p« t i f tfi twenty ruinates. I reside two and one- ___ Wm. rinimoti*. Postmaster of Idaville, en’it.«»r, which h . ...... ii.viiinL» I. r h Fit» timi Electric. Bitters has done half miles west of Portland on the Barnes C T. Rayn**. Jr., has ab-ut completed a tions Ot lami «r«* mail»* v ♦'•an», ami I « • Iv I di*taine <1 < \ mil«.“ with a numbtr of Ind., writes A » í » tu»rting of jMC«-".nvil e L ■ Ig** N n* w $|fi0h • -i»»y of -alt rheum and H V H»* ms. T»ea*., J« ••. A- B«»)*1» - 1 ni- h"U*ehoni g<*<»«i* »<> Anleloie creek on Sisk is on eouioy alone i in* fall, l he res we-K LA s I « n*. Z Ila R. » hem y . I n |- and Liver me<»H n »••; d»* me feet like a n* w • < z m » of *ev»-n v« ar’s -tanning by electri- am iai Se» . , Trust» e*. K Kubli, J H« c* Tuesday. an I his fatuity will follow at ■ dents of that .“••• »mn would d » well to pat­ • nt . G ip Newbury. Haiti N-whury. Ag» e- man.' J W. Gardner, hardware mer • Hv Mint n rdu al ti me treatment. K»»fer ♦ ni«»s. 8. G. Day once. ronize home nur eries All sorts of pest­ D v n. Dee A hi ey .<’•»»»» A• km v L*»t»ie ennnt.‘.»inr t*»wn, says : Esecirir Bi't* ry i* to m»* at B iisf*»r i, lx»wis »••»unty, Wash­ Re «I .1 < k*o» vi::«-. Lilt* D dge.* Ha’»ie i is’ i tv* iking for a num whois a I run «« k-mithsli*-p has been clog« d are imported with tree* Ir in abroad. Cali aik I Settle. mid don't care w:ie wne -ti> **tn«n, E *nB i »*1 N A sime h I“t in*t . an George is bil*v AH knowing ih»*n Nviv. s i'.«lcb t*d u h i ma ii The I> » K i m They have a large S F. \ .»r.ety Slure are rr«|Ursie«i t« t j»li put ikcli«hailH new Ifare on life. Oui) t om 10 one «lay last wcea after surve\iig ti.«* | 'A . .1. I hipp*. H«*l»n s ra»'g. < ar»i» M.u k* l just untry practice ami -end their electric uml settle. A «»iHiige has »«.ken plot, .»n J i airs. ground for a turn-t «hie fur tn«* c\<*u.ne Luci E Hay. Mary .-.a K*i. Lda S»cket, 5U -. m b >ltle, at ail diugstorr?. !« - i r remedies to any one desiring home treat­ all a»-■ »••»»•• “ mus be seiilt*«! un «>r -b« C W. Kahler invested in a ('aligrapii *now plow at Steinman *tatmn. t«» he used M- lion!, I B Kay mon«!. M rs. Antri Par­ ment tor any curable chrome, acute or O-•». 1. IMtlU A word tu tú«- wi»e is “iiffi ty pe writer this week and in n -w listening in emergencies that are liable to occur a» ker. E ta I ri'*s. Central Bo nt; Mvra Be«l Baby Cared. private disea-es which are kept strictly Ioni. B Ii. ."’evens. \Vo-, 30, crimes. «ltrs A'birvsN the di-tingui-hmg features ot the a|»pro icn- "«»«i t Spr:n*,'“; S >nhla Wilson, It -ck P«utr ■ S S 8.. u*ing nothing else. In a short and the Hoffman House, Eugene citv, tier. G. W KiM'ivl.l. K*»srhurg, <). »g«»n. No Griping, no Nausea. no Fain, when ing gathering j Henri« tta Moore, S mi’s Valley; Scott time tlm di charge hoiu the nose “lopped, 1 to ♦». De Witt s Lit’le Etrly Kisers are taken, Th»* head office at 70}* Washington street, C'»nsi«lerah e w al. (.'«msultation the past two week* on th»* new r.>ute for , Oliver, Janet Fobe*. Ada M I sets them. D avid Z artmv >, and examination free. AH Classes treated ' tiie Fort KI »mi’ll W.»g'»ri r«ad around E*t«*ll i We I- i’jta Johnson. Alic»* Smton’ uf it aincr* I be »«nd« n»i/iw*«i d» *’r«i« to tak*' a L.ih I In« Irpem « n »•, Ori » f:««* from 1») t»> 1) a m . da'lr. Charges v i *• • K n ■»* v. 11 a »’< M*.\ 10. 1890. A go*»»l citte trail Clara Fi « f giMai sheep on *h.»ie« for a numb r « f George C. Cul v of S'earnboit is selling rrail creek mountain Bb»>* «¡Harter un our streets. He will be in town ¡ th«* » ew r«»ad will be ready for tr to Japan mas day. bottles, found herself souRd ami well, now does her own housework Mfcd is a« well a* l’he branch line railroad will be complete«! she ever was. —Free trial bottles <»f this in a tew weeks now. Great Discovery nt all »inigstorcs, large County commissionet’s court adjourned bottles 50c and $1.00 r - «».a. lantmrv number an important article upon “PJgmica of the Great yesterday at noon. IT \nother J?»ntribull«»D in this field will be Mr J. Scott KHtie a accuuot of w.r. nvent Afriean Exbibiilon held iu boodoa. Both papers will be amply »lluatmted. (’•»urt business has been very light in all dej artrneuts this week. Now for delayed trtt'ns. L »uis I»ol ♦* of Butte creek returned du - ing the we» k fr-uu a trip to > ia>tn v.i'icy I»» deliver sum»* st.»ck tu l»i< urn* e. N. D Junen of that place. ;;; The Wrecker« U IV <■•<>.< I Hole" A tweepart .Wry by Frank R. Stockton will .ho .H-.r, /.S.9O. IIAEPEIES WEEKLY I LIASTE A TEAL “Harpers Weekly’’ has a w<*ll-<*stablislî(-d place as the l»*a«iing iihiKtrat«d n<*wsptu»er in America. Th«* fairm-sN of its editorial com­ ment on current p»»!itics has carne»! for it the rvap»*»*t and confldenc»* <»f all impartial r«*a«t- ers The varh ty and excellence of its literary contents, which include serial and short stori« s l»y th«* !>«*st and ino«t popular wrib-rs. fit it for the persual of poop!«* of th«* wid»wt rang«* of fast« * and pursuits. The weekly sup­ plements are of retnarkabh* vari»*ty, inter»*st and value. No <*xpense is spar«*d t<» bring the htgh»*st «»rderof artistic ability to bear upon tin* illustration of changeful plnu»*s ot' horn«.* and foreign history. A Mexican romance, from the pen of 'l iiomas A. Janvier, will ap­ pear in th»* w»*» kly in I n '. mi , //arper's Lfrítidirti/s, ¡‘er Year. HARPER'S WEEKLY.................... si INI HARPER’S MAG AZI XL ............. ... 4 HAHPEH’S BAZ4K ........... 4 III Oil HARPERS Yol NG I’Eoi’LE .*-* Postage 1 r«*v I«» all sub-rit»«‘rs in the I’nited States. Canada or Mexico. Prof. Janies Bryce, M. P., sulhoi of “The Amer'can Common Wealth.” wll> write a serie, of Four Article* upon Indi. raibOdyl'ig th.- r.-sults of hl. recent Journey .nd studtm on this l.nd of never-ending Interest Ocean Steamships will b<- the subject ot an nnportant .< rtes som.-wh.t um.ti> the hues of the .ue.-ew.rul Kailroad “rth'le.. •’»•aa.enger Travel.’ “Th. Ufeof OfUoT. and Men." ’ Sp.x'd and Safety Dwvicra. Jimi “Manag« in» nt,” are aoim* of the Mubj«*cta touched upon and illustrated. Great Streets of the World 1. the title of a novel collection of articles on which the author and artt.t will collabonitctn aive the one’é other reading ig at very small cost. Orders should lit sent h ( once. 25 CENTS A NUMBER. $:i.(»0 A YEAR. Charles Scribner’s Sons,Publishers, 43-745 Broadway, New York. The volumes «»f th<- Weekly b<*gin with the first number tor January ot each y»-ar. When no time is mention«*d. subscriptl(»ns will l>«-gin with the numb»*r current at time of receipt or order. Bound volum»*s <>1 ‘‘Harper’s XV« «kly,” for three years back, in neat « loth binding, will t»<* H»*nt l»y mail, postage paid, or bv express, free of exp* ns<*. pr«»vioor—Wliat makes it so ? You seem like a changed person to your friends—Do you know what is lhe matter, or has the change been so gradual it has «■scajied your notice ? You have Consumption *. KNOW We do not say this to frighten you, but it is true. These are the sure symptoms of this terrible disease. There is one thing which will check it and that is DR. ACKER’S ENGLISH REMEDY. It is rec« »non end rd by the be«t physicians in Europe and America. 2ò rent«, *»• rent« and >1.00 per Bettie. WIMER SCHOOL HOUSE. W. H. HOOKER &. CO.. 46 West Broadway, New York. ----- ON----- Friday Evening. Owcoiber 12, NHI. ARE A Gram! Bail will be piv»*n at tin* Wimer Sch<»«»l Hous»*,»» n«-w buikling jast «*»mpl<*t«sl, 24x40 f«*« t, on tie iib<»v, «!;U«-. tor tin* purpo««* of raising funds to procur«* Neats tor the schv a fine evcningrs entertainment. W. P. HILLIS. ) CAI.VEIU WHJ.IAM>. < «»ininilt.*«*. MILES WAKEMAN. ) IS NEAR ! ! ! YOU It was Jast in Time. ARE YOU READY FOR IT ? G. C. Bartliob»m«*w. Ka'kaska. Mich., says: “I bM*:«t«*»i in th!® pin«-«* tiv*->«*Mr* ago. having f«»rin»*r!y r«*Nid«vl in Troy. N Y. I hav«- b«*« n a gr«*Ht suff*-n i tr"ni what th,- physicians of Tr<»v call«*«! Brigtrt’s D i *»*« n <*. I us«*d Dr Da­ vid K «nn«*ly * I n ®<»rit<* It« in»*'l\. <«f R<«n«k»ut. N.Y. All th« ■ t«*rri blc sympmius <>f t In-disease are gone. I hav«* nttl« tor such a blessing <»r refiiN«* this simple though Hinc»-r<* t«»ken <»f gratitude fur b'*ing p»*rt»-ct!^ cur«*d? I owe everything t‘> l>r. K«*nn«,r. lif inif tlffn Earori'p Remedy, Mad«* at R» »NIMHT, N. Y. $!;«<«*?». I R Store i» Mucked with • «Mi- ties and novelties in gift gtaxli* and if won want Hiin<'thing choice—better than you can obtain at home—>en«l to u. lor wlmt you want ami you will find that the Low Price alone will more than offi-et the trouble. 0 RO B00UB0LD SHOULD BE V ÏTH0Ü1 I "y E are idiowing the l.i’.-t ideas . in Toilet ( 'ascK ■diver fit- ' tings; M.inii-nre Set-, i-ilver fittings; Jewel Ca^er-, Work Boxes, Sutiii Glove and Handkerchief Cas*'*, IIand-Painted Oj-al 1’lue- AlliUlllb. Ean-B. l’iloto Uranio , Toys. Games, Picture Book*. Fan?-, Slipja-rs. Jewelry. \ï T S I T RESTLESSNESS- â «TaiCTLY vimubu raUUTLC«« FAMILY MIDtOiat ÎÊTiaï»^’ SACGN, «A. «ND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE P HILADELPHIA Prier, ONE Dollar The majority of the ilia of the human ■body arise from a diseased I.iver. Sim­ mons Liver Regulator has Wen the means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Uver than any other agency on earth. ^\bovc Goods a’ld M hiiv Others L «£B THAT VOL' GET THE GENVINE. I l.r Fcnin’o Irr .'ar i tio. hoi hinclil-. -ir t'..* market. .* ■ rr • r <-C‘* «« ÌÌ’« 1-C»t iiuu«*nt »;• *i*M bU'HN'i **•• ► .pj. sec HALE BROS, I CO The Leading House of the Coast SACRAMENTO. CAL. FUSE! SAFE! CZrTA’M! imn’t he hrttnb '•:<* ! Su1 «• ’! ime. 11‘j sii'.inoli»*» .t/tk«* li-»*»:h er This Snace Has Been Reserved Srnt t<> anv addre*«. i rccutc l»y T*ia 1 »»:« re \ceipt «>f prie«*. (>) Addrc»«»». thè aphro medicine cospw . FOH CHOICE LAND FOR SALE! NEWMAN FISHER WeSteruBraxKh, Bux27, PORTLAND, or Soldi»} E. (’. Bro<»ks. Druggial. Jacksonville RISALE AIUH’T bit At Rl> «»F EXTRA of agricultural land, bring a part F •irjnlitj C »Iv* r l>.»nation L;»nt Ptim ’an«!. l»« 'ng oil«* <»t tin* first « la!ni* Nett!«*»! up*»n in Rogue riv«*r vm 1I**\ . All well -nnnlifx! with living wat« r. Tliis land will I»« sohl in <|imntitie« to miit pur« ii.«*' r-. Fm forth« t iiib>*-inatmn in- «mlroo! E. J F \ RI.« »\V, Ashland. ( h «gon. or E. D. F( H' DR AY. I’laiml x. (Iregun. Ashlan«!. Ogn.. Oct. ». 1«MI. FURNITURE FOR SALE Who has Just received a full and fixM-clata assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS THE FAMILY BlTIER CASE ----- ANU------ HOTEL FOR RENT ; to ill health , the ( nder ► ign«*l d. Kir* ► t , ti,,. biiNin«*“. sin! O vim <«ff»*rs all th»* furniture in ti»« I . > H >t< I f«»r mde at »«very reasonable figure. Th«* build ing. w'tiich i- a sul>-t;«ntlui bri« k <»n<- and «* n - lM'vially 4« sigms! for th«* hot«-I business, will be r«*nt» *1 at a l«»w rat«* to r« -ponsibh- parti»*». For fm th<-r particulars applv to J DER o H oa M. jMrks«»nvillo ; Tfer Onljf t”T Hw,r. frttfrrtor ,J tlutt, ¡„„ntt, /;rKlr »’n.t.xl. Hott.r from *1| od<)n. l amt aw.M-t and 1. ra»f|y aN(j ■liilekly clcan.'d. .»O Crut, „ F- B CA!»B PO. IACI \ nl. nein St.. >»»»c or «<> travei APCUTC w A ulii I o Tt/unfl furniiMivfl Avgutd Maini. irre. P. O. V CKEltY Each. Uto-ral discount to Axent». Sauinl« »>>■ lumi on ri.'rqd <>t price. 1 piso-s KEMEDV FOR CATARRH. F^iwt 1 t>u.- Clio.-ijx st. It immédiat/.. A cure is ■r t>>U in the Head it hai no equal. » < .« a Hh-.idi !»r»r■ * • , » U » ell* 1- T. Hvwà3.Tlf v. •• m J rea iX