Oe gmonatif aimc.5 DIVERSE 15" V*. 1) h . Mun W alker ia reported dying at her home near Oswego, S'. Y ., hav­ ing worn out her Ide in unceasing . fforts to compel congress to enact special leg­ islation in tier behalf. Her re.-ord may 1« called a monument to persistency, ante*d to ttiia ■''>aat. Should it break out among the Indians of aoittbern Oregon it might be well to tierd them on "Big Sticky” for the next few month* and let them dance their till. "Sticky’’ baa a de|>rea*ing and aatiatying effect on any aort ol leg exulierunce, when in ila prime. The rain» olI the present week are rapidly putting it in prime coudiiion. it is now thought that Fort Bidwell will not be abandoned. The Indian scare in Dakota will probably convince the — departiueiil that ft.e redskins are not yet transformed into sin king doves, and they will now have an oppertumty of displaying good common sense by re-garrisoning all the frontier poet*. For’ Klamath sl/otild have a strong detail of troops, for if the Messiah crate reaches the Ind ans iu that ae*'tion there will be absolutely no check on their excesses. Take a look at Nickell's addition. Farmers will wcl«»omethe rain. The Republican* have been saving a '/real many funny things alayiit the rlec- DECEMBER 5 !*■ FRIDAY .. 11ion. An irew Carnegie said : “President I Harrison is a growing man He was 1 never so ¡»opular with the masses as he P. II. D’A rcy was elected mayor of i is today, and he will continue to grow Salem last Monday by 5 majority, the in strength and popularity throughout first Democratic mayor the capital city I the rest of his present term of office I has had for many a day. The wave want to say that he is going to develop seems to have reach* I Oregon at last. 'strength from this lime forward. No; I »lon’t ag»«‘e with you that the tariff Tax I’lobibition par»» Mienjuri l av I produced th s effect.” John Sherman, intelaile I «o »»>11 m* 3 I*» vo,*‘ with a good deal of fense. lays it al) to rccmaite linde.- tl.e Au*«rahan la* to the won en wl.odnitt.e shopping. This t>reser»e the p»»y an«l to eintxaly tuhlitional “It looks from the returns as though the farmer and the lab iring men find done ¡M ies in their platform. the business for us in this state.” Major 1* a *M«1 i ha» been finally forced into McKinley, th«* Napoleon whocau^v»! th»* nniMi-retireiiient from the teadeiahip of Waterloo of Novendn’r 4, said molest I, ; the ln*h party. All th< principal men “I do not know to what extent the new of hia |.arty have abaixlunetl hint, tariff 1 «w in tine med the elections this illefa'on- ati«l the l.'fa-ral P<nvrnetl fur because of the misunderstanding of its the ahurt last Monday. Tuere ia provision* among the jwople and of the a tingo of luulanchuly everywhere no- studied effort of the free traders at home tneal’lv on the side of Reed’s mannf ic- an») abroad to m srepresent it.” S» nat<»i tured map»ify, which looks smaller Allison said: “In all the states the Mc­ wince the Novi infa-r "drop." R<-e.| will I Kinley bill, so «’a!led. was a p»)liti< al crack the whip lor titre» uore rn »ntlv*. factor. Many of our b st Republicans anil then will cease l i.* •«rutting tu» a.I believed many of its provisions unwise and impolitic. They were lukewarm.” time. ¡senator Manderson does not believe that Tn»: Farmer»* Alliance convened at <»n the M« Kinley bill should be ’.ai l all IK-*!», Florida, on Tne-.lay anr Stanford » na­ »>f defeat; but lie does not explain what tional money loaning mtheme, and is ter­ caused Republican absenteeism ami apa­ ribly in. earnest. I' will certainly ent thy or how the third party ex|»eri* considerable ol a figure in national poli­ uients were tried on such an extensive tic« for tin- next few campaign». scale in his own state and in Kansas and Minnesota. Secretary Rusk lays every­ Tin | resent wheat Mu kade in the "in­ thing in \Vi*« on-in to the Bennett law, land Empire” proves conclusively that even to ttie election of s Democratic rep­ the ra Iway »ystetu of this great north­ resentatives. < ¡revn B Ratlin w ho failed western irgion is totally inadc'juate to to get ins revenge on Mr. Cooper, of In­ meet the wants of the country in its diana, and who found that in sp.te of all present stage , f development, and hia tine work through the pension office should make capital more venturi • 1 the old aoldivr» wouldn't save the G. <). in the matter of ,•statdishing competing P., says, “the people didn’t properly lines to those already in existence. grasp the M‘o|»e of the Mt Kinley bill. I Had the bill passe«! earlier in the session Ii ib a notewo«thy fact that Nebraska bo that the people rou!d have ex;*erienceJ al the recent election p«>lied 15,0k) votes a bttle longer ns practical benefits, it more tl. in were i«>il-een ‘ » altogether different. . > i -r*. v I ti .« ... v..ii « . Hie l‘(e*iilential <■!< tiun. The JiebraS- The force bill, t«»o, sh >uhl have been kan* «eie inislitily etirietl up about p.o*>e»L Then the Republicans would HotiiethiiiM, arul tl.e Republi'-att pattv, have held their own.” That is. the «luci, nev r before lost the State, «uuid longer peo)le pay McKinley prices the d<> well to find the real reuse of the cot:- better they like them, and a force law ,ul»ion, »ay« the Spnugtirl'l ^puMiraa. would have repaired the damage a force bill did. Ranin is a great thinker. rusaiDKXT H arhiscx continues to Charles A Pillsbury, one of the leading court »iieaater fur hm party by advocat­ Republicans of Minnesota ami one of the ing the imMage • i ti e Lodge bill by ttie largest ffutir manufacturers in the world, sena’e, *n hi« mes-age, ami extolling sai«f, “th«* vote in this state shows that the merits ot the M* Kinley tariff. He the peop e condemn the M» K riley b li by rwminda one of the wise man who m<»ie than two to one. I look up» n the jumped into the bramble biiah with am h McKiolw lull simply as piote<*ti<*n gum* «lireconsequence ,andstrove t»rmtotg hia mad.'*— .X'ftianal Iftmucraf. eyesight by jumping into another, if we remember (•urrectly. MEDFOhD SQL’IBS. JIKKPIIINE COUNTY ITEMS. R< v. Father Watrv of Ashland held Catholic service» at Grant s Pass last week. Page .t S«»n are handling th»1 bulk of the ap­ ple trade uf this section this scaaun. Oscar Knox is recovering from the severe injuries be sustaimst not long since. S. ('. Mitchell has removed his law office to the room recently vacated by Hon. D. Brower. Miss B»‘““i»‘ Stewart of Alabama Is visiting with Wm. M. Richards and wife of Applegate. S Rosenthal vi'itedGrant’s Pass during the week. Nickell's addition to Medfu lis atir-ict- inz mm h attenti hi . Hammon Bros, shipped a cat load of apples to Oakland last week. Numerous improvements are under wav and m »re are contemplat'd. Ed. Russ returned from his collegiate studies at Oakland, Cal., last week. C. W. Wallace delivered an address to Mrs Edith H. Currey returned to Grant's Pass last week, after an atavncv of twelve tbe Y. M. C. A at Howard s ball l«s£p weeks. Adkins A Webb have improved ...... F. M. Miller of Ashland, ________ visited ________ Josephine county last week on business connected with store fronton Mam street with a neat shed his mint**«. awning A number of foggy mornings during the R« cent rea! estate opt rations here n»'int w» » k admonish the man with a sore throat to to extensive bui d ug (»perati >ns in M»*d- look «»lit fors»|ualls mm > u . forod weatli- rive«! here a few days since to look after » r. A iuil'1 H«*ason would « ause a material loss her daughter, who whs taken ill while vis­ to t h<- hay men. iting friends in tills place. Jas. .1» r»lan cnt< rtaimd S. M. K-emin last J. J. Walton. P. (». M. of Oregon, deliv­ w <-« k win1»* the latt«-r gentleman was in the ered hts interesting lecture on Oddfellow­ vicinity ot Grant's Pa», looking alter ms ship fo a fair audience at the Baptiat mining interests. church last Monday evening. Alb» rt Gaines r» turn«-d last week from un The M»inarch saloon at Medford. un«!er «■xt»-nded visit hi th»* Snviam*-nto valley. He tbinas Oregon far sup« rior to that sect)or as the management of H. H. Wolter* is prov- • t»u a popular resort. The best of everv a place of residence. ’ king ’n that I me is kept there. • U I < liaii“s»‘. »»! the (’ottag«» Grove "L»,nd- John Oconder’s neat new (••»t’age on tip­ • r. is \ i«»iting his mother. Mrs. Mary ('hauss<‘, in th»- hope of be'ietiiing his health, which per Cblreet is sn-.’gestivc. We hope to hav«* has be» n p »or tor sometime past. another important annoum ement to make School t’lcik X»«' I lias already riveived «•om prning Mr. O. m a sb irt time. about a do/.' ii applications to purchase the 1 he interior of the opera h »use (»resents prop >■»• »! ¡s>ue ot “»’h»*ul boiuls, whicti is bcing a verv attractive apuearanee since the ¿isciiss.-d at present in Grant's Pass. pla“tering whs completed ami the new A. S. Y«>rk of Applegate had Ins r»»om burg* M »tint Pitt drop curiam piaeetl tn position. | larizid st the hotel in Grant's Pass one night I he K. P. bovs intend to have t lu* r c«»ni reci iitly and about JI’» taken from his pea k* t ing invitation bill at the«H»era house ttie b> th»-sn» ak Ihh t w ho worked tbe job. t»»niest affair seen in tlie valley fur ninny a , Th» Baptist Sunday >choo| convention tor «lav Extensive prepara’io’.s are b- ing southern Oregon convened at Giant's Pass made. > ester» In y , with h large num tier ot p«*rsons in­ Re» onler D T Se ir-» last w« ek enfertame«l terested m Sunday school work in attendance. bi“ friend and r«lati\e, D. W. S*«ars and A citi/.‘ n < 1 Grant’s Pass this w< » k tiled on II. Her’-bbu’-gT. who wer«» <»n their j«>nrney an improv»-»! larm on R *guc river.near W»>» h |- bom»* t«» P Is roilin' Mtter a tour ibr-mgh vi!l«‘, at tI m R seburg land »»fficc. having dis­ the east and E'lrop»«. co* • red that it was stl’l uncntereti public I*. S E -yart hiu I w fe of I, gm* or», land. Golden Ruh* Lodge No. >. I. <>. O. F., will Indian*», have !>een v'sito g their son J. E, giv* a^rand ball at the (¡rant's Pass (»p»-ra 1 Enyart and wife of Me f >r«t dnrni’ the house oil W«*diu*sday evening. Dec. -•4. l.«'.»l. i week. It is quite possible they may make M umc b\ Prof. Kurth's luihirchcstta. Ki 'II- their home in the vallej* tssiy cordiaKy invited. Rev. J. F. Edmunds ot Oakland, Or, R< \ . G A. Landon reports that his mother« last week accepted a call from the Medford . _______ ai road lands in-iaw wlm wii- “»» badly injured in the l^ik»- Presbyterians and in future will «»c»*upy l.ttiush iu ci w • r»- r«-pr« s«-ntf. bank has on'v been delayed Intlierto in or- Il L. B» ns«»ti. Mrs. May Ty 1er and Missus Til- • ler to straighten out the present business been settled t>v l|>e ilisimsral of an action lu-Powell, Minni»- Tuffs, Alice Smith, Alive of the Medford bank and enable it to a< brought in la-half of the I nited State» (’arson, Currie Farr and L«»uisu t’rockctt. commodate itself t»» changed conditions. government in the VniteJ States circuit Th«- county continues full of strangers. Our business men declare that Medfor»! court m San Francisco. The suit was !o<>ktng for locations or reveling in «»ur nuig- affords about the first rash m«rket 1» r nith-ent climate. N'o matter fr« m w hat direc ­ brought by the I'nited States district 'produce in the valley. This account« for they come, all art* loud In thutr praise of attorney to enjoin the grantees of the tion I the 'act that 50 to 75 farmer's teams ar-* our beautiful valley and its surrounthng“. ¡observed on our street« every Saturday. Central l'acifi ■ railroad company from Last Thursday the students of the Grant s removing timber from od.i-iiiiml-ered The f'd'uwinr are the officers of Medford public schools present«-d thudistrict with lz'»«ige K. of P. fo • ttie ensuing year E. I*. sections sold to auctr grantees, or lands a Pass beautiful I . S. tlag with the regulation num­ ■rpisisite completed portions of the Cali­ ber «»f stars, whndi in future will float ov«r iGearv, P. C. by virtue of pr»*>enl office. H. I*. Luni“den, fornia and Oregon railroad, but which tlu- public m -I mm »I building on all state occa- ' Peter Henderson, C. (' | V. (’., M. W. like»', i’.. *jj-well Harlan, M sions. portions were to Ire completed within Th»- (¡rant's Pass schools wer«* closed last I »f F . John W. ( iirry, K. «»f R. ami S , at*»i I he time required by law. Tire b.ll of w»-«-k to enable the large fo»<•♦• of t»*aclu rs to * (’. J. Hutchinson,M. at A. complaint alleged title in the govern­ Htt«-iid tin* district ti-auiu-rs* institute at Ash | H. H. Wolters, ttie mixologist, hah re- ment and trespass on th - part of gran­ land. S«»uie of th«-!»« «t papers r«*a«l at the in- ! moved his saloon to the building next door stitut«- wt re the work ot Jos« phin«- <*ounty- tees of the company. The res|s>ndeiit» t« a«-lu rs. to C. W. Palm’s barbershop, on Front were cutting timtier on odd numbered He has supplied the tmr with ('. E. P'in«l, an attorn«*} fr«»tn the Puget street. sections near Sisson's, some sixty miles Sum»! country. arr \u«i at Grant s Pass olio the finest wines, liquor m and cigars, north uf what had teen known as the day last w et k with his family to make this his and a fine billiard table can al?«> be futur»* iu>nu . H« has Min*u«iy «•p»-n«-d an ot- "Redding Adjustment " When the case tiue ami « nt» r»d upon «he praeiu-e ot Ips pro- i ( »un«! l I uth Give him a call, for he wil. Teat you well came on in the I'nited States circuit court f< ssi«>n. R ¡. IN CONSTANT TAIN l.’> MONDI» REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. HOOSIER GRILLS AND SEEDERS Frank J Elliott to Calvin H W’arthcn. 44) AND no» IT WAS CIHKI, BY Elfi 1 Rl< 11V. Hcr« s in twp:«»M. r 1 w; «14.M) AITKR A1.L OTHER KNOWN RKMXIllKS G E Billings to G E Watrons. H.W arrea In » ,11.KD— TOTAL DFArNEMS < ( RED twp :«) s. r 1 *•; fjiKRi. s,MI METHOD riOHTEFN YEARS < E Wilcox tu Ziba E Simpson. ICO acres in twp A» s. r 4 w; ¿lujo. IO-M UN* FEHMANE-NT Tu THIS DAY . Dunlap to Sarah E Dun!ap. I«»ts 6. 11 and 12 b’k 1. Ph.a niX; |4\2. U Bucanti to Btmna L J Foss, 25 acres In tjvp ¡4 '«la ket St . Portland, Or. Nov. 2-S, I n }*). Jb s. r 1 w; «40U0. Editor Oregonian : Seeing so many cards E Manvill to Peter P Black. l(!0acres in twp and letters in favor of l)r. Darrin f »Bink 17 s, r » w. and 12 creek «-lahns, $1000. it justice to him an i as well as th»* afflicted > irginiu H Bright to J Mathias Weber, lot to tell what lie did for my wife two years 1, blk <51. Jacksonville; 5220. ago F'or fourteen months prior to calling L L Angle to J A Edwards, 50 tt lot on "J” on I im she bail been suffering comtant •tre f. Mudford; $«i0. Lor«-n/.<» Sl«*ppy to J»»ptha Davison, 40 acres pain nitht an l day from tbe effects of In twp.is s. r 1 w; $4(iii. rheumatism in her arm ami shoulder, K B Hull to Thus H Whepb-y. J20 aurea in I She had not rai“ud her arm to her bead twp : m “. r 1 «•; $:juni). She could not bleep during tliat time, Martin to John W Cox, lots him ! block* only by taking opiates and her general in latent; <2500. health was poor and broken do*n After n John W (’<>x tu S S Martin. löO acres in twp course of electric treatment by Dr. Darrin 36 s. r 1 w; $5000. Angle, Ph male an«l Short to Delphin«* C.old- she was cured am! has never had a leiurn ainith lots 1 am! 2, blk 3. Cottag. nd.l to M«*d- of h«*r former troubles. Will gladly answer f(»rd; $120. any questions by letter or otherwise. S S Martin t«> John W Cox, oru -fourth In- (' F. M ay hew . l ( ’ N "ra*in< r‘rr^rt,*n,i 0,1 Juptha Daviaon to LiielndaM l/avisoti. 40 acres in twp 3s s, r I w: clhki . ‘ Alle«- Applegate to Warr» 11 Lvncli, 40 acr» •“ in twp 39 s, r 1 u: $1. N C D o /. ut to Fannie J Dozier, 24 22 a» r» s III twp :«♦ s. r I «•; I lat ot P li N add to Ashland was plac«-d on r» (-»»rd in new plat book. Plat ot Orchard Home Association tract w as til«-«! t<>i- r«-uord. p L N'>-wton to D <} Smith, lots 5, 0. 7 and a, blk i>4. ( entrai Point; $275 E ( Rh’hnnlaon to Jacob D Maxon, 140a»-res. « t«-.. in twp38 s, r i w; $1200 A H Simpson t.» Joseph F Hail. I«»t in Ja. k aonvill«*; $300. Jarno (.airu-s to J»»seph F Hall. ,»t in Ja» k* • »nvilh*; $175. Frank J M<-('ra« k»-n to (’has II Pi»-ree. l»¡0 acri-a in twp 39 s. r 4 «•; $sun G«*»n-gu \ Blood to sain«* |r;0 acres in same ÎWI»; $“ »1 • PM 1 b> A'J Florey, lot in Eagle Point; Martha M (’o«»k*u*y to Glenn and W (’ i »U • D; hds 12 and 13, CuukM-y add to Central Point. CIRCUIT t’WTKT. I h»‘ follow ing proceedings — have beefl had in circuit court Him-»'our last i% report. I uc I ik I iok the special term holden l«“ t wk ......... .................. ami the regular [n-verubt-r f«*rtu now in s»‘s.*sion -Hon. L R. W» bst» r, Jmlue prt siding.Wm. M. t’olvig, (ilsirii-t attorn» y. Max Muller, clerk and «1. G. Birds« y, sheriff: SPK< I A!. TKH.M. ------ AKE l îiivereallv Acknowledged to be the Iniplenienté »>f the Kind in flic World. Thrrt » ili tt rn L in STICK > of < -u» tteatul free (loin 1« /> 11 a . M (l.i \ . < tlaraes moderale, i»Hj’ g <-nl\ >_’•> a num!b for each di-raa*. or in that piup«»rti»i:i. as caer» may require beiul lor circular, f r» e H Amerman va. Dunlap and Hergent» to re cover in »n»‘v. Default <‘iit«*i'»-d and jiulgment f»»r plaintiff t r :|U. inter»«! and eo«t.s. Mitvlicli mii «I L»‘W îh (’<>. vs. Downing and t<> any a.iilre»-. Elinor»*; to n rover money, demurrer to corn- plaint and motion to nti ikc out overruled. .Mary < . Miller vs. Win. M. . Miller; ..................... . divorce. Ifuchlru't .irulrti Snirt Tri« '! in open <*ourt and t.ik' ii under adv i>e- tnenf Tbe best naive in tn»‘ worni fur i':it> E S. No» I vs. .1. (’. Wliipp » t ill,; to I < < <> \, i money, default »ntereil .m l Judgment tor Bruise.“ Sores, liters, Silt Rheum. Fcwr Sores, Tetter, < 'happed H .tt.d“, (’hiibiams, plaintiff t >!’ intercut, cost««, etc Corn“, and all Slim Eruption^. an»i p<»si. l.iietnda L Wilson vs. Win M i!«*»n: div<>|-< ilet.uilt v iter»*d and deere»‘ for plaintiff. tive cures for File.*, or no ; ay rr«juir REGI I-MI T EHM is guarani ec»i to give perf»*< • atmiHtt Gram! J-iry empan» lied. >»••• r's» v 111 money refunded Prive 2,’> »■»•n’s th» T im ¡>. W N. Lu< key an l J. W. Alnutt vs Lev i For salebv alIdrunuistF Morris; t > rvvovvi etc. l»;smiss»‘ <> ih ‘ 3 • ;ir a! Sal' iii. Minnif M Ihival v ‘ E. M “ Huv a!; >uit in STIIHIAM lll’MI’HREY- I “'.Hi, bj Bev. A. 1 . I >11, e«|uity. I »'‘imji r»‘i wit lull awn and an“w,i anti Mi» Marj Humphrey ttl«sl 1» »liarliid»- Bins. . ,,, OLIVER BROWN At i’nlu-a. < al.. st. ism», t al.’b T. < »liver ftl i'liie Lake. <>. . and I J. Pu 11 j k \ « :irl-< >n t nJ | nnety; to fore­ Mi» Erancen Gertrude Br »wn ot t'olusa. close m->rt gage. I> is ! ih - s « m | at plaintiff’s cost. P. Hoilai hi h-.adinnr. etc., vs. II. and M. CANTRA LL -Bl’CK -At the rt-sidenee of the E. l»«>llarlii'P ; t t r»-<»>\fi in»»n»’v. • t» |), I. brid« -i j>»irentb <>n A|>j»legati . heceuibcr >. Il \ l»’ap|»l M. E l*‘fU, bv Rev Robt. Eliti'“. .1 tine> M. < nu­ l>«>llai'hiv.tnb. Tito following wip. submitt»*d to the court as th» linai i ' i>oi t ot the grand Jun ; ••Ueth«' grand Jury herewith eubniit our lina! report and r»>p«vttully state that we have diligently investigateti all eharg«s ot crimes which hav»- been brought to our atten­ tion. W fui» in a few ir.“tai»cea we were obliged to indict ilio parile“ ciiarg'd, jet w< arc pleiused to note a healthy condition gen- ciMliy, as rcgar>l* the pre\a'< nee ot crime in Jack's *n county We find the variou* e >unt\ buildings in flrst-clftiis •>ri!» r, an i the busin»-» of the pub­ lic w»ll and carclully don» by its servants. Wv visited the countj hospital and ar»* please»! to say tiial th»’ inmat»s of that institution seem to b, well and comfortably kept, clothed and t’c«L There arc six ot these county charge-. Tin y rxpr«‘»»*d tlvmaclvesas bcing well -at sri.-d with the att ntii-n given them by th- manag’T of tin* hospital Having u i further busin we respectful­ ly a.-k to be discharged for th»- term. 1>. Y. G ray . Foreman.” «- rt >t n ot h ri' Soli Cht ri imi ' thnn Phnm T«»taJ Ikafutts Cured by Electricity. Mr. Editor In 1872 mv daughter was inketi vYilli membranous ( roup, and upon her recovery was left totally «¡«at. I « a led u i two eminent physii ¡ans w ho shk I they couhl do nothing for her. As n last re“«>ri I to -k her to i>r Darrin, wh • ( med lu r mi she ha“ never been troub.e i with d« afness since. I ((»¡¡“¡der it on** ol the greatest cures ot electric treatment « n ie< rd, anti wit!) gr« at sat “fai tiun give tins folinionMil I reside in Be: k»-ley , Alameda Co. ('a ifor ¡¡ia, ami will take great p ensure in ansV’i r- ing any inq aries comernmg th > mo“t remarkable cure. Yom> respe«*tful!v, W iiwa . m S !» im - LE. Leading SSj| I ÍMÍ ll<*t ÍO11 Make for Sale by STIVER i WALKER j OREGON. ~ - 'A • <1 ('•* t ' I« L * h •□»' ■ n i • h n»»»»’r» nnrt . st <• v i ‘ • •« till i ’« c a I’wil 'i rar fron» tL.it r-itf. \ '» . I l.i ,i ’• for TLlfltt I- «.»'i N . i 11« I*! 111111»! tb:» Illustrated Vt-rJal M ipnlrni: uf*. X 3 t OMPANION 41 Tvmnlo Pir»re, Bo3ton, Mass. WITH SI .75 NOTICE ! $525.00 REWARD To tin- party rue«-lviug the largest liat <>! ii am us for Till GRE1T NEW ILLI sTKITEl) i HISTORY OF UTAH ! er BY HUBERT H. BANCROFT, THE EMINENT HISTORIAN. COMBINATION PLAID AND CHECK WOOL SUITINC, R SIX-QUARTER ASSABAT ALL-WOOL SACKINC, TEAZLE CLOTH, NEW FALL PATTERNS. TRICOTS IN COLORS, HENRIETTA CASHMERE ALPACA, BEICE PEASANT CLOTHS, I New Silk Plush, Velvet and Velveteens I nited Stales District Attorney Garter, A. Schmidt prepartxl a typical French din CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. under instruction« rruui Attorney-Genera) ner tor a lew «4 his tavor«*»! tricmls a short till.ler“leeve sells furn tnre cheaper than Mdler. had the suit dismissed, on tl.e tune ago. Netdl«*>s t«» say it was enjoyed to Grand Jury. utmost by a.’l present. The lunch room anybody in southern Oreg m • ladies will f.nd our Goods Fresh and New arouii'l that title to the odd rmmhered th« in tlu r«*.(i «4 .1» lining s saloon is getting The t<»llouimr names wer<-drawn lrotn tin- Furniture of all kind*« at Gild«’r*!eeve s. jury sections ir m Roseburg, in Oregon, Io in<»re popular every «lay . b >\ t-»r tlu* regular !>«•« »■ uh-r Term Finest stuck south of Eugene. • the Calif, rn.a state line, is complete in grand jury last Monday D. Y.Gray. tort-man. L. N Browning ot L«-land has the agen«*y- Fr«* I F> a lentiurg of (’eatrxi l‘«>i it >n d» E. Barb»-. A. B. Chapman, X. stiUhain. S. P. the Central Pacific railroad company. 1»»r a live “t»s-k 'ti*iiranc«- »-»»mpani, w-hich < Hiv< r. Jacob Neutliamm'-r and J. A. Hous­ This practically petitc’s the title of shouhl pr»'Ve popular among om farnuTs, o.ie of his fly ng tri >» i i t » 1 » it of Yreka ton. I’h» y m«*thtng that will take th«- place of a la«t Week n»»«»n an I returned flirt*» m*t;«-tiip-nts, on»- -r I*. No need of sending to Portland fo’ furni charging .J. If Preston with larctuiy trom a similar.y siiuat-d along the line of the hay .“ta» k is wnut is want« «1 most in that line “hop, »-tie charging L I ward Myer and Ja Pass, hax’e provided a small parson­ SO' l.l.î.n >ME TÜEA fMKNI t‘!.M ! I» H lllfc Die edu'atiorrd te«t ap:»lie«i to .Vims A the u«ual vi«'t t«» the county othces, jail and pany to give setil< rs und ot cupants a age bul .1111«. to b»* further enlarged in th«* hospital, on We,in« “ lay afternoon, IN Tilt Ill Utt OF «l.r.THAT HILL UIVE Yum T here seem* to lie a difference ui opin­ satisfactory title to tii«ir hold ngs and futur« , tor the accommodation of Rev. J. S. Fries at the teachers' examination ar Ash­ county ait1 r which th* grand jurors were «iiaehargud IN'lANl .Nltt! ' IUI 11 F AND A ion between Secretary Jeremiah Ruak, help to open up and develop that „hole Futtr«-i . who arrived this w»-»-k from Indian* land last we«-k refi-rts credit upon the for i h“ term. Centra! P« int school« as w» II a-« upon tbe t(*rritory tu tak»* charge of thu pulpit at this rrita.iM.Nr ton. ol the Agriculture iK-partnieut, anil W eel- section o! country—.N ot - imi to l uum applicant for a cer iti *ate to fetch. Mr place*. Mill Interestin''. ent farmers an to their pi**|enty. In The most -‘peedv, posit-,*- ami perm« Many of the wise* m«-n of the county-s«*at Fries ha id petilion«*«! f<? ’ " i I, Asthma ■■ IL IbU'oRlM. SOI Es. whu h will be among tlu- first bills infr«»duce«l came off with ffying coi»»rs and a genera j M. Math«-set al., in E-b-u precitu-t. the c«»unt\ and all Thro.it, 1 t:■ ■:iin«-it ar«* consul, ! billing» “. J. D. Whitman, .I H Stewart and I»R. A iiokn ' ; <) rî < I.IN AI. Ml'l'K i*auon o( i I u er and Th» u. ( mu» r<»D w»n appoint»-«! to appraise MENT .1111 l'ir MltniCATI I, INHALATIONS mad« through their g» ntlernanlv agent. E. ous.'’ According to these figures, it s urgent exhortation to remedy none of the Sc<.tt, t«»r an » \t«-n«l»*»l write-up in tlu .X«w quartz mines, eh ., for >,«.<■ at the 1 ; m f - ■ i- 1 damages, an»l will m«*et at thueoiintx < l«*ik “ gives inst i'i’.T ns relief, builds tip and I «»th»*» and »piality on Friday, Dec. l 'th at 10 231,000 to one.that Jeremiah Rusk ia "uff niiataktg already made, to prrss forward Y ear’s edition id that pr«»grosi vu sheet. Mr. hcr o'-'io, k. 't , I»« lor»- proeeciling to «-xttnlru- recitali s the v.hnle co’.istitiitioti S. is we*ll up iu the wr.te-up tuisineas, having in the same hue and tru*t to that provi­ hia ba.*e.A utmmil Itrvtocrat. sc stern, tir i ' v pr..’..:.ging Ufa Tbe American Mining <’»ule. “tan iar.| i th'-Pio|. »;>»-d tout»-and appraise as nrg Pma remarked* few over Americans and fools. One subject consti itu'io is, ,,’T ai: 1 joung i The new Jump- 4T-foe bruig»*. 120 fu« f l«»ng, sale at the T imes office. ugo: “The high gain fri n t to n: Light «r. b(tthd has «h ‘ V»*|ope i mt*» a fin«? piece of property last session of the present congress lor forward—the Force bill. < hi neither has D r . s ; ' h nom -‘ t I si. i .1 .-uni ni.it- medien ? ami blood with the* county last wet k for th«* two struc­ sin e he “tru< k th»» h«ck cha»«n 1 p.v'v boil ■ n -u¡» the purj»oiie of enabling 1 tie capital ;n he anything new to say—N. Y. \ . J'iinEs tures. Jos. ptilnc county- is u«»w well fixes! f«»r pu il’.er. 1 ba“ won it- vv.»y to th” front velous r s hive crc.iti I tl.e gnatest thia country to be used in the establiBl * (Independent Republican.) briiig«*8, it it «lid ru'tuirv a good d« al ot n«-rv< grave'. The output “me la»t ¡•«•»iiiarv by its own minus.c iu»*rit, in*i has ine astoui I: it on the 1’acitic Coast and run“ well up I’H.» the th nisan Is to uiak«* good the I ose» -a e»f last winter. ltr«. ’ » st sale of :«I1V prep im ’ on »»f its kind. ment ot tin*plate worka.” Thia ib n« t tl’ronO. .' t th-; Ani th«* north ar«* changing in only untrue,but it is absurd and impo*>iii- Indian trouble 1« n t of a re.,*siiritu; na- ing the pi t twenty-live year*. A-thmi, character since th»- fruit season end» «!, ami Appleg .te the main tu-nei is n »w lejiig -tatem«.*t'♦. If y«»u »I - • i !e t » take Hood s ble. The duty of four cents a pound ib , tlln , Tue Ind an* are aMsuminu' a more carload after carload <»t hogs an«l catti«- hav«- constructed, to be put a h“tance ot XI S ir> lp.irill i d«»n<»t b * tudu «•«! to buy any* Ca'.nrrh of the Ili ad, .-.nd a l Throat Br. n and on block tin and the bla< k oxide uf W chi.'1 an ! J.nngtroulde ir tnntly relie, rd, A“ *n as water •hing cl“» ristrail. Be surr t » get Hou»!'»* Win like attitude, and while busily en­ r» places! thu long trains ot cars i«*ad«*d with feet into the niouiiLaiii tin, and as the manufacturer» uf tin plate gaged in the iihuet dance ostensibly, a>e appl«-“. p«-ars ami melons, w hich hav«- found Is attainable th-ir arrastra wil. start up on al-o I‘ar P' -e.: -e .r .i ! I > ':::■ -often cm cd an outl«-t from ttie valley ov«*r th»* S. P. lines 2’k) tons of ore ihat a“s iys f.si io the ton must buy thia metal, the impoaiti» n "Castori* uso well »darted to children’-hit j Cstlorl* eures Colle CoaÇWien permanently et fi: t <"■ nltution. D r . also engaged in m i mnulatiug srrns and tins s»nson. Few r«aliz«- lu»w rapidly thu Ear in For Rent. , I K..nr Kumi/b Iharrhœa, 1 ..rrho-a. Eructant hour Stomach. Eruttatimi. of a duty of fSO per ton on an article »munition, including a large supply of trad»- In trult and produce- is being ♦ xtende*»! The mine is very promising and prospects A lion NS essay on the " c :.: ’ . oty of Con- 1 recommend , it as »opener * to any p-’-.cripu a Kills Worms, five* sleep, sad promotes u acres, is ,db*re*i for rent. law was | a“ac(I, was evidently not in the the I!,.«!.’’ v.itli cvi'lenccs of some ex- LU So. Oxturd SU. UrouXiya, N. Y. ueeleee for dancing | urposeH, and are that we tu e»! r«.< make tills th«* wealthiest val come ftoiu tbe lower end of the ledge. injurious medication. For furth'-r | irti<- ¡l.irs empi re <>f interest of tin-plate manufacture. trnor.iin.it y cr.res. lnailvj free. Call or also running off alt the reservation ca'- b y on the coast is a coinp»ting line* of rail- I Min. S. E. bn. Tas CrxTAvn ('«»irPAW 77 Murray Street N Y. road with «-asternconnectons. Whenever we* , Ja» k “ onville Precinct, Ort. . tle into the had lands, evidently to he haveonew» will not have to rely so exten­ ahorn , Fruit Ijind, in the Willamette Valley. Roa Rov P akkisk the poetry hunter used for military supplier w hen hoetili- sively oil "climate” to boom our suction. Fourth bi J MScrrSsna :•(»•> ¡ •»rtlan«:, Or»*ir>n, This land is situated from 3 too mile*from has been recommended logo to Klamath ties are openlv declared. The war de­ Shakes and Hhinghft. I the Slate t'apitol, with it» excellent -hip- N ot ». - Tim e tr*:»t’ ’ >- »v7. p» '■ r«l. *»*nt by county and camp for the winter, to be partment ia following G«n. Jliles’ ad­ A supply of the best shakes and shngles •ll’l « t > p eg facilities, cannery, etc .and is esp,-c. ft • «no KLAMATH i'Ot’NTY ITEMS. readv for emergencies whenever Peter vice with reference to having all availa­ has just been received at the T imes »»thee tanno! p< . . 1 :n p tally adapted to fruit rai«mg which will be sold n q n ■» r* ’ *» i»-s to suit at the Toet lapses into verse. If Peter has ble troops, even oil this coast, ready for F ive s, re tracts from $■>’> to »75 per acre, «1INV1K5 13 ix; : . . ■ f'‘.GL'LTAIION. Mr. Skaggs <>f K»‘tio has gone to 4’ajifurnia. all cultivated and readv to set to fruii. ra-nsanwhle rates. preserved his earlier effusion» and will immediate rail, and is massing addi­ Ten-acre tracts partially cultivated lor D. C. Brownell spent the w«*( k at Mud lake, give Rob Roy access to bis tiles and pri­ tional tones about Hie dancing fjioux 1 1 ♦.XT per acre, vate pajiers and ulmit him to daily com­ and Cheyennes. 1 Twenty acres light timber lan.l, .utii I Arnos Lundy returned to Linkvillo from munion in his ‘‘thought foundry," the g..,sl spring branch, »;<•> t>er acre. T he Director of the Mint Is informed Aslilaud last wet k. Je poor deluded ¿elver in poesy can easily Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in culti­ H'ghest of all in Leavening Power.— U. S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17. i HS q , Miss Hortense Buss. II returned home to put in several months and find some­ that nearly amdlion dollars of Australian vation,spring branch running on the place, Ashland last Fri5 per acre ing the total amount trausferrel to date Mrs. John Wel.'a and children ot Bly will of Oregon verse. onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce ?1 in value, net, of Forty-three acres. twenty-five acres |3,lfi0.0ttt). These transfers are made spend the uinf»*r at San Jose, ( al. culnvattd, tine spring brain li, place all marketable fruit each year. suh-treasur.es, free of Al»-x Martin. .1 r . lust w»•<•!> took po.sscssi(»n fenced in, lor flu per a re. I nmcihatblv following the announce I through the ment ot tl.e formation of < ioiihl’s mitantic U,“‘rk-. , tinder privileges extended by of tiis neat n«‘w < »»ttage r»‘sia C o ., ering the matter. neas ot the Grand ('vntrul hotel tn the future. .Salem, Oregon. Chat amount. With charming -um;/r -'/or nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, anti invite Th»- n» w l.-legraph line from Ager to Fxl- Rail. or nahetc, or w hatever the French T hk N. Y- S hu baa this to say of Pres­ the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your oreliatd, you sun “ hotel at pragu»- r \.i <>n a i!\mg trip during th»- foreclosure of the mortgage on your orehatd. tlon. inery to farmers and to manufacture our recommendati'-n that tin* For« e bill We» k. Acconliug to the san frauelsco dnilien a rfine­ Price, $17 binding twine for sale at reduced rates! { ebouhi la* tak» n up ami i wed through Mrs E W. Gamer last we» k r»*turned t*» ly he* b*eu discovert»! that with almost uq » The L* t’hi r, Workmanship a»>'l Vtona alt'T a pleasant visit with her daugh­ The sublime effrontery of such a state­ 'congrefm. There ib 1 ttle nvu.l of auv ter. •rrimr certainty overronv* constipation. It is Mrs. Wright of Llnkville. he vmr RKbT. ment, coining I rum mu h a source, is ; further argument upon thin subject. tbe new laxative principle hi Joy s Veferabis With half the care von give wheat-tields, and it will yield an income SAVE MONEY BY Bl YIX« DIRECT • h.i“. L-»w of Pin«* flat went to Jack«on worthy of admiration, if the trust is I Thin bill ib Mimplv revoluti n. Its um* l « »»iint j alt« r his family during tlu-we« k, they Sar-aparilla. The papers are full of recent oc- on a valuation of $11 KM) an acre, lhere is not a win at-ii« ld in this We can sGI you not to be commended. pur|MM«e ib to continue the domin mt par- ' having b«-en there Home months. -nrreucea couflrminr its effleiency, and we g!rs county which yields such an income, and l.\ l.K^ orchard iloes. Harness at from $6.00 up. | ty in power, ami to tbiw end ita promo* 1 N;u j engag«-«! «luring th»- we« k In p itting up the attended with constipation, and never found but iramv for a thu granary f«»r Newt. Pratt. one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to be selecte«! by ono preparation that helped me aed that anon concentrated party »les|s>!ism. ’’ According to the ( hnutuv for De­ a INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sherman Stanley shot a wil»! goose on the ... wore out and lost its effect, and I rat again a you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or tin-winters of cember the class ol TH ahea.iy numls ia | “ rtiia MCheme ahouM In* r» anted «iv wing r«-< « ntiy, which ’n (ailing struck him in 5 000 uiemliers, whu began their studies I teimmedly and uncompr»*mmnglv by th« i ace. almost causing dirt-i ui conae» pi cnees. ■uffBfwr till I trie»! Joy’s Vegetable eamaparilla olemocmt. If necessary every Miss Ada Bowdoin last week returned to ands g>reviou>ly engaged in the work. means of delay an«i obstruction abonl i I orihin«! to resume lu-r studies at the buMiru-gs reorganised me I had one of thu most sensativs 1 H AT CAN RE t SED EVERY DAY be reaone«! to in eongreee. The miacbieb i ' »'liege th« r«-. att«-r a ph asant visit in I.hik- of stoma- hs and was in rontluual distress, but _ _ is the kiml that pay*. Score* of Every day the head uffi e at Buffalo, N We give away the laud. Pay us $10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for i ville. can with the aid of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparills /young business men, amt liun- Y. ia tn receipt of about SOO letters and that aie sure to arise from such political dreds of book-keepers and sten­ two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and postals from jieople residing in all sec­ revolution ai ■ so great ami ao grave aa i Klamath scounty i-h-rk this w< k issued a now eat any an»l everything with my old ac amount ot circuit court scrip, much ot custom*»! freedom without nny evil effects. I niu I tions of the country desirous uf iniorma- to overahailow every other question. »artf» ographers of faith sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portl.ind Busi­ (ll’ARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. ;t the «•u(f>rowth <»t tlu liur-i-fouglit Shook both surp ,sed and delighted, aud gladly rerom tton concerning the course of readings. Whatever ditlerence of opinion may ex­ case. ness College, Portland, Oregon, or ttie Capital Business College, Salem. Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value ■¡cud it» n u 4 Wright s drug -t<,r»*MiD- in the liurncd Oregon. Both are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses of Residents of the Pacific coast should ap­ ist among Democrats concerning other their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and compet C i . a K v Matrix. Manicure, “trn t nils week gives birth to a Deal struc- stu.lv, - urn.- r.it ..ftnition. D ’ r^'mor,Sliorthrin; t<•< t, to be us« d tor mrrchaiidisiiig ¡ai Kearney afreet. 8. E ing in the markets of the world with tin- serfs of Russia and the slaves e H. Field of San Jose. In California fif­ tton concerning this. 1'rtverve the lib­ pur|MMK«. I Asli De/itirtuicnt. ts. Write to cither for joint Catalogue ami specimens of penmanship of India. “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital teen new circles have Ireen organized In erty of tbe people and put down the Re« >< >» reported that BuvkinaMer, in Jail ! ~~~~ n M »»loc county on at bargeol horsestealing, aa manv small villages of the interior, publican conspiracy to destroy them. The First Step. ity of its soil,” gays a great economic writer. The people of -Jackson has mad« a « onfesslon impli» ating Sylvester while interest in San Francisco is un­ and the Dixon bruthcra. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat, county should learn this as an axiom. abated. The aeries of free public lec­ Restored His Wife’s Health. Sheriff Gow»*n advertiser to s»-H some valua- can’t sleep, can't think, can't do anything Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in to your satisfaction. and you w«.nd«*r what tures, embracing subjects ol general in­ M *. w.i> suit» ted f *r year* iron del.iltv i»l»‘r» al property D»*ceinbcr 29. under execu« ails yon. You should heed the warning. sound of the hum of the shuttles, or the thunder of the factories, or non in the case ot th»* Scb«M>l Land terest toChainami'ian», r*e-iiily inang aim a gt i^eval b • ki down of health Board issue«! Ut- vs. J. o. Hainaker et al. You are taking th»» first step into N *rvous fi ura'ed, promises to be of great lienefit, tio re-uhs of d.*ra C3 i eculiar to women toiling late over desk and counter, should study our plan well. It means H m. Nickerson and wife returned to the Prostration. You need a Nerve Ton *• and inasmuch as invitations to attend are A ! that lite returns, good digestion is restored. :»n»i 1 z /A-* BUT CURES r valley and our Orchard Home. 4*;' when th. pr< sent be. t crop is mark» ted th.-re the Liver and Kidneys re«* urn? health v V. and it is extending ;' ith a rapidity winch As a tout we nr ;»l' «!»• ijh'e»i with it 5 J?'.«* win be® n i m prospect #U» ud fur o’Ttt v»-ar : action. Trv a bottle Price 50c. at all NOTHING ELSE. ant! fwu y Vxrs from nv’w. I drug-felOYVY' J fa truly astonisliitrg. GEVRVL il.Vt.MK», CuVmgtVU, V. EADY at 1;« m -<»til> true H’“t«»rv <»i M -r- inouifiu pulilt“ii«-l En-rinatmu. nit» ii .«< |y interesting. p»»w» i f ul — En»b>ib< «1 n..k» b> Muruions and Gentilt W Ot Trapp«*!“ and Traveller- Bh>od> Indian Wars 1 bribing a<-u<»i«nts <•! M mi -»“«» !«^ and Miraculous E-« ;tp«-“ Th«- iuiii <> u > Ditmt« A*»z>»»- uiation. Etc.. Et« . MYSTERIES OF POLYGAMY Th» Tithing H«» um - («l«stial Marring« Strang«* R«-ligi«»u* ( u-t.-m*» B:<.gia¡»n\ «»1 Brigham Young, as thrilling a nuvulj.-t true hlatory. A gran»! i»o«'k t<> “« II. Ev«-ryt»«>dj Wants It. M»*rchants. Farmers. M«-chaniu.“. an.; a / «l.i“s«-< hax< «*aa»-rly aw ailed tlu app»aran. of this remarkable l»<»«*k. AGENTS “• ini » juk k “1 (■' t< >i i • >*t 1 y and «legant ( an- \;u>sing Outfit. D n't aa>t« tinu- uiimg 1»»r circular«, but secur«- t»-nit«»rj tH-(« all. and t*u Grand D)us- trati«>u> attra«! attention nn. ES ÜATAFiB:! Cunei RhcnmaliMii. Xriimlgia. Corn* HEADACHE. Ard ALL PAIN Th' C.'lfurr. « Pc, • r »nd It»«- T. ELECTRIC COt'GH CL Hl CURlt> COLD? CR, . r CUCf. »<■ Held br «L Freie E«-»i 2:-r. »Or 4 $’ Orr.tinc.r A Co . Prop . lot Aegrl.%, Q.| if Baking Powder o <; INCH C. H. VFG111E, Astia id. We jie miller li. ati ■>« to E. W. llani ni' ii'l uf Wimer for n couitnunieation call- mg ui', n'l -ii to iiii'. er„:i. prin er'i error, in l.i- bo'aniial art: e in tl.e r1.1,1-< 11< in ,\fi pereonH who HI. <111 Malli I1M nl|| |,|.!lw ,.Mi: U1,. „flj,.,. Jnek»..iivil|, an.l M idi without fnrth.-r adi. k I m ii att.-r X<<» . 1. a |.rol»|>t (H.llipllatK , UHI, t|„. |MW w,|| , tiirthereoeta. JAS.G. BIKDSEY Ni. rilt ani) fax-C l!<, t..rot .1 •. L . u liubly.