at|?¿PcmocMti(eimc.5 X ’N Published '-veri Ki id i ( by Jimrs. < / X [< *1< KEI ( EDITOR AND PKOPHiETOil. / 4 TIMES BUILDING. NEW Otfico—Corner Third and C Streets. <* a-» of S'jtXH'llv'.loli: Ono copy per Annum, In udviuur............. " »I» month.«..................... ............... 1 .-W. •* three uoatha ....... B. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE «*’ OREGON. (T. S. Senators, J. H. Mitchell, J. N. Dolph; C»»ugrvwMiiian, II. Hermann; Governors. Ben- noyer; Secretary of Mat»-, G«s»rgi* XV. Mc- Bnde; Stat«* Tr»*Hi»ur»*r, Geo. XV. Webt»; State Print»»r,F. <’. Baker; Supt. Public Instruction, E. B. McElroy; Suun inr Jiidgo*. R. S. ¡¿tralian, t’tiicf Justice. W. P. leord, U.S. H« an. EHEST jrultKL IHSTKK T. Comprising Ja< kson, J»nmissl«»nera. XV. C. »’rawlord, C. S. Silvers; Clerk, A. L. Leavitt; Sheritf, E XV. Gowan: Treasurer, Wni. E. H«»w»: b««s- Sor, John Stuart; School Supeilntvmteiit. P. L. Fountain;Surveyor, Lsa. L«-skeurd;Coroner, J. T. Forbck 1.AKK rOfNTY Joint Senator. C. A. C«»gsw«*il of Lake; Rep- nwentative, A. Snuter; »’«»unty Ju-tg« . W. A. Wilsnire; Coin ms*i«»u«-is, A V. Lum-, tie«». .M. Jones; Cierk, \V. N. Sutton; Sm rifi, xx p. H- \ - for«i Trvaaurer. A. McCalb n. School Sup«•1-111- tendent, A. H. Fisher; Assessor. J. h. Me- |h»tiough; Stin k Inspect«»!. t>. R Jolies. MMKTINO OF t’OVKTH, ETC. The supreme court ot (>r»*g »n inecK at Salem, regular terms v »nun« living «»n tin* first Motulays in March an«l Ovt-»i»cr; al*-» at Peii- dh-ton, e«»inin«ncin.g oh fir*l Moiid.iy in Max. The circuit court forthviirsi ju liciiildm ru t sits in Jackson count> on first M<»n-Li>s in April, September an 1 December. In Kiain.itli county oil second Motida) in June and 111st Monday in November, in L ik«? entn- ,mr«l Monday hi .M«iy an«t tli»* *«*c««ml .Monday • n Octotwr. hi Jos’-pliin«* county on hr*t Mondays in March an i August. For Jackson county tn • e«»unty . prob »I« an 1 commissioners' court.s meet every moiith. commeiic’.ug wit.) th* first ,M. wvery alternate in«»ntli, »•• »mmcm ing the first M«»n-tay ill January. F«>r Kiamuth county the hiwt Wislmwiay in March. June, Svptrmb*r at.d November. FRANK GALLOWAY. MANTFACrUREIl Ob’ legal documents ()! all kia is drawn upfc especially pertaining to tie- settlement of estates. L’ullcflur of’.noanu. Prompt Rruiiltanrr». MONEY LOANED. It's Esp Ha'lv aliptel For Farms, Rinches, Orchards, Gardas and Lawns NEW GOODS. NEW PRICES NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP [ ti »»X I’M AN. «I ( CIHsoli I < » J. <>- HAM* J» >ik«*i A « "f Boi.Hii’Mi, Klaamth c*»unty ‘»r., has pnrrliHM’d a b ig«* ai'«l hrst-clam» si«»< K ”f 4 »«»dr. wtil .1 HD* new«»titli. wHj fr««fii l’«»rthui«i And arili t»«‘ *<4d(’heap f«»r » ’ash. Everj’>«<1y ir invite«! t«» call an«l ainminu «”« m I h and pri *»‘s b«»- f«»re purr has in .«Uewhere. Y«»u can alway« tind «m hand a full hne «»f Clothing. Boots anti Shoos Groceries. Hardwi re FREIGHTS & FARES THE LOWEST. HARKNESS, Gr fia found in a first ciasH('(»untry St »re. .! \S MORION, Manager Bunmua. April 1 h 1888 I .*»» •JU BEEKMAN & REAMES Th ■ company reserves th«* right to change sailing dates without notice. T rain-* »••Hi:iert with the O. «& vr law . R. R. nnd River B«»ats at (’orvallD and Albany. C. H. HASWELL R. NEIL, Will pr.u'ti**.* in »11 Court« -l tli* Mate, tulic» lllltu* t ourt H>ui-*c, llr.t d»w>r to leit ot eti- truiiee. C. C. HOGUE, G hq 'IF. A P. Ag t, Orngoe DHvelonment Co., i 4 dout^otuery St.. San Francieco Cal. Gen l F. A P. Ag t. < > I’. R. K ( «», ( ’orv d Ln. Oregon. JACKSONVILLE, OR. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER I. ATTORNEY AND COCN8ÜUHI AT LAW. .hickaoitrtllr, Ur. BANKING HOUSE Tr dn N • 3 will ru:i Tuesdays. Thursday-* an«l Saturday*, and on mt« nu diate day n-rix-.ii'i 11 ai ii N ». I will run M>»ndays, U’edm * day s and Friday s. . hi I <>n inf r n««li. 3 . E. Hugg, K« < i . ,/«««r « p.ii tn« rsliip with an autli r zet « apital «»t «V» nun f<»r th« purpose «* in a 1 ”t >»* bran.-h.-s in .I.K-kw •uvill«-. » H ««Oil. »nth«- at 1lie«. I -t.iIHl «»! B« « - Banking IL «use, >. E. cerner ( i;l- iforma an-i Thir«i st revts. »• »•. BEEKMAN THDS. G. REAM ES. Jackson County Bank. H. K. HANNA, 3i mroK i>. ohegon rroKNLY ANU COI NSELOK AT LAW. ./«irA*o/*r»I/»*, Or. Wifi practice in all « «»uris «»f tiuMat« . Otti» t In Ortii s l»r < k, i«i»-stairs. Fruit, Shade nmamcntal and Nut Trees! .Nor.YUY 1-l'BLIC ANU CONVEY AM EK. and GolU Hili, Urrgttn- VINES AND SHBUBBEHÏ Will attend to all buaim-sa in my line with prompt ne**# und at reasonable rate#. MONEY LOAN ED ON FAVORABLE TERMS WM. M. COLVIC, on the n«»rtliw. st coast NO APHIS OR LICE ON TREES ATl’OICNF.Y' AND i OCNSEL«»» AT LAW. TOLO! TOLO! Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. •/orlftfVMr<•.burn. Or. Puivlia>< HOatrff G. SMITH, TAKE PUBLIC NOTICE Of the Franchises and Privileges granted to F. II. BOWE August 7th, 1888, By the incorporai--rs of said company, now on file at the Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville, Jackson Co. (NHt*e in latyton & i’»».’a brick. upMairs. ROBERT A. MILLER, ATTORNEY AND Col NSEUHt AT i.\W. Jiirkminrnlf, Hr Ultiee in building («»rm. riy occupied by Dr. XV ui Jackson. INS7 IM.", J. C. CARSON, Manufacturer of Sash. Doors, Blinds Dealer in N. D. YOUNC, 4 I’ K \ E Y < > 1 WINDOW AND PLATE GLaSS > Stirxeying «»f all kinds «I ui«* in a first-(I. i - wa (ii.iiiii' r an I at r«-a*<»iMt»i« rate**. I t-l general ihilding material . GRIFFIS «c WALKER \ ¡ A full line in stock of J. W. WALKER. J. H. GRIFFIS Jwkdomilie. or?g«»ii. ( rnment lands. 1','vt i « s and price-list sent on »• ppiicat ion < »I X I R\ ORDER'* A SPE» ! \LTY . Faetorv at XV. idi» r'* Mill. Sa!« si ..»ms cor Thir l and L -ire. t*. I’.a tlami. < n« g«»n. O. F. ÜEMürtESr, il E S I D E N I’ D E N l’ f S T, Miiltord, Urrirou. GOLD HILL, OREGON By the Thousand ! SASH AND DOORS AND SEASONED FINISHING MATERIA! l*oi»»P, OrrgttH ♦ Ill’ r N DI’.RSIGNF.D H N'(»\X’ TAKING i>R- .1« • - i m oligli .la« k-')ii ami J«»s« phiiic colin­ es t«»r (’alla promptly attemled today or night. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CEO. DE BAR, M. D., AND > I it G E I » N, P H Y S I C 1 i N Ja« k-•»i»wi 11e, Or«ar«»n. infice an! readme«« on i furnia St r«-«t. CallsHttembd promptly day ot night. R. PRYCE, M. O., P II Y S 1 C I A N A ND S l R G L < » N, FRUIT TREES à SHRUBBERY, SAW MILLS ON SAMS CREEK. aij \ — WITH ITS— M»*«lf«»r't. Or«*K«iN. 11 <>ni<* < >Hi<-<- it t 11 • • • • rm: < /:/ i nn iri:i> . . . ._ SMITH & WESSON . revolvers : ■ ,%ND BRAN’ II OFFICES IN PORTLAND. ASTORIA AND ALBANY. AN!» SIRGEoN Has for s.-re a large li«t «»l Urtami. The Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured. ® (»thee oll M.IIII street. ill Childers’ building C h I ih promptly attentimi to. «Ia> and nigiit. DR. A. J. LAPPEUS, P H V 81 C I AN AN D S F K (i KO N. (>ntri « i! «'I I. ui ! « *■. ,w:i- » Hpreially orjraniz»*»! f«»r Hin pin p .*«• «»f l»m injr and ! ¡.«ii-1, a id I Im* du ri ng Ih»* pant t w«» y« ars t»<>iuz!it and Mibdi v:«l« d <»v« r »JUO acres ' i — ' »nd nib - tlv« - r<» t w«-nty acr«* 1 rads. Th«‘'*)ic<*«‘** <»f this ihi «!« i Ltk.nx is sli.twn in Hie t.u 1 rit ti <>iif «J :.'**• trm tf» placed «»n the mark« t. 22.'» hav* l»c«-n sold. \\ • « ,i tn that t« n acres «4 choice land in fruit will yield a lurx’T in< «>ni«* Ilian I»«»» i»cres ot wh«-af in Hu Mississippi valley. i XV. ai-.. iii tk- VHln.tblc irnprovein«*nts in Hie way of r«»ada. ferie»*«*, elearinx I lie land. <*tc. i XV. in s.-il a small tract of *an I « ’ I \ N A N I» s f R G K <> N Hrant's Pass. Oregon, otile • it pr«‘s« nt .it the Bagley H«»te|. W. s JONES, AND M. D. SIRI» F.»»N. I <13 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. ■ ...... ■11 ■■ W. F. READ. President J. R. WRITSMAN, Vic«-President. J. L. COWAN, Trwumrer J. K. ELDE RKI N, fl Craters T QlltV illlO |h’ ( i. and Manager 1 ¡T I » 1 • CAPITAL STOCK. $500,000. (JÆ'-ilI PAID UP MX).<»o ALBANY. « »REGON I/« ///»»«/, Orrgim, o»î« -llaniiin> Bl.H-k. W.11. ULÍRCM Districi 4,’Hf. WILL i Fl • ' 'i: - \ I > ; 1 ... i ! \ I \ tin« • mouths, i ti rca-’nabi» i i ms. my r« • item« amt finniUir«'. bhuk-mith shop, ti tur« -. « !••.: also my Ini-in«-*, wlm lii* «ni«- t he li - ht«-k-«'t'vlim. Inn»1 ^2. ÎH0<> ñflEJFGM. OREGON Weak, Pa rful Eacks. II The Cc'.UcLù i rcDch Cure, ••AFHiiODiïiUE":'i;:;:ï . SEEDS SEEDS F. L. , Posson & Son, 209 2d St, Fortîand. Gr. MIAV.ViiE AM) IISWAKE »II (’all on «»r nd«lr»'s* -L S. 11 ERKIN. A*»h!an neri * In colli cti.m ....... I houo- aii'l oiitliull-liiiKH ami nee-—>-rv burn room. Fruit • m-uirli for a small tamilr. Ta ■ living «pringi» on «he place, lian-1) forNbak nmi Irngi-ion i-uri- iAc«. The I.,11 ovum proi-crtv will iro with t lie piai--: 4 MinniRlR fr<-m all t.,r im-wi r ami reaper ...... rulkj i nk , pwrts of the globe. P-"»i»ectus P«)BT Fit»’’. M,nt «»n application to Prof, ami all m-c- —ury Imml tool«. The piar e 1« Im A. G»ÍMUe. 237 F’Uh Ave. New Y-Ml cit.-t «lire--mil-- norlhw -»! "I' Point, ami mm- mile-* from i ciitral Point railroad -lation It-old i- t'-re Imi yi -t the crop will go wii li th<* pla«’e A -inali bnuch ot « attleand soul«* !i«»gs will be M>id also, if d« -ire«l. Term« <* h * v ; two-thirds cash, balance t.» «uit pur Ncw.;p:p’,"»,rlt‘l"rj.1,EDrJ(IVK s< IIMIIOUK EMORY THIS PAPERS^ HEW lUnlL :"> JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR V”K "XIE. Md'.’. ACRES OF LAND H*‘ f acres «.I larm land in tlie vail» y. x«»o«i tor ('Loie fruit or grain. . ... Two th-.uM»n-1 hundred aer»** f«M.t-hil! and mountain-sid»* land. x . mm I l«»r fruit, «lary- fnx <>r stockraitdng. This H a« k ol land I ihh .»v« r*ev. n mtle*«’f fencing, dw»*. a Sto<*k shed «»f ’.Ml fret, anl plenty ot living I commercial imjioftAnce. Even th»» m ’e comm- n hemlock of both tfi»* <*«»a*t aud interior fo/eßta .\tf. ff .isiiing,) known in botanical journal* as the Western hemlock, is, at least in the southern part of the state,’*onfined either to the mountain sides or to the higher ridgen of tlie foothill«, or is so remote and Ro limited in quantity as to tie at present of little or no commercial value. T nga Xfi'rfrnsi • ar waj for a tiin** thought to lie identical with th»* Eastern hemlock ( and is even now on this coast popularly supposed to be identical aith that tree. It has no name among th«* people here that I am aware of other than the common name of “hem­ lock,” which, of course, would not serve to identify the tree, ha foliage iff ex­ tremely light and feathery, the ultimate branchle’s Iwung very slender ami thread­ like, making it the most gleeful tree of our forests. The branches of the hem­ locks, it should I m * observed, are scatter­ ed irregularly, not set in whorls I ke those of the pines and firs. The Western larch /.-*/ /r commonly called “tamarack," is a tall slender tree of the eastern s I ojwk of the Cascade mountains. The larches are extremely interesting from a botanical point of view owing to the peculiar evolution of their h*aves. and to the fact that these are deciduous and not evergreen, as in the cane generally in the pine familv. ¡MTix l.gnlii, a s’na'l larch on the eastern fc|o(H* of the Ca*r.ide mountains, most probably d •»*« not occur in southern Oregon, as its range is further north than the last natn»*d. The noble fir .VAA known in the mountainous districts of northern California as “red fir." is a !arge and hand-oine trw, rmfinei mainly to the higher part of the Cascade mountains and ’lie S erra Nevada, or. at least, to the higher parts of the tr.msvers«* ndg I mentioned above as ronnertint the two great mountain systems of the Pacific coast. In the summer of lass I met with this magnificent fir on the < ì re»- n mountai'i, near and other trees occurred further 1 down the Ht«|e of th»* iiionntaiti. . The noble fir is intere «’i*« to I otanista chiefly on a-count of its remarkable rone; but its titulier is nut hkeh soon to he of any giea? commercial 'alue in soul hern < >r»‘gon on a< count of the re m<)tenesK of the tree from the more set- tied portions of tin* country. C oncia pep N ext W ei k . The yellow pine Finn* is, gon these transverse ridges separate the coun’ry Is-tween the Cascade moiinta ns next to the Djuglas sprue*, the most and the coast ranges into thr -e great • iy- abundant and the roost y di-tun tlted coniferous tree in all ->nr western Service* are now he'd in St. J »seph’s drogrtphic basins, es<-lt • ! which, eX- » Church evers siuohty ;»t 10 JM» M., xr. pt c-ptingthe c-ntral valh-y r j.o’i in <*;<«,|i, flora. I a so i'hern < >r. gon, east ol the r« «I. ihe 4 P Sunday ol each month 'itie isc rtamly of •s covered by the forests <1 one n. 1 li^ Coast r mge.the i i Sc vices wiil be I eld in St. Mubael * < th1 rot the two grea* Í r>—t sxpt tn# more universal “'cim • is .iiimenca'- chlKch. Mt dford. on I tie 4 ti S uu «1 mv » -f ailurir d Io above. ly more n'lmecou* is cupie. larger areas • act» rn nth by 11- v Fallu r <’.ark. p.»r *h In i‘ s’ •« itia'i <■ v.*n the 1 touglaa sp *m e, the ilo .I prie*!. im y ami I 1' i in« Pain* and v. «-ak those ]v ing east of tier ^jeat vail-y* a - ibiind int coniferous lr e in tins r -g. m. The tolioAHg me Rev Robert Booth'.* •'-i' ' ! n ■ m nut» by th« m led to) average lor ib** entire r'.iti- In ti.e Coast range the D lUgiaH spruce »1 I 1« l HA Y x H-P a IN I’LXl-TEH. th'1 iipp- intment-* for fi e present year Firm It predominates. Ttie yellow pine is al«u first ami only pain killing, st rengtli*'»ing plas­ '.ihbath of ea< h month, Meuford at 11 about thirty-five miles in width ter; ii« w, in-tantaiu'i'Us. intailibl«-. o clock a M. ami 7 P M se reond Sabbath, Douglas and Jackson counties they will one of our largest ami moat vaai ible tun The errast her trees. Its wood, however, lacks the • entrai l'oint at 11 a . m «nd an i 7 P. m ; average about f< rtv miles. ’lurd Sabbath. Medford at 11 A. a . M. m . and 7 forest averages for the state, alsrut thir­ softness and firmness of grain of ttie i*. m ; fourth bahbath, Jacksonville at II ty-five miles in width; in the Rogue sugar pine, and Ihe great strength, \. M. and 7 p m . river basin it will average aboui thirty- toughness ami elasticity of the Dotigla« The tall, straight, cylindrical I he following a^e Rev. R. Ennis’ appoint­ five miles; in Douglas -onnty les -. Tiie spruce. ments (>n « ycr\ Sumlav morning, except­ inland or eastern fore-t is alsnit 20d trunks <>f this handsome pine, clad in ing inv third l e will hold servnes hi the miles in length from north to south ; the sinooth, teridirh-brown bark add much i*r- d’Vtvri tn church in PI kv ux ; on third Tog*-th«r to tie- park-llke beauty of the forests of >■)•.. ay morning at Jacksonville and » very coa«t forest, atsriit .X) i miles. this her"ion, the tre.-« usually standing 7nii«la. evening he will preach at the they cover aii area of about hi.ltUO square mihs. These large fores’ areas widely s-parate from each other l'resbytirian church m Jacksonville. Tiie red cedar ( Thuua ninantru, t he secure an almn lant flow oi w ater in the streams, bo'li summer and winter, even great atbor vit.* , so abundant in Wash­ Fifty People B*»lly Injured. in ttie drvest seasons. Their simple ington ami in the Willamette valley, 77/;: i / • />/' r.rr the polls ' ’ne of 'he -land.* at E »stern park. Bro««k- commercial value, if the timber should ought to be found in southern «tregon, w lie e the Y^le Princeton foo ball as it ranges from San Diego, California, t>e cut from them and sent to m uk. t, Ge-trife W. Curtí« thu« reviews the po­ ? in*' was play**«! Nov 27’h, fell about ’• ut hit.v person* were i» pired. would b.- sufficient to have paid th- to Alaska. But I have nowhere met litical result in /I i ■ j> .'t W-.Lb;: tb* r « f ih’-in had litiiLs hr« ker*. national d-Irt I wve over ar its highest witii it in the forests in this part of the Tile genctal rei-uit '(tie, lection i« at- i doubtie.-M dop*- occur. In emphatic ver.lict anainst the Rcptibii- ttie newly »reeled s and figures. That i«, at $I«> |wr thou«sn I »fate, though if • ■w ed witn non, women end chil- feet, tli« low-st price at the mills of lie- Washington ami in th# Willamette can patty. Apait from pattientnr i«- ilu whole north end gave way will» a euium 'ii. -t pine and ti« lumber, ii would valley this a •a»ge and valuable tree, sti. « ike the anti-Tammanjr t<>nie-t in ih i-e like lliundi r. The cries of men ami The wood is 1 ghl, Buft, free of knoU, N.-w Y rk ate) tic hi ': «} n>"vi":ti>nl XX •. I I siirirks of women ware rw»t wholly amount to ab nt /.oii it in the hon-e a is that the girls were carried out faulting. health, in the anundance and purity absolutely Ire.-of knot*, ami of extr- r-te country in the electi »n of is«« ha I ic- of the wa’er in the numerous springs | durability. Find Time to l»e Polite. eued its “tnand it ■" for ti.e enami-llt of ■ Tiie w bite cedar l.i’. .. r ', us -. tier neither of these genthmen ever rmie the sccuritv tirey afforit against devastating | closely related to ttie red cedar jn-t can have fai e.l to remark the d ep <)•«- en ire length of tiie biidge’•'ttmg. If «here tl s.ds .luring the season of heavy rain, 1 h sen tie I. hilt differs greatly from it in content p-odneed by «be g-neral course was a woman on b'-ard uho had no seat Jttiecharacter an i quality of its wool. of the administration prrty. am e«;ie*- sin woii’d tie rlire to catch the eye <»l and in the general l< ndency to prevent cither Mr Low or Dr. iadnage. ami si-e those sudden ami excersivi- changes of This, in leed, when thoroughly season" !, iailv by t lie pas-age of a tell which ac­ always roi a I mentioned it one day temperature which are of so frequent cv possesses tiie quality of durability in a tually increased the p-".—of n eessaries to Mr. Low, who s'mply replied; ‘Well, u r'tinence in treeless regions, is beyond iiigh degrr e . hilt it is lacking in strength, in a time of entire |>eace. and at a ses­ h tl’j thing lki th «t wi never shorten my pr'ce. Garden Seed It is earnestly to b« ho|ied, ami is usually much damaged by int-r- sion of congress wii ch ta-gan wdti a sur­ life very mm h.’ \n ! 1 hoje* it won'i.” therefore, that an intelligent provision nal decay. This lias «o honeycombed the plus in the treasury A core an f more of just such nistaiv-e« fur the management and preservation internal structure of the living tree in It was not strange that in Ma«sachn- m ght b • < num« ra’e«i of men, busy with tug allair , whoa w.-j > find time to b<- po­ of tiie» r forests will prevail. The future many case« ss to leave the wood unfit setta.tbe mother of Republican 'ii.wheie we fate of t: e state depends so largely for any l ut most ordinary uses, »ucii a« reverse was most overwlrehu ng, the lite. Press. upon this that tl.- note of warning tails ami posts. Republican candidates should have tried Grass, Clover and all kinds of sguiist tli«- i wanton de«trmtion cannot Notice. The Poi-. Orford cedar sChuiiiliirritpnris to shirk the issue by insisting the ¡< - ii d, the tnoie Th»* r«« hr process machinery in Cel of great »ize and magnificence giving a extremely durable when exposed to tire unwilhngjar»* it.:«- ii^«*nt <**t:z. na to aur*- b» Mit’.« r Tl - V gu* Free. Butte cie'*k mills having b« en placed in plraHant and often Motnrwliat of a park- weather or tn contact witii the ground. kain under that name a system oi high ii«>sUtun ami business having been re­ ike aspect to the forests of this section It is conceded to lie the most valuable wood in Oregon and is largely manufac­ taxation, ami to bunion «ioinegtic enter­ sumed, I am now ready to supply all who of the state. may come witn the best of roller process tured to meet the earnest demand for it. prise and industry with oppressive im­ ports on th» ir raw material. tl -nr at market rates. 1 will continue t«i CONIFKKOl ff TKKK8. The tide land spruce Ffr" exchange with farmers for wheat at the V- ii of fhe “Pacific Rail­ It ia not atfofl y- a»”in a national sense, Tue on«* tr*r beyond doubt of greatest the following rates; 38 pounds of superior road Reports,” is another of the v.J talr'e for it is Um year of a <*<»ngreMnonai elec­ AT CENTRAL POINT, baker’s grade flour per bushel without offal, c »nitn»*rrial i*n I economic value in all tion, anl the general :nh*r«**t was not or 34 pounds of baker’s grade Ilnur per the r *gion went of the R«x*ky mountains, timber trees of this region rertricted less than in a presidential year, al­ Tins bushel and nine pounds of feed. Ex­ Lx* teaffon of its wide »lirtribntion and mainly to the vminify o! tbe coast change limited, to familv uses, tn farmer’s gieat abundanc»». ami of its adaptab hty :« a Sr a large tree, 150 to 2tX) feet in though there w i- not fo much pictur- sacks. Will guarantee the output of the in all stages of its growth to so nru’y heigtit, with a trunk diameter of six to eeqne incident. Itthe year of recon- Butte creek mills to be v<|Ual to the hebt useful purposes, is th»* Douglas »pruce, nine feet. The tide land sp/uce ranges ing witti Republican aLiife of | uwet—an Wli. n if ki |.il n complete fl< nr made in southern Oregon. 1dxifoli mglas should ire deficient in any of these vatedca*e»»f lettri I tned k»t :m»*. salve«, car for examination hy a surgeon. NAILS. RUPE. spiuee ami ail true firs xi/iti'S' hav’t* the valuable qualities. soapk, and ««tb»*r nutward app-lcat «m«. nrai’chlets siiKvith. the leaves, wl en The two white fits {Sbirs and wilbout atty beneficiil te-uH*. ¡n*»dd.'i n Shot in the Eye. Ami everythiiur else nnagimib'e in thia line, fading« ff, leaving a shalh’W. depiesstd Sbies riiiii.1.111 ) if. indeed, the latter IS to to the Tetter. Poils r inm« i c d breaku g M> i'tHwis arc new and ot t lie best brands, mid in Reou'ly while out >h«oting snipe wir h,- ho .| m the *uar in the tender l»srk. In thf h »ugl;ts tie regaid'-d as truly a sp*cie«, and not out ail ov»*r il ' bo y. Cairu g t: • *•* tn’icU Aar »D Ro* .* field near R* *tburg, K. It. pain th w .. ' . l> mjuiy. * only iwot-hols .-trink lb* xoiinc *piue»*s an l ti.e ill ti.e r eh jMl’t-’l» ought t«» go t»« di« m .• c ib» d VI.c a «i Give im a call tu tor«* goin¿ • h .-where. man >n the face one «1» illg no lrjui y , 'he t’i«*i» <* >n<** !’ I'dant w 1 ’li tbr t'.«• scales p r- land , o .y «!-• ■ »"«'oil s.'reain- • •r in pilliti* nix b« b\ <.»|J* V t»a«1 .i.iiil, , will« |l AM’ I. c. SHERIDAN. ai «I R «U*. I (.liier eiubed.iing il-rlf in ihr rv« ball just I *i*t nt ”H III xi« ; ini' <• tir 8 ’.!»•• CC-n S moist Irs-cities • ,, lb- Hir-U .thi I fr dee. lihaXÍ ttia* • M •M'«l tn h I « beueaih the pupil, li is iliougli' me • y. infi** .* w i. «»ut »ny Irlo- «I I. ok «< v.-r.«i F“ t, w I-, tlu* « «lev »i »•.«lUOl H ; Sb.. . aslungron and Br ti»h Coititn- g.wHl ehe liüiiio ,«ay t a» h , J»»n»s w;tsaiwork n a- Mr R<».r s I» «! 11 deelar»HÌ 'ucjra •• I . m'««en -• I ttkiog hx h »I hr... and is n-.k* »I garde 1 as one of th« large-t S. H S ks The le ’ t r w as a'd was not m * cii by Mr. .Xl«lh»w*. smi le it ibg t »,♦« I » » !» " * i ?«*es ot ihe and mo t important timbt r trees of this l*ta,’cLlrt. ill“ I i ::• t««rc w-¿’5 hot Hl Staken for a (.ver «»' to rttrrd. slid »’R* by <»i.eth** Roii* <1t*a>e- -n p . im -1» tr•• j• r«-: 1 y the « --e wu 11 ac- .«//«•■.■ <•• i« the more eonnr- peared, ir ti! I wa* r.tirdv bu i pertnin- I» mu I hn spin»’* OE«* ’»«•• »s **•“”*• region three x«-ar>»! um. « . all <1 tb<- l’oiB.-la« «' “ « < «I . ot ih s kind occur. erti foriir, an.I ranges tbuugli southern ently cure«!. Tiit» Ffi*-“ wa* - - k H ni'M ii h-1 II« ti'ibk diiiiii«t-i ab-l 2X1 Oregon, in< e then I bave b«-4*U De. I olii -U y eruption. My skm is :*•» v. a nd fia* b*-en f, .1 tn :li aml tibfii-ar<- not tinconiiiiou. southward in California at higher alti- life is Miser) ui three year* — a* ' ie >’h 'l' nr,Y °r.e'a. il-m-imb-ns it «ombtiini-i» »fr-»lly I Hiles along i li« line of tie- Sierra Nevada«. or T i ’ house nd * «»f p: opl-- a ho iiave Ibe taint J|, S K s. not <»rily ciired m ■ of the Tetter and I re - «-n e «n! scioiuiit in th« i' b ihv d raufiil running sore« at ot ’hi> dn-eabe ar»* le- Hines n< u;i, Obi ». Tlreir trunks, t qual to Hood's Sar.* tpanlla for scrofula, 1» oi 1).'1 sh «pruce i« noted for the iptali- which are clad in simioth, or compar­ May o. -a t rlu um and every form ol blo< d disease lies oi strength, tonghnessand ehsticitv. Treatise on»d and Skin Diseicee atively smooth, bark, are a« straight a.« a It is reasonably sure to iicnefit all who give It 1« e«i«-cially usefu! «n.i i« largely eni- die ami as perfectly round an l as finely inailed free. SWIFT’S S[‘k( IF ¡C ( Ü. it a lair trial. Be sure to get Hood's. ployed in «tiui ittre« » Imre great streng:li ta| as though turned in a lathe. Atlanta. Ga. Choice Lands For Sale. Iruii Water; also Arcadian Mineral Watci P II V « I i I \ N A S l> P II V < I « I X \ & WESSON, i/ivs " >/•/?/ vg ;// //>. SEND FOR PAMPHLETS. M IPS ? PRICE LIST -p i ial attention given to Chronic Di J. H. BENNETT, M U’inrant«MNl « -..... , ACCURACY. DURABILITY. EXCELLENCE of WORKMANSHIP and CONVENIENCE in LOADING and SAFETY. Medford. Untoli. die«* in llainhn's l>l»*ck street. kiinl raised in a first-class Nursery. Those want ing 11 «- cm will do well to give me t heir «»r«l«T*. as I will g’larant'-o satistn«*! 1««n. I warrant a'l inv tr« < «, it properly rami f«»r. T« rin* «»I pas ni' iii «'.a*> . I,r«»«lu<‘e taken at mark-t pri« ■ . 1»^«■•!!.*. of l’earh S«-e«l wante«!. A **. .H»IINS»>N. Ja« k*->nvi'.h‘, <»r«.y«>n. Aug I. Is* :. THE OREGON LAND CO Ottb*»* in William# Brick BuiUling. up stair*. The Buccaneer« <»f Old I* h-uiDed the nkull and crone bones. their ensign, defiantly at the masthead. Your tnodein pirate, net on the high sea», but upon the high reputation of Mandan! rem- ♦ dies, skulks under various disguia» s. Hi# hole and corner traffic has never to any degree affected Hostetter’s Stomach Bit­ ter? . al' bough that stand ord invigoraut and « orreefive Ims long been the shining mark <1 winch his shafts have been directed ('neap I oca! bitter-. roinp<>M»d fiery un- irrt-tivd Mimulr,itt*■, with an iiifufei<>n, or extract poSHihly, of some tonic bark, are siil soniClimes r» commende.: m # indcnt’eal wnh.i r similir to, or p«»tre*ling virtu» s kindred to tho*e < ♦ America's chosen fam­ ily medicine These perish sue«dily, wbde the great subduer and preventive of disease pursues it* sue« essfull c «reer, overcoming malaria, dyspepsia, nervousness, kidney troubles, constipation and rheumatic ali­ ments, not only on this but on many con­ tinents. Ol'H FOHKSTS S.\i) FOfíEST TREES. tree of greatest comiu^rcial value in til«- counties of Klania'h, Jackson and Jos. - piiine is the sujar pine (Pune of the eastern states ( Stro- bus.) In softness and unifortuity of are quite local. On the bonier» of Oregon and Califor­ structure, however, it does not quite nia these two great forests are united try rank with the best white pine, ttie hard­ the slpine ndgeu of the Siskiyou moun­ er lines of the late autumn (or perhap« tains. On the borders of Jackson and winter, growth in ttie annual rings of Dmgla« connties m «’»egon they ar« thesngar pine b-coming more definitely A large and valuable body of again united, this time bv th« steer« ami matked broken ridges of the Rogue River monri- sugar pine occurs at the headwaters of It is tain«, which here again coonect the two Rogue river in Jackson county. great inouu’ain ranges of the Par i fie also quite abundant in the vicinity of coast. Still further north the Calapooia Grant’s Pass, tn Josephine county, an.! again in the timbered areas of Klamath mountains, artoiher system of transverse county. It also occurs more or less fre­ ridges, hut of much less elevation than the two further south, again connect the quently in all the foothill region of Jack- two great forests of the coast. In Ore­ son and Josephine counties. F. L. Posson & Son, Keeps th«* largest st.wk of Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. J. J. HOUCK, Why Re Didn't Move. TI*« r»* I vrs* out in Joe Cannon's district in Illiic'is an old tHrnier who u* a zeahius R ubl p«n oi.e «1 n,e red hot partisan Mr | f . Wlii-ri he henrd of Canno'pH defeat ?••• >uid t“ his wile, who is one of th«>t>e won en wh > obey- their lord and nmster b'u diy: “Mary i-ack up »verything. I’iu going io inove.’’ ”Whya.*ke♦• Cannon is Ic at and 1 won’» live in a Democratic district ’ * Very well,’ sa'd Mary, with a little re feigned sigh Then th»* old man went to town to srII hi* farm. There he heard all the ebrtion new* He returned home, and entering the home Mtid . ‘Maiy.y«»u can quit packing up. I ain't » -going »o move,” ‘Why ?’ impure.1 Mary. “BecaiiM*.” lie replied sadly, “ there’s no place to move to.” JOB WORK Adv< rtbctmme w ill l»e ms« rt- d m theTlMEI at the following rales: Ten I Im*»*, one insertion ................ “ “ each subMNpieni him rtioir » «.......... .......................... « «»I - all thvSur- yed Mndsin this county, mid rcceiv« Ab­ stracts imtnlhlx troni Roseburg of all m-w Ringing words from grateful In artH tell the ciitrieH inade. 1 am thus prepared to make j out H"in« stoa'I ami Pre-emption pap« its 1 , ami stotv ol ui< io plijHica1 suffering, <»! iih - iiih I ran wive t«» pani« s the expense ot a trip to anguish, l»\ reason ot humillaUnz disfigura­ tions, and ot t Im at« ned danger* happily and Roseburg Land Office. si»c«-diiy « n all letters. el« aiis« • 11f I»I« mh I <>t all hnpinit i«*san.lo permission. !.»»’.». Beekman. E*«i.. while < i th t ha , the giu ai -km cure, *. ami« i ; U» li-m. L R. XV.-b-t« r. Judg« «»ftiu* (TTK TUA >«> XI*. mi exquisite -kill bt-autllhr, iiil «IH» r « t, au I t” any businey-In>u*«' •:> cl< it- 1 h« - -kin and » alp and rcbl«»re the hair, .lai'ksitnvi’le. SILAS J. DA\. lienee th. ( rii«i i< \ R emedies cure ev« ry .-ptN-if- of agonizing, huniihating, itching, burning. *cai.\, and p’niplv di*«n-«‘* <»t the -km. -* a;p and I»I« hm I, with In-- ot hair, and nil li (i iri« >i■-, blotciio,«i u pt ions, s« «res, scale«, and cru-t-. win tin r simpl«’. scrofulous, or coiita- gi.>i;-. when tli« bc.-t physicians and all other it iiun I u - fail, (liatt ful testiimanals prove state im nt - in cv « t > particular. H ( > N A X Z «A. STEAMER SAILING DATES. ► HOM X’ x«yris A: FIUlM SAN FH \\( IS» « > XVilhunetfe X’alley. Monday, Oct .... XVillamett«* Valley. Nat irday. Nov. xVillam« 11«-Valb j . Wc«ln« *da\. N«-v . Wiliam, t’«- X’allct. Sunday. N--v XVi’.lam« tie Vail« y. Saturday, Nov. r. XV.Eanutt« Va'..-\ . Tliur^lav. N \. .. XVifiaiiK tte Valley, Monday, Nov........ 34 XVillaun-ite X ah« ). Sunday. Nov. P. P. PRIM I was ( overed u tli serotiilil for. n from my li«*ii r REAL ESTATE ACENT ! Abstracts Made of Titles to Lands. JVM/, I'alatrli >4 the Stenr.cli. and uiiises even texture pii c b'l.od and luii.d« -i|» the system. It same time it is of a more 1« $1 Oil a botti* al Brooks' drugstore, ami of greater durabililv. Th»* y**!Hw Tel jour friends ot i*s lueiil when you use tir ip latgely exported to kuroi»e tor the nmstp and larger »pars of deep wat» r it. sliii s; and for this put |>o*e it is now <• n- Wanted. reded to have no equal eifiewhere in the Tu k *»w the uh reatioxts «»f Eiauk Dop- world. The limit« of thia article, hoxv- •or. Address “D. R.’’ Me«>f«»rd, Oregon ever, will no* permit ment’on <»f the many tisefn) purpoaep to which the tim­ ••//oirio furr .411 Skitt ber of this most useful tree is applied. Simply apply “S wayne ’ s O intment .'* N o For the same reason, al! reft rence to the internal medicin«* required, t’nres utter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, art is*, ic a^pretH of the tr»*es herein men­ nos«-, A«-., leaving the skin clear, white amt tioned, as well as their many inter sting healthy. Its gr« at healingandcurativv|>ow- botanical f* atiires, must be ornitte l, or «>r*« ar«* p«»ss«-sM»*d by no other r» in«*iy. Ask at lea*t, handled with a very light touch. «mi druggist for S wayne ’ s (F intm ent . One g“o I feature of th» D >ug n spruce sbonl'I. however, hi» mentioned ; it tak»*a firm hold of nails—a quality in which th? pin»*F a*bl ce l irs are particularly du- ficierit. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. After the DougUa spruce, the next Compaiei! with the coaise-barked and n n INK ENNt an^LiQVHK HA R1T!9 rough-Im be I Douglas spruces, with Inaltthr WirrKIfhfrfif huionfCvrt which they are commonly associated, Or. Name*! wu free will. No The n-lwiwsl < sao .' ii.< w-iuy^rrrnrnx) harmful eflect results front it« adminiatra- narelv rsa urs in the southwest corner of (toil. Cures guarantee !. Sen t forcireuler the »fate, near the coast. Tl is tree is so «nd full particular«. Address in rontideiice GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 1« Ka e birret well know n a« t > m e 1 nospecial mention Cincinnati, 0 here, other than to note the fact of its existeiic * in tiie fl ira of the state, and Important Notice. that it is too limited in quantity here We uave now »ent st.itrra»u'.s ot irrOTnt t < I«* of any ««im-uercial iiuportonce, nii i A1- w* ci»e.<u.»u5G Cb. stibalpine, and catiitardly ever be of any ' JatkSouvi'le Sept. 1. lssd.