Parker, W. II 3.ÍK17 JOSEPHINE COI NTY ITEMS. 'El'FOl.l' s. 3.5. V> Plymale, F. M 5,4M) ii«*«! "r> I^K'thcf MeAUIrter will plant alenit Pentz, S. S. Take a look at Nicktl 's addiiicn. 7.9M K»iU peuch and plum trees thin tall. Phip|M. M ik . A So far as the people have been per- ARI. Dr. R Pryce bus returned frm hi> The f"llowiii£ are the Jackson County l-hvKician- Complain of . ntlrelv ton much 9.58'J X'««l health thia rail in J,,., pimi,- S.umy. Phipp«, .1. J m tied to cxi r«»wH !» eir will they haw I*! NOV EV BEI! nori b rn lr«p. FRIDAY •J.o:r> I . “' Y, H."1'.’, .. ....... "f J.K-kKonvill.- v I hii . ,1 le- d> t r* cd that tie Fdt v-second congress ‘ • t.ix-payers who pay on taxable projierty Peteraon, Joshua N . »Ii ti .'O'» !■ «on. II. A. Booth, at Grain a PaK* la-t we, k. Pank< j . I. A .... aha 1 democrat c in both branches. I cxeee ling |20M this vear: 4.1S4 ! Filing on copp..r locations continue« to t>. itM P . . t Pelton. Hora< f Tns tariff taxis a great s. ho-lui ister. Ti eir will is in part thwarted by the ■ >>f tiic Kirn! in .Li .1- G I 9,OSO I Pent iirer. David the hour In tlo- Illinois Vail. > •>,425 th. ' It oomplwted tire "campaign erf « •»**•' itimi dciherat-», pirtisan packing of the sen-] Atkiuson, W. H. .. 2.5SO '' ''•*«■'■• '11) command 5<> < < nts per bush. I uitnrt* st« 1S.583 I Rice, John a» • f'u th it express purpose, savs the -V. Andrews, A. I. io one month. E B»l 7.IUI I soring ‘•'"‘'"less be higher yet before 5.133 1 Roper. F A-sociali<>n, Ashland B. A I.. F. ll’orM. f »rd from Sam’s Valiev last week. 2,650 Rice. .X. I. 2,850 '«’•"•|>r"..... slsof the band bovs' Thank'aiv- When the Repuhtieans found them­ A«hjH'leA Inlow Tutt Madi-on. Wis .!’> 'ul editor­ J. B. M'»uig »mery, the Butt- creek 3.5. *), uiutoriui1' ,U ,R' “l,|’l,"I ,'”h" purchase ol 3,200 ! River«, W. \V ially urges the «t |>ou>tim '»t ov l’r>sldrnt selves in cumplvte control of the prcH’.- Abrahams, Sol A Hymen Tbtit «¡II utnh • -le n-r, was in town a few <1a's since. 7,495 Rader, Mr«. Clara tì. 120 .................. Harrison of S na or Sidoner t > the d« nev and i»o»li houses of congress, their Amy. Haskel Rev R (' O- ’ e-hv address»-»! a i:« ‘ o«i iHlifr Siili 1 hctipiv tinnì ¡‘hilen 3,015 RolierlK, < i. C 2.0 Mi n}?','.'th" new Williams creek Baprwm* Bench ot the I n ted states. fir-t cummin was to enact legislation cal­ Aiken, G. H. Jt S. S. Hapi.,1 elm, Ch ,« „I marble trom th. Williams di» nee a' Howard’s hall ’as» Sunday 2,115 Rippey, H. H 2.300 creek .... There will be lots of decaied politicali» culated to give them permanent unfair Adk ns, B. F.............. ¡•T i iji'nl rk of fn ishingun the in’eru 4,380 Richardaon, JeHne . 3,427 after ttiefal p'aceain Harrison’s gilt now. advantage in elections, to make away Angle  l’lvmale. At its regular meeting next Monday the eitv the opera tmuse go*s rapully forw »rd. 4,010 Reaiuea, eatato 3,000 eouneil will consider the proposition tovaeute u hi t i in the Cffunti'fi. • ... with the surplus which threat«ne*l to Adkins A Webb . Hon. WdlarJ C’awford now <»«• upie 9,V»2 Ruaaell Ä Co. 2,625 the alley In block a). T hk launching of the criliaer M> hhc compel a reduction uf taxes, and to re­ Anderson. F. K............ late residence « f J • *s France iu Me if« 17,755 2,280 Reuter, ). I. I'’‘'"‘^'»nksgivinii M-rvie.-s were held at Cails Attention to the fact that the I ni- ward th» contributors to their campaign I Addison, William ................. Thoi’.ias Edson lias joined S. N. Brant- 1 llaptlst chureh at (¡rant s 1><uce«-ss. < h »nge has cin ul if«’*I «ii«»r»» fr« »-ly si u 6,330 Reynolds, l’amel 2,' mì O J. E. Rtiin»Mart and family «.f «^ttiruK Minn the passage <»f the 'a lrua.i pay-cat a Butler, G. S ............. H om . W m . E Rri ell , the newly Fi»ey had a majority of hirely two in th^ 1 I Billings, G. F.......... 4,7» 0 Robii son. Joseph............ 5,616 ar«- am >nu th«- lat»-st actjuisItionM to th« w»-« k «• n de, wh»co this year's eb-t-tions might •IrCted governor ul Massachusetts ir 6.7I1' nopu'.ation <»t Grant's Pass 13,460 Rapp, Joseph.... rhey p'aiini d so to increase I Barron. H. F... Wir. Bai 1 »-in 1 er»*c' it g a ru-w r> s d» n- thirty*thre« years of ag«, and th a is tn.s d»*s(r»»y 2,738 J.»hn Swm.l.-n has recently . n . t.*d m w «.ut 9,213 Robinson, S. M 1» Medford, (J. W >k «1 ha ing th** « "ii tmddingH .»n . is phiee. Hnd wi!1 rvhul|.| hi> third race for the d s'inguÌNh»*d office. that i.iaj »rity that no matter how ovrr- Berwick, R 2,573 burned dw«-!ling m tin- spring. tr..u t 6,251 Ray, William Mr. R ■■Meli 1« one of tiio and whe'uiiiigly itie people might reject and Barron. E. li. 7,740 6,993 Ragsdale. J. F., esia’e of A. j. J »dm- hi is 11' XV fHIIV.IJ’*:»'« ’lit K<-x . J. I. I ut11«-, junt from MisHissippi m - muit brilliant lend-M of the triumphant condemn their legislation they could Barron, G. \\ 5,t>00 MV. - tins u. .Kt" take «-harg.- .,f thcSout h»-rn coiintv f r G ¡i L'Xv.'X’s cunibiiiath»!! I» pee 2,552, Thus Democracy. It in ael«)om fo young » Midi hold the senate lor years to come Bolt. John works. 3,868 Mctlnatist c hurch at Grant's Pass. 4.475 Shattuck. Silas. and thus | revent the undoing of any­ Benedict, R............ man acco^ll^>llMh^•« «o mudi. \swego p» th«- gran.l Thanksgiving 4,898 Dr D ue'rest js th-* r« « pient <»f many 4,O'»5 Singer. W. F thing they had done. Bradshaw, W. H. ball is. m lull pi"gr.-MK and tlms«- Lirtunat. C-»ngratu!a'i »ns over his rcniin«-a'lon of 2,025 «•nough to b«»l«i tickets are happy. To accomplish this they erected four Brown, H R 12.045 Stone, Elizabeth M eelibai v CoNOttvs« convenes for the short se»- («•rntorieH into states, bv way of gaining 8.743 S'ephen on, G. W Brown. George B-rt Wair« n return« Page A' Son of Portland. they may learn sena.' enough to undo s can**. Presently two more states were 2.100 I G. W. Bristow of U illiama rrr«< raiA« «! p; or ’i' in-. A •: ’e A P y male shi Story, Mrs. C. S. K loads n «•■•i d v. ,|w,riion of the miaeld f they w-re able to « rested out uf sparsely peopled territor Bellinger. M 2,055 4,625 p<»un ot tin p"iat". «• this «" hho P, -whi.-h ’ h> Sears. Granville Blecher. H iiry G-*1» Vi. m | fa-i.iP. do before Hie people uver»1 eoned them i»*s having tog-ther less than 150 900 Bashford, G. W 2,4. >0 is hauling to market at Grant s I* ms . 6,672 Schriler, Henry and Jacob M«»ss has I hm - u oat during t»< r i »n of tfi»* l?i«t t xx •» w» <•»■ - 1 à with confu-ion at tlie polls. 7,706 Sheriff James •’'.576 Stewart, J. II inhabit icts, thus increasing their major­ Brooks, E C the mountains k <>n his r. gulai -tax-coll« -ettng imiiiii 2,831 th«-xvt'« ity in th»* senate tu fourteen. 3,o;» Stewart, A. J in tin- s«»utiicrn portion of i he county. Barnum, W. s Mi-s Ad» Ba»r !e‘t h'in-.* last xx • » k to i»f- 5,150 But the revolt has been so sweeping r>eck, John 7,535 Slewart, Mrs. A. .1. Much adniirati «luring the Tint Kmieburg /ferirà is aiirady en- J ,~4 1 National bank building, which already shows •omtng w nter. 3.808 >p.331 up among the b«*st buildings in t«*wn. 3,261 .-indleer, la'wis Z-x Æ UL (’has Dickinson »id vT- have removed age of __ the __________ Ans’ralian b.diot law at the the majori’y to a bare two in spite of the Birdseye, I'. G W, A. Dwight uas at Doll irhide’s sawmil! 3.22V 2.940 Stewart, Mrs. Elizal>eth M cummg Session of the legislature ; also a stiain*»lesH packing. Plans are on foot Crocker. Mr- >. J. 0 Inst wei k insp* ctlng a l»i I of lumber rec« ntlx !«» Re«!l.»i «Is, C »1 , Where .Mr. 1». assumes .i d j charge of a large nu -« ry. 2,6-» purchased Ly th«*S. P. I). X L. company. 5,170 Slinger, William jretition to the same body to print the to count out the result so ’’ar as New 1 .olidge, O. 4,4 mth Dakota are cun- Cha> tier, Tims, estate of .1.. llockci mith. th A-l I imi I.uh I er 2.225 Salt Lake < it.v. were in v. st ¡gating tin- mm« ral hotighf a nuiuh»*r of h<»gs ot farmer them to the |>etti are s.»rn»-d, leaving a innj »rity of six instead Cliurcl niun, J. E 2,00 ' Stanley. Airs 11 r. ,.i fi,siiti r»'R<»urccs of this section during the w« ■ k. O nly Me- f »rd during th«- w, ek conimendable m • Medford Th« ?• try fr iudiilent packing, an»! there should Carleton, s ,\ 2.240 Stanley, A C memlrers. •^F à M i LY 3.000 T. Sl'.itlmk prep.wd I* mm » l»«>\«-Mot< h.'i<- w«st boundary » i our t-.w .... have been an .»j >i ity the other way, ah the Case, J !.. F. M. Co 3.976 , Si «•inure, Mary S 2.0 .0 appl. •* f-•!’-Iiiptn«m last xve« k. Diev were all : Stevens, A ll llo a »• Nichol- T he Oregon Iinproverncnt C »tupany im people have done their utmost to decree Constant, Isaac, estate <>(. . Va oflrr !? ’ ■ ’ ’ > / i i ' * / / ' t * H ading at so I ok a pn^e.’' 4.350 of red xvini - r \ arc tics ami xx ill comnian«! top ca In tlie fac • of so deliberate an attempt Coaklev, Emma «»n 2/rOO i Si-eniorc. John sai I to lie in a bankrupt c«»n«lition, and a prices • nt*- ¡¿i n 7,60 » Tolman, J. C to deprive th«» people of their right to Christian. Mrs. 1. 2,987 receiver is to b*' app»»inte I for it, prob­ < al'lxx-' I i«* buil'ling a n* a» dwelling : TO JAN. 1. (891. 2,750 n Minus S H L 2,000 l Ti'Ornton, Mrs. James Ins recent I >< at hi on William* «1 «•» k. an.! ably the H >n. J»wi. Simotl of Poitland. ruh», and thus lo m.ike legislation p»r- Cork. Mrs. J. J xv I’" xv »1! » :« o»«f m * •-nd i:«« tlits klip with nnnif* noil cot! »• h um * an 1 g» 11 ng r< 7 751» I Thompson, Ja< ob rnanent in spite of the popular protest, is preparing t«> greatly improve his place m Cunningham. I<>hn.......... 2 750 The recent aie. Cails»-»! th- ‘ sq vex *” on the Lnprove- 4,S5O School Sup. rint-n lent M. ism I c I is b.-en en ­ • ' • •»»• I i » I > ’ i 1 I V S I ’ I (> ’ I ! ’ far T»«n nk «git in3. < h ri»t 111 hm , , T >w ne, F . general ebclicn will complete the «UfK ::.155 Cardw'll, J. \. estate of .. Í he pr *t «•« !’• tinp*<»'■»* fo: m»» it Cun- aiiv’s finances, and wbi’e ’ r • '•«! ' »»»•«•-•>•-. . 1« . H tiic jilt:««'rnicd rckly *>up|ilenient«. ‘»,(>02 gaged for th«- past few d;ixs in ex unining ..f » he (ii*d 4« ry nt î».is i 18,362 • l aylor. S. C. i state of er, John assets will llgiue up |1A,H i M). i M)O, a receiv­ uue. S R Hudson ot Pei'lii. W’ish.. a broth»-r in­ Cassett A Welsh 2,500 I True. J.P i li i k Hal -’.’•« ' \ W i er was nvces-aiy to straighten out then 2,11K) law of G 1«. Brist »xv of Williams ere» k arrives Portland l’i*«t we. i;, af'er sperm THE SEX T SES I TE. Cantrail, Andrew.............. 4.870 > Uphain, N. 1*..................... afla'.rs. we« k to make bis future h«»me in Jose­ 3 990 this months colle« ! ing f- «r : In* li « in in th’.- v.. I e . Casebeer, Jacob . 3.871 I Inch. William phine* count y 6,140 I V aw ter. W. I ... Cardwell. Mrs. Ellen 2,834 f olio wing will be the political Sup.-rintendert ('. M. Irwin of the Cheinaxva !< r. . >1 Wife . Inn»--«« E l»-’t al Í'r«»^p ci last I* i of the senate after March 4th, Cantrall, John estate of. officers tor the next two years resulted at» 2,113 « hi his way to California to obtain recruits hitnrday, Mr E , Lting ve \ 1 x\ 5,350 I Well-, James I Cameron, Z foliowR. T. V. Powderly, uf Scranton, 4,924 f«»r the school I Coaklev. Misa,I.. E ... time. 2,500 > Walker, J. P Pa., re-e|»Ttv I general master workman R x A II N . h >!s h' l.l Thanksgiving ser­ STATE*. TAI» 2,63(» Wells. Erastus ............. Cooke, X 2,121 A gei «t 1 »un ». vices at the Slate «-I f« k M’il«»ol house Vester at a salary of $3300 a year. Hugh ■Ô To 0“’ party rcce’vng the largest list of ?,a« «lax iiioiniiu. «¡nit«- a large congregation runaway at < «•: , Wells, (files ,t John Itollarlti le. H. C 4.455 Cavenau/h of Cincinnati, grand worthy Alabama . miiii»*s tor being present 2.043 N» brnskii I Wagner. Jacob ,t Son ti** i one «i «y r- er Putin, G. W ........ . ::,ooo foreman , John W. Haves, N»-wr Jersey, Arkansan......... N’evada.. A large as-» niblag»- xxas pres« nt to hear th«- buegy 2,934 ; White, Janies E .............. TIllJikEll M W ILLI SHUTE# Palrv. A. J .............. 4,753 fun* ral s>mon ot th«- lat'- Mr. Woohtridgc secretary and treasurer, salary I20U0 l a)if«»rina......... I 1 New Humpahire 3.5S7 pr« Ihni'iiti’i Bros ......... 2 New JriM-y iMwning, F. T 6,612 ; Walker, Daniel ach.-d bv Rex . Broxvn at Williams ere« k on The auri lus in the treasury was reported ( ( ’ ’ dorado 2 New York. 16,568 the l«iih instant. «*arloads • f ! «»nm-vticut .. 1 Pungan, John B I !\ 1 ► .... 4.016 ; Walker, Minus, estate of to be 11 A.(Ms) and »he mem»»en*tnp of the Delaware... . 1 N >ith < arolina 5,( >s2 Farm preduee of all kinds > ommands a uiiîd repai s Dickinson. W. R. J.'K'V I Wells, < ¡lies. Sr. Virih l>ak->ta. order was 2SO,ooo. The assembly Florida ............ L il»i.««li insto 2.599 ;U " d tigni « in Gr int' Pass at pt’. s« nt. < ggs BY HUBERT H. BANCROFT, I >e Bar ' ie< >rge................ 3. 1 >0 i Woods, John .......... Olito..................... 1 adjourned Wcdnesdav. There au.s no I Georgia M r Fronk « 1 t > «dq 2,116 selling *’ ' tor-id ~ « cuts ‘ < k. per d>/.< n ami npxxai ds 2 <>r«-gon ........... Idaho............. THE EMINENT HISTORIAN'. I 'rum, James 3,400 I Wooley, Mrs Elizalieth during tIn- past w< oppt. A?.‘P ro Powderly’s re-election. I Pennsylvania. lief fr« ti» !ii> I iiiil ' tr ni I» m in s ill»* ¡Hind*».. ! 2,t EADY «It .¡»st «mix true Il storj « ; M- :- 4.700 I Wa ker, G. L W. f! I'nderu "id returned r«-c< ut’x from eon and ie!iirn«*«i Hliode* Isiand ! Indiana............ I H-Roboim, Henriet'a the \\ lilaun tte 2,0» ».; bis visit b> r»-lativcs in R"t k Island, 11.. and moti -m publish« d —Fascinaiirm. int<-nft«,i% > «utii » aro!ma Duggan, Dennis. 3,044 I Wn-ley. J.B. Iowa ......... int'r* >t mg. poxv«-r!ul — End«»!s»-«i a. k« by ’».o« 2) ex press -s tns xvilHngiu >s to abide in south« rn «hl’ing tilt* W'*» K. 1 I Donegan. Patrick 1 1 South l>ak"ta. 1.5IH1 I Walker, E. F T h ». Chi< ;i4<> Ti‘ihnnft the leading Kansan........... Mormons and Gentil«-*». Or«'g«»n in the future. - Tenn«*sa»’V......... K’-ntin kx .... il. (’ L-wi< vi it- Texaa Th«* « 'liny c »mmissi'iners refused admis­ pa-f xxrek, sav th»-‘ IL-vu v IL- his - i 4,090 sion »it rni|»p«is and iraxdb-rs B »«.«ix Imiian Dean. Mrs. Annie M .».O' >2 ! Wheeler. M.W 2 Vermont... .. ••the »ooner the M Kinley Bril ia repeal­ Main«* to a poor unfortunate t<> th»* eountx Wars I tir.. i g «««'•nuts <4 Vbt--n i >h:ishe i his >’-*v.’-!iii|| «■' I’. ism <- land Fish. Thus. F 8,370 Douglas county M.rj««*ul"us E-<-ap» - Th« taimais Da nit«- A-so­ 2 Washington 2.0 ‘4 a resident of Jackson c«»unty. 2.250 I Weeks. A. J Fui er. L. D mills Lave t>een started, no new machin­ i Massacliu.sett'» cial i«»n. Et«-.. Etc. 2 WcMt Virginia Michigan IL x.G. Lan«1«»ti went north last \v«-« k on Our t» al « state un n a,e preparisi! to «io a 9,5;u» 2 WiM’onsm......... 1 1 i Erb, W. W 3.132 ■ Wall, Charles F......... ery haa bet’ll bought, and there have ! Minnesota.. MYSTEKII> »»i POLYGAMY 11,999 receipt 4 a telegram announcing that his ■ ‘riving bu**)ne«-s < ti the c<>nip’e»i"n «»I th»* Wyoming ... ng 11 • 1 • been no recent heavy investments in raw Mississippi. .. 2,145 Watson, John estate of......... I Edsall. Martha.................... motb'-i in-!axx. Mrs. Clark, had b«'cn seven ix M»-''.tor«l .-nd ................ vise tailr. a i M .» \ Missouri ... . Mr.mgc K'-ligi«»u- < u materials ” The impoiters *« in» burr e i in 'Montana Elliott, James. 2 Total.................... 12 e. ......... n»-xv<'oin. r> s»*» king I -catio: > »r«> ,dx Wants If. might suffer, it admits, hut it regards th’R 2.101 W altz, Jacob I he M"» ih r« h sal»»«»n 3,19» m< 1 •• pr«-pan «1 to sujipiy the pcopl«- »»( J<»»»«•- — Merchants. Farm« ra. M«-«-tmnk-\ ami ail onlv as an incident of speculation. There Democratic, hut it app»*ars to he a fixed Farlow. Mary D ''.•.'94 , Whitman. J. P « I «—»••. hax« « ag» riy axxtin :« pp « kihd - 2,400 pbine eouaty u ¡th a sup» i - kt article <»t Hour. th»* manage.n» iit of H •-•,915 , Wilson, Jessie ia much to justify an immediate repeai, «letermir.ation on ttie part ofthe Republi­ Fryer, J. J .... <»f this remarkabl«- b*»» k ing a popular report, Pr- splett Republican iea l»*rs will thusconfe.-s their In cast*thin theft is n«»t accompl shed, Fi-hei. Xew man 3. Ci;.’ • Worman, Edwin giving ball at the opera-house I h- nrofcs«...r "• nd 'ini' k "1 <■• t< i « -stlx and • legant « an- J < » Johnson an I the Renat»* w .ll et ir.d I ’ » R> puLili ans and 2.262 has n< superior as an orchestra l«-a i»-r in Vll'j >lng outfit. D'ti'txxast« tin»»- xx rning* for blun’ier and correct their mistake. 1.358 I Williams, Charles. .. Fordyce, Anna their summer trip L» 43 Dermx rats In any event, the Demo- France. Joseph. . Cin­ uiars. imi *»cut' 1«-rrit«»rx b«-forc it is 2,870 SoiitI ktii (>r . g«>n 5,006 ; White, II I. gi X’« n « ut. R» in«ml»» i th's i- a subnet »»f crata w ill able to overcome this rna Fisher, Mrs Mary A R. A Rooth and Editor Cnrr« v ;«n«l w,l«\oi thio'ivh tl S »mid c u 3 L50 I White. C. E ........ 2,720 1 5'1 i KM l.KTl.KKK •i t'j a•!. and t ’i«- Giand lllus- ng iruvd'cd ov<*r t Grant s Pass iii'ssed th« train .«t Portland «»n T he first cane on the continent of! j »rity in 1S92, as there will then be a till «un, Htlrat t attt'utiuii <*v.«ry where. 9.14)0 th»-Pith :n*t.,»»!• they would both hav«* be» n ami are -K.itisli'd lo p inovulation with Dr K< m h's wonderful 1 senator to elect from New York, Montana • ierman J.<>an Society Aid on the train will« ti nu t xvifli the t* rrible acci­ perniane'it iy Mr. .1 » 1 10,250 “lymph” occure«) m Kansas cily a few ' and Delaware wh en states may be re­ < laley, H. B . . KLAMATH COVNTY ITEMS. dent at Like Labish. hi- the I»; ichle^t pro-p 16,101 THE HISTORY COMPANY t days since, the lymph taking obtained, garded as absolutely certain for the Dem­ < laniard, < »-car .. Grant's Pass will probably l»e full of strang­ tie kmtws ot. 5.861 723 Market St San Francisco direct from the Berlin laboratory, and ocrats. Besides tiies■». there are four Gregory, W. J. Stant Wilson goes t«> New York this xxc< k ers next xvi ek. '¡'lie c Hinty Sunday School 2.444 for an vxt«.nd«xl visit. H. II Woilers, the mixoiogist, iias re- the me lieal fraternity of tli 14 country oth»*r «tales which » be 3 557 matters having x •lunt«-er«-d to make the col­ found th»*re. (iiye him a ck I, lot I»»* ’Ail. ernrr.»*nt in Christendom shoul 1 !»estir with tlie admission <»f New Mexico and Garfield Eime A l'on Co T«achers' « xaminntion is being conducted 2.937 by Stipt. F«»uiitain at Linkx llle tins w«-« k. lection t n flu- pui p-»se,and fo classify and ar­ treat y •:> wt-i itself to 'iiHarminat'* the knowledge < f Arizona, the Democrats would have 50 ' iil on. Titos. A Si.ui ......... range the exhibit. 2.-98 how to combat the fatal dfa*a**e which as against 43. The |>ohtical outlook for iiowar I, Zenas 2.20) Some sab s of cattle arc rrport«ti as high as Manx citizens op--nix express the opinion has go long batt!e«i the skill of the wisest Dem«j» rut- is m'jst pi. a ant, while it is i I Hutchings, J. B. K » lrmit < <»ur( Burket. $.1) tor tw<>-vcai-ulds and $24 tor thre« « .tr- that Gi i'it s Pass should hax . an entirely ru xx- High, Govan .......... 2.4.50 olds. physicians <*• rrespontiingly gl«x»my lor Republicans. Houck, Mrs. Johanna cliai-t««r and fliat 110 « ff >tt shout«! I»«* mad' to Th' toll«»’.viiia hi «’ t b«' i.ixv Hii'l« liau- < i\x ■ «-« •» 6.699 tin* old <>n«-. xx Inch in no wax im-ets the thus fiu hi 1 x drawn *■ • as n«»t to 1« - Herrin, J. S ... 8,811 out a bonanza. L. i. k' x an«! A ¡tint t x - I.- x M< 111-. .<• t • n ti its annual session at Ocala, Fla., on the • pure c »»»stant tmk» ring. Hotel Company, Xshiand r» «’• 'X «’! ill' Hl' j . 2.131 TheThankRgiving ball last evening nt Acad­ Hr»t Tnendav of D-vender. The meet­ Sarah ll»•- x .1 », B x: to r. Th* - i--« u'"rder of < »«I'll'liows at the e.>unt\ 2,720 emy ha'.l. will I oiik be rem« inhered as a most Hunsaker, E. B. SOTEs. ing will also be maiked by an exi*o-»ition. I s. n* ,u »• taking much inter« st in th«- lecture to p< rsutial prupt rly. llargadine. Geo. K... 2.445 enjoyable affair. E. ' . kaiu x>. Riii|>» \ A Ami. to m '»»• gix « n at t'e- «.p« 1 a-luHis,- this • veiling by at which the resource»» of Florida and 2,819 W. F Arant went to Ashland last w«« k to Ii. ! J J. Wa f"t> «4 hug« n<*. xx ho is one of «■»«• 1’< D'liny . Tiih s prenie «• apt < t the United States Hershberger, G. T specimens of all the natural curiosities 11. t L» W1M X - J G Birdsvj : to re» th« I- stx-.'i-. .I cratGin- 11 in th« stat« . A - Herman, Binger 7,000 meet Mrs. Arant on hr r return from her \ i-it of the state wid he displayed for ti e has »»nee m< re affirm» <1 Hie constitu­ I lockersmith, J. II... th« re xxili I»«- no *-h»irge f. t ;idmissi«H>. there p» rsinml prop« tlx . in Douglas county*. I 2,655 Stat«- «»I • »r« g hi x - Andy Virgil; tionality of th»» tne ’ hod of execution by xx Hi dsitioii Hamlin, Eliza J. I ruin just i'-« s com t. 7.415 August Reiher last we. k erected a bl u k- wid remain open ddrmg b > days ; but we electricity pro*, detl lor by the statutes Hamlin, T. J. A Co I h* following r«*>< lutmn xx is pass«-»] ¡n sh >p <>n his lot in Linkvillvto be u.-«d D. M • »sb rn A C'». x - . I . Hubbard 3,300 Hinith M niiiiuent grange bv unanimous \ a« at its c«>v> i. ♦ tc. by O.'nej Mickelson. undertake to say that the greatest of th»* state of New Yo»k, and I he .lap- Hosmer, Nels n 2,0)8 meetitig. N"v. 15: R ksoi . vei », Thai xv«- arc S. D. Ta.x 'or vs J.i. k - •it a»»» m » murderer, Shibuya Jugiro, rnu«t cnriuaity of all w 11 l>e the Earmers* Warren F Mills, well known in this c ninty, • )ppos««l t< th»- n» w assessnieni l;ixv its pro­ !U«»IH*V. Hockenj'is, John 4,965 died at San Tranci-co last we» k o! consump­ pos .1 t h passage by the m xt legislature, and Alliance itself. Th»» wonders it has I die as Krm’er »lied. If ia not surprising j Hamlin. T. J. A Ii. W J F. Johnson vs. D II But I •»mil-; 4,40) tion. after a long illness. xv plrdg« "urseivt-s to v« t* in future against C«>V« r IIKHIl’V. achieved of la’»* ar»* of no common kind ; that the jxxjr wietch p eferred hanging. ! Harbaugii, Oliver anx candidate for "ITie.- who wi i n> t p ’ . slg. Almost any » M F. i -x - Map one would prefer banging M t 11 - « hai act» r tn- hi « v . Alliance will et.j »y thein*el ves at Or .la rather than he conili nine 1 to wear hi.« : Ilotfinan. Mrs. Win c»iitviuplated in this bill. II. ' . un i ,L»hn I to remain until spring. 2,1'00 name. as thwydeserve.—.V»« Y'nkS">*. assignee. • tc. H. E. Du!yb< n. wh » <-.>«si -ui« !• at Rogers; i Hanley, Win A Ed. 2."5 k Capt. Sieninns recently planted out a num­ J. G. Birds« y x-. J. li.ix,-. s P.«ss n Wedn'-> tax a-t xv • k. xva- Ir in now claimiil in financial circle« ! Howard, ti. W 5,935 ber ot choice grape test the adapt ¡»hi li­ Grant nion«y. rc< ’ »-nt.y li.nn » a ituima and had I « 11 in ly oi »air aoii to viticulture. tti*» recent embarrasHmont of (he gteat I ’ . Donegan, ailininibtr it-ir. etc . Haymond Bros 12,083 iHuakailly carpet knights in the reg­ charge of th«- Baglev h »us but a texvdajs to r< ' • X • I III- Hl'-X . Many worthy citizens of Klamath county when lu-« ..mmitf. «1 th»-rash tu t Th»- letters liitli; ... 4.415 ular army to wh< s>* machinations can I m » banking house of Baring B ioh . was . ll «rry, Janies I . >. No« i x- J < \ I I Wh:pp; p.r. have return» d to their own tiresides sine* »tie wtiieii h- left showed no «ictuat ng « «ex traced the policy of abandoning all the bought about by the Jews, who, know­ Helms, James 14.7.4 a»ljournm» «'••pt yearsot ag»- and leave* a wife, t,» xx h an lie re«-» v« i ni> hi « x. Martin, the miller, wa* oblig«*«) t«» run both has t>«*< n in uried only :i little ..vr a x «-ar. and to A. settlers at th« mercy of the r «linen, are Rus-ia, hoped than to strike a deadly Hanna, J. C 3,96» T. Kyle. Jr. v- G. «lax and night shift at hin mill ¡¡«st w < k :t"in’ small step-children. II* 1» ¡-»nged to a G p* rsonal proper») . 2.7'4) th«> largeiy to blame for the menacing atti­ blow at their aggressive cm my. It is Ha per. Win I A. R. 1 "-I hi ll.iiiois, and tu* 'oo\ wa- bui u-'t dur ing the Hlm sa of his head man. II. Am« i mau xs. Duui.ip A >• nt. 1 • r«- 2,055 tude of the northwestern Indians aroused imf another illustration of the wond»*rful Inlow, 11. C I bx the local post «»I luat <»rd«r. « >v«-r iimriex . and infur.atvd by the Messiah erase It l»ower of np ney, when u-«-d in unlimited ish, Salbe I. 24,545 .lohn Cerlinars r<*crnt!y plarod a liric -tre t M. Purdin, assign«*«', x .. T. A. ami Marx lamp at th« corncr of t he bi < wery. iinicli to ro SITÎVE ia qiiHHtionable if the whole aval able quantities by syndicates ami combina­ Isaac-. G. W.......... Strieklin; to r««-<>x • r money. 9,575 tln gratltication ol beiate«! pv«b*Htrain8. for Infants and Children M \RIHF.D. I. N Shook x -. Samu« I ( oix « r and G< 1. Jones, W. S............. force of the regulars will be sufficient to turns. 2,622 < uri ex ; t«» recover im>m \ r? > • ■ j Wells and < asebeer of Bl\ marketed lOli head SOWDEN • I.EMI'A'H \t th. M< « « il.«!) house Johnson. Mrs. p. A ... conquer the bloodthirsty savages, should 3.475 Julia A W«*«t vs. Rutus W« t t. «i;v. r« i'<* A uks W. Tin km ts, Ron oi Judge Jones. T. E mi; ■ ' ; . • \ ■ •’.- Pth, i " ■* I W Suwdeii yonng mu'es to California parti»*s i.i-t they once begin to plunder and p llage. L. I. Angle vs. Jax as A L«-< ; t«» M-t asi«!« 2.408 of • Cantorìa « no well adapted tochildrec that Castort* cures Celie. CenFtirat'-en. and MKs Malti«' Cl«-m*-ns. <» W Rildl«'. wo k for an average price T SII RINE At Di . \.v. l»i. jollification meeting at Hamilton, Butler nership by mutiiHl consent, .1. W. Hain ik» r WiUzoui injurious modicatwn. eat government ration*» instead of the Jootpon, J. O . .. 4.57" assiini W. i’. Hillis vs. John Ransom and E 1« n Ill bo. Uiiord Sk, uruwkljTL, N. Y. |s$»n, L> R» x » . E Fu'toii. Ih<> I' D'-inor« si I s » r 4 M Ml j jg tlu* liRhiliti**M ard collecting th»* as < ’ »iinty, the home of < i»» ver nor (’an>pln*ll, Jones A < >tten ... Cart« r; injunction. P« ndinu. «4 M« (itord and Miss Retta Sin in» « t Dal .is trophies of the chase. 4.2<> T r CrsTAvn C mj 'AXT. ~ Murray Street. N Y sets of t he old llrin. N (v» inh»-r H. anti give the credit, ci the Kilgore. Mary J. Neathamin« r vs. B Oxx ing«, same. 2,870 PAXNELL i* aaid 10 be getting ready to and at the name time paid him the fol­ Kinciiid, W. R ... Minili«* .1. Saitcr. f«»revlosur«' ot mortgage. 3,0'5 tune to !o.-e his purse, containing about $."i0 in I. . L. Whitney vs. yi R and Alic«-Gallant marry Mrs. O. Nhea. ami thereby retain lowing handsome tribute. HE 1DACHE. A’d ALL PAIN cash. Kyle. A. I Jr 2 824 S. A . Hu; x s >. M Hu I; div» >re. . the leadership oi Ireland*»* champ wins in “V.e, this was tlie if*Hti»‘, plain and Kane, E. C Tb* Ca'iforni* Po> • r- a:,J N .-->•>• Ja« kaon county bank v.-. Holst and G« r«lan; 2,’>00 .... L. L»*omird ot Sprague river took a nice the British parliament. There seems to simple, brought about by the McKin­ Kincaid, W. B............... .. to s« t asi«l«* de«*»i. CI.ECTRÎC COUGH < «. '. Ï 8,430 bunch ol catth* to th»* railroad at Moiitagm Ilelma. Amertnan. Holton and B«-« kmau A be a fairly well founded doubt in Par­ ley tnll, and to the man «»rover Cleve­ Kahler, William LUKt!> C01C-. Zie.».It -, day last week, before returning to .L.-e- 2,'¡00 one Ream» s vs. GHr«»y. • t al. I njum-t i itn ally land. who three years ago boldly and dl Dr: IHEP. Margaret J Smit Ii x’s. Rob« rt '-mith; div ■ >r> t . Kleinhammer, < harles 4318 dead or nut. A m he tarns over in the ieaihssly attacked thia whole Hystem, Marx A Hull vs. John W. Hull; divotei . A barn and .V) tons ot bay on Long Ink** be­ ................ 1!.U)3 longing I Minnie M Dux aiil x s. E M. Duvaul; tot to John Van Horn Jt Son. was burned •broad in whirlr the London Tim?* has I more than toanv other, do we owe this Kubli, K 11,800 <>u Nov. 1st, the tire doubt less being the w..i k LINDSAY. At Ashland, N-»v. H, ls‘>i, of loxvance t «»r Btippoi t. wound him, and his constituents see v»rto»y. Never tor one moment, amid Kahler, C. W............... I h iuoi rh.ijic of til«- stomach. < h;irb s Lind- J. J Phipps x s. Aug. Carson ami W. I» 3,215 of inceudlanes. saj ,n native of Scotland,aged about 51 years. Finnety; lor«-vl«»sure. signs ul reviving animation, the fart all the abuse that washeape«l upon him, Kane, Mary 5,905 The late grand jury very acnslbly recom We ch illengo tin- re i l >1' t" successfully cm.trnvci t the usm itimithiit Peter Britt vs. Met k«T « t ul; fort« losur« <4 begins to be more glaringly apparent «lid he lalter, or his courage fail. Be Klutn, C. K ....................... kninaH county, Oregon, mortgage. 3.83.5 mtrnded that the county jail be provided with STI KGFS-In < hii than ever that he is the only man living iievmgin the truth and justice cf bis Kesterson, '¡. H............. an acre of thrifty, well-eultivatcil, producing orchard trees in the va - Sturges.’ a rear door through which prisoners might be November 13. i - mi >. Mrs. Eliza’ 2,1'2> Leeds, W. II .... . rescued in case of a tlr»1. tn< »t I m f of A. W. Sturges ol this precinct who can ait mediator pctween the p)Sitim, believing that the government lev of Hogue River will yield a net yearly income of s|oit. It will 2,750 Hired ss years. The, Great Majority discontented Celt ami English people, had no right t«y take money from the I.yttleton. I’atri' k Some of the Jacksonvllle attorneys < vid« in­ I.nark, J. M - 3. !" i,8 ly neglected to subscribe for the “Star.- when and the s«>le re present alive of the Anglo- po< k**ts of the |H»ople solely tor the ben- Of cases « t scr«»fuln and other bl>»«»d di «vis average l<'t> trees to the acre, and tin- estimate is based upon the detn- 2.520 at f.inkvilie, as Peter’s left-hand compliments es are hereditary .imi theref« r»- d flicult t«» onstrate, 1 fact that each fruit tree will produce H in value, net. of Irish element that ia able to enlist the *. tit of a particular class, tie continued Layton, J. T BOHN. ..... 2, i 55 in the last issue attest. cure. But We wi-h to state in (he n.o-t sympathy of the great bu«ly of English­ years after,when others hesitated, to hat J-arkin, W. P. la>ever, W. T. 3,425 J A Houston last week claimed to have RO» >T. — 1 n Grant'•* Pass, Nov. II. isyo, to Mr positive, emphatic manner that Ho««i’s marketable fruit each year. men in the policy uf home rule for the ile for the right , and now, when all ar»* Sarsaparilla do* s cure scrofula in ex cry Linn, David ... killed a blin k swan, which was consorting 5.504 ami Mrs. Itool, a daughter. Emerald Isle. eager to join m the fray, certainly this 1 « Its mates of the regulation hue. Mr. SH EK Lt >< K ’lip n In <’h» wua« an precinct, Nov. 12. form. The most severe cases, too territ» e 5,OiO with FRI »] t u t that he «l.i-e 1 to I *a 1 when s»*an*ely Lance, G. W.......... Houston bears an excellent reputation for f ir description, have vi» Ided t<» this nie«*i- fill *1 to Mr. ami M ih . R. L Sherlock, a daughter. I II* Mark. J. M ......................... 2,746 veracity. (I C leveland may not have said it. and if any «lared to foll«»w, shows the metal he Myer, B. I If you Miff* r I III J NORTON At f/.Ht river. Nov, 1». IfflO, to Mr. cine when all others failed 25,275 fr< in imi lire blood in any way. take II .<>«» '*• lie did there may I*» those who will con­ is made of, and I believe that the whol«* Murphy, J. J The grading of Linkvilte's st roots renders anti Mrs. Wai Norton, a hoii . 3,960 her rapid improvement much more pete« p- M I'LI,EH - At Jacksonville. November 27, Sarsaparilla. In other words an acre <.f producing fruit trees has a valuation Ol demn it ss an unwise thing to have writ­ people w ill see to it that he, and only he, M<« all, J. M 5,015 11bi».* than formerly, bringing into view fr«Hu 189»», to Mr. ami Mrs. Isaac M. Mtiller, a son. ten or said, hUI the lh mocracy uf the shall I h * again chosen a* their leader in M.( a 1. Mrs. J. M. idlW It is better than nnv bank for tiie Lank is soim-times canied the centre of town many substantial m w 4.O00 buildings. country generally wid applaud the senti­ ’92 . !f ever man tp«»ke the truth sure- Million, Bennett Ef’KI LSON At Portland. Nov.23. IttO. to Mr. If yeti luive headache try Pr< st« n s“ Hed- into Canada by the cashier," Dame nature a trust-worthy gnarmnu - 3,000 and Mrs. A. (>. Eckelson, a daughter. A k e ” ment attributed tu him in the following, Iv tie did when he said a few d»ys ago: M Ils. D. R..................... Father P. B. Champagne arrived the at takes care of the principle, and the dividends never fail. Of course if 2,350 8« Rev. •aid to T h * written by the ex-pies dent •No one haw a greater right to iej»)ice Mills, 1>. R. A E. V. at of ius future pastora' mission last we« a, 3,630 and will hereafter have charge of the Lmk- e in twenty years, and rob the trees ot tlieir to a friend in Kansas city, after the late than I have.’ ” i you plow your ordinili "Tic Martin, Alex 2,750 ville and Lakeview churches, besi. p must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipjtat.-d a 6,447 ought to please Democrats and decent the Mat«* ( apitoi. with it- ♦*xoih*nt >hip- Meritt, J. W................... A Q<’AKI’K*S DOZEN* 4.623 foreclosure of the mortgage on your orehaid. people so much as the prospects for the pi i g f;«( ilines, calmer v. etc .and is espec­ Moon. A. E 2.040 Richard StP£r, th« well known proprbtor of rebr'tnent of Inga N. I don't know ially adapted to fruit raising Final Notice to Delinquent Mathes. W. M ........ 5.133 the Quaker Dairy, No 30 Ellis St.. San Francisco, F ive-acre tracts from ?"»'»t<» $7» per acre, Miller. John what kind of a Dem* crat it would b»» Taxpayers. 4,2'20 la«t week sent the following letter to the Edxvin who would not lalmr, in season and out all cultivaird and r«*adv t<» **et (o fruit. Morat, Mrs. Anna M •6 (160 W. Joy Co. tract» partially culuvattd for With half the care you give wheat-fields, and it will yield an income ot season, to prevent the return to the >50 Tcn-aere oth): I- HIKIIIY GIVEN THAT Illi. Meagly . A 11 per acre. “My famby have beeu taking • 1« lin>ni«*nt tax list «»t Jacks«>ti v » i « it j , < o « . on a valuation of Sl(MH) an acre, lhero is not a wheat-held in this senate uf tins vilutier of everything lh».n- twenty acre*« light timber land, siih McDaniel. Barken Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla uow *i'»n. !< i |->y, ha> b»-« ti tui in <1 ovt « (»• 1:1« . woh ucratic, who has been put forward by g..«>d spring branch. ♦.V» js - t acre. Muller. Max .... county which yields such an income, and EX ELX orchard docb. » w .u i-.tiii 1 roin th« li'.n « «. iih I V « < mt !«>i it«. for months with splendid results IM'll l»l \ i I < »>| I I « ¡ hi \ A i i . , . , s ui,., the Republican party to pour out abu*e Twenty-five scr« ’», fifteen a« tes in ctilti Miller A Strang Our experience has b»*en that after We to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon ar« on-aj«i li>t will pb as«’« ai', at mx « ffi< « tn too bad for even decent Republicans, and vaii»»»».*pr;ng branch runningon the place, McAndrews. Thos taking it regularly for a short time shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rads of a ti a ns-continental Jacksonx iiic and >« itb x\ i1h< ut fuitlu r «!« ! hx per acre. who was made the presiding officer of for 11.045 Morri-, Eevi ........ as I xvill b»- « • iinp« lb «1 to M«l«i mil« ax« ami h x > and getting the Rystexnstarted right, F- r'y acre*« oi choice bind all cultivated, March, J. s.................... railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of tl.e 1 a< itn with u| "ii th«* pi"|'«Tl> «4 th«' .-aid «h iiKpi« niK, in the senate to crown their insults to our 3,«>6»i an occasional dose thereafter keeps small bouse, some young fruit already set •*»>»• t.•« i»t.»r«••• payment <»t said tax. if 'i«.>t P*Gy ______________ 5,795 McClendon. C. C . the systeu fn perfect condition. A one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to Fe selected bj paid l>\ N«»x «mb« i 1. l-'.u. O’.i’,$70 per a« re. 2.924 peculiarity of your vegetable com­ 1- 1’« »>l l I \ ELY lb«' last < al!. N«» F rty acr»s of hind al cultivated, in McDonough. Janies. you. Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters ol ui"!« Uns tfiarc will b« «ix« n alt« r Nov. I. 1-0. A Seil. !.. A ............ 2,.563 pound InexpUcablo to me h, that it Tug singular behavior of the Dakota, wheat this year, for fliTi per acre ¡ rompt «-«»niphancv with the lew ui!| save old ago overtake you and find you penniless. Forty-three «(res. twentx-five »cre> Xeil. R. P does not lose Its effect, but rooms U 2,315 . Wyoming and Jiebraska Indian«, eraz-il fiirth.a costs. JA>.G RIHUbLY. cultivat'd, fine spring branch, place ail Nichols, T. E 4.200 accomplish the same results continually. As » >li« rirt and 1 a v-C« Ì • < t«»r «>! Jackson county bv the Meaaiah phantasm, and indulging in. lor <40 per a< re. I/l' IS W<>RTII SI. <><><>. < tr»g< m. THAT CAN’ UK l’SEl> EVERY DAY 2,245 liver and bowel regulator and corrective It is per Nichols, J. M tn the “ghost dance" with r fl. s »trai ped fenced Jac ksonx ilio, «ht . là. 1*90. Fruit raisera profit from $1 to |150 per Nichols. <>. W is the kind that pays. Scores of We give awaj' the land. Pay us slo a month, 10 cents h to e for 2.695 feetlon. We would not 1>e without It in across their shoulders, is productive of a< re after (be trees are I tears old. An young business men, ami hun- two years, and we will present you a warranty deed of the acre, and 10,50 t house. In fact I have just bought a dozen much solicitude among the settlers in industti»«us man can make a co»»«I dving f«»r Nickell, Chas. dreds of book -keepers aud sten- 3,IW>9 ties to get »ho reduced price." the neighborhoods »hoe they are bis fain ly s t i »* h s orchard vets to bear Naylor. Granville A. M. Rowe, of 5’Jz Jones street. S. F.. al*. ograpbers of both sexes, attribute their success to a course at the Portland Busi­ GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. 12,219 practicing their orgies. While it may Is- ing bi va.riing vege ab e> and various cr»»ps Nunan, J Despite these facts the farmers of the countrj continue to «alm 2.30s writes that it ha* been his habit for years t« ness College, Portland, Oregon, or the Capital Business College. Salem, true a» the Indian-continuali? allege jhat or ttie csnn»ry. L»»t u* know wba’ Neathainer. Jacob . I! A LF TH E < (•>'! «4 hoi-t ny 8 hv < 4 Oregon. B .ih are under the management of A. P. Armstrong, have same courses of their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it witli wheat ai d coinpet amount y«'U have to invest and we will awake i:i th** nvwnllrtrs with a ’ 'oada^hc nu r * 2.211 Neal, W M ............... • hey are but worshipping their .Messiah. t.. >i«.i< k- < p« tm . But« lu i-_ ] .n ii . 1-, i a* to location. !«r stiulv, ‘ime rat. <..f tuition. Euc\iTitin^. Penmanship and Enff^ ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Eu-.'ia ami the s.lives 5,400 exhaust« >1 feeling, but -im «- r■»«* lirst «»liver, Henry... Maebitii-i.-. Build« i>. < return of hia old time debilitating lish Departments. Write to either lor joint Catalogue and specimens of penmaushl’ Oregon Trans. Co getting ready for a general attack which 1 q, islB tO of India. “Ex|x>rt the wheat of a country and you ship aivny th" vital gi« at« st improv«-m* i»f> l.x 1 u made — ill oivu all thu 638,805 headaches. O. AC. R. R. Co .. will give th» the tritona troops all tfie exercoe »1.. they .. ui1 t.-u k « b,».< k*. Fi« iglt .1) -tr >■ t.MxL’ Th»* W«>rM Enrich«-*!. Is one which is guaranteed to brine yon <>rth. John estate of 2,930 sound of the hum of the shuttles, jr the thunder of the factories, oi rifle«, and will make a stubborn tight be­ The facilities of the present d«y fur the "nne, Alex ............ 2,044 satisfactory results, or in ra«e of failure a fore submitting to the whites. The fact toiling late over d'-sk and counter, should study our plan well. It means return "f purchase price On th'.s s»f« production cf everyth!» g »hxt wi i condu« e Farson, J. S 2,100 Exchange: Exchange!! that they are monkeying around in the to material welfare ard comfort of mankind plan you ran buy trom our h home for a life-timeout of the meagre savings of 2 years work. A 6.000 Phillips. .Samuel I ’ ghost danee while the regular troop« and hp * almost unl’mitrd. a» «! when Syrup of i'rueeist a bottle ot Dr. Ki"g’a X’ew Dis- Mbblidib Uiil.Ll'.it MILL- WILL 3,494 coyerv for Consumption. It is cn irann i d more beautiful and a larger home than ninety p-r cent, of the popula­ artillery are being massed about them Fi-’*> whs fi»st proiluced tiie w«oid was Powell. Philander » in • xeli.m. • t< i sixty pouu«!-» «4 c!« au 5.354 to bring relief in every case. When n«ei1 tion of the civilized earth can claim to own. m ng win at .«^ foi;.>x\ >. | him-• i^ht p.aindt shows very poor generalship on the | art enriched wi'h tl e only perfect laxative Power Light Electric Co 3.600 for any aff-ctionof Throat Lungsorf'hest, nt ti air m lai *n« I .- sa< ks,*« i t iurty-tour .... v.. is ■ Fniett, J. M. estate of . of their leaders, however. The frequent Kn xvn. as it is tlie onlv remedy wh'di Write to us, and we will send yo. our illustrated book of this great -tr.ii^ pounds «»( ,u.k'-l 11 ' it . I V hang, will np. 2 2°4 such as Consumption, Inflammation of Plyinire, J. W. 1’ etHste _ threats made by the fea'hervd biiieds trulx pi*a*>ing ami F«-f’e«hing t ’• tl 1» x Gt tlit l’li«»c in that if the whites molest them the latter ami j r"mpt and »ff»«tu»l t»» cleansethe i Payne, C. T. A .Son Cough. Croup, etc., can always be 'lepend- ►y-t» in g»ndv in the «pniurtime. »»r, in Parker, Sarah 2.300 storeuu exuiiangt’. huv amount - tX» i«nl Will («“t'eaied like Custer'- ni> n" has a fa. >. at any lime »t.d the better K 1»knoWB 1 td upon. Trial bottles frte at all drug- I’dWal Telegraph Ci). A A. DAV IS 2,520 stffrw. iMWcWj dvprcSBibg ilftxt (ju tlib settfurs ^.pu :,r u Lrcciut*. lb lUVid A FUANCX ill? 4*lUilHGxiU xlÙlH'Ù. PAI K/SG THE si SATE HE A rr WEIGHTS. H00SIE8 DRILLS AND SEEOtRS THE KEYSTONE DISC HARROW The above mentioned Implements and many other kinds of Standard Make for Sale by MEDFORD, p OREGON. At Ji *1^5 ay^ WITH $1.75 NOTICE ! $25.00 REWARD HISTORY OF UTAH ! COMBINATION PLAID AND CHECK WOOL SUiTINC, SIX-QUARTER ASSABAT ALL-WOOL SACKINC, TEAZLE CLOTH, NEW FALL FATTENS ThiGüTS IN COLORS. HENRIETTA CASHMERE ALPACA, BEIGE PEASANT CLOTHS, R New Silk Plush, Velvet and Velveteens We cany Boots, Ladies’ and Men's Fine Shoes, Groceries. Etc., Etc ÜATÁR3Ñ CULTIVATE YOUR ORCHARD N Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE DcTFOiT THE ORCHARD HOME ASitCIATiOH i Meiifvrd Oiegcn.