t¿hc ÿ cm omitir Simes Publishtnl « very iTbiay by ClIAKLEt* E ditor NEW ano Ml A- (ki / NK'KKl.L.. K P hopkietor . TIMES BUILDIN G. Olttc.»—Corner 1'uird mid C streets. Rates of NiibacriptioD: «»necopy per annum, tn advance .. “ •’ "ix in .Inh-. three luontha OFFICIAL DlB-UTOitK. STATE «H- ’»Kb’ioN. I’. S .Senators, J .11. Mitch« 3. J. \. D *»iph, L’onMrcjMin.m, B. ll>-rnrinn; ii,»v«*i nor, >. 1*« n- ii«»yvr; 8vu*rvtnry ot blaic, (ie«»iv \V. Mc­ Bride; State l'rvuNUrer. U m . W. Webb; Mute Printer,F. C. Baker; Supt. Public instruction, E. H. McElroy; Suprein«- Ju«ig«-s, K. S. st «alian. Chief Justice; VV’. p. L«»r4. K. S. Bean. tic (IhcdS uiocratk (Urne* ♦ A(yVERTISlUc ANO * FRANK GALLOWAY. MISCELLANEOUS. MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN BelUrioua. « THE TIMES JOB omCB .1ACKS0NV11.LE, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 28. 1890 VOL. XX JOB bORK Adv,-rllwm,*011.^1111 b<- Inserted in th< Tingi at the t „Huwing rat«»: T,-ii line«, on** insertion .................... g» " •' »ad, suhaer|u«nt insertion. w I I.egaladv,*rti»< mentiin»,*rt»d A fair reduction froiutbeabuverwMaiitieW > earl>* and time advertiser«. Is more oomplrtr by r«r tb«n ««Mt* Southern or*ihp«ra« I with *uy '.n tl.» *os*r .loL Prratra* :-'.sg i.sdr J.wer:; ............ «M i rat»«, and In a prompt «ud aret-claa« NO. 48. CAI.SE OF THE WRECK. WOMESHIO IT. THE HE.VOCRA TIC FOLIC Y. Rev. R. <’. Oglesby ot this pluce will preach at the Ne l creek school-house, above Ashland, next tunday. Services are no v bell in St. Joseph’s church every Stindsy at 10:30 m ., « xcept ’he Trh Sunday of each month. Services wid be held in St. Michael’s church, Medford, on the 4Hi Sunday of ♦ a< h month by Rev. Father Clark, parish priert. The following are Rev. Robert Booth's appointments for the ¡»resent year: First Sabbath of each month, Me<1ford at 11 o’chs’k a . m . and 7 pm second Sabbath, Central Point at 11 a . m an ! 7 P. M : th'rd Sabbath. Me«if«»rd at II a . m . and 7 I*, . m . ; fourth Sabbath, Jacksonville at 11 i. M. and 7 r M. The following are Rev. R. Eimis'appoinl* inents: On »-y**ry Sunday morning, except« mg the third, he will hold services at the I’r»sbvterian church in Pb<»nix ; on third Sunday morning, at Jacksonville and every Sunday evening he wijb preach at the Presbyterian church in Jwcksonrille. S alem . N ov . 21.—Thin evening the Representative Outhwaite of Ohio, Congress-lien are beginning le «SMg ■ <»VI BED’WITH SCALES au “V: ri “’L Oregon boar«! of mi'road comniu-PionerM whobe kind words afajiit Mr. Ciunie will i.spi:e following re|»oitof finding« tie appreciated on this eoast, agree» with Tuesday's battle and arc not haclsMuC II1B LUTICI KA REMEDIES. in the matter of the late train disaster : the Exiim.iier m hi» idea» concerning the I in giving tiieir irasousfor the T>me- Before ihe board of railroad commis- profier taiitl jxiii. y for the huge Demo­ TI otilo rd. ■ eratic victories. I am goit to tell yon o| th«' extntoi-diuaiy NOTARY PUBLIC, aioner« of the Ftate of Oregon, Salem, cratic majority in the new congress. He cure jour C'liticnm icintdbh performed on Senator Sherman reached the titt nu. Abou] Or., N«jvernl>er, 21, 1890: riKST JVOICIAl. DiSTHK 1. >ut th« I m ot April h»M 1 notice! says that “ttiemoet practihle plan would yesterday from N'.*w York. * Tike w*V- .MANUFACTURER <>E CoinpriHinx Jackson, J Mt-pnin« . Lak « and Sl IIIIV rc«l I plDiples like coming out all ov»-r my In the matter of the wrecking of the lie to take up the several aiticles U|«jn en did It,” was Ina laconic rwa»mi faetha Ki.xui.itn counties; L'lruuit Ju«lx»-, L. K. W« li­ body, but ................. „ oi it until Kom«'- ’«“thing train No. 16 at Lake Labieh, Marion which the Democtatic party Were a unit an t(, j,M - k ..... Iliu. .4pOtK H| ster, District Attorney, W. M. t. .»iv ig. I tum- later «>0, whi-ii n b. g ................. tidal wave. “They fonnd price« kt^k* *1 A* KS«»N COI N! V Of »noifar 8p<»tt«xl npott«xl on, , ___ and county, Oregon, November 12, IbiM). lor a reduction from the McKinley sehod- wh< n they Went shopping and am bia Senator, Th«*»*. t'aiii<-r«»n. Kcprescntativ« .*, which « aim off . in layers ac­ The investigation of the above matter ules and pa»» several bill« to that ef­ Abstracts Made of Titles to to vote against the tariff bill." S. Furry. J. *V. M rritl, J. .4. M« «'.*!l; « .nuil» BDmnanied uiti» with itching. . 1 coming on to be heard, it was found that fect, without attempting the great labor J U'U1', J. it. N«-»l, Ci»iiimK*<-»n«-r», < . XV. lay- Would *«'iaf« h « very night un­ Lands. Senator Chandler telegraph« Sial the l*»r, ik ii. Hay iu«»ihi; t.'tei k. »1. Muller. Slid lit, J. til I was raw, then th«' n« xt two reason« were unfeigned for the disas­ and now useless discussion consequent New Hampshire Legislatare is rapaMy- ti. Hir»ts«*y; t reasurer, ’». h. li.«»««ni» r; n , night t h«' sriih's. being f ormed LEGAL DOCUMENTS ter, to-wit: upon an entirely new bill.” can. A private dispatch from «WMfcum I. L. H uuh H oii ; Sen >*»l Superintendent, t . .*. meanwhile, were m i atrhe»i oft tiiM—That a rail La i been removed Price; Survcy«»r, F. A|»|»i«'gdi< •; C«»ronvr, again. In vain did I consult Mr Outhwaite is a candidate for the Humphrey of Kaunas nays that th» tiu- Of a!! k,¡i l* drawn up. «-*p«» ia!lv |»> i taming from the track by some peraon or per- speakership and hie views will be cer­ ceesor of ingalls will be a F.cMbfau J. S.Pareuu; SUak Inspector. . F. S*»nger. all tin* »loetors in the county, t.t th« srttlvni' nt <»t cstat«-». - JOSEPHINE « «H N f Y . but without aid. Atti'rgiving i roi h unknown, winch was «aid to la* the tain to carry weight in the Democratic Tin» would indicate tiiat the FaMth^ Joint Senator, *V. st. Clair; K« pr»*s»*ntativ •, up all hopes ot i««-.i\»ry, 1 lollir! ,r u« Iftounts. Prompt Strmitt,iin-rs. primary cause of the wreck. ■-*1 I H. B. Miller; < ounty Judg« . V. Colvig; « «>;n- pp-ned to sc« an mlvcrt’iw- caucus. They appear to us to indicate Alliance men. Who are pledged ta vaw Fl' . ¡1 I Second—That the Htructure hu«i fallen by far tbe must sensible course that cm against Ingalls, are not willing te go tu lutssioucrs, C. t>. Bnreloa, P. IL uim - ii ;< Irrk. ( . nt in the newspaper about MONEY LOANED. K. Cnansior; Sheriff, Janu s C. .M*»ss, L'l casur- r Cnticura ren»«'dies. and on account of its age and wenkneFS of Ha 1« pursued. No general tariff bill would the extent of voting for Dvmocrati. •. ••r, J. 'V. »never; Ass«-ssor, E. C. Harmon, • H :* I from my druggist, ami ob- Inv«-st in» nt * a S Si»«*cially . Jacksoil purchased parte. Inv«-stim iit S«TuritIt S»‘»'urltI»a ih have a chance of becoming a law dumm School Superinti'ndeiH, W. A. Massie; Survey­ laim.l alan» ediatt i«-!i» t. I lagan to ("untx Scrip Bought >«»id. , , _ ( .>untx St rip Buuglit and . ’ 4 After hearing the testimony of nomer* the tihyaecoml cnogn**. EveA&cdr or,!’. W. Havens; Coroner, Dr. Wallace. notice tbit Sealy eiiiptionh gradually I luv«-a <-«>mplt t«- s«'t ««t Mapsol all fhrSur- have a < .-...fh :• . ? J I t KLAMATH COUNTY. oiu* w jlMwaes an t having made a j»enR»n- knows what sort of tariff bill the Demo­ “Very little money wm used in *(■ sappeared on»- by one. until .-«1 ' Lauds this e«»unty. and ' ............ r< < « i w A v« y»*«i ' in *' . ............... A* !»- ‘“ (ir«>i>p«-! »»Il n«'w I l.aulri»-N imub*. 1 1 ............. - |»ar<*d - papers, find tnat there is no satisfactory evidence power, so tiiat it is needless to go to tlie i. J. S. Orr; C»>u»iu>9sioncrs, W.C. < rawl«»r.l, —......... and rt-iiH’dicic. nnd in four nr tiv«* u»-«ks whm c u­ .,..» h »«”'1 - rri ’ -i'inpt!«»n "to know that thia was not a tnsrenRs^.. K 11 .un ’ ed the stull and crons bones, their in support uf the proposition that a rail C. S. Slivers; Clerk. A. L. L uvitt, Sheriff, E. * tir« ly curctl. .M\ «iÍM'Ht*e uns ♦•« /.«-lint and ■ 4 Kti trip to of a ‘ ran save t«» parties ti»»' » xpensv pM-'iiasiH. I know <•! a irrt-al nianj who have •*, *un. defiantly at the masthead. Your had been removed. That the following trouble of preparing one simply to make campaign , tiiat it was not a lon;1»t trt - W. Gowan; 1'ruutturvr, Ww. K. Howe; A j *» vs - M ♦ R<»svi>uig Land Oftic«'. a record, fi e attempt to make such a diet which the ireople of the cogwtey tak« li th«’ r»-nH,iii«->. and liinnk in« lor the inmicrn pirate, not «.n the high sea*, but Mor. Juuu diaarU c-oauul 6UMtiutcud<*nt, P, L. « FT YuoaUd n: Surv eVorJ-a TST*^«r W»T(lñ»Mf, J? I » spt-cially in«»tln-rn wh«» iiuon Die high reputation of .*tan«iard rem- facts are established by a preponderance record would use up the whole available render." 1 HKVE USE FAKMS AM» OTHER knou '.t-tr» of In answer to the qngBiiqn 'r*' T. rorbís* hav« bain s with sc aly « ruptions on their of evi«k.Dvr : r MY lU.SIK * IH E PHOI’EKTY IN edict». *kulk* under various difguiaea. H •* ' time and render barren a congress that whether lie thought the succr «• a'tnvei LAKt COUNTY. lie tels and liodi»'.'. I «-aunot » \| n my thanks I HANDS Toll SALE. First — That the ............ ............. boif an«1 corm-r traffic Im* never to any Southern Pacific Joint Scnat«»r, C. A. CoKswcb ut Lak« : K«-1»- ought to accomplish great good. Io you .My l> >«ly wa-» c- vt i c«i w it h scales, and by the Ihrmor rata would be permsBaa. I i|, ' r«s*efitaiivc. A. Snider; County Ju«lg«% W. A. 3 F*Pr. .nipt itply iiku J«- b» all Ictters. I was an h wt ill spectnvl»* to bch«»i«i. Now mJ degree affrcied Hostetter .* btoinach Bit- Company’s train N >. 16, of No/ember The other plan is practicable and busi­ w’lLsmr»-; C iiumssi«»’* t *. A. V . Lui , ’»«•«». M. -M-. ' ’.tld Kr*. ah lio ng 1« that ptaudard in vigorant and 12th, 1S9-I, consisting of eight cars, rm nesslike. It would accomplish results. Senator Rarlx'itr sa'd: ".So far aS t.la skin is as eh ar ns a l»ah> - ’ Illi !’•»’• .* k m ■ • i rar *-<-■ m< • • ■. • - *ith - tin -- linn s. i Join«; Cierk, W. N. Sutt.m; Sncritf. w F. H« y- K.t. I- lo pelili — h'U tel.I II. • k Ullin. I’«,| GEO. < o ITA . M< i rill. Win. great issues—the .McKinley bill Bad tfeg corrective Ims lung been Die hhining mark into the trestle at Lake Libish, in forU Vrvasurvr. A. McCaiien; >»•«<» »1 Sup« rm- ! Bank, r; 1 . Il„ll. I., li. WebMe!. J udge „I tin» at which hi* stiaftr» have been «iirect»«! Marion county, Oregon, at alsjut 8:16 p. The house could ¡»ass a dozen separate Force hill—are concerned, I thfak Mia teudvnt, A. H. Eisner; A*.^ess >r, J. h. .Mc- policial .It-ri il l, mid «<• miy l>nsin, »s h„ue, ,n bills, each of which would commaml a Cfieap iocai bitter* . composed r»( fiery tin- great American jury ha» decided fer tt1 Ui Douuuktn; Stock lnspecior, D. K. Jones. Jacksnnvi’le. SILAS J. DA». recrdied stiuiulnntb, with an infusion, pr m., of said day, at a late of sper«i of majority in the senate and would give time. The «liver bill «»em« nl«e te meeting or COUKra, ETC. extract pofoub y, of some tonic bark, are about tw» nty miles ja*r hour. substantial relief to consumers. Take have been a chisel which cut into ths The supreme court ot or«g-»n nvet* at i Second—1 hat the airbrakes were firm* coal for instance. Senator Stanford his) Salem, reiru.ar term» commencing on th»' first ¡ Tin in u bl< <»d ami >kin purifier ami great- still Monieiiine* recommended a* indenticai R-publican ranks. It look» to we else M inday a in Marcu and Ocloi»» r; a.* • at l‘< n- rsl uf humor r« medh h . I nt« rnally (to ch'an*e with, or Mimilar to, or ¡»ossetsing virtues ly and suddenly applied, which caused declared through the Examiner that he «il»'t«m, comiiicnviug «m :ir*t M mday « 'lay. a» if for the fir»t time in our recent th«* blood <>1 a;! impiirith*. am! thus remove kir.dreu to tho>e of America’s chosen fam­ tiie structure to give way at a |»oint thinks the duty on coal ought to be abol­ The circuit court lor the ui>i judíela; «i¡*t ri» t t:i« cau*« . ami ( iiti«-iira, tie-*rr«-at Fkincure. ilymedicine These ¡»eri.*h stieediiv, while American politic« the agricultural popu­ ait. * in Jackson c«»unty «»n iir*t .M>»n»i.«y* :u at’.d «'liticura Roap an «-xqui-il«- *km !»« autlfi- the great subduer and prt ventive of disease aljoiit 6M) feet south of the north ap­ ished. Naturally, a bill to that effect lation has cume to tbe front. I m»aa April,September MU’l Deccm«»i r. iu Klamath proach, precipitating the engine and would get his vote. Plumb would vote «•r. • \li rtidlly lo ’ el« ar th« *kiit and scillp and Vi ’ lit >.x ANZ A. NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AWD CHEAP. c»»i\nty on second M>»:i*i«iy iii .luiu an«! hi*t that southern and western farming peo­ rvhhue tiu- ha'.i ■ .< in • » a « i \ bp« i n sot agoniz- pur.*u» .* its suc< v.**fnll enreer, overcoming three cats into the marsh, a distam-e of lor it, too, and so would half a dozen or ple have asserted their own ind.vtdn- Monday in November. In Lakvc mniy ..nth. ing. itchiim. I'uriiinif. Mjiiy. and pimply malaria, dyspepsia, nervousness, kidney sixteen feet, and throwing down the en- a d< 7. n m<»re .mnt Monday in May an«l tn •»•»•"«» 1 Mon lay . tr«»ublrs, constii ation a d rheumatic ail­ Republican senators. ahiies, a» it were. They have or,tantz»d »»<•.; ments, not only on this but on many con­ tire stineture from where the break -mx’ricy would have no cause into a great army for battle. It also For j'ack.su»! county the county, ¡»robar» and , l’««tt« !• I »ni> a • I < ’li« inn al < < >t p<-I ation, B«»s- death of Engineer .John M» Fad«I n, ’.»is for cum|»Lnnt it Le did. So of binding« ap(>ear« to me a» if they trad carr-ed the «•• muni sm «mers courts in« » t « v< ry in «nin, too. commcnvinM with th« first Mutiny; lor J,.s<- Notice. tireman L. (i. N*al, and an unknown twine, jute ha,»’.*, tic j late«, i^on ore, pig j latior element with them.” • ■'".-'•m! toi “il*>M to Cui« Skin Dis«-ascK," phiiie county, the tn*i Monday m January, "Do you mean that the laboring »’•♦ pag« s. Vi i i!ii-t i at ion*, ami h*i l«'*f imonials. man, and seri«>ut4y injuring the other ir«»n, silver lead ore .»¡ d the like < ut t i< out, and when you visit Port ­ It is April, July an«l SvpteinlM'r; tor iatke e«»unty. I ti. th IMAN SCI < I SHOR TO .1.0. HAM- •Ü trainmen and a l.irg * i.umia*i «1 pa-*» n- probab e tout alm« st ail of the woiat I element ia not so nnaniinou-ly in favor land «hi ring th« exposition csll <>n Town**, every alternate month, c,iiiimcnciiiif tn« first »1 , ak'T.V". of BoiiHiiza. Kiamfihi «'oust>. Or., ’l of the prote, t ve *heorv as th«- Republi­ •111 Monday in January. For Klamath » ounty the i ttii* photographer, and receive the follow- I ger s tiHH pun'I:.'»■*»'ck of ei.oimilH-s «.! the McKinley law coil'd be can» have in isted?” wa» a»k. d. first Wedueeday in March, June, S» ptcinbvr 14 in.r « xtr.»orrutective party th» >e a:ips wid be given one dozen of m\ iu the f'jlluwing particular.- and will bn *«»l»i< h«*ap f«»r Cash. Everyfwdy »<• 1 lie Gclit «, tiity-secomi congress. Then the Demo­ invit«*«l to call an«i examine «« mm I b and pn •«* be­ best style < abinet i h«»t«»s and < ne extra !»>r made their elephant too big. ■ A iait confider iig ti e nature of the ground, it crats could go before the country with a fore purcliMNiiiK w I ht »*. i»»u can always find « pains - i • •: w' aknt *<. framing for f.l Hj. My regular price for IAne to Caiilorniii Ä.4 £ lieing boggy and spongy, were tuo (nr record ot something actually accom­ tariff would have suited the country on hand a full one «»f £ king < ■ i ! - h. aathrna. plvtirlay, the Dame work to those not holding these being better. i'eople regard the Mc-Kinley ind Hitlaiifinution r«*i« x»- fu.mi p»rdozen and 13.00 for extra apart; the ties were tor widely spaced; plished, and to have accomplished any­ bill as being a incnoiailistic measure b» I Iu •< nt i« "ra Anti-Pain Pla-l* r. ph’tire. Th s is an extraordinary offer, tile guard rails were in a state of decay thing in the face of a hostile ¡»resident FRANCIS FITCH, Clothing. Boote and Shoes. minut«- Nothin»; Ilk' it tor w :«k himrs. and the probability of doing enough extra and but few werepiopetly fastened, ami anil senate would be a feat that woul«l be and a» a prohibitive law which cuts us ATTORNEY ANI» Cof'NSEl.oK AT I.AW, off from the rest of the World." Groceries. Hnr.iwi re work to make it pay prompts the induce­ they were so frail as t i afford no safe­ ttie best possible campaign capital. — Tbe senator thinks it not at all un­ ment Cail and see our work; it spe»»ks guard ; that much of the tirnlier in the Ort-yon. STEAMER SAILING DATES. J-..i ¡tier. and everythin^ gen«*rally to b«* found in a hrst- for itself This holds good until Novem­ likely that the next Demo, ratio nominee r,r,,M VKQl'rxA: bents, espe< ally caps and a lls, bail FROM S FIlASt lst c I hhh i uuntry St«»re. ber 1st B. C. Towns for vice-president will be from the "ji.anivrre Vali.-y, M >n,lny, Oer ............... it Willamette • Valley Sat inlay. .X»»v. .1 \S MORIN».. Manager I MORRIS M. HARKNESS, Studio «-or. F rst «¡ad Morn*on S’s. mote or less decayed; that the f*>nts v 1 tt »'alley, Weilneralai Nov '» Wiliam» t’c Valiev Suntlay. X,,\ Ol« HABI) FbKTIUZATIUN. —1’r ifes‘or south. He »ays that tl.e Republic« B«» d »’; zj 4. April 18 IsSS were not securely stay-hraced ; that Win.ini, r,.- V h |,.\. sat,inlay 's., V . |.-, Bring your babies to T«»wne. V.» Wit.am- tt. rh»ir*>!ay, .X<>\ . .. kl'loltSEV ASO Ci>rs»EL'»K Af LAW Hilgar.l »poke at length, at a recent »••iiatoia wiil not attempt to pas* the u lib.. h , tr.-Valley, Monday, Nov, . 21 W . II.Illi- TH- \ ,il, y. Sunday. Xov......... Is • .»I t> ON .w some oi the piles supporting the tiente tneetingof the California State Horticul­ Election bill. «r Urnnt** t’lian, Ort-yon PÜ3I1 IVE were unsound . that many oi the string ­ Butte ('reek Koller Mills. Tht company r»**crvet* the right to cliarige .* Ulina dates withrnit notice. tural aturday ». an I hi in, rni'ilimc ndays, «V,*dii,—da, s aid Krclay *» aid ,,n mt, r ¡•that»• ELOU AT LAW. they have a good tiling and are disposed women, es|»ecially with rvf*»ren<*e to when ii, <*< wreg<»« Development Co., 3 k potimi* of superiot road ami at any time. Toba» co i t t q . . « . ......... i \ . ; I ; a 1 .-<•* I tollow.bg late* t!»at there are 235.900 women teaching I * »I'Hitrforuery Ht.. Han FranciHc»» Cal. iu tnv t'ourt H oimh *, third d«M>r to left ut vii- ('orv-tlh». ' Irng« >n. ter.*~t. Tt.e necessities of varioil-fertd z-• M'liu<>l against 140/JOO men. and the tion. ov.-r in- u -• •« baker * grHde flour per btlf-hel without offal, • . * 1« 1 fis L........ : I r.. traiicc*. JACKSONVILLE, OR. J. 1’. FU LI., power. W h *• -- 1 k : ••«!«. n 1 am« i ti or 34 pounds of baker’s grade f!«»ur per ing fiwid» for 'rees were considered. average pay of the women is | M 21 * b*u-k .’«•! t’liaiu* ' H' 't*-; a. Norv««ii* Fr G. W. CoLVIO, bushel ami nine pounds of feed. Ex ­ Every grower must »**e for htnrai-lf the monlli, agau st 141.75 for the men J R. NEIL, tra': "‘i. N-*' turt'ai E'i ■ u*. 1 ■ <-orrli*. a. 1- In R obkkt C low . change limited, to family uses, in fartuer ’ »« ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1. 1*** /in •*. U.HK Me-» «’-. i '•.**» of power an«! Imp various ingredients needed for trees. small towns an«i country dirt nets yay tt ArrOHXKV AND COl’NSELoK AT LAW sacks. Will guarantee th? output of the Commissioners. t* '1 ■ ■ ’ I Io tenleatltopn 'VUE I N DF.R*IGNF.D II WE FARMED A Soil analysis i» of value in this regard. email,ami there is nut a surprining differ­ . ' Fr-« «• *>n uh , tilwk "4 Butte creek mills to be equal to the best Attest: G. W. W mígos ' kk . 1 « «pariti' r-Tiip with mi a jfli ~.r.«*»! cnp’iial «•! «> I 1 ■■ fill I ' Jud. mtn riiii, Or. For example, in cherry trees which fail ence in the con)(»rn^ation of the two fb'iir inan a <»« “• r - The commission will at once send a \ U I. IT to bear on black soil it is evidently not pvxet*. But in aoirc of the larger cities ai Bank.ng Ihi-in«-«^ inali ot its i»ran«li< * m A. J. D aley . W ;ti pr.*«-li» •• in all v«»urt* -I tlitM.it. . »»Ilici letter to the Soithern Pacific officials Jackman <»r«-gt>n. <»fL «- at th«* (»*<1 siami fertilization that >» needed hut drainage. there is a very marked difference. I’>£ Eagle Point, Or.. July 7. 1K90. in tu« Court il«»u»c, u»st U«»«»r t«» u-tt ut cu­ of B«-< kman - Banking lloaiav. S. E. corm > 4 al- n I recommending tin- reconstruí t on ol tbe In the case of alkali soils it is not fer­ rrante. 4 I ures from ten leading cities show an itornai ami l'hir«! str«-vti*. trestle in a substantial manner. The de ­ I tilization that is needed, but evidently, average ¡»ay to men of 11435 a year, BF.EK M AN. Highway Robbery. fects are set foitli in the finding» of the H. K. MANNA, TilOS. G. REAMES. since alkali is a fertilizer, there is al i while women average only fminei>da- ready too niucli fertilization ti *ti, tally­ women give every bit as much energy rruHNEY AND C«H’NSEL‘»K Al LAW. Eugene agent of the Smg**r Sewing Ma­ tioris will be m tbe same line. M< \ u I ran* h, in our foothills feri I zatioti is the one i and devotion to their work a* the men, chine'Co. wh *» held up and robbed bv two F«»r sal«* at Citv Drinr Stur«'. Jack*onvili<' .hichaonrilo. Or. thing needful, unless it is water, to com* I and the wear and tear of vital force is at» men tn the bridge acro»> tbe M< K»nzie O maha , N ov . 21.—A s|»e<'ial to the P> <* | ¡1*1 1 abundant yields. On lowlands, great on them as on men river at the oid Hayden ferry. When neer I’ndoUbtedly Will practice in all courts of th« State. Offici I M III fr«jm Piuv Ridge reports affairs Wnp<>- I . „he-* the*e are »ijn« in the or, ter I of the quality ot th^it work ir? equal to that Keep*« the Virgest stock of the south end of the bridge tbe bit* < f Ins in orti» « brick, up-^tain*. Does a General Banking Business, and Buys and Sells East­ I horses w*rr scsed by tw«» men with revol­ rariiy quiet, though there is inienee ( (fruit ste*ili-.v. it ¡»generally a pl: spliate . o f U)rI1 , n i u uny instan,-,*», ear» the Fant I ... n;*e,h* , Ore-.-on . ver* ; one < f the men jumped into the hack exciiement. General Brooke is anxious­ I that 1» «I. J. HQUGK, But is tuo 1 Orr.j.tiifin. ern, Domestic and Foreign Exchange. let, while it seems nnju»« beliimi biiu, threw one arm about his neck ly wailing instructions from tlie <1ejutt- lar^e a state to make any general state-1 I to pay a woman a less salary than a max K m VAHY rUBLIC AND CONVEY AN' LU. and arm*, raising several welts on hi* neck, tnent at \\ a*h ngton, due before he h ft merit. Each grower must invest g.te I fur Uie same kind and qnal'iy of Work, and cautioning him to keep quiet, or hi* tiulj HOI, Orryun- ! head wou «1 get broke, pro»e~de all busin»-«* in iny hm Wit II ounce is now going on at Woumied or.-har,! will :).*f ---- » M ««m arm -||~ri^h WM. M. COLVIG, l’urcupim*, thirty miles north. A scout toward the setting < f fruit. Care must ed, w bile very few men would teach for Burueil to Death. who just came in reports that a banu uf lie taken in applying stable manure for any lees than is now paid them ATroHNttY AND ( 'H N-LL«»K Al LAW. Anothei John <«arri>O!i, who resided on C.iny«»n 500 (’opj»er Faces have appeared at a it i» a . uni, ¡ete fertiliser, whereu» usual­ thing that acts as advtiiurnt to tl.e C »t*.alH»v- < anvuti c ity, met with a hor­ »Jiirâtnonvilir, Orryon point only nine miles to the north, ihe ly only »pedal fertilization is required. rible de.»th b> b.*ing bunted m hi« res»i- securing of goo.1 wages to women is tiiat ATIi pr.i«'li»:e in all the murt* th«* S'alv. d»-i;< <, a !<-w hours aft»r midnight. »u*t Indians ar«* dancing with rifles straped On the whole potash fert l.zers are not they are different from the men, in that Gard.-u Seed PRICES t’ru.-M-vulii»4 Allori»«'}- lol FliM Juaoiar h w t iih ac< iiit-ut incurred tne L’»ng up >n tiieir ba« ks. The Indians dancing require,! t<> anv extent, it u> a mistake a man liegin» teaching with 7I.e ex|«s.*ta- t. Uilice ill < •»urt-itou.H«-. \PP:• Tr»-» * « \i<»«in¡». r l’f» Cre< k ■* E abl to ••^y, at Wuiiinled Knee, announce openly to attempt to counteract the quality of tion of making it a lite work, while in P.-a.-h ” I“ " H “ but ir> iu the position of Mr. Gnr-i'«u*‘s •.hat if tiiesoldier* attenn.t to lake Little alkali land by fertil zition. D i» absurd Purchasers of property or Capital Stock <>f the WOatUT G. bMITH, P unian-l Pruii«-» Tr«'«> s “ 1»’ body wlnn found, it is general y j»tipp»‘.*v»l Jack. Re«i Ulutid, *on of« I 1 R-'dClond. ' for t*eopl** to feel delicate atayut men­ nine cases out of ten a woman only otln-r tre» s and fihrubbvry furnished rcaeona- enters a school «oom with the expecta­ • hat he had beei. reading by candie bgiit i»ij. B g R ad and L ttie Road away, a* they tioning their aikali soils. They should tion of slaving thereuntil she is married, VTi’HtNEY AND COl’NSEhOK AT LAU’, and had fallen a? 1«ep, during which time >« nd 1 «r ( '.itaG»y i H- t- • ! temetiitier that tliev po« “ .*»» soil mgre.l- have thought cl «luitig. they will rut off Cra.-*», dover and all kinds of the cm ; die had set tire to some articleiMit ar. and is neaiiy always content with wl.at J. H. S.4TI LEMIER. Woodburn, Or. Ornm'a /*<•««, Ort yon. „ i tbe soldiers’ ear* and otherwise maun i. pt-ibat upland farmers much desire ,7be iaii'g^; t. ’, ►*. Of ctturNr other thenri»-N have been nd so <>t,g aa it i» »uftic:i nt to Every officer on the gtotitid, and wild, will insure them against vanced. but this is th»* most feasibl»* of any. them. all,i ciuth.* her re-p- •etab.y. otHcc In Lnytoii x • <>.'» brick. upMalrs. 1SS7 especially those high in authority, ¡o >k **l*eci»l fert'bxation t r along time to ( 185 U|K»n the situation as very critical. Io come. As to tiie effect ol irrigation ROBERT A. MILLER, A Fine Drauglitxnuo. Of the Franchises and Privileges granted to F. II. ROWE Koon's H torv .—l'ruf. - or ¿Koch', be more explicit is to say tiie officers the fertility <-f soil, it was said tiiat Tbe Eugene “Guard" has the following Al'l'oltNEY AND I'ot'S'LLolt AT I. VW examination uf the iriijation water, an account in tin» / jn >.>r..r i his «\¡>er:- August 7th, 1888, Trees, Bulbs. Fertilizers, etc. Manilfactiir, r of item about ihe gentleman who platted the consider it next to ¡»rubahle tiiat 6(khl or . . . . j______ a. i- a».«. __ — a . / ___________ .J »/orA«o»*r»/lr, Or. •‘I’. H. A N." addition to Ashland in such 80(0 Indians may sweep down on the well as of the »oil« brigate.!. i» e'-een- mvnts in tiie treat merit of rore-mi prion fully cot,firm all that iia» been claims,! By the incorporators of said company, now on file at the line sty e. Mr. Joseph Koch.the draughts agency at any moment. “Nothing but tial. Other in building formerly occupied bj Dr. for hi» inetlio,). He ha» not l^en ma,le man, who hits locate«) here, has finished a miracle could save us from CtisUf’e Will Jack* mi . Recorder’s office, in Jacksonville, Jackson Co. ! ttieplat>«d Fra“«T X Hyland's addition, fate,” says a prominent offii-er, “and I the victim of the exaggerated rum,irs A 1>.. ii - i \ e Ilof-K.—The McKinley i>« nî< r in el-o of Fairm« unt, un i is uow engaged on hope to Go«l,” he aeen asserted thxt N. D. YOUNG, a lyiip «if College Hili Park. 1x7 feel. His meins will arrive lieiuru the red devils inguicn who have been led to believe Be- Keepers' Supplies. work >hows that he is a>i adept in his pro- » ' tris Ivmpb would make a new man of a Indians here m that S U R B V O I * « fe'.wion, for beauiy, legibility and correct­ make their break. mat ii ii'i inaugurate nmuiiurait? an vrnBumptivv ..... /. . > i . A lull ln»<- ill stock of Jacks«uivDie, Oregon. a trial order. J. H. GRIFFIS I uill AU that has been alleged has been that J. W. WALKER. cla>s draughtsman, and all work of that tmetcii by all, but it is wt li to k* » p tn acting jll-t tie reverse. I Will be cia>> can and shou-d be «i«»ne here." min i that bkod is thicker than water. another <•>;»•• < f l,< p • d'feir -,! ri sking i ins treatment would cure persons in th« *ur»«') mg of all kin«l* done in a ilrst-rk»sa GEM IL VI. Hi ll.HING MATERIAL. I iu tuner au l at ru;**onat»n rat»'*. Rr«i < loud also has been an«i is still the heart sick. A ready the beacons ol i first stage« of tire disease, and this ap- . at leni ton pani t» locating g»>v- Estimât« * a, n<| ¡»ri’’«'-ltst sent on applicaii«»n Legal Blunks. syuipatlns ng u th the New Chr.f»i disaster are flaming ominously in the I pears to be abundantly verified by bis ow* < rinnctit lands. A full assortment of blanks for the u«*v fanatic, but is heir instead of being oil at »kv. Europe is banding together in a ! » atement. Modest as this claim is, it MANT’FACH KEKS OF i ol \ IKY OKDKK* A Sl-WTALTY. Suucessf.rs t«» Md’».‘T Ihn- Cntal -gue Free. uf jusucesof the peac e and constables can the Gi.ost dances. He continues very practical boycutt ol American goat» I clearly point» to tl,e entire abolition c( Eact.Tx m W. I.llcr'» Mill. Sal<-»r<»mi» cor O. F. DEMOREST, tire scourge. If consumption can be alwa\s be found at the T imes oflice; also sullen, and is being keenly watched. Hitherto, we have troth trongl.t and sold l i rü an*» K . i-, i’oiti»n»i, i•r.V'ii. deeds, mortgages, bids of sale, leases, me­ A false move an 1 he will t»e in irons. cured in its first stages, all ibat is neces­ K E 3 I i> E N T 1» H N T 1 S T. with mutual advantage. The Repnbli chanic’s liens, itonds and every legal He seems tiiuruughly bent on pioducing can fiat lias gone fortli tiiat we sliali only- sary is to at ia, k it in time. Never neg­ blank gei.erallv used in Oreg•«». They arc* Mediarti, Orrg«»». lect it, and it will not secure a dangerous sell. Austria and Germany have said printed afier tbe latest and best fornnj. and an uprising.“ W ashington , N ov . 21 —Telegrams re­ that if we will not buy, we »trail not ! foothold. Th;» may not offer much com­ J. G. LEE, M. D., will be sold «t i’ortlami prices. There is AT CENTRAL POINT, no ne< esMty for sending away for your ceived at the war department horn Gen­ s 'I. Holland and Italy threaten to join fort to tire present generation uf confirm­ P H Y S 1 C I A N AND H T K G K ‘ » X . Bj the Thousand ! legal blanks eral Miles regarding the Indians an* of incoalidm, and it may net stop even ed consumptive«, but it asures us tiiat the same tenor contained iu the dip­ there. The "home market,” of which there will be no future generations of Centrili rom!. Or»yon. Till I S) H'.ltSIGNEll IS NOW TAKING <111- For Women. I il.-r* tk . i i.iult Jiu'k.*«»n and Jusvphin«* couti- patches covering the talks with him at Republican leaders have so loudly prat­ tiiat kind. But even in tire worst eases < ' ili*» promptly attended to day or nighi. Koch does ti«s t»»r The voie taken Thursday in the Method­ Chicago )a*t night. He considers the Sit­ ed, seems likely to lie our only one, or there is hojie. Professor Wh r» is ki pt constantly ut by making concession» tiiat .xny kind raise«! in a first-class Nurs« ry. against 1 he membership of I be church is tion prevent» lire spread of tire luherclas. be in readiness to move at once. JarIu»«»«ville, Oregos. are <1 rectir an'agrins'ic to its principles ?♦»>. Ail over 21 years of age* were entitled if some means can be devised of remov­ T•»<»'*<* wanting Ir«'«’s will dn well to giv«* me and fanly m 1 in-witl the abhorred “liee- to vote. Thia question was v«ued np* ‘ ti by th fir «•i-fl»-r*. ns I w ’ ll g'iarant«'«* satist'actl«»n. *>th«'« an«i rcf'dence on Ca'.if«»rnia >tr»-ct. K epki . ri . ntatix e C arter , sec retary ot trade.” Nor is the fact tiiat the Repub­ ing the diseased matter, any patient I iviirrant :»U uiy tr«'» *. tf pt <»p«'rly care«i for. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, the Methodist church throughout the Oiba attended promptly day ur night. *r» Tiiis «it | :iyui- ut « iis». Pi <«lue«' taken at Vnded Jitates on that day, and the verdict the Repub i< an campaign committee, and licans are confining American consum­ with lungs er ouglr to t retire may have a 'nark' t pii« '', batutt-s. <»t p<'a*,hS«,*««l want«*!. wa.' generally favorable i«> the !ad.e>. lately civic »ted for le elec Uun in M«»nta ers, who wish to buy, and American I good chance of recovery, burgeons hare ft. PRYCE, M. D., V > J<»HNS»>N. mi, saya’liat the new silver law »lc.es not producers nho w ish to sell, to a limited lately meceeced in removing tubercdlot» .la» k invi:;«-. <)i'iy«»n, Amr. I. r- li Y S I C I A N AND !« I' K G E < • X, __ IV ITU I ITS Tg ----- touch the s »iil«'i»i. <>i-<> that will satisfy the j*e«>pie of tins coun ­ serve it» own behoof, the worst of it all. oi scioltila in their l/oud. 1 he agonies Koch's lymph would bettie best possible <>m« «• in WühaiiiM Brick Buihiimr. up-stairs. 3 JilânicS x Q o I g . I • • • • rm: i i LEHRATEn. • . . B try is free coinage law ;bntth.ean caused by the dreadful running sores and supplement to such an operation. Du! (In th«-State Insurance CoH. Building.} meiif to the silver law will la- passed etieap goods, we throw Eurofe-an cheap other inaniiestatiui > • f Ibis disease are l>e à SMITH & WESSON _ J. a. WAIT, M. D., y«-nd description. 1 here is no other reinrdv at the present session. Ihiector-of-the- latiur out of employment, and it is tiegin­ there will be no excuse for anv future giND BRANCH OFFICES IN PORTLAND. ASTORIA AND ALBANY. e«p>al to Hood’s Sars-ipanlia for scrofula, MintLeach saya that the pteseiit law ning to puur into thin country in a patient allowing himself to reach «stage I’H TH 14'1 AM AND Hl" KG EON Hiw for s»n'c* a large list ot sail rio un» and every form of blocd disease. ekes not seem to make any impression mighty streain to com|«te witli the nr wlitch such heroic treatment wil! bs NAILS. ROPE. Me.lfuril. Orrgon. necessary. It is reasonably sure to benefit all who give on the silver am plus on uccount of the " The Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured. ■ Ameiiean workman in fils own territory, it a fair Ina'. Be sure to get Hoo<1's. • Hti.-e m> Main Street, in Childers' building. Grain. Stock and Fruit Farms. Also City and And « verv thing ciac imaginab’e in this line. importations, but. lie added, where to eider the struggle with him lor ■ Unnvaled L’ m I. s promptly »rtciKlisi to. day and night. M\ ki'"HÌsar« ih wand of the b» si brande, and K anru » B cttkr in O re '- on . — Tilt would we lie if silver brought $129 in­ er;>|-l, y i,,ent et.d », ale wag*» downto a Suburban Property. wil' be s««'d at t hr A New » liarter. M ACCURACY Inc* < x r -M 1 he m w la, fl law wru»-r saw r>cenflv in stead of a little more than a «lobar? »•¡ma in 1» i- '. — DURABILITY. DR. A. J. LAPPEUS, Th« or- ii-»ii Land U«»..was especially organized for ths pnrp.»s<*of hUy ail<1 411UI1V| ffic* in Halcin -even liumlr» <1 pi: » m - of An effort will be made to secuie a n»*w S x miihuii oiiiicer have been imp r cd ;livi*ii'«l|u* Au.er c tr, »o>k.,...i, ir,.ir< ■ EXCELLENCE ot Low >st Ruling Prices. u t »-H. t* ..1 hind, and nH* during th«-¡»a*t tw»» y « ar* boukrht an»l Mi»MLvt.frurg, which aim ng other into tins cotpiiry since the i vw 11w went Inlying ill _ WORKMANSHIP and I’ Il Y S I C I A N A N D H ü K G KUN, :> g,.t ! Emu, e .•-••i IlUttrr iu ini»«* alitile way fro’»» K m.-aj». ■ CONVENIENCE In retmins would make all street wor* done liit »«ff»ct. We | 11 chased 16,73S «M-U Hi ,omi*‘l.' m.n to i*»v m,,n u.oly price ,M >I< i The fXpres* rha«gc * n Ubt haw l»e<*n (live 111 «• a call b«J <»r«‘ goin> •• *-where. I ontral Point, Orrgo». LOADING and SAFETY. to be paid for by property owners inst« au J. < . SIIEKIDAN. "■rra1i^rho,,:e '‘‘n" "■fru"wl" -lar*" »■>• -—«•< ■ Beware of cheap iron imitations. the (hr* v and one-half »nonilis rii ;« c Hie tbrll by lobbing I, m ot 1 1- < ju|Joymr«it. eroi in«>m*. Il m un«i. im : lo «I Iliac fre­ of by the ci»y; and to bund the city lor I'ailM attended day or night. law has b en in operation, more ib m leak* » it impossible lor him (o piliuhane quent ¿liipmc nip ol butter are t tnw mad» I W,'Hl«> Iimke vHbaaM«-tinproremvntain the w»y of rond«. fennw <1,n. . I . H Send fori 'ustrated Catalogue and Price List to| flii.i cHl. or h slittini* IU ‘■lini lo c ive» » su la Doti» KariRHs. T. « ncrcia/y of th, \V.H,'ll » »I11.«II Ira.Tof !a,idt>,r lb< Mil»' pn, ■■ |„ r acre j.u, would ► ,7. ,, , h tile city hall and lo <‘'»n*irm t u st-wriegc ll.c H,3ikh‘HH»e.ic i nr nth piovid •» I »» either ii.e one or the Other, but filin* SMITH A. WESSON, >a em >>oard uf trs le the oile r .jay >«- ' large farm. “ * v 1 ° V - 1 ? ‘ DR. S. DANIELSON, P«ii|»rr, a tninip, him io- at* on rra-.ety, a i ’ l »he law, yet the di < “ . !••» lias fign «•. Il< ‘ also tliows that Mnironl, OrrifUH. Rince the raising «heat on big farms tuo long. H B. Mil r, «.( («mill’s l’a.*n, recently O thmk .—It is very evident ---------- hail a narrow es< up**. Hr whs taking luedi* with ihe admission of Idaho ami \\ y- Democratic triun.|»hs that Republicans should prralnce more butter, eggs, fruit ---- AM»----- '1» * :«»l attention given h»('l»r«»nic Di.-«-its«-*. oming.there ih no doubt ol the paasage of fear Cleveland « inc cuLtaluiiJg bcii.ulotiii:* ami the dtrec will be the nominee tioiia ret« I 'ah »Ke aril the bo’lie betorr the lull over the veto in the senate, ami of his party for the presidency, ami etc., etc. Sciali farms, ranches and HOTEL FOR RENT using." Mr. Mil er did lul do tin.’*, coiim - pre» I lots that at that moment all con­ already they kindly caution us against orchards are what ttic country surround­ ing Salem needs. And Salem need, «jueniiy when near the bottom of the bottle tracts and notes will be made payable in X. choosing him for a candidate, “because MING I'«» ILL HEALTH. THE I NDEK got ail of the belladonna in one done and commission bouses that will make a *igtu «1 t« I tor is p< ltticriLy dead, ” ami “ Hili is the only al a v-i v r> u*'»mibl«' tlkfiir«- The built! open to the products of meli men who W asiiisu T on , N ov . 21.—Surgeon Gen­ ilin’s Block. Rcsidi n*. on t Agents for Cyrus Noble I>istiJ’,(.ry, ,f„s. Sehlitz Brewing Com- sal' man who car» poll the full vote of the will c-ontract with the producers. Th, ing. which i> a substantial bri« k <>n«- and «■*- Heal Enisle Transfers. eral Hamilton made «report to Secretary i>< « lally «1« *ig!u d t««r t he hotel busiiU F*. will Democracy,” tl.ry tell us; which is all business of supplying these market, m* rented at a low rate to responsible parties. From Nov. 10 1« Nov. 1«, «be real estate Tracy giving the result» of vi.it» by turn very considerate in them, but smacks p:i»y, Milwaukee Bottled Beer, Khniidt A: Co.’s Sarsaparilla an,I For fin tiu r particulars apply to Gold Hill. traosat I'OUS in Dotig'as county wrere: to the principal foreign points of embark­ just a little t«x> much of the Democratic cannot las overdone, for the markets are E. B. PICKEL, NI. D., Oregon. .1. llEllIllt, 1AM, .);lck„*l>vlllc Dee,Is 1-'. ninount IVl.SJo; in niranes &. ation of emigrants for tbe United growing fast« r than the supply can grow, H H Y S i C I A N A N D S r K G E O N. Iron Water; also Arcadian Xineral Water from Waukesha. Wis- aiuotnit »11 370; total number of deeds from State». He found tio thototigli medical scheme tob Mist Blaine upon the Repub­ even under the most favorable conditions lican part} as the only man with skirts Jun. 1. 18!S>, Iodate, 330. amount |!i!2,»17. Let's at least raise as mudi as w» con­ of emigrants anywhere. Milford, Oreiron. Choice Lands For Sale. Choice Location? and Pru'es Reasonably Tins summary is teporled weekly by the examination clean of protection and who consul. Dr. Hamilton rays that there is no sume, says a Salem exd ange. (’all-* promptly Attended to Day or Night, D.m.las county Abstract Co. can lead to victory the | re>i»lential cam ­ Low. OR SALE. ACRES OF LAND 419 connti v so free »» the United States in i iftk e on B atrwt. acres <»l farm land in the valley, good for admitting itnmigrants.and urges restric­ paign two years hence. The officious- I>nt >K KMfl.ltn-LIQl HA HIT, t Yu it or irrain. A Busted Boom. tive legislation. Nearly two million ne*B of the two great parti»» in ¡»oinliiig Tw«» timiiMand six hundred acres foot-hill DR. W. STANFIELD, In alt Ihr II arid tl^re 4. but one Curb Where ol, »bete is I’asco? I ne great seven hundred thousand emigrants have out to each other the best man to be ailtf mountain-side land, go«»«I for truit, r4»r st'M-kraisimr. This tra< k ot land lias Farm lor Sale. ov-ir wen mil« * ot fencing, dwrllinif-h<»ii*e, kitiiaied, cast at the last election the im­ It can be given hi a cup uf tea ur Coflea H u* l«M.-iit»ad iu Arditami, Or., for the i»r:»rti< «’ Tire emigration is laigely made up of the one of the most amusing coincidences of a *t«»cJi sh«'«i of 90f»'et, and plenty of living prendenti <1 number of 111 votes, showing. «d lili* pri»f**«sii»ii. Mak*-* all » hr«»mc «li^*'a‘*< s. J. L. COWAN, Trmeuror J. K. ELDERKIN , Src. and Manager water. the times, ami In either case will have *itbout tbe knua ,ed,;e ot tbeperxuu taking A g«M»d f »rm ;»n«l M»H k ranch.containing 1(W HI cording Io Porter's way of calculaiing. undeHirable c asses, and lie recommends ■«uch mm KheuniatHii). Asthma, Piles, Kidney Call <»n or address J.S. HERRIN. acres; 1U0 acres unati,nt i, u moderate drinker Keep your eye on mf emigrant to furnish the I'ni'ed States from the young Emperer of (iermany to or an alcoholic wreck. Thousand« ot necessary barn room. Fruit enough for a i he ent re county con.sul evidence that lie is nut a crimi­ the officers of the French army, says the drunkard« have been cured whohave taken J. M. BENNETT, M D.v small family. Two living springs «»n i h»- place, Pasco. _____ BV/cuinc. handy forst«M'k and in ;g;.*».,n purniMM*. fl»«* nal or a paii|*r nor Buffering from any the Golden Specitic in their coffee without P II Y MCI A N A N D S V KG EO N, f«»llowing prop» rty will g»> with th« pla«*c: 4 ‘•Hotrlo lure All Skin ntreabet.'’ their knowledge, and to day believe tliev epidemic or contagious disease or any horses, harm ss. »»agon, plow, harrow, cultiva­ Grant’s Pass, Orrg<»n. quit drinking of their own free will. So Exriteiueut Simply srply "SwATSr's oistmxst .-' So disability that is likely to make him a tor, mower and n ap» r rombim-d. sulkv rake, harmful effect results from it, adm m«'ra- ami all n»*cessar} hand tools. Th«- place is lo­ Intern»! inoliclne r,»,ulr,*f the glob«. P-o^iwt tua i - ohj an I mu mih-s from i • rural Point railroad ii ,»,* kc, leaving the »Kin clear, white und Builder," a- it c.ir«-« Dyspepsia. Constipa- bdi I full ¡»art culars A«ldr« as in cch, and makes GOLDEN SPECIFIC CO. . 1 -•> Ila Stt. c: A. L laetle. »7 F*Kh A«v. New Y-wE go with t li»- p ne«-. A xmall bunch »d « atth-and .rear,* I»»»owed by no „Gier remedy. A»k pure blood and bui UP. «g00.000.oo- ALBA.NV* OKEGON. WM. ULBlfH. Qistrrcl it. < MEtffW. ÜREGVN F EMORY Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.