(Ihr l’rniGrraiii o imrs O FICIAL PAPilt OF JAÜASJN CùUNTV. OR here am » there .- Buy a White. I be White 1» .still king. Turkeys ure roosting high. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 21 1K<’ Re.nl the new advertisements. The ho idays are not far distant, MININ). SEW!«. rhanksgiving one week from yesterday. • ureswhie you wait—Preston's - lied- A ke I tails, money refunded : Preston's •• lied- Ake.” Miners everywhere arc ready for bum ne*N, an«i a few nudith*« of good water tin- ; J ul us 8 hundí has r« turned from Link’ vibe. winter will show an imm» ii-e output. Whv sutter? Preston's “Hrd Ake” will Wm T. Heag e and Geo R. Pirlman I have their mines on Gr«.u-c m ♦ k in c«»n 1 cure y< u di lion for a big run wh« never the r.nu ; M font roller ti ur in «quantities to suit Beta in. a’ Kearnes A White's. • The American .Mum g C«*gh’s, etc., is kept tor De Witt’s t’ollc and Cholera ('ure is sal© at the T imes office. always *ate ami always sure. Dr. L. A. Crandall, a mineral expert je« i I term of ’ he circuit court for form of black suiphuret*. ami, it it p»ov»> rich enough, J 11 Martin and E M Mid»”' ’ii s c« unty w i I be held n* xt week. of Ashland will 1«»rm a co-partnersiup wi h Mr Wi lis for its development. t'rai.berr e-*. « nriants a»«d raisins t' e tmhdnys at Krume"* A White's. for Hon Henry K ppel an I C »pl M Cato» Jet! Itell • f i'a'e it «diipped two carl« ads who It a ve men h>» ding »«» »h* n mte»r*t* i • ti *\ to i’ow cr”»-k c »nv«»n lrt.*t week ’he cinnabar mines on B-aver cr«ek !«•■ .* • M -- C ark • f S m s vallev (tenar’ed last long, recenliv sold Hem t«» a fompmv compose«l ot Me-*r*. M< <»*•»•, Sin.m* «nd week t«»r a inpt«> her «-Id home in Iowa. Chapman <»f San Fr tin »-«••» a‘n! a New Y "k Monthly n»>ta Inients of |10 will buv a doctor The new v mpany w II immedi­ h- u-e an t lol in T«»lo from Scott Griffin. • ately rummence the itu*r«»ugt> pr«»-p « nng ('di <>n Pr tcha'd when in M*df«»rd and of ih«ir <|uicksilver umies. They pur« ha* e«i a large «piantiry <»f mi i plies f - m J. -«• -omethmg new in the jewelry line. * Nunan which are m>w brm pa« k»«i n t«» i» R M\« r* and w*f*» of T «b'e Rock pre- the 8i.*kiy«»us. The first work t*» t»e • >m *’: m i weir in Jrt”ks«»nvillt Wrdnes«1av. ruem ed is ihe building <4 a trail t > • - railroad station, which will great y *h< r ♦ n I I. McD ii ”1, a'ton ey at-iaw. in sai<1 to We ii we 1« f Lakeview “fur parts unknuwn. ’ the distance ’o the mitsulr w« rl I have faith in »he ultimate *uc • r-- « f tli ■ Ol«i papers ir quantities to suit, for sale mining entrrpri-e. an«! hope tba: l it ■ I *t the D mks «»tticr at 5i»cents a hundred. turn out a g eat b»»na» zt. 1» n ' h ii -an I t ♦ i «d lumber at S mui ’ s vm I- • y -• b I In'll*« tor -ale by 8« <»i t Griffin ol Takt* lleett. I ’ i«> ’ • I hr text für an itiipre«» v.* sermon o i M ix I'. J ««■.»1 . v • •« • > •! I Hil tma'ti of one we» k when truil rullun* w»» »ft.iii,,! .-t A H t’xrsoli, tbe Wrl.-k'i..w n ■ nrsery in.m. o ili i! i.?t wjirb- U'es in southern Ore- >u luarkrl.it ttiree t.>ns <>f 1. n. Ii i< e .n i Italian prun-s in the Grant*- P i-. ni.ir»«l, Gr i M. Jone*, of l.tke county < drove a to the Sugar Pine D»*«»r an ! Lutnhe’- Com­ line btirx ii of Iteci retile . to » market last pany, for the mat - urn - f|75O. or 12S c 1 •' w•. k. per pound. Tbi- fruit wa- ihe t r«»..ii t o' Ch ne tiv -uer»' tract» in Niese |’s arf. about five acres of 5->ear-- l l t- . s. i n»- fully cultivated, of vour v, an-1 the huit >l:lh-ii to Medfotd are ottered on favorable properly dii«d. ♦ vaporute-l and i regured lei ms. for market; am! wnne the price was t igh, ¡1 million lVo< are shipping apples in ow ng to the unusual scarcity of iruit Hus i ,i h>:i I? bota nor'h and soulb every day or Beason, I fie deal but illustrates what mav two. be •ccomidisheti by any one on our f <»t bri fruit soil, m» matter how remote from R tin«.- A White received this week a the railroad, in th»* urn* <>f raising a <1 d y • li'gv assoitniri.t of gents’ ami ladies* tine ing fruit for market, lh s total i - bh . ui < f shoe-. • 4730 in coin from five acres <»f gr-Hp «1 jep Herne’-“Hearti of Oak” Company was relenting less than two months' labor tor o|ie man rn< h season, was re « 'l «! t o o _r, .'» .| by a good house, says the “ rid­ but three average two hor.se WMgontepds ings.’’ ot «Dted ¡rol', which a -n-gie ranch t« am > ven spool«* b-t fix-cord thread for 25 c<« il«i easily draw to markr. ov»r ««nr I'me c‘* at the K»*d Mar St-«re at Grant’s Pass, tall roA'I-Hl the time of r»s’ beh»re the i >i « Ron. r*»ths set in. This should >ati-iy the in «st elactii g in the horticiiltnrnl line. It o: e John O It ien of Apt legate hr1 tight prtftrs the t ♦ -vate 1 footh'li regi e , with s<»n>**«»f bi-.’♦uperiur Vrgelab es to town • he ac« t’lup " iments ot fii Tu»*-«iay. scenery, prun»-s ■ r p t. Io s ’ E Iwa-«'s, »ii T «te» t fruit roan, «hipj ed d prove a> proti .be H.r-e m «-ari aint. pr-»ven in c u-t | r x m iv Biattons. I. d•*••* all . o I - i- kmu. 1’2 yards wide An orifan i--i-»n of the ata'e bar asHocia Win Singleton of A-hlat.d was nil-”- teenth m the list of 8 F “Ex «in ner ’ fi- n w is e iinplet <1 at Portland, recent')'. gU”^sers on the p«»pul-»tiun *»f \V a-liing'un, C. \ Ihi ph was ele- u-l president, and o « V|e. -pr. Sidell - was vleciel. ;........ eat L, •<1 tr«»m h of ’ be and won a sickle grinder «* v«n jil-ll' ial disHH ts of the state. Judge The Jacksonville ami Medfor«! r«i r«»a«i Priui tvpresents this distiict. engine will be supplnd with water from Chinese by the car --ad continue to be th«- Metlford water-works tank at the rate taken ninth to t ow creek from ban Fran of $20 per month. «IsCO,. , m order to i u-h the work through Stock cattle are in deni'ind east of the io < (impteti«»n I elute the line weather mountains, c«»ns» «juent up- n the l«>s«es < f do* .’ I e c ntr.'Ctors have b jen farticu- last winter, am! mi- section will be drawn .«r y f«>»tunate at C«»w creek in the matter upon heavily fur the same. « f g- •<>«! Wrath r. When Captain Keilev w «s in fr« ni Ar iinmens»» nmn’»er of fruit Harney he r« ported the miss n; Dr. L m- he p ant”«! in x'Ulhern Qregon pert as pr-.ticin^ medicine in eastern pre-n i fail ami next Mpring. Oreg' -n under another name. s«»«»n be 01 e <>f ttie principal Iruit region* Some apples ? re still being hauled to on thrc.*»Nt; th «t i-, if the right measure* market fr««m the Applegate s«-cti«m. Many arr taken t » «irstroy the pest» tbiil are tti<»ii-ai-d b-»xe- have parsed through now »«> troublesome. tow»i during the past two moiiHis. R» im inber ttint Dr Marcoux, dentist,will Wright’s Jatnan a Ginger—strictly pure make y«»u a fun upper am! lower set ot the All ex« « Item remedy for < ramp«*, colic ami b”-l ’vrtli for onlv $23, ami sati-fa« t’-»” wherea tonic for the stomach and bowels guarantee!. Hit* ofiicr is in the I .8 Hole . Ja k-«»nv lie Pleise rrmemlwr, is required. Sold bv all druggists. also, ihat evi rv M«»mlay Ihe Doc’or visits Subscriptions for the 8 F.Ex «miner taken (’rniral Point, w hr re he has a bran« h <»t!i«e al ttie T imes oth--e I ho-e wishing a m Dr. Lapp* us’ resilience. < hance in the grand l?e< ember drawing L-k»‘ «• miity's r. hi « hers have become should •• d in their names at once. -«ii-tie l that (he r in a large ami will- Ma-ter-on l ist week c ’ o-ed Mifis Delpha «»'gan z -i band « f robber* ami highway- the G«»l«l Hill school f r ihe lenii with mer , borne ami « alite thieve*, in that interesting public exercise-, She lias made coiintv, ami lhrv are preparing to r «l that an exce lei.t reror«l us an instruct« r -»clioiioi ihrrurse, expressing a willing- For furniture of every des«-rip’Hin go to IP’s* toriuj loy hemp il necessary. John Glidersleeve ol « entral Point. He The tailor--hop of E. E. Z »ellner <»f kt* ps a complete and tir-l-i ass assortment Ashland was burglariz d one night last and selis al ¡he most reasonable rates. a w«'tk, a id three new suits of clothes or«i« r The largest and best stock of «1ee«is. e«i b. hi* best cu*i<»me’3 were st«4« n bv mortgages and all K uh I s of real-estate and thr thieve*, -upp«»-*«i 1» be tramp* The legal blanks suUtli of Salem is kept at the «• .«trip * W '* value 1 at f 135 in.lepemient of ti e ra -e cau-e l b. the M Kmley bid. T imes office ami .•♦«»Id at Portland rates. R-ame* A Whi’e h «ve receive«! th«*ir I he 8 -nthern Fa n>’ is an nil steel rail n. w >lo« k t-f f.*.l ami winter good*. < <»tl- line now, Hie la-t ir«»n rail on Hie Sou’hern -i-i ii , in part, ol diy go • »«I , Lim y goods, ladies' and gents' Ashland having been rep need by -t el. tnrmsliing g«»«»«i-. tin*» -h >e-. hat* and There are verv few empty houses in • ¡«»¡hu g all «if which they will sell at the Jacksonville, an«I oik town i>a- till”«! up m«»-r rcH*«»n.il»i«* p’i< es ('all and st e r heir rap'd y wuh a «iesirahle p tpul*fioti since n» w co sis t»« f«»iv making your purchases elsewhere. # • the brum h railroa«! be« ame n fix« d tact. The K'amath “Star ’ says that “J C, Sergent, <>f Dairy, has gone to Jae the big Bruwnsb >r« - ugh im rc »nil e establish in* nt.” Mis» N* ttieStarkey. wli • was so *er’«»us \ injured hi the recent rmlro-rd i* not ca l*d «»ri for al! of its sur­ I plus. a* it WrtS la-t year. t’EKM»Al. MENTION. Geo M. Love has returned from Cfnnab.tr. Fred Furry was in Jacksonville one dav last week. Henry Gritli ’ during ¡he week ” ’ »♦ Hie couniy--eat W. K Price of Tolu was at th«’ county­ seat on Tue-iday. LOCAL NOTEN. WOMAN'S INTUITION It looks like an open, dry winter. M. Weber of Philadelphia is in town. Trains are running on the new time now Otcar Stearns of Talent was in town this week. 8. H Egger of Josephine county was in Mr. Davis «-f Grant’s Pass is spending a town last week. tew duys in Jacksonville. Mi*s Sarah Berry has been visiting rela­ ltev J S. McCain of Tacoma. Wash , tives at Ashland. made ihe 11 me .* a call yesterday. A vast amount of hay is still being ship­ N. 1 ngell I.a* returned fn»iu his official ped out uf ttie valley. trip t<> Lake and Klamath counties. W. T Anders« n of Eden precinct made \V. H B n ! wk k and family of App:egate us a t all n few day» ago. -pent a «lay m Jacksonville luis week. Newt. Haskins of S erhngville was at Ash- W. H Parker. E q\ was at Ashland on land on husine s last week. pr« !« ssiobMl bii.*ine?s last Wednesday. H < bhearer and i*hil Mullen of Steam­ Me*sr«. Patty and Nye< f F ounce Rock boat were here a few days since. precinct spent Wednesday night m town. A. B tz of Little Butte precinct was in H. 11 Sp«rhii. a prominent citizen of Jacksonville a ‘hurt time ago. Jos-phtne c< unty. was in town yesterday. Mi** lteten Pan’er has returned from Al Ro*e «»f Phu ix. Who lias been in Big Butte improved in health. Klama’h «■•■uni«, irturne«« home last week. Mi s Martha Cardwell of Sam's va ley I’. Dunn of A-hland greeted numerous has gone to Chico, Cai., on a visit. friend* <»n our streets one day ncenily. Dr. West a«.d wife of Egue river. H. E. Davis of Grant's Pas-» is in tewn Howell Bros., the railroad <-uiHractor*, on business with the 8. <». B A. were in Ja« ks ol Dun-muir visited Ashlumi friends a few duys since R « .»ir <4 Med Colorado. f rd, takes I»!« a-ure in announcing that hr timbei-iand business. A “Un.iner ft i* nd-—Wright’s Blackberry w II b»* m Jacksonvn’r <>n Monday «»I »a«,li R. H D-an <• mie down from Flounce D. J 8. Pearce and a relative who lately Cordial. ()i < e used alw.»\s taken. Iteha- w« ek t-»r ih” «« comm"«! t.»pect was appointed pr«»ved sly «.- . D«» n«»t tai t «give him a druggists a . R» member the time, M- n lays < f her il.tii: liter w bo Wa- 5 j .fed in the a« - m.ta y public by Governor Pennoyer a Miss J* nn* Oliver "i A-Id «ml this week ea< h w« ek « ldeiil neat Salem la t W« < n abort t me since. disini-.s*«i the no’lh Pho- nix *ch' <•! at’ « r a «». B. M ithews uf E.'ge Po nt has te- I. M. Lewi* ami w ife of M.« x we I. Co)u«a Mm e 8un«l «y l.-st ■ ur ma I Las b« en im»s» succ» ssfiil «( erm. Mie will pi< The First Step. arriving a ¡nil hour later than hirmerly, c-v-reti sufficiently from his recent nlnes- com tv. ’ al , are paying their old home in assume «barge of f the same srh«/oi this county a visit. bo’li mo. mug and « v* mug, owing t«» th» to be able to attend to bu-iiu *> 'pni’g. I’erliHpM you «re run <1 >wn. can't eat, • hanged lime ,-chr su m Att«»rnev B'irt« n*haw of Ashland has bully «TU*.'ie*i bv a timber robing over it prove«! tii.ii.-vli a good “gues-er in the Fred Lay write* us that he has returned IL Duggan of 8am * valley and L. Gart- to its norniHl healHiv condition. Sinpris- down on the railroad near the West F<»»k ", F. ‘ Exain ner * ’ censtiN competiii-»n he to in-cm! positional lamina, and that he man « f Evan* creek tarried a lew hours n g rem! s follow th«- u-e of this gnat la>l week He returned to Ashland for gne--c«i tl.e popiilati«»ii «4 E lensburg at left Will Yi ti g .«< Col »rad • Springy. Nerve Tonic and Alterative Your appe o ie day this week. treatment tite returns, good digestion is restored, ami 2 sho ami that Ot Port lownsend at I.IDD, Mrs E il. Aulenrieth and daughter uf PbPip birupkins. who ha* had charge uf the Live ’ - ami Kidneys resume healthv All Hie medicine m the w«»rl«i will not ana nobody coming nearer t»e get* the two Yr« ka, Cal., spent a «lay in town this week, the Wrisley farm in Central Point precinct, action Try a bottle. Price 50c. at all curt* your stoma« h tr.»ut»lr it \ ■ -ur teeth are lots in Traver, Cal . value«! at >1X5, for the llic-y were on their way to Kusebuig. visited us recently. drugstores^ in po r condition. V — it Dr. Marcoux ami tir*t g less ami a >35<>lotin south Sacra­ V C«M>k of the Sterling Minin» Co. left have your nv-uih put m order -o you wi I mento for th»- second. T. IL B'ant«»n is executing the contract Frencli Tansy Waten». f »r hl.* hoine in ( lats ‘p cuull- V . • Il \\ edlies- for buil ung W II S iepherd’it new resi­ Pi iov 1 e I he famdy <»l D ■«• K chardson of B ute day. atiei «pr.te a stay at > ernngville. The-e Wafers are a surr and safe spe< irte dence on Emigrant « reek. ere« k va ley t ai . well km»wn in this sec für hü kinds«»f fern al»* trouble* and will re- Miss J .via McCall of ash and a« com- lion H. H Gilfrv and wife left Ashland mnvr all <'b-tructums ’«» the mon’ld.v pur!* (,«i i w«•• e I «>t we-k re«iucr«i to destitution t*y ti e tm ni’igof their r« si ’»m e. furni pan. ei tier f/»ti.er, the ti«»n. John M last week to vi*it Oaklsmi, Cai , before o<1-, tio maller »‘•hat th • cansr. They arc tore, bed-11im». < 1 -th n_’ a*id winter sui^pli« **. vicCud, to Jacksonville a f« w days since. returning t > Washington city. « ■ ...................... -......... w hateverx w« man i e»»ds. and can br used ike a d »i-y. • Mr. R 1-a g-» ««i « hiz - u ». ami hi* I•»*«* i- x-tfrlv. Für -a e hy the L'vingstone t'hemi- Supt. Pri«‘e wiil hold tin* regular quarter e «’ iui g » x. re-.-i u - « f -ympaHiy. whi« h cal (’<».. manufactureri» San Francisco (’al. The project to buil l the ir i.r.u iu: hi ><1 lv examination «4 tea«‘her*’ certificates at -Ii ul«l be a « nipat i'dhy nuus untial aid I n»iniotf canal f« «in Ro .’tie riv-r t<> <« >l«i fr<»m al. hi* tirigub.:»» Ashland, e -mim ncing the 2i»:h. c .-. irr yard, at Reames A H II wi'i pruDiblv ina'er a' ze Dr. B a ‘en I en»<»r>nip of the rrrsk Andrew M rr«.* uf Deep cr*ek, Warner Uh r - • having made partial iKrang tneut* to tha A .-tire ci « f«»r t ie whi-ky tidbit 1 »r v-i.tey, au'i Miss Mary A Neashain of l.iv iii’.-n ne s Au'idote f< r Dr unkenti* -.* I ruler th»» 1- tfery law frani - d by (’• n j end already. N«>tv*. receipts, due-bills,drafts etc., In Mii| H*e valley, C.»l , wete ma lied Nuv. w II cure ;*u\ <-.«-e f the lit] lor haknt in ' I’bo-nix I gress and ¡he in iru< lions given t>> Hi” ’ »..<. k torru handy and first-cla»». al the! W e a r e lucky to have per man»*ntly local- .» h t'- in 1« n to thirty <1 •>-, from the ni«> terate [ W. S. JONES, M. D Po8tma*ter-G* neral to tils sub »nimaies T imin «.ffi« e ! e«i with u* a ettv denti-t wb«» will give throughout the roumrv, tneie i- sen«-us driiiket to the «irunkard The Anudo’r Mr.-. J. E. An«lr«w- ci Oak and. Cal., you all ’he science you want in de» t -try.' «• tn !>»• iriven ill a cup ot c< ttee without the PHYSICIAN AND SCRGEUN. danger of encroachm» nt* on the lib rfy <4 l’r«4 Simon* and Mi«* Cheney are con- Mi.** Ru’b Mathew*«»! Salem, a termer visit «1 her brother <»«*o M. Pa kinson at S. H«»tel knowlttige ««t «he p**r>on taking it. The JW^H/ord, OrejoM. the press tl at *bould be rebuke«! ami ■ p flu ’ing a m »-t su ’i i-ssiul school at Talent Call < n Dr. Marcoux at the I Ashland, while en rout** lo Luin county r» > dent ol A'hlami and Medford, pa-.*ed I and see hitu. * pose«! by the newspaper* of 'he country ibi- sea«on. Anti .«> »• wll not -nj ue the hrtnh in any ihr tub Hie valley, en route tu L »s Angeles. last week. Otte«- -Hamlin s B1« h k. without regard to parly 'l ie-. Th© attendance on our pub c -< huol wav. Manuf »«•’ nr* «1 by the L’vmg-tone Cal.. ia*l week. I Ii- pr *-pe« r- <>f establishing an ekctrir I'mleJuhn Wrisley has been tendered These p*»©lniM3leis art* pi.-tru« te«l to act i g .1 sy-tem in Me«l «»rd bids fair io soon Cotiti’iue* to grow ami the pupi - ar»‘ in , Ot'., or fi«»n» Janie* I’arten-haw. who has been visit­ an «»ili e m Ala-ua, and may accept it n*-x‘ as < en-or n and to in-pe« t r.li Necomi c!.«s- tnaterial z?». n g commend «bie progress Prof. P icr A. (’ Mar-t* rs A (’«».-ole agents, R-nebt'rg. matter. ami whenever Hi** pohtmastet ti «1- ing hi* b-«dhvi. ihe A-hland attorney, tor spring. He is deserv-ng ol much better ami his a**isiants are giv ug the > >herm4ti«»f Fa en ’ writes that a p« ti- Full pH' tie'll «rs of the railr »»«! accident sat’*factioii. *• me week.-, relumed tu the Willamette i ecogniu«»!!. ©bat tie c.insider - unlawfip n «t rr. >r • v-p t - n, proving Judg«‘ Deady to exonerate va..*y li«-t week. Nii-prct.* H»a' arti< tes .-re uf ¡hat « h ira-r, m .r 5 . rm w U bv found on ’he first page Geo Stephet.son his sold one of the Our customers all rpeak buh y in praise A !»• and Hi«' Atwater.- ir-»m their >entenec FROM HEAP TO W AIST A 'Hs* <11 IU‘HM. fie is nu -Ini’iz«-«i to sill pres- the | unu i- ot i hr TlM S S. Aisen of P«<*.-p«*Ct vi.*ited our town tarn • b© owns m tin- precie ct, the m-arest <»f St. pMtn« k * Pill*. They are ibe • est.— forcutt ng ’¿inner on governm» nt la id, •nil.HIMi TERRIBLE. < VIU-.D BY tion and refuse i«s pa--agr thr ugh ihe < VT1CVKA REMEDI». < .-' h ng ami gents furnishing goods of B erry I’ bo *., Carrol. Nebra-ka. For .«•ale hi* been «ir< mated among tlitir nrigli- la.*t Tue-«l«y. He inform* u* that Imus one ¡o Jack-oi vile, to W S. Cruwell of mails A-bland for $7 OUU. Cribrai I " ..--7 Punt, and G. r» r- Ir. «i”vei »ping a new country more E latt is in a critical cunditiou, wi.ich we Th’* dangerous innovation is < la.mrd th»* t e-t «pi» its at Reames A White’s— bv Ite J Hinkle. j r less iimb«r mu*t nee -s.irnv be cut j e sort y to learn. * H Haskins. Medford. Geo. W. Wl*e imr teams to Tie Jacksonville attornev* who a’v -ib'Uhi | nt a liberal construction on the Ii s,eni* to ar«jUieNCr without a prut» -’ i i; mii ’er from the Gall's creek saw-mill . attending « ir« uir con« t f >rKi «niath coun- uni er wur«- a Ihe T imes < fine is engaged in printing ibe next move will be to * xamm fir-t « i. B> tie. Than A G l«i Mine Ten acres -et -es*i«»n a white lunger. Fr««L Find*nburg an I wife of Central have been received al Fisher’s. If you ▼cry soft handk’TChK’f on my head, in lact. -« veral b iris L»r use at the present term of matter, hreuku g 'hr -euis ot letter* in totuntwhen in a beati’-g <-<»ndit >. .e. wll w««s a disglusing sight to otiicn* and to my- n« » 4 any thing in his line give luma cad, Pomt a« d Mts • E Hammond and We recommend De Witt* Co'ic at d [ \ i«-"i a*i im < til»-«»’ from th” -upr» me < • urt search <»( c«nilrabami pub n a»ions «»r w ur to$450d per *» lt. After doctoring for six years with th« t Cd te a < Ure l»e« aii-v we b* lleve it a *air year an«l re<|U re- n » expensive machinery daughter ot Port Jones, 4 a! . made our as his price* are away down te-st pfiysta inns in the country , aud gt tting ing*. If lhai be ac< «»mpl’shed ’her- wr wi I Mr«. G. W. A blight entertained a num­ town a Visit la*t Tuesday. and reliable reme«iv. It- g.»«d ettrets a • i<* «»perate ii Ashland's tuilttia company is preparing w«»rsead th«- time, 1 had given up nil hop«* <»t A frtul-rak-er in the WnlaUi- rapidly forget the L mi-ian « State Lo trrv ber • f I y friends at an afternoon lea a g«-ttiug well when 1 saw your Ct tk t ha Cholera Morbus *h<>wn ar once in cases of i » tte valley re»|uires but a small outlay, in the multitude of grounds upon which few evenings since. Mis* Mary A. < havner <»( Gold llill is toprestent ih«* drama “By Force of in- and similar complaints I«» the A-tilanl put»!n’ «luring the 1 RKMKbiES advertis« d and procured a set. al- these pu-lmiiNtera < an ac' as « rii-o - «»I I h is all Hie advantages of a civilized and expecte«! to reiurn tn ni h^ east In about pu • though with little faith In them. Tin first s« t. De Wii * Little Early Risers. Only pill to pres* an ! vrop e “ L» x n-»t«>n < Ky > Mi-- Margaret wi 1 remain east | noiidnya, says the “Record.” Iu»wvv«’i-, did m<* such a vast amount of g«sxi Lakeview is bn 1 iing three new fire ' < uiture«l society, lias good ami convenient a mon’h « lire > « k Head u l.e ami rrgu ate the bow- Pres»,” N jv 5. I continued their use, and now, Hfter cistern*, 16x21 feet, pj teet de»p and haa ' markets ami receive* a better income from ot t!»e Ruckle* unti next M iy. . Miss Celia Blown returned last Sunday that t «. S«il«l by E C. lir«M»k*. using four set«, 1 am happy to say that I am made arranu’ement* to procure a smani i th- .*ame investment than can be had from | 8 > >erni tn and brother returned tu l'u'- ‘from E ge Point ll«r parents a'com- entirely cur«Ni. Any ol the prominent busi­ ' my <»th»r I ne of bu-lnes* Y«»u can vet Exeruttd His B*» ih 1. I of obtaining A new seb >ol-bouse is to be built about fire engine, all in the hope i th’s la: d from i.V» to |75 ¡»er »er*» < t The I« nt rum b u tn.ir itir«»u»h Keinath coun­ | panied tn r t«» Jacksonv ide. but went b.*ck ness men and tarmers in and around Piaintivld will indorse my st >rv. D W. Ma’h« ws has tilled mil bis I» • d hat wav b tw **n the S.-k«yoU toll-llOUS© reim e-i msiirmire ra!”- The bi ter will prub- i !*» Huttecreek on Monday. ; Oregon La id <’«»mpauy ol 8dem. Oreg«m ty a lew <1 i\.- *i:i- am! the 8 -kiyou station. GEORGE A. HEfNSELMAN. Pte.',nffefA,Id. [ abiy 1 < «’« ♦ a-t «•! h- mountain-. as agent «»f tl e Ki»«in.«lb l «iiaiv. «i «I t- r Fr ill i «1 ‘'a’i ’U* it pre*»’tv Tol-» wi I ir> Wm. P Miller of Klamith county i «r- warded it :o the «F par m’ i»t a Wa-I.iu*: There may l*e prr-o • m H>.s «- oih :iu»i iy I’r« f. H. A. Cryd-r called on tis jester- ! the near future be «•: e 4 the g»eat fruit ' ried here a day or two recently He IH «01 A hu Lni iel <»f l< .«ni «tu <■' u ’ i ’ y wa* ton. Tb’> is 1 tie t urn tin-- < «n to win be d-\ v farm» rs tn ib.it wh«» >»re at t rm •« tioubl He will pr.‘h bly Hi.e « barge uf th© i « • nt- ’s of th” star»«, ni wi b v lie. or the v.i »y n t long - hi e. b mg ga I h » way to ban Jo*e, Cai . to remain w.th WrtS re«-* b !v Hl , <»in’t «l by the -e: M’r S' <1 G »ld II . hotel before long* vicinity at pr- sent bei ¡g « ngage 1 t-i pr*“, «r- s’.ibj .1 t«> l»«»w»i • -ii pbiiu’. |t so, they 1 I mol t • I linelmis»-'. ahic « lie < f!e»s t«.»r j his family during H e week. win h «pi «»I d ment tie pres «lent >pprov»n B o-m-t v. increa-ing « «-rie-pondingly. wnn water 1* p e «-.«nt to take. Il taken as I «m«rat<-md dangers happilv and Sub cribe for the weekiy at once if von Myr n E <*«»<»«te 1, E-i. Hir>< h. C. I« M or- - R <’. « ruddock ha) ju»t Completed w -h a ctiance t • draw on*» of the va liable N«a»n as the first imiic iti.m of the disease parture for L ¡1 4n Neb.,to att« ti«i school, i di-in« t Institute at Ashland. d Astiab«-! P»u-h as sureiies. i'n*- borni i-felt it will war«! oil the attack Many this week. Mi«' wi l reside with an aunt. bu'hiiog a nrat residente on Aa-e.-aor articles otter« <1 to new subscribers. W. H ib^pherd an«! sun of Ashland tn«- greatest -km curve. l»iou; h (’- hi linen! were unite«! in 'matrimony recently, The 'r»l Point and G. 11 Haskins, Medford. E K Brightman, the popular bmiface, ous «’lenients. ami thus removes the cause, to take « h «rge ot at! ur-. Tn - wi I m»t b* »onvil e. bel m-»ve ins fami y fr«>ni ini- city, clear the skin and walp and rest«>rv the hair. were • Ir v» n 'o II «ppy « ’ amp, Cal., an«l is now 'A 11 . am! Ra ph \ inr g «»f Ta ‘ »tna on lhur*d«y E»« ry b y is invited. -»anlb- rl in - « ugu R me«ly -ell- belter f »r the present, if at all. says ihe Sal m H« ne<- the CL’Ti« i ra R emedies cure ev« rv Mr© Pr»» ht, wifeofCol - toi M ■ «1 ll «rtain«’t! at th ir mother’s lo »k’ng for a market toi more. *• I • as • - » inll) 1111 > ’ in u' any «»’her ’’ I he r**»«s< n o! this i- be- pl- **Sta’em>an." Jacksonvil e property has been steadily species of agonizing. huiuiRaiing. itching, 8 tk© A h»sk© has I e- li in J hoaie in A hi t « «1 vvrli « “ P j <»gre**ive Hal burning, scaly, ami pimply dis«a>«-s ol th«- ■ ;»u-e it r. Dariin, th*» wutely-kn«»nn Portland land Ashland but« hers have cut loin steak ♦ I, -u 4 «ir» -< xuethii o t»»w *i»t- s»curi:ig uer bn athing easier, ami that its c»»n’inue«l pbv-■ a.. Will he at Ashland pgmi on 1’” Wm - L”tle Early Riser*. Best little fail. Grateful testimonials prov«' d«»wn to x cents, round to G cents ami renHXlies »Imre of the large immigration ini«» H e pill t'»r D\»i’p*!»«, 8« >r 8’omach, Bad If you want to sub-cr !»♦■ for ihr he*t I u- • will free the -ys'em of all symptoms of N v these statem«*nt-> in « very particular. h and r*main un’ii ti v 30th mat. “chm k -lutf t<» 3 * cent> per pound, >ta«e is heard on ad nitfe-« D migli' b- Hr »'ti lime weekly on the coast and a’ lh* -<«me the < '4d. The prompt».es* am! certainty Hu • lb « led .-«uijc wonderful * urea durinv 8 - «1 hy E. C Bro« k* greatly t«» the sali-tacti«. i of hou*ekeep«'rN a g<>od plan t«> revive our c unty n aid <»l I Sold everjwhore. Price, (’ l 'T iceha . 5Uv.; get a cliaiice t«» draw a Itami-ome p' .-♦nt, ot ibis remeny in reuet am! cure of colds in the gr«4tilte city, SoAi*. 25c.; H i . mii . vem . $1. Prepared Uy the G a ling of the Jacksonville M -dford subscrib»* f«»r th»* San F ranci-co ‘ Exami- h •» won ’or it ni my sincere friends am! hi- la-t v i-it. 'inmigration, ami rstabl sh a h a'hpiarters P otter D rug am » C iikmiuai C orporation . in Portland for the di-s» mina, i m ot mh r- r « ■ aH h «* pr .gre.s-e I a* far hs our sdiuol- n-r." 1 be Braden mine near (» >hl H ill was rut. Dr J. W. Il l»in*«m a»«d w de returned, Subscriptions taken at the li.MEH m ute it very p pillar. F »r sale by Dr. J. • f^Send lor ”liow to Cure Skin Diauas«*. ’ maiioii com truii'g <»ur res«»ur« r«* ami i•» lu u-e. W rk is going on rapidly Htnk'e. Central P< .nt. ami G. H. Ha-kius. Via I' ’•»’ H.ii'il, - .|,4 ifuif t'at I »rbia trip last ten days f« r the benefit of ttie laborers who 64 pages, 50 illustrations, atu! 100 tot ¡montais. «•ttice ductlOD«*, Mt this jn« ture. Cap tai is al- were swindled by Sherrard A Root, ami . .*a! ar«lav. L ’ > n lor their i<.ability to obtain _\ u ♦ x” »«»rdinar lv larve reduction in ah A. H C ir-on of K' d ami nursery took Medb r«i rt-ady r ng* rh in-p»« mg our mm» - t.inte r w< r* id pie«’» g o«ls Mt Rvames A White's ?’ icrping-i • ’ ’ ar bertli on Hie previous dav. en »ugh was realized to pay the greater por­ HIMPLES, hlacktMwts. r<*d. rough. chapped order«» ir«»ni Oliver «V Narretan ot T-»l<> nifi andoUy ekincured by CUTICVKA S oap . ami wu’er power, ai .1 il the f >«-thi 1 trnit tips week. < a 1 ami get bargains. tion « f the claims. • <‘.4 1 4150 .15J> VO Mr. t UK I ih« y won d have been on the train which rSWO fruit trees, puncipally apples and M H i la' - s Of the « « linty are Arltled ami devel­ met with the leruble accident near Salem. Granville Sear»' hounds ran down a I f HA.ir LOT < ircmt court for Jackson county will peachej wh.ch they will »et out on Hie oped during Hie next tew years, m the |vag-«lale nrrch a'i soon a* wet weather Mrs. E rurner. who f-»r so many years coyote one day this week, capturing him O'dmary course « f «vents this ’•h -ubl ie connm-m e one week fr«»:r* next M«xn«!ay When you can g«*t an ENTIRE A: ba- live 11 a re-i b’lit of J t< k-ollVille, left at th • Jacksonville tl-mring mills They Set* in. Kidney and l’t«’rln«’ Pains and weak the secomi county m Hie state m point «»! I In* «1 . -ki t i* not an » xterieive one.’ the best fruit land in N « keh’s Addition to for Sealite, are valuab e animals apd are ridding the fUjfjJ r«'li« visl in one minute by the Wash., on Tuesday iast, to . ■ |-Linton nini wealth within the t ext two J. M Hick* of A^hhind rep’i-t*, amo» g M» «ltor«l l«»r tie SA M E pri* »• ' county of maryy pu*is An Ir- w ( «n'r«ll ■ f Vni'-ntown precinct, Uwl Ct ii< t ha A nti -P ain P i aster , the pei m .m nt \ , ........ r< side, a* Coinpameti by her ih.ade-. Wb<* will take the initiative in N « kel ’- Add turn joins Medford's wes­ tn - i «.nd paiii-k: ¡ling, st i «ngt In-ning pla>- w ■ a r - a ¡arg»* number . (cattie.is gather­ th»* be-l at pies pur« h **«i bv him th - >ea- T ’ U' 8« la^ ’ es who send away for their daughter Nli-s Stine T .etr many frit-mis Uer.ilding our fame at roui Ihr Ugh a Hi r so i. to have been a carioa«! from the *.r- tern corporation line, is situate«! in a beau ing a line lot of h» eves for market. wraps should forward their or«iers to Mc­ trr. new, tnstrtntuneom*. infallible. m tin* set ti< n wiide regretting ihr’r J« uugbly organised immigration bureau .* cliard of H-nry K. Brown of Browi.sb >r<». Hfulaml healthful location, ami is within a Allen A McDonned of Portland, who have partine wish them the iu| ei.i mf tsureof L. G»rl»er. the Sacramento cattle buyer, where ilie codlin inoth has not yet « fleeted . stone's tbr>»w of the Medford school •Imus«'. prosp rit.v and bralyn ia ibtir new i the largest ami finest line in the metropolis h is b- eu in this s«*ction lately, and will re­ a lodgment. The land is part eularly adapted to horti­ and sell them at very low rates. home I Trial Ab«»ut Ended. turn so »ii afier a l«)t of stock cartie. culture, ami great returns w«»ul«J be real- featea Her Tt lving a ^r« a’ t»ioua voting man. hi* «teath i* -m»»iirited' by dlsiai'C» fr- in th«- im-hie-* portion of Med swindle «he newspapers out of their just w tilth the thief afterward retuif\ed, ns h»* attend**! tier, but her life was «tespaired of. I -.i ville laH we-k All of th” »videi» But a mother hoi«rs unto th** last, and I «!*•- A tew copies of the American 8ettlei's «lues, we publish tlu* following which is was known trrmimsi t«» try nr. David Krnmdj 's Favorite 'ord. win e ih»’ J icksonvill* M»*4f >rd rail- been taken o.» lue*«!.») ami ih»- arguim-nt Guide, standar«! authority on all laud ! a I; Who h be.W hit»». kept standing at the head of the first e»h A row uccurre 1 at Veit 8« bu’z’ brewery rriii<*dy. mad** at Roiulout, N. Y. commenced on \Vr«lne-lay D is -j «ite matters, may ne round at the Tty S3 otoce, r» ad W 'l run th <»ugh the l.m«l n-ar the ’ Tr« hNiirr- Ju‘son < f <»r ini - Phas tonal column in many <»f '»ur exchanges : •st Sundav ♦ v«,n ng, and two arrests fol- bkelv that a verdict wj.i be reach* d i<-d «v Ilrhiht't IhufttMf. H Hutter a--i*’iu;.' him ar Hr m i t In rn boumlarv 1. Subscribe! s w’»«> «1«» not give express 1 »w4-d. D»* Wilt'« Little Early Risers. Best had J Vhe case* were dismissed, a* it ur io morrow, if ,t h ts hut already be» n It ha* been laid out in tracts of live How happy I am that I determin'd upon cour> house ’ hi* w » ek in p'rpam g a ti un ­ « ou «i m t be prov**«! w ho threw ibe missile this rem!* red, Much interest is te-mg tak» n’m L’ver pi| ««er nuule. Cure (’ons’ipali«»n acres ami ami will b * *ul«l at very i a notice t«» the C 'ntrurv ar«* consKlerv»! course tor one by om- the well-known L’se them now. cal exhibit ot thr «-<»nditi«»n o' ’hr ouHi* r ■ * '»nab e rates on the most f ivorahle terms, wishing tn «’«uHiiiut tlirir --J ■ vriptious. wh ch 'tverelv woumie 1 a youn; man symptoms of Hie dis«*as** left her. Words tail th»* tiial, »is a tieiern it e«i » ft-rt ha-t-» en everytime. None equal Or« gon sta'u boa id of agri; uliuru.to be sub it sub-trite-rM i-«terU.e«iiaconliiiuance living a tew mi es Ir un town to express my gratitude, an«! I cannot too made »*» r«»hvie» the a < u-e«i. vz one third in «ash, one-fhinl in on«- «’ N. i.«mb*-r’ tia* h «1 charge of W. P. mitt» «1 lo the board «4 thei pcri'i«ii< alj the publisher may con­ P. 8 Since the ab* wa«« in *}p” Hit I m «- by * p lor*» ai Gold llll during the year, and balance in tw«> years. It I* m »re than likely that the half bl«»ck «*arn«’st!> recommend tlu- Favorite r«*m**dy. tinue tosend them until all arrears are Her recovery was entirely «im- to th«* favorite news has b »n r»-eiv «1 na Sbo«»k win 1 »1 lei h ab-em e at Portland buying goods, Once in seven years—th«* b«»«lv is re- behu gng to W. J. Piyinale will be i ur- r« For further Particular* appLv l«> any rep­ paid ’tm*dy. which was tb<* «»nly Hmdicinc tak« n a «putted b the ju > at er « bn f <.ti l-er- Th nlooti muM have th” elements utable real rsfate dealer, ■who will lak- tuk" « based fur depot purpo-es f »r the Jackson­ alter tier case was aluimlomsl by th«’ pliy si- nrwr I 3. if subscriber* negte« t to or refuse to the bulv, every nerve. i Every ti**ue •»( I ville ami Medford railroad. It is ifie ties! cians. ati- n. • •f vitality. Wright’s < ’oinpoiiii«’ .syrup of j»b‘»Gi’ire in Showing you the addition. lake their perio«licais from the office of i bone ami n u-< 1** 1* made stronger anti 8arsapari la «. !<•»:.*rs and enrwurs Hie Mrs. Laura A. Kempton, West Ruthland, location that couli! be selected, as it is ------- which they are directed, thev are hehi re conveniently ami ««¡ulrally h»cat©d. more h* a!thy by taking H«»«»d'sSarsaparh’a I «>«»•! aii*| gi tes fi li”w impetqs to life. Thanksgiving Fi«»claiiiati«»n. Vvi tnont. pohsible till they have settled thcii bill 8<>hi by ad «iiugk'ists. Fruit Lands in the Willamette Valley. />F, l\CH iicdti'n I'livui'ifc ‘In pursuance of a 'inie-lioi-ored eii-t t : i ami order-'«! their paper discontinued j J Fryer < l L»g’e Point informs u* llrmrdy. I do hereby xpp< mi I t.i*r-u»v, tie 27m ib «tu cv;«t 5 miles horn I 4. If subscribers move to other maces «' a/ • I N«»y* mb- r, Diii a- a «lav o' Th «nk Mad«* at RONDoVT. N. Y «1; ti for ?5. ha- bn d n the Butte ere« k swtion Home A no« i «’i ’ll t a« t h is n rr»»Mita1* «I ill” b at»» Cai>it«»l, with its excellent lup- without informing the publisher an«( the givuu* tu Alm-gbtv Gu>n ami b-at" h house at Medf«»rd, we aie sorry to Ten-a«-re tracts partially cuLivat»d i*»r moving ami leaving them uncalled for’’pri- In tli«* Circuit t'ourt of the stat«- *>f dr« gon Many peculiar points make Hood's SiT R Frig of Portland recen’ly had to sub­ $50 pur acre. chanty. In te.*timoi>v wi.e’e.f I have learn ma facie'' evidence cvhL't’i“? of -.-f intentional fr;;:; 4 fraud. torthet’minty of Ja«-ks«»n. ..paritla superior to all other medicines. mit t<> a third amputation «»I nis ¡eg. a* «he cause«! the seal of Hi» Sta’e «.f <)r»-g«»n 1 be In th« ’ matter of th»- as.-ignm.-nt «»t J i.-. It. Twenty a« r?s light, timVr ku L with 0. / Am person who receives a newspa- Rea l »he rar.! of Dr. Jones, one of the result of Ins t«"»t supping under Hie car­ I'«*« ulIar in combination, proportion, kincau! mid th-car <». Kmcai«!. parti»« r-. an affixf«i Ibis. l’»«li <1 v <»f Nov.n i»r A. I’ per nr»«i m*K«»N use of it. whether he has I he-t Mod mo-t -nc. rs fill i"act• t oners in wheel at (.’«»le-iin la-l summer, when h* g o«’ «piiug branch, $?l5 per ,-i« re. Kmeaid Hr«»*.. in*«»lv« iit d- bt->r-. 1SH». >YLVE rf.K PrN.VoYEi; Twenty five acres, fitteru a« ten i». «mill -ul«-«-rine«l for it or not, is held in law as a ami preparation of Ingredients, ■« .iitherii Oregi n His -rrvi«es a»e in de­ was r* tun mg t«> thr <• r* after (Irinkin* 11’HEREAS THE t’NDERSIGNEl). M. I‘l R- UoVt-r: ur.’ 11«tod s Sarsaparilla possesses v * u< -pnng branch ruun-ng«»» Hi«- pl.ice. *ubscriln*r. «im. ua* «lul> • h*-t«*i a-Nigm «’ of th « n ni Kid s- a> meS. F Variety .-'ture.Mud Me 1« i « < <>mp.«uv, m iy i e ’he <«*mimi *n al hoii-e, -oiii” > o’lii ’ frii’t iiaiy |Nw»«‘ umler and by virtu*- «»t tlu- act of the take itotu the « thru the newspaper a«i- the vegetable ki( dom. l. gi- ’ lativ« • iiwiiihl) of th«* -tat«- of Ur«v n. Th«- fn< ili* ics of H e pre-e ' «lay f r ! • w ll»- - -I i a the ¡ow. st mil lliu-si lav*>ra* ««I • *-• «1 to him. is I hi tile also to Ibe publish tire king” «»r I •«’ •m *u\r ••■uinret on th • • 1 . $70 pe« a« re. strength Pi’ciiliar V* Vs emit1«-! ‘ Ki» act to Mi-uri- |<> cr«*llt«»rM a just p'lMiucti n of every■ Lmg that wi I < « mln b r rat a. F fix a« n s «•’■ ten«! a in ♦*i tor ’lie Mub.M*rip> i«u> price M 4t«-r«i >« • I J i' k* >n . Hi«- railroad, h;«vi-o.' divtetenot th<-.-siat« ’ *«»f d. bt.»r* who convey Hood's Sar- ar*u tn.mvmy — • »mat rial * e fa»c 4' d • oinlor« • I ma' k luì t.A as-ig«u «-s f«»r th« t»« iu ttt «»1 « n*lit«»rs a|»- I’ht l x m ner 'drawing will take ;>lare i *«ni’i Ja'u-i-nvire and Mrd’or ‘ during i till • t th•» ’ ear. ('•»: *io pe the only medi- saparilla is a'v i«|i”«'kt md'in te«i, an«i vvlien >v » u- I- •»■ i \ - hr« *» acres, tw i»r«»v<*l < h-t. IM. l C. 1. I'OI. Don't neglect your « hance i cul v i« d, ti- «* spring b ju i r«»v«*l F« t»y *-’4, I’**'». alt « nsiitors <»f said cine e The \t ’ \ t«> Mih-cui e lor the weekly and get a W, 8 Fi lm of Ash an ! is putting a f-r-1'. d I!1, »or $40 per a re n JoIvvnta an h« n by notiti.-d t«> rvprvaent turn he I wi:h H e « ¡ ly petbet ia.x ’ v One Hundred Dose» be said, hh« ir « laims. under oath t., me. th« »¿»d«’- I «rge «ju.intity of apples bought in the > op. Ii ; ve io •«•*«1 ' mrfiiends and neigb- km wn, a- ir in he o* 1> ,cm «’y win h i- Chance. F- u ’ r;-hers p»« tit ir «• » il Ml p«*| ir.'' Medicines in Nigms! assignee, at M«*lf«»rd. Or» gon. within tiuy p!ea*ing ami r*l:e*lu g’•» ’!»• h -? N«' G iping no Nau-en, no Fain, when Applegate «•■« rm aid • th« r p«.rH >u- <>f a r ut’er Hie trees a*e I \n bois taikim.» about it. You may yourseif P ’’ larger and smaller bottles thre«* months from the «late here<»f. an»! pr«»m, ’ ami rl’e<“uà u» «leu -•■ • • lh- Uit* I. t Ir Early Hirers are taken. i southern O eg n m -t ». tg«» at Gr «n 's inilu-’ i 'll- mail «■ pi m i’:-» for be one ot >he many w h > know liom pe son- All ¡M*r»«»m< in«l« t»t« <1 to th«* tlnn of Kmcai«! require larger doses, and do not *y-t»in ge. rly h » the -pr ugt’in», • r. h Nhiail (' ll Saie pill. Best pill. Brooks Pa-s, with th>? uxpret «ti >n of realizing v "het. s or< ita rd gets to bear- ai expelh-nce j i.-t how good a thing it is Bros, will pay th«* sam«’to tne nt Misltord. and produce as good results as Ilood's. spring ¡»rices in a mouth ur so. fu t.at any t¡n.e, nml :he !»« t’ci itisbn«»wi. *el 3 then». nsing Vegr'aL e- ami various crops If y >u have ever t ied it, y »u are one of get my r«’ceipt therefor. Peculiar In its medicinal merit», |>at<*d this 24th day «»f Oct«»te r. I*«». kite ut* re i « j niai it be. • me* CHbmry. Let us know wiiat ns staunch friends, becausr the wonderful Increased interest is bring taken in M I’CRDIN. Assignee. Much *ati-fa«’Hon is expressed by team- IIo. d'Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith­ you have to invest and wc will tbing about it H that, when once given Jacksonville ani««ng ihr \ourtger genria- -te»s at ’hu ♦ X- eh» nt condition «4 ihe Dead a trial, l)r. King’s New Discovery ever erto unknown, and has won tor itself I to locali in. Uon in Sunday-*»« h«»«»l atlaii.*,and «juite a It «Ilan r »a«l t » A*hiund, as compared with for m n*. pumphlefs amt price after h his a place m the h «use. If you the title ot "The greatest blood Nuieide at (.rauts T m *. : large bibte class is now i .st« u- led by an lurmer years. have never use«! it and sbotH«i be atfiii ted purifier ever discovered.” ahi«* iea«’her at the Piesbyierian Suho 'l One <»f t! e i «-w propri» tors of the Itegtey with a c »Ugh. col-l or any thro it, lung An elegant Pne of gent's furnishing each Sunday peculiar In Its “good namo H« u-» at Gran»’.* Pa*s, wh«» arr»vcd trom or che-t trouble, secure a txitile at one«- I u" <>'i-. f«»r thr fail trade. iia& just be-ii re­ ^tv the pr p. i« tor «•( the ( ■«»KSXt.E ceive I ©I thr S F. \ anety Sh»rr. Don ’ t ** «!♦• m I 1- r«M»m a’ th»’ h- 'el 'a-t 1 u I•" 1 ululili) uf uKru-iilIl-rHl I»»-', t- iii-r a l--rt ’ a s°ld In of Hood's Sarsaparilla ev**rv tune, or moue\ refundeit. gnat npd at unation 1 j x's po t«bu engine 1» fuiual'.l ul'uiii trom Ashland. of a a t« I D-rthwa- n ts ’an*« u- H T ore w ii be union service* at th«* I I ’r - than of all S r ^^other blood mile »—th uf I’h-i-nlx. Jai ka«di county, «>«■-■- J. J Frier, <»ii” of the leading citions of t«irni-h tn to« p«»wer, e «inch u '«l watt* Im a tu'» ; «i d ’oh - W te. W»»’« h wmn L’t.-lu But’e pr< cun t, visited Jacksonville ! wheel a’ ill»* mill b*ung n » lonzer available byte.’ian ^^Teculiar In its < hur< h .n Ja< ks«mvilte aon Th.--inn - A -«.Iforuia ratinavi and on purifiers. sheep Wante*L V •g'i*’ -n ii- m»aii'i g m » <1 thrrw lilHc ligl.’ -In- O hxu ' i & California Mair.- r.md ram W«d' »sday accompanied by hi** -mow Inr wa-hmg away «»I the dam in I cank-gi v mg «lay I ’t nal record of sales plicnome- ttirouir>> aaid land. Thia tract of land fa af) A «•n the matter. D in -upt««--t'«i ihat fii»an daughter. Mrs. J K. Greun. i R .gur river. Ihe und« rsi?ne«i desires to take a banam la.itoiu and, ta-in* He «»f gu«»d sheep oti dimes f«»r a number of cirtl «t'ftiui.ll* S Wrtf tl.e rrrtl c u-e ot the p,-A/evcr attained such popu- Olli- I.r till' nrai . fallii* — tli.-d upon In llnrue A gei nine D-m crat put In an ©pnrar- trageuv. David P. Royce, who is charged with the M. E. church m Ja< k-«i .vil e on the fifth years, Can give ref* retires, For particu- has river valley. All well »UMda-d with hvlnir ^x'^^lartty tn so short a time, an e at El. A dr« n «» ii ’ n residence in E«ten I crime ot ui«ti>niitin^ rape up »n h * o*n bun«tay in this inunth, b »th morning and i. r- a tdress water This laud will 1« Wild 111 <,uantlticr to ineiiH't. Hr w «-n t a small one either, 1 «laughter, M ■ s. A’« x II »11« f L «imell vadey. evening. . and retained Its popularity sull pun baser«. For further inton-iallon in- J ohn 11. M ili . fr , Linkville. w» igfiing 10 puUhds. qiilreot E J FAKI.OW, A’hlnnil. Orejion. or ^^and confidence among all classes 1 t-a> fie* n ar’este.l and j* • <»i tim-'i in ih«’ U hat te«« it Mean? tali and Settle. E u KU'IfKAY. Flurnix. Or-K-m. H* nry G » »»tl w. i county ia I at Linkvi It people so steadfastly. • | mi D Mf*s One D* Har” imans sinip’v \Vh«*n ui M«*«lford don t fail tn call on D. Arnica finir' Ashland, Oun.. «At. 3. W. All knowing themaeives indebteak»- i la»g”, however. 8. b. \ anety More ar«* request*«! to call ihe best salve in the world tor Cutfe %t be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, mimic I medicine »«• buy, because d g ¡ V» - | pleasure in shuwi >g you bnt mammoth A change has taken place. Mini Bruises. Jsorea. I’leers,»Sail Rheum, Fever ■ ami settle, Notice more for ih»* mor e\ rhaii a' y «»Iber p »'♦*(•• i - ock «4 jewe'ry. ' The D llarh de propt r \ • hi the S-diyou ah a«' ounts muHt b«* selded on or before àurcs. l etter. < happed Hamts « -hilbiains, * hriff- ra«'o”. E «eh bottle contai» s lisi i| I nuunitaiiiN w i* no rns. and al! 6km Eruptions, ami p«>si. | he (’ ndebsigned will not bere ?» «1 -Il w li aver «ge I hm » a monili, nil.m- I Ch «•. He*l» y l a* *old l«i* interest in ti e 8a'ur-lav an.i bid in by l»v lb tli ” j I i uiiienl ¿1 iV)ld by all druttgista. fl; nix fox fS. Freparrd only «•.*" i. t;\♦ « ure-for Piles, or ii«» ay .«•»¡uiied it sponsible for any «bl»ls coninenl by- o h«,r i reparatbois. ». • <.r«1ioe to due«* '• n -. «». K an«« ••.I hi A*bl «t «t lo Toni R'»terV«, or« di tor, lax. I >mn.; at the -a me tni.e • oír.® Effi« Kb inliainiiior mv wit«-. i~ ;!ia.*anite«i I-« :i w pvrm< t a• i-«■*< t •»<’ <»r by C. I. HOOD £ CO«., Apothecaries, Lowell, M am . are g*»i e in » Week 1 lierelûre, lie sur- Ho* prop ri iu ar Phoe X wa* s >ld . i bi«i in ▲ i M.»» iu » ei g »he <• h r i artn» r. FRED KLUNHAMMER, money r« :u dc«i Price 25 . ruls ,e’ box | Ltn-hTN have teased tbe by U. Harbi’igo, who had issued th« exe- get Ho d’s Sar-at arili«, Ihe lie-t i b>«» Satin Glove and Handkerchief Cases, Hand-Painted Opal Plac- ques, Albuma, Eaaels Photo Frame«, ;, Toys, Games. Picture Fan.-, Slipjiers, Jewelrv. I T S I T ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE Xbove G'H'd- and Many Other? HALE BROS. & CO The Leading House of the Coast SACRAMENTO. CAL. NEW THIS WEEK. SCROFULOUS SORES. Cuticura Remedies. Weak, Painful Backs. A MOTHER S LOVE Pecu I iar < & This Space Has Been Reserved FOB NEWMAN FISHER, Who has just received a full and first-class assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS THE FAMILY BITTER CASE Thf Only littfr lfrnfect^r of Bwrfe for Hou»c, Tourikt, Pirmr aud Camp. ProteTta Butter fr«»tn all odor©, dust, heat and handling K<*«-}* But­ tercool and sw«s't and i> easily and quickly cl« am-d. PRICE. SO Ctnfx Each. I.itwrHl to AffcntR. Satnprt by mall on receipt of prior. F. B. CASE ! this coun­ ty, the County School Superintendent ta«*rvot will bold a public examination at Ashlar»!. WtdntXotfinbtr lS-*0t commencing at 12o’clock. Find-grade c**rtiflcatea tesued under the old law cannot tw renewed. T**ach*-r* holding certiticat«* that will Boon expire should not neglect attending ihe «-xaminntlon. C. 8. PRICE. County School Superintendent of Jackson County. Oregon. 100 Poses One Dollar When writing for -Hinpks, <>i I anything in particular, pleas«' -tate , a- near ns po->ible what is needed. (Then your order will lie tilled correctly. [T Faber's Golder? Female Pilis. For Fornaio Irregular i tics; u<»thm< like them on the inaiki’t. /.’rrrr fail. Ku«-ceM<Í4iUv tifHxl by prominent i n < »nt td y. Guaranteed tu relieve «uppreveed menstruation. CHOICE LAND FOR SALE! I T REQUEST I is hereby given that for t In- purpoM* «»f making an < xhiii ’ uh I i © ii ot N otice all p«-r*om* who may offer them*«-IveeMeeandi- 5 Hood’s Sarsaparilla | ► I SlffiEiSAFEt CERTAIN! Dou’t bo humbugged. Save Time. Health, and mon«’v take n<»oth er. Kent to any addma, . aecnre by mall <>u re \ ©Clpt of price, 12.00. Address, 'J PORTLAND, OREGON. LARtiEST STOCK, LOWEST PRICES. GENERAL AOENT8 THE APHRO WEDICIRE COBPMY, Westen. Branch, Bu*27, FOBTLAND, OR- For McCall’« Bazaar Glove Fitting Patterns. Sold by E.C. »rook«. I>riiirKi«t. Jarkikinvllle APihlTC w anted , liberal MwCn 10 I’AJJ i . AJ fiouiv or itìftur :u 2 auvos B MUTST. free. salary tr«!’*^ I’ o. VCKuRr* Send for