HER k and there . •iiPHIN! DAUPHIN ! PERSONAL MENTION. LOCAL NOT». JOSKPHINR COUNTY ITEMS. No final action has yet been taken by thr town iru*tr«s relative to th»* selecti«.n of ** ' ’Squire Berry of Ashland called a few Julius Schmitt la now a resident of Link Buy a White. d» P«»t site, but it is probable the n«*gota «O Prof. Jaiuce G. Clark returned from hie Cali­ ville, »here he is employed in teaming. ti»»ns f»»r tlie I’lymale property will be data ago. fornia trip last week. 1 be \VKite 1» still king. E. B Hunsaker was at his tine Table «•losed, subject to the approval of the r «il H»»n. Davie Brower returned from a trip to NOVLVBEK7 lai* FRIDAY .. *û of November with Will Little is driving ’tag* for Clnggage Rock farm last Sunday. the Willamette valley last week. way folks. Read the new advertisements. A Parker, on the latkevtew-Linkville mail \V. E. P ice f \*h! *»»i ; h spending the J. T. Hartley of Williams » reek was in Jack­ line. Oner in seven years- the laaly is re- Beef < a’tle are still too low to talk about. flçMaining money winter at El »•». - .. « • • sonville with beef last Saturday. Any |>crH>n having hu^iuew up to tLe nrwe»l Thr hluo«i must have the element.* The K-xht Way. yuiie a large audience assembled r.t the L»»gan & Morrison of KerbyviUe arc in on G. Elksnut of M dior»| pr« emi t made ua Cures while you wait—Preston s • Htd of vitality. Wright’s Compound Syrup o! th»* copper txMini wave, with a couple of very Presbyterian church last Friday evening to Horsenitm are taking »•«•n-iderab.»» in­ Ake.” John D liarhide has rrmove»l t«» Horn Sarsapari la cleanses and enricbrs the a call a few days since. M. A. Dauphin, of New Orlcim*. can send jmckngu rich locations. terest in a pr<-| «)<♦ the b'ue gravel mining »iistri» t I tu be hung up f r competition at the i-ex from her visit to Oakland, Cal., .^oid by a»l druggists. The poles of the telegraph line which gallon* of superior sorgtium syrup at hisplac«* fair nt*eln g of the S »uthern O egou Mat« Store. dming tiie winter. free of expense by Expre**. will be built between Ager and l.inkvllle VVe are sorry to announce that G. near Wildcrville. Board «»I Agr’» uhure. to ne limit«*»! t< Capt. Wm. Will»..ur of Henley warns the I f ill.*, m< ;.»y retunded : Preston ’ s ‘ ‘ Hed- Wk»n »n Medford »Ion t fail to call on D. are now being put in position. Kurt-wski is quite ill with asthma. Many bear arc reported in th»» lnw»*r toot- trotting fuai* •>( 1**‘J. Ago«»«! I w«»-v«*ar »» d Ake.” public against e mine sharp who undertook T Pritchard, the j»-weier He will take to beat his boar«l bill over the line a short hills, attracted by the mast, which is »¡utte race, comjH'ttd lor by ti e best bi«»«»d it Dan Griffith and I*. .Muller of Steamboat plentiful Edson Bros., of Shovel creek, are bo well thin season. pleasure in showing you ins mammoth time since. He describes bitu as being southern Oregon a .d northern Cal f -rn’a. were in Jacksonville on Saturday. Sonic snow in the krnthills yesterday stock of jewelry. • J.G. Hiatt of Kerbyville Is once m»»re able pleated with last season s business that cannot ia-l to be f v.»'t m'«-r< *’ t - it-» morning. small, with black beard, a limping gait, they will add thirty rooms to their already Mrs. Dolph Roper of Merlin, was the to tie about, aft«-r a confinement of five weeks public and < ( gr* at ben* tit t<> hre« dvrs in It is reported that the Ashland bank will wear* a silk hat and is always ready to ( h I k guest of A*sl»land friends la*t week. spacious building with rheuinatiKm in his feet. Why suffer? Preston'» “ Htd Ake ” will this se« non The many fuab* ot suet» nrobabiy build a brick block on the old real estate. A(l»»lnh Roterrnund returned tn bis post in Gwin 8. Butler returned to Ashland from Ah. Gidding*. one of the most popular stallions as Altamont, Adrian, Antre E» h<> ♦ ure you blackHiuitb*bop site udjoining their quarters the railroad office last week, after a trip to drivers m the palmy days of the overland On complr.int of J. Markham, J. D a trip to Klamath county last week. and ( f Tybaull and the olher d-*c» ndaiit* next summer. Boise city, Idaho, via Portland. I h >* (1 irr of Grant’s Pass was in Jackson- Atwater A Son an«! J. B. Aid of Wagner stage company, is now bolding the ribbons M. Purdin of Medford ami Central Point of Altamont in the count e* c»»mp».*ing th« vil e <-n Saturday. Misses Maggie Casey and Lou Brower ri< A detailed rep«»rt of the late Sunday »Trek wrrr last week bound over in |250 was in town on business Wednesday. tw«» district* of >«»u’h*rn Or«*g<>ii uni , turmd last w<* k from their sutnin«*r outing between Shovel creek and Linkvllle. bonds to apt ear before the next I . 8. M»rd r-> h-r fl ur in quantities to «uit school c<»nv»-ntt»»n reaches u* ju*t m * we go Mount >hasta in N<-r hern (’»»»ih.rnia, in The tdttor of the T ime * went t » Link down on the Cnm ent city beach. Several of the parties who were indicted to pr» *s, io late for tin* i'*ur. W»il give Grund jurv af P»»rt'aml to answer to the Keamesdt White's. • sure a tine contest and g«jo ♦ time Of the a» K<*d(»irs«.V Wiu. Daley of KerbyviUe brought a load of for gambling at Lakeview last month stood • barge of timber depredations. It is a new ville this week on professional bu*ine** >t in full nex' week. dioic»» apples to Grant's Pass one day last pr» mismg v- ungsters in ibis v < enity »hat trial, but most of them did not succ.ed Mrs S. Taylor « f Phoenix is visiting ( Imptrr of the same «»hi luw. I Geo. R Neil and W. L Miller, III- we» k, which In* readily dlspos»*! of. will be «1'g.b e, I'yln.u I cal» *h w hr-v fr • nd* at lA>ii,Cal. V’ry well. T. J McDaniel .nd J. Q. With scarcely a v nant h»m*e intown ^»amese t a ms, were in A'iiland on Mon ­ Mi . Mitdiell, the attorney, has a promising v»ry fine til i«s on«* «»wise-»! bv Gm Lin <»u The Hanley »t I xjv «» ranch near Central and a number <»f real estate transaction* Adams were convicted. Frank Light ‘•Adrian ' colt which »nay start in the pr,»posed pleaded guilty, and a disagreement was the ol his hi e (»ta«»ua’e mar» the *'Bi«i' til y Brii g on that wo«»d yon promised us on pending, our citiz n* ate pretty welt sati* I’oint. now owned by Beekman A Kearnes ti« v. We want every one on the Pacific Coaet to Itceomc acquainted with ow ii«d bv H»*nrv Mill« r at G» u>»> * P h ** a»nt su ».-criptton account. wa* tli»- >cer»«» of a quite successful attempt Mrs. V. A. Dunlap ami children bate colt trot next fall, if the project is a go. tied with the outlook. r< si.lt tn a few cases. McDonough * tine uit ♦* •• Maud»- . «arl t g at strain jl»»wing dining the past tw*» Iwen visiting A.*h:ann is very proud of a fine Altamont filly from his sp<*«)y mare Hatlnette, l»ougiit H J. and J D. Chappdt <»f Gold Hill our estahlihhinent and the various advantaged it offer», to City Kecordrr Berry of Ashland wa* In week*, a portable engine amt tw*»» double last two weeks. Adrien *r»» w* a lot «»! pivnii?ii»gy»»u’ig last y»*nr from C. W. Kahler of Jacksonville. town during the w»rk preparing to nrikc gang plows turning over about sixteen MINING NKWR. strrs. Sev* ral «»( the A tan.out st» » a in were here yesterday*. those at a distance. Jeff. Hays, one of Josephine county’s Wn». Newman am! wife of Althouae have the a**« sMurnt whereon to base their Klamath <•» unty are said tu bv very fin«. acres p»-r day in the open ground. 1». ' l ap i an of Ashland lias been in town prominent young men, spent Mturdnv gone to Albany tn the hope of getting ni<*di- municipal tux 1» vy. whiie »»ver in >i>ki><»u arc a numb« r h »1 several davs this week. val relief for a cancer troiu which the former JJotice* for the location of placer and niqht in town. The next r«»guiar quarterly examination w 1 I class well up any wh»re. li i* sa;»i t»ai is suff» ring. (i M. Gibson i* ‘•hachit g” ill town at quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T ime * of­ To the Thrifty Housewife, trading with us means a large suviug » mi Messrs. E -gel, ILebersledt and Hoeft of I»e Witt'* Code and Cho’era Cure is present Mrs Gibson ami the little folks for teacher’s certificates will be held at th»» in«mbers ot the Bou. O»eg>»n, 8. B. «»f Th»* public is alr»*a»ly innaing free uw* of the fice. Asblaml instead of at Jacksonville, as is Chimney K ek precinct visited Jan always -afe ami always sure. all her Household Supplies and Wearing Apparel. Agriculture h»ok with favor on the *« h in»- new M illiaius <*re< k bridge, the completion ot having »lepirted la-t week for their former customary, ami will occur during the ville a tew days ago. The American Mining Code, standard wlii»*h was heralded witi» joy by the peopl»* in and that th«» ra< e can bv cunhden’ y «ck precinct were herc Satur­ KerbyviUe ta*hool district has the lumber on all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for To the L ady of stylish taste«, it gives a command of the latest style« the ground for a new sc bool-house» to Is* built sale at the T imes office. Gr»»rerie* und provisions of all kinds, from Iowa, have purchased hal’ <»f Thos. instructive influence to intvmling teachers. day on land business. in the market and enables her to dress as correctly and Amicably Adjusted. s»»»»u. The district has outgrown its old ac- t'urry’s fine Table R -ck farm am! will put fre*h. at Kearnes & White's. • J. B Solin» r, now of Si>-»-n, Cal . spent coimnodations. Work on the Jacksonvile-Medford rail- A repoit reaches U8 from Drew's va ley out an orcliar»! therton. Hie financial difficult»«** of ’he lessees < f r»»ad continue* to be pu*bein the balieries, have t een the red >far ►lure. Grant's Pass. Or. A new amusement above Grant's Pass since location, after making a ratisfai tury test ing line in the foothibs. immediately by the balance It will not be part ot the week on business. s» tiled lu the sat isfav tion ot all p»rtu*s the dam was conmxited across the river, is of the ore long before track laying will be under way. First-» 'ass cedar fence posts for sale in Rev. William Lund of Portland hehl b»»ating in the slack water h I mjvc , now a'.moat Dr. Braden, »he «»wner. believing that ti e W. K. Dickis»m and family have taken lesstes were actiug in good tai 1», at th quantities to suit at the T imes office. up iht ir ah- deal Table R -• k in theslmd -w A. Garrick, Medford's popular merchant Epi*cop »l servi-es al the Baptist Cbuicb in a lake io «liim nsioi».-. Much interest im being taken in mining Cunfereiu e oi m H p.«rt;e* interested la*l Ihe rain of Wednesday night gave us of the orphan) that bus been so long the tailor, was here last Monday with a large Ashland last Sunday mori ii g. The K. P. D. Ac L. company's businc«* last circ les over the black »uphurets, carrying Monday afternoon. <*fter«d the employe»» out first f« go! the season yesterday. number of eleg.mt samples of fall and gobi and silver, which may prove very pride of E P. Pickens. Miss Martha Matmiy rrtun.ed to her month ran over i2U,posili»»n and » xpres* con this district. Beekman A Hufter’a »foot cban.es reasonable pricew and guarant»*es Drs. Darrin’« patients, being netted tor rh- Sunday school at Eagle Point has 397 votes in the ballot box. maik’-tabl»* fruit tin- past season—n»»t a very ledge is fall of the singular formation, an 1 tidence in being able to make ih-m*» 1\«.* satisfad ion. been discontinued unt’l winter isover. ratal h at Ashland last week. good j ear for apple« either. HU<1 Headwear are kept by us iu great assortmvnts and sold at who’e. A similar proposal to the mer the glass shows plenty’ of metal in it. It i* reported that the eastern division of R* member that Dr Marcoux, dentist,will Bigclow Son have jiurchaa»*«! Dan. 9h10 will buy a th» Linkville-A.'hlami roa the operators was ac«epied i»t house and l«»t in Tolo from Scott Griffin. • is n-»w in »-xcrlient condition, with no best teeth for «mlv 12.», and sathfaction B iliour, Guthrie ».A Co.’s insurance depart­ small tn-rd of cattle, paying therefor. ment, was in Jacksonville last Saturday, them and the lull will pas* into their Kupe|*y. heavy grades on the route. Mr. Kami bis family will probably remove to trade with us by mail. guaranteed. His office is in the F. 8 Call on Pritchard when in Medford aad hamis for a like term alter the men a»« Hun. James O’Meara, the j uirnalis1» a Pass. This i* what youonxht to have; in fact, remember, acromi atird by his two daughters, returie<1 Grant Messrs. Naylor, (¡reive Bros., Ward, Hotel, Ja •kstuiviile Please thr< ugh with if A m the liabilit y* d«» no’ *«*♦• something new in the jewelry line. • Harry Lainb<*rt bus taken charge of the you iiiusl have it, to fully enjoy life. Tbou- K» i-pler, .»I ,1 other Mock men m th-* Jetiuv also, that everv Monday the Doctor visits hot«*l and saloon at Grant’s Pass, \ much exceed 11100. there is a pr» l-ai-íhi .. Io M en , mc can say that we have everything that a man requires (•v • ' ■ ( tdy i f Steamboat *ohi oui a ci»ek * h » n .n liavt* su'd their beef cattle t-» Ci ntial Point, where lie has a bram h office southward to Santa Rosa, one «lav recently Conimercial and open«*! business with a grand ball blowout *ands are searching for it daily,and mourn that all claims will hr p, id m tuli D.. ti v be- oi. our str«- ts !a-t W ednesday S nator Cogswell, Lake’.* h< Idover legis Fridaj night, which pawed off in fine style, ing l«cause they find it nut. Tbutisattda in l)r. Lapp« us' residence. * Mncheil. the Cauforma buyer Braden has earned the L*uod op’h »•n oi U| h . ii thousand, of dollars are s;>t nt an­ 1 ator. pa***«’»! thr» tuii -hw val ey en route and was very well attended. <»1»! pa: » r* ir. quantities to suit, for sale everyone by the liberal course he has pur John Giidhy has report»*»! his wb»*re- i K»*anie* »V White hive receive! their i 1 Lome to Lakeview Loin F'alen», a few days W. P. .Jeter sustain»*! the reputation of the nually by our i eople tn the hope that they at the riMKh olfii-e at5(»crnts a hundred. sued in the mailer. abouts sim < the recent ternb » poisoning 1». w st»»* k - f fall ami winter g<»o«ls. con- since. ApplegKt«- section as a "spud" paradiiM* by ruav attain this boon. Ami yet it may be m several s.n ks of potato»* that had by all. We guarantee that Electric Hr is working on a *i-tm •, tn part, of dry go- d*, ladies’ fine A -!, li I * city council have inspected iruge ly at A-hia id we go m pres* . he r»nidiii<»n of *h<*' iff bringing wer- tar alu-a-l of anything on exhibition at Bitter*, if u*e,l ar* orJitiL' to directions and »ires* go •, California. an l >»« c« pu»l the n«*w water works system. B it »I m v i* somewhat inij r-’V d. .»t »1 In- at- tin* IndiiHtiial lair at Portland. hlamutn H*»rae TMevetCaptured. I furnishing good*, fin»* *h»»e-, hats ami the U'C persisted ill. wnl bring you g.axl Granville N.i» l.»f »•! tin* prtcim*» expects ciollii» g all of w hich thev will sell at the teiulH'iis think he is gaining strength some 1 . B»ekman had hi.* premises beauti­ J. B«ickma»t**r and Artbui Bylvester • f Auld»* f'liiminghaiii, recently trur»sf«*rr<*d ,ltg, stiun and oust lite demon dy.pep.ia t«i the (¡old Hill s<*cti<»n on the railroad, wa-» aud install instead tu|x p*y. We rrcotn- L »»t nvt r precm t. Klamath county, w»u fied bv a neat picket fem e during the week. to put up a large sawmill on b’S Imidings I most reasonable pri» es C ill and see their i w hat on Jenny » reek m xt season, to w»»rk up m w iroods btfoie making your purchases i F. A l>.»vi* of S m I rnnrHi ent«*d with a gold ring and l»s ket by th* mend E tc'ric Uf.tt r* I >r >lvsp-pria n <1 all | arrested in the Fa I nver mv I i n, ( .»•.. n •: Mr* tt'm Wooley and faniilyof Butte boys befor»* his d»*parture, in token ol lung since by Win. H 8‘!**«> k and Mr. creek w ill probably remove to Idaho soon ti»e fitie timber be <»w :.** out there. elsewhere. * 1 t«T<- t« »i in th«* W g «*r ci e« k -piar z mines, *»-ctioii diaeuse* ot liver, stomach and kidnevs. j made th«* T ime * a ph a^an' call <>n Situr- th» ir appreciation of him as foreman You« g. having in their possession twenty- J. Flynn, a first-class mechanic has either f<»r rough or Hue wear. The differeri. e U-tween our Among the larger shipments <»f appi<* from Sold at uor. ai d *1 00 jx-r l»< tile by all drug I one Lt a«l ot horses aud mules be vngmg to Ten th »u*an I Let of lumberat Saiu’sval- poli*brd some of the marble found in Ibis i A Garrick, the Merchant Tailor of Me«l t day last th«* Illinois valley this sens»»n will be »»Ver l”tf' girts. Sh«>ok Bros., the Hoaglanl e-la’e and ley Hcbool-huutie for sale by Scott Griffin of Bertion and developed the ta’ t that the t r»i takes pleasure m announcing that he ; Rev. Mr. Edmunds »»t (laklani, (>r., box» s each from tt»»» orchards of L. Leonard ------ •------------ prices and what you’ve l»een paying will »urpri*e you. Wo * • other parties, at the tuue. 1 h» y were driv­ r«»io. w.ll he in Jacksonville on Monday of tach j vi’iir«! Jacksonville one day la*t we» k. ami J. T. Bain. The tin«* r«»aad. Mr. Young, who reside» at Fall river, and A. Garti» k. tpercbant lailor of Medford, who lost no time in notifying Fhook Bros. wra* n t«»w n v » *t< rday marketing some fine An»*xc« lient rrmrdy for cramp^roiic ami pared to do woik m tlie latest and most ap­ F. H. Brigham th«* water-way ciginerr from will tw* m Jacksunvid»* mxt Mol d v, and To E vekybody then- are countless attractions here. J. F. Johnson of Grant * Pass made u* a If vou want to Buckmaster showed fight and was shot h* g*. where a Ionic for the stoma» h and bowels proved sty es. Do not fail to give him a » all one »lay la*t week 11 I* as* s’mg east' rn < >r» gon. who has b»*vn mvestlgat mg regularly ever.« v\««*k t hereafi«*r,for the pur- th»- 1»-asibility ot constructing an irrigating thioiuh the arm t»y Young l«»r hi* painr. • li 1« e tiv»-.icr«’ tract* in Nickell's ad- is required. Hold bv all druggists. • all. Remember th»* time, Mondays » i Harry Lambert in til- management of tbr ami pus-r of l iking order* for clothing. A* he water supply » anal from K«»gu»* river be-, know what, write for onr Fall and Winter Catalogue, which 1 he criminals were brought back, and diti* n to Me«lford are offered on favorable low Gold Hill y Vester Is in j ill at Lit kVOie. while I terms. wealthy <*o»»ipany n<»w carrying out several line »»f goods hr will give the fullest |-«ns- illustrate» and doerihes everything in onr great establishment at the T imes office Those wishing a Murk Kerr, topograj-her of the Cnite»l Wm H»»lt of App-egate » ircmct was in Bucknia* er is being h rdvd, a* his uoui.d similar proj<*cts has filed a water right claim J.hnT I: H • ver. well known in this sec- »fiance in tbr grand November drawing htuie“ ge* l»»gical survey, left for Washing J a» ksonvil»- Sunday. where h:- met <•» • to iu.uiiu miner's inch»* <»1 water to be tak» n factioh. Give.him a trial, for liis rates are 1.* a severe one. There is no telling how rcasonab'e. ! ton, D. C., last week. A joint report from Hines of Washington county, ft riueriy a out ot th» rivt r abov** the Jackson county ..g sewing machine* in Coos should semi in their names at once. many head » f blot k the thieve* h »v»« in.«de ti» n is selling lim-. li»- has also taken preliminary stcj»e aw »v w ith, as iheir depredation* no doubt county. D putv Sheriff Arn.-tronghas been quite I Messrs Kerr and Russell, with narratives resident of tins section. towanls s»*curing right-of-way concessions Hulule« UiieAiieM (Ollege date back sometime. Their trim wih take H. W Ogilhe of P»irt and, wa* nt Sfc »in for hi> »liteh. an»! pro*p»‘«*ts are good f«>r an unwtll »lur tu the week, but thinks he w ill and results of th»* recent expedition to R. H. Dean Tufts ranch Moii ’ t St E ias, will be presented before place at once, amt there is no doubt of near <»rant * Sept l«t J. boat one day last week, accompanied by E abundance »»t wat»*r in the m*ar future tor all Of Portland. be able l«» kv* p ttie slo i il * office running , _ . Or., . will open r . gram last ihe National Geographical So- iety at Wash­ Sanderson Smith, where he »ltd some sur­ p.ir|»»»«»s. their conviction. A. Wesco, the leading penman uf tl»e coa**t until Mr. Birds» y g is about again. Monday. ington early m November, and will be veying at the quartz ledge. has become a partner in this school and will For fin niti; re of every description goto published in the Society magazine. Ih i»oar»l of trusti e* held a meeting at make it the leading business college. Fend J. K. Van Sant, formerly In bu«inei* in REAL U'lAIK TRANSFERS He The Murdered Tleunas "iitton. the town hail ‘a-t Saturday and Tuesday J. hn Gildersleeve of < entral Point for catalogue. That great highway nuisance the dagger Ashland, but lately on the road a* a com- ke» ps a complete ami fir*t-c!as* ass»»rtment evening*. Th» following deeds wer«» recorded in tbr Hheiiff’ Gowan, of Kuimaih (oui.iy, and sells al th» m »*t reasonable rate*. w ■' cockle burr *eem* to have lieen suffered to m»-reiai trav« ler, w »* in the valley ia*t think* that >ution and ’h«* man with him office of th«'county recorder since the last re­ Ordering from it i* ea»>y,-for every line and statement is plain and ' g«t alnu>*t b« y»»nd »«'inrul in this county.! week. He is m w a* R* d Bluff. <’nl. Horn's n»r Sate. J. W r has a cached in the l»i u* i m h 1 oii «-1% *pi t ih that p:ace. conciMj. Send for it. mortgages and ail kinds «»t r«-al-estate and j m eoforimg the .*tatute , n»viding for it* to (’aliforntu soon, havr»g - i*'<»»-<alem is kept at the destruction. While this fine weather i< I their imipvh »11 eff’ Ct- 1» S o riil Binis» v, to riglit ot way grant» «I in lx»», etc. >1. which lie lia* late y bruttili» fron, KI iniaih some of the *priiigs where they camped, W. II Parker re«*entiy invented in a new T imes office aud sold al A'ortland rates. A ’ H- lmto Mat bla? h»»sbtanc. upy the Maegly JV-idence in LEARN HOW To MAKE VOt’R DOLLARS COUNT. tb»- B »uh vanì, ,>ul»1»**t to » listing iu*n), Ash­ county He ofTets them for sale at » retaaon* either at the < hegou hue, or just over the Caligraj h type-writer, having dispose«! o 1 yet scattered »heir *ee»1*. should be gather* the future. able rate, and th. s- who want firet-c no C<»1 Robert A Miller now surce«sfully land. S- vj V. California boundary. He aiso believes hrs old one. ’ rd and burned. Minar»! A lia.*k»*ll to Julius E Miner: s w was a through passenger horses should not f.dl to pive I, in a cad W. J. Wimer manipulate* a Cnligiaph type-writer and I their bodies were thrown into L.tlie Stock are steadily gaining in the foothil's, will probably teach acias* <»t young peo- The o _ .. going south last week. He is having a » the ('»lifornia bouotiary, time. ■ s tombstone* at <1 all kind* nf marble ami David Mock to same-, lots 1 ami 2, * half of ’one work. All persons wishing nice •Record.’ ’ n < n Tues­ Douglas county. John I. Rie»* to saiue* v w «,»*arn r, s<*c 10. boar pig* for »ale by was tiir-e inches deep wrhen be went there day's train. weeks. »aim* twp. V'.ly \V H P arkeb , Jacksonville. Mark Armstrong and J. B. Wrisley re- ihree weeks ago. Though it went off. the TLokuas .1 u ata<»ti to san»» ; s e «piarter, sec Mr. Rattlefing»r of the Sa'mon riv«x »«•. -'line t wp, «70”. Dr J W. Kobiusou ami wife of Jackson­ weath»-r there is quite cool and the Judge A '»ni»H>th Operator ( aught turn»-! fr< m a hunting trip on E.k creek country. Si*kiyuti cuuntv. ( al., is tn this ville were stopping at th»* Grand b<» ’ rl in Waiter S Wheaton t«» same; s half of n <: « <.ity rvcvutly. If v<’U bave h« attache try Preston’«” Hed- bay* he d«»i»'t want any of it, says a Kone- StOilr, r|je fr low w h<* «-*cnpr«l th»- m.»r- section locking for a location. He i* a • limit» I-, an»! lot* I and 2. s« «■ same twp. $7<«>. Ake ’ S »n Franri*» »» at th»- tune it burm»l last aba» at 1 hr Dal r-. hai . ecu m thr busii e-k (»an g t » the absence nf th** proprietor, Monday, blit fortunately e*<*Hi e5 s, r 4 w. $i ” 0U pleased to l«*ari» that hi* lieaitfi it, cxc« Lent. (’mot i ¡ druggists would lead to hl* coi. victioli. Cn»t«*l Stat»* to Haines True; pat «-nt to lot Notice of Public Examina and operatic entertainments f >r the com­ J hn W . p >w» r* of Ashland took a run ! 8tate* Attorney M y* had at ia-l *u • • rd- 0. sre Jl. t wp s. r 1 r. tion. ing w inter months, for whi» h season tickets Mrs Maggie A. Waxman of A*ldat !y last week. w ill be sold at r«du ed rates. accepted the p -*ition < f assistant matron Chimney K ock precim ’ , ha* tied m his < f* twp 37 s. r 2 <*. k'slO. which it was considered certai i wmiid OFFICE OF at tn«* m s*i»»n. *im »* her urrtval at Sitka. L L Angh* t<> Jolin C Angle; tw«* Ju twt lots ficiai re*ignaii<»n to th»* county commis­ lead t«> b * convn ti« n, und Mr. May* h » Wil Mill*r ami (¡C'rge Neil are home T he C« h xty S choot H vpxriktbm » e .,' h . Our merchants have received notice fr-un on J str«-» t. M«*ifonl. FOK been ft»«* u g happy and congratu ai u»g fr ni I. * Am:» le* to spend the heaUd term. sioners this week which was accepted by wlu lesale »h alers that nearly ad kinds of Alaska, and wi.l teach th* youn idea how J a » ks <».\ vrLLB, Nov. 7. lfkMJ. ) J (’ Angle to J»»t W’ » - -me h ine boys ' |:ML otice is hereby given that KOJI . go« d* have advai.ur»! bv reason of ’.be late ern winter. thr boners wh ch would act rue to him. H P N’»*tl « t al. to J < Neil. l.Vi a» r«*s in tw-p30 the purpos»* «»f making nn exanPnattgp Of The best remed.s t r beadiK he and nen- I r» vision of th** taiirt. \Vo»»len goo»ls have Klij'p» 1 A Lee's Galls creek ¿awniill has Frank (’lucgage. the well known mail s. r 2 e. all p»*rsouM wh»i may offer tbomsvjvi* candi- when the mar ha. rouse«! him from hi* ralgia is Wright’s par i on Heada< he rem­ advai»» ed 25 per cent .h< »i»,Fy ir -in 15 to 25 M J Reesci* ♦<> G F Hillings; lot 22, Highhim! datev for teachers of tb<* school* <,f this conn ■lumber ami sp. »led his < har.< e of further been turning »»ut railroad ties ata lively edy Htops pain in five minutes. Harm­ am! even some kinds of volets have gone contractor. i* at Lit kviTe, where he f»aB Park a»ld. ly. the C.mnh S»-b.ml Sup» -'.nt»-»»»lent thereof rest by Inf rm rg b in that the ptuomr ' rate during Ihe week. less, tasteless, no bad ertert* Sold by all up*“ bl b that th»* ladies will have to u.*»* hren for *e\er;.| nmn’h*’ past looking after Same to sani« ; c renewed. Teachers holding tränst t m»t*d all bound* ot tar. i-h pro­ fruit land in ’he Ho man addition, before have your mouth put in order so you wi 1 I itiis »uminer. and while cr« ssing Skookum several week* with mi atta» k <*f rheuma­ .In twp:». s>.i Uw. »-»■ im ... ner.* c»»rtifi»’St•* that »ill soon expire «h<»ul«l m»t . prices advance in town. enjoy lite. had their plan of barrit*a«hng putty. ami , » reek on horseback one day last week tism and a*prain«*»i ankle, wa* in Jackson ..." K Iti. km*.!!, 1«> acre* in neglect attending th» >*iain1natioii. Who has Just received a full and first-class everyone'-* gate.* and then raising the cry i DeWitt* Little Early Kisers. Only pill to C. S. PRICE. If y u want any repairing done ca l on i Martin’» horse tell with bin» in th* water, vil.’e ¡asi week. He i* »»nee more able hl ’*•’ . rtw, J7211O. i ot tire, by applying the torch to the tuinh e- »•tire 8 ck Heudiu he ami regu ate the bow ' HoIxTts A (»'Neil to Alic»’|M Hammon; lot 1. County S»-ho*»l Superintendent of Jackson Pr t’ hatd, one u, acre* in been carried out, doubt« as s?on»e seiiouw an old one, but be can make a o.d one run j <•< How I Saved My Life. coining h »me. H is “incog” Consist­ casiun can readily overlooked m honor run of'UNHXIO feet uf lumber. Ashland will soon boast a conitunudarv u' We a-e lucky to have permanently locat­ Twnlj Thrtx' Y.*ra lu th« l-rug RuidnrM. I was taken su k while nt th«» dinner tank- of Knights Templar, a di.peu««"' ed in a smoothly shav« n face and sand- «■f ancient custom . nut when harness is De Witt’* Little Early Risers. Best little ed with us a city dentist who will give a charter having txeugr»- w ith terrible »iistrcss In nn stomach. B« f»»rv I l.av« b'x’n. druggist lw«niy-thr«e year» , . ,"1' *”r I apvreii cranium, and it w »« thoroughly removed from team.* ai d women and chil­ pill for Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Bad you ali the science you want in dentistry.’ I ' .ed by the Mate effective, hi* b»**t f u nds mi*taktng him Bi.d liHVc S'.Id all -lie patmt medicines this I had l»ec»i h«*rty andahrung. F«»r f«»urt»s»n dren are conn el Hd to stand ebiver ng in Hr« «th. Sold by E. C Brooks. Cali on Dr. Marcoux, at the U. S. Hotel , Grand 'r r Olum--' dav » I k«pt getting wow. d«*pltc the efforts of - uery at its late session which >r Bl *si Di*ea*es of mine value Miss«** Gla lv* nnd L»*lift . f Eagle eminent commander while under dispen- was gale» are wrenched from th»ir htnee* and d *-net I «* placed the highway« of that I’. 8. Senate, who i* enjoving his va»*ati»»n Ulan !*' sHiinn. Ex-Grand ( ’ ommander James F >. -Swift ’ * Specif! I. Mr. A , a Point wdl probably ntGml *cho.»l at Ja» k- picket» torn from the fence* of n«»n-reai- section in excellent condition. StoiiKK-h find Liver Coinjdftint. in Oregon at presen*, wa* aboani the sonviile du ing the winter mouth*. l/ot lie Kohinton of Eugene will visit the vaPev in south bound train last Momiav with bis cn-ion'er «a* troubled with so eruption ol dent.*, it *avor* too much of cruelty io a “hort time to induct the charter members the *km on -lie link ot hi* ba* e tolerated Pon’» let this occur aguii Prof. into office, etc. family, en route to C.»lif< r»»ia for a short in vain sought relief ot tile beat h cal niedi- thia time I *aw hr. bnvi.l Kcnnedy'a Favorite boy,, or the T im E m will be after you with a wt»» re ti e Nov» n»t>er term of circuit court Price’s tutelage, *tay. Owing to Ih stop ill apt'.' .-nisi* in New York and ns a last lesorl sent for a te.ttte, 1 also »cut for my |>lty«lclnn There i* no p;are in southern Oregon fhe over land travel is heavier between and told him Hint 1 wa« Koin»r to trv the —WITH I1>----- H C. D »llarhide has contracted with San F ranclACo ami P-»rt.lami than ever where such a well-assorted and first class Ashland a »lav or no re. «pent some months in Faria, and France, Favorite Kemedy. He exatn-ned it and told Wil i hii Patterson tu rebuild the burned known before, and "standing room only ’’ stock of sbelf-hardware, cutlery, ammuni­ me to uae it three day a and let hitn know the Jackson county has furnished educators under treatnu nl* of tlie physicians iliere. Hotel Fire. dwelling at the toll house ibis fall. lloiki«» Oflioe ut Skixleiii, Oregon, is what the local traveller often finds on tion, builder’s materials, firearms, tools of to many s«»ctions,but the departure of Mr«. and had «eciired only leiiip-Tarv rtliel rvtmlt. In tin' three day* 1 walk'd four utile*. fhe ‘♦n ation of the wet k in San Fran ail kinds, etc . is kept a* at the pioneer W G. Holmes of t he (o»ve. e »stof Ashland. After alt ilr* treatment lie was finally < ured, I-r Kenne.lt a Favorite Kemedy ha* aaved my Leading authorities say the only proper the cars nowadays. life. — W. S. It-tzer, Stale Milla. Koaa Co.. Ohio. ci.-u» was the d» s’ru< tion ot the Burlington (tn th«- State Insurance Co’s. Building.) store of John Miller in Jacksonville. He Ia*t week, to accept a |25(KI positmt» in a sound and Well, by Sw It s Specific. C. W. Logan ha> recently been ot» a keep** only the best goods and sells at the school in Argentina, South America, i * Hotel and partial destruction of the Gram! way to treat catarrh 1* to take a ron*titu- Ano-lier cua'onier. Mr. B had sutl-nd Hr. Kennedff'n Favorite Remedy, i tional remedy, like Hood ’ s Sarsaparilla. “vi»-w" tour »1 wn the con*t from Cre*cei»t n»«»st reasonable rates. Whenever y»»u probably the most di*tant order we have for manv years with Blood Poison, and . a ND BRASCH OFFICES IN POKTLAND. ASTORIA AM) ALBANY hotel by fiie last M» nd.»y morning. 1 he Prepared by city, behn»»i his »»wn team, ai »1 wdl visit tire ( rigu.aud in a i amt eLop and burn» d Has for aa’c a large list of Brown brothers of Eagle Point are en­ his father at (»skland, Cal., before r«turn need anything in his line call on Mr. M. filled f »r teacher*. Mr. II »line* remain* thought be had tx en cured by men tuial DR. DAVID KENNEDY. RONDOl’T, N. Y ficrcfij from do clock hi the morning until au»i see f»>r yourself. in charge « f his ranch, while their little trcatinenl. but the disease relumed, .c- $1 p«-r t»otti«». Six L»r f-»- By *H ortH the sheep in Boston, during their mother's residence A dozen smad bottles cf S. S 8. made a Grain. Stock and Fruit Farm«, Also City and Marriage license i*<*u»»d Oct. .30, lWjh, to »•one by water from the hose of the fire- < f th«* county in better condition than at in the southern hemisphere J. (’. N*-il succeeds to the ownership of P h Dunlap «mi Z ra May Haver, Nov* perfect and lasting cure. Suburban Property. B*en. Through prompt »rt -rts <>f the the nld homestead on Niei creek, instead !*!<>, to E h W. (’order ami Miss (.’ora 1. any time for years. There is now but very W. H. Dr.s»»w*T, »»Id Fort. X. C. E. Mr*. N Laurel I. who returned ffin her police and firemen, no lives were lost, al­ of Kev. Hummer as recently reported. Tresti-e oil Blood and 8ktn Disease.« The Oregon Land C o.,was especially organis’d for the purpose of buj ing and aul»dividing Redden Nov. 5 1RPU, to W H. Gore und little scab on the range, thank* to the con­ two months s<-j»)urn at thrGood Samaritan sistent enforcement of one of the best though many guest» < f both hotel* h>*t i largo tract« ol land, ami ha* during the past two years bought and subdivided over 3.30n aertw mailed Ir e. Swift's S|iecitic Co., Ail.iitn. A tew copH * of the American Settler .* Miss Sopbenia J. Ish. valuable* hi d baggage. Much local inter­ statutes yet enacted in the interests of hospital in Portland, last Fatur-tay, c»-mes be stopping at th»-Grand,having gone direct­ i S< me » f the ♦ nterprisii.g Jacksonville boys form» r rxp^rienc«» be 1« ft ihe fattest of hi* H.(ifM) are now entirely fr»e from disease, .1 cap Ar LOT We also make valuable improvement« in the way of roads, ten»**, cl»*aring th»* land. «de. unremitting care of the hi»sptUI attaches, ami sound in every respect. ly there from Ibn» pluce lust week A di*- are said to I e figuring on going into the ber»i b» bind, as »he amm <1* ( annot Winn writing for samples, <>r We can sell a small tract of anr the sain»* price p«*r acre you would bav«* to paj fur a ♦■specially Mrs. Wakeman, matron, ami patch from the d« c «»r early in the day on . newspaper bu.*ine>s in a neighboring tow n well whet» too fleshv. When v- u can g»*t an ENTIRE ACRE of large farm. I»»* Yr.ka ‘‘Journal” claims fhe election Miss Lever«»ice. of the instruction force, the best fruit lan«i m Nu keli’s A»ldi’ion to Mund y announced their safety. Th» anything in particular, plc:u>e state who made her u te r «*sting «• a*e their especi ­ Our cu*tomer« ail Fpt-ak highly in p :»»-•• De Witt ’ s Little Early Risers. B« st <»l the Kepubliran card dat** for judge total h ** by hre and waler aggregnie* Medion! tor the SA ME price.* neariy $250,00u. Liver Pill e\er made. Cure Constipation of St. Patrick's Pills. They are ihe * • st.— clerk ami »or» ner in Btskivuu county. al*o al rare and without wh<»*e careful nur-ing Nickell’s Addition join* Medford’s wes­ — For sale the election of Walker, Rep . sheriff an«! even lb»» emin‘nt skill of the hospital tern corporation line, is hiluaied in a beau­ as near ns possible w hat is necdetl. ! every time. None equal (*se them now. B ebrt B r » ss ., ( arro I. Nebraska, by Dr. J Hinkle. Outrai Ce Point, and G. Mart.n treasurer. The Democrats elect surgeon. Dr. A J. Gei«y. could have been tiful an. McDonald. Henry Vinton. I. »nevi, Gai.iard opera h<»n*e at Ashland last week ami reliable remedy, its good effects are road will run through the land mar the shown at once in cases of t bolera Morbus fr»»ni t» n to thirty days, iron» the moderate well. quickly clcanefl. valley; S. H Gviffi h, Olrne; (». T. Ih »1 n< rlhern boundary drinker to the drunkard. The Antidote This beautiful weather i* appreciated PORTLAND. OREGON. A. I Reuter contemplates adding and similar c« niplaints win, E L. Hopkins, P K Fti*on, V. A Il ha* been laiJ out in tract* of five PRICE. 30 f antH Ear*. bv arrt* ami less, ami will b<* sold at very r a Ashland * electric light company has can I m » given in a cup of coffee without the the farmer*. Dunlap. C >. Moore. B. F V »n Brimmer. another sn rv to hisdwrlliog house in the of the person taking it. The Mies Mattie Linville it» still in Dr A. J T Hei.nely, Linkvill«* J 8 Wpght, \V «1 rim; and »'.fierwite improving his premis­ found it advisab e to secure a second water knowledge sonathe rates on the most favorable term*, Liberal discount to Ag«-uis. Sample Antidote will not injure the health in any es. wheel to regulate the arc and incandescent by mail on r»f«*»pt of price. Stanley’s store. E Andtr on J. P. < Mb-Id, >i-»na’ « i, J h i viz- one third in cash, one-third in viz: tn ore wav. Manufa»tured bv the Living*t.M in ihl« community at Antioch school house ReUglous. tug north on the railnjad «»nr day la"t ! «ho »re »limits trouble.' with colic, or Nearly all the house-» that were empty in >h« ’ fl Bird-ey > mother attended at his Pronounced Ho|»eleaa. Yet Saved. ” S. “ subje. i to bowel compluinf. If *o, they the valley are now occupied. Th»* following Hre R< v. Robert B >«»tli * i»ed*i»le -ev»ra! days during the week, week to deliver his great lecture on 8. | *h..u■> a» tl.e tint indication of tn.. un»iay morning, at M»»*itom, and every De W’in s Little Early Kisers are taken. Send for Fall Catalogue of purchased a portion of the splendid ranch _____ new stock. E. L. Rice last week purchased the Ash- GuJ I am now a well ami hearty woman." Sunday evening he will preach at the Small pill. >ale pill. Hot pill. Brooks and House property at th»* Granite city, near Table Rock of E. P. Plci ens,iucluding Harness at from $0.00 up W. J. Nichols has rented his farm to Mr. Fashion» Presbyterian church in Jacksonville. sells them. of J J. Strait; ihe considerati<»n being the fine young orchard tract, the considera­ Cratic and moved to the town ot Sam’s Trial bottle» free at E.C. Hr«»oka’ drugstore. Road Carts from 89.BO up Mr. valley. He will work up the liiul)er on his Regular size 50 eta. and $1.00. Much brush land on the hills towards IfKi'XJ. Meinho't Btigbtman will continue tion being |720U, or $ 15 per acre SEND FOR CATALOG' Applegate, back of Jacksonville is being to conduct the popular hostelry, however. P h kens stilt retains a large farm bimse.f. place this *eas”n. H<»w is thin for Oregon? nurkl'n't arm™ S.la There is hardly another tra<*t«»f land in the Several teams havebeen engaged in haul- D B. Mardon and Jos. Shoemaker paid county of equal extent so desirable for A. J. Meeker, while out hunting on Big cleared off preparatory to putting in grape« ACME MANTI AGfiTRING 00 The best salve tn the world for Cuts I next spring. ing lumber to bill?»! Bev. .1. A >! -ver's Jacksonville a visit on Saturday. Ihe Butte last Sunday, came acros* a pa‘»*h «»! faiiiiing purposes a* tin*, and Mr Dicki- Bruises Sores. I’leers,Salt Rlieunt. Fever INDIANAPOLIS, IND Adam Schmitt, who has hi« premises in former's family have been affi.cted with euii has se< ured a bargain in his purchase, house in this valley, whither be will remove Sore*. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, rn»e wihl strawberries which were v<*-v large and fine ar d just in the ir *t ».«on. Mr. town planted in grapes, had a fineciop and typhoid fever more or less since July I’ll, whether lie devotes it to orchard purposes, from Grant’s Pass, when finished. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi. For Female Irregular Meeker «aw mam whirl» were n I yet rip<* is ni inufact inng a large Quantity of ex­ but al! have been f«*'tunate to recover to gram, alfalfa or hops- the entire ram h Our genial postmaster. Mr Gull, has beet» tive cures for Piles, or no pay required It Ities; uot hi ng like them Truly this is a wonderful counfry. Tb»»us- cellent wine. If you want to subscribe for the best, being especially adapted to the production sntilingupon himself since la*t Friday night. isguarauleed to give ¡»erfectratisfact on or on the market. 5>rrr Quite a number of young people surprised and* » f ripe figs hanging on the trees in of the latter staple. Nmi Long is laid up with a crippled foot, weekly on the coairt ami at the same time Price 25 cents per bos fail. Huceess fully used him and report an enjoyable time every money refunded Jacksonville All the spring w«»*k in th» resulting from a rnis-stroke with an ax one get a chance to draw a handsome |»resent, by prominent la»liei» John Keown, the worthy ¡H>stmaster ut young man had an opportunity to eat cake For «ah by allilruggists. valley being done in N»»v« mb«*r. am! now a «lay las I week while clearing brush land on subscribe for th*4 San Francisoo “Exami­ monthly. Guarantee»] pr» mise of strawberries and cretni until Ashland creek. to relieve *'ippn.»Mxl ner.” Subscriptions taken at the I imeh Keown, Alleghany county, Penn., says: with his best girl Wanted. menstruation. “ Chamberlain s Cough Remedy sells better C<»i?KK*r<-xni > t . I < hristtuas. The world cannot match »t office. M A Houston and son Jack of Table than any other.” The reason of this is be­ piSO^S REMEDY FOR »1ATARRH.—B«*t Ea».e«t A boy, about 16 years old, to make fires SURE’SAFE! CERTAIN! Ed. Hobson, of nppt r Rogue river, made cause it »*an always be dejiemied upon. R .» k pr«*» ut, t punsed through town one ami ch-‘t> wood, at the Brad» n quartz mill. Excitement to ut from hmi that I uni* Ellett is quite sick with give it a trial and they will find that th«* visit relatives. C. M. R. h . t . l’he following gran ■ jury ha* > e« n 11 i am« money ;t«kc nooth Builder, ’ a.* it cures Dyspepsia. Constipa­ hemorrhage *t the lungs; also that C. F paneled for the November term < f < r< i;i< An elegant ime of gent’s furnishing 1 Wai! is having a fine bain built on his first dose will relieve ihe lungs and make I tion, Catarrh of the Stotn »ell. «'id makes ! G. 1.1 II 11. (kt. 25, isno. er. breathing easier, and that its continued court for Klamath county I !>. Aujl - goods, for the fall trade, has lust be®n re­ ! place. 8*mt to inv addre«*. It use will tree the system of ali symptoms of pure bl»»od and build* 'ip the y-’» iu. gate, foreman; B F Van Bnmmi-r. L B. ceived at the 8. F. Variety Store. Don't t soeur«» bv ma:l na re Nutice. The largt st an I finest head of cabbage we the cold. Ihe promptness and certainty is $100 a iiottle ut Brooks’ drugstore. Currv.J. D. Dickman, J. H.Wr ght II.Vm- full to see them ceipt »'* pr.r«», f2.0u. Tell your friends of itte merit wh-n vou u*e 1» K. 1? Fu-on. K No ’ .. indfclB ... - . Complete copies of tuwnsuip plats, posted [have seen this year, wh * brought us by of this remedy in relief and cure of colds Addru»«, a • O n. p. l-ave n Ointment, of whWi a nnuül partirte is applied \ Dr. Hinkle of < entral Point, was railed j Chas. Offenb»*» her of Applegate. It was Uss won lor it many sincere friends and it. upto .late of (heur»ier, made for Fl 50 per been returned at last accounts No a 'O Glendale rexmtly in “ J' j - icû . iOc Sold b? ci (HE A.'HRO MEDICINE COMPANY, the serious case of township. Money mu*t accompany or- on display at tt.« > F. Variety Ktore ¿or a made it very popular. For sale by Dr. J. true bill” wus returned in the cahe of D P iickm** of Mr. tn*l Mrs. CVan'i HH!» ‘w^J^abcre i* a’.tra'ted (tfoHd^abie aU Hlpklk Centra! Point, chd G H. Ha&fns. W*tem Branch, . JIox 27. FOKTVXNifc