o «afir Eirnrs ülirStuiotvaiiceinu'5 i Published ev ry Friday by ADVCRTISINC A dp AdverUtementa will be( UlLARLcES NICKKBIa. I at the following rate«: I Ten lines, one insertion ..................... ft 00 i “ “ each subsequent insertion..... 71 nr Legs 1 ad vertisemen t «insert ed reasons t ty A fair reduction from tbe above rates inadeto yearly and time advertisers. E ditok and F iioi 'I hktok . NEW TIMES BUILDING i Office—Corner Third and C Street*. Rates of Suljsciivtlvn: One copy p»*r annum, in advance.............. |2 50. •* •• u six montha .......................................... 1 50. three months................................. W. OFFICIAL UlRcUTOHY. STATE OF OREGON. C. S. Senat«»i>, J. H. Mitchell, J. N. Dolph; Congr«Miunan. B. Hermaun; Gov« nior. S. Prn- noyer. Secretary of Slau*, George \\ Mc- llnde- Slate Treasurer, Geo. W. Webb; state Printer F. C. Baker; Supt. Public Instruction. E H McElroy; Supreme Ju.lges», R. S. Strahan. Chief Just ice; W. P. Lori, R.S. Il< an. rtHrtT JUDICIAL DiSTKU T. Comprising Jackson, JtaK*pnine, Rike and Klamath c*niUtica; Circuit Judg«i, L. it. Web­ ster. Dirttrict Atbirncy. W. M ( «»lvig. i ACKSON VOL FRANK GALLOWAY, MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN ro«çon d. VILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1890 MISCELLANEOUS. NOTARY PUBLIC. JOB WORK rtedlotbeTiMM ILES. A UH LHPEtTA- FIVF. WEEKS BY KA REMEDIES. lauigoiiigtotdBrou.it tbe extraordinary cure your L’uticdM reiu*t it until some­ time hit* r <>u, wb*fl It b* gnn to |*>< k lik, »pots oV^ffioit..i s|H)tt***l on, snd which came off in layer*, ae- oomsauiod with Itching. I would scratch every night un­ til I was raw, th*-«» the next nlfltit the 8cul<*x, bcinK formed » iimnm —........... „„ t-crutebed off while, , were j again. In vaii ’aiu did 1 consult ___ .< in the county, * _ _______ doctors boMrithout aid. Aftergix'ing up all hopes of recovery, 1 ned to see an advertise- in the newspaper about Cuticuru remedies, and my druggist, and ob- ate relief. 1 b»ek : “Owing to tbe opposition of Rev. Robert McLean, protiably the most unscrupulous and unfair preacher in the Northwest tbe proposition to locate a Pieidiyteiian college in Southern Oregon has heerfind finitely postponed.” The venom carries with it its own antidote, so 1 shall not occupy myself with either the T imes or its editor, f pieier to carry my pearls to some other market. The facts briefly stated are as follows ¡ollowP : : THE TIMES JOB OFFICE is more complete by far than any other In Southern Oregon, and compares favorably with any in the State. Job Printing of every imaginable description done at San Franciaco ! rntked a great animal, fit for a trial. Andy McDowell followed with a runner. Stamboul had already been given a warm-up mde. Goldsmith opened him out by one sharp brush through the stretch and then came down for the word. He nodded, and the watches Thn cause of higher education is of the greatest ini|K»rtance. Soutfiern Oregon needs a college of high standing. Such an institution will, no doubt, be estab­ J ACasoN c< >c x r Y Abstracts Made of Titles to lished by somebody somewhere in the Senator, Theo. Cameron; Representative* S. Furry. J. W. Merritt, J. M. McCall; County not distant future. History and exps- Lands. Judg«’. J. R. Neil; Uoiumi.rtjihHivrrt, C. W. Laj nence show that colleges must be built, b»r. Hen. ilaymoitd; Clerk. M. Mu Her; Sheriff, J LEGAL DOCUMENTS operated and controlled by some respon­ G Bmirtcy; freaaurer, G. E. B.oomvr; Artaesaor I. L Hamilton; Sea • »1 Superiniendent. C. *' sible body of men, and must have suffi­ Of all kinds drawn up. especially pertaining Price; Surveyor, P. Appbgate; Coroner to the rtcttleiuent of estates. cient financial »upport. Hence, the ma­ J. S.pATMin; Sun k lnspvciA>r, W jority of the colleges of this country are JOrtXCHlNE CoVSTY. Collrrt rof Affounts. Prompt Rrniiltanccs. Joint Senator, W.St. < lair; R»- under denominational control, were H. 1«. Miller; Cuuuty Judg.-, \ . I founded and endowed, and are main­ MONEY LOANED. ruirtMioiierrt, C. U. Bigelow. P. Hans, n; •< *•! Maps or all the 8ur- or C. W. Havens; Coroner. Dr. Wallace. vcy**d Lands in this county, mid receive Ab­ ing, a responsible board of trustees, lib­ KLAMATH COl’M Y . stracts monthly from Roseburg of all new Joint Senator, C. A. Cogswell »»f Lake; Rep­ eral endowment and a faculty of compe­ entrli s made. 1 mu thus prepared to make resentative, A. Snider ot Lake; County Judge, tent instructors. It also provides that out Homi ftoHil and Pre-emption papers, and ‘ J. S. O»r; Com iiissimcrs, W.C. Crawford, a *trip to eirn save to parties tiie expense of * such colleges should tie Christian in <• 5 Stivers; Clerk, A. L. Leavitt; >ncriff, h. Roseburg i.an<5 Office. W. Gowan; l rcasurer, W m. E. Il>»we; A* mh - s - eliarantM.govaruiuenl and teaching, and sur. John Smart; Scivioi Supv.inteiulent. I . U this t timber,--' does ffot make them sectarian. The atm were eet going. 1 HAVE SEVERAL FINE FARMS AM» OTHEH Fuuutaui;Surveyor, Lsu. Loskeard;Coroner, J. Stambou! left the wire going like tbe Ann’s ”—;Le example given being Win H. be connected bv motor line with railrosd is to promote higher education and not DESIRABLE PHOPEKTT IN MY T. Forbes. * L'-w s The lhriran.” i he first of two at Medford. They also pledged $5UtO HANDS FOR SALE. LAKK COVkTY. to build np any denomination. Yale wind. He swept into the first torn and article-on th? nsv«l fights of the war of in land and money. The land was 20 Joint Senator, C. A. Cogswell of Lake; R< and Princeton were endowed and main­ passed the eighth post in 16 seconds. At arproinpt reply made to all h ttVTH. 1812 appears in this number 1 he fiction ruacntative. A. SuMcr; County Judge H. Charges in accordance with the times. acres on what ia known as Cardwell tained by Christian tardies, and yet they tbe quarter there was but a slight dtmu- W’lHmre; C »m nissKmers. A. > . L*“»'*. L»’1’- ot the numl er ha- a- its tuo-t sttiking con- Keters.lo permission, to C. B*s*kiiiHii. Esq., Jon' S’ Cierk. W. .1. Sutton. Sm riff, sv p. H* ) tiibution the beginning <4 the Ib.-t long Butte, one tulle from town, Ttie price are ttie jieople's universities and are a niiion of »¡>eed, and he flashed past the Banker; to lion. I. 11. Webster, Judge of this f<»rd Vreasurer. A. Met alien; Svnool Supenti- post in 33*4 seconds. The next eighth, story written by -he I'Fli-t author. F. Hop- set on the land was $100 p r acre—ita national blessing. judicial district, mid to any business houi*** in teuden», A. H. Fisner: A-Wcsw.ir. J. h. Mc- Jacksonville. SILAS J. DAY. kinson Smith ; it is enti led ‘ Colonel Carter value was about J25 jier acre, When 1 With, this end in view, the Presbytery up tbe grade, was done in 17', »oeonds, Donougn; Sluck inapcctoi. D. It. Jones. The of Cai tersvil'e,’ and is accompanied bv a returned from the East, in June, I of Southern Oregon one year ago, set and begot to the liajf in 1:06,'». MtKflMi t»F COUKTS, KTC. View oí Fence in Position. number of pictures by Kemble. Mrs Anna learned that the motor project Lad fallen about the locating and founding of an ed­ runner was going like a racehorse to The supremo court ot Ur« g »n meets at Salem, regular terms commencing on the first Th»’ new blood anti Ekiti purifier and great­ Ei hberg King has a-lory of ula New York, through, and as I received no communi­ ucational institution, to do both English keep up with tiim. Around tbe second ML»u»iays in Maron atvi (ktobcr, also at P« n- est ot liunior rt imtii» s. inlunnlly to cleanse w th a tic zen designs by George Wharton turn he kept up the dip, going by the- dteton. commencing on first Monday in May. tto-blood «>f all impurities, and thus remove Edwards, an i Frank Pope Humphrey has cation (lorn Jacksonville concluded that and classical woik of high grade. It in­ I Tn« three- fue circuit court t.»r tliv na-i judicial diMrict tliet aiibi . anti ( ntieura, t I h gi eat bkin» ure, a gh st story entllled "The Courageous Ac­ the fa lure of the motor line had killed structed its committee on colleges and five-eighth post in 1 :22ls. sits iu Jackson county on first Mondays in anti Cutleura soap, an t y ^ uim I i fkiii brautiti- tion of Lmua Riehniund.” Th? frontispiece tbe college project. About August 1st academies to receive bids from towns in quarters was passed in 1 :39’,. Theo AT BONANZA. April September ami December. In Klamath cr. exit riiHily to clear tin- skin and scalp ann the ltm?of Lincoln.” In stride, so characteristic, tt.e l.oise came M mdays in March and August. Soap, 2.' m - ; Kcsolvt nt. i at ion, B«»*- adventures ’‘Oil the Andersonville (4r»*uit or fa* placed in th** light of having bro­ Jacksonville T:>e c>t zens of ttiat place on. The runner, who all along had fol­ commisAivncrs courts m.-«t « very montn, too. At ttie ken fanii. Sti I the elm rnian of tie­ generouly i if-red the l’i •»tiytery, for a lowed, liow came Up lieside. comiuvncnig with tuv first Monday; tor Jose­ • f'”St’nil !t r “Hoxv to Cui' J'kin Dist-aso." W C. Brow in 11 makes not»* of the woik of seven-eighths |»>»t lie seemed to waver phine county, tiie tirM Monday m January, 64 pages, ill list ration.-, and !<») t< stimoiiiais. two original French sculptors. Rodin and committee. to whom »as entrusted tl. a college, twenty a of iamt, a suitable T rt. UA I ’ M AN. HUCC ERROR TO J. O. HAM- April. July aud September; for Lake county, 1‘allou Flic* poetry of th»* number is by work, ree justabt. Goldsmith le-gan to shout. J. fikerACo. of Bonanaa. Klamath count). Or., every alternate month, commencing tbe tirai Ti.e horse F t. ar Fawcett, the late Janies 1. M> Kay Jacksonville. I learned by corre»|sn:- of Cardwell Butte, overlooking ttie valley, McDowell added hi« veil, hns purctiaead a large and hreLciaM etock of Monday in January. For Kiaiuaiu county the g.Mxle which are now on the wny from Port land, (a pt■'lliunu.iis jortn entitled “Th? Epi­ iletice that Medford would give nothir g under the guardian eye ul Mt. Pitt, aiid recovered, and whde ti e crowd held first vVcdiiL-Hday iu March, June. September and will be wdd ( heap for ( aeh. Every'».8li;i'king I’i'ioh. .i-ttnna. I - ui .- j , \erse. The editorial department discusses decided alter an investigation, to defer without a dissenting vote, and without was deafening, and Goldsmith lifted his Inflammation rellevea In one blue cap a dozen times in an*wer to the Clothing. Boots and Shoes, minute Xand bv ttie Cuticura Anti-Fain Pi»'**'T. lo e-'try. international copyright, etc , and further action until the October me‘ting any motor line condition, as the minutes applause. Five watches were held in FRANCIS FITCH, W. W Ellsworth protests in open letters of the Presbytery. A report of this of the Presbytery show. The proposed Nothing i>k<- it f<>r weak lung**. Groceries. Hardwt re ; gainst “The Spoiling of tbe Egyptians.’’ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. action was sent to the T imes for publica­ railroad, which is now assured, was talk­ the timers' stand. Four ol them caught What makes tion. but its editor returned an insulting ed of privately, but not in the discus­ it 2:11', and one 2:11'4 and everything generally to be found ina firnt- Medford Oregon. blmken out of Gear. »*ecame convinced as every m-mlier of the Presbytery, save in 31 ’4 seconds Willamette Valley. Saturday. Nov. 15 20 'vc.eiion. evacuation are disordered, the tiiat I had to deal with a ring whose two or thiee, is willing to testify.' The But that is not all. There is a new kiTOKNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, «) WilLimette Valley, Monday . Nov.. 24 blo'xi becomes wairry.tbe nerves f?«blr.ti:e yearling record for the world, arid Free­ GrUHl*. I*«.., Orrpaa count» nance ghastly, sleep disturbed and real object was to give Jacksonville i ro- Jacksonville people made no other dom, the little l ay son of Sable Wilkes, The company reserves th«* right to ehang«* sailing dat.x* without notice. ai'pviiie i sprivivus. Terrible is this di>- perty a tempoiary boom and who weie pledge than the pledge of ground and headsit. Five minutes after the Stam- Oltre** m Ahlfs building. Krönt Strvet. Trains comieet with tiie <). 4 l'. R. II. and River Boats at Cervallis and Albany. ea>e, fell its » oust <|U?nce>. There is. how­ trying to use tire committee to the money. The Presbytery, in its resolu­ ever, a known anutl te to th? miasmatic sacrifice of educational interests. I then tion of acceptance, pledged itself to do boul mile Goldsmith came out behind P. P. PRIM, Tram No. I will run Tiiesdiiys, Thur» lay« and Satui daj **. and on inl**rm*vBat<* da) v !»■ i>on. and a certain safeguard against it laid the matter before the Board of Aid all within its power to locate, construct the yearling. It was announced that he ■ ~*.ir> Iram No. I will run Monday«, Wedm .«duys un I Friday». niidon Intermediat In m.iHtri< u*- regions <»f our >uth and for Colleges ami Academies ami received and op-rate a college upon the proposed would go against ttie yearling sta liou ATTORNEY AND CoL’NSELOK AT LAW. \V» M, iu ¿South America, Guatemala and from Dr. tiariHe, it» secretary, the fol­ and accented site, ttie first buildings to record only. Goldsmith gave trim two »fadc-tonriltr, Oregon. <»n tl e I-tl IliUS ol r.iliMIIOi, at* Writ av 111 sharp brusi.es and tlien inside 1 for the C. H. HASWELL C. C. HOCUE, It also, very BEFORr tieuT F. A P. Ag’t, Oreg*»» Oevelopnient Co., lien 1 F. A P. A«T. O 1’. H. K. Co, trai-in »rm? »ountneH where th? scourer lowing in reply : "The new institutions cost not less than «5TD0. Will practice in all courts of the State, ottici Tot>arco or ( >niun which the Board takes up are ex|»*cted. explicitly and positively, in»t-ncted its I 1 word. He got it wDh the cult going ■r»*- ■Rd Vliintaoniery St.. San Francisco Cal. Corvallis, Oregon. r.\i-.ts this inimitable preventive and JACKSONVILLE, OR. in the Court flous»*, third dour to left of en­ tion, over inJnlg« 1. To have their sites determined, ti t committee, of which Rev. Roht. McLean ■ right. Ttie little fellow swung around rrtu»dy, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitt«ba-, trance. Power. WMkff’i’.in•*». I < ar • .- < th« first turn ill 371- MH-ouda. H* during ibe la>t thirty-five y»ms, hern con­ hy local agencies only, hut hy this of Giant’s l'ass is chairman, "to procied tao k. '•.•minai Weuki:••-«, Hi *te tra’ion. S >< turimi Emh-imi«». stantly widening the ar»aof its usefulness Boar*! in co-o|*eration with such agencies. to the carrying out of thi« resolution,” Lgi'kled the ba*, k» tret ch with the grit uf J R. NEIL, and demonstrating its sovereign value. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FORMED A ziiD’Oi, W nk Memore. I < «•»<*[ 2. In the locating of acollego a Sjno*i viz: Tiie securing of the balance of the an <>l*i t * or se. ami the half was put down ATTORNEY ANO COVNSELOM AT LAW. 1 copartnership with an auth. Fize»l capital ot ten' x. wliich if ìie’.rìi i tedofton Liver complaint, dyspepsia, constipation, not a Presbytery; is expected to co­ «5000, the organizing of a tnard of trus­ at 1:17*2. The second turn was done ohi fik’e and iioan t t rite f for the purpose of carrying on a Gener ­ ktdhty trouble, rheumatism and debility — WITH ITS---- «JocA’Son rille, Or. operate with the Board.” tees, the erection of buildings and the without a f*obt*le and the three quarters al Banking Bintincaa in all of it« branch?« in for I > ‘*>. rt.-tit | y jna.i < -, r.*<’.* ate . r» in»»lie 1 by it. A u i ; i r. f x i: Jackrtonvill«'. (»r» gon. Office at the oh! atand It was clearly evident from the fore­ employment of teachers; but tiie com­ was reached in 1:55. The colt ruet Iris Will practice in »11 cuurta of lh«*5»tatv. Ullicv e\»T\ f'i twjor ’.e! r.«* .. 1, ’ • re of Beekman »« Banking House, S. E. corner Cal ­ ohm going that the Presby tery had transcend­ mittee did nothing, as its chairman in Waterloo in the last quarter the other « r *• r m i n < n t c • • '«ite in mo Court House, tirst door to ivtt ut en­ ifornia and Third streets. .Notice. To-day he came through the Uom-nud?» <>f teoi.;: * .'.«*: trance. ed its powers, or, in ether words, could bis communication to the Tiding* last I day. C. C. BEEKMAN. Cut this out. and when you visit Port ­ n f («oth ««ex» ’ !». XVh » }* ’ l ‘ l v TH<»S Ü REAMES. not locate a college, and as the Presby­ week shows, though two of its members stretch with the runner alongside lorn t ) f ’ . ” 1- • ut A??. ! • . • • land during th? exposition call on Towne, with a L’amenee» thst was wonderful. H. K. HANNA, tin- photographer. and receive the follow­ ter'* has no Imard of trustees to bear the were ready to do their duty and one did Goldsmith reefed the youngster. THE APHRQ MEDI Mc- responsibility of any foolish or hasty act all he could, and though the Jackson ­ ing extraordinary otter: All pr»senting ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. West» F these sups wid i>e given on? dozen of my of its unbusiness like members, l*a*l the ville people deposited a part of their Duwel! shouted. He n* ver bobbled or f/(«rAjvu/«rlit**, Ur. I m at sly k* < abm. t i hot«» and one extra f<»r committee ordered tbe construction of money in the bank and «ere willing to swerved, and tire wire wa» reached in Grain. Stock and Fruit Farms. Also City and l aming for |3 30. My regular price for the buildings,I hey alone would have been collect the balance at any rime. Hence, 2:29’4. Will practice in all courts of the State. Offici th? -sin»* work to those not holding these held responsible. I fee! sure that as the late meeting of the Presbytery cocld Again tbe shouts went u|>, again in Ort a rt brick, up-stair*. Suburban Property. slips f'ijK» per d« z» n and 13.00 for «xtra ! soon as the Ja<*k«*>nville promoters had Goldsmith lifted his cap, ar *1 W. W. &L do nothing further because its committee picture. Ihb is hd extraordinary utter, Th« Ort-g.tn Land Co.,wart especially organiz»’»! for the purport* of buj ing and subdivullng Corb*-tt wa** ovr rwbeiuud with congrat­ J. J. HOUCK. argv tract.«* ot land, anti hat* during the pa^t two years liought and «* u I h ! i vul«ard of A d in Chicago. bruke ttie yearling iccotJ, former­ Studio cor. First and Morrison Rts. the motor line was merely verbal tl ev The Jacksonville people were not pre­ ly held by Norlaine, a California lily, uf Wecun rtcii a small tract of land for the aani»’ price per acre you xvould have to pay for a General Agis, for D. M l orry & Co’s on tlie northwest coast. arg«? tarni. Bung sour babies to Towne. now deny it. I reply that the majority pared to present their propwition to Die 2:31*2* and lie eniere*! the 2:30 list, the WM. M. COLVIC, of the comrnitte, all in fact who have no Synod this fall and here the matter first yearling in the history of trotting- Knrare nj IHnttnenl» /or Catarrh ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. personal interest in the matte, are rests. But the action taken last spring l*oiBe breeding to enter the charmed cir­ Hull Contain Merrttry. against them. And further, on the part has not been rescinded, and tbe Presby­ cle. It was a great lest, arid is anoiher Jacksonville, Oregon as mercury will surely destroy tiie srn>e of one of the strong evidences that prove PRICES smell and comp e'ely derange th? w h »le ot the Presbytery, there was only a tery is still pledged to the Jacksonville California to fie the great* **t place ou Will practice in all the courts of th»- S’.u-. Garden Seed verbal agreement to do **- Should the «nil Seeretaiy Rusk. l*-t fall to day a bit internally, and acta directly upon th? bl«»oany, wi re p «red in the handbof ami it Jacksonville has anything to offer “»bar,* ga.lies,” or any mercenary strife something COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY. S U K V B vol«. a receiver last wc»*k on the petiti- n of tae that will beai the light of honest investi­ for place or a*tvan'age, is lieploraLle, in­ seeds that «ill grow an equal A full line tn st*s*k ot We want you for a customer. Give us Farmer's» Loan Trust Uu.,oi New Y<»rk, gation, she ha* as good a chance a* ever consistent with Christian < harai ter Moreover, even and quality of beet». ... ___ Jacksonville. Oregon. a trial order. tepH seining ih« bondh» Ider.«. T. E H«»gg. So far she has not count lied with one of alh/iidiauce MONEY LOANED ON FAVORABLE TERMS to ttie cause of education, were th« beets grown here of that kind, illi/ndrante pit -id» nt <»f boll» companie»*. tipp- in t-d Hun eyinx of ail kiiuirt done in a fii -t-vla.^ her ti 1 nnh and righteousness. 1 write ttie ttie industry is so much in its infancy Estimates and pri<*e-iit»t sent on application id eiver. The order web node by Judge the conditions, but has devoted iu iuner and at r.*as<>nat»U’ rates. that not half tbe demand for seeds • <*Mp«*ciai aitvnt i >n paid to locating gov­ l'q trt. <4 ibv 2nd Judicial District, on tbe enemies to Keeking to accomplish the above to state ttie facts in the case a« The motive that COUNTRY ORDERS A SPECIALTY. ernment lands. understand them, and for the honor uf could be supplied. »1 plication <>! 1>. Mc Clure, ol the firm of impossible. would actuate Germany to sucli a deed lurner. McClure 4 Rolston. of New York, R obert M i L ean . the Presby tery. Factory at W< hlh r’H Mill. Salesroom» cor Successor* to M iller Br > Catal- gue Free. the counsel for tiie E mtuici S Loan A Trubt Thin! anti E afreets, Portland. Oregon. must be, it is thought, tier desire not Cli’ui of Com. oil Aid for College« and F. G. S trange , O. F. DEMOrttST, Company The receiver has du y qualified Academie». In the Ash'acd Tiding*. only to protect her own beet-sugar in­ an van < ei > —Recent­ P H Y R I C I A N A N D S V R G E D N . he undersigned is now taking or - 1’ k <> ti :< rm Ilofs?—The Salem Journ.i ' Rutte Creek Roller Miiif. of Robot I'.ul, a Muiiiltton, Wia., has ders through Jacknon and Josephine coun- is not consistent. In an article on the ly the .St.iL-.uiin'. l.ical columns con­ Central I'omt, Or»gon. ttes for The ro'ler process rnachiner.v in the hop niaiket. after giving the deficiency tained a Byncp-ieof «ever«! of the most been «ttiicted by ound, would benefit a« the others and that is this: At a their orders, as I will guarantiee satisfaction. By the incorporators of said company, now on file at the Jacksonville, Oregon. 1 warrant all iny trr< 8. it properly c:ire»l for. grower. Congressman very early day there was a servant of tbe discharged at tbe no~e and mouth, noth­ tollowing rates: .38 i-ounds »4 superior the Anter can Terms »»f payment eaay. Produce taken at Recorder’s office, iu Jacksonville, Jackson Co. baker’s grade flour per bushel without offal, Hermann I as also been repeating the fur trading company living far up on ing was thought of it until soon after, Office and r<*«!dence on ('a'.ifornia Stre»*t. Stoves, Tinware, Cutlery, market price. lfiOlfibs. of Peach Seed wanted. Calla attended promptly day or night. or 31 pounds of baker's grade fl«»ur per same rot, striving to make Ins constit­ eottie one of I lie stream» tritmtaiy to the wl en tire little boy was stric ken down A. *. JOHNSON. bushel ami nine pounds of fe?»t. Ex­ uent» lielieve that he tepreseiited their 0- luinbia, and Ins name ««» Barney with black diphtheria of a must malig­ Jacksonx’llle. Oregon, Aug. 1.1883. Tolo, Oregon, October 4, 1889. change limited, to family uses, m fanner’s The doctor said he bad O’Reg.,n. It «a.» common for ali tradei« nant kind. sacks. Will gUHrantce the < utput <4 ilie liest inteierts when he voted for the The boy died. and others to say, "down at O'Regou a,” caught it from the cat. i utte creek mills to be equal to tbe best oppressive lax measure. Il is hard to OILS OF AI K1NUP. fl< ur made, in southern Oregon. understand fio'.v an in< reased tarifl w id ‘‘up to O’Regon’s,” etc. in time the Then a secon. Mschanics’ Tools. Engle Point, Or., July 7, 18IAJ. tries do not have enough hop» by over and by a natural progreM in language Allen, tbe only remaining »< n and the 200,01)0 bales for their own supply. For came to be known as Oregon’s and then J. a. WAIT, M. D., Pardoned. several years past the American growei Oregon. Whet tier there is anything in support cf bis tiaients, and who cared fcr them all through their teirdde sick­ MANCFAUTU’RERS OF ■ The Fine»t Smsll Arm, E.sr Manufactured, « I'HYHICIAN ANI* SCItGF.ttN Aaron Lurch, who was sentenced to th? did not receive mote than ttie old tariff tf;is theory or not, is left (or the reader ness, and who held oneof the Icoys when uarantdMHl v penitentiary in December, 1S84, for a term rate, 8 cents per |ioaiid. Last year the to determine. Certain it ia that ttie nails M Unrivaled . il»-dTorti, Or«*Kon. Perfect. ■ »»f 1.5 )ears’fur th? crime of forgery, was Vnited States sent Io Europe, England theory i, tar more probable than tome the latter was dying and pcepared lliem for _ for their l ist r< H'ing plac e a ith his own k.oan e«l a pardon by Gov. Pennoyer on th? principally, nearly 13,000,000 iKmuds others ad valued. ■ ACCURACY, < »Ific»» on Main rttn*»‘t, In Childers’ building And everything else Iniaginaii'e in this line. hands, st’d when the o't.eis we re r» cov- Me g.wsls lire nc*w and nt tlietn-st brands.nnd 24lli of October, having served, counting of hope. The only hops ini|«,rted are of Calla promptly attended to, day ami night. _ DURABILITY, ■ EXCELLENCE ot his credits f -r good behavior, about half of the Bavarian variety, and onr brewers wit' be sold at ttie Alic iiai i D avitt is theedilot of tbe . ering hi ni-te>e I tec them, was takeii _ WORKMANSHIP and Di? term. Mr. Lurch is now a free man, l.uli'ii H'or/d, a paper that i» now attract­ down and died. ■ CONVENIENCE In but his whereabouts are not known to the would use them if ihere was a dollar a Lowest Ruling Prices. ing ars that ttie ra ile d officers who have two indictments still ■ Beware of cheap iron imitationa. How to K kki * Br.iiTiri i — The Give me a call before goinj «»’«♦•where. holding over him. At h? present term of protection organs are endeavoring to de­ Hi» tate.-t < I a*ge against liie Brilisli J. < .SHERIDAN. g Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price LiaTltojM the circuit court, Mr. Lur<*b> attorney ceive the | < oj 1“ mid blind them to the government go*-» I ke a ca in.y-r*l, Oregon. 1 am a painter by trade Thiee year» convicted Dalton, Daly and others of troubles that can a*««ail the daughters of ■ I'O 1 had a bail. a-e of In ali Poison, caused HOTEL FOR RENT these crimes on tiie testimony of hired Eve. To brood over a sorrow, to des­ Special attention given to Chronic Dlseasi*«. by using rubber paint. I was cured m a C areless H inter I ndicted .— I>r. 1 erjurers and sent them to prison. cribe it to others or let one's mind dwell -l.oit nine by S. t* S f' e medicine drove V ING TO II.1. HEALTH. TIIE FNIIEH- Harry Lane, su|»*rintendent of the insane E. P. GEARY, M. D. upon one's pains and worries, are the the I'OiMin out thro ugh the |s>res r>( my asylum, went to Eugene by the overland » ikiii .I'lv»ir> h (<> rciirr trom biit-lni-Hs, nixl offers all th« furniture in the U, >. liott I foi most fruitful sources of unhappiness. •■kin. When I first commerced taking B. H V í I »’¡AN A N I» S C It G K O N VSEriK INFORMATION. last week having lieen summoned thith ­ sale at a very reasonable fimn-r. Th«, bu .id b. 8. m>* system was so saturated with To resolutely think of something else ing. xvhich is a substantial brick one and t s- er by the circuit court of Lane county, to .Wt-dfhrd, Oregon. poison that my underclothes were colored Tilbury Fox, M I)., (be eminent medical wri­ when t'oubles lift their heads to annoy nrciallj ti» .slgnctl for the hotel !»n thousand six hundr<*d acres foot-hill pores, which inflame each distinct InQamma * itti, e on II street. tMHome v« ry bod In several spaotiv and mountain-sid»' land, good for fruit, darj- Or. li.iiie. Golden ttpeetflr. SEND FOB DEKCHirriVE ( HU I LAR>. Ing or stock raising. This truck of land har net tied valleys adjacent 1». Surprise valley, fatal sl ot fire d. tion being a pimple. Dr. Fox therefore does It can t»e given in aeup of tea or c<*ff*e over seven milesof fencing, dwelling-house, s, tilers ’ cabins have been broken open and DR. W. STANFIELD, not prose*ri!»e “blood purifiers'* co called, but a a stock shed of 90 feet, and plenty of living without the know e*lge id th.iierson taking plundered by Indians during the absence A T kainlold of hops w.iH shipped the ••dyspepsia cure*’to be taken, to use hie own water. E L F. CT I C P H Y S 1 C I A N, Farm tor Sale. of owners. Their actions of late in laying oilier *lav J.ievt to London, England, words "till the dgtprp'ial symptoms Ast« disap­ it. e tied in it a speedy a ltd permanent cure, Call on or address J. S. HERRIN, J. R. WRITS MAN, Vice-President. whether the patient is a moderate drinker »la.*» located in Ashland, Or., f.«r tin- pnictir» W. F. READ. President. in nrms and amunition, and trying to bor­ Afthland.Javkson Co.. Or. of hirt pri>f»-Hr.i«»n. Makr-s all chronic »lirt»iut»«. A good farm and stock ranch,containing 160 row guns of settiers for the purpose of see­ via Bzltimore, ami consisted of 76 bales peared.” The old idea wa*. that face eruptions • *r at alcoholic wreck. Thousands of J. K. ELDERKIN f Sec. and Managet «Ut-li a.* Rlb umatirtip Asthma, Kidney J. L. CO WAN, Treasurer acres; 100 acres under fence, 60 acres in culti­ ing how well equipped settlers are with from Mt. Ang«l, 30 from Dayton, 4>4 were caused by a ‘ humor in the blood,” for drunkard« have hern cured whohsve taken OuiapiiUnta, etc., a «p’-cialtv. vation. Good house and outbuildings and fir arms, have alarmed the settlers, as this from Independence, 506 from Butteville, which they treated the blood, firing the mineral rhe Golden 8|*eC*tic in their ci.tle- will out necessary barn room. Fruit enough for a V||p* their knowledge, and to-day. believe they II lit? small family. Two living springs on tbe place, is tHe same method they resorted to before three carloads from Portland, int* car­ jHjta’b. Hence the reason why the older aarsa J. H. BENNETT. M D., handy for stock and irrigation purposes. The making sn outbreak in 1878 Three hundred load from Eugen», an 1 four carloads parillas contain potash. Joy’s Vegetable Sarsa­ quit drinking of ibeir <>«n free «ill No Mind wandering cured. BonkwUnmsd Il’U 1 V in orrttMffinf. Te*tim«>nt«lR from all following property will go with the place: 4 tons of bay were burned in Warner valley from Woodburn. This aith six car loads parilla follows the modem ideas of Dr. Fsx. and harmful effect res .lt. from its a* tidei ce tor, mower and reaper combined, sulkj rak*’, to be ttie work of Indians. Grant’s P am . Oregon. A. Lutaette. W Ara. New and all n»*ceesary hand tools. The place is lo­ On Friday la*-t the second train for the it'much and dijextlre organs. The reason Is aje GOLffl'N SPECIFIC CO . 1X5 Rate Street Office at prertent at the Bajr’ey Hot«-). cated three miles northwest of Eagle Point, saine point was s'arUd, with seven car- parcut why it cure* »lyspepsla and indigestion, Cincinnati. O and nine miles from Central Point railroad MULES FOR SALE "Howto Cure All Ukln Dlaeaeer.rt loads from Portland, two from Gervais, tu ’. th •: Im; '.esan • • u.n eruptions which result station. If sold before Ila i vest flic crop will Simply apply “S wayne ’ s O intment .” N o may bn ronn-i on It cure« l>e«da< lie only— Preston’« "lied- he subscriber , living five miles go with tbe place. A small buuch ofcattleand internal medicine required. Curt* tetter, on<* from Woodburn and nine cars fiom there iron, aud way sarsai»ar;das that use nil®» fib« ar Gio. p south of Jacksonville, Inta several li»-ad ot some hogs will be sold also, it desired. Term« eczema, itch, all eruptions on tbe face, bauds, Washington. Ake " rials fai easy; two-thirds cash, baiauce to suit pur ­ - - ------------------ UOWF.LL & CO 4 go d work n ules f<»r sale, which he offera at I, * — * , «■>.. ■ — * T . nose. &c., ¡raving th«* *kin ciear, white and NewspHprr Advertising Bureau HO Spruce rex-*onablv t gu *ef. For furttn urllu r particule.. particulars, chaser. For particulars enquire.m th»* place healthy. Its great healing and curatlvo pow- of tbe proprietor. JOHN MeKll: apply to Cures in fit rm minute!. ; I’.-estotl S "Hed Children Crk for Pitther’s Castora rra are po MEOFORD, OREGON T